Shake Rattle and Roll Fourteen: The Invasion (2012)

Oh my, Donald! You're daughter grew up
in America! She's probably a PX now!
What kind of a letter did you write?!
What do you mean?!
Of course, I wrote it in Tagalog.
Your daughter might only know English.
Myra, I will pay you.
My wife will just take
my daughter to another place.
I might not see her again.
Sorry, Donald.
Business is business!
- Please, Myra.
- Oh come on!
Just give up your child.
Besides, your wife is arrogant!
You left the seminary just for her
then what did she give you in return?!
She left you!
You know what, that chapter
of your life should already be closed!
It should already be a closed book!
Mommy, phone call.
It says it's about your uncle.
I have an uncle?
Do we have an uncle?
He is your Uncle Lando.
Is he dead?
Look at him. He already has
a coin on his eyes.
He wears this on his head and
he's not moving. So he's dead!
Will you guys pay respect?!
Come to think of it, I only read
and watched things about him.
Why? Who is he, by the way?
He's an excellent writer!
He has a lot of awards!
The FAMAS awards, formerly known as
the Maria Clara awards, he has lots of that!
Wow. Is that true?
How do you know that?
Because Donald doesn't do anything
but watch movies.
Auntie, look. It's so beautiful!
You know what, when I was a kid then,
I always watch his horror movies
and oh boy, I get really scared!
I couldn't sleep for three days!
But I watch it again
because it's amazing!
I don't watch Tagalog movies.
It's cheap!
So I'm sure Uncle's works are cheap.
Go on. Uncle might hear you.
He's dead!
The sense of hearing is the last thing
that fades away from a dead person.
Sorry, Uncle.
Why did you call us to come here?
Will Uncle give us inheritance?
You're the only relatives
left of Mang Lando.
So before he died, he requested
to look for all of you.
He's Batman's butler.
Mang Lando is mad at people
who have fooled him before!
He treated them as his friends,
his co-workers!
They copied his masterpieces!
They mocked him! Ridiculed him!
That's why he locked himself
in this house for many years.
What did he say?
What is he? Is he really our cousin?!
There are savings Mang Lando left.
More than 20 million pesos
which will be divided to all of you.
Oh My! Thank you so much, Uncle!
Thank you!
When can we get it?
In one month!
What?! But why?!
In one month,
if someone dies
among the four of you,
the rest will divide the person's share.
Why does someone have to die?
Maybe we can get an advance?
That's not it.
You still have other things to inherit.
Follow me.
- Okay! Okay!
- Uncle, thank you so much!
Is there a withholding tax for an
Fine! I'll lend you money!
- Really, Myra?! Thank you so much!
- Yes.
- There's a 20 percent on top of that!
- Yes! I have to pay for the ticket I bought!
- Filemonl
- Coming, mommy! Just a sec!
Finally, I'll be seeing my daughter!
- Come in.
- Yes, mommy!
- Just a minute.
- The antiques here are really nice.
Do I have buyers for antiques?
Maybe this is the place where he writes.
Uncle Donald!
There's a horn!
Hey you, pesky kid!
Don't touch that!
Don't hold anything!
This isn't a horn.
It's an old film. Look.
You're right. Nice! It's a movie!
Hey, Filemon.
I was also a child star then.
I've done a couple of movies.
But you didn't become popular.
Because it was Nifio Muhlach's time!
But being an artist feels good!
When the spotlight hits you,
you become a different person.
Child stars doesn't grow up, right?
- But what happened to you?
- Whatever!
What really are we going to inherit?
Hey! It's Konde Nado!
The vampire who fell for Rosing.
And the hairy monster, Filomena!
Yes! That's what she uses to kill
because the townsmen shaved
off her hair.
She also turns into a boar.
And this one,
He likes to kill the mothers.
Because when he was born,
he was thrown away by his mother.
And this one, Rosalda.
The ghost protagonist of the concert
of death.
She just plays the piano.
But she can never stop.
Because if she stops,
someone will die.
Those are Mang Lando's masterpieces.
He left this inheritance to all of you.
- What?!
- Oh My!
I thought it's jewelry or furniture!
Those are cheap!
Filemon's way more frightening than that!
Look! Look!
Am I right, Filemon? That's why
the catholic school didn't take you in.
If you will not take care
of these masterpieces,
you can't take the money!
Oh! Mr. Good-looking is mine!
The Tiyanak is mine.
Rosalda's mine!
The monster's yours.
Wow. Wild.
See you, guys!
Can you open the trunk?
- Myra! Myra!
- Let's go! Hurry!
Look at that woman!
She just left us like that!
I'll take this.
Hey, Why is that here?
Stop! Stop!
Take it out! Take it out!
- Th row it away!
- Okay.
It might even bring bad luck in to
my house!
Hurry! The meter's running!
It's so hot!
You're taking so long!
The meter's running!
Hurry! The meter's running!
Driver, let's go!
Here, take this fan.
Oh my love!
It's already August 20! Ten more days
then you can come home here!
- You can leave your Arab master.
- Cynthia.
That's right!
Just be patient, partyline.
I'm almost done.
I'll go now. It's getting expensive.
