Shadow Of The Vampire (2000)

[Record Scratching]
[Clattering, Murmuring]
[Man]|Albin, please.
[Man]|We'll shoot the scenes|in reverse order...
in the unlikely event|that we stop to build|emotionally.
The lyricism,|you'd do well to emulate.|Albin, you clear the set.
[Man]|Roll camera.
And... begin.
[Man]|Nice pussy.
Nice pussy.
You're very content right now,|aren't you, Ellen ?
You live in a nice house.
You wear pretty clothes,
and you're married|to a kind man who's|promised to love you forever.
You have no inkling|of what lives at the bottom|of the flower box.
No sense of longing.
No notion,|even of death itself.
end, and print it.
Wolf, have we established|pathos ?
Perfectly, Herr Doctor.|And in one take.
Very well. Let's get|the film to the lab|immediately.
I'll need to see rushes|tomorrow before the train|in the morning.
Albin ?
Yes, Friedrich.|Hurry and strike|your set.
You never hesitate to remind me|it's costing our investors|a fortune daily.
Shooting outside the studios|will cost you much more.
But such is the price|of genius.
Thank God, an end|to this artifice !
Nicely done, Greta.
You are developing|in a number of lovely ways.
For a moment, I even thought|I saw a premonition|of evil cross your face.
It wouldn't surprise me|with all this spooky shit|you've been saying to me.
I told you it's important|for the realistic effect.
But why do we have to|leave Berlin just now...
at the start|of the theater season ?
Albin, has your man|arranged the cars ?|Yes, two.
Do you have any idea|the parts I've been offered|at long last ?
The salaries ?|Will that be enough ?
It has to be.|They're the only cars|in the region.
Herr Doctor,|you're ignoring me.
There was a time|when you didn't ignore me.
Greta, why would you possibly|want to act in a play|when you can act in a fiilm ?
A theatrical audience|gives me life,
while this thing|merely takes it from me.
Greta, Ellen is a woman|who discovers...
the ultimate expression|of love...
in the most exquisite pain|imaginable.
Does that sound familiar ?
It's a very|demanding role.
It is the role|that will make you great|as an actress.
Consider it a sacrifiice|for your art.
[Murnau] Work quickly,|ladies and gentlemen.|We have a train to catch.
Albin, what did|you give the cat ?
- Laudanum.|- Laudanum.
It's hard to keep|the damn thing docile|under the lights.
Why, did it show ?|It looked|a little pickled.
Not as much as Greta.
Things seem to be|well in hand here.
Friedrich. Friedrich.
Friedrich, we have to|talk about the vampire.
Not now, Albin.|It's nearly dark.
Wrap things up for me|here, will you ?
Make sure|the imbecile, Gustav,|does not miss the train.
And I'll see you all|in the morning.
But what kind of clothes|should I pack for him ?
What kind of makeup ?|How tall is he ?
Please, tell me, Friedrich.
Does anybody know|where he's running off to ?
Perhaps he has a woman.|Or a man.
We cross the border|into Czechoslovakia|a few hours into our journey.
Apparently, Herr Doctor|has already filmed some|of the exteriors there.
He has ?|You didn't know ?
Well, you can assume|we'll be filming all of|Jota's scenes there.
The scenes between|him and the vampire.
I thought Dracula|lived in Transylvania.
Uh-uh, strictly speaking,|this is not Dracula.
The author's widow|wouldn't sell us|the rights to the novel.
So, who's playing|Count Dracula ?|I mean, Orlock.
His name is Schreck.
Max Schreck.
Apparently, he was in|the Reinhardt Company|when Murnau was directing.
Schreck. You sure|you have the name right ?
- He's a character actor.|- Who told you he was playing|the vampire ?
- Herr Doctor told me.|- I never heard of Max Schreck|in the Reinhardt Company.
Herr Doctor told me|he was with Stanislavsky|in Moscow.
Oh, dear. One of|the Russian school then.
As part of his preparation,|he submerges his own|personality...
into that of the character|he's playing.
That is why|he is not traveling with us.
Herr Doctor told me|he went to Czechoslovakia|weeks ago,
to absorb the flavour|of the place, I suppose.
Herr Doctor|also told me...
that when we get there|and start filming,
Max Schreck|will only appear to us|in full makeup and costume,
as the vampire.
Furthermore,|we will only film him...
at night.
