Shankardada Zindabad (2007)

Shankar Dada Zindabad...
Shankar Dada Zindabad!
It has been Dawn...
Uncle! Uncle!
The Moon has gone...
shall we get awake?
We should be careful
about our Belongings...
Hey... Where are you going
parking the Car behind my Car?
Hey... I am asking you!
Hey... How to move the Car now?
Don't you have sense?
How do you park? Stupids!!!
Hey... Hey... Stop the Car...
My Legs are outside My Legs! My Legs!
Hey! Shit! - Hey! Who are...
We have to ask that word...
Why have you jumped into the Car?
- Save me... Save me!
Brother! Save me...
Don't you know even how to shout?
You have to shout Police! Police!
Do you know who I am?
- I don't know...
For the Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad
Avataram the Chief Engineer!
That's why you have been brought
- You don't know about myself
I will take all of you to
the Police Station and get you hit...
Hey Fatty guy... You...
I will get your License cancelled!
Hey Municipality!
Why are you staring at me?
Look there...
Lift the Bush... Lift the Bush!
Bring him to my level...
Okay... Okay... Good! Good!
Hey Cap... - Yes Sir!
On the Bottom side of the Photo...
Sri... Sri... Sri Khaja Rajalingam...
the President of Hyderabad
Builders Association!
In serious talking with George Bush
the President of America!
Write like that... - Yes Sir!
Sir... you have never gone
to the America, have you?
Taking away the White House
which appears behind his lmage...
Make our Farm House be there!
- Sir the bought one or the robbed one?
I will put the Bought one...
Sir... ATM has come!
- Right time...
The Land is ours...
The Villlage is ours!
ATM... - Yes!
You have done well...
This is the Blue print of the
Shopping Complex in Green Lands
which is to be built by the
Industrialist Dhananjaya!
Be seated... Be seated!
Be seated!
Except the Old Building in the middle...
the rest of the Land is his!
I am giving my Daughter
to his Son to get married...
As the Marriage Gift.
I wish to present this Building to him!
Who are you to present him
It has been under contract for 99 years!
That Lease will get completed by
the 9th day of this Month, won't it?
If so... lt is Renewable again!
Then... Delete their Application!
No... No... No! I don't do like that...
This is Purse! It will have Notes...
This is Pistol! It will have Bullets...
Don't play Stupid games and
ask me how much you want!
Ten... - Ten? - Yes...
Take Twenty... Go!
Hey Puppy! - Sir...
Bring Twenty Thousands...
- Yes Sir!
New Notes... should be shining!
No... No... No! I did not ask
for Thousands... lt's Lakhs!
Thirty Thousands... - Nine Lakhs!
Thirty Two Thousands...
- I can't... I am leaving!
The Pistol is with me
There is the guy who hits like anything!
It has done well... lt has done well!
Look Rajalingam!
Not your word... Not my word!
It's the finalised one! Five Lakhs!
That's right!
As you said... Three Lakhs!
Take the Sweet!
ATM... - Yes!
You have done well...
Where is your Brother?
Brother has gone upon your work...
They won't leave the place easily
...They are very speed!
None can bear the Speed of our Brother...
Brother... is the Father of Cheetah!
Hey... This place is ours! Not yours...
Who are you to say
which place is mine in A. P?
All places are ours...
Shankar Dada Zindabad...
Shankar Dada Zindabad!
What Buddy?
Who is the Head for these kids?
Why is the Head for you... I am enough!
Are you his Tail?
- Hey... Hey... Hey!
How dare you are! you have come alone...
Why are you looking that side?
Look this side... this side!
Have you got Anger? Will you hit?
Will you Hit? Hit me...
How respect the guys have
Hey... Ask him to get up! - Brother!
What are you looking at?
Finish him...
Chintu... Chintu!
What happened to you?
Alas! If I go along with him...
He may hit me too!
Brother... Everything is seen Blur!
Hey... - He has been finished!
I get tension... he has not come yet!
It is 9 'O' clock...
Is it 9 'O' clock? Brother
will not come now... - Why?
Brother has fallen in love!
- Love? Who is that girl?
Not girl... with the Tone of the Girl!
- With the Tone?
You are listening to the 93.5 FM!
Listen to it happily and pleasantly!
Your Lovely Jahnavi has been
speaking with you...
The Hyderabad which is always
engaged in Traffic Jam
is clear and pleasant today...
So Listeners! It seems everyone
has known that tomorrow is October 2nd...
That's why the Atmosphere is silent!
Hyderabad Cosmopoliton city
People with all tribes hug one another friendly!
Hyderabad unlike ever. It seems to touch
the Sky developing in every field!
So... Good luck and Good Bye Hyderabad!
You remember about Tomorrow, don't you?
One of you can meet me directly tomorrow...
- Directly?
Tomorrow is October 2nd...
- On October 2nd...
There is a Mahatma Quiz Contest...
We would invite the winner of the Contest
as our Guest to the Radio Station...
I will take the interview
with the Special Guest!
What is October 2nd famous for?
We don't get Drinks that day...
Raid Brother!
You don't worry...
I will bring the Drinks!
Not that one...
Your Sister-In-Law said that
there is something on October 2nd...
There is Something!
- Bapu was born on that day!
Whose Father?
Not father... He is Bapu!
That means Mahatma Gandhi...
His statues lie in every streets.
The Leaders would garland him now and then...
he is the one, right?
Brother... Do you know these
many things about Bapu?
I know this much only!
If so... I will tell the rest!
- Tell me...
Gandhiji has sent out the
English people from the Country...
What Buddy? Has he worked in Military?
How would I know? It would be known
if he worn Uniform...
Brother! He appears close up on the
Currency Notes too...
I will tell you finding out!
I don't have much time Tomorrow
There is a Contest on Radio about him
If I win the Contest
I can meet your Sister-In-Law directly.
Is it so? - Yes! If so...
Feel the job has been done! You will win.
Hey...! Brother is doing
Rehearsal... Don't make sound!
Jahnavi! I am Shankar Dada speaking...
Jahnavi! I am Shankar Prasad speaking...
Professor Sir...
why do you get tension?
Some questions will be asked
on Radio about Gandhi now...
You have to answer correctly for that...
You have to answer each one...
have to take each item!
- Look... lt is not the right way!
You are doing wrong...
I have to go to College!
Will you go to College? Go...
He will go to your Home then...
to trap the Aunty!
Is it he? No...
I think it's right if I go...
- Excuse me...
If answers said correctly,
shall we take whatever we want among these?
You can take... if you say wrong answers
...Brother would smash you like anything!
Brother! Would you please
show your Walking Style?
Hey... Clap your Hands!
Brother! The Style is a bit over...
That is... I am talking with
Sister-In-Law for the first time, right?
How if I don't make this much?
It will not be seen
on the Radio brother...
It's right... lt did not flash!
You are very Intelligent buddy...
Your affection towards me brother!
- Hey... Take out the phones!
Finger must always be
on the Redial button...
No other should get connected
...Do you understand?
Good Morning Hyderabad!
The one who answers all my questions
is the Winner of the Contest!
Are you ready? - Ready Janu...
My first question...
How was the Gandhiji called by
his Friends in South Africa?
The line has been connected Brother!
Wow! I got the first call before
my question gets completed...
Move... The Line has been
connected in this Brother...
Hello... - Hello!
Who is speaking?
It's me... - It means?
Tell me your name...
- Shankar Prasad!
Good! Mr. Shankar Prasad...
tell me your answer! - Me... Me...
There is only 10 seconds left
...Tell me quickly! - Bhai...
Answer... Bhai! Bhai!
- You... Tell man! Hello!
Gandhiji's friends were calling
him Bhai in South Africa...
Is it correct? - It is correct!
In South Africa... Gandhiji's friends
were calling him Bhai!
Well done Mr. Shankar Prasad you have
answered well for the first question!
Thank you Jahnavi!
Our Second Question...
- Ask me...
In which Conference had the Gandhiji approved
the National Momentum of Pingali Venkaiah?
Tell him...
- 1921... - 1921!
In the Congress Meeting in Viljayawada
- In the Congress Meeting in Vijayawada!
Third Question now...
The things that were not with Hitler
which were with Gandhiji...
Can you tell me what
the Two weapons were?
Stick... Stick!
- Iron Box... lron Box!
Stick... Stick!
- Stick or Iron Box... Tell me what it is!
The Truth and the Non-Violence!
- Give me the Iron Box...
The Two weapons that
had been with Gandhiji
were the TRUTH and the NON-VIOLENCE!
- Well done Mr. Shankar!
You are answering
all questions correctly...
I have been so since my childhood...
Though anybody forced me
to answer wrongly...
I did not use to say!
- The next question...
How old was Gandhiji
when he got married?
I will tell you...
13... - 13
Thirteen... - Not 13... it's thirteen!
- Joking? Anyway very good...
What is that sound?
Hello... - Hello!
They are my Family Members...
- Is it? They compel me to marry...
I am a 100% pure Bachelor, aren't I?
You are not doing the good thing!
I will file a Police Complaint
against you.
...I get you arrested...
What do you think?
What will you get arrested?
You are playing with me without
the Knowledge of who I am...
I got Black belt when I was child...
The Son of the Commissioner
of Police is my friend...
We both together in College...
Is it enough?
I was immersed into the Water twice
- Brother seems to have won!
Who would heal me if I am caught Cold?
Answering all the Questions in the Contest
Mr. Shankar Prasad has won the Contest!
Mr. Shankar!
As the winner of this Contest...
we would meet at the Radio Station
by the same time tomorrow!
Shankar Dada Zindabad...
Shankar Dada Zindabad!
Good Morning Hyderabad...
Good Morning Hyderabad...
My Heart has been said Good Morning!
My Mind has been said Good Morning!
My Eyes have been said Good Morning!
Good Morning...
My Walking has been said Good Morning!
My Smile has been said Good Morning!
My Style has been said Good Morning!
Good Morning...
The Love that was sleeping
somewhere in the Heart...
has been given Coffee and
said Good Morning!
Since the moment the Cock alarms...
Till the time to sleep...
Everything for me is Good Morning!
My Heart is slipping
when the Voice is heard...
Like the Honey slips on the string
of the Beautiful Sitar...
The Beat sounds within me
when the talk is heard...
As if the Drum Beat in the
festival of the Goddess!
Alas! Whatever I see...
Looks like strange!
As if the Tajmahal
has been coloured madly...
Whatever I hear...
will be felt pleasant!
As if the Ghantasala has changed his
Tone and played Rap...
Though it is a beautiful
lady who wears Saree...
Though it is a Modern lady
who wears Jeans Pants...
Tell me How she will be
whoever she is...
When she comes to home... if she
sees the mother and falls at her feet...
if she adjust with saying Hi Aunty...
I don't know why this Tension
rises that never risen...
Alas! Whatever it is...
Good Morning!
Hey Chubby! - Yes...
I am the Contest winner...
Shall I meet Jahnavi?
Madam is waiting for you over there...
Oh! I am going buddy...
- Brother! Do you feel tensed?
No... Not at all!
- You have tension inside...
