Shadow Magic (2000)

At the end of the 19th century,
the West's growing interest in China...
threatened the cultural traditions
of the Qing Dynasty.
The following was inspired
by the true story of a Westerner...
who journeyed to China in 1902.
Father, may I have
my photo taken too?
We will see.
We must catch the light.
Open all the shades.
What do we need photographs for?
We know what we look like.
I know an actor
who posed for a photograph...
and the camera stole his soul.
He never performed again.
Protect the camera.
Chang, how could you put
the reflector there?
What kind of lighting is this?
Has anyone seen Liu?
Has anyone seen Liu?
I'll find him.
Come back here, Fu Guan!
Don't just stand there!
Clean this up.
I'll find him myself.
" Pho-no-graph."
Hey, hey, hey! Easy!
I've got precious cargo here!
Liu! Father's been looking for you
everywhere! You're in trouble!
What's that?
Come and see.
Close your eyes.
He's so happy. He must have
stuffed himself with sweets.
Put me in the box too!
Where have you been?
We're losing the light.
What are you doing in here?
Master Ren, look.
When I crank this,
sounds are produced.
Think of the customer's face when
he hears this. Imagine the portraits!
Liu, that's enough.
You've gone too far!
Do you know how many people
want your job?
Last week,
it was the wind machine.
Now it's this noisy contraption.
Liu, if you can't be serious,
I'm going to have to--
Lord Tan has arrived.
Hurry up, then.
Welcome, Lord Tan!
Look! That's Lord Tan!
Lord Tan!
I've never seen him up close!
Stop, stop! Stop!
Welcome, Lord Tan!
Please, come this way.
Keep an eye on my stuff.
I hope you had a pleasant journey,
Lord Tan.
We are most honored to welcome you
to Feng Tai Photo Studio.
Are you ready to begin?
Your Lordship.
Play something.
May I introduce Liu,
our chief photographer.
Opera. Opera.
I admit, these Western tunes
have some merit, but on the whole...
I find their music
ostentatious and...
lacking in the refinements...
of our tradition.
Sing us a song!
Are you the, uh--
Are you the proprietor?
Who are you?
What do you want?
We're the same.
My-My name is Raymond Wallace.
Raymond Wallace.
- Sir, good day.
- What is your business here?
My business-- The same.
My pictures...
they move.
Living photographs that move.
- It's a worldwide phenomenon.
- Be gone!
- Hello.
- You speak English.
- Hello.
- You speak English.
A little.
Speak Chinese better.
Yeah. He understands.
Please leave my studio.
No, wait, wait.
You don't understand.
Lord Tan, sorry for the disruption.
Please, come this way.
What are you doing?
Don't touch me.
Pull back the shades!
Good! That's it!
Who is that?
An employee named Liu.
Lord Tan...
please forgive me.
Would you lift your head a little...
when you pose?
Perfect! That's it!
Let's try it now with music.
You two, start playing.
Keep an eye on my stuff.
My dearest Claire, I do miss you...
and I miss our children more than
these feeble words can convey.
I will be able to earn more here
than my creditors back home desire.
And Claire...
there will be yet more to come.
As I've told you many times...
my fortunes are on the rise.
I remain your loving husband,
There's always something new
in Lord Tan's performances!
At my age, there's nothing new.
I 'm surprised to see you here.
Well, I-I just--
You dropped your fan at Feng Tai.
- I came to return it.
- That's very kind of you.
Ling, you are expected backstage!
I'm coming!
Come again, if you like.
Thank you. I will.
Keep it for me for now.
Ladies and gentlemen!
Direct from Paris!
Moving pictures!
Only five coins.
Another crazy contraption
from the West.
Step on up!
Be the first person in Peking...
to witness this amazing
new invention.
Come on, sir.
You, ma'am, come and see.
Only five--
You, sir, come and see
a new invention.
- Hello.
- You speak English.
You remember me?
I remember you
from the photo shop.
Yeah, that's right.
Please, just go away.
You, sir, step on up.
Step on up.
Be the first person--
I friend.
Look, please, I don't want
any trouble.
Please, just go away, okay?
Go away. Yes? Thank you.
You, sir, step on up.
Come on.
You wanna be the first person
to see Yin Shing?
A new invention.
You, sir.
Only five coins.
You, sir.
You, sir.
You tell truth?
Picture move?
You want to see?
Yeah. You wanna see?
All right.
Five. Five.
Yeah, five.
Oh, God.
You don't have the money.
Come on. On your way.
Come on.
I'm not a charity.
Come on. On your way.
You don't want to show me.
Picture can't move.
-Just brag.
- Eh?
Just brag.
I don't believe it.
How can picture move?
Must be lie.
Are you calling me a liar?
- Are you calling me a liar?
- Liar.
All right, you come with me.
Through these doors.
Through these doors.
Yep, through there.
Through there. Come on.
In you come.
Sit there.
Don't move.
Believe me now, don't you?
You can't come in here.
More, more! More!
Look, if you want to see more,
you'll have to pay.
- Yes? Pay.
- Work, work.
Go help.
You've changed your tune,
haven't you, mate? Now, come on.
- Show me. Show me.
- Come on.
