Severed Footage (2012)

Police are dealing
with a gruesome mystery.
Another severed foot is found floating
off the Coast of British Columbia.
B.C. officials says they do not believe
any of these discoveries to be foul play.
For more on this mystery we turn to
Dr. Ladimer...
retired forensic expert with
the Washington coroner's office.
Dr. Ladimer, what is your theory,
why do these feet keep washing up here?
One or two feet floating up
on shore is bizarre enough...
but this many feet, this often
I find very suspicious.
You have to ask yourself...
Why is this only happening
on the Coast of B.C.?
Why arent feet floating up off the
Coast of New York or California?
This is the only place in the
World where this is happening.
Something very strange is going on here.
You have to think foul play.
Captain's log.
September 10th, 2007.
My Klingon teacher has given me an
assignment to do a report on a...
historical happening from our local area.
And I decided that the Captain...
could do a pretty cool documentary and hang
out with some totally hot babes from class.
Your not even a Trekker.
Why are you talking like that?
I've seen some of the Star Trek movies.
- Really?
- Ya.
Name one.
Star Trek One.
And whatever you're like 23...
and when was the last time
you left this basement?
Doesn't matter.
I'm doing important stuff.
Why do you even have that camera on?
Are you not listening?
The Captain, the Captain's log.
- I'm not paying any attention.
- I'm doing my assignment.
I'm not paying attention to you and
your silly little craft project.
Silly little... This will get me an A
with the hottest chicks in class.
And you'll be down here
playing your crappy games.
They're not crappy.
Hey! Food!
And bring your laundry up.
It has been sitting here for ever.
And grab some food for your brother
so he can keep playing.
Captain Mat is back.
Now it's time to show all the
dweebs in history class...
what an awesome history project is
and how to do an easy one.
Get a real easy mark.
My awesome transportation.
Yea, that's an electric moped.
I like mine better.
Anyway, let's see if he is home.
That's a sexy shadow.
Get that in the view.
- Hey Matt.
- Hey Mark. How's it going?
What's with the camera?
I'll let you know if you let me in.
Ah, no thanks.
- Ok fine come in.
- Ok. Cool
Just don't film me.
I don't like being on film.
- Ok, fine then.
- Way too close, too close, too close
Ok instead then. You use the camera.
You don't have to be in front of it ever.
You just point it at things that
we're filming.
In fact I got all the ideas in my head
so maybe it's better that I'm in front
of the camera anyway.
You'll have to show me how this,
how does this work.
Record. Stop.
- Gonna have two guys.
- Ya.
- Two hot babes.
- Ya.
And you're going to be around too so.
Wait a second, something doesn't add up.
Ya, whatever.
That's the real chick magnet.
You'd be surprised.
Ha. Ya.
I'm going to figure out who the next three
recruits are and then I'll get you back...
to film picking them up.
Oh man. I don't know if I kept track
of my keys.
Oh no.
Oh ya.
It's a trick I use on the ladies to
get them a little bit worried ...
before I throw them in the back.
You almost had me worried.
Talk to you later.
Ok. Captain's log.
Todays mission is to recruit the last two
members of our five member team.
Oh brother, I wish mom didn't buy you
that stupid camcorder.
He's here already.
- Hey Tony.
Hey Mark.
How's it going?
- Good. How are you guys?
- Pretty good.
- Last teacher sucks.
- Ya.
Anyway, so I've looked around the class to
find the two most qualified girls in...
our class for this project and
I've decided that's Kimberly and Sabrina.
- Kimberly and Sabrina?
- Ya.
Those are two of the hottest girls in
our class.
That's why they are the most qualified
for our project.
Have you ever talked to either of them
in your life?
I highly doubt it.
Whatever. Sabrina, Kimberly and I are like
we're like super close.
Ya, that's cause you sit behind them
in history.
- Aah looser.
- Oh geez.
I'm in a room with a bunch of jerks.
Here's some cookies for you and your
Friends. I'm so glad you have some friends.
And share with your brother too.
Dang right.
Only if he can reach them.
You hear of grown men living with
their mothers.
But that's usually only in movies.
Well, it does have its advantages.
Can you guys like...
take this little party away.
- I'm kinda busy with something.
- You look really busy.
I am busy, Ok. Go away.
I can't believe you actually have their
numbers. They're, they're hot.
How did you do that anyways?
That looks like the student directory
if you ask me.
Ya but camera man films. Don't talk.
We're going to edit that part out later.
Put it on speaker.
Hope that is loud enough.
Can you pick that up?
Hey Kimberly, this is Mat.
You know. Mat from your history class.
Um. No.
I sit right behind you all the time.
I'm the big, good looking guy.
Happy. I'm part Japanese.
Oh. Ya. You.
Ya, I have a really cool opportunity
for you.
You do?
Are you selling time shares?
You sound like that guy we met on our
trip to Mexico.
No, but you know that huge history project
that we've been given...
in history about our local area?
Oh, yes.
I've come up with a killer project that
no one else will be doing.
It would be a very easy, guaranteed "A".
Ok. Keep going.
So what we want to do, is do a
video documentary, for our project...
and wed like you and Sabrina to be in it.
Who's we?
Well there is three of us.
Me, Mark and Tony.
Can we use Ross and Dan?
Gee... We sure would like to...
but we only have room for five people...
and there just wouldn't be room for them
to fit.
Hum, ok. Well let me think about it
and I'll talk to Sabrina.
Sounds great.
I'll talk to you tomorrow then?
Ya, sure.
- Ok, cool. Bye.
- Bye.
I thought you said you were tight
with them.
That's the first time you've
ever talked to her isn't it?
Well, not any more.
Now I have talked to her, so that's good.
What are we doing this project on?
I'm thinking about that part,
but first priority is getting Kimberly...
and Sabrina to be part of this team, so
Maybe you can invite them to your house,
and have your mom bake them cookies.
- That's a good idea.
- That's a terrible idea.
Why not? Everyone loves cookies.
Look at this
Hey Mat.
- How's it going?
- Good.
So you're filming already?
Yup, always filming.
One second.
- You look good for the camera.
- It's good?
Ok so this is an exciting day.
We are here.
Kimberly talked to Sabrina about the
project and they want to know more about...
the easy A. They said to meet them here at
their dojo after their kickboxing workout.
So here we are.
- So cut there.
- Ok.
Well, you're going to film this, right?
- Ya, of course I'll film it.
- Ok.
Man, they are so hot.
Hi girls.
