Shanghai Express (1932)

- Has the Shanghai Express gone?
- No, madam.
I want a ticket to Shanghai, first class.
35 dollars and 25 cents, madam.
- Is there a dining car this time?
- Yes, everything but a Turkish bath.
Shanghai, first class, please.
- What you got in that basket, missus?
- A little lunch from my niece.
- No animals in there?
- I hope not!
Good morning, sir.
Porter! Come in here.
Excuse me, sir.
- Yes, sir?
- I won't share with this woman.
- Change it tonight.
- Change me now.
I haven't lived here for ten years
not to know a woman like that.
Take my luggage out of here.
- Here you are, Harvey.
- Thanks very much.
- You're in for a good time.
- Why?
Do you know who's on this train?
Shanghai Lily.
- Who's Shanghai Lily?
- Don't say you've never heard of her.
She's a notorious coaster.
What in the name of Confucius
is a coaster?
You're hopeless. It's a woman who lives
by her wits along the China coast.
News boy!
Here, wait a bit.
This magazine says August 15th 1927.
- Yes, madam.
- But it's four years old.
Latest number, madam.
Is this 1931 or am I out of my mind?
Madame, je regrette
que je ne vous comprends pas.
Je ne parle pas anglais.
Parlez-vous franais?
Parlez-vous franais?
She oughta keep it for her history
and get an education.
Here we are, boy.
You'll be as glad to be at home as I will.
We know what year it is, don't we?
Be a good boy and don't make a noise
or they'll put you in the baggage car.
There you are, my lad. All clear till you meet
number two outside Tientsin.
I'll have the law on you
if you harm a bone in his head.
He's got to have his biscuits twice a day,
and nothing but boiled water!
Don't worry, Waffles, I'll look after you.
All aboard!
All aboard!
Well, we're off on time.
Say, partner, do you ever make a bet?
My name's Sam Salt.
I bet on everything going right or wrong.
I'll bet this old rattler
don't get into Shanghai on time.
Sir, let me remind you that China
is in a state of civil war
and we will be fortunate
if we arrive in Shanghai at all.
Nice stone you have there.
There's a mate to it.
Very pretty.
- C'est chaud ici, monsieur, n'est-ce pas?
- Yes, it is a little stuffy in here, isn't it?
Sir, I am an invalid, I must not travel
in a compartment with open windows.
We'll be in here for three days.
Is there anything I can do for you?
I can take care of myself, thank you.
I think I'll get a little air, if you don't mind.
I'll close the door for you, too.
Even money we don't get away for an hour.
Can you tell me what's wrong now?
You're in China now, sir,
where time and life have no value.
I know I'm in China.
Well, Doctor,
I haven't seen you in a long time.
You haven't changed at all, Doctor.
Well, you've changed a lot, Magdalen.
Have I, Doc?
Do you mind me calling you Doc?
Or must I be... more respectful?
You never were respectful
and you always did call me Doc.
I didn't think I'd ever run into you again.
Have you thought of me much, Doc?
Let's see. Exactly how long has it been?
Five years and four weeks.
Well, for five years and four weeks
I've thought of nothing else.
You were always polite, Doc.
You haven't changed a bit.
You have, Magdalen.
You've changed a lot.
Have I lost my looks?
No, you're more beautiful than ever.
- How have I changed?
- I wish I could describe it.
Well, Doc, I've changed my name.
- Married?
- No.
It took more than one man
to change my name
to Shanghai Lily.
So you're Shanghai Lily.
The notorious white flower of China.
You heard of me.
And you always believed what you heard.
And I still do.
You see, I haven't changed at all.
It was nice to see you again, Magdalen.
Oh, I don't know.
I heard your gramophone, ladies,
and thought I'd come and get acquainted.
Come in.
It's a bit lonely on a train.
I'm used to having people around.
They put my dog in the baggage car.
That's why I dropped in on you.
I've been visiting my niece in Peking,
she married a seafarer.
He's been away four years
and she ain't been cheerful.
I have a boarding house in Shanghai.
Yorkshire pudding is my speciality.
I only take the most respectable people.
Don't you find respectable
people terribly... dull?
Are you joking?
I only know the most respectable people.
I keep a boarding house.
What kind of a house did you say?
A boarding house.
I'm sure you're very respectable, madam.
