Shadow Riders, The (1982)

"April 1865.
"Dear Ma and Pa,
I hope this letter
finds you well.
"I have some good news.
"Word is
the war may be over soon.
"I tell you,
if there's one thing
I've learnt,
"it's the Travens
ain't the only family
split by this war,
"brother against brother.
"I just keep fearin',
one day I might
look down my sight
"and find Dal across from me.
"I hear little brother
Jesse signed up, too,
"but nobody's told me
which side.
"Well, kiss Heather
and Sissy for me,
"and don't fret none,
I'm fine.
"Right now
I'm somewhere in Georgia,
"and since
I've been made Captain,
"the burdens
of responsibility
have been heavy.
[woman humming]
"It's a dirty job,
but somebody's got to do it.
Your lovin' son, Mac."
You feeling good, honey?
I hope you'll be stayin'
around here for a while.
Oh, I'm afraid not.
I think we're gonna be
pullin' out soon.
I'm sorry to hear that.
I was hopin' that
we could
get to know each other
a little bit better.
Well, darlin',
I am afraid that is one of
the curses of war.
You meet somebody
and you only got one night
to really get to know 'em.
One night, huh?
I love soothin' a man.
[both chuckling]
Oh, just imagine
these poor old feet of yours
marched clear across Georgia.
Marched? I'm in the cavalry.
All that hard ridin'
clear across Georgia.
And Virginia.
Not to mention Tennessee.
Then I got my geography
all wrong.
[knocking on door]
[people shouting]
[fireworks exploding]
Who is it?
(Sgt. Ballock)
Sgt. Ballock, sir.
Go away.
(Sgt. Ballock)
It's important, sir.
can be that important.
Lee's surrendered, sir.
Come in.
what about the war?
Excuse me, Captain.
A courier just rode in.
Straight from Gen. Grant.
The war is over.
The men are anxious
to celebrate, Captain,
and they're waitin' on you.
Tell 'em I'll be right along.
Squad, halt!
Right face!
Would you like a blindfold?
I'd like to know
why I'm bein' shot.
For blowin' up
an ammo depot, a train.
Of course I did,
you dumb knobhead,
I'm a soldier.
You've been found guilty.
I don't recall no trial.
[horse snorting]
[birds chirping]
Squad, attention.
[people shouting]
[guns firing]
[all hooting]
Hold your hands out!
[guns firing]
Thank you, Major.
I'm glad you fellas
happened along.
Couldn't let
you get shot, Traven.
You're too good
a fightin' man.
Where you fellas bound?
We're crossin'
the Mississippi.
Lick our wounds,
gather ourselves,
try to get back
some of that old swagger,
and come back fightin'.
I'd like you
to ride with us.
No, sir.
The first thing I'm gonna do
is lie down somewhere
and die for a couple of days.
Then I'm headin'
back to Texas.
Gonna work the land,
try to make somethin'
out of it,
instead of blowin'
it all to hell.
Yeah, at least
you have a home
to go back to.
Most of these men don't.
Bring up that runaway
for Sgt. Traven.
Yes, sir.
Good luck, Sergeant.
Thank you, Major.
For everything.
I figure you'll be
needin' this, too.
[frogs croaking]
[birds chirping]
[insects chittering]
[hinges creaking]
[crickets chirping]
(Swamp Rat)
Well, looky there.
[horse snorting]
You get the horse.
You sure you want to do this?
(Swamp Rat)
Well, maybe we ought
to talk about it.
Weren't nice of you fellas,
tryin' to steal
another man's horse.
Hey, Crystal, how about
gettin' in here with me?
[Crystal chuckling]
You should be so lucky.
[music stops]
How you doin', honey?
[clearing throat]
[hen clucking]
[birds chirping]
[man coughing]
Any law hereabouts?
[Swamp Rat groaning]
In my part of Texas
we hang horse thieves.
If rope isn't handy,
we just shoot 'em.
Mister, I'm afraid
you really went and did it.
Those two men you're sayin'
are horse thieves are our kin.
[guns clicking]
Oh, not again.
Ever push cattle?
[both chuckling]
Of course not.
Well, I'll tell you,
sometimes they get spooked.
So spooked,
the slightest little thing'll
start a stampede.
And when they get that way,
well, a man has to ride
a mile just to spit.
You talk too much.
Yeah, I know.
My ma used to say,
when they were
passin' out tongues,
I was the first in line.
[men chattering]
Time for your bath,
[men clamouring]
What's that?
Find us a tree.
No, what's goin' on?
Just the usual.
