Seven Pounds (2008)

911 emergency.
I need an ambulance.
I have you at 9212 West Third Street
in Los Angeles.
Yes, room number two.
What's the emergency?
There's been a suicide.
Who's the victim?
I am.
In seven days,
God created the world.
And in seven seconds-
-I shattered mine.
I can have four new fillets
Oh no, no thank you.
What is your name again?
Ezra, is that right right?
Yes, sir.
I'll just need your first and last name
So I can call up your account
You know what, here's what i'm thinking Ezra.
I think i'm gonna mail
you the meat back personally
So you can see first hand the
type of dog food that you're peddling.
That won't be necessary, sir.
- So how about we just start with your last name
- Thomas.
And don't you get me started on
the pork
Have you tried the pork?
Well no, sir.I'm not much of
a meateater myself.
But I hear really great things
about the pork.
So you don't eat
pork at all?
No, sir.
Are you jewish?
Is that why you don't
eat pork, Ezra?
Well ...Can we start with
your first name, Mr Thomas?
No order for Ben Thomas.
Wow, hold on.
What was that voice?
I don't have an order for
a Ben Thomas.
- Ezra. What was that voice?
- What voice?
- Are you blind?
- Excuse me?
You're kidding me.
A blind beef salesman
who doesn't eat meat.
Now that, that is rich,
That is rich.
Have you ever had sex, Ezra?
Did Lawrence in accounting put
you up to this?
Because somehow I can't
imagine a blind-
-vegan beef salesman
having sex.
- Listen, i'm trying to help you sir.
- You're trying to help me?
The blind beef salesman
is trying to help me?
I'm actually starting to feel
pretty bad for you, Ezra,
Because I look at my life and
it is surrounded by so much beauty,
and you can't see shit.
Is that fair?
Does that seem fair to you, Ezra?
Do you even know what colour the ocean is?
Do you!?
It's blue, sir.
"It's blue, sir."
Say what you wanna say.
React, say what you wanna say to me!
Thank you for calling Cheyenne Meats.
That's not what you wanna say, you coward!
You blind vegan beef salesman,
virgin coward, say what you wanna say!
Goodbye, Mr Thomas ...
Ken Anderson, Nicole Anderson,
Ali Anderson, Ed Rice, Stephen Philips,
Monica Freeman, Sarah Jensen.
Ken Anderson, Nicole Anderson,
Ali Anderson,
Ed Rice, Stephen Philips,
Monica Freeman and Sarah Jensen!
The translation and adaptation: Rickard
Hi, can I help you?
Yes. Hello.
I'm looking for Emily.
- You're a friend of hers?
- Yes. Yes, ma'am.
- Cuz, she's not home.
- Godness ...
No she left this morning
she had to do some more tests.
She asked me to watch Duke
until she got back.
Okay ...
You've ever tried mixing banana
peel into the soil?
- Really?
- It works, I swear.
Would you by chance know where I can find her?
Cardiac wing?
Take the elevator to the fifth
floor, then turn left.
Thank you.
What's not I just saying.
It's absolutely impossible.
Hold the elevator!
Thank you.
Can I help you?
Yes, good evening.
I'm here to see Emily Posar.
I'm sorry, visiting hours
are from 8am to 4pm.
You know it is really important
That I speak to her for just a moment.
You'll just have to come back
during visiting hours.
Thank you very much.
So if there's one thing that I have
learned and that you all should remember
about winning these contracts.
Three steps, first:
Tell them what you're gonna to Tell them.
Step two: You tell 'em.
Step three:
Tell 'em what you told 'em.
So we are gonna close by reminding them-
-that ol' girl here has
-C-level to vacuum-
and if they pass on that, quite
frankly, they deserve another Sputnik.
Now if you will excuse me-
-I have a very lovely very hungry
woman at home waiting for me
Everyone at work kept saying
it was daylight savings time.
- You were supposed to be here a while ago.
- I kept saying it wasn't.
This happens all the time
and it's always work.
- I'm sorry.
- Well I'm angry with you.
I'm gonna be angry with you all night long.
In fact ... What are you doing?
I'm angry with you, okay?
How about i'm angry with you?
Hey it's me, it's your brother.
Where are you?
I'm at the beach house.
Are you okay?
Listen, Why did you disconnect the landline?
The phone broke.
I don't need it anymore.
Did I do something?
No, nuh-oh. Unless you're smoking again.
