Shan zha shu zhi lian (Under the Hawthorn Tree) (2010)

Don't forget your belongings.
"Welcome to the City Academy No.8
Secondary Education Revolution Team."
Mr Zhang
- Nice to meet you.
- Youve arrived
Students, Mr. Zhang is the head of Xiping Village
We can go now. I'll lead the Way.
Here's the famous Tree of Heroes
I know this hawthorn tree.
It's called the Tree...
of Heroes because
during the Second Sino-Japanese War
our soldiers showed heroic devotion here.
And became revolutionary martyrs.
After the first hero
was executed by the Japanese at this tree,
countless others were sacrificed here too.
Their blood nourished the tree's soil.
Did you know that
hawthorns normally have white flowers?
But this one is different.
It grew with our heroes' blood,
and the flowers became redder and redder.
Today, the flowers are all red.
Yes, that's the story people tell.
This tree is a great source of inspiration
for our revolution's curriculum.
Greet our guests
Two students per household.
These peasants will be your hosts
Two students per household.
don't be a burden on your household.
You two together,
and you two
You two
One teacher per household.
Here's one more
You can stay at my house
Thank you, Mr Zhang
We're here.
She's here
Her name is Jing
Huanhuan, call her Auntie Jing.
Auntie Jing
Come on in.
My daughter Fang stays at school in town
so you can stay in her room.
Stop it, Huanhuan.
This is my eldest son, that's his Wife.
This is Huanhuan
This is Huanhuan
This is my daughter, Fang.
This is Fang.
My second son, Lin.
Father asked me
You get some water for our guest
Jing will be living with us.
She's a senior high school student from the city.
You can learn a lot from her.
Auntie, I'll help you cook.
So pretty
Of course, hair bands from the city are pretty.
Third Uncle also came from the city.
Huanhuan, go get Third Uncle for dinner.
And bring Auntie Jing with you.
Where's your third uncle?
The Geological Exploration Unit.
"I Walk along the path leading to the tree."
"Under the hawthorn tree,"
"the Wind gently tousles"
"the young Worker's and the blacksmith's hair."
"lovely Hawthorn,"
"White flowers blossoming on your branches."
"Dear Hawthorn,"
"why are you so sad"
Is this the writer from the city?
No, I'm not a writer.
I'm a student at the No. 8 Academy.
I'm learning about the village history,
to help my teacher write a curriculum.
Are you writing about the hawthorn tree?
How did you know?
I guessed
You should give it to the child.
Who says candy is just for kids?
Who says candy is just for kids?
That song was lovely.
It's a Russian song called "The Hawthorn Tree".
It was very popular in the 19505.
My parents sing it too.
Mr. Zhang said the Tree of Heroes is special
because it grows red flowers.
Is that true?
It was winter when I got here.
I Want to be sure,
because I'm putting it in the curriculum.
Just Write down what you've heard.
Is the color of the flowers important?
Of course it's important.
I have an idea.
Why not go and see the flowers in bloom?
When do they bloom?
May or June.
But I return to the city in April.
Then come back and we'll go together.
I might not get the chance.
Jing, sit here.
Fang, Jing is a year older than you.
You should call her Sister.
Sister Jing.
This is Eldest Brother.
Eldest Brother.
This is Sister-in-Law.
This is Second Brother.
Second Brother
This isn't army roll call.
You don't have to stand up.
This is the Third Brother.
Third Brother.
Third Brother.
I'm not a son in this family.
My name is Sun. I'm with the geology unit.
But Auntie treats me we family,
even though I live with my team.
You can call me by my name,
or you can call me Third.
Swing your hoe like this.
Grip the handle firmly
to avoid getting calluses.
Unbutton the back for me
I'm writing.
I'm writing about the hawthorn tree
with red flowers.
You write well.
But writing propaganda
is a waste of your talent.
This is for the revolution.
I have to write it well.
So you're afraid of making mistakes.
I can't afford to make mistakes.
I need my school's approval to get a
teaching job when I graduate,
so I can finally help my mother.
Then you'd better write about that tree
At least its berries are red.
You need a brighter light bulb
to protect your eyesight.
Third Uncle.
Still Writing about that hawthorn tree?
Where have you been these days?
thought you'd been relocated
I was with my unit repairing an engine.
Why didn't you tell Auntie?
Huanhuan asked about you every day
Sorry. I left in a hurry.
