Shadow Puppets (2007)

Does somebody hear me?
Allow me to leave!
Open this door!
He/she thinks.
We go, he/she thinks.
Allow me to leave of here!
He/she has to help me!
Did he/she leave?
Did he/she leave who?
Who he/she wants him to be,
that is in the corridor.
Did you also listen to it?
Of course that I listened to it.
Not I want to be close when he/she returns.
Your door was not closed.
He was not?
The blackout should have made something
in the locks.
How do you call yourself?
I don't know it.
I neither know mine.
Not I can remember who am.
Or like I arrived here.
It seems that I have
the same problem.
Which the last thing is
that you remember?
To wake up in that cell.
Me also.
My whole life...
...before that moment,
it is a space in white.
Good, at least you are better
in underwear that me.
Thank you.
Some idea of where we are?
Neither a track.
That has to stop to happen.
Not I believe that this place,
it can put on more terrifying.
You know...?
If the lights fade,
jodidos will be.
As if now,
he were not.
Good point.
Does it list?
It is cold there outside.
Somebody comes closer.
Dead end.
I believe that we should prove,
toward the other side.
The doors of those cells,
they are open.
Is somebody there?
Alone we look for the exit.
We are here.
Who are "us?"
Alone me and...
a woman.
Do they have names?
Undoubtedly we have...
... alone that...
...none of both,
he/she can remember it.
Welcome to the club.
Us neither
we remember anything.
And that doesn't give them
a lot of fear?
Clear... that he/she gives us.
A lot.
But we are about concentrating,
in leaving of here.
And what do they believe that it is "Here?"
For what you leave,
some prison class...
...or asylum.
Pardon for not having
answered before...
...But we think that they were...
... guards.
Have guards seen?
Not we have seen anybody.
There are... heard...
sew a so much extra. as.
Also us.
Be what is,
that he/she is spending... seems that we have the same tailor.
Her this a little sensitive,
to be in smaller pa. os.
No, I am a little sensitive,
for that you are close.
I believe that our dress,
it is it that less he/she should worry.
Is there some exit somewhere around?
I don't know it.
After the last blackout,
we lock in our... cell.
What do they think?
do you enter or do we come out?
You revise that corridor,
we will revise toward here...
...after some gets the exit...
...we will worry
of as opening this door.
Will we separate?
Don't worry.
As soon as we get something,
we will be here.
It is well.
But if they find the heating,
before us... please light it.
We will make it.
Although, I would conform to
with a jacket.
I would be happy
with some pants.
Be careful.
Somebody was desperate
to leave.
Or to enter.
i Spirit, body, mind,
Luz, clothes, memory.
What you believe that it has happened
with all?
I don't know it.
But what has been...
it will pass us.
I wait that not.
This this wrong.
You have just given bill?
The ladies first.
Are you joking?
I won't lower there.
There really is not another option,
or if?
If, if we have.
Do you want to return to your cell?
Neither in jest.
Stay here.
I will revise.
What is all this?
I believe that it is some type of,
camera of sensorial privation.
That amusing.
Not if you are locked in her.
Remind me of erasing it
of my list of "things to make. "
One of these mark temperature.
It can maybe heat the room,
and to feel more comfortable.
No, thank you, I prefer to stay
out in the cold.
Are you listening that?
I hope the other ones are well.
In spite of everything, you worry
for people that you have just known?
I wonder to that were devoted.
That sound is new.
But not less frightening.
Did you find something?
You found a naked girl,
ba. ndose in the pool.
And you were with fear
of lowering the stairways.
Not you do believe that something is extra. o?
No, because undoubtedly I believe it.
Why both not me acompa. an,
instead of hiding?
To where you go?
To speak with her.
- Hello.
- Hello.
What do you make?
That already sees it.
Do you know where we are?
No, You if?
Not he/she does scare you?
Would it should?
That that the pervert
this being about saying is...
...why are you swiming here?.
It relaxes me.
Do you know who are?
You would care to give that become,
to be able to get dressed?
No, of course.
Passionate, not?
Did you dress that?
If I saw what?
Not it is that this much more dressed one,
of what was before.
He/she leaves the small calm poor person.
Alone it is...
And you not?
What there is somewhere around,
to be afraid?