I don't have at all...
Wipe it Brother...
Is sweat seen? - Yes...
I feel a bit tensed...
- Sister-In-Law... right Brother?
I leave... - Brother!
Your Style brother...
She is not Jahnavi, is she?
Shit... lt's not she!
Good Morning Hyderabad...
This Programme is sponsored by Airtel!
Hello... I don't hear...
Who is speaking?
It's me... Shankar Prasad!
I don't hear... Tell me a bit loudly!
Where are you talking from?
I am talking from here... This side!
I am Srinivas Speaking...
Where are you from? - From Ramnagar!
Tell me which Song you would want...
I want a Song from Kushi Movie
- Okay, We play your favourite song from Kushi!
Listen and enjoy Mr. Srinivas...
Hey ATM... - Brother!
First you close the Zip...
- What brother?
Come on... let's go!
I have just passed...
I give company if you want!
Not that... Let's move from here!
What happened Brother?
I was insulted at the first sight...
Not knowing it was a Sound Proof Glass
I said Hello... I became a Fool!
Come on... let's go!
Hey... where are you rushing forward?
- No Lulu... go away!
Hey... we are in an important
meeting here! Go away... go!
Hey... go!
You are disturbing the mind...
Brother... Brother!
- I am here...
Hereafter I will not meet Jahnavi
- Is Sister-In-Law not good?
What is not good?
How good Eyes are hers!
Can live seeing those Eyes...
The Hair falls on the Face... curling!
Front Hair...
- Yes... Front Hair!
While she was rolling the Front Hair...
I felt like Sitar was being
played in my Heart!
You have heard, haven't you?
- Be with the same Confidence...
While talking with Sister-In-Law
should talk a bit regardfully!
To tell you in our Language... Respect!
That means talking in a good way...
Gandhiji has also talked regardfully
like this and done many good deeds...
Hey... Why have you come again?
Hey go... See now Brother...
I am requesting him with full respect!
Don't come inside untill our
meeting gets finished!
I am also... what is that? - Respect!
I am also requesting you respectfully...
Have you seen Brother? How he has
gone once you requested with respect! - Yes...
Tell me how to talk...
- Have to be very careful brother...
To say that the whole country
has got damaged...
have to say that the country
has got spoiled!
In the middle of the sentences...
have to add Repentance... Self Respect
Then only... it will be fit!
Hey... you are telling very nicely!
Won't you still say?
don't talk more about Bapu!
Because we don't know
anything about him, right?
We don't know, right?
Whatever you talk...
should talk respectfully!
should talk respectfully!
- What is your name?
- Who is Shankar Prasad then?
It's me...
- You said Respect then...
What do you actually want?
Jahnavi madam is waiting
for Shankar Prasad...
Your Father... move!
Go and switch on the Radio!
Brother's programme is coming...
Okay Brother!
The winner of the Bapu Contest
Mr. Shankar Prasad
is in our Studio today...
Hi Shankar Prasad...
- Hi Jahnavi!
How do you know these many
things about Gandhiji?
I like Gandhiji very much!
there is no Pistol in his Hand!
He doesn't have atleast Button Knife...
Holding a small stick...
he had driven the English
people upto the Border!
Our country would have been damaged!
Spoiled... Spoiled!
It sounds like our Shankar's voice.
Increase the Sound a bit!
But... we have forgotten
Gandhiji now, haven't we?
You are a good girl...
If we forgot...
why would we make the October 2nd
as the Dry day closing the Wine shops?
Though it is not dry day
I don't touch the Drink! Not at all
So... Are you still following his way?
- Yes...
I would be walking on the Gandhi Road
for 2-3 Kilometres Everyday!
Joke apart...
I asked you if you were following
his Principles... - Yes...
To tell you perfectly...
I am No.1 in following
Gandhiji Non-Vilolence!
Do you mean Gandhi Qualities?
The opposite to Rowdism is
Gandhi's Non-Violence!
Would you also follow it?
Not like you... I follow a few!
Like... I never lie...
WoW... Our opinions are matching!
Excuse me...
We shall meet now and then!
Have you never lied?
- I have said only once...
In 1992!
When a kid was crying as he
lost the 50 Paise coin...
I had given my 50 Paise
and said it was his!
That's it... he had stopped Crying!
That was the first and
last lie said by me...
Write down... He will definitely
enter into the Politics!
What do you do?
I am asking you...
- Professor!
You are talking like something then...
I can talk Telugu
very nicely if I think...
Youth... The youth guys are damaging
our Telugu... that is spoiling!
If we say Repentance...
They think it's Heart Attack!
Just for them...
That means? - Don't you know English?
Like peeling off
the Banana and feeding...
I would get down to
their stage and teach...
Oh! Would you talk purposely like this
to make your students understand?
Yes ofcourse...
Do you know onething?
All stand first in my class...
Yes... though I ask them to
come 2nd or 3rd! No one comes...
It's good! I will also try to
talk in your Style from today...
If we meet like this outside everyday
I will teach you many things!
Mr. Shankar... tell me!
Which Song would you ask us to play
for your Students on behalf of you?
Agood raging...
- Gandhi's Song, right?
Yes... you are right!
You said the same what I have thought...
Our Hearts have matched well...
Our thoughts are matching
like the Dishes...
Over the desire of the Professor
We shall listen to a good Song!
From the movie called... Thief Ramu!
No problem... No problem!
It's a good programme. I don't know
if my children listened or not!
- Yes... I have got 5 children!
Why is here brother? Work has been done
Come on let's go! - Okay.
My name is Paruchuri Venkateswar Rao.
Sir's student!
Look... They are my children!
Are they your children?
Are they good?
How lovely they are!
They also like Gandhiji's
Non-voilence like you...
Who are they all?
My Grand Father's college friends...
Since their Sons' not paying
attention towards them...
He has brought them to our House!
My Grand Father's policy is that the
last innings of life should be happy!
Good Grand Father...
What Good Grand Father... brother?
Very good Grand Father...
Shall I come to your home once
and meet them?
Without fail... Actually I thought
of inviting you to my Home!
They feel very happy
if you come to our Home...
Sure... Sure!
If you give lecture on Gandhiji...
they feel still more happy!
I would... I would give!
Can you come on Friday?
Friday... - There is College!
College... College! - Saturday?
- Tuition... Tuition brother!
So... Sunday!
- Okay... Okay... Sunday is okay!
Sure? - Sure...
I have to leave...
my sixth Son is coming today!
Father! I feel you would understand...
If you stay away...
it's good for you and Pooja too!
Don't worry about me
The persons stay here are my friends...
I will lead my life
happily with them...
You look after the
Daughter-In-Law well...
You have to lead your
whole life with her...
How long would I still be alive?
Should I also come?
- No... I can go!
Father... lt's getting late!
Hari! you would come
when you get time, right?
I will try...
I came to this City for
Survival 50 years ago...
Dwelling in one room...
I have brought up 4 children and
made them successful persons!
They have 4 houses now...
But... There is no room in any
House for this Father!
You have taken 2 hours
to tell this word...
It happens in every door step, right?
He is very sentimental guy
...he may disturb us!
We shall give a seperate room for him!
This is the problem with the Old people...
What I have said doesn't seem to
have been taken seriously...
What then?
In this 2nd Innings House
Weeping has been banned!
2nd Innings House?
We have spent our 1 st Innings
life in surviving...
Yes... ln this 2nd Innings, we should
not think that why we are still alive...
We have to use this period to live
peacefully and to fulfill small desires!
I like to fly in Aeroplane once...
I like to be a Singer...
I like to visit all the
Holy places across India!
I like to marry again...
- Marriage in this age?
Will you be able to bat?
No problem till the Head Practice!
Since you are spoiling your Brains
talking something like this...
I have asked a Professor to come on Sunday!
- Professor?
Yes... He is an excellent speaker!
He preaches about Gandhiji!
What is this Headache?
Hey... - Brother!
I feel very tensed if I think of
the Programme tomorrow...
Why brother?
I will call our Professor friends
and ask them to write the bits...
Put them into the Shirt and Trousers!
As soon as asked about Gandhiji
take out from the shirt and Trousers!
Game finished!
Hey, It will be obscene if I often insert
the Hand inside and outside! Go away...
If so... One Idea brother... - What?
As soon as the Grand fathers ask...
go to Bathroom and make a call!
They will answer... Game finished!
Shit... lt will be very nasty
if I often go to Bathroom too!
Go buddy... You and your nasty Ideas!
Brain goes away day by day...
If so... there is only one way!
Is there no other go?
Like the different Radio Station...
There is a first class item!
Her name is Chilly Stella!
She will not ask anything about Gandhi!
She will ask everything about Cinema...
We are Kings in that, right?
If you try out there...
the total routes will be clear!
How do I look like to you?
Do I lool like trapping anyone else?
If so... there is no other go brother!
There are still 5 days left for Sunday...
For these 5 days...
Study about Gandhiji whatever you want
to study sitting in the Library!
Walking Style...
Hello... Hey Brother...
Is there anybody here?
Who are you? What do you want?
I am the attender Subbaiah here...
Nothing Sir...
There is a Old man by name Gandhi, right?
There you see... lt's he!
Is matter available here about him?
What are you staring at?
Haven't you understood?
You are the only one asked after a long time.
I am very happy!
All the books written about Gandhiji
would be available here...
You keep reading...
I will send tea! - Thanks!
Oh father! How many books they are!
Vandemataram... Chant of Gandhi!
Vandemataram... Chant of Gandhi!
With the Spectacles and the Walking Stick
A Passive Resistance has moved!
The adventure beyond the Youth with
the Powerful Head like the Silver Mountain...
The immovable Heart of Gandhi
has the seed of desire...
The Blood of the Freedom has
started pressure in the Nerves...
The Innocent Leader has not
acted beyond the Truth!
The Crown of the Foreigners
has shivered to face him...
Who is that?
- Mohan Das Karam Chand Gandhi...
Look Uncle... I have been reading
without sleeping for 3 days...
Don't disturb me unnecessarily!
- What would you do Shankar?
I leave you as you are Old man...
If you hit on one Cheek...
I will show you the second Cheek!
Professor... Who has told you this matter?
- Tea Sir...
Take and give to the man
who is diguised like Gandhiji!
He will drink and be calm...
To whom?
- To the duplicate of Gandhiji!
Where? - Can't you see? There...
My fate...
his Brain seems to have been damaged!
This type of people would come here...
Who are you?
You can call me Bapu lovely...
Actually... who are you?
Don't fear Shankar... I am Bapu!
I have not done any harm to anybody...
Boss! It is confusing me...
you are not his Spirit, are you?
I am not Spirit...
you take me as Conscience!
Why should I think Boss?
- Not Boss... lt's Bapu!
You like Jahnavi very much, right?
How would you know that matter?
Don't get tensed Shankar...
I will go away if you shout like this!
But, remember onething!
Mr. Subbaiah!
Whenever you I am required...
you just think of me!
I will come and help you!
- Mr. Subbaiah!
What happened?
Look who there is...
Nothing is there...
Halogination! - What is that?
That means...