I must confess, I don't quite know
the standard of respectability
that you demand in your boarding house,
Mrs Haggerty.
I have made a terrible mistake.
I'd better look after me dog.
- I beg your pardon.
- I beg yours!
They shouldn't allow such women on a train.
What's wrong with them, Parson?
I imagine the honourable divine
objects to their morals.
I thought they were pretty good-looking.
At least, Shanghai Lily is.
You mean to say that Shanghai Lily
is on this train?
- Hot water, sir.
- It's about time.
Being a married man, I only know her
by sight and reputation.
But I'll lay you 100-1 in any currency
that the lady in the next compartment
is Shanghai Lily.
- Shanghai Lily.
- Is it a bet?
I told you once before, sir, no thank you.
I don't bet.
I'll bet you whatever you use for money
that those two dames are not
going to have an easy time on this train.
- Good evening.
- Good evening.
- Shall we be in Tientsin soon?
- About 11 tonight. Getting off there?
I wish I were. Unfortunately,
I have to proceed to Shanghai.
Why unfortunately?
I suppose every train carries its cargo of sin
but this train is burdened with
more than its share.
- Sir, you seem distressed.
- My name's Carmichael,
doctor of divinity in the service of mankind.
Whom have I the honour of addressing?
My name is Donald Harvey,
doctor of medicine
in the service of His Majesty.
Charming to make your acquaintance.
Dr Harvey, I want to put you on your guard.
On my guard? Why, what's wrong?
One is yellow, the other is white,
but both their souls are rotten.
You interest me, Mr Carmichael.
I'm not exactly irreligious but...
being a physician I sometimes wonder
how a man like you can locate a soul
and, having located it,
diagnose its condition as rotten.
That's heathen talk, Doctor.
Any man with half an eye could see
that those women are on this train
in search of victims.
Very grave charge. I don't know
the Chinese woman but the other lady...
Confound it, that's Shanghai Lily.
I've been attending a man
who went out of his mind
after spending every penny on her.
And that's not all. She's wrecked
a dozen men up and down China.
You're mistaken. She's a friend of mine.
If I were in your boots,
I wouldn't brag about it.
Dinner is served.
Well, I'm ready.
I was hoping that you would
take us into dinner.
You seem upset, Doctor.
No, not at all.
This is Captain Harvey.
Miss Hui Fei.
- I'm glad to meet you, Captain Harvey.
- It's a great pleasure.
- Good evening, folks.
- Good evening.
Time to put on the nosebag.
I'll wait for you in the diner.
- Bon apptit, mademoiselle.
- Merci.
- Bon apptit, monsieur.
- Thank you, Major.
- Et bonsoir.
- Good evening, Major.
You're very cruel.
I reserve the privilege
of choosing my friends.
She's no friend of mine.
I was only trying to be decent.
- Professional courtesy?
- Call it what you like.
- New, isn't it?
- Yes.
- Bravery?
- Of sorts.
That's new too, isn't it?
It's very becoming.
Merci, monsieur.
Attendez un moment.
- Dsirez-vous vous asseoir, madame?
- Merci, monsieur.
Don't let those sardines get away, Major.
Trs bien, mon vieux.
Pardon me, please.
I'm sorry.
- Good evening.
- Coming into dinner, Captain?
Yes, of course. After you, sir.
Shut off those fans. I'm an invalid.
If those fans are shut off,
the rest of us will be invalids soon.
- Can we sit here?
- Je vous en prie.
- Sit down, Major.
- Thank you.
Thank you.
What did he say?
He said we should get our passports
and go outside.
What do they want our passports for?
They are government troops,
they want us outside.
I won't get off. We'll all be killed.
The conductor promised me
there wouldn't be any trouble.
Don't get me excited. I'm trying to figure
the odds of getting out alive.
It's an outrage. I'm going to finish my dinner.
Mr Carmichael, I think you should consider
your dinner unimportant.
Arrtez a avant qu'on ait fini de dner.
I shall complain to my consul.
They can't do this to me.
I shouldn't get off, night air's bad for me.
Don't be silly, Mr Baum, we're in a civil war -
spy scares and firing squads.
I am a German citizen.
I have nothing to fear.
Ich bin ein deutscher Brger.
I'll take this off. They're after somebody
and they've got nothing on me.
