Severance (2006)

Mr George, help us.
- Help us.
- I'm sorry.
- You fucking pig!
# Over bridge of sighs
# To rest my eyes in shades of green
# Under dreaming spires
# To ltchycoo Park
that's where I've been
- # What did you do there?
- # I got high
- # What did you feel there?
- # Well, I cried
- # But why the tears there?
- # Tell you why
# It's all too beautiful
# It's all too beautiful
# It's all too beautiful
# It's all too beautiful
Hi. My name's George Cinders and I'm
the President of Palisade Defence.
We're hitting a home run for freedom
and a time out for terror.
We work hard to bring you
up-to-the-minute technology.
Memo. "Must congrat George
on terrific performance."
Er, no, delete "terrific",
make that "fabulous performance".
For 75 years we've been supplying
the world's greatest nations
with the world's latest weaponry.
So when you see this symbol,
you know you're in safe hands.
We have offices in New York,
London, Tokyo, all over the world.
Go on, girl. Go on. Yep. Yep.
- What are you doing?
- Ordering myself a birthday present.
Alright, team, can we have
a little less talking, please?
Does nobody care
about our marketing strategy?
I care.
Or what about
our CRM- 114 landmine,
the Platoon Buster?
"What Ordinance?" magazine
calls it
"The most exciting development
in concealed termination in years."
Weapons you can trust.
Anti-personnel devices
you can rely on. That's trust.
That's reliability. That's Palisade.
As I speak,
our team of dedicated individuals
are touring Eastern Europe,
bringing the Palisade message to you.
- They couldn't be more excited.
- Richard,
why are all the actors
in this video white?
- They're not all white.
- Blonde, actually.
It's just a coincidence, that's all.
If they were all black,
that would be a coincidence, too?
Look... Look,
what is your problem exactly?
You've made a recruitment video
for the Hitler Youth.
- Richard, Richard.
- Oh, there!
There you go, you see?
What's he, an albino?
Here's the P40 version five.
Oh, yeah, OK, that's very sensitive.
- It's not funny, Harris.
Freedom, democracy, justice.
With Palisade Defence,
we'll win the war on terror.
- I bloody hope not.
- Thank you, Harris.
# What will we do there?
# We'll get high
- # What will we touch there?
- # We'll touch the sky
- # But why the tears there?
- # I'll tell you why
# It's all too beautiful
# It's all too beautiful
# It's all too beautiful
Something's wrong with the electrics
in there. There's a short circuit.
- Fire officer, coming through.
- Sit down.
Officer sitting.
- No smoking!
- Yes, I know.
No cigarettes!
Bob Marley! Bob Marley!
Billy, what's the plan?
George should be at the lodge
with the food.
- Good. And the paintball gear?
- All in the brown bag.
- OK, good.
I'll give you $50 if you stop eating.
I bought some mushrooms off
a security guard at the road show.
I gave him 20 euros and look
how much he's given me. Look.
- They look horrible.
- That's cos they're magic mushrooms.
How do you know they're not
off the side of the road?
No, they're proper.
You can tell by the stalks. Look.
- Eat those, you're gonna go crazy.
- I think I've had these ones before.
They give you
a nice chilled-out one.
And if you're wrong?
I'll be somewhere over the rainbow
getting fucked by the Tin Man.
- Hey, what the fuck's going on?
- You alright?
- You alright, Jill?
- Yeah.
- The road's blocked.
- Anybody need first aid?
I might do in 20 minutes.
We can go this way.
I don't understand
what you're saying. The road is fine.
Yeah, well, the two roads
meet up again. Look.
It's just a detour!
Go on, Richard.
Alright, that's quite enough.
I won't stand for this unprofessional
behaviour. You hear me?
Now, you are hired to drive,
and drive you will, buddy.
Is that clear?
Great management skills, Dick.
Really, really world class.
I know it doesn't appear far on the
map, but it all depends on the scale.
- Well, what is the scale?
- It's not on here.
Well, an inch is usually a mile,
isn't it?
- No.
- Well, we'll assume that it is.
Well, we can assume,
but it's probably safer not to.
Every map I've seen,
an inch is a mile.
Are you saying I can't read maps?
No. I'm sure you have
an excellent knowledge of maps.
It's just that, well,
an inch could be two miles or ten.
I'm saying goodbye.
I'm going back to the hotel.
- You're doing no such thing.
- Then show me the lodge.
