Sharkansas Women's Prison Massacre (2016)

[ Explosion ]
They ought to be happy
with that one.
Two more to come.
Let's wait for 'em.
[ Explosion ]
Was that thunder?
Sure hope so.
We could use
some rain around here.
I don't know,
sounded more like
an explosion to me.
Come on, ladies.
You know the drill.
Do we ever, Screw.
[ Explosion ]
[ Explosions ]
[ Snarling ]
[ Water splashes ]
It's Miller time.
It's only 11:00.
We've been at this since,
what, 7:00 A.M.?
Four hours
under the broiling sun,
ain't a real man
deserve a brewski?
Guess so.
- I know so.
- So where, then?
- Archway?
- Forget it.
The beer's always
lukewarm over there.
- That's true.
- I'm thinking Tommy's.
But that's ten miles
out of our way.
Not if we cut across
the stream over here.
I know a shortcut that will
get us there in half the time.
You think you can make it
through that?
- It's a bog out there.
- It's not that deep.
I have a four-wheel drive.
So fine. It's not my ride.
Go for it.
Hold on then.
[ Engine starts ]
You're not gonna make it, Sam.
It's too deep.
Oh, yeah? Watch this.
[Tire squeals]
[ Tires squealing ]
Ah, yeah. I'm watching.
I'm watching.
Fred, I have it under control.
[Water splashing ]
what's that?
[ Screams ]
[ Boat motor whirring ]
See anything?
Not yet.
I doubt we will.
Racket from that motor
gives 'em plenty of time
to lay low.
- You want me to turn back?
- Give it a few more minutes.
You got it, boss.
There. You see it?
No, can't say that I do.
Lake to the right.
Water's all muddy.
That could be
where they went ashore.
Head over there.
Will do.
And kill the motor.
- How am I supposed to--
- Stroke.
Worked for the Indians,
didn't it?
[ Motor shuts off]
Whatever you say, chief.
[ Water splashes ]
[ Birds chirping ]
Somebody's been here lately.
Grass and vines all trampled.
Eh, you think it was them?
Maybe. Maybe not.
You know, that's what
I love about you, boss.
You're very noncommittal.
Men are noncammittal, Adam.
Women are...
well, let's just say
we're mysterious.
All right.
All right, I'll remember that.
You da that,
you'll make
Detective First Grade
in no time at all.
All right, so now what?
Look for clues, silly.
You go right. I'll go left.
- And?
- And watch your butt.
If those guys
are still around here,
they're armed and dangerous.
You don't think those guys
are gonna stick around here,
do you,
with all that money on 'em?
No telling what they'll do.
My last partner
got complacent,
did a year in rehab.
All right,
well, if I find anything,
- I'll come get you.
- You do that.
[ Bird chirping ]
[ Music swells]
[ Gasps ]
Whoa. Whoa.
Kid, you almost
got yourself shot.
Come on. There's something
you gotta get a look at.
What is it?
Best you see it for yourself.
This better be good.
[ Insects buzzing ]
What the hell happened here?
Got me. I mean, looks like
somebody was torn apart.
[ Insects buzzing louder ]
Gator, maybe?
No. I grew up in these parts.
I ain't ever seen a gator
do anything like that.
What, then?
[ Man groans]
[ Screams ]
Shark. Sh-sh-shark.
- I'm gonna go call this in.
- You do that.
Sh-sh-sh-shark. Shark.
[ Water rushing ]
Relax, rookie.
This is a slack assignment.
The only thing
you gotta worry about
is the heat.
Yeah, a walk in the park.
Get out your paperwork.
We're almost there.
[ Brakes squeak]
[ Birds chirping ]
All right, ladies,
we all know who you are.
The rules state
we gotta take roll,
so when Mike
calls your name,
give me a "yeah,"
a "yo," or a "yum"
- Sarah Mason.
- Yo.
- Michelle Akila.
- Here.
- Shannon Hastings.
- I'm here.
- Samantha Pines.
- Right here as usual.
Last but not least,
Anita Gunners.
They're all present
and accounted for, sir.
I told you this was
a piece of cake.
All right, ladies,
I know it's hot
and it's sticky
and you'd rather
be anywhere else,
but the warden wants
these stumps cleared
by the end of the day.
- I think we get it.
- Yeah, you want us
to lay out, relax,
and catch some rays.
See, ladies,
a tan'll look mighty nice
at the lesbian
softball invitationals
- next month.
