Shadow of a Doubt (1991)

Come in.
Mr Spencer.
Mr Spencer, I hate to bother you...
but I thought you'd like to know
there were two men here.
Two men askin' for you.
A young man and a kind of older man.
They was sorry you wasn't in.
I said you wasn't.
- Did they say they'd be back?
- They didn't say, but I think they will.
Just now, when I had to go to the store,
I seen them standing there at the corner.
Maybe I shoulda let them in,
only you said not to disturb you -
- Yes.
- And I'm sure They'll be back.
You look kinda tired to me,
and that's a fact.
You got a headache or somethin'?
I think maybe you need a real rest.
That's what I think.
Why, Mr Spencer. You oughtn't to leave
all that money lying around like that.
Oh, it makes me nervous
to see money lying around.
Everybody in the world
ain't honest, you know.
Though I must say I haven't had
much trouble that way.
Those friends of yours
told me not to mention they'd called.
Wanted to surprise you. But I thought
you'd like to know somehow.
Yes, yes. Of course. If they come back,
you may show them in.
Yes. You know, Mrs Martin,
it's very funny.
They aren't exactly friends of mine.
They've never seen me.
- That's odd, isn't it?
- 'Tis odd, like you say.
And now that I'm here,
I'll have to meet them.
I may even go out and meet them.
And then again, I may not. Not yet.
You go ahead with your nap.
I'll pull down the blind.
What do you know?
You're bluffing. You've nothing on me.
Hello, Postal Union?
I want to send a telegram
to Mrs Joseph Newton
in Santa Rosa, California.
Here's the message. Ready?
Lonesome for you all. Stop.
Am coming out to stay
with you awhile. Stop.
Will arrive Thursday and try and stop me.
Will wire exact time later.
Love to you all...
and a kiss for little Charlie
from her Uncle Charlie.
That's right. That's the signature.
"Uncle Charlie. "
That's right. Santa Rosa.
Santa Rosa, California.
Ann! Answer the telephone.
Newton's residence.
Ann Newton speaking.
Oh, hello, Mrs Henderson. This is Ann.
Mother isn't home yet.
A telegram? Well...
I don't see a pencil, so maybe
she better call you back.
I'm trying to keep my mind free of things
that don't matter...
because I have so much
to keep on my mind.
Innumerable things.
I'll have her call back.
Thank you for calling.
Hello, Ann. Where's your mother?
- She ' s out.
- Out?
Mrs Henderson just called
from the Postal Union Office.
She says we have a telegram.
I would have taken it down,
only I couldn't find a pencil. I looked.
Telegram, eh?
I knew there'd be trouble if
your Aunt Sarah got her driver's licence.
- Whereabouts was the accident?
- I didn't take notes.
Oh. Then how about a kiss?
Isn't that the funniest thing?
Here I am, practically a child
and I wouldn't read the things you read.
Mm-hm. Well, I guess
they'd give you bad dreams.
Bad dreams? You don't understand, Papa.
Mystery stories have done -
- Where's Roger?
- Out. The average mind -
- Where's Charlie?
- Out. No, she's in her room thinking.
Well, don't read too much.
You'll ruin your eyes.
And leave my book alone.
What's that you're reading?
- Ivanhoe.
- Hm? Oh.
- Who is it?
- It's me.
What's the matter?
Don't you feel well?
No. I'm perfectly well.
I've just been thinking for hours,
and I've come to the conclusion I give up.
- I simply give up.
- What are you going to give up?
Have you ever to thought that a family
should be the most wonderful thing ever?
And that this family's
just gone to pieces?
- We have?
- Of course we have.
We just sort of go along and
nothing happens. We're in a terrible rut.
It's been on my mind for months.
What's going to be our future?
Oh, come now, Charlie.
Things aren't as bad as that.
- The bank gave me a raise last January.
- Money.
How can you talk about money
when I'm talking about souls?
We eat and sleep and that's about all.
We don't even have
any real conversations.
- We just talk.
- And work.
Yes. Poor Mother. She works like a dog.
- Just like a dog.
- Where is she?
She's out. When she comes back,
it'll be the same thing.
Dinner, then dishes, then bed.
I don't see how she stands it.
You know,
she's really a wonderful woman.
I mean, she's not just a mother. And
I think we ought to do something for her.
- Don ' t you think we should?
- Yeah. What were you thinking of?
Oh, nothing, I suppose.
I guess we'll just have to wait
for a miracle or something.
Oh, now, Charlie, you're right.
Absolutely right.
- I'll figure out some way -
- I don't believe in good intentions now.
- All I'm waiting for now is a miracle.
- Oh, Charlie.
Those back stairs are steep.
What's the matter, Charlie?
What's the matter, Joe?
- Well, it seems that, uh -
- Oh, I've become a nagging old maid.
You went downtown in that awful old
hat you'd promised you'd throw away.
- Mama.
- Darling, does it matter what hat I wear?
- Mama.
- Why do you let that child yell at you?
- If she -
- I'm going downstairs, anyway.
Joe, what were you
both talking about when I came in?
Something about a miracle.
Oh, it's nothing.
Charlie ' s a bit under the weather.
Oh. Well, she ' ll be all right.
Well, come on, dear. Let's go
downstairs. No use standing here.
I'm going to get myself a bottle of beer.
Mother, I'm going downtown
and send a telegram.
Why, darling, who do you know
to send a telegram to?
I know a wonderful person who'll come
and stir us up. Just the one to save us.
What do you mean, "save us"?
All this time, there's been
one right person to save us.
- What's Uncle Charlie's address?
- Uncle Charlie?
- You're not going to ask him for money?
- Of course not.
That wouldn't help us.
What's his address?
- The last address I had -
- Do you know how many steps it is
to get from here
to the drugstore and back?
- 649.
- If you've forgotten, I won't tell you.
I remember. Philadelphia.
You can't ask a busy man
to come all this way for nothing.
He'll come for me. I'm named after him.
Besides, we're the only relatives
he has in the world.
If you come
all the way up Fourth Street, it's 802.
- Mama, guess what?
- I have no time for guessing.
What's that thing in your hair?
Well, I'll tell you anyway, even though
I think it's nicer when people guess.
Mrs Henderson said to call her at
the telegraph office. We have a telegram.
Ann, I don't think you ought to put things
behind your ears.
- Something might get into your ear.
- Emmy, Ann says we have a telegram.
I think you ought to find out about it.
Somebody might be sick or something.
Mrs Henderson didn't read the telegram
because I couldn't find a pencil.
When I have a house, it's going
to be full of well-sharpened pencils.
- Did Mrs Henderson say who it's from?
- No, she didn't.
She might have said who it was from.
Come on, Ann. That's my chair.
I'll call up and find out.
If you will be quiet just a second.
Oh, nothing, Operator. Just 181.
- If that's from my sister -
- Hello?
Mrs Henderson? This is Emma Newton.
Ann says you have a telegram for me.
- Mama, you don't have to shout.
- Ssh.
Really, Papa. You'd think
Mama had never seen a phone.
She makes no allowance for science.
She thinks she has to cover the distance
by sheer lungpower.
Why, how wonderful. Thursday, you say?
Looks like somebody's coming.
- Who's coming, Ma?
- Well, it's the most wonderful surprise.
It's my brother, you know.
My younger brother. The baby.
Yes, of course, a little spoiled.
Families always spoil the youngest.
Well, it's just simply wonderful.
Thanks most awfully, Mrs Henderson.
What do you think? Charles is coming.
- Who?
- Your Uncle Charlie.
Did you say "Charles"?
And our Charlie's sending him a telegram.
Now, what made her think to do that?
Hello, Charlie. I just called your house.
- Telegram for your mother.
- Did you?
Gonna send that by Bill Forest,
but you can take it.
Thanks. From your uncle.
The spoiled one.
My uncle? My Uncle Charlie?
Mrs Henderson,
do you believe in telepathy?
Well, I ought to. That's my business.
Oh, not telegraphy. Mental telepathy.
well, suppose you have a thought,
and suppose the thought's about
someone you're in tune with.
Then across miles, that person knows
what you're thinking and answers you.
- And it's all mental.
- I don't know what you're talking about.
I only send telegrams the normal way.
