Sex And The City (2008)

i Year after year,
women with twenty and few years /i
i they come to New York
in search of two things...
i Marks and Love.
Beautiful dress!
i twenty years ago /i
i I belonged one to them.
Frits the Big Dogg and his cats presents
Sex and the City the Movie
i having obtained early,
my specialization in marks, /i
i I concentrated on mine
he/she looks for for the love.
i But, after all /i
i something "divinal" is not so easy
of finding, when it is love.
The something?!
Are you married?!
His/her brute! The mother's Filho!
i AND it continues to be it.
I hate you!
i it is for that that he/she needs her of help
to find something like that.
i Montes of help.
i it Helps, also known as
Charlotte York, /i
i Miranda Hobbes, /i
i and Samantha Jones.
My God, look at this!
- Hello.
- Hello.
Oh, rays!
i my name is Carrie Bradshaw /i
i and I am a writer.
i Year after year, my single friends
they were my salvation.
i AND, as if it came to prove,
my sustenance.
i Already courtship since the fifteen years.
I am exhausted! Where is he?
i Charlotte sought the perfect love.
i - Drake doesn't get to lift him/it.
- Well, almost perfect.
- I will be Jewish.
i we are not to get.
We are deficient at reproductive level.
i - They will feel the beb.
- It is our beb!
i Then, /i
i Charlotte and Harry went to China
and they returned, with the daughter Lilly.
i Miranda was a disciple
of the hard love.
i Good-bye.
The sex was ptimo.
i - Steve, I am pregnant.
- Are you the something?
i Carrie...
i Me, Miranda Hobbes,
I accept you, Steve Brady...
i AND Miranda traveled to Brooklyn,
by Brady and for Steve.
Who wants a raj?
i THE love of Samantha /i
i it was the sex.
i sex Montes.
i I Walk with a type whose sperm
he/she has an eccentric flavor.
i can I cancel my pudding of rice?
Then she found a man, /i
i that combined sex with love.
- I will help you to be a Stripper.
i - Yes, he is interested...
- Then Samantha steered Hollywood /i
i with the television star:
Smith Jared.
i as for me...
i it sought something
Big (= Big).
i he/she Enters.
i Sr. Big.
i But, after all, when
that great love appears...
i not always it is easy.
- He/she tells me just that I am the such.
i AND in spite of all the other chapters
of my life...
i any era "Big" enough.
i Carrie, you are the such.
i it is like this without further ado,
I was the such.
i Three books and three years later...
i we still felt as
those four single girls.
i AND although the time has us done to move forward,
I arranged way to be how it was.
i Passionate.
- Thank you.
- You are welcome.
I have a good premonition
on this, small.
I hope so,
I always adored this block.
i to Find the perfect apartment
in New York, /i
i it is as finding the perfect partner.
i it can take years.
Are in how many going we?
Of the worst.
Have just left him/her a message.
And the kitchen is for here.
That is the window...
with the best view.
If something more slowness, inform us.
I am very interested in this building.
I have another apartment that still nor
he/she is at the market. Do they want to see him/it?
- Clear.
- Very well, then.
He/she costs more than they wanted to pay.
The more?
Then it is here where they keep the light.
My God!
I died and I went to the sky of the properties.
A simple house for two.
through the terrace...
- The something?
The Nirvana?
I live here.
His/her wife
he/she has been feeling a lot of of humor.
- They are not married.
- He/she is my boyfriend.
For here.
I am not too old for
to be presented as your boyfriend?
You are right.
From now on,
you will be my friend.
- That sounds to dog.
But it serves that nor a glove.
And this is the main room.
I hate him/it,
it hurts my eyes.
As it can a ranch like this
to be vague?
- It was a complicated divorce.
- Living here, which was their problem?
Now I understand the divorce.
I make you a better wardrobe.
Welcome the house, wanted.
Do we have money for this?
I treat of that.
We will sign some contracts there.
"I treat of that."
Like this, as if it was to pay a coffee.
- It is perfect!
- Excepto the wardrobe,
that Big says that he/she arranges. It is also
he/she says that the necessary kitchen of works.
That doesn't know, because
I don't keep the clothes in the oven.
Then, he bought her and you go
to live there with him?
- Yes, together. Quite so.
- But the owner is him. Therefore
will you maintain your old house, right?
- I still didn't think about the details,
but I am smart and have-of thinking
in something that pleases me.
I only want to have certainty
that are smart in this.
And I adore you for that.
for the time being,
you can stop worrying with me
and do you feel him/it what I want that feel?
He/she envies of me to live in a
beautiful Penthouse in Manhattan.
- He/she is well, I am with envy.
- Thank you.
You live in the sky of the properties
and me alive in Brooklyn.
The magazine New York says that Brooklyn
it is new Manhattan.
Who wrote that
he/she lives at Brooklyn.
There it is her!
Hello, Hollywood!
Oh, my lady!
- How was your flight?
- Fabulous.
- Fortunately.
- I am so excited!
i it was a rare occasion that joined all
the types of women From New York.
i Blair Elkin was a table maid,
that if it turned model, that if it turned actriz, /i
i that if it turned in the girlfriend of a billionaire
that one night, to the the house to arrive, /i
i he/she gave with itself piece in the street,
without further ado.
i Now, she had
the revenge of the breaking.
i An embarrassing one and public auction
of all of the jewels that he gave him/her, /i
i in the times in that were happy.
Here it is.
My beb.
- It is beautiful.
- When I saw her/it in the catalog told Smith:
"This flower is my essence.
It is only."
- "Full of fire."
- A little more than owed.
We will spend a there little of mine
arduous money of Hollywood.
Now the item 39.
The ring in flower form.
We began the auction with 10 thousand dollars.
- He/she is in 15 thousand.
- He/she is to bid for somebody to the telephone.
- 20? He/she is in 20 thousand.
- That is not exactly.
- He/she is in 25 thousand.
- Goat.
- 25 thousand... 30 thousand.
- They removed the gloves.
- He/she is in 30 thousand dollars... 35 thousand.
- I work a lot. I deserve this.
He/she is in 40 thousand. Thank you.
- 50 thousand?
- 50 thousand, porra!
He/she is in 50 thousand.
He/she is in 55 thousand dollars.
Does he/she want to move forward with 60?
Does he/she offer 60?
I marked the limit to the 50.
He/she thought that this auction would be more
entertaining. Is it half sad, it is not?
I thought that was alone sad for me,
because I know her. But it is really sad.
And it is graced, because them
they were very happy.
- Until they leave of the being.
- I know.
All told him/her that if it married,
but she didn't want to hear.
He had already been married three times.
Therefore she let to "enjoy" him/it.
One night, she returns the house and
he had changed the locks.
Her nor he/she had where to live.
A feather.
After ten years.
He/she was a smart girl,
until if to have lover.
I am to think
to sell my apartment
and to invest the money in the new house.
- You adore your apartment.
- I know, but...
There is immense space in the new house and...
Besides, me...
I want us to make life there.
You know...
I want that is ours.
But it is ours.
- I bought him/it for us.
- And that is wonderful, but...
You went you that bought him/it.
Therefore, the house is yours and...
- If something happened...
- What will happen he/she?
I have to be smart. We are not
married, I am not entitled.
On this home that I built
with you.
Do you want to marry?
I didn't think that that went an option.
- And if it went?
Do you want to marry?
He/she didn't care of being married with you.
Did you care of being married with me?
No... if that that you wanted went.
He/she wants to say,
is it that what want?
I want you.
he/she is well.
will we marry even?
We will marry.
- Should I feel a diamond?
- No. No.
He/she arranges me only an enormous wardrobe.
in the other night,
Big and I were to speak on...
You know, to live together and
our future and...
On what he/she made sense
while we moved forward and...
We decided to marry.
- And I am deaf.
- I am so excited!
- All are to look.
- Excuse!
Immense lament, but...
This is my friend and
he/she has just been bride.
She already walks with the man 10 years ago!
- I am tortured.
- I have a buzzing in the ear.
i AND the great news was about
to cross the country.
Samantha Jones.
I Made a decision and I wait
that are happy with her.
Wanted, finally you applied botox!
