Seven Sinners (1940)

We want Bijou!
Let's have Bijou!
Let's have Bijou!
I'll show you if she's a lady or if she ain't!
Attention! What's going on here?
Nothing. I'm just sitting here,
minding my own business.
- Rubio!
- Yes, sir?
- Another fight and I'll close your dive.
- What can I do? They all fight.
- Where is this girl Bijou?
- She's gone.
Bijou had nothing to do with this.
- Quiet! Where are you from?
- The Navy.
- There's nothing American in port.
- I uh... I was in the Navy.
I see.
I gave this girl a whole lot of money.
I wanted her to sing.
She won't come out.
He thinks he buys her
so he starts for her dressing room.
- See?
- Report to the magistrate at 10:00!
- Take him out!
- Come on.
I warned you about Bijou a month ago.
Have her at the magistrate 10:00.
Hey, you! You too.
Yes, sir.
James Clyde, convicted of disorderly
conduct and vagrancy. To be deported.
Andre Boiler...
Stop that smoking back there.
Disorderly conduct, vagrancy. Deported.
Luigi Coreo, petty larceny,
disorderly conduct, vagrancy. Deported.
Sasha Menken. Sasha Menken?
- Coming.
- Disorderly conduct, fraud, vagrancy.
Your Honour, the disorderly conduct
and fraud, I admit - they're minor offences.
But the vagrancy charge is a tissue of lies!
A tissue of lies.
- You have no visual means of support.
- I'm a magician.
- You're a pickpocket, a petty thief.
- Do I say no? But I am a magician. Look.
You impudent pickpocket! How dare?
Sticks and stones
may break my bones, but...
May I have my watch now, please?
Certainly, sir. And it's perfectly dry.
Allow me to put it back.
Your Honour, I rest my case.
All right, all right, you're a magician.
And you're a fair and brilliant official.
Deported. Get out.
Patrick Edward Finnegan, alias Ned Little.
Disorderly conduct, vagabond. Deported.
- Hey, Chief, how's chances for a fair trial?
- You're getting one. Outside.
- Bijou?
- Hey, now, wait a minute.
It's OK to push us tramps around
but that lady is playing a lone hand.
She's got to get a square deal,
or else I'm gonna start trouble.
I'm sorry. I just gotta.
- Bijou!
- Bijou!
- Bijou!
- Coming!
That's what happened
to the farmer's daughter.
- Give me a penny.
- Don't go so far away.
Don't worry, boys. When I settle down,
I'll send word to all naval units.
- Cable code is "Man overboard".
- Bijou. I'm fixed.
Good morning...
- Three times I had to call you...
- Just a minute.
As you were, Big Boy.
Take him out to be deported.
- You're accused...
- Of inciting a riot, being a public nuisance.
I make rough seas,
I set the jungle on fire.
I'm a bad influence.
- So I'm to be... I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry, too.
But we've had half a dozen complaints
since you came to that caf.
A half-dozen? Why not 50?
I'm surprised.
You know, handsome, when I stop
singing to you and you say, "Mm, darling,"
then I say, "Mm-mm, goodbye."
You don't get drunk and roar and fight.
You're nice.
- It's the judgment of this court...
- The minute Bijou is in trouble, she's out.
To be deported, so the court says.
- You must realise...
- Don't feel sorry for me, Curly.
The next island will be wonderful.
Bijou will sing again and the caf will be full.
And may an angel take my place here.
It'll serve you right, Curlylocks.
Goodbye, Bijou.
Gangway, gangway!
Gangway, gangway!
Gangway, gangway!
When are you coming back, Bijou?
When are you coming back, Bijou?
Hey, the governor.
Oh. That's the man
who's deporting us, huh?
- Who is that?
- Just human backwash, Miss Henderson.
Steerage passengers, report to the doctor.
You're a very lucky girl I'm along.
Everything's gonna be all right.
Remember, this belongs to you.
Of course.
Everything is going to be just dandy.
- Turn around.
- There's nothing wrong with me.
- I know. I just wanna look at the pictures.
- Oh.
- Cute, ain't she?
- Beautiful.
Put on your shirt. That's all.
Hey, mate.
There's a little lady aboard, name of Bijou.
I want you to give her a break, see?
That's all.
I'm uh... kinda looking out for her.
We'll be known
all over the Thousand Islands
as Sasha The Great and Company.
With Bijou.
I tell you, it's simple mathematics.
Look what happens.
Little Ned does the work and we collect.
There's nothing to the big gorilla.
He can fetch water and props
and fan us when it's hot.
- Where was your brain with the judge?
- As you were, Big Boy.
He'll think of me
every time he wants to know the time.
- Remember.
- Yes, I know.
This belongs to me.
Strip to the waist.
You see how it is, Doc,
I can't take my clothes...
Strip to the waist!
Yes, sir.
Oh, Susie, Susie! Come on back, honey,
come on back to Daddy.
I won't let that doctor hurt you.
Come on, honey! Oh.
I've raised Susie from an egg, Doc.
I've seen some queer riffraff.
Deposit that stuff outside
and come back later.
Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.
I bet you Susie's waiting for me out there.