He heard me. He heard me.
- Mr Otis? Mr Otis?
- Yes?
You're almost in Santa Rosa. Want to be
ready when you get into Santa Rosa.
- I'm ready now. Thanks.
- Then I'll get all your bags out for you.
- How you feelin', Mr Otis?
- Pretty well.
A little weak
but pretty well on the whole.
Harry, tell the porter you're a doctor.
Ask if there's anything you can do.
Maybe you can help that poor soul.
- I'm on my vacation.
- My husband's a doctor and if there's -
No, Ma'am. He's a very sick man.
Won't see anyone.
I haven't set eyes on him myself
since we first got on the train.
Well, you don ' t look very well either.
Ah, here we are. Come on, children.
Close the door, there. That's right.
- Oh, are you -
- Charlie. Young Charlie.
At first, I didn't know you.
I thought you were sick.
- Sick?
- You aren't sick, are you?
Look, Pop! Here he is!
Why, Uncle Charlie, you're not sick.
That was the funniest thing.
- Me, sick? Well, Joe, how are you?
- Alright, Charles.
Roger. Hello, Ann.
I bet you don't remember me.
I remember you sort of.
You look different.
Well, we better get started.
Emma's got the dinner almost ready.
I couldn't persuade her to come
to the station. Dinner came first.
- Roger, get the bags. I'll take that.
- Thank you, Joe.
That's it. Come on. Let's go.
Come on, Roger, get these bags.
You, uh, sure that isn't
too heavy for you?
Oh, no. It's nothing. I love to carry.
Emma. Don't move.
Standing there,
you don't look like Emma Newton.
You look like Emma Spencer Oakley of
- The prettiest girl on the block.
- Charles.
Mama, nobody got off the train
but Uncle Charlie.
- Let me look at you.
- There was only us meeting somebody.
- To think you could take the time off.
- There was only one bed made up.
- It's so wonderful to have you here.
- Emmy, Emmy, don't cry.
And imagine your thinking
of 46 Burnham Street.
I haven't thought of that
funny old street in years.
I keep remembering those things.
All the old things.
Emmy, how's he look?
Same old Charles, eh?
Roger, Ann, get these other bags.
You have Charlie's room
right here at the head of the stairs.
Emmy wanted to move Ann, but Charlie
thought you'd be more comfortable here.
Come on, Roger.
- Ah-ah! Don't put the hat on the bed.
- Superstitious, Joe?
No, but I don't believe in inviting trouble.
It wasn't the biggest yacht in the world,
but it had a fireplace in the library
and the bar was panelled
in bleached mahogany.
You pushed a button and...
What am I talking about? That's all over.
Let's talk about you.
that's the prettiest dress I ever saw.
I think so, too.
Why, Charles, don't you remember?
Remember? Remember what?
- Why, Uncle Charlie, you sent it to me.
- I did?
Well, say, I've been sitting here
all this time forgetting something.
Ann. Roger.
- Look at that. Oh, dear now.
- Joe. Don't know whether you had one.
You didn't have to think of me, Charles.
Presents for the children are alright.
Say... I've never had a wristwatch.
Fellows at the bank'll think
I'm quite a sport.
I have two for you, Emmy.
One old and one new.
Oh, Charles. What is it?
- You shouldn't have. Really. No.
- Well, yeah.
Oh, Charles.
Oh, how... beautiful.
Oh, I've-I've always wanted one.
Oh, Mother, it's exactly right.
It's what you should have.
Look, Emmy.
Charles. You've had these all along.
Mm-hm. All along, Emmy.
All these years.
Safe in a deposit box,
no matter where I was.
Oh. Grandpa and Grandma?
53 years ago.
Aren't they sweet?
My, she was pretty.
Everybody was sweet and pretty then.
The whole world.
A wonderful world.
Not like the world today.
Not like the world now.
It was great to be young then.
We're all happy now, Uncle Charlie.
Look at us.
- And we're all happy at the same time.
- Now, for your present, Charlie.
Oh, I don't want anything.
Right now, I have enough.
Before you came,
I didn't think I had anything,
but now I don't want another thing.
- She's crazy.
- She doesn't mean it.
If you ask me, I think she's putting on,
like girls in books.
The ones that say they don't want
anything always get more in the end.
- That's what she's hoping.
- She's not crazy.
The smartest girl
in her class at school.
Won the debate against theEast
Richmond HighSchool. She ' s got brains.
I meant it.
Please don't give me anything.
- Nothing?
- Oh, I can't explain it.
But you came here
and Mother's so happy and...
Oh, I'm glad that she named me after you
and that she thinks we're both alike.
I think we are, too. I know it.
Oh, it would spoil things
if you should give me anything.
You're a strange girl, Charlie.
Why would it spoil things?
Because we're not just an uncle
and a niece. It's something else.
I know you. I know that you don't
tell people a lot of things.
I don't either. I have a feeling
that inside you somewhere,
there's something nobody knows about.
Something... nobody knows?
Something secret and wonderful and...
I'll find it out.
It's not good
to find out too much, Charlie.
But we're sort of like twins.
Don't you see?
- We have to know.
- Give me your hand, Charlie.
Thank you.
- You didn't even look at it.
- I don't have to.
No matter what you gave me,
it'd be the same.
Here. Let me show you.
It's a good emerald. A really good one.
Good emeralds are
the most beautiful things in the world.
- You've had something engraved.
- I haven't, but I will if you like it.
Yes, you have, Uncle Charlie.
It's very faint.
"T.S. from B.M."
But... Why, it must be someone's initials.
Well, I've been rooked.
The jeweller rooked me.
- Oh, it doesn't matter. Really.
- Give it back. I'll have it taken off.
No, No. I like it this way.
Someone else was probably happy
with this ring.
Oh, it's perfect the way it is.
You bring the coffee.
Sing at the table,
you'll marry a crazy husband.
Superstitions have been
proved 100% wrong.
Yes, I've been thinking of transferring
some money out here from the East.
I could put it in your bank, Joe,
until I found out what's what.
Uh, I suppose your bank
does take money, huh?
That's one thing we do.
Rake in the dough.
Can't promise to give it back.
Well, I'll go downtown in the morning
and open an account.
- 30 or 40,000 just to start things off?
- That's a lot of money.
He won't have it long.
The government will get it.
- The government gets -
- Don't talk against the government.
The way men do things.
I can't get that tune out of my head.
Maybe if somebody tells me what it is,
I'll forget it.
- It's a waltz.
- I know it is, but what one?
You know, it's the funniest thing.
Sometimes I get a tune
in my head like that
and pretty soon, I hear
somebody else humming it too.
I think tunes jump from head to head.
Do you know what it is,
Uncle Charlie?
Uh, no. No. I-I-I don't know what it is.
I remember.
Uh... It's on the tip of my tongue.
It's a waltz and it's Victor Herbert.
- Victor Herbert wasn't a waltz.
- It's the Blue Danube Waltz.
Oh, yes. Of course it is.
No, it isn't, Uncle Charlie.
I know what it is. It's the Merry -
- I'm terribly sorry, Emmy.
- Nothing to make a fuss about.
Charles, while we do the dishes,
why don't you come in the living room
and stretch out on the sofa
and read the evening paper?
You never were much on helping.
- Joe, here's Herbert.
- Ann, Roger, help me here.
Herbert's a friend of Joe's.
They're literary critics.
Hello, Herb. Had your supper?
- Had mine an hour ago.
- Hour ago, huh?
- Oh. A watch.
- Yeah, a present.
Here, Herb.
I'd like you to meet my brother-in-law.
- Charles, this is Herb Hawkins.
- Nice to know you, Mr Hawkins.
- Fine, thank you.
- How's your mother, Herb?
- Oh, uh, just middling.
- Uh-huh.
- Excuse me, Herb.
- Oh.
Thank you.
I'm sorry your mother's not better.
- Thank you, dear. There, now.
- Thank you.
Lead a life of luxury.
Well, I must go and see
what Charlie ' s doing.
Wife's brother from the East.
New York man.
Good for the children.
You know what I mean?
In business?
Well, he takes himself very seriously.
Well, how's everything?
Say, ha-have you read this one? Huh?
That little Frenchman beats them all.