Already me you what will spend.
And what will that be?
We all will die.
What rays did it happen here?
It seems that there was a war.
Even this alive one.
But I believe that their brain,
it is dead.
This schemes it was used eight times.
Do you know that that is ago?
or did he/she make?
But what was,
it is irreversible.
You seem to know much about this.
How is that?
Not I am sure,
alone I know it.
So, our abilities
they are intact...
...although our memory
it disappeared.
It is because they use different parts
of the brain.
Not I see any wound.
What means,
that somebody made him/her this, or...
...what happened, happened.
He/she looks at what we have here.
Now both are better.
Thank you.
He/she looks to see that you can find,
we don't know that we will be able to need.
He/she was thinking rather
in a he/she arms.
How's it going in that tray?
Oh if.
Nobody comes now.
Nobody comes.
If you move, she dies.
They won't make me,
what you/they made to him.
Be quiet!
He/she listens, he/she leaves the scalpel,
and we speak.
I want answers
and I want them now.
We all want answers.
He/she looks at our clothes,
we dress the same thing that you.
I only want to know that demons
it is happening.
Not I can remember anything,
not even who am.
Us neither.
To discover it,
we should work together.
I woke up this way,
alone in a cell.
When I saw them, I thought
that they were the responsible ones.
You made a mistake
of people, friend.
It is well,
we all are afraid.
What did it pass him?
We find this way it.
What did you make two here?
Looking for the exit.
I found the exit.
Did you make it?
Continue for this corridor
and they arrived to a door of security.
But this closed one electronically.
Be about forcing it, but it was useless.
We listen the knocking.
That was me.
That doesn't explain the other noises.
What are there of those?
We have to leave!
We have to hide.
No, there not!
There not!
He/she comes after us.
There he/she comes.
Let us go!
What demons was that?
I don't know it, but I believe that
he/she already left.
Oh my God.
Why didn't he/she enter here to kill us?
Are you complaining?
Oh not!
Are you well?
Ah, is not so serious.
Allow me to see.
The Scalpel, do you Still have it?
It tolerates.
I see that you have already made
this before.
be right.
God willing he/she could know when.
Maybe the other ones had
better luck that us.
That waits.
For its well.
I believe that it is safe.
Good, it is a form of speaking.
Let us continue.
Where you believe that they go
these stairways?
Cari. o...
Do you feel like swim?
Maybe later.
How he/she sounds a hospital,
with a pool?
Don't forget the room
of sensorial privation.
This towel still this humid one.
That cannot be good.
No, he/she is not able to.
OK, Her this with us.
You gave us a fright of death.
And you that made there inside?
Not we knew that you,
they were you.
I am getting tired that people and things
appear suddenly to my backs.
I regret it.
I promise you that next time,
I will appear for the front.
Who is this?
We find it in the pool.
The same as us,
he/she doesn't remember anything.
A pleasure to know you.
The pleasure is all mine.
And to you as it was them?
Treatment her of killing them?
Then, it was them better
that to us.
What did it happen?
We were attacked.
For kind of a... creature.
What do you mean with "creature?"
I don't know it.
Not I can explain to it, it was as...
...if the shades came out of the wall,
to kill us.
I know that it sounds disheveled,
but it is certain.
Listen you...
Did the shades attack them?
Not alone it is impossible,
it is thing of crazy.
Possible or not, the shade killed
to the man that we knew.
A man without memory,
the same as us.
I told them to him,
we all will die.
Could we stay positive?
Then... I understand that not
did they find the exit?
No, but the man that we saw die,
he/she said that the if.
unfortunately, he/she also said that
it was electronically closed.
I not even know,
if he/she was telling the truth.
It was a little crazy.
As you.
Even if an exit, that "thing exists"
also this being about somewhere around.
In that case, I imagine
that they will want to look for an exit.
Over there.
We go, follow me.
Not I trust her.
Good, it is not necessary to worry,
unless their shade begins to grow
In fact, that already happened.
We go boys, she belongs one to us.
All these corridors seem same.
The room is at the end,
where I woke up.
And there inside...
Good, see it you.
Not you if this is good idea.
If I penetrate there are people, probably
need of our help.
It was already the damned hour.
Do you know who are?
That is a stupid question...
It grants a doctorate.