If a man is under enormous pressure.
Chemical imbalance takes place in mind!
Because of that Some things
which are not there seem to be seen
and things that are there
seem to be not seen!
That is Halogination!
I say I have seen clearly...
I don't say Bapu has come alive...
I say he has come in the form
of Spirit and talked to me...
If it's true what you say...
It would have been seen by the Tea guy, right?
Here you see Master... - Doctor!
Anything else...
Don't you watch movies?
It appears to whoever is to appeared!
Since you have been reading for 3 days
without having food and drink...
it might have been seen like that!
Don't worry...
I will prescribe some medicines...
It will be cured!
Buy those medicines and you swallow...
Here you see Doctor!
I will show you the Bapu now itself!
He asked me to think when required
and said he would come!
Bapu! Have you come?
- you have called me, haven't you?
I have come to help you...
- Look... Look at Bapu!
Don't believe if I say...
There is none Mr. Shankar!
- You say there is none...
Bapu is seen clearly for me!
Your eyes might have been spoiled!
What are you talking?
It's all your lmagination.
Don't you understand if I say so?
Hey ATM... Don't you see Bapu?
Brother will not be afraid of anyone...
But you make him scared being seen!
Hey... Hey ATM... - Brother!
Bapuji sits on Sofa... Here!
- Apple... Apple!
Bapuji... Apple?
- Take it Bapu...
Ask for Coffee...
Tea or Cool Drinks! Don't hesitate...
What is this Drama? Are you kidding?
I say it's all imagination...
Why do you encourage him?
Shut up... lf I give you one!
If it's seen to Brother...
It's seen, that's it!
That is Rediculous!
Brother... you talk with Bapu!
You move I say!
Hey... Mental Hospital!
I know there is no Bapu...
But... Brother's brain gets spoiled
if we say there is none!
That's why we have to act
as if there is he...
Give me the Prescription!
Hey ATM... - Brother!
Why is Bapu seen only for our both?
That's why Bapu has
come out of the Book...
He watches how the Country is!
If he watches... it's mother!
He will go back again into the Book!
Stop thinking brother... Have it!
Bapu said he had come to help me...
Brother! Rajalingam has asked us
to vacate the House, right?
We shall send Bapu to there...
Shit... Bapu will not do such things!
That's right!
Brother... Have medicines brother!
What should this Bapu do to Shankar?
Here you see Bapu!
Where is my Quarter?
You have to do me a favour...
If it is to hit or kill anyone...
I can't!
Not that one...
You have to come to Jahnavi's House
along with me tomorrow...
You have to be seen only for me...
not to anyone else there...
Like in Vittalacharya Movie!
whatever they ask me about you...
whisper in my ear!
I will look after the rest...
I am a bit weak in History, right?
Would you please do me a favour too?
Tell me Bapu...
Has anyone occupied your Palace?
I will make him vacate within minutes...
You don't flicker at all!
Not that one...
It's not such an easy task to do what I say!
Alas! Bapu... there is no Rowdy
existing than us in Hyderabad!
You tell me what your work is and forget
It will get finished!
Okay... I will first help you!
I will say what I want later...
It's enough Bapu...
Thank you... Good Night!
Hey ATM...
Brother! - Work is finished!
Jahnavi! I am coming... you see!
My question...
Before talking about Gandhi...
let's all close our eyes
and remember him!
Bapu... have you come? Thank you...
You have to look after me...
It's enough...
Ask me whatever doubts
you have towards Gandhiji!
A guy in the Park threw a stone
and broke the hand
of Gandhiji yesterday...
When I asked him why he had done so
He answered me recklessly!
What is the solution for this?
Very Simple...
Bringing him and making him
stand before the statue...
Giving another stone to his hand
and ask him to break my whole statue!
What Bapu? What do you say?
- Tell them what I say...
Bapu... - Tell them Shankar!
Give another stone to the guy and
ask him to break the whole statue...
Like wise... Destroy all my
statues across the country!
Break all the statues of
Gandhiji across the country!
Remove my names from the National
Highways and the Buildings!
Remove the names of Gandhiji from
the Roads and the Buildings!
To really follow my foot steps...
those are not required!
It's enough placing me your Heart...
If you really want to follow
the Gandhiji foot steps...
these are not required!
Place him into your Heart...
that's enough!
What else he has done for us?
He had avoided eating. gone to Jail!
He had travelled all over this
Country with only one Dhoti!
he had borne the Bullets too!
Here... Here he had been shot!
But... what are we doing?
Fitting him in a Photo frame...
Hanging on the wall...
we do all the unrighteous
things under that!
How great he thought
this Country should be!
But... What are we doing?
We are spoiling this Country...
Do you say the Country
has been spoiled that much?
The approximate development
is seen, right?
My Hole development...
- What is the development?
Development in Hitting...
Development in Final death...
Development in committing Suicide...
Development in robbing this Country...
There will be Pump...
But there will be no water!
There will be Bulb...
But there will be no power!
If we go to Hospital...
there will be no bed available!
In case we get the bed...
the Doctor won't be available!
If we come across any problem
and go to the Leader...
He will divert us to go to the Officer!
If we go to the Officer
it would be said he's in the meeting!
If we call him to home
it would be said he's in Bath room!
When he is available...
He asks us to put an Application!
When the application is given...
it will round you see!
Though Gandhiji comes
and stands in Election...
There is no doubt Gandhiji would be
defeated by doing malpractices!
Our Country is developed to that stage!
Bapuji would say one word
when he was alive...
The Country is ours...
But the people have become foreigners!
Thank you!
Hey Professor!
Have it! - Okay...
What Sir?
I have been noting...
Your looks fall different side
while you were talking with us!
What is the matter?
Where? - There!
- You love Jahnavi, don't you?
Me... no... no... I promise!
- Don't lie...
That feelings are seen in your Eyes...
My Eyes have some defect... look!
Don't pretend!
You fear to express your
Love towards her, right?
I also fear... - You?
Be calm... - It's true! - No...
Her name is Tina...
We both were lovers in Intermediate...
My father was the Villain
at that time...
So... he must have said 'No'
for the Marriage! - He has said!
She has married someone else...
But Tlna's husband has passed away!
Your wife then...
- Same... Passed away!
So... Vacancy on both sides!
What then? You can marry her, right?
Children are not accepting
if I get married in this age!
Then my father...
Now my Children! Villains...
Don't I have my own liberty?
Look! Forty Years ago...
when it was raining!
I had kissed Tlna...
She had run away feeling shy!
Hurray! The same car...
Since it has such a flash back
we named it as Kissing Car!
Tell me whenever you need Car
I will give the Keys!
What Buddy? What happened Buddy?
Tell me quickly... Tender Expenses!
It has been fixed for the mighty guy
on the Earth and the Angel in Heaven!
The match has been fixed!
- What Buddy? What happened Buddy?
It has been mixed for the
Gang Leader and the Parrot...
The taste has been mixed!
- What Buddy? What happened Buddy?
In the Back Seat...
In the Kissing Car...
In the Back Seat...
ln that Kissing Car!
She has given me only one Puppy...
Brother! Does Puppy mean the Young Dog?
- Hey... Puppy means Kiss in Hindi!
Hey... She has kissed our Brother!
What is this Kissing Car Brother?
I know Shaukar... Patkar... Oscar...
I even know what Baker is...
- That is our Intelligence!
Why don't you start the Story
of this Kissing Car?
I will start... Will you listen to?
Filling the Diesel in the Engine
We have gone for a Film in the Evening!
In the Interval... I have held the
hand and given Popcorn to the Baby!
Sitting has been adjusted
The Pair has been set bit by bit...
The Power has gone in the Cinema Hall
Another Cinema has been started for the Body!
I went intoxicated...
I felt very good...
She has boarded the Car
and given the Kiss!
Brother! You have shown me the picture
and made me go mad...
You are not the Ordinary guy... Brother!
Dada... Dada... Dada... Dada!
Shankar Dada... Shankar Dada...
Shankar Dada Zindabad!
Shankar Dada Zindabad!
Yours is not the One day match...
Iooks like a Test match!
What happened next brother?
- Will you listen to? - Yes... Listen to then!
Brothers... Reverse again!
We have gone to Jumbo Circus happily...
The Roars... the Lions Roar!
Vamini has got shocked hearing that...
Shocks... Her Fears! Chandini has
hugged me like anything...
Her Tensions... My Temptings!
They both together
has increased my Mood...
I have touched...
I have touched like that...
I have given what is to be given!
What have you given Brother?
- Kiss...
She has given me first, hasn't she?
I have given her Kiss to her...
We won't keep someone's property
We will give the things that belong to others!
You have reached somewhere else
...- Go away!
This is not Shankar Dada MBBS...
Shankar Dada Zindabad!
Sorry Brother... lt has been accustomed!
- Well... Do it now!
Shankar Dada Zindabad...
Shankar Dada Zindabad!
You have made everything
in Eastman Colour...
Hurray! Whatever song I sing...
Bapu comes!
Bapu man... - Bapu?
Who is that fellow? Tell me Bapu...
I will finish him!
She loves a Professor
called Shankar Prasad...
What Bapu?
You are also criticizing me...
No... I am telling truth!
That girl loves Professor Shankar Prasad
not Shankar Dada!
Tell her the truth tomorrow itself...
She may leave you any day
for you have told her lie...
She would leave thinking
I say the truth, right Bapu?
It won't seem to work out...
Tell me some other Idea!
Mine is the only word...
Speaking Truth!
You have given me the word that
you would do what I say...
Hey ATM... - Brother!
Bapu is talking some other things today
I don't...
Take and drop him at home!
Come on! Drop Bapu carefully at home okay?
Take him- Bapu!
Bapu! It has been dark...
Don't roam alone in dark!
Days are not good enough
Hey... What are you doing there? - Brother...
Bapu is here, right?
- Shankar! Remember one thing!
If you speak Truth...
you can act boldly!
Bapu! Please... move Bapu!
If it's delayed...
we would miss the last Bus also!
Hey It has been a bit heavy today!
Come on. Bapu is here!
Take him holding his Hand...
Even the man is not seen...
How would the Hand be seen?
Yes... I caught Bapu's hand!
Move Bapu... come on! Let's go home...
Bapu! Never roam at night again...
The health gets spoiled!
Be seated Bapu... Be seated!
Good Night!
Give Ten rupees more than the metre!
Hey... Take him!
Whom should I take?
- What would I know?
The way you are following is not good!
You may face any danger in that way...
You just remember me
if you are in need...
I will help you!
It's me Jahnavi!
Where are you? In College?
Yes... I am taking History Class!
Where are you?
Asurprize for you...
I am in your College now!
Where? In our College?
Yes... to meet your Principal!
No... No...
You don't meet the Principal!
Tell me if there is anything to say...
- I will tell you after I have come...
You sit in the Canteen...
I will come there finishing
the class within 10 minutes!
Okay... fine!
ATM... - Brother! Here!
Hey... Phone...
- I understood Brother...
I have not said yet, right?
I know your Heart brother...
Attack... - Attack!
What is this? You have come earlier...