You can talk all you like
about Sherlock Holmes.
That little Frenchman beats 'em all.
I read it. Air bubbles don't
necessarily kill a person.
Those writers from the other side
get too fancy.
- The best way to commit a murder-
- I know, I know.
Hit 'em on the head
with a blunt instrument.
Well, it's true, isn't it? Listen.
If I wanted to murder you tomorrow,
do you think
I'd waste my time on fancy hypodermics?
- Or on Inee?
- What's that?
- Inee. Indian arrow poison.
- Oh.
I'd find out if you were alone, walk in,
hit you on the head with a piece
of lead pipe or a loaded cane -
What'd be the fun of that?
Where's your planning?
Where's your clues?
I don't want any clues.
I want to murder you.
What do I want with clues?
Well, if you haven't got any clues,
where's your book?
I'm not talkin' 'bout writing books.
I'm talking about killing you!
If I was going to kill you, I wouldn't do
a dumb thing like hitting you on the head.
First of all,
I don't like the fingerprint angle.
Of course, I could always wear gloves,
press your hands against the pipe
after you were dead
and make you look like a suicide.
But you wouldn't beat yourself to death.
I'd do it so it didn't look like murder.
Oh, Ann?
- What?
- Come here.
Did you ever see a house
made out of newspapers?
Well, watch.
You-You take one sheet here.
OK? And you tear it down here.
And you tear it there.
You fold it over here at the side.
Fold over the other side here.
And turn it up there.
Now with... the door...
Right off... and there.
I'm not a baby any more.
Besides, that's Papa's paper.
Oh, Roger, look what
we ' ve got. A nice, little red barn.
- You've got Papa's paper.
- Oh, that's alright.
Simply unfold it.
Nobody will ever know the difference.
What are you two doing?
- You know that's father's paper.
- It's my fault. I was playing a game.
- Didn't think about it as Joe's pap.
- Oh, that's alright.
Here's page one, five... eight.
- What did you do with three and four?
- We never touched it.
Really. Uncle Charlie ' s
the only one that touched it.
Oh, well. I guess it's all right.
If I fold it very neatly,
maybe he won ' t notice.
Come in.
I brought you water.
Oh, thank you, Charlie.
That's very thoughtful of you.
Pleasant dreams.
Uncle Charlie...
- I know a secret you don't think I know.
- What secret?
Remember I said you couldn't hide
anything from me because I'd find it out?
Well, now I know there was something
in the evening paper about you.
About me in the evening paper?
And that's why you played that game
with Ann and Roger.
You didn't want us to know
and you wanted to tear the paper.
Now I know. You might as well tell me.
Well, you've got me there, Charlie.
Only it wasn't about me.
It was about, uh...
someone I used to know.
It's none of your business.
Oh! Uncle Charlie, you're hurting me.
- Oh, Charlie.
- Your hands.
Charlie, I didn't mean to hurt you.
I was just fooling.
It was nothing. Just... Just some gossip.
Not very pretty,
about someone I once met up with.
Not for you to read.
Forget it.
- Good night, young Charlie.
- Good night. Pleasant dreams.
- How long is Uncle Charlie staying?
- Forever, I hope.
Hasn't he got a house of his own?
Not that I mind you in here,
but I never can tell
when I'll want some privacy.
You better go to sleep, baby.
- You said your prayers?
- I forgot.
You better say them.
I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep -
- Don't bless too many people. It's late.
- I pray the Lord my soul to take.
God bless Mama, Papa, Captain Midnight,
Veronica Lake and the president -
- You can't say them all tonight, dear.
- Oh, and Uncle Charlie. Amen.
- All ready for breakfast?
- Oh, coffee, Emmy.
I don't know how you do it.
Now, I'm never comfortable eating in bed.
I had to have my meals in bed for a while
after the children came,
but I never liked it.
I can't face the world in the morning.
I must have coffee before I can speak.
Well, I don't mind pampering you
your first morning,
but I think you're the only person
in this town to have breakfast at 10:30.
And while you were sleeping,
the newspaper called up for an interview.
With me?
And the women's club I belong to
wants you to give a little talk.
Women's club.
Oh! Oh, you haven't finished unpacking.
I'll do that for you.
- Where ' s Charlie?
- She's running around like a mad thing.
She thinks everything needs fixing.
But what I wanted to tell you was that
you're not the only celebrity in this town.
- We're all going to be in limelight.
- What are you cooking up?
Well, a young man called this morning,
said his name was Graham,
and he wants to interview
everybody in this house.
- Interview everybody?
- That's what he said.
He's being sent around the country
by some kind of institute or committee
and he has to pick a representative
American family and ask them questions.
It's a kind of a poll.
It's called the National Public Survey.
Wonder how he happened
to pick this family?
Well, he said he wanted
a typical American family.
I told him
we weren't a typical American family.
If he's going to ask a lot of questions,
he can leave me out of it.
Oh, but you could tell him so much more
than any of us could.
- He's going to take our pictures too.
- Pictures.
My, isn't that lovely?
You see, there were really,
there were two young men.
One of them takes the pictures.
- Oh, there were two.
- Yes. Mr Graham was the nicest.
Oh, he doesn't want us
to dress up or anything.
He just wants us to act
the way we always do.
Emmy, women are fools.
They'd fall for anything.
Why do you let two strangers come
and turn this place upside down.
Why expose the family
to a couple of snoopers?
- You should have more sense.
- Why, Charles, I -
- Good morning, Uncle Charlie.
- Good morning, Charlie.
Your mother says the Newtons have been
picked for all-American suckers.
- What do you know about it?
- Charlie wasn't here when they came.
But really, the way Mr Graham told it,
it wasn't like snooping at all.
It was our duty as citizens.
It's something the government wants.
- Government?
- Well, it's for the public good.
I told them about you andtheplaces
you've been and he was very interested.
Now, listen, Emmy.
I'll have nothing to do with this.
I'm just a visitor here and my advice
to you is to slam the door in his face.
Oh. Well, I-I couldn't do that.
But you don't have to meet him
if you don't want to.
Well, I think I'd be kind of exciting.
He'd take your photograph
and then we could have it for nothing.
No thank you. I've never been
photographed and I don't want to be.
Oh, Charles, how can you talk that way?
I had a photograph of you.
I gave it to Charlie.
I tell you, there are none.
I guess you've forgotten this one.
Get it, Charlie.
You sure you don't remember?
Of course I don't
ever remember being photographed.
46 Burnham Street.
Mm-hm. It was taken
the Christmas you got your bicycle.
- Just before your accident.
- Uncle Charlie, you were beautiful.
Wasn't he, though?
And such a quiet boy. Always reading.
Papa shouldn't have got you that bicycle.
You didn't know how to handle it.
He took it right out on the icy road
and skidded into a streetcar.
- We thought he was going to die.
- I'm glad he didn't.
He almost did. He fractured his skull,
and he was laid up so long.
And then, when he was getting well,
there was no holding him.
And it was just as though
all the rest he had was too much for him
and he had to get into mischief
to blow off steam.
He didn't do much reading after that,
let me tell you.
It was taken the very day
he had his accident.
A few days later when the pictures
came home, how mama cried.
She wondered if he'd ever look the same.
She wondered if he'd ever be the same.
What's the use of looking backward?
What's the use of looking ahead?
Today's the thing.
That's my philosophy. Today.
If today's the thing,
then you'd better finish your breakfast
and get down to the bank
because Joe'll be waiting.
Charlie, don't be late back.
The survey men are coming at 4:00.
- Good morning, Charlie.
- Hello, Madge.
- Good morning, Charlie.
- Hello, Catherine.
Did you see the way they looked at you?
I bet they wonder who you are.
Uncle Charlie, I love to walk with you.
I want everybody to see you.
There's Papa in that window over there.
Hello, Joe. Can you stop embezzling
a minute and give me your attention?
Oh, uh...
Charles, we don't joke
about such things here.
Oh, what's a little shortage in the books
at the end of the month?
Any good bank clerk can cover up
alittle shortage. Isn't that right, Charlie
- Everyone can hear you.
- Good. We all know what banks are.
Look all right, but noone knows
what goes on when they lock the doors.