Your pen is leaking.
Want to swap it for a new one?
It's not a gift.
I'm just saving ink for the revolution.
Do you like it?
Mr. Luo Wants me back at school
for dance rehearsals.
I have to show great enthusiasm
so I can get my school's approval.
I'm going back to the city for a few days.
You're leaving in the morning?
"Our political party is greater
than heaven and earth."
"Chairman Mao loves the people more than
parents love their children."
"Nothing in the world compares
with the goodness of communism."
"An ocean's depth can't compare with the depth
of friendship within our class."
"Chairman Mao's principles are the treasure
of the revolution."
"Whoever is against Chairman Mao
will be our enemy!"
"Our political party is greater
than heaven and earth."
"Chairman Mao loves the people
more than parents love their children."
"Nothing in the world compares
with the goodness of communism."
"Anh ocean's depth can't compare with the depth
of friendship within our class."
"Chairman Mao's principles are the treasure
of the revolution."
"Whoever is against Chairman Mao
will be our enemy!"
I found another prescription for your mom.
Walnuts and crystal sugar aren't enough
for her treatment.
OK, I'll give it a try.
Is your dad still in political prison?
Yes, but we've had no letters for months.
There's more than one capitalist at our school.
Why do they scold your mom every day?
They only bully honest people.
- Mom
- Mom
Mom, too many painkillers will hurt your stomach.
I heard there's a new policy
about your teaching job at school.
I don't know what will happen.
Don't Worry, it'll be fine.
You must perform Well.
One wrong step
can ruin your Whole life.
Your father is an example of that.
You waited this long?
I Worried you Wouldn't come back safely.
Chairman Mao teaches us to
"keep Warm in spring, cool in the fall."
is that from Mao's red book?
It's probably from Comrade Lenin.
This family should have food.
Probably some meat too.
Comrade, I'm in the Geological Exploration Unit.
I have a Work permit, grain coupons and money.
I'm not with the geology unit.
I can't lie to farmers.
I'll just say you're a family member.
Let me help.
A piece of meat. Open up.
Who taught you to cook?
My mother
I've heard your family is quite powerful
in the party.
My mother was a capitalist.
She jumped off e building four years ego.
My mother cared a lot about her looks.
Before the suicide, she washed her face,
combed her haw
and changed into clean clothes.
In the end, her face was ruined in the fall.
Maybe that was her destiny.
Why are you m a bad mood?
You're leaving soon,
so I've brought you crystal sugar.
I'll pay you back
for the sugar
and the new pen
You need money to help your mother.
I have a good salary.
Spending this money is no big deal.
It's a big deal to me.
My dad isn't a senior cadre in the city.
If you insist, pay me back
after you get your job.
With my background, who'd give me a job?
I'll have someone take the money to you.
I'm leaving,
so let's not see each other any more.
Jing, you managed a great achievement
for the revolution by going to the countryside.
Director Li, I'd like to find e temporary job.
My mother is sick and we're facing difficulty.
You're so tiny.
It's hard to find work that suits you.
I'm afraid you can't handle it.
Our great leader Chairman Mao teaches us
to fear neither hardship nor death.
Well said.
Sister Jing.
I said I'd visit you in the summer.
Two popsicles
No. it's on me.
What's this money for?
So you don't have to be a field laborer.
Who gave you this money?
Xiping Village.
Who from Xiping Village.?
My family.
I can't take money from your family.
It's really from Sun.
Take it
No, ms fiancee won't be happy
What fiancee
Who told you that?
I overheard your mother saying it.
She said she saw her photograph.
No, that's his sister's picture.
He uses it to fool others
It's a misunderstanding.
Sun Knows you're upset
So he wouldn't let me tell you
that the money is from him.
I have an income.
Take it he cares so much for you
He doesn't want you to get hurt at work.
Just go back and tell him
you couldn't find me.
I'm here!
Why are you always late?
You're exhausted even before training.
Have you bought a uniform yet?
You're the only one without one.
OK, take your position.
Good, let's get started.
Nice serve!
What're you doing here?
How long have you been Waiting?
We make envelopes. 1 cent for every 10.
Your family is worse off than the peasants.
Who bought the crystal sugar?
Eldest Brother got doctor-prescribed
supplement coupons.
I got this at a countryside cooperative.
Let me cook for you.