Bye! Take care!
Hey, Cynthia! Cynthia!
Emerson is here.
- Emerson, come! Come. Come.
- Yes, tita.
Cynthia, smile!
Hi, Emerson.
We will soon see each other, my child.
I have searched for you for a long time.
You ruined the drama!
I need to rebook everything.
Of course, yes, this means a lot.
Oh! Like if I'm going to
survive this whole month,'
and the others don't,
I get to keep all the money!
Hey, I gotta call you back.
I smell something funny.
How did you get here?!
Hey, both of you! When you fix your things,
will you handle it carefully!
The soap's box might get a dent.
The canned goods!
Customers might think it's fake!
They won't give us the right payment.
Hey you!
I told you not to touch that!
Get that! It fell!
Give it to me!
Mommy, no one's going to buy these!
Who told you that?!
All the things in here will be in sale.
Even you! If someone's going to buy you,
I'll definitely sell you!
Come here!
Come here!
That's for Obelia, Nerissa,
Rowena, Malou and Isabel!
Put those inside the room!
On the side!
On the side! On the floor!
So no one will crash it if someone enters.
And I'll keep these toys
so you won't touch it!
These toys aren't yours!
As if you're going to pay for it
if anything gets broken!
Do I sell coffins now?
Look at me.
- Come near.
- Why?!
You're my Rosing.
Who is that?
I'm not Rosing!
You are my Rosing.
I said I'm not Rosing!
- Wait. You should be invited first!
- You are mine.
Not me! I'm local!
- This one's imported!
- Mommy!
Let's go!
Mommy! He's the -
He's the vampire from the drawing,
You might've brought that creature here!
Mommy, here! It's open!
What happened?!
Are you sure?
Yes! The one with the cape and fangs!
Exactly the one on the drawing!
Konde Nado came to life?!
- And you're even excited?!
- But of course!
That's Uncle's work.
Oh My, Cynthia.
That might be another suitor
of yours again.
That's embarrassing to Emerson.
Good evening.
We're from the NBI.
Mommy, they said they're from the NBI.
Ma'am, good evening.
Are you Mrs. Feyagdepa?
That's me. What is it?
We just want to inform you that
your cousin Benedict Collins was found dead.
What happened?
His bones are broken.
And what's bothering is that
there were lots of hair covering his body.
- Filomena came to life!
- What the?!
Ma'am, just sign this confirmation
that we found the closest kin of the victim.
The victim's body is at the Quiogue funerary.
Thank you, ma'am. We'll go now.
Thank you.
Our cousin's dead.
His share is ours!
- Hey, don't be like that!
- What's the matter?!
What I'm saying is true!
But why does Uncle's works come to life?
Are you sure those are his works?
Don't you think his
just getting his revenge?
His butler said he died bitter.
Why would he do that against us?
No! We should make a plan!
Is someone there?!
- What nov No one's home.
- Wait. Here.
- Let's go here.
- Come on, ma!
- Someone there!
- Someone!
I think I'm giving up.
I'll just wait here in the car.
- Myra!
- Let's go. Let's go.
- Yes, mommy.
- Yes, mommy!
No! You go with them!
- Help them! You can climb that one!
- Benjie!
Ask someone from there.
You go first.
Is somebody home?!
Good evening.
- Looks like no one's home.
- Good evening!
It's so dark in here.
Here's the switch.
Don't be afraid.
We have a priest with us.
- Filemonl What the?!
- Yes!
Come here! You go first!
- It's so dark.
- Hurry! Hurry!
The other one.
Still nothing.
- It's here.
- Then open it.
No one's home.
Did they already bury Uncle?
As if he stood up and walked by himself!
Will you please!
My point is we were here yesterday,
why didn't they say anything to us?
- That's why the vampire attacked you!
- Stop it!
- Enough with this!
- Stop, mommy! You know what,
Let's just look for the helper
so we can get out of here.
- Maybe they have a ashlight we can use.
- Here's the drawer.
Come on!
- This is just a carton.
- That's him!
That's him! That's him! That's him!
He's Konde Nado! That's him!
It's just a carton! Look!
- Filemon, put it back. Hold it.
- Okay.
Look! There are lots of films!
What if we convert those into betamax?!
Come on.
- Isn't there a ashlight?!
- Or a match.
Filemon, maybe there's a match
near the candle.
Come, we should have a light.
Come, hurry!
- Wait. Wait.
- Here. Here.
Auntie, I can't see anything!
Just search for it.
Are we set?
Auntie, I got it!
We got the match.
Good! You're taking so long!
You're so skeptic!
- There you go!
- There.
We have a light!
It's mister!
He followed Uncle.
Uncle, bless him.
House gets blessing.
You mean extreme onction!
Don't you think we have to
report this to the police?
Oh My.
Filemonl Come here!
Yes, mom.
Uncle Donald, let me help you.
- Wait. Wait!
This is just hard to open.
- Wh at?
- Now what?
Maybe -
- I can't open it.
- Uncle Benjie!
- It won't open.
- How are we suppose to go out?
- Oh no.
- What nov!
It's closed.
Oh no. What are we going to do nov
- Here! Here!
