Sex And The City 2 (2010)

Once upon a time long ago ...
Island ...
Dutch, Native American
and beads
and those beads resulted in
steam ships and skyscrapers
Wall Street and the electric lights
newspapers, Ellis Island, Yankees
Central Park, the first
World Expo
Broadwayhin, Chrysler Building
and Studio 54
I think of it in New Yorkina E.C
Before Carrieta
I arrived exactly on this island
Tuesday 11 June Nevermore
it seems like just yesterday
The next year, I met Charlotte
when we were in the subway in the morning when the two
homeless man dropped his pants
Miranda and I met in 1989
at Bloomingdales
I worked for women's ward
She is cried fitting booth
I met Samantha when she was
bartender at CBGB
-Us or you?
Time is a wonderful thing
Decades can pass by in an instant
and a couple of years ago ... life
turned upside down
things you never thought to take place
-Welcome! How can I help you
- Friend marries
-I would never have believed this, and I
, Then surely hell is frozen
-Her name?
-Blatch. Stanford Blatch
they will be found in both names
her gay best friend marries my
gay best friend
-Fine ... I do I apply for a gift list
how is this done? After all, they detested each other ...
just like a chair, it's play ... the music stopped and they were
The only remaining
just when you thought all too old married ...
Here are gays!
and so one weekend we gathered
Connecticut ..
where everything was wonderful ...
and legal wedding
what the ribbon looks like?
what my bow look like?
you do not say anything that you'd be wearing some.
no, I'm the best man
keep this little fix
whether a gay wedding, shorter or longer than those of heterosexual marriage?
-I just want to know what I agreed to
Well ... I guess that the ceremony is similar to
but ...
I really do not know how long heterosexual men
It takes sacrifice
about ..
I can not be too pretty ...
gay wedding ...
stop gay marriage say ..
are these then not gay wedding?
no they are, but not only gay wedding
- These are the Stanford and Anthony's wedding
-I understand
oops ... forgot to zip
Best of all, that I will fix it ...
these can be tricky
you pulled it up ..
I need to have a good time ...
I'm the best man
then I will keep trying my best
-I do not want to miss the first homohistni
-These are not gay wedding!
lose time talking
okay ... these are the gay wedding
-Than staring directly at the sun
I think here is beautiful
These weddings are more than beautiful ...
These are Lady Di
-Mother may I go to see swans
, Of course, my darling
permanent, so that we can see you
there is Samantha
-Whether you have a dog?
-These are gay wedding .. narttuu one fits the
hey, should we be a bit more polite
, Which is the place!
just like a snow queen would have exploded
Now whether that is polite
-So you do not hsuunnittelija
I am in hell-no
lift your hands up when Stanford said the swans.
Eventually, I agreed only to all
Stanford receives unelmahns. And I get frustrated
Do not show there, Char
There's no need to change even if I go get married
-So you get frustrated because you're gay
-But not because I'm Italian
-Carrie, Stanford is looking for you
nice hat
Why get married if so frustrated
said that he did not intend to deceive
... But that he is authorized to
Oh yes, you heard it?
-It 's not our business
except that he told us
I just said that all couples have the right to
by its own rules
not really ... it is a marriage
Hey, who wants a cocktail
and see if there is no food
I want something bites
and eight years later he has finally
Stanny ... you're white
- "Like a virgin"
- "Touched for the very first time"
-Tell me ... what do you think of everything?
-You have the swans!
-Too much?
-Whether the swans've never too much?
I do not know what got into me
do you remember the summer when I stayed hooked
this is quite similar
no, anthony is a jackpot
I've saved this until the age of 19
you always knew going get married?
I'm ... I thought only that it should be someone
chubby Jewish
otherwise, Anthony tells everyone that he
is authorized to deceive
I know
he hates the traditions ... so he fights
bit against
so he is authorized to deceive?
it is, but only in those 45 states, where we
not legally married
good, now you help me
- "Carrie Preston"
nothing ... feel that I am not only funny, "Bradshaw"
you hisssi
hsuunnittelija said that couples are
at the wedding of a common name
it seems reasonable
-You want the name Anthony?
-En, we are men
-Men? Have you looked in the mirror Lady Dior?
Hey, no one sent in my ...?
flowers may be read as "Preston"
but .... hat
says "Bradshaw"
who is the sexy hetero next to Carrie?
Anthony's brother - Nicky
- How do you know that he is heterosexual
- It is a gift
these could be no wedding homomaisemmat?
see who will inaugurate them?
Liza, why agree to do this?
- It is a natural law
if there are so many gay energy ... Liza only
appears on the site
moment was at Stanford and Anthony
lighting time
and now ... "Morhaset" have written their own vows
- "Morhaset"?
-Bride ... groom ... "Morhanen"
Morhaset-ai .. .. fantastic!
thank you ... Liza Minelli
silence ... weddings are a serious matter
or at least so I heard ...
"This was not really love at first sight"
'But love, however, it was finally "
"You are the first man who accepted me ..."
"A man who I really am"
traditions, the wonder is that
had them or not ... they crept to life
-Hey, how everything goes
-Well ... Rosie is a bit tricky
-Should I get the room?
It-we have a nanny vartenhan
-Are you all right?
-Is, is ... Rosie little kiukuttelee
kiukuttele not, he is just a little tired ...
everything is just fine
"Good luck"
Now I know why we got married
that we need to dance to that song at a wedding
-Whether it was the only reason?
Can I try the crowns?
-Hey, we kissed ..
- Will have to answer, it is he
Today is Saturday. We are at a wedding
Am I saying that he hates me
Who would dare to hate you?
Law Firman new shareholder. He complains all the time for some
-No information, just as he does not tolerate my voice
whenever I open my mouth he cut me off
sometimes he even put his hand so ..
Yes, he hates me less e-mails
-How are you doing?
-Well, thank you
-Fun evening in the continuation of
Well, you ...
-Someone tried to hit me
Really? How did you feel?
-That, know-how is still intact
-You really are
-Sorry to bother you ...
I have read your books and columns for many years ..
I could swear that we will have quite the same sort of love life
Go to the relevant Ellen ..
He means that he is like you
So, really I am thou
In that case ... may I introduce your husband
John James Preston
Nice to meet you!
How long have you been married?
Next month, comes two years
We too should be two years next month
You really are me
We are expecting a child ... and guess ... calculated daily
is our anniversary
I am not pregnant ... as you can see ...
Do you have children? if you want to sijaisvlityksen
information ...?
No, no thank you. We just do not want children ..
-You do not like children?
- No, we love them
We just do not want to own
So to say ... .. just the two of you ..
but his new book is published next month!
-Nice. Where does it tell us?
Well ... Have a nice evening ...
