Sex Doll (2016)

Hey there, baby!
Come here, baby!
How are things?
What time?
Are you going to dress
like a slut again?
And whine if you
don't find a guy?
Hold on a second.
I'll call you back.
I've got work to do.
I'll swing by your place.
See you tonight.
- Your thighs touch.
Your thighs rub together.
Stop it!
It's your body shape.
Even if you weighed 30 kg,
your thighs would still touch,
like a baby's.
You're silly! Back off!
Babies are cute!
You coming?
I'm fed up. Let's go home.
Not just yet.
I can't take any more.
Are you staying?
You'd stay for that?
"That" can drive you home,
if you like.
Do you like him?
A little.
You're not picky.
You think all guys are lame.
He's got a lousy car.
What do you do in London?
I work in an agency.
I find flats for French people.
Do you make a good living?
A living.
How about you?
A living.
Do you mind
if I put on some music?
Got anything happier?
Do you enjoy suffering?
Ever wonder what life's like
for these girls?
Shut up!
I'm sorry, I...
Let's just have the music.
Excuse me.
Can you let me out?
I'd like to walk a bit.
Anything wrong?
Fine, I...
I need some air.
I feel nauseous.
A walk will do me good.
Hello, beautiful!
What's new?
You look tired.
You think so?
Do you sleep well?
Very well.
Do you eat well?
Lots of vegetables.
That's good.
You're prettier than ever.
I'd like to take off on holiday.
I don't know.
Not sure who with, either.
- Do you still see Marine?
I'm fed up with seeing...
girls of the trade.
Do you want to go with me?
Why not?
Do it as a favor.
They're good customers.
They know you.
I trust you.
I know. But that's not it.
- I don't do that anymore.
-I know.
But it's a one-time-thing.
It's big money.
I'll think it over.
Yes, please do.
Still wild about me, Pussy?
I'll give you
the papers Tuesday.
We're meeting then anyway.
I'm counting on you, Virginie.
Stop looking at me.
I'll look if I want.
Get some rest.
Bye, Cook, honey!
You hate that I earn
so much, eh?
- Hey, ebony lady!
- Yo!
- How are you?
-Fine and you?
Got time for lunch?
My aunt didn't
show up this morning.
You should have phoned.
I was in the neighborhood.
Oh, OK...
I'll take a cigarette break.
I'll be right back.
So, did you fuck the guy?
I wouldn't mind if you had.
You can tell me.
Well, I didn't.
What's up?
You got a secret or what?
Have you ever met a guy
and felt totally bewildered?
Like you're about to die?
Like it's the end of your life?
No, forget it.
Why's he here?
He called.
I invited him.
Is he your new boyfriend?
Not at all.
I just invited him.
I'm sorry about the other night.
It's no big deal.
I should never go out.
It's always an ordeal.
You don't have fun?
I don't know how to.
Me, either.
Talking with someone like you
is my idea of fun.
Like me?
What am I like?
No sad song?
I'm not going to put on
any song at all.
I'm better when I'm alone.
I think I'm toxic for others.
Why do you say that?
No reason.
If you don't know how to
have fun, and you don't chat,
can you sing?
A little.
- What, here?
Hey you,
tell me you love me.
Even if it's a lie
Even if we don't stand a chance
Life is so sad
Tell me you love me
Every day is the same
I need some romance.
I didn't lie, she's lovely.
What do you think?
The sweetest.
There! It's done.
I'm relieved.
- This will do, right?
- What do you think?
-She's pretty.
But not very bright.
Do you know my sister?
Yes, a little.
I've been waiting for her.
I'm her sister.
Why are you here?
What the fuck!
What happened?
I'm fed up. He drives me mad.
- Did you quarrel with Dad?
-As usual. You know him.
How did you get
the travel money?
I just did.
- How?
-Baby-sitting left and right.
Malika, can you get me a job?
In your agency?
- The estate agency.
They always need help.
- I can't.
-Your boss will hire me.
It won't work.
You're a school kid!
Let me live with you.
They won't let you.
Dad will never allow it.
You know that. You're no dummy.
Can you do me big favor?
I have an important meeting.
Can you take
my sister to a film?
Ask her.
Why were you on my doorstep?
Gramps wanted to drive,
but he was drunk.
He didn't have his license.
And at that time,
the cops were searching for him.
Talk about being in a fix!
So my grandmother hid
behind the door
to hide the keys to prevent
Gramps from taking them.
And they...
They had a row,
and we had to separate them.
Malika picked up
the first thing she could
and threw it at him.
It knocked him out.
What a mess!
We died laughing!
Wait, I was scared.
When you're scared,
you're violent.
It's your turn to tell
a childhood memory.
I don't have any.
