Sex And Breakfast (2007)

I'll be right back.
[door closes]
[girl moaning]
I don't know
if you get this.
I mean, I do.
It could just
be me, though.
Well, after sex I get
this moment of clarity.
It's like
five minutes
where I see the world
from a peaceful place.
I'm not anxious.
I'm not angry.
Not horny.
I just know
what's important.
That's all
that's important.
Do you ever
get that?
Not every time.
I have.
I definitely know
what you're talking
You get it
every time?
Yeah. You don't
feel that now?
Maybe a little.
If you have it
right now, tell me
what's important.
Lots of it.
You. I love you.
I love you too.
You're the girl
for me, Heather.
I know it.
You do?
Look. I just want
you to know that.
I'll do anything
to make this
work for us.
Me, too.
I guess it's good
we have this on tape.
Go back to bed.
It's cool.
I'm hungry.
I'm gonna
get a snack.
You want some?
No, thanks.
I'm fine.
Why'd you do that?
Why'd you do that?
Do what?
Embarrass me
like that?
Embarrass you?
I'm getting
The invitation would
have been nice, though.
I thought you
were tired, okay?
I didn't wanna
pressure you.
You want this?
What is it?
It's, um, beef
and broccoli.
Eat me, Renee.
Eat me. I'm so
I'll be gross
and a waste of
money tomorrow.
Okay. I'll take it.
What do you mean
"pressure me"?
You seemed tired.
Well, ask me next
time. Just go solo.
It's okay.
I do.
Yep. I'm not
dead, you know.
Me, either.
When do
you do it?
How often?
A few times a week.
I don't know.
What about you?
[The Oranges Band sing
Ride the Nuclear Wave]
Oh, shit!
Oh, shit!
It makes me nervous
when you do that
when I'm driving.
It'll only take
a second.
Yeah, but if I stop
short and that pencil
goes in your eye,
it'd be terrible.
Like blood and eye
juice everywhere.
That's what
I'm saying.
Would you still
love me?
What if there was
a pencil permanently
sticking out of my eye?
When you got
close to me, it sprayed
eyeball juice all over you.
Could you learn to
aim it and use it as a
weapon on our enemies?
'Cause if you
could do that,
I'd be interested.
Yeah. I could
do that.
You think I should
grow a beard?
I'm not that
hairy. Am l?
I don't know.
You're fucking
with me 'cause of
that thing my mom said.
Maybe she
has a point.
Hey, I'm not waxing
my legs, okay?
I'm happy with the
amount of hair I have,
and I don't need
to do anything
to thin it out.
It's all my
fucking testosterone.
That's right, baby.
See, you don't
trust me.
I trust you.
It's just what
you're saying is bull.
It's not bull.
It's well documented.
Then let me
see the paperwork.
Well, I don't
have it on me.
Look, I'm related
to Pocahontas. She had
a kid with John Smith.
That kid is my great,
great, great, granduncle.
Who told you that?
Grandma Josie.
That's the same Grandma Josie
who stapled bacon to her
dress on Thanksgiving.
Hey, it was turkey
bacon. It was cute.
No! It's only three
points if you're behind
the three-point line, okay?
Everything else is
two points. Except foul
shots. Those are one each.
And you get two foul
shots every time?
No! Every team has
five fouls that they
can use up
before the other team
gets to start shooting.
I don't get it.
You're kidding, right?
I'm nervous, baby.
It's okay.
I am, too.
You are?
Of course I am.
Listen, we're just
going there to scope
it out, okay?
We don't have
to do anything.
It's just us.
We're in it together.
No, not this thing.
You're nervous
about this thing?
Not really.
I was just
comforting you.
You do that a lot.
Lie to comfort me.
Baby, come on.
What are you
nervous about?
I think we're
getting boring.
I don't think
I'm boring.
You're not boring.
I didn't say that.
What, you think
I'm boring?
You just said you
weren't boring,
like I am.
I didn't mean
it that way.
I am not boring.
I am fabulous.
I know you are.
We are boring.
You and me together.
I hate that
we're turning
into masturbators.
Turning? I almost went pro
when I was 13. I had
endorsement deals.
