Shaadi Ke Side Effects (2014)

"When the night falls,
the heart yearns."
"The chest pounds to a rhythm."
"The heart calls out."
"Stirs the passion of
meeting with the beloved."
"When the night falls,
the heart yearns."
"The chest pounds to a rhythm."
"The heart calls out."
"Stirs the passion of
meeting with the beloved."
"My tresses cling on to my body."
"My veil slides from my body."
"Let's have some desi romance."
"Let's do the English dance."
"We'll drink through the night."
"When the night falls
it scares my heart."
"Let's have some desi romance."
"Let's do the English dance."
"We'll drink through the night."
"When the night falls
it scares my heart."
Give me one..
Thank you.
"Go ahead and party!"
Hi. - Hi.
I am.. - Married.
So am I.
Your husband?
Busy man.
No time from work.
Your wife?
- Busy woman.
No time from
watching television serials.
When husbands are
always busy with work..
..then women are
forced to watch television.
And, when the women quarrel
over every trivial thing, then..
..the husbands are
bound to stay busy.
I don't believe this.
Why do you men have
such an escapist attitude?
And why do you women..
..have such negative attitude?
I escaped to this place from home..
..and quarrelling with you again.
Whereas, I am not your wife.
To sad husbands.
To frustrated wives.
"Go ahead and party."
"Like finding an unknown companion."
"Walks few steps with me fondly."
"Doesn't even ask for my name."
"Just say that I
like your attitude."
"My heart's in a dilemma."
"My heart's falling for you."
"Let's have some desi romance."
"Let's do the English dance."
"We'll drink through the night."
"When the night falls
it scares my heart."
"Let's have some desi romance."
"Let's do the English dance."
"We'll drink through the night."
"Go ahead and party!"
Please, do not disturb.
Who's there?
Mr. Roy, can you come
with us for a minute.
You know, Mr. Roy...whoever you are?
This isn't that type of hotel?
What type?
The way you were behaving.
You know this is a very respected,
reputed hotel.
This isn't some
third rate pickup joint..
..where you and
your lady friend can..
Oh, I see.
That lady isn't my friend.
- I know. I can see that.
She's my wife.
Oh, really.
Mrs. Trisha Roy.
The way you two..
- I know.
Sir, this is an old game we play.
Two strangers, in an unknown city.
They meet in a nightclub, and..
..share a hotel room together.
You see, it spices
up our relationship.
And...if you don't mind,
does your wife enjoy it?
Honestly speaking this was her idea.
You are a lucky guy, Mr. Roy.
- Thank you, sir.
I mean, you and your
wife have great a tuning.
Thank you very much, sir.
I and my wife only quarrel.
We...we...we are just fighting,
All the time.
Without a reason, we're fighting.
Poonam, how much longer?
The party's tonight, not tomorrow.
Yes, I know it's today.
I am coming.
Are you okay?
I am okay.
Come on.
You were getting late, weren't you?
Why do you wear heels
if you can't handle them?
Hold on.
Heels are not the problem, you are.
Why do you always tell me
every plan only an hour earlier?
One hour is enough to get ready.
There are other things
I've to take care of..
..other than getting ready.
But, obviously you don't know.
You will know when you
help me out someday.
You want me to quit my job..
..and help you wash the clothes.
Didn't I buy you a washing machine?
It's not something
I can wear around my neck.
You bought it for the family,
not me.
You mean to say that
I don't buy anything for you!
If you had, then I wouldn't be
wearing my mother's earrings.
If you depend on your mother..
..then, why don't
you go live with her.
That's exactly what
I am going to do.
Just go to hell!
I am in hell.
Mr. Madhok, these situations..
..comes in everyone's
life sooner or later.
But, you should cut it out before.. exceeds this far.
When I make a mistake, I say sorry.
And, when my wife makes
a mistake I say sorry.
Trisha, how much longer.
The party's tonight, not tomorrow.
Yes, I know it's today.
I am coming.
Are you okay?
I am okay.
Come on.
You were getting late, weren't you?
Trisha, I am really sorry.
I am the one who came late..
..and you've to
get ready in a haste.
I always tell you everything
at the last minute.
I am really sorry about that.
Relax, Sid. It's not your fault.
Come on, or we'll be late.
How am I looking?
- Amazing.
Especially, your mom's earrings.
Loves you.
When I make a mistake, I say sorry.
And, when my wife makes
a mistake I say sorry.
Thank you, sir. Thank you.
You're most welcome.
Can I go back to
my wife to apologies?
Of course.
'They say for a successful
marriage love is enough.'
'If that was only true,
then there would've never been..'
'..any misunderstandings, or quarrels
or divorces between couples.'
'Seeing my parents get separated..'
'..I decided never to make
the same mistakes as they did.'
'And so, to secure my marriage..'
'..I made a strategy.'
'But, only a fool can think of..'
'..making marriage foolproof.'
'Because what's more
dangerous than marriage itself..'
'..are its side effects.'
I am back, Mrs. Roy.
Mrs. Roy.
- Yeah.
We're pregnant.
- Are you sure?
Yeah. Pregnant, two lines.
It says, 10% chance of error.
I'll get another one.
5% chance of error.
3% chance.
I'll get another one.
Sid! Sid!
Let's face it.
We're pregnant.
So what now?
You say? What do we do?
Trisha, it's your body. You decide.
Who did this to my body?
You sound as if I
forced you at gunpoint.
But, it was your department
to oversee protection.
Who remembers protection
after a bottle of scotch?
You could've reminded me.
Did you finish the
bottle of scotch alone?
You're right.
Let's decided together?
- Okay.
To the count of three.
- Okay.
One. Two. Three.
- Yes!
You want a baby?
Trisha, you don't even like kids.
You know, Sid.
I was surprised myself
after the first test result.
But after that,
something changed inside me.
I started hoping that..
..the second result's positive too.
But you like kids, don't you?
You always play with
the kids at the park.
Trisha, everyone likes to play..
..with others kids and puppies.
It's not the same thing.
I don't believe you just said that.
Others kids and puppies?
- Look, Trisha.
Please, just relax. Relax, please.
Sit. Please sit.
It's not that I don't want kids.
But right now,
our lives, our careers..
..there's so much left to do.
We've our entire
life to have a child.
You haven't even recorded
your first album.
And you were saying, that..
In 3-4 months you
might get a promotion.
How will that happen?
Let's not have the baby.
Trisha Malik Roy.
- Yeah.
I'll be okay.
I didn't know his diaper..
- I told you to change it.
But I didn't know.
- Just bit too much!
It's not my fault this time.
- Yes it is.
Why do you always,,
Now hold him.
- Yes.
And give him the rattle if he cries.
- Who?
Ashu, who else?
- Ashu.
Ashu. Ashu. Who's Ashu?
Hold on.
Excuse me.
- Thanks.
Four, huh!
It's not luck, bad decision.
Bad decision?
To delay the child.
When my wife, Neha was ready..
..I wasn't ready financially.
Then, I was financially ready,
but not emotionally.
Later, when I was financially..
..and emotionally ready, my wife..
..wasn't ready physically.
So what did you do?
- Hold this.
Then constant visits to the doctor.
Neha underwent fertility treatment.
- I see.
And the side effect,
four instead of one.
When one stops the other starts.
And then there's Neha.
She still taunts me.
"So, are you ready now."
'Are you ready now?'
Stop! Doctor!
- Excuse me!
- Sir, I want to talk to her.
We're in the middle of
an operation please step outside.
Trisha, I want to have the baby.
- What?
Doctor, just..
Trisha, let's have the baby.
But, Sid, you weren't ready.
Yes, but...something
changed inside me as well.
Your album.
- It'll happen someday.
Our income.
- It'll keep growing.
'My first step towards
becoming a father.'
'A white lie.'
'And all I could see
beyond was darkness.'
'And I wasn't the
only one scared by it.'
This is good news, mom.
- Yeah!
I am very happy.
