Shadow of the Wolf (1992)

(aka Shadow of the Wolf)
("The Great White North")
I've never seen that old man
counter up anything. Not once!
He has the power!
I can feel it!
All you feel is bad
alcohol in worst times.
Kroomak is nothing
but an old trickster,..
...but at least is our trickster.
Old Kroomak has been
rising the spirits...
...of his animal helpers.
It's not Kroomaks spirits
I'm worried about,..'s that damn son of his.
You're afraid of him?
Just worried.
Your people are starving.
The Spirits of the Land,
they haven't been very kind.
Some of the elderly had to die.
Your people have nothing to trade.
Caribou, wolf, fox...
They will come back.
I talked with spirits.
Even so, the shaman must know that some
people will not trade with me.
Agaguk is leading young men
against me.
Only I lead this camp!
- Hey!
I been fair with you!
More than fair!
I giving you goods;
liquor, tobacco...
... but you can not pay for it!
Very funny!
There is no place in this camp
for your son and me!
It is better to stay
with your friends.
You will have skins.
I promise.
Look at my son!
I accept the gift of the skin!
I will not give you the skin!
Not as long as the white man
is still with the people!
This is our land!
We should not have the white man
here to tell us what to do!
How would you do than?
I would not laugh
and play games with Brown!
I would not give him food,
I would not trade with him!
Nobody...tells me what to do!
The white man is here
because I want that!
I do not!
To give thanks to the spirits,..
...and to protect us
from the anger of my son,..
...I give my share of the meat
to the people!
Nice skin.
Very nice.
You want liquor for your feast?
What do you want?
Bear skin.
You can have it.
Two bottles.
There will be no debt
between us any more.
Fight. Fight!
See you later...
Don't get us into trouble.
- No.
Come on, drink!
No. No!
- Drink it!
You're drunk!
I have the right to choose her!
You have to follow
the rules of the camp!
I'll go and not come back
until the rules have changed!
You're not the son of your people!
You may never return.
I will take Igiyook with me.
She is mine!
I want my skin!
You don't want liquor?
- The great hunter like you?
- I will not drink.
I want my skin!
You don't owe the skin,
I own it.
Your father trade it to me.
...not good.
"Not good" is better than
what you deserve.
You are lucky to get that much.
And now get out of here
before I change my mind.
I am one hair away from
sending you to hell.
You turn your back on people,..
...the spirit of the White Wolf
will hunt you down!
I did not know that I was yours.
You are.
I'm glad.
Korok, give it to me.
You're mine.
I am yours...
It is good to live alone.
One day we'll go
back to the people.
Father wanted me.
The son is stronger than the father!
You have not told me what
happened with Brown.
A woman does not ask questions!
- They are not company men?
- No, they are smugglers.
I been setting for them.
Follow me.
Stop in the name of the law!
Right there!
I coming down!
Hold it!
You're my witness, Mac.
I told them to stop.
It's you...Big Tooth.
Stupid son of the bitch.
Where was he headed?
I don't know.
He had a partner,
Brown was his name...
Was he taking liquor to him?
- Nope.
- He said he was dead.
- Who, Brown?
- He said that he was killed by Inuit.
Where abouts?
I do not know.
Oh, God...
Will you stay with us?
No, I must take seal back
to the camp tonight.
It is good to hunt together.
Young men ask,..
...will you come back?
- It is better to live alone.
Two people is not good!
The Inuit must live together!
Whale, hunter with harpoon...
...This morning I...
Old woman say...
...the baby does not like
what I eat.
In here.
It will be a boy.
If it is a girl?
It must be a boy!
I wish it, for your sake!
- A girl would be useless!
- Oh, am I useless?
You talk too loud.
I'll call my son Tayarak.
Tayarak, you see?
Arctic hare comes by, ..
...he runs.
Oh,..the three toes of the wolverine.
The track of the wolverine...
...and the hare
meet here.
This is the end of the Arctic hare.
My son will be a great hunter!
Something troubles you?
It is nothing...
It is something.
I am afraid of Agaguks anger...