- [ Scoffs ]
Okay, joke time's over.
Let's get these stumps cleared
by sundown.
Water in the cooler,
and finger sandwiches
will be served
promptly at 1:00.
Here's one without the bread.
And listen, if any of you
are thinking about
pulling a Richard Kimble,
The nearest 7-Eleven
is 50 miles away.
It's not gonna be worth
that Slurpee.
Oh, damn.
I would kill
for those cola Slurpees
just about now.
I'm afraid killing's
the only option you've got.
Don't tempt me.
- Whatever.
- Ladies.
Shovels are in the rear.
Let's get it in motion.
Come on.
- Whatever.
- I hate him.
I hate slave labor.
Hey, Mike,
you think it'll be all right
if I took a moment alone
over by the stream?
You know the rules, Pines.
If I break 'em for you,
gotta break 'em
for everybody else.
- But--
- But what?
Ah, jeez.
- What happened?
- I cut my arm
on a beer bottle
some jerk litterbug
tossed here ages ago.
Come on.
Let me at least clean it out.
Can't you wash it
right here?
It's muddy and disgusting.
Come on, honey.
I'll make it
worth your while
back at holding tonight.
All right, two minutes.
Two minutes and counting,
[ Birds chirping ]
[ Water splashes ]
[ Growling ]
You gotta be kidding me.
[ Screams ]
Day's almost over, Mike.
One more hour,
and we can take 'em home.
Roger that, Carl.
Hey, where's Sammy?
Last I saw her,
she cut her arm
with some glass.
Yeah, it looked pretty bad.
I thought she came back here
to the van for some first aid.
Like they'd have anything more
than a 10-year-old Band-Aid.
- So, where is she?
- Beats me.
Maybe she took
an unscheduled vacation.
Get my drift?
That wouldn't be wise.
- Where's Pines?
- She cut her arm.
I sent her to you
to get it fixed.
Well, she never showed.
You better go find her.
Ladies, question.
Where's Pines?
All right, look,
if you know something,
it'd be better
if you tell me now
before it goes any further.
Okay, three words,
guilt by association.
You know
what the wardan's like.
This will not go good
for any of us
if Pines somehow gets away.
Just a guess,
she was jonesing
for a swim in that stream
over there all afternoon.
Maybe she went skinny-dipping.
Mike, she may be down
by the stream.
- Go check it out.
- But--
No "but," all right?
Just check it out now.
Let's just hope
this is one
big misunderstanding.
Hey, Carl, get down
to the stream quick.
All right, ladies,
let's go see
what Mike has found.
After you, sir.
On the contrary,
Ms. Gunners, after you.
Arkansas manners
still apply here.
Is that--
Yeah, it's hers.
So, what'd she do,
strip down and escape
in her undies?
Not if some accomplice
was waiting
with a new wardrobe for her.
That's not possible.
One of us would have known.
Tough keeping secrets
in stir,
especially an escape.
How would someone
from the outside
have known we were gonna
pull over right here?
I didn't even know
where we were
gonna stop till we got here.
Nevertheless, she's gone.
I gotta call this in
take 'em back to the van.
Keep 'em rounded up close.
Yes, sir, boss.
You heard the man, ladies.
Let's get moving.
you're bleeding, girl.
- What?
- Your arm
- is covered in blood.
- How'd you get cut?
It's not me bleeding,
It's this tree.
It's covered in blood.
That's right, sir.
She just up and disappeared.
Seems weird.
Her sentence was up
the end of next month.
That's right, Warden.
Chopper's in the air
before we left the site.
I'm sure we'll find her.
Warden, I--
Sir, are you there?
Damn cell towers
ain't worth a damn.
Yeah, I lost my bars
about ten miles back.
Stop, and see if we can help.
That's against regulations.
Clearly states
that you're not--
Give it a rest, will you?
Stop the van.
Do you need a doctor?
Our cell phones are down,
but we can take you
to the nearest hospital.
Y'all might need
some looking after yourself,
kind sirs.
You, we can do this
one of two ways,
slow and easy
or just plain dead.
Your choice.
We do it easy.
Just keep your cool.
- We'll cooperate.
- Good.
Hand over your guns.
Good buy.
Now, it's time
for all of us ladies
- to mosey on out of here.
- Now, hold on there.
You got something to say,
No, nothing.
Nothing at all.
I didn't think so.
Now, open up the side door,
and let 'em all go.
- Whoa there, dude.
- Easy, lady.
- I'll do it from my side.