They're just hangin'
some Reb.
[men clamouring]
Get off of me.
I gotta go.
Aren't you gonna
take a bath?
[men chattering]
[man whooping]
What about it, Reb?
Any last words?
Go to hell.
[horse neighing]
Excuse me,
I seem to have caught you
in the middle of somethin'.
We just havin' a little fun.
I mean, up to now,
it's just been
swattin' mosquitoes.
Now we gonna hang us a Reb.
Get him down.
What for?
You a Yankee, ain't you?
That's right.
Well, this man's a Reb.
A damned Reb.
Why you botherin'?
Usually wouldn't,
except this one
happens to be my brother.
Get him down.
[woman screams]
Put your guns down
by that tree.
[all muttering]
Now, get him down
and cut him loose.
Come on, fellas, it's hot.
Just how many holes
you want to dig?
Down on your bellies.
Seems to remind you
of somethin', don't it?
Yeah, only it was
the other way around.
Old Man Childer's barn?
I recall
his daughter was there, too.
And her brothers
comin' after you.
Yeah. I had a hell of a time
pullin' my boots on.
It wasn't just your boots,
little brother.
What're you doin' here?
Just passin' through.
Doesn't matter anymore.
It's good to see you, Dal.
Especially alive.
Good to see you, too, Mac.
Let's go home.
You know, Mac,
half a day's ride,
we'll be home.
Does Kate know
you're comin'?
Nobody knows I'm comin'.
Sure did miss her.
I got a feelin'
it was more than home cookin'.
[horses neighing]
Where is everybody?
[birds chirping]
[gun clicking]
Don't neither
one of you move.
Mac, is that you?
Well, of course it's me.
[door creaking]
Well, it's a good thing
you yelled out, boy.
I was all set to shoot.
Who's that with you, boy?
It's me, Pa. Dal.
By God, it is.
Ma, you better come out here.
Take a good look, Mother.
They got it wrong.
Damn, I knew they did.
Quit your swearin', Luke.
Dal, is it you?
How you doin', Mama?
There's only one man
in the world with that voice.
Underneath that grizzle,
it's his face.
The army told us
you were dead.
Oh, son.
Mac, give me a hug.
Hey, where are the girls?
What happened, Ma?
Let me get a jug,
and I'll tell you.
Hold this.
They were in this place
before anybody knew it.
Tore it apart.
When they pulled out,
they took Sissy
and Heather with them.
Jesse tried fightin' 'em off,
but they just hit too fast.
You mean Jesse was here?
Two months ago.
He got wounded
somewhere in Tennessee,
and they sent him home.
Looks like
you put up a fight.
Oh, I managed
to get off
a couple of shots,
but there was just
too many of 'em.
Comanches have
got nothin' on them.
They took all the livestock
and just about
every speck of food
we had in the place.
You keep sayin' "they," Pa.
Who're you talkin' about?
Soldiers. Like him. Rebs.
You got any idea
where they went?
South is all
anybody seems to know.
Mama? You all right?
She ain't slept
since it happened.
How can I sleep
when they stole my children?
What about the Connery place?
Kate all right?
Kate was here.
Came for supper.
You mean she's with them?
You know Kate,
she'd give 'em a fight.
What about the law?
What've they been doin'?
Not much they could do
without gettin' folks killed.
And if it's Gillette
you're talkin' about,
he wasn't even around.
Where the hell's he been
the last few days?
I figure
I'll go into town
and ask him that.
Go get my children
and you bring 'em back.
Don't worry, Mama,
we'll find them.
Mac, I don't want
you havin' a run-in
with Miles Gillette.
You might kill him.
Why don't you stay here
with the folks?
I'm gonna ride over
to the Sparks' place
and talk to Shorty.
Yeah, I guess you're right.
Somebody ought to stay
with Ma and Pa.
You just find out
who did it, Dal.
Be ready to ride.
[horses neighing]
[bell ringing]
Dal? I'll be doggone.
Everybody had you
dead and buried
for dang near a year.
Good to see
you're still kickin'.
How are you, Miles?
You got any idea
who hit our folks' place?
And all we know
is a band of renegades
swept through
about a week ago.
Hit about
a half a dozen places
in the county,
then just disappeared.
Eh, how many of 'em?
Oh, about a dozen of 'em,
from what I heard.
Armed to the teeth.
Had some wagons with 'em.
Some of 'em full of grain,
others were carryin'
Where were you
when all of this was goin' on?
I was down in Converse,
runnin' down a prisoner
of my own.
That's, kind of,
out of your territory,
isn't it?
