Shakespeare-Wallah (1965)

Could you ever desire to see anything
or anybody madder than that?
- Never, while I live.
- You observed how she mangled the meter?
Yes, egad. It was the first thing that made me
suspect she was out of her reason.
And, uh, pray, what becomes of her?
She goes to throw herself in the sea,
and that brings me to the scene of my action...
of my catastrophe -
my sea fight, I mean.
What? You bring that in at last?
Yes, of course.
My play is called The Spanish Armada.
Otherwise, egad, there'd be no use
for the action at all.
Now for it.
Now for my action...
for my movement,
for my catastrophe...
for my magnificence,
for my procession.
Are you all ready?
Is the Thames dressed?
Here I am, sir.
Pray tell, who are those gentlemen
dressed in green?
What, those?
Those are his banks.
His banks?
Yes, one crowned with alders
and one with a villa.
You get the allusions.
But, hey. What the devil?
Thames, you've got
both your banks on one side.
Here, sir.
You, get round this side at once.
Ever while you live, Thames,
go between your banks.
And now for it. Away, Thames.
Come. Come along.
Now, English.
Rule, Britannia
Britannia, rule the waves
Oh, save yourselves, my dear friends.
Well, um -
Rule, Britannia
Britannia, rule the waves
Ah! Over there!
Oh, my God!
Excuse me, Mr. Buckingham.
May I have a light?
I won. Oh, dear.
Your Highness.
- The players have arrived.
- Splendid.
Very good.
See that they're comfortable.
Tell me, is Buckingham your real name,
or did you adopt it?
The Buckingham Players.
- It has a most noble ring.
- Hmm.
An apt choice, if I may say so.
When I was in -
When I was in London...
for the coronation of Queen Elizabeth...
of course, that was theater.
Magical. Magical in every way.
Though, if you'll permit me to say it...
the ceremony at Westminster Abbey
was a trifle on the lengthy side.
At least it seemed so to me then.
'Cause, you know, I happened to be
standing behind a pillar all the time.
Uh, as I was saying,
when I was in London...
I - I would slip away whenever I could
from the round of banquets and whatnot...
to spend an enjoyable and instructive
evening at the theater.
- You don't find it too hot, I hope?
- Not at all.
Oh, that's good.
And strangely enough -
strangely enough...
my great love of Shakespeare
was first aroused by one Miss Hamming.
I - I mean Miss Hamlyn.
Do you know her?
- No.
- Actually, no.
A pity.
She was an accomplished actress.
I saw her in Simla
playing the part of Portia.
I'm reminded of her
by your very charming daughter.
I was 13 or 14 at the time.
And I was held spellbound-
literally, in accordance
with Aristotle's precept...
purged with pity and terror.
"The quality of mercy is not strained."
"It droppeth as the gentle rain
from heaven on the place beneath.
"It is twice blessed:
"It blesseth him that gives
and him that takes.
- 'Tis mi -"
Oh, no, no, no.
You-You-You -You flatter me.
See, we -we go to Shakespeare not only
for his poetry, but also for his wisdom.
Who could have expressed so well
all the turbulences of the heart?
Who could have written so profoundly...
on the cares of kingship?
"Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown."
Very true.
You know, in the old days,
in my father's time...
on state occasions he used to
ride through the city on an elephant...
in a silver howdah
encrusted with pearls.
Have you seen it?
It's in the museum.
Well, the people cheered...
and he - he greeted them like that.
Like that.
Down the street.
Have you noticed half of my palace
is turned into offices?
I have others,
but they're dreadful places.
Full of spears and animal heads.
I've been thinking of turning some of them
into hotels for foreign tourists.
"Let us sit upon the ground
and tell sad stories of the death of kings."
Quite. Quite.
"How some have been deposed,
some slain in war...
some haunted by the ghosts
they have deposed."
You know, I'm looking forward
to this performance tonight.
We are very privileged.
I hope my choice
is not an awkward one for you.
By no means. We'll do what we can
with our limited resources.
We, too, are used to making...
adjustments, as you say.
Naturally. Sooner or later
we must all come to terms with reality.
You know, we're all forced to make cuts
in the text written for us by destiny.
Very good.
Cleopatra, I will tell you.
Age cannot wither her,
nor custom stale her infinite variety.
Other women cloy
the appetites they feed...
but she makes hungry
where most she satisfies.
The barge she sat in, like a burnished throne...
burned on the water.
The poop was beaten gold,
purple the sails...
and so perfumed
that the air was lovesick.
The oars were silver,
which to the tune of flutes kept stroke...
And made the waters
which they beat to follow faster...
as amorous of their strokes.
For her own person,
it beggared all description.
She did lie in her pavilion,
cloth of gold, of tissue.
On each side of her
stood pretty dimpled boys...
like smiling Cupids
with divers-colored fans.
And at the helm
a seeming mermaid steers.
The silken tackle swells
at the touches...
of those flower-soft hands.
Nay, but this dotage of our general's
o'erflows the measure.
Those his goodly eyes,
that o'er the files and musters of the war...
glowed like plated Mars,
now bend...
now turn, the office
and devotion of their view...
upon a tawny front.
Look where they come.
Take but good note,
and you shall see in him...
the triple pillar of the world
transformed into a strumpet's fool.
Behold and see.
If it be love indeed,
tell me how much.
There's beggary in the love
that can be reckoned.
I'll set a bourn how far to be beloved.
News, my lord, from Rome.
Let Rome in Tiber melt...
and the wide arch
of the ranged empire fall.
Here is my bourn.
Kingdoms are clay
when such a pair as we.
Can you give me two rupees?
Come, come.
Can I have two bucks?
Die where thou hast lived.
Quicken with kissing.
Had my lips that power,
thus would I wear them out.
I am dying, Egypt, dying.
Give me some drink.
Hast thou no care of me?
Shall I abide in this dull world,
which in thy absence is no better than a sty?
O, see, my women...
- the crown of the earth doth melt.
My lord.
O, withered is the garland of the war.
The soldier's pole is fallen.
Young boys and girls
are level now with men.
The odds is gone...
and there is nothing left remarkable...
beneath the visiting moon.
Mr. Buckingham...
I can't tell you how much
I've enjoyed this performance.
- A very slight token of my appreciation.
- Thank you very much.