- No, I didn't apply botox.
- I tell you that you will adore, Carrie.
i I didn't call to speak of botox.
I am only to say.
Last week,
i after the auction
I began to think in my options.
I AND...
I and Big decided to marry.
i Yes.
Well, that is ptimo.
You seemed more animated with the botox.
Wanted, I am animated by you,
but you already know me.
I don't believe in the marriage.
Now the botox...
he/she always results.
- Samantha, line two.
I have to turn off. We spoke when
it is in the city, for the week.
Is he/she there?
I think was in shock.
i you are you, to marry.
- It is not any other one, you are you.
- Yes, I notice.
I thought after that confusion with
Aiden, didn't want to marry.
Therefore I put you in my file
of no-casadoira and
now I will have to leave.
- Well,
I lament the extra paper work.
- You will receive the bill.
i Samantha, /i
it is that this time seems to be everything so
different. No there is none
clich of a to kneel down romantic.
They are alone
two adults
to make a decision on
they pass the rest of the together life.
I am happy for you.
One more thing.
I want you to be honor lady.
What do find of that?
i the same as you sit down for the botox.
Painful and unnecessary.
A small marriage of 75 guests.
i As marriage present, Charlotte
he/she gave me Anthony Marentino.
i I Become friends and organizer of marriages.
Scratched out!
I adored.
I hope are so resolved
for the location and for the dress.
- I already found the dress.
- The something? When?
Yes, the other day.
I have him/it there!
- This will be good.
- I am so excited.
Here it is.
It was really that reaco that I intended.
It is beautiful, but...
It is so simple.
Simple and classic.
When I saw him/it, I thought:
"It is with that
that I should marry with Big."
Of who it is?
Which is the mark?
Of anybody.
I found him/it in an old clothing store.
- "The bride used a dress of Anybody ".
- Go there.
You know that will improve him/it
with some shoes.
The invitation is finer
that the dress.
- I heard that.
- It was for you hear!
i THE last spinster,
Carrie Bradshaw, /i
i it will marry in Manolo's,
with the financier From New York /i
i John James Preston,
next Autumn.
- Our marriage comes in the page six.
- Who there would put that?
i what proves the all the unmarried women /i
that can have a happy end
after the forty.
- Congratulations!
- Thank you.
i it Seemed that wherever went,
all had seen the page six.
i Even people that it was not waited,
as my publisher of the it Sails. Enid.
We are to do ours
annual article about the age
and we want you to treat of the forty.
- ptimo. Who will interview?
No, you...
You have forty.
I want that are portrayed
as the quarentona
- and here it is going the diamond or else -
Wait, me...
- Would I appear in the magazine?
- Dressed of bride.
It is an only opportunity, for that
it releases me a week of search for the soul
and he/she just says that yes.
- Enid, am very flattered, but...
- Carrie...
Designers of the it Sails.
Photographers of the it Sails.
Hairdressers of the it Sails.
He/she waives with the head.
Thank you.
It will be a surprise.
We will call him/her:
"The last unmarried woman."
difficultly I am the last unmarried woman.
No, but
forty years it is the limit for a woman
to be photographed dressed of bride
without seeming an espectculo of the brave.
He/she thought that if he/she treated of style
the any age.
Style, yes.
He/she becomes engaged, not.
i A typical Wednesday,
to tan with old friends, /i
i like Stanford Blatch.
i AND with new friends, /i
i like Vera Wang.
She is a borracho, for somebody
that he/she didn't judge to possess bride's genes.
- He/she seems that with the right man.
- And with the right dress.
When it marries I will use myself something like that.
- Only that larger.
- ptimo.
I liked.
I adored.
i AND Carolina Herrera.
Fantastic. Beautiful.
One more.
i AND Christian Lacroix.
i AND Lanvin.
i AND Dior.
i AND Oscar de la Renta.
i AND, finally...
i Vivienne Westwood.
i such A special dress /i
i that took out a tear to the
more the women's skeptic.
i Then, /i
i the impossible happened.
i it is like this, without further ado,
Vivienne Westwood /i
i it began my fatito to run
of there outside.
I lean...
You are the last New Yorker
what does still bring books of the library?
I adore the smell.
It is velhinho.
"Letters of great men's love"
Volume One.
- Am I there?
- No...
but some of your school friends
they are. Voltaire, Napoleon.
Young, you have to buy glasses.
I don't have anything, I have yours.
He/she listens to Napoleon.
"My dear Josefina,
consumed agreement of thinking in you."
It is typical.
The quietly surrenders soon.
- Because you are to read that?
- It is research for my new book.
Is it on the something?
The Love.
Write on finding
the love. Now I want to write
on what it happens
after finding.
What does happen he/she?
Continue tuned in.
It belongs to Beethoven.
He/she orders to come, Ludwig.
"My thoughts are going to you,
my dear immortal.
"I will only be able to live in the middle of the with you,
or not to live of completely."
It is good material.
"It turns you my life,
my whole.
"Just with the full conscience of ours
existence can reach the objectivo
"of we live together.
"Oh, he/she continues to love me,
"never judge mistakenly
your lover's faithful heart."
"Forever your
"Forever mine
Forever ours."
Some time you wrote me
a love letter?
Does a love fax count?
When is it that received a love fax?
I am the sure that mine
secretary will have you correspondent one.
What can tell you, done want?
He/she doesn't make my style.
Besides, those types had to write.
They were separate from the lovers for wars
and hundreds of quilmetros.
I am here.
You do me very happy.
He/she puts that in writing.
i With my mind
concerned pr-nupcialmente, /i
i I became criminal with the
books of the library. Therefore, now /i
i the tragic love histories
of "Monte of the Gales" /i
i and of "Love Story", they will cost me
plus than some tears.
He/she does favor.
- Where is the marriage?
- To the summit of the stairways.
i it was perfect.
i Big and I would marry in a classic
mark of New York /i
i that housed all the big ones
love histories.
Where is the employee with the bill?
He/she has calm, Miranda.
Magda still nor it ended.
I still have a summary for
to prepare when the house arrives.
I have to go to the bath house.
I take him/it.
Thank you, Magda.
We will wash that beautiful face.
He/she walks, he/she walks.
What was?
We cannot leave that
the hard-working owner has just had dinner?
He/she excuses, but I am exhausted.
Brady woke up me at 5 in the morning.
He/she also woke up me.
We have to leave of putting Brady
in our bed.
You have milk in the upper lip.
What did go now he/she?
- You are always to criticize me.
- Nothing is not!
You want to live with foam in the lip
without nobody tells you?
Do you want to tell me some thing?
Is there something what want me to say?
He/she waits, wait,
don't come you already.
He/she jumps upward.
We will dispatch there this.
Dear, we have to get up
in four and a half hours.
We never have sex and you
do you want to dispatch?
Steve, we make sex.
When was the last time?
There was snow in the ground.
With that frequency you
do they make sex?
Miranda, please.
What was? She is three years old,
he/she doesn't know what that is.
- I have 41 and I don't also know.
- I know, but she walks to repeat everything.
If I knew that the conversation
of women it will be prohibited
- We can speak, but without that word.
With that frequency you...
- "Do they paint?"
- Thank you.
I don't get to "paint" that arrives.
The day could start to "paint."
Everyday, if he/she had opportunity.
All used my box's pencils.
We already noticed.
You adore to "paint."
Because you ask?
Well, last night
Steve and I were to "paint"
and I was almost the...
- To come me.
- Lament. There is no equivalence in the pencils.
- He wanted to change of position
and I said:
"We will dispatch there this!"
He was always to try
to prolong the acto.
- And is that bad?
- It is, when one works on time entirely.
I work on time entirely.
But you don't have a small of 5 years,
parties, parents' meetings.
And a mother-in-law in a home
with Alzheimer already advanced.
We are just to pass for a phase
of "No-painting."
It goes and it comes.
All the couples are different.
Harry and I make love
two to three times a week.
- Good, now I feel worser.
When was your last time?
- Six months ago.
- Ep!
He/she seems a long time.
- But they were times of thin cows.
- Apposed that yes.
Carrie, then and you and Big?
