Shaolin vs. Vampire (1980)

Daiyu! Daiyu!
Open the door!
Please, someone!
lt hurts. lt hurts.
lt hurts. lt hurts!
Baby Vampire vs. The InvincibIe
ShaoIin Kung Fu DeviI Gang
OriginaI Story by Chin Chonsay
Written by Toshio Aduchi
Main Character and Director:
Ryu Chafi
Hong Kong, Summer of 1988
Whaddya want?
Didn't l tell you guys?
Ghosts do exist.
Did you see it too?
l'm so glad you weren't hurt.
lt was behind me.
lt looked exactly like a vampire.
lt was wearing
Qing Dynasty clothing.
Daiyu: Ryu Chafi
lt's noisy here this morning.
What's going on?
l got the things you wanted.
Thanks, as always.
Listen, Daiyu,
a ghost appeared last night.
l encountered it.
lt was so scary.
What should we do?
lt must have been a dream.
Ghosts don't exist.
l saw it too.
There have always been rumors
about vampires in this village.
- l'm not kidding.
- Doshi, good morning.
We've been waiting for you.
Last night a ghost appeared.
Can you do something about it?
- l see. l knew it.
- Doshi: Won Chikyon
This is a bad omen for this village.
This place has been home
to vampires for a long time.
That's not good.
Yin will grow,
and Yang will be destroyed.
People who live here will die young.
Don't believe such stories.
Vampires don't exist anymore.
l'm telling you, it was really there.
Hey, Daiyu, listen.
Why did you say that?
Cha really saw it last night.
Yes, l did.
l bet you were so drunk that
you couldn't walk straight.
Wasn't it your own shadow
that scared you?
Hey, Daiyu, you still
don't believe in ghosts?
Of course not.
This is ridiculous.
Oh, sorry.
Did that hurt?
See you around. Bye!
Ouch, ouch, ouch!
- Are you okay?
- Are you okay, Daiyu?
l'll remember this.
Do you think we can really
exterminate ghosts?
l don't know.
Stop whining. We are
the Three Kid Musketeers.
We'll fight together.
Let's go! One for all,
and all for one.
Darn you, vampires!
l will exterminate you guys today.
My mom and my dog and cat...
Director, l forgot my line.
- Cut, cut!
- Bee: Chau Saimei
Hey, guys! Too many mistakes.
Let's do it again.
Roll camera!
Darn you, vampires!
l'll exterminate you guys today.
You guys scared
my mom and dog and cat...
- Bee.
- Dad.
- Mister.
- Mister.
Let me go!
- We're shooting now.
- Wait! Don't let him go.
Let's chase them. Wait! Bee!
Let's decide
by playing rock-paper-scissors.
1 , 2, 3!
Here you go.
- Oh, my! You guys couldn't wait?
- Daiyu's Wife: Fon SahIing
You at least should act like an adult.
Sorry. Your food is
the best in the world. So delicious!
Teach me how to cook.
Before that, you have to behave
like a woman.
Why don't you ever wear a skirt?
By the way, l heard a ghost
appeared last night.
Wow, this world
must be filled with ghosts.
Heavy drinkers, greedy men,
and brats are all like ghosts.
People are saying that they
can't live in this village anymore.
lf you are doing the right things,
there's nothing to be afraid of.
Right. We'll be fine.
ln that case,
you can eat without talking.
Oh, l almost forgot.
You got a letter from Japan.
Can you give me the stamp, Dad?
Eat without talking.
Whom is it from?
Gon in Tokyo.
The choreographer
for the sword fight scene?
Yeah, right.
His Japanese friend is
writing a graduate thesis
about Shaolin kung fu.
And he wants me to teach her.
Wow, you must be good.
You are going to have
a Japanese apprentice.
Are you making fun of me?
l want to see the set too.
Okay. l'll take you there.
But there's one condition.
What is it? l'll do anything.
When you come to the set,
wear a skirt.
Yes, Bee.
Do you understand? Now eat.
l can't eat without chopsticks.
Movie Set
- Anan, Anan, are you okay?