Hi Jahnavi! - Hi Shankar!
What? Have you come to meet
our Principal? - Yes...
He is a great mad guy!
He always exaggerates...
If he is not in the Mood...
He will bite the persons...
do you know? - Really?
You come to College
once in Three months...
You will be in the Canteen
Dawn to Dusk...
Poor Guy... He has become dark
as the Acid fell on him!
Tell me... Why have you come?
Prakash Uncle's birthday tomorrow
I don't understand what to do.
Hey... you go man!
That Uncle always remembers his Son...
He would not even make a call and talk!
Good Morning Sir...
- Good Morning!
I got 150 marks out of 100 marks
because of you Sir...
That is... Adding their Love too!
Hey... you go and study in Library! Go...
We will go sir...
we would study well sir!
We would keep up your name Sir...
- Keep up...
Bye Sir... - Go!
Bye madam... - Bye!
I have arranged a small function
for Uncle's Birthday...
You are doing a very good thing Jahnavi!
I am very happy...
- Professor! You?
Oh! Acharya Rangacharya... Greetings!
Dedicated to Krishna!
- Our Sanskrit Lecturer!
Greetings... - Greetings!
You may...
- He teaches the Lessons very well!
The students who listen to his
Lecture would cut off their Ears.
You be calm sir!
One or Two people would join
the Hospital every month...
What is this?
He is spoiling the Scene!
Acharya! You seem to have
slipped your slang...
I will slip...
I will talk wrongly...
I am telling you
what is raging in my Stomach!
Actually he is not a Professor...
Acharya! What are you talking?
I know...
I am talking with Knowledge!
He is not the Professor!
He should have become the Primary
Officer for this College...
That means Principal!
The Principal appointed now
is a Rogue... etc!
Acharya! - Mr. Rangachari!
Ranganayaki madam is calling you...
I am coming! Madam...
- Acharya! you may...
Greetings... - Greetings!
Abit more love towards me... my Fan!
Brother! Who is that Ranganayaki?
- Hit him...
Where would you go?
I have told his Son
to come on the Birthday!
He said it's impossible...
Poor uncle... He feels very much!
Okay. What is the relation between
the matter you said and the Principal?
He is the old friend of my Uncle.
That's why I have come to invite him!
Though I have said all about him
Would you want to invite this mad guy?
Okay... lnvite him!
Then... Birthday will not take place
Mad day will!
You Stupid! Why have you come here?
Here you see... I will go back
if you talk so with anger!
I won't talk with you...
- Neither will I...
Good Morning sir... - You go man!
Why is the Principal Sir walking
like this? Does he have Piles?
He has come this side...
where has he gone?
Girls... Have you seen? - Whom?
Have you seen? - No Sir...
Call the Police...
Please call the Police!
You have seen, haven't you?
You did not believe when I said...
He calls the Police since the
Students did not do Home work!
Yes... what you said is true!
- I always say truth!
Time is up for you to take Class...
I understand Acharya... Jahnavi!
You go home! - Okay...
I will go to Class...
- then... Uncle's daughter...
You have informed me the matter, right?
Leave it to me... let's go!
Hey Mister! Stop there...
Sir... I will come now! Wait...
He will not allow to talk
with Beautiful girls...
You... You... You... You...
- I won't talk with you!
Okay Dear... Bye!
I will meet you in the Theatre...
- Don't forget...
I will definitely come on Sunday
at 4 'O' clock... okay?
No 4 'O' clock... Yes 6 'O' clock!
Tell her you would
come at 6 'O' clock...
Your Father's birthday programme
is there at 4 'O' clock, right?
Who are you man?
How have you come inside?
Leave about myself Boss... Tell me!
What would you present your
father as a Birthday gift?
Who the hell are you man?
don't interfere,
this is my family matter.
Boss... Boss... Boss... Boss!
Mother... Father... Wife and Children
all together called Family!
Think for a minute...
How many Birthdays your father
might have celebrated for you?
Come for Half an Hour
and leave wishing
Happy Birthday to your father...
He will be happy
throughout the Year... Please!
Okay Mister...
Please... Please come with me!
So... you will come, won't you?
Let's see... - Really?
- You are a Gentleman! Thanks...
Thank you very much for your Advice
Please get out!
That means... - Get out!
Hey... why have you come again?
Do you think you are a big Rowdy?
Do you want to fight with me?
I was a Boxing Champion
in the College... you know?
If you are Champion in Boxing
I am Champion in Hitting!
Come... come... - Come... Come!
If Uncle had given you like
this when you were a child
you would not have changed like this!
Hey... Hey... Hey!
Pooja! Where are you dear?
I am at Vijay nagar...
where are you?
Outside the office...
Okay! Listen to me Carefully...
You urgently order a Birthday Cake
and write Happy Birthday Dad on it...
Write... From your Loving
Son Harish at Bottom! Okay?
What is that?
Suddenly such a love sprouted out...
He is my Loving dad, right?
Not like that...
Shut up you Stupid...
Should I say reasons everytime?
Do as I say...
I love my Dad! That's it...
Brother... I have said brother!
Lift me up brother...
Hi Shankar - Hi Jahnavi!
Come on. Hey, you get up! Be seated...
How have you brought him?
- Very Simple...
I have gone to his office
and updated the matter respectfully...
That's it... He has come!
If there was anyone else in my place...
He would be slapped on his both Cheeks...
and would be hung in reverse
from the 12 storeys Building!
But... I won't do like that!
I always maintain Peace...
What? - Tit for Tat...
Madam! Would you come out
with me for one hour?
The Keys of the Kissing Car
say if it's asked!
Why is that laughter? - Nothing!
I am also loving a girl for a few days...
But... till now...
- Couldn't you say 'I LOVE YOU'?
I feel tensed!
Did you think saying I LOVE YOU
is like vacating the House and Abducting?
Love doesn't suit your Body...
Leave that matter with me!
Tell me what that girl's name is...
Jahnavi! - Jahnavi?
Tell me...
where she is and what she does!
I will go and talk...
She doesn't have parents
She dwells with Six Old men!
With Six Old men? Unfortunately...
It is not the House that
we are trying to vacate, is it?
Where? - ln Ameerpet!
I don't know the exact spot where it is
Brother goes often to there!
This is the address of the House
that to be Vacated... - Okay!
Shankar! You forget it...
When he is in the Love mood.
why do you disturb?
Only when the address is given
the House will be vacated, right? - Go...
You have got the habit
of Abducting, right?
You bring her with compulsion.
- You be calm!
You just said that you would
go to her home and talk... Go!
I said I would talk
if there were Parents.
But they are not!
You deal it directly...
As the Water flows in the Moon.
Your Love flows in her Heart!
But... You both have to go
somewhere else as a Pair!
How? - Romantic Touch...
Romantic Look...
Romantic Smile...
Is it a Romantic Smile?
Not in my Style...
if you do it in your Style.
the Love blossoms!
To blossom...
that girl has to come, right?
If you doubt that she would not come.
Take those old men also!
I will do all the arrangements...
- Sabash Lingam!
Thank you very much!
Hey Shankar!
- Why is she going with shy? Tell me...
Have you said 'I LOVE YOU'? - Shit!
Where are the Keys?
- With the Car itself! - Okay... Okay!
Come on... Come on! All of
you get ready... - Why?
We are all going to a Place...
- Where Honey?
To Marriage! - To Marriage?
That is... You say! - You say...
Please... - You have to!
f you both feel shy like this
How would we know?
Tell us... anyone of you!
- I don't know how to say...
I have low B.P...
don't make me get tensed!
Tell us quickly... Great man!
- Say...
Tell us whose marriage
we are going for...
Look there first!
In the Sack of the Globe Size
I have come filling my Love!
I have bought all the
Flowers from the Shop!
In my Heart of fist size
I have written your name!
For your Beauty sake...
I have worshipped the God!
Oh my God...
Such a heavy expense for me?
Tell me where you have learnt
this lesson in Love...
I've not gone to School... I have not gone
to School and studied One... Two... Three!
I have learnt by seeing you
One... Four... Three!
I have not written on
the Slate A... B... C...
The Love has been learnt seeing you...
Your beauty is very young...
I will take care for it won't get tired...
If you ask for the Magical Stag...
or if you ask for the Bow of Lord Shiva!
I will bring without getting broken!
You are Satyabama...
Believe me... I won't get you tired!
If you ask for Kanchi Silk Sarees
though the Purse gets torn!
I will get it for you somehow...
Oh my God! Tell me where you have
learnt these Jokes...
Jahnavi! - What Shankar?
I want to talk an
important matter with you!
Tell me Shankar!
- That is... one minute!
Where is it? - What are you
looking for? Is this for?
How has it come to you?
I will tell you later...
Whom is it for?
Have you loved anyone?
Will the girl's name starts
with the letter 'S'?
'S' stands for Shankar!
That is my name, isn't it?
If so... will it start
with the letter 'J'? - Yes...
Oh... Lucky Girl! I am so Jealous...
If I am loved by anyone
Is that girl lucky?
Yes... Any girl is lucky
if she gets a guy like you!
Give this ring to her without delay...
I have to tell a matter before giving
- Tell her!
After telling the matter.
I can't bear if she denies!
She won't deny... - Really?
Really Shankar... - Jahnavi!
Jahnavi... She is... I am!
- Tell me Shankar!
How to say?
Come on!
In fact... - One minute... please!
You go on... I will wait!
We are not given
any kind of Notice, right?
Somebody are vacating our House there...
You make a call to
the Police immediately...
and find out who they are, please!
- Yes... You don't get tensed!
Brother! Tell me brother...
- Hey ATM...
Jahnavi's house has been
vacated there by Somebody...
Find out their details!
Stupid... Who is he Brother?
I will finish him now...
give me the address!
Behind the Green Lands...
- I am also here brother...
What is the House number?
Hey... Move the Vehicle!
- Okay brother...
Road No.1... Plot No.27!
Tell me the Plot number again!
How many times should I say?
Road No.1... Plot No.27!
Brother! That building
has been vacated by us...
What do you say?
Have you gone mad?
Why have you gone
to that building matter?
I don't know it is Sister-In-Law's...
Rajalingam has asked me to vacate.
I am doing it!
It's enough... lnsert Manmohan Singh's
photo in this Photo!
What Dear? You are very happy today...
Not only today...
Hereafter everything is happy!
2nd Inning House has been ours...
As soon as Dhananjaya comes
I will put the Home Keys in his Hands!
He says the Muhurtham date
can be fixed immediately...
Did you understand?
- How have you achieved?
Kitchen Room is okay...
Worship Room is okay in that place!
Kitchen Room is okay...
Worship Room is okay in that place!
Bed Room is Fantastic in that area!
Who are you?
Seeing the Signs of my House...
If the Signs are not good...
Our Guru will not step
into the House at all!
Guru? - Yes...
- Who is he?
Will he ask who it is about
Sri... Pandit Parameswar Sastri?
I will curse him now...
Where is water? Where is water?
Guru... Guru!
He has said so...
since he doesn't know about you!
Tell him I have forgiven and left
him since it is the first time...