One more. Good. Take a break girls.
How's it going?
You want to join in?
- I'd love to but I just did a big workout.
- You did?
Actually I'm training to be a cage fighter.
- Really.
- Ya
We love cage fighters.
- Oh ya. That's me.
- Want to do a couple rounds?
I'd love to but I'm afraid of
over training.
Come on. Don't be a wimp.
It's just teeny tiny little old me.
- Ya. Do it Mr. Cage fighter.
- Come on.
But my achilles has been acting up,
and I can barely move it around.
Just shut up and put the gloves on.
But seriously, my Ninja Master said that I
should never reveal my secret Ninja moves.
Grow up. I'm pretty sure your Ninja
moves are not going to be revealed.
You can do it.
I can totally do this.
- Oh ya.
- I can do this.
She's a girl.
It'll be easy.
- You up for this?
- Ya for sure.
OK. Ready?
In the middle of the ring.
You guys keep it clean.
You ready for this Kimberly?
Ninja Master are you ready?
Watch out, she's a little girl.
Touch gloves.
When I say fight come out and fight.
Back up.
I don't want to hurt you.
Come on Kim.
Don't tap.
Keep going!
Tap! Stop!
Oh yeah!
You ok?
Your Ninja skills suck.
That sucked.
I suggest you put that camera down
and look after your man.
You doing alright?
Ya I'm doing alright.
I hope I didnt hurt your foot too bad.
A few popped blood vessels.
No big.
So... What's this history project
you were talking about?
- You said it would be an easy "A".
- Ya.
- An easy "A"?
- Yeah.
What is with the camera though?
That's how we are doing the project.
We are doing a documentary...
we just film everything we do.
I can't act. Nervousness make me camera.
- Ya?
- They do, do they?
Yes. I'm extremely nervous in front
of cameras.
Well, you just have to be yourself.
Pretend like the camera is not even there.
You don't even have to act.
Ya, most people don't notice me anyways,
it's all good.
It's true.
I guess for an A in history
You can count me in.
If Sabrina is in I'll do it too.
- Ya?
- Sure.
That's great!
That's the magic words I wanted to hear.
Oh and one of my friends is bringing some
jet skis down to the lake this Friday.
Want to join us after class?
Ever jet skied before?
No, not really.
I haven't either. It should be fun.
- We'll think about it.
- Ya.
- Ya.
- Ok. Great.
- So I'll see you guys at school tomorrow.
- Sure.
Cool. I'll see you guys later.
I got some great footage of you sparring.
We're going to edit that out.
Edit? I don't know how to edit.
Well, I know a guy.
Once we are done he's going to take it all
and then he's going to edit it for us.
You've got to admit though,
I am the master of the pickup.
I don't know if I'd call that a pickup.
If you ask me it was more
like a tap out.
Ya whatever.
We get to spend a couple of days...
with these totally hot babes
filming this project...
and it is all because of my awesome plan.
Being a nerd rules.
Speak for yourself.
Want to meet up some time
over the next couple of days...
We'll go around town.
Film some stuff.
See if there is something cool
to do our story about.
Ya we can do that.
Ok, sounds good.
So I'll see you tomorrow at school then.
- Yep.
- Make some time then.
- Yep, I'll see you tomorrow.
- Sounds good.
I didn't even get to touch anything good.
The first thought was the Bastion.
It used to be used for holding booze.
I'm not quite sure.
We could find out.
That would be part of our project.
That would be one of the fun things
that we could do.
- Ya.
- Whoa.
Lots of sailboats.
What's that?
You're replaceable just so you know.
No. You're replaceable.
- I'm replaceable.
- Yes.
Just making sure you know this.
You don't like my cameraman skills?
You picked me.
I swear I remember as a kid something
about mining down there.
Ya. Again I don't really know much about
this place.
Even though I've lived here most my life.
Well it is Nanaimo.
Not much happens here.
Maybe someone on one of the boats knows
- Maybe. - They're old with wisdom.
We could ask some of them.
- This is the historic Nanaimo boardwalk.
- Historic. - Apparently.
This one looks pretty sea worthy.
We could get them to take us out...
for a ride.
See what we could find.
Yeah, I wonder where the Captain is of it?
Maybe down in the bottom.
Hey, how do you get a rock chip in a boat.
The boat in front kicks it up right in
Dang, that's a pretty brutal rock chip too.
Hello sir.
- Hi.
- What's up.
We're actually students from the college
and we were looking to do a project...
about something about the local area and
we were hoping we could get an interview...
with someone who has been around here for
a while.
-I know nothing.
- No?
- No.
- How long have you lived here?
What's it to you?
Just curious. Possibly longer then me.
- Well, I've just been here over 30 years.
- 30 years.
I don't know anything.
- No?
- No.
No? You don't know anything about
the area at all?
- What do you want to know?
- Absolutely anything.
Are you filming me?
Are you, are you filming me?
We are if that is ok with you.
I don't much like cameras.
Is it ok if we mostly just don't point it
at you then?
- Point it anywhere, but not at me.
- Ok.
- Mostly over here then.
-Ok, ok I'll keep it just on this guy.
- Ok. - Ok.
- So what do you want?
Anything about the area.
I don't really know much about this place.
Like I know that Nanaimo had a lot of coal
But we don't really want to do stuff like
coal mining.
- That was closed years ago.
- Ya.
You're not filming me are you?
- No. Just getting the frame setup.
- Ok ok ok.
If you don't film me.
You can come on board.
- So just come and sit down here.
- Ok.
Nice boat you have here.
Well I try to keep it that way. Ya.
I try to. Try to do my best.
What's up?
So you've lived here for about 30 years
on your boat?
Ya well at night I go out.
- What do you want to know?
- About anything.
- It is not a nice place.
- Not a nice place?
- Not at night time.
- No. - Not at night time.
- What's bad about night time?
- To use your kids term, words...
- Ya?
- It sucks at night time.
- Oh ya.
- What sucks about night?
Noisy. I wouldn't stay ashore.
Why not?
You probably don't believe me.
It's haunted.
You're right.
You know about it do you?
No. You're right that I won't believe you.
- Oh I see.
- What haunts it?
Cynical little bastard.
Let me tell you.
At night I make one of these.
It's a hangman's noose.
- They hung a guy here you know.
- Ya?
Still hangs out.
You ever heard of a Kanaka Pete?
He's an axe murderer.
- An axe murderer?
- Yup.
- From here?
- Yup.
Wiped out his entire family.
Right here. Right on the island there.