They came here?
Not here. Another group,
but it's the same thing.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I guess our work
together has been
a success.
Okay, okay.
I don't want to
scare the newbies.
Here we go.
I want to thank you
all for coming.
And if you're new,
hang around after
the lecture tonight
and set up an
appointment with me
if this is something that
you want to be a part of.
Our pleasure
centers are often
Every day I talk
with men and
women who...
Is this weird
enough for you?
and emotionally.
I mean, physically, I see
people who are too timid
to try anything new.
People who don't
understand how a penis
or a clitoris
actually work.
Emotionally, I see people
who are too afraid to share
with their husband
or wife, or their
girlfriend or boyfriend
that secret desire that
hey have locked up
inside them.
Our entire
sexual experience
is limited to the people
that we've slept with.
And for many of us,
I mean, that's not
more than five
or ten people
in a lifetime.
In the traditional take
on couples therapy,
the one where you
and your partner sit
down with a shrink,
doesn't go nearly
far enough to solve
the physical side.
I know this because
I'm a shrink,
and I had, uh,
I had sexual
problems before.
Analysis just didn't go
far enough to solve
the whole picture.
I mean,
it uncovered
the source.
But my partner and l
had to educate ourselves
in order to better
service each other.
You need
to be serviced?
Oh, yeah.
Chew me up, baby.
Who in this room
has experienced
group sex therapy
through my clinic?
And who, who has
carried on with
group sex therapy
in the privacy
of your own home?
Did it open
you sexually?
Did it give you
something new
to share?
[all cheer]
This is ridiculous.
You still
wanna do it?
Of course,
we will.
I mean, I really liked
what you had to say
at your seminar.
We both want to try
experimenting with
something new.
Uh, we were
actually planning
some other stuff
but this just
seems like a
better fit for us.
Oh. What other stuff?
Well, we've been
looking into various
thrill seeker
programs, you know,
and things like,
um, bungee jumping
and sky diving stuff.
Well, you're not
the only couple that
have this problem.
Most relationships
start with excitement.
And when that
begins to slow down,
that's when
couples suffer.
If you ever fucking
call me stupid again--
Hey, baby!
No hitting.
It's really something
that you're both
here today.
Most young couples
aren't interested in
putting in the effort.
Thank you.
[clears throat]
How do we plan
this whole thing?
Well, generally
I diagnose, but, uh,
you two are sure
that this is what
you want.
Group sex?
Of course, your
participation depends
on our finding a
matching couple.
Okay. And how hard
could that be?
Well, we need to
start with other
first timers
so it's not so much
to digest right away.
Some of our veteran
couples can be, uh,
Intense is okay.
Well, generally,
you build up
to that level
for both your sakes.
All right.
So you'll call us.
[knock at the door]
Yeah. Hold on.
Hold on.
I'm coming.
Good morning.
I want you to fuck me
as hard as you can.
We're capable of having
a fulfilling relationship.
As far as I know,
we both feel that way.
I mean, I've been
with guys before who
don't treat me well,
who don't seem
to really care
about me.
And none of that's
true with James.
When we're together,
I feel so comfortable
and understood.
He's patient
and sensitive
and gentle and
and funny.
Were you able to
orgasm with other
partners before James?
Well, this has
never happened
to me before.
I don't know.
Maybe it's me.
Maybe there's
something wrong
with me.
What other things
have you tried?
Lots of,
um, positions.
Stuff I've never done
with anyone else.
There's something
else we tried, too.
About three months
ago, we opened our
you know, just to see.
The rule was it was
just sex.
That was all we could
do with other people.
They had to know
that we were both
in a relationship.
Who's idea was that?
Oh, it was
ours together.
You mean you both
spontaneously came up
with this at the same time?
Um, I guess l
suggested it
and he agreed.
I didn't wanna
frustrate him
with my problem.
How did you feel
about that, James?
I didn't think it
was good idea.
Personally, I think
sex is private.
You don't share
the person you
love with anyone.
Why did you go
along with it?
I'm here now,
aren't l?
I guess my commitment
to punishment is
Don't say that.
But you two aren't
open anymore.
No. It only lasted like
that for a month before
we changed our mind.
