Shark Night 3D (2011)

Night Shark
That ESTs doing?
Please do not take off the top.
Not har.
I have it.
You're a pervert.
- You want it?
- Thanks
This is not a nude beach.
- Irsa look
- No
Go eat something.
You're so bad.
Here we go.
ESTs Why not packing?
Is supposed to be ah.
Shut up, answer me when
you get to the dock.
Listen everyone has sndrome premenstrual
Wonsaw in the field of battle again.
Gordon, you can shut
up a second?
That's Kremlin shooting?
Sorry, couldnt distinguish
the enemy.
Seriously, you're
finished with me.
You can come and help me?
These guys kill me estn.
Yes, because playing Xbox is what I
pass the semiannual har medicine.
Low reljate books and a second.
I can not relax, because we are all in
a graduation program for 7 years.
Can not hear you because you're
losing cargu and game points.
Tom 6 months I get those points.
I have a new companion
who knows how to play.
So long, boys.
Malik, who ...?
- ... What happens?
- I'll kick your ass.
The athletic department has the
best guardian of the campus?
You know you need an average
to continue my scholarship.
And without that I have to go.
Untitled ...
... I will have to live in 410.
- And we already have that.
- True
Thanks, Gordon.
Come here, Nick.
I do not want to go all.
I said come here Nick.
B +. Nene.
- What?
- Yes.
Now I return the favor.
We will celebrate Crosby Lake.
No. ..
... I can not. I have the semester.
A final on Monday ...
Let Sarah Paskis house.
Sarah Paskis.
Lake ready, baby?
Yes, now I can not speak Mayan.
- His name?
- No s, does not ask.
Be ready in 30 min or 15
if you know what does.
You're so bad.
- Look at this.
- What?
Proponrselo I'm thinking
this weekend.
A little wine by the fire.
And I hope all ends well.
You taking steroids?
We should not talk about it.
You are the eleccin
of every woman.
We expect a great life in the sport
full of estrper and bars.
Why esposarte want
a piece of ass?
- G. I do not like sluts.
- I if I have a lot.
- And I need for that.
- True, love.
Maya was with me when
he was poor.
And she deserves when improved.
You are a disgrace to
modern athletes.
- What?
- What about dogs?
I know you.
"Introduction to the human
body," last semester.
I was pleased to draw your genitals
every Tuesday and Wednesdays.
Great. You're welcome.
Hi guys.
If you want candy just
have to enter the car.
Hello baby.
- There is room for one more?
- Yes.
- We will tro.
- Shut up.
If you want to share
space with me.
Good boy.
- Ah Divirtanse reverse.
- Not what I thought habamos.
Tendrs probably get drunk.
She did not let him see her
private parts sober.
In fact no attempt to see
anyone's private parts.
Yes, but if you should see sers Dr.
quizs a naked woman.
- I have seen many naked women.
- The bodies do not count.
That hars?
Hars one of your incredible
music tapes?
They are incredible.
No disrespect to them.
For starters, your
mam loves and ...
... I'm not sure there
is a connection.
I see what happened est here.
Try to make the hard
and prove anything,
because you are too cowardly
to tell him you want.
Meanwhile someone will come
and bring that rabbit.
And will have the pleasure of listening
to your vagina mourn every night.
I expected a lot of fun.
You know what?
Take this and are
done as babies.
Be fun.
S that you're scared because you're like
a virgin, but pensars something.
That's not funny.
What are you looking at?
You've officially scared.
The pay.
Only those articles.
You're a nice show, cutie.
What did you say?
You expect a good amount.
What the hell did you say?
As "your mommy speaks English."
I can give English lessons
in my truck if you want.
What? Say it again.
Give me my classes.
What's the matter boy?
Who are you calling boy?
, Because this is
about to get bad.
Malik, vmonos.
Try not to destroy the face.
What happens here?
It's just a misunderstanding.
Red drank a lot today.
My name is Reid and
I am a alcoholics.
Sarah Paskis. Look at you.
Are you doing college life?
I need a aoms.
You're majoring in English?
Wait, Jam guess.
I have to go.
It was great to see you, Dennis.
Lindos friends, Sarah.
Seriously, I almost
put another scar.
Sorry, they're harmless.
You are ready for you, Sarah.
Divirtanse on the island.
- You have your own boat?
- Incredible
Have your own island?
Want to drive the boat?
- Really?
- Yes, est assured.
Est good.
Not ready.
Well done. Funny.
Always so hot here?
Yes, I am warm and safe you too.
I'm sweating, I say.
I look sweaty?
I say no ...
- Hide the beer.
- Aguntense the boat!