The lodge is a mile down that road.
Hang on. You're not listening to me.
I am not walking anywhere.
Don't squabble, gang. It's supposed
to be a team-building weekend.
Tell Richard. He seems to think
we're on a walking holiday.
Whoa. Wait a sec.
Stop the coach! Stop.
Hey, come on, let's talk about this.
Stop the bus. Fucking hell!
Stop the...
Come on!
Fuck it!
What was that?
Probably just a bear.
- Just a bear?
- There are no bears in Hungary.
- Are you sure?
- Yes.
Well, that's assuming
we're still in Hungary.
If we've crossed the border
into Romania, then there are bears.
If we're in Serbia,
then I'm not sure.
Well, that's really interesting. Are
bears required to stop at borders?
Is there some sort of
passport control for bears?
- You'd better watch your tone.
- Or what?
- Oh, please!
- No. Or what?
- That sounded further away.
- There.
If it was a bear, which it wasn't,
it's moved on. Come on.
I really think we should stick
to the main road.
No, this way is much quicker.
Come on.
I'm with Richard.
Have I pissed myself?
- What?
- I feel damp.
Well, you look alright.
I'm not gonna touch you.
- Have I pissed my pants?
- I don't think so.
- What's wrong with you?
- I feel all damp.
You're fine. You're fine.
OK, so, er, working on the assumption
that an inch is not a mile,
what's the worst-case scenario?
- An inch is a thousand miles.
That's Steve.
If he's messing around,
he's in big trouble.
Oh, no.
We should stay with the bags.
Steve, are you alright, mate?
I saw someone.
I don't know.
What happened?
The weirdest thing's just happened,
I needed a slash,
so I've pulled me trousers down,
cos I felt a little bit damp
and I didn't want to get a rash.
I was about to have a piss
and I saw a geezer with a balaclava
and a suitcase.
No, more of a travel bag.
- So, you've come over...
- Steve.
- Yes?
- The mushrooms.
- What mushrooms?
- You ate them. You're high.
- Look after him.
- OK, yeah.
Now, I know we're mates, but, erm,
if you look at my cock one more time,
I'm gonna kick off.
What are you talking about? I have
not once looked at your winkie.
You turn around.
OK, everybody, prepare to smile.
- Isn't it wonderful?
- It's a dump.
- What do you expect, the Hilton?
- The Hilton would be good.
- We're in the country.
- You're not gonna stay here?
- Right now, I'd sleep in a cave.
- That's the spirit.
There's someone in the woods.
Yeah, you already said that.
Come on. Come on.
- This isn't the right place.
- This is the right place.
This obviously
is not the right place.
It is the right place. Billy?
Well, there's only one lodge
on the map,
- so I suppose...
- Thank you.
This is... just the lobby.
This place is fantastic.
It's just a rope. It's just a rope.
"Dear team, as a big thank you
for the last few weeks on the road,
George and I cordially invite you
to join us on a team-building weekend
in Palisade's
newly acquired luxury lodge."
Luxury lodge.
OK, OK, OK, now listen up, everyone.
This is not a holiday.
This is a business.
And team-building weekends, like it
or not, are part of that business.
Hear hear!
This is our chance
to find out about ourselves.
I mean, you know,
sure, we'll have fun,
doing, er, paintball, orienteering...
- Bridge building.
- Bridge building.
We need to take ownership
of the weekend.
And that means working together.
- Richard, I have an idea.
- Shh, shh.
I can't spell success... without U.
And U...
And U... U...
And... U.
Success has only one U.
Oh, well.
Daddy couldn't put us all
through Cambridge, could he, Harris?
Now, George wants us to be
the best team possible.
And if that means digging in
a little, then I'm sorry.
Think this place is a dump?
Think about this.
Maybe it's supposed to be.
I've had tougher challenges.
Now let's make this our challenge.
Explain to me
how staying in this shithole
is gonna help me sell mines.
- Don't be so happy all the time.
- Only trying to be positive.
You're not. You're like a dog
tied to a radiator wagging its tail.
That's not a compliment.
Look for the generator in there,
will you?
Have you got any light bulbs
in your bag, Gordon?
Erm, yeah. Give me two secs.
Oh, no.
- I think you should get some sleep.
- I think you're right.
I've been waiting for you, Richard.
I want you to fuck me.
I mean, I'd like to.
Fuck me now and fuck me hard.
But, erm... what's going on?