No, I put on 20 pounds.
I'm in the best shape of my life.
Are you eating? Are you taking care
of yourself? Cuz', well you sound terrible again.
Yeah I'm fine.
Look, I gotta go.
Give Melanie and the kids,
a hug and a kiss.
I'll talk to you later.
You take care of yourself.
Wo hold on, listen.
I know it's been a while ...
But when you we're staying here,
You didn't take something of mine by mistake, did you?
I remember giving you something.
Do you remember that ?
Because I remember that very clearly.
Just remember I love you.
Hi, my name is Ben Thomas.
I here to see Stewart Goodman.
Inez, look at me, please.
Inez! I'm speaking to you.
I understand you refused to take your
meds again this afternoon, is that true?
No, no.
Let's try using your words
this time, okay Inez?
I mean this silent treatment
isn't doing anybody any good.
Inez, how can we help you if you...
Okay, how about I come back tomorrow
and see if you've changed your mind, okay?.
That a girl.
I thought I was coming to your office today.
Yes, I was in the neighbourhood and
thought i'd stop by, save you the drive.
Let's go talk in my office.
Come on.
I take a non nonesense approach
I cut the operating cost of this
place over 17% last year, alone.
I am sure that made them happy.
Hell yeah!
Now if I can only get my own,
personal finances in that kinda shape ...
I wouldn't have you sitting here, no offense
That you're new beemer out front?
Ben, I mean ...
When I found out that my bone marrow transplant
wasn't succesfull ...
I'm well aware of your ongoing medical condition.
Things aren't looking very promising for me
I have a bonus coming in january.
I just really need this six months extension.
Really I mean,I'm doing the
very best I can here, I promise you.
I'm gonna show myself out.
I'll be in touch.
Well, thank you I appreciate it.
I mean, this way everybody wins, right?
My name is Ben.
I totally understand if you don't
wanna speak to me either-
-but I would really like to just
have a moment of your time.
I'm trying to figure out
What kind of man Stewart Goodman is.
It is whitin my power
to drasticly change his circumstances.
But I don't wanna give that man a gift
that he doesn't deserve.
I need you to tell me,
wether or nothe is a good person.
"The drug he gives me, makes me dizzy."
"I want a new one."
That sounds very reasonable Inez.
What else?
You can trust me.
What else, Inez?
He's punishing you?
How is he punishing you?
How is he punishing you, Inez?
Ben, where are you going?
- Where's the washroom?
- To the right.
Is there a problem?
- Give her a bath. Right now!
- Absolutely
Thank you. Thank you ...
Ben, I think you have the wrong
impression here.
I'm gonna stop by
from time to time
to make sure you're
showing these people some goddam respect.
- This is a misunderstanding, Okay?
- You don't treat people like that.
- Let me explain okay, Ben.
- And i'm not giving you an extension.
I'm not giving you anything you anything!
I almost believed you, you son of a bitch.
I almost believed!
Hey, Michelle.
- Good to see you.
- You too.
- How are you?
- I'm good.
- Hey, man.
- What are you doing here?
I'm just coming to make sure
that she is still kicking your ass, at everything.
And I am.
- Can we have a sec hon?
- Yeah.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah I'm good. You said you were gonna call me.
On the 15th.
Today is the 19th.
I know, the doctor didn't have the results.
So, I had no information to give you.
Still you should call me.
- Right?
- Yes, I know.
- We are still friends, right?
- Yeah.
I'm just. I'm doing some soul-searching you know?
Don't do that.
- We have a plan.
- I know.
- Do what you promised me.
- I will.
Do you know they rent clubs
up at the clubhouse.
I'm well aware of that.
I think I'm gonna keep my ass un-kicked today.
Were you looking at him, or where you looking at me?
Acctually I was just sitting here.
Am I doing it wrong?
- I think I saw you in the elevator the other day?
- Oh Yes ...
Acctually, you are being auditted.
My name is Ben Thomas.
I'm with the IRS.
And you owe the gouvernment
$56.240 and 19 cent.
- I know.
- And now, you get me.
Would you have a seat, please.
Miss Posar?
So, I've been looking over the
income statement from last three years.
- 2005, 200 ...
- Were you ...
Were you in my room the other night?
No, ma'am.
I was not in your room the other night.
That's not exactly IRS protocol.
So I've been looking over
-and there seems to be quite a disparity
between what you claimed and. ..