- l'm fine.
You're not concentrating.
Okay! Cut!
- Hurry up!
- Get ready for the next scene.
- Hello, sir.
- Hi.
- ls it finished?
- No, not yet.
How unusual to see you in a skirt!
You looked so cool, Dad.
- Right. He is secretly a cool guy.
- Anan: Man Ron
You just shut up.
Don't be shy. Hey, Bee,
do you want to eat an orange?
Thank you very much.
- Hey, Daiyu.
- Yes.
The next scene is a stunt.
Jump off that tree.
Do a double somersault. Got it?
A double somersault?
You can't do it?
- But sir...
- What?
l'll do it.
Good. Everybody,
stand by for the next scene!
Are you serious? Don't be reckless.
l'll do it. lt could be my big chance.
Never let an opportunity slip away.
l can do it.
- What?
- Can l play over there?
Sure, but don't go too far.
l know. l'll be all right.
Don't worry.
My beIoved son Ga Sisay
Okay, let's do it.
ls the camera ready?
- Okay, pull!
- Yes.
Okay, stand by!
Roll camera!
Daiyu, do you know
what you're going to do?
When the wire is released, jump up
and do a double somersault, okay?
Okay, are you guys ready?
Okay. l'm ready.
Good. Roll camera!
- That was great!
- lt was really good!
Daiyu, good job!
Great job! Everybody, go back
to your original positions.
Hurry up. Move, move!
Don't waste time. Hurry!
Let's go!
You looked so cool.
You're much better than l realized.
Really? Shall we go home?
- lt's late.
- Yeah.
This is strange. My backpack
feels heavier than before.
You must have put too much junk in it.
Look, l only have chocolate in it.
l see. Let's go inside.
Dad! Dad!
What's wrong, Bee?
- Nothing.
- Are you all right?
Let's go inside.
- How did it go?
- l was so lucky today.
- l did a perfect somersault.
- Don't push yourself too hard.
- Hi!
- ChiId Vampire: Lee Wonho
Look, a ghost! A child's ghost!
- What did you say?
- l saw it. l saw a ghost there.
lt was a ghost child.
Jen, l'm hungry.
- Can you cook for me?
- Yes.
Dad, l'm not lying. lt was a ghost.
Stop talking nonsense.
But l really saw it.
He was looking in from the window.
Dinner is ready.
Can you set the table?
We have to exorcise the ghosts
using this purification ceremony.
Make it stand properly.
lt might fall over.
- Shall l help?
- Hold it tight.
Thank you.
You're late.
My mom told me not to go out at night.
- Liar.
- You're just scared of ghosts.
l sneaked out of my house.
l'll give you this as my apology.
Let's play hide and seek.
Bee will be ''it.''
All right. Everybody hide!
One, two, three, four, five, six!
Are you guys ready?
We're ready.
Hey, that's enough.
Nobody's watching.
Let's take a break.
Do you want to have a smoke?
lt's late. When we finish these,
we have to go.
lt's spooky here.
l keep expecting to see a ghost.
You idiot. We are the ghosts.
Yeah, you're right.
l'm going to go pee.
Yeah, there's nowhere to pee
after we leave here. Shh!
Being a fake vampire is not an easy job.
l'm getting paid for it, though,
so l can't complain.
A ghost!
A ghost!
A ghost appeared!
Honey, stay with me.
A ghost! We saw a ghost!
A vampire appeared!
- lt appeared!
- That was the vampire.
- Vampire!
- That's the vampire!
Monsters! l will punish you!
No! We saw the real thing.
These two are fake vampires.
No, we are vampires.
These two are fakes.
Bee, what are you talking about?
l just saw these guys
smoking in the forest.
And they're wearing watches.
- You brat!
- Do you want to fight?
Help, please!
Someone will die in the next three days.
Shokyo: Shin Fowin
Master, please help us.
That darned girl
put us in a bad position.
- People know the vampires were fake.
- ViIIage Chief: Cho Wonvi
That was your mistake.
Ask him.
