Seventh Son (2014)

Have mercy.
Release me.
Come back!
My power returns with the rise
of the blood moon.
Hell awakens.
Is Master Gregory here?
Master Gregory,
do you not hear the bells?
There is a ringing in my ear.
In the village, in the old church,
there's a child,
no more than 10 years of age.
She is... infected.
You may note I'm presently not dealing
with the otherworldly.
On your feet, sir. It seems
you're requested for duty.
My only oath is to this stool.
It's an oath I intend not to break.
The mark on your hand tells me
you're a knight. Have you no honor?
This man says an innocent is at risk.
And you do nothing?
On the contrary.
I'm doing my best to ignore him.
I beg of you, do not do this.
Don't worry, boy. This won't be
an execution, merely an education.
Fill it.
I was begging for your life,
not his.
The trick is not
defeating him with a cup.
The trick is not to spill.
Thank you.
Mr. Bradley, why did you not tell me
the bells are ringing?
Apologies, master.
Come on!
Come. Quickly!
Silverbane. Longbow.
We'll need the silver net.
Please, save her.
Nothing else would hold her.
How long has she been like this?
Since last evening.
Come to me.
Come to me.
You must have known...
when you put me in that hole,
you couldn't hold me there
forever, Gregory.
If it is really you,
then show yourself.
Leave this innocent child.
Mummy, what happened?
God bless you.
Did you miss me?
You have, haven't you?
Don't try to deny it.
I can see into your soul.
A boy.
I like boys.
- Shut your eyes!
- Come here, boy.
Do not be in awe of her.
It will only empower her.
You know something, Gregory?
I missed you too.
Well done, William.
We will work together.
Let the silver do its work.
Can you feel it? She's weakening.
Fine work, William.
I'm sorry, master.
Master Gregory.
Don't expect sympathy from him.
His heart is blacker than mine.
You are with me now.
Let him go!
- I can feel the dark.
- No!
- I can't stand it.
- Let him go! I will burn you!
Master Gregory!
Master Gregory!
Master Gregory!
Time has made me stronger.
I am no longer as easy to contain.
Ten damn years wasted.
I'm coming for you, Malkin!
I am coming for you!
What is it, Cate?
You're supposed to be minding the pigs.
You've never hit one.
But I'm getting closer.
You're not a hunter, Tom.
I'm not destined to spend
the rest of my life feeding pigs.
I'm gonna get out of here, Cate.
I'm gonna leave
this place soon. I just...
- I know it.
- Tom, you're shaking.
Go and get Mam, Cate. Go!
Mam! It's happening again!
Tom. Tom.
go catch those pigs,
or your father will have you for dinner.
- Yes, Mam.
- Go on.
The Ward residence?
Who's asking?
I understand there's a seventh son
of a seventh son that lives here.
Do not say there is not, for I know
that there is. I'm in a hurry.
Bit hungry as well.
My compliments to the cook.
You're welcome.
which one is the seventh?
What is your name, boy?
Thomas Ward.
He's strong.
Does a lot of work around the farm.
So, the dealing has begun.
That's the man. From my visions.
It's too dangerous.
- He's a Spook.
- 'Tis a noble profession.
And your last apprentice?
And the one before him?
What happened to them?
- And now you come here for my son?
- I'm supposed to go with him.
He is a bit scrawny for a seventh son.
I dreaded the thought of this day.
But I knew it would come.
Then you understand.
I know you better
than you think I do, Tom.
Be wise.
Be careful.
all you ever need is inside you.
Just don't be afraid to look.
Your pendant.
No, I can't...
Wear it.
Keep him safe!
Alas, good lady,
that is a vow I cannot make.
My queen.
At last, you have returned.
The Spook, what has he done to you?
Not just me. All of us.
Burned, starved...
and forced into hiding.
The Spook has no mercy.
My spy follows him.
You needn't fear Gregory any longer,
my beautiful sister.
Thank you, my queen.
Make way! Make way!
It is near impossible
to battle demons with wet feet.
This is to get your boots fixed.
I will pick up provisions.
- Provisions.
- Liquids...
needed to ward off evil spirits.
- Fermented liquids?
- Lest I forget,
pick up grease, salt, flour and bacon.