- I can see that.
You've burnt three breads.
What was the hurry?
You two aren't settled yet.
And your job?
Weren't you supposed
to get promoted in 6 months?
Becoming a mother is
also a promotion in life, mom.
Forget it, Trisha.
This line doesn't suit women..
..who run the house
with their salary.
I told you to find
a well-settled boy.
Look at your brother-in-law Ranvir.
Vice-President of
a multinational bank.
He's taking his entire
family to Switzerland.
And in business class.
I am happy with Sid the way he is.
And he's trying.
He's also been
recording jingles now.
Please, Trisha.
You just don't understand!
I don't want you to
face the same difficulties..
..I did after your
father passed away.
That won't happen, mom.
Sid will be the best father,
I promise you.
"It's a naughty world."
"Come closer in this furor."
"It's a lot to be won."
"Let the bodies unite."
"Let the bodies unite?"
Oh, God!
Come on, Sid. Bear it.
It's just a matter of 1-2 years.
- Hey.
Mom's sent this.
- How sweet?
How's mom?
- Good.
What did she say?
Wait, wait
She must have said
"What's the hurry".
"Let Sid get settled."
She didn't say anything like that.
Why are you always
so negative about mom?
Not always.
Since the time she said
"Come home if you have a problem".
All parents say that
when they are tensed, Sid.
But, not during the send-off.
That made me cry.
By the way, she said you'll
make the best father in the world.
Trisha, push. It's really easy.
Push. Push. Now push.
Push. 1, 2, 3 push.
Come on, Trisha,
it's really easy, push. Push, push.
If it's so easy,
why don't you do it yourself.
Trisha, you can do it.
Trisha, you can do it.
Congratulations, it's a baby girl.
Oh, God.
- Baby girl.
Oh, God!
This Siddharth I tell you..
This isn't my kid.
'With that I was losing
my confidence too.'
'I should've shared
this with Trisha.'
'But, I needed
confidence for that too.'
It's great, Sid.
A kid that looks
like your mother-in-law.
You can slap her every day.
It's not funny, guys.
- It is, man.
Did you tell Trisha?
Can't believe that I'm
seeking advice from you.
They're kids,
how complicated can it be?
My neighbors have kids.
My father has kids.
And you're not going
to be a father tomorrow.
You still have time.
Until then you'll be ready.
Whenever we bring something
new in the house.. TV, microwave, music system..
..what do we do to understand it?
We read the manual.
- Exactly.
To understand Trisha's pregnancy.. need a manual.
Pregnancy manual.
Exactly, that was
what I was thinking, man.
'Normally, I never take
the advice of my idiot friends.'
'But my situation
wasn't normal anymore.'
What are you doing?
Your 350 grams of daily
protein intake is over.
- Look.
See, 350 grams
proteins per day, only.
I am hungry.
- No. Trisha.
Take this, read it.
It's written in the book.
Trisha. It's been only 20 minutes.
You still have 15 minutes to go.
I can't do it anymore, Sid.
It's written in the book.
What are you watching?
The child will grow up to be..
..according to the
surrounding we give him.
But I want to watch this film.
It's written in the book.
To hell with your book.
Trisha, I am doing
this for our child.
I am trying to be a good dad.
Come on.
If you want to be a good dad..
..then stop by-hearting this book.
Listen to your feelings, Sid.
Start feeling like I do.
'I could've gone to any extent..'
' feel my fatherhood.'
'Any extent.'
Good evening.
Why are you laughing?
Was this written in some book?
Trisha, this is wrong.
You said listen to your feelings.
What can I do if I
can't feel like you do?
So I thought why not try this.
Is this a balloon?
- Hey!
Behave yourself.
You've lost your mind, haven't you?
The phone's ringing.
- I know, answer it.
Will you answer that?
You see, in this condition..'s not good to get up
immediately after sitting down.
Why are you laughing?
Hello, ma'am.
Your three medium cheese pizzas.
With large fries and two ice teas.
And apple pie with
ice-cream pudding.
We didn't order it.
Hold on. Hold on.
I did.
To feel like you do,
I'll have to eat as much as you.
Give it.
He kicked.
He must be hungry.
Will you pay him?
I've kept my hot-water
bag somewhere.
Can't find it.
My back is really hurting.
- Here.
Yes, Arjun.
Has Manchester United game started?
Are you okay?
My child.
Sid, nothing happened.
It's a balloon.
Trisha, it might
be a balloon for you.
But, I carried it around for 9 days.
Come on, Sid.
I couldn't be a good father.
I am sorry.
I am sorry.
Sid! Sid!
Sid, my water broke.
My water also broke.
My water also broke.
Your water broke?
She looks just like Sid, doesn't she?
- What nonsense.
- Oh my, God.
I am your Anchal aunty.
My turn. My turn. My turn, please.
- Wait, have patience.
Mom, she looks just like you.
Look at her.
Isn't she?
Papa, here.
Take your daughter.
What are you doing?
The neck bone isn't developed yet.
One hand here,
below the neck and the other here.
Come on.
Careful. Careful. Careful.
Careful, Sid.
Go for it.
Trisha, I'll get the medicines.
'Forget about handling
the responsibilities..'
'..I couldn't even handle the baby.'
'How long can really
stay away from my child!'
"O O O...sweet child of mine."
No rock music?
Just like your mother.
"Light the..
Okay, you can do this.
From left, below the neck.
Don't you feel scared.
I couldn't handle a balloon,
how will I handle you?
I won't let anything
happen to Millie.
I'll be the best papa in the world.
"Come, let me tell
you the story of a dream."
"The dream that dwelled in my eyes."
"A nave dream."
"A nave dream."
'And there was no
limits to my dreaming..'
'..and for sure dreams'
were making me bonkers.'
Lie down, I'll check.
Thank you.
Stop crying,
super papa's here with milk bottle.
Millie, milk.
What are you doing, Sid?
She's feeling stuffy, not hungry.
What happened?
Sid, she's feeling cold, not stuffy.
Please sleep. sleep.
Pleas sleep
- Sid.
She's hungry not cold.
Go and sleep.
- I'll feed her.
I have to get up every day anyway.
I'll do it..
- Move.
'See, can anyone tell me..'
'..when Millie's feeling hungry,
or feeling cold or stuffy.'
My inabilities made
me seem like a fool.. front of Trisha.
'I had to get my lost respect back.'
Tonight's our rock-star Millie's..
..first solo performance
in her own bedroom.
Sid, leaving Millie alone..
Trisha, Millie isn't alone.
We're just one door away.
And if anything happens, then..
..this baby monitor will tell us.
Goodnight my sweetheart.
I love you.
Did you hear something?
- What happened?
There was a sound
from Millie's room.
I don't hear anything.
You will once you
switch off this music.
Trisha, there's nothing.
Where were we?
I heard it again.
See, you're just..
See, I told you I heard something.
She's sleeping with us.
Milu will sleep with
Mom and Dad, okay.
Stop tossing around,
you'll wake up Millie.
Stop snoring,
you will wake up Millie.
Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.
Sid, couldn't you fall slower.
You will wake up Millie.
Trisha, how does anyone fall slowly?
I can't sleep like this.
Then go sleep in your studio.
This is my bed.
- And this is your kid.
'And that night Millie's mother..
..defeated Sid's wife.'
'I had to remind Trisha..
..there was a world
beyond home and Millie.'
Thank you.
Thank God you convinced
me to come here.
Feels so good.
- Didn't I say so?
- Cheers.
So, Mr. Roy, how's your wife?
Just like your husband, boring.
Forget them.
Why don't we do
something interesting?
I'm kind of thinking that,
after dinner let's go for a dance.
And then may be a long drive?
And what comes next,
I leave that to you, Mrs. Roy.
I want ice-cream.
Why hasn't anyone called from home?
I hope everything is okay.
No one's called from home..
..because everything is okay.
Please, relax.
Your mom's with Millie.
- I know, but..