Will you say you have forgiven
me coming to my Home?
Who are you?
What are you staring at?
What? What are you staring at?
Tell him... - I will say!
Tell him... - I will say!
He is the Priest who says your Past
Future and Present Periods...
Oh! Is it you?
Are you the Family Pandit for my
Brother-In-Law Dhananjaya?
Take it Brother-In-Law!
That building is yours...
this marriage will not take place!
What is this suddenly brother?
- Horoscope... Horoscope!
Astrology says the Bride
would become Widow
on the second day after the marriage!
Alas! What is this Dear?
My daughter's Horoscope
is very great...
When she steps into
her Mother-In-Law's home.
It would become Heaven!
God knows about
the Mother-In-Law's home...
If she steps into the Home.
all would go to Heaven!
If this marriage takes place.
Dhananjaya's Son too!
Do you believe all these
in these days too?
No way without believing...
The reason for we are in
this Position is Pandit...
We can't go ahead refusing his word!
He looks like something else
when he appears...
He is talented in saying Astrology!
If your daughter had been
born a few hours earlier...
this marriage would have
taken place grandly!
You have delivered quickly as
if something comes and falls on, right?
If a 5 more minutes had passed...
the date would have changed, right?
How would the date change dear?
- Gayathri... Gayathri!
She was born at night 11:55 PM...
That means...
if you had held for 5 more minutes...
the date would change, right?
One minute!
Your daughter was born
at day time, right?
No... at night 11:55 PM!
In the details given to us...
it's written 11:55 Am...
Have a look at it!
You have spoiled it... Subrahmanyam!
Who is this Subrahmanyam?
My Typist... Heavy Deaf!
I said P.M... he has typed A.M!
A.M... P.M...
Lip reading is same, right?
P.M... A.M...
- Once what happened was...
I asked him to mail the Cement
Supplier to send us E-mail...
He has sent asking to send us Female!
I had to pat my head for that...
Your Typist has unnecessarily
put us under Tension...
It's been good as the daughter
was born at night! - Yes brother...
Take the Keys atleast now... - No!
It would be good if it's taken
on the Marriage day!
Muhurtham Time is 10:27 PM...
I have understood Sir! Gayathri!
Bring sweet... - Okay Dear!
Sure... Sure!
Italian Marble...
Stop pretending...
Having known Jahnavi dwells
in that house...
Would you vacate her House
sending me to tour?
What is this Injustice?
If somebody comes and says
that they own this house.
...will you support them?
Madam... they have got
the Lease documents!
That's why we support them!
We should be given notice before
the Lease cancellation, right?
Go and ask at Post Office
if we have given or not...
you will know it!
- Don't talk anything!
You have cheated!
You say it's cheating whatever I talk...
what's this Shankar?
If I fight with the Old men.
Tell me if it will be good!
There is an another house ready for them...
You give to that girl from your side
the matter gets settled!
What should we do now?
Hey... Go and get it settled
in the Court! - Uncle...
Give me the Bungalow keys
- I am a Business man.
I don't have sentiments!
My daughter's marriage
is going to take place...
Don't come against that!
Saying you don't have sentiments.
Aren't you showing
your Daughter sentiment?
that house is sentiment for them!
They have cut the relation
with the Children
and grown relation with that Home!
If you want... I will vacate
any Minister's home!
Leave that Bungalow!
- Okay... I leave it!
You also leave that girl...
I will get you married with any Miss India!
Don't bring Jahnavi into the Picture...
You also don't bring the
Love into the Business!
This is not warning...
It's an Advice!
If so... I won't leave you!
I won't leave that Bungalow too...
This is not Advice...
It's a Warning!
Those old men were
taken to Tour by you...
That House has been
vacated by your Guys...
What would you tell your Lover?
I can tell her...
that you are not a Professor!
And you have made your guys
vacate the house...
How is it?
Didn't you understand?
You can't swallow...
You can't vomit too!
That is your position!
Jahnavi! Hello... Hello!
Jahnavi here! Will you talk with her?
Rosy! - Sorry... wrong number!
Go... Go and mind your Business!
Sorry brother!
It had been a big fight...
I thought of making a call to you
before vacating the House...
As it was a small task...
not to disturb you...
you don't get tensed Brother...
I will talk with Sister-In-Law!
He says he would talk...
he would talk!
What would you say?
Would you say I am a Rowdy?
Would you say we have
vacated that house?
you don't do any work properly...
Go man!
How are you honey?
Do you need my help
after a long time?
Bapu! I have been stuck in a
big problem in life...
Give me some idea and take me out...
There is a way...
Abduct the daughter of Rajalingam...
Tell him you would leave her
if he returns the Bungalow!
I got this idea yesterday itself
...I struck it off!
If so... Strike off Rajalingam!
What Bapu? You are also kidding...
Have I been found to make weep?
- All these are your Ideas...
You have done these
all the days, haven't you?
You won't come onto
my way anyhow...
What is the use of saying?
Okay Bapu...
Tell me what your way is...
I will try in that route only!
- No... You can't!
Why can't I?
It's not such an easy task
to follow my way...
But... lt's sure to win!
- Will that Bungalow come again to us?
It will definitely come...
Jahnavi will not leave me, will she?
She will not...
She will be with you life long!
The power of the Truth is so!
If you have such a confidence
Tell me Bapu what I should do!
You have to ask for Apologize first...
- To Whom?
Bapu... Do you say it is mandatory?
I want to see how bold you are...
- That means?
It's very easy to pain or hit anybody...
But... it needs more bravery
to ask for Apologizes! Go...
What are you doing here?
Nothing Brother...
I remembered my Mother in the morning!
That's why I have come here and sat...
I want to talk with you...
- Tell me Brother!
You turn that side once...
I am not able to talk
looking into your eyes!
I have to say Sorry to you...
I remembered our old memories
and could not sleep!
Do you remember?
Once when my Leg
was shot with Bullet...
You were serving me without
sleeping for a week!
As it is so... I have handled you!
Once taking my blames.
you have been hit by the Police!
As it is so... I have handled you!
Why is it now brother?
You have hit me since you have
the feeling of Brother!
you have that right!
Don't make me go far saying Sorry...
Don't think otherwise... okay?
Bapu! I have said sorry...
My Heart feels very free now!
Tell me Bapu... what to do next?
You have to get Rajalingam also on
the track like this lovely...
Bapu... Do you say it will work out?
It will work out Shankar...
This Bapu is here, isn't he?
Okay... Okay... - I leave!
What should we do now?
You have all come to me, right?
That's it...
Is that it? - Uncle... Uncle!
How many days will it take for
the House to be ours?
That is...
- It takes as less as Ten years!
There is nothing like that Madam...
It takes maximum 6 months!
Would you write down a
Guarantee Paper like that?
That is...
It may go beyond or below 3 more months!
We can't say...
Beyond or Below?
Look Brother...
lt's the matter of Court!
Judge may get transfered...
Adate may move forward!
How long? - It may take 4-5 years...
That means... lf it's 4-5 years...
Okay... Adding a year also...
Write down a Guarantee
for 6 six years!
No Lawyer would write like that!
He seems to be an
Uneducated Terminator...
What Lawyer?
you said 6 months...
Though we have given 6 years time...
Don't you write down
a Guarantee paper?
What is Guarantee?
- What Lawyer are you?
Lawyer means...
- Don't talk!
Hey... Drink water...
It will not work out
if we trust in this Mud...
Get up I say...
- Where?
I have a great known Lawyer...
He has studied in England...
Barret Law!
We shall meet them!
What has that Lawyer said?
He said Lawyers are not required
to win the Heart of the Enemies...
- How then?
Gandhiji's Non-Voilence!
- Gandhiji's Non-Violence?
The opposite to Rowdism...
That Rajalingam thinks that
we would fight for the Bungalow...
But... we do it in reverse!
We would be sending Flowers to him
to get recover from the
Current disease soon...
What? Didn't you understand?
If so... Watch the rest of the
show over the Screen!
Coffee! - Place it there!
Good Morning Raj...
Your friend!
Mother... Juice! - Okay...
What Honey? Has your would be
sent Red roses for you?
Suresh? It's impossible...
- Why?
Their Astrologer said
that the Rose flowers
are Unlucky for their family...
That's why Uncle has taken all
the Rose Flowers from their home!
AS their Secretary's name is Roja...
they have gone to Court
and changed to Pooja!
You silliness...
If I do such mental deeds...
will you bear?
Whose desire is theirs...
What about you?
Haven't you taken photo posing
with Ash and Bush?
Similarly... Whose belief is theirs!
Who has sent the Flowers then?
These flowers are for you Raj...
- For me?
No... No...
Don't touch... Don't touch!
There is a Bomb in that...
- Dear!
Bomb... Bomb...
Hey... all of you lie down!
All of you lie on the floor...
Something has been written in this!
Our Lawyer has said that it's a
disease betraying the Humans!
As you are ripen in that...
your disease has also been matured!
That's why I would be sending flowers
untill you recover from that disease...
Are you confused?
Have a look from the Window...
Knife... Pistol... Sickle... Axe...
Why are the Voilent Weapons?
Why are the Voilent Weapons?
Not Hastiness... Anger... Hatred...
Smile is our Weapon!
Smile is our Weapon!
He is coming... Tell him!
- The days for Injustice have been damaged...
For you right from today
- The Box will get smashed!
Yes... The Box will get smashed!
- Shankar! What is this Drama?
This is called the Passive of Resistance
- Don't you understand?
We don't fight with you
for the Bungalow...
We would be standing infront
of your House like this!
Untill you come to know
your mistake...
the Passive of Resistance
would be continued! - Your Father!
Anyone of us would be standing on
this Road for 24 hours like this...
We pray to God for your disease
of Cheat should be cured soon...
Go and bring our Home Keys...
Hey Security...
- Sir!
I don't know what you do...
Get them away from here!
- Okay sir...
Hey... Will you touch my Brother?
- Stop... Stop!
What has Bapu said?
- What has he said?
If one hits on a Cheek...
he asked us to show
another Cheek! Wait...
Have you seen? He won't hit...
Bapu has not said what to do
if the second cheek is hit!
He has left for us!
That's it...
you have done wrong Shankar!
Though they beat you...
you should lift your hand!
Only when you do so...
the Heart of the enemy gets changed!
The hatred gets reduced and the
Respect towards us increases!
Ask them for Apologizes...
Hey... - You get inside...
Give me the Keys respectfully...
you will get the very position!
Why have you hit like that?
Say Sorry...
You have hit, haven't you Brother?
It's mistake buddy...
If we say Sorry to him now...
Bapu said... his Hatred gets reduced
and the Respect increases towards us!
Tell him! What Brother?
- Bapu seems to spoil our Business...
Sorry man... Get up...
I have to say Sorry!
We were never arrested!
First time... we said Sorry!
Direct Lock up...
Our Reputation has been
lost in the Public!
What man?
If we come inside doing a Murder
Will the reputation go high?
Lesser than the Less...
If we were thrown into the Jail
in the Kidnapping case,
there would be a bit level!
Hey... Do you know Bapu has been
put in Jail for he has
prepared the Salt?