You haven't given up, right?
Of course not.
lf we can kick out all the villagers,
we'll get 15,000,000.
Then, Master,
we can give you 5,000,000.
Don't talk about money.
- lt's to show our appreciation.
- Yeah, sure.
Master, what do you think?
Would you like to help us?
All right, let's start with the little girl.
Hello? Come out. Don't hide.
Come out!
- Are you a real vampire?
- Yeah.
Do you suck human blood?
Why did you come here?
lt's summer break in the world
of the dead, where l live.
My teacher brought us here
to study the human world, but...
l got separated from my classmates.
l can't go back until July 1 4th
in the old calendar.
l don't know what to do.
Why July 1 4th?
July 1 4th is a national holiday
in the world of the dead.
Humans hold a ceremony
for departed souls.
The gate of the world of the dead
opens on July 1 4th.
l have to stay here until that day.
l see. Now l understand.
Do you go to school?
Yes, l do. l have to take
examinations too.
Do people study after their death?
l like studying.
Anyway, what should l do?
l forgot what the human world
is like. l don't know what to do.
l bet your parents
are worried about you.
l think so.
Don't worry.
You're going to be all right.
Worrying doesn't solve anything.
Why are you following me?
Do you remember?
When you came to the grave,
you picked up a feather
that you thought was a flower.
The feather came from my hat.
That's why l'm following you.
But nobody else can see me.
So you made my bag heavy?
Were you in it?
Yeah, l fell asleep.
lt was comfortable. Thanks.
You're sneaky.
You can stay with me,
but don't misbehave, okay?
What's wrong?
l can't go past the symbol
on that gate.
l see. lt's a charm against ghosts.
Go in while l'm covering it up.
Don't hide! Come out!
l feel so safe here.
What do you want to do?
Do you want to play with a panda?
Why are you wearing strange clothes?
l lived during the Qing Dynasty.
Back then, this was normal.
Do you want to borrow my clothes?
No, it would be strange for me
to wear girl's clothes. No, thank you.
That's true.
Okay, l'll make you some clothes.
You have to make them out of paper
and burn them.
No problem. l have a lot of paper.
Okay. Thanks.
- Do you like it?
- Yeah.
l think you'll look good in this.
You look really good.
But something seems strange.
Maybe it's these glasses.
Now you look like a regular kid.
l'd like to play with other kids,
but l would melt in the sun.
Then l'll make a hat for you.
A regular hat won't work.
lt has to made of black hemp
and cover my entire body.
- Okay.
- Yeah! l can play outside!
Shaman in Meyama
My friends are here.
l'm going to play with them.
Please be quiet while l'm gone.
l'm putting this tag on you.
Bee, wait.
Are you going out again? No.
Mom, please let me go.
Okay. You have to be careful.
Come home before it gets dark.
l will.
- Okay. lt's ready.
- Let's do it!
- Are you ready?
- Yeah.
- This time it's for real.
- l know.
Pull on the count of three.
- l know.
- Leave it to us.
Okay, here we go.
- ls this position okay?
- Yeah.
Let's do it!
What's wrong?
Am l really going to be okay?
l'm a little worried.
This is exactly the same
as the set where l saw my father.
When the rope is pulled, you'll be
drawn into the air so you can fly.
l'll be able to fly?
Okay, do it now!
Stand by!
- Roll camera!
- One, two, three!
l'm scared.
Oh, man, l can't believe
you guys just let go.
l landed on my back.
lt hurts.
Help! Someone!
Bee! Bee!
Help! Open up. Please!
Somebody, help!
l'm locked in!
Bee! Bee!
Fire! Fire! Help me! Dad! Mom!
lt's on fire. What should we do?
- lt won't open.
- Go get some adults! Now.
We should pee on the fire.
- Go tell Bee's mom.
- Okay.
lt's hot. Please help!
Ma'am! Ma'am!
- What happened?
- Bee is in trouble.
She's locked up
in an abandoned house, and it's on fire!
lt's hot. Please open up!
lt's hot! Help!
- Bee!
- Bee!