Can't fool me, though.
Well, Joe, let's see your president.
Still want to open that account, Charles?
That's why I'm here.
Well, uh, you wait right here.
I'll see if Mr Greene's busy.
And, uh, Charles, he doesn't care much
for jokes about banks.
Well, $40,000 is no joke.
Not to him, I bet.
It's a joke to me.
The whole world's a joke to me.
I'll be right back.
You shouldn't tease Papa like that.
I wasn't teasing him.
I just hate this stuffy atmosphere.
They're waving for us to come in.
- Hello, Mr Greene.
- Hello, Charlie.
Well, Mr Greene, this is
my brother-in-law, Mr Oakley.
- How do you do?
- How are you, Mr Oakley?
Well, Mr Greene, I was thinking
of settling down here for a while.
Great country. Great country.
We think so. What have you been doing?
I suppose you might call me a promoter.
I've done a little bit of everything.
The only trouble is that once I make
the money, I'm not interested in it.
Not interested in money?
You know there's money just lying around
waiting for somebody to pick it up.
I thought maybe I'd put some of
my loose cash away for safekeeping.
- In the bank where Joe works, naturally.
- Loose cash?
Well, I got in a habit of carrying a lot
of cash with me when I was travelling.
- A dangerous habit.
- Never lost a penny in my life.
I guess heaven takes care
of fools and scoundrels.
- Yes.
- Thirty, thirty-five...
Forty thousand.
Shall we start with forty?
- If you'll just write out a deposit slip.
- Ah, details.
I'm glad to see you're a man
who understands details, Mr Greene.
They're most important to me.
Most important. All the little details.
Oh, dear. I'm sorry.
I didn't know you were busy.
- We can come back.
- Come in, now that you're here.
Mrs Greene,
I'd like you to meet my uncle, Mr Oakley.
Uncle Charlie,
this is Mrs Greene and Mrs Potter.
Mrs Greene, Miss Potter.
Mrs Potter.
- Something about you made me think -
- Yes?
- What did you want, Margaret?
- I need some money to go shopping.
There's one good thing
in being a widow, isn't there?
You don't have to ask
your husband for money.
- Here you are.
- Oh, thank you.
- Goodbye, Mr Oakley.
- Mrs Potter.
Bye, Mrs Greene.
There. There you are, Mr Greene.
- Charlie, let's see the town.
- Goodbye, Mr Oakley.
- Bye, Mr Greene.
- Call on us for advice anytime.
- Thank you.
- Joe, you may see Mr Oakley out.
Joe, keep your eyes open.
You'll have his job in a couple of years.
Here he is.
Those must be the questionnaire men.
They're a whole hour early.
I won't see them.
You don't have to if you don't want to.
I'll see that you don't.
The way they got around your mother.
I thought she'd have better sense.
- How do you do?
- How do you do?
- You must have come to interview us.
- My name is Graham, Miss Newton.
- Oh, how do you do?
- And this is Fred Saunders.
How do you do? Won't you come in?
- I'll call my mother.
- Thank you.
Mother, the government men are here.
Will you sit down?
But you said 4:00. Nothing's ready now.
My husband is still at the bank
and-and the house is -
That's all we want now, Mrs Newton,
some pictures of the house.
Saunders can get busy
and I'd like to ask a few questions.
Alright, but I do wish you'd waited
until I had the house looking its best.
I wanted flowers around
and fresh curtains in the kitchen.
And there are a lot of things
I don't want you to photograph.
- You said you own the house?
- Own it? It owns us.
No sooner do I get one thing fixed
than something else gets broken.
And then it needs fresh paint and th-
Mr Saunders, I'm very sorry
but you simply cannot
take a picture with that chair in it.
- It needs a new slipcover.
- And there are, uh, six in your family?
- Five.
- Five? But -
Well, my uncle ' s just visiting.
I told you about him.
He's here from the East.
My uncle doesn't want to be bothered
with a lot of questions.
Well, you see, on a survey, we usually -
He's not interested
in a survey
and I promised him
he wouldn ' t be bothered.
Well, we'd like it
if we could get all of you.
You know, your opinions,
what you do or what you want to do.
My uncle's opinions aren't average
and I'm afraid they wouldn't help you.
I think when someone asks for privacy,
they should have it.
Well, we'll...
The whole idea of this thing is that -
Mr Graham, perhaps
you'd better choose another family.
We'll do anything you say, of course,
but this family seemed right and -
It is a nice family.
Charlie, let the young men go ahead,
so long as they're here.
Well, alright.
OK. Saunders, go ahead
and get another shot.
Mrs Newton, what organisations
do you and your husband belong to?
How about a picture in the kitchen?
Well, I'm afraid the kitchen
isn't quite the way I'd like it.
Come along.
If you'll start by breakin' an egg,
Mrs Newton.
Oh, but you don't start a cake
by breaking an egg.
You have to put
the butter and sugar in first.
Survey or no survey,
I'm not going to start by breaking an egg.
I thought I'd make a maple cake.
My brother Charles loves maple cake.
What does your brother do?
I guess he just does about everything.
What does he do? He's just in business.
You know, the way men are.
My husband works in a bank,
but I think Charles is just in business.
If you really want a picture
of me breaking an egg,
you'll have to wait
till I cream the butter and sugar.
I'll wait.
I wonder if we could
take a look upstairs.
You show us, and your mother can call us
when she's ready.
- Alright.
- If you'd rather wait, Mr Saunders.
Folding in the eggs
has to be done just right.
I can ' t beat them and let them stand.
The minute I hear you've
broken the eggs, I'll come right down.
I really don't see
what you want to look up here for.
Whose room is that? It's mine.
My uncle's using it now, though.
I'd like to see what your room looks like.
Typical girl, typical room.
Typical of you to ask.
My uncle's resting.
I really don't want to disturb him.
- Is there a back stairs?
- Mm-hm. Right down the hall.
I'll bet you 50 cents
that your uncle isn't in there.
Oh, betting's silly.
All you want to do
is photograph my room, doesn't he?
- That's it.
- Besides, I know my uncle's in there.
Alright, I'll still bet he isn't.
Let me knock and see.
Oh, I'll knock.
Uncle Charlie?
Uncle Charlie, may we come in?
- See?
- You were right.
Nice room. Do you mind if I take a picture
since he isn't here?
- I don't want to disturb your uncle.
- Oh, I suppose so.
But I really can't imagine
anyone being interested in my room.
It's not the way I'd like it.
I'd like to have it yellow and white.
Might as well let him work in peace.
Besides, I'd like to talk to you.
Your picking us as an average family
gave me a funny feeling.
- What kind of a funny feeling?
- Oh, I don't know.
I guess I don't like to be and average girl
in an average family.
Average families are the best.
Look at me.
- I'm from an average family.
- As average as ours?
Besides, I don't think you're average.
Oh, that's because you see me now
instead of a few days ago.
I was in the dumps. Then Uncle Charlie
came and everything changed.
But your mother said he came last night.
Maybe you just think -
I don't think. I know.
Funny, but when I think about how I feel,
I always come back to Uncle Charlie.
Are you trying to tell me
I shouldn't think he's so wonderful?
- Oh, no. I -
- Mr Saunders?
- I'm ready with the eggs.
- Mr Saunders mustn't move anything.
- My uncle's awfully neat and fussy.
- Saunders is neat and fussy, too.
- Is this your uncle?
- Yes, it is.
Now, for one of the hall.
Mr Saunders has been
taking pictures of my room.
My sister told me to remind you
about eggs and a cake.
I don't like to be photographed.
I'll have to ask you for the film.
- Oh, Uncle Charlie.
- Give it to me, please.
Give it to him, Fred.
That's too bad. There's a picture
of Mrs Newton on this film.
- Excuse me.
- The eggs are ready.
I can't let them stand another minute.
That was my last roll of film.
Mr Saunders took
Uncle Charlie's picture by mistake
and Uncle Charlie made him
give him back the roll.
He wasn't joking
about not wanting to be photographed.
We didn't want to start a family feud.
I'll get you
making the cake again tomorrow.
I won't be
making a cake again tomorrow.
I want to help an important work,
but I cannot go on making cakes.
You have helped, Mrs Newton.