No need. I've already eaten
There's money in the bag!
Don't let Auntie wash it!
I saw you playing volleyball at school.
Go buy a uniform.
Don't ruin the image of the team.
I know you're number 5.
Great serve!
Great serve!
We been watching you may
Jing, where's the ball?
Don't let my teacher see you here.
Don't worry, I'm leaving now.
You look so pretty in the uniform.
Older sister!
Older sister!
A man asked me to give you this.
He also gave me hawthorn berries.
Then a tractor took him away
Was he wearing a blue padded jacket?
He's tall
and wears large shoes.
Don't tell mother.
Don't ask.
Do you want to eat duck?
Why don't you turn on the light?
Where are the hawthorn berries from?
Fang from Xiping Village brought them to me
I first met you on this day last year.
I thought,
Why does this girl look so sad?
I'm always like this.
Because of your family's political hardship?
My father is a rightist.
He's still in political prison.
My mother is sick.
If I'm sent back to the countryside,
things will be even worse for my family.
Maybe political policies will change
and we won't have to go to the countryside.
That's impossible.
No, it's true.
Even my father will resume work
He asked me to return to the capital
My family wants to introduce a girl
to me for marriage.
Are you going to leave me?
Of course not. I'll never betray you.
You might not have fallen in love before
and not believe in eternal love.
When you do fall in love,
you'll know there's someone.
Who'd rather die than betray you.
Are you cold?
Let's go back.
Let's share the jacket.
It's not big enough for two.
Are you still cold?
I still have a year of probation.
I'll wait for you for one year and one month
My mother won't let me fell in love before I'm 25.
Then I'll wait until you're 25.
What if I still can't be with you when I'm 25?
Then I'll wait for you my whole life.
Sister, where have you been?
Mother fell down when she went looking for you.
Didn't you say you were visiting a classmate?
I went to your classmate's home.
Someone from Xiping Village came to visit me.
A boy or a girl?
A girl. We talked a while by the river.
You promised me you'd behave well
The decision about your job as e teacher
will be made soon.
Many people are jealous.
If there are problems at this critical moment,
your career will be ruined,
and your Whole life too.
It'll be on your record forever!
I heard that
your father is coming home soon.
- Daddy is coming home.
- Daddy is coming home.
Don't tell anyone else.
We could lose everything.
Do you understand?
From now on,
you'll have a curfew at night
You're in love, aren't you?
Don't ask. Just teach me to weave a goldfish.
Where's the fisherman?
Sending educated young people
to receive re-education from peasants
is absolutely necessary.
Our great leader Chairman Mao teaches us,
"The countryside is filled with opportunities.
Only in the fields can young people
discover their full potential."
I'll certainly be called.
I'll be a farmer for life.
Maybe political policies will change
and we won't have to go to the countryside.
Wow, you're talking differently now.
You must be in love!
Behave well
Humbly accept re-education from the farmers.
Do you understand?
- Mom, I know.
- It's not like home there.
So don't do crazy things.
Mother, I know
Stop crying. nobody else is.
Mom, I have to go.
Hey, look over there!
That's the guy from class 2!
We've been sent to the same place.
At the side of the truck.
You should be grateful that
the party let you work here.
Parents' mistakes belong to the parents,
but children can be re-educated.
Political performance is crucial.
Your probation period will be challenging.
I hope you won't let the Party down.
I'll try hard to repay the Party's care
For the summer break,
I volunteered to help repair the basketball court.
Why does the school let you do this?
It's too much.
I volunteered for this job.
We'll let someone else do it.
No, I can do one more round.
Don't let others see we're together.
I'm still on probation. I can't make a false move.
I know.
That's Why I came now
when there's nobody around
it's lunchtime. Let's sneak away.
The repairs can't be that urgent.
Let me take you to the river.
Nobody's there
I can't swim.
Chairman Mao teaches us that
We should struggle against hardship.
Sun teaches Jing that
she should learn how to relax.
That's nonsense
It's too ugly can't wear this
It's not ugly.
Everyone wears them
Why else would shops sell swimsuits?
I don't want to wear it.
Your changing room is ready.
Come here!
That's how you wear it?
Come here!
Get in the water!
Why didn't you wake me?
I wanted to let you rest.
I don't want to waste our time together.
But lately I always get sleepy suddenly.
It's because you always work overtime.
You made this?
It's the third one.
