Sex, Death and Bowling (2015)

Since its inception in 1951,
the Masters has been a showcase event.
Competition always is keen among
the huge field of participants,
who bowl in qualifying play for one
of 63 positions in the match play final.
The defending champion
is exempt from qualifying.
As usual the event has
attracted bowling's elite,
including Master's champions.
My grandfather told me
that Earl Anthony was the greatest
bowler that every lived.
He used to watch videos of
him with my dad and Uncle Sean
when they were kids.
Earl was a left-handed
bowler... a south paw,
my grandfather said... who kept
his hair short and his glasses
He was square... so
square the other bowlers
called him Square Earl.
He won 43 titles in his life.
In 1975, he was the first
bowler to earn over $100,000.
And in '82, he was the
first to make over $1 million
in lifetime earnings.
And in 2000, he was named
Master of the Millennium
by "Bowling Magazine. "
On August 14, 2001, he
fell down a flight of stairs
at a friend's house and died.
After everything he'd done,
he hit his head on the floor
and that was it.
The great Earl Anthony gone forever.
That got me to thinking.
What happens to us when we die?
Are we just gone...
finito, kaput?
Or do we live on forever?
And if we do, where do we go?
Where had the greatest
bowler of all time gone?
Where was Earl Anthony?
Eli, we've been talking for a while now,
and I want to help.
But maybe you should tell
me the reason you're here.
The reason I'm here... well,
my family's Presbyterian,
but we don't go to church.
Because honestly it's just
not a very satisfying religion,
so I'm thinking of becoming Catholic.
And for me the whole idea of
an afterlife is very appealing.
Presbyterians believe
in heaven and hell.
Well, yes, but not purgatory.
I like the idea that if you mess up,
you go somewhere and do
whatever to make up for it.
And then you go to heaven.
I just kind of want to
know what would constitute
truly evil... because
for me... truly evil
is kind of a game changer.
Have you done something
you want to tell me about?
Would you say killing
someone would be truly evil?
Have you killed someone?
But what if someone was
about to kill your mother?
And you had to make a
choice... kill him or let
him kill your mother?
There's really no choice, now is there?
You have to kill him.
Now I say that's a
purgatory-heaven situation.
What do you say?
Well, it used to be you
could count on your sports
seasons in this country.
Now you've got fall
baseball, soccer...
which never quits...
and now lacrosse,
squeezing itself in wherever it can.
I mean, are we even in America anymore?
Yo know it's an Indian game.
What, lacrosse?
Oh, let me guess...
we stole it from them.
Sometimes I think you take
that whole my grandmother was
an American Indian
thing a little too far.
McAllister Sports?
Oh, hey, Hal.
Hey, Hal.
Well, no.
No, I know he's your son-in-law,
Hal, but does he even bowl?
Well, how bad is Jesus?
Yeah, no, I'm fine with it.
I'll see you there.
What... what
Jesus sawed off the tips of
his middle and his index finger
on a job... on his
bowling hand no less.
He's in a cast for three weeks...
right before the Fiesta Cup.
Thanks, Jesus.
Thank you.
I'm sure he didn't mean to.
Aw, I mean, come on.
Even on his best days Jesus
could never replace Rick.
But I thought, you know, maybe
we might still have a shot,
but now we've got Hal's son-in law who
bowled a little in high school.
I'm sorry.
No, I... I... I just
feel bad for Eli is all.
I got to go.
He likes meeting me at the alley.
You know, he's great at
keeping stats that kid.
How much of an athlete though.
You know, Sean's probably at Rick's.
You want to stop by there first?
No, Eli'll be waiting for me.
Hey. wait a minute.
Have a good practice.
Where you going, midget?
Wolf, just leave me alone.
Are you going to stop me?
Yeah, like that's going to happen.
I already did your math homework.
And I was thinking maybe you
could write my history report.
I told you go to store.
I'm going.
Who's this?
Just a friend from school.
You got a name?
Eli McAllister, sir.
Ain't I seen you around a bowling alley?
I keep stats for my
grandpa's bowling team.
Dick McAllister's your grandpa?
Yes, sir.
So that means your
dad's Rick McAllister?
Yes, sir.
Now, your dad and grandpa used
to kick our asses in the Fiesta
You know I went to high
school with your dad.
I didn't know that.
What the hell are you still doing here?
It's a fucked up world, kid.
I'm sorry, sir?
You're dad... a
decorated war hero
and a hell of a ball
player... gets sick.
You're freaking uncle
makes more money than God.
You give your dad my best.
You tell your grandpa
we're going to take
the cup of his hands this year.