You know. who is?
None of us knows it.
Good... that converts us
in a happy great family.
Then, they will help me
to leave of here or what?
Don't liberate it.
Why would not it should?
For that have been contain,
for a reason.
The same thing could have been said of you.
Are you sure of this?
If, she is sure of this.
Be quiet!
If, I am sure.
All here are
in the same situation.
Thank You Doctor.
Why do I call myself "Doctor?"
Good, you have a robe,
on that underwear...
.. so or it is a Stripper or
a Doctor.
Of anyone in the ways,
I don't complain.
That is disgusting.
I have remained chained
per hours.
What it never passes you
do they give you desires?
I assume that your neither
you know where we are.
Good... judging by the bars
I believe that it is some prison class.
And I eat we don't have clothes,
I believe that we are not those in charge.
Good, not yet we have found
to anybody that is taken charge.
Maybe it is like we said before,
and this it is an asylum...
...and we are patient.
If, that is what I believe.
And somehow...
something passed the Doctors...
...and we are in freedom.
Do you believe that we are moonstruck?
Allow it to go!
The "moonstruck" ones,
they don't depilate his legs.
And with security,
they don't have access keys.
He/she knew that we didn't should
to have you liberated.
Relax you boy!
I am not the one that would should
to cause them concern.
It is her.
And who this there?
Judging by the door of the cell,
somebody much more dangerous that me.
Maintain it watched over.
With all pleasure.
There is a girl here.
What do you make?
I will take out it.
Don't make it.
In this opportunity,
I should agree with the one.
I sit down it, but me not.
It is well.
Alone I will take off the mask.
This well?
My God!
I believed that it will never leave of here.
He/she waits.
They tied you very tight.
Not even you like I arrived here.
Your friend,
he/she has a lot of anger.
One cannot say
the same of you hombretn.
Neither you are happened to move.
Neither two as you would rot
to stop, if he/she wanted it.
The shades!
You m... ueven.
We have to leave!
Oh not.
What does it happen?
The hombretn with the scalpel,
is he/she afraid of their shade?
Alone when he/she tries to kill me.
Let us go!
Take out them of here!
What is there of your friend?
I will go for her.
Let us go!,Let us go!
She is here, in some side.
She is here, in some side.
We leave of here.
Don't save her.
Not you can save all.
You and I will come out together of this,
I promise it to you.
We go with the other ones.
Here, hurry!
Come unfastened!
What rays was that thing?
That era the creature of the shades,
that we told you before.
Not it is possible!
Maybe if we are
all lunatics.
No... we are... crazy.
At least, not all.
What does it happen here?
She left, and that thing appeared.
It seems as if she knew
what will happen.
Why did you leave?
Not he/she knew that he/she needed permission.
You don't need it.
Loose it.
Allow it to go.
What you say.
It grants a doctorate.
Somebody here, knows something
of all this.
He/she will hold on to all,
Do you know?.
As well as it killed all
those that worked here.
I believed that you not taenias fear.
No, I don't have it.
Even when we are crazy.
If it killed all...
where are the bodies?
If it is this way...
where are all?
Why we are not able to
to remember anything?
Even so, I don't trust her.
Neither in you.
And that what?
You neither are my type.
Not we can become
those some against the other ones.
Not now.
Not with that "thing" there outside.
What it passed with the girl
of the shirt of force?
It didn't achieve it.
I believe that it was not so dangerous,
as all we believed.
What do you believe that there is there?
It is probably a warehouse,
we should continue ahead.
Not I believe that it is it.
Boys, have to see this.
I believe that I found who are.
Your you are a Programmer
of Computers.
You call yourself Charlie.
My name is Stacey.
I am an Executive of Finances,
for a signature investor...
...and this place
it was one of my clients.
Good Stacey, you and me
we take ourselves well.
I am a Lawyer.
And my name is Jack.
I believe that you and me,
we won't "take Jack well. "
Why is that?
Because according to this,
my name is Steve.
And I am here a prisoner.
What do you mean with "prisoner?"
Prisoner, bad type, criminal.
They even have
my leaf of antecedents.
Non memory to have made
anything of this.
Not there is nobody bad here today.
Single people with fear.
What there are of you... "Does it grant a doctorate?"