Mr Thomas.
I just got discharged.
So, you know unless you're gonna
call me off to some IRS jail or something-
-I'd really like to get home now.
Sure. No problem.
I'll be in touch.
Welcome to the Travel Inn.
Can I help you?
- I need a room.
- How many hours?
About two weeks.
Alright alright, thats it!
Rico, knock it off!
Somebody wanna remind Rico where we are?
In the sanctuary, Coach!
- I can't hear you.
- The sanctuary, coach!
That's right Rico, in the sanctuary.
Now give me 20 stops and starts.
Hi, this is Emily Posa.
I'm not home right now, but please leave
a message and I'll call you back as soon as possible.
Thank you.
Hi, my name is Susan Noah.
I'm calling cuz' a friend of mine
told me to do letter presentations and I was wondering ...
Hello. Hi this is Emily.
Yeah I do wedding invatations.
I'm not able to take any requests though, right now.
I know someone nearby who does it
she's not as good as I am, but ah.
We're out here!
- Hello, Miss Posa.
- What are you doing here?
- I came to see you.
- Don't you people ever call ahead?
You people, descend to try to hide things.
Is that meat? No! No, no!
No meat! No!
- He was really enjoying it.
- He eats steamed broccoli and Tofu.
- Why?
- He's a vegetarian.
- He is a vegetarian?
- Yes.
Well that sucks.
Can we talk? Do you have a moment?
No. Acctually I have to take Duke for a walk.
No problem.
I'll go with you, if you don't mind.
So I've been looking over
I'm listening.
- Can I get him for you?
- No. I got him.
- Let me get him, are you alright?
- Yes.
Maybe we shouldn't feed him meat.
So I've been looking over ...
- Maybe we can do this later.
- Yeah.
So you cook it all ahead a time I see.
No. Acctually I can't
remember the last time I cooked.
This is my sisters way of
looking out for me from afar.
- Do you have any siblings?
- Yes, one brother. He's a good egg.
Yeah, I just have the one sister too.
Have you receiving income from any
source that the government is currently un-aware of?
Lately, i've been taking to
diving in local wishing wells so ...
I mean, it's just occasional
dimes here and there ...
Or once in a while a quarter ...
No acctually I am, I had
to re-finance this place
to pay my past two medical bills
I've been informed that you
suffer from congenital heart failure.
Yes. Did you gather that,
while stalking me at the hospital?
No ...
You're currently status 2.
Which means you are sick enough-
-to be on a national UNO's waiting list-
but not sick enough to be admitted
into the hospital and placed on a status one.
So, basically, if your heart starts to
fail quickly and no donor can be located,
you're screwed.
Is it true that you said,
that you do not believe that you even deserve a
heart because your life is unremarkable
in every way.
I'm sorry.
I don't know why I said that.
I'm Sorry.
Do you have to take any type of sensitivity
training to join the IRS, Mr Thomas?
- No. Not really.
- Yeah.
So you don't consider yourself a good person?
How would you answer that question
If I asked you the same?
Unremarkable would be ...
... an upgrade for me,
I assure you.
I'm Gonna freeze your accountas uncollectable
until further notice.
I'm sure that'll buy you,
five or six months penalty free.
Here's my card.
If anyone at the IRS tries to contact you
you call me immediately.
Thank you.
Thank you.
- Mr. Thomas!
- Yes?
Why do I get the feeling you're
doing me a really big favor right now?
Because I get the feeling
that you really deserve it.
Uhm, you off to uh ...
You off to pollute
somebody elses dog now?
- Just going home.
- Where's that?
- Take care, Emily.
- You too.
- What is this thing for?
- Told you already.
- Why are you bringing a fish into your room?
- Because it's my room.
And I don't want anyone to go
into my room, understood?
I don't think you can
keep a fish in you room.
I think I can.
I have never had anybody
who kept a fish in their room.
Now you do.
Good night.
The first time
I ever saw a box jellyfish,
I was twelve.
My father took us
to the Monterey Bay aquarium.
I never forgot when he said that
it was the most deadly creature on earth.
To me it was just ...
... the most beautiful
thing I had ever seen.
I spoke to the doctor again
He'd send over your files in the morning.
- Is this everything?
- Yes.
- Any questions?
- Same one.
Same answer then.
You know, I was thinking last night
About when we were fourteen
and we made our Big Pact.