- Good idea.
So long, suckers.
Baby, you just rock my world.
This is seriously messed up.
It's the last thing I need.
Look, just stick close to me.
You'll be fine.
To be continued, sweetheart.
We're in the middle
of a felony here.
Try that again, cop,
and you'll be playing
pocket pool with no balls.
Yeah, creep. My girl here
means what she says.
All right, listen.
Nobody wants to he
a hero here,
right, Mike?
- Right, sir.
- All right,
let's just stay calm,
and we'll all get along.
I don't know about
these two prom queens.
I'm in.
What do I do?
Well, for now,
until they decide to join us,
cover 'em.
You two screws
back in the back
with the regular folk.
[ Tires squeal ]
Earth to Adam.
Come in, Adam.
Ah. I'm sorry.
What you thinking 'bout?
How impressed you are
with my detective skills?
Nah, not exactly, no.
Just thinking about that scene
back there, you know?
I... I don't really know
if I'm cut out
for this kind of work.
Hey, I felt the same way
when I first started.
No joke.
- You just gotta do what I do.
- What's that?
Whenever you want a break
from the job,
- just crank up the tunes.
[ ]
This? This is what you do
to unwind?
This is what you like
to listen to?
What's that
supposed to mean?
What do you like listening to,
that techno music,
some disco?
[ Radio station changes ]
So, be on the lookout
for these
four female escapees
and their driver.
Once again,
these women escaped
from custody earlier today
and should be
considered armed
and extremely dangerous.
If you encounter them,
call your local law enforce--
[ Radio station changes ]
So much for getting
your mind off it.
Looks like our laundry list
just got longer.
[ Bugs chirping ]
Ladies and gentlemen,
I'd like to welcome you
nice people
on this nonstop service
from the big house
to freedom.
We'll be going at the speed
of whatever
Captain Honey here
damn well pleases,
so at this time,
I'd like to invite you
to fasten your seat belts
and make sure your tray tables
and seat backs
are in their full
upright position.
Lastly, if anyone decides
to get cute
or do anything stupid,
I will gladly
blow your heads off.
They got
some surveillance cameras
a couple miles up
where Route 40 crosses.
Maybe we can attract
some attention.
Do what, dance?
Tell jokes?
Now what?
So much for our act
for the cameras.
So, where the hell
is she going?
Who the hell knows?
Excuse me. Excuse me.
This is my stop.
Just hold your water, babe.
It'll be everyone's stop
in just about two minutes.
[ Engine shuts off]
Okay, baby,
get everybody out.
Out, out. Everybody out.
Move, move.
Move it. Get over there.
Get over there. Move.
What now?
What's wrong with you,
I'll tell you what's wrong.
I got six months left,
and you just tacked on
ten easy.
Give it a rest, dragon lady.
What do you got
waiting for you
when you get out, anyway?
My boy.
Got a little boy.
Okay, ladies, strip.
Get rid of what
you're wearing.
- Even me?
- Yeah, sweetheart, even you.
Here. Put this on.
You ain't got nothing
we haven't seen, girl.
- Do it.
- You first.
Hey, if you feeling froggy,
you might as well jump.
Come on, soy sauce,
make your move.
I told you.
I'm gonna rip your eyes out.
You don't--
You know what?
Get your hands off me.
- Enough.
- How you like that, huh?
- Off me.
- Get off me.
Honey, he's getting away.
Oh, no, he's not.
Cover the old fart.
- Got it.
- Keep your hands off my head.
[Girls hitting and groaning ]
I ain't going anywhere.
Damn you.
[ Gunshots ]
I think your boy
just bought it.
- [ Gunshot]
- [Screams]
You didn't think
you could outrun old Honey,
now, did you?
Crap on a cracker.
[ Labored breathing ]
Where are they?
I got 'em waiting
in the other van.
- Did you get him?
- I got him.
I just hope you don't have
any of the same stupid ideas
your friend had.
No, not at all.
Let's get the hell
out of here.
[ Engine revs ]
[ Bugs chirping ]
[ Hatch squeaks open ]
Thank God.
[Water dripping ]
[Water sloshing ]
Ah, yeah.
Oh, yeah.
[ Growl ]
I hope this baby
has four-wheel drive.
Why is that, Screw?
This is the old road
to Wrightson Swamp,
gets pretty mucky
the further you get in.
We'll just see about that.
Honey, did you hear
what he just said?
What's that?
That we're headed
into the swamp.