I'm starting to wish I was a sixth son.
Burn her!
Burn the witch! Burn the witch!
Wait! Wait!
If she's a witch,
then I'll deal with her.
And who are you?
I am Master Gregory's apprentice.
It's true. I saw the Spook
going into the tavern.
And in my expert opinion...
she's extremely dangerous.
- Shall we fetch your master?
- No.
No, I can't take her away
and dispose of her.
But I'll need salt, flour and grease.
And throw in some bacon as payment.
So, what are you going to do
with me, Mr. Apprentice?
I'm not sure yet.
- You don't believe that I'm a witch?
- You don't look like a witch.
Do you really think
you'll make it as a Spook?
That's the idea.
You seem too nice.
You know that all of his apprentices
were killed, don't you?
What's your name?
Tom. What's yours?
- I'll tell you next time.
- Whoa.
Next time?
I read fortunes.
We will meet again.
Just don't tell your master about me.
Why not?
You don't like secrets?
Close your eyes.
Just close your eyes.
Yes, it's me.
- How's it possible? You look...
- Is this your daughter?
Are you a loyal girl...
like your mother?
So this is your spy
that follows Gregory.
I like your shoes.
Human father.
Lizzie, you surprise me.
Help yourself to the blood cakes,
little one.
They give you strength.
Soon the blood moon will be full,
and as it grows stronger,
so do all of us.
We must call the others.
Pendle Mountain welcomes you,
brothers and sisters.
Your queen has returned.
Do not dally, Mr. Ward.
What kind of forest is this?
When you address me,
address me as Master Gregory.
So... Master Gregory,
if... if I'm your new apprentice,
- what happened to the old one?
- Wrong question.
Wrong questions get wrong answers.
So he's dead.
It is just a ghast. Level-six creature.
These woods are filled with them.
Try not to upset it.
It should leave you alone.
What do you know
of what a Spook actually does?
You kill creatures of the dark.
Your answer...
it fills me with confidence.
We tend the creatures of the dark.
Some are less harmful, such as ghasts.
The most dangerous, such as witches,
we trap or kill.
My last apprentice wrote this all down.
Yeah. And he's dead.
Well, I'm just saying maybe
he didn't do everything right.
William Bradley was the finest
apprentice I've ever had.
He died at the hands of Mother Malkin.
The witch queen?
I thought she was just a legend.
You live in a world now
where legend and nightmare are real.
Malkin is alive.
We journey to her fortress in
Pendle Mountain, where she no doubt hides.
Mr. Ward.
Mr. Ward. Mr. Ward!
You passed out.
You have spells, boy. What kind?
Sometimes I...
I see things.
Things that haven't happened yet.
Could be useful.
Not the passing out part, of course,
but the visions perhaps.
- What is that?
- You mean who?
This is Tusk.
Loyal as he is ugly.
These things that you see
in your visions,
can you alter them or are they fixed?
I... I don... I don't know.
I haven't really tried.
With a little help,
most of life's curses can be a gift.
There are my beauties.
Returned as I knew they would.
Tender them, Tusk.
- What is this place?
- Home sweet home.
This is incredible.
We must arm ourselves
for the journey to Pendle Mountain.
Come, Mr. Ward.
"The Falcons.
An order of noble knights...
dedicated to combating
the forces of darkness...
and responsible for passing
their knowledge and skills
to other seventh sons of seventh sons."
It... It says here that there are
a thousand of you.
That is a very old tapestry.
They all died
or were turned to darkness.
When you deal with dark,
dark gets in you.
So, you're the only one left?
So you're the only one left,
Master Gregory.
Thank you for reminding me.
How long is this apprenticeship
supposed to last?
Ten years...
for my last apprentice.
But with you,
I have less than one week.
- Why so short?
- That is when the blood moon will be full.
Happens once a century.
The last time,
it was followed by years of war.
Witches laid waste to cities.
The world is still recovering.
If we do not stop Mother Malkin...
before the next red moon sets...
- How can we possib...
- Enough. No more questions.
We leave at dawn. Stay in your chamber.
Master Gregory, if you want me to learn,
you have to explain things.
No time. We must get to Pendle Mountain
before Malkin assembles her minions.