Oh ya. And he was hung for that?
Wouldn't you be?
I don't know. I don't think they
do hangings any more.
He only killed all the kids, all the kids
and the misses and stuff like that.
- Oh ya.
- But that's not it. That's not it.
He claims he was innocent.
And in doing so. Just as he dropped him.
Just off Gallows Point there.
- Ya.
- He says I'll be back to haunt you.
He is.
Why would anyone live on a haunted island?
No. I mean one where you really get
not just haunted, but dead.
People have died?
Oh. Only the ones that don't live.
I guess so. I guess so.
They hung him here?
Why did they hang him in town?
Look you've got to find out from somebody
Look that's enough guys.
- Why don't you just bugger off.
- Ok.
Do you mind?
And you're pointing that camera at me.
So what do you think about that guy?
- That guy?
- Ya.
He was nuts.
He was a bit crazy.
I don't know. I've never heard of that
story before though so...
We could look something up.
See if it's actually interesting.
- Axe murderer is sort of cool.
- It is.
It's a lot cooler than some of the lame
The bathtub races or something like that.
- This wouldn't be a bad opening scene.
- Ya.
Could have one of the girls lying behind
me here.
And another one, I don't.
Grappling me or something.
- Grappling you?
- Ya. Not sure if there is a better spot.
I don't know why you're wasting film if
they're not going to show up anyway.
But anyway I don't know.
Let's just get going.
He sucks at jet skiing.
We have a rider down.
- I do not suck.
- You have a skeleton.
I have hot babes jet skiing on the weekend.
- Oh ya.
- Ya.
I thought you couldn't swim.
I thought you were afraid of the water.
- Ready to film?
- Ya I'm rolling.
Ok. Ok.
Captain's log.
Star date September 18th, 2007
This is the Captain.
Enough Captain Jerk stuff.
I'm not a Trekkie and I don't want
to be one.
Good. About time you stopped that
stupid stuff.
Ok. Ok.
No more talking from the peanut gallery.
And thanks a bunch.
Anyway. So me and Mark were doing
some research.
And we have a really cool topic
for our documentary.
I've been asking around class and
everyone's doing like logging, coal...
mining or the fur trade, just boring.
- Mark, can you get this on that?
- Yup.
Let's see.
Paranormal Hot Spots.
The Haunting of Newcastle Island.
The most haunted area in the entire Pacific
Northwest is Newcastle Island.
Newcastle Island was used as a smallpox
colony in the early 1800s.
Hundreds of men, women and
children died on that island...
and were buried in unmarked,
makeshift graves.
So the ghosts are from the people who died
and were buried there?
Ya. Some are, but it gets better.
In 1887 the largest mining disaster in
British Columbia's history happened when...
an explosion trapped and killed 150 miners
in the coal shafts under Newcastle Island.
Their bodies were never recovered.
So our report is going to be on the ghosts
of buried miners?
Ya but listen to this one.
Kanaka Pete.
In 1869 a big Hawaiian named Kanaka Pete
came home drunk late one night.
Found his Native wife in bed
with her father.
We were talking to a guy about this one.
In a fit of rage, chopped them up into
pieces with an axe along with her...
mother and his infant daughter.
That... that's disgusting.
That is disgusting.
He chopped up his family.
No. Sleeping with her father.
Well. He attempted to escape
to Vancouver by canoe...
but while spending the night
on Newcastle Island he was captured.
After a quick trial he was hung then buried
in an unmarked grave on...
Newcastle Island by what is now called
Kanaka Bay.
I don't believe in ghosts.
Ya. Me neither.
Well look. This is what we are going
to do it on.
Newcastle Island.
The hauntings of Newcastle Island.
True or make believe.
Ya, I guess.
And we get to be ghost hunters.
How cool is that.
You can't hunt ghosts without a ghost
What the heck is a ghost meter?
It's the device that you use to track the
presence of ghosts. Everyone knows this.
I've never heard of a ghost meter.
That's because they don't actually exist.
- They exist.
- Nothing actually detects ghosts.
You're not first people to try and do this.
- Look it up online
- I am going to look it up online.
Because the Internet tells all.
The Internet never lies.
Well, apparently maybe it does sometimes.
Check it out. Ghost meter.
This thing detects the presence of ghosts.
And they even have pictures of ghosts.
For real?
Ya check it out. Right here.
Aside from a camera the most basic tool
for a ghost hunter is the EMF meter.
I think it's rubbish.
There's loads of stuff.
There's a Youtube video.
They're selling it on
Look at this.
Wow. There is over 100 reviews on the
Loads of reviews on this thing.
Check out this one. I've taken my ghost
meter to suspected sites of paranormal...
activity and my ghost meter had detected
the spirits every time.
It is very accurate.
We've got to get one of these.
You're throwing your money out.
We can prove whether or not
there's ghosts there.
If there are, we've detected it with this.
If there aren't, whatever, we proved
they don't actually exist there.
Tony's not showing up.
- Looks like they're here though.
- Hey!
- How's it going?
- Not too bad.
Glad you guys showed up.
Mark's already filming for some reason.
I was told to film everything.
So I'm filming everything.
I see you eyeing. My mom made cookies.
- Hum, those look yummy.
- So we might as well snack before we film.
- So, hey Mat.
- Ya?
Is it true that you and your older brother
and you still live in your mom's basement?
Who told you that?
Well you do.
Well. That is because of her accident
My mom used to be a skydiver and...
You don't get a cookie.
Her parachute didn't open one time.
And her second parachute didn't open.
You know.
So she broke pretty much
every bone in her body.
She is a quadriplegic now.
- Oh.
- Oh.
I don't like to talk about it.
That is really nice of you and your
brother to take care of her though.
- You must be a really good guy.
- It's true.
Man I smell something in the air.
We are just going to start filming Ok.
You guys ready?
Do you know what you're saying?
You can finish your cookies first.
- Ok.
- Can I have a cookie too?
- What?
Do not talk about me to them ok?
I'll try.
- Don't mention my mother.
- I'll try.
Don't mention my brother.
Mention my bike but nothing else.
- Ok?
- Ok.
- Mark you filming?
- I'm filming.
Coming to you live from across from...
Newcastle Island. We have our team
here for our project.
Mark on camera.
And of course master mind Mathieu
right here.
We don't have Tony here but we'll make sure
he helps out in other parts of the project.
So, we are going to talk about the unique
history of Newcastle which is...
not commonly discussed.
And we're starting off with Sabrina.
