Shark Tale (2004)

- [Jaws theme]
- [gulps]
[muffled shriek]
- Hi. l'm Lenny.
- [muffled speech]
Oh, little buddy, did l scare you?
l'm sorry.
Wake up. Okay, don't worry about it,
l'll get you out in a jiffy.
Keep holding your breath, little wormie.
- Yo, Lenny.
- l'm coming, Frankie.
- [Frankie] Move it. Pop's waiting.
- Here we go. And gotcha.
Okay, buddy, you're free.
Now escape.
Just go. Cry freedom.
- You almost gave me a heart attack.
- What are you doing?
l was just...
picking you some flowers.
Hey, Mom said it's not okay to hit.
Mom's not here.
[hums Jaws theme]
[Lenny] Don't.
- That song gives me the creeps.
- Whaddya mean? lt's our theme song.
[interference] Are they gone?
Are they gone?
You sure?
Good morning, Southside Reef.
I'm Katie Current, keeping it current.
We've received official confirmation
the sharks are gone.
I repeat: the sharks are gone.
Don't worry
Don't worry
About a thing
Every little thing
Is gonna be all right
Don't worry
About a thing
Tuna Turner.
Mussel Crowe.
Jessica Shrimpson.
Cod Stewart.
[seal barks]
[Katie] Up next, a mother of 800
tells us how she does it all.
But first, over to Janice
for the traffic report.
Thanks, Katie. Slight congestion
here on the InterReef 95.
There's an overturned mackerel.
Authorities are trying to calm him down.
Get out those shell phones and call in
to the boss, 'cause you'll be late.
[garbled yelling]
Don't you yell at me.
My mother is your mother, okay.
[ragga scatting]
- Yup. lt's fake.
- Fake? l worked eight years on that.
About a thing
Every little thing
Is gonna be all right
According to the latest Scallop Poll,
fear of sharks is at an all-time high.
Join us tonight for an in-depth report.
How long must this reef
live under siege?
Is there no hero among us?
Who can stop this shark menace?
Hi, l'm Oscar. You might think you know,
but you have no idea.
[rap music]
Welcome to my crib. The good life,
the way the other half lives.
Check it out,
l got my 60'' high-def, flat-screen TV
with 6-speaker surround,
CD, DVD, PlayStation hook-up
and an 8-track player for days when
you're feeling a little... [beatbox]
old school. [laughs]
'Cause even a superstar
Mack daddy fish like me
has to have the basic necessities.
Yeah, like money. [laughs]
Come on, Shorties.
Why ya'll messin' with my fantasy?
'Cause you so broke,
your baloney has no first name.
That's very funny.
Hey, Oscar.
Over here. l gotta talk to ya.
- Be right there. Hang onto these.
- Oscar, you da fish.
Yo, doo.
Yo, Crazy Joe.
Now that you live in that penthouse,
can l be your financial advisor?
That's a billboard, Crazy Joe.
You live in a billboard?
And they call me crazy.
- Hey, Oscar. Look who came to visit.
- [shrieks]
- [Shorties] Gotcha.
- No. Don't do that.
- Shouldn't you be in school?
- Shouldn't you be at work?
Right back at me, huh?
Little smart mouth.
Look, l'm on my way.
Stay outta trouble, all right?
- And clean that stuff up.
- See ya.
[ intro from Car Wash]
[ intro from Car Wash]
See ya, Oscar. [laughs]
Say what, say what
Car wash, car wash
Yo, what's up, fellas?
Big O's in the house.
What's up?
Hey. Reef side.
- Yo, Johnson, is it lunch yet?
- You just got here.
That's my point.
Hey, Headphone Guy.
- Lookin' good, ladies.
- Hey, Oscar.
Keep up the bad work.
l'm already punched in?
Good morning. Can l help you?
[deep] One wash and lube, please.
- Hot wax?
- Please.
Kelp scrape? We're having a special.
Why not? lt is mating season,
and l'm feelin' lucky.
Sykes' Whale Wash.
A whale of a wash, and the price,...
oh, my gosh.
Mm-hm. Mm-hm.
May l suggest a barnacle peel?
Removes lines and salt damage.
- Good.
- Hey, Ang.
- Oh, my gosh. Hi, Oscar.
- Thanks for covering for me.
Yo, l'm sorry, Dun.
Angie needs to get her freak on.
Would you hold for one moment, please?
- Oscar.
- Come on, Ang. Dance with me, mama.
Let me see it.
Tomorrow I will be rich...
- Come on.
- Oscar. You're gonna get me fired.
Please, you fired?
That can't happen.
'Cause then l would have
absolutely no reason to come to work.
Oh, you don't mean that.
Course l do. You're like my best friend.
Listen, tell me
what you think about this.
This is like the best idea ever,
all right.
lt's a sure thing,
guaranteed cash extravaganza.
- Bottled water.
- Oh, no.
All l need is an advance
on my paycheck from the boss
and, Ang, l am out of this place.
l mean, l am... pschoo!
lnstead of getting in Mr. Sykes' face
with another get-rich-quick scheme,
go do something
you're actually good at: your job,
which by some miracle you still have.
l almost forgot.
- l brought you some breakfast.
- You didn't. Kelpy Kremes?
Your favorite.
By the way, you're still on hold.
Oh, my gosh!
Thank you for holding. Busy, busy.
Go. How can l help you?
[muffled voice]
No, l'm sorry.
Mr. Sykes is at a meeting right now.
He won't be back till later.
How are my little babies this morning?
You miss me? You doin' good?
Huh? Huh?
You see, Sykes,
it's a fish-eat-fish world.
You either take or you get taken.
Truer words have never been spoken.
ls that it? We done?
Now, you and me, we worked together
a long, long, long time.
Please, Don Lino,
it's hardly been like work.
- You know...
- l love that about you.
Let me finish.
That l've lived my life for my sons.
- Raising and protecting them...
- You're the best!
He's the best, right?
Am l right or am l wrong? Am l right?
- lt's all been to prepare...
- Right?
- prepare them...
- Sorry.
...for the day they run the reef.
Well, today is that day.
- [sighs]
- [record scratches]
- [sighs]
- [record scratches]
I like big butts
And I cannot lie
You other brothers...
Hey, boss. Big Butts. [chuckles]
Oi vey!
Long story short, from now on
you work for Frankie and Lenny.
- Capiche?
- [Sykes laughs]
Lenny? Frankie, l understand.
But Lenny? You can't be serious.
l'm dead serious.
lt takes more than muscle to run things.
Now Lenny, he's got the brains.
That's somethin' special.
- He's special all right.
- What does that mean?
- Nothing. l'm just sayin'...
- l bring you in here,
look you in the eye,
tell you what's what, and what?
- What?
- What ''what''?
You said ''what'' first.
l didn't say what,
l asked you what.
You said ''And then, what?''
l said ''What?''
No, l said ''what what'', like what what?
- You said ''what'' first.
- Now you're making fun of me?
No, you misunderstood.
Sorry we're late, Pop.
Lenny had an accident. He was born.
Sorry we're late, Pop.
Lenny had an accident. He was born.
[sarcastic laugh] You're a comic genius.
Look, all l'm saying is
the kid ain't exactly no killer.
My Lenny is a killer. You hear me?
A cold-blooded killer. Look at him.
That's it! That's it! You are out!
[high-pitched] Whaddya mean l'm ''out?''