Where's Eli?
He's at the bowling alley with your dad.
He's keeping stats for the tournament.
He told me.
Said the cup is as good as ours already.
How we doing?
Were you able to get a nap at all?
How's your pain?
Not so bad.
Could we just...
he just woke up?
It's good to stay ahead of it.
All right.
Play me something.
I can't believe you had
that thing brought in here.
One in the same to me.
Hey, Sean.
OK, Mr. Big Shot over here.
OK, everybody calm down.
No, no, no.
Sorry, you're not old
enough. -Neither are you.
Dude... she's the
same age as I am.
Well, yeah, but you're
driving us all home.
I'll drive.
Glenn, have a beer with me.
I can't.
I have a bio test in the morning.
I know when we were not wanted.
Give me that.
Oh, come on, man.
What the fuck are you doing here?
You fucking deaf?
You're always fucking hanging around
like some fucking baby puppy.
Knock it off, Tim.
No, seriously, this is a football party.
There's no sophomores
on the football team.
It's Rick's little brother, man.
This turned into a family picnic?
I could have brung my
little brother along.
Oh, yeah?
Well, unfortunately, Tim, they
only allow one retard per party
and you're already here.
You want some, huh?
Come on.
You got something to say,
just say it to me asshole.
Say it to me!
I'm Sean.
Come on up, from hospice.
Come on in.
They've, uh... they've
been expecting you.
Glenn set up a room for you.
Right here.
You're, uh, much better
looking in person.
The "GQ" article.
Um, pictures don't do you justice.
Is Glenn here?
Yeah, she's with your brother.
Come on.
When was last time you saw your brother?
A while.
Well, his cancer's fairly advanced
so he's pretty distressed physically.
I'm so glad you came.
Yeah, he's on a morphine drug.
And Anna's giving him more now, so he
sleeps... most
of the time.
What'd the doctor say?
No more doctors.
It's just he would
have been so much better
if he hadn't done the chemo.
I thought
he was...
He wasn't... I mean, it's
not the doctor's fault.
He as much as said that he had no hope.
But you know him, he's
always ready to fight.
So how's life across the pond.
God, his friends brought this in here.
It's so big and it's a mess.
It's good.
It's good.
So we saw the article in
"GQ" and he was really proud...
and Eli too.
So, have you... have you...
have you talked to your father?
Just Evie.
Yeah, Evie's been really great.
She's been helping so much.
How are you?
Really good...
I... I'm good.
And Eli?
Yeah, he's... he's as
good as can be, yeah.
I just... your dad stopped
coming to see Rick.
Yeah, this last week.
You know, you remember he
did that with your mom too.
And Rick doesn't really say anything.
I'll talk to my dad.
I'm so glad.
He's going to be so happy to see you.
Thought you said he
played in high school.
Just give him a chance.
At least he hit a pin this time.
Hey, maybe I could play.
No, rules are rules kiddo.
Are you hungry?
Go get us a couple of burgers.
We're going to head out now.
We'll come tomorrow at lunch and see
if we can't make any progress.
Right, Ben?
Some mechanism of the wrist
that I just can't seem to get.
I'm going some of my videos.
Watch Earl Anthony.
He was a southpaw too.
Still, Dick Weber was the best.
In what universe?
Are you kidding?
Weirdo Anthony couldn't touch Weber.
I'd say Earl's record speaks for itself.
And I would a nerdy weirdo over show
boat any day of the week, Hal.
Well, don't worry.
I'm usually able to master
concepts very quickly.
Come on.
A guy like you...
a piece of cake.
Well, we'll see you tomorrow.
How you doing?
Is it bad?
Where you from, Anna?
Lovely Newark, New Jersey.
What brought you here?
I needed a change of pace, to
start travelling a little bit.
I like it here.
People are nice.
There air is clean.
It's quiet.
And it has the most beautiful
sunsets I have ever seen.
My mom used to make
Sean and me sit with her,
wave goodbye to the
sun when we were little.
That's your mom, huh?
She's very beautiful.
Sometimes I hear her calling me.
How long ago did she pass?
Six years ago.
Uncle Sean.
You've gotten so big.
When did you get here?
This afternoon.
There was a big car accident on
the road, and it took a while.
Where... where you
guys coming from?
The bowling alley.
Grandpa's got the
Fiesta Cup on Saturday.
Hal's still playing?
Oh, yeah.
And Hal's
son-in-law, Ben.
Oh, really.
How's he?
He's a disaster.
He's not so bad.
Oh, come on.
He's almost as bad a
bowler as your uncle here.