Were you involved
with another person
at the time?
He was.
Who was it?
It doesn't matter.
His ex-girlfriend, Annie.
It was only once.
It's not fair
when you say
it like that.
It makes me sound
like an ass.
No, it doesn't.
She went out with
another guy that night,
so I called Annie.
It's not my strongest
moment, Doc.
It was a mistake
to do that then.
This is a
mistake now.
Do you really think
this solves anything?
Relationship problems
can manifest themselves
And sexual problems
can hurt a relationship.
We need to diagnose
where this is
coming from,
and an experiment
like this can help
us do that.
Her whole
family does it.
Just my parents.
Well, that's very
free thinking of them.
Yeah, old hippies,
Summer of Love.
Every time that we
have communal sex, it
strengthens our love.
It's so refreshing.
They're very
open about sex.
I mean,
They're the ones
who suggested
your seminar.
There's this one thing her
mom said. I can't get it
out of my head.
You know, Daddy and l
really worked our way
through Manhattan.
Right, honey?
Yeah, we sure did.
Just once.
I mean, just
to try it.
I mean, really, baby,
how bad could it be?
Just give it a
shot. That's all.
How do we know if it
even works? What does
that even mean?
I mean, if it does
work, isn't that
bad for me?
I need to find out
what's happening
with me.
I want you to be
with me for it.
But if I don't
want to be?
Then I don't know.
Just once?
Just once.
That's all
Okay. Great.
When's your
next vacancy?
How about next
Saturday at 5:00?
That's perfect.
Holy shit!
Hey, I don't wanna
die in a bullfight.
It's all supervised.
Well, even so, some
of this stuff looks
really dangerous.
Oh, come on.
Okay bad pick.
No. I already said
I'm not doing that.
Well, you don't have
to worry about that
other stuff
because we have
something better now.
You know, it
could be anyone.
No. Anyone
but them.
Why not?
Well, because
look at her.
Her knees are
like locked.
He wants it, though.
Oh, he definitely
wants it.
Stop it.
Stop it.
[clears throat]
Well, what
about them?
I did so many crunches.
I think like 500. My abs
were on fire.
I used to do a lot
of crunches. I stopped
doing that much.
Hope so.
Yeah, Why?
Well, they probably
have a lot of stamina.
And I bet they look
very good naked.
Um, I look
good naked.
Can I tell you
something private?
Ooh, definitely.
I've always wanted
to see another
couple fuck.
Like right in front of me,
you know. It's just
a curiosity thing.
Something I wanna
see before I die.
Do you think
that's normal?
Honey, there's no
such thing as normal.
[clears throat]
Can I tell you
something private?
I have always
wanted to have sex
with a woman.
Just once, you know,
and see what it's like.
Don't you wanna
watch me with
a woman?
Like maybe say,
that woman?
I thought this was more
like a you and me and
another couple fantasy.
Yeah, it's both.
Hey. Come on.
I'm just curious.
It's okay.
I know.
I thought every
guy had like a
dyke fetish.
And anyway, don't
act all innocent,
'cause you have your own
dirty secret you wanna
get out of your system.
Yeah, but it's
not like that.
Like what?
Yours if half gay.
No, it's not.
You all conservative
all of a sudden?
I'll let you know if
I change my mind and
want some dick, okay?
Yeah, sure.
If anything comes
up, just let me know.
Sure thing.
Excuse me.
More coffee?
Yes, please.
You all right?
Yeah. Thanks.
Hey, guys,
ready to order?
Yeah. I'll have the
Greek omelet with
sourdough toast, please.
Hash browns?
I'll have
the classic club.
Okay, you guys.
So Nutsack's sleeping
on the couch, right?
Don't call him that.
It's affectionate.
All right. It's Six Pack,
not Nutsack. Just call
him Charlie, please.
So is that like a beer
related thing or is he
just built like hell?
I think it's both.
Anyone whose high school
nickname is Six Pack
deserves a little shit.
Be nice.
Hey, you know what?
I'm an adult.
I can handle one
night with your high
school boyfriend.
I'm sure he's
a great guy.
He is.
He has a bit
of a temper.