Susie! Susie!
Break it up!
Strip to the waist.
- What do you think you're doing?
- You said to take off my dress.
Well, forget it, never mind.
- My head's full of pigeons and rabbits.
- Are they pink?
Where's nice old Dr Kramer?
Is he dead?
How should I know? Inhale.
- Do you examine the goats too?
- Inhale, please.
Isn't it a bit early in the morning
for Cognac and rabbits and things?
It's a bit soon for impertinence.
Turn around.
The funny thing about rudeness -
when I say it, it's impertinence.
- When you say it, it's importance.
- You talk too much. Hold still. Cough.
Inhale. Inhale.
What's the hurry?
The next stop is a week from now.
- Right, but you're holding up a lot of people.
- We're just human junk to you.
But we do come in handy.
Turn around.
- What's your name?
- Bijou.
- Bijou what?
- Just Bijou.
- For my friends.
- Hmph, Bijou!
Yes, Bijou. Wouldn't you be lonesome
if you had no Bijous to kick around?
Bijou, Bijou.
Bijou, yes, there it is.
- "Deported. Health A1..."
- All right, I can read.
- Aren't you used to being deported?
- I am. You can get used to anything.
You can get used to the plague
but I don't like it.
Wait a minute. I'm no plague.
Maybe I haven't been cordial...
- Cordial?
- All right, so I've been rude. I'm sorry.
- Here, have a drink.
- Oh, no. I've tried that.
And when I try, I try hard.
Well, I prescribe it, it'll do you good.
Better to know what you're doing.
Even if it's wrong.
So long, Doc.
- Health A1?
- Sure, health A1.
- How did it go? Did he treat you rough?
- Just routine.
Good evening, Dr Martin.
May I present you to Miss Henderson?
- How do you do?
- Dr Martin.
She's going to join her father
in Boni-Komba. He's the new governor.
- Excuse me.
- It's my first trip out here. I'm very excited.
- I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself. Good night.
- Good night.
Dream a while, scheme a while
And you will find
Happiness, and I guess
All the things you've always wanted
Gee, I like to see you looking swell, baby
Diamond bracelets
Woolworths doesn't sell, baby
Till that lucky day,
you know darned well, baby
I can't give you anything but love
I can't give you anything but love, baby
That's the only thing I've plenty of, baby
Dream a while, scheme a while
And you will find
Happiness and I guess...
More, please. It's grand!
Oh, you want a performance, huh?
Genius, perform for the lady.
We enjoyed it too.
- I didn't mean to hurt her feelings.
- Oh, I wouldn't worry. I'll tell her.
Oh, please, do, will you?
Sumatra, out. Java, out. Boni-Komba, out.
- Mapping a campaign?
- No, a retreat.
I'm running out of islands.
This isn't a professional visit.
I just wanted to tell you that the young lady
up on deck didn't mean to be rude.
Oh, yeah? Who is the sweet thing?
Her name is Henderson. Her father happens
to be the new governor of Boni-Komba.
I thought you might like to know.
Governor Henderson?
- The new governor.
- She didn't mean to offend you.
If she's the governor's daughter,
she couldn't offend me.
- Cause for rejoicing?
- Rejoicing?
Doctor, you have lifted the Pacific Ocean
right off my neck.
Now I can go back to Boni-Komba.
How about a celebration?
Yes, you come to Tony's caf,
Seven Sinners in Boni-Komba.
Ho-ho. How frightened Tony will be
when he sees me. But then, he'll celebrate!
How about my cabin for a snack?
A snack is food.
So I ran to the end of the world
and jumped off and here I am.
Mm. So nice and peaceful here.
I don't blame you for running away.
Are you sure?
When the girl married the man
with the money,
- why didn't you make more money?
- For what? So I could buy her back?
Good, I'll tell it that way next time.
- Let me have the story of your life.
- I tell it many different ways.
- Which one would you like to hear?
- Go right ahead.
Well, there's a lovely version about
a little girl from a convent in Marseille.
Get out your handkerchief
because this is awfully sad.
And a young, dashing officer from Saigon
and wedding bells. Ding dong.
He drank like a fish.
He's dead.
Grape juice?
No, thanks.
Wait a minute.
Come up like this every night, will you?
You're a good doctor.
- I might get to like it.
- Then why hurry?
Sleep. Last night was bad, very bad.
I shall miss you very much.
Sure. In the evening.
You must have someone to sit around
and drink all the grape juice.
- I'll be here waiting.
- Yes, when they throw me out.
When you're tired, I'll still be here.
Oh, my smoking career
would get in your nostrils.
That shouldn't make any difference.
Couple of friendly derelicts.
- I'm not quite ready for the word "derelict".
- I'm sorry.
You're the kindest man I've ever met.
Got a penny?
Bye, Doc.
Run aground, miss?
I'll give you a hand.
- Oh, Lieutenant Brent.
- Miss Henderson. Captain.
- Shall we go?
- Goodbye.
- Your father was sorry he couldn't be here.
- I'm sure he was.
I can tell you this, from your father down to
the last guard, the Navy's ready for you.
- Uniforms spick and span, parades.