Yeah, I heard that
from the guy
who rented me the place.
- What place?
- You'll see.
It's only a few more miles.
Sure as hell hope
this place of yours
has indoor plumbing.
As a matter of fact,
the old man said it
was pretty well-equipped.
- What old man?
- Don't worry, baby.
He won't be talking
to anyone.
How's that?
Let's just say I pushed him
into early retirement.
[ Bugs chirping ]
[ Engine shuts off]
Hell, it's even nicer
than I expected.
It's even got a hot tub.
Excuse me, but what the hell
are we doing here?
You know, for someone enjoying
a little taste of freedom,
you sure got a hell
of a mouth on you, girl.
So I've been told,
but answer the question.
Just chill. Chill.
We're gonna settle in here
- and just wait.
- Wait for what?
Bloodhounds? Choppers?
- Et cetera, et cetera?
- Yeah, yeah.
Something like that.
Nah, this is gonna he
our little home away
from home.
pardon your delusion,
but this is the first door
they're gonna come
knocking on.
- Trust me.
- She's right.
This is absolute B.S.
All you crazy bitches
are gonna do
is get more time for us
or worse yet, get us killed.
I want out, now.
You ain't going nowhere,
' [ Punch ]
' [ Groan ]
I'd think twice about
doing that again, sweetie.
Next time, I might get mad.
Soy sauce.
You are here,
and you are going to stay here
with the rest of us
until I say different,
Yeah, I get it,
but I don't gotta like it.
That's all I'm asking for,
You got anything else to say,
- Yeah, one thing.
- And what's that?
Don't go to sleep.
All right,
everybody get in the house.
Make sure the man here
is tied up good.
He's our insurance policy.
You got it, baby.
And by the way,
thanks for earlier.
Don't mention it.
You, out.
[ Thunder ]
[ Rain ]
[Siren ]
Here you go.
It's still hot, I think.
Thanks, kid.
Yeah, might be
a little watered down, though.
- I couldn't find a lid.
- Cop coffee.
It's supposed
to he watered down.
- I think it's in the bylaws.
- Right.
Did you hear anything
from the hospital
- about the call today?
- Yeah.
I talked to the doctor.
He says the guy's
still in shock.
He keeps raving
about his buddy
being eaten by a shark.
Well, after what we saw,
I kind of half believe him.
Yeah, right. What about you?
You find anything?
What is that, evidence?
but don't you just love it?
It's a vintage
Coca-Cola bottle,
solid glass,
not like this plastic and cans
we have today.
It must have been
lying around here
for 80 years.
Now, mind you,
it needs a little work,
but once it's polished up,
it's gonna look great
in my minibar.
- I meant about the case.
- I know what you meant.
Take a look around.
It's pretty obvious
this is where
they changed vehicles.
but what make and model?
I don't know.
Something big.
The warden said
one prisoner escaped.
That still leaves
six more passengers
to cart around.
- True.
- Let's get on the horn
to all
the rental car companies
within a 50-mile radius,
see what
they've got on the road
that meets our criteria.
I don't know.
I think most of those places
are gonna be closed now,
don't you think?
Let's go wake 'em up.
All right.
[ Thunder ]
Now stay put,
and you might just make it
through the night.
like that's gonna happen.
Your girlfriend'll
put a slug in me
the moment
I'm no use to you.
- That's not true.
- Yeah?
Then who made
Samantha disappear?
It was her, right?
She knocked off Pines
to put us on the road
before nightfall, right?
You're crazy.
She's not like that.
Tell that to Mike.
Just shut up,
or I'll kill you myself.
So, what now?
I've been in stir
for five years.
I'm gonna go slip
into something
more comfortable.
[ Grunts ]
[ Thunder ]
I hate the rain.
I kind of like it.
Sounds like a...
like an atmosphere
or something.
So better than the cell block,
isn't it?
It's the same thing.
We're trapped here.
Prison's a prison.
Suit yourself,
but I'm gonna make
the best of it.
Well, I know how
you could start.
How 'bout a hot bath
before we go to bed?
Now, that sounds
like a good idea.
I haven't had one of those
in so long.
Where is it?
Second bathroom
down the hall.
I turned it on
the minute we got here.
Should be coming to a boil
just about now.
Sounds good.
I'm game.
How 'bout you, Sarah?
No, you guys go ahead.
I'll meet you
in a few minutes.
Suit yourself.
[ Fire crackling ]
Anything good?
Yeah, actually.