...when he is with white men.
When Kanaluk was hungry,..
...she sent her children
in all directions.
They became Indian,..
...Inuit and White men.
We all have the same Mother.
I have to tell you
that the price of furs... way down this year.
Way down,..way down.
Ok, lets have a look...
Here, you take a stick of candy.
Are you the only Eskimo
that doesn't like candy?
Is this not good?
That's . Reject!
No, this is good!
- It is good!
- Ah, take them all away!
I don't argue.
Go somewhere else!
- How you doing, Mac?
- Fine, just fine.
All right. What do you want
for all this lot?
Rifle, 20 box of shelves,
lamp with kerosene,..
Salt. Full bag.
Hey, hold it, hold it.
Half of bag, okay?
No more.
And that would be all.
Some beans and cotton cloth
for my woman.
...for my son.
I wouldn't be doing you a favor,
you know.
Take what you need for hunt,
no more.
Take it or leave it!
- Give him a Bible, Mac.
- Don't you want a Bible?
For free.
Don't you turn away
from a word of God!
haven't seen you around before,
have I?
Where do you come from?
- How far?
- Five days.
What camp would that be than?
I live alone.
You live alone, do you?
You know anything about a white man
been murdered up there?
You know anything about that, do you?
- White man being murdered?
- In cold blood.
Nobody told me about this.
Well, they told you now,
haven't they, son? Do you?
See you around.
Mac, when you pack
my suplies,..
...put some liquor, will you?
I thought that you
never touch that stuff.
I don't.
And cheese,
and those five packs already mades.
...a rifle, 20 boxes of shelves,
and a lamp with kerosene.
A bag of salt!
Half...a bag.
- Igiyook!
- Agaguk!
...I'll go back to the camp.
To Kroomak?
What will you do there?
I will not stay.
I'll be back at night.
Agaguk, if we live alone,
I must know everything.
Kroomak, your son
is coming to see you.
That is not my son!
I come to worn you.
They know about Brown.
The policeman is coming here.
I told you not to go to the camp.
You talk too loud.
- Don't tell me what to do.
- It will only make you more angry.
Tell me what is happening.
It is mans work.
- I'll have a girl.
- Don't say that!
It is not for you to decide.
It is womans work to have a child,
and I'll have a girl!
One day I could leave you.
- You can not do that.
- Yes I can!
I'll take her away. I will take her to the
"Top Of The World" where I come from.
- I would follow you and find you!
- And what would you do? Kill me?
Cut me up!?
Feed me to the animals?
He did not die in the fire.
I put my knife in his heart.
Come here.
What's your name?
- Nayalik.
- Nayalik ...
Where's your leader,
- What's his name?
- Kroomak.
- He is the Shaman.
- Nayalik, I'm going to go see Kroomak.
You watch my sled.
Henderson. Police.
You wanna smoke?
Already made.
Do you know why am I here?
O yes you do, yes you do...
You know everything. Don't you, ha?
You're a shaman.
You can see under yesterday,
you can see under tomorrow.
Liquor trader...
White man named Brown.
No good. No good white man.
He came here with the Indian
they call Big Tooth.
- How do you know?
- Because the white man is dead.
- Killed.
- Does it matter?
I give you that.
Doesnt matter that he is dead.
But it does matter
that he was killed.
Someone has to
be punished for that.
I want you to place
in my custody the guilty man.
Who is the guilty man?
- One of your people.
- No!
We picked up Big Tooth
in Great Bay.
He told us that
the white man...
...was killed in this camp.
So you believe an Indian?
I know he spoked the truth.
If you know everything,
why do you ask questions?
Because it saves time.
But its no matter,..
... I'll find the man at the end.
And I'll stay here until I do.
Then the policeman is welcome,.. the guest of Kroomak.
- Then tell your people... build me an igloo.
- No, you stay in my igloo.
- Oh no, I want to live on my own.
This is my camp,
you'll stay with me.
I do not want
nothing to happen to you.
Oh, nothing is gonna happen to me.
This wind...
I hate this wind.