And why wasn't|I told about it ?|I'm the producer.
Well, he told me.
[ Clamoring ]
Tell me|you're not too pretty|to work for me.
Yes, sir.|I love the cinema.
Friedrich, I just|realized this morning,
our financiers, they don't know|what picture you are making.
The crew don't know|what picture you're making.
The cast don't know|what picture you're making.
And now, I don't know|what picture you're making.|Are you happy ?
Albin.|I know.|Tell them nothing.
[Man]|There he is.
Gentlemen, I'm Albin Grau,|producer and art director|oft his picture.
Is it true Murnau is filming|Stoker's Dracula ?
Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau|is Germany's greatest fiilmmaker,
in a class with such masters|as Refice and Eisenstein.
At present,|he is supervising|every detail...
of this unique|on-location expedition.
The major part--|who's going to play ?|Thank you, gentlemen.
Will you be filming|in Germany ?|Thank you, gentlemen.
[ Hissing, Whistle Blows ]
[ Clamoring ]
[Murnau]|Our battle, our struggle|is to create art.
Our weapon is|the moving picture.
Because we have|the moving picture,
our paintings|will grow and recede.
Our poetry will be shadows|that lengthen and conceal.
Our light will play|across living faces...
that laugh and agonize.
And our music will linger|and finally overwhelm...
because it will have|a context...
as certain as the grave.
We are scientists engaged|in the creation of memory.
But our memory|will neither blur,|nor fade.
What is this ?
It looks like blood.
[Horn Honking]
Good evening.
Herr Doctor,
we've been expecting you.|Will you see|to our baggage ?
[Murnau]|The wagon train has arrived,
[Albin]|And here's the leadmule.
Well, what a terrible journey|that was. How long have you|been here ?
- Not long.|- Don't tell me we have|a busy schedule tomorrow.
Gustav, no exterior shots|at the inn. Some shots in here,|arrival of Hutter's carriage.
Welcome. Welcome.
Welcome. Welcome.
Friedrich, I'd like to plan|for these night scenes.
When are they|to be fiilmed ?
They will be filmed soon,|Wolf,
but they won't require|much planning.
But I need extra help|to set up the lights.
Surely, you can give me|some notice so l can prepare.
Herr Doctor,|where are the extras ?
You're looking at them.
[ Murmuring ]
Doctor, these people|cannot act.
They don't need to act.|They need to be.
[Rolling Thunder]
[ Door Creaking ]
Herr Mller ?
[Animal Howls In Distance]
[Man Gasps]
Sorry, Wolfgang.
[ Floor Creaking ]
[Rolling Thunder]
[Car Leaving]
[ Grunting ]
[Murnau] Allright, Hutter,|it's been a fitful night,|but you wake refreshed,
eager to continue|your journey to the castle|of the nobleman,
who may very well|make your fortune.
Wait, Gustav.|What is that beside you ?
Yes. Pick it up.
It's a book...|about vampires.
[Murnau]|Ah ! Yes.
Now you remember.
It was put there last night|by the superstitious peasants,|the ones who warned you...
not to enter|Orlock's castle.
The ones who warned you|not even to dare to speak|his name--
the unclean,|the undead.
Lest you invoke|the creature itself.
Very good, Gustav.
Herr Doctor.|Albin ?
I am sorry,|Herr Doctor, but--
Albin !|Yes, Friedrich.
Albin,|a native has wandered|into my frame.
Kommen sie, Frulein.
Wolf !
What is the matter|with everyone ?
She will not let us|go on fiilming, unless|we replace the crosses.
Am I really being bothered|with this ?
Herr Doctor,|I warned you.
You should be more concerned|about these things.
The crosses are not|for decoration.
We will put them back.|They just overwhelm|our composition.
Albin, the camera.|Yeah, that light should be|sufficient.
We must go. Henrik,|what's the scene number?
Uh, 23.
Yes, Albin, that's fiine.|He'll take care of it.
Go in.|Henrik, on either side.
You open the door|when I give you the cue.
Ready ?|Are we ready ?
Yeah, yeah.
And roll camera.|Iris in.
And... begin.
Gustav, you walk in|very slowly.
Very slowly, yes.
Feel your bag.|Make sure you have|your contracts.
You're afraid.
Who was the person|who brought you ?
You must go|into the castle.