You remember on the beach,
in front your grandparents house,
We agreed that we would never
never date eachothers girls.
And I remembered that that night-
you told me how much
you liked Stacy Miller-
-and that you were gonna ask her out.
And I said wow, hey man,
you can't her and I already did it.
which we didn't but I wanted to ...
But she, liked you way more than she liked me
So I lied to you because I was so jelous.
And I've been carrying around
this lie in my heart for the last 25 ...
Stop it !
Stop it!
Stay focused.
- Do what you promised me.
- What, you think I'm ...
Do what you promised me.
You think i'm gonna let you down now, aren't you?
I've known you my whole damn life!
This,this! This is nott something
you do everyday, okay?
This is not easy for me!
I will make sure everything goes as planned.
Don't worry.
Thank you.
My God.
- Hello, Holly.
- Look at you!
- What are you doing here?
- I came to see you.
- Really?
- You have a minute?
Sure. Come on in.
Come to my office.
Have a seat.
- You look great.
- I do?
I feel great.
- How are you?
- I'm really good.
- I need a favor.
- Whatever you need, just ask me.
I need a name.
Someone in the system, someone
having a really hard time,
and needs help,but maybe
too proud to ask for a handout.
- What are you doing?
- I'm Helping.
- I need a name.
- Okay.
Connie Tapos.
her boyfriend almost killed her last year
when she tried to leave.
he broke three of her ribs last month.
She's scared to death to press charges-
-and we can't do anything.
- Hello!
- Hi.
- Connie Tapos?
- Yes.
My name is Ben Thomas.
I'm with the IRS.
But I always pay my taxes.
Yes, this is more of a general inquiry.
I don't understand ...
- Beautiful
- Gracias
What are you talking about?
You know what I'm talking about.
No, I have no idea what you are talking about
You say you were from the IRS
but you are lying to me.
- No.
- You're not telling me the truth. Who sent you here?
You're coming to my house and talking to me about
"Mi caso y mi boyfriend?"
- Your children are in danger here.
You don't know what you're talking about.
You don't have to live like this, I can help you
You don't know me. Get out of my
house now or I'm gonna call the police.
- Okay, okay ...
- Who are you?
- I want you to take my card.
- I don't need your help.
- You can call me anytime. I'm gonna leave it right here.
- I don't need it.
- You're not helpless.
- Can you just leave my house, this is my house.
- Get out of my house now
I can't talk right now.
No! I need to talk with you immediately.
Where are you?
- I'm nowhere.
- Listen' I'm gonna meet you at the house okay?
No, not at the house.
I'm traveling.
- I'll talk to you next week.
- No, we need to discuss this right now!
- How are you doing you two?
- I'm good.
- What a big day.
- Yes. No more dialysis, George.
- See you in the OR.
- Yes.
I'll see you there aswell.
- Yes, sir.
- Thank you.
So I've heard you've raised enough-
money to give a couple of the
kids partial scholarship to college.
Eh, it's no big deal.
I just convinced a couple of big wigged donors
that what the world really needs to see is
More latinos on ice
You know, Ben,
I keep asking you this,
but why me?
- Because you, are a good man.
- No, really.
Even when you don't know
that people are watching you.
Uhm, okay I can't hear you
so try back again.
I'm gonna hang up now. Bye!
Mr Thomas?
We're ready for you.
These are beautiful!
Oh, Banana peels. who knew?
Can I get you a refill?
- Susan?
- Yes.
- How is Ryan?
- He's good. He's with his dad this weekend.
Will you tell him for me that
I'm ready whenever he is for free lesson.
Yeah, alright. Things are kinda crasy
right now in school but, maybe when schools up.
That's perfect.
How's the pie?
It's good.
You're gonna ask her out?
The waitress.
You never know.
I don't think she sees me.
Good night, Ezra.
Hi, sorry I call so late.
Did anyone from the IRS contact you?
No. I just ...
I was having trouble breething
After I took Duke for a walk.
And I fainted.
An ambulance had to take me to the hospital.
I'm so sorry. I don't know
why I even called you, I'm sorry.
It's just that I have your card with me ...
- You still there?
- Yes.
Do you ever think about dying, Ben?
Every now and again.
My face is, blueish.
It's not exactly a good sign.
You should try to rest.
Just see if you can get some sleep.
I like talking to you.
I like, talking to you too.
Would you tell me a story, please?