And now I'd like to ask another favour.
Could I borrow your daughter?
I'd like to look around the town.
- Ann?
- Charlie.
Ann would be better.
Ann knows everything about everybody.
- Charlie.
- Well, if, uh, Charlie doesn't mind.
- I don't mind.
- Swell.
- Goodbye, then, Mrs Newton.
- Goodbye.
- 6:30?
- 6:30.
- OK. Goodbye.
- Bye.
- Bye, Mr Saunders.
- Bye.
He seems like a nice young man.
But I thought you were
going to the movies with Catherine.
Oh, I'll tell her
I don't feel well or something.
- Hello, Charlie.
- Well... hello, Catherine. Hello, Shirley.
- Hello.
- This is Jack Graham. He's in town.
- How do you do?
- Hello.
- How's your throat, Charlie?
- Oh, much better. Thank you.
Bill Forest was asking about you.
Oh. Bill Forest?
Well, uh... goodbye.
- Bye.
- Goodbye.
I know what you are, really.
You're a detective. There's something
the matter and you're a detective.
- Charlie, listen.
- I don't want to listen.
Why, you're not on a survey at all.
You lied to us. You lied to Mother.
You just wanted to get in our house.
That's what it is.
What do you want with us?
Why are you here, lying to us?
Look, Charlie, you've got to listen to me.
You've got to trust me.
When you've done nothing but lie?
And you probably didn't want to
take me out at all the way I thought.
You just wanted to ask me
a lot of questions.
Have I asked you a lot of questions?
Have I?
Alright, I'm a detective.
A pretty bad one.
Now, won't you even listen to me?
- Why should I when you lied to me?
- I had to.
When I came here to find a man,
I hadn't counted on you.
- I hadn't counted on your family.
- Find a man? What man?
There's a man loose in this country.
We're after him.
We don't know much.
We don't even know what he looks like.
Charlie, think. How much
do you know about your uncle?
Why, he's my mother's brother.
What's he got to do with it?
This man we want may be your uncle.
Oh, I don't believe you.
Go away and leave me alone.
We're after one man.
Your uncle may be that man.
But in the East, there's another man
who's being hunted too,
through Massachusetts and into Maine.
He may be the one.
My uncle hasn't done anything.
He knows it would kill
my mother if he did.
He's her younger brother,
just like Roger is mine.
Why don't they arrest
that man in the East?
Why don't you go away
and leave us alone?
Charlie, when we were eating tonight
and talking about our folks
and what we'd done and how we felt,
we were like two ordinary people.
We'd been brought up about the same.
- You liked me and I liked you.
- Oh, it doesn't matter now.
What do you mean, "It doesn't matter"?
It's the only thing that does.
If it weren't for you,
you don't think I ' d care
how or where I caught up
with your uncle, do you?
Because if he's the guy, I'm going to
catch up with him. Remember that.
And you're going to keep
your mouth shut.
You're going to keep your mouth shut
because you're such a nice girl
you'd help if you knew
your uncle was the man we wanted.
- I wouldn't help you.
- And I know you would.
And I'm trying to make it easier for you.
If your uncle's the man we want,
we'll get him out of town quietly.
- We won't arrest him here.
- Arrest him here? With mother -
I'm trying to tell you we won ' t.
- Please, Charlie.
- I won't say anything.
Oh, take me home!
Good night, Charlie.
It's going to be funny
when you find out you're wrong.
Good night.
- Hello, Charlie. Home already?
- Oh, yes, Dad.
It's so nice out, I thought
I'd get some air before I went to bed.
You better run in. Your Uncle Charlie's
been asking about you.
I think I'll just go up the back way.
I- I'm tired and I don't feel like talking.
Alright. Suit yourself.
- Take care of yourself.
- Mm-hm.
- Good night, Herb.
- Good night, Charlie.
Good night, Charlie.
What were we saying, Herb?
Did I notice what?
Well, did you taste anything funny
about that coffee you had
at my house this evening?
No. It tasted all right.
That's what I mean. It wasn't all right.
- Put something in it?
- Put a little soda.
About the same amount that I'd have used
if I'd wanted to use poison.
Well, you don't say?
I never tasted a thing.
Of course, I might not notice the soda.
You'd notice the soda more
than you would the poison.
For all you knew, you might
just as well be dead now.
- Aren't you asleep yet, Ann?
- Uh-uh.
Charlotte, what are you doing?
Oh, I'm just looking for a recipe
I thought I saw,
but it's just so torn up.
They have papers in the "libarry",
new ones and old ones.
Miss Corcoran will get them out for you.
She won't even notice
if you cut out a little, bitty recipe.
Oh, it's not that important.
What time does the library close?
If you read as much as you should,
you'd know it closes at 9:00.
Oh, well.
If I think about it, maybe I'll go tomorrow.
You really ought to go to sleep, Ann.
Get back there!
Get back! Get back!
Just a moment, Charlie.
What do you think I am out here for?
Oh, I'm sorry, Mr Norton.
Alright. Go ahead.
Oh! Miss Corcoran, please let me in.
Oh, please!
Oh, thank you.
Really, Charlie. You know as well as I do
the library closes at 9:00.
If I make one exception,
I'll have to make a thousand.
I'm sorry, Mrs Corcoran, but there is
something in the paper I've got to see.
I'm surprised at you, Charlie.
No consideration.
- Oh, I'll only be a minute.
- You've got all day to come here.
I don't know why you want
to rush in here tonight like a madwoman.
I'll give you just three minutes.
Can't be anything really awful.
I'll prove to him it isn't.
Page three -
- Where's Charlie?
- Still asleep. I don't want to wake her.
- Charlie still asleep?
- No, she just woke up.
I shouldn't have let her sleep so long,
but she needed it.
She doesn't look quite herself.
She'll be down for dinner.
Mother, let me finish mashing those.
I'll fix the rest of dinner
and get it on the table.
You go talk to Uncle Charlie.
- How do you feel?
- Fine.
I must have been tired. I slept like a log.
Uncle Charlie was asking for you again.
He's fond of you.
That nice young man came to ask
after you. I told him you were asleep.
I'm rested now. Is the gravy made?
Now you're humming that waltz.
Please don't hum that tune anymore.
I've just got it out of my head
and don't want it started again.
Please remember, don't hum that tune.
And don't keep getting up
every few minutes.
You just sit there and be a real lady.
Alright, if you say so,
but at least I can carry in the soup.
Roger, wash your hands!
Joe. Charles. Dinner.
- Mama -
- Ann, don't put things behind your ear.
And don't whisper.
Anyone could hear you a block away.
May I sit by you at the table?
By me? I should think
you'd want to sit by Uncle Charlie.
- No, I want to sit by you.
- Why do you want to change?
Mother, let her change if she wants to.
Roger doesn't mind.
No, certainly not.
Uncle Charlie might think... Certainly not.
- Mother, let her change.
- OK, but Ann has some foolish ideas.
Go in the dining room, both of you.
What's going on here?
Have I lost my little girl?
Roger wanted to sit next to you,
and I thought it would be nice
if the children took turns.
- I never...
- Never what, Roger?
- Nothing.
- Come, Ann. Come and help me.
Joe! I brought it in by mistake.
Nothing special in it.
- Want to look at the headlines, Charles?
- Thank you, Joe.
Roger, don't make so much noise
with your soup.
If he holds his lips together, he
could draw it carefully, like a horse.
- Don't be disgusting.
- May I dip my bread in it?
- Where's Charlie?
- She wanted to serve dinner.
- She ' ll be in in a minute.
- You're right, Joe.
Nothing special tonight. Oh, here she is!
- Here ' s my girl.
- How many hours did you sleep?
If you could tell me
the exact minute you went to sleep,
the exact minute you woke up,
if you woke up in between
and how long you stayed awake
each time you woke up,
then I could tell you exactly -
You won't sleep tonight.
Nobody who sleeps all day can.
I slept all right, and I kept dreaming,
perfect nightmares
about you, Uncle Charlie.
Nightmares about me?
You were on a train,
running away from something
and when I saw you on the train,
I felt terribly happy.
How could you feel happy
seeing Uncle Charlie on a train?
I don't want to see him on a train.
I hope he stays here forever.