The castle calls you.
The gates suddenly open.
You must go in.
That's excellent, Gustav.
Go forward.
Go forward.
And... end.
Wolf?|Yeah, it's okay.
I'm in charge|of their construction.
Who built all this ?|We have an agreement.
Albin, Albin,|I sent some local workers|ahead this morning.
I'm sorry|I didn't explain to you.
Please, there's a generator|in the courtyard, just past|the tree on the right.
Get it to work|and replace this camera.
We had an agreement!|Yes. Stay here|for a moment.
Wolf, your camera's here.|Set it up as quickly|as possible. Yes?
Roll camera.
Gustav, you move forward|very slowly,
heading always|for the tunnel.
This is erfect.|Just a darkhole,
that has been unexplored,|untouched...
for long, long time.
And then, one night,
something crawls out.
meet Count Orlock.
[Rolling Thunder]
Gustav, you must follow him|into the tunnel.
Yes. Going in.
Make your way down.
[ Panting ]|My God !
Wolf?|Yeah, got it.
The overture|to our symphony of horrors.
Genius, Hutter, genius.
He is not from|the Reinhardt Company.
Mm. Congratulations,|Gustav.
Yes. I was good,|wasn't I ?
I saw his face.|His face.
Where did you fiind him|really ?
In that hole.
Gustav, this was|your finest moment.
Good, Gustav.|Gentlemen,|let's pack up.
Shooting is completed|for the night.
That's it ?|We came all the way|for one scene.
I would have driven|anywhere at any time|for that look of Gustav's.
I would like to|congratulate Herr Schreck|on his extraordinary appearance.
For the remainder|of the shoot,|he will be Count Orlock,
to himself|and to all of us.
Just leave the man alone.|He will be completely|authentic.
He's not interested|in our questions or our praise|or our conversations.
He's chasing an altogether|different ghost.
Friedrich, come quick,|it's Wolf.
[ Groaning ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Chattering ]
Is my room ready ?
Nosferatu !
Oh, this is too much.
Answer me, Herr Doctor,|is this some stunt|to evoke fear in us ?
Henrik,|stop being so theatrical.|You'll wake the whole house.
Go on up, Wolf,|and have a brandy.
You'll feel better|in the morning.
What's happened ?
He's ill, obviously.|Take him upstairs,
and then go outside|and help Herr Grau|with the camera equipment.
Bring the cameras|straight to my room,
and prepare for tomorrow.
[ Murmuring ]
Albin, we need to|clear the table.
We'll need the inkwell,|the quill and the contracts.
Wolf, I'd like it darker|and smokier.
[Wolfgang]|ln which case l thought,|move that lamp to the far side.
And you, spread some dust|on the floor.
[ Schreck Grunting ]
[Murnau]|Ah ! There you are.
[ Laughing ]
It's incredible, no ?
I wish you could all|see your faces.
Ladies and gentlemen,|this is Max Schreck,
who will be portraying|our vampire, Count Orlock.
As you no doubt have heard,|Max's methods are somewhat...
unconventional,|but I am sure...
you will come to respect|his artistry in this matter.
Now. Yes, places,|everybody.
May I have the chair,|please ? Quickly.
Count Orlock,|you will sit here|at the head of the table.
Very good.
In this scene, the count|is reading the papers|you brought him.
And you are about to make|a considerable amount of money.
- No ! No makeup !|- [ Speaking German ]
Forgive me.
Albin, clear the set.|[Speaking German]
[Albin]|Okay.|[ Snorts ]
[Murnau]|Count, you're reading|your documents.
That's it.|It isn't right.
Well, try acting it,|for God's sake.|What should it say ?
It's meant to be a contract.
A realestate contract.
- I'd like some makeup.|- Well, you don't get any.
Allright.|Are we ready to begin ?|[ Snorts ]
Elke, the phonograph.
[ Record Scratching ]
Ruhe, bitte. Iris in.
Allright, Orlock, very good.|You're reading your papers.
Read your papers|very intensely.
After all, how often is it|that you get correspondence|from the living ?
No, don't look up.|Concentrate on your papers.
Not that you actually|care about the details|of the contract.
All you're interested in|are all those juicy throats|waiting for you...
the moment|you get to Germany.
Now, Hutter, even though|it may repel you,
creep in, creep in.
Let us see the expectation|on your face.