I don't have any memories.
Anyway, it's time to go.
You give this to Mom.
Study hard.
When you're 18, you can come.
I'll wait for you.
Anyway, I'll come see you.
I promise.
Off you go.
Be careful.
I'll miss you.
Let's try to have some fun.
We're lousy at having fun.
Un, deux, three!
Shit, I fell asleep.
I'll never go back to sleep.
Do you want to come up?
Come here, baby.
I don't have any alcohol.
How about hot chocolate?
A bisou is...
friendly and on the cheek.
And a baiser...
is more for lovers,
on the mouth.
In my line of work?
Are you a cop?
So, you're a cop'?
Get out.
Whatever, get out.
Get out, OK?
Do you get that?
Do you get that?
Get out. Leave!
How are you, sweetie?
Shut up.
Do you know him?
Need your fix, darling?
Talk nicely to her...
I'll turn on the heat.
It can't hurt.
How old are you?
You'll be hungry afterwards.
Stop it.
Who are you?
Who are you?
You must be kidding!
Right now?
Stop the car.
I'm going to throw up.
I'm screwed.
I'm screwed.
Sailing, sailing,
over the bounding sea...
Over the bounding sea...
You all right?
You'll drive me
to Electre's tomorrow.
I'll pick up my dog.
And I'll go see Raphalle.
Everything will be fine
Do you want to start over
like before?
Exactly like before.
Before meeting you.
I can't sleep.
Don't stare!
I'll do as I want.
You have no say about it.
I can pull over and clobber you.
You want me to?
You want me to?
Come on, move it!
Don't drag your feet.
Come on.
Admit it, you messed up.
Get in there!
Go get me a coffee, please.
Sit down.
You look awful.
I know.
Oh, you know?
You know you got
me in trouble, too?
The old man's better,
but you thrashed his son.
This is really bad.
Do you see?
- Do you realize?
I'm disappointed in you.
I never expected this from you.
Do you realize?
Do you realize this or not?
Was it the girl?
She couldn't bear the beatings.
We ran away.
We walked and hitchhiked.
We found a hotel.
I fell asleep.
When I woke, she was gone.
She was traumatized.
She's pretty, but too young.
What can I say? Men want
younger and younger girls.
That's not the issue.
The thing is those
blokes in the manor,
especially the older one...
- And his son...
-Yes, I know.
It won't happen again.
You'll have to go
away on holiday.
You can't work
looking like that.
Where to?
Shall I arrange it?
Go get some rest.
My birthday party's tonight.
Come tarted up!
Cook will pick you up.
Come here.
Come over here.
I was very scared.
Come here.
I'm not a child anymore.
Wow, you look terrible.
Plus, you're late.
You all right?
I'm all right.
My baby.
Is Rupert your boyfriend now?
Oh, come on,
you can tell me.
I said no.
You OK? You're being strange.
I'm all right.
I'll call you.
Hold on. I know you.
I can see when things are wrong.
No, you don't know me.
You don't know me.
I'm a whore.
Did you know that?
He can't be my boyfriend.
I'm a whore.
The hotel confirmed the info.
The girls were with that bloke.
I'll settle it with them
tonight. You handle him.
- You OK?
Did you glam up for me?
Don't look so sullen.
Have fun. Mingle.
We'll talk about
the guy at the hotel.
Have fun.
This is hardly a relaxing party.
We're working.
I can multitask.
You can, too, right?
Who was the guy?
My boyfriend...
He's not in this business.
I panicked and called him.
You should have called me.
I was scared.
You've got a boyfriend?
Since when?
Is this recent?
He's not really my boyfriend.
He's more like a friend.
You've got no room
for a love life.
I know.
Especially a man like him.
He's not a friend.
What makes you happy?
Everything I own.
Everything I've earned.
A nice life,
the ease of things.
I've had a rough life, you know.
Like you, I guess.
If you work and don't screw up,
you could have my job
in a few years.
What do you think?
What's that snide look?
What's that snide look?
You're pissing me off.
What is this?
Are you judging me?
You think you're superior?
Or you're stronger maybe?
Hey, Virginie,
you'd be crap without me.
You know that?
All the money you made is thanks
to me. You realize that?
Hey, little whore,
lower your gaze now.
Lower your gaze!
Do as I say! Lower your gaze!
Lower your gaze now!
Do you hear me?
Lower your gaze!
Clobber her!
Catch her and clobber her!
What are you doing?
I'm tired of running.
Virginie, help me!
Don't call me that.
Your money is as filthy as mine.
I'll miss you.
I know you.
For sure.
I'll miss you, too.
For sure.
- Take care of her.
I'll come fetch her soon.
Final call for check-in.
Aren't you tired
of rescuing whores?