- Hurry, Uncle!
It won't open!
- You! Go ahead!
- I'll try here!
- Go! Go!
- It still won't open.
Go. Help them open it.
- What are we going to do?!
- Here! Here!
The windows are barred.
Did they intend to lock us up here?
Your works are actually great!
I was even thinking of having a
retrospective of your works to EC P.
Just let us get out of here, please.
Don't you know any protection, Donald?
Those you learned from the seminary.
- Why did you get out of the seminary?
- You know what?
I've been wanting to ask you this, Donald.
You were our priest
when Joaquin and I got married?
Does it mean our wedding is void?
We really have to chat here?!
You should think of how are we
suppose to get out of here!
What do your Uncle really want?!
Why is he doing this to us?!
If they're giving us the money,
then give it!
They don't need to scare us!
You only think of money!
After 16 years, you finally
get to say something decent!
Maybe because he's mad at the world,
that's why he wants to take out
his relatives.
And you too!
Hey, you.
- Hey, Filemonl
- Yes!
What the?!
Mommy, I'm getting hungry
Go to the kitchen.
See if you'll find something to eat.
I'm scared!
Then take someone with you!
There! Filemonl
- Filemonl
- Yes!
What's happening to you?!
It's so difficult to ask for your favor!
I'm not!
Now, you're talking back!
You're reasoning! Come here!
You're so hard-headed and yet
you're so ugly!
I'm getting hyper because of you!
Where is that from?
But no one's here.
Please! That's just wind!
That's a very strong wind!
Mommy, I don't want to go.
- I don't want to go to the kitchen anymore.
- What the?! Atop really do spin!
And you!
I told you to go with your sister!
Let's go!
Myra! What's with you?!
Why are you treating Filemon like that?!
Hey, Donald! Mind your own child!
You should pray that you'd finally meet her!
Why are you treating your child like that?!
He's my husband's son from his chicks!
Hey. Myra
- And you!
You don't even have feelings
towards that child!
You should be thankful that
I took him in when his mother left him!
It's the fruit of a sin
so he looks like a sin!
You know what I do to him?!
I lock him up in a cabinet
so he'll learn but he never learn!
I need to go to the C.R.
I'll go with you, tita.
I'll go instead!
I suddenly need to pee.
Don't go anywhere!
I thought you're with your sister.
I already did.
You know what? Your mommy's just
stressed out of her business.
But she loves you.
That's not true!
Oh My! Myra!
You're an evil mother!
You're an evil wife!
You know what?! Your mother
is a lovechild of another uncle of ours.
You're the rich one
and yet you're the evil one!
When she and her mother went
to the burial, my mother got mad.
They were thrown out.
Since then, she's always mad at me.
Come on. Let's just go there!
Don't mind my aunt.
We, the poor, are the ones kind.
Hey, Gladys!
Come with me. I want that too.
I'm getting hungry!
Such a plastic!
Why do you have to be my relative?!
Am I right? It's all yours!
But then you're the cruel one!
What's that?!
Donald, there's a tiyanak!
- Fyanak!
- Daddy!
- My God!
- Why is there a bat in here?
Look at me,
my Rosing.
- Mommy, it's Emerson!
- Come here!
- Uncle
- Help!
- Get off him! Get off!
Get off him! Daddy!
- Let's go upstairs! Upstairs! Hurry!
- Tiyanak!
Don't go there! There's tiyanak!
The Vampire's coming!
Hey! Where's Filemon?!
- Here! Here!
- Mommy!
Filemonl Filemonl
Myra! Myra! Open!
Go to the other room!
Myra! It's Filomena!
What the?! Find yourself your own hideout!
What's that?!
Someone's playing the piano.
How do you think my mom's doing?
Your mom's tough so don't mind her!
You know, your mom...
abuses your brother too much!
You're right.
Good thing, she treats you differently
Since she gave birth to you
when she wasn't married yet.
Oh no!
You don't know?
Oh My. I'm sorry.
What's the matter with that?
You know us, lovechilds,
we're tougher than they are.
We are survivors!
It's really you!
I watch you when I was young.
I even dream about you.
Your dad had your boyfriend killed
because he's just a farmer!
You know magic?
And you can't stop playing the piano!
Because if you stop,
your boyfriend will die.
Nice! It turned into a ball!
Help us.
Don't let us die in here.
But me,
I'm not allowed to play.
What kind of powers do you have?
In the room,
where we were created.
Among the old things.
Father's rifle is hidden there.
What? You want me to get in again?
Thank you so much, Rosalda.
Thank you so much.
Open the door! The monsters are gone!
What?! They're gone?!
- Mommy!
'They're gone?
Mommy, they're gone! Hurry!
- Let's go!
'TheY'fB gone?
- Auntie, wait! Wait for me!
- My child!
My child!
What are you doing here?!
- Here! Here!
- What are you looking for?
- No!
- Cash?
- No!
- Then what?!
There's another monster that
Uncle created!
But unlike the others, this one's stronger!
He's the most powerful one amongst them!
And he's the most evil one too.
How did you know that?!
He wrote it here on his notes.
File-- File--
Who are you?!