Yep, a ways.
But I wanted
to see this man locked up.
Happens he was a kin
of yours, your Uncle Jack.
Dal, even if I'd been here
when the renegades
come through,
there's nothin'
I could have done about it.
You could've gone after 'em.
They didn't leave much choice.
Said anyone tried followin',
they'd find nothin'
but bodies.
Hello, Frank.
Sorry you had to come back
to somethin' like this.
they hit your place, too.
Happens I was out
at your folks', with Kate.
We were engaged, Dal.
Gonna get married.
We all thought you were dead.
Pa said
they were headed south.
Yeah, pulled out
about four days ago.
I got a feelin'
you're goin' after 'em.
Mac's out at the place now.
He'll ride with me.
Sharp's. Take 'em.
Knock the stripes off a skunk
from 500 yard.
Thanks, Miles.
[horse neighing]
I'm sorry.
She's a hell of a woman.
[seagulls cawing]
[cattle mooing]
[waves crashing]
[horses neighing]
I want to go home.
I know, Heather. We all do.
Why hasn't someone
come to help us, Kate?
Someone has to come.
We can't count on that.
We've got to do it ourselves.
I'm gonna talk to Jesse.
Do you think they'll let you?
Only one way to find out.
Watch yourself, Kate.
[cattle mooing]
Hold it.
How're the girls holdin' up?
They want to go home.
Kate, if they take
us all to Mexico,
we don't have a chance.
Maybe this'll help.
Where'd you get that?
From Dal, when we were kids.
I keep thinkin'
I'm gonna look up someday,
and there he is.
He's dead, Jesse.
I don't believe that.
He's too ornery.
[horse neighing]
I might need some help.
I'll be waitin'
for your move.
Ms. Connery?
Get back to the women.
[seagulls cawing]
And as for you,
whatever it is
you're hatchin', forget it,
or end up dead.
Horses, cattle,
three or four wagons,
all of 'em carryin'
a real load.
Yeah, a regular caravan.
They're headin'
for the coast.
Figured they'd head
straight for Mexico.
I don't get it.
Maybe they're goin'
for a swim.
Well, they can swim
in the Rio Grande.
[cattle mooing]
No matter what happens,
I want you
to stay out of the way.
What are you up to?
Just do as I say.
Ms. Connery.
Please, sit down.
I was wonderin'
when we'd have
a little time to visit.
Why are you doing this?
I have my reasons.
No reason could be worth
what you're doing.
I'm talkin' about the South,
Ms. Connery,
and a way of life
that was taken from us.
What makes you think
you can get it back?
Ms. Connery,
the rebel yell
was first heard at Manassas,
and at 100 battles since then,
from Richmond to Gettysburg.
The rebel yell
is hard to describe.
It's a mixture of fear
and anger and exaltation
but it inspires men,
even from defeat.
These damn Yankees think
they've heard the last of it,
but they haven't,
and I'm gonna get it back
any way I can.
These people
have nothing to do
with any of that.
I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry.
[man coughing]
Hey, you,
these ropes
are startin' my wrists
to bleed.
How about makin' 'em looser?
[men shouting]
[guns firing]
Somebody's escapin'.
Hold your fire.
I don't want him dead.
I'll get him. I'll get him.
[soldiers clamouring]
I said, no shootin'.
Kill him.
[women gasping]
[guns firing]
That's the end of him.
Too bad, he would've brought
a good price in Mexico.
Great idea of yours,
takin' this canyon.
It's hot enough to pop corn.
[fly buzzing]
Get a leg broke.
Everything seems
to have a bite to it,
and I'm smellin'
like an old sheepherder.
Mac, they got
a four-day jump on us.
This canyon's the shortest way
I know to the coast.
Come on, big brother.
What's got your back up?
You ain't said much
the last couple of hours.
Uh, it's Kate.
I never figured
that woman to run off.
Well, Dal,
she thought you were dead.
Well, she might have waited
to find out.
I mean, Frank King!
Nice enough fella.
Owns a big ranch,
runs a lot of cattle.
[horse neighing]
Always said
there never could be
no other man.
Hell, even if I was dead,
she didn't give me a chance
to get cold.
You're right. Forget her.
What do you mean, forget her?
She might have had
her reasons, you know.
[waves crashing]
[cattle mooing]
I'm sorry about your friend.
Go on.
You don't have to end up
like the others, Ms. Connery.
I would like to
take you back south with me.
I can offer you, a--
A more genteel way of life.
You go back there,
and they'll shoot you.
You're not a soldier anymore,
you're an outlaw.