And I thought that Samantha is my my agent
of course I had my something to say ... he looked just like someone had
told us that Santa Claus does not exist
Excuse me ... I get your attention
My son and her husband, asking all the dance floor
wonderful, darling
Stop already. I want to dance.
Great dodge to the right ...
ready ... ready ...
dance ...
-May I authorize Mrs. Goldenblatt
come, baby
Would you like to dance ... only two of us ...
You look great, Samantha
Indeed ... What have you done?
Nothing! I am 100% natural ...
Seriously ... I want the names of ..
, Ladies and gentlemen
- Hint understood ...
I look like a bit kuumissasi ..
if you want to dance again?
I know something much better things to do
with you
-I'm Nicky
I am glad to see you
-What do you do for a living Nicky
-Hard concrete work
-Sounds like a promising
Rose .. nice
Now go to sleep .. Please, Rose
-I do not know which is worse
Baby, at least eventually get tired
we now need a bit of background noise
Jackpot .. Little black and white film
- "It Happened One Night"
-I have not seen this
may be a girl, this is an experience
... Come here
-So, in the 30's
Were you at the premiere?
she is so beautiful ...
nothing compared to you
there we were, and the Big I
in the middle of wild sex and children
-Subscribe already?
Yet, we expect our friend, thank you
-It is quite a lot of health ... How much?
Big health plan
aged women, we do not joke
Women who are not our ikisimme ...
we should not talk ikisistmme
one day I am still kiittte
I am in the way to overcome menopause
my vitamins, hypnotics,
bio estrogeenivoiteeni
hormoonivoiteeni, testosterone tippani
He is hormoonikuiskaaja ...
So I'm .. I huijaan my body to be younger
I huijaan my body to be
thinner belt ...
no hot flushes, no mood fluctuations
and my seksihaluni just the same ...
-Really hard to believe ...
- Where do you get all that information
- Suzanne Somers and her physician team
Hankin you a song ... it will change your life
You take advice from a woman who invented Thighmasterin?
Sure, have you seen reiteni?
But laugh, but this works ...
when you're 50, I'm 35
, Then he will
-I thought that we would nelistn?
Will soon become a nanny.
Harry still plays golf with the boys
Come here. Give a little bit when I Rosea
-Ok, then no
-He only learned the word NO
Nice ... Maybe Samantha learns it soon
-Uhmaik is terrible
-He is not horrible
-No, no, of course, he ... Uhmaik is horrible
Mother-only seems to fit him
And me and Erin
just ... just you, me and Erin
Erin, who is
-How you gonna swallow all that
Good morning, girls
-Wedding were reportedly spectacular
Were so-
and you're probably a famous Samantha.
Nice to meet you finally
and now ... I know one girl who will
would like
to practice a bit cartwheels ...
Do you have any sunscreen?
tulepas cutie ...
-A wonderful morning to you
-Thank you, Erin
-Is that your nanny
-Is, he is Erin
Mean-kai, Erin without bras
Bra, if she had a job interview
-I do not know
I was probably too focused on his training
child care
and how the children liked hnest "
, Her breasts are, therefore, come to "raise"
-No ... do not come
and ... he is incredible
sure ... but, honey ... should be a law that prohibits
that look like children's nurses
So .... Jude Law
It seemed that not only the children were
interested in Irish children's nurse
... And his suloistaan
and later in the day and the Big I
We arrived home
Whether here in warm
I put the air conditioning in the living room
When we had sold a fine kattohuoneistomme
which we thought was referred to us
we decided that we might start a little pitsi
And so we did ... Exactly 12 floors
We were perhaps closer to the land
but we nevertheless felt that a small piece of heaven
at a semi-five ... what do you reserve a table
Do we not have anything at home?
... Nothing?
you know that I'm more than Coco Chanel
cog au vin
Status is something home
-Ordered it twice last week
we've been gone all weekend ..
Does pysyttisi home?
That couch is good, then ... right?
year and a half worth the wait?
tarvimme now just something in that corner and
good job girl
your shoes are on the couch
year and a half ......
-Probably the rest of goods without
I thought that it could be a shoe-police
morning, a few later, another home
why bring rats home?
Brady wins science prize they ..
Sit down now and eat breakfast ..
I can not .. I have this presentation today
And I'm nervous
Before I loved going to work ... and now
I'm sick thoughts
Pair mouthful
-Thanks, Magda
-Why you can always stop
-I am a lawyer ... it is my job
life is too short
Find something where you are valued
until then you can help here at home Magdaa
It took a long time to get to that position ...
Just need to take
Mom, will you science contest?
-No, he can not have Mother's ..
New figures show more optimistic
savings which we can for our customers
Easily multiply attorneys
-Just as Tom. And yet ...
-I would like that you handle this forward, Kevin
-But this is the case of Miranda's ..
In fact, it is a firm case of parental
I'm a shareholder ...
-Whether this is a problem
-I do not know! Is it?
Is there anything you would like
talk about the details more
I do not know why he should speak
more details
Listen to all
Honorable mention goes to Rachel
the work of "static electricity"
I said to myself-off
-Good story
-Are you okay?
-I get you a new job ... much better
Player already head hunter for ..
Where is Brady?
The first prize goes to Brad Ylle
work in "mouse maze"
Mom, I won!
I had time! ... I never have time!
The author's life can be many
torturing moments
But when everything is ready for climax
the book finally arrives
-Should I be worried?
-Could you please clarify a bit
Children's nurse and Harry's relationship
-It was just the same note speech
It-you were talking Jude Lawsta
Gold, it was just a joke .. it was forced to say
- And it was fun
-I hope not ... I would not have said it
-Wait a minute, darling
I need to get these muffins ready
school celebrations
, Where I puhuinkaan
-Should you be worried
Did I say "concerned"?
Should I be worried?
I put only Rosen highchair ... ok?
I'll put you on hold for a while Carrie ...
Classified moment ..
-Do not worry, honey ...
Mother-see ... see!
Ok, I'm listening to ...
Well .. were you worried about before
Samantha was talking about?
Obviously I was not ...
I love and trust Erini Harryyn
Just answered your question
Lily! this skirt is vintage!
-It cream-colored Valentino
-What a shame, gold
-I have to stop
Lily see what you did!
Mother's need to get something ... ok?
Mom! Mom!
-Mom will just point
-Mom! Mom!
I was just looking for more strsseleit
... Little girls are going to play my
Mother as a little bake
Charlotte was happy that Erin was
then home
Worrying or not
bras or not
and rintaliiveitt Upper East Side ..
pikkuhousuitta in Times Square
-You have lunch on one half
- Laittaudun little
Call the restaurant and said that a quarter miss
Smith Jerrod is on the line
Virkistp my memory?
What tunnemmekaan?
Pr-guns-my agent
Not-call bells
-Have sex
-Ding, ding, ding
-I am in Abu Dhabi
You're back in the Middle East
We describe an ad film
And I have just heard that the premiere in New York
Player, because I want you beside me
red carpet
-If you want to?