You are about to make|the biggest sale ofyour life.
Point out a few details|of the contract. Yes.
Tell him that's--|that's particularly|benefiicial to you.
Reach into your bag.
This will seal the deal,|and something falls out.
Count, what is it,|on your left,|on the table ?
lt'sa locket.
This is Greta Schroeder.
No, you don't know her.|He's supposed to|ask who it is.
No. End.
Jesus, Max !|Henrik, can you|explain to him...
his motivation ?
All right. Count,
think about this.
What is it that inspires...
the most longing in you,
that is most desirable,|and yet, most unattainable ?
The light ofthe sun.
That is the emotion.|Use it.
Nosferatu,|you read your papers.|Ruhe, bitte.
Who is this woman ?
Ellen, my wife.
She has|a beautiful bosom.
-Jeez !|- Gustav, just snatch it|back from him.
Yes, go on.|And, vampire,|you sign the papers.
T- Take your quills.|Sign the papers.
Yes, go on.
I understand...|we are going to be neighbors.
Very nice addition,|Count, yes.
And, Hutter, how does|that make you feel?
Yes, snatch back|your papers.
You're happy to be|his neighbor?
And iris out.
End. Excellent.
Give the lip-readers|a thrill.
- Wolf, do you have it ?|- Yes, I got it.
- Wolf, have you got it ?|- Yes, I said I got it !
Excellent.|Thank you.
Do you think Schreck|is allright ? We have|left him up at that castle.
He's not in danger.
He's a fiine actor,|but all this preparation,|it's... very strange.
You think it is strange|enough for him to go so deep|inside his character that--
that he forgets|he's Max Schreck altogether?|God knows I forgot.
Schreck's peculiarities|are like lovemaking games.
You believe them|when they happen,|but they always stop short...
of anybody|being seriously hurt.
[Clattering]|[ Grunts ]
''The woods decay.
''The woods decay|and fall.
''The vapors|weep their burthen...
to the ground.''
Dinner ?
You set|a very mean table.
No rats ?
[ Moaning ]
There was a time...
when I fed|from golden chalices.
[ Rales ]|But now--
Don't look at me|that way !
In my old age,
I feed|the way old men pee.
Sometimes all at once.
Sometimes drop by drop.
I told you...
I feed erratically.
Often, enormously.
[Murnau]|Yes, Max, you may give|the locket to Elke.
Now, Gustav, this is a scene|from the previous night.
You have met your host.|He has brought you home|to his castle.
He is giving you dinner.|You can start eating.
Very well. Excellent.|And, Orlock, you're merely|reading your papers...
and totally ignoring|your guest.
Good.|Wolf, roll camera.
A thought occurs to you.
Look at your host.|Very good, Gustav.
Do you think...
he might have been the stranger|who drove you to the castle ?
You watch.|Is he even human ?
How does it feel|to be eating next to him...
knowing that you're|spending the night with him|in the castle alone ?
You watch him.|Orlock, drop your paper.
Look at Gustav.
Gustav,|keep watching him.
Take your right hand|and reach for the bread knife.
Watch him.
What will happen ?
Reach out,|take the loaf of bread...
and cut yourself|a slice.
Yes, slicing.|Slicing.
You're slicing.
Toward you.|Toward you.
Watching him.|Slicing. Slicing.
Watch out.|Slicing.
- Watch your... fiinger !|- Aah !
Look, Nosferatu, blood!|Blood!
[ Grunting ]|Stop it, Murnau.|I really did cut my hand.
Paul, go and check|the generator.|He did that intentionally.
Calm down !|I'll see to the light.
That knife was sharp|like a razor!|Gustav, remain in character.
[ Schreck Growling ]|Jesus Christmas !
- Get this Scheisskopf off me!|- [Woman Screams]
[ Straining ]
What is the matter|with you ?
He's a Stanislavsky lunatic !|That is what is the matter|with him !
I have contracted you in secrecy|and at great expense.
You will not damage|this production !
Herr Muller, when will you|have your equipment|functioning properly ?
I am tired of your|lack of enthusiasm !
I saw you.
Gustav,|bring the girls|to the car.
I am not happy !|Gustav, move !
Herr Doctor, the man|is barely breathing.
I told you|to fix the generator !
No, leave the equipment|and take the camera.
We are done here|for today, Herr Doctor.|Albin !
