Shaitan (2011)

Ma'am.. please buy a book.
This is a book of serial.
just one book.
They are so cheap.
Sister, this is cheaper.
- Oh! Get lost.
Sister, this is cheaper.
Sister.. Sister,
fast.. Make it fast.
Take one book, sister.
Sister, this is for you..
Sister, please take one.
O God! Fighting all
the times.. Take this.
And switch off the TV.
Tanya hurry.. Chirag
Saree shoot at 2:00pm.
Hurry up.
I won't do it.
Tanya, I have
already taken an advance.
You'll have to go.
Okay, sir?
- A little lower.
Some more.
A little higher.
Who's doing it?
Bonus points.
Wife. Kids. What do you do?
Coming at you. I am a
crazy lesbian. Yeah!
''killed me.''
''killed me.''
Oh God.
Zakir Hussain.
it is serious.
Had it not been serious..
..I wouldn't have come
here to talk to you both.
I can understand she
is in a state of shock..
..because of her mother's death.
she writes her mother's name..
..on all her assignments, on
every page, report and book.
She is scribbling her
mother's name all over the school.
She has claustrophobia issues.
What are you trying to say, ma'am?
Please don't get me wrong..
..but I seriously feel your
daughter needs clinical treatment.
Mr. Jaishankar, I'm
really sorry to say..
..but these are signs
of mental disturbance.
No, please. Just stop here.
We know she's been through trauma.
She has already had
enough counselling, ma'am.
I don't intend to
hurt your feelings.
I'm just trying to do my job.
Then please,
ma'am, just do it right.
You can't come here, to
my house and tell me..
..that my daughter is going mad.
You are being absolutely unfair.
I have said no such thing.
I have prepared a cheque for
donation. Tara, just give it to her.
I'll be in my study, okay?
- I tell you..
Please. I.. I'm really sorry.
I got you.
What's wrong with you, Amu?
I am shifting all my
business to Bombay.
So many issues to seal with and
On top of that you..
Why can't you stop embarrassing us?
Make life a little easier for us.
It's not Bombay, dad. It's Mumbai.
- Do you know why it's Mumbai?
Because of the Goddess Mumbadevi.
Did you see her photo?
She is beautiful.
Amu, your dad is trying to
tell you something, darling.
He is, right? Just
stop interrupting him.
Amu, talk to your mother properly.
I always talk
properly with my mother.
Just forget it.
And you, young lady,
you better get going.
Have you decided what you will wear?
Hurry up, Charu.
Which one? This one or that one?
No, I'm not wearing that.
No way.
Hello, Mr. Chopra. That too early!
That's great. That's great.
Meet my wife, Nikki.
Look, how scantily dressed she is.
Hello, Mr. Chopra.
Whats up with your paunch?
Did you eat your children?
Yes, they weren't doing
their homework. Hence I..
Oh, hi. I'm a model from abroad.
I just got imported from Germany.
I love Lord Ganesha.
Hello, I'm KC.
I've seen you somewhere.
Didn't like the pickup line?
Do you want to
start a joint account?
I don't smoke.
No, really. I don't smoke.
As I child I wanted
to be a gynaecologist.
But nowadays I am
considering an MBA.
In the meanwhile I'm
squandering my father's money.
That's my daddy dearest.
Mr. Rajeshwari Chaudhary.
Hail Goddess.
And that's my dad.
Mr. Anand Jaishankar.
Wiping his hand
discreetly after every handshake.
He's so OCD.
You mean OCDK.
Anyway, he's a bit fake,
but I love him.
Is that your mom?
No, that's my step mom.
They have been
together since 3 years.
Poor thing.
It's not her fault.
She was born ugly.
She is not that bad.
My mom's prettier.
I'm sure she is.
'It's been 12 years
since I met my mom.'
'They keep her
locked up in a tiny room.'
'I miss her so much.'
'My sister is the only one I
get along with, in my family.'
'She's been in a
wheelchair since childhood.'
'You know, my mom
has a beautiful smile.'
'She looks just like me.'
'Actually, I look just like her.'
'You don't like Mumbai?'
'I like LA more.'
'There's a Holi party
at my place, day after
'Let's make Mumbai
colourful for you.'
'We just met. Let
me think about it.'
'You'll come. I know you will come.'
What's going on?
Hollywood. 10:00am. My place.
'Holi' party.
See you there.
Want to play?
- No thanks.
Watch and learn.
Oh, shit.
Happy 'Holi'.
Enjoy. Enjoy.
New in town? Bored as hell.
Looking for some Indian spice.
Do you have a boyfriend?
- No.
Can I try?
Where's KC?
- KC?
Why KC when you have Parsee?
Seriously, we are a dying breed.
Screw the tigers save the Parsees.
I can be KC.
KC 2.0.
- Seriously.
Where is KC?
- Like, where's KC?
The fish..
Does it take this long to get beer?
It's recycled. Will it do?
Amrita Jaishankar. Tanya.
Tanya. Amrita Jaishankar.
You can also call her Amy.
quiz her if you like.
I need to get myself a drink.
- Hi.
So, Hollywood.
How many guys have you slept with?
Do you eat crows?
Is the word 'brother' a
relationship or an abuse.
What do you think? We like you?
Is the word 'brother' a
relationship or an abuse.
Where does one apply
Himani Navratna oil?
Okay. Enough. Enough.
You know, Hollywood..
..friends are of two kinds.
Some you can call at 2:00am.
And you know that they
will be there for you.
And then the ones whom
you ONLY call at 2:00am.
You must have read the
forwarded emails right?
So, you know that there are
seven rules of friendship.
We have one more rule.
Screw all the rules, no rules.
Yes, there is one thing.
There is one thing.
Just one rule. Trust.
You know, Hollywood,
trust is like balls. Balls.
It doesn't really
matter if you have them.