I would not have a career without you.
Who else would go with?
whether you are cute
Honey, I gotta go
I put the panties feet, that brings me to lunch
I do not praise, but I not done a good wedding day
It was delicious
and thou boasted
You have just a bit of eggplant ....
You see, the best is in the eating
that you get a kiss chefs
And does not need to give tippej
-More wine?
-Yes, thank you.
Happy anniversary
-So now.
before sort of cooking takes milano
me in a coma
-Very fine
-Really nice
And it is engraved
"Me and You. Only two of us."
Your gift is the bedroom
There better be something I do not
already seen
The cabinet, I have already seen.
But you do what is inside it
The ultra modern plasma TV
and ..
Now we can watch the old bed
black and white movies
The only word which I heard was
Do not you remember how nice
it was at the hotel
It was nice ... but it was then .. again ...
and hotel
I made a mistake here?
One of the jewelry would have been nice
-If you can call me and Bigille premiere
Now we need a bit of glamor
bedroom tv ... and takeaways
starts to be a bit too much
"Mr and Mrs Married"
You will have fun
Look at that ...
It is a gorgeous costume premiere
What is the worst thing I can
to say in this dress
"Who does he think he is?"
That is exactly what I want!
So, you and Smith
Conduct the premiere together, such as ...?
.. Just as friends.
But we can marry if a movie is good
that's nice ... should ease the criticism
you have not visited times
so ... I switched to fashion to furniture ...
-How can I help?
-Samantha tarvii premiere dress
And we would already find it
-Isn 't that a bit young?
I do not know .. and how long you think I am?
although it does not matter
I am 52 years .. and this is my costume
I believe you fit booth ..
-How to Write, CarrieVielk Voguessa you're at work?
-Was really forced to?
-How else can he learn?
Voguesta Speaking of .. They want to
you are the publisher of the article
Great. Is the book yet entered
no, not yet. But all of them will certainly
be great
-Are you?
Who else-is the key here?
if you want to pick up food, it's a risk you
must be taken
Do not relax yet ..
we have a premiere in an hour
Was it today?
we do not go out on Mondays?
First of all ... I did not know it ...
and secondly ... whether it is a problem?
Stock market dropped 100 points
and now I need a dress
Hollywood- juttuun?
you just need a clean shirt to change
, Can not you go alone?
-I do not want. I want to go with you
It is the whole idea.
You and I in the city ...
I've been downtown for 30 years.
I've seen it, girl.
-Go and have fun with your friends
-I want to spend time with you
if you want to be with me, stay here?
Our home, so you did fine.
you just do not want to bring the couch takamustasi
Okay. Stay here.
-I go to Stanford with
-What is that?
Dinner on the new Japanese place
Drink this. We will.
-Juurihan said
-I changed my mind
Do you really want the crowd to eat and
bad catering food?
I want to! I am dying
crowd and
and eat bad food, catering
I want to eat anything which is not
Down the hatch!
I do I apply for a clean shirt.
Out the red carpet, please.
we are VIP guests to see.
Show your bracelets.
Samantha is really good-looking
Is not that dress is a bit too young?
-Perhaps a bit
-May God!
he has the same costume as saippusarjathti
Miley Cyrus.
I can not turn my eye.
This will be a red carpet for the Hindenburg.
doubly painful
Sometimes the best girl friend is a girl
you never met
-A beautiful dress
Thank-you told me so
I saw only in Hollywood
prodding me
VIP room, Samantha found herself
the center of the Middle East
He sat in the movie producer Sheikh
Khalid next
this is the first international company
movie world
we are excited to represent respected
Smith Jerodin
Thank you, but you ought to thank Samantha
Everything is thanks to her.
I was just a waiter before him.
He got to see me all the star.
-Is this true?
-No .... is.
-Have you ever visited the United Arab Emirates?
-En ... unfortunately I do not.
But my friends say that Dubai is incredible.
Dubai is ...
Now I can not find the right words ...
Dubai is a past-
With all due respect ...
Abu Dhabi is the Future
growing city in the world.
filled with activities, culture and style ....
-It is a new near-east
New Short-east ...
You should come and see for yourself.
My guest, my hotel to the new.
if you have time ...
we can discuss a bit of business affairs.
could help the U.S. to see hotellini
starring ...
... Such as that Smith did Jerodista.
Suddenly, all linked to the sofa.
Two years ago we did not even adjudicated
the word "sofa"
Now the whole world revolves around it
Couch is a blessing ...
Do you remember when you're not even gotten him to stay overnight?
I know. but at least he smiled and tried to
have fun.
Now he seems to be having fun.
People think that the Spanish only
are siestalla and drink Riojaa
People are crazy for free
I will be back in a moment.
Every night I pray on my knees ...
"God, let it stay afloat ..."
-Anna which to stand?
-Hey! Stock ...
, Here is Carmen Garcia Carrion
Carrion-Good ..
He is a bank vice president in Madrid
-Here is ...
-Carrie Preston.
Carrie Preston ... I am glad to see you
-Husband is a charming
-Isn 't it?
You were right about food and the hustle.
I'm ready when you are.
-Was a pleasure to meet you
-I try to keep it up to you
-Fun ... He's really funny!
-Good night
A bit loud.
and the service ... this is not a black and white movie
-That was supposed to be black and white movies for
... and that is not black and white movie
When it tried to hit me gay wedding ...
think it was fun ...
I do not have anything against flirtti.
I like it.
In fact, you can flirt a bit more here
I get the TV and pick up food and ...
Miss bank may throb
sorry ... Discussing ... or
we tv?
What is this on TV is wrong?
I do not want to be one of the pairs,
which lie on while watching tv ...
do not talk to each other
I do not agree to a relationship.
this is the TV. no apocalypse.
maybe not for you.
You are not happy at home.
And do outdoors.
-What is that supposed to mean?
-What you want from me?
I changed the shirt ... I was with you
and now the nag that I lie in bed and
I feel a bit tv
What is the problem now?
Listening to ... we are alone.
Every night, for the rest of our lives.
and I think we should ...
to work on our relationship in front of
For the rest of our lives
to work? I understand.
AN OLD apartment
I wanted to invite ..
The past few years have been the best times
sell homes
Thus, we have sold.
And sometimes I came here to write
Or visit the closet.
Woke, what time?
I do not know ... sometimes six
I want to start the Vogue article
You have written quite a lot there
I know ... I thought it would be easier ...
there is no interference ..
it should be ready by Thursday ...
and I do not even know what to write
Maybe I should stay here until
I get it ready
-Thinking to stay there?
-Only two days. so here I get to finish it
-Is it all right?
-What is just necessary ...
-Are you all right?