Well, he has to leave sometime.
We have to face the facts.
I like people who face facts.
Well, we're not going
to face any such facts as those.
Oh, Ann,
would you like to see the funnies?
I'm too old for funnies. I read two books
a week. I took a sacred oath I would.
Besides, no one's allowed to read
at the table. It isn't polite.
Don't correct your elders!
She's right, Emmy.
I'm forgetting my manners.
Joe, I'm going to blame this paper on you.
Roger, go to the icebox and bring me
a big, red bottle you'll find there.
You can throw the paper away.
Dad's read it, you've read it.
We don't need to play any
games with it tonight.
Ann, you can help
Charlie carry the vegetables.
I saw that bottle
when I was getting dinner.
St Paul said, "Take a little wine
for thy stomach's sake. "
Wine for dinner sounds so gay!
Remember they had the champagne
when the oldest Jones girl got married?
This is sparkling burgundy.
One sip and I'll be calling it
"sparkling burgledy. "
Maybe I'd better not take any.
Oh... imported.
Imported Frankie and his tweeds?
And his loaded cane.
His loaded everything!
Roger, go get four
of the small glasses with stems.
Charles, I promised Mrs Greene of our
club that you'd talk to the ladies.
What am I going to talk about?
Travel or current events?
Oh, not current events.
We get current events.
Who'll my audience be?
Oh, women like myself.
Busy with our homes, most of us.
Women keep busy in towns like this.
In the cities it's different.
Middle-aged widows, husbands dead,
husbands who ' ve spent their lives
making fortunes, working and working,
and then they die and leave their money
to their wives, their silly wives.
And what do the wives do,
these useless women?
You see them in the best hotels
every day by the thousands,
drinking the money, eating the money,
losing the money at bridge,
playing all day and all night,
smelling of money.
Proud of their jewellery,
but of nothing else.
Horrible, faded, fat, greedy women.
But they're alive! They're human beings.
Are they? Are they, Charlie?
Are they human,
or are they fat, wheezing animals? Hm?
And what happens to animals when
they get too fat and too old?
Well, I seem to be making
my speech right here.
Don't talk about women like that
in front of my club! You'll be lynched.
That nice Mrs Potter's going to be there.
She was asking me about you.
The Greenes are bringing her here to
the party I'm having for you afterwards.
Joe, it's Herbert.
He always comes when we're eating.
Good evening, Mrs Newton.
- Good evening, Mr Oakley.
- Good evening.
Well, Herb, how's your mother?
Oh, she's just middling.
- Had your dinner?
- Oh, I had mine an hour ago.
You folks are getting pretty stylish.
Having dinner later every evening.
Ha ha!
- Joe.
- Huh?
- Joe, I-I picked some mushrooms.
- You don't say?
Mushrooms mean anything to you, Joe?
I eat 'em on my steak when I'm out
and the meat's not good enough as it is.
If I brought you some mushrooms,
would you eat 'em?
Suppose I would. Why?
Then I've got it. The worst I'd be
accused of would be manslaughter.
Doubt if I'd get that.
Accidental death, pure and simple.
A basket of good mushrooms and...
two or three poisonous ones.
No, no. Innocent party might
get the poisonous ones.
I thought of something better
when I was shaving.
A bath tub. Pull the legs out
from under you, hold you down.
Oh, what's the matter with you two?
Do you always have to
talk about killing people?
We're not talking about killing people.
Herb's talking about killing me,
and I'm talking about killing him.
It's your father's way of relaxing.
Can't he find some other way to relax?
Can't we have a little peace and quiet
without dragging in poisons all the time?
She doesn ' t make sense talking like that.
I'm worried about her.
Roger, bring her back.
I'll go. You stay and finish dinner.
I'll catch up with her.
What's wrong with her?
- Excuse me, Mr Norton.
- You're always running around at night.
- Where were you hurrying to last night?
- Just doing an errand.
- Is this your uncle I've heard about?
- Yes.
- Uncle Charlie, Mr Norton.
- Glad to know you. What's the name?
Oakley. Charles Oakley. Nice to meet you.
Better keep your eye on your niece.
I'll have to give her a ticket for speeding.
- City ordinance about running.
- Hear that, Charlie?
Don't want to break the law.
I'll take care of her.
- Good night.
- Good night.
What's the matter, Charlie?
What's wrong?
- I want to talk to you.
- You're hurting my arm again.
- Come in here with me.
- I can't. I don't go to places like this.
Go on in.
- Why'd you bring me here?
- What does it matter where we are?
Hello, Charlie. Hello.
Hello, Louise.
Uncle Charlie, Louise Finch.
- This is my uncle.
- I was in Charlie's class in school.
I sure was surprised to see you come in.
I never thought I'd see you here.
I been here two weeks.
Lost my job over at Kern's.
I've been in half the restaurants in town.
What'll you have, Charlie?
- Nothing, thank you.
- A ginger ale for her, a brandy for me.
- Well, Charlie?
- Well?
Think you know something, don't you?
That young fellow told you something.
Why should he know anything about you?
Charlie, something's come between us.
I don't want that to happen.
Why, we're old friends.
More than that. We're like twins.
- You said so yourself.
- Don't touch me, Uncle Charlie.
What did that boy tell you?
He's got nothing to do with it. I hope
he never knows anything about you.
you're a pretty understanding sort of girl.
If you've heard
some little things about me,
I guess you're a woman of the world
enough to overlook them.
You're the head of your family, Charlie.
Anyone can see that.
I'm not so old. I've been chasing
around the globe since I was sixteen.
I guess I've done
some pretty foolish things,
made some pretty foolish mistakes.
Nothing serious, just... foolish.
Oh, Charlie, now,
don't start imagining things.
How could you do such things?
You're my uncle,
my mother's brother.
We thought you were
the most wonderful man in the world.
- The most wonderful and the best.
- Charlie, what do you know?
I'm sorry I was so long.
We're awful busy.
Whose is it? Ain't it beautiful?
I'd just die for a ring like that.
Yes sir, for a ring like that,
I'd just about die.
I love jewellery, real jewellery.
Notice I didn't even have to ask
if it was real. You can tell.
- I can.
- Bring me another brandy.
Sit down.
Sit down!
You think you know something,
don't you?
You think you're the clever little girl
who knows something.
There's so much you don't know.
So much.
What do you know, really?
You're just an ordinary little girl
living in an ordinary little town.
You wake up every day and know there's
nothing in the world to trouble you.
You go through your ordinary little day.
At night, you sleep your ordinary sleep
filled with peaceful, stupid dreams.
And I brought you nightmares.
Or did I?
Or was it a silly, inexpert, little lie?
You live in a dream.
You're a sleepwalker, blind.
How do you know
what the world is like?
Do you know the world is a foul sty?
Do you know if you ripped
the fronts off houses, you'd find swine?
The world's a hell.
What does it matter what happens in it?
Wake up, Charlie.
Use your wits. Learn something!
You goin', Charlie?
- Charlie, will you help me?
- Help you?
The same blood flows through our veins.
I was at the end of my rope.
Oh, I'm so tired. There's an end
to the running a man can do.
You'll never know what it's like
to be so tired. I was going to...
Then I got the idea of coming out here.
It's my last chance, Charlie.
Give it to me.
Graham and the other fellow,
they don't know.
There's a man in the east they suspect,
and if they get him, I'll...
Charlie, give me this last chance.
Take your chance. Go!
I'll go, Charlie. Just give me a few days.
Think of your mother.
It'll kill your mother.
Yes, it would kill my mother.
Take your few days.
See that you get away from here.
You realise what it'll mean
if they get me?
The electric chair.
Charlie, you've got to help me.
You said yourself we're no ordinary uncle
and niece, no matter what I've done.
You go in. I'll be in in a minute.
- Home, sweet home.
- Where's Charlie?
- She's outside. Don't worry about her.
- What was the matter?
She was a little edgy. I persuaded her
to go for a walk. She's calmer now.
- I'm so glad. I've saved dessert for you.
- We had an ice-cream soda.
Oops-a-daisy! Off to bed you go!
- Roger, come here!
- No!
There's my girl. Psst! Ann!
You must be trying to hide or something.
- We're not hiding.