Come on, let's go see dad.
You know, I have to go.
I have to pick up Evie,
then I have to lockup so...
I'll be back later with Evie.
Yeah, listen.
Good job keeping those stats, kiddo.
It's important.
Well, listen, I got to go.
See you later, OK?
He never stays.
Yeah, I mean...
he's just... so, Eli,
are you bowling in the tournament too?
No, I can't.
Kids aren't allowed.
You know, my dad, Hal, and grandpa
won it five years in a row
before my dad went to Iraq.
Yeah, well... they were always
good bowlers, those three.
Are you as bad as he said you were?
Actually bowling
was my best sport...
which isn't saying much.
Do you want to go see my dad?
Oh, Uncle Sean.
Would you mind not telling me dad
that Ben's not a good bowler?
Of course.
Come on.
So, you know, this is
difficult for everybody, but
Hey, Dick.
I, uh... just
getting some talc.
Getting ready, you know.
You're still in the tournament?
Of course I am.
Um. [clears throat] Charlie was
talking about maybe stopping by
to see Rick tomorrow.
There you go.
See you Saturday.
My best to Cora.
Yeah, she's in Phoenix.
What was that look for?
I can't stand Charlie Cornfelder.
We had to play ball with
that idiot for four years.
Way to go, Evie.
He asked about Rick.
People want to say goodbye.
This is happening,
and you can't...
What, Evie?
What can't I do?
I'm going to go see Rick.
Do you want to come?
I have to finish up here.
Here's mom with John's
neighbor, that crazy old lady
with one eye.
What was her name?
Miss Ramirez?
She... [laughs] Wait, wait...
She's... I thought she was
a witch.
She's... she's like, you
guys are going to go to hell.
Remember she caught us bombing cars?
What happened?
So, your dad and I, and John
were bombing cars with oranges.
And one of the car swerved
and clipped her fence.
So we were trying to run and get away,
and Miss Ramirez comes out and sees us.
You were the only one she saw.
You ran away and left me.
What happened?
Your dad and John were faster than me,
so I had to run up and
climb a tree to get away.
And I stayed in the tree
until dad came to get us.
What did grandpa do?
A lot.
I got a whooping.
Did you?
Your dad took the fall.
Said it was his idea.
Was it?
Hi, looks cozy in here.
I've Evie.
Hey, um, it's nice to
finally meet you in person.
Nice to meet you.
Hello, sweetheart.
Hey, guys.
I'm sorry to intrude here.
I just want to get this guy something
to get him through the night.
Glenn, you can give
him one of these pills
if he wakes up in pain, OK?
Can we just give him a lower dose?
I mean, it's just been
so long since we've all
been together like this.
It doesn't work like that.
Actually it's way
past someone's bedtime.
I don't want to go to bed.
Come on, go with Evie, sweetheart.
It's a school night.
I don't want to go to school.
We've talked about this before.
Come on.
I'll tell you a
story... a short one.
Your stories are never short, Evie.
I love you, kiddo.
I love you, too.
Will you come tuck me in?
Yes, in a few minutes.
Goodnight, Uncle Sean.
Long ago, there were two sisters.
Blue Dawn and Dancing
Wind, her younger sister.
One day, their mother told
them to get their baskets
and go fill like with
pinions for the coming winter.
She warned them, come home before dark,
and do not cross the river.
Well, they couldn't find that
many pinions near the puebla.
So they wandered further
until they came to the river.
On the other side of the river,
they saw trees full of pinions,
and Dancing Wind said
their mother would never
find out if they crossed the
river and filled their baskets.
Blue Dawn tried to
resist but she couldn't.
So they walked down the river
till they found some rocks
where they could cross.
Then they started picking as
many pinions as they could.
Soon their baskets
were fulled of pinions.
And they decided to go home.
On their way back, the sun began
to fade behind the mountain.
And it became very, very dark.
They couldn't find the
rocks to cross the river.
And they began to cry.
Raven heard their cries and
he flew down beside them.
He told them he would
carry them across the river.
But in exchange, he asked for
one of the baskets of pinions.
Then Raven grabbed Blue Dawn,
and flew her across the river.
He returned to Dancing Wind.
He picked her up and
began to cross the river.
But high in the sky above
the river, he stopped.
And he said.
Why don't you give me that basket,
I'll carry it in my beak.
The little girl refused.
And Raven became so
mad, he let go of her.
And she fell, far, far, far down
into the land of the night sky,
where true to her name
she danced along the wind
until she found a star
she could grab a hold of.