Ah, Mrs. Buckingham.
- A most moving performance.
- Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you.
Miss Buckingham, charming.
Come on, Aslam. Pay him something.
- Come on. Pay him.
- That's enough.
- Here.
What's he say?
He says he's not doing
too well nowadays.
People don't care for his art anymore.
Our story exactly.
- Oh, no. It won't do.
- Hmm?
- It won't do.
- What's the matter?
- It's too small.
- It's the only one they had.
They'll have to send to Ajmer orJaipur
or somewhere, and that'll take the whole day.
Somebody's coming.
We're going to be rescued.
Wave them down, Sharma.
- They're not slowing down.
- Come on. Let's stop them.
I thought we were
going to be rescued.
Oh, they're coming back.
- Can we help?
- Our car's broken down.
- They're armed.
- Tony, they've all got guns.
- Can we be of any help to you?
- I sincerely hope so.
- We appear to be in a spot of trouble.
- Oh, I see.
We're a group of actors on tour.
- Shakespearean actors.
- Mm-hmm.
I must introduce myself.
My name is Anthony Buckingham.
- How do you do?
- My wife, Carla.
My daughter Lizzie.
I'm Sanju Rai.
Go to sleep now.
Good night, Lizzie.
- Lizzie, good night.
- Good night.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
Would you like a paper?
They haven't got no noses,
the fallen sons of Eve.
They haven't got no noses,
the fallen sons of Eve.
Even the smell of roses
is not what they supposes.
Even the smell of roses
is not what they supposes.
But more than mind discloses...
and more than men believe.
But more than mind discloses...
and more than men believe.
Good morning.
- Good morning.
- I hope you weren't too uncomfortable here.
Oh, not at all. It was lovely.
I think you're just being polite.
I'm sure you're used to much better than this.
Much nicer than I can offer you.
Sometimes we go to sleep
on station platforms.
When you're tired, you don't mind.
You don't hear the station bell going
every time a train comes in.
When we don't have our bedrolls,
we just lie down on the stone...
and cows and people
and pariah dogs walk all over us.
Don't you believe me?
I like it here.
Do you live here all the time?
My father's house is in Delhi.
This is my uncle's house.
- I come here for shooting.
- What do you shoot?
Wild boar.
I've shot four tigers.
My biggest one was
10 and a half feet long.
For three days I waited for him.
He wouldn't come.
Then one morning,
early dawn...
the sun risen and everything wet...
and the birds terribly excited.
And the monkeys screaming.
And suddenly,
there he was in a clearing...
looking straight into the sunlight.
And I fired. Bang, bang,
bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!
Have you ever been on a shoot?
- Do you like acting?
- Of course I like it.
Well, I mean,
I've never known anything else.
Sometimes I get depressed, though...
when nobody comes
and we play to an empty house.
"Romeo, Romeo,
wherefore art thou?"
That's all I remember.
A real actress,
someone like my mother...
she plays for all she's worth
right up to here.
I'd like to be like that.
When you're like that,
it means you're the real thing.
I'd like to see you act.
- Have a pan.
- Mmm, lovely.
- Don't you ever get homesick for England?
- Who, me?
I've never been there.
I was born in India.
I wonder if they've fixed our car yet.
Such a useless old rattletrap.
We hired it in Delhi. We've had nothing
but trouble with it ever since.
What do you expect
from a museum piece like that?
Well, anyway, somehow it's got to get us
to Kalikhet by Wednesday.
Do you know it?
We play there every year.
I have a... friend there.
We always stay in a kind of
a boardinghouse called Gleneagles.
My friend's written,
"Why don't you come for a visit?"
I think I'll go on Saturday.
Hmm. Definitely Saturday.
You know,
you don't look like an actress.
- Of course I do.
- Mm-mmm.
- With our Indian actresses, you can always tell.
But you -
you look like a...
nice little English girl.
Don't run away.
Come back. Sanju! Ooh!
Well, here we are at last, eh?
Thank you.
Ah, there's Beryl.
Take all the luggage down.
The Weatheralls went home last October.
They've got a lovely
little cottage in Surrey.
Oh, and you remember Miss Quennell?
The one with red hair
and such a lovely voice.
Well, just after her brother Archie died
last year, she turned quite odd.
Wouldn't come out of her house
for weeks at a time.
Then one day
she just got into her car...
and drove away
without saying good-bye to anyone.
Oh, Carla, I'm pouring Tony's first.
And do you remember Mr. Buckle?
- Oh, Buckle, yes.
- From Snowview?
He died. He had a nasty fall
up on the ridge last summer, poor dear.
Never got over it.
Of course, he was 87 .
Snowview has been sold.
A Punjabi family have bought it up. Hmm.
Where are you playing this time?
Have you got everything fixed?
We've got three shows at the club
and one at the sanatorium.
There's the school, of course.
I have to go see the headmaster tomorrow.
The headmaster's away.
He's always going off somewhere or other.
Goodness knows where.
That brother of his is in charge.
You know him.
Looks like a bandleader.
Doesn't know if he's coming or going,
if you ask me.
- You take two in yours, don't you, Carla?
- Just one.
Did I tell you we had a new padre?
South Indian gentlemen.
He's very nice,
but he's got this funny accent.
You can't tell a word he's saying.
It is lovely to have you back.
We were expecting
three or four performances.
Well, I really can't take a decision.
If you could wait till the head's return.
- But he won't be back for a month.
- Yes, of course.
He's making a tour
of the German secondary schools.
Uh, gymnasium, they call them.
Very interesting.
Last year, you know,
we had four shows here.
In the old days, Mr. Buckingham,
you would have been welcome not for four...
but seven, eight performances.
Nowadays, well,
there's too many activities.
Yes, but surely Shakespeare's
still in your curriculum.
These performances are very popular
in schools and colleges...
and very helpful, I'm told.
We do a sort of package performance.
Uh, comedy and tragedy, Hamlet -
But Mr. Buckingham,
where is the time?
There's our N.C.C. And then cricket.
Oh, last term our boys brought home
another trophy, you know.
Against Scindia School.
Licked the pants off them.
Of course, I don't like to place
undue emphasis on our sports activities...
but they do keep us
pretty busy this time of the year.
This year our Founder's Day function
was very successful.
- Sorry we missed it.