Even if I told you, you wouldn't
understand it in a million years.
How can picture move?
Show me, please!
Please! Please!
How can picture move?
- Thank you very much.
- Hey! No, no!
Show me!
Please! Wait!
Madame Jiang, Liu will be here
any minute.
I've got it!
I've figured it out!
The foreigner was right!
Pictures can move!
- You know what this is?
- A butterfly?
- And this?
- Also a butterfly.
Watch closely!
Hey! It's flying!
Respect for order is paramount
at Feng Tai.
A well-run business
must be orderly.
When a customer is here
for a portrait...
there should be no distractions.
We must pay strict attention
to propriety.
About this morning.
I'm truly sorry.
Please punish me.
You could have cost us a customer.
And the Widow Jiang, no less.
Don't let it happen again.
No, sir.
I promise I won't.
Perhaps my wife is right.
Maybe marriage
would settle you down.
Good evening, neighbor.
This rain.
It could be worse.
Jewelry Tower.
You're not a child anymore.
Get to the point, Jewelry Tower.
This is a wonderful
opportunity for you.
The Widow Jiang
has her heart set on you.
The Widow Jiang!
Wants me?
Your worries would be over.
I was proud like you
when I was young.
Another leak.
Don't worry, Father.
I'll fix it.
You don't want to end up like me.
Listen to me.
I can't marry the widow.
When my father spoke,
I obeyed!
My only son has no respect for me.
Jewelry Tower.
Choose a wedding date.
He's so stubborn.
Western music!
Western show!
Step up!
Don't be shy!
Seeing is believing!
Come see for yourself!.
Is it magic?
It's better than magic!
See pictures come alive in the dark!
Is music part of the show?
- Yes! It's all part of the show.
- I love a good show.
Let's go in and see it!
Five coins.
Thank you.
Right this way.
What the bloody hell do you think
you're doing? This is my place!
- I help you.
- What?
I don't want your bloody help.
Go on, get out of here.
This is all very strange.
I don't have all day!
What sort of show is this?
No tea or seeds?
Right this way, young fellow.
Come on!
Look, why don't you go outside
and make sure everything is okay, yeah?
All right? Go ahead.
Go outside.
And close the door.
It's got to be dark in there.
Please, don't panic!
It's just an illusion.
See? It's all right.
What happened?
Typical, isn't it?
This is a special trick.
Keep your eyes on the screen.
Watch the screen!
Come on!
Put it on my account!
I've had enough of this!
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
Help-- Help you.
Bloody hell.
I don't believe it.
A little bit to the left.
A little bit to the left.
To the left, to the left,
to the left.
Up a bit, up a bit.
No, over there-- Yeah.
Hold it there.
Slightly to the left.
Perfect! Perfect!
Let's go!
I don't believe it.
It's bloody working.
White light that moves.
What a strange experience.
Young man...
how did you get those foreigners
to come here?
Behind that funny face
is a magic lens.
When we shine light through it,
another world is revealed.
I am lucky to have witnessed this.
As the old proverb says, "There are
mountains beyond the mountains."
-It's true!
-Come back with your family and friends.
Thank you. We will!
Something new at my age!
This is for you.
Be careful with that.
Be careful with that.
It's very expensive.
One, two, three--
Four. For you.
Thank you.
No, no, it's for you.
They're for you.
It's yours.
It's yours.
No, it's yours.
You earned it. Yours.
- Not enough.
- Eh?
Not enough?
This is my show.
It's my show.
Mine. Mine.
The show.
But no I...
no-no people.
No people, no I.
Fair enough.
All right.
Four, five...
There you are.
How much do you want? I mean,
I've got expenses to pay, you know?
I need job.
It's like that, is it?
Well, I suppose I could find
some use for you somewhere.
All right.
You can call me Raymond.
- Master Raymond.
- Raymond.
Your name?
Liu Jing Lun.
- Shou Liu.
- Shou Liu.
Congratulations, Shou Liu.
You've got yourself a job
working for Raymond Wallace...
showman extraordinaire.
See you tomorrow.
Oh, Liu.
They liked it, didn't they?
- Like.
- Good.
- Good.
- This enough.
We're in...
I think, luck.
Your future husband
is very attentive.
Let's get out of here!
I want to see Shadow Magic.
What about Lord Tan's new opera?
Listen to this.
"Shadow Magic comes alive
in the dark.
Every moment is a delightful surprise.
A Western girl dances...
her yellow hair flies in the air."
It's silly, but lovely.
It's true.
I've seen it.
Wonders from a thousand miles away
appear before your eyes!
I've got to see this!
That's foreign mischief.
We should be loyal
to Lord Tan's opera.
Such coarse food!
I chop my carrots so delicately,
they melt on your tongue.
I looked upon foreigners as soldiers.
I never imagined them with families.
They appear to have feelings.
Even a sense of humor.
The next scene
is a snowball fight.
It's very realistic.
Thank you, thank you.
Come again. Please.
Watch your step.
Miss Tan.
This is a strip of film.
Look. All the pictures are similar.
So this is Shadow Magic.
I'm surprised you're playing
with these Western tricks.
I never got your full name.
It's Liu Jing Lun.