Far down below, she heard
her sister calling to her,
come back, come back.
And she began to sob.
The star asked her, why are you crying?
And she told him what had happened,
and how much she missed her family
and how she wished she
had listened to her mother.
The star took pity on her, and
he flew her back down to earth,
and landed her right beside her sister.
And now it's time to go to sleep.
Tell me the rest, Evie.
Tell me about the star.
When Dancing Wing went into
the land of the night sky.
She went where souls go when they die.
And your grandmother told you.
My grandmother told me that
when you see a falling star,
it's a soul coming back to
earth, getting a second chance.
Do you think my dad
will get a second chance?
I don't know, sweetheart.
So then my guy evolved to a Charizard
which has like 250 HP.
He's... he's like
a... he's a fire type.
He's a great, um, great Pokemon.
Now we're off on the world of
Pokemon I know nothing about.
You better get going.
Uh, Evie's not here.
She's not?
I'll stay with Rick.
You... you
go ahead.
No, Evie takes him.
You go to school that we went to, right?
Well, I think I know how to get there.
Go get your stuff.
I love you.
I'll be here when you get back, OK?
We'll play Pokemon.
Love you.
Love you, mom.
I'll be back.
So, you like school?
Sixth graders are assholes.
Did you like school?
Too many assholes.
How come you never came to see us?
I came to see you.
Six years ago, when grandma died.
I was five.
Uh, my business took
off and... I don't know.
Mom told Evie you didn't
come because of grandpa.
Oh, yeah?
Do you believe in hell?
Uh, no.
But then again I don't really
believe in the afterlife.
Or God.
Why not?
I don't see any evidence for it.
Energy is neither created nor
destroyed, merely transformed.
First law of thermodynamics.
Meaning that if you think that
humans are energy, like I do,
they transform at death.
They don't just disappear.
Do you like designing women's clothes?
I design for men too.
Do you have to sew?
I just come up with the ideas.
Other people sew.
Mom hasn't changed
clothes in like a week.
She doesn't play piano anymore.
She used to play for me before bed.
Good morning, guys.
How did we do through the night, huh?
He's OK.
Yeah, you didn't have to
give him too many pills?
It... he
was OK.
I'm going to give you something now.
Glenn, you know where the morphine is?
What... no... you were the last...
you were the last one to give
him the injection, right?
I don't... some...
it was on the table.
Uh, Eli.
Your mom is going through a tough time.
If you need
to talk...
Yeah, I'm... uh, I...
I'm late for school.
I... I
should go.
Hey, Eli!
I... I'll pick you
up from school.
Oh, no.
That's okay.
Well, no... I...
I'd like to.
Two o'clock?
What's going on, buddy?
Yeah, what's up, bro?
We're going to
get pumped today...
Sean McAllister?
Oh, my God, it is you.
God, you're still gorgeous.
Thank you,
uh... Nan!
Nan, come over here.
Oh my God, Sean.
I just bought some of your pants.
That's crazy.
Oh my God, you don't
remember me, do you?
We were cheerleaders.
You can do it, that's OK.
You can beat 'em anyway.
Of course, yes, yes.
That's right.
Hey, I'm so sorry to hear about Rick.
I mean he survives Iraq
and now this happens.
Yeah, um, Mike's going
to go see him later.
You know, I got to grab this.
Oh, sure.
Sean, this is Ana.
I was wondering if you
could swing by the pharmacy
and pick up your brother's prescription.
I got to... I got
to get going...
Oh, OK.
See ya.
God, he's gorgeous.
And uber successful.
He's gay, right?
Yeah, I think so.
So remember, nocturnal emissions
or wet dreams as they are often called
are a healthy, normal part
of a maturing boy's life.
Any questions?
Nocturnal emission,
where's my history paper?
I... I didn't
have time.
Do you want to die?
Leave him alone, Wolf.
Who's going to stop me, four eyes?
We have an arrangement, don't we, Eli?
Don't we?
No, Wolf.
I don't think we do.
I think I'm just staving off the
inevitable, that at some point,
you're going to cream me.
But you know what, Wolf?
You're going to fail at everything.
And not because you're
stupid, but because you're not
stupid enough.
If you were more stupid, you'd
be nicer, because being stupid
wouldn't bother you.
But you're smart enough
to know you're stupid,
which makes you mad and
scared, which makes you mean.
Anyway you'd look at it, you're screwed.
Our arrangement is over.
Hey, you!
Go to the office!
You're dead.
Everybody go to class.
There's nothing to see here.
What happened?
Eli, I know your family's gone
through a rough time right now.
Would you like to go home?