He's the last monster he created!
He didn't give it to others
because he doesn't trust them anymore.
He's Buboy.
The little devil.
Don't play around here.
There are lots of monsters
and creatures here!
Play is the only thing he wants to do.
So whenever he kills somebody,
he plays around the victim first.
Will you stop that! I'm getting scared!
And according to this,
Buboy's the only one who can control
and stop other monsters.
He's heartless.
His chest is empty
so the only thing he eats is human heart.
This is the little devil's fault.
- What?!
- We discovered something!
The monsters are gone!
Filomena's gone too?
They're all gone?!
What are you talking about?! Look at Emerson!
He was bitten by a vampire!
He's covered with hair!
He's stabbed! He's dead!
Wait! Wait! Wait!
What devil are you saying?!
He controls all the monsters!
What are we going to do?!
Where's Benjie?!
I thought he's with you!
- Where's Filemon?!
- He's with you!
Filemonl Maybe he's in the closet!
He loves being there anyway!
Wait. I'll look for him.
No need! Even the monster
will get scared of him!
Gladys, come. Let's look for your father!
Hey, Gladys! What the?!
Wait, mommy!
Is it true?
Is it true that you gave birth to me
when you weren't married yet?
But your father married me!
Do we have to do this drama here?!
Look around! People are getting killed!
But why didn't you tell me right away?!
What do you want me to do?!
Take you under a tree
hold your hand and tell you,
"My child, don't get surprised,
I have to tell you something.
Who told you that anyway?!
It's always been you!
You're such a meddler!
And what?!
Isn't that the truth?!
You! You depend so much
with the fake goods you sell
that's why you don't see it!
At least, I know what's fake!
That's why I know you are one!
- Is that it?
- Good morning!
- Hello. How are you?
- Is that it?!
That's why even your
daughter's irritated to you!
Come here!
- You're a monster!
- Mommy!
You're a monster!
Look at how you treat your child!
- You're a monster!
- Mommy!
- Fake! Fake!
- Monster!
Monster! Monster!
Kill each other!
Here's the hammer! Kill each other!
- You always fight!
- Benjie!
You're just here!
Now, you have balls
that's why you came out?!
- Daddy! Mommy!
- Dude!
Dude, what's the matter with you?!
It's Buboy!
- The little devil!
- It's him! It's him!
Where's my husband?!
Where's Benjie?!
Give me back my husband!
You don't want to?!
Ouch! Ouch!
What the?!
- What's happening here?!
- Fight me!
Hurry! Get up!
Myra! Myra!
- Get up!
- Where's mommy?!
What happened to you?!
I want to pee!
- Damn you! Get up!
- Ouch!
Don't go near him!
- Mommy!
- Filemonl
Come here! Give me that!
Give it to me!
You evil! Here's for you!
- I can't move!
- Be afraid of God!
Help! Help!
- Myra! Help me! I can't move! Myra!
- I want to pee!
Filemonl Help them!
Aunt Faye!
Mommy! Mommy, the door's open!
It's sunrise!
Donald, let's go! Faye!
Let's go!
Donald! You won't see you daughter!
The heck with you all!
- What about them?!
- Don't mind them!
Where's Filemon?!
Don't mind him!
You ask too much questions! Let's go!
See? They want us out!
What about daddy's car?!
You don't know how to drive!
There's the taxi! Let's go!
Where's the driver?!
There he is, I think!
Get in! Get in!
- Mommy, there's Filemonl
- What the?! Don't mind him!
- There he is!
- I told you!
Driver, leave that!
I'll give you coffee! Imported!
And two canned corned beef!
States side! PX!
Then let's go!
Hurry! You're so slow!
What the?! You're always so slow!
- Mommy, for you.
- What's this?!
That's what I'm talking about!
Look at the bright side of life!
Where to, ma'am?
In Makati, Bel-air in Prudential Bank!
China Airlines flight C1811 is expected
to arrive at this time with the senator inboard.
Good morning to all of you!
Wake up and stretch your body!
Let's welcome this day with a smile!
Mom, how's our breakfast?
Has dad been enjoying the day
Our farmers out there are working
really hard!
Let's hope you'll have bountiful blessings!
We also have good news
about the gasoline rollback!
What's that?!
I can't see anything!
Sarge, he said let's go forward!
It's too dangerous!
Let's go, Sarge! Forward!
Men cover!
Sarge! Who are you waving at?
Isn't that one of ours?!
What? Where?
Man down!
Volume of fire!
Move! Move!
Sharpen your eyesights!
Left! Right! Left!
It's still far!
"Y" 90ir1g in!
Scout leader!
What is it, Barrientos?!
Clear, sir!
What is that?!
Someone attacked, sir!
"Y" 90ir1g in!
There are dead people here!
Go! Go! Move! Move!
Move move!
Get the perimeter!
Sharpen your eyesights, men!
- Look around!
- Sharpen your eyesights!
There are people hanging!
Check the holes!
Damn! This one's just like my brother.
"U Paon!
"Sir! Sir!
Report this at the camp!
All you do is talk!
Get me the radio.
They're brutal.
Over the base!