- It is
feel only that I need to lock myself in
here ...
and just think about writing
-Only two days. ok?
ok. bye-bye.
and I did not think anything other than writing.
before the next day, when I thought
just food
and when to eat, however, I thought so ...
I thought call girls.
Abu Dhabi a week ... all expenses paid.
I have always considered the Middle East.
The moon above the desert ...
Sheherazade, flying carpets
Jasmine, Aladdin-like?
-So, dear. Just as the Jasmine
but cocktails with ...
-Sounds exciting. When are you going?
-I do not know. When you are ready?
Surely you thought that I would go without
my friends?
Sheikille said that only one condition:
three friends.
And not ...!
Sheikh and fly its own airline.
He has his own airline?
time to chic-Sheikh!
Super, super, first class!
And each suite has its own board
-God ..!
All paid for all four.
we just need to select a week.
the sooner the better.
I hear the calling already decadence ....
Just check the timetable includes.
Absolutely free!
I need to check ukoltani, but
I'm ready!
-Charlotte, three weeks from now?
-I do not know ...
We have to go this month ... next month
there is too hot
So, will I do not know at all.
I have two children ....
but you have a husband.
and babysitting.
-You said yourself that kids love a babysitter, right?
-So, but
But what? What is the problem?
we have not been anywhere since Carrie and Big's
-Memories of ...
And it is already two years
Alongside business two years and the bad economic situation
and I have enough ...
We need to get somewhere
.... Rich!
Samantha, I appreciate ...
No! I come from children's party because of you.
And you're going to Abu Dhabi for my sake.
Children's party ...
He shoots hard ...
-We go to Abu Dhabi!
-How is going?
ready. And thanks for That, you under stand.
How soon you're ready?
I did book a table for nine.
The clock is already half past nine.
I am already downstairs.
and suddenly was back in 1998
I come down immediately.
-Hey, girl
-I was sad
-So I too
We had an awesome dinner ..
And at home ....
TV remained closed throughout the evening ...
and soon it was time to leave the Middle East ..
I need this ..
-Have you already packed?
-Still a bit
I have an idea that I would like to talk about.
do you remember when you were writing it for two days,
and then we had this amazing night?
Maybe we should do it every week.
listen ...
when they were two days away ...
I thought ... maybe I too should hommata housing ..
-If you want your apartment?
-No, I do not own homes.
only place where to go for a few days a week
sprawl out, watch tv, do things
which you do not like
and the remaining five days I was here ...
completed, the restaurant evenings ...
just what, but ...
So you want two days off
And you get the same two days.
-Oh, my God
would do a job, you could see friends,
all, what would you do without me
I do not want to do things
without you!
Carrie. Yes, I know you.
Can you honestly say you enjoyed the
two of them from?
Two days, yes.
But I am each week.
You mean, where are you
it every week?
It was now just a thought.
Something to think about.
marriage does not work that way.
I thought that we have our own standards?
So the first two days, then four ...
and then not a single day?
Is that what this is going?
I would never have said it if I had
know that you think about
look, two years ago, I knew that I
precisely the situation as I wanted
Five days a week .....
I just try to do this to us a bit
we are married, but
we are still the same people
Is this because of the fact that I am
a bad wife nag?
-I have a feeling that you're disappointed in me all the time
-I am not disappointed in you
but one of you ...
What do I tell girls? that we are two days away from
so that our marriage would work?
-They do not understand.
-I do not care
This is our marriage.
"You and me" just like you said.
Carrie ... we are adults and we do not have children Not
We are happy to be able to decide
You can not buy their own homes.
May come and go mad, and it would be wasteful.
You can use my two old homes
days a week
Until I know what I feel.
and ... I can take it back "when ever I want.
The car is here
-I will bring your bag
and the week after I apply for you to airport,
and bring home
You have to just take my home?
Our home.
Welcome Afdal Air flights.
Thank you. A lovely hat.
And I thought that mine would be a bit too much ...
Creator ...
This is bigger than the first apartment.
-Everything is so beautiful
, As promised, the best of the best
Look at the kind of Pringles ... Arabia.
Now I've taken.
Dates, would you?
-Five minutes to leave and I get it now.
Dates are in the Middle East, the traditional welcoming
I read it on these
-Are you going to move there?
-I believe only what is allowed to do and what not
and ... men and women do not publicly embrace
middle east
-He talks to you, sister!
-We go to a new Middle East!
and when I break right
information ...
... I have this ...
CHILDREN failure nurse
Let me see ..
Exotic .... I wonder what they said.
Probably not but like that when a flight leaves
accompanied by an insecure woman.
Charlotte gold, do not read it.
, A new round?
-Hanji. it means "yes"
Perhaps not the best word to his opeteltavakseen ...
How many times have you read it?
Big and I are going to be two days away from
every week.
-If all is well?
-Yes, we thought only ....
He gets two days to make their own
their story ....
I make my own ...
writes ... go with your outdoor ... or
I love the ... I'm available.
Two days off?
For a marriage to sound like a lovely work.
It does not work, but it is certainly the work.
Does it involve the two ytkin?
Where do you sleep?
He is an old apartment ..
and I'm in a new place
I loved the time when Steve and I
we were together
but we have had their own apartment.
The best things in both worlds.
I think marriage is
two people-
Second-night, sleep together
-You have 4 people in the same bed
-So I too once
Huh? Girls ...
I'm going to put melatoonilaastarin-
And the seven-star dreams
, Is seen as the middle east
-Good night
it means "good night"
Explain again?
What is this really about?
We're just trying to make our own standards
Something which suits us best.
Not what others have to agree.
Charlotte, we're adults ... no children ...
we can plan our own lives ...
Does it offends you ...
that he wants his own time?
Do not you just do not understand.
somewhere over Africa, I began to
think about relationships
Can we really expect
anyone outside to understand
what happens between two people
eight time zones and
After changing clothes we arrived to the future
-Whether any of you had before the middle east
-No, we're virgins
Gently. Gently. Thank you.
hslaldkfjasifureowaidsjflasdkflajk .. asdlfkasl
sorry, do you have something laukussanne drugs?
no, only the hormone.
I'm sorry .. But this is our law.
But they are all natural products.
They have been jamssista.
Ladies .... These are not in the drugs!
ok. I would like to speak with Ambassador ...
or one of the embassy ...
or someone with menopause
Calm Samantha.
This will be like "Midnight Express"
Okay ... Take the truth.
without those medicines and creams ... I crash
back to the menopause
-Calm down, this is only one week
, Said it will start to grow a beard
we have arranged a meeting with Sheikh
rest of the week
as long as you have enjoyed the best first
what Abu Dhabilla is to provide
and we will start immediately
The entire period of your trip ...
Four new Maybach
-What we tarvimme four?
-Everything has been arranged.
I have my own private air-conditioning
I leave you now. The hotel you Expected.
If you need something ... please do not hesitate
Could you check iPhonini country code?