Help me.|Everybody|to the automobile.
Herr Doctor, we're leaving.|Schreck.
No. No, he stays.
[ Murnau ]|Albin ?
[ Raling ]|[ Sighs ]
Yes, Friedrich.
Do you think Wolf's assistant|can fiinish this fiilm ?
Paul ? No.|He hasn't had|enough experience.
What about you ?
You're the closest we have|to a photographer.
[Henrik]|What are you talking about ?|The film ends here.
No, Henrik,|this film will go on.
Henrik, this fiilm|cannot survive even|the briefest interruption.
The financiers|would take control.|They hate your script.
Actually, it may be|advantageous...
because it makes|the crew very edgy|and I like that.
Do you hear what you're saying ?|I can drop Wolf|at a hospital.
You're out of|your fucking mind.|You're a fanatic !
Please, don't behave|like children, Henrik !
I'll get a new photographer|and fly him back here|within the week.
Henrik, when you wrote|this scenario,
you had demons of your own|to work out, did you not ?
Now I have mine.
Albin,|you're the producer.
Keep this company|together.
[ Car Engine Starts ]
[Ragged Breathing]
How dare you !
How dare you destroy|my photographer !|You idiot !
Did I kill...|some of your people,|Murnau ?
I can't remember.
We have an arrangement !
Don't pretend|you mourn, Herr Doctor.|l know you.
Why him, you monster ?
Why not the...|script girl ?
[ Chuckles ]
The script girl...
I'll eat her later.
No, you will not.|Our bargain--
you agreed|not to hurt my people.
Listen to me.|Do you understand ?
This requires that|I go back to Berlin...
to find another photographer|and to fly him back here.
And you! You will|control yourself|while l am away.
I don't think...|we need the writer any longer.
I don't expect you|to understand this,
and I am loathe|to admit it myself,
but the writer|is necessary.
All my crew|is necessary.
Do you understand ?
I don't think the ship|is necessary.
What ?
The ship.
The ship.
My God, what are you|talking about ?
I have a dozen scenes|on the ship.
But... I won't sail.
Then I will replace you|with a double !
I will do every scene of yours|with a double !
You, you will have no close-ups.|None whatsoever.
How dare you speak|to me that way!
I have shots !|I am the director !
[ Hisses ]
Why didn't you|mention this before ?
You want to eat the writer ?|Be my guest.
That will leave you|to explain how else|your character...
is supposed to|get to Bremen.
[ Grunts ]
Yes, l will...
shoot the scenes|at sea around you.
But you will still|have to sail to Helgoland|for your death scene.
Or else what ?
Or else ?
Or else... no Greta.
[ Shudders ]|We shoot|her scenes there.
[ Grunts ]
I'll go to Helgoland,
but I won't sail.
Helgoland is an island.
So ?|So, it can only|be reached by sea.
Or air.
And if l agree to fly you in,
you will leave my people alone.
Or else what ?
Don't think|I can't harm you.
Tell me how|you would harm me,
when even I don't know|how I could harm myself.
But thy strong hours|indignant worked their wills...
and beat me down,
and marred and wasted me.
And though they|could not end me,
left me maimed to dwell...
in presence of immortal youth.
Immortal age beside|the immortal youth...
and all I was in ashes.
Albin, what is|the most wondrous thing|you have ever seen ?
Eh, I saw ectoplasm once.
Ectoplasm ?|What is ectoplasm ?
It's the mystical substance|of ghosts.
I saw a spiritualist|pull it out of his mouth|in Italy.
What did it look like ?
ls that what we|look like when we die ?|[Albin] l hope not.
What was for you...
the most wondrous thing|you ever saw ?
I once saw|Greta Schroeder naked.
[Albin]|That beats ectoplasm.
Jesus, Max.
You scared me|to death.
How long have|you been listening ?
[Henrik] We've been|looking all over theplace|for your coffin.
Maybe it isn't|his resting place.
Didn't we have something|to say to him ?
Max ? The great|Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau...
went to Berlin to fiind|a new photographer.
Wolf is probably dead.|So you can take|your funny ears off.
Alb, please.|The man is an artist.
Ask him some|vampire questions.
[Albin]|When did you become a vampire ?
I can't recall.
Where were you born--|were you born ?
I can't remember.
[ Laughing ]|It's not funny anymore.