Go there. I counted.
But I tell you this.
When Big "paints",
he/she rarely stays inside
of the outlines.
This helped enough.
i Completely out of the outlines.
He/she sends for Smith Jared,
in the home of the office.
I have to turn off,
a thing appeared.
- I have a gift for you.
- Up to now, I am to like.
You were you to the telephone in the auction.
- I know him/it as you wanted him/it.
- But,
I will buy him/it for me.
I wanted offer-to.
For our birthday.
He/she does today five years
that we met each other.
Because it was.
Do you like?
just so that it is clear,
that is a ring with diamonds,
no a ring of diamonds, right?
- Yes.
In that case, I adore.
It is the second best thing
that some time I found there inside.
Now, my gift
it is more for the oral.
I have to go for the bed.
- For the bed?
- They are 19:30.
- I have to be at the studio at 06:00 o'clock
and I have go workout first.
- Do you see? It is like this that begins.
When we give for her, we already only have sex
three or four times a week.
i AND it was Samantha as soon as discovered
that he/she had a new neighbor.
i From there, night after night, /i
i while Smith made yours
beauty sleep, /i
i Samantha found something more
interesting to see than TV.
- He/she maintains in the closed ones.
- He/she is well.
He/she opens them.
Double doors.
Up to now everything well.
My God!
I am proud, gentleman.
Do you like?
Do I like if?
It is love at first sight.
Now I believe that this
he/she is really to happen.
Nor I believe in the speed with
that he/she sold himself your apartment.
- It is a sign.
- A sign that the price was very low.
It is the... food.
Do you open, please?
While they put her/it in the table,
I begin in the wardrobe.
I should dispatch myself of here the some
Very well.
Pink PostIt is to take.
The violet is for the garbage.
The yellow is to keep.
They are ptimas friends!
My God!
I don't believe! Lilly, looks who is!
It is Samantha!
- What do make here?
- A lot of thing happened at this house.
The attention should be rewarded.
- Come unfastened!
- My God!
Do they remember this?
i While Samantha put
the best of the eighties /i
i I put the worst ones.
The aliens are there.
- A hook in banana form.
b it TAKES /b
It is quite so.
b it TAKES /b
b I SAND /b
It is for the garbage.
b it TAKES /b
i they were necessary four friends
and three days to put 20 years /i
i in 38 boxes.
while I will see your mother,
maybe you could take Brady to the
first party of years that is going alone.
Then I will have with you to the party of the gmeoses,
you can leave and to be at the bar at 18.00 o'clock.
What was?
I made sex with other person.
And, you are wonderful and,
I don't know as I could do you that.
Us the two didn't have sex
there is immense time and me...
My God!
He/she didn't mean anything,
he/she only happened once.
I have been me unbearable.
Has it been you unbearable?
He/she happened.
I was not to think.
Don't follow me!
Scott, leaves.
Miranda, I continue to be me.
Are you?
I don't get to believe.
- It is sad.
- Yes, it is sad, but...
I won't turn him/it sadder being
in a bad hotel, while I seek house.
Do you pass me the salt?
Of course has to be in the
he/she lowers and close to Brooklyn.
We will maintain the life of Brady
the most normal possible.
I am with him in my days and
Steve us of him. And...
he will walk
back and for ahead.
I don't know if this question is valid,
how is Steve to work with this?
He/she says to be devastated and he/she begs me
for he/she forgives him.
He/she won't happen.
- Badly I support to look for him.
- Miranda, wanted,
are you the sure that you want to do this?
It was alone once,
any one can slip.
Even if accepted that justification,
it is the part of betraying.
The part behind my backs,
the violation of the trust.
It is that that is me to kill.
Thank you for beings you.
i Charlotte made love with Harry
four times on that week.
The marriage is to press.
We have to see this seriously.
Now no.
Have just received one
our contractor's e-mail.
He postponed the conclusion date,
- I have to answer him/her...
- No, not,
The Marriage before the contractor.
Unless planeies to invite him.
What would do with that the list
of guests it passed for 201.
My God, Carrie!
Did he/she arise again?
- It is the dress.
- You said that you/they were 75 people.
How can I explain?
Did you already play pquer, right?
The dress?
He/she goes up the stop.
As they are
your votes?
He/she reminds you that will say them
in front of immense people.
- Therefore the pressure is...
- Right. He/she lifts you,
I have to finish this.
He/she lifts you!
- I don't have time for this.
- You are not to take him/it seriously.
Because I am not.
It is a circus.
Page six?
This is my third marriage.
How do you think this makes to resemble?
Me not
he/she knew that that would be a problem.
Because you didn't say anything earlier?
You wanted this everything.
- But you don't want...
- I want you.
It is that that I want.
For me it was enough to have gone
to Registo Civil.
I think now is too much
late for Registo Civil.
No, I was not to suggest,
he/she was only to say.
Do you see?
It is that expression
that have been trying to avoid.
He/she walks here.
You are a ptimo friend.
i it is soon arrived the night
previous to the great day.
There they are them!
I know that in the rehearsal dinner,
it is tradition that the honor lady
reveal embarrassing things
on the bride.
But in our group,
us never in the descamos.
Therefore it would like of
to do a gift to the fianc.
There it is a word
that he already heard before.
- Who is that type?
- He/she is Carl. He/she is partner in the firm.
- He is half foolish.
- They know what gets used to say:
- "There are third is once and for all."
- Silly !
I am to speak!
There were heights in that we had the
our doubts on this borracho.
But after having taken care observation,
along the last a hundred years,
my doubts are dissipated.
Therefore, to the fianc.
A man that was finally
"Carrie-cattle" for far.
To the hope, Jonh.
That stupid!
It was really beautiful.
Thank you.
- Anything as an illegal Cuban cigar.
- Exacto.
- It was a great gift, Samantha.
- Because.
And you are a great man.
- He/she is there a taxi. He/she picks him/it.
- friend, wait there!
I don't want to inconvenience you.
You are not us to inconvenience.
I need to speak with Miranda.
Samantha, could ask him/her
to come here out?
I don't want to enter,
it is a party and such...
I didn't speak to you the night all.
Steve is here.
Hello, personal.
They could feel...
We will enter.
Are you well?
No me of this choice.
You don't answer to my phone calls.
Only speeches with me when
we are ahead of the small,
and you know that cannot say anything.
- What will have to say
what can improve the things?
- Miranda,
- It was only that time.
- You of this cable of us!
Of this cable of us!
The one that we had is undone!
I changed for you.
- Are you well?
- No, anything well.
You are crazy in marrying.
The marriage arruna everything.
Here you are you.
I thought will flee me.
The grown girls' night
he/she is about to begin.
Is everything well?
I think am tired.
We are going home to sleep.
But first he/she gives me a good night kiss
and that is a good one.
Because it is the last as unmarried woman.
I always knew that she would marry
with Big.
- You didn't know anything.
- That is of crazy.
He/she knew, yes!
Every time that you/they ended
I thought for me:
"No. They deserve to be together."
Same later
of the second time that ended?
- Yes.
- Even after to 15th?
Acabmos a lot of times.
Yes, but later the comes
scalding reconciliation sex.
Do you want to assist?
He/she opens him/it.
Are you the sure that my daughter is not?
Am I?
I am me.
Did you hear Lilly?
I need to speak with you.
The something?
I am here seating
to try to write the votes and...
That is a thing
what do want even to do?
Personal, it is Big.
I will assist...
He/she sees if you sleep, fianc!
What does happen he/she?
It is alone...
Everything is ptimo as it is.
I don't want to destroy him/it.
You don't go.
I already destroyed him/it twice.
But now,
it is with me that you will marry tomorrow.
With me.
With more nobody.
i AND I will marry with you.
i I am me and you.
And do you want to know the best of that?
i Yes.
Both already made the possible ones
for destroying.
Is a smile that I am to listen?
It is.
i I Think /i
that are a little blocked
to write the votes.
i I find,
as professional writer, /i
that is better
to stop thinking in that,
to go for the bed and,
i and in the morning...
You will know what to do.
i Exactamente.
i it is BEEN doesn't go like this,
he/she writes this: /i
i I will love you.