Who are?
My name is Kate...
Dra. Kate Adams.
Then the "Doctor"
he/she is in fact a Doctor.
It seems this way.
To somebody it does sound him/her something of this?
Look at this.
It was already hour.
It was in the certain thing...
...If I am a patient.
According to this, I am a model
of name Amber.
But I had a nervous breakdown
and I was correspondent here, for treatment.
Because there is not better place,
to cure your madness...
...that this.
It is well.
Your you are as the rest of us.
I know it.
The girl of the shirt of force,
their name was Melissa.
He/she worked here as nurse.
And the man that we saw die below,
he/she was the Boss of Security.
The Nurse and the Boss of Security?
It seems that that confirms that they were not
those in charge, those that made this.
I don't understand it.
This is a prison
or an asylum?
I would say that none of two o'clock.
Or both.
Eight pigeonholes...
...And we were eight...
Eight people that are not able to
to remember who are.
Or like they arrived here.
Give me that boy!
The one that has experience,
it should manage it.
And what experience is that?
I steal armed.
Murder intent.
And tendency to the violence.
Perfect, let us give the weapon to the criminal.
You will take out of their cell,
to the next murderer in series...
...that we find?
Don't worry...
...if him ago...
...I protect you.
I don't believe that the bullets,
they can hurt more than a scalpel.
But it seems that he/she fears to the light.
In any way,
don't neglect your back...
What are we waiting?
We go.
What do we make?
We follow it.
You say that you have walked
for all this?
In that think?
Good, if we are the only ones
that we are even alive...
...I want to see, of where that came.
Will we continue to this moonstruck one?
For the time being.
He/she waits.
It is a telephone!
I believe that he/she comes of behind
of those doors.
Let us go!
We have to arrive to that telephone.
Allow me to prove with this.
Open up!
He/she stopped to sound.
Here we won't enter.
Let us go!
Then the "hombretn" has a plan.
Maybe somebody of them was here.
This was the room
where I woke up.
It is more beautiful than mine.
It is more beautiful than the one of all.
To be crazy has their advantages.
This is a mirror of two faces.
So they observed it.
As a laboratory animal.
Can you break the glass?
It is very thick.
We have to arrive to that telephone.
How will we make that?
This way.
Somebody that answers that telephone!
The line intersected,
in the moment that I answered it.
Give me that!
Damned it is!
Suppose you that alone was
a loose cable.
Neither you are happened to begin
with me hombretn.
Good we already happen
through the glass.
How it can have blood...
...and non bodies?
Many of them died here.
Those that made us this?
They were people as us.
Hey, hey, what do you make?
Not you would drink to play anything of this.
Hey, leaves the boy, hombretn.
The computers
they won't make us da. o.
The computers are friends.
It is really that this beginning
to give me chills.
Here we cannot leave.
Then what?
We will die in this room...
...or do we choose some of the other ones?
Nobody will die
in any room.
Charlie, your you are a programmer,
he/she looks to see that you can discover.
I am already working in it.
We are in a Psychiatric institution,
directed by a certain Dr. Frederick Decreased.
Apparently, Dr. Decrease it has developed
one schemes able to erase...
...all the memories of a person.
With which purpose?
It was originally conceived,
for the treatment of patient...
...with severe traumas.
But Dr. Decrease it was
exploring other uses.
How what?
Amber was the first patient
with the one that was proven.
A little end for somebody
with a nervous breakdown they don't believe?
According to this,
you are also a nymphomaniac.
So, allow me to guess,
did the criminal come later correct?.
If, in an intent to take off
your violent tendencies.
I believe that it didn't work.
Your you were following Jack.
Seemingly you were catatonic
and the one erased of Dr. Decrease, he/she woke up you.
But... something came out bad.
Am I I not wake up?
I don't know it...
...something of the body guiding to the mind,
that it guides to the spirit...
What does that mean?
Not I have neither he/she devises.
The registration says that it schemes it
you uses eight times, but...
Jack is the last entrance in the registration.
There is some thing Preposition
of the rest of us?
Of you non Kate, but Stacey this
in the list of visitors.
Amber and I were patient,
Steve a prisoner...
...Stacey was a visitor, but
what are there of you Charlie?