Come on, Count Dracula|wouldn't say|he couldn't remember.
I read that book.|Murnau gave it to me.
Well, now this|is a golden opportunity.|Speaking as a vampire,
what do you make|of the book's|technical merits ?
It made me sad.
[Albin]|Why sad?
Because Dracula|had no servants.
I think you missed|the point of the book,|Count Orlock.
Dracula hasn't had servants|in 400 years,
and then a man|comes to his ancestral home,
and he must convince him|that he--
that he is like the man.
He has to feed him,
when he himself|hasn't eaten food|in centuries.
Can he even remember|how to buy bread ?
How to select|cheese and wine ?
And then he remembers|the rest of it.
How to prepare a meal,|how to make a bed.
He remembers|his first glory,
his armies,|his retainers,
and what|he is reduced to.
The loneliest part|of the book comes...
when the man accidentally...
sees Dracula|setting his table.
But if you're so lonely,
why don't you|make more vampires ?
I can't.
I'm too old.
I seem to remember|I was never able to.
Then how did you|become a vampire ?
- It was woman.|- Now we're getting|somewhere.
[ Snarls ]
Schreck,|the German theater...
needs you.
We were together|in the night,|and then she left me.
At first, I had a painting|of her in wood,
then I had a relief|of her in marble,
and then,|I had a picture of her...
in my mind.
But now, I no longer|even have that.
What was I saying ?
This Schnapps they make|in these parts.
I haven't tasted it in--
Take it easy there,|old boy.
Henrik, what an actor.
Herr Schreck.
Herr Doctor !
Herr Doctor !
You wanted reality,|Herr Doctor, here it is.
Well, I'm not a doctor,|but I have dabbled|in pharmaceuticals.
You're the new cameraman ?|Ja.
Paul is setting up|to shoot it now.|Good.
Art can never move|as fast as life, huh ?|Ah, sure it can.
So, what's the lens ?|It's 35 millimeters,|sir.
Not my ideal weapon of choice,|but I suppose it will do.
Are you loaded ?|Yes, sir.
Good, so am I. Move the camera|ten centimeters to the right,
and I'll contrive|a possible two-shot,|but wait for my signal.
[ Chattering ]
[ Yelling In German ]
Did you get the shot ?|Yes, sir.
And the gate is clean ?|The gate's clean, sir.
[ Shouting In German ]|[Baby Crying]
I hadn't time to properly|prepare the shot.
What I should have done|was film the thing|in slow motion.
It would have been|incredibly moving.
What's that, sir,|slow motion ?
Well, I run the film|through the camera too fast,
then when it's projected|at normal speed,
things appear to be|unnaturally slow.
Gives everything|a kind of resonance.
It's a shame you won't have|the chance to demonstrate...
your more esoteric skills|on my production.
I'm Albin Grau,|the producer.
''And at dawn,|Hutter tried to fathom|the horrors of his nights.''
Excellent.|Fritz, roll camera.
Iris in.
And end.|Excellent, Gustav.
Extraordinary discipline|in the face of ridicule.
Fritz ?
Yes, well, that's his|performance style.
Yes, I'd like to move in|for another angle...
on the crypt,|please, quickly.
Mark the shot|with some chalk.
Well, I am exhausted now,|and I'm hungry as well.
You will get a nice hot meal|in Wismar, right after|we're done with the ship.
And... end.
Have you ever|considered acting ?
No, really. You have|a very interesting face.
Why can't Herr Doctor|film in a studio|like everybody else ?
Henry, could you take|my dog for me ?|Choo Choo.
Oh, and thank you.|Foo Foo.
Wismar--|Is there anything here...
that even vaguely|resembles a cabaret ?
I mean I'm suffering|for my art, Albin,|believe me.
Melodrama. I mean|what's going on here, anyway ?
You know, Friedrich tells me|to lock my door at night,
and Gustav says|everybody's vanishing.
Oh, and you can imagine|what they're saying|in Berlin.
Hello, Greta.
You look vaguely familiar.|Where did we meet ?
Ah, yes, of course.|You brought me treats.
Ja, ja.
What was|your name again ?|It's--
Shh, shh, shh--
Eh, Fritzie.|[ Laughing ]|Ja, ja. Fritzie.
Yes, Fritzie.
Fritzie.|Would you care to|join us for a drink ?
No, no, no.|We have to prelight|the set.