Do we not find someone ... in a more informal ...
to assist in the
, He offered
-What do you expect?
Abu Dhabi is waiting!
oh ... we do Shem Not to Be no longer in Kansas.
Miss Jones? Mr. Safir, a hotel manager.
-I hope your flight was pleasant?
-Like a flying carpet.
this way, ladies.
Abu Dhabi-how gives tippej?
-Whether you have the extra rubies'?
We have planned great things for you.
Please. Arabian kind of coffee.
Of rose water, and cumin.
- "Shukran" - thank you, it means
-Do you speak Arabic
-I do not yet
Good start
Tastes different ...
Do not you ...?
-Who are these men?
-Mm-games are here.
Pallotkin-whether they involved?
-Yes ... They have lots and lots of balls
this path ... private hissillenne
We have a private elevator ...?
This may not be for us.
We are probably in the wrong place.
For once in my life I can say
without any doubt
I'm in the right place
Who ordered komistukset?
Welcome jalokiviSviittiin.
Who is Miss Jones?
Cordially welcome.
Abdul is a court receiver slope, Miss Jones.
Miss Bradshaw?
-I Gaurau court receiver and your slope.
Resir and take care of Miss Hobbes
-It is Hobbs
-I am very sorry
-It is not important
Abdan and is for Miss York
This is the path ....
-All my butler?
-Makes sense. Everyone has Their own autokin.
York? Goldenblatille What happened?
-This is the Middle East ...
-A new Middle East ...
This is the Middle East.
this is the drawing room.
Here has its own bar.
Glasses full, the women ..
Private kitchen is also at your disposal, night and day.
and here is an informal salons ..
and there ... double room.
Room for friends!
and there ... Official Salon.
and ladies ... outside on the terrace
a view of the entire region if we do not
here is also a pool bar, five international restaurants,
a gym, a nightclub and of course the beach and
beach restaurants
I have arranged an afternoon of massage and you
early dinner
and then you can sleep well and wake up
virkein Abu Dhabi ...
I loved everything you just said
here is Abdul and drinkkinne
and just what you need only, please do not hesitate to ask
we palveluksessannne
To live is called abayaksi
and the veil that covers everything but the eyes
is niqab
Botox, at least drop decreases
"Women should dress in a manner which leaves no
sexual interest "
-We are at the hotel ... it is a free zone.
-Still. little respectfull
I must say that I like his style, yes.
young Muslim women express the old
traditions in new ways
The scarf I can understand ...
mouth, but the excess cloth terrifies me.
Just as they may not wish to speak
Hormone or host.
All web sites are closed.
at least you know your phone to work.
Harry does not correspond to any of my posts
It is not at all in her nature.
-Don 't you called him when we landed?
, But it has been for hours.
French woman received a scarf.
How is he doing that?
Lifting every Frenchman.
Not really fast food ....
-What time in New York?
-Quit the gold ...
panics something that happens thousands of
miles away.
and you do not see a woman eating a french scarf next to the
think of this fate.
you need to stop children's nurse
Than it is the same bug. All was well until
he opened his mouth
-Maybe we supposed to buy him a niqab?
-I warn you. Do we here for a reason.
time difference, not Hormone .... who knows what kind of
I get mood swings
-Good God!
-I am truly sorry.
-All very
Excuse me ...
I did not know that you're still here
, Have not you released me.
-Should I have?
-I am sorry, I did not know it.
-I am pleased to be here
-How can I help?
I thought, just a little warm milk
let me help you. I insist.
-I will bring it to you.
-I can wait.
-May I suggest a little cinnamon?
it is my wife's secret recipe.
Wife regret that I have you
here all night
All is well. He is in India.
I see him only months later.
Regret would be futile if ...
So you work here, and always travel
there and back?
Yes. Every three months, when I
is free and afford to fly.
-Is not that difficult?
to be married. and yet all the time
Time is not important.
When we see each other ....
.. Each one is wonderful.
I am a happy man.
Now taste these taatelileivoksia
I think that the butler is gay
Firstly, he is just too cute
-It is just genetic
-He said that his love life is private
-It is correctly answered
when I asked how his name is pronounced ...
-He said Abdul. such as Paula
-Definitely gay
-How you were sleeping?
-Quite well.
-Samantha, what are you eating?
I read online That the kik-peas is inherent in
Similarly jamssissa.
Paula Abdul acquires it to me.
Whether they are here?
-Morning, Miss
what do you want for breakfast?
just a little fruit, please.
-He is really nice. What's his name?
He is from India. His wife lives there.
They meet only once every three months, when
they can afford it
I asked whether it is difficult, and he replied ..
... That, time does not mean anything. every time they meet
it is fantastic
ie have all sorts of marriages ...
-Who wants a morning excursion soukiin?
, Which is a Souk?
they are in the market where you can buy gold, spices,
clothes ... and stuff Souk
I am involved. Gulp and then one Souk.
We will be back for lunch.
-Please do not experiment with anything illegal ...
-Ok ....
some men may try to sell you
black-market watches
If you speak to them they take you to the flanking and
trying to sell you something else. it is Illegal
Otherwise, you will not have to worry about.
People are very friendly.
smells so good
-Here come lawlessness
and banned the necessary things ... ..
-I go over there
-Of course you go
I'll still buy more spices.
really cool.
Can I try them? thanks
I'll take these. Thank you ..
so ntit.
-How much they make?
-100 Dirham
$ 20?
Here is 100
I can put shoes laukkuuni.
Coffee is little room for ...
-Is that a call to prayer?
and there in the middle of the old Abu Dhabia ...
was an old love ... Aidan.
This is probably the best a mirage in the
I'm an experienced
At least once, and I tried meskaliinia
come on ...
Is this allowed here surely?
What on earth ..? What are you doing in Abu Dhabi?
I heard these wonderful shoes prices.
No, I'm here with the girls.
Samantha held us up for a free
how about you? ... what?
I'm buying trip in the third stretch. Initially
Bali, India ... and now here
that the sale of carpets and furniture with ...
minhn I speak as I feel you ...
Come here! My God!
Miranda is here with me, so that ..
we go to kebab, or something ...?
can ... I have to go to lunch
business partners.
and they are not properly based on the company of women ...
I knew that should have been packed burkani
we go to another town after lunch,
but I will come back tomorrow
Can I take you to dinner?
Just you and me?
... I do not know what the girls have planned.
you know, Miranda is a strict timetables ..
ok ... if you have time ...
Local people say that the restaurant hotellini
is the city's best muhammara
-It is my international number
- International number
You are quite adult ...
I gotta go.
They feel it's impolite odotuttaa.
is also impolite not to play
an old boyfriend
Carrie! Pretty weird, or ...
What did he look?
As ... time had stopped.
Did you say that you and Big you are married?
yes, they were the first words ..