The first two weren't good enough.
I'll get it.
Nobody saw me.
I came after your mother left.
You came so early.
You must have arrived last night.
Come here and have breakfast
He's a friend. Don't tell mother.
Big brother, last time
you gave me hawthorn berries.
Little brother, you kept the secret well.
Your burns are horrible.
How did you know about my feet?
I watched you for a long time yesterday.
You're not made of steel.
You can't put bare legs into lime and cement.
If I wear a nice pair of rubber boots,
what would the others think of me?
If you don't wear them,
I'll walk in the lime and cement
and let my feet get ruined too.
I'll wear them. I promise.
Why do you have your bicycle?
I'm taking you to the hospital.
Your feet are infected already.
I won't go.
I hate going to hospitals.
I'm afraid of blood tests, doctors
and needles.
They won't give you any injections.
No. What if someone sees us there?
We'll go to the military hospital.
Very few people go there.
I won't go to any hospital.
Let's go. Please.
Are you going or not?
You're crazy!
Can We go to the hospital now?
Can you not act like that again? It scares me.
OK. I humbly accept your request.
Hows your arm?
It's fine. I just bled a lot.
The nurse said my blood didn't clot Well.
Should we get that checked?
No. Bleeding a lot means I'm strong.
Sit in the front.
Nobody can recognize you like this.
You've known me over a year,
but never called me by my name.
What did you say?
I don't know what to call you.
Call me something that no one else does.
So, what will you call me?
Maybe later.
Wipe your face, cool down a bit.
What's wrong with your arm?
the walnuts, sugar, hawthorn berries,
the jersey and boots
all came from this Comrade Sun?
Auntie, you can just call me Sun.
Don't call me Auntie.
Call me Teacher Zhang.
Yes, Teacher Zhang.
You two go outside.
Teacher Zhang, you're educated
Why not let Jing sit down to talk?
I'll stand with her then.
Teacher Zhang,
please start, I'm listening.
I'm not opposed to free love.
I just won't allow
Jing to fall in love prematurely.
My husband is a rightist.
I'm under political watch at school.
There's no future for our family.
Teacher Zhang,
I think we have different interpretations
of the future.
Of course we're different.
Jing is still on probation.
The school can dismiss her anytime.
We already heard rumors
It's all my fault.
If you truly love her,
you won't mind not seeing her for a year or two.
You some from a good background,
and might not understand our difficulty.
No, I understand.
So we're on the same page
Yes, of course
I promise I won't see her
until after the probation.
Even then, if she makes any mistake,
the school can still expel her anytime.
Yes. We can't let Jing make mistakes.
Good. I hope you'll keep your promise.
Don't destroy Jing's future
You can trust me
I'll wait, no matter how long it takes.
You two are so young
and still have plenty of time.
Yes, we have plenty of time.
OK we understand each other then.
Yes, we do
Teacher Zhang.
I have e smell request before I leave.
I want to help Jing re wrap her bandage.
Our home is small,
so it's hard to give you privacy.
No, no need.
You two stay outside.
I need to talk to your sister.
How are your feet?
I'm going to ask you something,
and you need to be honest
Has he...
hugged you?
Has he...
kissed you?
Did he behave himself
with you?
Did he... grab..
I didn't hear from you for a month.
Mom, don't say such dirty things.
Answer me.
Did he or didn't he?
Why do you ask?
Don't ask why.
Just tell me.
Did he or didn't he?
He didn't.
Come here.
Mom, why were you touching my nose?
Something I learned from your grandma,
to check if you're still the same.
I told you, we didn't do anything.
That's good then
He said he'd wait for me his whole life.
Words so easily said
don't mean anything.
Saying a whole life in words might
only last a short while in action.
Thank you.
Someone's here for you.
What are you doing here?
I didn't hear from you for a month.
I was so worried.
Then Fang told me you were here.
What's going on?
Just a physical for my geology unit.
Going to the hospital is normal.
If it's a routine physical,
Why didn't you tell me?
Was afraid you'd be worried.
Don't lie to me.
What do you have?
What did Fang tell you?
She told me you have...
I just have the flu
and a Weak immune system.
I'm exhausted from working overtime.
Fang doesn't know anything.
If I really had leukemia,
this hospital can't treat it.
If you don't believe me, ask the doctor.
Let's go and ask.
No need.
I believe you.
Did you take the day off?
