Shank (2009)

"1 new message"
"Still want to get to know us?"
"If you send email to confirm"
"Send message"
"1 new message"
"10 minutes"
Are you... well with this?
Do you do this very often?
What do you think buddy?
Shit! where the whore bag
You want a shot?
there we go
uncle records
if you can repeat once
Cal, are you there?
Jonno what happens colleague?
Are you coming to the party or that guy?
- Yeah right
What did you do?
as if you were to use
We moved away from a girls fuck
Fuck you bitch!
this is my picture, bitch
Balls that are willing to try!
Enough is enough, relax!
Crazy bitch!
my photo... my fucking picture
just a picture
Are you okay?
Jonno what happens?
Good points!
Nessa and her photo, eh?
Fucking baby!
too much champagne
should be reviewed before
of losing another
those things are not for us
Fuck you!
I need another couple of beers
Are you all right, Ness?
What the fuck is doing Jonno?
I do not know
Was too much for you, eh?
the dog ate it alive
I could eat you alive
I just wanted to see if a little amuse you
I caught the message
you are you two guys
very close lately
you and Jonno
are almost as....
Ness fuck!
're not as good
What, you feel better after
of having to face Dana party?
I'm much better, thanks!
next time will be an acid
drums on the bitch's face
"Want to have party tonight"
"I want a fag eat me"
"I also want to videotape"
"Send message"
"41 Leech Road, London"
"Left the door open..."
his name is Cal
said he had 19 years
number changes online
Typical, eh?
is a handsome boy
not my style dude
God, how in the hell was I thinking?
I should have guessed by the
car that was shit
is a loser
a little thug maricon
in terms of drugs...
not to say...
need to escape
I will not see back to that little bastard
and this is the park
nice eh?
this is a bridge that joins Bristol
The view is great!
that's all for now
adios mama.
I send you many kisses
beauty and horror
all things make great art
besides being your teacher,
lighting this summer
I can be your guide to the city,
during your brief stay
in our exciting city
Any Questions?
Why has that black eye?
a domestic accident
Any questions curious "
on our rich architecture of the city?
yes. I was...
only... wondering
What is the best place for shopping around here?
Why have you removed?
it relaxes me
I smoked, man
but very smoked
at least I spent a good grass
Ness is the best aunt, I swear
The best!
The best!
each time is better
I guess
What about you?
"I suppose"
I do not want to let you say no to her
not my type, man
have a nice ass, the truth
this is clear
Do you what happened?
hello, Ness
I get bored, come here cabrones
see you in 5 minutes
Pussy fucking bitch!
Where the hell were you? you said in 5 minutes
Her Majesty
smell of smoke here
Druggie bastards!
What are you waiting? leads
have become students, boys
Have you been shopping?
Lets take a look!
Where do you think you fuck?
Uy! I've dropped all
Ness quiet, there is no need for this
looks like the little bitch crying
we give strong Jonno
What do you do, kill him?
just want to have fun asshole
What is the merit clobber
a queer helpless?
Do not you remember the last time, Ness?
Calm down motherfucker!
What the fuck you want from me eh?
Why do me this?
"Why are you doing this?"
Where are you queer?
Go on youtube crying baby!
that hosts...
Fucking moron!
eh, what is your problem?
- Have you ever had a crush or what?
- Yes, that must be
drooling was the stranger,
fucking fag
shut up both the fuck up
or are you going to hit me with your handbag?
Do not push me!
Or what?
come on, kiss it!
Where do you expect?
Are you asshole?
What the hell ..?
- Wait!
- Do not try to get away...
ey..... lets you back your stuff
Cal am
Do you want to take you to any hospital?
look, buddy....
sorry what just happened
my cousin has plunged the knife
so deep in the chest of the child,
the blade has broken
the fittest survive right?
Do not believe anything he tells you the fucking head!
my cousin does not lie, Ness
if all the kids grow up with knives
Eh, Dayn?
I said, right Dayn?
Is supposed to be funny, fat bitch!
go, go...
the fucking hero is back
Ness shut up! I do not need to hear your shit
What? With whom do you think
're talking son of a bitch?
Cal Ness is calm down!
yes, I know
and has nothing for me
nobody's going against me Cal
Or a fucking dude!
Missed Cal
not take long to be seen
you might be your record that we have
can not go anywhere
was dangerous
I fucked him bareback
but it was also exciting
the adrenalin rush
just wanted to sit outside all
alive again
I think I saw it
me too
a younger me
so fucking arrogant
What the fuck am I saying?
distractions for me was a shitty life
Then, at the same time on Wednesday?
Do you feel better?
I can not believe
going all night
outside my house
I had no choice colleague
please... oliver...
I had no choice, Olivier
no, Olivier...
Why you did not have another choice?
I knew they would be waiting
my home
So tell me...
Why a good kid like you
goes with this band of thugs?
Then what is it that makes you so special?
Well, imagine the difference between
you and a queer like me
is that I do not walk the streets with a bunch of idiots
attacking innocent people
listen, I did not hit anyone
I come out with them from time to time
I do what I do, you know
I'm not like Ness and the others
clearly not Cal
you're a lonely guy right?
definitely you are.
that joy to see you again
we've missed you.
I've done
oh, that makes look bad...
oh, has been.... an accident doing DIY
call me next time if you want me to lend a hand
I have heard many things to tell
- Sammy Doyle is pregnant
- Nooo!
which replaces that fool believes
can get your work again
Umm what the people eh?