O est-ce qu'il est encore?
J'ai assez de m'occuper de moi.
I don't know what you're saying, brother,
but don't say it again.
There you are, my boy.
All aboard!
A lot of fuss for one man.
Wonder why they arrested him.
Probably a revolutionary spy
trying to get back to his own lines.
- What do you want?
- It's a long journey, and a lonely one.
- Your compartment is made up, sir.
- Vous tes un bon garon.
Bonne nuit, monsieur. Dormez bien.
Someday that sardine inspector's
going to go too far.
Pardon me. Pardon me!
Verdammtes auslndisches Gesindel.
What did he say to you?
Something he'll probably have
occasion to regret.
I can't make head or tail out of you,
Mr Chang.
Are you Chinese, or are you white,
or what are you?
My mother was Chinese,
my father was white.
You look more like a white man.
I'm not proud of my white blood.
- You're not, are you?
- No, I'm not.
- Rather be a Chinaman?
- Yes.
What future is there?
You're born, eat some rice, and you die.
What a country! Let's have a drink.
Do you want to be alone, Doctor?
No, it's quite all right.
I was just going to turn in anyway.
Don't let me detain you.
I thought it was quite early.
- What time is it?
- 9:30.
You still have the watch I gave you, Donald.
I was afraid you'd notice it.
- I had long hair then.
- I remember quite well.
Do you expect to stay in Shanghai a while?
I think so.
Then we ought to see a lot of each other.
What have you been doing
since I saw you last?
Mostly service routine.
Couple of years in India after our smash-up.
I went back to England, then I was assigned
to an expedition in Manchuria.
Sounds as if you have been
rather lonesome, Doc.
I wasn't lonesome.
It was an active life full of excitement.
I suppose you mean women.
It was difficult to find someone
to take your place.
Did you try very hard?
Not particularly.
I didn't want to be hurt again.
Always a bit selfish, Doc,
thinking of your own hurt.
I can't accept your reproach.
I was the only one hurt.
You left me without a word purely
because I indulged in a woman's trick
to make you... jealous.
I wanted to be certain that you loved me.
Instead, I lost you.
I suffered quite a bit.
And I probably deserved it.
I was a fool to let you go out of my life.
I wish you could tell me
there'd been no other men.
I wish I could, Doc.
But five years in China is a long time.
I wish I had 'em back.
What would you have done with them?
There's a scheme of things. Sooner or later
we would have parted anyway.
- We might never have met again.
- We wouldn't have parted.
We'd have gone back to England,
married and been happy.
There are a lot of things I wouldn't have
done if I had those five years again.
There's only one thing I wouldn't have done.
What, for instance?
I wouldn't have bobbed my hair.
Good night, Donald.
- From one of your lovers?
- No.
- I wish I could believe you.
- Don't you?
Will you never learn to believe
without proof?
I believe you, Magdalen.
When I needed your faith, you withheld it.
And now, when I don't need it
and don't deserve it, you give it to me.
Waffles? Waffles?
Waffles? Waffles!
Waffles! Waffles!
Everybody is to get dressed. You are to be
taken from the train at the station.
Please leave all your luggage behind.
This way, please.
- This way, please.
- Quite a reception.
Yes, follow me upstairs.
Everybody told me there wasn't
the slightest danger.
Looks like the finish.
- I'll give anybody 10-1 we don't get out alive.
- You're wrong.
They're rebel troops but they won't harm us.
Say, where's Mr Chang?
C'est vrai, il n'est pas l.
I wouldn't be surprised if he had
something to do with this.
There must be something serious
or they wouldn't have stopped this train.
There is nothing behind it but robbery.
They won't get one penny out of me.
Mr Sam Salt.
It's Mr Chang, all dressed up
in a soldier's uniform.
I know what he wants me for.
And I told him a Chinaman had no future.
Do you mean to say Mr Chang
is responsible for this outrage?
He is, the scoundrel.
Such impudence,
asking me if I had any wealthy friends.
I knew they were holding us for ransom.
I thought his face seemed familiar.
The government has offered 20,000
for his capture alive or dead.
It will be a great day for China
when that price is paid.
Mr Eric Baum.
He's the head man, all right.
It's bad for my heart to climb these stairs up.
Verdammte Treppe!
I'm an invalid.