Let me call once, as soon as..
- Give me the phone.
Give me the phone.
You just called 10 minutes ago.
Enjoy yourself.
Shall we order?
Excuse me.
I've heard that the
lasagna here is delicious.
Shall we start with the salad?
Trisha, I cannot live with you.
I've developed brain tumor.
Trisha, what..
Trisha, for once can we..
..please spend some
time alone in a year.
Of course.
You're so stubborn.
Just like Millie.
And only for today,
no mention of Millie.
We'll talk about
anything but Millie.
Anything but Millie.
'Excuse me.'
'Who's this woman?'
'Where's my Trisha,
who could talk for hours..'
'..about her lipstick
shades to the US economy?'
Let's order.
I miss what we are.
"She's a bit foolish."
"A little crazy."
"Keeps bantering all the time."
"He's a bit stupid."
"A little crazy."
"Keeps bantering all the time."
"She's a bit crooked,
yet she's lovely."
"My heart's lost
owing an apology to me."
"All I can say.."
"What just happened?"
"I am sorry,
but I am love with you."
"I love all your mischief,
your habits."
"There's intoxication
in quarreling with you too."
"All I want is to be with you."
"Every moment without
you is difficult to be."
"Slowly, you tiptoed in my life."
"And influenced my dreams."
"All I can say.."
"What just happened?"
"I am sorry,
but I am love with you."
"You're not like what
I imagined you to be."
"Yet my heart says this
is where we're going to stay."
"You're not the prince
charming I dreamed of."
"Yet my heart's
scared of losing you."
"Sometimes I think,
I feel I've invited trouble for me."
"Sometimes I feel
you've opened my eyes."
"All I can say.."
"What just happened?"
"I am sorry,
but I am love with you."
"What just happened?"
"I am sorry,
but I am love with you."
"What just happened?"
- Hi.
Hello, Millie.
How are you, darling?
Naman called.
There's a party
tonight at his house.
Do you want to go?
- And Millie?
We'll call your mom.
It doesn't feel right
to call mom all the time.
Anyway, Millie's our responsibility,
not hers.
Fine, I'll cancel it.
Sid. You can go if you want.
No, forget it.
What will you do here anyway?
You'll get bored.
Love you.
- Bye.
But i think..
You aren't asleep yet?
I was waiting for you.
I told you I'll be late.
You said you'll be a little late.
That could mean ? hour,
1 hour, not 2 hours.
Trisha, I met everyone
after such a long time.
They didn't let me leave.
Had fun, didn't you?
Everyone was asking about you.
No wonder, you must have thought..
..what's the point of coming home.
You'll get bored with
Trisha and Millie anyway.
Trisha, please.
You asked me to go.
No! I never told you to go.
I said you can go if you want to.
There's a difference.
I see.
So, "You can go if you want"..
..means you don't want me to go.
Then what does it mean.
That means that I want,,
..that you don't want to go.
You want that I don't want.. What?
What do you want?
'And no more outings with friends.'
'Next option, calling them home.'
Man U is going down tonight.
- Yeah. Yeah. Alright.
Let's make a bet.
- What's up bro?
Don't bet with him, he never pays.
Hello, boys.
Hi, Trisha.
- Hi.
How's Millie?
- Good.
You mustn't have seen
her for a long time, right?
No, no.
- l just get her.
They are here to see the match.
I didn't say anything,
they want to see her.
Where's your nosey?
Where's your teeth?
Where's Millie's lips?
Lips? Yeah.
Come on, guys, clap.
Where's Millie's bum?
- Yes.
It's time for Millie to sleep.
Sweet dreams.
- Bye.
Switch it on.
One. Nil. One. Nil.
- What are you doing?
We'll beat them by two goals.
Still have plenty
have time for deciding.
I'm sure our team will win.
- Hello. Yes, Trisha.
we're winning.
Yes sure.
Just watch out. - Arjun, lower
the volume.Millie's sleeping.
Look at their players.
Look at their calves.
Watch out they might
go out of control today, bro.
Come on get in, get in.
Arjun. Arjun, little more, please.
Check the grass of the
outer field in the screen.
Come on man.
- Watch out his hair style.
Do you think he would
be able to score a goal..
..given his fancy hair style.
Is it fine now?
Oh no!
I got to go.
- But the match?
I've a flight tomorrow morning.
I know, we'll watch
the next match together.
I promise. I promise. Sid I promise.
- Bro, I'll see you tomorrow.
I mean, when I come back.
Bye. Sorry.
Yes, Sid, even I have
a recording tomorrow.
I'll see you, okay.
- Arjun, wait.
Do you want to go somewhere too?
Exactly, Sid, I've to go somewhere..
..but I can't remember.
'And since then neither
did my friends return..'
'..nor did their calls.'
'I had no other options,
other than..'
'..befriending the parents
of Millie's friends.'
'But you know what.'
'Their favorite topic of
conversation wasn't football.'
Try banana.
That makes children's
potty nice and soft.
Really? I thought bananas
gave constipation.
Only for adults.
In fact,
banana gives the right color.
I see.
But last week it was dark green.
I get so scared.
I know.
- Oh God.
Probably because of the spinach.
You know, when I eat spinach.. potty's green as well.
And if it's got corn,
then yellow and green.
Quite an interesting combination.
Please eat your cakes.
Excuse us.
What's wrong with him?
- He's mad.
Who's talking about his potty?
What's wrong with you?
What do you mean
by what's wrong with me?
What's wrong with them?
Such a serious conversation
over children's potty?
Because children's health
is a serious issue, not a joke.
Trisha, come on..
- Alright, kids.
Everyone come here.
We're going to open
a loot bag here..
..and let's see who
gets the maximum gifts.
Come on everyone.
Sid, go with Millie.
Me? Don't be ridiculous.
All the other parents have gone.
The bigger kids
will take everything.
Come on, Sid, go.
Sid, come on.
Statutory warning.
- Ready?
Children's games
are not a child's play.
Best of luck.
You're going down.
One. Two. Three.
''Whose your daddy?''
''Whose your daddy?''
''Whose your daddy?''
''Whose your daddy?''
''Whose your daddy?''
''Whose your daddy?''
''Whose your daddy?''
''Whose your daddy?''
''Whose your daddy?''
And isn't my watch new?
That's a gift?
- Yes. Surprise.
- Thanks.
Oh my, God. It's a jungle out there.
Just two sweets and a whistle?
That's it?
And this whistle isn't even working.
Trisha, please forget
about the whistle.
It's a miracle
I made it back alive from there.
Here you go.
And this is for you.
- But that's for Harsh.
That's okay.
- Trisha, Ranvir's got..
..9 whistles,
4 balls and 18 sweets for Harsh.
Yes. - Amazing.
Brother-in-law, you're just amazing.
And anyway, at this age..'s important
to teach him to share.
Okay, let's ask him.
Very good.
Wow, Harshwardhan.
- Fantastic.
He knows French.
Yes, I am learning
and teaching him too.
At this age,
children's minds are very fertile.
They pickup anything
you teach them..
..and it stays for life.
That's right.
- What happened, Harsh?
Sorry. Potty time.
Let's go.
What a father.
Really, what a father.
'Sometime back
I was Trisha's hero..'
'..but now she idolizes
idiots like Ranvir.'
There was just one way
to release this frustration.
My music album. do you like it?
- Very nice.
I wanted to talk to you.
- Yes.
You know I said,
I'll resume working..
..when Millie turns
1 or 2 years old.
But, now I feel I shouldn't.
Then...what will you do?
Stay at home and look after Millie.
If that's what you want, then fine.
But you liked your job, didn't you?
No job's greater than Millie, right?
By the way, we can appoint
a full-time maid if you like.. look after Millie.
You know,
I feel Millie's still too small..
..and handing her
over to a maid, it's..
Trisha, I just know
how much you love your job.
Why don't you take
up a part time job?
Best of both worlds.
You know, I thought about that.