Simple, necessary and interest
that I don't claim author's rights.
Now you are going to the bed, right?
He/she is well.
Good night.
I see you tomorrow.
Good night.
I am me and you.
That yes, he/she is a bride.
Before we leave will look for
the flowers, certain, girls?
Miranda, will you help?
Am I?
i could you pass to Carrie, please?
Am I?
- We don't have time.
- Who let to leave the dogs?
Remove these dogs of here!
It was that was us necessary,
a dog mijadela in the bride's dress!
- The bride is going in this.
- The Hotel Four Seasons.
i Hello, it is Carrie.
Leave message.
The bride is going beautiful!
- Blue.
- Yes, gentleman.
- It is black.
- Red, I am me.
- Where is the black?
- I am to go.
- To proceed to the red.
- I am to go!
Go, he/she walks.
There it is going the bride.
Does he/she look, does a princess seem, do you see?
Could you hold in this?
- Thank you.
- Happinesses.
It is as passing a convoy for one
hole of a lock.
We see each other in the library.
i Hello, it is Carrie.
Leave message.
Because you didn't tie me?
I do have of speaking with you.
He/she ties me as soon as hear this.
I don't want more guests in these stairways.
Just the bride's group.
We have a problem.
- They are not here.
- They should be arrested in the traffic.
The two?
i Hello, it is Carrie.
Leave message.
I don't get to enter without you.
this of the engaged couple,
he/she affected me really.
I need to know
that are still us.
Only you and me.
As you said.
Go there, wanted, it returns you.
I need to see you.
He/she looks at the mammy.
There they come.
- Then?
- I know, the traffic was of the worst.
- The street 57 was...
- Hello mammy.
- Until already, wanted.
- We go there upward.
We are ready.
He is not here.
- Who is that is not here?
- The fianc.
What does happen he/she?
Big is not here.
But we are 25 minutes
Did anybody tie him/her?
Feel a telephone.
Somebody that feels a telephone.
I don't know how to move in this.
He/she takes, wanted.
Thank you.
We will arrange that tie there.
i am I?
Are you well?
I am to call there is one hour.
Because you don't answer the telephone?
Because I don't know where I have the telephone!
What does the one happen then?
Where are you?
I was there ahead.
Have just come me away.
I don't manage to do this.
My God!
i Carrie?
He doesn't come.
- My God!
- How like this, doesn't it come?
Group Brady home
that I later will have there.
Remove me of here.
- Remove me of here!
- They go, vain.
Take her that I am here to treat of this.
But the one what do I be to do?
Give the turn.
It is a street of only sense,
I have to give the turn to the block.
When we give the turn
she already left.
Nobody doesn't come behind us.
Give the turn.
I think are them.
I went by moments
but now I am prepared.
I knew that you would make this!
I knew!
Carrie, excuse.
- I was humiliated!
- Excuse.
He/she excuses, Carrie.
He/she walks, he/she walks.
Carrie, wait.
Excuse. Carrie...
No! No!
He/she walks, he/she enters in the car.
Everything is well.
He/she walks there! He/she moves you!
He/she thought that would be still
to suffer vastly.
I don't feel anything.
He/she wanted a little more of "anything."
Yes, I continue abandoned.
What bug will have bitten him/her?
He was ptimo in dinner.
I knew when he called last night.
I noticed something.
Then because you didn't say anything?
He/she didn't want to believe.
Nor he/she wanted to say him/it aloud.
Now I don't have where to live.
- You are here.
- Forever.
Maybe you should eat any thing.
Is anybody hungry?
My clothes.
There I cannot return.
How will I recover the clothes?
I can hire people to do that.
What wants you to need.
A murderer?
I don't have anything to dress
excepto a wedding dress.
You have the clothes here for the honeymoon.
There it is a comfort.
A honeymoon
in a romantic Mexican stay that
it was pr-paid with my credit card
because I wanted to surprise the man
that he/she abandoned me.
I can get rid of that.
Nor that is said that he/she died somebody.
And didn't he/she die?
He/she maintains those closed eyes.
I think I made a big one blurry.
He/she said a thing to Big,
in the rehearsal dinner.
How like this?
It was just after Steve to appear.
It was disturbed.
Big came to have with me
and I said something as:
"You are crazy in marrying."
He/she left me.
- Do you think was for that?
- No.
He is eccentric with the marriage
there are years.
I continue to think
that should tell Carrie.
No, not.
It is a bad height until
to mention that.
No, not.
He/she arranges another height,
Well, it seems that not
I removed her/it of the honeymoon,
but I put us there.
- The something?
I marked in the three places in the flight.
here we go us.
I cannot go to Mexico.
I have a job.
He/she leaves for Jared.
Smith Jared with a "J."
Quite so, thank you.
I adore you.
Already chegmos.
I later call you.
- Welcome to Mexico.
- Buenos days!
Buenos days.
- Hello.
- Do they have Wi-Fi?
Thank you.
Lament, but I am confused.
I wait for Sr. and Sra. Preston.
You will wait a lot.
Then we spoke.
This will kill her.
- Where is she?
- In the bath house.
- We will give a view of eyes.
- Yes.
And this is the main suite.
Oh my God!
You treat of that side.
Where will we put this?
In here.
Enough of honeymoon things.
That is very important.
There she comes.
It will be a sunset divinal.
He/she closes the blinds.
Good morning.
Was a dream?
It is dinnertime,
you slept all the day.
Is it later?
you have to eat any thing.
I am tired.
He/she eats any thing and turn to sleep.
Is there coffee?
Yes, clear.
This sun knows well.
My God, wanted!
There was not wax?
What was?
He/she didn't know that will walk in fact of bath.
Of the one what are to speak you?
- I forgot to do the depilation.
- From when, 1998?
- He/she had other things in that to think.
- I could be in the corridor of the death,
and it would not be like this.
- Samantha, when if it is married,
it is had different priorities.
- Don't use the marriage.
This is married and not
he/she has a forest.
How do you get to cross the legs?
He/she lets to mark me you a session in SPA.
Denser and no longer you find her.
Is it then?
Is my fault?
Did I leave the sex to dismay in my marriage?
Did I deserve him/it what had?
- Thank you for you understand.
- Wanted, excuse.
- It is not that that me...
- I am well!
- We will have dinner to the hotel, today.
- Seriously?
I have to do something to remove me
of my "Move-coma."
Wanted, you made a joke.
That good for you.
Buenas noches.
My name is Felix and I will be your employee.
Felix, we will begin with four
No, I won't drink.
A bottle of water.
- I drink the one of her.
- Yes. Can they give me the number of the rooms?
We are in an of the private houses.
To number three.
Certain, Sra. Preston.
It was as taking a shot.
Charlotte has pudding in his/her Prada.
- Will it be that will smile again?
- Yes!
When there is something
same very funny.
I have to thank to Mariachis.
Nor I hear myself to think.
And he/she continues to bring them.
Thank you.
Thank you.
He didn't get to leave the car.
After ten years
of the one that did happen
he/she could not make the effort,
and to leave the car.
I made the effort.
- I put a bird in the head.
- Was that a bird?
- Yes.
- He/she thought that were feathers.
- It was a bird.
- It was beautiful.
He is bad.
It was always it.
- Subjects bad, make bad things.
- Good subjects, also make bad things.
The good ones fodem-you
and the bad fodem-you.
And the remaining ones don't know you foder,
trust me.
- I have been making my research.
- After everything that I know,
after 20 years of
everything lied down out for the emotion of putting
his name in the honeymoon suite.
If he/she didn't know me
he/she would not say that was me.
Since we are with this conversation,
nor I believe that my life
rotate to a man's turn.
How did I allow that?
But you love him.
That explains to say his name
He/she explains worrying with him and with
their needs before mine?
Is everything on the other person?
Is that the love?
That is the marriage.
Until this ring.
I wanted to buy him/it for me.
That meant something for me.
To make that.
he buys him/it for me.
- Because he/she knew him/it all liked of him.
Yes, but now whenever I look down
I see him/it to him and not to me.
- Everything is...
- One more round.
- Wonderful.
- Other?
We are on vacation.
we are in my honeymoon.