But you can call me Liu.
Why are you so intrigued
by Western gimmicks?
They're wonderful inventions.
Why should we care
where they come from?
Let me show you something.
There's old Zhang--
a new grandfather.
His life is suddenly full of hope.
And there's Xiao Xing...
with her lover.
What a smile she has for him.
I can capture all this
with that machine.
You see what I mean?
What do you think?
What does it matter what I think?
It matters.
It matters very much.
You're important to me.
I think about you often...
Miss Tan.
Revenues have dropped
considerably, sir.
Lord Tan, how have you been?
Please, sit.
Your photograph.
It's kind of you to bring it to me.
It's my privilege, sir.
See how it captures
your magnificence?
The lighter background...
makes your shoulders appear broader.
The darkness of the foreground...
suggests strength.
He means to say
you're very photogenic.
Greetings, Master Ren.
Lord Tan, I have news for you.
It's the same foreigner...
who disrupted your photo session.
They call it Shadow Magic.
Shadow Magic?
Master Ren,
there's a Western show in town.
They play ghostly tricks
in the dark.
It's surprising...
how many of our people...
are captivated by its spectacle.
Our opera is an ancient art.
It takes years to turn a student...
into an artist.
Why should we compare ourselves...
to this "Shallow Magic"?
It's called Shadow Magic.
The foreigner had trouble at first.
But then...
after a young Chinese man...
started helping him,
business picked up.
Our culture will be destroyed...
by our own people.
I'm gonna show you
a new foreign trick.
I'm gonna show you
a new foreign trick.
There we go.
Here, put that in the middle.
Then you get a little bit of glue.
It's called "splicing."
Hey, how did that happen?
- That's called editing.
- Editing?
- Editing, yeah.
- Editing.
Watch this. Ready?
Just fooling around, you know?
How'd they get on this reel?
Family. Your family.
That's right-- family.
To my sister.
To my nephews.
Don't worry.
I take care of Raymond.
how can put that
on the Shadow Magic?
Put what?
- Kissing.
- Kissing.
Kissed many girls, have you, Liu?
No, never.
You know how to flirt,
don't you?
You tell her that...
she's the most beautiful woman...
you've ever seen
in all your life.
No, no.
Women can't believe.
She'll believe it if you mean it.
When you fall in love,
you'll mean it.
I have a beautiful woman...
in my heart, here.
But my father...
want me to marry...
a rich widow, you know?
- Yeah.
- He think it's good for me.
But I want to marry--
Why can't you live your own life?
Why not marry her?
How? No possible.
Why not?
Her here, rich.
My family, you know.
Long distance.
I thought Shadow Magic...
could change my situation.
But now...
our work...
offend her family's business.
This is something I cannot do.
Liu, I'll tell you something.
The truth is that...
my wife, she left me.
Took my children...
went to live with another man.
Because I'm--
Because I'm poor.
You know why? I've frittered away
every cent I've ever earned.
That's all gonna be different.
I-- Liu.
Leave your home. Leave that
stupid photo shop and come with me.
A few years from now,
our women will be begging at our feet.
- Leave home?
- Yeah.
- Leave Fung Tai?
- Yeah.
Only worst and lowest man
shows no loyalty.
Why is Liu late?
Sir, I would like
to talk to you about Liu.
Mi Hu, what are you doing?
Put that thing where it belongs.
What were you mumbling about?
I hear that Liu--
Master, I apologize for being late.
Master Ren has been waiting
for over an hour.
At home, my father-- my father is ill.
He needs my help.
I'll send Dr. Zhang to visit him.
No, thank you.
He is better now.
What a quick recovery.
Chang, go prepare
the photo plates.
Liu, you stay.
You seem tired.
Is anything wrong?
Well, my father has been ill...
and I've been busy
preparing for the wedding.
Becoming a husband
is a big change.
To have a good family and fortune...
these are great things
for a man.
The Widow Jiang--
Well, I know--
I know you don't fancy her much.
But Liu...
it's not so bad.
Compromise is the essence of life.
My father arranged my marriage.
You know, I wasn't happy
about it either.
But my wife's family provided
the money for this business.
And now,
Fu Guan is growing up.
And one day...
all this will be his.
Liu, stay for dinner.
Master, tonight I-I--
We won't be able to do this so often
once you're married.
I'll do what you say, sir.
I invited him to dinner.
You can't invite just anyone.
But he's already here.
Uncle hates dining
with your little workers.
And so do I.
Liu's not just a worker to me.
He's a dear friend.
You liked him enough
to arrange his marriage.
Exactly. And once he's married...
the Widow Jiang
will keep him in his place.
Oh, Miss Tan!
What a pleasant surprise.
Does your father know you're here?
No, he doesn't, and he needn't.
I would like my photograph taken.
But I can't take your photograph
without your father's permission.
You mean even you are afraid
the camera will steal my soul?
Then no woman
will come to your studio.
Please, come this way.
Liu, take her photograph.
Don't worry. I won't tell my father
about your Shadow Magic.
Thank you, but...
I plan to tell him myself.
That you are the one
ruining his business?
Well, yes.
If you tell him that,
he'll never accept you.
Does that mean if I don't tell him,
I would be accepted?
