Shadows (2011)

[Dramatic music]
[airplane engine roaring]
We parked it in 212.
Over here!
Over here!
You have good taste in cars.
All right,
I'll get it, sweetheart.
No, Dad, I got it.
Grandpa is waiting for us.
How about I let you
take them all out
when we get there, hmm?
No, Dad, I can do it.
I can.
Let him do it.
Watch out.
It's heavy.
Oh, yeah,
that's what I'm talking about.
You know,
before you know it,
he won't need me anymore.
It's okay, honey.
I'll always need you.
And not just
to carry your luggage?
Is there another way to go?
Try turning right
up here on Surawong.
Say hi.
- Hi.
- Hi.
How much longer to Grandpa's?
At this rate, a million years.
Did you really fly
all the way over here
the first time
just to meet Mommy?
Not quite.
I first met your grandpa
on business,
and then I had to come out here
on a trip,
and I met your mother.
And the rest is history.
I was born!
Where did we find this kid?
He's all you, honey.
Yeah, except looks.
Thank God he has your looks.
Group shot!
- Is this the turn right here?
- Yeah.
Come on, honey,
you don't want to miss the light.
Oh, come on,
you could have made it.
Down, Kyle.
We didn't fly
halfway around the world
to get a speeding ticket.
[Loud crash]
[Glass shattering]
[Slow breathing]
My God.
- That's all right.
- Rangsan.
I've been praying for this,
Dr. Anand said
we should never give up hope.
How long?
I had you moved here
to my condo two weeks ago.
You were in the hospital
three weeks before that.
and Kyle?
Jeff, I'm sorry.
They did everything they could.
We just...
We lost them.
[Somber music]
Keep the drip at 100ccs.
You can begin to taper off
once he starts
accepting fluids orally.
Yes, of course.
Other than that,
he checks out great.
The shunt site's healing well.
- All right.
- It's quite remarkable.
Now, it will take some time
for him to stabilize.
He could still have
some bruising on the cerebellum.
As you know, Rangsan,
I'm always available for you.
Thank you, Doctor.
I've got Choi here full-time
with Jeff.
I have to leave town for a week.
If you need to reach me,
Choi has all
my international numbers.
Do you want
to try some of this?
No, no, no.
No, it's all right.
I'll give it to you.
Who are you?
You're right.
My name is Choi.
Try a little ice.
There you go.
Group shot!
Are you all right?
Yes, I'm fine.
No, I got it.
I got it.
[High-pitched tone]
[Eerie moaning]
Do you need some help?
No. No.
- You're okay, right?
- Yes.
- Okay, you sure?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
Don't you ever have a day off?
Not when I'm working.
How about
when you're not working?
I live with my mother.
But usually I'm not on a job
this long.
Usually my job
only lasts a few weeks.
I mainly do
end-stage hospice care.
You mean people who are dying?
That's a cheerful job.
I guess I fooled you,
didn't I?
Yes, you fooled me.
So it's a first
for both of us.
Let's see how you feel
in the morning,
and if you're sure
you want to go,
I'll take you to the temple.
I'd like that.
- Good night.
- Good night.
[High-pitched tone]
[Indistinct voices]
[Woman sobbing]
[Electronic beeping]
Are you all right?
Somebody's hurt...
a woman.
Something's wrong.
A woman?
Right next door.
The hallway to the elevator
is on the other side.
Are you sure it's not from...
I'm sure.
It's just on the other side
of that wall.
Now... now, help me.
Look, I'll go check.
You stay here, okay?
There wasn't anyone.
I- I-I-I-I...
I heard her.
I heard...
You had a long day today.
It's a lot to take on so soon.
Yes, you're probably right.
The driver of the SUV
died the next day.
Watch your step.
I'll give you a moment.
Hey, Dad.
Help us.
[Man speaking indistinctly
over television]
[Woman sobbing]
[Woman sobbing]
Are you all right?
Help me, please.
I can't breathe.
You're doing great.
I said you're doing great.
With what?
Your walking.
Jeff, are you okay?
You should have a break.
All right?
Let's see.
Cha dum yen.
- Would you like one?
- Sure.
Okay, I'll get it for you.
Be right back.
[High-pitched tone]
I want to go back
to the apartment.
Okay, all right.
Calm down.
What happened?
I saw something.
I don't know.
It couldn't be.
What did you see?