Did he get the jewels, Mr Salt?
Oh, what a shame.
He didn't take them after all.
- He got the phoney ones.
- Phony?
These are phony, too.
The real ones are in the safe in Shanghai.
I suppose they're imitation also.
You don't want to make a bet
on that, do you?
- I never bet with gamblers.
- I didn't think you did.
What is your business, Mr Baum?
I've a coal mine near Calcutta.
A bankrupt coal mine.
You have no coal mine.
According to papers found in your luggage,
you deal in opium
and have shipped 12,000 pounds of it
into China in the last year.
You are wrong. I deal only in coal.
I don't traffic in forbidden merchandise.
Do you know that a Chinaman
dealing in opium is penalised by death?
You can't shoot me. I'll pay a fine.
I can explain everything.
Here. Here, here!
I am not punishing you for dealing in opium
but for your insolence to me on the train.
What's the matter, has he fainted?
- They branded him.
- Branded him?
- I'll get oil from the train.
- I need my bag.
He shouldn't have made this journey.
Major Lenard.
Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? Je ne comprends rien.
- Does anyone understand French?
- Yes, I do.
- Come up here with him, please.
- Alors, il faut que je monte l haut?
You took the very words
out of my mouth, brother.
Let me see your passports. Sit down.
How long have you been
in the French army?
20 years. 20 years, mademoiselle.
Your passport says nothing
about your military rank.
Je ne comprends pas.
Il dit que votre passeport ne mentionne pas
que voue tes dans I'arme.
J'ai demissionn.
Then why does he wear that uniform?
Pourquoi portez-vous I'uniforme?
Je vais voir ma soeur. Si elle se doutait
que j'ai t chass de I'arme
ce serait pour elle un tel chagrin...
He's going to visit his sister and he doesn't
want her to know about his disgrace.
- You may go.
- Merci, monsieur.
- Merci, mademoiselle.
- Merci de quoi?
Have you any wealthy or influential friends?
No, I have no friends at all.
Why are you going to Shanghai?
I want to buy a new hat.
I warn you, this is a very serious matter.
- Where will you live in Shanghai?
- Grand Hotel.
How can you afford to live
at such an expensive hotel?
- How long were you in Peiping?
- Eight weeks.
- And before that?
- In Shanghai.
- How long were you there?
- Just between trains.
I make the trip quite often.
How long have you been in China?
About eight years.
Parents living?
They have forgotten me. It's just as well.
- Of course, you're not married?
- No.
All I managed was to become engaged.
Will you please come with me?
- You're not going to go upstairs, are you?
- I most certainly am.
Captain Harvey, tell him that the worid
will be informed of this outrage.
Mr Carmichael, I shall do my very best
to convey that to him.
Captain Harvey, may I see your passport?
Who are you? I'm a British officer
and I demand to know
by what right you're treating us
in this outrageous manner.
I'm the commander in chief of the revolution.
The prisoner who was removed from
the Shanghai Express was my right hand -
an important officer in my army.
Your army - a collection
of unprincipled bandits.
The Chinese government will wipe you out.
Perhaps you would like to aid them
in collecting the price on my head.
Suppose you first tell me what you're after.
I'm looking for a hostage to force
the government to return my officer.
Now will you kindly let me
see your passport?
Why are you going to Shanghai?
I've been ordered to perform an operation
immediately upon my arrival.
Who are you going to operate on?
I'm not at liberty to reveal that information.
What is the matter with His Excellency,
the Governor General of Shanghai?
As you doubtlessly also can read
from the paper you pilfered from my bag,
A medical term known to the layman
as paralysis resulting
from a blood clot in the brain.
Well, it seems I have been fortunate
to find a hostage important enough
to ensure the return of my officer.
Surely you will have no objection
if I wire the British embassy?
What if my importance is insufficient
to force the Chinese government
to make this exchange?
That emergency
would be unfortunate for you all.
I can't hold this village over 12 hours.
I hope you won't be too angry with me
if I ensure the safety
of your honourable person?
Not at all.
What did he say?
We are to go back
to the train and stay there.
Big bully.
Repeat that again, please.
- The Shanghai Express has been held up.
- Shanghai Express?
They're holding Captain Harvey as hostage.
The surgeon. What do they want, money?
I wish it were as simple as that. Excuse me.