- Our guest of honor was
You would have appreciated
his speech very much.
Oh. Full of misquotations
from Shakespeare?
No. From our
ancient Sanskrit writings.
- Morning, sir.
- Good morning.
- Good morning, young fellow.
Rather nice, huh?
You know, we were rather
relying on this school.
- Laid our plans accordingly.
- Nobody could be sorrier than I am, old boy.
Now, look here.
Let's have two shows at least, shall we?
We're having one definitely
on Saturday afternoon.
- What about one more Sunday evening?
- I'll tell you what I'll do.
I'll speak to the senior English master
about it and let you know.
Perhaps you'd care to
give me a tinkle, uh, day after?
Right, old man.
- And what about the program?
- I leave that entirely to you, old boy.
- Well, good-bye.
- Good-bye.
- The Saturday performance is definite.
- Oh, yes, of course.
- Well, we look forward to seeing you.
- Yes, yes.
Why do you do that?
Lizzie, stop biting your hair.
It's such an odd habit.
And you must remember
to wear a hat, darling.
Yesterday your nose was peeling.
Are you listening?
You've got a very tender skin,
you know.
- How are you?
- I'm very well, thank you.
What are you doing here?
I told you Saturday.
Listen, tonight's our big performance
at the college here.
- Do you want to come? Now's your chance.
- Of course I'll come.
- I don't see your young man.
- Hmm?
Oh, that fat thing.
Who cares?
One, two, three, four...
five, six, seven, eight, nine.
Ready? One, two.
One, two, three, four...
five, six, seven, eight.
One, two, three, four.
One, two, three, four.
One, two, three, four.
One, two -
Pack up. Finish for today.
Finish? We are
behind schedule 17 days.
But you know I have to be
very careful of my health.
Yesterday you didn't come.
What is this?
Pack up!
- Shapi, pack up.
- Oh, Sanju, I'm so tired.
Say what you like,
but they have grand lives.
- Hello.
- What are you doing here?
Aren't you pleased to see me?
No one is ever allowed
in the dressing room when we make up.
- Half an hour, please.
- Thank you.
Please go.
Don't let my parents catch you in here.
Go on, laugh.
- Why didn't you come on Saturday?
- Didn't you get my note?
Don't lie.
- Excuse me.
- I told him.
An actor's dressing room
is absolutely private.
Especially sacred to us for at least
one hour before the performance.
I must ask you to leave.
You know I wanted to see you.
You know that.
Look at me.
You think I'm lying? Do you?
I will come straight.
Look you lay home to him.
Tell him that his deeds have been
too broad to bear with...
and that Your Grace has screened...
and has stood between
much heat and him.
I will silence me in here.
Look you,
pray that you be round with him.
I warrant you, fear me not.
Withdraw. I hear him coming.
Now, Mother, what's the matter?
Hamlet, thou hast thy father much offended.
Mother, you have my father much offended.
Come, come, you answer with an idle tongue.
Go, go, you question with a wicked tongue.
Why, how now, Hamlet?
- What's the matter now?
- Hast thou forgot me?
No, by the rood, not so.!
You're the queen.
Your husband's brother's wife.
And- would it were not so-
you are my mother.
- Nay, then. I'll set those to you that can speak.
- Come and sit you down.
You shall not budge till I have set you up a glass
where you may see the inmost part of you.
Why, what would thou do?
Thou wilt not murder me?
They bore him barefaced on the bier
And in his grave rained many a tear
Fare you well, my dove.
You must sing "A-down a-down...
and you call him a-down-a."
Oh, how the wheel becomes it.
It is the false steward
that stole his master's daughter.
There's rosemary.
That's for remembrance.
Pray you, love, remember.
And there is pansies.
That's for thoughts.
A document in madness.
Thoughts and remembrance fitted.
There's fennel for you,
and columbine.
There's rue for you.
And here's some for me.
We may call it
herb of grace o' Sundays.
Oh, you must wear your rue
with a difference.
There's a daisy.
I would give you some violets...
but they withered all
when my father died.
They say he made a good end.
For bonny sweet Robin is all my joy
Thoughts and affliction...
passion, hell itself.
She turns to favor and to prettiness.
And will he not come again
And will he not come again?
No. He's dead.
Gone to his deathbed.
He never will come again.
His beard was as white as snow
All flaxen was his poll
He's gone. He's gone.
We cast away moan.
God have mercy on his soul.
We waited and waited,
and the food got colder and colder...
so I ate.
Eat something.
No, I don't want any.
I thought, "Will he never come?"
How unhappy I was.
Ask Didiji.
- Why were you so late?
- I went to see Hamlet.
- Who?
- You know.
- The prince of Denmark.
- Oh, Hamlet. Yes, I know.
What a play. What acting.
You should have seen him -
Mr. Buckingham.
All in black...
with -with a gold chain.
Here. So tall, so majestic.
His face in a circle of light.
And what words he spoke.
I wish I could remember the words.
Such deep philosophy.
Such poetry.
But - But why did he wait so long
before he killed the king?
That's what I don't understand.
He should have done it at once.
Now, if a ghost comes to me and says,
"Kill this person"...
do you think I'll wait?
Huh. At once.
What a hero.
I wish a ghost would come to me
and tell me to do something -
something difficult, dangerous.
A ghost will come to you and say...
- "Love Manjula. Be nice and sweet to her."
How well he fought in the end
when hejumped into the grave and wrestled.
And the fencing was very good, too.
His daughter was dressed all in white...
with grass and flowers in her hair.
- How sad she looked.
- Whose daughter?
Mr. Buckingham's.
Her name's Lizzie.
She's a very fine artist.
For such people
we can have some respect.
Don't you get tired of your films?
Always the same -
singing, dancing, tears, love.
I have played many great
dramatic roles in my time.
Ah, Mr. Buckingham. We did so enjoy
the performance the other evening.
Just like old times.
I was speaking of it to my wife.
Yes, it's a wonderful school stage.
One of the best in India.
We always feel
very much at home there.
Well, old boy. It was a pleasure
having you back with us.
I sincerely hope that our annual tradition
at the school won't be broken this year.
Oh, yes.
I was wondering if you'd spoken
to your senior English master...
Mr. - Mr. -
I'm afraid his name's
escaped me at the moment.
- Mr. Lall.