I think are in their honeymoon.
Yes, it is to boil,
there are already three days.
What are to do?
Post office box flood.
Apposed that is.
- There is nothing as the present.
- No...
I am not still prepared
to face him/it.
I will give a race and later I go
to the class of Pilates, somebody wants...
- Hello.
- Hello.
Good news.
Have just received an e-mail of the lawyer
of your buyers.
They are willing to sell you of turn the
old apartment
for the market price, and...
they wander when you return
for one more changes.
For the visas, it can go back home,
but it will cost you.
We will treat of there to put your things.
You two could govern the world.
i after his/her training,
Charlotte didn't get to avoid /i
i to leave of thinking in as it was blessed.
This week made her to feel grateful /i
i for his/her happy marriage.
i AND, for one second, while
it imagined their lovers home /i
i he/she forgot from where was
and he/she opened the mouth.
Hello, girl.
Wanted, which if...
He/she is closed, she is to clean.
He/she tries the...
- You ended of...
- He/she silences you! He/she silences you!
i it is like this...
i Charlotte made coc
in the pants.
i Miranda was right.
i When something was
same very funny, /i
i I laughed me.
i 1st message.
Received Saturday, September 20, at 00:30 o'clock.
i Carrie, ties me.
I need to speak with you before...
i it didn't happen me better height for
to hire an assistant.
I don't lift boxes.
Without a doubt that not.
He/she adored a career in the fashion.
This is not thin.
I adore their books.
It is a brilliant scene.
- You are intoxicated.
- You can have faith.
Still nor I went to the bed.
But dactilografo that nor a nut!
I was formed in Finances, in Princeton.
On these last two years,
I went assisting of a Vice-president
in Merrill Lynch.
And... Paul, because he/she is
suitable for this work?
Then it is of Saint Louis?
Louise of Saint Louis.
- And is it formed in Cincias Informticas?
- Yes, correcto.
That good for itself.
I badly know how to type.
- Already some time was assisting personal?
- No.
But I am the oldest of six siblings,
of certainty that I will escape.
Six siblings.
How is that?
I had to move for New York
only to have space. And how was I?
In a T0, with three room friends.
For besides the space,
because he/she moved to New York?
To fall in love.
What was?
Is piegas, right?
No, not.
It is...
It is very honest.
I don't hear anybody say that,
there is already a long time.
Then, Louise of Saint Louis,
I only have one more question.
As it is that an unemployed
with three room friends,
does he/she support to have a suitcase Louis Vuitton?
It is rented.
Bag, Borrow or Steel
it is the paradise of the suitcases.
- How is it possible I not to know that?
- He/she is close to me that I guide you.
i it is BEEN guided me.
Speech Louise, I am to call in name
of Carrie Bradshaw.
Yes, she received his/her invitation but
it will be him/her impossible to attend.
Thank you.
Put that beyond.
i only three days later,
I began to see her as /i
i Saint Louis' Santa Louise.
No there is here anything for you.
i AND while he/she moved for
my old apartment, Miranda /i
i it sought a new one,
in the drop.
- Do you like letters in Chinese?
- Yes.
To New Magazine he/she says that this
it is the new neighborhood in ascension.
- Maybe over there?
- Maybe do go back home?
A white with a beb.
Where he goes,
it is where we have to go.
Let us go.
I already here lived.
Be an Ukrainian area.
He/she looks, changes.
Do they arrive or do they go?
Op, will see.
Do wait here, is it well?
i There, in old Ukraine, Miranda
he/she found his/her new apartment.
It is there were the rest of their days,
where the birds were of guard
and the women nor one
step could give for the street.
Cinderela and the Prince
they lived happily forever.
You know that that is just
a fairy tale, right?
And that in the real life the things
not always they happen like this?
I think should know that now.
One more that falls in the conversation.
- Hello.
- The mammy is home.
Thank you for you take care of Lilly
while I went to the doctor.
You are welcome.
Is everything well?
I am pregnant.
You know that you/they say that when
it is stopped trying
can it happen?
And the doctor says that she knows others
couples that adoptaram
and that later they became pregnant.
Carrie, am pregnant.
i I Think in certain homes,
the fairy stories take place.
It was really good.
You seemed half distant.
You are still inside of me.
Do you want to talk about that?
Some time I already wanted to speak?
He/she is well.
I speak.
Your best friend was sanded
for that type.
How could not you be like this?
It is more than that.
I don't have sense a connection with...
- With me?
- No!
To everything this!
I don't have any connection
with our life here.
What life here?
I only work and you flee for
New York whenever you can.
Not always that can.
I am only there going to help.
And the part of being your agent
he/she is to be too much.
I am to begin to resent him/it.
On these last two years
everything is on you.
In the first three years
everything was on you.
I know.
It was much more entertaining.
Carrie Bradshaw's page
he/she is a confusion.
Carrie Bradshaw says.
When it is that will treat
of the things really important?
- How to unwrap my closet?
- A thing of every time.
- Some time you answered to these e-mails?
- Yes.
- I read and you tell me that to do.
- He/she is well.
Who is
Is he, it is not?
Turn off.
No there is
any ranch in the cyberspace for
where can you send his e-mails?
He/she makes that, please.
You are the sure that you want to finish
all the communication with him?
He/she is well.
Nor I believe that will disguise.
All of the parents in the school of Brady
they disguise, it is entertaining.
This invented by mothers that don't work
and that you/they don't have anything else to do.
Very well, what have here?
and Sexy Kitty.
And it is that.
The only two options for woman.
Witch and Sexy Kitty.
Have just said
a great truth, sister.
Maybe it should use this with one
suitcase of businesses and to go like me own.
I received an e-mail of Big.
"I don't know him/it that saying."
Then don't send an e-mail.
Did for what wait you?
And in the "subject", two words.
"I apologize."
Steve is only excuses.
An e-mail of excuses,
an excuse message,
excuse flowers,
excuse cards.
That such: Don't "make anything of
what do you come to be sorry?"
Maybe he is sorry.
Maybe Big is also.
Well seen.
He/she arrives here.
You are to scare the people.
It will be need more than that for me
to scare, after what passed.
I still don't believe
that this happened me.
I know that happened,
but I don't get to believe
that happened.
I am wakened up at night to review,
in the head,
all of the details of that
last week.
Carrie, there is a detail
on that last week
that I walk to want to tell you.
In the rehearsal dinner...
i it was then that I saw.
i THE only frightening thing enough
to get scared after what I passed.
You are beautiful.
You are wonderful.
- It is the worst than he/she has.
- He/she waits, wait.
What does say there he/she, in the note editorial?
"Carrie Bradshaw's marriage
and John James Preston
"it was canceled when
this article went to impression.
"Bradshaw is...
Is Bradshaw the something?
Move away.
"Bradshaw is still
unmarried woman and to live in New York."
i I didn't want to buy her, but, /i
i it was like this less one Sails
in New York.
- Nor I recognized you.
- It is that the objectivo.
My head is in the program
of proteco of witnesses.
But I feel that is you well.
And I feel this Channel in you.
It is mine until Tuesday.
- Certain, then?
- Take.
It is hour of returning to the world.
Your new number.
The code of the area is the 347...
Oh not!
I am a 917,
I always went him.
I tried,
no longer it is available.
Now you are a 347.
Samantha Jones.
i Carrie Bradshaw.
i at least, be.
He/she says things.
I am a 347 of area code.
How horrible that is?
I want old New York.
With my old one 917
and my old will of living.
- Old New York, new New York.
At least, it is New York.
Another difficult thing on being
in Los Angeles
it is the thick of my neighbor on the side.
I don't get to stop looking for him.
i Glance?
Only to look.
After having seen the face of Steve
in dinner, it was never able to...
But you should see this.
All of the nights, he/she makes sex
with a different partner.
He is...
like me,
five years ago.
i Because, /i
when I was a 917.
i Which is the interest in having one
bonzo to the side, /i
i if you cannot have sex with him?
Concordmos that more nobody
excepto Smith, would be in the layer.
I already tie you.
i AND in an effort to maintain
out of house and out of sarilhos, /i
i Samantha went shopping.
