Shallow Ground (2004)

We just take couple more boxes.
Still we have to wait for Jack
in to load the rest of the stuff out.
Do you know if he comes in?
What's going on with him?
You have to ask him.
Here man must stay
a lot too much, you know?
Harvey shows
he excessively rest this morning.
Yeah. I seriously doubt
he's feeling any pain.
I don't know about you but I have been
forced to get mad out of here.
I thought you like being
in western states.
I did. But too much time close
can drive a person crazy.
Do you know what I'm saying?
I'm taking my recent travel
to see what I end up.
Even able to save that kind of
money working this job?
Well, I put a little bit away.
I don't exactly live an extravagant life style around here.
So you don't know
what you're going to do, then?
Haven't given me much thought,
I guess.
I don't know what to move on
to the next job with Jack.
Well, maybe you figure
more things out.
Jesus Christ!
The phone was bad
for the last half hour.
Something I can help you with?
Yeah, I need my game and
my license renewed.
I thought I go check
the barn around here.
How is it good the time here?
Time to travel a lot, huh?
Now I make I can't help you there.
We closed our shop yesterday.
About 4 hours from now
we're gonna be heading out of here
with the last school buses.
Wait a minute.
I'll play and pack it in?
Close to us, I guess.
The stuff I handle are local.
Advanced construction on the dam here a couple of weeks ago.
Now my pledge to stick around
for anymore.
Hey, you can go back to Pineview
to get license renewed.
You want me to backpack
some like 50 miles...
for allowing a piece paper?
How long you sure your plan
on us sticking around for?
Couple days.
- You'll travel by yourself?
- Yeah.
I don't like the hell!
Sounds like I will be
around to to check it anyway.
Type in the bad shot, you know.
Everytime I a kind of come back
empty handed.
Who wants to throw the tape?
Yeah, well, maybe you get
a better luck this time.
How do you want?
Well, I'm sure I have to tell you
I will be around to collect.
What the hell do happen now?
Oh, Jeez.
He had a knife.
- Where is it?
- He had it when he came in.
On the floor!
I said on the floor, now!
What is the matter?
You take one more step and
I'll hit the trigger shoot you right here.
Jesus Christ.
I just said, fuck,
back the hell off.
Oh, Jesus!
I just said, fuck it,
back the hell off.
Stuart, you got to
take a look at this.
Please, don't. I'll will do
whatever you want me to do.
Please don't.
Amy, I'll be right there.
Lord Jesus!
Please, Jack.
I'm right here.
- I can't even feel my arm.
- You're okay.
- I am cold.
- Okay.
- I'll be back.
- You're not going to leave me, are you?
As long as you're out of my sight,
it will be okay.
- Please, Jack.
- You're safe, I promise.
- Whoa, whoa. Easy, Jack.
- For Christ sake, Stuart.
- You didn't answer your phone.
- It's in a box somewhere.
Why a kind you keep me
for a long time?
We need you out of
the station, Jack.
I am done with out place.
Whatever that you handle it.
I don't think so.
You get to want
to see it for yourself.
Is it true, Sheriff?
You're leaving, too?
I want to stop by this afternoon
and tell you myself.
It's been almost a year since
you turned your back on my daughter,
now you're doing it again.
I'm not turning my back around.
There is nothing more I can do.
They never found any body.
She could still be out there.
You should still be looking.
Look, the sheriff from Pineview
is having Amy's file now.
He promised to contact me
if there anything new.
My daughter's gone because of you.
That's something that
never has changed.
Is it okay?
You find the knife?
No, I love it's not here.
The handle of the knife,
what color is it?
What color was it?
He was standing in the middle of the room covered in blood eyes.
I can't tell I paid much attention
to the knife.
Did you see the color there or not?
Red, I think.
It was hard to tell,
what does it matter?
Hey, Sheriff.
Hey, Harvey,
find the knife.
Are you hungry?
Need something to drink?
Get someone you want us to call?