Hello! We are Abu Dhabi and
I married a man with hate.
-If he is still married?
-I have no idea
-If he had a wedding ring?
-I guess that was.
-Are you going to go there for dinner?
-I am here with only four of you.
Miranda, I'm in the swimming pool.
What should I be wearing?
burkini perhaps?
-They can be found in the hotel trade
-Forget it. See ...
Directly hikisest training pool match
became the Australian rugby team
who ordered a aussi-meat ...
this is a disaster. Pool full of testosterone ...
and I do not feel anything ..
this is now official. Estrogen has Been unsuccessful ...
Okay I will pause now ...
If I do not talk to Harry ..
he is not allowed to talk about hormones ..
I can no longer eat yams.
not bad about this tea ...
we came here to have fun together
and when I'm a control freak ...
I have planned throughout the day and night
Abu Dhabi fun
I change the debate ..
still does nothing ...
You said that we go to lunch
first camels, then lunch. it'll be fun!
does it say that it would be fun ...
but I'm not properly dressed in a camel trip
It is treated with
Gift from the hotel.
And do not worry about it. Abdul chose Them ..
Are you kidding me?
-Ladies, you can dress beduiiniteltassa
still does nothing!
-I get hot flushes
-You are quite okay
Really, they start to ...
You're in the middle of desert on a camel's back
if you do not have hot flashes you're dead
-What do you think?
-This is fantastic!
Help, my phone!
Who exactly is he connecting?
Hello! Harry .. Where Have You Been right?
Did I wake you? line disappears ...
Do you hear me now? Harry?
Miranda, I ... I fall!
Are you okay?
-Thank you.
-Are you okay?
wow ... you are right ... the right camel - cameltoe
It's not about fun!
he has the sand ....
Harry, are you there?
I fell down the camel's back.
Have you received a text message?
Unbelievable how many rugs, clothing, and
Court of Appeal holds four masters Maybach
Wonderful ...
fouadille, Marzouki and ....
-Thank you.
Sorry if I bother you, ladies.
Gaurau, my friend ...
Would you be calling someone and friendly hotel
tell that the miss-hour ... or two
why sit in dull conference where you can experience
dunes and the sunset ..
I not not it right?
You-did you see that?
-I, at least in the case.
Who is that Lawrence of Arabia "was?
He is a Danish architect who lives in the hotel always
Abu Dhabi while. Very nice man
Very sexy man ..
Ladies, it seems that at last I know something ...
And he lives in our hotel
Karaoke USA - totally out
Karaoke middle east - yes
Why do these women are allowed to display his belly?
investigate the matter and shows that it is one of the
loophole in the case of religion, belly dancers
Those wise religious men
sorry ... So I meant "Marhaba"
ok ... we can get a second round of champagne?
Shukran very much
The second round? You're funny, Abu Dhabi.
I am a fun-Yorkissakin New!
-Et the last couple of years.
Do you think I'm funny now?
wait a ...
Next, the four girls from America ..
We expect you, the Americans ...
-What if I do not know the words?
-Believe me, you know how they
it was the perfect decision
full day
I am a woman ........................
and I sit there ........................
Big-time performance.
-You have not seen anything yet ..
May I introduce myself properly.
I am Rikard Spirt
Rikard-...? Richard is it?
-Danish, yes.
So your name is Dick Spirt?
Could you be any more American?
I think not.
-Are you coming for a drink?
-I can not today.
This is a girls' night.
But tomorrow I am free ...
throughout the day and night ...
Perhaps dinner would come ...?
Happy ..
You are very funny ... Samantha.
must confess, Samantha
the fact that you rejected us because of the man
your situation
... Very cool ...
We made the contract ages ago ..
Men, children ... does not matter
We ollemme soul brothers
It was a perfect decision
full day
-Good morning, Miss
, Where is everybody?
Breakfast on the terrace.
Is this the same note? I get to watch?
Oath of Silence?
Evaluation of the book "I Do! I Do!"
"One by one, he discredits the traditional
hvalat "
-It is a satire.
And it is really funny
"Before we begin to evaluate the talented Bradshaw
complex marriage ... "
"Worthwhile to investigate his silence the way ..."
and he should investigate the road to hell ....
The New Yorker ...!
I have borne it in my bag
twenty years ...
and moreover, they made me a caricature ...
teippasivat its mouth and up
Take it as a compliment. You are a brave woman, and
you produce pelotat author
You know, I realized just now that it was not
voice, which my boss did not like ..
but the fact that I dared to speak.
American men pretend
attaches to strong women
but many think that we should eat
French huntujemme behind ...
I should only have to write about it
Part of the ...
-But you are no longer
-I am married, but wants Big two free days
-I thought that you both wanted to
Others enter Reviews
Stunning reviews.
But now you have to go shopping.
We need to find something treffeilleni
Something sexy .. but that covers the chest,
my arms and my stomach
I think I'll go for a walk.
-How about our spa day in
-I am not in the mood
But you go.
have fun. See ya
Are you sure?
Dinner is at eight!
-I go out
How did he take that?
No longer yams.
, Would you please do something about, lady?
-No thanks.
I walk a bit to myself
I walked alone the shore of Abu Dhabi.
I had never felt a
so far away from home
or so far away from myself ...
-We were expecting you to a spa. How was your day?
-Good ...
-Wow, you look good.
Like-Aidanin dinner.
The reservations for five.
does not need. Samantha is dating.
-Not needed. hotellillaan eat her.
, In his hotel
There is reportedly a great oriental place.
There is the city's best .... something
-Why you eat dinner with him?
-Why not?
bumped into each other across the globe
, It must mean something.
-It does not mean anything.
Are you kidding me?
You always said that everything means something.
the last twenty years.
But Aidanin meeting spice market
the middle east does not mean anything at all?
-You play with fire.
-Creator ... now I'm comfortable play with fire?
You're mad.
You really are crazy, Abu Dhabi.
Even if you are you worried about your husband flying
does not mean that all betray
Have a nice dinner.
-Are you okay?
-Only real tired. I take a nap.
-Take a long nap.
and then offer you a drink.
I thought, why go to the bar,
when we have my own ...
Thank you, Resir. You can go to.
-Was nice nap?
-I slept like a log.
You needed it. As a mother, living is hard ..
But it is worth it.
we have thousands of miles away from all
You tell me. I too am a mother.
-Everything you're wondering, but do not dare say aloud.
ok. I'll start.
no matter how much I love Brady ..
And I love him more than anything.
... Being a mother is not enough
I miss my job
I guess you do not leave me alone to feel myself
the world's worst mother?
-I love tyttjni.
-I know it
But ....
I enjoyed when they are not here.
I needed a little break ...
Rose cries all day every day ..
-It makes me crazy
-I watched you for months, I do not understand how you'll be able
sometimes I go to only one room to another and
I'll let him scream
, Is not it terrible?