I'm still
Major Cooper Ashbury,
and they'll follow me.
What about the Traven girls?
They'll end up
in Chihuahua eventually.
What about you, Ms. Connery?
Does my proposal interest you?
Nothing about you
interests me, Major.
I'd rather end up
in Chihuahua.
She's comin' in, Major.
Bring down the trade goods
and all the people now
onto the beach.
Yes, sir.
Attention, men!
Bring down the trade goods
and the people
to the beach now!
Look, there's the ship.
You heard the Lieutenant!
Don't just stand there gapin',
Pull them wagons round.
(Lt. Butler)
Soldier, get these women
lined up with the others.
Get up.
Don't you touch her.
Hell in petticoats.
Don't touch 'em, Hardy.
Get in there.
Come on, let's get in there.
Get in there.
Take it right up to shore.
Careful, seor.
Colonel Hammond,
I'm Major Ashbury.
Even down here, Major,
we're aware
that the war is over.
It's not for me,
or for my men.
That's why I contacted you.
We're in the market
for arms and ammunition.
We plan to go back
and kill the Yankees.
Well, it's a relief
to see that you don't
hold a grudge, Major.
I'd like to see the guns.
(Lt. Butler)
I'll need 200 more,
and ammunition.
That is not a problem, Major.
I'd like to see
the rest of the guns now.
You can't. They're not here.
Then where are they?
Two days sailing from here.
I've run guns
for too long, Major.
I make it a practise
to see the other man's
merchandise first.
Then take a look.
I guarantee these women
will bring a good price.
The men I took are strong,
they're ideal for workin'
in the silver mines.
Plus a herd of cattle
and horses.
That's the grain?
Most of it.
We have close to a ton.
I understand
Maximilian needs it
to feed his troops,
and you do business
with Maximilian.
I do business
with the highest bidder.
She won't do.
She's strong.
She's a hard worker.
So is a mule, but it's not
what they're interested in
down there.
You see, this is what
they're interested in.
Young and fresh.
And spirited.
What's your price?
They're not for sale.
She speak for you, Major?
They are special.
Well, I agree.
Blonde hair is rare
south of the border,
brings a good price.
And red hair's
even more rare.
I'll give you $1,000 for her.
Well, what'll it be,
Ms. Connery?
I meant
what I said last night.
Throw in a dozen rifles,
and she's yours.
Too bad.
[insects chirping]
Get his boots.
At least he remembers us.
Dal, it is you.
They said you were--
I know,
I'm gettin' tired
of hearin' that.
Yeah, they were Rebs,
all right.
Still fightin' the war.
Man leadin' 'em
calls himself Ashbury.
Cooper Ashbury? A Major?
That's him.
The men he's ridin' with
would follow him
straight into hell
if he called it.
Yeah, I was afraid of that.
You're right about
them followin' him
into hell, they would.
I rode with him once myself.
Why did they take
so many hostages?
Figured we'd be worth
somethin' to slave traders.
Sell the men for slave labour
in the silver mines,
take the women
down to Chihuahua
and sell them for--
Yeah, we get the picture.
The folks,
how they doin' anyway?
Sittin' home alone, waitin'.
Well, at least
they're together.
They always done
just fine together.
[waves crashing]
How're the girls doin'?
They all right?
Uh, Heather's scared.
Sissy's lookin' out for her,
and Kate's lookin' out
for both of them.
Hear you got yourself wounded
somewhere in Tennessee.
But it's all right now.
Did, uh, Ma tell you
what colour I was wearin'?
Blue, grey, it doesn't matter.
A man fights
for what he believes in.
Just be glad it's over.
Amen to that.
[seagulls cawing]
Can you ride?
Yeah, I can ride.
Goin' in the mornin'.
[waves crashing]
[seagulls cawing]
When do we go for the guns?
The first tide.
But there'll only be yourself
and two men allowed along.
There's the grain
and the prisoners.
No room for everyone.
What about the horses
and the cattle?
My men will drive 'em down
when we come back,
in four or five days.
You have a deal, Major.
You can trust me.
I was wondering
if you would care to join me.
The pheasant
in this part of the country
is extraordinary.
Cooked with wine and sage.
You must be starved.
If you're thinking
of using that knife
on me, don't.
And if I did?
That man out there
would shoot you.
Thereby making you
a somewhat less attractive
dinner partner.
Allow me.
What happens to us now?
Not you.
You're much too good
for that.
Why not Mexico City,
St. Louis, New Orleans?