If so... Bapu's reputation
had been lost, right?
How many times he had
entered into the Jail...
His respect has also incresed!
Because... Bapu is always right?
If so... we do good things and come
inside doing 10-20 days...
If we have done like that...
Our statues are also placed
before the Assembly...
Our figures will be drawn
on the Currency Notes...
All roads have Shankar's name...
In the School books. There would be
lessons about our Friendship!
The political Leaders will also
be giving speech upon us...
Look! As long as the Surya
and Chandra exists...
Shankar and ATM would be there!
My Birthday is considered as
the Shankar Jayanthi on my birthday!
Holiday for Everything on that day...
The total Country would Dry that day...
Alcohol is Strike that day!
Cancel... Cancel!
- Everyday is the festival...
Move... Move! - Come on!
Hey... we will come again!
Thank you!
Why should you thank me Shankar?
We have to thank you as
you have gone to Jail for us!
It's an Emotional Touching Scene!
How is the Jail?
Is only one night enough
or should I send you life long?
Brother! If we were in the
Jail for life long...
All cities would be put our name!
Vijayawada... Gudiwada...
Hyderabad... Nizamabad... ATMbad!
Jubilee Hills... Banjara Hills
...Shankar Hills!
Chencharlaguda Jail...
Cherlapalli Jail...
if you stay permanently...
Shankar Jail!
Will you stay?
Don't play with me...
I have got the Police power
Man power and the Money power!
What would you have?
- I have got the power of Gandhi!
Henceforth... Look at the Radio...
my Vascodagama!
A Master Hero came to our
Country 100 years ago...
He was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi!
He has taught everyone of us
how to be Honest...
To tell you frankly...
we have forgotten all that now!
You feel that Bapuji is with
us in this Studio...
Tell us whatever problem
you have in your life...
I will solve it
with the Gandhi's Power!
As a return...
you have to do us a favour!
One of friends is suffering
from Unhealthiness...
He is closer to the death mentally...
He is stubborn in not
taking the treatment...
If you all say...
he will definitely accept!
Bapu... lt's live! Be ready...
The line has been disconnected!
Not disconnected...
It has been made to disconnect!
Dial that number... - Okay!
Why did you disconnect the phone?
Hello... Hello!
What is your problem?
What will you do if I say?
First you tell me
what the problem is!
Let's think later how to solve it...
I want 7 Lakhs rupees...
- What for?
I have put my Father's
money in Shares...
I believed as my friends said
it would get doubled!
Everything has been lost!
That money was gathered by my
father to buy a Home...
How to return him that money to him?
Very Simple...
Reduce the Expenses... Work Hard...
Give him back
gathering Rupee by Rupee!
It's simple... - How?
Do overtime... Don't spend more...
Save every paise and give him!
Is it a solution?
How many years will it take
to get 7 Lakhs if I do so?
What should I do now?
First you go and tell the
truth to your father!
Dare and reveal the truth
to your father!
Instead of that...
It'd be better if I died
run over by any Train!
Hey... Don't talk madly!
Are you trying to be free by dying?
Without the knowledge
if you are there or not...
You are talking now, aren't you?
Your father dials to
that number repeatedly...
And he weeps like anything as he
doesn't know if you are dead or alive!
You have done wrong...
should your Father
experience the Punishment?
What should I do now?
What is your name? - Azad!
Look Azad! He is your Father...
not your Enemy!
I had also done a mistake
when I was a child...
Having known it was a mistake...
I thought of telling
the truth to my father!
But... I couldn't tell him
with some phobia!
However... when I wanted to say...
He was not there to hear!
That pain has still been in
my Heart as it is...
you don't do mistake like me!
Where is he now?
In the Room! - What is he doing?
I don't know... the Doors are closed!
You open the door and go inside...
I am telling you, aren't I? Go.
Open the door and go inside!
Don't fear Azad... Go!
Go boldly!
What? What have you done again?
Tell me...
It's your habit doing mistakes, right?
What have you done?
Why don't you talk?
Tell him Azad...
Tell me quickly without wasting my time...
Is there Radio in the room?
Yes it is!
Whom are you talking to?
- Switch on the Radio!
Brother... Greetings!
Your Son wants to say
one thing to you...
The whole Hyderabad
is listening to our speech!
Tell him Azad!
I thought of telling you earlier!
But... - No but or put...
come to the point first!
I lost 7 lakhs rupees in Shares...
Don't hit him...
If you hit... your Son never says
the Truth throughout the life!
I never go to the
Share Business again...
I do whatever work I get...
I distribute Newspapers...
I take Tuitions!
I earn money working hard...
I will give back to you!
Do you think how he earns
7 Lakh rupees doing small jobs?
It's true...
But he decided to die run over
by Train as he had fear
to reveal this to you!
Sir... You have got your Son
who is valuable than money!
Be happy for that!
Your Son never does this type
of mistakes again in his life!
Our Francis uncle has 3 Taxis.
He needs Drivers everyday...
If you recommend...
he will take me into the Job!
If you feel it shy...
I will go far away and drive!
I won't come to this area at all...
It's enough...
Don't make me keep weeping!
Give that phone to me!
I don't know who you are!
I don't know what
you have told my Son...
But... I have come to know one thing!
You have really made my
Son know about himself...
You should be happy
by the grace of Allah!
You should be useful for others...
Thank you!
Thank you!
My Brother...
If you like our Show...
Send flowers to our friend
who is suffering from
the Stubborn disease!
On the Card... Get well soon!
- Don't forget to write that!
That patient's address!
You have the life span of 100 years...
I just thought of telling you
about the Marriage arrangements!
Why is such a thing happening
about you on Radio?
That is nothing else...
lt's politics!
Shankar Dada is a Rowdy!
He is black mailing me like
this to get money from me...
It's okay...
Is marriage arrangements going
on well at your Home?
Look here... lf it's really
an Illegal property...
I will get many problems!
- That is nothing... Hey...
What is this Nonsense while talking?
God... - God... get inside!
What happened to him?
you always disturb like this without
the time and situation!
You don't fear...
The Legal documents
regarding that House
are as safe as the Marriage
Badge around my wife's neck!
The Marriage with our combination
should be like the combination
of the Sky and the Land!
Whatever the problem it may be.
You don't give up that!
the Horoscope of that House
will make you get flourished!
Why are they doing Dharna
infront of your Home?
You lie down spreading the
Bed sheet on your Heart!
I will clear everything
by tomorrow morning...
Did you understand?
Marriage arrangements...
- Don't take it as a small issue!
I think you have understood... Bye!
I have understood!
You are not doing any wrong, are you?
I am sorry Raj...
You never do wrong...
I know what you are!
Shankar! Stop this Radio game...
I give you the last and best offer!
Send those Old men
immediately from there...
Where is he? He won't be at one
place properly... Dear!
Not for free... I have a Package!
Number one...
A Bungalow for those old men...
same size...
same colour near Hayat nagar!
Number Two... Two Bedroom flat
for you and your Jahnavi!
Number Three... One Car with
Driver in White Uniform!
Asalute every morning!
Number Four...
Admission in the Top most English Medium
school for your upcoming Children!
Unlike you... they will become
the real Professors!
If you like this...
I will peep out from the Window
exactly at 7 'O' clock in the morning!
If the Old men are still there...
I will tell that girl that
you are not a Professor!
Think over...
Your time starts now!
Tell me Bapu...
What should I do now?
Before he says the truth
to Jahnavi... You reveal it!
You have given a good idea Bapu...
Whoever bowls...
My wicket would fall!
No problem...
Keep fighting for that
House saying the Truth...
Jahnavi would come back
to you one fine day!
It's good to hear... But...
I am not bold enough
to put it into practice!
Shall I tell you onething?
When I was 15 years old...
I stole some Gold from my brother!
- What Bapu? Have you stolen?
After that... My conscience had
not allowed me to be peace!
That's why I had written a letter
to my father asking for Apologizes!
Your father must have beaten you well...
No... He had torn it
and lied down silently!
Lied down? - Yes...
I had spent the whole night
weeping at my father...
That night had been remembered
throughout my life!
Later... Has your father
forgiven you Bapu?
It took some time...
But... he has forgiven!
It's done Bapu...
The idea is good!
I will also write a letter and
give to Jahnavi tomorrow
at 6 'O' clock in the morning!
You can give now itself, can't you?
No Bapu...
If she hates me reading my letter...
Atleast these memories left in my Heart!
Okay... Don't forget!
Morning at 6 'O' clock...
Shankar! What is this?
- Letter... - To whom?
I will stand here...
you go and lie down!
I will be awake the whole night...
I will not lie down at all!
Are you not mentally feeling well?
When the mind is not feeling well...
Closing our eyes...
If we remember the happy moments
of our life...
A type of smile blossoms
out of the face!
...Said by Grand father!
Close your Eyes once...
What is seen?
Radio... - Radio?
Whenever you said
Good Morning Hyderabad...
My ATM said a Smile
was seen in my face!
Where? Won't you say
once like that? - Here?
For me... only once!
- Not here Shankar... No way!
Jahnavi... Please!
Good Morning Hyderabad!
Welcome to our Late night Show...
Today on the empty road
in the rays of the Stars...
Mr. Shankar Prasad is with us!
Watch properly...
The combination of little tension and
little happiness is seen in his face!
Breaking News...
What is there in the
Pocket of the Professor?
There is a Love letter!
Let me guess!
Whom has the letter been
written to by the Professor?
It may be for me...
Did you want to say anything
to me and not able to say?
I know what he wants to say...
- you don't know...
If so... You can tell me, right?
Not now... Morning at 6 'O' clock!
Shankar! I know what you say...
But... I want to see how you say!
You would say as if it would be
remembered throughout the life, right?
Sometimes... there would be
much happiness in waiting!
I would be waiting when
it would be 6 'O' clock...
Like the Night that waits for the Moon
Shall I wait with 1000 Eyes?
Like the Crop that waits for the Rain Drops
Shall I wait with the Bundle of Desire?
Like the Infant in the
Cradle for the Lull song...
Like the Village at the Dawn
for the Sound of the Cock...
I can't wait... Won't you tell me directly?
The word that lies in the Heart...
Shall I count each minute
like One... Two... Three...?
Shall I push the time saying
Go... Go... Go?
I have the Hurriedness over the
lmagination that is not reachable...
Time... You pass like the
Tortoise very slowly!
Being with you together...
Seeing you...
Like the Fish that never
closes the Eyelids...
The Time that couldn't be locked
and stopped passes like the Stag!
You don't say If I ask...
You don't say though I am upset!
You won't let me stay pleasant...
Shall I count each minute like One...
Two... Three...?
Shall I turn back the Clock
saying Three... Two... One?
Why is it? What for?
This Tension which
was not seen before...
My Mind will not stop though
I lull to any extent...
If you ask me to leave...
If you stay with me...
I don't know what
you say when it dawns...
If you get irritated...
If you stick together...
I don't know how you would be
if the Letter is received...
Don't tempt me... Don't pain me...
Don't kill me like this!
Security... Send Shankar upstairs!