A child is a full
time responsibility.. part time..
What do you think?
Do you really want
to know what I think?
I think you're only
thinking about yourself..
..and adding to my problems.
If you don't take up a job,
it'll be my responsibility.. run the family,
and I'll have to forget my album.
That's what I think.
Sure. Sure.
Whatever you feel is right.
You're the best,
best, bestest father in the world.
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday dear papa!
Thank you.
Thank you, Millie.
The best papa in the world.
Papa does so much for us, isn't it?
Happy birthday.
Thank you.
Sir, I came to keep these slippers.
Just.. Just eat that, leave that..
Millie, look here.
Millie, look here.
Good morning.
- Good morning.
Happy birthday!
- Today's my birthday.
Happy birthday!
- Thank you.
Laxmi, you haven't
cleaned this up yet.
Just feed her this.
I've been telling you for so long.
Whose birthday is it today?
It's my birthday,
so you have to eat.
There was no need for this.
There was really no need for this.
That's Millie's favorite cartoon.
Mr. Duck.
From Millie and mom, right?
Thank you, Millie. Thank you, mom.
Okay then.
- Sid, what's the hurry.
Let her sing first.
Happy birthday to papa.
Happy birthday... Sing, Sid.
Happy birthday to papa.
Happy birthday.. Happy birthday..
Happy birthday to papa.
Clap. Clap.
Very good.
Happy birthday to papa.
You eat it.
Laxmi, you haven't cleaned this yet.
How many times do I tell you?
Sid, what are your birthday plans?
Family dinner, wine..
No plans.
Let's rehearse.
Trisha won't plan your birthday?
Not possible.
There must be a surprise party.
You'll go inside,
switch on the lights and then..
"Now, I am used to being alone."
"Slowly...everyone's left me."
"I don't know when
these paths separated."
"I didn't get a chance to see."
"Before I could.."
- Happy birthday.
"Everything happened so slowly.."
'The thing about birthdays is..'
'..if you don't give it any value,
no problem.'
'But, if your family doesn't
give it any value, big problem.'
'Especially, in my current
frustrated situation..'
'..where the bomb
was about to explode.'
Mash it some more.
And don't use such a small spoon.
Let me do it.
You know what.
Actually this time I am not sorry.
So what if it's not
properly mashed one day?
Will it hamper Millie's growth?
Or she'll get food poisoning?
What will happen?
Millie will find
it difficult to eat.
Why are you arguing
without a reason?
Why can't you mash it properly?
According to you,
I can never do anything properly.
"Why is Millie
bathing water so hot?"
"Why is Millie's milk so cold?"
"Please don't wipe Millie
from the wrong side of the towel."
I mean, "wrong side
of the towel". Really?
Even Albert Einstein didn't know..
..there's a wrong side of the towel.
How am I always perfect
with Millie's chores?
Because you've nothing
to do except for Millie.
Yes, you're the only one
who does the work, don't you?
I'm just sitting at
home and having a ball.
Taking a holiday.
Shame on you for saying that.
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
Look at her, you scared her.
- What did I do?
You scared her.
It's okay. It's okay.
Millie, come.
- Where are you taking her?
For a stroll.
Don't steer too fast.
And be careful.
'If I had kept quiet,
I would've suffocated.'
'If I had said something,
we would've argued.'
'So, when you don't
have a solution in hand..'
'..stay away from the problem.'
- Papa.
'Away from Trisha.'
Papa, papa, home.
What happened, Millie?
Are you hungry?
Millie, right now mom and
dad aren't talking to each other.
So we can't go home.
Millie, how about a horse-ride?
Would you like to sit on the horse?
Would you like to sit on the horse?
We'll give Millie a horse ride.
Yes, Millie, we'll take
a ride on the horse's back.
Come on. come on.
Bye, papa.
- Let's go.
- Bye.
Chelsea come on.
Come on, United.
Come on. We got this.
Shut up, we're going to win this.
Excuse me.
Go, Go, Go, Go, Go.
Come on. Come on. Come on.!
Sir. Sir.
Vishnu, take her for another round.
Does Millie want
to go on another round?
Another round.
Come on. Come on.
Yes. Yes, we did it.
Sir. Sir.
What's this, sir?
Come on, guys.
Well played.
- Manchester.
Sorry. Sorry.
See you, man.
Sid, let's meet her for
the next game.
Thank you, Bro.
- Bye.
Told you.
We did it!
Trisha, I am sorry.
I shouldn't have yelled at you.
I am sorry too.
Where's Millie?
She's with Vishnu..
How long were you
giving the kid a ride?
It's been so long, I'm fed up.
Sir, my job's to
give horseback rides..
..not to look after them.
Sorry, Vishnu.
Height of carelessness.
- It's the limit.
How can someone forget
their kid like this?
Thank God he wasn't a kidnapper.
Otherwise you know
what happens these days.
Are you okay?
Trisha, I am really sorry..
- Sid.
I can't believe
you left Millie here.
What kind of a father are you?
Trisha, I am..
- Thank God..
..I have nothing
to do other than Millie.
Because Millie's just
my responsibility, right?
'Trisha would've
never forgiven me..'
' matter how many
times I said sorry.'
'Now I needed expert
help to save my marriage.'
You're here for my advice.
But you don't like me.
No, who said that?
Come on, Sid.
It's not a big deal.
But I know that you
feel I am enthu-cutlet..
..over-indulgent, family man.
Am I right?
Not at all.
I don't think like that at all.
According to me you're
a perfect family man.
A perfect husband, perfect father.
I mean that's why I am here.
You really think so?
- Yes.
I am just a normal guy..
..that loves his wife and kid.
So, I don't love my family?
- No.
I didn't mean that.
Sweetheart, the taxi's here.
You're getting late, hurry up.
We'll talk again after
I return from Delhi.
Till then, just relax.
And trust me,
everything will be sorted out.
What's the matter? Anything serious?
No, no.
- I just wanted some..
..personal investment
tips from Ranvir.
That's it.
Bye, dear.
Miss me, okay.
- Lots.
I'll come back soon, okay.
- Ranvir.
Ranvir. - Ranvir. Oh no.
What happened?
- Ranvir forgot his phone.
I don't know what to do now.
He'll need it.
I'll give it to him at the airport.
Oh great, thanks. Bye.
- Okay.
Welcome to Westin.
Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- Yes.
Mr. Malhotra forgot
his phone in the car.
Hi, sweetheart.
Yes, I've reached the airport.
Darling, I think
I forgot my phone on the..
No, he just arrived.
Talk about the devil.
Baby, I'll call you
once I get to Delhi.
I love you too.
- Okay, okay, relax.
It's not what you think.
- I see.
Then how is it?
Sit, I'll explain to you.
I've understood what I had to.
- Hold on.
Hold on. Hold on.
You came to me, remember.
For advice.
Didn't you?
That means I'm doing
something right.
Then hear me out.
I promise you,
I'm doing everything for Aanchal.
Just sit down and listen to me.
I come here after every 12-15 days.
Not for doing anything wrong.
But, just to get away
from my wife and kid.
Just to be with myself.
To get some alone time.
Here, I can do anything I want.
Eat, drink, sleep for 10 hours.
And 2 days later when I go home..
..Anchal missed me.
I missed Aanchal too.
Our value increases for each other.
Do you get it?
You were asking me my formula..
..for being the perfect family man.
So this is the formula.
So basically, you lie to your wife..
..and come to this hotel.
Yes, I lie to her.
Because, for a happy married life.. has to say small lies.
It's not a big deal.
Hey, Mother Teresa.
Haven't you ever lied to Trisha?
Am I looking fat?
Not at all.
- It looks perfect.
Come on.
Hello. Yes, Trisha.
I was just busy with some work.
What are you looking at?
I was looking for the waiter.
I need some pepper.
The waiter's on this side, Sid.
Shall I call him?
Come on, I was just looking.
It's not a crime.
I know it's not a crime.
Then, why so scared? Why lie?