Sir! Sir! Someone's still alive!
He's still breathing!
Captain Baltog!
They're from hell!
They eat flesh!
You soldiers!
What do you think, sir?
Whatever this is
we should pursue them.
Where are we going to find them?
I'm sure they already hid themselves in town.
Right there.
Sir, aren't we going back?
What are we really looking for?!
I don't know.
Whatever this is,
we should be ready.
Secure the area, men!
What the heck are we doing here?
This is too far from our camp.
Aren't we going back yet?
They said those are monsters.
Even monster wear uniforms nov
Maybe that's why they cutoff
the budget for our uniforms!
The monsters steal it!
Let's go.
What really is our mission?
Why don't they tell us?
Just ask lieutenant.
Let's go.
There are no reinforcement report
and rebel function group here.
People say
they are vigilantes.
Others say
they are CAFGU.
And some say
they are monsters.
They say there are six, seven,
And others say
there are ten.
But all of them
points to one leader,
Captain Baltog.
Lost command.
They are heavily armed.
The ones we encountered
are from the North.
So probably
they're heading towards that mountain.
Still a stubborn?
- Sir.
- Have you contacted them?
Negative, sir.
No one's answering on the other side of line.
All these info I relay to you
is on a need to know basis.
So don't do anything without my knowing.
- Yes, sir!
- Yes, sir!
We're heading to the next town.
At Pototan town.
God dammit, soldiers!
Pocket your laughter, soldiers!
Is this your first time to hear Pototan?
Lock and load.
The enemies have heavy artillery.
- Let's take it one is to two.
- Is that it?
I'll take three. I won't take chances.
Dude, you can't. You can only get two.
Cobra. Cobra. This is Lion.
Come in.Over.
- Cobra, this is Lion. Come in. Over.
- Move. Move. Move.
Good evening.
We are your friends.
Don't be afraid.
Ma'am, good evening.
Sorry for the disturbance.
Can I talk to you?
Good evening.
We just need to inform you something.
What are you doing there?
Come here. Come down here.
Don't be afraid.
You're taking over our little friend's home.
You can put down your hands.
We're not your enemy.
Why do you look scared?
Were there rebels or
soldiers who passed by here?
What's your name, boy?
Bunag, sir.
Did you recognize them?
They're soldiers.
But not anymore.
They're monsters.
How many?
What's their purpose?
Recruit, sir.
They took my father.
What do you mean? NPA?
MILF? Or Abu Sayyaf?
- Serve the country!
- Sir!
Sir, we're both from here, sir!
Serve the country! Be a soldier!
Okay, sir.
Yes . Yes .
Repeat after me!
I am a servant of the country.
I am a servant of the country!
Ready to fight!
Bunag, run!
You're thinking of your father?
HE'S gone!
He's now one of them.
Where do you think they are?
At their camp.
- On the other side of the river.
- Have pity on us.
Leave my grandchild alone!
- Have pity on us!
- Do you think they're coming back?
Come! Come, my grandchild!
We're staying in for the night.
- Yes, sir.
- Tornedo. Pugeda.
Secure the entrance.
- Yes, sir.
- Move.
What's wrong with your radio?
It's always acting up!
I don't know if it's the radio or
because we're too deep in the forest.
Help, boys.
You might get caught.
That's you call.
You still have a request.
I could file an action form on March.
Where are you from anyway?
From Alaminos.
I just text my wife.
That's okay!
I also need to make a request.
I just don't know when to file it.
Philippines Army
Always outnumbered, never outgunned!
Where is that from?!
Follow me! Follow me!
Move! Move!
Dude! Dude, it's Pugeda!
What happened?!
- They took Pugeda!
- Dude, there's blood!
- They bit me!
- Take care of Ornedo!
- Take back Pugeda!
- Barrientos, go to the other side!
Devera, take the lead!
Move! Move!
Move! Move!
Faster! Men!
Sharpen your eyesights!
This is Pugeda's.
Go! Move!
What's that?!
Fire! Fire! Fire!
What is that?!
Dude, I don't know!
Where's Lieutenant?!
Where's Lieutenant?!
He was taken!
Who took him?! What do you mean?!
He just lifted Pugeda as if he's a child.
He lifted him without any trace of weight.
I didn't shoot at them. I might hit Pugeda.
Then suddenly something bit
my shoulders.
But I was able to hit him with my gun.
He suddenly disappeared but
he's not alone.
There are lots of them up in the trees.
Like monkeys.
What about us?
We have to take them back.
Sarge, maybe we need to report
this to our base.
What if we go back first?
No. We're here now.
We won't abandon them.
Try to contact the base!
Lion to base.
Lion to base.
Please respond, over.
He's been out of signal.
Even the cellphones.
We have to take back lieutenant
and the others.
But where, Sarge?!
Where are we going to find them?!
We've been going circles! We don't know the terrain!
The reason the base can't contact us is
because they don't know where we are!
Damn it, Upaon!
You're messing up everything!
Do as you are ordered!
I know where they took my father!
I'm sure your lieutenant's also there.
I'll bring you there!
Give me a gun.
Alright, we'll give you a gun.
We can't do that.