What such to save a cozinho?
She needs a home.
i While Samantha was convinced of
that a dog was not for her...
She was sterilized,
but it didn't lose the will.
i AND like Samantha
she didn't get to "free", /i
i he/she bought things.
What happened if these
did they disappear how that for magic?
I know where you live.
For a pair like this,
he/she moved.
Wait Carrie, that not.
Do you want that me free from him?
No, it is too beautiful.
I will only bury him.
Well in the bottom, as I did with
my feelings.
Do you feel his lack?
Do you know him/it what is strange?
I have not been regretting almost anything.
Maybe only it is allowed us one
certain amount of tears
for man
and I already spent mine.
Yes, I know as you sit down.
My boyfriend of Saint Louis
it put an end to me last year.
I miss constantly.
i suddenly, he/she did shines.
i there were two broken hearts
in my entrance hall.
Louise, we needed a drink.
He/she diffuses in the rented suitcase.
He/she went so hard for me.
Of course thought that Will...
It is his name.
He/she thought him
it was the love of my life.
What did happen he/she?
He said that he/she loved me and everything,
but it didn't think I was the such.
That hurt.
But do you know that more?
As you want.
- I won't give up the love.
- Good.
Is the love that "thing", do you know?
Do you see this?
That is the love.
And I swallow him/it with me the whole day.
He/she gives me license.
I remember that smile.
Who is he?
Somebody that I have just known.
He/she wants go drink a glass with me.
At 23:30 o'clock?
- That is for the queca.
- It is not anything.
He is used of table,
he/she left now.
Louise, I cannot know how to type,
but it trusts me.
The message subliminar of that
it is queca!
But if he comes to have with me
no longer he/she wants anything to say, right?
He/she is well.
He/she amuses you.
It is for that that you/they serve the twenty.
To the thirty, you learn the lessons.
To the forty, you pay the drinks.
In that case,
I want one more.
Everything is in the secretary.
If to find, the writing will appear.
And it is better than comes,
because I am to use the progress
of the new book to pay the decorator.
I find wonderful be to redecorate
the whole apartment.
out with the old and...
come the expensive.
Harry tied me and he said
that you didn't walk to run.
Because he/she did him that?
Because he/she loves you and it is concerned.
He/she doesn't have anything with that if
to worry.
The doctor said that
it is not safe or like this?
He/she said that like me already
run doesn't do badly.
- Then, because no...
- Because I fear that something bad happens.
It is already a miracle to be pregnant.
Everything has that always wanted.
I am so happy that until I am afraid.
Nobody has everything that wants.
He/she looks at you.
He/she looks at Miranda.
They are such good people
and he/she sees what happened you.
Of course something of bad
I will happen me.
you defecated in the pants this year.
Maybe already you are dispatched.
You run everyday.
It is that that you do.
You cannot stop being who are
for you be afraid.
Very well, then.
Here we go us.
i AND as well as the last leaf of Autumn it fell,
also the fear of Charlotte left.
i When the first snow fell, /i
i Charlotte recovered the forces.
Of certainty that you don't want that
answer the affirmatively none
of these invitations for parties of the block?
- No. I am perfectly happy alone.
Of certainty?
- Because this seems to be good.
- He/she is going home.
Seriously. You will lose the airplane.
He/she is well.
But first...
Merry Christmas.
You didn't need.
It is a stupidity.
Oh Louise, of Saint Louis!
You said that you had never seen.
Now I feel bad.
If he/she knew that will change gifts...
He/she had bought you one
two weeks ago behind
and he/she had her hidden here.
That is not it that me leaning,
I don't know. Open.
My own Louis Vuitton?!
Because it is.
Enough of alugueres.
He/she looks who returned of the big city.
i it was the best money
that some time I spent.
i Previous day of new year.
i AND a mass packing.
- Do you know him/it what will say at midnight?
- Happy new year.
Only that will say him/it
much more lively than that.
You will say:
"Happy new year!"
- Happy new year!
- Yes!
You say that and later you give a kiss.
- Ready to go, rapazo?
- Yes.
You remembered to take Batman
what did Sandra give you?
I think is at the kitchen.
You have to have new Batman!
Where are you?
Do you have plans with them?
All will stay home today.
You want
to come to eat connosco?
We could go the some place that is
on your side of the bridge.
No. Thank you.
Miranda, I never had intentions
of hurting you.
I found him/it!
- Batman!
- There it is him. Batman.
- He/she puts the cap.
- Yes.
He/she is to snow outside.
- Here you have.
- I want to be like Batman.
Happy new year.
Happy new year.
- Until tomorrow.
- Good-bye.
This is my new Batman.
i do you Know him/it what will do?
- We will play until at midnight!
- Father!
b LOVE /b
Am I?
He/she thought that one of the purposes
of having a family
it was not to have to do the passage
of alone year with Chinese food.
I am alone with Chinese food.
I was to sleep.
No, everything well.
Where is Brady?
i it is the night of Steve.
i you don't wake up, /i
he/she sleeps again.
- No.
Everything well.
- Are you well?
- I am ptima.
I was all excited,
to see the year passage
alone, in television.
Do you want that goes there?
i To the drop?
No, I can...
I can go of taxi.
In the new year?
Nor to think.
I am well.
He/she only wanted to speak a little bit.
i he/she sleeps again.
Me, /i
i I see you for the year.
- Good night.
- Good night.
That was good.
My God!
Fortunately you arrived.
Will arrived.
You are not alone.
b Happy new year /b
- Happy new year!
- Happy new year!
- He/she calms there, small.
- Are you well?
In Los Angeles I only go by car,
until I forgot of as if he/she walks.
i All of the Springs,
the women from New York /i
i they leave the superfluous choices
of their past back /i
i and they desire for the future.
i That is known as:
The Week of the Fashion.
Here we are.
Are we in the first line?
I had to pull some cordelinhos.
- Very well.
- Go thank them.
Decide where we will eat lunch
while I make a phone call.
As in the old times.
It was in this that you passed
while I was with Brady
and with Steve in Aquarium?
nor every Saturday.
Only so that they know,
we always had rooms ahead
in the espectculo of the dolphins.
Steve makes a funny imitation
of the dolphins. By chance,
it is more Steve as a dolphin.
Even you cannot forgive him?
Are you some to suggest thing?
I liked Steve,
I always liked.
He apologized hundreds of times,
he/she doesn't walk with more nobody.
- What will be I need?
- Do you also suggest that she forgives Big?
He/she was capable to kill Big.
Sometimes when I run,
I imagine what would tell him/her
if it returned him to see.
I have the clue of perfect opening.
Do they want to hear her?
I curse the day in that you were born.
It is better train a gesture with the hand
to accompany.
i he/she didn't know if it was the fashion or the facto of
us the four be again committees.
i But for the first time
there is already a long time, /i
i I felt me own.
We will pick a taxi.
I always thought would owe...
Skins are crime!
- Crime!
- Crime!
As I feel the lack of New York!
i Two weeks later, I met the boyfriend of the
Santa Louise of Saint Louis, Will.
i In Christmas, they noticed
of the all liked each other.
i Same on time of the Day of the Lovers.
The telephone.
Am I?
I am only to call to certify me that
you are not yourself to hang in the shower.
You called one hour
I too much give in.
Which is the plan for
the Day of the Lovers?
Miranda and I will have dinner.
It is later, a violent one
terror film.
i AND you?
I am to do Sushi for Smith.
And this?
Do you make those things?
We took a course there are some times,
and when he enters for that door
at 19:30 o'clock,
I will surprise him, lying down nude
in the table, covered with home-made sushi.
you don't have even anything that to do.
i AND more innovations?
Carrie, there is immense love
in this room.
I am alone me, or this year
are the steroids in the fashion?
No, not. It was already like this last year,
we are that played for the another equips.
Good night!
This is our menu of the day.
All of the specialties
they are related romanticamente
with the theme and suitable for two.
Will they drink wine?
- Yes!
- Yes!
- Glass or bottle?
- Bottle.
I already go back to take yours
request and the one of his/her girlfriend.
Because you looked for it Sails her?
- Today, above all?
- Because
I am an emotional suicide.