Bee! Bee! Bee!
lt's hot! Let me out!
- Bee! Bee! Bee!
- lt's dangerous.
Bee! Bee!
l feel sick.
Mom, l can't breathe.
Please help!
Bee! Bee!
- Jen, wait! Don't go in.
- Gen! Gen!
- Wait!
- Bee!
Wait! Be careful!
Get out of my way!
Bee! Bee!
Bee! Where are you?
Open up! Someone!
Little vampire,
did l become a vampire?
You just fainted.
Where is my mom?
l don't know.
Mom! Mom, where are you?
Sixth Day Death Rites
This is so sad.
She was really a nice person.
Even in the world of the dead,
she'll need money.
Let's fold a lot for her.
- lt's the curse of the vampire.
- l think so too.
Hey, it'll be all right.
See, vampires exist.
We should move out soon.
Have you decided where to move, Gen?
Not yet. l'll stay
with my relatives for a while.
Daiyu, what are going to do?
We'll be moving out soon.
Master Sho, can you do
a purification ceremony here?
This land is cursed,
and home to vampires.
l am not capable of handling this.
Do you mean
someone else is going to die?
l'm not going to run away.
Are you crazy? Do you want to die?
Calm down.
This is all a lie.
You still don't get it,
after everything that's happened?
This guy killed my mom.
- Ouch.
- Hey!
What are you doing?
l'm leaving.
- Wait, Master Sho.
- Get out of here.
Master, why did you leave?
There's a vampire here.
What? Did Bee's mother
turn into a vampire already?
Bee is possessed by a child vampire.
ls that the one
the fake vampires saw?.
lf so, we can catch it.
Now is not a good time.
We should wait
until September 9th, Cho Yo Setsu.
By that time, l will master the spell
to control vampires.
Then you, Master Sho,
will be invincible!
We can't wait that long.
We have to hand the land over
on September 9th.
Master, can you do something
before that?
You guys don't understand
how powerful vampires are.
lf you upset one, you're dead.
Dad, eat this.
l cooked it.
Please stop drinking.
Mom will be back soon.
She will come back to us
as a vampire.
Don't you think so?
Mom will come back
as a vampire, right?
Yuko: Yuki Kudo
- lt's all the vampires' fault.
- You are too loud.
lt's not easy to start a new life.
l never dreamed
this would happen to us.
Bee, wait.
Excuse me, l'm looking for Hyo Daiyu.
Do you know where he lives?
Hyo Daiyu? Go that way.
lt's the fourth house.
Thank you very much.
ls anyone here?
Are you Daiyu?
Wow, how beautiful!
Who are you?
l'm so sorry.
l'm Yuko Hashimoto.
Gon in Tokyo arranged for my visit.
lt's a little late to say this,
but it's nice to meet you.
Who cares? Get out!
That was her wedding dress.
l'm sorry. l didn't know.
Thank you for cleaning the place up.
Have a seat.
l came here because Gon told me
your kung fu is incredible.
l decided to do my graduate thesis
on Shaolin kung fu,
so l really want you to teach me.
l can do kung fu,
but l couldn't even save my wife.
Bee, this is Yuko from Japan.
Are you Bee?
Nice to meet you.
Sorry, she's not very polite.
lt's okay.
She's still a little kid.
Anyway, l read
a lot of books about kung fu,
and l realized how great kung fu is.
Your father looks so happy.
She can't replace Mom.
What's so funny?
Yuko's cooking is so good.
Thank you.
Can you teach me kung fu today?
l want to learn.
Read this.
You have to tell her.
l know.
No matter how often you ask,
he won't teach you right now.
You had better study
by yourself for a while.
She's right.
Shut up!
That was close.
We're in trouble. This is awful!
What happened?
Can you wait until l finish this?
l can't wait. Come with me now.
l need to borrow this.
Hey, that's not cool.
Where's the ghost?
lt doesn't exist.
lt does. l really saw it.
l fell right on top of it.
ls that true, Yuko?
Was it an illusion?
This is so weird.
Look there!