- Sounds enchanting.
Lieutenant, I shall report you
for want of attention.
Yeah. Huh?
Oh. There'll be no lack of attention.
We've been waiting for you too long.
Shove off.
- Hey, Ned.
- Oh. Hello. I got the bags.
I've been saving it for you.
- Caf Seven Sinners.
- Caf Seven Sinners.
Gangway, rickshaw!
Rickshaw! Rickshaw, gangway!
Gangway, gangway, gangway, gangway!
Wait here. I want to talk to Tony alone.
I'll see him, I can sell anything.
Take care of him, Big Boy.
- I can't give you anything but love, baby...
- No.
- That's the only thing I've plenty of, baby...
- No. No.
- Bijou!
- Yes, I've come back home again.
Bijou is home again.
Please, my heart is not so good.
But you look new.
The place, it looks new and nice.
Yes and it's going to stay new and nice.
Yes. We won't have any more riots.
We're going to keep it that way, huh?
We are going to do nothing. Bijou, sit down.
No, don't sit down, stand up.
Your boat is going to leave in an hour.
I'll buy you a drink.
Bijou, I love you.
I adore you.
You're wonderful.
But you are too much.
Bring the drinks.
No, thanks. I'm on the grape-juice wagon.
Did it get too hot for you in Sumatra?
Run along, babies, and hurry.
Be gone when I come back up here.
Ah. An angel from Lotus Street...
in Sumatra.
Yes, my gorgeous one.
But even Sumatra is dull,
deadly dull without you.
And this dump? For 48 hours,
I have tried to rip fun out of this place.
Then suddenly, I turn around.
Is this Bijou, Tony? Or am I too drunk? Hm?
So Bijou is going to sing for you again,
Tony? Good.
It is not yet arranged.
It is now.
Whatever became of that big knife?
Were the police in Sumatra touchy
about returning it afterwards?
Or were you shy about claiming it?
The Navy.
See you later, dear Antro.
- The Navy?
- Well, in there is only a little bit of Navy.
What a girl.
She incites me to my teeth and I like it.
I love it, my friend!
I love it!
I beg your pardon?
- May I have an American cigarette?
- Have one of mine.
Thank you.
Bijou Blanche.
- Bijou to the Navy.
- That's us!
Go on with your game.
I'll watch you, if you don't mind.
- Come on...
- There's your cue, Judson.
- I got a buck that says he can't make it.
- I got a buck that says he does.
- Any more takers?
- There he goes.
That's easy money. Come on.
Oh, come on, hit the ball.
Not very good.
Here he goes, boys. Here he goes.
- You wanna make that shot, sailor?
- Uh-oh.
- I sure do.
- All right, I'll help you.
Now, you put your hands on mine.
- Is that what you mean?
- Yes, that's what I mean.
- I see what you mean.
- What are you shaking about, Judson?
- Shut up, will ya?
- Come on. Give the man a chance.
The one ball is blocked, that's too tough.
So we play billiard combination
and put the 12 in the right-side pocket.
That's a tough shot.
Easy, easy.
She did it!
- Do you really wanna see a tough one?
- Come on, show us.
All right.
- Say, do you know?
- Wait a minute.
Now, the two will go in that corner.
the 14 in there, 15 in that pocket.
Now bet.
- One dollar.
- One dollar. Such easy money.
She made it!
Let that be a lesson -
never gamble with strangers.
Hey, they got blackouts here.
You discovered America.
Here, I work for nothing.
- Remember what Bijou said.
- Hey!
The flophouse is two doors down below.
This is no place for loafers.
Come on! Get outta here!
Get outta here. Go on!
You see, I...
You tell me I've got to hire Bijou.
Why don't you tell me to set fire
to the place? It's the same thing.
While the place burns, let's have fun.
I don't want any fun.
Ten minutes ago, I was the boss.
You'll be boss
as long as you keep Bijou happy. Here.
- Buy her some dresses, lots of them.
- Wait a minute, bud.
Bijou buys her own dresses.
- Didn't I told you to get outta here?
- I'm your new bouncer.
- I tell you... What?
- Bouncer.
I'm your magician, waiter,
juggler and dancer.
Waiter, juggler, dancer, bouncer?
Who told you that?
- Bijou.
- That's enough.
That's enough! That's enough!
You seem to have whipped the Navy
into a furious sense of duty.
Mr Judson and Mr Henckel have duty
in the morning and wish to say good night.
- How splendid. Did I do that?
- I'll give you the credit.
Uh, we're going to have boxing on board
Saturday night. Would you like that?
- I'd love it.
- Splendid.
- Well, how do you like us?
- You're wonderful.
Oh, by the way, Austin, Wilson,
Robbins and uh... oh, yes, Vance,
they wanted me to say good night
and they had a wonderful time.
- Duty first, Father.
- Mm, yes, yes. Undoubtedly.
Splendid, just splendid.
- Will you pardon us?
- Yes, of course.
- Shall we dance?
- Aren't you going to the Seven Sinners?
- Here she comes!
- Bijou!
