Shadows on the Road (2018)

- Excuse me.
You can't be sleeping here.
- I'm sorry.
I was just leaving.
- Don't leave your
shit here, everywhere.
My kids play here you know.
- Hey, hey.
Your shoelace.
Hey it's me.
I'm okay, I just,
I might need to stay with
you for a little while.
Probably Friday.
I'll call you, you won't
be able to reach me.
Okay, bye.
I didn't do anything.
- Where you heading?
- South, as far as I can go.
- Lit motherfucker.
He means we're going
in that direction.
- That'll work thanks.
- So like what you
doing down south?
Do you live there?
- No.
- So you live here?
- Not really.
- Okay.
You're a
really talkative cookie.
- Hey relax, we're just playing.
Such a pretty one
Such a little one
My God
Little biddy girl
Got an ass that's fine
Hand of God
Little biddy girl
Got an ass that's fine
My god
Such a pretty one
Such a little one
Hand of God
- I appreciate the lift.
- Yeah the
beach is right up that way.
Just go across.
- Yep I see it, thanks.
- It just takes a magic touch.
- Thanks man.
- I hope you like peanut
butter sandwiches.
- What?
- Yeah, they were all
out of grilled cheeses
so I had to get a fricking
peanut butter sandwich.
- I'm okay thanks.
- Don't be embarrassed
I'm just doing my
good deed for the day.
Never mind just keep it.
- Wait.
Thank you.
- It's all good.
- You want half?
- Yeah thank you.
So do you live around here?
- No, not really.
- Just visiting?
- Sorta.
Is everything like
all good with you?
- Yeah.
Just having a rough day I guess.
- So who are you?
- I'm Kate.
- Nice, Silver.
I'm sorry, there's nuts
in this peanut butter,
it's so shitty.
So do you like live
on the streets?
- Yeah.
- That's so cool.
- I guess you could say that.
- Although there is
some crazy motherfuckers
on these streets, you
gotta watch yourself.
Yeah, I should probably
get back to my board
before it gets jacked but--
- Yeah of course.
Thanks again for this.
- I'm sure I'll
see you around so.
I'll see you.
- Probably not actually.
I'm getting out of here tonight.
- Where to?
- Mexico.
- Without money?
- I'll probably just
hitch or something.
- As in like?
Okay, I don't know what
streets you're from
but that's like definitely
not a thing around here.
- Well maybe I'll get lucky.
- Maybe, but don't
tell yourself it's fate
when some nasty
pervert in a rape van
pulls over and just happens
to be heading to Mexico too.
Well, if you need anything,
I park my bus in a
alley up near Main.
It's like a big VW, white
camper thing, you can't miss it.
So just yell out if
you need anything.
- Thanks.
- Peace.
Doesn't really
matter how hard I try
All of these things you
do and I don't know why
You're just gonna save me
- Kate.
Hey Kate!
- Hey.
- Holy damn that was so creepy.
I saw someone outside my window
and I was like what the hell?
- Sorry, I wasn't
sure if it was yours.
- Alright well don't
just stand there.
Get inside.
Come on, you coming or what?
Lucky for you I just stocked up.
- I'm good, thanks though.
- So let me guess, you
couldn't hitch a ride,
like I said you couldn't.
And now you need
a place to crash.
- No I was just gonna
crash on the beach.
- So why didn't you?
- The tide.
Yeah it was way too high.
- Right.
- Yeah it was weird.
- Okay whatever.
You're welcome to stay here,
I'm just breaking your balls.
It's only cool though
if you promise to
cook in the morning.
I'm so not a morning person.
- Thanks I should
probably find a ride
before morning anyways.
- What's the rush?
- I just, I have
somewhere I need to be.
- Somewhere you need to be.
Sounds sketchy.
Okay, if you wanna kick
it in my van for a while,
that's fine.
But I do have a no
bullshit policy so,
just spit it out babe.
- My brother's down in Mexico
and I'm going to stay
with him for a while.
- Okay, so what's your deal?
- There's no deal,
I don't have a deal.