What are you doing, Sarah?
Sarah, stop!
Oh God mo.
Quizs should stop a second.
- Sarah, slowly.
- This detrs us.
Well, well Seorita.
Deberas consider yourself ...
... Invincible todava.
- Hey Sarah.
- Hey, sheriff.
- I hardly recognized him with the mustache.
- Yes, I'm a serious demeanor.
Will have to convince your pap that
I buy one of these ALGN day.
These are some of your
colleagues at school?
Yeah, something like that.
As the business of
fighting crime?
Same as always.
Complaints of excessive
noise, hooks stuck.
Trame draw a beer.
- Want a beer?
- If not?
Take two, sheriff
- Take 2, sheriff.
- Thanks
Hey, as is as fun?
This is what the university?
- Nice ...
- The sheriff todava young.
- Well done
- The sheriff todava can.
Tomorrow will come, tell your
mam to stop the mail.
It may take tomorrow,
tell your mam.
What good to see you, Sarah.
It's good to see you
again, Sarah.
It has been 3 long years.
- Thanks
- See you.
Thank you, sheriff.
Nice to meet you all.
We guys.
Then lord?
Want to talk to Sarah despus
of this or not?
Cul is your story?
She goes out with someone?
It's a bit weird, we
know for 3 years,
... I have not seen out with
anyone or go to a party.
Always walk with the dog.
Come on, go for l.
Good boy.
Now, now ...
Oh come on, very bad.
Never you will understand,
you're the worst.
If, at this point if.
- Ready for this?
- If
My God, look at this ...
Wait ... espralo ...
- Oh come ...
- Oh no, l do not har.
- Yes.
- That's horrible.
When you leave that out
with a toy and real.
Truth? You have someone in mind?
If I can show you my secrets
here Erotic same ...
We can do something
here, est good.
Dejmoslos all in shock.
Quin is the field in the world?
- Careful, Malik.
- Talk to Superman.
Do it for me.
As it is, heaven ...
- Great.
- You see it?
Let's take a walk.
We turn around ...
- My God ...
- Care.
Ms Quick, come on.
Accelerate ...
Damn, turns ...
- What happened?
- The cay.
- You see?
- Malik.
NEDA hell is?
Stop playing.
Est Ah ...
Help ...
What the hell pas?
Levntalo ...
Slowly ...
Gordon, called for help.
- Here there is no reception.
- Intntalo.
- We must stop the bleeding.
- You have a botiqun?
If est in the house.
- Shit, I do not grasp anything.
- Follow intentndolo.
- Damn ...
- What happened?
- You passed over.
- No, cay.
- You saw it.
- Nothing so starts the arm.
- Clmate ...
- ATRS, rare.
- Idiot.
- Detnganse ...
Just driving, and
cay, you saw it.
Malik, you hear me?
Find a Long Branch ...
You hear me?
Be careful.
Put pressure ...
Maya, Keep your head up.
Give me your telephone, we ...
Wait, What the hell
are you doing?
Nick, hurry up.
Shit ...
A tiburn is crazy,
this is a lake.
- A salt lake.
- What does that mean?
- It is not impossible.
- Think you can save him?
If you find a surgeon soon.
- Cunto have?
- Two hours away from
the hospital est?
About two hours.
Ok, everyone out of the boat.
Sarah will take us and
I will keep you safe,
We delay ... the dems.
You qudense here, send
someone soon.
And do not enter the water.
All being well, Malik.
Est good, do not worry,
we will save your arm.
Sarah, detn the pot.
Nothing ... aguntate.
Let Sarah.
Aguntate Maya, Sarah ms fast.
Sarah, more quickly.
What happened?
- Broke the timne.
- Stop ...
I can not ... I can not stop it.
We have to leave the boat ...
Come friend, we gotta go.
- List?
- Yes.
- We ..
- God mo.
We have to attract someone here.
I saw a flare in the house boat.
- Maya est dead.
- Yes, but do not tell.
- But est dead.
- You can not hear.
To assist, we have to calm down.
- This is a nightmare.
- Listen, okay?
S you're scared, we all have.
You brought us here,
is your fault.
Boys clmense.
And Beth?
I was going to sue when the
pill you took effect.
Wait ...
Qudate here, cudalo.
Well, hello guys ...
These guys help us.
As it is, man.
There was an accident,
we need your help.
It hurt playing.
I hope not much,
... We have things to do.
Damn, it's a problem.
Relax, they do not know.
If we do not know.
Not now ...
If, university, do not know?
Her name was Maya, and est dead.
By God, your friend
in trouble est.
We must bring them
to the shore ...