Parents, friend?
My deputy checked you over.
So we know it was not your blood.
That leaves us two possibilities.
One, it's animal blood
and it's some kind of prank.
Exam time out to indicate,
I think, they want kids to be home
in time for dinner.
Possibility number two:
It's human blood.
If that turns out to be the case,
I can guarantee you
this is the last chance you're going
to have to hurt yourself.
I find it hard to believe that someone
who just made the kind of entry you did...
doesn't have anything to say.
Judge it your way!
"No one leaves"
Does either of you leave the man
without the cuff at any point?
None with me.
Then how do you explain this?
I don't like it, Jack.
Get Ray on the phone,
getting some help up here.
No god damned way!
I don't know what kind of game
this son of the bitch is just playing,
but I'm not playing this time.
- What do you mean "this time"?
- Attemp, Stuart.
He comes back here
just we're leaving,
single me out of
everyone of those photos,
bring the same hunting knife
with the attemp.
So why did he
just showed up like this?
I think he's taking someone else.
His shadow throws on my face.
So what does he make of that?
He showed a trick.
That's one of his games.
And now what?
We got unpacking, I guess.
Im get on the radio
keep talking sometimes.
Just like we're getting ready
to open the file back up?
Yeah, now, we just try to keep it
from falling apart.
This morning I came from.
Jessica had been that you got this.
and I thought that you probably
wanted to have that.
That was that last day, wasn't it?
The last time I saw her alive.
I can't really believe
they're gone, you know.
Such a freak accident.
Well, they never should have
built that dam against me.
Her and her father knew it's dangerous work, but they loved it.
And she loved working with you.
You're-- You're my family.
and I will be with you.
- Probably you could come with me?
- I can't.
Now I'm just thinking
keeping your heir.
I know. I've thought about it,
but Jessica and her dad
are buried here, and...
Now it's just... giving me
a little peace in mind,
to be near them.
Doc, Sheriff Sheppard,
Is he there?
Doc, it's Jack.
- I--
- I forgot that.
Wait, Darby. When you pull out tonight.
Would you come by here?
I have some family stopping by,
and they would love to meet you.
I wish I could, but got a trailer and...
I want something in Pineview
before it dark.
- Doc, you're sure the Sheriff Deputy there?
- I-I gotta go.
Listen. You-you
take care of yourself. Okay?
And, uh,
And please stay in touch.
I'm to call you,
as soon as I get settled.
- Jack, Darby, what's up?
- Are you still in town?
Yeah, not much longer. Why?
I'm talking to test some blood samples,
you can tell me if it's human or animal.
Thanks for a lot of confidence, Jack.
But, uh, qualified medics.
Besides, I don't
really have any equipment.
It's important.
Why do it haste, Jack?
I can't really say.
I'm getting out of here, am I, Jack?
All right, meet me at the camp site
and see what I can do.
Stuart is already underway.
Do you think you can
get on the radio,
checking whenever you can,
see you've seen or heard anything?
All right, yeah.
Stay in here.
So I think it's such a night, sir.
An op is too specific,
we have the boy.
No sympathetic in anyway.
You got a deal.
- Where are the walkies?
- Packed up like everything else.
Where are you going?
He left a lot of blood I get to see
it leads to anywhere.
You want me to
come in today, were you?
We're just going to leave.
Is it going to work?
- This came from one person?
- Off one person.
As far as I can tell,
the blood of three humans.
What the hell is going on?
I don't know. But whatever it is,
it's just going to have a lot of work.
Jesus Christ!
What the hell is that?
Help! Help me.
Hang on.
Mary mix, this is Har.
Yeah, yeah.
Sergean, have you seen
anything out of your records?
Someone, help!
Let me alone.
Help me, Jack.
What the fuck is going on?
God dammit, come out
and show yourself.
Help me, Jack.
Charlie, Jay.
All right. All right.
Have you seen anything
out on your way?