In the early 1900's there was a group...
There was some people that were living...
Know what. Can I just start over.
I hate being in front of a camera.
This is ridiculous.
Ok. That's ok. Ok.
Instead just look up at me.
Look into my eyes.
Just stare at me while you do
your lines ok?
Keep your focus. It's difficult.
In the early 1800's there was a smallpox
colony on Newcastle Island...
and many of the people were buried
in unmarked graves.
Hi. Newcastle Island was one of the
main sources of coal for all of the....
Pacific Northwest.
The worst disaster in B.C. history...
happened when 150 miners had an explosion
that killed and entombed them.
They're still there today.
That is great. Awesome.
No Lines.
And there is also the unmarked grave
of the notorious axe murderer Kanaka Pete.
Who murdered his family which was his
in-laws, wife and children...
And then hid out on Newcastle Island.
After he was hung. Or. Captured, tried
and hung.
Oh my God I can't remember it.
There is something about paranormal
activities on Newcastle Island.
Who knows.
There is also the unmarked grave of
the notorious axe murderer Kanaka Pete.
Who murdered his in-laws, wife
and children then hid out on the island.
After he was hunted down, tried and hung
they buried him in an unmarked grave.
And no one would let them bury him in
their ground.
The Europeans didn't want him, the
Natives didn't want him so...
they buried him on Newcastle Island.
Newcastle has a lot of paranormal activity
supposedly because of all the...
spirits that are still hanging around out there.
So we are going to be going over there
and taking a look at that to...
see what is going on over there.
Do you know anything about the
ghosts of Newcastle Island?
Have you heard about
Kanaka Pete?
Well, um,
thanks for that enlightening interview.
Get lost.
Ok then. What a jerk.
Do you know anything about the
ghosts of Newcastle Island?
Oh ya. Ya, I've heard about them.
Like what have you heard?
Oh you know the one about the miners
that were trapped under there and...
their spirits are trying to get out. Ya
Oh and that most famous one is of that
evil axe murderer. I think his name...
was Kanaka Pete and his spirit
is trying to get out of there too. Ya.
Ok, so do believe any of those stories?
Ya, Ya I do but hey, I'm never going
to spend the night over there. No way.
We would like to ask you a few questions
about Newcastle Island.
- Sure. What is it for?
- We are doing a school project...
and we are just gathering
information right now.
I'm Sabrina and you are?
My name's Seth.
Seth what do you do for a living?
For the last 10 years I've sold and
rented out kayaks and canoes...
for people that go around Newcastle Island.
Some say that Newcastle is haunted.
Have you heard anything like that?
There's been stories about things
going on at Newcastle at night.
Strange sounds. Disappearances.
But nothing really major.
The East side of the island is where
people don't like to go at night.
People go missing there at night
when they go there.
So, I usually tell people to stay away
from the East side and to come back...
much earlier than before nightfall.
See those boats over there.
One old timer lived there for 30 years.
He told me the true story of Kanaka Pete
and what actually happened over there.
It is claimed that he killed.
I don't remember if it was his
father-in-law or his brother.
But he was tried and hung for it anyway.
That was really good stuff.
Thank you so much.
Not a problem.
Thank you for the interview Seth.
Not a problem.
That was awesome.
I like you. You're good.
So, any chance we can get a deal on
some kayaks to go over there this weekend?
Oh ya, for sure. Come by Saturday and
I'll fix you up.
- Awesome thanks so much.
- Not a problem.
Ok well, here is the plan.
How about this.
Get the kayaks.
Start here and we'll just go on
this side of the island.
- And people camp here all the time anyway.
- We are camping?
So we'll just go by and look around here.
Whoa, whoa. No one said anything about
It won't be that bad.
We will have a lot of fun.
We'll get to go kayaking.
See the whole island.
Have you ever been there?
- No.
- No. It will be a blast.
We're definitely not camping on
the far side of the island.
People go camping here all the time.
We'll just keep going up here.
And just hang out at Kanaka Bay
and see what happens.
See what's there. Check out
the mine shafts. Stuff like that.
I don't know about this.
Ya, I don't know. I've been over there
before and I saw signs like...
all over there that say don't camp.
No camping beyond this point.
Ya. We are not camping on the far
side of the island.
I agree.
There is probably nothing even over there
other than just stuff we can take...
pictures of.
It'll be fine.
We can check it out. It will be fun ok.
Here it is.
What we hope to be our ghost meter
just arrived at Mark's house.
This is Mark's room and we are
going to open it up.
Got a knife for this thing actually?
Hope I don't stab anything.
Look at that.
Receipt. Paper.
Wow. Well there it is.
Almost looks like a ghost.
Look it says the ghost meter.
Well it is obvious what it does.
- Nice.
- Simple, thrilling, the ghost meter.
Associated Press. Picture from CNN news
of Henry the 8th.
Aside from a camera, the most basic tool
for a ghost hunter is the EMF meter.
When ghostly activity takes place
electromagnetic abnormalities...
often occur in the environment.
This meter can allow you to detect
these disturbances. So, did you know that?
I had no idea.
Ghosts make electromagnetic abnormalities.
Search for ghost pictures...
and you will find 1000's of ghost clubs
Have fun and do not be afraid.
Many ghosts are friendly and a great gift.
Hey if they are friendly.
Ya. Every ghost is Casper apparently.
I'm cool with that.
Well, want to try it out?
Sure let's give it a shot.
Yeah, why not?
Does it detect an dead animal ghost?
Well a ghost is a ghost.
Anything? Any movement?
- It hasn't moved at all yet.
- No, is it on?
- The green light I assume is on.
- The green light is on, ok.
Do ghosts check Mark showering?
- Ghosts in the toilet?
- We're not getting too close to that one.
No. I smell a ghost though.
Looks like a ghost hit here.
Look at that.
Any readings?
So no girls come over here I guess.
Why is the drawers just open.
Like what is this.
Oh man.
No ghosts or girls getting in this bed.
Or he just likes cameras.
Ok so we have read up about the ghost
meter and we under stand it badder.
Ok so we have read up about the ghost
meter and we understand it better...
We know for sure Mark's house
has no ghosts.
We'll be taking it over to Newcastle
Island and see if we can find any of ...
the 150 dead miners or Kanaka Pete's
ghost still inhabiting the Island.
It'll be a lot of fun. Have a good time.
Especially with the two now on board.
It is real cold and if they're cold
I'm going to take care of that.
Don't touch them, don't offer your
jackets, nothing like that.