But if you don't have them.. can't play.
I don't promise that
we will be there.. help you solve
all your problems.
Because that's not going to happen.
But as long as you are with us,
you will not have any problems.
And that is a promise.
Do you know how to swim?
- Yes.
'After KC's long
boring speech, I realised..'
'..why people are so
violent during riots?'
'Because being a part of something
makes you feel so powerful.'
'Earlier, I used to
feel that life is a wait.'
'A long boring wait.'
'Now I feel life is like a movie.'
'So what if it's boring.
You can at least forward it.'
Do you have a girlfriend?
She's dead.
Did you kill her?
Oh, shit.
Is it love?
With KC?
Come on, man. She's sweet.
She's very down-market.
You are so cute when you lie.
Are you hitting on me?
What do you see in him anyway?
I see myself in him.
Then you don't need KC.
you need a mirror.
Arvind! Are you crazy?
You are out on bail.
We won't gain anything
by doing something here.
Let's go to the
commissioner's office tomorrow.
Where are you going? Wait.
Arvind! Arvind!
Where is sir?
- Sir is upstairs.
Enjoy the party, buddy.
Please go. Don't bother me.
Have some more.
- Enough. Enough. I'm already full.
Sir, if you say 'yes' the work
on building will start soon.
Mr. Mathur.
back with a warrant?
Oh brother!
Hey, someone go
downstairs and check him.
Hey, what happened?
You pushed him down?
Next time if you raise
your hand on any woman
..then I will throw you from the
tenth floor and not the first.
He will never trouble you again.
What, man. You guys bicker a lot.
So much noise!
One shouldn't rent out
to young couples like you.
I didn't sleep the whole night.
Not even for a minute.
So many bags?
You are going to your mother's?
Amy, you will blink now.
It must hurt.
I am the devil, my
eyes are always wide open!
No, that's not going to work, Amy.
Because I have focus and you don't.
I have another thing
which you don't have.
Nice try, but no.
I would have won.
I think we both
know who would've won.
Put your knockers away..
help me clean up this mess
Your mommies such a hottie.
not ugly like your mom.
Touchy, Parsee.
What's going on here?
Eye lock.
- Eye lock. I want to play.
I also want to play. I also
want to play. Play with me.
What do I need to do?
Eye lock.
No. No. No.
KC, I am starving. Let's go out.
I am not going out.
- Oh c'mon let's go out.
Son, cook something, will you?
Stuff your son up. I
am not Sanjeev Kapoor.
Order and pay for it.
KC. Come on, let's go out.
Anything for you, Hollywood.
Let's have a midnight buffet.
There's no romance
in a midnight buffet.
Romance lies in
scrambled eggs and bun.
Scrambled eggs and bun.
Parsee, let's have
some drinks now. What say?
Dad's bar is closed.
- Oh.
So what will we do now?
What flavours do
you have in condoms?
Condoms. - Do you have strawberry?
I want strawberry.
- I don't have strawberry.
You don't? Apricot?
- You have apricot?
I don't have apricot.
- You don't?
Then what do you have?
- Not a problem.
Amy, will litchee do?
It will be great. It will be great.
I don't have litchee.
- 'Kala Khatta' (java plum)?
'Kala Khatta'?
Do one thing. 2 litchees.
Wait. Wait. Wait.
- Run. Run. Run.
Wait. Wait. Wait.
What difference does it make if the
cough syrup is for kids or adults?
You wasted time unnecessarily.
Expiry date. Eh E E E
E E E E SExpiry date.
I was checking the expiry date.
''My heart is beating.
Keeps on repeating.''
''My heart is beating.
Keeps on repeating.''
''My heart is beating. Keeps on..''
- Sing the next line dude . .
''I don't know what the lyrics are.''
''I'm waiting for you.''
''My heart is beating.
Keeps on repeating.''
''He's waiting for me.''
Oh, so sweet.
Tanya, what do you
call a crazy vibrator?
''Dildo is crazy. Dildo is insane.''
''Dildo is crazy.''
- ''Dildo is crazy.''
''Dildo is insane.''
- ''Dildo is insane.''
''Dildo is crazy. Dildo is insane.''
ZUbi! Zubi! Zubi! Zubi!
Go. Go. Go. Go for it.
Go slow. Go slow, please.
- Game on, brother.
KC, hold this. KC, hold this.
- Slow down. Slow down.
Fuck you.
Fuck you.
Go. Go. Go.
Fuck you!
KC, get a cab and go home.
Get a cab and go home.
I'll drop them and keep the car
in the restaurant for the night.
We will take the car to
Tarun's in the morning.
let it be there for some days.
We could have saved them.
- Did anyone see us?
There was no one there.
We could have saved them.
It's okay. It's okay.
Get me its address.
Okay, tell me.
Look, boss.
Here the Courts are no different
From local vegetable markets
Everything is on sale here.
If you don't buy it at the
right time, your case will also..
..will rot like stale cauliflowers.
He is Judge Sinha's
close associate.
He will suppress the case.
And if that happens then
you can have your job back.
Do you have cash?
I'll do the talking inside.
Hello. Okay?
Yes. Yes. No, sir, I remember.
- Come in.
- Sir.
You will get 23 carriages
in two hours, sir. Yes. Yes.
Yes, sir.
And.. The wedding decorator?
- Yes, sir. I have spoken to him.
Don't worry, sir. Okay, sir.
Okay, sir. I'll
come in the afternoon.
Okay, sir. Thank you, sir.
Has he got it?
- Yes, he has.
Take it out. Take it out. Hello.
It's Rs.50,000, Mr. Yadav.
That.. Mathur case..
The Corporators case? The one he
flung from the first floor, right?
Yes, that's the one.
That's the one. Yes.
Good. Very good.
Be it a cop or a peon,
everyone come to me ultimately.
To get their job done.