There are witches that need killing.
Fucking witches.
Help me.
Help me.
You were told to stay in your chamber!
That was your first test, Mr. Ward.
And not surprisingly, you failed!
Test number two: The Rowan staff.
Carved by the very first Falcon Knight.
The finest fighting staff there is.
Master it,
and you can master any weapon.
Show me what you are!
I paid good money for you. I think
your father deceived me of your worth.
Are you not the seventh son
of a seventh son?
You ought to be seven times
as strong as a normal man.
Your mam,
she did not put up much of a fight
to keep you, did she?
You are worthless.
There is not enough time.
You'll be dead in a week.
- Good aim.
- I was aiming for your head.
Teach me.
With the blood moon's rise
and Malkin's arrival,
the creatures of the dark
will be more frequent...
and more powerful.
These are her lieutenants.
This is Radu.
He has an army of assassins.
Throw the knife.
Salt and iron... they are crucial.
Salt burns. Iron bleeds away the strength
of any creature of the dark.
Tincture of copper, for flesh wounds.
Silverbane... repels witches.
Ogre scrotum...
for your own enjoyment. Follow.
Stone Chuckers... they're not
to be confused with Cattle Rippers.
What's the difference?
Stone Chuckers chuck stones.
Cattle Rippers rip cattle.
The names are fairly self-evident.
Verbanum... guards against spells.
That... That is disgusting.
What does that kill?
Sarikin takes the form of a leopard.
Virahadra is the king of swords.
Your consistency is admirable, Mr. Ward.
Of all of them,
Malkin is the strongest.
She is the queen.
You know what?
I've seen Mother Malkin in my visions.
It's gonna take a lot more
than salt and iron to defeat her.
You leave Malkin to me.
Continue your studies.
My queen!
A gift... to commemorate your return.
My finest assassins.
You spoil me.
But you must keep your gifts.
You will need them more than I.
Have you forgotten?
There are Spooks buried all over this
mountain who thought they could slay me.
When the blood moon is full,
Gregory will be next.
Did you look at me?
Never, never look at me.
Your finest assassins?
You may keep them.
She's dangerous.
She's my sister.
She healed me, Alice.
By the time the moon is full,
she will rule this land,
and we will be there by her side.
No more hiding from men.
No more fearing them.
Just fearing her.
I would never let her hurt you.
And now go,
and keep an eye on that Spook.
What are you doing here?
Swimming in the moonlight.
Turn around.
What was that?
It is said that when a witch
first touches by moonlight
the man with whom she's meant
to walk hand in hand...
there's a blue spark.
So you are a witch.
My father is a gypsy.
My mother is a witch.
So that makes me a witch.
She's all I have.
We're not all evil, you know,
as your master would have you believe.
Some of us are good.
Some are bad.
And the rest are simply unaware.
And what kind are you?
So, where are you headed?
To Pendle Mountain.
Why do you want to be like him?
He treats you worse than a dog,
calls witches abominations.
Have you been spying on us?
For who?
Someone who calls people abominations.
What is that?
is Tusk.
He's having a bad dream,
by the sounds of it.
I wonder what monsters
have nightmares about.
Humans, probably.
Have you been writing down what you have
learned in your journal as I've instructed?
I have a good memory for facts.
Do you now?
Do you remember the difference
between a ghost and a ghast?
A ghost is a full spirit. A ghast
is a fragment of a spirit who's moved on.
Oh. Pardon.
Aim, Tusk, for God's sake.
- What is that?
- The bell. I'm being summoned.
Tusk. Best make yourself scarce.
Are you Gregory?
That depends on who is inquiring.
You are cordially invited
to the walled city.
The Inquisitor has instructed me
to return you there, now.
This will cost us two days' journey.
If it is anything less than a Boggart,
we are on our way.
- What's a Boggart?
- You do not want to know.
The devil is upon us.
There will be slaughter.
The signs of evil are everywhere.
And now we have this beast,
unlike anything we've seen before.
No priest dares go near it.
I thought perhaps
you might better protect us.
Flattery is fine. Gold is finer.
Feels a bit light.
You'll get the rest
when the job is done.
Of course.
Malkin's most bloodthirsty lieutenant.