I'm really tempted
to take you along with me,
but I'm just afraid
that I'd awaken some morning
and find
you'd made a necklace
with my teeth.
No, you'll stay here for now.
What about the girls?
They're coming with me.
I'd rather go with them.
I'm sorry.
I'll be back in a while,
and then we'll decide
what to do with you.
Put your backs into it, boys!
Oh, God.
Kate's there,
but they took the girls.
[birds chirping]
[both grunting]
[cows mooing]
[gun firing]
Stampede! Stampede!
[cows mooing]
[horses neighing]
[guns firing]
You cut that kind of close,
didn't you?
I got sand in my eye.
[birds chirping]
I should have known
you'd come.
Yeah, you should've.
I told you he was too ornery.
[Jesse laughing]
Oh, God, we thought
they'd killed you.
If you ain't learnt by now,
the Travens are a hard kill.
I, uh, got somethin' here
that belongs to you.
Thank you, Kate.
Hello, Mac.
Hello, Kate.
Hey, how do you like
what I picked up
on the trail?
What about Heather and Sissy?
They sailed this morning
for Mexico.
Why didn't
they take you along?
They thought I'd be trouble.
I can appreciate that.
What about Ashbury?
He sailed with them.
It's a hard ride
between here and Chihuahua.
And them travellin' by ship.
I don't know nothin'
about Mexico.
Not much.
I know someone who does.
Jack Traven.
You are talkin' about
Uncle "Black Jack" Traven?
Yes, sir.
Well, big brother,
you know there are some people
who call him "scoundrel."
Some might even call him
And we all know he's a rogue.
Besides, we don't know
where to find him.
Converse County Jail.
What are we waitin' for?
Never seen old Uncle Jack
raise a sweat before.
[birds chirping]
good to see you boys
made it through the war
all right.
Well, quit gawkin'.
It's humiliatin' enough
without you laughin' on it.
Aw, come on, Uncle Jack,
you've been in jail before.
Well, I don't care about that.
It's the workin'
I'm talkin' about.
A lot of men have seen me
raise a lot of hell
in my time,
but not one man alive
has ever seen me
raise a blister.
Well, don't fret
about it, Jack.
We're not gonna tell nobody.
What did they
lock you up for?
Oh, they're just tryin'
to make somethin'
out of nothin'.
I met this gal
over in Big Springs,
and it turned out
she was married.
You're in here
'cause of that?
Well, it's a little more
complicated than that, but...
How'd you boys know
where to find me?
Miles Gillette.
Miles Gillette, huh?
Oh, Mac, I sure hope
you're still figurin'
on runnin' against him.
I'll swear that man's
been after my hide
for 30 years,
and he won't let up.
What did you ever do to him?
Nothin' serious.
I mean,
a man can't even bend the law
a little bit anymore.
Now, last time
you were in jail,
it was over a woman, too.
Judge's wife, I recall.
And there was shootin'.
Self defence.
Ain't you gettin'
a little old for that?
Uh, you mean gunplay?
No, I mean the other.
When I get too old for that,
they'll be shovellin' dirt
in my face.
How about this last woman?
Any shootin'?
No serious shootin'.
We just dropped by
to say hello.
Well, thanks.
Mac, we need him.
You heard what he said.
Yep, except we need him.
Well, that's fine.
how we gonna get him out?
I mean, it's a jail.
Got any ideas?
[crickets chirping]
Come on, Uncle Jack,
we gotta get out of here.
[Jack coughing]
Come on, Uncle Jack.
Well, did you have to use
two sticks of dynamite?
[horse neighing]
Hello, Kate.
Hello, Jack.
Brought your horse.
Oh, thank you.
Glad to see
you're still alive.
Well, thank you.
Take a look at these wrinkles
and these here grey hairs.
Every one of 'em earned.
[clicking tongue]
Well, I sure do appreciate
you boys bustin' me out.
I hope nobody back there
got a good look.
I gotta be loco.
Blowin' up a jail!
By the way, where we bound?
You do know
the country down there,
don't you?
I know more
about that country
than a jackrabbit
knows about runnin'.
Every trail,
back trail, cantinas,
We're not exactly
goin' down there
sightseein', Jack.
We ain't?
Then why?
Mac, Dal, better get up here!
Right out there.
Who the hell are they?
I'd say
that's gotta be a posse.
Looks like
they're in a hurry.
Uncle Jack,
have you been
tellin' us everything?
What do you mean?
I mean,
by the way they're ridin',
you left out somethin'.
Yeah, it might be that fella
I shot over in Waco.
You mean you killed someone?
No, it's worse.