Go to hell!
Go to hell!
Come here.
Jugem Jugem!
Go away, you monster!
Hurry up and go back
to the world of the dead!
Go back to the world of the dead!
Get out of here!
Jugem Jugem Gogono Surikire!
- Come over here!
- l'll get you.
l got you.
That hurts. Let go!
Stop my dad, Yuko.
He saved me from the fire,
and he saved you too.
Stop hitting me, please!
You shouldn't hit him.
He saved me and Yuko.
Stop beating me.
l'm a good vampire.
l didn't mean to wake you.
Don't worry about it.
l slept well. l'm okay now.
Drink it while it's hot.
Thank you very much.
This is good.
l'm sorry l caused you
so much trouble.
l'm really sorry that l hit you.
lt's okay.
l'm sorry.
No, l'm sorry.
Look, Yuko likes my dad.
No, your dad likes her.
lt's time for you two to go to bed.
- Already?
- Or don't vampires sleep?
We're going to sleep.
Then go now.
What are you doing?
l'm burning it.
You won't teach me kung fu,
so l can't write my thesis.
l see. You just don't give up.
l never said l wouldn't teach you.
Will you teach me?
Kung fu training won't be easy.
l know. l'll never give up.
l'll never let you down.
l'm so glad
my dad changed his mind.
l told you
everything would work out.
Yeah. Have this chocolate
as a thank you gift.
- Vampire Summer Vacation
- Lyrics by Lin Echu
Music by Kazuyuki Ito
Performed by Lyan Wie
l'm happy, l'm happy
My father looks happy now
My father is robust and strong
Look, even his back is smiling
l'm happy, l'm happy
The little vampire is staying with us
The little vampire is cute and smart
Look, his round glasses are smiling
l'll leave it here.
Take your time drinking it.
Yuko, this stuffed animal
is for you.
l'm happy, l'm happy
Yuko likes my dad too
Yuko is kind and beautiful
Look, she's smiling with my dad
This smells so good.
One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
Let's all meet at my house
Come over! lt's a happy story
Let's all meet at my house
Come over! l'll tell you the story
Hurry up and eat.
We're going to be late.
We have to be on the set at nine.
We can't be late.
- Eat fast.
- You're a precocious girl.
l haven't had a feast like this
in a long time. Let me enjoy it.
Okay, Daiyu?
lf you have so much time to talk,
why don't you eat?
l'll eat.
Here, this is your lunch.
l envy you.
This is your lunch.
Wow, thank you!
You're welcome.
Come home early.
Daiyu, tell me.
What's going on? You're acting
like that Japanese girl's husband.
You even made her cook your lunch.
l'm a little jealous.
l hear you. Stop repeating yourself.
Come on!
Yuko is charming and kind.
And she's hot!
You'd better stop now.
What a pest you are!
You're like a woman.
- Let's hurry.
- Okay.
- Dad!
- Wait!
What's wrong, Bee?
Don't forget.
l know.
You want me to get
chocolate for you, right?
l'll remember.
And get some flowers for Yuko, okay?
lt's her birthday.
You'll do it, right?
She just told me today.
Yeah, so don't forget!
lt's just a birthday.
Whose birthday?
lt's not yours.
Back off.
Well, you guys have to go home.
Go straight back home.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Okay, let's go, Anan.
l wonder if your plan will go well.
Leave it to me.
What's wrong?
Are you feeling sick?
l don't know,
but l don't feel very good.
What day is it today?
September 9th.
Are you worried about your home?
No, but my chest hurts.
Let's go home, then.
Welcome home!
What a feast!
Those are beautiful flowers.
l just happened to pass
a flower shop. These are for you.
They smell so nice!
Thank you very much.
- Happy birthday!
- Happy birthday!
- Let's make a toast!
- That's a great idea.
l made this for you. Please use it.
You made it yourself? Thank you.
lt's September 9th, Cho Yo Setsu.
lt is a Chinese national holiday
for the dead.
And it's your birthday.
Happy birthday! Let's toast.
lsn't it your birthday?