- You're fired.
- [Sykes screams]
And on top of that,
you're gonna have to start payin' me.
For what?
So nothing happens
to your little Whale Wash.
[Oscar] Welcome to Oscar's crib.
with canker sores, swim-in cavities,
and plankton-encrusted teeth
for when l feel a bit... [grunts]
old school.
Stop your moaning, Oscar.
lt could be a lot worse, you know.
That's true. l could have this job
and look like you. [laughs]
Who's behind me? Whoever's behind me
better give me some.
lndigestion. She's gonna blow!
Wait! Headphone Guy is still in there!
[dance music]
l got you, Headphone Guy!
- Still think it could be worse?
- Yeah. l could look like you.
Y'all funny.
Well, see if you laugh at this.
[whale moans]
Soap in the eye! Soap in the eye!
lt's all right.
l'll get you some coupons,
a free hot wax and all that.
You like that?
- All right, go ahead, big baby.
- Thanks, Oscar.
All right.
- Well, look who it is, Bernie.
- Just the fish we're looking for.
The boss be needin' to see you
right now.
- Right now.
- Ernie. Bernie.
My jellyfish brothers. Boo-ya-ka.
Hey, what's up, man?
Man, it's good to see y'all... Huh?
What'd you say, Ang? Okay.
Fellas, l'm gonna go ahead over there.
But don't worry
[beatbox] About a thing
'Cause every little thing
Is gonna be all right...
That's not the way
you sing that song, mon.
Sykes, my brother from another mother.
What the deezy, baby?
Show me dat.
What's goin' down?
Hey, baby, this is all gravy today.
Now snap your fin... Snap it.
- You're not snappin' it...
- Oscar.
Hey, don't sweat it.
A lot of white fish can't do it.
- Would you just sit down, okay?
- Thank you.
l've been goin' over my markers.
You're into me for five grand.
- 5 G's, okay?
- 5 G's? Man, you trippin'? 5 G's.
Oh, yeah?
See if this refreshes your memory.
That's crazy, look at that.
You wrote everything down
so you wouldn't forget.
This a perfect example of why
you're in management, and l'm not.
You go, boy.
l have to pay Don Lino protection,
so everything you owe me, you owe him.
- How you figure that?
- Simple. The food chain.
See, on top there's Don Lino.
There's me, and there's regular fish.
- That's me.
- No.
There's plankton, there's amoebas...
- Then there's me?
- l'm gettin' there.
There's coral, there's rocks, there's
whale pooh, and then there's you.
That's messed up.
So if Don Lino's squeezin' me,
he's squeezin' you.
- What?
- Oscar.
- Easy, boss, find your happy place.
- Happy place.
There is no happy place with him here.
[high-pitched] l'm serious.
Okay, please.
Please, just gimme some time.
That's all l'm asking.
l'm begging you, Sykes. Please. Please.
All right.
'Cause l like you,
l'm gonna give you 24 hours to pay up.
All of it?
How am l supposed to do that?
That's your problem. Bring my 5,000
clams to the track tomorrow, or else.
- Or else what?
- The boys'll explain.
[both laugh]
- [sizzling]
- [Oscar] Unpleasant.
[Angie] 5,000 clams?
You borrowed 5,000 clams
from Mr. Sykes?
Oscar, why do you get yourself
into these situations?
l don't know, Ang.
lt's just hard, all right,
because l'm a little fish in a big pond.
A really big pond.
The ocean.
l'm a nobody.
l want some of that.
- Mrs. Sanchez?
- What?
It's ladies' night,
Oh, what a night...
Ew. No. That.
The top of the reef.
Where the somebodies live.
l wanna be rich and famous like them,
but l'm stuck down here.
Well, what's wrong with down here?
l'll tell you what's wrong
with down here.
Remember my dad?
He worked at the Wash his whole life.
Ooh, child...
He was the number one tongue scrubber.
Every year for 25 years.
To me, working at the Wash
was the coolest job in the ocean.
But then I learned something
I will never forget.
Oscar's dad's a tongue scrubber!
Tongue scrubber! Tongue scrubber!
Tongue scrubber! Tongue scrubber!
Tongue scrubber! Tongue scrubber!
My dad was the greatest.
But nobody loves a nobody.
l want to be a somebody.
Oscar , you don't have to live
at the top of the reef to be a somebody.
What's the difference? lf l don't pay
Mr. Sykes back by tomorrow,...
l'm dead anyway, so...
Wait here.
What's this?
- A pink pearl?
- Mm-hm.
Where'd you get that?
My grandmother gave it to me.
She said it started
from a tiny grain of sand,
but then, after a while,
it grew into something beautiful.
Dreams can begin small too.
- No. No, l couldn't...
- Take it.
lt'll get you the money you need
for Mr. Sykes.
What do you mean, you don't understand?
We've been over it 1 ,000 times.
l don't want to have to say it again.
You're really giving me agita.
l don't know how else to say this.
You see something,
you kill it, you eat it. Period. Thanks.
That's what sharks do.
That's a fine tradition.
What's the matter with you? Your
brother Frankie, here, he's a killer.
- Thanks, Pop.
- He's beautiful.
He does what he's supposed to do.
Wipe your face.
But you... l'm hearin' things.
You gotta understand, when you
look weak it makes me look weak.
- l can't have that.
- l know, Pop, l'm sorry.
Lenny. Lenny. Look at me.
Look at me.
This handin' over the business,
it's for you, for both of yous,
and you're acting
like you don't even want it.
l need to know that
you can handle that.
All right. Right here,
in front of me now, eat this.
- [whimpers]
- Yeah. Gee, thanks, Pop.
Here's the thing.
l'm on a diet. l read an article about
these shrimps. They're not good for ya.
You know how many calories
are in one of those shrimps?
A lot.
lt's true.
lt's true and the other thing is,
my sister had a baby and l took it over
because she passed away
and then the baby lost its legs
and its arms
and now it's nothing but a stump
but l still take care of it with my wife
and it's growing and it's fairly happy,
but it's difficult 'cause l've been
working a second shift at the factory
to put food on the table,
but all the love l see in that little
guy's face makes it worth it in the end.
True story.
- [sobs]
- [sighs]
l'm not askin' you anymore.
l'm tellin' you. Eat it!
- No. Have mercy.
- Pop, please...
- Eat!
- No eat.
Son, eat the shrimp!
No, please.
- Lenny! Eat, eat, eat!
- Don't! Pop!
Put the shrimp down!
Go now. No one's looking.
Get out of here.
- You're free, now go.
- Thank you.
You're a good person.
Come on, fellas.
Pop, l can handle the reef.
lt's not a problem.
No. We're gonna do this as a family.
Frankie, l want you to take Lenny out,
show him the ropes.
- Come on, Pop.
- You're gonna learn how to be a shark.
Whether you like it or not.
[bell rings]
[bell rings]
That kid better show up
or he's dead meat.
Just say the word, boss.
Carrying a big ol' envelope full of
money, gonna give it to Mr. Sykes.
Hurry up. This is our chance,
we don't want to miss it.
- You sure?
- My trainer friend tipped me off.
The race is rigged. We can't lose.
- What's the horse's name?
- Lucky Day.
[speakers]...Lucky Day, at 200 to 1.
- We're gonna be rich!
- Rich!
Top of the reef, here l come.
No, wait. What am l doing?
Remember what Angie said.