His father was the mayor.
I don't want to hear anymore.
If they catch up to us,
my chances of
runnin' for office are dead.
You hear me? Dead!
You could always start over.
That's Miles Gillette
leadin' 'em.
What's he doin' along?
Maybe he heard you're fixin'
to run for sheriff.
Why is the Sheriff
of Big Springs
chasin' after you
for somethin'
you did in Waco?
Well, Mac, you know
how that old turkey's
had it in for me
all these years.
If you keep jawin',
they're gonna catch up to us.
No, because in a few hours
we'll be at the Rio Grande.
When we cross that,
we'll be in Mexico.
Come on.
It's your men?
My welcoming committee.
I don't see any sign
of the rifles.
We have a system here.
You see those wagons?
They're to transport
the grain and the prisoners
to the train.
The train that will take us
to Chihuahua.
Your rifles
are on that train.
How far?
Half a day's journey
from here.
Hey, Carlos,
what do you think of
this pretty blonde girl here?
[man exclaiming]
[people chattering]
[men grunting]
[birds chirping]
[insects chittering]
Where is Jack?
He was supposed
to be keepin' watch,
but he disappeared.
Where's Mac?
Lookin' for Uncle Jack.
Here, I brought you
a little drink.
Where you been?
There's a village back there,
and you know
they got some girls there
that would just--
That posse's in sight.
Best get goin'.
You still haven't told us
why that posse
isn't lettin' up.
Well, it must be
that other thing.
What thing?
Well, it wasn't my fault.
I was just drinkin'
a lot of whiskey and--
Whiskey gets the blame
for a lot of things
it didn't do. Come on.
Hold on to that tequila.
[men grunting]
[man laughing]
[people chattering]
[woman chattering]
Unload everything.
Put them all in the stockade!
And I mean all of 'em.
[girls screaming]
No, no!
All right, get down. Move!
[men clamouring]
[girls screaming]
[men chattering in Spanish]
[girls crying]
[horses approaching]
No sign of 'em.
I best get back up there
and keep a lookout.
Good thing they let up.
Horses need a rest.
Yeah, could be
they're doin' the same thing.
How you makin' out?
I'm doin' fine.
Kind of warm.
Hey, Kate.
How did you manage
to get so friendly
with Frank King?
What do you mean?
The two of you're engaged.
I'd say that's gettin'
pretty friendly.
I heard you were killed.
What was I supposed to do?
You always said
you'd wait for me.
I waited for you
most of my life.
Like I said,
I heard you were dead.
Well, I ain't dead.
I never got word otherwise.
Same as when you left,
not a word.
There was a war goin' on.
You know,
sometimes a man's gotta do--
What he has to do.
Well, sometimes
a woman does, too
and I'm a woman,
Dal Traven, not a martyr.
I just thought
you always knew
I'd be comin' back.
How was I supposed to know?
I thought that's the way
it was meant to be.
You thought?
Why didn't you ever ask me?
Ask you? Ask you what?
Oh, why didn't you ever ask me
what Frank King asked me?
Hey, Dal,
while you're down there
tryin' to figure out
the female race,
you might as well
take a bath.
Those two gotta be loco.
I think they call that love,
little brother.
Amounts to the same thing,
don't it?
How's your love life?
Not me.
Since I've been home,
I spend my time with the folks
helpin' with the ranch.
What about your schoolin'?
I figured
I'd pick that up again
when we get back.
Well, that's good to hear.
We Travens
got a lot of faults,
but bein' ignorant
ain't one of them.
havin' a big brother aimin'
to run for governor.
No. That just sounds good
to the ladies.
You sure did leave
an awful big footprint, Mac.
you just be yourself, Jesse.
So far, I'd say
you're doin' just fine.
I just realized
Holiday Hammond's hangout's
over that next ridge.
I know those boys up there,
and I can ride in.
But they'll
probably shoot you.
You mean, there's nobody else
they'd let pass through there
besides thieves and killers?
Oh, no offence.
Do you mind tellin' me
how you're gonna get
the rest of us in there
without us endin' up
in a funeral procession?
Well, there's a mission
over here a little ways.
I figured I'd ride over there
and say a prayer for you boys.
What'd he say?
Said he was gonna
take up prayin'.
You best go with him.
Hey, where'd you get that?
I borrowed them.
You mean stole.
They don't sell 'em,
you know.
You gonna borrow him, too?
Here, you best take these
and we best quit jawin'
and get out of here.
[both laughing]
[woman speaking Spanish]
[Hammond chattering]
Colonel, I would like
to see those guns now.