- People who are hiding say "psst".
- We just don't want to yell on Sunday.
- Look, Ann.
Ask your sister to run over here.
Just ask her quietly. We'll wait here.
- Did my father have a feud with yours?
- My father?
Because if they didn't, there's no sense
in my asking Charlotte quietly.
Mama won't care. She thinks
girls ought to marry and settle down.
- In a book I'm reading -
- Just ask her, Ann. Don't be literary.
- Alright.
- Remember, I'm doing all the talking.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Good morning, Mr Graham.
Catherine, this is Mr Saunders.
- How do you do?
- How do you do?
- Ann says you want to speak to me.
- Saunders wants to.
Come on, Ann.
Tell Catherine the story of Dracula.
Come on, Catherine.
- What do you want?
- Let them get a little bit ahead.
It's about that photograph we took,
the one of your uncle.
- He probably burned it.
- Not that one, he hasn't.
We gave him the wrong film.
We got the picture alright.
We wired it East.
They've got witnesses can identify
the man we want from that picture.
- What do you mean, identify him?
- Just what I said.
When the witnesses see that picture,
we'll know whether Oakley's the man.
- We're waiting for the wire now.
- And then Uncle Charlie will be -
That's right. That's the way it is.
Graham thought you could get your uncle
to leave town now. It would be better -
I've got to, haven't I? I've got to!
What's the most time you'll give me?
- Two hours.
- I'll make him leave!
You seem pretty sure
he's the man we want. Why?
No reason why. I'm just scared.
You're the ones who seem sure.
- I couldn't bear anything happening here.
- You know what he's done?
- No, I don't want to hear!
- Well, I want you to get this.
We're doing you a favour. If you know
anything more about your uncle, tell us.
We also want to know
when and how he leaves town.
- If you hold out on us -
- I won't. I'll tell you.
Step on a crack,
you'll break your mother's back.
I wish I knew we could trust you.
I won't do anything to help him,
I promise.
But you can't ask me to spy on him.
We've made a bargain.
I'll get him to leave. That's all I'll do.
Think, Charlie. The man's dangerous.
If he gets away from us -
I don't want to hear what he'll do.
We've made a bargain. I'll keep it.
I'll let you know when he leaves.
Funny if he turned out
to be the wrong man. Could be.
- Ann!
- I broke my mother's back three times.
Not bad. You didn't finish telling me
whether Miss Rose married the rich guy,
- or the one she was in love with.
- How long have you two such friends?
Oh, we play games. I ask questions.
She knows all the answers.
The only trouble is
I can't make out what she's making up.
I never make up anything.
I get everything from my books.
They're all true.
Come on, Ann. We'd better get home
and help with dinner. Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye, Mr Graham. Mr Saunders.
- Goodbye, Catherine.
- Come on, Catherine.
- Why not pick flowers for the table?
- Simple flowers are the best.
- I didn't ask for orchids.
- I wish I'd been born in the South.
Southern women have a lot of charm.
They pick flowers with gloves on.
- Goodbye, Catherine.
- Goodbye, Charlie. See you after dinner.
- Hello, Ann.
- Hello.
How was church, Charlie? Did you
count the house? Turn anybody away?
No, room enough for everyone.
I'm glad to hear that.
Show's been running such a long time,
I thought attendance might be falling off.
Anything special on the noon broadcast?
They caught that other fellow,
the Merry Widow Murderer.
- They did, did they? Where?
- State of Maine. Portland.
Didn't catch him exactly.
He was running away from the police,
and they cornered him at the airport
and he ran into the propeller of a plane.
- Oh, boy!
- Cut him all to pieces.
Had to identify him by his clothes.
His shirts were all initialled,
"C," "O," apostrophe "H."
Well, makes a good ending.
Couldn't have done better myself.
I guess that closes that case pretty final.
Sure does.
Never cared much for that case.
Well, I think I'll go get ready for dinner.
I'm hungry. I can eat a good dinner today.
Charlie, I have great news for you.
Where can we talk alone?
We got a wire from Maine. We can call
off the job. I'll bet you're relieved. I am.
Oh, I am relieved.
You were trying to get youruncle out.
He must have thought you were crazy.
Now that it's over, I don't
want to talk about it any more.
I'd like to pretend the whole
dreadful thing never happened.
- There's nothing to pretend about.
- There's mother's gloves.
Mother and her gloves.
She's always losing things.
All mothers lose things.
Someday, she'll be losing you.
Mothers don't lose daughters,
they gain sons.
Yes, but gain isn't always the word.
Now, take me.
Who'd want a detective
for a son-in-law?
- My father would.
- He would?
If you told him you were going to marry
a detective, he wouldn't disown you?
It wouldn't have to be me. There's Ann.
No, Ann wants to marry a librarian.
She told me.
So she'll always have
plenty of books around to read.
What's the matter?
I was laughing.
It's been so long since I laughed.
I like it when you laugh.
I like it when you don't.
I guess I like you whatever you do.
- I guess I like you.
- I'm glad. I like you too.
Funny how you happen to meet someone
and like them and... like them.
- Charlie?
- Yes?
I suppose it couldn't ever really happen
some day that you'd tell your father...
You know, about marrying someone,
a detective, I mean.
- I don't know.
- I didn't mean to tell you.
I wanted to wait until you'd forgotten
the mess we've been through together,
till you didn't think of me as part
of something unpleasant and frightening.
I wanted to wait and come back
and then tell you.
But I can't help it.
I want to tell you now.
I love you, Charlie. I love you terribly.
I know it's no time to tell you now
and I'm sorry. Do you mind?
- I don't mind.
- Do you think you could think about it?
- About your loving me?
- And perhaps your loving me?
I- I'd like us to be friends. I know that.
We are friends.
- I'd like to have that to think about.
- Nothing more?
I don't know, Jack.
I... just don't know yet.
Alright. But I may come back?
Oh, please come back.
Please come back.
Listen, Charlie.
When I go, go back to that square
in the middle of town.
Take a good look at it.
That's where I first knew I loved you.
That's where we had the fight
and I didn't know what to do.
I like my job,
but I didn't like it that night.
I hated it that night.
- You hate it now?
- No, not now.
You know, this is a swell place.
I'm going to put a bronze plaque up.
That door's always banging shut!
Oh! It sticks.
What are you two locking yourselves
in the garage for?
- When I was young, it was the parlour.
- Hello, Mr Oakley.
- I was saying goodbye to Charlie.
- In the garage?
The door got stuck.
Now I'll have to say goodbye to you.
Let's say goodbye out here on the lawn.
No use taking a chance on the garage.
- Finished here?
- All finished, but I'll be back.
- You ' ll be seeing me around.
- Oh?
Not on business, though.
I can understand you coming back.
Charlie's a fine girl.
She's the thing I love most in the world.
I mean it. Have a nice trip, Mr Graham.
And don't take any more photographs
without permission.
Rights of man. You know, freedom?
We'll have a talk
about freedom some day, Mr Oakley.
- Bye.
- Goodbye.
Don't forget to write.
Remember, you have the addresses.
Anything else? I've got butter, fruit,
green thread and go to the library.
And whatever vegetable looks freshest.
If I've forgotten anything, I'll send Ann.
Charlie! Darling! Are you hurt?
I tripped.
Oh, what is it? Is it your ankle?
I don't think I'm hurt.
I grabbed the banister.
You might have been killed!
I worry myself sick every time
one of you comes down these stairs.
They're too steep and rickety.
They ought to be fixed.
Are you sure you're all right?
When are you leaving, Uncle Charlie?
Oh, come now. That other business,
it's all over. I'd like to forget it.
- We're all happy here.
- When are you leaving?
I'm not going, you see.
Not yet. I'm not going.
I want to settle down. Live somewhere
people know me. Put some money by.
- Start a business. Be part of the family.
- I see.
The most sensible thing for you to do
is to be friends with me.
I can do a lot for you, Charlie,
for all of you.
No, not you.
We don't want anything from you.
- I wish I'd told my mother about you.
- I know what you've been thinking.
How would your mother have felt?
What would it do to her now?
How about your father?
His job at the bank?
What would become of all of you
if everything came out?
You needn't be afraid. I can't tell them.