Together with Dave the Boss of Security
and Melissa the Nurse... work here.
Still that doesn't explain, of where
the creature of the shades left...
...and like we arrive here.
He/she explains a lot...
All the other ones here are dead,
except you that interesting not?.
I don't remember anything...
...single era the computation technician.
Allow it to go.
With which I like it would kill Dr. Decrease,
but of sure already this dead... alone you are me you.
Their mind was erased... was locked in a cell
as the rest of us... is in our team,
not in that of them.
Good... and your also
you worked Doctor here.
Then in that
decree you are hey?
Of the one that takes out us
to all of here alive.
That that you Doctor says.
These cables go to the main generator.
It should have a short circuit
in some place.
To begin to revise
up to where I arrive da. o.
And it is for that reason the twinkling
of the lights.
And what of the phone line?
The same thing,
it is totally dead.
Although has arrived
to the telephone before...
...we had not been able to
to listen anything.
We find another lantern.
And that is everything.
What will we make Kate?
If... It grants a doctorate.
What will we make now?
According to that map, there is alone an entrance
and exit of this place.
And that is upstairs, where
the boss of security said that it was.
He/she also said that it was
electronically closed.
That it serves us a door
that we cannot open up.
An electronic lock,
he/she needs current.
To disconnect it, we cut the current,
they fade the lights, the door opens up.
Can you make it?
The computer can.
But to be able to him to make, the net
he/she has to be in operation.
And the net needs at least,
two computers.
Where we will get
another computer?
The one that this in the hospital.
Where was the type in coma?
That place was totally
destroyed, everything there was useless.
Not he/she makes lack neither the monitor neither the keyboard,
alone we need CPU to light it.
I can make the rest from here.
Your you say that those creatures of the shades,
do they escape from the correct light?
Your brilliant idea is
to turn off them in the night?
Unless you have
a better idea.
Do You Know that Amber?
maybe you are the most sensible of all.
Once the main generator
he/she fades, alone the pool and...
...the room of sensory privation
they are with light...
...because they feed
of another source.
We will make it.
Alone there is a problem...
Not I can cut the current,
until the net connection is made.
What do you mean?
Do you have to stay here?
You would be completely
to dark...
...How will you be?
With luck, with this.
It won't achieve it.
We could be us,
those that we don't achieve it.
Alone you make sure of putting to work
that other computer.
I stay with you.
In the moment that the light leaves,
you two, move.
We will make it.
Alone... don't leave without us.
Boys with anger.
Do you know what?
I don't trust none of both.
Single mantn your open eyes.
Do you believe that still this there?
It can be in any place,
at this time.
Let us hope he/she doesn't make a lot,
none of those things.
Here he/she went where we find the madwoman,
naked ba. ndose.
Of having known it...
...maybe it had been
nicer with her.
You happened
through this?
They are more valiant
of what I believed.
Ok... The only thing that we can
to make now is to wait.
Do you believe that we will achieve it?
If they make work
the other computer...
...we have probabilities.
And... that if they don't achieve it?
Then... he/she played me to die
beside a supermodelo...
...nymphomaniac, semi-nude.
Where this the body?
The man that we knew,
the Boss of Security.
It was murdered,
Where this their body?
We will put
that computer to work.
The boy said that he didn't need
neither the monitor neither the correct keyboard?
Why the creature of the shades,
has not it killed him to the one?
Maybe he/she thought that already
it was dead.
You mean, died cerebrally,
their body even works.
This is the it schemes of having erased
of the memories.
Or at least what is of her.
And I believe that this man,
it is one it kills of her.
I sit down it for him.
What it passes hombretn,
already this working the computer?
No, you don't understand...
It schemes it it was used eight times,
and we were eight...
...but if you include it to the, they are nine.
What is Kate saying?
She says, it is that one of us
he/she has been lying the whole time.
One of us... belongs one to them.
Can the boy be then, an it spies?
Is that what you say, it Grants a doctorate?
What the boy
it spread us an ambush... eliminate us?
To where you go?
Before turning off the lights, we go
to make sure that that exit exists.
How we know
that your you are not the spy?
Because when they found me,
it was chained to the wall.
And if has not been for the Doctor,
it would be probably even there.
Make sure of not lighting that computer,
until we have returned.
We go.