Look right here.
Straight into the lens.
He's touching her!
A little smile.
You are captured forever.
I need another plate.
Excuse me.
Poor Liu.
He's unusually distracted.
He's been so busy...
preparing for his wedding.
His wedding?
Liu is engaged
to marry a widow.
I brought more plates.
- I must go.
- Wait!
I'll bring the prints
to you.
You needn't bother.
I'll send for them.
He's coming, he's coming.
What's going on?
You should know better.
Why humiliate yourself?
People like us...
we're born small...
and we die small.
That's our fate.
Master Ren...
my father is sick.
I need some time off.
You told me he was doing well.
Yes, but--
but now he is sick again.
I have to go.
We need new film.
Like this.
She's in England.
No. No.
I say... Chinese film.
Local people, local scenes.
- You know?
- Chinese people.
- Chinese film.
- Film.
You're crazy.
Who'd want to see that?
They can walk outside their door
and see it anytime they want.
Bloody fantastic.
- We are in trouble.
- What kind of trouble?
Local people, local scenes.
I can see you fine from here.
Why should I look in there?
when this machine looks at you...
your image is saved.
In a hundred years,
your image will still be there.
I'm 70 now.
That would make me 1 70!
- Right.
- How would I look then?
Exactly as you do now.
You won't have aged a bit.
Say no more. I'm ready.
If you please.
I feel better already. Your turn.
Look at the hole.
Good. Good.
Good, good, good.
Slow down, will you?
Beautiful. Huh?
- It's a good shot.
- Good.
I'm overwhelmed.
Love China.
First emperor...
build this wall...
to defend against...
foreign invader.
Like me?
Less dangerous.
China doesn't need more walls.
It needs someone like you
to carry this...
this magnificence
to the outside world.
Just think of it.
You, me...
recording life before it changes...
show it to the whole world.
Might even go down in history.
Whole world? Huh?
Where is that?
Liu, leave that photo shop...
and become my partner.
The future belongs
to the moving picture.
Liu, what is this all about?
I've come...
to apologize.
I want to say...
I'm truly sorry, but...
I must continue with Shadow Magic.
I can't help it.
Without Shadow Magic...
I'm nobody.
I know our show hurts the opera.
I'm sorry.
You needn't concern yourself.
You're no competition for my father.
Western culture can't overshadow
our opera.
Even if there were
20 Shadow Magics in town...
there would be only one Lord Tan.
The people will always love him.
Of course. You are right.
I came to see you.
You came to see me?
Don't you know by now?
You're the most beautiful girl
I've ever seen.
I love you and I think
you love me too.
You must not speak like this.
We cannot see each other.
But why?
You know why.
Just wait and see.
I'm going to make a name for myself!.
Where is Liu?
He's absent again, Master.
Please, have a seat.
His father must be very ill.
Liu is a good son.
Tell me, why do Chinese people bow?
If I look at your shoes...
I know you're poor...
you're rich.
Oh, Liu.
If only all Chinese people
were as charming as you are.
All Chinese people
are charming like me.
Others as kind as you?
Well, they are
when you get to know them.
Raymond, I must go now.
Too late.
Master Ren will be upset.
- Hang on a sec.
- Huh?
Put a feather in my cap.
Look at this.
- It's from the British envoy.
- What?
"The envoy wishes to entertain
Her Royal Highness...
the Empress Dowager--"
Dou Fouai--
- Dou Fouai?
- Yeah.
"with a presentation of Shadow Magic,
the latest innovation from the West...
at the Royal Palace."
How about that?
We're going to the Royal Palace!
Wait until Claire gets
a load of this, then, eh?
I told you I'd amount to something!
Hello, Fu Guan.
Master Ren knows you lied to him.
Your father was never sick.
You haven't been at home.
Wait, I can explain.
I should hope so.
Where have you been all this time?
I was--
No more lies!
I've been making films
with the foreigner.
- What did I tell you?
- Please, Master Ren!
I know I betrayed your trust.
I lied to you.
I was wrong.
I beg of you.
I'm not a bad person.
I'll prove to you
I have a loyal heart.
He's trying to sweet-talk you.
We have important work to do.
I don't have time for this.
I'll give you one last chance.
But you must come to your senses...
or I will cut you off.
Now, get up.
We have much to do before our visit
to the Royal Palace.
The Royal Palace?
We're going to take
the empress' picture!
On her birthday!
At the palace!
Isn't that exciting?
please allow me to work for you
and Raymond at the same time.
Raymond, the foreigner, and I
were also invited...
to the Royal Palace
to show Shadow Magic.
It's our big chance. Let us do our
show first, then I'll assist you.
Please, Master.
Our city is changing every day.
They say the time will come when men
will cut off their pigtails...
and women will unbind their feet.
We can't turn back the clock.
I want to record life
before it changes forever.
So our children will understand us...
and the rest of the world
will appreciate us.
So many people...
are touched by our films.
For the first time...
I feel part of
something bigger than myself.
Please, Master Ren.
Let's do this together.
Let's make our own shows...
and present them...
to the whole world!
You could be like Raymond--
your own master...
free from your wife's family.
Please, Master.
- Chang!