Great management skills, Dick.
World class.
I can't believe it.
I had no idea Palisade were
this involved in Eastern Europe.
You're joking, right?
- Where did you get this stuff?
- Found it next to the generator.
There's stacks of it out there.
It's all Soviet.
That doesn't mean
it's one of the asylums.
- It doesn't rule it out either.
- What asylums?
Right, grub's up.
Put those cards away, please, Jill.
Feast your eyes... on this.
Mind yourselves, it is hot.
It actually smells quite nice.
- Not eating?
- No, thanks. Not hungry.
The rest of you,
get stuck in. There's plenty.
Do you want to get some spoons out,
please, Jill?
- Alright? Feeling OK?
- Yeah, alright, piss off.
- Are you still tripping?
- No. Why are you naked?
- Harris, what about the asylums?
- What asylums?
Harris seems to think we're in
an old lunatic asylum.
- Are we?
- No.
Tell us about the asylums.
Are you sure you want me to tell you?
It's pretty scary.
- I'll take my chances.
- OK. OK.
This story takes place a long time
ago, way before the First World War.
Oh, please.
When movies were silent
and women were even quieter.
The government was getting
complaints about the asylum,
so they sent an inspector
to check it out.
He arrives late one night
to see what's going on.
Everything seems fine, and the
warders agree to show him around.
But everything isn't fine.
Everything's not fine at all.
All the inmates are going crazy,
screaming at him to let them out.
Then he realises what's wrong.
The inmates had taken over
and locked up all the doctors.
And then they turned on him.
He tried to reason with them,
but there's no reasoning
with the mentally insane.
Guess who they called
to sort out the mess? Us.
Palisade sent the boys in.
Sprayed the place with nerve agent.
Killed everyone. It was a massacre.
But rumour has it...
that one inmate survived,
hell-bent on killing any Palisade
employee that should cross his path.
They say he's still on the loose.
- Is that supposed to be scary?
- Well, it was at the time.
Believe it or not, there is
a tiny bit of truth in his story.
- Damn right!
- A tiny bit.
It occurred in the early '90s
when the Soviet Union broke up.
Places like this were
detention centres for war criminals.
Soldiers who liked the killing
a little bit too much.
They were lunatics who wiped out
whole villages. Burnt people alive.
Put heads on spikes. They were
savages. Well-trained savages.
Their government locked them away,
tried to cure them,
but it was no good.
Some escaped. Hid in some empty
buildings nearby, but not for long.
Obviously it wasn't Palisade who
killed them, it was their government.
But it was us
who supplied the weapons.
Oh, and, Harris,
if anyone did survive,
revenge would be the last thing
on their minds.
- What would be on their minds?
- Survival. Evading capture.
These guys were war criminals,
Excuse me for being the only sensible
one here, but this place is a lodge.
It's not a mental home,
it's not a prison, it's a lodge.
- It was a sex lodge.
- Right.
- It was. I'm telling you.
Back in the '60s, these places
were hospitals for rich old men.
All the nurses were these naughty-
looking birds with big shooters.
Anyway, being stuck all the way out
here, they used to get really lonely,
so they tried it on
with the old boys.
These poor old fuckers
was on death's door.
They couldn't get it up.
So they decided to just get hold
of each other.
One day this fella turns up
out of the blue.
Young geezer.
Bit of bollocks about him.
They chased him.
They caught him and, er,
well, he was fucked.
Have you ever taken
anything seriously in your life?
- Ecstasy and weed, I think.
- Hey, gang. How are we doing?
- Brilliant.
Sweet dreams?
Er... yeah.
Hi, Maggie. Not eating?
Why are you all so obsessed with
what I eat? I am not too skinny.
No, no, no, no. I don't mean...
Just that you'll need your energy
for the team games.
I mean, you're perfect
just the way you are.
And when I say perfect, I obviously
don't mean that in a sexual way.
I mean perfect in a neutral way.
As if I were another woman saying
that you were perfect, you know?
Just one woman to another.
Not that I'm implying
anything like that.
Or that there's anything wrong
with that... sort of thing.
Or... anything.
Keep digging,
we can still see you.
What the?
A bit young to be losing
your teeth, aren't you?
It's not mine.
- It's not my tooth.
- Maybe it's just a clove.
Does it look like a fucking clove?
I'm gonna puke.
- Could it be the cow's tooth?
- A cow with gold fillings?
Who made the pie?