- Oh, yes. Mr. Lall. Yes.
Uh, next year we'll surely
be able to have you with us again.
Yes, but - but you saw
how they enjoyed it Saturday night.
I mean -You heard them.
Where is the time, my dear fellow?
Where is the time?
Well, good-bye, Mr. Buckingham.
Pleasure hearing from you.
Mr. Buckingham.
- From home.
- All's well, I trust.
Yes. My elder brother's wife
has got another son.
- Splendid.
- It is her third.
- Good show.
- Yes. All are happy.
They send you their greetings
and blessings.
- Thank them very much.
They remember you always
in every letter.
- My younger sister is 16 now.
My father writes
they've found someone.
A very nice boy.
A B.A. With a fine job
earning rupees 275 a month.
My father writes -
My father writes to ask you -
I feel ashamed.
I know it's difficult for you now.
They want me to send rupees 200 .
- We'll do what we can.
- Thank you, Mr. Buckingham.
In my other sister's marriage,
we invited 174 people.
Best food in town.
["Colonel Bogey March"]
Mr. Buckingham, uh...
my elder brother
is starting a business in poultry.
- How interesting.
- It's a very profitable business.
Imagine one hen layer gives 50 eggs.
And, uh, you eat half of them...
and, uh, the other half
hatch into chickens.
And again you have, uh, 20 hens.
And they give, uh, 50 eggs each.
Uh, 50 multiplied into 20 ...
and imagine if you have 100 .
Oh, fabulous.
It's a very good business.
Uh, of course, Mr. Buckingham, uh...
my brother will need some help.
It is not possible for one man.
Uh, he has, uh, written to me.
- Oh, I see.
- I - I hope it's not inconvenient to you.
Uh, Mr. Buckingham,
you -you tell me what to -
What should I do?
Always, always,
they write to ask...
"Why-Why don't you
send any money?"
What should I answer?
I'm a married man
with three little kids.
They must live.
I - I like to stay with you.
- I like to be with you.
- Cheers.
What? You want to go to sleep?
Just let me finish this.
I just can't get it out of my mind.
We've been here year after year.
Five, six, seven performances.
- They couldn't see enough of us.
- Never mind.
But it's such a rejection -
a rejection of me.
Of everything I am,
everything I've done.
Don't be silly.
why should they care?
We've had a lot of appreciation.
It's not appreciation
I'm talking about.
Carla, it's -
Why are we here...
instead of in Sheffield or in Bristol
or in - at least somewhere like that.
Did I have to come all the way to India
because I wasn't good enough for those places?
Now, don't look like that, Carla.
Don't put on that pained expression.
No, it wasn't that.
We were idealists, you and I.
Both of us.
I always followed you.
And it always turned out so well.
All those artists
coming out from England...
the crowds queuing up to buy seats...
the money rolling in.
Then, over these last years,
it's all changed.
I - I don't know why.
I can't understand it.
I keep thinking about it.
I don't know why I -
I don't, I don't. I -
We should have gone home
in '47 when they all went...
but we were so sure.
We thought we always had
our audience.
Here, in India.
The Indian audience
would always love us, and they did.
- They did.
- They still do.
They always laughed at all the jokes...
cried at the right places.
The most wonderful audience
in the world.
- They're still the same people.
- No.
No, they're not, Carla.
They've changed.
We've changed, too.
I've grown old and sour.
We are used to having tea
at 6 :0 , Mrs. Bowen.
- As soon as we wake up.
- Very well, Mrs. Puri.
Every morning I have to tell him,
but every morning it's the same.
- I'll look into it, Mrs. Puri.
- If you're busy, I can come -
- Not at all, Clara.
- I'm sorry if I'm interrupting.
- Some of these people.
- You are busy.
would it be a terrible thing to ask
if you could wait until next week?
It's rather difficult for us just now...
the school letting us down so badly.
If we can get another week at the club,
then we shall be -
Out of the woods, as they say.
- It's a bit irregular.
- Only till the end of next week.
I promise you, Beryl.
We shall be able to settle completely.
It's only difficult for us just now
with the school.
I know you'll understand.
We've been good friends
for so long. Family.
You're not doing so well,
are you, Carla?
It's a temporary embarrassment
because of the school.
Last month, we had
a very successful season in Assam.
It's not like the old days. What do
these people know about our theater?
Shakespeare and all that.
John and I are thinking
of going home.
You're selling Gleneagles?
I'm sorry.
We've been here every year. It was something
to look forward to all the year round.
It was all right in my parents' time.
But nowadays people prefer
that new hotel opposite.
All cheap flash.
You ought to be thinking, too, Carla.
- There's no place like home.
We always used to think
this was our home.
For myself, I don't mind.
It's Lizzie.
Can I put this here, please?
It's for our show.
Extended by popular demand.
There's a funny smell in here.
It's the smell of decomposition.
Why do you always become
so morbid when we come to the hills?
Oh, it's sitting here by myself...
in this place,
drinking this wretched, filthy stuff.
Here. Take it away.
You want to see something?
Let me show you a mute testimonial.
You know what a mute testimonial is?
You know what this is?
Each one of these
used to hold a bottle.
Those were the days
when you could still get bottles.
Look. The whole wall,
the whole room.
Burgundy, Madeira, champagne -
the lot.
You should have seen it -
from top to bottom.
On gala nights,
two or three bottles each was nothing.
In those days,
galas were held every blooming night.
Plenty of nice English girls
with pink cheeks...
and silk stockings.
A smashing band.
The officers in dress uniform.
Take your partners for a waltz.
What's the matter?
Are you all right?
I'll be all right in a minute.
It's the altitude.
You shouldn't be here.
There's nothing left for us here.
Don't you get tired of traveling?
Sometimes I do.
But if we stay too long in one place,
I get fed up.
Bored, you know.
And I think, "Come on. Let's go."
I also. I'm the same.
If I have to sit around in the house,
gosh, I feel like tearing down the walls...
breaking up the furniture.
I just - I just want to do
so many things.
I have many ideas.
Did I tell you I wanted to produce a film?
Yes. About the history of rhythms.
You know, musical rhythm
and all how it started.
It's ready. Some friends of mine
are going to help me.
Ready for take.
Start camera.
Yes. Why do you look doubtful?
- I'll make it.
- I'm not looking doubtful.
Go on.