Wait ...
they can not deal with
that problem.
Wait a transfer or worse.
They have to take him to St.
We can not move, has
lost much blood.
We have to keep it safe.
As soon as we can,
call for help.
- Quin coming with us?
- I
No, not Beth.
I'll stay here for more time,
I'll get my things.
ESTS safe?
Est messed up now
... Not left alone in
that boat with them.
You saw what he did to our boat.
Do not worry, nothing
will happen,
.. And less with this.
This paralyzes whatever
approach the boat.
Nothing happened.
Although we always pass this.
Thanks Dennis, I owe you.
No, we are well Sarah.
How you feeling friend?
It hurts.
Comes the doctor and will
put the arm back.
If I fail, no s to tell.
Sola be so happy.
Preocupmonos by returning
you well.
A NEDA was? Where est?
- She who?
- She ...
She who? MRAM.
Est NEDA Maya?
I'm so sorry.
Friend, I appreciate the help.
Better sit down,
.. And enjoy the view.
I keep seeing his face.
- We should not leave.
- Do not stop pruning.
I could have jumped after her.
You can not get this,
do not earn anything,
.. And never end.
Why they came through
these 3 years?
All the rich girls
of summer here,
... Is aimed at diving
lessons Dennis Crim.
l was a very attractive blonde,
... With sexy blue eyes.
Some type of teen fantasy.
For two summers we did
everything together.
And I went to college,
... And l never leave the water.
As we broke up.
Then a few days before
having to leave,
... I take my favorite dive
site to say goodbye.
We were down for a few minutes
... For the moment
couldnt breathe.
I thought my computer was
broken, I made signs,
... And I only mir.
I walked over to me
your air pass,
... And away from me.
My God.
Somehow managed to
reach the surface,
... I sub pens to the boat
and leave it there.
He cut his face with
his propeller.
It was an accident.
Taking him to hospital Despus
ms never return.
It was apropsito.
You have reason, never
bring them here deb.
All being well, we'll be fine.
I really want to believe.
My eyes estn here.
Yes, NEDA estn your eyes.
Why not keep this as more
friendly as possible?
- Cun big?
- Forgiveness?
Cun big?
The tiburn who attacked,
cun big was it?
S not, we did not.
- Debi tiburn be a bull.
- Why?
Because in places estn damn ms.
A couple of years, one came
up the river Missouri.
How the hell I get to the lake?
Tuvimosuna bad hurricane season.
I guess you came up
with the flood,
.. And ended here.
He liked it and stayed.
Or it could be something else.
What do you do?
Baltimore's the rules,
you take one of mine,
.. And I get one of yours.
Do not be crazy, salt water.
The kill.
I have to.
No, we were out for help.
- Maya est dead.
- I know
No, you do not.
You know a lot but have no
idea what happens here.
It was my life, was the only
one who couldnt lose.
We're guys, right?
As you come adnde returning.
How do I find?
I will not do, I found my.
Hey, What about the engine?
Nothing happens.
Why stop?
We have to go by the doctor.
- Sit down.
- Do
We can do it in 5 minutes.
For showtime.
Malik, please.
Come on.
This is not well.
Why has the computer on?
Dude, you want a new friend?
I Gordon79 if you want
to maintain contact.
Stand up, need help.
- Do not stop.
- Okay.
What can I do?
You enter the water.
What? No, I will not.
- Ok, ok ...
- The water, now ...
Clmense, well est ...
Listen I can not enter the
water, there is ...
Sharks? If you know.
- Who do you think put them there?
- God
Ok, ok, just ...
Denis, please do not make me ...
- No, no ...
- Already got the time ...
Soon you play.
I told you to sea.
The tiburn I saw was not this.
Nad with him and other tiburn
was completely different.
- Insurance?
- Yes.
S not like demons came here.
During hurricane season,
... Opened the flood gates,
... Came from the Gulf
quizs, I have no idea.
Quizs someone put them there.
- What the hell is that?
- A camera.
- I'll take the other side.
- Are you talking about?
- Cun acuta fast is your bike?
- I think you should wait ...
No, mralo, how much more
you want to wait?
You can not take it
back to water.
I sit here and watch
him die, or help me?
Who are you?
That cute, you know better.
- Qutate clothing.
- Fuck you both.
Ok, ok ...
I love her tits.
Oh yeah,
... Tremendous body you have.
This I like.
Reljate ...
The scars give character.
Just a little.
You know how many species
of sharks are there?
There are 350.
As it is, a lot.
I dived with them forever,
... With all
... Types.
Well, I've only seen, how much?
... But this morning dive
and guess what we found.
There are now 46.
- I feel what happened.