So do l. I'm like
a fucking caged tiger.
Look, just don't
piss him off, all right?
Yeah, he's on
the couch.
You guys okay?
Yeah, great.
So, are you
auditioning or--
Oh, I keep trying
but my agent
is an idiot
and he's just not
sending me out
on anything.
I'm stuck in L.A.
I definitely cannot go
back home to my parents.
Well, you're a very
devoted person.
Well, thank
you very much.
That's very kind.
Excuse me. Hey.
Oh, god, I'm so sorry.
Yeah, of course.
I'm sorry.
Thank you.
Um, call me sometime.
I would love to talk
some more.
Yeah? I will.
What the fuck
was that?
Betty's an actress.
It was interesting
talking to her.
Not a lot of unemployed
actresses here in L.A.
Come on. I wasn't
hitting on her.
I thought it would
turn you on.
Otherwise I wouldn't
have said anything, okay?
Here's your bill.
Coffees are on me.
Thank you so much.
No, seriously,
thank you.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
You were rude to her.
Yes, I was.
I have worked magic
on you before.
Yes, I know, baby.
Those are
your words.
Am l?
Shut up.
I love your penis.
Do you?
Oh, yeah.
So, Charlie.
I hear you're
in the Air Force.
Yeah, I am.
You on a flight crew?
No. I'm a land vehicle
mechanic, actually.
Is it any fun?
Yeah. Why?
Just making
Yeah, it's cool.
So, uh, you work
on cars and trucks?
Yeah, well, I'm
a sort of a trained
killer mechanic.
Did you ever have
to kill someone while
you're changing a tire?
No. No, but l
could if I had to.
I do a lot of private
training, so--
What kinds?
Judo, karate, boxing,
Kung Fu, Jujitsu,
short range knife fighting,
long range knife throwing,
sharp shooting, rifle
sharp shooting, bow
and arrow defense.
Bow and
arrow defense.
People still use those?
Of course they do.
Why, all the time.
On ranges.
Yeah. But under
what circumstances
would you need to use
a bow and arrow?
Well, if you were trapped
in nature and needed
to kill to survive.
Kill what?
Anything really.
Mother fucker!
Just let it go.
He didn't see you.
He saw.
What an asshole.
[door opens]
Charlie, get back
in the car!
Remember what
happened last time?
Last time?
Charlie, nothing
Get in the car and
we'll get out of
here, all right?
Sixey, come on.
Yeah, come on, Sixey.
Excuse me.
What the fuck
do you want?
You really should watch
where you're going.
Road safety is a
very important part
of being a responsible
driver, shitface.
Hey, whoa. All right,
we don't want any
trouble, all right?
But I think
we got some.
Please. Let's
just get back
in the car.
Yeah, man, no reason
to fight over this,
all right?
You stay out of this.
Sucker punch.
What an asshole.
Yeah, you could
have taken him.
Of course
I could have.
Would you pull over?
I got to go.
Go. You know, piss.
It's pretty bad.
I don't know.
Do you wanna
see a doctor?
No. No doctors.
All right.
Just pull over.
I can go on the
side of the road.
This is Beverly Hills.
There's cops everywhere.
No cop's going to
arrest me for that.
I'll be fast.
I promise.
You sure you don't wanna
find a convenience store?
Maybe get ice on that eye?
Dude, I'm fine.
Whatever you say.
You dated him?
I hope you didn't
sleep with him.
I can't believe I'm
in the same company
as that guy.
That's none of
your business.
He's pissing on
Ryan Seacrest's lawn.
Just be quiet.
I don't want you
embarrassing him.
What could I possibly
do to embarrass
him? Look at him.
I was different.
I was looking for
a different thing.
Yeah, but that guy?
At least he stands
up for himself.
Are you fucking
When you said he was
in the Air Force, he
was a dignified guy.
Assholes like that don't
travel to visit a girl
they used to fuck if
they don't think they're
gonna get laid again.
He made you come, right?
You should sack the Sack
again to see if it works.
You think I had him
come here? You think
I set this up?
See? No cops.
Are you guys fighting
or something?
So Nutsack, want to hit
the E. R. on the way home?
Or should we call it a night?