- It's too strong.
- It will not last.
It must stop.
Well, whose magic is better?
Yours or mine?
Sometimes yours,
sometimes mine.
- Has Henderson flew on the plane?
- Oh yes. Yes, I have, many times.
- One day I'll fly in the plane.
- No...
No, it is better to fly the way
that Kroomak flies,..
...high in the sky like a hawk.
Deep in the ocean like a whale.
It will happen...
- I have flown in my dreams.
- Dreams are real.
Dreams are the doors
to the other world.
...who is it youre fighting
in your dreams?
We're too close to the camp.
Too close to the white man.
Agaguk, we must go
the "top of the world".
My people.
This is Agaguk!
I have hunted the polar bear...
...but never a whale.
- When will he come?
- He will come when he's ready.
Look, this is my new spear.
Made by my brother,
the white man,.. kill my brother, the whale.
The white man is not my brother.
- Would you like to use it?
- No.
I have my own.
I heard that a white man
was killed, where you come from.
Do you not sleep well,
Maybe you should be women.
Maybe you need a woman.
And maybe you decide to leave.
No, I don't.
I told you, Kroomak,..
... I'll stay here until I leave
with the guilty man.
Yes, the walrus is angry at me.
I hurt him,
but I do not kill him.
For long, I could not
find the way to breathe.
A long time I could not breathe.
I died...
I visited the spirits.
To be a shaman,
you must die.
You must die,
and come to life again.
My brother, the white man,
knows this.
The man called God died,..
...and came to life again.
And now...
...they are drinking his blood,
eating his flesh every Sunday.
Next time,
When I visit walrus world...
...they will teach me
what they know.
The whale! He comes!
We must go.
If we go back
we'll be alone again.
Here we have people to hunt with,
and live with.
They are not my people.
How did he die than, Brown?
I can not tell you.
I do not know.
Then tell me what you do know.
I know that you have a good knife.
It was a fight with Agaguk.
There was a fire...
- Agaguk left the camp.
- Who is Agaguk?
Kroomak son.
Where is he, this...Agaguk?
The tundra is a big place.
If a man is not standing
in front of you,..
... it's hard to say
where that man is.
A tundra...
Its my last bottle...
...and its yours.
Do you have alcohol?
No, bone dry.
Nayalik would say anything
for a drink.
Whatever you say,
not worth anything without proof.
Us, we have to have proof.
Is that the white man's law?
Good law.
I want a man who killed Nayalik.
I see it is your knife.
Maybe you killed him.
...when you went to
see him last night.
Are you telling me...
...that he was murdered...
...because he talked to me?
And nobody,..
not one of you,..
...knows who did it?
- None of them!
Ha, but that means
that you are the guilty man, Kroomak.
I have done no wrong!
If wrong, Ill be
punished by Inuit law!
- Kroomak is right!
- You're making a big mistake.
If I leave here without
the guilty man,..
...than many police will come.
With many guns...
...and they will take all of you
in their big plane... the white man city.
And if you could not get away?
I want the guilty man.
That's all.
Give him to me,
and then the rest of you are free.
You are thinking about killing me?
We are thinking about it.
Get out of my way!
Are you going?
Henderson is leaving.
Kroomak is smart.
There is nothing
for Henderson to do here.
...are you just going
to forget about Brown?
We agree on that.
Brown was no good.
And what about Nayalik?
Ah, Nayalik...
Nayalik is your bussiness.
Are you going to look for Agaguk?
Agaguk? Ah no,
the tundra is too big.
So, Inuit will not
see you again?
If the Inuit want to come and
visit me at my home,..
...he is welcome.
But I will not come back here.
Cut him in five pieces.
And bury him in
five directions.
It is time.
I'm god, Agayok,
I am good...
You want tea?
No, nothing.
Agaguk will know
what to do.
The waters are broken.
Nothing can stop it now.
No, no, no, no...
It is too soon.
Stop. Stop!
I want to take away your pain!
You cant do that now.
you must take the baby.
It is a boy!
I knew it.
You mas cut the cord.
Tie the knot.