- Coming, sir. I'm here, sir.
Hurry up.
- Hello, sir.
What is this Ballu? Same old stuff?
- Yes?
You brought her last
week as well, right?
Are the girls on strike?
No, sir. All the girls are on duty.
Mr. Yadav, please manage just once.
I'll make better
arrangements next time.
Okay. Okay. Fine.
- Yes.
Kapari was here in the afternoon.
- Okay.
He was saying you..
Why are you hitting me?
What are you doing?
Help me. - Do you want
me dead? Are you crazy?
You won't be spared.
You.. You are done for.
Why are you hitting him?
Sorry I'm late.
Traffic is crazy.
What did I miss?
What are you trying to
prove by doing all this?
What does she want to prove
by wearing Saira's clothes..
..and make-up and
doing all this? Tell me.
At least somebody remembers mom.
Just leave. Leave now.
- Just leave me alone.
Yes, Zubin. What happened?
- Somethings happened.
No, I can't come right now .
- Its serious ,just come
Fine. Where?
Why are we meeting here?
- You see the stairs? Come upstairs.
Okay, I'm coming up.
Yes, I'm coming up
the stairs right now.
Why have you called me here?
- Just come.
What's going on?
It won't take me even two
minutes to arrest all of you.
You know that, don't you?
Who is she?
Is she that junkie's sister?
- Sir, she..
Who the hell is this idiot?
- Amy, please..
What did she say?
- Amy, he's a cop. He knows..
What did she say?
- What does he know?
What is your name?
What is your name?
- Amy what?
Amrita Jaishankar.
- Amrita Jaishankar.
Shut your face.
- Amy. Amy, please.
You guys..
- Keep quiet.
Keep quiet, Amy. Please.
Keep quiet.
- What?
Just because he is a cop
I should touch his feet?
- Keep quiet, please.
He's playing with us. - No.
Sir. Sir. No, sir. Please, wait,
Don't you see he's playing games
with us? - Please sit down, sir.
What do you want?
- Amy, just keep quiet.
What do you want? Tell me.
- Amy, please..
Shut up, Amy. Shut up.
Who is she? Who is she?
- Sir. Sir, you please..
Who is she?
- Sorry, sir.
Have a seat, sir. Let's talk, sir.
What are you staring at?
- Sir, you..
Sir. Sir. Sir. Forget her,
sir. We are talking to you, sir.
Have a seat. Please
have a seat. Have a seat.
Amy, please, just
shut up, okay? Please.
Please keep quiet.
You told me that you want to
settle this. That's why I am here.
Otherwise, I would be thrashing
all of you in prison, right now.
Sir, you tell me
what needs to be done.
What.. what will you do?
- Compromise.
I'll take 25 lakhs.
Sir, from where will
we arrange for 25 lakhs?
Bastard. You want me to
tell you where to get it from?
I'll tell you from
where you will get it?
You have killed two people.
You know that, don't you?
You'll get the money from where
you get the booze and these sluts.
I could have gone to your parents.
But I am here
because you asked me to.
You know that. You
know that, don't you?
You will get your money.
Smartass, you have two days.
I can't hush the witness
for more than two days.
Got it?
If I get my money, all
of us will be happy.
Otherwise, I am sure
to get a promotion.
Get that.
And if you try to run
away then you know..
Two days.
Don't worry.
Everything will be fine.
I guess cocaine is
still in your system.
The cop wants 25 lakhs,
not 25 thousand.
I always wanted to rob a bank.
Everything is
happening because of you.
All these bloody school
boys wanted to impress you.
We have become murderers now.
Stop calling this a
bloody murder, okay?
It was an accident.
You were also with us.
Yes, but you were the
one driving the car, KC.
If we have 25 lakhs
then it's an accident.
Otherwise, it's a murder.
Your father is not
a sheikh in Dubai.
He's a sheikh's driver.
From where will you get the money?
From where will we get the money?
A dead elephant is still valuable
Our elephant is still alive.
The one that you drive.
What are you saying, Dash?
Why don't you talk straight?
Tokyo Sam's.
'We'll sell your car.'
'We'll get 25 lakhs.'
And we can say that
the car was stolen.
Great and KC's dad
will lodge a complaint.
and thanks to your
hummer's hi-tech GPS system..
..we will be behind bars. Game over.
And what will I tell my dad?
The car got lost
while I was driving it?
It's a car, not a mobile phone.
Guys, let's steal
his mother's jewellery.
Been there and done that.
You remember what
happened last time?
You stole from your employees?
Tell me. Tell me.
- We are innocent, sir.
Tell me, where have
you hidden the stash?
We didn't steal anything, sir.
- I don't know, sir.
Tell me the truth.
- I don't know, sir.
Where have you hidden the stash?
- Sir, I don't know anything.
I am innocent, sir.
- We are innocent, sir.
OK. Wait wait wait.
Wait a minute.. you
want to sell my car.
Steal my mother's jewellery.
Am I the only money
bags in this city?
you always carry so much money
Of course, you are the only
rich guy who has committed murder.
I mean accident.
Guys, why don't we just go
and talk to our parents?
Yes. - They are our parents.
They will understand.
Are you kidding?
My dad is on a project
commissioned by the government.
Everything will be over
if such a news gets out.
And you know my father.
He's a saint.
He will disown me.
What about the marbles.
Balls. Trust.
The things KC always
keeps barking about.
- That's just his.. - Barking?
- Shomu. Shomu.
Oh, yes. We have to stick together.
- Shomu.
That's what we are doing.
We are sticking together.
'My friend, Shomu.'
Hi. Shomu.
'Shomu was sitting on the dinner
table and glaring at his mother.'
'But why was he doing that?'
'Shomu, this is
already a flashback.'
Then it's a
flashback in a flashback.
'Once, Shomu was in deep slumber.'