I deserved what had.
To run for all to New York,
having faith that would have my happy end.
"Do they see?
"The love always conquest everything!
Look at me and for my only dress,
"to get married with the love of my life."
- Do they want another bottle?
- Yes!
- Yes!
Miranda, in that article,
I didn't say "Us" a single time.
No... the whole article was:
"I find" and "I want."
- It was your point of view.
- Exacto, my point of view.
The whole marriage
it was of my point of view.
I left that the marriage went
more important than Big.
I am the reason for the which
he didn't leave the car.
I said a thing to Big...
that should not have statement,
in the rehearsal dinner.
How like this?
After Steve to appear,
I was very disturbed
and I came across Big.
he/she said that you two
they were crazy in marrying.
Here it is her.
ptimo. Thank you very much.
It was disturbed.
- Steve...
- I have been walking to review this
in my head,
five months ago.
And for five months
did you keep a secret of those?
- Once I tried to tell you, but...
- Once?
Did you try to tell me once?
- You should have tried everyday!
- I know.
- He/she was awaiting the right moment.
- There is no moment certain
for you count that ruined me
the marriage.
He/she happened!
He/she was not to think!
- Carrie, please, you don't go!
- Do you know him/it what think hurts more?
He/she went have kept the secret of me.
Me never, never,
I kept the secret of you.
No, I lie.
In the last five months, I have think
it was an enormous mistake have left Steve.
How do you sit down?
With license.
With license.
At any moment.
i Hello, wanted, I am me.
i he/she Assists.
i Saint 19:20 and I am still at the studio.
We are delayed, I will arrive late.
i Excuse.
i 40 minutes later, /i
i the Sushi, Samantha, /i
i and still anything of Smith.
That is a treta.
i it was one night as soon as Samantha
he/she had planeado.
i Removing the Sushi.
i AND the other woman.
- It was a long day.
- You are 3 hours delayed.
I know.
- Did you already eat?
- I already ate, yes.
I ate the home-made Sushi
that I did for you.
The Sushi that I spread for my nude body,
as surprise of the Day of the Lovers.
Because you are so annoyed?
I called.
He/she could not answer the telephone.
He/she had the body covered with Sushi.
He/she had Wasabi in ranches where
she should not put Wasabi.
You find to have killed me well
all the day in the kitchen,
to get ready a beautiful meal?
You made some Sushi.
- It is not anything of special.
- Anything of special?
I am not the woman type that passes
the day home awaiting a man!
He/she enjoys your Californian roll
Happy shit in the daytime of the Lovers!
i it is Carrie, leave message.
i Carrie, am me.
He/she assists, please.
i Three days of excuse phone calls,
e-mails, flowers, /i
i and I was not still ready.
i it was the time in that passmos
more time without we speak to each other.
I need to speak with you.
Is there how long you are here to the wait?
There are 17 dollars of duration.
He/she enters, please, has just marked 18.
This like this without speaking it is eccentric.
I am disturbed.
I understand, Carrie,
but it simply happened.
He/she never wanted to hurt you.
You have to forgive me.
Do you know that more?
- What was?
- No.
No, he/she says what will say.
You implore for he/she forgives you
in three days
and nor you consider to forgive Steve
for something that he did six months ago.
It is not the same thing.
It is to forgive.
I don't know if I can trust
in as it doesn't happen again.
Steve, today is very quiet.
Miranda, I know
that I did with that was difficult
you trust me.
you did with that went
difficult to trust you.
- Me?
- The form as you treated me?
And do you cut me of your life of that sorts things out?
I broke a vote!
Then and the remaining ones?
How to promise to love somebody
for the best and for the worst.
Then and that?
As I know that she won't punish me
to the rest of the life?
Don't know.
And she is not sure that you
he/she won't have other "indiscreetness."
The one that you/they know is that you/they want
to proceed in front.
And that the love that you/they seat one for the
another doesn't allow that to happen.
And it is that that we will discover here.
we made the last session and not
we can speak to each other for 2 weeks,
while we decided if we are together
again it is something that we do want.
It is later,
we have to choose a ranch for
we find ourselves.
If both of us appear on that day,
the past will stop existing.
As if the facto of we appear there
it was the promise of both
that are willing the
everything to forget and to proceed in front.
- Are you willing to do that?
- I don't know.
I don't know.
I have a lot in that to think.
To think?
- Or to feel?
- How like this?
Well, Miranda,
you are a lawyer.
You can struggle on both sides.
because it is that that
what did feel it is not logical?
It is emotional.
Therefore, I lament Harvard.
You will have to base that decision
in your emotions.
- Then I am sanded.
- I don't know what feel.
- You will know.
He/she will come the moment in that you will know.
And if it goes "yes",
then that whole logical diamond
he/she is going border out with the past.
And me that he/she thought that the challenge would be
to choose the ranch for us to find ourselves.
Where will it be?
In the bridge of Brooklyn.
He/she is halfway
of our houses.
Very logical,
and nevertheless poetic.
Poetic if both of us appear.
In another way,
you are in a bridge,
A good plan is not?
I have two good news.
- And I have two coffees.
- Thank you.
Here it is.
What does happen he/she?
I had news of your real estate one.
The apartment of the 5th Avenue
it was sold finally.
You have 60 days before the new owner
to take ownership
and you are out of there.
And which is the other news?
I will go back to Saint Louis
and we will get married in the Autumn.
My God!
He/she waits there, I have to see that.
It is beautiful.
And do you know that more?
He didn't rent him/it.
Good father - he/she Had a case...
b Canalizador - Bad breath (Per Times) /b
i In the last day of the period
for the decision, /i
i as expected, Miranda
he/she debated both sides of the case.
Thank you.
i All of a sudden, it broke out in Miranda
the idea that the list of Steve /i
i he/she could have more Obstacles than Advantages.
i AND Miranda never again
he/she looked back.
i Well... hardly ever.
He/she kisses me.
i However, in "Saint" of Angeles...
i After all, it seems that philosophy
of the new it was was not the secret.
i Samantha had money, a career
and a man that loved her, /i
i but nevertheless it didn't lose the sensation
that something lacked in his/her life.
Wanted, turn!
It is not our house!
Where do you go?
I am his/her neighbor on the side and
my dog fled for his/her pia...
i suddenly, it was not secret
him/her needed what.
Does he/she want to join me?
I am Dante.
It returns when you want.
i it was the drop of water.
i Since the moment
that he/she met Dante, /i
i Samantha
he/she was at a hell.
i AND for the Spring,
he/she was already as the old me, /i
i in my new apartment,
same on time of the party of the beb.
He/she gives me license, wanted.
- Hello.
- Hello.
They placed a glass without base
in your new secretary.
He/she told him/her that if he/she made him/it again
it broke him/her the arm.
- Thank you.
- Are we going to the bath house?
Hello, as it goes?
- Well, thank you.
- Fortunately.
Where is Samantha?
Her airplane covered with earth two hours ago.
You know how it is,
he/she should be to workout.
- Take.
- There is no place as the home!
You have a rat in the suitcase.
- It is better than is workout.
- Can I remove him/her the coat?
Linda suitcase.
Oh my God!
You have a dog!
Some time you thought to see this day
to arrive? Me with a dog?
My God!
So that it is that belly?
She walks to eat some thing.
- Enter!
- Hello!
We were to your wait.
I eat
for not betraying.
What do walk exactamente to eat?
Everything, excepto the pia of Dante.
He/she looks at the language, please.
This now is a house of adults.
I think I didn't give bill of the fat
that I am, until seeing in your faces.
and I say this with love,
as it is that
not of this bill?
- I have been avoiding mirrors.
- I am proud for you betray not.
I don't think so there is anything
of what to be proud.
I stuff myself for not doing something
that I think natural.
This is not on the weight.
You are beautiful in any size.
But are you happy?
The relationships not always they are
about the happiness.
With that frequency sits down
happy in your relationship?
I am the sure that is with you.
Do you feel happy everyday?
Not during all the day,
When it was the last time
what did feel happy?
Six months ago.
I think is normal for Los Angeles.
What will make?
What tells you
your bowels?