I didn't make it, I found it.
- You what?
- I found it.
You found a pie?
- It was wrapped in foil.
- Oh, well, that's a relief. Jesus!
You dirty bastard.
- OK, everyone, calm down.
- Come on, Jill. Jill, come with me.
Ohh! I'm gonna be sick.
OK, I'm sorry.
I thought it was a welcome gift.
- From who?
- I don't know. George.
George wouldn't bring a pie.
It could have been sitting here
for months. Look at this place.
I cooked it for the full hour!
- It had instructions on it?
- No, but it's a pie.
You don't cook every pie for an hour.
- Do you think I undercooked it?
- Fucking hell!
Yeah, OK. Look, it's gone.
I'm throwing the pie in the bin.
Oh, right, that makes me feel better.
- Night, sweetie.
- Good night.
- Oh! Shit!
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
What's the matter? What's going on?
There was a man at my window.
- What happened?
- I saw someone. Where's my inhaler?
- What's going on?
- Jill saw someone.
- Who?
- What did he look like?
- He had a mask.
- Have you been at my mushrooms?
- Is there anything to calm her down?
- I'll check my bag.
- Did you see anyone?
- No.
- What do you think?
- You're the boss, you think.
- Perhaps you were dreaming.
- I wasn't dreaming. Look at me!
His face was covered in a mask!
I was not dreaming!
I found some Kalms. They're herbal.
Come on. There's no one here.
Come on!
It was probably just some locals
messing around.
Looking through a window one storey
up? We need to get out of here.
- Yeah, I'm leaving.
- I'm going with her.
- No one is going anywhere.
- What did you find?
There are wooden structures,
but they're not near the window.
- There. See?
- This is what's gonna happen.
Tomorrow, we go to the top of
the hill, try and get a signal.
Get somebody to pick us up,
take us back.
- Go on, my son.
- Great idea.
That is not a great idea. Leave, and
you won't have a job to come back to.
- I don't care. Count me in.
- Yeah, I'm with her.
- I'm sorry, but he's right.
- Should I make some tea?
Er, alright, listen.
Jill, I want you to sleep on it.
Then, in the morning,
if you still feel the same way,
well, then I'll come up with a plan.
I feel the same way.
OK, er, listen up, everyone.
Er, Billy, get over here. Come on.
Er, I've made a decision.
We're going to sit tight.
We sit tight while,
Harris, I want you and Jill
to go up the hill... go up the hill and, erm,
see if you can get a phone signal.
Erm, get the coach driver
to come and pick us up.
Oh, sweet.
I've made this decision purely
because of the, er, food situation.
And... And it is conditional.
While they're gone, the rest of us
will do a little team building.
Nice one.
Excuse me. Hiya. I just want
to make it really clear,
before we begin, that paintballing
is about teamwork, right?
So no Rambos.
I repeat, absolutely no Rambos.
- Hey, how's your project going?
- Pretty good, thanks.
What are these things?
Humane landmines, right?
They're not landmines.
They're immobilisation units.
Right. And they do what,
they sort of grab you, yeah?
They pin you to the floor.
They don't blow children's legs off.
- They're humane.
- They're a hard sell.
I don't understand why,
in the 21 st century,
we create such sick weapons.
The guillotine seems humane.
- There's nothing humane about it.
- At least it's instantaneous.
There's nothing instantaneous
about it.
When your head's chopped off, your
brain can think for three minutes.
You're saying you're aware
that your head's cut off?
When Marie Antoinette
had her head chopped off
she felt it hit the basket. She saw
blood pumping out of her own stump.
- That's not true.
- It is 100 percent biological fact.
- Think he crashed?
- I don't know.
- Oh, my God!
- We've got to get the others.
We can't just leave him here!
Can we?
I'm not saying
that I fancy anyone in particular.
But if I did like someone, I wouldn't
know the best way to approach them.
- Dating's complicated in England.
- English birds ain't complicated.
Buy 'em a Bacardi Breezer and
they'll ride you like Sea Biscuit.
Yeah? But what if she's not English?
What if she's, erm...
French or Spanish or, erm...
- Maggie?
- Yeah.
So what do you think?
I think you've got more chance of
getting shit out of a rocking horse.
- Yeah, that's what I thought.
Come on, I got you!
Get up, you cheating bastard.
See, all this Maggie stuff,
it's cos your bird left you.
It's cos your plums
are backing up.
It's driving you nuts.