My mom thinks it's best
if I come to school.
Is there anything I can do for you?
I'd just like to go to class.
Thank you so much for
taking Eli to school.
My alarm didn't go off.
No problem.
I was just picking up Rick's
medication down the block
so I thought I'd stop in.
Thank you.
I'll go get your dad.
Uh... I can
find it.
Of course you can.
You tell me what happened.
Don't you lie to me.
Dad, please.
What did that coach see?
What do you think he's
just making this up?
Who was with you, Sean?
No one.
God almighty.
What you do reflects on our family.
I'm not going to tell your
mother and don't you either.
Don't you tell anyone, you hear me?
Well, this is a surprise.
Uh... I was just picking
up Rick's medication.
I thought I'd stop by.
John got that scholarship to
Northwestern and the brother
got into the Naval
Academy after that game.
I remember.
You know John's thinking about running
for mayor of Los Angeles.
I didn't know that.
So, how's England?
It's good.
I have to unload some golf balls.
I'll help you.
I'm going to go take Glenn some lunch.
You guys OK?
Nah, we're fine.
Would you mind bringing this to Ana?
Of course.
I'll see you after bowling practice.
Evie seems nice.
The store hasn't changed at all.
If it ain't broke, why fix it?
You got to see Rick.
Glenn says you haven't
been there in a week
and you just got to go.
You know, that's
rich... you telling me
I need to go see your brother.
Let me ask you something,
Sean... where the hell have you
been for the last six years?
Or for that matter, the
16 years before that?
I don't think there's much time, Dad.
Oh, really?
You don't?
You know, I don't know what
I'd do without you and Evie
breathing down my goddamn neck.
I was here when your
brother got the diagnosis.
And I have been here every
day since, helping his son...
your nephew... who you have
seen, what, maybe three times
his entire life?
It's not about me, Dad.
It's not?
It's not about me.
You did the same thing
when mom got sick.
Don't you dare bring
up your mother to me.
I held your mother's hand
as she drew her dying breath.
That's because Hal made you.
You would barely go near the room.
You broke her heart, Sean.
You never even came to see her.
You never came back,
after all she did for you.
I never came back because
you didn't want me to, Dad.
Come on.
Why don't you fucking tell
the truth for a change?
You could barely look
at me after that night.
And the last two years,
I was here, I felt like...
The last two years?
Dear God, Sean, I knew what
you were long before that.
Go see, Rick, OK?
Go see your son.
What you do reflects on our family.
Your brother?
Ah, no.
It's, uh...
I don't know.
Sean, what's wrong?
Yeah, it's so complicated.
Yes, it is.
It shouldn't have to be.
Listen, Sean.
I can't do this right now.
Do what?
I know that you're in pain,
and... We can't talk about it.
I can't be there with you
while you're going through it.
So what exactly am I meant to do?
I'm sorry
that was...
Um... I... I...
I've go to go.
Hey, sweetie.
I'm so glad you came.
Oh, Rick.
Look who's here.
The morphine.
So... Are Mercedes and
the girls with you.
Yeah, they're at my
mom's getting settled.
Oh, here.
Let me show you.
Oh, wow.
They are gorgeous like their mother.
And Manny?
Oh, no, no, no.
We don't call him Manny now.
No, it's Manuel.
I still can't believe you had him
your freshman year at college.
Yeah, yeah.
Well, when we went all the
way, we really want all the way.
You're stupid.
There you go.
Hey, how's Eli?
Oh, he's holding up.
He's, um... This is from when
they went camping in August.
He looks just like Rick.
I think he looks just
like Sean at that age.
Yeah, I guess he does.
Hey, how's Sean?
Is he here?
Yeah, yeah.
He's at the store with Dick.
You know, I hope they're
getting along, you know.
Oh, I got to pee.
Oh, go.
Oh, shit.
Goddamn it.
Oh my gosh.
You look gorgeous as ever.
And you haven't changed a bit.
Oh, please.
I saw you on the cover of some magazine.
You've made it to the big time.
Uh, yeah.
Well, uh... and you... last
I heard, you're a doctor.
Yeah, technically.
I've got my MD.
And I got my Ph. D. Genetics.
This is my business now.
According to Kim, Tai Chi for
the Spiritually Challenged.
Girls, got to make a living.
From cloning to Tai
Chi... that's quite a jump.
Ah, yeah.
It's a long story.
I have some time.
You want to give me a hand?
You want to hear my theory?
I've decided that it's only
through our relationship
with others that we can
truly understand ourselves.
It's very new agey for a scientist.