See those shoulders broad and glorious
See that smile, that smile's notorious
You can bet your life
the man's in the Navy
See those nice blue trousers walk about
That's that salty walk they talk about
Mister, watch your wife
The man's in the Navy
Now, lots of men stand six foot seven
And lots of men have arms like heaven
And lots of men have hair
all golden and wavy
But when 10,000 gorgeous women'll
Chase him like some hunted criminal
You can bet your life the man's in the Navy
See those shoulders broad and glorious
See that smile, that smile's notorious
You can bet your life
the man's in the Navy...
Well, it's a fine thing. Officers
and gentlemen, by act of Congress.
Where were your manners?
Wouldn't have taken any skin off
to stand by for another half-hour.
You left me hanging out on a limb.
Who do you?
Would the lieutenant like
to say it from up here?
See those shoulders broad and glorious
See that smile, that smile's notorious
You can bet your life the man's in the Navy
See those nice blue trousers walk about
That's that salty walk they talk about
Mister, watch your wife
The man's in the Navy
Now, lots of men just can't remember
That big romance from last November
And leave the lady
cold as yesterday's gravy
But when he says, "I love you, Bessie"
To some poor kid whose name is Jessie
You can bet your life
the man's in the Navy
- Bijou.
- Yes, Tony.
- The first night and you're starting already.
- Yes, isn't it wonderful?
- Just like old times.
- Tomorrow morning, there is a boat sailing.
And you're going to be on it! Shh!
Just like old times!
Oh, Tony, don't let's quarrel tonight,
it's too marvellous.
You insulted not only the Navy
but one of the executive officers.
- All right. I'll apologise.
- You're not doing anything of the kind.
You're going up to your dressing room
and you're going to be very quiet.
I promise to be on my best behaviour.
I'm going to apologise.
No, you're not. No, Bijou, please!
- Are you looking for me?
- No, I was going...
Come on, sit down.
Have a drink. This is your table.
Sorry, I'm joining the Navy.
You don't want to make a scene here,
do you?
No, I don't want to make a scene.
Not for anything in the world.
As you were, as you were.
That tall lieutenant didn't think
I was so wonderful.
- His face is a little red...
- He won't be up for air for a month!
- What's your ship, sailor?
- The good ship Seven Sinners.
- Bijou, did anybody ever tell you?
- What?
- I'm sure they have.
- You gotta watch him, Bijou.
- Bijou?
- What is it?
Antro is sitting there at the table,
he wants to spend money.
You remember me, I work for a living.
And anyway, I'm in the Navy.
Maestro, give.
- All together, sing.
- We sing?
See those shoulders broad and glorious
See that smile, that smile's notorious
You can bet your life
the man's in the Navy
See those nice blue trousers walk about
That's that salty walk they talk about
Better watch your wife
the man's in the Navy...
Boy, oh, boy, I'm sure happy.
- We're sure a sensation in this place.
- What do you mean "we"?
- Take it back.
- Yes, ma'am.
- What do you see in that guy?
- Aren't you ashamed of yourself?
In my great joy, do I know what I'm doing?
Beat it, boys. See you at the caf.
Good morning, Missy Bijou. Good morning.
OK, Charlie, give me the routine over here.
- Missy Bijou, like a little potty?
- Yes, I could use two or three.
Oh, excuse me.
Good morning, Miss Henderson.
Can I do something for you this morning?
- Go ahead, I can wait.
- Take care of the lady, Charlie.
And keep shirty on.
May I say good morning, Lieutenant?
Oh... May you say good morning!
- I've been looking all over town...
- Yes, it's such a big place, isn't it?
- But I still sing at the Seven Sinners.
- I haven't been in since...
I know, I insulted you. Tony told me.
He gave me a week to make things straight.
I've only two days more.
- Tony's wacky. I'll square him.
- Do you really mean that?
Mean it?
Look deep into my honest blue eyes.
No, grey. My honest grey eyes.
Can you doubt me?
Missy Henderson, thank you very much.
Thanks an awful lot, Lieutenant.
Homeside. Chop chop.
Missy Bijou, like to buy little potty?
Missy Bijou gotty litty potty.
Haven't you got nothing better to do
than stand here in the corner?
Oh. I was reading. I like to read sometimes,
it improves the mind.
Don't break your arm, fella.
Are you in the Navy?
I was once
but I missed my ship at Singapore.
That's tough going. Hello, Tony.
Lieutenant, ah, you come back.
I'm so glad you're mad at me.
I mean, I'm so mad, I'm mad at you.
I'm glad you're mad... I'm...
- You know what I'm saying.
- Don't tell me, let me guess.
Come on. Let's have a drink.
- Did I tell her?
- Gangway, gangway!
Did I bawl her up?
Well, you shouldn't have.
It was entirely my fault.
I know. Sure, Bijou is only a little bitty baby.
A baby?
Does he laugh by the hour,
or is it piecework?
You had a good laugh the other night too,
didn't you?
- Don't you like it?
- Don't you go making no passes
at a uniform of the United States Navy.
I wouldn't for the world have anything
happen to that beautiful uniform.
Don't you forget it. I'm the bouncer here.
Will you go over there and bounce yourself?