It will start in the beginning
with sounds of nature.
We see an icicle
in a cave in the Himalayas.
Slowly the drops fall.
We'll see the drops.
Then the spring comes...
and the icicles melt,
and the drops begin to fall faster.
Now, all the icicles
in the caves are melting...
and the drops are falling at -
at different times, and that is rhythm.
- Then?
- Then we see a river.
All the water from the icicles is rushing,
and it reaches the sea.
Now the rhythm is different.
Slow, majestical.
The waves beat against the shore.
What do you think?
Oh, I like it very much.
What happens next?
We see birds.
You know those big white birds.
What do you call them?
- Not pelicans. We call them -
- Herons?
Ah, yes. In a pool by the sea.
It's dawn.
It's time for them to fly away.
They stand in the water
and beat their wings.
Flop, flop, flop, flop.
Flop, flop, flop, flop.
Flop, flop, flop, flop.
And that's rhythm.
- Then?
- And many other things.
I haven't decided exactly what to choose,
but it all leads to the first drumbeat.
The first drumbeat is the heart.
This spot is called Lady's Grave.
There's an English lady buried here.
Sad story.
She was unhappy.
Her lover jilted her.
- Tsk, tsk, tsk.
- No, it's sad.
She rode out crying and sobbing
on a horse in the middle of a stormy night.
And she rode so hard in the dark
and the rain and the wind...
that the horse fell
and she was killed.
I went to a boarding school
in the hills.
We had an English headmaster,
Mr. Pinkerton.
We played lots of cricket.
That was all right.
But the lessons -
I didn't like them.
Say something in Sanskrit.
- I have forgotten.
- Go on.
I don't know.
Go on.
- What's it mean?
- It's philosophical.
No, come on. Tell me.
Shakespeare also
is very philosophical.
What about him, hey?
Was kissing someone?
Who was it?
The English girl?
- I'm going for a walk.
- Shall I come with you?
- No.
- What about your hat?
Keep it for me.
He has spoken so much about you.
So much praise.
- Two? Three?
- No sugar.
Oh, you're not a sweet person?
I'm a very sweet person.
two, three.
One more for good luck. Four.
We have so much to talk about.
Two artists together.
We have so much in common.
You have been in films also?
Oh. Well, never mind.
I think, uh, stage must also
be very interesting.
You have many admirers?
Oh, don't be modest.
I know all about it.
I have six fan clubs,
500 letters every day.
Sometimes one gets so tired of admirers.
I knew from the moment I saw you
we would be great friends.
I told Didiji so.
And, uh, after all the praises
that I heard about you from Sanjuji -
such a fiine artist...
and such a sweet girl.
So nice, so simple.
Just like a little sister
from the village.
Oh, my head.
You've known him long?
I have known him
for a very long time.
There is no woman
who has known him longer...
or as well as I have.
And there have been many.
He's like a child.
When he seems something new,
"Oh, I must have it at once."
He tires of it very quickly.
Then he comes to me.
"Manjula, I am tired.
Let me be with you."
And I take him,
and I hold him in my arms.
"Rest now. Rest.
Please take it.
I get very angry when others
run after him. You understand?
- Very angry.
- Lizzie!
- Go back to that beauty queen of yours.
Lizzie. Lizzie.
Nice day.
Why are you in such a hurry?
I thought we'd have a chat,
you and I.
- About this and that.
Good-bye, Beryl.
- Bye-bye, Tony.
- Good-bye, Beryl.
Thank you very much indeed
once again.
- Bye-bye, Bobby.
- Come along, people. It's getting late.
- Bye-bye.
- Bye, Lizzie love.
- Good-bye, Mrs. Bowen.
- Good-bye.
- Good-bye.
- Good-bye. Thank you very much.
- It was very nice.
- Good-bye, Beryl.
Now, write to me and tell me
what's going on, and we'll keep in touch.
Of course, Beryl.
Listen to this.
"Two sister found guilty
of slaying 80 girls.
"San Francisco del Rincn, Mexico.
"Two sisters were found guilty
yesterday of slaying at least 80 girls...
"in the operation of a white slave ring
in central Mexico.
The sisters, Delfina Gonzlez -"
something or the other- "56 ...
and Mara deJess Gonzlez -"
uh, something -
Thanks. "39 , were given
the maximum sentence...
"40 years in prison.
"Uh, the prosecution contended that the ring
had been operating for at least 10 years.
Mr. Bobby.
"At least 21 bodies had been discovered
by the time the trial began.
Included in the judge's -"
- Oh, look who's here.
- Hmm. What a coincidence.
Good morning.
Permit me to say how much I appreciated
your performance of Hamlet.
Music in our ears.
- Sing on.
- It was a very fine and grand performance.
Good of you to say so.
I'd been thinking you young fellows
only cared for your fiilm stars.
Oh, no, sir. I don't like fiilm stars at all.
- I've always thought so.
- It's very symbolic.
You and I will have to have an interesting
discussion about it one of these days.
You on your way to Simla, too?
Are you on a diet?
- Hmm?
- Are you on a diet?
Oh, don't worry about me.
Go and be with your boyfriend.
He's much nicer than me.
You're a good girl, Lizzie.
I've been sitting here looking at you -
all of you -
and wondering about you.
And when you're young,
you never think.
And when you're old...
you're too tired to think.
Good morning.
Lizzie, come with me
in the car.
Go on.
Young to young, old to old...
the devil take the hindmost.
You sure you don't want any tea?
Can I get you anything else?
Uh, can I take your daughter
in the car? May I?
Right. Thank you.
How did you find out
where we were going?
Didn't I tell you I have my spies
all over India?
I can believe that.
You didn't tell me you had
your mistresses all over India as well.
Huh? Mistresses?
Oh, Manjula.
She's only a cousin of mine.
Hmph. Some cousin.
We'll have to send her
to England, Tony, soon.
There's just no future for her here,
either as an actress or-
just no future.
- You seem to have managed pretty well.
- That was quite, quite different.
Nowadays - No, she must go.
It isn't as if she'd mind going,
I know.
She hasn't the same feelings
about the place as we have.
Or the memories.
- Oh, Bobby, what's the matter?
- I wish you wouldn't shout -
- Tony, stop the others.
- What? What?
Oh, Bobby.