I must get through
to the Chinese government at once.
I hope you've been comfortable.
What do you intend to do with us?
I took the liberty of presuming
that you'd join me for tea.
I hope you don't mind
if I prefer to go back to the train.
About two days' journey
from here into the interior,
I have a palace waiting to be graced
by your presence.
Could I persuade you
to accept my hospitality
until such time as you should
grow weary of me?
I'm weary of you now.
I had no reason to believe my invitation
would give offence to Shanghai Lily.
Shanghai Lily has reformed.
You don't mean to say that the eloquence
of Dr Carmichael has worked this miracle?
Or is Captain Harvey to be credited
with this extraordinary change?
- Maybe.
- Come, don't be a fool.
I'll make it worth your while.
Don't touch me.
Captain Harvey, if I were you,
I'd mind my own business.
Exactly what I intend to do.
You are very fortunate in having
Captain Harvey for a protector,
as I have promised to return him alive.
You shouldn't have.
I could have taken care of myself.
It was coming to him. I wish I'd had my gun.
You shouldn't have been so hasty.
Leave that woman alone.
Let me go.
Can't you do something about this?
All I can do is to suggest
that you get down on your knees and pray.
I think you're right,
if God is still on speaking terms with me.
God remains on speaking terms
with everybody.
Well, there he is. The gent that caused
all the trouble, still in his black nightshirt.
Good morning. Well, here we are.
You are a sight for sore eyes.
When are we leaving?
- Is Captain Harvey on board?
- No, he's still up visiting with Mr Chang.
Well, I'll see what's keeping him.
- I've orders not to proceed without him.
- There's a man after my own heart.
- What did he say?
- We'll have to cool our heels.
They won't let me go upstairs to find out.
Don't do anything foolish.
- When are we leaving?
- I wish I knew.
As soon as Captain Harvey comes down.
If he's up there, he may never come down.
Why are you still holding Captain Harvey?
The train is waiting for him.
Is that your only interest?
What difference would it make
whether I said yes or no?
Why try to conceal
that you're madly in love with him?
I'm not trying to conceal anything.
He means everything in the worid to me.
I love him. As you want to know,
I love him madly.
Your affections are aroused rather swiftly.
You just met the man.
That's not true. I've known him for years.
You'll have a chance
to prove your love for him.
You're not going to punish him
for helping me last night?
I certainly am. He knew what he was doing.
And I know what I'm going to do.
You can't hold that against him.
I'm not concerned with your ideas of justice.
I live by my own code.
What do you intend to do? Don't dare
harm him. You promised to return him.
I didn't say in what condition.
If you wait here a few minutes,
you can lead him out, blind.
You're insane. He's a British officer.
The Chinese government
will have your head.
The Chinese government
would have had my head long ago
if it hadn't been such a good head.
You can't mean what you are saying.
You only wish to frighten me.
Please don't torture me.
I know it was wrong for him to interfere.
Send someone you can trust with me
to Shanghai. I'll pay you to let him go now.
What could you pay me with?
I have some jewels,
worth 40 or 50 thousand,
and I guess I can obtain that much more.
That's not enough.
I'll get more. I'll earn more, somehow.
It'll be enough. Please let him go.
All the money in the worid
can't wipe out his insult to me.
You only had my interest before.
Now you have my admiration.
I could love a woman like you.
You made me an offer to leave with you.
Does it still hold good?
I wouldn't trust you from here to the door.
What assurance have I you won't trick me?
I give you my word of honour.
A man is a fool to trust any woman.
But I believe a word of honour
would mean something to you.
Captain Harvey,
it seems that they are waiting for you.
I hope the journey won't be too lonely.
And that the Governor General of Shanghai
will be benefited by your skill.
Thank you, Mr Chang.
I hope some day to have the pleasure
of demonstrating my skill upon you.
Captain Harvey, I'm Albright,
Division Superintendent.
The train is ready.
We'll have steam up in five minutes.
All right. Is everybody on board?
Everybody except a Chinese girl and
a woman called Shanghai Lily hereabouts.
- Where are they?
- I don't know about the girl
but Shanghai Lily's up there.
- When did she go up?
- Just a few minutes ago.
I expect she'll be down presently.
- I guess he wants us to go in the train.
- Well, why doesn't he say so?
- Whose luggage are you unloading?