He has killed more of my kind
than all of the rest put together.
His name is Urag.
It took three regiments
to secure the creature.
- I was the only one to survive.
- Leave us.
- Secure the doors!
- Clear out.
I fight him alone.
- Why?
- Ancient code of honor.
More importantly,
I prefer not to split the reward.
You've chosen
the wrong profession, boy.
The cage! Grab on to the cage!
We are not finished. Oil!
We must kill him for good.
Move the cauldrons!
Do it.
Unless you prefer to eat his heart.
I can't do this.
I'm not like you.
Not yet.
But you will be!
Get back.
All of you, move back.
Clear them off.
I am training you to kill witches!
If you cannot do that,
you are useless to me!
Yes, that's right. Go sulk, boy.
- My queen.
- Sarikin.
Virahadra, king of swords.
Strix, my brave warlock.
Good. Now all are here but Urag.
Where is he?
Where's your master?
What's wrong?
I can't do what he does.
Is it?
To be no good at something bad is good.
It's not that simple.
I looked it up in an old spell book
about the blue spark.
Sometimes it's about destiny.
Sometimes it's just...
dust on a witch's fingers.
So it... didn't mean anything?
Your master was in love
with a witch once.
When he was very young.
- We all have secrets.
- What's yours?
Close your eyes.
Close your eyes.
I want to stay here forever.
A failed Spook and a half-witch...
what would we do?
Well, my mother taught me how to steal.
I'm rather good at it
when I want to be.
I bet you are.
Don't laugh.
What would you have us do?
Let me take you away from here.
Somewhere safe, somewhere...
somewhere none of this even matters.
That sounds nice.
But there's no place like that.
I have to go back to him.
I don't wanna leave you.
You can't hide from destiny.
I too, was once young.
Did not listen. Was arrogant like you.
I once loved a witch.
Yes. Malkin.
She was not always evil.
Fear and hatred created her.
She grew into what she was
perceived to be... deadly.
When she...
discovered I had married,
she could not endure my happiness.
She murdered my wife in cold blood.
I captured her.
I was clever. Lied to her...
told her I still loved her.
I had my chance to kill her,
but I showed her mercy instead.
Tricked her.
Locked her away in a cage
buried in the ground.
I thought that prison
would hold her for eternity.
But I was wrong.
Now everyone she kills
in her wake is my burden.
I want you to meet my wife, Mr. Ward.
This is Rebecca.
is why I've been so hard on you, Tom.
Do not make the same mistake.
If you see a witch,
kill it.
My daughter has spotted them.
They're moving closer.
You may do as you wish
with the boy, my darling.
But I want Gregory...
Beyond the forest... Pendle Mountain.
We have three days.
Dependable as death you are.
- What the hell is that?
- A Boggart.
Subterraneal beast. Nasty temperament.
- Blind as a bat.
- So how do you fight a Boggart?
You don't. You run!
Tusk, run!
I thought you said Boggarts were blind.
Their sense of smell... extraordinary.
We seem to be having a Boggart problem.
Much thanks.
Don't worry. We're all safe now.
Boggarts... they hate water.
Mr. Ward?
Mr. Wa...
Mr. Ward!
On the subject of Boggarts, I'm beginning
to find you a tad unreliable.
Alice has no place in your thoughts.
Your master wants to hunt us,
burn us, eat our hearts.
How about I feed you your own?
The stone!
It belongs to my queen.
How did you get it?
No, no, no, no.
Don't get up. I'm fine. I'm fine.
I was just killing this enormous,
scary monster thing.
You do not die easy, do you, Mr. Ward?
And you slayed the unslayable.
Where did you get that?
My mother gave it to me.
What's funny?
You, Mr. Ward.
- What is this thing?
- That thing? The Umbran stone.
The witches' most sacred talisman.
It strengthens their powers.
Makes their illusions seem more real.
Why would my mam have it?
Mother Malkin...
she had the stone once.
In her hands it has tremendous power.
But it was stolen from her
by another witch.
Only then was I able
to defeat her, to trap her.
Are you telling me
that my mother is a witch?
So that is what you are...
a witch's son
who is a Spook's apprentice.
Oh, that's funny.
Must account for your visions.