Once upon a time,
There was a little boy named ...
How lucky me, just got
it on reserve like that, okay-
Let me guess.
His name was Ben.
- No, actually, this little boys name is Tim.
- I like the name Tim.
Go on.
Tims little brother was always
pestering Tim
To make him paper airplanes,
because he was really good at it.
But, Tim had much bigger dreams than that.
Okay. Then what happened?
One day, Tim went out to the backyard
And he put leaves and taped branches to his arms
and started climbing their big oak tree.
His little brother said,
"Tim, you can't fly!"
And he said, "Ye you just watch."
He got all the way to the top ...
... and jumped.
How tall was this tree?
It was pretty tall.
He broke his arm.
Oh my god, this is a horrible story.
No, no!
It gets better.
From that experience,
Tim realized that he wanted to fly.
So he dedicated his life to making space ships.
I thought you said this was a good story.
Oh well, that is ...
... until the dragons showed up .
Okay, I see. Now it's getting better.
I like dragons.
Especially dragons in space.
Yes, and these were fire breething
space dragons with really bad attitudes
I see ...
I have an idea.
Why don't you try to fall asleep,
and when you do. I'll just hang up.
- Okay. Ben ...
- Yes.
Thank you for listening ...
and for talking.
Try to fall asleep.
Good night, Ben.
Good night, Emily.
Emily ...
I lied to you.
I think about dying every day.
Dr. Khane to NICU Dr. Wesley Khane to NICU
When did you get here?
Last night, after we talked.
You slept here?
Good morning.
How is our patient?
- Morning. Better.
- Good.
- Hello.
- Hi. Ben, Is that right? IRS?
- Yes, how are you?
- Good thank you.
- I'll leave you two ...
- No, stay, please don't go.
- He can stay.
- Whatever you want.
You fainted because your heart was to weak-
-to pump enough blood to your brain.
It's the ( ) starting to shut down.
How long?
It's entirely up to your heart.
Could be ...
... six weeks could be a month.
But we've upped you to status 1B.
- At least I'm on the list.
- Not only that, but ...
We're giving you this pager.
And when it goes of, means you have a donor.
The energic drug I started you on
Is gonna stabilize your blood
preasure within 24 hours.
- And then what?
- We wait.
- Can I do that at home?
- Once you're stable, you can.
I'm gonna run to the cafeteria
and I'm gonna get you something.
If you want something else,
I can get you something else.
Would you stay?
Unless you got something else
to do ...
I'd really like it if you'd stayed.
I don't have anything.
- Hey, hey. What the hell is that thing?
- It's a dog. Just for one night.
Hold on. I don't give two shits. Okay?
We have a dog policy here.
Little dogs only. Poodles and shitzus.
It's in the contract.
In English and Spanish
For evryone to see.
Besides,that my friend, is not a dog.
It's a goddamn horse.
Let me know when you have a
horse policy to the contract.
- Mr. Thomas, this is Connie Tapos.
- Hey, Connie ...
I do not know why I'm calling you,
but I'm calling you.
You said you can help us,
can you really help us?
This just doesn't make any sense.
What if he finds us?
He wont.
- What makes you feel for sure you don't know him ...
- Stop.
- Stop. Don't be weak.
- Don't be weak!
- I'm not weak.
Take this.
Take it.
You are gonna start this car.
And you are gonna go.
This is real.
And this is gonna be your new life be your new life.
- Do you understand?
- Yes.
Look at those babies.
- Look how beautiful those babies are are.
- Yes, I know.
They deserve it.
You're headed north up the coast.
I have always believed
this place can heal the soul.
I hope that proves true for you.
When you've signed your name
on the dotted line of the contract,
you'll own my house outright.
I only ask that you'll never
mention how you got the house
or try to contact me, for any reason.
And if you're wondering "why you"
please stop.
All I ask is for you to honor my wishes.
And, of course,
live life abundantly.
Hi, Duke.
Hi, baby.
- What time does the nurse come?
- She should be there by the time I get home.
- Ben?
- Yes.
I know I am the girl with the broken wing ...
But who are you?
Who am I ...
I'm you friendly
neighbourhood tax collector.
Where the hell did you come from?
- I grew up in Oakland.
- Literally, okay.
Where did you go to college?
As far from Oakland as possible.
Massachussets Institute of Technology.
How about you?
You went to MIT?
Like, The MIT?