See you later, Lieutenant.
He thinks he's a rubber ball.
Greetings, greetings and greetings.
- Hi, Dan.
- These amateurs giving you a show?
- Amateurs?
- How do you like that?
- I saw Tony.
- Oh, thank you.
Bijou. Bijou, he thinks he's good.
Does anyone think I'm not?
- Bijou can take you.
- Sure.
Oh, gentlemen, huh? Letting her win.
- Two bucks says you'll be a gentleman too.
- Two bucks says I'm not.
- Call it for the break.
- Heads.
Will you give me six bits against
a half-dollar you're not a gent?
It's a bet. Your break.
Laughing boy is here again.
If I bet you are no gentleman,
I'm on your side. No?
15 points.
- All right.
- Two to one - for any amount.
- I don't want to take your money.
- You won't get any.
Bijou and I are a tough team to beat.
Shanghai, Bali, Sumatra.
We were never a team - Shanghai,
Bali, Sumatra or any other place.
- About this game or anything else.
- The blushing, sweet-scented flower.
Is that a package you're selling?
Look, Pollyanna...
- You'll excuse us?
- Take your time.
After you.
With pleasure.
You know, you're old enough, there's
some things you ought to be told. Uh...
Uh, I don't think that climate in there
agrees with you.
As a matter of fact, I've been worried
about your health altogether lately.
You don't look well.
It's just a little dizzy spell.
Every time I look at you,
I see eight or nine of you.
- I'll be all right when I can only see one.
- That can be arranged too.
Careful of the uniform, Lieutenant.
- Aw. Won't anybody give you a light?
- Our hero!
We were mighty worried about you,
You took the words right out of my mouth.
Go ahead.
I usually do my own fighting
but thanks anyway.
Got a penny?
It's uh... an English penny, but...
but it brought me a lot of luck.
You took the words right out of my mouth.
You've heard songs and singers too
But there's nothing really new
In the way these singers sing today
Now I've a song that cannot miss
But you must remember this
To sing this song, you must be ooey-scray
You've heard folks go boo-boo-be-do,
boo-boo-be-dooby-do, boo-boo-be-do
But you ain't heard folks go
Dig-a-phut-phut, dig-a-dag-a-phut
And you've heard folks go vo-do-ee-oh,
vo-do-ee-oh-de-oh, vo-do-ee-oh
But you ain't heard folks go
Dig-a-phut-phut, dig-a-dag-a-phut
Now, to sing this song,
you must be gifted...
Just a minute.
And when you get
your tongue all twisted, just go
Come in.
- Oh, hello.
- Oh, hello.
Uh... I went hiking today and...
These are wild flowers.
- I see.
- For you. I uh...
You got me picking wild orchids.
That's a new low.
- Have you never done it before?
- No, never.
When I saw these
and they made me think of you or...
Or rather, I was thinking of you.
Thinking of what?
- Is there something I could do with?
- Yes, I'll take them.
Now, where were we?
- You were thinking.
- Oh, yes.
What were you thinking of?
Well, if you keep looking at me like that,
I'm liable to tell you.
Oh, that admiral's coat. Where did you?
Can't you do something about it?
- What's that?
- Oh, that?
Uh, nothing.
Uh... look, if I get you something else,
will you wear it?
Come in.
Oh, hello.
I uh... was just on my way to the ship.
The short cut through my dressing room.
I uh... went hiking today.
Oh, you did?
Don't tell me, you were picking wild flowers?
- Not uh... orchids?
- Yes.
- What was that?
- Oh, the blackout.
- You look handsome, Judson.
- Gosh, it's dark.
The blackout's a success.
Heaven help a working girl
on a night like this.
That admiral's coat fooled me for a minute.
Now, don't be frightened, darling,
it's not Brent. Don't be nervous, I'm here.
I won't.
I hope you girls don't think I'm intruding?
Hey! Hey! Hey!
The lights went out all over town.
- Well, it's a blackout.
- They ought to notify people about...
Find Sasha and bring him here now.
- I'm sorry, boys, this is serious.
- Well, go on.
Gangway! Gangway!
Come on. Take it easy. What's the matter?
- Hand it over.
- Don't know what you mean.
- I do. You got a basket?
- A basket? What are you doing? Wait!
That ain't fair. Oh!
Honestly, I don't know how it happened.
I was working away...
For once I'm going to make
you laugh at each other.
I will make horrible examples
of careless people.
Anyhow, if you have to lose things,
why don't you lose something I would like?
- Ensign James Scott.
- Hey.
Stand up.
Is this your pocketbook?
- Why, yes.
- How much money is there in it?
- Only seven dollars.
- The family wealth. That's very careless.
Now, this I would know anywhere.
Mr Antro.
Next time there's a blackout,
you'd better get under the table.
I'm surprised, such a smart man.
Now, who's this?
Edward Patrick Finnegan.
Edward Patrick Finnegan,
speak up, come on!
- But it's you.
- Edward Pa...
Now, let's see.
Who here knows Helen in Singapore?
Myrtle in Manila, Honore in Borneo.
Oh, it's you.
Kid Romeo.