Swing it. Swing it.
Tayarak will be
a great hunter!
...and when Kanaluk was angry,.. see our hunt
was empty handed.
The people were hungry.
The man had to dive
to the bottom of the sea... talk to Kanaluk
to persuade her... release the seals.
And save the people.
He was the first shaman.
What is it?
A wolf.
- Away from the pack?
- Yes, the print is large.
Full grown adult.
He comes too close.
Stay here with Tayarak.
What are you going to do?
Set traps.
That is not the way to
catch Kroomaks wolf.
I've tried all else.
No rifles!
No traps!
No white man's weapon!
Agagok...come back...
Igiyook is a good woman.
She talks too loud.
I'm like a child.
Sometimes it's good to be a child.
Next time,..
... I wish that you
give me a girl.
My name is Scott.
I am Chief of police
of the Great Bay territory.
- You Kroomak?
- Yes, Kroomak.
I'm looking for one of
my man, Henderson.
- I do not know nothing.
- What about Brown?
Oh yes, Brown,
he lived here.
One night, he get drunk,
there was a fire...
...and he burned to death.
My man was looking for him.
So, what can I do?
I think we'll round up all the rifles
and put them on a plane!
No, you can not!
Yes, I can.
You people can't live
without us any longer.
You can't even remember how
to hunt without our rifles,..
...without our steel knives.
So I'm going to take
all the white man's weapons,..
...and I leave you the winter.
Unless you give me the man
that killed Henderson.
The people will talk together.
I'm warning you,..
... I'm not a patient man.
The "big bird" will
not leave us!
Let Kroomak give himself up
to the white man!
He killed Henderson.
What do I tell them?
What did your knife do
to Henderson?
What did you do with
the white man's liver?
What does Kroomak say?
I'll find many words... say nothing.
My son.
My real son.
Mr. Scott!
Mr. Scott!
You can not take a rifles!
We'll die.
Listen to me,..
...I'll tell you.
A man lived here,..
...when Brown
died in the fire.
He lives out in the tundra.
- Maybe he knows.
- "Maybe he knows."
And you do not know.
But he is out there somewhere
where we can not find him.
I'll come with you,
in a big bird.
- I'll help you!
- We go tomorrow.
- Give the rifles back to us.
- No.
You lied to me.
Why didn't you tell me about
this man before?
He is my son.
Go tell Agaguk
to get away. Go!
To be a shaman,.. have to die.
You have to die,..
...and come to life again.
You must go back
to the top of the world.
If not, the big bird will
find you here tomorrow.
You must go.
I have to be back
before sunrise.
We must go back
to the camp.
It is for my father
to decide.
If Brown were alive,
would you kill him?
I'm not angry any more.
Pualuna was right.
There is no use killing
the white man.
- There are too many of them.
- Is that the only reason?
We must go on living,..
...and wait for
the white man to change.
Are you ready?
The tundra is a big place...
We may not find him.
That would be bad
luck for your people.
Who is this?
Is this Agaguk?
We knew a man
with that name.
He lived here with his father.
That man is dead.
This man has fought
the wolf.
The white wolf.
His soul has left his body
and returned.
I'm asking a simple question!
Is this your son?
This is my son!
He did not kill Henderson,
I killed him!
You killed Henderson?
He came with the
white man law.
This is Inuit land!
Henderson was killed
because he found about Brown.
Do not say anything.
You do not have to protect me!
I protect our people.
You are the shaman now, my son.
You are my son.
My real son.
I asked you a question!
I want to know about Brown.
I killed Brown!
He cheated my people!
He sold them liquor
to destroy their hearts!
He was no good!
Well then...
On your confession,
I am arresting you...
...for the murder of the man Brown
and the officer Henderson.
Anything you wanna say?
Put him on the plane.
You should not punish a shaman
for protecting his people.
The Inuit will
not live by your law.
You have no choice.
Will you make the wind live
by your law?
The snow, the wolf,
the great whale?
We are all children of the Earth
and we should live by her laws.
I dreamed that I fly
in the big bird.