I know, but,
Smith was with me
aquando of the chemotherapy.
If he was with me during that,
I have to be capable to be
in this relationship for him.
have just compared your relationship
with the chemotherapy.
i There we were us.
The three "mirrors" /i
i that Samantha no
he/she got to avoid.
And Samantha,
that cushion cost
Hello, his/her monster!
You are home.
Won't you be one week?
We needed to speak.
Oh shovel!
- He/she knew that this was to come.
- Because...
This is not to work.
I made the best than he/she knew,
I gave him/her 5 years and 7 kg.
no longer you love me?
I love you, yes.
It is alone that...
I will say something that should not say.
I love you,
but I love myself more to me. And,
I have a relationship with me own there are 49
years and it is in that that I have ponder.
You will find a wonderful woman
that he/she adores to be in a relationship.
And will you find the something?
I don't know.
But it is a risk that I am
disposed to run.
He/she is with him.
He/she is well.
Every time that to look for him
I will think about you.
i Some love histories
they are not epic romances.
i Some are short stories.
i what doesn't turn them
less romantic.
i we Asked for the all the passengers
that fasten the seatbelts for us to cover with earth.
We will cover with earth in New York.
Now I have to take that.
i While somebody returned to my life,
other somebody left.
Stamps and labels.
And I put all your mail
for opening in these envelopes.
It is please, please,
don't destroy Carrie Bradshaw's site.
- He/she is well.
It is my masterpiece.
What will make without you?
You arrange other.
But she won't have my style.
Santa Louise,
you brought me of turn to the life.
And you gave me
"Louise Vuitton."
Now seriously,
you have to stop crying.
Your keys.
Thank you.
He/she waits, wait.
Don't forget about your love.
I found my love.
I leave that with you.
I see you in my marriage.
I find you in Saint Louis.
i Two weeks later, /i
i a Charlotte to which cost to walk,
he/she had a fast lunch.
- When is he/she born?
- For next week.
- He/she is beautiful.
- Thank you.
Can I bring him/her something to drink?
- No.
- No?
No. I cannot be.
Help me to divert her.
Charlotte, wait.
Charlotte, don't run,
you are pregnant.
I don't want to see you!
I am furious with you!
I was always on your side!
Is it later do that to Carrie?
No! No!
I won't cry!
I won't waste tears with you.
I curse the day in that you were born!
I think burst me the waters.
Oh my God.
- My car is really here...
- I don't enter in your car!
- Taxi!
- Charlotte, do I take you to the hospital, yes?
- Do you leave me there?
- He/she is well. He/she ties the car.
A girl!
It is my fate, to be surrounded
for beautiful women.
- He/she walks here.
- He/she is well.
- She is beautiful.
- He/she says hello to Rose.
That beautiful name.
It is in Harry's grandmother's honor.
I already have a Lilly (= Lily)
and a Rose (= Pink)
I have to say
that you are two ptimos customers.
They make the bebs without that drama:
"I am in labor!"
There was immense drama.
They burst me the waters while
he/she was in front of a restaurant.
- Very dramatic.
- He/she hopes she still didn't end.
They broke out while he/she spoke
with Big.
The something?
Do you see?
I found him/it and I was so disturbed
that if they burst me the waters.
He brought her/it to the hospital.
It was until the beb to be born.
I think he wanted to meet.
Today it is not on him.
It is on the beautiful beb Rose.
We know that she has the hair of Charlotte.
What more we know?
It is a doll.
- Happinesses.
- Thank you.
He asked me that he/she asked you
that tied him/her.
I know that I don't have to do anything with that.
But I felt bad for him be
in the hospital to your wait.
I swear you. Whenever he heard somebody
of jumps, it stopped him/her the heart.
Harry, is...
It is much more complicated
of what you imagine.
I know that is.
And you are entitled the of never
plus to tie him/her, but me...
Today I am for love.
And I feel bad for him.
He said that he/she writes you,
but that you never answered.
No, he never wrote me.
He said that he/she wrote because
he/she didn't have your telephone.
No, he/she never wrote me.
Then, because he would say that did him/it?
i Two hours,
two arquivadores /i
i and countless e-mails later /i
i it was about to give up of the
Big (= Big) enigma, when...
i he/she Had statement to Louise to put
Big in an I besiege where he/she never again saw him/it.
i he/she Speaks to Louise, leave message.
Louise, I am me.
Can you give me the password of your ficheiro?
He/she ties me, thank you.
B THE... M... The... R /b
i As soon as I inserted "Love", /i
i there it was him.
i AND because Big still
he/she didn't get to write, /i
i he copied the love letter
of Beethoven.
i AND of the Lorde Byron.
i AND of John Keiths.
i AND of Voltaire.
i There they were them.
The "Letters of Love of Great Men, /i
i volume one."
And one more.
i Written by John James Preston.
BUT I will LOVE YOU Forever /b
BUT I will LOVE YOU Forever /b
i he/she Wanted to tie him/her, but our love, /i
i Carrie and Big,
volumes a, two three, /i
i they impeded me.
- Am I?
- I didn't hear the telephone.
We came to buy my wedding dress.
That neckline makes you the big mamocas!
Mother, do you care?
It is a work call.
i Everything well, /i
I discovered which was.
I will call,
in any way.
Today it is the last day for the apartment
of the 5th Avenue. You have to the 18:00
before they change the locks.
- No, I don't need to go there.
Don't you want those shoes?
God, I forgot completely.
Because if you don't want,
send-millstones that I press my foot.
But they are already 17:00.
The something?
They were never used.
Shoes of 400 dollars.
By chance, they were 525.
Yes. Everything well.
Thank you, good-bye.
i THE light in our apartment pr-war /i
i it was completely different
in the postwar period.
He/she will order give-tos.
He/she didn't want that if they wasted
i it was not the logic.
i it was the love.
Because it is that we decided to marry?
I find
that feared that meant
something if we didn't make him/it.
Excuse to have made you that.
Excuse to have made you that.
Which do know the funny part is?
Is there a funny part?
We perfectly went happy before
we decide to live happily forever.
I think the fools are us.
It is a beautiful wardrobe.
Thank you.
It is comfortable.
It was this that you had in mind when
did you put the alcatifa?
He/she liked to have thought about that.
It is better leave before the
new owner picks us.
And the form as we decided to get married.
Only work, without romance.
It is not manageable of
to intend to somebody.
It is like this that is.
Carrie Bradshaw,
love of my life,
do you want to marry with me?
It is for this that there is always a diamond.
You have to do something
that he/she closes the business.
... forgetting that everything...
i AND in the end, /i
i Carrie Bradshaw married with
John James Preston, /i
i in an a dress without mark.
- I accept.
For the power in me invested by the
state of New York,
I pronounce you husband and woman.
He/she can kiss the bride.
Forever your
Forever mine. Forever ours.
Everything well in terms
been alone us?
You and me.
As I said.
But it had been more pleasant
if the small ones here were.
It was for that that I tied them.
- Happinesses!
- Happinesses!
Eggs for you.
It is for me.
i the reception also not
it was anything thereabout beyond.
i it was just eaten and friends.
And butter.
And, while it arranged him/it
I reflect of the marriage,
he/she didn't get to leave of wondering
because it is that we wrote
our own votes
and no our own rules?
That is something in that
I am to work.
Thank you.
i Maybe it is better some
marks be inside of the wardrobe.
i Maybe, when we labelled somebody as
he/she becomes engaged, fianc, husband, woman, /i
i married, unmarried woman, we forgot
of seeing for besides the label.
That is delicious.
- Because parmos of drinking of this?
- Because all the others began.
Now already it is elderly, but it is good.
And for speaking in velhotas.
- Congratulations.
- Congratulations.
He/she waits, a gift.
To Samantha.
Fifty-year-old and fabulous.
To us.
- And to the next 50 years.
- To the close ones 50!
i it is there, in the same city /i
i where they met each other
while small, /i
i four women from New York
they entered in the next phase of his/her life.
i Dressed of the feet to the head
with love.
i That is the only mark /i
i that never leaves of fashion.
Translation: Frits the Big Dogg and his cats
for our dear Boss Sabrina