Listen, look. Now, you at least
see some odd kind of characters?
Those just like me.
Ray? Ray?
Can you hear me?
Oh, can you hear me?
I-I turn your off.
Now I get it very nice.
The blood came from
at least three people.
Did you hear what I just said?
The blood of this case came from
more than one person,
at least three people
if not more.
- You doubly sure?
- Pretty damned sure, yeah.
Where is Jack?
He doubts, try
to track of his trail.
Now where are you going?
Jack should know about it,
don't you think? I mean
there was a shit load of blood.
- Who knows what the hell the kis's done?
- City boy!
You're just going
to get yourself lost.
Besides, I need you
to fingerprints on Jack.
Why can you do it?
You're scared to mark him?
Are you going to do it or not?
Where are the cards?
I'd like to get this
to discuss the part of you.
Because children or not, you're going
to pay for whatever you've done here.
You see,
people get tired of
failing kids like you.
He doesn't care the shit how sad
your story is.
On the search, figure it out or not.
What the hell are you doing in there?
What the hell happened?
Stuart shot him, for no reason,
like he was nothing.
I can't seem to make her understand.
I saw the things she does.
I saw their faces,
I heard them beg for her life.
He had his comments.
Jesus Christ, Stuart.
This is Harvey, for God sake.
Jack, listen to me.
The boy show me it all.
You guys have no idea the shit he's done.
He had to pay.
Come to the side,
so that I figure out
what's the hell just going on here.
Jesus Christ, listen to me.
- You have done exactly the same shit!
- Shut up, Stuart.
Someone out there.
Here are the boy's prints
you have?
There must be something wrong
with the system.
Just settle something again.
Second thoughts.
Get Ray on the phone,
tell him that we have up here.
You and I need a long talk.
- Hey, Russel.
- Ray, it's Laura.
Laura, I just have to call you in.
Is Stuart Dempsey up there with you now?
Yeah. Yeah, he's here.
Right, we got him
in the situation.
The kid showed up this morning,
naked, coverd in blood.
Laura, now you listen to me
very carefully.
You stay the hell away from him.
You have no ideal what you're dealing with.
I don't understand, hon.
It's just a boy, right?
Mark for Christ sake, do not let him
touch you, he's not what he seems.
Ray, I just found another 2 bodies.
That makes 36 so far.
What the hell is going on?
I don't know.
My daughter wait right now, I gotta go.
I'm not doing shit, you hear me?
I want to know
who else is out there.
If you don't want such talk,
you know, the only way is to
watch speaking your life.
- Let go off him, Jack.
- Get out of here, Laura.
Come on, Jack
get away from him, now.
Listen to me. Listen to me.
You just want to scare of that,
now what you want to do,
- what do you think you want?
- Do not touch him, Jacky,
since he said
not to let him touch you.
Some killings happen in here.
- Who are?
- Ray, on the phone.
He was trying to warn me about the boy
when the line went dead.
Hey, guys.
- We need to look at this.
- Not now, Stuart.
Every person we need fingerprint
report, they all missing
a hundred miles from here.
Let see here's the real kicker.
If you put all the faces together,
it looks a lot like a boy in there.
It doen't make sense.
This is not sensible times, Jack.
Jack, no.
Ray said stay away from him.
You don't have any idea what it feels
like to have your strike open.
and slowly sewn back
while you were still alive?
What it feels like
to be dried up.
and every stream of blood
slowly drained from your body?
I still be alive
but you hadn't let me, Jack.
Stop. I'll do whatever
you want me to do.
Please stop.
What did happened?
I think it's not Stuart.
How can he let us out?
Darby Owens to Sheriff Sheppard.
Jack, it's Darby.
Are you out there?
Listen, Jack. I don't know
if you can hear me.
Maybe your power is out too, but...
I took another look at the sample
you sent me earlier, and...
somehow it has been dead
for a long time.
Some time up to years.
Jack, I'm getting ready
to get out of here.