- Yes, Master.
You are now my chief photographer.
Tell Liu he is forbidden
to return to Feng Tai.
Fu Guan, come here!
Back to work!
Didn't expect you back so soon.
No takers at the photo shop, eh?
Here's the ungrateful little wretch!
Liu! Come with me.
What's the trouble, old man?
You're the trouble!
You've ruined my son's life!
You foreigners have no respect!
No loyalty!
No tradition!
You just want to use us!
And you!
You've brought me nothing but shame!
How could you betray
a dear friend like Master Ren...
who has been so good to us,
and ally yourself with this foreigner?
So he can play his dirty tricks
and cheat our people.
I'll tear you apart!
Now you will obey me.
Marry this woman.
Do it!
Apologize to your father.
Say you'll return to Feng Tai.
Say you'll marry her.
Do it.
You bastard!
You continue to disgrace me.
You are no longer my son!
You can stay with me, Liu.
I've got plenty of clothes.
You could be the first
moving-picture man in all of China.
Was she your intended?
The widow?
I think you're well out
of that one, mate, eh?
I think that alone calls
for celebration, eh?
Raymond, I can't wear this.
- I feel foolish.
- Come on.
You really don't like my present?
Come on.
Look, Liu, you've got nothing
to be ashamed of.
Listen, look.
We'll sit in the back, yeah?
That way you can see her
and she won't be able to see you.
Come on. Come on.
Come on.
Excuse me. Excuse me.
The foreigner!
How could he appreciate opera?
I can't believe they let him in.
Hey, Liu, are you Chinese
or a barbarian?
Traitors don't belong here.
Look at the two of them.
He isn't applauding.
He's insulting Lord Tan!
Well, my friend, this appears
not to be such a good idea after all.
Perhaps I'd better leave.
- No, Raymond. We can't leave.
- You stay.
You enjoy the show.
You stay.
Don't shame me more
in front of my people.
He's leaving in the middle
of the performance!
He should be taught a lesson!
Go away!
Don't touch me!
You devil! You devil!
Because you, I lost everything.
My job, my family, my honor.
The woman I love.
I meet you,
it's my downfall!
If you want to quit,
go ahead, quit.
I don't need you.
I didn't come halfway around the world
to be held back by a coward!
Go ahead! Leave!
It's okay.
Huh? Leave!
Let me tell you something, Liu.
You've changed.
You're not like
these other people anymore.
You've got nowhere
to go back to!
Wait, wait!
Liu, wait, wait!
I'm sorry, Liu.
I'm sorry!
I'm sorry.
After the private screening...
hey, we'll be laughing.
You all listen to me.
I'm the one.
I'm the one who has been
invited to the palace!
You think I'm nothing...
but I'll show you.
This way, please.
You may begin.
We are very intrigued
by the foreigner's technology.
Indeed, Your Benevolent Majesty.
They know how to entertain.
You are right, Your Majesty.
They invented this
just for your pleasure.
Shouldn't we be leaving, Master?
She likes me.
Fire! Fire!
- Get away from him!
- What? I'm trying to help!
The barbarian and his accomplice
must be punished.
They threatened Her Majesty's life.
What do you suggest?
Execute them.
Lord Tan...
you wish to say something?
Please inform Her Majesty...
I believe this young Chinese man
meant no harm.
Like so many others
in our country...
he was led astray
by foreign influence...
but I believe he can mend
the error of his ways.
Small employee.
I'm responsible.
The young man knows
some of the foreigner's tricks.
Her Majesty feels he might be
useful to us in the future.
You may rise.
Lord Tan, your performance today
so pleased Her Majesty...
she finds her spirit made forgiving
by the beauty of your art.
The young man will be released.
The foreign conspirator...
will be expelled from the country.
Thanks to Her Benevolent Majesty!
Hey! Liu! Liu!
What's going on?
Where are they taking me?
Long live Her Majesty!
Is there a Liu Jing Lun here?
- I am Liu.
- This package is for you.
From England.
"Dear Liu.
It's hard to believe that one's fate
can change in the blink of an eye.
We were parted from each other
in flames and smoke...
without even being able
to say good-bye.
I find myself looking at
the ocean between us.
Memories of you bring
smiles to my face.
Our Shadow Magic was the one thing in
my life that made me feel truly alive.
That is why I need to
continue filming.
Wherever I find
interesting people...
or wherever I see
interesting lives...
I want to be there
with my camera.
Enclosed are the films
we shot in China.
I want you to have them.
Our friendship is preserved
in the fond memories of these frames.
My thoughts are with you.
Raymond. "
Why is it blurry, Liu?
I need a lens and I can't afford it.
A lens?
Like eyeglasses...
for the projector.
I know what you need.
I'll trade you something
that might work.
I'll take a look.
Jewelry Tower!
One night only!
"Shadow Magic Show" at Fu Shou Hall!
Come one! Come all!
Shadow Magic at Fu Shou Hall!
Shadow Magic?
If we wanted to, we could ruin it.
We could ruin nothing.
It will come sooner or later.
This is only the beginning.
Father, can we go?
Liu has not invited us.
Forget about Shadow Magic.
Liu was almost killed.
What am I doing?