- Miss Lily's bags. Officer's orders, sir.
Officer's orders, eh?
I'm going up to find out about this.
Get the train ready to leave.
Oh dear, we'll never get out of here alive.
I don't know. It just looks like
Shanghai Lily was taking a side trip.
Why did you order the luggage
of one of our passengers off the train?
You're not referring to Shanghai Lily?
I am. Why are you detaining her?
I'm not detaining her.
She's decided to come with me
in preference to continuing the journey
with you, Captain Harvey.
That's a preposterous statement.
You're lying.
Well, I'm sorry to contradict you.
Your friend seems inclined to doubt me.
Tell him you're going with me
of your own free will
so that he can peacefully take his departure
before I become too annoyed with him.
You better go, Donald.
I decided to accept his offer.
Well, I wish you both
a very pleasant journey.
Well, that's that.
I'll only be another minute.
Wake them up a bit.
We're ready to go, sir.
Are we waiting for the two women?
Yes, I think we're ready to go.
- All aboard.
- All aboard!
All aboard!
You'd better get her out of here.
I've just killed Chang.
Have you got a gun?
If there's gonna be any shooting,
I'm gonna get under cover.
- Magdalen!
- Donald!
- Come on, our train's waiting.
- Why don't you go?
Go on, I tell you. Your friend Chang is dead.
Come on.
Get this train out of here double time.
Put that luggage on board.
- Thank you, Donald.
- I'd have done it for anybody.
Boy, how about straightening up this stable?
I didn't believe I'd ever see this train again.
Two days more.
What time is it, anyway?
I don't know. I'll find out for you, if you wish.
Where's your watch?
I probably lost it in the station,
together with a few ideals.
I don't think I'll go back for it.
After all, it's only a watch.
I can't replace your ideals
but I'll buy you another watch
when we get to Shanghai.
Don't bother. I'm rather glad I lost it.
I don't know if I ought to be grateful
to you or not.
It's of no consequence. I didn't do it for you.
Death cancel his debt to me.
There. That'll keep you for a while.
Bonsoir madame, monsieur.
- Good evening.
- Vous me permettez de me joindre vous?
I'll be glad when I get to Shanghai.
So will I.
- How's the invalid, Doctor?
- He'll be all right in a few weeks.
More than I can say for myself.
If you opened me up, you'd find my nerves
tangled up like Chinese noodles.
This journey hasn't done
any of us any good.
Except that Chinese dame.
She's 20,000 to the good for settling
the hash of the honourable Mr Chang.
I wish I'd taken a crack at him first.
How about you, Major?
Je regrette, monsieur, mais je ne
comprends pas un seul mot que vous dites.
It's a lucky thing for him that you are here.
I won't feel right till I get back
to my boarding house.
- Good evening.
- Bonsoir, monsieur.
I've never been so shocked in my life.
The Chinese girl deserves all she's getting.
But as for the other lady, well,
I'm not gonna say anything.
Of all the brazen creatures,
playing the gramophone.
She's the most terrible woman I've ever met.
I don't see how she can
look us in the eye.
Going off with the Mr Chang
after the way he treated us.
Bad enough before he held up the train
but after he tortured Mr Baum...
I think you're doing the woman an injustice.
I don't know why she behaved that way but
I'm sure there's more to this than we see.
Mr Carmichael, when I made
your acquaintance yesterday,
you volunteered an amazingly correct
diagnosis of Shanghai Lily
and I see no reason
for you to have changed it.
Look here, I happen to know
she prayed all night for your safety.
I'd give anything to believe that
but I heard from her own lips
she was leaving with Chang.
- That's rubbish.
- I wish it were.
Defending that dame. I'm liberal,
but I wouldn't back his viewpoint
for all the rice in China.
Neither would I.
I'd like to talk to you alone.
I don't wish to talk to anybody.
I'm sorry to have to insist
but I must talk to you.
If you're thinking of reforming me,
you might as well save yourself the trouble.
I am not trying to reform anybody right now.
I want to settle something
that's been puzzling me.
Why did you decide to leave
with that barbarian who was killed by her?
What makes you want to know? Curiosity?
You prayed last night.
This morning, you were
to shamelessly leave with Chang.
A human being can't do two things
like that within six hours.
Although it's nobody's affair but mine,
I might tell you
if you promise not to repeat it.