- You're living on the streets
and now you wanna
skip town at 2:00 a.m.
to go visit your
brother in Mexico.
Yeah I'd say you
100% have a deal.
- Look, I can just go.
- No, I didn't mean to
pry, I'm just curious.
- It's not that fucked up,
I just got into some
trouble you know.
- Like what?
Looting houses?
Damn I'm good.
- I just need to
lay low for a while.
Let all this blow over.
- Sounds pretty scary.
I guess I should
watch out for you.
- No, just for your stuff.
- Okay well, if you're
gonna crash here
I should probably at
least know your real name.
- I'm Zoe.
- Hey Zoe.
Do you hear that?
- What?
- Close your eyes
and just listen.
No I'm not gonna
fucking apologize.
Yeah and that's
exactly my point.
Okay, okay.
Well you guys can
have a nice life.
- I'm sorry is everything cool?
My god, fuck off.
- Sorry I can give you
some space if you need it.
- No, thank you.
- So is that your boyfriend?
- Not anymore.
- Do you wanna talk about it?
- I mean there's nothing to say.
He's a prick and I don't
tolerate pricks so.
What was up with all your
crazy night terrors last night?
I thought you were
possessed, seriously.
- What are you talking about?
- You were up like, once
like every hour, yelling.
Fricking crazy.
No one's ever told you
that you do that before.
- I should actually get going.
- I was actually thinking,
I'll just drive down with you.
- Wait what?
- You need a ride
down to the border right?
- Yeah but, I don't
wanna ask you to do that.
- So, you'd rather ride with
a complete stranger than me?
- Sorry I had to get that out.
- No you're good.
- Why do you have a gigantic jar
of peanut butter in your purse?
- Why are
you judging my peanut butter?
- I'm not I love peanut butter,
I just, this is like pretty
heavy to carry around.
- Give me some.
I would like some right now,
now that you mention it.
- So, how serious is it?
- What do you mean?
- Well you said
you got into some shit.
Like breaking into
houses or whatever,
how serious we talking?
- I don't know.
Does it really matter?
- Well yeah, it kind of does.
I mean we need to figure
out where we're gonna cross.
- I don't know.
It was all, kind of a blur.
- I can walk you through it.
So first of all you break
into some big ass house right?
- Right.
- Okay and then what?
- I don't know.
I thought it was empty and
I was walking through
and then out of
nowhere he came at me.
- Who?
- The guy who's house it was.
So I grabbed something really
heavy off the bookshelf and
I hit him over the head with it.
- Is he fucking dead?
- I don't know.
I think so.
- Holy shit.
I mean it was like
a mansion right,
so were there
cameras everywhere?
Dude we've gotta figure
something else out,
you can't cross in San Diego.
- Where are you going?
- It's way too obvious,
you've gotta get
out of California.
We should go to Arizona, maybe
even like Texas or something.
- Are you serious?
- Yes I'm serious.
- And you're gonna take
me all the way there?
- You're damn right I will.
- Still nothing?
- No.
- I could go to the
store and get a map?
- No, it's cool I've
got one in the van.
Okay, so.
Where exactly is your brother?
- You don't have to take
me all the way there.
We can just cross wherever?
- Zoe.
Where does your brother live?
- Okay, so he's
on the coast here.
But he said he can
come up and meet us.
It's a little border
town right about there.
- Okay nice, that should
take like two days tops.
Maybe less if we're lucky.
- That long?
- Have you seen how fricking
slow that thing runs?
- Shouldn't we
just cross in Arizona?
It'll be closer.
- No, the further away
we are from California
the less heat there is on you.
- And what about you?
You're willing to just
take that risk too?
Doesn't that make you an
accessory or something?
- Do you want my help or what?
- I do, of course.
- Okay, then stop trying
to talk me out of it
or you're gonna lose your ride.
Let's go.
No, no, no, no, no.
Fuck shit.
- What was that?
- The tank is drained.
- But the gauge says it's--
- I know what it
says, it's busted.
My God.
- Okay well lets just
stop for gas in the next town,
no big deal.
- My God.
We're gonna have to pull over.
- Fuck.