Are you not very talkative Cal eh?
you teach me English grammar
thanks again for bringing me
oh my God, Mary and Keith are married
it was time
these guys only have delayed
it was inevitable
How do you...?
ehh..... not going well...
sorry to hear that
why is why I returned to work
You know, to keep me busy
and avoid getting into trouble
Yeah, well, good for you,
we have to go out again some night
there it is, throw the funky shit!
I hope someone fucks it!
Do you want a drink?
I'm afraid I have only lemonade
then. Have you gone to check
yeah .. well ..
not exactly.
I have no other place to go
Can you wear sunscreen?
I do not understand....
is so pissed at you
is a long history colleague
the challenge.
Nessa does not like to
as I said, it is not easy.
not when you're dealing with someone like Ness
I mean you have not killed his mother
or anything
has something to do with money o. ..
I'm gay you know?
I'm not surprised
wearing a hat like that...
I'm going to take a shower
"Jonno calling"
Cal are you okay?
has been...
you're great...
anyone would think that was your first time
it was somehow...
What do you mean?
"Something bad happened to you?
no matter
hey, I'd like to know Cal
is a bit difficult for me
talk about these things
're a handsome guy
a little weird but....
even so very handsome
yeah right
Where's my phone?
Ey! How is being in a band?
I do not know
is the best guess
Like sex
is very easy to enter
but very difficult to leave
I'd like to stay a few days
if it's okay
Do you want?
I just need time
back to being myself
So I would love to Cal
still not what we are looking
I know what I find
see what you have here is Cal
Cal has been a bad boy
fucking bad...
I'm not kidding!
Jodel everything!
Cargate all this shit!
I live near the public housing
and see the hoodies...
to vover school,
break car windows
are every day, as a routine
No new study says
that English teenagers
are more violent, drink more
and most are pregnant
Is it dont really to feel compassion?
exactly true
I think it would be really dangerous
misjudge the quality of a whole generation
believe that the law was
Quick hurried and ineffective
and may not apply to all
I think you should know the reward
you can get affection in children
and maybe a hug is good
There is a trend among
kids to carry knives
something that is very dangerous
when people carry knives,
even without the intent to use
other people die or are seriously injured
we can not let
these people act freely
hi mom
you're very quiet
I have to go Olivier
I can not hide any longer
How do you feel?
fucking scared
is what you think
I have a reputation
I respect others
or at least I
I want to step back
and start again
to find my site
in a normal world
just seems hard
"" Normal "?
you know what I mean
then come with me
come with me
That's crazy!
What you got to lose eh?
I can not. I can not go without
you said you wanted to go away from here
go. if you want to go do
What are you doing?
not all these people have to attack
See? nobody cares
Come on, trust me
everything will be alright
Dead fucking bastard!
this is what to do with his bitch
head when you find
bastard fag
was my best buddy
Fucked my best buddy!
- And yours too
- Yes, that's history now
- What would you...
- I've said enough
know it's a dirty shit
anyway, right?
is reason enough to hate the bastard
looks like you're disappointed
're really pissed off
may need a little comfort
Do you feel better?
So no!
I told you so no!
Or shit, shit!
do not goats, baby
that somewhere out there in
and when we find
will be all yours
What about that?
the truth is they are not to my taste
What does that mean?
or anything... Delicious is...
look... This will not work
is too much too soon
much difference in my life
"What do you mean?
Why I do not like potatoes
curry sauce and going to finish?
then, we are different
We have different lives
different experiences, but I do not come running
On the contrary I enjoy the idea
And you must also
will not work. I am not so
What are you saying being gay?
that's the problem,
You really can not accept it?
"After two weeks together
still can not admit that you are gay?
I'm not gay!
Cal looks can overcome this...
... Together...
I said forget it
"Fag comepollas"
"I can talk to you?
if course
look .. I do not want to be indiscreet
but I saw you with someone
someone with whom you should be careful
look, it's hard for me to talk about it but
I got the black eye
But Cal is not so
Could make that kind of thing?
believe me, do not you see more with this guy
is harmful
Yeah, me you tell me
anyway do not have to worry about
is over
alone, picks up my number
hey, send him a kiss to Cal!
Hello baby!
Would you join us at the party tonight
to see what happens?
Here is the phone to play games of the child
Let me explain
Dirty little fuck!
going out with me like you are my best
and all this time you were a fucking comeculos
Jonno fuck you!
What prevented you not my friend
when you had the chance?
How many times did you have occasion?
is saying that you are a shit
Does this make you feel better?
harm to others helps you overcome
Do not ever!
losing a child that way
must have been hard
you're fucking dead, do not you see?
for God's sake Ness
I was 14 when this happened
I would not call it murder
Shut the fuck up!
Shut up!
you gotta let go
the baby died
Our baby is dead!
Ness was also my son
Piece of shit!
Is this where you fucked?
Yeah! You!
I said I agarreis!
ah, no! ..
No !....
look what you made me do...
Let's go!
Now live!
you broke my fucking arm
for complaining fag
"I can do?"
asks for help
"The police?
the police not
funny what is done these days
I put myself in danger by complete strangers
but you know
to help
gave me something
gave me hope
have a lifetime ahead
as we
A new message
sorry, Cal
look at this, really it shattered