- Ok?
- Fine.
You only have one jacket anyways.
I got arms of love right here.
Kimberly here.
Ok. So we're here for our project
for school.
We're getting ready...
to head over to Newcastle.
- Did you look at the camera?
- Hi.
-Ok, so we're here for our project for school
and we're getting ready to go over...
to Newcastle now.
Excellent. Got it.
We just need to get the kayaks now.
I'll go see if Seth's here.
Remember the description I gave you?
Bald guy, sort of creepy.
Are you sure that's his?
It says it is closed.
He said to meet down here so.
Are you sure?
Guys are you sure Seth said today?
Um boys.
We're over here.
Can you grab our bags?
I'll get your bags ladies.
Hey Tony. Come grab their bags.
Good job Mat.
Way to be the pack horse.
You can carry all that right.
- How are you guys doing?
- Cool. How about yourself?
Good. Find the place alright?
Not really.
My sign kind of sticks out you know.
- Ya.
- Totally.
Is that how you spell Kayaks?
Is this where you're always set up?
I move around quite a bit.
Whatever you do, don't go to the
far side of the island.
Why? Are we going to see ghosts?
No, I just want to get my boats back.
Grab your life jackets.
Get suited up and have a great time.
- Ok.
- Ok.
Right into it's little nest. See that.
Where did it go?
I pushed it right on the thing.
Thank you.
I think you are going to go under.
- They are all tipsy.
- Don't worry. I'll save you.
They are all tipsy, that is not
any more comforting I'd like to say.
Wait for us.
You have a motor.
It is very rough.
- Very rough.
- These open waters are pretty tough arent they.
- Is that like a wig?
- Look at this.
No. That is like a bra.
No. On the other side.
That's a hairy bra.
It's from Sasquatch.
Those are some moldy breasts.
- I appreciate you carrying the food,
- No Problem.
But that's about it.
I think you should help her Tony.
Want me to help ya?
Here we are at Newcastle Island.
The supposed hot spot for the paranormal...
activity of Kanaka Pete so we are
going to take a look around and see...
if there are any lingering spirits
of him or the 150 miners that were here.
So let's check it out.
I thought he was the smart one.
Listen up everyone.
I got here the official ghost meter...
official ghost meter used by ghost
hunters everywhere to find out whether...
ghosts are near.
The closer the beeps, the closer the ghost.
So let's try it out.
- Is that thing for real?
- Ya.
It is all over the Internet and
ghost hunters swear by it.
I think it is bogus.
You picked the easiest way to go down.
I'm going to kill myself.
- Don't worry. I'll catch you Mark.
- Ok.
You had the volume turned off.
Check it out.
We've got a friend following us.
Is that a good sign or a bad sign?
It's getting cold.
I'm alright. Thanks.
Is it actually?
- Ya.
- The light's flickering on.
Oh they just stopped.
There they go.
Oh shit.
Is it actually moving?
It's actually flashing.
Hey Mark. Get the camera on that.
Can you see that Mark?
It's flashing like pretty close together.
Are you hitting the power button?
- Oh.
- Oh my God.
There's no ghosts or you got ripped off.
There is no ghosts then.
And for the record
I didn't get ripped off.
Everyone has donated $5.... $10
for that thing.
I'll get it from you later.
Come here.
Come check it for ghosts.
On our way to Kanaka Bay.
Any ghosts?
Let's keep going.
Check out this sign.
No camping beyond this point.
I know I've seen those signs before.
You guys are funny. Let's go.
I want to see what's down there.
Any readings?
- Mark.
- Ya.
What is up with these trees?
Look at that one.
Is it true, they say that when evil
things happen the trees you know...
they grow really random like this?
- Oh my God.
- Careful.
No idea.
What is that?
That is kind of cool.
I don't know.
Anyone know their symbols?
It is an upwards Jesus fish.
Or the mark of Kanaka Pete.
Or an upwards Jesus fish.
Hey guys.
Check out what I found.
Is that it?
Ya that is it.
Let's get a shot of this.
Gather in for the frame.
Little bit closer for the camera.
- You guys are good?
- You got us?
Ok. So this is one of the historic sites
of the mining area on Newcastle Island.
It was the site of one of B.C.'s largest
accidents with over 150 miners...
that died and stuck in there.
So we are going to try and see if we
can get any reading on our ghost meter.
Did you hear that?
Hear what?
I thought I heard it beep.
What is that?
Is that the ghost?
If it is they are calling me on my cell.
Hi Ross.
Ya, I'm just in the middle of my
history project right now.
Ya that sounds like fun.
I'll see you next Saturday.
Lucky girl.
I hope to be.
I hate Ross.
On to plan 'B' I guess.
What's plan 'B'?
Hooking up with just... Sabrina
instead of both.
Hum, I see.
Oh well.
It'll do.
You can see right down here.
Oh ya?
Oh my God!
You idiot.
- You guys screamed like girls.
- You jerk!
Well this is cool.
We found the mine.
No ghosts.
Let's head back to Kanaka Bay,
prove that there's no ghosts.
Maybe we can go home and party tonight.
Sounds awesome.
That sounds like a plan.
It does sound awesome.
Hey, wait up for me.
So now we're off to Kanaka Bay.
To see if we can find
any ghost over there.
Hopefully we don't fall off this.
Hopefully we get there quick because
my arm is getting tired.
Film them too.
Make it look like they actually
worked on this project.
Oh, there's tons of....
Look at that.
There's two racoons.
There's three racoons.
There you go.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Here we are at Kanaka Bay which has the
unmarked grave of Kanaka Pete.
Ghosts of Newcastle.
Kanaka Bay.
Peter Kakua was a Kanaka or Hawaiian
Islander who was probably brought to...
Nanaimo by the Hudson's Bay Company.
In 1869 he was found guilty
of murdering four persons...
and sentenced to be hanged.
He spent his last night in the
Nanaimo Bastion.
His body was buried here
in an unmarked grave.
Are you sure it's safe to camp here?
Do you remember what the sign said?
Well, the ghost meter
hasn't gone off yet.
Ok. If it goes off we're not
spending the night, ok.
This looks fine. This look good?
Hey Tony!
Bring everything up here!
You know you could have actually carried
some of the stuff and helped him out.
I brought the tent.
You ready?
Gather together girls. Girls.
Ok. So Captain Mat here with my lovely
assistants Sabrina and Kimberly.
Now that you're watching this you will see
why we deserve an 'A' for our brave ...
and historic project.