Agnes in Tokyo and Mabel in Hong Kong.
A ladykiller!
And Becky in Barcelona.
And Ruth in Trinidad.
Ruth? Why, you!
Lightfingers, you're getting your
very last warning. I told you I like it here.
It ain't the junk I want.
The lights out. One, two, three, the lights on
and nobody knows what happened.
- I ain't no thief, I'm an artiste.
- Ned.
His lights will go out
and they won't come on quick.
He has my permission. Now, good night.
- I might resign.
- You heard the lady. Good night!
I uh... was just hanging around
to say good night.
- Good night.
- I haven't said it yet.
- What?
- Good night.
Well? Good night.
No. Not yet.
Oh, I must. Because at this time
of the night, I have no sense.
Is that a fact?
No sense, this time of night?
No sense at all.
Look me in the eye and swear to that.
I swear.
Tony is here, sir.
- Oh. Come in, Tony. Come in.
- Thank you...
- Sit down, Tony.
- Yes, I...
I'm not tired. I...
Tony, there's something
I want you to do for me.
If I can do it.
Bijou is on the list of entertainers
on board ship for the officers' party.
- Yes. Lieutenant Brent, he's the one...
- I'm not asking how it happened.
I don't want to make
official business of this thing.
- She's very popular. The boys like her.
- Yes, she's all right.
But uh... there are some reasons why
it might be as well if she didn't appear.
Can't you take care of this thing
and leave me out of it?
Well, when Bijou makes up her mind,
you know, it's very hard to change it.
- You're her boss, aren't you?
- Yes, I'm her boss...
Yes, I'm her boss. Don't worry, I'll fix it.
Well, I'm very grateful, Tony.
It's a little bit awkward.
You don't have to worry about awkward
because when I tell Bijou who is the boss,
she knows that I'm the boss and I'm going...
Yes, she could be a little awkward.
Well, try to make her understand, Tony,
that the Navy has enough destroyers.
Yes, I...
What's your hurry?
Did I tell you to hurry?
I want to register a complaint.
I think you are making a mistake,
devoting so much time to the Navy.
I see what you mean.
Supposing I were to tell you I'm in love?
It would be a pity.
I'd have to get rid of that gentleman.
Never mind.
Run along and have a good time.
- Don't let me spoil your fun.
- Chop chop.
Au revoir.
Chop chop.
- Admiral! Tell fortune!
- Not today.
Tell fortune, Admiral! Tell fortune!
Wait a minute. Listen, listen, listen.
Your fortune, sailor?
I got my fortune.
Got it for a penny, remember?
- I'm a little late.
- A little late?
I've been waiting for nine years.
Flowers for Bijou.
We're casting a funny shadow. Excuse me.
Look, Junior,
are you by any chance following me?
- No, I ain't.
- Fine. Then it's the lady you're following.
You'd like to meet her? Is that it?
Junior, this is Bijou. Bijou, this is Junior.
- Flowers for Bijou.
- Thank you.
Flowers for Bijou.
Same table?
Imagine finding you here.
I'm the type of girl
you're liable to find anywhere.
Flowers for Bijou.
Not me.
Excuse me.
- What's so funny?
- The kid gave you the flowers.
Junior, you sure see things
from a funny angle, don't you?
How does it look from there?
Oh, Dan, I wish you hadn't
done that. I'm scared.
You mean Antro? Don't let those
professional house-haunters scare you.
I've seen Antro haunt before.
He never misses.
Now, look, I'm going to do something
I've never done in my life.
I'm going to leave an island
before I'm chucked off.
Wait a minute.
You're running away to save me.
- I'm always running. What difference why?
- Nothing doing.
- I'm sorry.
- You've got to stay. Them's orders.
I'm not joking, sailor. I've played out
my string here. I'd better move on.
Then, I mean...
I mean, my welfare means that much?
Just what a sailor usually means to a girl.
Well, you can't go.
You know the penalty for desertion.
- Desertion?
- Yes. You promised to sing aboard ship.
And I promised the officers.
And a gentleman always keeps his word.
And a sailor.
And a sailor's girl.
Doesn't make any kind of sense...
but I'll never desert the Navy.
Bijou, what are you doing?
Whatever you say, I wouldn't believe it.
Antro is screaming, there's crowds there.
You're late.
Tonight is Navy night, all aboard.
Bijou, I forbid you
to go on board that ship!
That was the day before yesterday.
Go to the ship. They'll show you a room
where we'll dress. Take the piano player.
You don't take no piano player
and you leave the dressing rooms...
Bijou, Antro is waiting
with a crowd of knives.
Er... with a bunch of people.
I'll take care of Antro. You wouldn't want
Bijou to miss this party, would you?
I forbid it. I am the boss.
Honest to goodness, I'm the boss.
Oh. Something must have
gone wrong. I'm sorry.
See, I bringed you Bijou.
- We've been waiting.
- If I'd only known before.
- But now you'll have to excuse me.
- Sit down.
I would love to but first, I'll have to tell
the Navy that Mr Antro must be entertained.
That's a great idea. Tell them in a letter.
Sasha is wonderful, ain't he?
- Sasha is very clever.