- Fuck.
- So what do we do now?
- I don't know, just be quiet
and give me a second to think.
- I can walk into town.
Should I flag someone down?
- Who are you gonna flag down?
There's no one around.
- You do realize
this isn't my fault right?
- My God.
This is broken too.
I'm sorry I snapped at you.
I'm just frustrated because
the van keeps acting up
and she's all I've got you know.
- I know.
What's her name?
- The van.
- Fran, Fran the van.
- Fran the van.
Good old Fran.
Hey we're gonna figure this out.
- I hope so.
- Fran's gonna pull through.
- My God.
Someone's coming.
- Hi thank God,
we ran out of gas.
Any chance you'd mind
giving us a lift into town
or the nearest gas station?
- That's 30 miles out.
That means no.
- Come on, why'd
you pull over then?
- I've gotta take a shit.
You're welcome to watch.
- Please, we could
be here all day.
- Yeah.
It's about an hour to the
nearest station and back.
So unless you wanna sweeten
the deal a little bit?
Thought so.
- Can we at least
use your phone?
- It's dead.
- I'm sorry I tried.
- Fuck that prick.
- What's that?
- Just keep him
distracted, cool.
Here, ask him for a light
and stay on this
side of the van okay.
- Hey.
- I thought I told you I
couldn't take you into town.
- Yeah, I actually, um,
was just wondering
if you had a light.
- No sense smoking the filter.
That shit'll give you cancer.
You wanna light.
You know what I left
my light in the car.
- Wait, um, I actually
think I have one,
I just, I can't get
it to light sometimes.
If you don't mind trying for me.
- Yeah it's them damn
safety's on these things.
You girls ain't good
with anything are you?
- Thanks.
- Any by the way I'm
sorry about before.
- Well you're a pretty girl.
You're allowed to be a bother.
- Get your hands off of her.
- Who the fuck are you?
- Her girlfriend.
- Nasty bitches.
- Look what I got.
- I didn't know you had so
many tricks up your sleeve.
- No way, look
what we have here.
- Nasty bitches!
- Fuck him.
Heading for the coast
- This hotel was such
a good call right?
- Yeah, thank you so much.
That shower was life changing.
- I know right.
- Hey do you think we'll
still be able to make it
by tomorrow night?
- I doubt it.
Especially after our
little hold up today.
I'm thinking we'll probably
need one more night actually.
Which should put us at
an early border crossing
the next morning.
Which is actually probably
better in the long run,
because I bet those
border patrol guys
and way more chill
in the morning.
- That's fine.
- No keep going.
You're so much better than me.
I just brought it up
to mess around with
but you're like
actually talented.
- I wouldn't go that far.
- Okay well go, sing.
- I don't sing.
- Bullshit.
- I don't, I barely even play.
- Okay anyone who can
play guitar like that
can definitely sing, that's
just like a fact of life.
- Well not me.
- Why not?
- I wasn't exactly encouraged
in my family growing up.
- Is that why you ran away
because you had like, a super
strict family or something?
- Not exactly.
- Okay well screw
it, you're here now
and I wanna hear you sing.
Go, I'm not watching.
Look, I'll just be
facing this way,
not even paying attention.
- Stop peeking.
- Then go.
My God, it's not a big
deal, I'm not judging.
- Don't judge, I'm
probably gonna mess up.
A wooo
- You're so good.
- What?
- Sorry, um, I'm really tired.
- I'm sorry, what did I do?
- Nothing, I, I just,
I don't feel that well.
- Okay well you felt
fine just a minute ago
so why are you spazzing out?
- Can we just drop it?
- Yeah whatever.
We'll be watching that
through the weekend.
Nice, drifting clouds
hang out over the area.
54 degrees in Sedona, 40
in Whitlow, 33 in Show Low
and 24 in Flagstaff,
we'll see top temperatures
at 42 tonight--
- You're up early?
- Yeah well I couldn't sleep.
- My God, it's so cold in here.
- Okay well you can book
the hotel room next time?
- 70 in Sedona,
out to our East 71 in Globe.