As we camp where no man has camped before..
we will attempt to meet,
contact the spirits that live here.
Sabrina, what are your feelings on
the matter?
I don't know if I'm more worried about
the spirits, or you and Tony.
Seriously. Me and Tony?
What about Mark?
- Mark's ok.
- Hum hum.
- Seriously?
- Ya.
Who is that?
You guys camping here?
Just for the night.
Sure you want to be camping here?
- Why are you out here?
- Ya.
You see. I just live on a boat
off shore.
Thought I'd dock, come for a walk,
get some exercise you know.
See the landscape a bit.
Really sure you want to be camping
out here?
- Yes.
- Ya.
So haven't you heard of Kanaka Pete?
We have.
Maybe. Like have you heard of him or what?
Like do you know the guy?
Have you heard of his story?
You see they said his unmarked grave
is right around out here in the bush. So.
That's what they say but we haven't
seen any signs of it or him.
Oh, you will.
Funny thing was you know.
The story about Kanaka Pete is that he
cut up his whole family with an axe.
Just like this one here.
Cut up the body into little pieces.
The guy would have gotten away with it too
if he had thrown body parts in the ocean.
See, body parts.
You throw them in the ocean.
Sea life eats up all the evidence.
No one would have found a thing.
You guys know what they said about
Kanaka Pete right?
Said he was good about
throwing an axe.
Have fun camping, eh.
That was seriously creepy.
- You're not kidding.
- I wouldn't want to run into him after dark.
Really think it is such a great idea
just to camp here?
Maybe we should go home.
Well we should wait for Tony at least.
Put the camera away for now.
No. Come on.
We got to find them.
Let me stand behind you while you do that.
Where the heck did they go?
I don't know, but they have been gone for
quite awhile now.
We told them to stay there.
They probably just went to
the bathroom together.
Girls go to the bathroom together
all the time.
But for that long?
We should really find them.
- Ya.
- Could be dangerous for them to be alone out there.
- Ok. -Ya. - Break it up.
- Let's keep going.
Let's go look for them.
Hey guys. I see them.
- There they are.
- Kimberly, Sabrina.
How did you guys get here?
How did we get here?
- Guys?
- Guys?
You ok?
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
How did you guys get here?
What are we doing here?
How did you guys get here from
this side of the island?
I... I don't remember anything.
That is sort of weird.
That was weird.
Did you have the ghost meter turned on?
Ya. No reading.
Maybe they are just trying to
mess with us just like Tony.
Sabrina, you need help?
- No, I'm Ok. - No
- Tony's got it.
Ok guys.
Let's finish setting up camp.
If you two want to put the
sleeping bags in the tent.
Careful Mark. You're such an idiot.
- Mat and I will get the firewood.
- Ok. - Where do you want to go?
I swear someone is going to go home
with a broken bone.
This is a pretty cool place.
Mark is pretty cute.
A little bit like Ross.
You know. I give up on this.
Hey. Mark can you help us with this?
Ya sure.
Just give me a second.
Can you zip our sleeping bags together?
It is kind of too scary to sleep
by ourselves tonight.
Ya sure.
Do you think it is safe to spend
the night here anyways?
Ya for sure.
People camp here all the time.
It is probably going to be cold
tonight too.
Earlier today you guys took off on us.
What was up with that?
Well, we don't really know.
We heard you guys calling for us,
so we just followed your voices.
Next thing we know we are in front
of the mine shaft with you.
We never called for you until we
got back to camp.
That's strange.
- What is that sound?
- Sounds like an airplane.
It is an airplane.
Way to go Captain Obvious.
Shut up.
I'm not the one failing history.
There you go. You're all zipped up.
- That was nice of you.
- No problem.
Is there room for three?
Do you hear something?
Is that your cell phone?
No it's not.
I swear.
Maybe it's the ghost meter.
Let's go check.
It could be.
Was it?
It is not doing anything now.
But why would it go off anyway?
I thought it didn't work.
Unless something triggered it.
- Like what?
- A ghost.
I don't know.
Oh my God what is that?
You guys!
What's going on over here?
The ghost meter went off.
- Ya?
- Really?
So, ah... Mark.
Next time you and Tony get the firewood.
I'll stay here with the girls.
You know what, whatever.
You guys said we don't have to stay here
if it went off.
It went off so I think we should go.
Mat and I didn't hear it.
I'm sure it was nothing.
The ghost meter really went off?
When it finally went off it was
going real fast.
You couldn't hear it until
it was going really fast?
It was hard to hear.
We were in the tent.
In the tent!
What were you doing in the tent
with those two?
I was helping them with their
sleeping bags.
You're such a liar.
Don't forget.
This is my project.
They are mine.
They are here because of me.
And at least...
well, they're going to be with me after this.
Someone sure sucks at putting up a tent.
I've put up a tent a dozen times.
I think I know what I'm doing.
Apparently not.
Ok girls, just help me set this thing back up.
Mark, start chopping wood.
Make a fire.
Ya get on that Mark.
I can't, I'm filming.
Mat do it then, geez.
Right there.
Where did the axe go?
Over here?
I put it in here.
Ah. I see the axe tracks.
Let's see where they go.
Guys, who moved the axe?
- Not me.
- Not me.
I didn't touch it.
Ok. Well it couldn't have gotten up
and walked away on its own.
- Ya, you need kindling to start the fire.
- And to get kindling you need an axe.
I thought you were helping us...
with the tent.
Well. Luckily my mom packed some
home made cookies and granola bars.
We don't need a fire for that.
What happens if the ghost meter
goes off again?
Well apparently to film a ghost you
need infrared camera and night vision.
Having a hard time with that?
So we'll just film it.
Get some of the coolest video in
the world with real ghosts.
But doesn't that scare you?
No. Anyways, if it happens
that'll be real cool.
I hate to shatter your dreams but I
dont think it's going to happen tonight.
Considering no one thought to bring any
beer, maybe we should just call it a night.
You want to stay focused and alert tonight.
You don't want to be drinking beer.
Ross would never forget the beer.
Anyway it is getting pretty cold.
You want to call it a night?
I just have a really bad feeling about
staying. We should just go back.
You're just afraid of the dark.
Come on let's go in the tent.
It's too cold out here anyway.
Actually it's Saturday night.
I just want a beer.
- Thank you.
- Want that?
I'm in the middle.
How are we going to test
the ghost meter to make sure...
it's actually working properly?
By finding a ghost.
How to you propose we just find a ghost?
I know.