I just found
this first-edition copy
of Charles Dickens'
"A Tale of Two Cities."
Yeah, so?
You've heard of it, right?
You actually read books?
In prison, there ain't nothing
better to do.
Let me see that.
"It was the best of times.
It was the worst of times."
Honey, I don't want nothing
but good times
from here on in.
I know, hut--
I've had enough
of the bad times.
I know, baby.
I know.
[ Thunder ]
Where the hell is she,
for God's sake?
Enjoy her not being here.
Sharon, you know
we have to get out of here
more sooner than later,
- You think it's gonna get bad?
- Girl,
I've been smelling bad crap
all my life,
and this is the limburger
of bad.
I know what you mean.
Yeah, you do.
Someone does
something stupid,
a gun goes off,
and we're all
accessories to murder.
I got a kid back home.
I can't go back to the joint.
I know.
[ Rain ]
- Hey, guys. What'd I miss?
- Not a thing, girl.
Michelle and I
were just talking
about our recent benefactors.
Yeah, they are kind of harsh.
Harsh? Heh. Nice word.
Love it.
They did get us out.
Get us out to where,
some "Friday the 13th" cabin
in the woods?
Yeah, this is not my idea
of getting us out.
tomorrow they'll most likely
go their separate ways.
Then you'll have the option
to either give up
or take off running.
You're forgetting
the third option.
Yeah, what's that?
They shoot us all
to keep us from talking.
Bad option, very bad.
You think
they'd go that far?
"Do you think
they'd go that far?"
Do you remember
what they just did
to Mike a couple hours ago?
Yeah. You got
a point there, girl.
Yeah, I most certainly do.
[ Thunder ]
[ Birds chirping ]
[ Yawning ]
If you don't mind,
I could really use
a bathroom break.
You, untie him,
and watch him unload.
What'd you say to me?
"Untie him--"
I heard what you said first.
What came after that?
Egg roll,
either you watch him poop,
or you watch him
poop his pants.
Your choice.
If it's any consolation,
it's not a lat of fun
for me either.
Yeah, it better not be.
I'll tell you that.
This may take a while.
I have prostate issues.
Lord, what did I do
to deserve this?
[ Birds chirping ]
[ Water rushing ]
[Water splashing ]
[ Humming ]
[ Shark makes noise ]
[Stops humming ]
[ Gasps ]
[ Low growl ]
[ Earth crumbling ]
Help. Oh, my God.
[ Screams ]
[ Birds chirping ]
[ Horn hanks ]
Yes, sir,
we're looking into it
right now.
Yes, he is.
I'll let you know
as soon as I hear something.
Of course. Okay.
Give it to me, Chin.
What you got?
Obscure reference.
Never mind.
What'd he say?
Well, turns out
you were right.
The guy inside says
he rented a minivan
to a lady
using a stolen credit card
yesterday morning.
And they decided to keep it
secret till this morning?
Well, the card
only got flagged
late last night
after the place
had already closed, so...
Let me guess.
White minivan.
Yeah. How'd you know?
It's the most popular color
in rental car eets,
followed by black,
off-white, and beige.
You're good, boss.
- You're real good.
- That's what they tell me.
Listen, now we actually caught
a lucky break.
There's two blue stripes
running down the side of it.
You get the plate?
Already up
on the comm lines.
And by any chance,
is there LoJack
on any of these vehicles?
I don't think so.
Mm. How 'bout a description
of the woman?
Well, the guy inside said
she was a real looker,
had red hair.
Hmm. That's helpful.
You pull the videotape?
- Nothing.
- What do you mean, "nothing"?
Well, they have
two video cameras,
but both of them are fake.
Well, that'll teach 'em.
So, where to new?
I'm hungry. Lunch.
Good idea.
[ Engine rumbles]
Here we are.
Peaches and beans,
my specialty.
- Breakfast is served.
- Oh, no, I'm good.
I just got a heaping helping
of Carl's peaches and beans,
and I'm done.
- Sorry.
- Yeah, I bet you are,
Spungebob Brownpants.
Tie him up again.
He's an old man.
He's not going anywhere.
Just let him sit here.
I said tie him up.
Why don't you tie him up?
I'm gonna go
have a cigarette.
Hey, hey.
Just wait a hot second here.
I'm tired of waiting.
So, can I interest anyone?
[ Birds chirping ]
[ Flicks lighter ]
[ Gasps]
- Oh, no. Sarah.
- What's going on?
Something's happened to her.
Come on. Hurry.