What did you
call me?
I called you Nutsack.
You know why?
No. Why?
You act like
a shithead.
Fuck you.
You're a shithead.
All right,
that's enough!
You're a shithead.
Just kill it!
Hey. Give me
a piece of paper.
A piece of paper!
Go give me that one!
Give me that one.
Come on!
Just wait.
I'll get one.
Man, he's a monster.
Hey. Who are
you calling?
I wanna see if Betty
wants to go get
some dinner.
This late?
I'm hungry.
What's the problem?
I'll only be gone for
a couple of hours.
You know what
I'm worried about?
What if I finish
right away?
I mean, you know,
when we're in the, uh--
I know what
you mean.
What do you think
about that?
Well, I think you'd
better try not to.
I mean, you don't want
the other guy getting
all the attention
while you're
just watching
I know.
Maybe she could do
a monologue for us.
She's an actress, right?
I'm gonna ask her to
act something for us.
You know, just so
we have some idea
how good she is.
Don't embarrass me.
I wouldn't
dream of it.
I'm so glad you
guys could make it.
It's nice to properly
meet you, Ellis.
It's very nice
to meet you,
too, Betty.
Come on in.
Ah, cool place.
Thank you.
Hey, you guys
like Thai vegan?
There's this really
good 24-hour place.
Ooh, I love vegan.
Isn't it refreshing?
I like moo shu pork.
They have that?
You know, I just, um,
rolled a fatty. You
guys wanna smoke?
Ooh, that sounds
like fun.
I'll smoke.
Are you sure?
Oh, yeah.
I'm sure.
Fire that up.
All right, Rasta.
This is done.
Put it out.
Is something
wrong, Ellis?
[clears throat]
Why is everybody
so quiet?
No, nothing. No.
No, no. no. no.
No, no, no,
no, what?
This is my girlfriend.
And we're gonna get
married someday.
Oh, that's great.
Oh, Jesus.
I'm not gonna let you
come between us.
She's mine.
We live together.
We love each other.
And no lesbo unemployed
actress/waitress is gonna
keep me from her.
You can fuck her.
But you can't have her.
What the hell is
he talking about?
Ellis, shut up.
No. I love you and I'm
defending my love.
You see, Betty,
you don't have
a supercock.
You may think that
you are at some kind of
advantage because of that
but no,
Renee's no dyke.
She's not. She may
not know that now,
but tomorrow,
tomorrow it'll be
clear as hell to her
that it's only my
and only my fucking
supercock for her
from now on!
Hey, I'm really sorry.
Are you still hungry?
'Cause I could
really eat now.
Hey, it's Heather.
I'm not here right
now. Leave a message.
You can never
have too much
of this stuff.
Honey, I love you.
I'll pay for the screen
in the laundry room.
What screen?
Well, you see, I broke
into the building to
see you tonight.
Yeah, yeah, I'm
a resourceful guy.
Thanks for noticing.
What are you doing?
I know you broke in
through that window
in the laundry room.
No, I didn't.
Yes, you did.
What are you doing?
Are you a murderer?
I'm saving
my relationship.
I should call
the Police.
No, no, don't
do that.
Look. I love Heather
and I really screwed
up tonight.
I should call
the Police.
What are you doing?
Need some Wisk?
I know a guy.
Are you trying
to bribe me with
laundry detergent?
Please, this is
really important.
If I let you, and you turn
out to be a murderer,
I could get evicted.
I really don't want
to get evicted.
I like it here.
I'm really not
a murderer.
Do you wanna
frisk me?
What did you do
that was so bad?
Did you cheat on her?
No. No.
Not this time.
That sounded so
much worse than it
actually is. I swear.
It didn't start
out this way.
We used to talk.
Like really talk
all the time about things
that mattered to us.
I was understanding.
She was understanding.
And it was--
It was fucking great.
And I know we can
get there again.
I've just never been
in a relationship
like that before.
It just felt
so good.
You know, just
after a while,
all this, all this
shit gets built up
and it just
gets in the way.
We can't get
through it.
It's like this big
wall of shit.
And, you know, we try
to be straight up with
each other or easy going.
But every little
thing we do just
gets caught.