A man, a body, falling.
I don't understand.
I want to go back now.
All right.
Take it easy.
We're gonna call Dr. Anand
and make an appointment, okay?
Now, just because
all of our scans are clean
doesn't mean that these episodes
of disorientation
are any less real to him.
He's been through a lot.
Now, I have a new prescription
for him.
It's an antidepressant.
There's another here for Haldol.
Try them out.
See how it goes.
You're gonna be just fine,
The scans look really good,
completely clean.
Nothing to worry about, really.
Help us.
What are you doing up?
I came in to check on you.
Tell me what's happening.
I'm not imagining
what I've been seeing.
Every time it happens,
I get that dj vu feeling.
It's like I'm seeing something
that happened before.
But all of this...
There's got to be
something more,
isn't there?
Does it have something to do
with your family?
Everything I'm supposed
to feel for them...
Isn't there.
I mean,
I think about them all the time.
But I just...
I don't feel anything.
I can't cry.
I'm not angry.
There's nothing.
We grow up here
believing in things
that can't be explained...
Things that we can't see,
we can't touch,
but we know it's there.
We know it's real.
My cousin's aunt Mae Noi,
she knows about these things.
I think we should go
and see her.
What is it?
Special tea.
This will help you.
It's very good.
Please sit down.
Choi told me
what you have been seeing.
You know, some people
would consider it quite a gift.
Not if they've been seeing
what I've been seeing.
The shadow world
is a very disturbing place.
Shadow world?
[Speaking Thai]
She says the shadow world
is filled with unfortunate ones
who died suddenly
or died in a terrible way.
Their souls are stuck,
and they keep living
their last moments over and over,
like a bad dream.
And that's what I've
been seeing?
[Speaking Thai]
She says you can see them
if you're looking
at the place they died,
at the time of the day
they died,
and, of course,
only if the place
is in the shadow.
[Speaking Thai]
Close your eyes, please.
[Speaking Thai]
Mae Noi said
we can get more tea
anytime we need it.
We just have to call.
Look, I appreciate
your doing this,
but I'm still not sure
your aunt knows
what's going on here.
Well, no, I meant
I'm sure she understood...
Understood what?
People don't just start
seeing things like this
out of the blue.
It happens for a reason,
and I really don't think
I can be cured
by your aunt's kind of medicine.
But we have to do something.
Look, I'm the one
who's screwed here, remember?
I can decide what I want to do.
I know it's hard to see now,
but with time, things change.
Things can get better.
You think I can just get back
what I lost?
No, of course not.
But it doesn't mean
you just give up.
Look, just save it
for your hospice patients,
all right?
I don't need it.
Jeff, what are you doing?
I just need to be alone
right now.
- I'll see you at home.
- Jeff, no.
[Indistinct whispering]
[High-pitched tone]
[Speaking Thai]
[High-pitched tone]
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
[Woman sobbing]
[Speaking Thai]
Help me.
Jeff, are you in here?
My God.
What happened?
[Speaking Thai]
What is she saying?
The shadow world
should never be able
to reach this side,
not physically.
And your connection,
it's stronger than she thought.
Your wound is serious.
She can bring you strength.
Turn off the light.
You should let her try.
Raise your hands up.
Now close your eyes.
[Whispering in Thai]
Help me, please.
Mae Noi!
What happened?
It was the woman
from the hall.
We... we cannot do this alone.
We need help.
This is it?
This is the place?
You have got
to be kidding me.
It's been a long, long time.
Yes, it has.
There was no other...
What you tried to do...
It was foolish.
[Speaking Thai]
Who is this guy?
I don't know.
She'll be all right
in a couple of hours.
You can take her home.
Excuse me, home?
But I don't understand.
Wait a minute.
Look, Mr. Mills,
you don't know me;
I don't know you.
But all of this,
everything that happened
to Choi's aunt,
it all happened because of me.
I know why you came.
I don't think we can wait,
so whatever you can do
would be...
Take your aunt and leave.
How are you?
Much better now.
Tell Warren I need
to speak to him about Jeff.
- He must...
- We tried.
He said we should leave
when you felt up to it.
How can you do nothing
when you know
what is going to happen to him?
What he needs
is more than I can do.
But you know how to do it.
You know how to help him.
I didn't know
what to expect coming here.
I knew
it wasn't gonna be easy,
but I didn't have a choice.