-No, it is survival. Take a drink
and yet. It seems to me guilty
because I have always wanted a family ...
and now I have two wonderful daughters
And ...?
-They make me crazy.
-Take a swig!
I know of to fail ... fail all the time.
Thou shalt not fail.
It is difficult to be a mother.
It is so difficult!
I have a full time help.
How women who do not, doing?
I have no idea.
and I ...
nothing ... it is terrible.
Continue ...
When Samantha said that Harry disappoint
Erinin with ...
.. My first thought was ..
I can not lose a babysitter!
We should probably eat something.
I am happy for you.
On behalf of both of you.
Thank you. it means a lot.
I must confess something.
-I knew that you are married.
And you gave me to continue but ....?
My wife showed me something on the Internet.
He was always a bit of observers to you.
The girl who got away ...
Kathy, how can?
... Well, really well
his company will go fast ... although
We have three boys ..
... Three-creator?
-Homer, and Wyatt Tate
-Sounds like country music band
you can always hope ...
they are amazing, Aidan.
Yeah, nice boys.
We are really lucky.
What about you? Plans?
We talked about it a lot ... and we love both
children, but
-It just does not suit us.
-Is not surprising. You are anything but traditional
I learned it when I tried to get you engaged ...
Just ... not yet a diamond.
And I'm married.
It was a big mistake trying to force ...
you take the diamond
You do not like other women.
Not at all ..
You look great.
You look sexy. Sorry, but this is the case.
Was muhammara good?
Muhammaraa the best I've ever received
The seven arches.
one for each emirate.
I'm learning every single time I'm here.
I have a four.
Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, and ... Wait
Excuse me ..
-I should go. Hello ..
in this direction?
Was nice to your evening, Miss?
-I thought so!
I know that you guessed.
Play with fire!
-Is Samantha here? All I need.
-He is preparing to treffeilleen.
I kissed Aidania. 'll Go mad.
We need to talk.
Fire away.
Paula! Need the towel.
He just listed the emirate and all of a sudden
we kissed
-He kissed you? or are you him?
-Both are equally guilty.
-I want to call and tell Bigille.
Calm down now, the first
Not really. I do not want secrecy.
It makes everything worse.
The sooner we tell you.
The less damage occurs.
here at 8 hours more than New York.
This is the future.
This is not really there yet occurred.
Now I'm crazy, Abu Dhabi.
What do you think? Should you play?
I do not know ... I do not know ...
I do not know ...
I am a bit pissni ...
When Steve told me that I had betrayed hajosin
but now when I know that it happened only once ...
-Whether it was a pain worth it? I do not know.
-So ... I do not know ...
Made one thing clear.
Steve practiced sex.
Excuse me, but practiced.
This was just a kiss.
-Kissed Aidanin with.
-It was just a kiss.
, We have a common history.
It was just a kiss. Do not say anything.
I'm going to tell him.
do me a favor and go to sleep overnight.
vesipiippukokemuksesi first.
This is exciting.
-Put this in your mouth.
And ime ...
you have a natural talent.
I think you have the audience.
Abu Dhabi has some issues so modern.
And sex ratio as an old-fashioned
and the paradox is ...
... That I feel so stimulated
when I'm here ...
tell me more ...
if we were in Paris or Madrid
my hands would rinnoillasi jacket ... ...
but here one is prohibited ..
Than would a little boy again ...
Are you a big boy?
Walking on the beach?
-Can, yes.
I need a walk on the beach.
You pukusi seems .....
At 2:30 is there. you can no longer suffer
time zones.
-Something has happened.
-Are you okay?
I am not crash or anything like that.
But it was an accident.
What happened? Are you okay?
I am, I can pretty well.
I was a spice market ... and ...
I ran into Aidaniin.
We decided to go for dinner because ...
... It was so strange to see that way and ...
dinner we talked about how happy we were
married and
when we say goodbye ....
somehow ...
we kissed ...
it did not mean anything.
and it lasted only seconds.
and I feel quite sick.
and the girls did not know if I should
even tell you
because it was just a kiss.
does not mean anything
but I said that ...
I can not hide anything from you.
that we have no secrets.
and the secrecy would only get worse.
I'll tell you now ..
and I feel awful ..
Please, say something ...
I'm at work, Carrie.
I have to stop.
goodbye ...
Hey, I was going to call you ...
This is unbelievable!
I have been arrested!
Please wait ... What has happened?
Wake Up! Samantha was arrested to have sex
the beach ...
He is a visiting guards and needs
We do not have sex enthusiasts.
We just kissed.
And one petty couple phoned the guards
arrest us.
Do you see .. Kiss is something. It is illegal.
Thank you very much for coming to Mr. Safir.
I'm so sorry about this unfortunate situation.
Ladies, would you please wait outside?
I am his lawyer, I'm staying.
We are outside.
How serious the situation is this?
The man who announced that the situation is very
... Conservative ...
And calls for licentious behavior interfere.
obscene behavior? We kissed!
I understand very well. But need the passport.
My passport? You must be kidding.
Only formalities.
That he would be pleased.
"This is unbelievable!
-I know .. I know ..
It was just a kiss.
Thank you.
I can not believe that I might need
more minni
and Aidan was such a big part of it.
I wanted to flirt and attention ... ..
but I wanted to kiss.
as soon as we kissed. I remembered what
I had been
running around New York as
something crazy ..
.. I tried to get my beloved man to love me.
Now he loves. And he wants to be on the couch
New York City. With me.
and I hope that my past does not
ruin your future
What's wrong with the sofa olossa really is?
Creator ... I have a midlife crisis
I should not have to tell him.
"The New Yorker" was right teipatessaan
I regret what I said to you
Flying on your marriage
-I am sorry.
I was so troublesome that
the idea of a two-day
I've had two days away ...
had rested ..
and finally the field to be myself.
I think that it could act as an.
Maybe so ...
I hope he does not want to, but seven
free days
and the morning arrival of the liberated Samantha
-I am sorry that I took so long.
-The main thing is that you are here
I did not realize until I arrived
-I am sorry that you had trouble
-Everything is now okay
-Thank you
-Nice to meet you again
I'm dying of hunger.
Hello! Where breakfast is?
Abdul? anybody home?
Strange ... where are they?
Miss Jones, thank you
reception, Samantha.
-Samantha Jones
Beydoun, here is the reception
I need a credit card number for billing purposes.
this must be some mistake ...
I am Sheik Khalid guest.
All have been paid
not quite ... but from this day forward.
What do you mean?
I have a meeting with Sheik on Tuesday.
all ... I have this message
Mr. Mahmoud.
the meeting has been canceled.
That bastard has canceled a meeting ... and wants us to
to pay the room from now on ..
Jalokivisviitti is reserved for you until Wednesday.
The price is 22 000 a night.