So if I don't hear from you,
I'm going to stop by the station
on my way out.
I didn't think I hate any place
more than I already did,
My boy, am I wrong?
I'm going to get as far away
from here as possible, man.
You're not seriously think you are leaving and not now.
Fucking ass, Jack.
'Cause you are smart and you did exactly the same thing.
You killed the man, Stuart.
It's gonna to be questioned.
You're goddamn right!
It's going to be questioned.
But what else can you
believe the answer, Jack?
Christ! You ain't see it yourself...
like silly copy of that cell in there.
Amy and the others
sent that boy here for a reason.
You're going to help me or I'm going
to lock you in your cell again.
You're going to get a lot worst,
it worked better in there.
I see that's pretty much
a guarantee.
- Do you hear that?
- On our way.
I'm going to get out
and test the power transformer.
Okay, stay here still we get back.
We're gonna be sitting in the dark soon
if we don't have the power back on.
It is not a good idea to be out there
alone now, right?
Just wait until we go together.
He hit a kid.
He ran out in front of the bus
like we are nothing.
Right. I can't understand.
Where is he?
We've been looking.
Maybe got thrown.
Ever coming down,
I hope pretty good, you know.
- Where is the driver?
- In the bus.
Are you okay?
- Samuel, is it?
- Sam.
I hope you can help me
this bus to get off the road.
Oh, shit!
You see it stalled,
not moving anywhere.
- How is your head?
- I had it worse.
- You don't even tell who you stay with?
- He can stay with me.
So what do you want me to do?
Come with these 2 and 3 others,
get them all into town.
All right everybody listen now.
We're gonna get everyone
out of here with a truck,
So it's going to be a few trips.
So stay together, stay with the bus,
and don't touch the blood.
Laura took one of the rifles.
Because, god dammit,
I asked her to stay here.
Do you want me to go
after her?
No. 'Cause I need you
bring the bus into town.
- I'll wait here. She's probably back soon.
- All right. I'll keep an eye.
- Okay, who wants some cake?
- Go ahead, give her a hug. Give her a hug.
- It's all right. It's all right.
- Thank you.
Is everything okay in there?
It's all right.
Okay, first meet birthday girl.
They haven't made it,
going to need more deaths soon.
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday, dear Amy.
Happy birthday to you.
- Okay.
- Change out.
No. Wait a minute.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait...
- Me first.
- I get to take here.
Open my gift.
What is it?
- Mama, what is it?
- Please do not remind her.
Don't say a word.
- No way, Jack.
- Don't worry, Albert.
- You lift our seal, right?
- Okay.
- I love you, sweetheart.
- I love you too.
- Thank you, Mama.
- Okay, who wants some cake?
Give her a hug. Give her a hug.
Come out, you son of the bitch!
No one may leaves.
Help me, Jack.
Fucking shit!
Hey, Jack.
Where the hell
these flies are coming from?
- You're okay, Helen?
- Oh, yeah. It's good to be praticed.
I... still don't like to live
in a big old house alone.
Have you seen anything
out of ordinary way?
Well, my dog was acting up
this morning.
But I figured it was just a bear
snooping around for scraps.
- Why?
- No big deal.
Can I borrow your car
for an hour?
Oh, no. Did your jeeps
break down again?
Laura and Stuart have them.
I thought you and Laura
would marry by now.
Call it "cheer", I guess.
Okay, you just wait a minute,
and I will find my keys.
"Rescue crew finds bodies
of father and daughter
Jack is not there.
Loose your gun.
Loose it!
I think I got the keys, but
I don't know how much gasoline is in her.
Goddamn it!
Oh, shit.
Don't move the goddamned asshole.
- Who is it?
- Where is Laura, Stuart?
- I said who the hell is it?
- It's Ray.
Jesus Christ! Ray.
You scared the shit out of me.
What are you doing here?
Where is Laura, Stuart?
I don't know. I haven't seen her
since this afternoon.