If you tell the truth,
they over-react.
Wives compel us husbands to lie.
People say the foundation of
a happy married life is love, trust.
The foundation of
a happy married life..
..are these small lies.
You wanted my advice, didn't you?
This is my advice.
I Can't believe I'm doing this?
Hi, Trisha.
Well, the battery
of my phone is dead.
I am at the studio.
I...I am stuck in some urgent work.
I may have to stay here.
It might take a day or two.
Could take three days as well?
You know how these
creative jobs are?
An idea can strike any moment.
Love you.
Welcome to the club.
You look so tired.
- Was there lots of work?
I didn't move from
my seat for 14 hours.
You're getting dark circles.
I guess you didn't sleep
properly for two days.
I did.
For a few hours on the
recording studio's sofa.
I hope you ate something
these last two days?
I did.
6 fritters and 20 cups of coffee.
Eat properly.
You put so much butter on it.
You've lost so much weight.
I'll take care of her.
- Let me..
Eat properly.
You just came back.
Silly Miliie.
Papa's so tired.
Don't trouble papa today, okay.
'And so,
thanks to Ranvir's formula.'
'Life was back on track once again.'
'But just like a buffalo
hordes the track, so did he.'
Hi, Shekhar.
- Yes, Shekhar.
He's in IT.
- Yes, Technosoft.
Oh. Something wrong
with the computer?
He's our new neighbor.
I live in 1804.
- I see.
What are you doing in 1803?
This morning when I went
out to keep the dustbin..
..the door closed due
to the breeze..
..and Millie was inside.
- Millie.
I was scared out of my wits.
I went to the neighbors
to ask for help..
..and found Shekhar.
- My daughter Millie..
Don't worry, I'll see.
And then, he jumped from 1903
Mrs. Mistry's balcony..
..into our flat.
You should've seen it, Sid.
He saved the day for us.
Total hero.
Amazing. Too good. Too good.
Trisha. Why didn't you call me?
I was about to,
but that's when Shekhar arrived.
And then..
- Yes, but it was an emergency.
Millie was alone at home.
You should've called.
You're always so busy working..
..I didn't want to disturb you.
And anyway, Shekhar's there.
Of course. Of course.
- How about some tea?
Yes, please.
- Of course.
I'll get one for you too.
Such a lovely lady.
'Shekar's there.'
'He was in IT.'
'But more than that,
he was in my house.'
Sid, I'll just be back
from the supermarket. Bye.
Wait, I'll come along too.
No, relax.
Shekhar's there,
he'll drive the car.
Papa. Swingy.
You let it be,
Shekhar will take her.
Trisha, I am Millie's daddy.
I'll take her.
"Shekhar's there."
Come on.
We'll take Millie
to the swing today.. - Bye.
Trisha, they're showing
'Abhimaan' on television.
Really? It's my favorite film.
- I know.
I felt like Sehwag.
Just because I played
few bad matches..
..they dropped me and replaced me..
..with a enthu-young player.
Sid, get me some curd
from the fridge, please.
Why? Shekhar's there.
Someone is jealous.
Someone? Wow!
He's nice. He's a neighbor.
Neighbor, who stays
in this house more than me.
You're never here.
And there's so much
around the house to do.
He just helps me.
If you need help,
let's appoint a fulltime maid.
Fulltime maid?
Do you know how much they demand?
They won't demand
more than 4000 - 5000.
Just for you and me.
But it's hard to find
a good maid these days, Sid.
When you can find a good neighbor.. can find a good maid too.
I've never taken care of babies.
But I've taken care
of many puppies.
Feeding them on time.
Taking them down for a walk.
Taking them out for potty.
By the way,
there's not much of a difference..
..between puppies and babies, right?
I am an expert in
handling kids, ma'am.
I have six children myself.
- I see.
Shilpa, Aruna, Sachin, Chand..
No, seven.
I have seven. I have seven children.
Sister, don't worry.
I am there. I'll take good care of..
Not 4, we'll meet at 5pm.
I also love you.
Here's my bio-data.
- Bai-data.
You've worked with
some really rich families.
Thappars, the builder family, right?
And Armaan Khan, the hero.
You worked as a maid for them too.
Why did you leave such good jobs?
I didn't, I was fired.
- Because, in rich families..
..there's abundant money,
but no time for their kids.
When I tried to explain
this to the Thappars and Khans..
..they fired me from the job.
But, you won't face
that problem here.
I feel that too.
So, why don't you
tell us salary as well?
Neither less, nor more.
Water. Drink some water.
Isn't that a bit too much for us?
Look, a jeweler family
lived in the Thappar's building.
Their 4 year old kid..
..was caught stealing a pencil box.
Stealing, at this tender age?
Where did he learn it?
Where did he learn it?
From the maid.
And the flat in front of the Khans.
Belonged to an esteemed
judge of the high court.
Their four year old daughter..
..cussed her mother,
when she tried stopping her..
..from writing
something on the wall.
Where did he learn it?
The maid?
- The maid?
The driver.
Gone are days when children..
..learnt values from
parents and their teachers.
Today children learn
their values and habits..
..from the driver and maids.
Because they spend the
entire day with them. - Yes.
But, if you're worried
about your budget..
..more than values,
then you can let it be.
No, no, that's not it.
Please sit, we'll be right back.
I like her.
- Trisha, even I like her.
But 15,000?
It's too much.
- I know.
But, you're earning better now.
So, why can't we
increase our budget?
Sid, please.
For me and Millie.
So, when can you join?
- Oh, great.
But I have a condition.
I would prefer that
you don't call me maid.
Then what do you like to hear?
- Aunty?
I should've never listened to you.
- What relax?
An additional blow of 15,000.
Per month.
What can I manage
on a single income?
Monthly expenses,
EMI on home, hotel bill.
It's too much.
Do one thing.
Stop going to hotels.
Stay in a PG.
- PG?
Think about it.
Share an apartment with someone.. will save lots of money.
It'll also cover for
your auntie's expenses.
She's not my aunty.
- Okay. Okay.
I am sorry.
And, why should I stay
on rent when I have a home?
Fine, don't.
Stop everything.
Go back to your sad life.
Papa, he's troubling me.
- German!
'I had no intentions
of going back to my old life.'
'So I created a new life.'
'And I took up PG accommodation..'
'..posing as a bachelor.'
Yes, I got the key.
304, right?
Usmaan bhai, are you sure its 304?
Manav, right?
What did you do?
I am sorry.
Where is she, bro?
- Who?
Where is she, bro?
I've no idea what
you're talking about.
The stuff I kept here on the table,
where is it?
You mean that junk.
Found it?
- It's not here, bro..
I kept some stuff
in the kitchen too.
Where's my kitchen?
- This..
Just... I need to think, okay.
I can't think.
This isn't my home, it's too clean.
Manav. Manav.
If we arrange things
back to how it was..
..will that help?
- Yes.
It was something like this.
Flashback. Alright.
Yesterday night, I was here..
..and that cute gal was there, and..
..I was trying to score with her.
She slapped me because
I leaned in a way..
You were looking for something.
Please find it.
Found it?
Oh, God. I thought I lost you.
What? What?
You made me work so hard for this?
This is Manali.
- Sorry?
- This is Manali.
The best stuff in India.
The last one in my stock.
- Great.
- No.
Alright, Bro.
Who's going clean all this?
- Bai, bro.
Bye? No, no.
Who's going to clean this up?
The maid.
The maid comes on every Monday.
Have some chips or something.
- Monday..
I can't live in
this filth until then.
Oh...well, I can bro.
If I could cleanup
every half an hour..
..I would be living with
my ex-girlfriend Sushma.
I would get married.
Marriage, wife, two kids.
Then what is there, bro?
Then you're not even a bro.
You're a prisoner, bro..
Hey, Venky.
Venky, this is Skid.
Skid, that's Venky.
Can't live like this?
I give her turmeric milk every day.
I'll call you back, mom.