I asked for three days off to keep you company.
I made a promise to your mother.
What if she finds out?
I lied that my school sent me to a farm.
She believed it.
What did you tell your principal?
I didn't tell Mr. Luo.
I'll write an apology letter later.
I didn't have time to care.
You're so naive.
You're ruining your future.
I told you,
it's just a routine physical.
I don't have leukemia.
You have to go now.
I want to stay with you.
It's a hospital. You can't stay here.
Where will you spend the night?
There are benches in the hallway.
You're such a troublemaker!
Let me be a troublemaker!
I was always afraid of making mistakes.
This time, I'm not afraid of anything.
The hospital does not allow overnight visitors.
Please respect the hospital's regulations
for the revolution!
Leave now.
Hey, I'm talking to you. Leave now.
Come back tomorrow.
The hospital does not allow overnight visitors.
Please respect the hospital's regulations
for the revolution!
The hospital does not allow overnight visitors.
Hey you, get moving!
Anyone m there?
How dare you two!
Your visitor must go.
Guests can't stay at night. it's a rule.
Which bed are you in?
Bed No.7
Go back to bed.
You must leave.
Chairman Mao teaches us that
a good comrade rectifies her mistakes.
Just let her stay a bit longer.
I have to see her out!
Just let me stay a little bit.
I told you, it's the hospital's rule.
Leave now.
And come back tomorrow.
Go back to sleep.
Comrade, I came along way.
Just let me stay a little longer.
It's not my problem. Leave now!
You, go to bed!
Go to bed!
We'll be quiet.
You have to go leave now.
I'm walking you out.
Comrade, I'm begging you.
Let me stay a bit longer.
I promise I'll be quiet.
We have to strictly follow the rules
of the hospital for the revolution.
What's the difference if you return tomorrow?
Come back tomorrow.
Why are you taking me shopping?
I'm buying things you need for tonight.
I borrowed Nurse Gao's dorm room.
You must sleep on a bed tonight.
How about a new jacket for you?
You said the hawthorn has red flowers.
This should be the same color.
It's too vibrant.
Not at all. It suits you.
Don't just wear blue like everyone else.
OK, if you like it.
Wei can make one for me.
She has a sewing machine.
Do you want to see that hawthorn with me?
There are no flowers now.
And it's far away. Maybe next time.
We might hot have the chance.
That's not true. We'll have plenty of chances.
Male comrade, closer to female comrade.
A little more.
Female comrade, closer to male comrade.
Male comrade, lift your chin.
Female comrade, lift your chin too.
Don't be embarrassed
That's the friendship of the
proletariat revolution.
A friend afar makes distant lands near.
Great, just like that!
It's the mark for you.
No matter where I em
when I hear your name
I'll come back to you with this scar.
What style will be good for my jacket?
You'll look good in any style.
When I get it made, I'll wear it for you.
Once that hawthorn tree has flowers.
I'll wear this jacket and go with you.
If the Mowers are red
we'll see if the color matches my jacket.
Of course. We'll go together.
I told the doctor that I won't go back
to the hospital tonight.
May I stay?
Don't worry
I guess I should go back.
No, stay
How can we sleep such a small bed?
We can switch this time.
You sleep on the bed, I'll sit on the chair.
You sleep on the bed, I'll sit on the chair.
How about
neither of us sit on the chair tonight?
I'll get some hot water to wash your feet.
Where did you get that?
At the hospital's gift shop.
Where's the shop?
To the left of this building.
What took you so mug?
Let's wash your feet.
Let me show you a magic trick.
Close your eyes.
Open your eyes
How'd you do that?
I can't step on the hawthorn.
I'll make it dirty.
Right, We shouldn't make it dirty.
Where did you get it?
At the hospital's gift shop.
It was closing so I begged the clerk.
Those are hawthorn berries.
So beautiful.
I knew you'd like it.
Let's wash your feet.
Do they still hurt?
No, they healed.
I'm so happy to know you.
Go to sleep. I'll be here with you.
I don't want you over there.
I want you in bed with me.
I could just look at you like this
for the rest of my life.
I'd already decided before I got here.
You can do whatever you want tonight.
Come lie beside me.
Books say that when a man and a woman
Me together, the woman will get pregnant.
Are you afraid I'll get pregnant?
You'll get pregnant tn the future
You'll have kids.
You'll be a mother, then a grandmother.