In the shit.
We're caught in shit.
Well, if you figure out
how to get rid of it,
let me know.
Yeah, sure thing.
Fine. Go.
Oh, my God
Thank you so much.
Thank you.
You did a good thing
for love tonight.
You picked the wrong
night, motherfucker.
Don't worry.
I got him.
What happened?
This perp was
trying to break in.
Help me.
Oh, shit.
What the fuck was
that about tonight?
Sorry. I got a
little paranoid.
Oh, bullshit.
You did that
on purpose.
I was protecting
my home.
I wasn't trying
to sleep with her!
Then why were you so
anxious to see her?
Because she was a
cool person. I wanted
to be friends.
Can you see how
I could've been
a little concerned?
No, I can't.
You really pissed
me off tonight.
Good. You pissed
me off, too.
I pissed you off?
You wanna date girls?
Break up with me first!
I am not
a lesbian!
You promise?
Prove it.
I'm sorry, man.
I didn't know
it was you.
That's okay.
Hey, can I ask you
a question?
Yeah. Sure.
How did it feel?
I mean, did you think
I did a good job?
Beating me up.
Well, restraining you.
Yeah, you, uh, did
a good job. It was
real efficient.
All right. Well, what
about the tackle?
I mean, like, you feel
like we honestly just
kinda glided
or did you hit
the ground?
I don't remember.
I think l
blacked out.
Good night, Charlie.
Good night.
I'll see you guys
in the morning.
How's your head?
It's okay.
It still hurts
a little.
That was interesting.
Next time you could
just ring the doorbell.
I tried that. You,
you didn't pick up.
Really? Maybe because
I was sleeping.
You wanna know
something? I was
trying to surprise you.
You didn't trust me
with Charlie.
No. No, that's not
it really. I just--
I wanted to see you.
I wanted to apologize
for what I said.
That's all.
Yeah, well,
good surprise.
I never felt frustrated
like you thought.
The only thing I just--
I want to try harder.
Wake up.
I have to take
Charlie to his bus.
What time is it?
It's 8:30.
It's early.
Baby, did you mean
everything you said about
us to Betty last night?
What? I don't remember
saying anything.
Yes. Of course.
That was sweet.
Thank you.
Hey, you don't need
to thank me, okay?
I love you.
I just don't
say it enough.
I don't wanna go and
do this thing today.
We don't need it.
We can't cancel now.
Why can't we?
Well, we made plans.
What if the other
couple is really
relying on this?
Oh, fuck the
other couple.
I don't wanna share
you with anyone.
You really want it?
Well, yeah.
What happened to try
something we've never
done before?
Sure, but that
wasn't all of it.
I know. But this was
something I'd wanted to
do. I thought you did, too.
I don't get it.
You just changed
your mind about
all of it that fast?
I'll go get ready.
Which floor?
Oh, that's our floor,
too. Thank you.
Did you bring
the rubbers?
I told you, they
have them here.
I like the
kind we buy.
I even look at theirs.
I'm chapped for days.
Let me see 'em.
No! They're in the
bottom of my purse.
I wanna make
sure you brought
the right kind.
It's always something.
It's not my fault
we're late. I was
waiting for you.
You're the one that
didn't think you had
to bathe for this.
I don't have to be clean.
I'm just going for a
quick in and out.
You're the one
who's getting drilled.
I don't know why you
don't trust them here.
The teeth are
falling out. Screwed
up my bridgework.
That's why I don't
trust them.
If you keep your hands
out of your mouth,
it won't happen.
It's your brother,
the dentist.
So you're here to see
Doctor Wellbridge?
Yes, we are.
So then you're
the other couple.
I guess so.
Well, it's nice
that you two are
so attractive and clean.
Thank you.
I'm Heather.
This is James.
Hi. I'm Renee.
I'm Ellis.
Well, nice to
meet you guys.
You, too.
Uh, this is
the first time.
Oh, us, too.
Oh, good. I mean,
you know, good we're
both first timers, you know.
'Cause it could be weird
otherwise, right?
(Dr. Wellbridge)
Good that
you're all here.
Have you met?
All the blood tests
came back negative,
so we're fine to proceed.