Sid's back.
I know how Aanchal does it, mom.
I'll call you back in a while.
Okay, bye.
What's your aunty
doing in my studio?
I shifted aunty in there?
- What?
There's no AC in the hall.
Trisha, what next?
Shall we give her
a car and a chauffeur?
You know what, Mrs. Kapoor
in 502 offered her that too.
But aunty decided to stay with us.
Lucky Mrs. Kapoor.
Listen, Trisha.
We don't need any aunty.
I'll stay here, work in my studio.
And I'll help out, okay?
- What?
You want aunty to stay here, not me.
That's not it.
Just that, aunty handles
the entire household chores.
And she's gotten along
with Millie as well.
Not more than me, please.
But, Sid. Once Millie grows up..
..then I'll manage.
Sid. Where are you going?
That day I realized
a bitter truth of life.
Wives can stay without
their husbands..
..but, not their maids.
Die! Die! Die! Die!
Die! Die!
Die! Die! Die! Die!
Die! Die! Die! Die!
Excuse me.
Hello, Manav.
- Hey, bro.
Can you reduce the volume,
trying to work?
Die! Die! Die! Die! Die!
Die! Die! Die! Die! Die!
Die! Die! Die! Die! Die!
You want loud.
I'll show you loud.
What happened? Is it too loud?
Nice track, bro.
Whose is it?
- What?
Nice track, whose is it?
You like it?
- Yeah!
- Yeah!
Its mine.
You're not an accountant?
- No.
You're a musician.
Which album is this?
This isn't an album yet,
I'm just working on jingles now.
You want to hear it?
- Yeah!
"Why I am not the college's
Mr. Popular."
"Why am I not the city's
eligible bachelor?"
You're struggling.
I feel you, bro. respect.
Don't worry,
it'll happen for you too.
I struggled for four years.
That's why I got the 'Panchmola' ad.
You must have seen it?
2009, 'Panchmola.'
I was the second lead.
"Everyone says.."
"The heart says.."
It used to come on every channel.
Sorry, I don't watch
too much television.
No wonder.
Anyway, you jam bro, you jam.
I've got to say this, bro.
You don't look like
a musician from any angle.
Salesman, accountant, extremist.
But, you don't look like a musician.
Look at you.
Your clothes. This setting.
Your car.
I admit it's not a Ferrari.
But look at it.
It's spacious,
safe, gives good mileage..
..and it's a practical car.
Yeah, practical. Beautiful.
That's the favorite
word of the girls.
Whenever you say it,
they start controlling you.
Before you know it... cut out!
Come on, bro...
we're creative people, right?
We're artists.
Image is everything.
Wow, nice bike.
- Hi.
What's this?
- This.
It's a bike.
- I can see that.
Whose is it?
- Mine.
I mean...ours.
Sid, you bought a
bike without asking me?
I just brought it for a test-ride.
Come on,
I'll take you on a romantic ride.
- Come on, you'll love it.
Come on.
- Hold on.
Where are you going?
- To get your baby.
And her baby bag. Her pram.
And her toys, she never
goes anywhere without them.
And aunty.
Trisha, how will we
fit all that on the bike?
That's why we bought a Polo.
Bike's not practical for us, Sid.
Does everything in
life have to be practical?
That's not it.
- That's exactly how it is.
Everything in our life is practical.
From our car to your clothe..
Fine, do what you want.
What are you doing?
You're upset over what Sid said.
But he's right, aunty.
I've been wearing loose
clothes to hide my weight.
So, it's not easy
to maintain ourselves.
And, along with the
responsibility of a child.
And what does Sid do to help you?
How much more can he do, aunty?
Poor chap works all day.
Work is just an excuse for the men.. stay out of home.
- Sid's not like that.
Fine, let's admit
Sid's not like that.
Sid doesn't have time.
But I am there.
I give you two extra hours,
as bonus.
To maintain yourself.
No, aunty.
You're already doing so much for us.
I cannot add to your duties.
Yes, after all I am a maid.
- That's not it, aunty.
I never thought of you like that.
You're like a mother, but..
- Like your mother, isn't it?
So why hesitate to
take your mother's help?
It's not that easy.
- It's not that difficult either.
I'll help you.
From tomorrow, you'll eat cucumber,
I'll eat cucumber.
You'll exercise, I'll exercise too.
Leave this.
This makes people fat. Leave it.
By the way,
Sid's doing so much for me.., I can do that much for him.
"What's up ladies?"
"Have you met my friend, Harry?"
"Tonight we party."
"Totally drunk."
"Tonight we party."
"Tonight we party."
"Totally drunk."
"Tonight we party."
"Come on, baby,
show me what I want to see."
"Be what you want to be."
"Be what you want to be."
"Tonight we party."
"Wrecks hell."
"Totally drunk."
"They're a burden...
on the face of the earth."
"Totally drunk."
"They look innocent, but...
the heart's like serpent."
"Wait bachelor."
"I'm floored."
"Wait bachelor."
"I'm floored."
"Wait bachelor."
"Why buy a buffalo,
when the milk's free?"
"Why one girl,
when you can have three."
"I am a bachelor,
no, no, marriage for me."
"Single to mingle,
everybody loves me."
"Don't mistake him
for a devotee of love."
"Whenever he spots a girl,
he casts his eyes on her."
"They look innocent, but...
the heart's like serpent."
"Wait bachelor."
"I'm floored."
"Wait bachelor."
"I'm floored."
"Wait bachelor."
"I strike at the girls."
"I'm a playboy, the bishop of love."
"I'll ride on the minds of girls.."
"..and emotionally torment them."
"Wait bachelor."
"I'm floored."
"Wait bachelor."
"I'm floored."
"Wait bachelor."
- Where are you?
At home?
- Home? What do you mean?
I mean the studio.
The studio feels more
like home these days.
But you were supposed
to come home in the afternoon.
My computer crashed.
And, you know, Trisha..
..I will have to redo
everything I did last night.
But I was waiting for you, Sid.
You could've at least called.
Trisha, I forgot
under all the stress.
And you sound as
if I enjoy doing this.
I am sorry, I didn't mean that.
Call me when you're done.
Trisha, I am leaving.
- Yes, aunty, you can go.
When is Sid coming?
- He isn't coming.
- Millie.
How many times do I tell you..
..don't throw your toys around?
Keep everything inside,
I am fed up, she doesn't understand.
What do you want her to understand?
That her mother's venting..
..her father's frustration on her?
You won't understand
how frustrating it is, aunty.
I can't spend time with
Sid even if I don't want to.
Okay, now that you're all ready.
Let's go for a walk outside.
You will feel better.
And Millie?
I'll look after Millie.
But, you get just
one day in a week..
Don't worry about me.
I am like your mother,
not your mother.., I don't have
a right to worry for you.
Aunty, I trust you
more than my mother..
..but, that's not it.
Take my advice.
Don't ever depend on
anyone for your happiness.
Come on, go.
After Millie was born,
I lost contact with everyone.
Who do I go with?
Get out of the house first.. will definitely find someone.
- Hi.
Looking good?
- Thank you.
Going somewhere?
- Don't know.
'In my race to live a carefree,
bachelor's life..'
'..I forgot who I really was.'
'So the next day.'
'Back to being papa.'
''Whose your daddy?''
Welcome to Shanaya's birthday party.
I noticed this morning.
Riya's potty was like water.
Try curd, it's pro-biotic.
And if it's full fat,
then it's even better.
Alright everyone, its game time.
The bag's going to open.
- Where's Millie?
There. I'll take here.
Wait. I'll take her.
This is the moment
I've been waiting for.
''Whose your daddy?''
''Whose your daddy?''
What an amazing father?
'In order to rectify my mistake..'
'..I turned over a new leaf.'
'I became a good father.'
'And that's when I realized that..'
' can keep others happy..'
'..when you're happy yourself.'
'Especially Trisha,'
Oh. Hi.
- Hi.