It's... it's...
You're pathetic.
You owe me for what happened,
You owe me much more
than my life.
[Speaking Thai]
It's already been 47 days.
Not a lot of time left.
Why are we here?
To be sure.
You mean you don't know
what's wrong with me?
I don't have
to convince myself.
It's you who needs to be sure.
You and me,
we'll always be
just visitors here.
We have to learn to believe
what they already know.
What time was the crash?
I don't know exactly,
but in the police report,
it says that the accident
happened before 8:00.
Nothing about this
is gonna be easy.
I think now is the time
when you should take a look.
There's nothing.
Wait for it.
[High-pitched tone]
[Tires screeching]
[Loud crash]
Keep watching.
What is it?
What do you see?
I see me.
What's going on?
How could I be there?
I'm alive.
It's all right there
in front of you.
Think about it.
Sense it.
What you feel
for your family...
Goes deep, very deep.
It was your soul
that stayed with them.
You're holding on
to two places at once.
You won't let them go.
That's why the shadow world
can touch you.
That's why your body is dying.
There's got to be
something that we can do.
if there's anything
that we can do to help him,
we have to try.
Hundreds of years ago,
they learned that many forms
of sickness and death
were caused by the asuragai.
They're demons
that entered your body
and possessed you.
In those days, they would send
the sick people off
to live by themselves
in these villages
so the asuragai
couldn't hurt others.
As is often the case,
the separation or wall
between us
and the shadow world is thin
in places when there's been
intense suffering.
This is why the maw phi
made a kind of sacred barrier
that keeps the worlds apart.
It's sealed from this side.
But the seal can be broken.
So it's a way through
to the shadow world.
It is a way to go over,
rejoin yourself,
and come back.
But it's...
Especially for you, Jeff.
The asuragai collect in places
where the divide is thin,
hoping to somehow escape.
The temple
will keep them from us,
but they'll be able
to get through to you,
just like the ghosts
that touched you,
only worse.
What do we do
to open the gate?
The ritual can be explained,
but Jeff can't do it
all by himself.
Someone has to hold
the pathway open
from this side
long enough for Jeff to get back.
That'll be you, Choi.
[High-pitched tone]
[Scraping and banging]
He cut me.
I can't breathe.
He stabbed me.
I can't breathe.
No, no, no. No.
No, it's over.
He's gone.
Where am I?
It's all right now.
You can go.
You can go.
It's all right.
He'll be fine.
What happened?
The woman from the hall,
he... he... he spoke to her.
He made her leave.
You've done this before?
She found her way through.
She used Jeff.
And even if there was
another way,
it wouldn't matter.
They're everywhere.
There are countless numbers
of them.
You live with this
as long as I have...
You realize you're never really
gonna make a difference.
It's the 48th day.
What does that mean?
Seven days times seven weeks
is how long a spirit
stays on Earth
before its fate is sealed.
So I only have until tomorrow?
Your body will be gone.
Your soul will be trapped
with your family
in the shadow world.
We need to get going.
I'm guessing we'd never find
this place on a map.
It's not hard to find.
It's just hard to get to.
Mae Noi's tea.
She really never told us
how you knew each other.
I knew her sister.
She has a sister?
I can't believe she never
told me she has a sister.
I mean,
she's my second cousin's aunt
on my stepfather's side,
but still.
Second cousin's aunt
on your what?
We have a big family.
Jeff, get up.
Let's go.
What's going on?
We go on foot from here.
[Speaking Thai]
[Speaking Thai]
This is Choi,
and this is Jeff,
the man we came to take
to the spirit village.
[Speaking Thai]
We will prepare you tonight
for your final journey
And here you will find food
and a place to rest.
Thank you.
You have some
very impressive friends.
Just be open
to what they have to offer.
[Thunder booming]
[Men speaking Thai]
I was kind of getting used
to this look.
It looks much better on you.
Yeah, right.
You know, I don't know
a lot of people like you,
who would come here
and do all of this.
I suppose I should
have known all along
that you'd do whatever it takes
to help a patient.
It is a sign
of great strength
that you decide
to return there today.
It's not strength.
It's the least
I can do for her sister.
I know it's hard
to see it now,
but helping Jeff
can be an opportunity.
To what, fail again?
Asuragai tricked you.
I was weak.
I let myself be deceived.
Losing her was my fault.