Remember what Angie said.
What did Angie say?
Dreams can begin small.
You just have to... bet it all.
Bet it all!
[commentator] And Lucky Day wins.
[rap music]
Five thousand on Lucky Day to win.
That's 200 to one.
That would pay a million clams.
Well , l guess that makes me
Oscar the millionaire.
[echoes] The millionaire.
[echoes] The millionaire.
Lucky Day. Lucky Day.
She's dangerous, super bad
Better watch out, she'll take the cash
She's a gold digger
She's a gold digger
She's dangerous, super bad
Better watch out, she'll take the cash
She's a gold digger...
Nice bet.
- You got a name?
- [chuckles]
- You wanna tell me what it is?
- [chuckles]
Well, mine's Lola.
C'mon, man! Get your game face on!
So,... [chuckles] Lola, my name's...
My name is Oscar, sweetie.
[gasps] Mrs. Sanchez.
The hippity-hop smooth talk
don't work with me.
My bad. Hey, so...
Oscar. l was starting to think
you skipped out on me.
Sykes! l see you're already on your way
to the concession stand.
What are you doing?
Mind bringing us back some drinks?
That would be great, thanks.
And some of them
little wiener thingies.
- The ones with the toothpicks?
- Don't listen to him.
- Let me escort you to... my box.
- Your box?!
His box?! You can't even afford
the gum under the seats.
He just laid five grand on Lucky Day.
l think he can afford anything he wants.
- Five grand? My five grand?!
- No, it was another five grand.
You had the money to pay me back
and you bet it anyway?
- Hold up.
- Gimme that!
- Clearly l've made a mistake.
- No, no, wait! Lola!
Look. Deep down, l'm really superficial.
And don't get me wrong, you're cute,
but... you're a nobody.
Oscar, you cute, but you're a nobody.
[Ernie] Wait. Lola. Come back.
l'm not a nobody. l'm a wiener.
[Ernie and Bernie laugh]
You are unbelievable.
You're in trouble up to your gills
and still you're askin' for more.
Now go on, get in here.
Oscar, you better pray
that this horse of yours comes through.
Bettin' my five thousand.
Hey. Outta my seat.
You, outta my seat.
- Sit tight and watch the race.
- With your good eye.
[Ernie] Good eye.
[announcer] The horses are
at the post. And they're off!
Fish Fingers, then Seabiscuit
and Salmonella.
Lucky Day seems to be having trouble
getting out of the gate.
- What?
- Only a sucker would bet on that horse.
Don't sweat it.
He does this all the time. He's playin'.
What's this? Lucky Day is now
crashing his way through the gate,
and he's off and running.
Seabiscuit, Fish Fingers...
Please, Lucky Day.
Go fast.
Coming around the turn it's Seabiscuit
by a length and Lucky Day well behind.
And here comes Lucky Day,
coming up from behind,
passing Yellow Tail, Salmonella.
You see? Who's your fish now? Go.
Around the final turn,
here comes Lucky Day.
Lucky Day's now caught up
to Fish Fingers.
They're head to head. Neck to neck.
Lucky Day's ahead.
l'm tired just thinkin'
about countin' all of this money.
- Look at Lucky Day go.
- We're movin' on up
To the eastside...
[Commentator] Absolutely amazing!
This looks to be Lucky Day's big day.
It's Lucky Day.
What happened?
Lucky Day is down.
We're movin' on up to the east...
[rumbling, loud thud]
Here's Fish Fingers,
followed by Seabiscuit, Yellow Tail...
- And Fish Fingers wins.
- Wait. l just want to hold you.
No, Get outta my way.
Let me see, will ya?
Remember your ''happy place'', Sykes.
That's why they call him a long shot.
Yo, that was crazy, right? Who knew?
Everything's set, it's a lock,
we good to go, we in the money,
and he trips underwater.
Who in the halibut trips underwater?
- And by the way, on what?
- That's it. That's it, l've had it.
[high-pitched] Ernie. Bernie.
Find the deepest hole in the ocean
and when you do, dig deeper.
And put him in it.
Sorry, kid. lt's nothing personal.
lt's just business.
Don't worry
About a thing
'Cause every little thing
Is gonna be all right
- This is how you sing it, Oscar.
- Yeah.
Sykes, he like you, mon.
Him say take it easy on you.
- But Sykes is not here. [laughs]
- True.
Ernie, let me ask you a question.
Yeah, mon? Go on.
Why is it that me locks
can sting other people,
but they have no effect on me or you?
- [zap]
- [screams]
Ernie. l didn't mean it, Ernie.
l didn't mean it, man. Ernie.
Ernie, you made a joke.
Good one, man. Respect.
Frankie, you know l can't do this.
[Frankie] lf you wanna make Pop happy,
you've gotta kill something.
[Lenny] Or, l could find an old, sick
fish and just wait.
[Frankie] lt's gettin' around,
your thing at the restaurant.
You know how fish talk.
This, that, the other. How you doin'?
Boom. Forget it, you're dead.
Okay, seriously, l can't understand
wise guy so be more specific.
Specific? You want specific?
Be a shark for once in your life.
- What am l gonna do?
- Lenny, forget about it, okay?
We do a couple of practice runs,
badda-bing badda-boom, Pop's happy,
you're a shark, life goes on. Capiche?
Okay. Okay, capiche.
Right there. Dead ahead. You see it?
TV dinner. Don't get easier than this.
All right. Come on.
Eye of the tiger.
Frankie, l can do this.
What if l can't do this?
- Then don't bother comin' home.
- Good point. All right.
Hit him in the tail again.
- l like the funny face he make.
- Yeah.
- Ernie.
- Blow out.
[muffled shouts]
Guys? Guys? Don't leave me alone.
Come on, there could be sharks out here.
Oh, no. Wait. l'm sorry.
No, no, no. l'm not gonna...
- Lenny. Like this.
- What?
[Lenny] Oh, no.
[Lenny groans]
Just get it over with.
Wait a minute.
Do me a favor, don't chew me.
- l'm not for that.
- l'm not gonna eat you.
Don't do the whole
head trip thing with me.
Listen to me.
Don't move until l tell you.
- [growls]
- Ahhh! Back up.
That's it, Len. There you go, buddy.
That's it. Wave those fins, baby.
Dig in.
[snarls] Look, l'm just pretending
so you can get away.
Now, when l turn around, you take off.
Tastes just like chicken.
Mmm. Mmm.
Oh, no.
- What did l tell you?
- l'm sorry, l didn't get it.
- You want me to go now?
- Just go.
That's it. l've had it up to here.
- Oh, no.
- Hurry, swim.
- No, Frankie, wait.
- No! Get your boy, get your boy!
- [clang]
- [thudding]
[distant rumbling]
[gasps] Frankie.
- [thud]
- [Frankie] Lenny?
- Lenny, is that you?
- l'm here, Frankie.
- Come closer.
- Yes, what is it?
l'm so cold.
That's just because we're cold-blooded.
- Ow!
- Moron.
Frankie, no...
[wails] No!
This is all my fault.
l'm so sorry, Frankie.
How am l ever
going to explain this to Pop?
- [sobs] Oh, no.
- [Oscar squeaks]
Back up. l'm crazy. l be trippin'.
- [makes kung fu noises]
- Whoa!
What the...
- [shrieks]
- [both shriek]
Don't hurt us. We're sorry.
lt was all Ernie's idea.