Where's Millie?
With aunty at my mom's place.
Because tonight...
..I want to be with you, Mr. Roy.
What are your intentions, Mrs. Roy?
Intentions...are not good.
You work so hard these days.
Yes, the studio..
You're always so tensed.
What? What happened, Sid?
We should use protection.
- Not today.
Do you want a second kid?
May be.
Trisha. We can't.
- Why?
Our entire attention
should be on Millie.
But I am doing this for Millie.
Aunty was saying,
if Millie has a sibling..
..she'll learn
responsibility and sharing.
We can teach Millie
all this few years later.
But aunty was saying
that 3 year is the perfect..
What's this aunty?
Is aunty going to
plan our family now?
You and I will.
So tell me...don't you
want to be a dad again?
I don't want to.
I don't want to add to the pain..
..that I already faced once.
That's what I should've said.
Yes, you should've.
But what did you actually say?
"Baby, I don't have a problem.. becoming a father again."
Am I right?
What is wrong with you?
This is exactly what they do.
This is exactly what they do.
To trap us.
They lay a trap.
And you're completely trapped.
Now just suffer in silence.
Now, you don't have to
pretend to earn extra money.
In fact, now you've to
actually earn extra money.
Oh, God!
Anyway, forget it.
Relax. Don't be so tensed.
It's just a matter of few years.
Then everything will
be back to normal.
It's my ball.
- My ball.
- I know.
'And this time, I didn't
just bid adieu to my bike..'
'..but also to my young,
carefree life.'
This is the best track.
He gets it man.
- Yeah!
This is Vikram.
- Hi.
Remember that show
on television, Duo Race.
They introduce a
new musician every week.
This guy is the producer.
I think we can shoot
an episode with you.
Vikram, you know I am really busy..
..composing jingles right now.
So, I am going to have to say sorry.
Okay, I'll leave.
- Vicky, chill for a minute.
What are you doing, bro?
Opportunity's sitting
in your bedroom..
..and you're stuck with
soap and cream jingles.
This is it, bro. right?
Be what you want to be. A star.
Manav, it's too late for that.
It's never too late. Look at me.
Manav, you've done
one ad in your life.
In 2009.
"Everyone says... Panchmola.."
What is that ad? Who saw that ad?
Doesn't matter, alright.
At least I am trying.
At least I am not scared
and taking a U-turn, like you.
You're a coward.
- Fine. I am a coward.
Happy. Now get him out of my room.
You know what,
my Amitabh Bachchan DVD collection.
Give it back. I want it back.
Here, and this too.
This was a gift.
- I know.
Take it back, Manav.
- Fine?
Sorry for wasting your time, Vicky.
- No Problem.
From today,
you and I are best friends.
What are you doing on Saturday?
Join me, bro.
Good things happen at the party,
Really sorry.
Look, Manav.
There are problems
in every relationship.
The solution isn't breakup.
We aren't gay.
We're just..
- Sure, I understand.
You are not.
You know what, I am busy Saturday.
'And leaving my
bachelor's life behind..'
'..I went back to
my happy married life.'
'But old sins don't
let go so easily.'
"This crazy dream."
"Very crazy dream."
"Doesn't listen to me."
"It was my dream.."
"This crazy dream."
"Very crazy dream."
Who's calling?
- Some client from the studio.
Then answer it.
Smile, Millie.
Do it.- Full smile.
What's this?
What is it, Manav.
- Mr. Siddharth Roy.
I am speaking from
Nanavati Hospital's ICU.
Manav's met with an accident.
Oh my, God! Is he okay?
Can't say, he's still unconscious.
He's undergoing CT scan
due to severe head injury.
Can you come here immediately?
I'll be right there.
Stand properly..
This too..
Don't drop it.
I'll have to go to the studio?
- Now?
Her stage performance
is about to start in a while.
Yeah, I know, But..
It's an emergency,
the client's calling.
No one's going to die
if you go an hour late.
Trisha, I..
I don't have a choice.
If it doesn't make
a difference to you..
..then why do you ask? Just go.
Trisha, why don't you understand?
- Hey, bro.
I thought when I come to my senses..
..there will be a gorgeous nurse..
..waiting to give me a sponge bath.
You will do too.
Good to see you, bro.
- Good to see you too.
How did this happen?
Shippie's wife.
I've been taking
her around for 3 weeks.
Yesterday her husband
paid a surprise visit.
Open the door.
Manav, you're crazy man.
I know.
I should've hid in the bathroom.
Where are your parents?
- I didn't tell them.
What's the point, bro?
They'll come, see..
lecture me and leave.
It's not..
Forget it, bro.
You're there.
You're like my family, bro.
Even you're like my family, Manav.
But the truth is you have a family.
Like I do.
Your parents and..
- No.
I have a wife, a kid.
"This crazy dream."
"Very crazy dream."
"Doesn't listen to me."
"It's my dream."
Two different lives, that's...
intense, bro.
Sorry, Manav.
I should've told you the truth.
No...I'm impressed.
I mean..
Thank you.
Thank you?
- I always thought that..
..I made a big mistake
avoiding marriage,
But after hearing your story..
..I feel I'm better off alone.
Manav, if you're better off alone..
..then why are you looking
for your family in me?
I don't need anybody, bro.
We all need somebody, Manav.
Take my advice,
and call your parents.
And you take care, Manav.
- Yeah.
Aren't you...
from the Panchmola ad?
"Everyone says.."
"Heart says.."
- Yes, right.
Oh my, God!
- Hi.
Was your client's problem solved?
You didn't sleep?
I was waiting for you.
I am very sorry.
You missed a big occasion for us.
But no more.
"This crazy dream."
"Very crazy dream."
- Sid, look.
"Doesn't listen to me."
"It's my dream."
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11..
Aunty, I'll finish dusting.
- Why?
Here you go, aunty?
- What's this?
Two month's salary.
So you're going to fire me.
- Can I ever fire you?
But, I want Sid
to work from home now.
So that we can spend
more time together.
And for that you'll
need this room back? - Yes.
But, did you ask
Siddharth what he wants.
- I mean, by his actions..
..he doesn't look like someone..
..who can stay at home.
Aunty, Sid's my husband.
And you don't have
to tell me about him.
I've seen many husbands like him.
Overtime excuses, no coming home.
And then getting caught
red-handed with someone.
You're crossing your limits.
Crossing my limits?
Now you're worried about my limits.
And, where were these limits..
..when I took care of you
and your daughter like a kin?
"Like my mother!"
That doesn't mean you
can speak nonsense about Sid..
..and I'll listen quietly.
Get out of my house now. Get out!
No need to tell me to get out.
I will leave.
When I can leave my home, my kids..
..then why would
I stay in this house?
There's no difference between you..
..Thappars and the Khans.
I said get out now.
You'll regret this.
You will miss me.
I just stood there
and listened quietly.
Even my silence sounded like a lie.
Sid, was that okay?
- Yeah!
We'll try one more, please.
Will you hear it this time?
- Yes.
What are you doing here?
Come inside.
Is everything okay?
I want to tell you something.
Trisha, I said I am sorry.
Trisha, I said..
Where are you going?
Trisha, please talk to me.
Trisha. Please give
me a chance to explain.
Trisha. Where are you
going at this late hour?
Not me, you are.
Trisha, please.
I admit I made a mistake.
I am sorry.
It's not like I was
having an affair, please.
Look, Sid.
There's no point in apologizing now.
Switch off your phone.
Don't make any contact with her.
Just watch, she'll panic
and come running to you.
Just relax, I'll be back soon.
Sid, you'll be okay?
- Oh...hi.
Is Ranvir inside?
- Yes.
Come in, please.
Ranvir. Someone to see you.
Sneha, what are you doing here?
I forgot my earrings.
I just came to get them.
Just one second.
I asked you to wait in the lobby.
Just go now.
Who's the girl?
- Don't worry about it.
Don't worry about it?
Ranvir. What's going on?