Of course I won't repeat it.
I came to find out for myself.
He was going to deprive Captain Harvey
of his eyesight.
I had no other choice.
Does Captain Harvey know that?
- Does he act as if he did?
- He certainly does not.
Despite giving you my word,
I'm going to tell him this.
You're not going to do anything of the kind.
Mr Carmichael, it may seem odd
for me to use your language
but it's purely a question of faith.
You see, once upon a time,
we loved each other.
We parted and I threw my life away
because I didn't care
to bargain for love with words.
I haven't changed since then
and neither has he.
You're still in love with him, aren't you?
- Yes.
- Is he still in love with you?
- I doubt it.
- You're right.
Love without faith, like religion without faith,
doesn't amount to very much.
I don't suppose I can help you.
Did you find out
what kind of a woman she is?
Enough to realise
that she's worth a dozen of you.
I've no exaggerated idea of my own value
but what did she say to make you
so emphatic on that point?
She made me promise not to tell anyone,
particularly you,
but there's no restriction to my saying
that you're a profound fool.
Be that as it may, you evidently
place a great deal of faith
in what Shanghai Lily says.
You men of science regard me
and my kind as meddlesome fanatics
but I'd rather have one grain of my faith
than all your scientific disbelief.
You haven't a cigarette, have you, Doc?
You appear to be nervous.
Sleep would do you more good.
What makes you think I'm nervous?
One thing, your hands are trembling.
That's because you touched me, Doc.
I've been wanting to talk you.
Mr Carmichael tells me
you prayed for me last night.
I can't quite reconcile that
with what followed.
If you did pray for me, which I doubt,
do you mind telling me why?
I would have done that for anybody, Doc.
Good night.
Good old Shanghai,
never thought I'd see you again.
- Oh, que je suis contente de te voir!
- Je suis content, moi aussi.
Did you kill him with a knife or a revolver?
Is your home in Peking or is it Shanghai?
Killed him with a knife, didn't you?
- Welcome to Shanghai.
- Thank you very much.
Good morning. How are you?
Very kind of you to come down here.
Goodbye. How do you do?
Au revoir, monsieur.
Au revoir, madame.
Goodbye. Pleased to meet you. Goodbye.
Right outside. Goodbye.
Glad to have made your acquaintance.
Likewise. Goodbye.
- Goodbye, Mrs Haggerty.
- Goodbye.
Goodbye, Captain Harvey.
I owe you my life and I won't forget it.
Though, between you and me,
it isn't worth much.
- This is yours? I'll put it in the car.
- Yes.
- You won't be long?
- I'll come now.
We'd have all been in a pickle if you...
- Hello.
- Hello, Clarke, how are you?
- We thought you'd never turn up.
- I always do, like a bad penny.
I hope you pull the governor through.
If you ever want to lay a bet
on those gee-gees...
Goodbye. It's nice to have the journey over.
Goodbye, Mr Carmichael.
Good luck. Come along, Carey.
- Au revoir, mademoiselle.
- Au revoir, Major.
- Madame Rogot, my sister.
- Enchante, mademoiselle.
Mademoiselle a t trs bonne pour moi.
Merci, mademoiselle.
Il exaggre, je n'ai pas fait grand-chose.
- Au revoir, mademoiselle.
- Au revoir.
All set, Harvey.
All right. I'll be along in a minute.
I've got to attend to something.
We'll wait.
Forgive me for following you a moment ago.
I was afraid of losing you.
I was only buying you another watch.
What good is a watch without you?
I wish I could replace everything else, too.
Goodbye, Donald.
I won't let you out of my life again.
Everything else has become so unimportant.
I don't care if you were going to leave
with him. I don't care why.
All I want is another chance for a new start.
I'll be different.
You'll never have any cause for regret.
Please forgive me for my lack of faith.
Please do.
I know I've no right to ask you
even to listen to me.
It's very easy to listen to you.
You know I love you.
I always have and I always will.
I don't deserve that. I know I behaved badly.
Perhaps it was my fault.
I should have told you everything.
There's only one thing I want you to tell me.
What's that?
How in the name of Confucius
can I kiss you with all these people around?
But, Donald, there's no one here
but you and I.
Besides, many lovers come
to railroad stations to kiss
without attracting attention.