How else would you test a ghost meter?
I can think of a way.
Oh how rude.
For one hour.
Guys, does anybody actually know where
this guy's grave is?
It's unmarked.
That usually means no one knows.
Could just mean that there's no sign.
Most people don't want to find the grave.
Ya but it would be a good place
to try out the ghost meter.
It's got to be documented somewhere in
history where he was buried.
Well it should be close by
cause this is the bay where he...
you know, apparently was found.
We will just walk around until the ghost
meter goes off.
That should be around the right spot.
Hum, maybe.
Alright so an hour?
- Ya an hour.
- Yup.
I'm going to turn this off.
Alarm is set.
- One hour.
- That's great.
Oh, getting a little cozy here.
Should have brought a pillow.
Should have brought five.
Get the camera.
Got it.
Do you guys hear that?
It is probably like a deer or something.
Just go to sleep.
It's walking around the tent.
Is that the ghost meter?
What is that?
Oh my God!
Oh my God, my God.
Oh my God!
Oh my God!
Oh my God!
Oh , Oh!
Oh my God!
Ok guys!
It's someone outside.
Guys it's just...
Tony move!
- It's!
- Get out of my way Tony. Move
Who's out there?
Who's out there?
What the hell!
Leave us alone!
Who's out there.
Oh my God.
- What was that?
- Leave us alone.
Leave us alone.
What was that?
Grab the flash light.
Oh my God!
Who's out there?
I don't want to be here.
I don't.
That's it!
We are going home right now!
I agree, everyone that wants to go say I.
- I.
- I.
Ok let's pack up, come on.
Oh my God. Just leave the stuff.
You can get it tomorrow. Let's go.
Where are the boats?
I tied them up properly.
Someone must have taken them.
Or, or something.
Don't say that.
Mat, me and you will go down and
we'll try and find them.
Girls stay here.
Mark, come on we need your light.
- You'll be alright here?
- Ya.
- I think so.
- I don't have any reception.
Me neither.
They couldn't have gone that far.
I don't know.
You suck at setting up the tent.
You suck at locking down our boats.
Ok no. I know how to do that.
It is easy stuff.
The tide is in, if the boats are
anywhere over there theyd be gone.
- Ya.
- See anything?
We tied them up over there I thought.
I swear we were over here.
We didn't go this far.
No. None of this looks familiar.
It looks like we tied them up right
where we left the girls.
Where are the girls?
- Why do they keep going off?
- You've got to be kidding me.
Sabrina! Kimberly!
- Man.
- Not again.
They can't be far.
This is stupid.
We left them for like a minute.
- Not even.
-If they're walking we'll catch up if we run.
Sabrina! Kimberly!
- There they are.
- Kimberly.
- Sabrina.
- Sabrina.
What are you guys doing here?
They're trapped and they want out.
- Guys.
- What? Who?
Why, why, why are we here?
The meter.
We left you guys at the beach.
We, we were looking for the canoes.
Well did you find the kayaks?
No. No, but I think there is another way out.
Come on Guys. Let's go.
- Let's go.
- Let's go.
My God!
Oh my God.
Oh my God!
Give me your hand.
Look over there.
Look over there.
- Do you see that?
- What was that?
Did you see that?
What the fuck was that?
Again, you see it?
- Right there.
- Ya.
- What was that?
- What is that?
- Oh my God.
- What the hell.
- Are you kidding me.
- No.
- How did we get back here?
- You led us in a circle Tony.
Oh my God.
Oh my God.
- It's going off again.
- It's beeping.
What the hell.
Guys we've got to get out of here.
Which way?
My God!
- Somebody's back there.
- What was that?
- I'm going to check!
- Tony no!
- Don't. Why?
- Don't leave.
- Oh my God.
- Tony!
Tony come on, this isn't funny.
If you're back there say something.
- Tony.
- Tony.
- Guys.
- He dropped his light.
-Oh my God
- Why would he leave his flashlight?
- Oh my God, guys.
- Tony.
- Were did he go?
- Oh my God my God my God
That's not good.
Maybe he just left us.
Why would he?
Oh my God.
What was that?
- Tony.
- Tony
I want to get out of here.
- Where did he go?
- Tony.
Tony let's go!
- Come on.
- Come on! Please!
Maybe he left us and is trying to
scare us again.
We can't leave him.
Wait up for me guys.
Hes not coming back is he?
- Tony.
- Tony.
We are going this way Tony.
This isn't funny!
Guys it stopped.
I heard something in the bushes.
Up there?
- I thought it was over there somewhere.
- Tony?
Which way?
I hear it too.
Well if it is Tony he is not replying.
If it is anything else lets keep going.
- Did it stop beeping?
- Ya.
Guys how are we going to
get off this island?
Well, let's just get to the side closest to town.
Should be able to see people from there.
Oh my God!
Let's get... Let's get going.
Somebody's chopping,
I think it's over that way.
Let's get to the water.
Oh my God. Oh my God.
What the fuck was that.
- Oh my God there's something coming.
- There's something coming!
If you are going to jump out at us
I will kick you in the face.
I'm not kidding.
I say we lynch him.
Tony come on.
I need to rest a minute.
Come here.
- Mark, get us in camera.
- Ok.
So our history project has taken an
unexpected turn.
We are stranded here on Newcastle Island.
Our canoe and kayaks are gone.
Tent was flattened. Tony's missing.
Is this the doings of the ghost
of Kanaka Pete?
Wait a minute it's probably just you guys
doing it to us to scare us.
Honestly it's not.
Well maybe it's Tony.
I mean he was trying to scare us before.
Tony was with us when the ghost meter
was going off and when...
our canoes went missing.
Oh my God. I'm done with this stupid
island. I'm done with this stupid project.
- And I'm done with you guys!
- Me too.
I want to go home.
What is that?
Is there something out there?
There's something over there.
Are you sure?
There's something moving over there.
I think it's just the wind in the trees.
Ya, I think it's just the wind.
- Wait a minute.
- That's enough.
- What the!
- What the hell!
Run! Run!
Run! Get out of here!
- Oh my God, my God, Tony?
- You guys ok?
Come on.
Come on, let's keep going.
Come on.
- Tell me that wasn't...
- Oh my God
Tell me that wasn't his... wasn't
Just keep going.
Where the fuck are we?
I don't know, but let's keep going.
Did anyone phone the cops?
I don't know
Check your phone to see if you
have any reception.
- Anything?
- I have nothing.
- I have nothing.
- No bars.