Bee told me
it was your birthday today.
l see. Bee tricked us.
They really did a number on us.
Now l know why they just went out.
lt's not funny.
Don't scold her.
May l keep these flowers?
May l keep this handkerchief?
l just want you to be happy.
Okay, let's make that toast!
How's it going inside?
Nothing special.
Hey, little vampire...
They are just eating
without talking. Nothing romantic.
All right, then.
l'll make it romantic.
lt's easy for me to do.
Leave it to me.
What's going on?
We must have blown a fuse.
l'll check.
We did blow a fuse.
Let's light some candles.
lt's not working at all.
What are you thinking?
You are a bad girl.
All movies are like that.
Atmosphere is really important.
Okay. l'll do it.
Hey, are you feeling okay?
l'm fine.
That's strange.
The lightning's only in this area.
l'm sorry.
l'm scared of thunder.
That's funny.
l thought
you weren't afraid of anything.
What's wrong?
Bee, what happened?
He started saying his chest hurt.
Are you okay, little vampire?
We should take him inside now.
What's happening?
Dad, do something!
lt hurts. lt hurts!
lt hurts!
lt hurts.
What should we do?
Please do something.
lt hurts. Please take me
to the cemetery. Please, now.
Dad, do it now.
Dad, quick!
lt hurts. My arm...
My arm...
So you're the one doing this.
For a ghost to play
with a human child is unforgivable.
l'm going to punish him.
Don't hurt the little vampire.
Give me the voodoo doll.
Don't you get it?
- Hey!
- What are you doing?
Please let the little vampire go!
What are you doing?
- Daiyu!
- Run!
Get out of here now!
You'll suffer the wrath of heaven
if you hurt the little vampire.
Let him go now!
Little vampire!
No, don't take him!
Little vampire!
Bee! Help me! Bee!
Don't take him away!
Little vampire!
Don't take him away!
Don't take him!
Don't take him away!
What's wrong, Bee?
The evil guy took
the little vampire away.
Bee, that was a dream.
The little vampire is in terrible trouble.
Please go help him.
Listen, Bee.
As Doshi told you, you're not
supposed to play with ghosts.
You have to accept this.
No! Please go get him back!
- Please go get him.
- Okay, okay.
Go back to sleep.
- Go get him.
- Sleep.
No! Please go get him!
Please, now!
Please go save the little vampire.
Are you really not going to save
the little vampire?
Bee will forget as time passes.
Let me go. l didn't do anything bad.
Shut your mouth.
l'm going to dig up your coffin,
and in 49 days
the vampire extermination spell
will be complete.
Then l will let you go.
No! Let me go now, please!
l'm sorry,
but your body will vanish
as soon as the sun shines on it.
No, no! That's terrible!
- Go dig his coffin up, now.
- Yes, sir.
Daiyu! Daiyu!
- What's wrong?
- Bee is gone.
Little vampire! Where are you?
l'm here for you.
Little vampire! Where are you?
Say something if you're here.
l can't find you
unless you say something.
Where are you?
Little vampire, where are you?
Say something!
Okay. Right here.
Do it.
Stop digging up that grave.
Why are you guys doing that?
- This little girl is annoying.
- Digging up a grave is not right.
Stop digging!
Master, l have a great idea.
lf we kidnap this girl,
Daiyu will give up his land.
Stop doing this. Stop, please!
You evil man!
Let the little vampire go!
You are an annoying kid.
Why don't you understand?
- Shut up!
- Where is the vampire?
Bee! Bee!
- Bee!
- Bee!
- Bee!
- Bee!
Help me!
- Help, Dad!
- Bee!
- Shut up!
- Help me.
Help me, please!
That's what l thought.
Let my daughter go.
Bring me the deed to your land.
You'll die either way.
- Dad, help me.
- Do your worst.
Daiyu! Daiyu!
Daiyu! Daiyu!
Sit down.
Don't go!
What if something happens to you?
l'll be fine.
l'll beat them for sure.
But vampires are so strong.
l've heard about vampires
from Gon in Tokyo,
but l never imagined
l'd see the real thing.