Come... Come... Come!
you have done well Shankar!
you have bowled all the
Old men for one ball!
Flat... Car... Driver...
Your life has been settled! Go...
Get married soon...
These flowers will not get wasted...
Did you understand?
Have Coffee...
- You are mistaken Rajalingam!
I have told Jahnavi
what all had happened...
You can't pluck off
anything from me...
That means... Have you lost
your Wicket by yourself?
Very Sad...
If so... Match is over!
Match has not yet been
finished Rajalingam...
Actual game is going to
start very soon...
What would you do alone?
Your whole team has fled away, right?
I still have a Solid player with me...
Your tricks and logics will not
work out in any way against him...
Who is that player?
Bapu... - Whose Bapu?
Bapu for this Country...
Mahatma Gandhi!
Gandhi's Non-Violence...
Mad fellow... You seem to be
a mad fellow... Shankar!
What is Bapu in these days?
you may not know...
He had been shot killed long
back with three Bullets!
But... who has won?
The Bullet affecter
or the Bullet shooter?
On behalf of whose respect
it's been put Dry day?
The Life taker or
the Life sacrificer?
Whose Statue is placed
at the Assembly?
Whose image is laid
on the Currency Note?
Whom are you talking to?
- Oh! You don't know, do you?
Here you see Rajalingam...
will tell you a top secret...
You should not reveal to anyone!
Promise me...
Mahatma Gandhi is seen to me!
What? Will he be seen? That means...
Look that side... How lovely he looks
at you sitting near you!
Who is seeing?
- Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi!
Have you heard?
Bapu... he couldn't hear!
Tell him once again...
I am Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi!
- You have heard, haven't you?
What will I hear? Am I a mental
Do you think I am a mad guy?
Get up... First you get up!
Here you see...
if you do not change...
Bapu would sit here
and do Truth Fasting...
Then... your life would become like
a foreigner! It would become Dawn!
Shankar! Your health is not good...
Go home and take rest!
Here you see Unsteady...
your health is also not good...
Give that House respectfully! Give...
Get up... Get up! Get up!
Get up... First you get up! Go... Go!
Do whatever you and
your Bapu wish to do...
I won't give the Bungalow!
Go... Go... Go...
Will you play with me?
What? Violence?
No... Silence!
If I was a Rowdy as before...
I would break you into pieces!
But... Everything is peace now!
That is... Gandhiji's Non-Violence!
What again?
Get this place Vacated!
Flowers would keep coming from tomorrow...
I leave...
Has she really gone? My God!
Good Morning Hyderabad!
One of my friends
has gone unconscious...
He doesn't know what is wrong
and what is right...
Hello... - Hello...
My name is Soundarya!
tell me what your problem is!
My father has chosen
a groom for me seeing
the Matrimony edition
of a News paper...
I was asked to meet him once
and decide if I like him...
How can we judge in a single meeting?
Tell me...
However it is...
he behaves well, right?
If we would like to know what
type of attitude he has...
we should know how he behaves
with his lower level people!
Where are you calling from now?
- From a Restaurant!
He said he would come here to meet me!
Okay then...
In that Restaurant, If he calls the
waiter recklessly or by signs...
That's it... forget him and go
on your way to Home!
What would you like to have?
- Sweet Lime! - Oh! Okay...
Thank you Shankar...
If I had to live with such a guy
I would be dying!
My request to all
the fans of this Radio...
Give Flowers to Rajalingam
wherever he is seen...
Ask him to Get well Soon!
Give me Alms...
Sir... Give me Alms!
ey... go! - Sir... ls it you?
Get well soon Sir... Take it!
- Will you give flower to me?
One guy dwells
in the Flat above us...
He chews Pawn while
getting down everyday!
I don't know if he feels to spit
as he reaches our Flat...
He will exactly spit at the
entrance and leave...
I feel to press his neck and kill him!
- No... No...
Whatever you want to do...
do everything in reverse!
What? Reverse...
Don't say anything to him!
Give a Smile seeing him...
Clean the entire place as he sees!
Knife... Pistol... Sickle... Axe...
Why are the Voilent Weapons?
Not Hastiness... Anger... Hatred...
Smile is our Weapon!
Smile is our Weapon!
I have been cleaning for three days
he has not changed at all!
How many days should I
clean like this?
Bapu asks to be patient...
You keep watching with Patience...
One fine day... he feels shy
for his behaviour!
Sorry... Extremely Sorry!
Have you seen the power of
Gandhiji's Non-Violence?
Hey... What?
Why have you come by this time?
Will you hit me? Hit... Hit!
Please bless me...
Today is our Wedding day!
I have to be with Flower and
Kumkum for 100 years...
Remove... Remove... Remove the Flower!
- Remove the flower...
Alas! What is to remove the flower?
Remove I say...
- I have to be with Flower and Kumkum!
Our relation should be like
this in every birth!
Will you also show me the flower
and say 'GET WELL SOON'?
Dear... Bless me!
I am a retired Teacher...
I have taught children it's crime
to take or give Corruption!
Now I am asked for Rs.5000/
Corruption to get my Pension!
I was retired three years ago
It's very difficult to lead the life...
Don't get tension...
It's your right to take Pension!
It's wrong to ask for Corruption!
I don't understand what to do...
Let's make him feel shy
and not to ask corruption to anybody!
I have got an idea... Do like that!
This Old man has come again...
It has Rs.1200/-
lt will not workout with Rs.1200/-
...why do you irritate me?
Don't be in a Hurry...
I will still give you!
The cost of these Spectacles
are Rs.500/...
This Hearing aid is Rs.600/...
This Watch costs Rs.800/...
This Diabetes Tablets cost Rs.80/...
Hey... Hey... What are you doing?
Wait Honey!
What happened to you?
This Shirt costs Rs.200/-
- Master... You are doing more!
One minute Honey!
Master... what is this?
- This Banian costs Rs.50/...
The Belt costs Rs.100/...
Shoes cost Rs.400/...
What is this Nuisance?
How to tell you
to make you understand?
Wait for a while. Stop it I say.
I pray to you. Please stop!
I will sanction your Pension...
Stop Master... Stop!
This Pants cost Rs.300/-
- I am marking the Signature. aren't I?
Mr. Krishna Moorthy!
Give him the Pension...
You have seen, haven't you?
Zindabad to Gandhiji's Non-Violence!
Hey... Children! I will...
He is a mad guy...
Don't listen to that Radio!
You said before that he was a Rowdy...
Is he a Rowdy or a Mad guy?
Take him as a Mad Rowdy...
- I don't feel so...
The whole city supports him...
See tomorrow...
I will make him flee off the City!
It seems you have said
the same word before...
Wait for 24 hours...
I will prove that he is a Mad guy...
Puppy... - Sir!
Invite Shankar arranging
the Press Conference!
Tell him I would give the Keys
of 2nd Innings House! - Okay Sir
Look here... The Papers of that
House are with me!
I have got all types
of rights legally...
That is...
Currently that House is mine!
Rajalingam! You can tell that matter
by sitting, can't you? Sit...
Thank you... Thank you!
But... The day I came to know that
our National Father Mahatma Gandhi...
has interest towards that Building...
I thought of giving that
House back then itself!
It would not be good if I don't give
as such a great man requested, right?
How can I refuse?
I am not lying...
Gandhiji speaks with him everyday!
Tell them... Gandhiji is
seen by you, right? Tell them...
Why do you reveal
my secret among all?
No Problem... Don't worry!
Take this Mike...
Tell them! Tell them!
He will tell you about Gandhiji...
Tell them! Tell them!
Friends... What he said is true...
I see Gandhiji...
Not only being seen...
he has helped me in many matters!
In fact...
I thought of smashing this Rajalingam
if the Bungalow was not given!
But... Bapuji said not to do so!
He asked me to tell him
with love... that's it!
How nicely he has changed!
Is this the Joke?
Who is that? Does anybody
play Jokes upon Gandhiji?
If so...
Do you say that Bapuji is here?
He is just behind me...
Greetings Bapu!
As my support...
I will prove what the Truth
is within 2 minutes...
Mr. Shankar! I will ask you 5
questions about Bapuji...
Gandhiji must know
the answers for this...
You just find out
from him and tell us!
If they are correct...
we will also believe that
Bapuji is seen by you!
First Question!
What is the first name of Bapu?
Good... Bapu's father's name?
How many times the Gandhiji's name
has been nominated for the
Nobel Shanti Award?
Tell me Bapu!
By whom has the caption 'MAHATMA'
been given to Gandhiji?
Last Question!
What is the name of the Gandhiji's
Inn in South Africa?
Bapu... Tell me Bapu!
We lose our Honour...
There is still time Shankar...
I am waiting! Please...
Do you remember me Mr. Shankar?
Dr. J. G. Rao...
I am a Psychiatrist!
This Shankar Prasad is a Mental Patient!
Becuase of the Chemical lmbalance
took place in his Brain...
He feels as if the Gandhiji is seen!
I have seen many Cases of such kind...
Most of the Patients who
approached me would say...
their deceased Parents are seen!
If Gandhiji was really here...
He must have said by whom he was
given the Caption 'MAHATMA'!
Ofcourse... Mr. Shankar has studied
many books about Gandhiji!
But... there are many things yet
which are unknown to him!
Mr. Shankar! Gandhiji can answer
only your known questions...
He can't answer the unknown questions!
Let's do onething!
If you wish... read the answers
for the questions I asked!
you ask him then...
Bapu will definitely answer!
Why don't you try it out Mr. Shankar?
Please come...
Shankar! Get up... Get up!
Go... Go and read!
Come Mr. Shankar!
These are the answers
for those Questions...
Read them once... Ask Bapu later!
He will definitely answer... okay?
Please take this!
How many times the Gandhiji's name
has been nominated for
the Nobel Shanti Award?
Five Times!
By whom has the caption 'MAHATMA'
been given to Gandhiji?
Ravindranath Tagore!
What is the name of the
Gandhiji's Ashram in South Africa?
Tollstoy Pham...
Get well soon Shankar!
ATM... - Brother!
Is Bapu seen by you? - Yes Brother!
Is he seen now too?
- Is he seen by you brother?
Yes! Look! There he is...
Hi Bapu... Greetings!
How are you? - Why?
Why have you cheated me like this?
Why have you lied with me?
Why have you made me fool?
What to do Brother?
I thought you might get affected...
Something happened!
Doctor also said that
there is some Chemical lmbalance
in my Brain, right?
- Something happened to me!
No Brother...
Nothing happened to you!
No Buddy!
I have gone a bit mad...
Else... I have come here to do
something trusting in Bapu!
Hey ATM... Bapu is not there...
Everything is fake!
Brother... Listen to...
- No Buddy...
There is some. There is some
Chemical Imbalance in my Brain!
I have really gone mad...
Something... Something happened!
Nothing happens Brother...
Everything will be set right!
Come on... Let's go home!
No... I won't come home!
I will go to my place!
Hey... Greedy! Greedy!
Go and drink sitting there... Go!
Brother! - What Buddy?
I am worried brother!
Why buddy? As my Love got failed?