I know that my redeemer liveth...
and that he shall stand
at the latter day upon the earth.
And though after my skin
worms destroy this body...
yet in my flesh shall I see God.
Whom I shall see for myself
and mine eyes shall behold, and not another.
Forasmuch as it hath pleased
Almighty God...
of his great mercy
to take unto himself...
the soul of our dear brother
here departed...
we therefore commit his body
to the ground...
earth to earth,
ashes to ashes, dust to dust...
in sure and certain hope
of the resurrection to eternal life.
- The show is on.
You think all doors open for you?
Who are you?
- A film star?
- Who are you to stop me?
I am Sharmaji.
I say who comes in and who stays out.
Where is Malvolio?
How now, Malvolio!
Sweet lady, ho, ho.
- Smilest thou?
- Mmm.
I - I sent for thee upon a sad occasion.
Sad, madam? I could be sad.
It does make some constriction
in the blood, this cross-gartering.
If it please one it is meant to please...
it is the old proverb,
"Please one and please all."
Why, how dost thou, man?
What is the matter with thee?
Not black in my mind...
though yellow in my legs.
It did come to his hand...
and thy command
shall be executed.
I think I could recognize
the sweet Roman hand.
Oh! Wilt thou go to bed, Malvolio?
To bed, madam? Mmm.
- And I'll come to thee.
- Oh, God comfort thee.
- Mmm.
- Why dost thou smile on
- "Some are born great."
- Ha?
- "Some achieve greatness."
- What meanest thou by that, Malvolio?
"And some have greatness
thrust upon them."
Heaven restore thee.
"Remember who commended
my yellow stockings."
- Yellow stockings?
- "And wished to see me ever cross-gartered."
- Cross-gartered?
- "Go to where thou art made
If not, let me see thee a servant still."
Oh, this is very midsummer madness.
Madam, the young gentlemen
of Count Orsino's is returned.
I could hardly entreat him back.
He attends your ladyship's pleasure.
I'll come to him.
Oh, good Maria...
let this fellow be looked to.
Where is my cousin Toby?
Let some of my people
have a special care of him.
I would not have him miscarry
for the half of my dowry.
Do not come near me now.
No less a person
than Toby to look to me.
And when she left she said,
"Let this fellow be looked to."
Not "Malvolio"
or according to my station...
but "fellow."
Well, Jove, not I, is the doer of this,
and he is to be thanked.
I thank thee.
Stop it.
- Aren't they good?
- Mmm.
When that I was and a little tiny boy
With a hey, ho
the wind and the rain
A foolish thing was but a toy
For the rain it raineth every day
With a hey, ho
the wind and the rain
To the bowler.
Field disposition: Two slips and a gully...
deep third man, cover point, mid off.
Six on the off side.
Standard field for a bowler of his type.
Mid on, midwicket...
deep fine leg,
three on the on side.
Here is Connolly bowling
once again to Mandraka.
Second ball after tea.
- That's out. Mandraka is out.
Caught in the slips.
What a pity.
What a pity for India.
Mandraka had the ball,
left the bat on the off side.
It moved just a shade.
Mandraka did not
concentrate sufficiently.
What are you doing here?
I left the shooting.
I needed a rest. I was tired.
You'd better go back.
I wanted to see you.
How did you know I was here?
- Found out.
- How?
Oh, well, don't stand there.
Come and sit down.
The game has turned once again
very interesting.
- Thirty-nine runs to make.
- Sit down.
And Mandraka after that glorious
knock of 39 ...
wends his way back to the pavilion.
Bolder goes out to bat.
Bolder having an absolutely new bat
from the color of it.
The nights must be cold here.
Did I ever tell you
that you're a very stupid...
- and a vicious woman?
One Easter your Aunt Stella and I
were boating on the river in Bedford.
Suddenly there was a terrible storm.
We got drenched.
Our brand-new dresses were made of
some crepe sort of stuff, and they shrank.
Our Easter bonnets were trimmed
with pink rosebuds.
How we laughed.
What a downpour.
Poor dresses.
- Poor rosebuds.
- Like the monsoon.
No. Not at all like the monsoon.
The rain is different at home.
You know, Lizzie...
your Aunt Stella,
in her last letter, wrote again...
asking us to send you.
I think it would be a good idea
if you went for a while.
It's a wonderful opportunity.
It's close to Stratford.
You'll be able to see all the plays.
And perhaps, who knows -
Well, why not?
You -You might even work there.
I'm all right here.
How do you know?
You've never been to England.
So what?
Your father and I
used to go to a place...
where there was a -
a lake...
with swans on it.
Can you imagine?
And there was an old vicarage...
but nobody lived in it.
We used to go and slip into the garden
and pick blackberries.
I want to live here.
But you don't know what it's like.
Everything is different
when you belong to a place...
when it's yours.
Lizzie, please go.
I can't.
It's that boy, isn't it?
You're silly.
You'll meet so many
nice boys in England.
You'll see.
And you know, Lizzie,
people in our profession...
don't always make very good partners
for people outside it.
You wouldn't marry him,
would you?
If he asked me,
you don't know what I wouldn't do.
Well, tell me...
which one for Filmfare,
which one for Screen?
Send both to each.
Then they can choose the one they want.
But supposing they both choose
the same one? Help me decide, Sanju.
- Send the first one to Filmfare.
- This?
- Mmm.
- But it makes my face so big.
Then why do you get Didiji to bribe
your photographers to give you huge close-ups...
if you're worried
about your face being so big?
That's the difference between you
and a real artist like Lizzie.
You should see her on stage.
I wish you could.
I also wish, Sanjuji.
People don't care so much
for the theater nowadays.
Only for films.
Please take me one day.
Really? You'll come?
That would be so wonderful for them.
If you come, others will come.
It will be a gala occasion.
I've selected these three finally.
Do you think they're too much alike?
Will you leave those things
before I throw them out of the window?
And come here.
It is the cause.
It is the cause, my soul.
Let me not name it to you...
you chaste stars.
It is the cause.
Yet I'll not shed her blood...
nor scar that whiter skin
ofhers than snow...
and smooth
as monumental alabaster.
Yet she must die...
else she'll betray more men.
Put out the light...
and then put out the light.
If I quench thee,
thou flaming minister...
I can again thy former light restore-
When you're quiet,
we'll continue.