But I'm not afraid. What would you tell?
Who'd believe you?
A waltz runs through your head.
You don't like the initials on a ring and
connect it up with a newspaper clipping.
Now, you haven't even got the ring.
I don't know what became of it.
- You have it.
- I?
I gave it to you.
I don't want you here, Uncle Charlie.
I don't want you to touch my mother.
So go away, I'm warning you.
Go away, or I'll kill you myself.
See? That's the way I feel about you.
- Here you are, Joe.
- Oh, perfume.
- Just the fresh, clean smell of lavender.
- Yeah, I know.
You look very handsome, both of you.
- I'm proud of the two men in my family.
- Emmy, you're a dream.
It's a pity the children
have to sit on our laps.
It's going to be a tight squeeze.
It won't do my pants any good.
- Joe, I wish you could drive.
- We do it this way.
- Charles, you'll sit -
- He can sit in the back with Dad.
The children can fit in beside them.
Nonsense. I'm getting a cab.
You all go in the taxi.
- Charlie and I'll go in the car.
- No, Uncle Charlie, you go in the taxi.
I want to ride in the taxi!
Course you do. So it's all arranged.
- Charlie, run out and get the car.
- I'd rather drive the family.
I want you to hear my speech
on the way. You're my severest critic.
Anyway, we need a taxi.
Ann, go call Mr Abercrombie.
Mother, please ride with me.
Father can take the children. Please!
Bet I'll be the only man outside
of Charles fool enough to dress up.
Then you'll be the only other on e
to be correct. You look distinguished.
Charles, are you all ready? Joe, are you?
Wait a minute!
I've got to get my overcoat.
Please, dear. Hurry!
Take your time, Emmy.
They can't start till I get there.
It's getting chilly in here.
KSRO, Santa Rosa,
with studios in Vallejo
and Santa Rosa, California.
May as well have a little music
while we wait.
Oregon State Police pressed theirsearch
today for five -
Oh! Does it have to be so loud?
Gets the lower tones better.
I likeit loud! If the music's too soft,
I can't tell what they're playing.
If I have a band,
I'm a-least have 87 men.
Help, everybody!
Somebody's caught in the garage.
They're suffocating!
There's something wrong with the door.
I'll take her. I've got her.
Joe, there's some whisky on my bureau.
Get it quick.
- Charlie. Charlie. Dear Charlie.
- Charlie?
Emmy, rub her feet.
Roger, run get something to fan her with.
Ann, don't, dear.
Charlie? What are you trying to say?
Go away.
Go away.
Emmy, she wants you.
I'm here, darling. Here's mother.
That's right, my baby.
That's right, my brave little girl. Here.
- Take a little sip of this.
- No, I'm all right.
- Joe, call Dr Phillips.
- No, I'm all right. I just want to get up.
You had a wonderful escape. Someone
must have left the motor running.
- I couldn't find the key to turn it off.
- The key was there when I went in.
Lucky thing I passed by.
She might have died. You saved her.
You knew just what to do.
- Don't know how I happened across her.
- We'll put the lecture off.
Oh, yes, there is. I want you all to go.
There's the cab now.
Oh, I couldn't. I just couldn't go.
Wh-Who found me in the garage?
Herb heard you beating on the door.
I was coming across the backyard
and I heard gaspin' and bangin'.
I figured there must be
a human bein' in there.
- Quick thinking, Herb.
- Lucky thing.
I'm glad you happened
to be going by, Herb.
Come on, Mother.
I- I want to stay with you.
I don't feel like making a speech now,
when I think what might have happened.
I'm all right. I just want to sit
on the porch a while and get the air.
No, darling, I won't hear of it.
I'm alright, really. I'd rather stay home
and get things ready for the party.
Darling, I want to stay with you.
Herb, will you take Roger?
Ann, you come with us.
I just don't understand it.
First the stairs and...
Mr Graham isn't there?
This is the Hotel Stewart in Fresno,
isn't it?
And you don't expect him?
I see. Thank you.
He isn't there?
Thank you very much. Goodbye.
Can you tell me where I can reach him?
I've already tried to get him
at the address he gave me in Fresno.
Thank you.
Mom, may we have some sandwiches?
Don't take anything from the dining room.
Go in the kitchen.
Please go. And just leave your coats...
Joe, dear,
will you take care of everyone?
I'll be right down.
Well... now... hm.
Now, Mr Oakley. I thought champagne
was only for battleships!
None for me, nor I'm sure, for my wife.
But we hope you'll all forget we're here.
I'd like to propose a toast to...
Isn't Charlie coming down?
She'll be down in a moment.
Mrs Potter.
Not that one. Why do I make tomato?
They always soak through the bread.
Try one of these. It's whole wheat bread
and cream cheese. Paprika makes it pink.
- Mr Greene.
- Mrs Greene, what would you like?
Thank you.
- I think I'd like to propose a toast, too.
- Emmy.
To our distinguished visitor, who made
the best speech heard in town for years.
To that very good fellow, Mr Oakley.
- Herbie.
- Thank you.
We don ' t get many American speakers.
Seems like foreigners
make the best talkers.
Ah, here she is. Now for my toast.
You're just in time for a farewell toast.
I hate to break the news to you like this,
but tomorrow I must leave Santa Rosa.
- Not forever.
- If that isn't the strangest coincidence.
- I'm off to San Francisco.
- Charles?
Oh, Emmy darling,
I didn't mean to spoil your fun tonight.
I got a letter today.
I have to catch the early morning train.
I'll miss you, Emmy.
But I want you all to know
I'll always think of this lovely town...
as a place of hospitality
and kindness...
and homes... homes.
- But I can't bear it if you go, Charles.
- Oh, Emmy, I'll be back.
I've arranged with Dr Phillips
for our little memorial for the children.
It isn't any of the things you've done.
It's just the idea
that we were together again. I'm sorry.
But you see,
we were so close growing up.
And then Charles went away,
and I got married, and...
Then, you know how it is.
You sort of forget you're you.
You're your husband's wife...
We'll be looking for you. We feel
you're one of us, don't we, Margaret?
Indeed. I want to thank you
on behalf of our club.
And bless you
for your gift to our hospital.
- The children will bless you, too.
- Thank you, sir.
Excuse me, sir,
but I-I can hear the train coming now.
Excuse me.
Better get aboard, Charles.
Alright. Goodbye, everybody.
Roger, Ann, come see the train.
Come on, Charlie.
You can see they get off.
I want to see the rooms,
the private ones.
I've seen berths. I've slept in two uppers
and one lower with papa.
- Goodbye, Joe.
- Goodbye, Charles.
- Goodbye, Emmy.
- Goodbye. And don't forget to write!
I will. You write too.
I'll send you my address.
Don't jump on the seats, Roger.
Roger, what did I tell you?
Porter, there's one more bag
in the other car. Will you get it, please?
Charlie, the train's going to start.
I don't want to get carried away.
Maybe it's too late!
Maybe I'll have to go along!
There's plenty of time.
You run along, we'll follow.
Just a minute.
I want you to know
I think you were right to make me leave.
It's best for your mother,
best for all of us.
You saw what happened
to her last night.
She's not very strong, you know.
I don't think she could stand the shock.
- I remember once, when she was little -
- The train's moving!
Listen, Charlie.
I want you to forget all about me.
Forget that I ever came to Santa Rosa.
Your hands!
Let me go, Uncle Charlie! Let me go!
I've got to do this, Charlie...
so long as you know
what you do about me.
Not yet, Charlie.
Let it get a little faster.
Just a little faster.
Santa Rosa has gained
and lost a son,
a son that she can be proud of.
Brave, generous, kindly.
With all of the spendid dignity -
I'm glad you were able to come, Jack.
I couldn't have faced it
without someone who knew.
- I did know more. I couldn't tell you.
- I know.
He thought the world
was a horrible place.
- He couldn't have been very happy ever.
- No.
He didn't trust people.
He seemed to hate them.
He hated the whole world.
You know, he said that people like us
had no idea
what the world was really like.
Well, it's not quite as bad as that,
but sometimes it needs a lot of watching.
It seems to go crazy every now and then.
Like your Uncle Charlie.
The beauty of their souls,
and characters live on with us forever.