Nevertheless, today will be
an opportunity for you.
It is your choice
what you decide to do with it.
Our students have packed
all that you will need.
I will make sure all
your belongings are kept safe.
He's trying to tell you
that there's nothing
you can bring with you.
There's no possessions.
We only have ourselves
from here on out.
Thank you
for everything you've done
now and before.
You're welcome.
[Speaking Thai]
Good luck.
[Speaking Thai]
[Speaking Thai]
We're getting close.
[High-pitched tone]
Stay focused.
Once they know
you can be drawn to them,
they'll know
they can get to you,
and that would be much worse
than the wound on your arm.
They're flesh eaters.
You know so much about this.
It's not just stories
you read in a book.
You've obviously
been here before.
Mae Noi's sister...
We had a baby,
a daughter.
There was an accident.
Her soul
stayed with our daughter.
I came here to save her.
The pathway closed
before she could come back.
And what makes you think
that this time
would be any different?
We don't really have
another option.
Avoid the shadows.
Stay in the light.
They can't touch you there.
And remember,
don't let them know
they can distract you.
Just go through it.
Keep looking straight ahead.
That's good.
You're doing good.
The temple's in the center.
Come on.
The shadows
are only getting longer.
Stay in the light.
Stay in the light.
That's it.
Stay in the light, Jeff.
No, no, no.
[Indistinct whispering]
Go ahead, Choi.
It's okay.
Go now.
Now go.
Keep moving.
Keep moving.
Keep going.
Keep moving.
Come on.
Come on.
Can you walk?
Come on.
You'll be okay here for now.
We have to hurry.
There's not much time.
The shadows
will be in place soon.
Choi, you'll be here.
When the steps
on the other side of the arch
are covered in shadow,
then the pathway can be opened.
After they're open,
how long will we have
after that?
Until the shadow
reaches the top of the arch.
It's about seven minutes.
Seven minutes?
I'll try, okay?
It's okay.
This will protect you
from the light, Choi.
Now close your eyes.
You're gonna see things,
and you're gonna feel things
no one should feel.
No matter what happens,
don't open your eyes,
and don't move from here.
If you do,
the pathway will close.
What am I going to feel?
The asuragai will do
everything in their power
to trick you.
They will make you feel
as if they are harming you,
but it's not real
if you don't open your eyes...
And don't move.
No matter what happens,
don't take your mind off Jeff.
Turn your palms up.
Okay, it's time to begin.
[Whispering in Thai]
It's ready.
Rejoin yourself.
Come back as soon as you can.
[All snarling and growling]
Someone's coming.
It's Jeff.
Don't move.
You can't trust this.
help me.
He... he needs me.
No, Choi.
Don't trust what you see,
only what you feel.
Choi, please.
Just don't move.
Don't open your eyes,
and it won't be real.
[Sizzling and screeching]
I'm here.
I'm here.
I'm here.
Daddy, you came back.
Kyle, honey, I did.
It's gonna be okay.
I'm here for you now.
I'm here.
Something's wrong.
It's Jeff.
I can feel he...
He won't leave them.
He won't let go.
Choi, you have to go in
after him.
It's meant for you.
Don't you see?
Your connection with him,
it's the only thing
that's kept him alive
all this time.
Now go.
[All snarling and growling]
[Yelling in Thai]
Where's the baby?
I was weak.
I let myself be deceived.
No, Warren!
You have to let us go.
No, no.
We're together.
I don't have to go anywhere.
We can stay together.
We will be, just not now,
not like this.
You know we don't belong here,
and neither do you.
You have to come back!
There's no time!
Go to her.
She won't leave here
without you.
She'll die here for you.
It's going to be okay, Daddy.
Really, it is.
I'm with Mommy now.
I'll make sure she's fine.
You're a big boy,
aren't you?
Jeff, please!
I'll always need you.
And I'll always need you.
[All snarling and growling]
Jeff, please!
Come on.
- Choi, take my hand!
- Jeff!
Daddy, it's me.
I'm here.
We did it.
We made it back.
Warren, it's time to leave.
I'm staying.
Your eyes...
you should have a doctor
look at them.
I'm fine.
Listen, Ajaan Sao has agreed
to help me...
Find her,
put her to rest.
We'll be back
to check on you.
[Speaking Thai]
[Speaking Thai]
[Speaking Thai]
[Both speaking Thai]
Welcome back.