- Very.
Once I heard he turned a streetcar
into a side street...
You stinking...
Straight from the barnyard.
Who's laughing?
I've been in love before
It's true
Been learning to adore just you
Some old romance taught me how to kiss
To smile like that
And sigh like this
I've been in love before
You see
Oh, darling, what a bore
I'd be
A heart that's lived a bit
Can tell when it beats true
I've been in love before
Haven't you?
- Congratulations, Dan.
- Huh?
- Oh.
- Swell show.
And I do like that kind of a band.
- Uh... shall we dance?
- What can we lose?
Beg your pardon. May I cut in?
Your song was swell.
And so are...
are you.
It's been a good many years
since I've done any dancing.
Getting too old for that sort of thing.
I getting so I get out of breath
playing checkers.
But I do like to see the young folks
have a good time.
Excuse me a moment.
- Thank you, sir.
- Excuse me.
I beg your pardon. May I cut in?
Beg your pardon, sir,
the captain would like to see you at once.
All right.
Yes, sir?
I want you to see to it that
that woman leaves the ship at once.
- Orders, sir?
- Orders.
Aye aye, sir.
- Someday, those people will drive me...
- Darling, it's all my fault.
- Your fault?
- Yes. I shouldn't have come up again.
But I wanted to dance with you
and I don't regret it.
- Well, if you don't, I guess...
- I'm awfully glad you're mad.
- Well, in that case...
- No, no, you have to go back to the boat.
- But wait a minute.
- It's your job.
But hurry.
- A welcoming committee.
- Sure.
Antro is waiting. Always, Antro is waiting.
Tonight, in Tony's, waiting and drinking.
And thinking, "If I stay here much longer,
I'll be too drunk to welcome Bijou."
Looking for this? It's no good.
It's empty.
Get out.
Imagine Antro too drunk to be nice to Bijou
after the Navy kicks her out.
Bijou entertains the Navy
and they kick her out.
If she would entertain Antro...
Maybe that's the trouble.
I'm too nice to you.
You are too beautiful.
I should choke you.
See that? That's the trouble.
You make Antro sentimental.
Come in.
Uh... it was stuck. It was.
Oh, Tony says you gotta come back
to work right away or you'll be fired.
That's all right, we were leaving anyway.
Did you speak to the lieutenant about me?
- No, not yet. I will tomorrow.
- Oh, good.
- I'm sorry, Mr Antro.
- That's all right.
- You sent for me, sir?
- You're making a fool of yourself.
- I don't know what you mean, sir.
- This Bijou gal.
It's developing into something else.
- I'll admit nothing of the kind, sir.
- Everybody knows. For two weeks...
Everybody's a liar. With all due respect, sir,
you have no right...
- Of course I haven't any right.
- Don't condemn her without knowing her.
- We're shoving off soon.
- Shoving off?
Yes. It'll give you a chance
to think things over.
Well... I've thought things over.
I'll be married before we sail.
Married? It's a disgrace, you're in the Navy!
- It's my own personal, private business.
- Brent, I know all about these things.
- It doesn't work, it never works.
- Is that all, sir?
No. I must ask you to remain on board
until we shove off.
Orders, sir?
I wish you would.
Thank you, sir.
- Miss Bijou, sir.
- Come in, please.
- Would you be seated?
- Thank you.
Nice of you to come so promptly.
- Cigarette?
- Thank you.
We've learned from Lieutenant Brent
that he intends to marry you.
Marry me?
Dan said that?
You were deported from here, let me see,
nearly three years ago.
You've been deported from several islands,
always for the same reasons.
Inciting a riot, questionable character.
This is part of our records.
And he wants to marry you.
- He wants to marry me.
- It's preposterous!
I know Brent's family well.
His father was an admiral.
His grandfather was an admiral
and they're proud of that.
I trust I've made myself clear?
You understand?
Yes. Oh, yes, I do understand.
You're a wonderful governor.
Thank you so much.
I don't know how to thank you.
At exactly 5:43 and a half,
I have an announcement to make.
The governor just told me
I'm going to be married.
That's wonderful! That's marvellous!
Nothing is too good for you.
Nothing is good enough for you!
Nothing is half good enough for you.
- Hey, you're not going to marry me?
- No, Tony.
I'll be Mrs Lieutenant Dan Brent.
Where's Little Ned?
The super-stupid is having
a hearing on a battleship.
I have an idea and it's hot.
The time to strike is when the iron is hot.
That's marvellous! That's wonderful!
Bijou! Bijou!
Look, your first wedding present.
- But they're real.
- Would I give you anything phoney?
Uh, look, don't wear them right away.
Give them a little time to cool off.
I'll tell you what you'll do. Return them
just as cleverly as you took them.
- And I'll never talk about it again.
- All right, I'll return them.
But I resent the implication.
Shoreside. Chop chop.
Well, you did it. Why? I was just aboard.
What a mess you made out of that ship.
Looks like a submarine smacked it.
If you want a riot, stay where you belong.
- Why, Ned.
- The lieutenant's talking of resigning.
And for you. He had a great career
and you stopped him right in his tracks!
Shut up!