Come on.
We have a job to do.
What happened to Urag?
He burned him alive.
I'm sorry you had to witness that.
The Spook is a cruel man.
He would do the same to you
if he had the chance.
So would that apprentice.
Tom is good.
- Such a shame he will die.
- I don't want him to die.
We could save him.
Tom loves you.
Your mother saw it in his heart.
Even an Umbran stone
cannot hide such things.
Your mother found it...
around Tom's neck.
Get back what was stolen from me,
and your boy will be spared.
How do I know you're telling the truth?
Get it back!
Let us show them what we do
to cities that burn witches.
We will avenge our brother's death.
Let us give the world
a taste of what is to come.
what's that?
Hell is here!
- I'm going back.
- No!
Keep her safe.
A witch defends this city.
That witch.
Traitorous thief.
You abandoned your people
while we were being destroyed.
And for what?
They will hate you
once they know what you are.
You gave away the one thing
that could have saved you.
And that gift...
will be the death of your son.
You are a slave to darkness,
Mother Malkin, not its queen.
A little something for the pain.
Make you more human.
We've lost all our possessions,
but somehow you still have that?
Just good luck, I guess.
You must never have more
than one sip of this a day.
- Why not?
- Because it is mine.
Resilient as you are ugly, old friend.
What? What is it?
Something's wrong. Stay here.
We will look ahead.
I have to stay here.
They'll be back soon.
I've changed my mind.
Let's run away.
Do you love me?
Mr. Ward, go gather wood.
We're going to have a fire.
- Tom, please.
- I said gather wood.
Stand back, sir.
- Don't make me do this.
- She's a spy.
- She is not the enemy.
- We have a mission, Mr. Ward.
This is your most important test...
- right now.
- Don't hurt him!
Damn it, boy! The stone.
She's stolen it.
Now tell me she's innocent.
I cannot lose this one.
Tom! Tom, the staff!
Sadly, Gregory, my orders
are to deliver you alive.
I don't understand.
- How can you be here?
- I'm not, Tom.
I've passed on from this world.
I stood against Mother Malkin.
And I failed.
But you will not fail.
You are a seventh son, Tom.
But you are also the son of a witch.
There has never been anyone like you.
Only you can wield the Umbran stone...
and end her reign of darkness
before it begins.
Empty your heart of grief.
Fill it with courage.
You are ready now.
Find the stone.
You don't die easy, do you?
You have the master.
Where is the apprentice?
Dead. Smashed on the rocks.
I told them to follow you.
You would never do that.
I did it for you.
Look at your queen and find peace.
his reign of terror ends.
Join us.
You and I will rule this world.
United... for eternity.
Look at me.
Look at me.
The darkness is in you now.
The darkness is in you now.
Join us.
Join us.
For a worthy enemy,
now honored and welcome.
The war is over.
Now we are together.
Now we are together.
- Traitor!
- Don't kill her! Please!
Where is my stone?
I lost it.
I took it to protect you.
You fight me as a dragon, not as a man.
Have you no honor?
You know nothing of dragons...
nor of true honor.
Should have stayed a dragon.
- My queen.
- What have you done?
She's everything to me.
I thought betrayal was a sin
only committed by humans.
I do this alone.
I was a fool.
You tricked me so you could
trap me in that hole.
Made me believe that you loved me.
I did love you once.
Then it is still there?
As my hatred is.
I... will...
haunt... you.
In the old days
there was a ceremony.
Flags. Magnificent horns.
Could be a bit silly
with just the two of us.
Mysterium tremendum et fascinans.
Did it hurt?
So you choose this life?
It chose me.
Then the blue spark...
it was just dust.
Do what you will.
I know how you feel.
We will meet again.
We will meet again.
The time has come, Master Ward.
Good-bye, Tusk.
Forgive me. Perhaps I was not clear.
'Tis I who ride.
This is your home now.
I trust you will take care of it.
And Tusk.
Yes, old friend.
- And where will you go?
- Wrong question.
Wrong questions get wrong answers.
Tusk, give us a hand.
Do you remember all I taught you?
Ignore it.
The rules, Tom...
do not be bound by them.
Use them in your own way.
Live your own life.
Your destiny.