[ Gasps ]
What happened?
I don't know,
but she's dead.
Looks like she fell
into a wood chipper.
Come on. We better go
take a look around.
That is so not a good idea
right now.
But we're doing it anyway.
- Even him?
- Him most of all.
Come on.
Okay, move it.
[ Bugs buzzing ]
Here. Over here.
Oh, my God.
That was no wood chipper.
This is a tooth.
Not just a tooth.
That's a shark tooth...
like this.
But then
what happened to her?
Yeah, there ain't no sharks
in these woods.
Yeah, not that we know of.
How do you know
there ain't one
swimming in that stream
over there?
Last time I saws "Jaws,"
they were limited
to salt water.
Plus, when she crawled in,
she was hone-dry.
Those ruts over there,
they were made recently.
Whatever killed Sarah
made them.
What kind of creature
does that?
Honey, have you got an idea?
Not a clue,
but we got a body to bury,
You want to tell me
how she ended up here
with this sticking
out of her leg?
I don't know.
Maybe it was
just laying on the ground
for some strange reason.
Yeah, it could be
a fossil or something.
It's a shark's tooth.
It's some kind of mutation,
a monster.
Oh, it's a monster,
all right.
Hold it right there, buddy.
Whoa, nice to meet you, too.
Put that away.
Or don't.
What the hell
are you two doing here?
Ah, we're waiting
on the next bus
out of the swamp.
What happened to your ride?
- It was eaten.
- Eaten?
Eaten by a monstrous
prehistoric shark.
- Oh, my God.
- We gotta get out of here.
Sorry, ladies, but our van
is staying put right here,
and so are you.
You two, come along.
- You got this?
- Yeah.
They're kidnapping us.
I know,
but look at that rack.
What were you two
really doing out there?
Hold on. I got a question
for you first.
Do you know of anyone
doing any blasting
or drilling in the area?
We're not from around here.
Don't know.
All right, look,
I'm a geologist.
John here is my assistant.
We're here
to monitor vibrations.
What kind of vibrations?
What, like good vibrations,
like the song?
Bad vibrations, actually.
Yeah, about two weeks ago,
Delgado Petroleum
started fracking
some old wells in the area.
What the hell's farking?
Fracking. It's short
for hydraulic fracturing,
and it seems like Delgado
may have gone too far
and completely shattered
the subterranean shale bed.
Mister, all I just heard
was blah-blah- blah.
Now, you start making sense
before my trigger finger
gets itchy.
Hold on a second.
Look, in 2007,
scientists discovered
an ocean
lying 1,400 kilometers
below eastern Asia
about the size of Texas.
Now, if I was a betting man,
and I am,
I would say
the good old U.S. of A.
Has an underground ocean
of its own.
What the hell
does that have to do
with what happened to Sarah
and your van?
Oceans are teeming with life,
including predators
like sharks.
Now, my fear is that Delgado
may have inadvertently
opened a superhighway
between the Earth's surface
and one of these vast
underground waterways.
And while
Delgado's greasing palms
in Little Rock
and Washington,
we might be facing
a prehistoric monster
we haven't seen
in about 40 million years.
A sharkasaurus
13 to 20 feet long,
and a natural-born
killing machine,
both in water and on land.
On land?
And believe me when I say
this is definitely not
a fossil.
Crap on a cracker.
Everybody listen up.
We are getting the hell
out of here right now.
- Hallelujah.
- But how?
That creature may be out there
waiting for us.
We'll figure a way.
Pack your stuff.
You think we can make it?
Who can tell?
I say we risk it.
It's only 100 sweet yards
to that van.
Then by all means,
chopstick, lead the way.
Here's the keys.
We're right behind you.
Well, what's the matter,
Tokyo Rose?
Thought you were willing
to risk it.
I'm thinking. I'm thinking.
Give me those.
I'll do it myself.
[ Earth crumbling ]
- [ Screams ]
- Hey, get back here!
Come on!
- [ Gunshots ]
- Get back here.
Get, come on, come on.
Hurry! Come inside!
- [ Gunshots continue ]
- Come on, come on.
- [ Earth crumbling ]
- [ Screaming]
[ Gunshots ]
What is he doing?
Oh! what's going on?
- [ Tire deflates ]
- What are the-- Oh!
Just-- Just go.
Oh, my God.
This is crazed.
Okay, does someone have
just a cell phone, a AAA card?
So, what do we do now,
Well, first,
stop waving those guns.