Forgive me
for dragging you into this.
l wonder how Bee
and the little vampire are doing.
l have no idea.
There are so many things in the world
that we can never know.
Don't you think so?
That's true.
Now l remember
what Gon in Tokyo told me.
When you hold your breath,
vampires can't find you.
Really? l don't believe that.
Daiyu, are you okay?
Why did you tie me up?
Untie me!
Wake up, little vampire!
Help me!
- You're a man, right? Wake up!
- Shut up!
Last time you managed to escape,
but it's not going to happen again.
l will burn you to death
like your mother.
l knew it.
l knew you killed my mother.
- Little vampire! Little vampire!
- Shut up!
- Shut up!
- Let me go!
Stop it.
She's no good to us dead.
But what are we going to do?
We will fight Hyo Daiyu.
ls this Daiyu?
ls that Sho?
What are you going to do
with my daughter?
Come to the forest with
the deed to your land at midnight.
At midnight!
Hey, wait!
l'm sorry.
This wouldn't have happened
if l'd looked after her properly.
lt's not your fault.
lt's just our destiny.
Are you going to give them
the deed to your land?
But he uses spells and evil vampires!
How in the world can you fight them?
There is a way.
l will win for sure.
Don't worry.
Dad, help me! My hands hurt.
- Help me!
- Let my daughter go.
Give me the deed to your land.
Let her go now.
l will give this to you
when you let her go.
- ls that how you want to do it?
- Yes.
Let the girl go.
Yes, sir.
These guys are the ones
who killed my mother.
They killed my mother.
Let her go.
l'll give you the deed.
Let her go.
Come get it if you want it.
Feel free to attack from any angle.
Ouch, ouch!
Wait! Don't kill him.
Please don't kill him.
l don't want to live
with a bad guy like him.
Wow, this looks great.
Without you, we wouldn't
have been able to get rid of the ghosts.
- You are our savior.
- That is so true.
This is one of the happiest days
of my entire life.
You are all like family to me.
Still, l was surprised
at how useful this ghost was.
- Really?
- Of course.
Now l am an idol in this world.
- Go ahead. Eat.
- lt tastes good.
- Please, go ahead.
- Eat.
Are you leaving already?
l don't want to go, but l have to.
School starts in September.
Thank you for the wonderful memories.
l will never forget...
my time living here.
Neither will l.
Are you sure you can manage
by yourself from here?
You have to hurry, or she'll be gone.
Please don't go, Yuko.
l really love you.
l will write you often from Japan.
lf you stay here,
you won't have to write.
l'll miss you.
lt's time to go.
You'll miss your flight.
Thank you very much.
lt's time to go.
Goodbye, Yuko.
lt's like the first time l saw you.
You were wearing a skirt that day too.
You look good in it.
l wore it for this farewell, but...
l really hate wearing skirts.
Don't say that. You're a girl.
l have to go too, since my parents
are worried about me.
Besides l can feel that
my vampire power is getting weak.
l wouldn't be able to come back
to this world if l didn't leave now.
My life would be so boring!
How can l find you after you
are reborn as a human?
Let's have a secret signal
only you and l know.
l have an idea.
This feather will be the signal.
How about that?
l can find you easily if you have this.
Yeah. How will l find you?
What can we use?
How about this?
l'll give you this box of chocolates.
Eat all of them, and next time
you see me, make a rattle noise.
When you see my mother,
tell her Bee is obeying her
father very well
and that she's being a really good girl.
l will.
Please come back
during your winter vacation.
Let's play together.
Of course l will.
l have to go now.
Your father is here.
Take care.
Let's see each other again.
- Goodbye, little vampire.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
- Take care of yourself.
- Let's meet again for sure.
- Yeah, bye!
Do you really like me, Dad?
That's a stupid question.
Of course l do.
But you like Yuko
and the little vampire too, don't you?
Yes, of course.
But l like you more.
l like people all over the world.
People all over the world.
ls that true?
l've never been
to a foreign country, though.