It's just time-pass..
But, we aren't allowed this..
What do you want from me?
You want me to live my boring life.
Monday to Friday, my job.
Saturday, those boring malls.
Some pathetic film,
is that what you want?
Do you have any idea how
selfish you're sounding? - Selfish?
If I was selfish,
wouldn't I have left Anchal by now?
I am not selfish.
I am just trying
to keep myself happy.. that,
I can keep my wife and kid happy.
With an affair?
- So, what are you doing?
What do you think you're doing?
Whatever it is, it's not an affair.
- Bullst.
Open your eyes.
When you give your
wife's share of attention.. your boss,
your girlfriend, yourself..'s an affair!
The only difference is..
..that I have an
affair with a girl..
..and you've an affair with a young,
carefree Sid!
You know,
this time you're absolutely right.
Hold on. One second.
I said too much in a fit of rage.
Don't worry..
- Don't worry.
I'll keep your secret a secret.
''In our greed to
achieve more in life..
'..we often lose what we have.'
'I made the same mistake.'
'A mistake..'
'..for which Trisha might
never forgive me,
May be.
"Don't forget the past."
"The past is gone."
"Your present is sitting
at your threshold."
"Don't forget the past."
"The past is gone."
"Your present is sitting
at your threshold."
"Here and there."
"I wander all around."
"The mistakes that I made."
"Please forgive me."
"I am the lone boat,
looking for the shore."
"A corner in your
heart is my destination."
"I admit that you're upset."
"But let me tell you."
"Without you, dawns turn to dusk."
"Nights are difficult to spend."
"Here and there."
"I wander all around."
"The mistakes that I made."
"Please forgive me."
"Honestly, I am pleased to know."
"Although in a fit of rage,
but at least you think of me."
"All I pray for.."
" that you soothe my pain."
"Without you there's no peace."
"My heart's not in my control."
"Here and there."
"I wander all around."
"The mistakes that I made."
"Please forgive me."
"Here and there."
"I wander all around."
"The mistakes that I made."
"Please forgive me."
Thank you for letting me in.
Just say what you want to.
And stop making a
scene every day, please.
Can I sit?
Trisha, I am really sorry.
Anything else?
It's important for you
to understand why this happened.
The situation at home
was so uncomfortable..
..we were arguing, I was scared..
I carried a life in me for 9 months.
And you were scared.
My entire life changed
after I became a mother, Sid.
I couldn't recognize myself.
I put on weight, lost my career.
From a rational working woman..
..I turned into
a emotional nutcase..
..and you were scared?
Trisha, you never told me all this.
Because I didn't want
to pressurize you anymore, Sid.
I thought you were
doing so much for us.
I didn't know you were..
..busy with your
friends and parties.
I was such a fool.
Trisha, I thought that..
..if I rectify my mental condition..
..then, I can fulfill
my responsibility..
..towards you and Millie.
I want to be your joy,
Sid, not your duty.
Trisha, you know
that not what I meant.
That's not what you meant, but..
..that's what you did, Sid.
There's no meaning
to this marriage now?
Trisha, please don't say that.
I am really, really sorry.
Once you lose trust
in marriage, Sid.
Then there's nothing left.
Trisha, we can build
that trust again.
You have to give us another chance.
If not for us, then for Millie.
What about her?
Didn't you think
about Millie, when..
Trisha, you okay.
Shall I call the doctor?
No need.
What do you mean no need?
Could be anything?
It can be food poisoning.
Actually, Sid...
I am pregnant.
Trisha, that..
That's great news.
It's a sign.
I am sorry.
- Sorry for what.
This is not your child, Sid.
Then whose is it?
What difference does it make?
Trisha, it makes a difference to me.
Whose child is it?
Trisha, whose is it?
Sid. Sid.
He doesn't know about it, Sid.
And it's not his fault.
Oh, please. Why isn't it his fault?
Sid, you weren't there.
I was all alone.
I don't know when, what..
Please stop it.
Just stop it.
I don't want to hear anything.
And you were blaming me..
Me? Whereas you..
You know what,
you're absolutely right.
Now there's no point
of this marriage.
I am going,
and I'm taking Millie along.
You don't deserve
to be a mother. - Sid!
You can't do that, Sid.
- Trisha, please move.
Sid, she can't live without me.
You should've have
thought that before. - Sid!
Hi, Millie.
Do you want to go
for a picnic with papa?
Come on, Millie.
It's quite late now.
I want to go back to mom.
We'll go back to mom tomorrow, okay.
Tonight, Millie and
papa are going to stay here.
I want to go back to mom.
Let's watch cartoon.
I want to go see mom.
Whose chocolate is this?
Mom says,
if you eat chocolate at night.. spoils the teeth.
Fine, don't eat it. Go to sleep.
I want to sleep with mom.
Millie, will you please go to sleep?
"I want to go back mom."
We won't go back to mom.
Will you please just go to sleep?
Papa, don't cry. I don't want mom.
Can I get a cup of tea?
I was 10 years old when
my parents got divorced.
It felt like...I was
a grown-up overnight.
After that, for years
I had a question on my mind.
Was I responsible for
the problems between them?
I don't want the same
thing to happen to Millie.
Staying together only for Millie..
..isn't the right solution.
I know.
That's why we'll have
to forgive each other.
We'll have to make a new beginning.
Even after what I did?
Trisha, I was the one
who put you in that situation.
It was my fault.
But I can't stay
with you anymore, Sid.
Because...I can't
stay with a man who..
Who is such a fool!
Who believes even my lies?
What do you mean?
What I said about
Shekhar and me was a lie.
Trisha, you've lost your mind.
Who plays a joke like that?
This is no joke.
I just wanted to see whether.. would give
me a second chance.. you were asking me for?
'I used every strategy
to make my marriage successful.'
lying, avoiding confrontation.'
I always believed that..
..we need to have a strategy.. make marriages work.
But I was wrong.
There is no strategy
for a successful marraige.
Just tell the truth to each other.
I know it's not easy.
You'll face difficulties,
have quarrels.
But in the long run,
this is the only way.
Excuse me.
Hey, Trish.
- Hi.
All okay?
The children are
playing in the park..
..and I am enlightening
the other fathers.
You're an expert now, after all.
You called?
Do you remember the
jingle I had recorded?
"Why am I not Mr. Popular.."
Remember that?
- Yes.
The T-Series guys heard it.
And guess what?
They want me to compose
a song in their next film.
Wow, that's awesome.
Isn't it cool?
- Congrats, Sid.
Okay, listen.
I don't think I can come back today.
The deal isn't complete yet.
I hope you don't mind.
What are you saying, Trish?
It's totally cool.
Thanks, Sid.
Love you.
I love you too.
- Bye.
"I regret getting married."
"I regret getting married."
"Now listen to me carefully."
"Keep your mouth
shut and eyes open."
"I am getting a menicure
shopping for a dress."
"Sit at home, get to work."
"Forget the TV, clean the mess."
"Her tresses were like a serpent."
"Now she looks like
a serpent...everyday."
"She was like the moon.."
" she makes me
see the stars every day."
"She was my heart.."
" she gives me
a heartburn every day."
"Her grace turned to
attitude since she came home."
"She walks and I fall."
"Outside I am the boss,
but at home I the slave."
"Look at how she's
turned me in to a joker."
"She says to Superman.."
"There's nothing super about you."
"No one could ever please her."
"I regret getting married..."
"I regret getting married."
"I regret getting married..."
- Sid!
Every Wednesday.
Oh, sorry.
"I love my mother-in-law."
"She's a naughty girl."
See. Didn't I tell you.
Trisha, Mila..
Why is it Mila.
Why am I so perfect
about Millie's chores?
You don't have to
tell me to get out..
I want your wife and your kid..
Why you.. you want my kid..
Do you want another kid?
He's laughing.. Duty?
Did you hear something?
- What happened?
Did you hear something?
- What happened?
What husband?
Your game's over.