I don't know.
I need to think for a minute.
Oh, come on.
Pretty hyped-up group.
Yeah, they got good reason.
I don't think we've been
properly introduced.
I'm John.
Pleased to meet you.
50, what do you do
when you're not fleeing
prehistoric monsters?
Five to ten.
[ Bell on door rings]
I'll take this
when you guys are ready.
[ Phone rings ]
[ Phone beeps ]
- Yours from Wilson, too?
- Yeah.
Read it to me, will you?
Left my glasses in the car.
Nothing. I just thought
I saw something.
says the choppers
may have spotted a van
parked nut
near Wrightson Swamp.
So, did they land
and check it out?
Negative. Wilson says the area
was too heavily wooded
to put the choppers down.
Pack up your chalupas.
Let's blow this taco stand.
Did you pay?
It's your turn.
It's always my turn.
What's cooking?
Just more peaches and beans.
- Hold the beans, please.
- Yeah, me, too.
[ Screen clangs ]
My Lord.
God bless Ronald Reagan.
What is it?
Two words...
Merry Christmas.
Well, this ought to even
the odds a little bit.
And there's a lot more
in there.
[ Birds chirping ]
You okay?
We're gonna get through this,
you and me.
I'm tired.
It wasn't supposed
to be this way.
When you grow up
the prettiest girl
in Martin Springs,
you think everything's
gonna be a bed of roses.
Marry the captain
of the football team
and live happily ever after,
but he turns out to be
a raging psychotic
who gets
hooked on 0xyContin.
Every night he heats you,
and every morning,
he begs your forgiveness.
You wake up wondering
if this is the day
he finally kills you,
and then you do
something about it.
I'm tired of being so scared
all the damn time.
I'm tired of just getting by
instead of living.
[ Birds chirping ]
Excuse me, if I could just
have a moment of your time.
[ Gunshot ]
What was that?
I don't know.
The man asked
for a moment of your time.
Is that too much to ask?
All right,
so if you don't mind
giving my man Carl here
your undivided attention,
that would be great.
- Go ahead, sir.
- To begin with,
the kidnapping
and prison escape
is now officially over.
Sorry, folks.
Better luck next time.
The business
of getting out of here
without getting eaten
by whatever's outside
has begun.
Where did you get those?
Well, the owner
of this cabin
is obviously
a crackerjack survivalist,
and we found enough guns here
to start World War III.
50, if you're good
and promise not to shoot
each other in the head,
my friend Carl will give you
the weapon of your choice.
But should you choose to he
a fool or a hothead,
and I am talking
to you and you,
then my good friend Carl here
will have to blow
your heads clean off.
- And I will do that.
- So, that's that.
Let's go into the kitchen
and load up.
[ Door creaks open ]
Well, it looks quiet enough.
Maybe it went away,
just some dumb animal.
Smart enough
to flatten our tires
and maroon us here.
Let's see if this
stirs the pot a little.
[Wood clangs ]
Must be gone.
[ Explosion ]
Wrung, buddy.
Wrong in a big way, junior.
I got a had feeling
about this.
All right,
everyone hold your ears.
Fire in the hole.
[ Machine gun shots]
[ Sharks growling ]
It's just as I thought.
There's more than one.
You gotta be kidding me.
How many?
Six, seven,
maybe a whole mess of 'em
by now, I don't know.
All is I know is
when they smelled blood,
this place became
tha hometown Buffet.
We're never
getting out here now.
- Damn.
- "Damn" is right, girl.
You bitches hadn't done
what you done,
I'd be sitting in a warm cell
right now
waiting for my dinner
like these sharks.
Carl: All right,
enough of the blame game.
This is serious.
We're almost out of food,
and we're next on the menu.
Hey, wait a minute.
Anyone notice
if there's a well
anywhere on this property?
No well, but I think I saw
some sort of cave out back.
- Cave, even better.
- Why's that?
All right, everyone,
back porch right now.
He's right.
Let's go. Hurry.
- Come on.
- Come on. Hurry.
[ Birds chirping ]
What would you say, fellas?
300 feet maybe.
I'd say more like 400.
- What do you think, professor?
- Well, I asked for a well
'cause I was hoping
we could climb down
and reach
the subterranean caverns
that are known
to crisscross this area,
but a cave's even better.
It's sure
to lead us downward.
But how do we all
get over there safely?
And how do you know
that shark's
not gonna follow us
into the cave?
First question,
not exactly sure.