Oscar. Did you kill that shark?
Uh... yeah.
Exactly how it look,
that's how it is.
What happened?
You wanna know what happened?
Yeah. You're standing on top of a shark.
Go on, man.
Well, l'll tell you what happened.
Big ol' shark,
about 75, 1 00-feet long.
- So he's swimming at me, right?
- [crowd gasp]
- With teeth like razors.
- Razors.
And l was, like,
you're gonna come at me like that?
You're gonna come
at the ''O'' like that?
Do the muscle thing, the muscle thing.
Oh, right.
So l told that dude, ''You see this guy?''
and l pointed like this.
Well, he's got a brother.
And he lives right over here.
And l think it's time
for a little family reunion.
- [laughs]
- [crowd cheer]
You see, mon. l told you.
We were right there.
[lady fish] Pardon me.
- Move it!
- Oh. Sorry.
- She seems so nice on TV.
- Oscar, Katie Current.
As the first fish in history to ever
take on a shark and win, tell me:
Does this mean you're now protector
of the reef, new sheriff in town?
Katie, l'm gonna keep it real.
- l can call you Katie?
- Of course.
Any shark try to mess around
in Oscartown is goin' down.
Yeah, it's poetic.
In the heat I get poetic.
Oscar. Hmm.
Get out of here, you barracudas. Any
further questions will be fielded by me.
- And you are?
- l'm his manager.
- Sykes, with a ''y''.
- And l'm his financial advisor.
You want to see my puppets?
[raspy voice] Hello.
Could you excuse us
for a moment, please?
- My manager?
- Kid, you're a superstar.
- We're gonna make a fortune.
- What about the 5 G's?
Forget the 5 G's.
We're partners now.
- So what are we talking about?
- l'm thinkin' 90-1 0 split?
- That's generous.
- You're the 1 0, l'm 90.
- l don't think so.
- Talk to me.
- You get 1 5.
- 70.
- 20.
- 75.
Dude, you're goin' the wrong way.
- You happy?
- No. You?
- No.
- Deal.
My manager and l are now prepared
to take your questions.
Oscar, are you going to continue
working here at the Wash?
Please, l barely work here now.
Keep it up, kid. You're slayin' 'em.
No. He's slayin' sharks.
Hey, that's good.
That's good, l like that.
Oscar the Sharkslayer.
Whoa! A sharkslayer.
[Katie] You heard it here first.
From now on, any shark tries
to bother this reef, it's his funeral.
[shark] Nomine Patri, et Filii,
et Spiritus Sancti.
I could fly higher than an eagle
If you are the wind beneath my wings
- Frankie, we'll miss you.
- [All] To Frankie.
lt's a terrible thing, Don Lino.
Everybody loved Frankie.
May whoever did this
die a thousand deaths.
May his stinking, maggot-covered
corpse rot in the fiery depths of hell.
Thank you for your kind thoughts,
Oh, and may Lenny be found safe
and sound too. Hope he's okay.
Oh, Lenny...
- Don't worry, boss.
- l said some things to him...
We gotta find him.
We're searching everywhere.
Forget about it, he'll turn up.
What's wrong with that kid?
Why's he gotta be so different?
Frankie, God rest his soul,
he was perfect. Perfect.
Oh... Luca. Who could have done this?
Oh... Luca. Who could have done this?
[clears throat]
Don Lino, at this most difficult time,
please accept my deepest condolences.
Thank you, Don Feinberg,
for honoring my son with your song.
l got some news,
about the guy who took out Frankie.
- [breaks wind]
- [bubbling]
Let's... Yeah, let's talk over here.
He come out of nowhere, this guy.
Calls himself ''The Sharkslayer''.
[clears throat] lra, over here.
- Sorry. ''The Sharkslayer''.
- Where do l find him?
He's from the Southside Reef.
That's all we could dig up.
Thank you.
- Any requests?
- Luca.
- [Don Feinberg] That Titanic song?
- [other sharks] No.
Get Sykes.
He knows that reef better than anybody.
l wanna find this guy.
l wanna know about him,
where he lives,
where he sleeps.
He pops a gill? l wanna know about it.
Who is this Sharkslayer?
[male fish] Here he is. The Sharkslayer.
[male fish] Here he is. The Sharkslayer.
[ Mary J. Blige: Got To Be Real]
- I think I love you, baby
- What you feel now
- I think I need you, baby
- What you know now
- Uh-huh
- To be real
Your love's for real now
- [elevator dings]
- You know that your love
And my love
My love is here to stay
Let's get this party started right.
There he is, the big O.
- Sykes.
- Pound that dog. Pound it.
Oscar, raise the reef.
Raise the reef, buddy.
- Uh, yeah...
- Oh, yeah. Hot.
Yeah, that's pretty...
Come on, cabbage patch.
Cabbage patch.
Come on, cabbage patch.
Cabbage patch.
- Angie, you made it.
- Wait, you're gonna break my gift.
Come on. You didn't have to get
me anything. What'd you get me?
What does every bachelor pad need?
A lava lamp?
How did you know l love lava lamps?
You know what, l'm gonna put it
right here next to my other one.
Hey, come on, Ang. l wanna show you
the best thing about this place.
- How great is this view?
- Top of the reef. lt's amazing.
- l know. lt's beautiful, right?
- Like you...
Like you... your new apartment.
lt's... wow. Awesome.
What l'm trying to say
is that l'm proud of you.
Yeah. lt was nothing, really, you know.
Hey... Hey, oh, you know what,
wait right here. Don't move.
l'll be right back.
Girl, you are gonna flip.
- l'm back.
- You're back.
You know what, Ang?
Where l am right now,
this whole new life l got...
All my dreams comin' true...
ln a weird kinda way...
Well, l never
could've done it without you.
Oh, sure you could.
Well, probably not. [chuckles]
Ang. Here.
Oh! Oscar!
l know. l know.
l'm just sorry that it took so long.
That's okay.
Bam! Huh?
My grandmother's pearl.
With interest.
Now, l don't forget anything,
- and l never forget who my friends are.
- Oh!
[both chuckle]
Ang, l...
[Lola] Oh, hi.
[Lola] Oh, hi.
l'm not interrupting something, am l?
- Yes, we're talking.
- No.
Hey, Lola. Wow. You're here.
- [clears throat]
- Oh.
You, er, you gotta come best
my meet friend, Angie.
Uh, uh, eat my best men, Wangie...
Your best friend? Oh, that's sweet.
So you won't mind
if l steal him for a while, will you?
[music plays in background]
So, look who's a somebody after all.
- Well, you know...
- [male fish] Sharks!
On the... on the edge of the reef!
Th.. Th... They're great whites!
Sharks. Okay, everybody go home
to your loved ones,
spend the last few hours
that you have with each other.
l mean...
That's the way
it used to be around here.
We'd have been all scrambling
for cover and stuff,
- but not since Oscar came to town.
- [cheering]
So, Lola, baby, just wait here
and l'm gonna be right back.
l'm gonna go
take care of these sharks.
- Go get 'em, tiger.
- Woo! Biceps, triceps.
[laughs, growls]
- All right, Oscar.
- Go get 'em, Oscar.
- [growls]
- [whistling]
[Oscar sobs and wails]
[shark] Lenny.
Where the heck is he? Lenny!
Hey. What are you doin'?
There's a sharkslayer out here.