I didn't say I'm going to put a bullet in it.
Go ahead.
Dude, that looks like smoke.
What's that?
Who's that?
A girl.
Hey kid.
Why are you alone here?
What's your name?
Is it your group?
Our group?
The replacements.
Replacements for?
For those who died.
Where are your parents?
Are they here?
They were many of them.
My father's at the camp.
I can smell something fishy.
Something's not right.
I have this feeling.
And why would she force us to come
Wherever Lieutenant Garces and Pugeda are,
that's where we'll go.
Radio base, aren't they answering yet?
This is Lion. Come in, over.
This is special force Lion. Come in, over.
Sarge, there's nothing.
Sarge, I think
we need to go back to base.
Maybe we need to ask for reinforcement.
- I think Upaon's right.
- We might get late.
Where are we really heading?
Wherever you're going.
There's nowhere to go from here.
Some of our men were taken.
Now, we have to take them back.
My father can help you.
He's been fighting the monsters.
Let's go.
Men! Move!
Something's changed.
Someone changed the path.
Maybe it was just flown by the river.
You can't see?
You're blind?
MY eyes, yes.
But I can see a lot more.
Like you.
I know you're a good person.
And you're all good people.
Let's go.
Where are we nov
We've passed the forbidden river.
We're near my father's meeting place.
Have you been here?
We're not allowed to go here.
We're here.
Father, I'm here!
Father, we're here now!
My child.
- Father.
- I brought a lot today for you, my child.
You will like it all.
Are they the ones who'll replace?
You will finally be complete
to fight against the monsters.
Okay, my child.
Go home.
'Til next time, my child.
Thank you.
Where are Lieutenant Garces
and other men of ours?!
You passed by the river.
You shouldn't have reached this place.
Who are you?!
What's the matter now that
we passed the river?!
I've already contacted our base!
We have back up coming!
She doesn't know anything.
She thinks we fight the monsters.
Because she's blind!
She brought us here!
I knew it! She's the bait!
- You didn't trust me!
- You decided to come here!
So now,
no one's coming back home!
Weapons of the soldiers!
Weapons of the soldiers!
Line up!
Left. Left. Left. Right. Left.
Left. Left. Left. Right. Left.
- Left. Left.
- S I r!
Company, halt!
Aren't you going to salute?!
What are you waiting for, soldiers?!
Captain Baltog!
General of the highest brigade
of the special forces platoon three
-seven of the country
-to fight against
-the communist
-and MILF
-blind pirates
with the help of three people
of terror and blood!
We welcome you to the new
armed forces of the new republic
from south to west,
from north to east,
-of the chosen land
-etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.
Who's Captain Baltog?!
I just said it! God dammit!
If that's the case, where is he?
We will wait until Captain Baltog
comes out.
This is insubordination, Barrientos!
With all due respect, sir,
we have different army now.
Go ahead.
- What's happening?!
- They're taking us out one by one!
Men! Compress!
Cobra, this is Lion.
We need reinforcements.
Do you copy?
Do you --
You want?
Colonel Rolando Palma.
You still know me.
The executioner colonel of the lost
Lost command?
You're in my territory.
My soldiers are around.
Lost command?
I'm Captain Baltog,
the highest general,
order of the Sulaiman,
five stars of valor,
soldier of Vibora,
and Magdangal
etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.
The flesh of this virgin
is like an appetizer to a rice.
An aphrodisiac.
You came at the right time.
Master sergeant Martin Barrientos.
It's the 30th anniversary
of platoon three one seven.
- You're not a soldier.
- Help.
Help me.
Who do you want to go first?
Or you?
Whoever is fine.
You're all going to be the same
as us anyway.
The membership is too easy.
You just have to eat this.
Then you're already a member.
I was like that before.
I was grossed out with blood
but when I tasted it,
Those I salvaged,
son of a gun, they were so sweet!
Little birdy stood up!
Tonkat ali got no match.
I did it again and again.
I did it again and again.
Until my little birdy goes big.
Even when people are still far away.
No joke.
That's why we're all together here!
It can't always be farmers, huntsman,
idiots as my soldiers!
Don't interrupt me!
Feed your men!
Let's go.
Come on!
I can't take it anymore.
- Maybe we can still do something!
- Sarge!
Have pit)!-
Conde, help me.
Help me.
This is Conde. This is me!
Boodle fight!
Sergeant Barrientos!
Goddamn you!
Sarge! This is me! Conde!
Monsters! Sarge!
All of them! All of them!
Weapons of the soldiers!
Sarge, what are we going to do?
- Hold this.
- Roll call, Maximo Ornedo!
Sir, yes, sir!
Joaquin Gallego!
Sir, yes, sir!
Last, Jugado!
Sir, yes, sir!
Sir, don't wait for me to transform.
Kill me now.
- Pugeda.
- What if I transform first?
Then eat me.
Solomon Conde!
Martin Barrientos!
Martin Barrientos!
Sir, yes, sir!
Sir, yes, sir!
Sarge! Let's go!
Boodle fight!
- Sarge! Sarge! Hurry!
- Conde! Conde!
In exchange to my father!
Once you're eaten, your guts are mine!