Sean, I've been
surrounded by Petri dishes
for the last 20 years.
You're the best date I've
had, and that was 24 years ago.
Well, you, uh...
you want to dance?
I'd be lying if I said yes.
But since it
is a dance... OK.
I can't believe you invited me and not
one of thousands of girls
that have a crush on you.
Well, I had to pick between
someone who couldn't dance,
and someone who couldn't
string a sentence together.
Hey, little brother.
Look at John.
Let Mercedes breathe, John.
Uh, sorry.
He's killing me.
Go ahead and laugh but my
little theory has greatly
improved my life.
I mean, I've done all kinds of things
that I wouldn't have done with people.
Like Tai Chi.
Like Tai Chi.
I'm taking salsa.
I'm online dating.
I'd venture to say you're
a tall order for match. com.
Sky diving.
Out of planes?
Yes, exactly.
After you get past the initial
terror, when you're falling,
it's the most peace I've ever felt. OK.
Enough about me.
How's your family?
It's funny you should
ask about my family.
I think that's my nephew.
He's supposed to be in school right now.
I promise, next time we talk about you.
You are a great girl.
Always have been.
Excuse me.
Well, the matinee actually
started 20 minutes ago.
I'm actually looking for
a little boy, 11 years old,
dark hair, red hoodie, backback.
Uh... He's
my nephew.
Oh, well.
He had an appointment with
their spiritual leader, Guru Sai.
It was originally for later
today but he moved it up.
Spiritual leader?
Our center is upstairs
above the theater.
I believe Eli has joined
Guru Sai for lunch.
Well, I believe I
would like to join them.
There they are.
Have a beautiful day.
You too.
Uncle Sean, what are you doing here?
Well, that's funny.
I was just going to
ask you the same thing.
I... had an
That you moved up.
Yes, I heard.
You're supposed to be in school.
Eli has graced me with
his company for lunch
while I help him with a school project.
It's for social studies.
Come, please.
Join us.
I think we should get going.
I'm not going back to school.
Today's lentil dal day and I doubt
if you've had any better, Mr.?
Another bowl for Eli's uncle.
Very well.
I get the ball, right?
I... I...
And there he is.
It was my fault we ran into each other.
I think he's still seeing birds.
Tweet, tweet, tweet.
You ran the wrong play.
Hey, guys.
I'm just going to sneak in
here and give him his meds.
Yeah, we should, uh, probably go.
No, you don't have to leave.
I mean, we're having
such... such a nice time.
Hey, it's OK.
I... uh, I could
come back tomorrow.
What time's good?
Anytime is good.
See you, hon.
Bye, sweetie.
Ah, thank you.
We'll see you.
Love you, honey.
Call you tomorrow?
Can I talk to you
over here for a minute?
Sure, what's up?
You couldn't have waited one minute.
Glenn, we have to
stay ahead of the pain,
or it's going to get
really bad, really fast.
He was fine.
He was not in pain.
He was having a good
time with his friends.
He was enjoying them.
I know, I understand.
But your husband's a really stoic guy,
and he doesn't want you
to know if he's in pain.
But I can assure you, he is.
And keeping him Medicated
makes your job that much easier.
No, no, no.
No, because then you just
have a nice, quiet patient.
It's not about that.
Just give him the shot.
Although reincarnation sounds
pretty neat, not all of us
want to come back for another life.
How do not come back?
Have you heard of karma?
Ah, your dal.
Simply put, karma is the universal law
of action and reaction.
Good actions gain good reactions.
And evil actions bear evil reactions.
If one's karma is really good,
one can get out of coming back.
So, what if you do
something in this life,
but you didn't mean to.
You know.
It... it wasn't your
fault, not really.
But, you had to carry it.
It's impossible for us to
predict our future lives.
But we believe that if a
man's good deeds balance
his bad deeds, his soul
will be united with Krishna.
Is there any proof
that incarnation exists?
Proof is all around you.
Just look at nature.
In the summer, the tree flourishes.
And in the winter, it
loses its leaves and dies.
And there it is in the spring,
alive and full of beauty.
This is the cruel cycle of life.
We humans think we are apart from it,
but the truth is we are not.
Oh, there's grandpa's truck.
He'll drive me home.
You're not going to tell
my mom about today, are you?
Hey, Eli.
I think that God looks
at soldiers differently.
And think he sees they do
things they don't want to.
I thought you don't believe in God.
I don't.
But if I did, I think
he'd be super smart,
and he'd see the whole
picture and all the...
Extenuating circumstances.
What are you doing?
Just getting my stuff.