- What are you trying to make outta him?
- Take your hands off me and get out!
Shut up, you're off your nut.
He'd kill you inside of six months.
You've got no right to be an officer's wife!
You fool! You don't know
what you're talking about!
When he thinks of all the years
he's been in the Navy
and all he's worked for
has gone by the board,
he's gonna hate your insides.
You can't get the Navy out of your heart
and your blood, honest you can't.
If he didn't kill you, you'd do it yourself.
You couldn't take it.
And you wouldn't want to hurt anybody,
especially a guy like him.
It's cuckoo. That's...
It's just cuckoo. It's cuckoo.
Everything is rosy.
I returned the pearls and nobody...
The Malacca's in. It sails tomorrow.
Get three tickets.
Make it two.
On board, they said
I might get back in the Navy.
Make it two.
- The lieutenant will come to the caf.
- No!
I could see him once more.
Even the Navy couldn't resent
if I saw him once more.
I'd better get down to the caf and pack,
before he comes.
Yes, I'll pack.
He mustn't know until after I've gone.
Aw, leave the poor dame alone.
She's made up her mind.
Hold this.
Bijou, honeymoons is wonderful
but not when business is wonderful.
And business is wonderful
and you're wonderful.
Watch where you're...
When somebody sends anybody
some flowers,
somebody must like anybody.
That's why this...
White, just like yours.
You go and find Dan. Don't let him come in.
Hit him if you have to but stop him.
- I can't hit him, I want to be in the Navy.
- Do anything but stop him.
The Navy song, boys.
See those shoulders broad and glorious
See that smile, that smile's notorious
You can bet your life the man's in the Navy
See those nice blue trousers
walk about...
Lieutenant? Lieutenant.
- You can't go in there, Lieutenant.
- I what?
- You can't go in. She told me.
- Why not?
- You'll get in trouble.
- Trouble?
- You will get in trouble, Antro is in there.
- Oh, he is? Well, that's for me.
Please, Lieutenant.
Chase him like some hunted criminal
You can bet your life...
Look, Antro, no uniform.
Uh-oh, I got one of your dizzy spells.
Stop the fight! Stop the fight!
- How do we know who to hit?
- Any guy in a white coat.
Blue, like yours.
Hey, Lieutenant, where are you?
Listen, you big bully, you can't do this to me.
Lieutenant, where are you?
Over here, sailor!
Stick with them, Lieutenant.
Here comes baby!
- Welcome aboard.
- I'm happy to be aboard.
- I'm going to get Antro.
- Get to getting.
Nice one, Lieutenant!
- Watch out for the knife.
- I'm watching!
Look out!
Get upstairs!
- Thought I told you to stay outta here.
- That's right, you did.
In there, kid!
Not a bad first round!
Not so tough.
Bijou, you've got to get out of here.
If they catch you, they will deport you.
What difference does it make
if they deport me?
- Bijou, who's the boss?
- You're the boss.
Sometimes, it's good to be the boss.
Now, you lie still. I'll be back.
I'm the boss.
- Is he all right?
- He's all right, just knocked out.
Get him out. It's the police. Get him out!
- What will I tell 'em?
- Anything. The truth, everything.
But get him out of here.
I should've recognised you before, Antro.
- You report to the magistrate...
- Yes. To the magistrate tomorrow.
For inciting a riot, questionable character.
To be deported.
Hey, you. You too.
Yes, sir.
With your mind at rest, are you thoroughly
reconciled and ready to go back to work?
Yes, sir.
By some miracle,
you have escaped the consequences.
But the Navy can neither countenance
nor condone such rowdy behaviour.
You will be restricted to the ship
until further orders.
- That's all.
- Yes, sir.
- Oh and, Brent.
- Yes, sir?
It might interest you to know
that Mr Antro has two broken ribs,
a broken collarbone and can't eat a bite.
- Is that all, sir?
- Isn't that enough?
Oh. Yes, sir.
Attention! And salute.
Well, fellas, I hardly know what to...
Well... what are you saving that button for?
- Button it up, or cut it off.
- Aye aye, sir.
- Trim that cap.
- Aye aye, sir.
What is this? A bunch of Camp Fire Girls?
Suck that in!
Well, what are you waiting for?
- Break it up.
- Aye aye, sir.
- I beg your pardon, sir.
- Yes. Oh, Finnegan.
- I have permission to speak to the officer.
- You're looking good.
It's thanks to you, sir.
May I have half-hour's leave, sir?
Sure. While you're there, give her my, uh...
I'll deliver your message, sir.
Steerage passengers, report to the doctor.
- The lieutenant got me a year's probation.
- I'm awfully glad.
He said to say goodbye and everything.
I'm going to miss this.
Looking for islands, Doc.
- Any new governors?
- Health A1?
Yes, health A1.
Hey, wait a minute.
She won't be needing you.
Give this back to the doctor.
Penny, lady? A penny?
A penny, mister? Penny, mister?
Penny, lady?
A penny, lady?
A penny, mister? A penny, mister?
A penny? A penny?
You're a good pal, aren't you, Doc?
What do you think?
Then how's about buying a pal a drink?