I like that you're smart!
But you will join us!
- Hurry! Hurry!
- Tabios!
- Let's go here!
-ls there a way out?!
Sorry, dude.
You don't need that.
I'll help you.
My daughter already knows what I am.
I also need your help.
Promise me that you'll take away
my daughter from this jungle.
Take her away from my curse.
How are you going
to help me get out of here?
Jump now! That's the only way.
You can't go across the other side.
Except if someone dies from us.
We have to recruit.
So the platoon will be completed again!
Your promise! Your promise!
Jump now!
Son of a gun!
You're supposed to be my right hand!
And yet, you're helping him escape!
Goddammit, Barrientos.
Once a soldier, always a soldier!
Jump now!
Sir, we're just cleaning your wounds.
Then in a little while, you'll be fine.
Good thing, you're now
transferred here from ICU.
Actually, your group's been waiting for you.
Are there anyone else who survived?
Ah yes! Actually, Corporal Upaon is here.
I already killed you!
- What are you doing here?!
- Take it easy, Sarge.
That's all just a bad dream.
Relax, Barrientos.
What are you doing here?!
They're monsters!
Sir, there are no monsters here!
They are your companions!
They're monsters!
- They'll take us out one by one!
- Relax, sir!
- Help us! Help!
- Calm down!
Sarge! Sarge!
- No!
- No!
We're coming. See you!
Okay. Andale! Andale!
He has to pass by somewhere.
He's with his girlfriend?
He promised that.
Will she be pretty?
I hope she's kind just like you.
Good thing, we have a son.
We'll grow more.
I hope Hank would get married soon
and have lots of children.
Let's hope he won't be like me. Just one.
You're right.
Hank's future wife's lucky.
If that's going to happen.
Just like how lucky you are.
- Happy anniversary!
- Happy anniversary!
Do we have to do this, Hank?
I promised my parents.
And then what?
What do you "then what?
We'll stick to our plan.
You just don't understand.
I don't want this.
I didn't plan for this.
Poor dad.
What about his petition
for me to the States?
What do you want to do?
I'm going to do what I want to do.
This is my body.
I'll just get the gift.
- Let's meet here.
- O kay.
Miss, I'd like to get the wrapped gift.
It's ready now, sir. We just had a hard time
looking for silver wrapping paper.
For a while. I'll just get it.
Thank you.
Good thing, it came back!
Miss, are you okay?
I'm okay.
- I didn't steal anything!
- Now, you're acting innocent!
- You got caught!
- You have no evidence!
Explain yourself at the office!
- What the?!
- You talk too much!
We also need your help!
We have injured people here!
We need your help!
Help us!
I'm here!
- Where are you?!
- I'm here! Hurry!
Hurry! Help!
- What's that?! I don't want to die!
- Things are still falling out!
Is this your feet?
Yes! It's me! It's my feet!
Wait. I'll take this out too.
Miss, it's too heavy.
- This one's heavy.
- Hurry up!
- Wait!
- Come back!
What's the way?
You still want me to find the way
when I'm stuck in here?!
You rescuers took so long!
Miss, I'm not a rescuer.
- I'm also a survivor like you.
- Is that it?
- Enough chatting. Just take this off of me!
- Miss...
I'll try to lift it.
Slowly! It's painful!
- Miss, I can't do it!
- What?!
Stay there. I'll ask for help!
I'll come back for you!
Damn you!
If you don't come back for me,
I'll get you!
Help! Help!
Pinakbet (meat vegetable stew)
Longganisa (Philippine chorizo)
Empanada (stuffed bread)
- Sir, slowly.
- Lechon (crispy pork)
Take it slow, sir!
He's name is Hank Aguilar.
Are you from the rescue team?!
We're all stuck in here.
- What happened?
- Something exploded.
At the other wing.
- Maybe terrorists.
- It's like an atomic bomb!
Maybe China attacked us.
- Kate. Kate!
- Sir! Sir! Sir!
Sir, you won't make it!
You've been unconscious for two days.
Here. I think these eyeglasses are yours.
Thank you.
Are you okay, sir?
Where are we?
Third floor.
This is our second night here.
Second night?
Yes, it happened 7:30 of December 21.
It's now December 23.
- The woman!
- Who?
The woman who got stuck!
- She needs help.
- Sir!
- She's there.
- Sir, slowly!
- You won't make it!
- Wait!
Why are the people gone?
There are dead people here.
Why is there so many blood?!
- But we have to go there. There's a woman.
- Who? Where?
- I promised her. Come with me.
- Are you sure?
Okay. Let's go.
Don't be afraid. You're with us!
Let's go.
That's her feet.
I have someone who could help you!
What is it?!
What happened to that?!
Her body's destroyed!
She wasn't like that when I left her!
What happened?!
Half of her body is missing!
Neil, this might be our end!
I don't want to hear those things!
What do you mean?
There's only four of us alive in here?!
I'm sure there are survivors somewhere!
Maybe they're just trapped in
some corners.
Kate, my girlfriend!
This is the last place we saw each other.
Here. There's a way here!
Help me!
Let's find Kate!
Let's go!