'His mother found uncut cocaine
worth 10 lakhs in his bag.'
'His mother very affectionately
flushed the cocaine.'
'And gave Shomu a tight slap.'
'While munching on
the dinner table..'
'..Shomu greedy gaze/shifted/towards
his small, chubby brother..'
'..who was sitting on his
father's lap and gobbling sweets.'
'Then an idea flashed
'Step One. mix pills
into chocolate mousse.'
'Step Two. hidechubby
Monu under his own bed.'
Call them now. - 'Step Three.
He called his friend.'
'Step Four. Shomu's friend
calls up Shomu's father.'
'And demands a ransom of 20 lakhs.'
'Step five. Shomu stops his
father from calling the cops.'
'He diverts his
attention towards his mother.'
Mama, ask papa to save Monu.
Papa, please save Monu. Papa.
'Then some television
serial acting.'
Papa, please, papa. Save him.
My Monu.
'And your dish is ready.'
'His father's bags the money,'
'Shomu's friend picks the money.'
'Shomu gets a 'payment
received' confirmation.'
'After the confirmation Shomu
prepared for family reunion.'
Mama. Look, mama,
Monu is back. Mama.
Mama, look, Monu is back.
Look, mama, there he is.
- Monu. - Monu.
Mama, Monu is back. Papa.
- Monu.
Papa, Monu is back.
- Monu.
- Look, mama.. Mama..
Monu. Monu, say something.
'Family reunion.'
Then what happened to Shomu?
The cocaine Shomu's mum
flushed was worth 10 lakhs.
Shomu's chubby,
brother was worth 20 lakhs.
Profit, 10 lakhs.
By the way, these days Shomu
is backpacking in Amsterdam.
Let's do it. We should do it.
We can do it. We
will do it. Let's do it.
Should we?
- Yes.
- Yes.
- Yes.
Ya?! Sounds good? You keep feeding
him with these ridiculous stories..
..and he falls for it everytime.
Do you have a better idea?
Will you give 25 lakhs to the cop?
KC, what are you saying?
We'll kidnap someone?
- Yes.
KC, this..
I don't want to go
behind bars, Tanya. Do you?
Do you want to go behind bars?
- Okay. Chill.
Assume that we kidnap someone.
Who will we kidnap?
Your handicapped sister?
Or my brother who is
in the boarding school?
Or Tanya's..
- Me.
- Yes.
My dad's rich. New in town.
Loves me a lot.
Make a phone call.
He'll melt.
Will your dad pay up?
Okay, but if your
dad's rich, new in town..
..loves you a lot then why
don't ask him for money?
Because I don't want
to go to a convent.
If my dad even gets a hint
about what happened last night..
..that's where Im heading.
Will your dad pay up?
- Yes.
Of course. He loves me.
Okay. Fine. If we
are kidnapping Amy..
..we'll cab it to her
house in the morning.
And dads bungalow in Khandala..
We can stay there.
- No, the bungalow in Nerul.
Perfect. Okay?
I'll make the plan.
You will go to
college as usual, tomorrow.
as soon as the driver leaves..
As soon as the driver leaves..
..I'll take a cab
from outside college.
'No, no, no.'
'Come back. Come back.'
'Not from outside'
'You will walk.'
- Okay.
'Keep walking.'
'Keep walking.'
'Keep walking.'
'Stop. Stop. Stop.'
'Now take a cab from here.'
Now what?
- Phone.
We have kidnapped your
daughter Amrita Jaishankar.
We want 25 lakhs.
- Dad.
- Wait for the next phone call.
Dad, please. Please, dad. Dad.
Dad. Daddy, please.
Where are you?
Help! Daddy, please help.
Tara. Hello. Hello.
Name. Mathur versus Mathur.
Age. Male, 32 years old.
Female, 28 years old.
You are a cop. And she is a teacher.
Dance teacher.
Date of wedding: 29th October 2009.
not even been a year.
How did your
in-laws behave with you?
Okay. not applicable.
You don't have in-laws.
Has your husband ever
demanded dowry? - No.
Did he ever force
himself on you? Did beat you?
He's a cop afterall, so..
So what?
Were you happy with the
physical relation you..
..shared with your husband?
I mean, are you? I mean..
Answer me, madam. Yes or no?
Do you suspect that your husband..
..has illicit relationships
with another man or a woman?
issues related to children?
Ah! No kids.
House? rented, right?
Ma'am, Lord Krishna's
birthday celebration.
You are back?
I won't give you a
penny this year. Got it?
Come on..
- Madam, please, hurry up.
Get going.
- I'm getting late.
I know. I'll fill your form first.
Name. Mathur versus Mathur.
Age. Male, 32 years old.
Female, 28 years old.
Date of wedding: 29th October 200..
Clearly means it hasn't been a year
Can we move ahead, ma'am. Please.
Were you happy with this marriage?
- Yes.
Love marriage? Yes.
Did your parents accept your wife..
Madam, when she doesn't have any
in-laws how will I have any parents?
Look, sir, this is an official
formality. We have to do it.
Sir, I was told you are here
What is it?
- the commissioner wants to see you.
I'll finish this and come.
- Sir, it is very urgent.
Wait. I'm not done with this as yet.
Is it done now?
Madam, how much time will it take
to wrap up with the formalities?
If we file todaytoday,
you get divorced in a week.
sooner the better.
Excuse me.
You need to sign as well, madam.
They didn't even
bother to inform me.
I called the college.
Called all her friends.
I checked the messages. Everything.
Did you bother ? You
should have checked.
This is your..
- Just.. Just calm down.
You should have at
least looked into this.
You should have checked.
You should've told me. But we have..
- You have to calm down, Jai.
I am calm. I am..
- He is trying to do his job, Jai.
No. What? What?
Nothing is being done.
Which floor did you throw him from?
He's a Corporater. You
know that, don't you?