Is she all right?
Well, she's a little stress out,
like everybody else.
Things that may exactly normal
around here. You know what I'm saying?
Things haven't been normal anywhere for the las 24 hours, Stuart.
You went for me, did you?
Do you say that?
Mark is dead.
They found him
in a patrol car this morning.
Oh, my God.
What happened?
Remember that little junkie,
Curtis Weaver?
He was a dealer. Yeah.
- What about him?
- I hope you can tell me.
The only person who knows for sure
what happened to Curtis is...
- And he's dead.
- His dead would be a problem.
And how is that my problem?
Stuart, they come to clear the book,
they come to make it right
once and for all.
- Who?
- The dead.
This time you're going
on your own.
Get out of the car, Curtis.
Don't make me fucking coming out and take the fuck you out of the car.
Lets go! Come on.
- You're back first.
- Enough, all right?
Come on.
You want to work to neigborhood,
you got to pay for the previlege, Curtis.
For the pig damned thing.
I want the payment crack boy,
that was an asshole.
That money ain't yours.
- Now discuss, discuss.
- Sure. Sure.
Don't go shit me, Curtis.
I know you got some cash for me.
Stop. Stop. Stop.
It's TJ, okay?
The asshole already caught it.
That's great, kid.
Smart move!
Goddamn you, Jack.
And the but in your place.
Not if you're dead, pal.
"Father and Daughter
Killed in Dam Accident"
"Hellen Reedy, 'they've Taken
My Family, They've Taken My Life"
"City Councilwoman
Missing & Freared Dead"
"Son Of Real Estate
Investor Vanishes"
"Daughter of
Dam Supervisor Abducted"
You remember how to get out
to my place?
Amy wanted one of this.
Well, thanks to Jack.
She's not around the edge, is she?
- That's not Jack's fault.
- He left her out there alone.
He night as well as
kill her himself.
You can blame whoever you want.
But none of that is going to change
the fact that Amy is dead.
But if Jack ever wants
to see you again,
he's going to find the master
who did that time.
"Widow Buries
Husband and Daughter"
Welcome to the family, Jack.
Tom and Jessica are going
to have you as their company.
No slowing down.
- Stop the truck.
- Here?
I said stop the goddamn truck.
This will stink a little bit.
Amy, are you okay?
Here's your father.
Helen? It's Laura.
Are you all right?
What the hell are you?
Get up. Get on your feet.
Get on your feet!
Get on your feet!
Come on. Out! Out!
Okay. Come on.
Get out, now.
Get your legs in the car.
I am not
fucking around here, Laura.
You trouble other people, didn't you?
Shut up.
Wake up. Hey, wake up.
What the hell is that?
- I don't know.
- Nonsense! You knew it after me.
It's nonsense running
from it, Helen.
Laura? Laura?
Leave me alone.
Leave me alone.
Stop there. Stop.
Stop it.
Oh, God!
I got you, all right.
It's okay. Okay.
I'm here.
My God!
What happened to you?
- It is nothing. Do not worry about me.
I worry about you, all right?
Where is she?
It does not matter.
Right here. You are safe.
No, where is she, Jack?
- I get you about to here, Laura.
- Stop it, Jack.
- Go after her.
- I'm not leaving.
Jack, you have to go.
Oh, goddamn! Wait!
I got to get you out of here.
Stop it, Jack.
I don't know why you think
you can run, Helen?
There's no hiding from the thing.
It can't kill me, Jack.
I died last year
with Jessica and Tom.
And you think that gives you the right
to do the things you've done?
You're outside of this,
never turn around. My husband
and daughter were still be alive.
Help me, Jack.
Help me.
You're not leaving me now, goddamn it.
Help me get him the the truck.
Not yet.
Jack. Jack. Is she dead?
It's over.
Get him checked soon.
I take some more things
I get to do.
Come one.
Come one, we get to go.
You know why?
I don't know.
VictorR - 03/11/2015.