And we'll see a low or I should
mid to upper 60 in Show Low.
- Is this 'cause of last night?
I told you, I wasn't
trying to be rude.
I was just--
- Your night terrors
or whatever they are,
are like constant.
God, I can't get any
sleep with you around.
- Sorry I didn't realize.
- I'm sorry.
Look, I'm in a bad
mood because I'm tired
and we have a lot of
driving to do today
and when I'm tired
I'm an asshole.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean
it like that, I promise.
- Look maybe it's best if
I just get a lift into town
and I can figure
something else out.
- Don't be like that.
- Like what?
- Did I apologize?
- Yes.
- Okay well do you
accept my apology?
- Yeah sure.
- Okay then shut
up and let's go.
Come on, we've gotta get ready.
- Are you coming to what?
- Well maybe if I had a little
help packing, freeloader.
Mind if I grab a cigarette?
- You smoke now?
- I think you got me hooked.
- There's a
pack in the glove box.
- Cool.
- Grab me one too.
- Why do you need a gun?
- Don't worry, it's not loaded.
It's fine.
Why do you think I need a gun?
I'm a girl and I live
alone in a fricking van.
Plus it makes me feel safe.
- Yeah.
- Have you ever shot one?
- No.
Will you teach me?
- Fuck yeah.
- Does this work?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah
that's perfect.
Alright, hold this.
My God.
Okay, first lesson, don't
point a gun at anyone.
Treat it as if it's loaded.
- Sorry.
- Even if the safety's on, just.
Alright, you go it?
- Yeah.
- Alright.
- What are you doing?
- It's so much better like this.
- What?
- I'm telling you,
I wouldn't lie.
- You're crazy.
- Chill out.
So what you're gonna do, is
you're gonna hold it like this.
Put your fingers on this side,
keep your finger on
that side of the trigger
until you're ready
to squeeze it.
- Okay.
- And then you point at
whatever you're gonna shoot at.
And you look,
close one eye and--
Okay, wanna go again.
- You got one!
- Fuck yes I got one.
Okay, are you ready?
- Yeah.
- Okay well let's go, suit up.
- What?
- Yeah.
- No.
- Yeah.
Come on, you're gonna
regret it if you don't.
- Okay, okay.
- It's so fun.
- I'm keeping this on.
- Okay here. Hold it.
Yeah carefully.
- It's cold.
- Okay keep your
thumb on that side
or else you'll jam it
and get so fucked up.
- Okay.
- Okay, don't put
that on the trigger
until you're ready to shoot.
- Okay.
- Alright now--
- And I just pull the trigger?
- Yep, close one of your eyes.
Aim at--
- t's cold.
- Aim at whatever you
wanna aim at and go.
- Woo!
- Okay, okay, okay, calm
down, calm down dude.
- Wow I suck, sorry.
- No, no, no.
Okay, just you
have to try again.
- Okay, I'm, I'm super nervous.
- Just pretend the bottles
are something else.
Put a face on 'em.
Someone you absolutely
fucking hate.
Pretend they're right there.
Okay Zoe.
Zoe, Zoe, Zoe, Zoe, okay
chill, it's empty, chill.
Are you good?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
You okay?
No, no, no, no, we need to get
you something else to wear.
- Why?
I'm fine in this.
- No, you look ridiculous
and you smell like ass.
Here, wear that.
- I don't wanna take
all your clothes.
- Shut up.
I don't wanna keep looking
at you in that stupid outfit.
- Okay, fine.
Is it cool if I grab these?
- Yeah, here take
these jeans too.
- Sweet.
What is wrong with you?
- Dude that was pretty
intense back there.
- You're telling me.
- No that was like pure rage.
- I was just getting started.
No, that was something else.
That was like cold blooded.
You must have had some crazy
asshole on your mind
- Yeah.
- Hey, it's okay.
- Can you not?
- Jesus, what is it with you?
- Nothing, I'm sorry.
- It's obviously not nothing.
It's like any time I try to
come near you, you freak out.
I just, I don't get why
you have to act like
a fricking rape victim
all the time, it's weird.