You wanna be next?
Oh, yeah...
[whispers] Lenny? Lenny?
- [sighs with relief] That was close.
- [Lenny] Super close.
Don't panic.
[muffled scream]
Quiet. We're safe.
- Oh, no, not you again.
- Yeah.
- Ah! What was that?!
- Yo! What is with you, man?
- Shh! He could be anywhere.
- Who?
Shh! The Sharkslayer.
- There's no sharkslayer out here.
- [chuckles] Yes, there is.
[mimics chuckle] No, there is not.
Trust me on this one.
Get a hold of yourself, man.
This is no time to act crazy.
You the one acting crazy, crazy.
[sighs] You're right. l'm sorry.
l haven't been myself since the...
the, uh,...
Don't cry.
[cries in anguish]
No, no, it's not all that. Just relax.
lt's my fault... kinda... not really...
but still. My brother...
You just need a little time, man.
Look, things'll work out.
- You think?
- Yeah.
So, look, l'm gonna take off...
And you should just go home, okay?
- Okay.
- Hey, good luck, dawg.
- Wait.
- What, man?
- l didn't catch your name.
- Oscar.
- l'm Lenny. Hi.
- Hi.
Where do you live?
Lenny, where l come from, fish
don't like to get grabbed by sharks.
- Sorry.
- Go home.
There is no home for me now.
Don't you understand?
- You too big to be grabbing on me.
- Take me home with you.
You won't even notice l'm there.
l'm like the invisible shark.
Are you crazy?
[sobs] Please. l'm begging you.
Don't leave me alone.
[kid] Put your fins on the wall
where l can see 'em.
- Gotcha.
- Hey. Yo, The Shorties.
- Oscar.
- What y'all doin' here?
- Check out my mad burner.
- [all] Whoop, there it is.
How ya like that?
Hey, y'all kids got some skills.
lt's wild style, doo.
What did l tell you?
You kids shouldn't be doin' this.
And besides, it's not safe
to be out here at night.
lt is now, bro-bro.
You the Sharkslayer.
Yeah, bro-bro.
- Sharkslayer?
- What was that?
[coughs loudly]
Sometimes l be coughin' for nothin'.
l need you off these streets, seriously.
Get your butts home. l'll tell your moms
y'all doin' bad stuff.
- Let's go make Mr. Sykes puff up.
- Yeah.
- Bye, Oscar.
- [kid] See ya later, doo.
Did you see what just happened there?
l know. [laughing]
They think you're the Sharkslayer.
As if. [cackles]
l don't appreciate
your funky tone, actually.
No, wait up. Hey.
l'm sorry, seriously.
l don't want you mad at me,
and l certainly
don't want you to [sniggers] slay me.
You're having a good time?
You're enjoying yourself?
Well, for your information,
l am the Sharkslayer.
Oscar the Sharkslayer.
That's what people be sayin'.
- Wait. You mean, you...
- Yeah.
When the anchor...
[gasps] Oh, you're a liar.
Hey, l didn't lie, all right?
All right, l lied.
But it was a little lie.
Come on, who's it gonna hurt anyway?
Man, l'm not explaining
myself to you.
- You're on your own.
- No problem.
And if, God forbid,
someone should, l don't know,
find out the truth about the Sharkslayer
on my way back...
- You wouldn't.
- l would.
Uh... [tuts, sighs] Tssk!
Come here.
Of course you can come with me.
But, you know,
you're a shark, right?
And l'm a Sharkslayer,
so we can't be seen together.
- You dig, dog?
- Dig. Dog.
Dog dig. Dig dog.
Yeah, yo diggy dog.
Just come on.
OK, Lenny, follow my every move
and don't make a sound.
You got it.
Ooh, an echo.
Echo. [echoes]
Now batting
for the Southside Sharks...
- [smacking]
- [Lenny] Ow! lt's not okay to hit.
- [smacking]
- [Lenny] Ow! lt's not okay to hit.
[ Justin Timberlake & Timbaland:
Good Foot]
- Ooh-ee
- Shh!
- [thud]
- [Lenny yelps]
- [shrieks]
- [crashing]
- Get your tail in there.
- Do you think anybody heard that?
Who was that? Who?
Hey. Who's out there?
Yo. Crazy Joe.
l thought l heard something.
Did you get that shark?
You have no idea, Joe.
That's great. Well, gotta go.
My show's on.
[ Theme From The Benny Hill Show]
[Crazy Joe laughs]
All right.
We're safe. For now.
Hey, a bed.
Oh, yeah, that's good.
That's heaven, yeah.
Snuggly, buggly, wuggly.
l love you, man.
- Whoa. Hold up.
- You're my new best friend.
Stop it.
OK, you wanna be friends? Fine.
But we gotta lay down some rules.
Rule number one:
No snuggly, buggly...
Whatever that just was.
You got it. Anything else?
Rule number two,
and this is the most important rule.
ln the event that possibly
you get hungry...
Don't worry, l won't eat anyone.
lf you haven't noticed,
l'm different from other sharks.
Let's put it that way,
leave it at that. Good night.
- Define ''different''.
- You'll laugh.
l'm not gonna laugh.
That's what you say,
and then what happens? You laugh.
Lenny, l give you my word.
Okay, l will tell you.
l'm... l'm a vegetarian.
[stifles laugh] Hold up.
- So that's it?
- Tch! What do you mean, that's it?
You're the first fish l ever told.
l'm tired of keeping it a secret.
And my dad,
he'll never accept me for who l am.
What's wrong with me?
Nothin' is wrong with you, man.
l think all sharks
should be like you.
God, that's sweet of you to say.
And stop blaming yourself
for what happened.
lf you wanna blame anybody,
blame me.
lf l hadn't been there in the first
place, none of this would've happened.
Jeez, if Pop knew that,
he'd ice you for sure.
''lce''. What's he,
the Godfather or something?
- Yeah.
- Whatcha mean, ''yeah''?
- Yeah, he is.
- [gulps]
Hey. Are you all right?
Hey. Are you all right?
- [laughs]
- [bleeping]
- Man. l told ya.
- l'm doing it.
X, circle, X X, double left square,
right trigger, down, square, square.
- Double square. Respect.
- Respect.
l've got news for you.
The Sharkslayer made me his manager.
So l'm now, what l like to call,
untouchable. You hear me?
- Sykes.
- Hey, Oscar.
Oh! Hey!... Sykes?
Hey, there he is.
My brotha, my player, the Sharkslayer.
- Whatever. Listen...
- Now you'll have to pay me protection.
Sykes. The deal is off.
That shark l killed was Don Lino's son.
- l know. Ain't it great?
- Not if he finds out.
What do you mean?
He's on the phone right now.
That's right, l got the Sharkslayer
right here in front of me.
And he's gonna slay you
and all your sharks.
Sykes, shut up! Shut up!
Hey, that's good, l like that.
- Shut up, Lino. Shut up.
- [Oscar sighs]
- What? Kid, he wants to talk to you.
- No. l'm not here.
Yeah, he's right here.
- [gently] Hello.
- Shut up? Shut up?
- You don't tell me ''shut up''.
- [beeping on line]
- Hello?
- How you doin'?
Give me a pie with everything on it.
Anchovies, meatballs...
- Luca.
- Hi, Boss.
- Why you working in a pizza joint?
- Get off the phone!
- But l'm hungry.