What-- Whatset ?|What the hell|are you talking about ?
[Henrik] We need you|to see the sets with us|tonight, Fritzie.
Well, give me back|my dogs then.
Thank you, yes.
Left all alone as usual.
Come here, Foo Foo.
She's here,|isn't she ?
The glorious child.
No.|I want to see|her now.
I won't act for you again|until you bring her to me.
You are destroying|everything.
My people have to trust me|for you to get what you want.
You and I are not|so different.
Greta is in|your last scene.
That is when|you can have her.
After my death scene ?|Yes.
Don't expect realism|there, Murnau.|What do you mean ?
Don't cheat me, mortal.
You will stay away|from her.
You will stay away|from my crew.
I will fiinish|my picture !
[ Snarls ]
This is hardly|your picture any longer.
[ Panting ]
[ Laughing ]
You are ready ?|Yes, I'm ready.
Mind your head.
This is it.
He's in here ?|Yeah.
You sure ?
Well, that answers|that question.
[Fritz]|How did you find this place ?
I followed Murnau here.
Henrik, I think|you're in the wrong part|of the building.
There's probably|a sadistic brothel upstairs.
[Dog Barking]|[Woman Screaming]
[Woman Laughing]
[ Laughing Hysterically ]
What's wrong ?
It's all right.|Everyone back to bed.
Greta, Greta,|what is it ?
Greta,|what is it ?
[Albin]|Greta, Greta.
What's happened, Greta ?
Please.|[Fritz] lt's morphine.
[Albin] Morphine ?
Photography|and pharmaceuticals...
by Fritzie,|that's just what I need.|Friedrich knows all about it.
[Albin] What do you mean|he knows about it ?
He knows all about it.
She's fine. Don't worry.|Get some sleep.
[ Moaning ]
Are you all right there ?
This set is not ready.
Can we get any|natural light in here ?
Fritz, the set is not ready,|and you're talking about|natural light. Please.
What's the matter|with you, Albin ?
You seem a little|anxious lately.
You don't understand.|I'm ruined.
I'll never make|another picture again.
My reputation, gone,|and you talk about|natural light. Please, Fritz.
Don't worry.|It's the same|on every picture.
Not on my picture.
[ Clanking ]
Friedrich, open up !
[Murnau Mumbles]
It's me, Albin.
Friedrich,|let us in !
[Fritz]|Oh, Jesus.
What is it ?
It's laudanum.|That's what it is.
There is no|Max Schreck.
If he's not Max Schreck,
who is he ?
I don't know.
Well, where did|you find him ?
In a book.
When I was a student,
a series of paintings...
portraying a long line|of despotic kings...
rumored to be vampires,
living in Slovakia|for hundreds of years.
I had forgotten|all about that,
until she gave me|the other book.
What other book,|Friedrich ?|Dracula.
Then I went to scout|the locations,
and there he was,
living in|an old monastery.
What kind of bargain|did you make with him ?
That he would play the part|of an actor...
playing the part|of a vampire.
Why ?
What did you offer him|in return ?
Everlasting life.
And Greta.
Greta ?
How could you do this,|Friedrich ?
I did it for science.
To preserve it|for posterity.
Friedrich !
He's gone.
Come on.
What are we going to do ?|The call|is for 2:00.
Albin, listen to me.
There's no way|off this island.
What about the airplane|I saw ?|No, no. I already checked it.
The fuel tanks are empty.
Car ?
We're going to have to film|Schreck's scene tonight.
You know I don't like|these late shoots, Friedrich.
Where is everybody ?
Why don't I have|an assistant ?
did you put on this makeup|with a broom ?
Stop fussing,|Albin.|You look beautiful.
Can I have a cigarette ?|Sure.
Where's my script ?|Henrik ?
He's indisposed.|What's the matter|with him ?
Greta, don't ask|so many questions.|We're busy.
Thank you, darling.
Why does everybody|look so depressing ?
Hey !|Who died ?
Jesus,|look at you.
Friedrich ?
- Herr Doctor ?|- Yes, Greta, what is it ?
''Yes, what is it ?''|What's the shot ?
What are we|doing here ?
Can you stand for me ?
Look at you.|Yes, very well.
Now, let us|take her robe.
Albin, please.
And she'll need|her wooden stake.
Also, Greta,|you will be here,
lying on the bed.