Hurry UP-
What's that?!
Hurry! Hurry!
Faster! Faster!
What's that?!
- What's that?!
- Let's go back up!
Back up! Hurry!
Neil! Neil!
Come now!
- Let's just come back for Neil later!
- Okay!
What are those?!
- Where are those from?!
- I don't know!
That's not an ordinary animal!
This is my first time to see
something like that!
They're from another planet.
They can smell us.
Let's get out of here!
Let's go!
I said wait!
Where are we going?!
We need to get back to Neil!
For what?!
You saw what that monster did to Neil!
How are we suppose to get back there?!
He might be still alive!
Why don't you tell him
what really happened to Neil?
Uncle Tom,
Neil was eaten by the monster.
- Are there any survivors?!
- Kate!
Let's go!
We have to find out what happened here!
Someone was shouting earlier.
Someone there?!
Is somebody there?!
Kate! Kate!
Give me the flashlight.
Uncle Tom!
- Uncle Tom! The survivors are here!
- Where?!
Hurry! Come here!
- Come here! There are people here!
- Wait!
There's a monster! Move!
Move back, Ming!
I'm here!
Uncle Tom!
Uncle Tom! Uncle Tom!
- Uncle Tom!
- Let's get out of here!
- Uncle Tom!
- Hurry!
- Hurry!
- Uncle Tom!
- Let's go!
- Uncle Tom!
Uncle Tom!
What is it?
Whose bag is it?
My girlfriend's.
Kate, wake up!
Kate, wake up!
Come on. Wake up!
It's me, Hank.
Ming! Ming!
Do you still have water?
Drink first.
- I thought they're going to kill me.
- Killed?
I saw something earlier.
It was big! Scary!
I thought I was going to die!
Forget about that.
The important thing is
I found you.
And we're alive.
Let's go.
- This way.
- Can we pass through there?
The upper floor has crashed.
Yeah. We might encounter
another monster there.
You should stay here first.
I'll check it.
- What is that?!
- It's uncertain!
Ouch. Ouch.
A human.
Hey. Sorry, I thought you're not human!
I'll help you. Wait!
I want to go up there.
A monster chased me down.
Geez! There are more monsters here!
So we'll go down there.
I have someone else with me.
Let's go, Kate, Ming!
Where are we nov
- Hurry.
- Basement.
So it means we're near the exit.
Help us get out of here.
There's no other way out.
Since you work in here,
you know the way.
Is that okay?
I just went back to the salon.
I had the scissors sharpen.
This is the surplus.
This is a photo shop.
Here. This is the derma clinic.
This is my where I go.
I have big discount here.
I already spent a lot too.
Kate! What's happening?!
Did you hear that?
There's loud sound.
Oh My! Your ears are bleeding!
Wait! Yours too!
What about me?
There's none. Just in the face.
Me too.
What's that?!
I heard something.
- There it is!
- What?
- Did you hear that?!
- Yes!
Wait. It's from there.
I think it's there.
Somewhere there.
That's where I saw a monster!
Right there!
Somewhere here.
Hey! What's that?
There it is. There's a kid!
How did he survive?
Boy, is there someone with you?!
Maybe he can't find his parents
that's why he's crying.
No. Let's walk up to him. Let's go.
- Stay there. We're coming.
- Boy!
You have someone with you now.
Why are you crying?!
Boy! Why don't you speak?!
Who's with you?
Why wouldn't he answer? Maybe --
Are you Bisaya?
Maybe he's mute.
Or maybe he's retarded.
He's been crying.
Maybe he got traumatized.
- Let's help him.
- Wait here, Kate.
- Somethings wrong.
- Hey. He's been crying!
Are you afraid of a kid?
Boy, let's go. Let's get out of here.
Grab my hand --
Help me!
Don't let go!
They will kill you all!
Wait for me!
Move! Move!
Run after them!
Shut up!
There's more.
Why are they multiplying?
Let's go!
Let's go!
- Hurry! Hurry!
- We might get lost!
He should go first!
He's armed!
Good thing, we have a security
guard with us!
Sir, thank you.
Is he a security guard?
Why aren't you wearing a uniform?
I'm not a security guard!
I remember him.
He was caught by the security.
What did you say?!
Or maybe they've mistaken you for
somebody else.
Yes! It was a mistake!
Where are we going?
Here! I know this place!
I'm hungry!
- There's someone there! Mister!
- Sir!
Is there a way out?!
Father! Father!
Let's follow him.
There's no way out there!
- Someone went out, right?
- Wait! Wait!
I know where we are! Wait! Wait!
Oh yes. I pass by here.
Yes, it's here! Father!
Come here! Exit's this way!
Father! Father! We're coming with you!
Help me!
What are you doing?!
You have no savior!
You can't do anything!
There's no way out!
- Let's go! Let's go!
- Come on!
Hurry! Hurry!
How do we get out of here?!
There's a way out there for
the employees!
What about you?!
Go on! I'll follow!
Come on! Let's go!
Basement parking.
Let's go.
You have nowhere to go.
You're the chosen ones of the
new commandment to build a new world.
You have twins inside you.
They will be Cain and Abel of the new order.