- [sighs]
My guys are coming for you, Sharkslayer.
They're gonna tear you fin from fin.
Come on, who's your puff daddy?
Who takes care of you?
Come on, you two, we got work to do.
- Mon, l was winning.
- Sykes. You got it all wrong.
They'll write songs about you.
Oh, the shark bites
- Sykes.
- With his teeth, dear
- Sing it, mon.
- And then Oscar
Kicked his butt
Sykes, man!
- Come on.
- [Lola] Maybe l can help.
Hey. Lola?
What're you doing here?
You just be poppin' up,
sometimes, places.
- Well, you said to wait, so... [claps]
- [sexy music starts]
- Well, you said to wait, so... [claps]
- [sexy music starts]
l've been waiting.
[laughs nervously]
Look, l don't have a lot of time
for the hand-clappy
music-playing-in-the-dark thing.
- What are you afraid of?
- Afraid... [laughs]
Yeah, that's funny. l ain't afraid
of nothin', it's just... Ooh.
Oh, baby, you are so tense.
Yeah, l've been stressed lately,
you know, protecting the reef.
l do that by myself, you know.
- lt's just crazy.
- lt's too much, it's piling up...
Yeah, you know,
one thing on top of the other.
Actually, l was thinking about retiring.
- You don't want to do that.
- l don't?
You have worked your way to the top.
You don't want to go back to the bottom,
do you?
No way.
You just show 'em who's boss
and those sharks will leave you alone.
Yeah, you're right.
[aside] Lenny.
[handle clicks, creaking]
Lenny? Where are you?
Hello, Oscar.
Angie. Hey, what are you doing here?
What, did you forget something?
Oh, maybe you forgot your shark.
Uh... Shark!
Swim, Angie, l'll cover you.
Quick, before it's too late.
Go on without me.
Oh, stop it. Your pet shark here
told me everything.
Dang, Lenny, why would you do that?
l don't know... l like her.
Thank you. l like you, too.
What were you thinking,
bringing him in here?
No, l'm still working out the kinks.
Kinks? You lied.
Everybody thinks you slayed the shark.
- Who am l to tell them they're wrong?
- How could you lie to me? Me!
Don't take it personally.
Come on, l lied to everybody.
All right, look, l'm sorry.
l totally betrayed you,
but listen, l got just one
little problem l gotta take care of.
- Oh, what's that?
- Sharks are coming to get me!
And they should.
l mean, what'd you expect?
You'd take credit
for killing a shark,
and then everything would be fine
and dandy for the rest of your life?
Uh... yeah.
But, hey, don't you worry about it.
Me and Lenny got it.
We gonna fix it.
''We''? l don't want any part of this.
Too late, veggie-boy.
They're lookin' for you, too.
Point taken. What's the plan?
- This is what we gonna do.
- [Angie] Here's the plan.
You tell the truth.
And, you, go home.
[both laugh]
All right, look,
this is what we're gonna do.
We're gonna paint you up all bloody.
A mess, right?
Then you gonna swim out and
meet the sharks before they get here.
And you're gonna say, ''Stop.
Don't y'all. Don't go no farther!''
''That Sharkslayer's crazy, man!''
''He beat me senseless.
He's a stone-cold killer, man!''
Then you could tell 'em l'm huge.
Tell 'em l'm handsome.
- Throw that in, say l'm buff.
- You are going way too far.
Actually, he hasn't gone far enough.
Exactly. What?
You need to slay a shark,
and l need to disappear.
Here's what we're gonna do.
Katie Current, reporting live.
- We've had unconfirmed reports of a...
- [fish screams] Shark!
[Lenny hums Theme From Jaws]
- Da-da-da
- Look. It's the Sharkslayer.
Holy mackerel.
Did we get that?
Hey, Ang. Oscar's on the TV.
Show me that.
Go ahead with your bad self.
Do you hear them, Lenny?
They are goin' crazy, man.
They love us.
They love you. They hate me.
Can we switch sides?
l can be the Fishslayer.
They'll never see it coming.
Come on, man. You sell this,
you'll never have to go home again.
You can start a new life.
Now gimme a growl.
Okay. [purrs]
[clears throat]
- Like that?
- That was... pretty good.
Let's go.
ls that all? Do you understand
how huge my client is? Turn on your TV.
Lenny. Lenny! Lenny!
[everyone gasps]
Turn off your TV. Turn off your TV.
[Oscar] Don't swallow.
- Oscar?
- No, it's Pinocchio. Of course it's me.
- [Oscar] Why did you do that?
- l'm sorry.
No. ''Sorry'' is when you step on
somebody's fin at the movies.
''Sorry'' is when you say,
''When's the baby due?''
and it turns out the person's just fat.
This is as far away from ''sorry''
as you could possibly get.
But, Oscar, l think l'm gonna puke.
No, no.
Lenny, just open up.
Nice and easy.
[Oscar strains]
[Oscar] Are you not entertained?
You can't handle the truth.
You had me at hello.
[ Elvis Vs JXL:
A Little Less Conversation]
Turn your TV back on.
Why are you turning your TV off?
- [Oscar yells]
- [cheering]
This reef is huge.
How we supposed to find the Sharkslayer?
- [thud]
- [cheering]
This is it, Lenny. Big finish.
Just like we practiced.
- The flying fish?
- The flying fish.
A little help here, buddy boy?
- Sorry.
- Thank you.
[Lenny wails]
Curse you, Sharkslayer.
[quietens wails]
[makes crashing sound]
Yeah, and you tell Don Lame-o
that l don't never,
ever, ever, never,
want to see another shark
on this reef again. Ever.
Remember this name.
Oscar the Sharkslayer.
You see? You see?
[crowd chants] Oscar! Oscar!
- Yay!
- [crowd] Oscar, boom bye-ay
Oscar, boom bye-ay
Look at Oscar.
Oscar, boom bye-ay
Oscar, boom bye-ay
Woo! Hey... Lola.
[TV] Seems The Sharkslayer not only
conquered a few sharks today,
but maybe a few hearts?
Has the reef's most eligible bachelor
been snapped up?
I'm Katie Current, here live,
watching the Sharkslayer making out.
Hey, Angie,
can you hand me the blue one?
Thank you.
Look who stepped in the room! [laughs]
[laughs] Yeah!
Oscar and Lenny. What a team, baby.
Give me that, give me some fin.
High fin. Low fin.
Yo, did you see me?
l was like...
[makes kung fu noises]
l was crazy.
When you punched me,
and the crowd was...
Yeah, they ate it up.
You didn't know
l had it in me, did you?
- lt was like an Oscar-splosion.
- How good was l?
- You was the bomb.
- Thank you. Thank you.
And hey, hey, hey, Casanova.
l saw your big finish on the news.
Nice smooch, lover boy.
lxnay on the isskay, man.
That's private.
The entire reef saw you do it.
Hey, somebody's in a bad mood.
C'mon, Ang, lemme see that smile.
- Show me the smile, baby...
- Knock it off.
- What has gotten into you?
- Me?
l swear, sometimes l wanna take
your big dumb dummy-head, and just...
Ang, what is the problem?
Problem? No problem.
l don't have a problem.
Miss Perfect is the one
with the problem.
Hey, you guys...
- What do you got against Lola?
- Not my lips, that's for sure.
- What's goin' on?
- l'm gonna stay outta this one.
Why would you even care
about Lola anyway?