What am I trying to prove?
We can't escape what drives us.
Tell me how I'm going
to feel this time.
Take a seat and you'll see.
There's Liu.
You came!
Where are your glasses?
How can you see without your glasses?
I can see what I need to see.
Show me to the front.
Go on, Liu.
- We should leave.
- We might go up in smoke!
I love Shadow Magic.
I'll take the risk.
Welcome, everyone...
to-to Shadow Magic.
Tonight, for the first time...
we will see ourselves...
the way we are.
We will watch our lives unfold...
as we live them every day.
Why put out the lights?
Certain things should be
kept in the dark.
I was already in the dark.
Hey! That's me!
Do I look that old?
My camel! That's my camel!
Next should be me!
It is me!
What do you see?
A man and a camel on a street.
What's so thrilling about that?
Shadow Magic is good for the eyes.
But you can only see it...
not hear it.
Your ears feel something's lacking.
Now that you mention it,
it does seem that way.
That's why you need us
talkative comedians.
We bring the pleasure to your ears.
Shadow Magic has no mercy.
Everything is magnified...
larger than life.
- The thin--
- The fat--
- The round--
- Wrinkle upon wrinkle!
- There's nowhere to hide!
- Nope!
Our people know how to be courteous.
- Can't you tell?
- Look!
How are you?
Have you eaten?
Thank you. My pleasure.
Why do we greet each other like this?
It means:
"I've had the pleasure of eating.
If you haven't,
come to my house."
- Have you eaten?
- My pleasure!
That's too much eating!
Of course! But eating is
the main talent of our civilization!
So true!
Ling! Come in. Please sit.
I want to try.
Now count evenly.
One, two, three.
My friend Raymond...
explained to me--
He said,
if we love each other...
it's all right to show affection.
I never knew I was so fast!
You're amazing!
That's incredible!
I can't believe my eyes.
Those mountains.
The river--
how it sings.
The horizon--
it seems to extend forever.
That's neat!
My son--
My son did all this!
Ding Jung Shan, the first
Chinese film ever made...
was produced at Feng Tai Studio in 1905
by Liu Jing Lun and Ren Jing Feng.
It starred Peking's legendary
opera singer Lord Tan Xinpei.
At the turn of the century...
a handful of foreigners brought
motion pictures to China.
The name of the first Shadow Magic
showman remains unknown.
Does your father know you're here?
No, he doesn't, and he needn't.
I would like my photograph taken.
But I can't take your photograph
without your father's permission.
You mean even you are afraid
the camera will steal my soul?
Then no woman
will come to your studio.
Please, come this way.
Liu, take her photograph.
Don't worry. I won't tell my father
about your Shadow Magic.
Thank you, but...
I plan to tell him myself.
That you are the one
ruining his business?
Well, yes.
If you tell him that,
he'll never accept you.
Does that mean if I don't tell him,
I would be accepted?
Look right here.
Straight into the lens.
He's touching her!
A little smile.
You are captured forever.
I need another plate.
Excuse me.
Poor Liu.
He's unusually distracted.
He's been so busy...
preparing for his wedding.
His wedding?
Liu is engaged
to marry a widow.
I brought more plates.
- I must go.
- Wait!
I'll bring the prints
to you.
You needn't bother.
I'll send for them.
He's coming, he's coming.
What's going on?
You should know better.
Why humiliate yourself?
People like us...
we're born small...
and we die small.
That's our fate.
Master Ren...
my father is sick.
I need some time off.
You told me he was doing well.
Yes, but--
but now he is sick again.
I have to go.
We need new film.
Like this.
She's in England.
No. No.
I say... Chinese film.
Local people, local scenes.
- You know?
- Chinese people.
- Chinese film.
- Film.
You're crazy.
Who'd want to see that?
They can walk outside their door
and see it anytime they want.
Bloody fantastic.
- We are in trouble.
- What kind of trouble?
Local people, local scenes.
I can see you fine from here.
Why should I look in there?
when this machine looks at you...
your image is saved.
In a hundred years,
your image will still be there.
I'm 70 now.
That would make me 1 70!
- Right.
- How would I look then?
Exactly as you do now.
You won't have aged a bit.
Say no more. I'm ready.
If you please.
I feel better already. Your turn.
Look at the hole.
Good. Good.
Good, good, good.
Slow down, will you?
Beautiful. Huh?
- It's a good shot.
- Good.
I'm overwhelmed.
Love China.
First emperor...
build this wall...
to defend against...
foreign invader.
Like me?
Less dangerous.
China doesn't need more walls.
It needs someone like you
to carry this...
this magnificence
to the outside world.
Just think of it.
You, me...
recording life before it changes...
show it to the whole world.
Might even go down in history.
Whole world? Huh?
Where is that?
Liu, leave that photo shop...
and become my partner.
The future belongs
to the moving picture.
Liu, what is this all about?
I've come...
to apologize.
I want to say...
I'm truly sorry, but...
I must continue with Shadow Magic.
I can't help it.
Without Shadow Magic...
I'm nobody.
I know our show hurts the opera.
I'm sorry.
You needn't concern yourself.
You're no competition for my father.
Western culture can't overshadow
our opera.