You know, maybe I'll
come in for a while.
Yeah, yeah.
If you... if
you want to.
Check out the team.
That sounds great.
I thought I told you to bring me Coke.
My back!
For God's sakes, Hal!
Don't do that.
You might make it worse.
Tell them to go get an ambulance.
Oh, he doesn't need an ambulance.
It's just a spasm.
He might.
Uncle Hal, has this
ever happened before?
20 years ago.
20 years ago, you got
to be kidding me, Hal.
What are you doing?
Yeah, pour it on his face genius.
That'll help.
What happened?
He's fine.
There were a couple
paramedics in the coffee shop.
They'll be right down.
Thank you.
Listen, you're going to be fine, Hal.
Guess this sort of kills
the Fiesta Cup for you, Dick?
Too bad.
What did you say?
Easy there, big fellow.
I'm just stating the obvious.
You know what's obvious, Tim.
You are an asshole.
That's what's obvious.
Calm down.
Don't tell me to calm down, asshole.
You want to watch the language, old man?
You want to see what an
old man can do to you?
You want to see that?
Guess I'll see you tomorrow.
I guess you will.
Come on.
Let it go.
Good luck.
I'll be better tomorrow, Dick.
You'll be OK, Hal.
Just take it easy.
What are we going to do?
I'm afraid that's it, kiddo.
It's too late for me to
find someone else, Eli.
I'm sorry.
You can't just give up.
I'm not giving up.
We just don't have a choice.
Eli, I know you're disappointed.
No... you're the one that
always says we can't give up.
Eli, it's OK.
No, it's not.
We can't give up.
Come here.
You know I would do anything for you.
But the tournament is tomorrow morning.
But... I
promised my dad...
What did you promise your dad?
That we'd bring him the cup.
I could bowl for Hal.
I'm a little...
a lot rusty.
I could.
Yes, yes.
That's a great idea.
Uncle Sean said it was his best sport.
Eli, we're... we're bowling
against some tough competition
who... what?
The important thing is
to not give up, right?
When's the last time you bowled?
Does it matter?
Go get some shoes.
Uh, I don't need you anymore, Ana.
I... I can stay till
the boys get back.
Not just tonight.
I don't need you anymore at all.
I'm sorry, Glenn.
I'll be calling hospice
tomorrow to find a replacement.
Hey, I'm sorry
if I... I...
Thank you for everything.
That's too much shoulder.
Remember... you
want to shake hands.
want to...
I got it.
All right.
I think you're doing great, Uncle Sean.
Come one.
Oh, and remember...
We have to be here at 10 AM.
Are you OK?
Did you find the remote?
OK, it's going to be fine.
Christ, that took you long enough.
Oh, here you go, dad.
This is a good show.
There we go.
OK, mom it's fine.
Can we talk outside?
You head home.
I'm going to spend the night here,
so you're going to have
to get Janie breakfast.
And I'll come home early, so
you can make the tournament.
And tell Brenda I will pay
her what I owe her tomorrow.
The babysitter, Christ!
Hal hurt his back, so Uncle
Sean is now on the team.
Oh, well.
Is Hal OK?
He's fine.
Just pulled his back out.
Where is Ana?
She went home.
And Evie went to the
store, and... and she'll
see you at home.
I'd like to sit with him,
if that's OK with you.
Let's go.
I love you.
We're probably not going
to win the cup this year,
although it's certainly not
for lack of Eli's trying.
That kid is something.
I wish you could see it.
Hal's son-in-law
is replacing you
and... Sean is
replacing [laughs] Hal.
It's like watching two
giraffes try to bowl.
And the sad thing is...
is that Hal's son-in-law
makes Sean look good.
I was 22 when I had you.
ANNOUNCER:It's not often
you see such consistency,
especially when the
stakes are this high.
And there's another
strike for Earl Anthony.
Here's a profile of
Anthony from the back.
Notice how he lifts the ball straight
through his high hand going
over the top of the ball
very smoothly.
You know, Bo, Earl Anthony
will probably go down in history
as one of the greatest
bowlers that every lived,
if not the greatest.
Look at his form.
Right there.
Another strike.
Doesn't get better than that.
You know just not on his game today.
Piece of cake.
Sean, am I dead?
You're here with me.
She's sleeping.
I went somewhere.
Well, you're here now.
I missed you.
I missed you too.
I'm sorry I wasn't here.
You're here now.
That night... I
know it was Pinky.
It's OK.
Oh, it's OK, sweetie.
He's just tired.
You ready, Eli?
When does Ana get here?
Oh, she should be here any minute.