Are you all ready?
Y eah.
[clears throat]
Do it on him.
Come here.
I 'm good at
other things, too.
Show me.
We should shower
before we do this.
Say something.
What can l
get for you?
Just toast.
And for you,
Mister Supercock?
I'll have the
Denver omelet
and go easy
on the spit.
I'll see what
I can do.
I probably shouldn't
have come back to this
fucking restaurant.
I like it here.
I didn't think
I'd like it as
much as I did.
I mean, it was crazy
for us to do something
like that, right?
Fucking amazing crazy.
Yeah, sure.
I mean, like,
sexually, it was
exciting, I guess,
but not the way it
is with you, though.
I felt the difference between
you and a stranger back to
back right there.
I know it sounds weird,
but I could physically
feel love when it was you.
How did you
feel about it?
It was good.
That's all you have
to say about the
whole thing?
I don't know, like--
You know, all
that stuff you said.
Come on.
I know you wanna
know if l,
you know, with Ellis.
And you're not really
gonna talk to me
until I tell you.
No. I know you did.
It's not about that.
You do?
How do you know that?
I saw it on you.
You reached a point
with him you never
reach with me.
Baby, all that matters
is that I got really close
with you last night.
It was incredible.
I think we made a
real breakthrough.
I think you mean
that you made
a breakthrough.
No. We did.
You let me do
this with you,
and because of
that we've taken
a step together.
I was jealous.
I wanted to try someone
new to you and
I never got to.
All this time,
our problem was that
we weren't, like,
really talking.
Now that we
are talking,
I think I was
better off the way
we were before.
What does that mean?
It's not a good thing
that you were able
to finish with Ellis.
It's something
physical that's wrong--
That's good.
It means I can.
It's nothing physical
that's wrong with you.
It's something physical
that's wrong with
us together.
Look, I know you think you
love me, but it's pretty
clear that you don't.
You shouldn't be
having this problem.
That was hard to say.
You got nothing?
No. You're right.
We shouldn't have
this problem.
I'm trying
to fix it, though.
I know you are.
Well, so was l.
I just don't think
it's something that
can be fixed.
Do you?
It doesn't matter
anymore, does it?
You've already made up
your mind, haven't you?
Can I sit
for a sec?
Yeah. Sure.
How are you?
I'm okay.
Listen, um,
I know what happened
the other night wasn't
your fault.
No, it's okay.
Bringing Ellis was
a really bad idea.
We're kind of in
a weird place
right now.
Well, um, listen,
since that night,
I can't stop thinking
about what Ellis said.
I'm really glad that
you came in today.
I really am because
I would like to
see you again.
Just us.
Can I take you
out to dinner?
Yeah, well, you know,
just having breakfast.
You come here a lot?
Yeah. Yeah.
You should try
the Denver omelet.
It's good here.
Yeah, I had that once.
I just always end up
getting the club sandwich.
Safe choice.
So is--
Yeah, sorry, Renee.
Is she here with you?
Yeah, she's
at the booth.
Oh, I didn't see her.
We're outside.
But let me tell
you something.
You have nothing to
be embarrassed about.
It is so, it
is so amazing.
It's so
completely intimate.
I mean, if you're
into that kind of thing.
Oh, just think
about it.
Oh, and let me
give you my home
phone number.
If you do
wanna call me
Anything you wanna
do together, it's my
treat. It's on me.
Okay. Good.
I'd love to
hear from you.
Hi. You'll never
believe who I just saw.
Uh, we ran into each
other in the bathroom.
Heather is here, too.
Yeah, I know.
I just saw her leave.
She just left.
Yeah, I didn't...say
anything to her.
Was that rude?
No. No, that's fine.
She wasn't supposed to
be gone when you came back
from the bathroom, was she?
Nee, nee,
be nicer.
No, it's fine.
I think she had
somewhere to be anyway.
I should be
going, too.
But I'll see you guys
around, all right?
Yeah. Sure.
Good seeing you again.
Yeah, yeah, good
seeing you, too.
Nice guy.
Yeah, sure.
What, you don't
think so?
No, he's nice.
It's just a little
weird for me.