And now you're wondering how I
wound up as a lowly tax collector?
I sort of stumbled into this job.
That's a big stumble.
What from?
I always wanted to be an engineer.
An engineer. What kind?
- The kind that sent people to the moon.
- Really?
Yes ... I don't wanna talk about me, anymore.
That's too bad ...
Cuz' you're very interesting.
Have you ever been in love?
Emily, please ...
Yes, you have,
Come on, you can tell me.
Yes. But it ended.
- What happened?
- Stop it.
- Seriously, you could tell me ...
- Stop it.
You need to get some rest.
I'll call you tomorrow.
Or maybe I'll stop by.
No. If I have questions
tomorrow, what then?
That's not a part of the deal.
What the hell does that mean?
Emily, hold on.
- Just leave ...
- Emily, wait. Wait!
Thank You
for everything you did.
- Dd you like the eggs?
- They're okay, I guess.
- I don't like the eggs you got.
- Okay.
You're wearing suit pants.
- To weed.
- I didn't have any other clothes with me.
- You know, I was gonna get to this.
- I saw them the other day and I figured-
-I would just take the day off,
and get this done for you.
- Ben.
- Yes?
This is a really ridiculous apology.
Come on.
I wanna show you something.
No, I gotta finish.
You can finish tomorrow.
Come on.
This is where I used to work.
And these are the artefacts
of said work.
Those are great.
How old are they?
This one, is just
shy of 120 years.
That's how I put up my
line of wedding press cards,
wedding invataions, invites.
How about this one?
That youngster ...
Hidelberg Windmill.
That seems appropriate.
Pooped out on me in about five years ago
and I can't find anybody to fix it.
It's kind of a dying art.
Defibrilator here works though.
Luckily, kept my business afloat.
You wanna see how?
Now, true pressman hate, a modern
girl, who want a decompression
So for a hundred years they tried their damndess,
just to kiss it
so it didn't leave an indictation
That's the only way to prove it's not digital.
I think it feels richer.
- Are you okay?
- Yes.
I don't really know anything about
you or where you came from, But.
You keep showing up.
And I'm glad.
Okay, So,
Duke needs a walk.
Are you interested?
He's lika a different dog with you around.
I don't think we
ever properly bonded.
Why would you get, such a big dog?
Did you know that Great Danes, on average,
only live about seven years?
They have heart issues.
I think I got him because-
-I thought he could help me
with my illness.
There would be something I could take
care of as supposed to being always taken care of.
And just so you know,
I used to be really hot.
Like, unaditebly hot.
- Is that so?
- Yeah .
I've never felt like
this in a really long time.
There are so many things
that I want to do.
I wanna go on a plane for 13 hours
and not have to stress that-
-I can't reach my doctor.
You know like just travel,
go backpacking, have experiences.
To see the world.
I just wanna have the time to
figure out who it is that I am-
-you know? what I like.
Do things, try things.
Get out of my head for once.
I would really like to go running.
I think about that sometimes.
How it would just feel like, to go running.
See you tomorrow?
But if you need anything, just call.
And I'll come right back.
- I had a really great time today.
- Me too.
No anesthetic.
Have you ever donated bone marrow before?
You're a brave guy.
How long have you known Nicolas?
What the hell happened to you?
How much longer are you going to stay
at my hotel?
- Motel.
- How much longer?
Acctually I was planning on dying here.
Well, then you need to pay in advance.
Hey, it's Emily.
Are you sleeping?
Yes. No.
- Is everything okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
My sister came over, a couple of days last week
with the kids, it was really great.
I tried calling you, a
couple of times. How are you doing?
Yeah, I'm good.
Everything is fine.
I've been traveling.
A lot. So.
Are you busy tonight?
What do you mean?
Maybe you wanna come by and
say hello, around seven?
You don't have to if you don't want to.
I just, you know
Look, I totally get it if you don't
wanna hang out with the dying girl so,
- I can come at seven.
- Okay.
Oh, well,
how are you doing tonight?
- Hi.
- Hi.
Come in.
I am so glad she's gone.
- Are you okay if we eat outside?
- Eating?
- Yes, you didn't eat already did you?
- No.
- No.
- Well, it was a surprise, but.
You're on time.
I haven't cooked anybody food,
for years so.
You better like it,
Or lie to me.
This is for you.
You don't have to say anything, I just got,
change, in there.
Dinner is ready, and you're not.