That's why I threw him
from the first floor, sir.
Look, Mathur..'s not that the department
is suddenly in love with you
It's simple.
Its a kidnapping case of
this NRI's 18-year-old daughter.
The Home minister
has called, thrice.
Elections are around the corner.
When these politicians get a chance,
they don't lose the opportunity.
They will screw us cops.
What orders do you have
for me, sir?
You have a good network.
I'll give you the men you want.
You are suspended hence I
can't take you in officially.
But you have to handle this case.
without making noise.
At the earliest.
Did you contact Rehmat?
He's not answering the phone.
Get his address.
Her mother.
I'm her step-mom.
its been twelve years since her
mum passed on in a mental asylum.
problems in your family?
Which family doesn't have problems?
I've given the phone
numbers and details..
..of all her friends to the
officer sitting downstairs.
'We just got the news..'
'..that Mr. Anand Jaishankar's
daughter got kidnapped.'
'The kidnapers have called
just once for the ransom.'
'Mumbai police commissioner
has assigned a special team.'
These are her four friends.
Karan Chaudhary. Zubin Shroff.
Tanya Sharma and this guy.
Her parents haven't met him.
- Sir.
I want all the details
on the four of them.
Where do their friends,
parents go and what they do.
The fun they have. Everything.
Are Amrita's friends
behind her kidnapping?
Or is it a case of
multiple kidnapping?
The police have refused
to comment .
As of now the parents
are in a state of shock.
they have refused to
speak to the media.
The three missing
friends are Tanya Sharma..
..Zubin Shroff and Karan Chaudhary.
Move. Move back. No comments.
Move back.
No comments.
- Sir. Sir. Sir, please.
Leave us alone.
Please leave us alone.
Please leave us alone.
My sister Tanya Sharma
just signed a three film deal.
I feel a leading
actress is behind this.
Do you suspect anyone, madam?
No, I can't take names. I'm sorry.
The phones of the missing
four are off since morning.
any information on
the fourth person?
The fourth person's name.
Dushant Sahu.
He works at a
coffee shop Carter Road.
He has been arrested
thrice because of drugs.
That too in three different states.
That means in three hours
a single kidnapping case..
..has turned into a
multiple kidnapping case.
Was this case given
to me to screw me?
Karan is the sole heir to my
business worth 500 crores.
And you are ignoring my son's case
because of an American's daughter.
I have'nt raised my
sister on peanuts.
it has only been a few hours.
And we are taking this
case very seriously.
Dushant Sahu is
your roommate, right?
Where is he? where are his friends?
He is missing since last night.
I know nothing
A new revelation in the
Amrita Jaishankar kidnapping case.
We've figured that
Amrita and her friends'..
..friends can be
behind their kidnapping.
Amrita Jaishankar's father who is
a famous government contractor..
..has been asked to
pay a ransom of 3 crores.
So where exactly is
Amrita Jaishankar?
Look up.
Mr. Kibla Rehmatullah
Khan at your service.
''My love, you..''
''Your love..''
What the hell.
Who is it?
- Son..
Hurry up, son, your wife will age.
- I'm coming.
Hurry up. Hurry up. Hurry up.
let me wear my pants. Do
you want me to come naked?
Oh, God. Hurry up.
- Go. I'm coming. Go. Go.
''My love..''
Who is it? - Uncle, they
are calling you downstairs.
Bugger off . Scoot!. ''They
are calling you downstairs.''
''My love..''
Who is it?
Mr. Mathur, listen to me.
- He is taking your son.
Why are you taking him away?
Listen to me, Mr. Mathur.
Mr. Mathur, I.. I was
going to answer your phone.
Okay, why are we at Vijay
Mallay's kingfisher villa?
Dash, come in. Dash, come in. Dash.
Dash must have
thought of something right?
- Balls.
Look at this place.
What food do you want?
such an exciting place.
My arse.
you outsiders always find
the filth in India exciting.
Blah. Blah. Blah.
Such nags.
Dash, tell them about the plan.
Are you done with your shit?
This is my friend's lodge.
It's obvious from its looks.
Don't talk, listen.
My friend will be coming here
with an unregistered SIM card.
We'll make our next and perhaps
our last phone call from it.
Hi, my name is Zubin.
I am a Parsee boy.
I play with myself as well
while playing videogames.
Mr. Mathur, please let me go.
Sir, my informer will
be here soon.
Sir, have I ever given
you wrong information?
Sir, you have stripped me
from the middle of my wedding.
It's a sin, sir.
Sir, please let me go.
Sir, I'm starting afresh
What's the point in
getting married?
What will you do?
Everything will be over in 8 months.
And your wife will leave
with the painting you paid for.
He wants to start
a new life he says.
Sir, panting? Sir?
Two. Three. Four.
Where will we ask
him to get the money?
Outside that shop?
Or that one
selling bras and panties?
Chill, Parsee.
What about the police?
Why do you ask so many questions?
What if Amy's dad brings
the police?
Then we will cut Amy
into tiny pieces..
..and feed her to the dogs.
- No.
KC, Zubi has got a point here.
Okay. Okay. no need for drama
Save that for your
television serials.
Get lost.
Zubi, give me the phone.
I want to call my sister.
No phone calls.
If we switch on the phone there
is a risk of being tracked down.
Track down? Who will track us down?
- Maybe.
If and only if Amy's dad
has told them everything.
That means until now you
guys where confident..
..that the cops aren't involved.
And suddenly it's a maybe.
Tell me, KC, why did you
get Kareena Kapoor along?
For Saif.
Kareena. Saif.
Hey guys, seriously, this is
not a 'Safe' place to meet.
That's really funny, man.
- That's a good Parsee come back.
Hello, sir.
It's confirmed news. A
Looks European. Golden hair.
Did you see any weapons there?
- No, sir.