You, OK?
We are going to have that
cup for you when we come home.
I wouldn't count on it.
Good luck.
We're not going to get
past the first round.
But I really, really appreciate you
stepping in for us like this.
Do we have shirts?
Oh, yeah.
I almost forgot.
Here you go.
Sorry we're late.
Put this on.
Go get some shoes.
Here Eli.
How about this?
This is your shirt, huh.
Eli, listen...
uh, Ben?
Why don't you warm up?
Listen, Eli.
I don't want you to get
your hopes up too high.
I mean, there's three
rounds to this tournament.
And we probably won't make
it past the first round.
So, we're all going to have
to be OK with that, you know.
I mean, winning is
always great, but your dad
will be proud of us
with or without that cup.
But the important thing is... the
fact thing is we did not quit.
Did that just happen?
You're so beautiful.
Everyday I would go by the
rec room on my way to football.
And I'd hear this beautiful music.
And I'd stop in the hallway and listen.
One day I worked up the
nerve, and I opened the door
and there you were.
There were so many things.
So many horrible things,
till I saw... and I did.
And then I would imagine
myself back in that hall again.
Outside that door listening to you.
I can't fight this.
Hey, how are you?
He's at the tournament.
Right now is not the
time to get psyched out.
We are just going to bowl our game.
We're not going to overthink it. or try
to analyze anything, like...
like how we got here, how
in the hell Ben is bowling 270.
Who cares?
Who cares?
All right.
We're just going to go out
there, focus on the pins,
and move.
All right?
Oh, if you're nervous, don't
let them see your nerves.
Just don't.
You know, it's easy, breezy.
Let's do it.
If he hits 10 pins, I think it's over.
We need a strike to win, kiddo.
Uncle Sean.
I think my dad's okay with second.
Love you, dad.
I love you, too, son.
I love you, too.
I have...
I think I'm going to
head over to Rick's.
I'll head up with Sean.
Hey, Bill.
Hey, I got to go pee.
Can, um... Can
you hold the cup?
Yeah, of course.
Not so tough now, are you?
Hey, hey, hey!
Get off of him.
You OK, Eli?
What's going on?
This guy, he pushed me, dad.
Did you touch my kid?
I was getting him off my nephew.
Don't you ever touch my kid?
Then, keep your animal away from him.
What did you say?
You heard me.
Now move.
Not until you apologize to my son.
It's not going to happen.
Then we got a problem.
I'm not going to fight you, Tim.
Of course not.
You'd rather have your
brother fight all your battles
for you, faggot.
There's someone...
somebody's hurting
Uncle Sean in the bathroom.
What the hell?
Not such hot stuff now, are you?
Get off me!
Sorry, Dick.
You should have let your
fag fight his own fights.
Can you drive?
Thank you so much.
Can... can
you come?
Eli, what are you doing?
It's dad.
He's coming back.
I... I saw the star, just like
in Evie's story... a... a falling
Oh, Eli.
It means that the soul
is coming back, mom.
He... he's
coming back.
It's his second chance.
Eli, honey.
He's not coming back.
But I saw the star.
Oh, Eli.
He's not coming back.
But Evie's
It was just a story.
But I don't know where he is, mom.
I don't know where he is.
Listen to me.
You do not have to look for your father,
because he is right here.
He is with us.
He is with you.
He is always with you.
And I am so sorry that you have
had to go through this alone.
But I'm here.
I'm here now.
Shhh, it's OK.
Oh, it's OK.
It's OK.
It's OK, Eli.
I'm sorry, Sean.
So sorry.
Nice jeans there, Pinky.
Studs for the stud.
Hey, Pinky's on the prowl.
Why are you calling John, Pinky?
It's his new nickname.
Show him.
Oh my god!
Come on, dude.
in the game last Saturday, man.
This... this safety
ruined my finger.
Oh, poor baby.
You need to go take a nap.
I'll see you later, man.
See you later.
Where did Earl Anthony go?
Well, that depends on who you ask.
For me, my father's never very far.
I see him in the way my
grandfather looks at me
and calls me kiddo... the way my
uncle tells me about the things
they did as boys... the
way Evie's always there,
and in the way my mother plays piano
until I fall asleep at night.
For the love they shared with
him, goes through each of them
and back and forth to me...
and is and always will be mine.
I'm sure what it'll be like when I die.
I'm not sure if I'll be
scared them or ready to go.
I just hope that I see all
the places that I want to see,
and do all the things that I want to do
and that I love all the people
that I love, best that I can.
And if that happens, I think
the hardest part about dying
will just be letting go.