Why, what's your hurry?
Enjoy the festivities.
I have kept my end
of the bargain.
Maana, maana.
Now! I want to see them now!
[gun clicking]
The Major said now.
Right now?
Right now.
You have been double-dealin'
from the start, Colonel.
That's right, Major.
But, you see,
that's the risks you take
when you deal
with the likes of me.
Lock him up.
What the hell's
goin' on here?
Kate's goin' in there
and lend a little comfort
to the prisoners.
You mean
you want to send her
in there alone?
Well, it's gonna take
at least three of us, Dal.
That's the only way
I know how to get us in.
Why does it have to be Kate?
Well, you'd look
pretty foolish in this getup.
Dal, don't forget
Ashbury's in there.
Now, he knows you
and he knows Jesse.
Now I figure Uncle Jack
knows what he's sayin'.
It's gonna take
three of us inside.
That leaves me,
Jack, and Kate.
Well, Ashbury knows Kate,
too, you know.
Not in that outfit he don't.
I don't want her
goin' in there.
Well, what about what I want?
I've been with this thing
a lot longer than you have.
Heather and Sissy
are in there.
How else
are we gonna get them out?
We'll find another way.
Come on, Dal.
What do you say
let's take a little ride?
Jesse, why don't you
go take that Sharp's
off my horse?
The way this is goin',
you're gonna need it
more than me.
[donkey braying]
Don't go hard on him, Kate.
I'm afraid he inherited
that ornery streak from Pa.
I never seen your pa
ride hard on your ma.
Oh, he tries.
He tries, but she
just fights right back.
Just like you do.
They ended up havin'
a pretty good thing.
That's all I want.
Well, if you can tolerate him,
you'll have it.
Kate, he needs you,
you know that.
You're right, he does need me,
but he doesn't know it.
I think he does.
Hell, you know him
as well as I do. He cares.
I think he cares a lot,
he just...
He--he don't know
how to say it.
Well, isn't it about time
he learnt?
Well, it's not his way,
but I'll tell you somethin',
I'd be willin' to bet,
you stick with him,
he'll learn.
What about you?
you sure
you're gonna be all right
goin' in there alone?
Don't worry, Mac.
Even if they find me out,
they probably won't hurt me.
You didn't
answer my question.
What about you?
Goin' in there alone,
I mean, that's risky.
You always do that.
Change the subject
when things get too close.
You think
you got me figured out,
don't you?
Well, that's not
gonna work, see,
I'm not talkin' about me,
I'm talkin' about Dal.
Now, I think he's actin'
the way he is--
What is it
with you Traven boys?
I got the feelin'
you're fixin'
to make a point.
Dal can't say how he feels
about a woman,
and you run from it.
I'm not runnin'.
I mean, Kate,
you know how it is.
You know...
Well, I am runnin',
I'm--I'm runnin' for sheriff.
There is no room
in my life right now
for a woman.
The trouble with you,
Mac Traven,
is you're gun-shy.
Well, let me put it this way.
Somebody like you comes along,
I might consider it.
Now cool down.
[birds chirping]
It's like
a damn hornet's nest
down there.
If you got a plan, Jack,
you better be
lettin' me in on it.
You know,
you never asked me
how I got this tequila.
Stole it.
Just like I did this.
I got a plan.
Quit worryin' about
that woman, will you?
She's a tough one, and smart.
You know that.
And when the shootin' starts,
she'll be there
to look after the girls.
We'll take care of her, Dal.
That's a promise.
I'm gonna hold you to it.
[hens clucking]
You looking for someone?
I heard at the mission
some women were brought in.
I'd like to see them.
This is not
a good place for you.
Take me to them, please.
Then come.
How you boys doin'?
Haven't seen you
for a while.
Figured either
a lawman or a husband
finally got you.
There's a few of them
chasin' me, I guess.
Who's he?
This is my nephew.
Go on through.
That wasn't too hard.
Sister, will you pray for me?
Of course, my child.
[men chattering]
I'm Sister Katherine.
Uncle Jack,
now I know you got a plan,
but don't you think
you ought to fill me in?
Here, you might need this.
Mac is here.
So's Jesse and Dal.
You mean they're alive?
They're goin' to get you
out of here.
[chain rattling]
You're intruding, sir.
I'm sorry, Sister.
But I couldn't help noticing,
despite the habit,
that you're quite young.
And now
I can't help wondering
what you'd look like
without that outfit.
I am a nun.
Have you no conscience?
Not when
there's a profit in it.
Hello, Kate.
Welcome to Mexico.