My God.
I'm so sorry.
- It's fine.
- No it's not fine.
- It doesn't matter.
Just forget it, it
was a long time ago.
- My God, fuck, I hate myself.
I'm so, I'm sorry.
- I know.
- I didn't even mean
it like that I...
What happened to the guy?
- Nothing.
Absolutely nothing.
What took you so long?
- My God I was
only gone for like 10 minutes.
- Who was that guy?
- No one.
- Didn't look like no one.
- I mean he's some trucker.
What I thought you were
hungry for a real dinner?
I had to score us a few bucks.
- What did you do?
- I have my ways.
- You seriously just
let him do that to you?
- No you idiot, I only give
head for liquor, chill out.
I'm kidding.
My God.
Okay, well while you sit
here and chain smoke,
I'm gonna go and
get us some food.
This is so good.
- Hell yeah.
Rags to riches.
It sure beats the hell
out of your oatmeal.
- Hey no fair.
Limited resources,
I did what I could.
- It sucked.
- You know if you needed money,
you could've asked me right?
- You're broke too right?
- Yeah but, I don't
know, you could've asked.
And we'd have figured
something out together.
- Well we did, or else
we wouldn't have this.
Plus, you would
have just suggested
using that card that you jacked
and it doesn't even work.
- What?
- Yeah I tried it at the
motel and it said declined,
which was super annoying,
so I had to use my own cash,
which like, I
wasn't planning on.
- What card?
What are you talking about?
- I don't know, you were asleep,
I found it on the
floor of the van.
It's a Thomas or something,
it's like a blue credit card,
I figured you jacked it from
that guy that you robbed,
but it didn't even work
so it doesn't matter.
Didn't even use it.
- Are you fucking crazy?
- What are you talking about?
- Are you that thick,
seriously Silver?
Give me the card.
- Okay here.
- Fuck.
- Zoe stop.
Zoe wait.
- Leave me the fuck alone.
- I'm sorry I used
the stupid card,
I thought the guy was dead.
- I don't know.
Maybe he's not,
maybe I was wrong.
- What?
- I think he might
be following us.
I saw his car on
the road yesterday
and again at the rest stop.
- How do you even know
what his car looks like?
- I just, I recognized
it from his driveway.
- You're being paranoid, a lot
of people have the same car.
And you said he was
dead, he's dead.
It doesn't matter.
- I don't know.
I don't know what
to think anymore.
I just, I just
want it to be over.
I can't go back.
- Everything's gonna be okay.
I'm not gonna let
anything happen to you,
you know that right?
- What if it's too late?
- Look, I bet that wasn't
even him in that car.
If he was gonna track you down
he'd probably just
call the cops.
- Maybe it's not
that easy for him.
- No, I'm telling
you he would of.
He's not gonna drive
all the way out here.
I mean, unless he like
has something to hide
and he can't call the cops,
but if that's the case,
you're probably like the last
thing on his mind anyway.
- What if I'm not?
- Did something else
happen that night?
Did he, like, do
something to you?
And that's why you
tried to kill him?
- Yeah.
- Right well if we see
that asshole again,
I'll finish him myself.
- Where are we?
- Here.
Come out.
- You think maybe we should
get back on the road soon?
- Come on, you earned it.
It's okay.
So have you been thinking
anymore about tomorrow?
- You mean like crossing?
- Well like after,
like how long you're gonna
stay in Mexico or whatever.
- I don't know, I haven't
really figured that out yet.
But I guess until at
least all this blows over,
if that's even possible.
- Well how long do you
think that's gonna be?
- Why, are you gonna miss me?
- Just wondering.
You know if you,
like after we cross,
if you like still need
anything or whatever,
I mean, I don't have
anywhere I need to be so.
- Thanks but you've
already done enough.
- Okay.
- No, not like that.
I just, I mean you've
seriously done more for me
than I could of ever asked.
Thank you.
- Okay well.
- No, I hate pictures.
- This is happening.
- No.
- Come on, if we get booked
at the border tomorrow
I wanna at least have
something to remember you by.
- Fine, go before
I change my mind.