It's confusing you,
making you think you love her.
You're right.
Anyway, I think she likes you.
- What're you talking about?
- Go, go, go!
Hiya, sexy.
We won. You're dead.
The bullet missed my vital organs.
I survived. It's a miracle.
- Here we go.
- Safeties off.
Here comes the ref.
Right. Oh, you really got into that.
It was brilliant.
We bent a few rules here and there.
Steve shot Richard and he didn't die.
- No one shot me.
- We shot someone.
Well, I think someone,
and I'm not pointing any fingers,
has been wiping off paint. And it
does clearly state in the rules...
This is total war.
There are no rules.
Stop! Stop! Stop it! Stop!
That is really dangerous!
Get one of those in your eye,
it could pop like a ping-pong ball.
It's not funny. That hurts.
I expect more from some of you.
Gordon, you've got to be still.
Steve, get on the other side. Quick!
- Be still.
- Get it off!
- You have to stop moving.
Pull your leg out.
- Now! Pull it now!
- Pull your leg out now!
- You fucking idiot!
- Alright, for fuck's sake!
We'll get you out.
Pull it out! Pull it out now!
Pull it!
- God! OK, Gordon...
We gotta stop the bleeding.
Billy, give me your belt.
You're gonna be OK.
You have to calm down, Gordon!
Calm down!
We're gonna stop the bleeding.
They're everywhere.
What the fuck's going on here?
Billy, hold his hand!
- Can you help me?
- What are you doing?
- Richard, help me hold him!
We're gonna be OK.
- Alright, people, get on the coach.
- Stop! Don't move!
- What the fuck happened?
- Bear traps everywhere.
Someone killed the driver.
- The driver's dead?
- Just get on the coach.
- Somebody help us, please!
- What are we gonna do?
- He could be watching us.
- You're not helping!
- What do we do with his leg?
- We need to keep it cold.
- There's a fridge on the coach.
- That's great, thank you.
Oh, you're shitting me!
Come on!
- Come on!
- Alright! Alright! For fuck's sake!
- Faster!
- It's going as fast as it can.
I need to cover his leg.
Harris, slow down.
I think you're going too fast.
Someone give me something
to cover his leg, for fuck's sake!
Oh, shit!
I think I've broken my arm.
We've got to head back to the lodge.
We've got to find Jill.
Keep your voice down.
Someone's killed Harris. Who's to say
he didn't kill Jill as well?
Now, we head back to the lodge
and we lock ourselves in till morning
and then we walk.
- I don't know.
- I'm glad we got that sorted!
Hey! Unless you have a better idea,
we go back to the lodge.
Let's put him down.
We need to lock ourselves in.
Lock everything.
- This is bollocks. Fucking bollocks.
- We're safer in here.
I'm not waiting for him to turn up.
It's fucking madness.
What do you suggest
we do with Gordon?
- I'll carry him myself.
- Keep your voices down.
- What if the stories were true?
- Well, mine wasn't.
What stories?
They were asylums. Someone escaped,
who knows we're Palisade.
- How would they know that?
- The bus. It's not exactly subtle.
Those stories are nonsense.
Who told you? Jill? Harris?
Know how many conspiracies I hear
regarding weapons companies?
- No, how many?
- I'll tell you how many I believe.
None. We're a public company.
Members of both our governments
are on the board.
They won't do anything immoral.
Arguing is not gonna help us out.
You said you wanted us
to work as a team.
Well, now is the time to start.
Look, just help me get some wood.
We need to board ourselves in.
- With what?
- I don't know. Check Gordon's bag.
He's not gonna have a hammer
and nails in there, is he?
Oh, for fuck's sake!
Good boy.
I've got some pills.
What kind of pills?
- Great. Have a party.
- No, not for me, for him.
What do you mean?
They're not gonna get him
up tap dancing,
but it'll take the edge off
for a while.
- Take one. It'll sort you out.
- I don't do drugs.
It's OK, sweetheart,
these are painkillers.
- They're gonna make you feel better.
- Just take one.
Here. Here you go. Here you go.
You alright?
I'm sorry about earlier.
Flaring up and all that.
You were OK.
Listen, I wanna say something to you.
Sometimes I act like an idiot,
you know?
I say things when I shouldn't
and, er...
Shit, I've left Gordon's foot
on the the coach.
Sorry, mate.
I love you, Maggie.
- Of course you do.
- No, seriously. I mean it.