- l don't.
- You don't.
- No.
- No what?
- l don't know.
- You wanna...
[both] No!
Just tell me, Oscar, 'cause l'm curious.
Why do you think
she's interested, huh?
Do you think for one minute
that she'd even be with you
if you weren't the famous Sharkslayer?
- Please, don't fight.
- Are you blind?
She treats me like l'm somebody.
- Would she love you if you were nobody?
- Nobody loved me as a nobody.
l did.
Before the money,
and before the fame.
Before the lie.
To me you were a somebody, Oscar.
Now you're nothing but a fake.
A sham. A con.
You're a joke.
[Lenny] Here l come...
[Lenny] Here l come...
Sebastian the Whale-Washin' Dolphin.
- Angie...
- No, forget it. Just go.
l'm tired of hearing how everything
you had in your life wasn't good enough.
lncluding me.
- [Lenny] Angie?
- Oh, Honey, l'm sorry.
Go, go back and do it again.
Hey, come on.
lt'll be OK.
[ lndia Arie: Get It Together]
One shot to your heart
without breaking your skin
No-one has the power to hurt you
like your kin
Kept it inside
Didn't tell no-one else...
You can't handle the truth.
You've got Shark Breath.
And now you only
have yourself to blame
If you continue to live this way
- Get it together
- You wanna heal your body
- Get it together
- You have to heal your heart
What you kids doing?
How many times l have to tell you?
lt's past your bed time. Go on.
Hey. What are you kids up to?
That looks pretty good.
You should do this for a living.
You can fly, fly, fly, fly
You can live or you can die
You know that life
is a choice you make
You can give or you can take
You can fly, fly, fly, fly
You can fly, fly...
[deep voice] Preparation ''O''.
lt slays hemorrhoids
like Oscar slays sharks.
Hey, Oscar.
[whale] Preparation O...
Angie was right. l am a joke.
Hey, Sharkslayer.
Why are you out here?
All your friends are inside.
Not all my friends.
You mean that little bottom feeder
from the Whale Wash?
Forget about her.
She's a nobody.
No, l'm the nobody.
Oh, let me guess.
She told you that she loves you.
ls that it? [laughs]
lt's not like you feel
the same way about her. [laughs]
You know, l don't think
this is gonna work out.
Wait, are you dumping me?
Let me explain something to you.
We're gonna party
like it's your birthday
- Ha! Young love.
- [partygoers laugh]
[ The Four Tops: I Can't Help Myself
(Sugar Pie Honey Bunch)]
[ The Four Tops: I Can't Help Myself
(Sugar Pie Honey Bunch)]
Sugar-pie, honey-bunch
You know that I love you
I can't help myself
I love you and nobody else...
- Hey, Oscar!
- l can't talk. l gotta find Angie.
l need to tell her l love her.
You come and you go...
Way to go, Oscar.
- lrie. Whale Wash, where you...
- Gimme it.
- lrie. Whale Wash, where you...
- Gimme it.
- Where you get a whale of a wash...
- Gimme the phone.
...and the price is very, very low,
considering how good the wash is.
How many times do l have to tell you?
lt's ''gosh.''
''You get a whale of a wash,
and the price, oh, my gosh.''
- Me gets it, man.
- [telephone]
- Whale Wash?
- Rhymes with gosh.
Gimme that. Get outta here.
Go be useless someplace else.
Gimme that. Get outta here.
Go be useless someplace else.
- Sykes, where's Angie?
- [telephone]
Whale Wash,
you get a whale of a wash...
lt's for you.
- Is this the Sharkslayer?
- Yeah, who's this?
lt's Luca the Octo...
l mean, forget about it.
Now you follow these instructions
to the letter, OK?
File cabinet. Top drawer.
There's a package. Get it.
That's right, tough guy,
we've got your girl.
There's a sit-down in one hour.
- Who is it?
- Shh!
Be there, if you don't wanna see her
sleepin' with the fishes.
The dead ones.
Now, nod your head
if you understand.
Now, tell me if you nodded your head.
l nodded.
[dialling tone]
They got Angie.
And they want a sit-down.
l never meant for anybody to get hurt,
especially not Angie.
This is all my fault.
Classic move.
l've seen it a thousand times.
They take the thing you love the most,
and then they use it against you.
We gotta go to that sit-down
and we gotta save her.
Whoa. Look, l wanna save Angie, too,
but l can't waltz in and say,
''Hi, Pop. l'm a dolphin.''
- Lenny?
- And the Sharkslayer's a fake.
We're gonna need
a better plan than that.
[laughs] This is a joke, right?
Because l told Lino...
[Sykes] Shut up, Lino. Shut up.
Tell me that's not Lenny.
- Tell me you're a real Sharkslayer.
- l'm sorry, Sykes, l'm not.
But the sharks don't know that.
[both gulp]
[shark coughs]
[both gasp in terror]
- [snarls]
- [all shriek]
Will you stop screwin' around?
This'll never work. We're dead.
Thank you, Sykes. Thank you.
My man Sykes just begged me
not to murder-lise all y'all up in here.
Now, l might listen to him,
but then again l might not.
And that depends
on the individual behavior
of all the individuals in here,
Ain't that right?
Look, he's got dolphin muscle.
My uncle Vito got whacked
by one of those.
Now which one of you sardines
called this meeting?
- That would be me.
- [door slams]
So, this is the Sharkslayer.
l've been lookin' forward
to meeting you.
l feel like we're practically family.
You know that?
Funny, ain't it?
l brought my kids into the world,
full of love and care,
and you took them out.
You know who l am?
Do you know who l am?
l'm the Don.
The boss of the Great White Sharks.
Hey, boss, l saved you a seat.
l've been runnin' this reef
since before you was born.
And if you thought a guy like me
can't get to a guy like you...
Guess what?
You thought wrong.
[muffled screams]
Pah. Man, you the one who's wrong.
l barely even know that girl.
What's your name, miss?
Oh, yeah?
Well, l say he's bluffing.
- Marone, if l wasn't married...
- How ya doin', pretty lady?
Lola. We meet again.
You know, Sharkslayer, there's only
one thing l like better than money.
- [sharks swoon]
- Oh! l'm in love.
Your sharkslayin' days are over.
And there ain't nothing
you can do about it.
[Oscar laughs]
[Lenny and Sykes laugh]
- Huh? What's so funny?
- Ow.
You got nothing. Nothing.
Sebastian, take her out.
[Oscar hums U Can't Touch This]
[Oscar hums U Can't Touch This]
Can't touch this.
Can't touch this.
Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
Stop. Oscar time.
OK, new rules.
Nobody, l repeat, nobody,
makes a move without my OK.
l am the Panama Canal, baby.
From now on,
everything flows through me.
What'd he do? l can't see it.
You don't lose a tooth, you don't
grow one back without my OK, OK?
lf you sneeze, you don't wipe
that boogie without my OK, OK?
And you don't say ''OK''
without my OK.
- OK?
- [shark whimpers]
Oh-oh. OK, thank you all for coming.
We gotta go.
One more thing. What's with
all y'all living in the Love Boat?
- Oscar.
- Y'all are supposed to be the mob.
- Get yourselves a real hideout.
- [gags] Oscar.
And take a good look, Lino.
lt's over. You're old school.
- Oscar.
- What?
[Lenny] The horror. The horror.
[laughs sheepishly] Um... excuse me.