I didn't see any weapons.
But yes, the girl was coked up.
Let's go.
Sir. Sir. Sir. Can I leave?
- Go.
Amy. Amy, look here.
Amy, look at this. Look at this.
'The kidnapping case
of Amrita Jaishankar..'
'..has taken a completely new turn.'
'Right now the police are not
only looking for this young girl..'
'..but also for three
of her friends
'..who disappeared
the same time as her.'
'There has been no ransom call
to any of her other friends.'
'And the police
are yet to confirm..'
'..whether the friends are the
victims or indeed the kidnappers.'
There's a lot of speculation
where the youngster might be hiding.
The police
currently traced the call..
Leave me. Brother,
whom have you brought?
Help! You want to put
me in trouble?
Bolt the door. Leave me.
'We now have pictures of
the four missing youngsters.'
'The parents have
offered reward to anyone..'
..who can provide the police with
information on their whereabouts.'
Leave me! Leave me!
Do you want us killed?
Let go of her.
Shut up! Shut up, you witch!
Leave me! Leave me!
Who are you?
- How can you just barge in?
- Get out of here.
I said get out of here.
Sit down.
- How dare you come inside?
Sit down. Sit down.
You are pointing a gun
at me in front of a kid?
Help! Help!
Who are you?
- Get out of here.
Get out. - You are pointing a
gun at me in front of a kid?
I said sit down. Raise your hands.
I told you.
- Yes..
Shut up! Shut up!
Don't you have any shame?
You are pointing a gun at
me in front of a kid?
Get out of here.
- Arvind, is everything alright?
Let's go, guys. Let's go. Let's go.
Hey, stop. Stop right there.
Go upstairs. Go upstairs.
Go upstairs. Run. Run. Run.
Hurry up. Run.
Keep quiet.
- No, get out of here.
Keep quiet.
- Get out of here.
I said, get out.
Come on, kick the door.
Kick the door.
I'm standing right outside the lodge
where the gun fight took place.
The two Kenyan
nationals Omar and Tofeeq..
..had entered the
country a month ago.. deliver a heavy
consignment of cocaine.
Both of them were being
haboured by an Indian family..
..Kadija and Mustaq Ansari,
who have just been arrested.
Also found dead on the spot was
Germany tourist Claudia Jones..
..who was reported
missing by German embassy..
..around four weeks ago.
Her cause of death has been
confirmed as a overdose of cocaine.
Sir, it's like you go for a
prayer and you end up fasting.
Your Mumbai police was
looking for Amrita Jaishankar..
..but it got a Germany
citizen missing since four weeks..
..Claudia's dead body.
What do you have to say about this?
Excuse me. What do you think?
That police handles
only one case at a time?
For us, each and
every case is important.
If we have Amrita's
case it doesn't mean..
..that we ignore Claudia's case.
Please. Our experts' team has
been investigating this case..
For the past four weeks.
And what is so surprising
if we find Claudia Jones?
I am surprised at your behaviour.
You are looking for drama even
when the police has done good work.
Saw how the
commissioner is fooling people?
So what?
- What did the doctor say?
I've already been shot thrice.
Doctor said if I get shot again..
..there will be no blood
left in my body.
Sir, where is Amrita?
Doctor said that?
Sandeep, crabs don't
have any blood in them..
..and cops don't have
a single loyal bone.
Now what you think is what you are.
Did you find anything
in the laptop?
No. And nothing in the
Facebook account as well.
Except sympathy messages.
About 3000 of them
but nothing suspicious.
Anything from the tracking device?
I have diverted the phone
calls of all the parents here.
In about 20 minutes I will be
able to crack anyone calling.
And the terrestrial
tracking software which helps in..
Yes, ma'am?
- How old was that girl?
Jai, we have lost her.
Jai, what am I going to do?
How.. All of us kidnapped?
I don't understand anything.
I also don't understand.
Does the hero love the
milkmaid or the other item girl?
- Can you guys just stop it?
If we don't go home for few hours..
..does it mean
that we are kidnapped?
Dash. Dash.
What's the plan, now?
KC, your dad can solve this.
Let's go back.
Go back?
What do you think? The cops are
doing a striptease in the station?
If we go back, they will
badger each one of us..
..where we were and
what were we doing.
One wrong answer and you
will be thrashed in such a way..
..that you will never forget.
We don't have the
money and on top of that..
..Malwankar is
sitting over our heads.
We will call
everyone's dads tonight.
And decide the drop off point.
- Okay.
Why everyone's dads?
Why not ask when we
have the opportunity.
According to the media all
four of you got kidnapped, right?
Then how much money will we get?
- What?
We will get 25 from his dad.
And from Tanya's sister,
perhaps 1500.
All of you wait here.
I'll go and make the calls.
Wait. I'll come along.
You stay here. Take care of them.
What's happening?
Can't you see it?
Don't you understand?
What do you mean?
Dash is a big bullshitter.
You are agreeing to
whatever he is saying.
Nothing like that.
Whose plan it was to
kidnap someone?
And now.. He is asking a
ransom from everyone's dads.
And why did he hit him so badly?
Yes. Why did he hit him?
He should have just
watch me get raped, right?
Just cool it, you know.
Rape? What rape?
You both looked like you
were made for each other.
Didn't you see their..
- Tanya.
Stupid. Listen..
- Tanya.
Zubi, go.
I'm leaving.
- Look, don't take..
I'm leaving.
- Don't take Amy seriously.
Zubi, we.. We are all going to die.
See, I.. I know
I am freaking out, too.
Everything will be fine.
What will be fine, Zubi?
I was almost raped.
Reped. Zubi.
Two days ago we ran
over and killed two men.
And in that lodge, that..
We killed that bastard.
- There's no proof.
I mean like, he
could still be alive.
What difference does it make?
What difference does it make?
Please, get me out of here.