[all laughing]
You all know what
the old maid said
to the cowpuncher, don't you?
You tell 'em, Uncle Jack.
Come on, amigos.
It's been a long,
hard trail, and I'm buyin'.
[all cheering]
[men shouting]
Damn, it won't take forever
for that posse to get here.
What're they waitin' on?
Jack said to wait
for his signal.
What signal?
Said we couldn't miss it.
[man speaking in Spanish]
Come on, amigo!
Hold on. I'll be right there.
[horses neighing]
I reckon
that's Uncle Jack's signal.
I'll take
the one on the left.
Got you.
[guns firing]
Bring her to my car.
Them, too.
[guns firing]
[men coughing]
[men clamouring]
Thanks, Uncle Jack.
Here come Dal and Jesse.
Come on, come on.
Let's go. Let's go.
Tell the engineer
to get movin', now!
I'm gonna get the girls.
Find the girls.
Hi, Uncle Jack.
Where's the Travens?
On the train.
Get down! Get down!
[train engine chugging]
Thank God you're alive.
Get back.
Where's Kate and the girls?
By God, I ought to kill you
for what you done
to my family.
Then do it.
This killin's
got to stop somewhere.
I recall this belongs to you.
Makes us even, Major.
Dal, Hammond's got the girls
and Kate on the train.
[man shouting]
Looks like somebody
started a war.
[men chattering]
(man #2)
Everybody's dead?
(man #3)
There's gotta be somebody
around here.
Mac, watch out!
Mac, watch out!
[horse neighing]
[train horn blowing]
We'll be getting
into Chihuahua tonight.
Perhaps the day after
you'd care to go on
into Mexico City.
Colonel Hammond,
are you going
to keep the brandy
all to yourself?
Why, no.
No, not at all.
Please sit down.
[men grunting]
Stop this train.
Do it now!
[brakes screeching]
[wheels squealing]
[whistle blowing]
[hens clucking]
[birds chirping]
Whoa, cowboy.
Jack Traven!
[in Spanish accent]
I ain't seen him.
[horse nickering]
[train horn blowing]
[engine hissing]
[Heather and Sissy laughing]
You all right?
Yes, you?
Stay here.
[horse snorting]
You boys
are in enough trouble.
You best
get out of the way.
Sorry, Sheriff,
can't do that.
We want Jack.
Now, I know why
you boys come down here.
I'm sorry for what happened
to your family,
but I got a job to do.
Jack Traven
is goin' back to Texas.
We're all goin' back to Texas.
Uncle Jack's ridin' with us.
You boys
busted your Uncle Jack
out of jail.
Now, I'm willin'
to let that slide.
You ain't got
no authority down here.
What'd he do anyway?
What'd he do?
This man's a horse thief,
a renegade,
a double-dealin',
lyin', womanizin'--
ain't against the law.
Go on, tell 'em, Gillette,
how you been
settin' on your rump
for all these years,
all of a sudden
you start chasin' me
till I about
turned into raw meat.
You just been
runnin' loose too long.
There's more to it than that.
You tell them, or I will.
I'll carve
your tongue out, Jack.
You better tell us, Miles.
He's been after my wife.
[man snickering]
[man coughing]
That ain't all of it.
That wife of yours
has been chasin' me
for years,
and I just got
tired of runnin'.
I--I caught 'em together.
And I'm takin' him in.
You take one Traven,
you gotta take 'em all.
Sorry it had to come to this.
Maybe it doesn't have to.
Make you a trade, Sheriff.
Holiday Hammond
for "Black Jack" Traven.
Hammond's a big fish
compared to Uncle Jack.
Mean a lot more to you fellas
ridin' back into Texas
with Holiday Hammond in tow.
Been on the wanted list
almost 20 years.
Most wanted man in Texas,
the way I hear it.
You boys got yourself
a trade.
You'd have loved Mexico City.
Maybe, but you'd
never have seen it alive.
Kate, I might have died
a happy man.
Jack Traven, I don't want
to ever see you
around Big Springs again.
Afraid you got no say
in the matter, Gillette.
See, I'm gonna be
the next sheriff
of Big Springs.
See you at the polls.
Give my regards to your wife.
[Jack laughing]
Jack Traven
for Holiday Hammond.
You boys sure did get
the best of that trade.
That's a matter of opinion.
[both laughing]
Got room for one more?
You mean
you're tradin' in your horse
for a wagon ride?
Yeah, well, I got somethin'
I want to ask you.
[Heather giggling]
Let's go home.
[Heather and Sissy giggling]