So Hurry up.
Chop chop!
- You look great.
- Yes ... It's pink.
It's salmon.
You are so nice.
So are you.
Everything is vegetarian.
I hope you like eggplant parmesan..
I haven't treated myself, very well
in the past few years.
Start now.
Bon appetit!
What do you think?
It's delicious!
I'm glad you like it.
Do you want to hear my favourite song??
Yes. Are you gonna sing it?
- No, I can't sing anymore.
- End of performance
Shall we?
- You need to relax.
- The guest is relaxed.
I have a surprise for you.
- Surprise?
- Yes.
For me?
- Getting close.
- Okay.
And, open.
You cleaned The Beast.
Actually, I fixed it.
- No you didn't.
- Okay, let's go then.
- Are you serious?
- Try it.
Thank you!
-Wait right here.
I'll be right back,
wait right here.
One second, alright.
Tell me what's going on.
- Ben. Ben, you need to go home.
- Do you know they keep a full history-
Do you know they keep a full history
of every inquiry a revenue officer makes ?
- Do you understand that?
- Keep your voice down.
- Just keep your voice down.
- No, Tim, what you are doing is a crime.
You are impersonating a federal officer.
It's a felony!
You can't play with peoples lives,
do you understand that?
There's a coffee shop-
-there's a coffe shop, right
near where I'm staying
- Tomorrow we ...
- Where are you staying, Tim?
Tell me, because I don't know
Where my own brother lives!
It's a motel. Five blocks from here.
We'll sit down, tomorrow morning, I guarantee ...
Where are my credentials?
Give me my credentials back!
Just go home.
You have a beautiful family.
- Go home and enjoy 'em ...
- Tim. Why are you even here?
Tell me, who is Emily Posa?
I'll explain everything tomorrow.
Give me your car keys.
I'm not going anywhere.
I'm gonna be right here
Remember I love you,
and ...
Tim, don't make me come knock on the door,
I didn't realize how late it was.
And I have a really long drive.
So, I need to go.
I don't wanna keep lying to you.
I don't wanna ...
Do you want to play a game?
What game?
The "What if" game.
"The 'What if' game".
What if-
-my pager goes off.
And It's a heart?
And, it works.
And my body doesn't reject it.
what if I have time?
What if ...
What if we have children?
What if we got married?
- I love you.
- I love you too.
I love you!
- Is Dr Briar on duty tonight?
- She is doing her rounds.
Can you tell her it's Ben Thomas?
It's very important.
- I'll page her.
- Thank you.
Dr Briar to the nursey station.
- Is it Emily?
- No.
I'm sorry.
Is there ...
Do you have any, more optimism-
-about Emily, than you did the other day?
When you're looking for a donor
with a rare blood type ...
- The odds go way down.
- To what?
They go down what,
Give me a percentage.
Give me a number!
five percent
I'm sorry ...
I wish the numbers were higher ...
Thank you.
It's time.
I love you.
1:38 AM
- Hello?
- Ezra.
My name is Ben Thomas.
I called you a few weeks ago,
you probably don't remember.
I do, remember.
I want to apologize for being so cruel to you
But I had to be certain.
I had to be certain that you were a descent man,
kind, slow to anger.
- What do you want from me?
- I want to give you a gift.
You're gonna be contacted
by a man named Dan Morris.
- You can trust him.
- Was that you, at the diner?
911 emergency.
I need an ambulance.
I have you at 9212 West Third Street
in Los Angeles.
Yes, room number two.
What's the emergency?
There's been a suicide.
Who's the victim?
I am.
- You are really gonna need to stop looking at that thing.
- Why? Is it gonna crack?
No, no ... I've paid extra for
the non cracking kind.
I bet you did ...
- Honey, why don't you just tutn that off?
- I'm sorry. No more work.
Almost done.
We have procedures ...
I understand, but she needs that heart
or she's gonna to die!
One, two, three ...
How are you doing?
About a year after the accident, I got sick,
I got,
I got lung cancer.
I needed a double-lobe transplant.
Tim could only give me one, of course.
He must have planned to see you, cuz' he-
-about six months later he,
He donated the right part of his liver
to this woman.
Her name is, Holly.
I'm proud of you.
Very proud. Congratulations.
- Ezra.
- Yeah. Hi.
Are you a parent?
Have we met?
Are you okay?
You must be Emily.
It's so nice to meet you.