I cannot leave KC.
You love me, right?
Please, get me out of here.
I want to go home, Zubi.
I don't want to do this anymore.
Please Zubi.
Take me home. Please.
..get a cab.
I'll come with you.
They will suspect us
if we go together.
If they ask, just
make up something, okay?
Say that I have gone to
get food or something.
- Okay.
Zubi, I want your phone.
I want to call my sister.
Don't worry? We are
doing the right thing.
Now we need 50.. not 25 lakhs.
Tomorrow 11:30am sharp.
Outside the Goodluck restaurant.
Lower Parel.
Come alone. If you bring
the police along then..
You will get the money.
Balwant, who is the SI
of that area?
Please don't hurt Amy.
Can I speak to Amy?
Hello. Hello.
What date is it tomorrow?
Give me that.
Give it back to me.
I'll kill you.
- Let me go.
What's going on?
What's going on?
I'll tell you what's going on.
The bitch was calling the cops.
I was not calling the cops.
- Just stay here.
I'm not going anywhere.
- You were calling the cops.
KC, I didn't call the cops.
- Bitch.
Where did you get the phone?
Who gave you this phone?
- Trust, huh?
Where's Zubin?
He is out to get food.
Trust? Trust.
- You bitch.
Trust means shit, doesn't it?
- You bitch.
Who broke our trust?
Everything has
happened because of you, KC.
Everything has
happened because of you.
Tanya, get up.
I hope she..
Which information are you
talking about? - Don't shout, sir.
Of course, I will shout.
- No, you don't have to shout.
Who is he to tell me not to shout?
One by one.
You think your brother
will ever come back?
Please. Stop it.
That's enough.
Please, sir.
Our sources have just informed us..
Tanya Sharma has been found.
Tanya Sharma has been found.
Still no news on Amrita Jaishankar.
Stay here till I don't return.
Where are you?
On second floor in
the opposite building.
Yes, sir, I can see him.
Why did Mahabharata take place?
Because Draupadi laughed.
I found this audio
clip in Amy's laptop.
It matches with the ransom call.
I'm 100% sure its Dushyant Sahu.
Did our hero come to
pick up the money?
I don't think he will.
Tanya, listen to me.
So what were the others doing?
Where they busy celebrating
Lord Krishna's birthday?
Sir, actually..
- Just a minute, Mathur.
Is this a joke?
It has been more than 48 hours.
What have we done?
We found that German
girl Claudia by fluke.
We had one chance but
we lost that as well.
There's a half dead
girl lying in here..
..who might die as I speak.
Sir, I know that, but..
You don't know anything, Mathur.
Is the media targeting you?
They have linked everything to this
case from terrorism to black magic.
There is a lot of
pressure on me, Mathur.
I keep getting
calls from my seniors.
I'm repeatedly being told that
they will give the case to CBI..
Sir, I'll talk to you later.
- You..
Sir, we found him
outside the airport.
His father was
sending him to Bangalore.
Did he say anything?
- No, sir.
I want my lawyer.
What did you think you are
sitting in an American prison?
It's my right.
Only the police are right
during an interrogation.
No one will come to know even if
I bump you off in an encounter.
Got it?
Now tell me, where are
the rest of your friends?
Otherwise, along with you, your
parents, too, won't get a lawyer.
Tell me.
Okay, don't tell me.
I'll book you for Tanya's murder.
You killed Tanya, didn't you?
No, sir. I didn't.
You killed Tanya, didn't you?
- No, sir. I didn't.
I had told them I don't
want to be a part of this.
I got scared, sir.
I got scared.
Look, you couldn't save Tanya.
But you can save yourself trust me.
Trust a cop?
All this has
happened because of a cop.
What do you mean?
Let us pray.
Almighty God, whose
blessed son bears our grief..
..and carries our sorrows,
grant faith and courage.. all who are
suffering at this time.
And give your
strength and blessing.. those who seek to help them.
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Someone must have taken
her to the hospital, right?
Amy, you think she's okay?
I think I should call her.
Yes, I'll call her.
No.. No one will believe
that it was an accident, KC.
I know how it works.
That's the way it works.
No one believed my mother either.
They just locked her up.
They are going to lock us up, too.
Once we get the money..
Then.. then.. then..
Then we should leave. Yes.
Then we have to get out of here.
We have to leave.
We'll go to LA.
For a few days I'll
request them to let my mom out.
You can meet my mom.
What crap are you ranting?
- Her eyes are so beautiful.
she paints so well.
You have to see her paintings.
- What happened?
She's amazing.
I didn't get the money.
Cops all around.
Dash, don't lie. Where's the money?
Where's the money?
Your dad had made
all the arrangements.
I would've got caught if I
had gone to take the money.
It would have been better
if you would've got caught.
- Where are you going?
I'm hungry. I'm
going to get some food.
From our department?
- Yes, sir.
Zubin is telling the truth.
all rascals cooking up a story.
It's part of the plan blame a cop.
Mathur, I am not getting emotional..
..because Malwankar or
whoever he is, is a cop.
While sitting here, I know
whose uniform gets ironed where.
Please, sir. Listen to me.
- Mathur.
Enough is enough.
Enough is enough indeed.
You solve this case and
get yourself transferred.
Listening to a kid
you are acting insane..
I'ts not nonsense im not
getting instigated by a kid, sir.
I've been trying to tell you
since long you are not getting me.
I've done my background check, sir.
Sorry won't be able to do this.
Sir. Sir, Pratham has called in.
The phone number given by
Zubin Shroff belongs.. some Gauri Malwankar.
Patel, keep in mind that
he shouldn't find out..
..that we know about him.
- Swine.
No one will send a
message to the wireless.
I've already given a
message to the wireless.
With whose permission?
With whose.. Sorry.
Sandeep, let's go.
Let's go.
Gopi must be on his
way back from school.