What is Love brother?
If this Sister-In-Law is not set
we get another Sister-In-Law!
- We are going to the Village, right?
I am worried if we
get Drinks there or not!
You are talking like a mad guy...
Drinks may not be
available in this City...
There is no village without
Belt shops... Do you know?
Is it so Brother?
- We don't get Drinking water...
The Arrack flows like a River!
I will fall into it and swim brother!
It's your Choice... Do it!
Hey... - Brother!
The Bottle is also
emptied like my Heart!
If so... Let's go to the
Bar shop and fill the Tank!
Turn the Vehicle then!
The Entrance has been Fantastic!
I will come having one... Lay it!
I give food if you are Hungry
I apply Oil if you you come tired...
I give kisses if I get mood...
Small Boy!
I apply Scent if you agree
...I lay Tent if I am given Rent...
I accompany you if the Hint is given...
Small guy!
There is no word like Age in our Heredity
I don't like any relation except Uncle!
If you are Hungry...
lf you are Hungry!
However great the Pure Gold is...
It won't be moulded as a Hip Belt
unless it is exposed to Heat!
However active the speed
in your Heart is...
Heaven can't be entertained
unless you fall on my Lap!
The beautiful half Rag lady
...Don't try to fall on me...
If you touch me again and again
your Ear would get twisted!
The ltem is in the Market...
Start Bargaining!
The spicy of your Sight has
injected me the Medicine...
Not Saturday...
Why is this Distance then?
Since your air passed in
the beauty of the Virgin got shocked!
Hey... Go away!
What happened?
Sorry Brother!
I remember your Sister-In-Law...
Is it so?
If so... Why don't you try once?
I will try once...
Dear... Dear!
Our daughter is not seen!
Where has she gone?
Stop... Stop!
Where Madam? - Wherever...
What madam?
Didn't you like the Bride Groom?
Sir... Mishap has taken place!
Why is the Sweet in the Red colour?
Our Guru would not like Red colour
let it be prepared in Yellow colour!
Have you fallen in Love with anybody?
Stop the Car... Stop the Car!
Dear! Please forgive me...
I should not have told
our Daughter like that...
What have you said?
In case the Groom side people ask seriously
- lf they ask...
I asked her to say that she was born
at night, not at the Day time!
You have spoiled the project...
Go... Go and fall under the Train and die!
That is what you are going to do, right?
Death is not the solution for any problem.
Tell me what your problem is actually...
What would you do knowing that?
I have got a friend...
He will help you for 100%!
Hello Shankar! Where is Jahnavi?
- I don't know... she may be upstairs!
You talk with him once...
If you still want to die...
Train comes here for every Half an Hour...
Good Evening Sir... - Oh! Shankar...
- Yes Sir! Have you drunk and come?
No... - What do you want?
I want to talk with Jahnavi once...
She has left for the day completing
the Programme! - Let her go Sir...
She has denied me...
I want to talk with her directly
on Radio once! - Hey Stop... Hey... Move!
Come on Sir... Brother has had over!
Hey... Move... Should you be said seperately?
If anybody moves untill
Brother comes out...
Hey... Come on!
- Coming... Coming! Thank you...
Good Morning Hyderabad!
Sounds like our Shankar...
- What's in this time?
I greet Elders... Youngsters and Children!
This is my last programme...
All of you switch off your Radios...
I have to talk with my Jahnavi personally
- Personally?
Jahnavi! I have left the Rowdism and Goondaism
I go far away leaving you too...
I would like to see you
once before leaving...
Jahnavi! - Hello Shankar!
Who is that? - It's me Azad...
Oh! Azad... My dear friend!
Would you call me after 2 minutes...
I am engaged in the
Private meeting with Jahnavi!
Very urgent Shankar!
Sir... Sir... Sir! Your Daughter
is talking over the Radio...
I can't marry telling lie...
I was born in the Star of Aslesha!
They must know this Truth...
As it's said... if anything happens
to him after marriage?
I can't bear...
- What are you talking?
There are thousands of people in this City
who were born in that Star...
They have been tired serving their Husbands
No Husband has passed away!
Those are the Superstitious...
you don't believe that!
I don't believe...
But they believe in that!
My father has cheated them
without telling the Truth...
I hate my Father... I hate him!
- Don't say so!
He is your Father...
He does for your Happiness
whatever he does...
If I utter his name...
you will also say so!
Here you see Baby...
No... Don't say!
I have understood who he is...
It's a disease for him to do wrong...
Give him a chance to correct that...
If you bring your Father's
name to the Public. will be the Victim
who has done wrong!
Your Father can't raise his
Head high in Public...
Listen to me...
Your people would be waiting
for you... Go Home!
I thought my father was the
greatest man comparing to all!
But... I did not think he would
lie with me! He is a Cheat!
I won't go there though I die...
Don't you understand what I say?
Listen to what I say properly...
You also would have said lies
when you were child with
or without knowledge...
As it's so... Has your father scolded
you or Hit you or left all of you?
Father is the one who understands you
the one who shares his Love!
If anything goes wrong. He is one
who says it's wrong and says Morals!
If you feel pain... He is the one
who hugs you to his Heart!
That's it... But he won't disturb
you mentally like this!
That is the Father!
Go home listening to my words...
It becomes a problem if I go there...
It becomes a big problem
if you don't go there!
The honour of your entire Home go away
Only your Father has to bear that...
In this situation... He needs Comfort!
You only can give your Father...
When our Heart is under pressure...
I know how pain it will be...
if our people are not with us!
I can't get married telling lies!
Tell the Truth then...
If they understand your
Honesty... they may accept!
Uncle will not accept!
Yes... he does!
If so...
Your marriage will have got finished!
Azad! Turn the vehicle back...
I thank you for you have attended
the marriage without fail...
What Lakshmi?
I want to tell you a matter!
What Honey?
As my father said...
I was not born at night 11:55 PM!
In the Morning at 11:55 AM!
Then... that Horoscope? - Fake!
Why do you tell that matter now?
I don't like to
get married telling lies...
How did you think you would get
married if you say Truth?
Uncle! I love your Son
whole Heartedly... - Shut up!
Don't stand before me...
How do I look like to your Eyes?
- Not that Uncle...
I don't know what I do...
Out... Get out!
Azad! What happened?
The Groom side people
are going out...
How do they go?
I am coming there immediately...
Jahnavi! I will come back now...
Listen to a Good Song till then!
Shankar! I am Azad...
Oh! Azad... You?
Where is that Great Guy? - It's he...
Hello... Boss! Boss! One minute...
You appear like a great person
why do you also do like that?
Where is the girl now... the Bride?
WoW! How beautiful she is!
- What Boss?
You can't find such a girl though
you search all over the Country...
If this girl hadn't told you...
you would not have known the truth, right?
Since she has told the truth
Honestly among all
without appreciating her
and make her as your
That's it...
Why do you need when she was born...
if she was born in the Morning.
in the Afternoon... in the Evening?
Why do you think in the Superstitious
way in these days too?
What is your opinion?
Will you ask us to get the Marriage
done without the Planets match?
If any Mishap happens to the Groom...
Hey... Who are you man?
- Asking him?
I am Sri... Sri...
Sri Pandit Parameswara Sastri!
Will you utter the Indecent word?
- Brother!
He is the one who has asked the
Old men to vacate the House...
If so... he should not be left at all!
What man?
Who has told you it's dangerous
if his Daughter and his Son get married?
It's Astrology...
Astrology says loudly that the Groom
has to face the harm
if that Girl weds this Guy...
It may be wrong, right?
Impossible! My words will
not go wrong at all...
If you have such a Talent...
Bring the Good Talented guys
and fit in the
Indian Cricket Team...
They may win all the
upcoming World Cups...
You are insulting our Astrology!
Insulting or Mango Peel...
Your Father!
When Tsunami comes in Tamilnadu
When Earth Quake occured in Gujarath...
When the Depression occured in Divisyam
What were you plucking off?
Why? You would have cautioned them
earlier and saved them, right?
Excuse me... I am not the one
who says Weather Report!
I am the one who says
future of the People...
He doesn't know his future...
He says he would tell
the future of the People!
Won't I know my future?
In the Past...
Future and Present times...
I exactly know what would happen
in which minute and which second! - Sabash!
Okay Master! Tell me what would happen
to you in the upcoming minute...
To me? Nothing happens to me...
Hey ATM... - Brother!
Take out the Gun...
- Aim at his Skull...
Skull? - Won't it be called Skull?
Before I count one to five
His Brain should shatter like Water Melon!
What? What is this Rowdism?
One... - No!
Two... - Look... stop it!
You said that nothing
would happen, right?
Three... - No sir... My word!
your Horoscope is good...
Though the Bullet struck...
it falls down like Flower!
Three and Half... - Sir... Sir!
Four! - Alas...
Count fast... lt has been many
days since I finished!
Four and Half... Finish him!
He is out! Hey... get up!
Sir... Have you seen?
He couldn't tell his future
What can he tell about himself?
You are a great man...
Don't do injustice to that girl!
I join my hands and pray...
Please Sir!
What are you looking at?
What would happen to the girl's life
if the marriage got stopped?
I am the mentally affected fellow...
you are all intelligents, right?
Don't you feel it wrong?
Tell them sir... Please!
Hey Great man... Don't you hear
if I I said in a good way?
Do you think you are a great man
for you have got a male child?
Agree for this marriage respectfully...
What are you looking at? Move...
Hey... He is silent bowing his Head
for the Gandhiji's Non-violence!
If he does Rowdism...
none will be left among you!
If he was attacked... he may be silent!
But... I won't be silent!
- Brother... I am your Fan!
I've become your Fan listening to your
Non-Violence Programme on Radio...
Thank you Brother! If so... You are...
- I am the Bride Groom...
lt's enough you have done! Stop it...
I won't believe in the Horoscope...
I believe in Love!
I do marry this girl only!
Very Happy... Good!
This is the power of the youth...
- Thank you Brother!
Write me a letter... - To whom?
Dear Jahnavi! I am very sorry...
Leave this life...
I will become a Profesor in
the next birth for you...
Yes... I will win the Contest
without cheating in anyway!
I will come to your Radio Station!
You have to come and stand infront
of me to invite me...
Is this how? - Yes...
The Hair that falls on your Cheek
should be taken and
kept backside like this...
Is this how? - Yes...
Then. I will take the Ring and wear
to your finger with full confidence!
Is this Ring? - Yes...
ATM... - Brother!
The Chemical imbalance has started
in my mind again. I see Jahnavi!
Do you also see her?
- Yes I see brother!
Hai Jahnavi...
Tell me where she is...
She is not here...
there she is... brother!
Behind me? - It's Promise brother...
there you see!
Why have you lied with me?
You are the Professor in my View...
The Ordinary Professors teach only
Lessons about Gandhiji...
But... you are the only one who follows
that and acts according to Gandhiji!
Thank you!
Brother! - What man?
Enemy has come!
We will fall upon him and smash him...
We are already inside...
how deep will we be sent inside?
Shankar! Please forgive me...
I am fully recovered...
Take the Keys... - Sabash!