- What's this?
- Shh.
Put out the light...
and then put out the light.
Oh, balmy breath...
that almost doth persuade
justice to break her sword.
One more.
Be thus when thou art dead...
and I will kill thee
and love thee afterward.
One more...
and that the last.
So sweet was ne'er so fatal.
I must weep.
But these are cruel tears.
This sorrow's heavenly,
it strikes where it doth love.
She wakes.
Who's there?
- Othello.
- Aye, Desdemona.
- Pan, Didiji.
- Will you come to bed, my lord?
- Give me my hanky.
- Have you prayed tonight, Desdemona?
- Aye, my lord.
- Sanju.
If you bethink yourself of any sin
unreconciled as yet to heaven and grace...
solicit for it straight.
Alas, my lord,
what might you mean by that?
Well, do it and be brief. I will walk by.
I would not kill
thy unprepared spirit.
No, heaven forfend.
I would not kill thy soul.
- Talk you of killing?
- Aye, I do.
- Then heaven have mercy on me.
- I'll say amen.
- If you say so, I hope you will not kill me.
- What are they doing?
That handkerchief that I so loved
and gavest thee...
thou gavest to Cassio.
No, by my life and soul!
Send for the man and ask him.
Sweet soul, take heed.
Take heed of perjury.
Thou art on thy deathbed.
- Aye, but not yet to die.
- Yes, presently.
Therefore confess thee freely
of thy sin...
for to deny each article with oath
cannot remove the strong infection.
I do groan withal.
- Thou art to die.
- Then heaven have mercy on me.
- I say amen.
- And have you mercy, too.
I never did offend you in my life...
never loved Cassio but with such
general warranty ofheaven as I might love.
- Down, strumpet!
- Banish me, my lord, but kill me not!
Weepest thou for him to my face?
Down, strumpet!
- Kill me tomorrow! Let me live tonight!
- Nay, if you strive -
- But half an hour!
- Being done, there is no pause!
- But while I say one prayer!
- It is too late!
Not dead?
Not yet... quite dead?
I that am cruel am yet merciful.
I would not have thee linger
in thy pain. So.
- I do beseech you
that I may speak a word with you.
Oh, good my lord.
Who's there?
'Tis Emilia. By and by.
I think she stirs again.
No more moving.
Still as the grave.
Oh, insupportable.!
Oh, heavy hour.!
- Why don't we go?
- Methinks there should be now...
a huge eclipse of sun and moon...
and that the affrighted globe
should yawn at alteration.
I had forgotten.
Come in, Emilia.
Let me the curtains draw.
Where art thou now?
What's the matter with thee now?
Oh, my good lord, yonder's foul murders done.!
- What, now?
- But now, my lord.
It is the very error of the moon.
- May I have your autograph?
- Will you please sign?
Killed a young Venetian called Roderigo.
- Roderigo killed and Cassio killed.!
- No, Cassio is not killed.
Not Cassio killed. Then murder's out of tune...
and sweet revenge grows harsh.
I'm sorry, sir,
for what has happened.
Very sorry.
Let's call it a victory
for the motion pictures over the theater.
It's bad.
It should not have happened.
Oh, all sort of things
are happening all the time.
It's just one of those things.
It's not your fault. You can't help it.
We'll get used to it.
We will make the best of it.
- It was such wonderful acting.
- What the hell does it matter?
If the audience gets out of hand and we can't
hold them, it's our fault, not theirs.
I shouldn't have lost my temper.
I shouldn't have talked to them like that.
It was wrong of me.
I should have apologized.
People don't seem to understand
what a terrible, nervous strain it is
You were very good, sir.
All of you were very good.
I should have apologized.
I had no right to talk to them like that.
It was unprofessional of me.
Years ago David Garrick
did exactly what I did tonight...
and he had to go down the following night
on the stage on his knees...
in front of an audience full of drunken
nincompoops and apologize publicly.
David Garrick, mind you.
Do you know who he was?
The mummer's lot.
Please let me apologize
for the disturbance.
Excuse me.
How could you do that?
Making a display of yourself,
then leaving before the end.
But it must have been
very near the end, Sanjuji.
He'd killed the heroine.
And what was it?
How can you like something like that?
All that moaning and groaning -
so bloodthirsty.
So badly acted.
I should have known
you couldn't appreciate such a thing.
Just tell me.
Tell me why you had to bring that
press photographer in the theater like that.
I think it was all planned
from the beginning.
I didn't bring him.
Must have been the theater manager.
What can I do if somebody
wants to take my picture? Say no, no?
You think you can
get away with a thing like this?
Do you know how it made me feel,
sitting there with you?
And Mr. Buckingham,
how he felt?
For them it's an honor
if I stay even five minutes.
The whole place
was so dirty and shabby.
When I came home, at once I asked,
"Didiji, get my bath ready."
And the chair they gave me was broken.
I'm sure it had bugs.
- Chi.
- Oh, stupid, stupid.
Yes, I'm stupid, and they're very clever
with their dirty costumes...
and that cheap hall
with all those cheap people.
- All you know is your films.
- Thank God!
You think I want to be like them?
Like your poor little English girl?
Yes, yes.
Go to her.
In her nightdress.
They have no shame, these women.
- What are you saying?
- Everyone knows what they're like,
and today I've seen
with my own two eyes.
Right there on the stage
in front of everyone...
in a nightdress just like this one.
And what are you?
A songstress?
You're not fit to speak her name.
I am Manjula.
Where I go, hundreds,
thousands follow me.
- Who's there?
- It's me, Sanju.
Let me in.
Go away from the door.
- Lizzie, please let me in.
- No.
It wasn't my fault.
I'm ashamed for what she did.
Come in here.
My parents will hear us.
- I never want to see her again.
- You said that last time.
No, now it's really true.
What do I care for her?
She's only an actress.
- That's what I am, too.
- What?
- An actress.
- No.
You're different.
You're Lizzie.
You always have it your way, don't you?
Why can't I be angry with you?
Because you like me.
I love you.
Do you like her very much?
- What's the matter?
- Shh!
My parents.
- What's this?
- A ruff.
Ruff? Ruff!
Hmm. You need a mustache.
- I haven't got one.
- Tsk.
Keep still.
No, no. Come here, my queen.
Lizzie, they're waiting
for rehearsal.