Where are you going?
Have your lunch.
I'll be back in an hour.
Gauri Malwankar?
- Okay?
Shut up.
I said shut up. He
shouldn't find out.
Where were you?
Move aside. Move aside.
Move aside. Move aside.
Move aside. Move aside.
Check there. Down there.
- Hail Lord Ganesha.
Forget it.
- Sion. Sion. Sion hospital.
The car has reached Dadar..
- 1100. - Tell me.
Send the car.
- It's an Airtel connection.
Yes, tell me.
- 400. - Send the car.
Yes, tell me, Malwankar. - 2400.
- Close to Sion. Sion hospital.
Shut up.
Sion hospital. - Tell me. - 3588.
It's an Airtel connection.
They.. they.. Hurry up.
It's an Airtel connection.
- Okay.
Arvind, Nandini had come to my
clinic. She's had a small accident.
Hurry up. Hurry up.
- What?
There is a fracture,
but it's nothing serious.
Don't worry. Listen,
Arvind. Listen to me. Arvind..
What is it?
- Stop.
What happened?
You handle this.
Where are you going?
Why have you come here?
to meet my wife.
Yes, tell me.
Any other information?
We are already very disturbed.
We are worried for our son.
Please go away.
Watchman. Watchman.
Take them out of here.
Giving us a lot of trouble.
You have a phone in here?
The news is confirmed.
Malwankar last called from
a public booth in Vasai.
And Karan Chaudhary
just called his father..
asked him to come to
a church in Vasai.
Any contact from his dad?
No, his phone is off.
Leave. I'll meet you in Vasai.
- I won't go to Vasai, sir.
Ofcourse you will.
Mom! Mom!
- Amy.
- Amy. Look at me.
I have to go get mom.
- Amy.
Listen to me. Listen to me.
Where's the money?
Give me the money.
I'll give you back
the money. Please.
I just need the money
right now. I need mom.
Please. No. Where
is it? Where is it?
Dash. I want the money.
- Amy.
Please, Dash.
Please, I'll do anything.
Dash, please, I need the money.
I need to see my mom.
I need the..
- Amy, come, let's go from here.
- Amy.
Amy, come, let's go from here.
- KC, have you got the money?
Where were you?
- Come on, Amy, let's go home.
Home? Where's the money?
Where were you?
- Amy.. Amy..
I don't want to go home.
- Amy.. - Where were you?
I have called my dad. I
have called my dad. - No.
He must be on his way
to pick us up. Come on.
You called him?
- No..
Amy, please. Come on, Amy.
- I don't..
With whose
permission did you call him?
Do I need your
permission to call my dad?
Amy. Amy, come on, let's go.
We were deciding
everything together, right?
What happened now?
- Now I have decided.
Amy Let's go.
No one will go anywhere.
Malwankar is not
answering his phone.
Enough of planning.
Until now it was
all your plan, right?
Is it working?
Whose plan was it
to kidnap oneself?
Whose plan was it to
hide in Bhindi Bazaar?
Whose plan was it to come here?
Amy, come on, let's go. Please.
Dash. Dash. Dash.
We can fix this, okay? I
know my dad. He loves me.
He loves me a lot, okay?
He must have paid up
Where have you hidden it?
Where have you hidden it?
- Just shut up, Amy.
Your dad hates you, okay?
Had he loved you he
would've quietly paid the money.
And you..
You can leave if you want to.
She won't go anywhere.
Come on, Amy.
You will hit me?
Come on, Amy.
- No.
Let's go, Amy.
Let's get out of here.
It was my plan. My plan.
Who is in there? Open
the door! Open the door!
People have gathered outside.
Come with me.
I have to go and get mom.
Amy, come with me.
- I have to get mom.
- I have to go and get mom.
Your mother is dead. Do
you wish to die as well?
Come with me. Just get up.
No! She's not dead!
- Shut up.
Who is in there?
Come on, run.
Amrita Jaishankar has been found.
The kidnappers of this
high profile kidnapping case..
..finally lost their
lives at God's abode.
Amrita bravely fought
with her kidnappers.
After a 48 hour ordeal
..the girl is now
safe with her parents.
Mathur, there is a difference
between the fact and the truth.
Mathur, the truth is its
the duty of every cop.. selflessly serve his nation.
But the fact remains
in a salary of 8500..
..he has to look after his family,
serve his nation..
..and be loyal,
selflessness goes for a toss.
One person is
responsible for all this.
It's true.
But the fact is to save the
face of the entire police force..
..this case has to be suppressed.
You've to decide..
..whether you will
go with truth or fact.
Amrita fought bravely
with her kidnappers..
..and just about managed to escape.
The other victims Tanya
Sharma and Zubin Shroff..
..are also in safe custody now.
While it was earlier reported that.. of her friends
Dushant Sahu might have been..
..involved in the kidnapping.
At this point we
cannot confirm this.
I, Tanya Sharma.. I, Zubin Shroff..
In my sound mind, and
without any pressure from anyone..
..accept that we were not a part
of Amrita Jaishankar's kidnapping.
Like us, Karan Chaudhary
and Amrita Jaishankar, too..
..became victims of this conspiracy.
This entire incident was
planned by Dushyant Sahu.
Wherever possible we tried our
best to stop our friend Dusyhant.
All four of us claim to be
innocent in this incident.
Yours' sincerely, Tanya.
Operation 'Amrita
Missing' has coming to an end.
During this case
Inspector Malwankar..
..who was investigating this case..
..has been seriously injured.
Look carefully at this bed,
this wall and this ward.
Because you will be
coming back here, soon.
Not because of what you have done.
But because I won't let
the years of hard work..
..of the police
force go down the drain.
I'm sorry, sir.
Sir. Sir..
I am..
Mathur. Thanks a lot.
What is your name, my child?
Saira Jaishankar.