Even if there were
20 Shadow Magics in town...
there would be only one Lord Tan.
The people will always love him.
Of course. You are right.
I came to see you.
You came to see me?
Don't you know by now?
You're the most beautiful girl
I've ever seen.
I love you and I think
you love me too.
You must not speak like this.
We cannot see each other.
But why?
You know why.
Just wait and see.
I'm going to make a name for myself!.
Where is Liu?
He's absent again, Master.
Please, have a seat.
His father must be very ill.
Liu is a good son.
Tell me, why do Chinese people bow?
If I look at your shoes...
I know you're poor...
you're rich.
Oh, Liu.
If only all Chinese people
were as charming as you are.
All Chinese people
are charming like me.
Others as kind as you?
Well, they are
when you get to know them.
Raymond, I must go now.
Too late.
Master Ren will be upset.
- Hang on a sec.
- Huh?
Put a feather in my cap.
Look at this.
- It's from the British envoy.
- What?
"The envoy wishes to entertain
Her Royal Highness...
the Empress Dowager--"
Dou Fouai--
- Dou Fouai?
- Yeah.
"with a presentation of Shadow Magic,
the latest innovation from the West...
at the Royal Palace."
How about that?
We're going to the Royal Palace!
Wait until Claire gets
a load of this, then, eh?
I told you I'd amount to something!
Hello, Fu Guan.
Master Ren knows you lied to him.
Your father was never sick.
You haven't been at home.
Wait, I can explain.
I should hope so.
Where have you been all this time?
I was--
No more lies!
I've been making films
with the foreigner.
- What did I tell you?
- Please, Master Ren!
I know I betrayed your trust.
I lied to you.
I was wrong.
I beg of you.
I'm not a bad person.
I'll prove to you
I have a loyal heart.
He's trying to sweet-talk you.
We have important work to do.
I don't have time for this.
I'll give you one last chance.
But you must come to your senses...
or I will cut you off.
Now, get up.
We have much to do before our visit
to the Royal Palace.
The Royal Palace?
We're going to take
the empress' picture!
On her birthday!
At the palace!
Isn't that exciting?
please allow me to work for you
and Raymond at the same time.
Raymond, the foreigner, and I
were also invited...
to the Royal Palace
to show Shadow Magic.
It's our big chance. Let us do our
show first, then I'll assist you.
Please, Master.
Our city is changing every day.
They say the time will come when men
will cut off their pigtails...
and women will unbind their feet.
We can't turn back the clock.
I want to record life
before it changes forever.
So our children will understand us...
and the rest of the world
will appreciate us.
So many people...
are touched by our films.
For the first time...
I feel part of
something bigger than myself.
Please, Master Ren.
Let's do this together.
Let's make our own shows...
and present them...
to the whole world!
You could be like Raymond--
your own master...
free from your wife's family.
Please, Master.
- Chang!
- Yes, Master.
You are now my chief photographer.
Tell Liu he is forbidden
to return to Feng Tai.
Fu Guan, come here!
Back to work!
Didn't expect you back so soon.
No takers at the photo shop, eh?
Here's the ungrateful little wretch!
Liu! Come with me.
What's the trouble, old man?
You're the trouble!
You've ruined my son's life!
You foreigners have no respect!
No loyalty!
No tradition!
You just want to use us!
And you!
You've brought me nothing but shame!
How could you betray
a dear friend like Master Ren...
who has been so good to us,
and ally yourself with this foreigner?
So he can play his dirty tricks
and cheat our people.
I'll tear you apart!
Now you will obey me.
Marry this woman.
Do it!
Apologize to your father.
Say you'll return to Feng Tai.
Say you'll marry her.
Do it.
You bastard!
You continue to disgrace me.
You are no longer my son!
You can stay with me, Liu.
I've got plenty of clothes.
You could be the first
moving-picture man in all of China.
Was she your intended?
The widow?
I think you're well out
of that one, mate, eh?
I think that alone calls
for celebration, eh?
Raymond, I can't wear this.
- I feel foolish.
- Come on.
You really don't like my present?
Come on.
Look, Liu, you've got nothing
to be ashamed of.
Listen, look.
We'll sit in the back, yeah?
That way you can see her
and she won't be able to see you.
Come on. Come on.
Come on.
Excuse me. Excuse me.
The foreigner!
How could he appreciate opera?
I can't believe they let him in.
Hey, Liu, are you Chinese
or a barbarian?
Traitors don't belong here.
Look at the two of them.
He isn't applauding.
He's insulting Lord Tan!
Well, my friend, this appears
not to be such a good idea after all.
Perhaps I'd better leave.
- No, Raymond. We can't leave.
- You stay.
You enjoy the show.
You stay.
Don't shame me more
in front of my people.
He's leaving in the middle
of the performance!
He should be taught a lesson!
Go away!
Don't touch me!
You devil! You devil!
Because you, I lost everything.
My job, my family, my honor.
The woman I love.
I meet you,
it's my downfall!
If you want to quit,
go ahead, quit.
I don't need you.
I didn't come halfway around the world
to be held back by a coward!
Go ahead! Leave!
It's okay.
Huh? Leave!
Let me tell you something, Liu.