I expect you realize by now
what busy lives we lead.
Lizzie has no time to play about.
Nothing and nobody
must come in the way of her work.
When you've quite finished,
please don't forget to put away those things.
["The British Grenadiers"]
Of Hector and Lysander
And such great names as these
But of all the world's great heroes
- There's none that
Can compare
With a tow row row row
row row row, row row row
What's the matter?
I don't know why
Mother's so awful to Sanju.
She's always telling him off
as if he was a schoolboy or something.
She wants you to
go away to England, you know.
- That's only to get me away from Sanju.
- Not entirely.
It's because she wants you to have
all the things she misses so much herself.
She thinks I don't realize
how homesick she is.
I've seen her look at a bloody English
postage stamp and burst into tears.
- Huh. What a lot of junk!
- We'll have to get some new things.
Oh, hardly worth it.
What do you mean?
I've been thinking of going in...
more for recitals, you know.
"Gems from Shakespeare,"
your mother and I.
You'd like it in England.
Don't you want to see
the wide, wide world?
Plenty of chances there
for a bright girl.
You've got no spirit of adventure,
my dear.
You should have seen me
when I was your age.
["The British Grenadiers"]
Come on.
The world isn't coming to an end.
And of all the world's great heroes
There's none that can compare
With a tow row row row
row row row, row row row
To the British Grenadiers
I'm sorry she was so horrid.
It doesn't matter.
She's always worrying about me.
She thinks I'll do something dangerous -
run away, get pneumonia,
dry up on the stage.
My father says I'll be just like her
when I'm her age.
So you'd better watch out.
Why don't you get a haircut?
You know, I - I thought you'd
go away and not come back.
Now let's go back
to the top of page 143 , I believe.
Uh, "the consciousness
of your own innocence."
And try and get each word out
a bit more clearly.
Ah, my dear madam,
there is the great mistake.
- 'Tis this very conscious innocence-
- What's the matter?
- Too many people.
- It's all right.
What is it makes you negligent of forms
and careless of the world's opinion?
Why, the consciousness
of your own innocence.
What makes you thoughtless
in your conduct...
and apt to run into
a thousand little imprudences?
Why, the consciousness
of your own innocence.
- I'd better go.
- Why?
Why, the consciousness
of your own innocence.
- What's wrong?
- Nothing.
- Then why are you like that?
- I'm not used to living in public.
- You'd never make an actor, then.
- No.
We never have a moment.
We even have to dress and undress in public.
It's better we don't talk about it.
Don't be so stuffy.
Anybody'd think
I'd done something wrong.
- Can I see you tonight?
- Perhaps.
What do you mean, perhaps?
If you're going to be like that -
- May I have your autograph, please?
- I don't seem to have anything to write with.
Thank you.
- Will that do?
- Thank you.
Shut up!
- What's the matter?
- Go away. Go.
- But they wanted me to sign.
- Go away!
- I don't understand you.
- It's a pity.
Lizzie, your father is shouting for you.
So shine the heavens
upon this holy act...
that afterhours with sorrows
chide us not.
Amen, amen.
But come what sorrow can,
it cannot countervail the exchange of joy...
that one short minute
gives me in her sight.
Do thou but close our hands
with holy words...
then love-devouring death
do what he dare.
It is enough I may but call her mine.
These violent delights have violent ends,
and in their triumph die...
like fire and powder,
which when they kiss consume.
The sweetest honey is loathsome
in its own deliciousness...
and in the taste confounds
the appetite.
Therefore love moderately,
long love doth so...
too swift arrives as tardy as too slow.
Here comes the lady.
- Oh, so light a foot will ne'er
wear out the everlasting flint.
A lover can bestride the gossamer...
- that idles in the wanton summer air
and yet not fall, so light is vanity.
Good even to my ghostly confessor.
Romeo shall thank you, daughter,
for us both.
As much to him,
else are his thanks too much.
Ah, Juliet, if the measure of thy joy
be heaped like mine...
and that thy skill be more
to blazon it, then -
And that thy skill be more to blazon it...
Then sweeten with thy breath this neighbor air...
- and let rich music's tongue -
But my true love is grown to such excess...
- I cannot sum up sum of half my wealth.
Then sweeten with thy breath-
Thy skill be more to blazon it...
then sweeten with thy breath
this neighbor air...
and let rich music's tongue
unfold the imagined happiness...
that both receive in either...
by this dear encounter.
Conceit, more rich -
Come. Come and go with me.
For, by your leave,
you shall not stay alone...
till Holy Church incorporate
two in one.
I don't care.
I'd do it again.
Do you hear me?
Again and again.
Standing there like that
and letting all those goondas whistle at you.
Oh, let it be.
It doesn't matter.
But I'm an actress.
- I have to be seen.
- Seen by all those people?
I - I could have killed him.
Do you know what a great-grand-uncle of mine,
Rai Badu Chatterjee Sinjhi, did?
A man came to his house to sell shawls.
He was a stranger.
He didn't know our ways.
By mistake he went
into the women's quarters.
My great-uncle
caught him by the throat...
and he throttled him!
It was a hundred years ago...
but where we come from,
people still talk about it.
There is an Indian word called izzat.
It means - It means "honor."
When a creature like that
whistles at you...
it is against my izzat!
Do you understand what I'm saying?
Against my honor!
Oh, I hate this!
I - I can't stand the way you live.
You don't know anything about it!
I'm proud that we're actors
and the company and everything we do.
People who have never been on the stage
don't know what it's like.
It's a wonderful life.
I wouldn't ever want to be
anything else.
Acting's my whole life.
Without it I'd be just nothing.
I'm sorry I kicked that.
I couldn't ever give it up.
For you I'd give up anything.
You only have to ask.
Your collar's torn.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Before I forget,
here's a letter from Sharmaji.
He asks after you.
You'll write often, won't you, Lizzie?
- I will.
- That's it, I think.
- The Laos is about to sail.
- Visitors are kindly requested to go ashore.
- Your passport. Don't lose it.
- Chin up.
- The Laos is about to sail.
Visitors are kindly requested
to go ashore.
Good-bye, Lizzie. God bless.
Look after her. She can be
a very naughty girl sometimes, you know.
Come along, Carla.
Watch your step here.
Write. Don't forget.
All right.