How's it going if it is Amber,
non Charlie...
...and that of being the madwoman,
is single performance?
In any way, if I die...
...I will take myself to somebody with me.
How was your last name?
Why do you ask?
Would Roberts Be?
It could be.
Because this man's name
he/she is Jack Roberts.
Then, I believe that it could not be the one.
No, you would not rot.
Already you, when the lights faded,
the shade attacks and...
Who are?
We were about helping people... give them a new life.
Without being prisoners of the old one "me"
Without the memories of who you were... could become
in who you wanted to be.
But something came out bad.
Not you can be somebody,
if you don't have memory.
The relationship among the mind, the body
and the spirit, is complicated.
They are more interconnected
of what we never think.
Jack's body was intact...
...but when it schemes it he/she entered
in their mind, he/she left until...
...I believe that their soul...
...and somehow
this monstrosity was liberated.
What thing is it?
Pure essence of life.
But now their hunger,
he/she goes beyond mind and body...
...he/she wants to consume a lifetime.
Then it killed everybody,
Almost everybody.
The direct light hurts him,
that knows it...
For that reason those in illuminated cells,
they were temporarily safe.
You always knew what would happen.
You made it.
When the creature was liberated,
your you closed the facilities... avoid that he/she escaped.
To avoid me to escape.
Your you are Dr. Decrease.
And who I am?
Your you are my wife.
The net this lit one.
He/she prepares the lantern.
We were betrayed
for the nurse, Melissa.
As you, she thought that me... was arriving very far
with my experiments.
Contrary to you,
she counted it to Stacey...
...and she ordered an audit.
Our money was
committed, so...
...I was forced
to erase the mind of two o'clock.
Charlie and the Boss of Security
they found out... they had
that to also be treated.
Why you erased
mine also...
...if I was your wife?
For that became
in my against Kate.
You united to my enemies.
I love you.
More than to anything.
So to preserve that love...
...erase your mind completely...
...removing those bad thoughts.
You are a bastard sick person.
But ironically,
those bad memories...
...they were eliminated forever.
The creature of the shades,
it will kill equally to all...
...although he/she seems to prefer those
whose identity this intact one.
Then, take off the clothes it Grants a doctorate.
If not, you will be their first objective.
That boy can have problems.
Does that believe?
It will be a long road
in the darkness...
...being about finding the exit.
Stacey Runs!
I waited to make this
during a lot of time.
We go.
We go, we have to leave of here.
The creature of the shades,
it can arrive in any moment.
Why did he/she make it?
Because he/she is not Jack.
It Is Dr. Decrease.
We go.
What will we make?
Charlie and Amber will arrive
in any moment.
And then we will release ourselves of here.
That is very optimistic on your behalf.
You were always an optimistic Kate.
The only thing good
of having lost the memory... is not to have to remember
having been married with you.
Originally he/she waited
that we left this, both together.
Who is the optimist?
Better you make sure
that none of us escape...
...and we count to the world
what you have made here.
That drifts.
Open the door!
Open the door!
Open it!
Open the door!
It is later on.
Amber. Run!
Where was it?
I believe that you goes.
I believe that he/she fears to the water.
We go, let us leave of here.
Amber, Salt of the water!
Take off the clothes.
Make it quick!
Take off them!
Do you remember my?
I thought that you would be hiding here.
Nobody is left behind.
Do you remember?
Where this Stacey?
Not he/she survived.
It also killed Amber.
What did it pass with Jack?
Not he/she is Jack, it is Dr. Decrease.
And it killed Steve
before closing up here.
Good, not yet we are dead
No, he are not.
Not we will be able to happen.
Take off the clothes, he/she transforms into objective.
Now what?
Subject the lantern.
To the bill of three, we will attack.
This is our only opportunity.
Don't aim him/her
until I tell you.
It ascends and don't stop.
He/she waits, he/she waits, he/she waits.
We go.
Good morning.
What did it happen? Where are we?
Don't you remember?
No, I don't remember.
Thanks to God.
It was sufficiently bad,
to remind it one day in my life.
And the accountant returns to zero.
What it passed with the creature
of the shades?
I believe that ma. ana conquered it.
It is a beautiful view.
Of for sure it is it.
Yesterday we were born.
Today we live.