Now, in this scene,
you make the|ultimate sacrifiice|for love, yes ?
You will seduce|the count,
and with|your wooden stake,
just before you die,
you will|dispatch him, yes ?
Clear ? Very good.
In other words,|all you have to do...
is, as they say, relax,
and the vampire|will do all the work.
You had me leave|rehearsals in Berlin|just to do that ?
Hey !|Watch it, handsome.
And for your lean-in,|please, Herr Schreck.
Thank you.
And, Albin,|her shoes, please ?
- We must go aboard.|- Friedrich ?
Yes ?|I don't wish to|question your authority,
but are you sure you know|what you are doing ?
Yes, exactly.|Roll camera.
And Fritz, ready ?|[Fritz] Higher.
[Murnau]|And... iris in.|[ Gasping ]
What's happened ?|[ Gasping ]|I saw--
He-- He casts no--
He casts no reflection.
Calm down, Greta.
I see it.|No, look at him !
Look at him !|Look !
Please, help me.|Help me, please,|Friedrich.
We'll give you something|to calm you--|No, don't do that.
Oh, Albin,|look at him, please.|Please.
No ! No !
[ Mumbling ]|I don't understand what--
lt is the role that will|make you great as an actress.
Consider it a sacrifice|for your art.
[Murnau]|That's better, now we can|work in peace.
I want her now.|No.
I need a shot of you|clutching your heart first.
My death scene ?|Yes.
You must do that for me.
Very well.
[Murnau]|Roll camera and begin.
Yes, Count.|You kneeldown,
you'll have your head|on her shoulder,
but you're not feeding,|Count.
No, you're not|drinking her blood now...
because you have been|drinking her blood all night.
ln fact,|you can barely move.
You are intoxicated...
with-- with blood|and desire.
Greta, can you hear me ?|[ Mumbles ]
Yes ?|Flutter your eyelids.
Yes, now, Greta,
you start to awaken.
Find your stick.
Yes, where is it ?|Find your stick.
Now, Count,|as she raises the stake,|what do you see ?
Yes, yes.|A wooden stake, exactly.|You look at her.
Betrayed.|Yes, you turn,
you rise, you look around.
The sun is coming.
You grab your heart|in anguish.
Yes, and you start|to die.
Yes, you start to die,|alone... in anguish.|Die, you--
you fucking rat bastard,
vampirepig,|Schweinehund, shit !
Yes ! Die alone !
Let the weight|of the centuries bend you.
And... end !
Fritz ?|Ja, got it.
That's enough, Murnau.
Hey!|l want her now.
Herr Schreck, bitte.
Go to hell, Murnau.|Begin !
[ Greta Moaning ]
Very good, yes.
Now slowly, let's move|the camera around.
[ Schreck Snoring ]
[ Albin Whispering ]
Friedrich, he cut the chain.|We're trapped !
So, you would...
break our bargain.
You think you know so much,| |923|01:20:25,105 -- 01:20:29,735|but I can still kill you.
I can break your necks,
drink your blood,|and I can--
You tried to trick me !
It's daybreak, is it ?
So what ?|All I need...
is to sleep|in darkness.
l'll stay here|until dusk.
And then only I...
will walk out alive.
Frankly, Count,|I find this composition|unworkable.
Could you return|to your original mark, please ?
If it's not in frame,|it doesn't exist.
[Man Shouting In Distance]|[Banging On Door]
[Banging Continues]
[Shouting Continues]
Then finally,|you must turn...
to meet the sun.
The death of centuries,|moon chaser, blasphemer,
monkey vase of prehistory...
finally to Earth,|and finally born.
You take the sun.
Albin, could you quickly|collect...
the wooden stake|and return it|to its rightful place ?
lt is necessary|for the final frame,
to remind us|of the inadequacy|of our plans.
our contingencies,
every missed train,|the failed picnics,
every lie to a child.
Softly, please.
Our work|is nearly complete.
Our very own painting|on our very own cave wall.
Time will no longer be|a dark spot on our lungs.
They will no longer|be able to say,
''You would had to|of been there.''
Because the fact is,|Albin, we were.
ls there one among you|who might wearthe mantle|of camera assistant ?
Could I possibly|impose on you...
to collect the slate|at my feet,
and provide me|with an end board ?
Turn it.
Thank you.
I think we have it.