- Hey, one for my jail cell.
Zoe, Zoe, wake up, wake up.
Dude look at the
sign, did you see it?
You missed it sleepy ass.
It says we're 50 miles
away from the border.
- That's rad.
- Are you cool?
I saw a sign for a campsite,
I think it should be
coming up any minute.
Are you cool to just
like crash for the night
and do the rest tomorrow?
- Yeah of course, of course.
Dude we made it.
- We did time.
We fricking made it.
- All I did was
sleep I feel like.
Well it's a cozy
van, thanks Fran.
You've been good to us.
- Cough it out, cough
it out, good job.
- Holy shit.
That's awful, it's horrible.
- Holy shit, it's not that bad.
- I'm a wimp.
I'm realizing.
- My God.
- Too many years on the road.
- Well.
Okay so, I was thinking,
before you go and I
never see you again,
I do have one question,
are you ready?
- My God, you're
making me nervous.
- Are you ready?
What the fuck is in that bag?
- What?
- Its like it's always with
you but you never open it
and you're very.
- Alright, I think you've
earned an introduction.
- An introduction okay.
- Where are ya?
- I don't you tell me.
- This is Little Bean.
- My God.
- Little Bean meet Silver,
Silver meet Little Bean.
- Nice to meet you dude.
- He prefers hugs.
- Pound it.
- I found him in the
middle of the road,
he'd been run over various
times and was covered in mud,
and I gave him a bath and
he's been with me ever since.
- Okay, that's like
kinda sweet I guess.
A little weird but.
- Hey so.
- What?
- You know, I know we've
been on the road for a while,
so you probably just wanna
get back or something but um,
if you don't have
anywhere to be,
I was thinking maybe
it'd be cool if,
you stuck around for a little
while when we get there.
- Like, like in Mexico?
With your brother?
- Yeah if you're--
- Dude are you sure?
- Obviously you don't have to,
I just, you know,
he'd love to meet you.
- He wouldn't mind if
I tagged along like?
- No it'd be, it'd
be awesome actually.
- Yes, hell fucking yes,
I wanna go to Mexico.
Do you know how much,
I've been dying for a
decent fucking burrito.
And I'm already packed.
I'm ready.
- Sweet.
- I'm there.
Okay, I'm gonna go on a walk.
I'm gonna let you and
Little Bean chill.
- Cool.
- f any coyotes
try to come after our
really gourmet food,
I want you to blast
those motherfuckers.
- Shit that's so intense.
- Yeah that's how we roll bitch.
Mind if I join you?
- What's going
through your mind?
- A lot.
- Well spit it out.
- I just.
What if I really did kill him?
- I thought you
said you saw him?
- I don't know what I saw.
- Well, it's like I said,
if you did kill him,
then, I mean he deserves it.
End of discussion.
- No one deserves that.
- Why are you protecting him?
- I'm not.
What if he had a family?
A wife and a kid?
What about them?
- Well, then you
did them a favor.
Hey, do you wanna
go back inside?
- I'm fine.
Here you must be freezing.
Get off me.
Get off me!
Get off me!
- Get up.
- Get off.
- You're fine, you're fine!
- No, no, Silver!
Silver wake up, Silver wake up.
No, no, no.
Wake up.
Somebody help me please.
- Zoe?
- Yeah.
- Thank God.
Tell me where you are.
- Near El Paso.
Some little town.
- I'm close.
- So that was you.
- Are you alone?
- Yes.
- Give me the intersection.
- Ellis and Bond Street.
- Don't move.
You know you could've
killed me right?
Zoe, look at me.
- I'm sorry.
- I'm fine.
Nothing to cry about.
You're lucky my bank called me
after you tried to use my card.
Don't worry.
I'm not mad.
I was just scared that's all.
Your mother's still away.
She doesn't get
back until tomorrow.
This will be our
little secret okay?
- Okay.
- Who was that that
brought you out here?
- A friend.
- Did you tell
her what happened?
- No.
- Did you tell
her what happened?
- No.
- What'd you tell her then?
- I said, I had been
living on the streets.