I really mean it.
- It's just the drugs, Gordon.
- No, it's not the drugs.
I really, really, really love you.
And I loved Jill.
I really, really, really,
really loved Jill.
- Steve, have you got any downers?
- Not my thing.
Maggie. Maggie, have I told you
that I love you?
- Where are you going?
- Toilet.
Can't you hold on?
Don't worry, I'll be right back.
If we don't get him to a hospital,
he's gonna die.
I think maybe... we should leave him.
What are you saying?
I think our best chance for survival
is if the four of us
get to the main road and get help.
And I think it's Gordon's
best shot as well.
I think you're right.
I think we should go.
Go where?
- What's happened?
- This door was locked.
- Gordon?
- Billy, be quiet!
We should go back upstairs.
- Maggie?
- Fuck!
Yeah, well...
I'd hate to be accused of not
killing him when I had the chance.
Well... I think
you'll be alright there.
Come, come.
- Don't you fucking move!
- We got a problem.
- Yeah, no shit!
No, we got another problem.
That was our last bullet.
Put your fucking guns down!
Put your guns down or I'll blow
your motherfucking balls off!
Let's go.
Stop. Stop!
- What are you doing?
- Don't move. The place is mined.
- How do you know?
- I'm standing on one.
CRM Platoon Buster. One of ours.
- Oh, shit.
- Yeah.
Where's Billy?
- Richard, they're coming.
Alright, follow my footsteps,
then jump to the trees.
Come on.
Hey, come on!
Come on!
Over here! Come on!
You're laughing at me?
You won't be fucking laughing
when I take my foot off this.
# Yo, pretty ladies, around the world
# Got a weird thing to show you
so tell all the boys and girls
# Tell your brother,
your sister and your mama too
# Cos they're about to throw down
and you'll know just what to do
# Wave your hands in the air
like you don't care
# Glide by the people
as they stop to look and stare
Hey! Maggie, Steve.
Where the hell've you been?
Are you Mr Steve? We are Nadia
and Olga from the escort agency.
Yeah, come on, everybody.
Why not? Be my fucking guest.
- Is this where we are?
- Whoa. What are you doing?
- Have you been to the lake?
- Yes.
- Are there boats?
- Yes.
Leave your shit and follow us.
- Yeah.
Would someone please tell me
what the fuck is going on?
there are about five seriously sick
fuckers coming our way to kill us.
So you can either help us
or fuck off.
When you say sick fuckers,
what do you mean? Terrorists?
- Call 'em what you want.
- Come on. Let's go.
Hold it. No one's going anywhere.
I've been waiting to demonstrate this
for a while.
You stamp "terrorist" on it,
and I'll kill it.
- Wait till they get a load of this.
- Sweet!
Are those the little bastards?
- Alright, get back.
- Where are you?
- Steve!
- Maggie?
- I'm in some kind of trap!
Steve, he's coming!
Oh, my God.
God! Steve!
Steve! No!
Get off of me!
Steve! Steve!
This is gonna hurt.
Hello. Hello. Do you speak English?
- English?
- Yes. English.
I need you to send help.
- I need help.
- Yes. Please hold.
Come on, then, you fuck!
# We'll meet again
# Don't know where
# Don't know when
# But I know we'll meet again
# Some sunny day
# Keep smiling through
# Just like you always do
# Till the blue skies
light the dark clouds far away
# So will you please say hello
# To the folks that I know?
# Tell them I won't be long
# You'll be happy to know
# That as you saw me go
# I was singing this song
# We'll meet again
# Don't know where
# Don't know when
# But I know we'll meet again
# Some sunny day
We'll meet again.
Don't know where,
don't know when.
But I know we'll meet again
some sunny day.
Keep smiling through,
just like you always do...
...till the blue skies
light the dark clouds far away.
# So will you please say hello
# To the folks that I know
# And tell them I won't be long?
# You'll be happy to know
# That as you saw me go
# I was singing this song
# We'll meet again
# Don't know where
# Don't know when
# But I know we'll meet again
# Some sunny day
# The sun is shining
# I can feel the good times coming on
# Oh, there's no point
trying to fight it
# We've been running away
for way too long
# So there's a storm on the horizon
# Feels like there's trouble
on the way
# But if you take my hand
# And I'll take your hand
# Then there'll be no need
for us to stray
# At least not today
# We're summertimin'
# I can feel the good times
coming on
# Coming on