You've changed.
You're not like
these other people anymore.
You've got nowhere
to go back to!
Wait, wait!
Liu, wait, wait!
I'm sorry, Liu.
I'm sorry!
I'm sorry.
After the private screening...
hey, we'll be laughing.
You all listen to me.
I'm the one.
I'm the one who has been
invited to the palace!
You think I'm nothing...
but I'll show you.
This way, please.
You may begin.
We are very intrigued
by the foreigner's technology.
Indeed, Your Benevolent Majesty.
They know how to entertain.
You are right, Your Majesty.
They invented this
just for your pleasure.
Shouldn't we be leaving, Master?
She likes me.
Fire! Fire!
- Get away from him!
- What? I'm trying to help!
The barbarian and his accomplice
must be punished.
They threatened Her Majesty's life.
What do you suggest?
Execute them.
Lord Tan...
you wish to say something?
Please inform Her Majesty...
I believe this young Chinese man
meant no harm.
Like so many others
in our country...
he was led astray
by foreign influence...
but I believe he can mend
the error of his ways.
Small employee.
I'm responsible.
The young man knows
some of the foreigner's tricks.
Her Majesty feels he might be
useful to us in the future.
You may rise.
Lord Tan, your performance today
so pleased Her Majesty...
she finds her spirit made forgiving
by the beauty of your art.
The young man will be released.
The foreign conspirator...
will be expelled from the country.
Thanks to Her Benevolent Majesty!
Hey! Liu! Liu!
What's going on?
Where are they taking me?
Long live Her Majesty!
Is there a Liu Jing Lun here?
- I am Liu.
- This package is for you.
From England.
"Dear Liu.
It's hard to believe that one's fate
can change in the blink of an eye.
We were parted from each other
in flames and smoke...
without even being able
to say good-bye.
I find myself looking at
the ocean between us.
Memories of you bring
smiles to my face.
Our Shadow Magic was the one thing in
my life that made me feel truly alive.
That is why I need to
continue filming.
Wherever I find
interesting people...
or wherever I see
interesting lives...
I want to be there
with my camera.
Enclosed are the films
we shot in China.
I want you to have them.
Our friendship is preserved
in the fond memories of these frames.
My thoughts are with you.
Raymond. "
Why is it blurry, Liu?
I need a lens and I can't afford it.
A lens?
Like eyeglasses...
for the projector.
I know what you need.
I'll trade you something
that might work.
I'll take a look.
Jewelry Tower!
One night only!
"Shadow Magic Show" at Fu Shou Hall!
Come one! Come all!
Shadow Magic at Fu Shou Hall!
Shadow Magic?
If we wanted to, we could ruin it.
We could ruin nothing.
It will come sooner or later.
This is only the beginning.
Father, can we go?
Liu has not invited us.
Forget about Shadow Magic.
Liu was almost killed.
What am I doing?
What am I trying to prove?
We can't escape what drives us.
Tell me how I'm going
to feel this time.
Take a seat and you'll see.
There's Liu.
You came!
Where are your glasses?
How can you see without your glasses?
I can see what I need to see.
Show me to the front.
Go on, Liu.
- We should leave.
- We might go up in smoke!
I love Shadow Magic.
I'll take the risk.
Welcome, everyone...
to-to Shadow Magic.
Tonight, for the first time...
we will see ourselves...
the way we are.
We will watch our lives unfold...
as we live them every day.
Why put out the lights?
Certain things should be
kept in the dark.
I was already in the dark.
Hey! That's me!
Do I look that old?
My camel! That's my camel!
Next should be me!
It is me!
What do you see?
A man and a camel on a street.
What's so thrilling about that?
Shadow Magic is good for the eyes.
But you can only see it...
not hear it.
Your ears feel something's lacking.
Now that you mention it,
it does seem that way.
That's why you need us
talkative comedians.
We bring the pleasure to your ears.
Shadow Magic has no mercy.
Everything is magnified...
larger than life.
- The thin--
- The fat--
- The round--
- Wrinkle upon wrinkle!
- There's nowhere to hide!
- Nope!
Our people know how to be courteous.
- Can't you tell?
- Look!
How are you?
Have you eaten?
Thank you. My pleasure.
Why do we greet each other like this?
It means:
"I've had the pleasure of eating.
If you haven't,
come to my house."
- Have you eaten?
- My pleasure!
That's too much eating!
Of course! But eating is
the main talent of our civilization!
So true!
Ling! Come in. Please sit.
I want to try.
Now count evenly.
One, two, three.
My friend Raymond...
explained to me--
He said,
if we love each other...
it's all right to show affection.
I never knew I was so fast!
You're amazing!
That's incredible!
I can't believe my eyes.
Those mountains.
The river--
how it sings.
The horizon--
it seems to extend forever.
That's neat!
My son--
My son did all this!
Ding Jung Shan, the first
Chinese film ever made...
was produced at Feng Tai Studio in 1905
by Liu Jing Lun and Ren Jing Feng.
It starred Peking's legendary
opera singer Lord Tan Xinpei.
At the turn of the century...
a handful of foreigners brought
motion pictures to China.
The name of the first Shadow Magic
showman remains unknown.