You'll have many grandchildren.
What about you?
If you live, I won't die.
But if you die,
I'll really be dead.
Do you understand?
Have you returned to visit your family.
Is anyone else home?
No one else.
What's wrong?
What happened?
I'm pregnant.
If he'd admit to it,
I'd keep the baby.
I was planning on marrying him.
But he ran off,
and said the baby wasn't his.
Who is he?
Who else? The guy in Class 2.
What are you going to do?
Get rid of it.
What do you mean?
An abortion.
Don't you know what that is?
I can't do it in the city hospital.
Someone might tell my mother.
I'll go to the county hospital.
Nobody Knows me there
I'll have to get a legal permit first.
You have to go with me.
I'll perm my hair to look older.
You can't let them succeed.
Don't ever be as foolish as I was.
What do you mean by "succeed"?
You really don't know?
Succeed, as in sleeping in the same bed.
Sleeping in the same bed?
The boy you made the goldfish for,
you let him succeed too?
I heard he was sick.
No. it's a ploy!
He just wanted your sympathy
The boy from Class 2
said he had cancer.
What a liar!
If a man
is nice to you
it's only because he wants to succeed.
Once he succeeds, he'll dump you.
Don't doubt my words.
Learn from my mistake.
Go find him.
I'm sure he's run off already.
Comrade, where's Sun?
He was released from the hospital yesterday.
You're the one that came a few days ago.
I'm Nurse Gao.
Sun left something for you.
Did he have a message?
What's wrong with him?
His unit sent him here for a physical.
Not for leukemia?
Can't be we can't treat leukemia here.
Hey, comrade take it.
You can keep it.
He already gave me a basin.
He said you must keep this one.
What's wrong with you?
It's not me...
Then who?
Where's her relative?
Was the operation a success?
Your hair
looks like a rat's nest!
You think others won't recognize you?
Sit down.
You know that
our family background isn't good.
If people find out about this,
you'll have to stay
in the countryside for life.
So what? Who cares?
Maybe policies will change one day.
What did you say?
I don't care if I stay in the
countryside for life.
We raised you for nothing!
Fine, go to the countryside!
I won't care for you any more!
So painful.
I don't want to be pregnant again.
Will I get pregnant too?
Of course. Right away.
What do you mean by that?
Didn't you let him succeed?
Did you let him succeed or not?
Tell me what happened that night.
In detail.
That's it?
Just holding hands?
Did you get naked?
Are you lying to me?
He didn't succeed.
That's nothing!
You're so ignorant.
You know what?
That boy sounds like
a really good man.
He truly loves you.
Last time we had the talk,
you promised me that
you wouldn't see each other
during your probation.
Why are you behaving like this?
Aren't you afraid
you'll be dismissed?
I have to find him.
It's not something
you have to do at your age!
Tell me.
What happened?
Why must you find him?
He probably has leukemia.
Was it diagnosed already?
I'm not sure. I heard it from Fang.
When I was younger
I was just as committed as you are.
That's Why I married your father.
Auntie Jing!
What brings you here?
You're skinnier than last year. Come in.
Have you eaten?
Come, I'll get chopsticks.
Sit down.
Sister Jing, are you looking for Sun?
Poor Sun
Why did he get such a terrible illness?
We haven't seen him for months.
Ask the Geological Exploration Unit.
Maybe he's fine.
Haven't seen him for a long time.
I heard he's sick.
Sick with leukemia?
A worker in our unit died of leukemia last year.
But I don't think Sun has it.
He's always been so healthy.
One time he took metal samples
from our unit for lab tests.
He wanted to find the cause of the workers death.
I'm not sure if his illness
has anything to do wth that.
Hurry! He's still waiting!
Are you Jing?
I'm Sun's father.
I know my son is waiting for you.
Go and say goodbye to him.
Call his name quickly,
before it's too late.
Call his name, just like you did before.
He can still hear you.
It's Jing.
It's Jing.
It's Jing.
It's Jing.
It's Jing.
You promised that
whenever you hear my name,
you'd come back.
It's Jing.
It's Jing.
Look. You said I'd look good in red.
I'm wearing it now.
I'm here to see you and I've put it on.
I'm here to see you and I'm wearing it.
"Lovely Hawthorn,"
"White flowers blossoming on your branches."
"Dear Hawthorn,"
"why are you so sad?"