I have nothing either.
I had reception when we got here earlier.
How come I have nothing now?
Who threw it?
That looked like our axe.
And that is exactly how the
stupid hiker threw it.
Wait listen.
Is that Tony?
Hey Mark.
Shine your light over here.
Where's your light?
My light's dying.
Do you see Tony?
Hey let me switch over to night vision.
Oh no, Mat!
You alright?
You alright?
- Kimberly! Sabrina!
- What's happening?
Mat's been hurt.
- What?
- Mat got hurt.
- How?
- He's over here. I dont know.
He wasn't moving.
- Where is he?
- He was right here!
Oh my God there's blood.
What happened to him?
That's not good.
- Where did he go?
- Mat!
- He was right here.
- Mat!
- Mat!
Oh my God.
- Hold up, hold up.
- What?
We forgot the ghost meter.
- My God.
- Mark no.
- I got to get it.
- You're leaving us?
- I'll be back in just a second.
- Right here?
I'll be back in just a second.
I need to grab it ok.
Where is it?
Ok I'm coming.
We should just stick together
from now on.
Mat! Tony!
Is that you?
It's me Seth.
See guys it wasn't ghosts
it was him all along.
- How else would he know exactly where we are?
- I don't know.
What are you doing here?
What did you do with them?
- What are you talking about?
- Why are you here?
I got a phone call that my kayak
was found in the channel.
I'm here to make sure you guys are ok.
- Can you take us home?
- Yes.
- Where are the other two?
- They're gone.
Well they got to be around here somewhere.
Let's go down. They're probably by
the water. Let's get out of here.
Guys no.
I don't think we should go.
- I don't trust him.
- Do we have any choice?
Hey! Do you see that?
I think if we follow the shore line
it will get us out of here.
Why are you still filming this?
So we can...
I can give the tape to the police after
when we get out of here and then...
they can use it to catch that guy
who's doing this stuff to us.
Do you really think that Seth
is behind all this?
Ya, he was the one who knew
where we were going.
And tried to scare us
before we even got here.
Maybe it was that creeper hiker.
Or like that doesnt explain why the
ghost meter keeps going off.
Maybe it's Kanaka Pete.
Well the ghost meter can sometimes just
go off with just electronic gadgets.
Ya so the wacko who is doing this
must have something in his pocket...
and not knowing he's setting it off.
Well it is possible.
Oh my God.
Are you ok?
Either way.
The ghost meter is giving us a warning.
What is that?
Looks like a running shoe.
Wasn't Tony wearing runners
just like that?
Got it.
- No.
- Oh my God it's a foot!
No no!
This can't be happening!
Oh my God!
Wait for me!
What was that!?
- Was that Tony's foot!?
- I don't know.
- And who did it!?
- I don't know.
Let's just get out of here.
Come on let's go.
Come on.
We are almost there.
Mark are you ok?
Does anyone even know where we are?
We're lost.
I'm so cold.
Mark what's happening?
I don't know.
Was that Tony's shoe that we found in the ...
I don't know.
I don't know.
But with him and Mat both gone.
And all that chopping we've been hearing.
Are you saying that Mat and Tony got
chopped up. Now that same person's after us?
I don't know.
I don't know.
We should just hide here for tonight.
Until it is light out at least.
No no.
Can we please find somewhere else...
this place is way too scary.
Let's go.
Go this way?
I think this will be a safe spot to stay.
I still don't have any reception.
Oh my God.
I have one bar.
We're stuck on Newcastle Island.
Something's stocking us.
Two of our group have already gone missing.
Oh my God I've lost the call.
Did they get the message?
I don't know.
I have no idea.
Oh my God.
I hear something in the bushes.
Turn everything off, be real quiet.
Shut off the ghost meter.
I don't hear it anymore.
I think it's gone.
- Hang on!
- Sabrina!
Don't let go! Hang on!
- Oh my God Sabrina!
- Hang on!
I can't see her.
Get the light!
Where are you?
Kimberly shine the light.
Where'd she go?
I don't know what happened to her.
I see something up ahead.
Quick, turn off the flashlight.
Hey guys.
Over here it's Seth.
You hurt Sabrina!
I'm going to hurt you!
- Kimberly Kimberly!
- Get off me!
- Get back here.
- Back off.
I'm here to help out not hurt you.
Something evil in this woods.
We need to get out of here fast.
- Where's the other girl?
- As if you don't know.
How do we know you're not the one
doing all of this?
Look, something is stalking me too.
What do you mean something?
I don't know. Could be a cougar.
Could be one of those boat people
who live off shore.
What about the ghost of Kanaka Pete?
Man I say that to sell kayaks.
We got to get out of here.
I don't believe you.
Whatever. I really don't care.
I'm leaving now with or without you.
We should follow him.
Well where's the ghost meter?
It's with Sabrina...
Look, are you guys coming? It's not safe.
Ya we're coming...
We got to get out of here!
Let's go!
Come on.
I don't want to die.
We'll be ok. Don't worry.
We'll get out of here.
We'll give this tape to the cops and then
then everything will be fine.
Don't worry.
- Let go of her!
- It's got my leg!
Let go of her!
Come on. Let's go.
Let's go!
Where's the camera?
Let's go. Let's go.
Up ahead look.
The harbor.
Oh thank God.
We're almost out.
~ Help me ~
~ Help me ~
I hear her.
~ Don't leave me ~
Sabrina. She must be back there.
I thought I saw her. Up here.
Sabrina stay there we're coming to get you.
I thought I saw her.
I know I heard her.
She can't be far, come on.
Over there.
I thought I saw her again.
This can't be it.
How'd we get back here again?
I don't know.
~ Help me ~
Mark. Did you hear that?
- Ya. It sounded like Sabrina.
- Sabrina.
Over there. Over there.
I thought I saw her.
Sabrina are you ok?
Just stay there we're going to help you.
Is that blood?
Oh my God I'm going to be sick.
Are you ok?
I don't... I don't feel so...
so good.
Let me help you.
What was that?
Kimberly, Kimberly wake up.
Wake up.
Wake up. Wake up.
We need to get out of here.
Come on. Wake up.
Come on Kimberly wake up.
Wake up. Wake up.
Come on.
They want to be set free.
What? What are you talking about?
Come on wake up.
- They need me.
- Who needs you?
They want me.
Kimberly you all right?
Are you ok?
Kimberly come back here.
Come back here Kimberly!
Are you alright?
What's wrong?
Where'd you go?
Is that...
What are they eating?