Room costs 22 000 per night
We do not have the money.
Let him take me to court.
Penalties for failure to pay is
here in prison.
What time-rooms should be disclosed?
, Exactly one hour after.
We have an hour to pack and
disappeared from Abu Dhabi
A new local-east ... and shit!
Hell's Paula Abdul.
Where is he when needed.
-I do not have time to complete the hour.
, Then you have probably 22 000 for the night
I have all the bathroom.
-They are looking for bags
-I 'm coming
Gaurau love. Use this money to fly
home to watch your wife.
I would alternate four first-class ticket
we had to leave Tuesday, but ...
-I do not care anymore.
I would just like an airplane trip to the U.S. Nhan,
in which the legs are not devils
Napita, even coat
-I have hot flashes 40 degrees temperature
Hello. we ordered two taxis to the airport.
just look at how the reputation evaporates ...
-Good creator
-What now?
Harry and I forgot to buy some souvenirs for children.
I need to visit the gift shop
-Buy them from the airport.
-Tut, how vulgar.
We have the time .. until the flight departs at six.
It is a miracle that I got these places
if something goes wrong ... we are flying home
Buy them something rubbish from the airport!
My passport is not here.
-Whether it is in another bag?
-No, I had it right here.
It is here that the money, and spices.
It's not here either ...
I left it there, the shoe trade ...
calculator to the counter ... and when
thus Aidanin ...
I have to return there.
It must be there!
According to Miranda, are you coming?
-We all come!
-Not your food
-Just as you abandon Abu Dhabi!
We must leave our luggage here.
We will be back to pick them up.
No, Not ..
-No, no ...
-Not in the car ..
Stop it.
vilauttelet religious men.
I do not care ... I Paistu ...
How at length yet?
there he is!
Hey, I was here a short time ago.
and I forgot the blue passport.
Yes, thank goodness. Thanks to Allah ...
Thank you, thank you for this please
Well, then ... shoes for all ...!
On me, girls. Quickly
I guess ... that we will be Al Ben '
Abi Talib Street.
then we get a taxi to the hotel.
We have a great time
Miss, Rolex? special price.
miehellenne a wonderful gift.
-Do you have any silver?
Yes, upstairs. Follow me, please.
-Or walk up here
-Is there
wait! Charlotte to buy a watch.
Wait ... hello?
We are with them.
We have a lot of designer bags.
Very good.
Do you think of them.
Sit down ... please.
such kellonhan gave Bigille?
I could give this to Harry.
I was not antiques. We need to go.
, We have women kellojakin
-We really need to go
Is there any air ...?
-I have a lot of different models.
-No thanks. plane as we will be late.
-You 're wanted to watch?
-No .. he is not wanted. Thank you, however,
Go. Go
Put this on you as your going out.
Go now
No bags?
-This is illegal.
-What is it?
-What is that?
-It is a call to prayer.
So when you stole this.
-It is mine!
-So when you took it.
-You broke my Birkin
-Sorry, wrong.
condom condom ... so!
I have sex!
Get the hell!
Blouse-dress on!
-You are just like when we met.
-So I am
-They are watching us
so, because it was obscene and therefore
-What are we doing?
-Please continue, and hope for no one to call the police.
I think he wants that will follow.
Let's go ...
Big-time performance
-Terrible. so inappropriate.
I enjoy it ...
And the men are amazed weeks
Some months ... even years.
I have a glass of water?
I pakahdun. hot flushes
so ... he knows ...
Have you read this?
We are talking about this book club today.
He'll find a place
They took my voiteeni ...
-You will have the United States?
-New York.
-Have you visited New York?
But we love fashion.
-Louis Vuitton?
and there dried flower trade in the back room.
on the other side of the world ...
hundreds of years of tradition behind ... was
this year's spring fashion.
-What did he say?
-Something ... something ... Arabic women.
Would you like something to drink?
Coffee, tea, whatever.
can not, we will be late if we do not source the machine now.
What about the angry men outside?
How do we get past them?
Path clear ... this path
this path ...
Charlotte-what is it?
-He was just behind you.
I will kill him!
If you gonna be late .. we have to fly economy class.
Look at his shoes.
He had korkeakorkoiset pumps
-There he is! "
Look, girls!
-Do women use the taxis here?
Why do not they stop?
We will be late point first-class.
I can not help menopause and
saving class.
-I have the idea. take this.
-What is he doing?
-Do you have a duty to be accountable?
-Is ... I am a mess.
Big did not appeal to me as the airport
had promised ...
Thank you, William
-Please, Mrs. Preston
Not Bigi ... and no tv
-Mom is coming!
-There he is
Say hello to the mother-
-I have been so tedious
Hey, little Rose!
I have so longed ...
I can not answer right now.
Please leave a message.
Hi, I'm at home here ...
Where are you?
Where have you been all day?
Walked around for ...
Spent time ...
Torturing you ...
it worked ...
I never thought that would come back.
I am adult now.
and I vowed to something. Remember?
-You always, always in my
-We always
Just for information ...
You Revit me to pieces.
I'm sorry.
I have a feeling that you're here
marriage in the beginner
perhaps this had to happen.
that understand what this is
it .. you need a little reminder
this is your punishment.
you need to keep this every day.
To help you remember ...
... You're married.
while I was wandering around in there
I noticed that the
even if you have written a fun book lights
you do not really ever written a whale of their own
I actually wrote.
But the wedding never took place.
We all probably doing stupid mistakes.
What were you saying ... the lights?
I took the liberty to make some of the lights ...
repeat after me ..
I never kiss other men than my husband.
I would never kiss other men than my husband.
I never worry that we are boring
old married couple
because we do not never will be.
I never worry that we are boring
old married couple
because it was never going to be.
Are you sure? we have only the two of us.
either is enough?
girl ... quite enough.
Would this work ..
a lot of work ...
-Why purchase a black diamond?
Second, because like you do not have.
it was a relief ..
I thought I would say that it is
the color of my soul.
and, as always, went forward in time ..
and in the future ..
"I am proud to say that
we have agreed ... "
Miranda noticed that the right company
where he listened to
he also had fun at work
And June 4 ..
East Hampton dunes
Samantha learned that good things happen to them,
who can manage to wait
When he stopped, and Rikard treffins ..
freedom in the country ...
and hormones at home ..
Charlotte and learned that he had nothing
revealed that the sexy nurse ... had other
sexy children's nurses
and when Rose met three years ...
and our marriage grew out of uhmaist ..
we found less and less use of
another apartment ..
but we had the doors open ...
only if someone tarvisi sometimes a couple of days off ..
and I began to think about marriage in Abu Dhabi
wives scarves like:
you need to take the traditions and
decorate them a bit more suitable for oneself
movies can be cool in black and white ...
but commensurate with the colors suffice
endless examination ...
and that is what I do today ...