- Ang, are you OK?
- No, l'm not OK.
He ate me..
l couldn't take it.
The taste was killin' me.
ls that you?
You're alive?
l thought l lost you.
What are you wearing? Huh?
What is that?
[gasps of astonishment]
Boss, it's Lenny. He was wearing
a disguise so we wouldn't recognize him,
but now he's not wearing a disguise,
so we do recognize him.
- Hi, Pop.
- Are you kiddin' me?
Are you kiddin' me?
Are you outta your mind?
Do you have any idea
how this looks?
This is the best sit-down
l've ever been to.
What are you doing with him? He took out
your flesh and blood, Frankie.
- But, Pop, listen...
- But nothing.
You never take sides
against the family. Ever.
Hey, Don. Lino. Sir. lt's not his fault.
This is between you and me.
What did l ever do to you?
You took Frankie away
and you turned Lenny into a dolphin.
l'm gonna get you.
- [Angie] Oscar, look out.
- Oscar, swim. Swim for your life.
You're gonna regret the day
you became the Sharkslayer.
Well, well, well.
Look who's stuck in the porthole.
You still hungry, big guy?
Well, say hello to my little friends.
- [buzzing]
- [hums cavalry charge]
- Try it again.
- Whale Wash,
you get a whale of a wash
and the price...
Oh, my gosh.
All right. You got it right.
Everybody out of the way.
- Blow out.
- Shark!
Come on, Lino,
it's time to clean up your act.
Pop, leave him alone.
All right, Lino. Game's over.
- Lenny? What are you doing in there?
- Sorry.
Where's Lino?
- He's right behind me, isn't he?
- You're mine now.
Let's finish this, Sharkslayer.
Oh, we're about to.
- [music on headphones]
- Thank you for coming to Whale Wash.
OK, somebody needs to
get me out of the bubble.
- Today.
- [pop]
- Angie...
- The Sharkslayer does it again.
This time, luring two sharks
into his death-trap of hygiene.
Oscar, you're the somebody
everybody wants to be.
The top of the food chain.
Tell our cameras how it feels to be you.
- Angie.
- Oscar, get me outta here, quick.
l need a head start
to get as far away as possible.
- Look what you did to him.
- lt's a misunderstanding.
Sharkslayer. Over here.
[chant] Sharkslayer. Sharkslayer.
l am not a real Sharkslayer!
[everyone gasps]
- l lied.
- What?
And l'm not
a real financial advisor. [sobs]
OK. lt was an anchor
that killed Frankie.
l didn't have anything to do with it,
and neither did Lenny.
lf that was true,
why did you run away?
Because you always wanted me
to be like Frankie.
l'll never be the shark
you want me to be.
What is your problem?
So your son likes kelp.
So his best friend is a fish.
So he likes to dress like a dolphin.
So what?
Everybody loves him
just the way he is.
Why can't you?
Don't make the same mistake that l did.
l didn't know what l had
until l lost it.
Will you get me outta this
so l can hug my kid
and tell him l'm sorry?
Come here, you.
l love you, Son, no matter
what you eat, or how you dress.
[Angie] Oscar?
Angie, l wish l knew now
what l knew then.
l mean, l wish you knew
what l knew,
l mean, before this...
- You're blowin' it, man.
- Mind your business.
lt's emotional and it's pressure.
What l'm saying, l just...
l didn't need the top of the reef.
Everything l wanted was right there
in front of me the whole time.
Well, what about being a somebody?
l'm nobody without you.
[bells jingle]
[Joe makes smoochy noises]
You're not helping.
Come here,
you big dumb dummy-head.
l never told you two this, but you're
the best henchman a guy ever had.
C'mon, group hug.
Sorry, man.
Come, Sykes, try again, mon.
Don't fret.
Forget it. The moment's gone.
So, uh, Lino... Uh, Don...
We cool, right?
l mean, like the reef is safe?
Walk the streets, you know, without...
aaah! You know.
Yeah, we're cool.
Oscar. Excuse me.
You've lost everything
you lied so hard to achieve.
Tell me, what's next for you?
Come on, everyone's waiting,
Mr. Manager.
All right, l just gotta put
the finishing touch on my new desk.
Love ya, Pop.
- Yo, dog.
- Sykes.
All right, partner,
let's see what you can do.
All right, partner,
let's see what you can do.
Sykes and Oscar's Whale Wash
is now open for business.
[ Car Wash]
Yo, E, B.
Let's get this party bumpin'.
Yo, yo.
lt's E and B on the wheels of steel.
Yo, Christina. Missy.
How about we have
a little Oscar-licious fun?
Yo, small tuna fish, I'm one big catch
You might not ever get rich
Let me tell you,
it's better than diggin' a ditch
There ain't no tellin'
who you might meet...
[Oscar] Don't try this at home.
A movie star or maybe a common thief
- Workin' at the car wash
- Whoa whoa yeah yeah
- At the car wash, yeah
- Ooh, yeah
- At the car wash
- Sing it with me...
Hey, Angie,
sorry Pop and l are late,
but we brought some new customers.
Hey, how ya doin'?
OK, guys, come on in.
This ain't no place to be
if you're planning on being a star
Let me tell you it's always cool
And the boss don't mind sometimes
if you're acting like a fool
- Working at the car wash...
- No, snap it. You're not snapping it.
l'm snapping it.
- A lot of great whites can't do it, yo.
- Yo?
- Yo, what's up?
- Up with what?
Yo, yo, yo. Yo, yo, yo. Yo, yo...
You say ''yo'' one more time,
- l'm gonna yo you.
- Sorry.
- OK, doo, l pimped your hide.
- All right.
Hey. You think this is funny?
What am l, a clown to you?
Car wash
Sharks in the water
Make theirjaws lock
When I swim through the grim
I'm too hot
You can make y'all bets
Y'all small tuna fish
- I'm one big catch
- Sharkslayer
Bow down player...
- What you got?
- You don't want none of this.
You gotta be kidding.
Break it down, fellas.
I gotta keep that fat stack comin'...
You got served.
Workin' at the car wash
Hey yeah
At the car wash, yeah
Come on, work, baby, work it
Sing it
- At the car wash
- Hey yeah
At the car wash, yeah
Come on, work, baby, work it
Sing it
At the car wash
Workin' at the car wash, yeah
So come on, come on,
come on, come on
Now keep it comin'
You may not ever get rich, but hey
A Shark Tale exclusive
Ooh, hey
Get your car washed today
Ooh, hey
Get your car washed today
[ D1 2: Lies And Rumors]
Hello? Hello.
Oscar? Listen, baby,
l know l was a bad girl,
but, come on, you'd have to be crazy
not to take me back.
Did someone say crazy?
[ Justin Timberlake & Timbaland:
Good Foot]
Hey, taxi.
Hi. You gonna eat
the rest of your popcorn?
Eurgh! Too much butter.
Hey, a nacho.
[ Mary J Blige: Got To Be Real]
You're not even halfway done yet.
[ Cheryl Lynn: Sweet Kind Of Life]
What? You see this guy?
He hardly worked on the movie at all.
Always on the phone.
Yakkin', yakkin', yakkin'.
[ Pussy Cat Dolls: We Went As Far
As We Felt Like Going]
Man, have you guys seen
what's playing next door?
What you doing? Go on, get outta here.
lt's past your bedtime.
Subtitle by Vince for Divxstation.