- Do not worry, llvalo safe.
Put the left chambers.
What is that?
It's nice, no?
Force is called photo.
That means light.
You have to do?
That's right.
Commonly known as
a shark biscuit.
ah have kids.
Ms stranger You know them?
They swallow their own teeth.
As is the only way
we get calcium,
.. Because the normal diet
is more than skin,
... Meat.
Squenme from here.
Hold it there ...
That's a friend.
The end.
Guys, what gives?
- Came? Est in the hospital?
- Okay?
- Wait ...
- No shipping?
The fire ...
What the hell is that?
Hang friend ... almost there.
With me? Almost there.
I do not care, I want to tell
everyone at the lake already.
And physicians asegrate
there waiting.
We have more boats on the water
and around the world mobilized
... Find them.
- Are you okay?
- If
I think he fainted.
Tmalo the legs.
ESTS good friend?
Do not take with me, Blake.
Malik, no ...
No, no, no ...
Sleep like a baby, the
stress sure what tumb.
Why do not you want
a cold towel?
- And woke him.
- Something more?
No, all quenecesito est ah ...
Well chilled.
What is it, sheriff?
You missed a tremendous party,
... Did a blood shake
that girl tattooed.
I want the blonde bring here,
to have fun right.
I just saved your ass, Greg.
If they stopped those
fights ATRS past
... Will make a lovely couple.
Why do want to run?
Complicates everything, you
should have to sleep ...
- Sleep well, baby.
- Good shot, companion.
Est NEDA Nick?
That's your guy now?
Knows how to listen well.
- Where?
- Playing with the sheriff.
Dennis Why do this?
Sorry, do not listen,
... You can spread it on
I heard that break down.
It was an accident,
I swear it was.
I was choking, not breathing
pruning ...
But you did not.
Sure you left here?
For sure I remember waking up in the
hospital with a shattered face.
Sorry, sorry ...
Hell, I told you not
bring the dog.
Come on, need attention.
- Get rid of l.
- We quedrnoslo?
Of course not.
- It's so cute, mralo.
- Get rid of it.
Damn ...
Tiger sharks,
... Also known raquins
are perfect.
They eat everything, cans,
... Stupid college.
If people love to see that.
What To speak?
We started with it last month.
This regression us a guy
who threw the lake.
What is this?
S is not good but will answer
with a question.
Cul is the ms cable
program seen?
The past year was seen by
over 21 million people.
Sharkweek, and some
of those millions,
... Want to see something they
can not see on cable.
And we bet you pay much for it.
Estn sick.
Now that does not exist, everything
is relative morality.
Remember Faces of Dead?
A murder recorded, banned
in 40 passes,
... And 8 years NIO can download
it for free on the Internet.
Come on, someone has
to increase quality.
... The chambers that
we use are the same,
.. They used in the March
of the Emperors.
Morgan Freeman will be great
if you bend your death,
... At the hands of this
beautiful animal.
Sarah is what happens.
Tena 18 years, tena fear
sabacmo not act,
... And couldnt look at me,
how you may look at you?
You have scars on the inside?
It's been 3 years,
... Up to acrcarme here.
Come here to fix it
... I am.
I am therefore never
forget that, ever.
- Quiet.
- Shut up ...
opens the cage now.
- Quiet.
- Shut up ...
Carl, almost done, wake
up to the big girl
... Time to have fun.
Hundreds of years of evolution
perfected these babies.
They can smell a drop of blood,
.. Thousands of miles.
You do not have no sense.
Sure, leave my position
of janitor at the lake
... Let someone else be
driven by rich kids.
Sheriff delayed telling me,
... Because you bought Nick,
and I'm your dueo.
And now I want to sell.
No, no, no ....
Oh yeah ...
Pretend it's a carnival,
as a attraction.
Nick, you know it's
almost enough,
... Likely to die by a tiburn.
Think you break tremendous odds.
I love heavy metal,
... I love,
... Leather pants,
... The sheriff can
grant a peticin.
Guns nos,
... Sheriff.
Want me am, that's ...
This is my favorite.
Scame, Nick.
Dennis, you have to do this.
No, please do not ...
We had our good times, Sarah.
What you do, you do?
Dennis, please scam here.
- Scala.
- Nick.
- Scala ...
- Come on, Dennis.
Ok, well ...
Sarah, it seems that
it's your lucky day.
Est your savior here.
Want to play poker?
You have to see what
cards you have.
- Nick.
- Hang Sarah.
- Detrs you.
- Nick.
Good boy ...
Vamo, we ...
Come on, breathe ...
Ok, if ....
Is over ...
! Thanks!