Second question, cave floors
usually consist
of solid stone,
so sharks won't be able
to burrow through.
Anita: Okay,
I've got a great idea.
Why don't we just stay put
right here till help comes?
Not a great idea, babe.
We don't want
that kind of help.
Oh, yeah, sorry.
I forgot.
There's an even better reason
to leave soon.
- Well, spit it out.
- Yeah, give, professor.
What's got you so spooked?
Well, every year,
sharks swarm,
sometimes 15,000 in an area
less than two miles wide.
They define
hunting territory, mate,
devour everything in sight,
then move on.
I'm concerned that what
we've got in the front yard
is just a scouting party
waiting on a thousand
of their dearest friends.
No, this doesn't sound good
at all.
- No, it doesn't.
- So, we gotta figure a way
to get to that cave
without becoming fish food.
And how the hell
do we do that?
Professor, you said sharks
gravitate toward human blood,
Like ants to honey, Honey.
So, let's just give 'em
what they want.
Got 'em.
I found this shirt.
These might work.
[ Metal tapping ]
It's ready.
[ Blood slurping ]
Come and get it.
Okay. Ready?
Let's do it.
Hey, guys, how's it
looking over there?
Nothing in sight.
Let's hope
it stays that way.
Who's the best shot?
- Just don't miss.
- I don't intend to.
All right, everybody,
let's get ready to rumble.
Okay, how do we know
exactly when?
- Oh, you'll know.
- Don't worry.
I'm not gonna let
anything happen to you.
[ Blood squirting ]
Stay frosty, everybody.
Here goes nothing.
[ Earth crumbles ]
Oh, my God.
There are six of 'em.
I sure hope Dirty Harriet
can shoot a gun
as well as she
shoots her mouth off.
Get ready.
Don't sweat it.
I was born to do this.
Let's hope so
for everybody's sake.
- [ Gunshot ]
- [ Explosion ]
Right. Go, go, go.
[ Door slams ]
Nice work.
Thank me later.
- Quick.
- Go.
Go, go.
[ Earth crumbling ]
[Girls screaming ]
[ Shark growls ]
[ Earth crumbling ]
[ Man screams]
[Groaning ]
Oh, my God.
Come on, you guys.
Here comes one now.
Hurry, hurry.
Get up, get up.
I think I sprained my ankle.
[ Growling ]
They're coming.
Guys, one of 'em now.
Hey, come on.
Come on, come on, come on.
Sprain or no sprain,
you gotta rise
to the occasion.
- Come on.
- [ Gunshots ]
- Let's go.
- Anita: Hurry.
[ Growling ]
- Honey, they're coming.
- [ Gunshots continue]
- Hurry.
- Honey: But it won't stop.
Won't stop.
Bullets aren't working.
Just go.
Save yourself. Go.
- I've gotta help him.
- No, stay here.
- You'll get killed.
- I'm going.
Bad idea.
[ Gunshots ]
Guys, get hack.
Hey! Hey!
[ Growling ]
Look over here!
John, no.
Get out of there.
[ Growling ]
[ Screams ]
[ Wailing ]
Come on, dollface,
help me get him up.
What'd you call me?
God help me.
Come on, guys. Come on.
Come on, come on,
come on, come on.
- Wait. Wait.
- Come on, come on.
[crying 1
[ Earth crumbling ]
He gave his life.
I know.
John was a fine young man.
He left us much too soon.
I'll mourn him
for the rest of my life,
but I know
he'd want us to push on,
so just follow me,
and let's just get
tha hell out of here.
You know,
if we go by the G.P.S.
we got from Wilson,
we're just about a mile away
from the coordinates.
Is that so?
Yeah, but don't you think
we should call him,
let him know
we're going in without backup?
- No.
- Why not?
'Cause the minute
we call it in,
every black-and-white
from here
to Fort Smith
is gonna come blazing
through these gullies
like they're gunning
for Bonnie and Clyde.
- Who?
- What?
Who are Bonnie and Clyde?
- How old are you?
- 29.
And you've never heard
of Bonnie and Clyde?
- No.
- How 'bout Ma Barker?
- From "The Price is Right."
- Oh, for the love of--
[ Bird crowing ]
Hey, look.
White van, blue stripes.
Oh, yeah. I see it.
Where you going?
[ Earth crumbling ]
I don't know.
Just anxious, I guess.
Well, relax.
If they're in there,
we have to wait for them
to make the first move.
- If we wait for them--
- I said get your ass
hack in here.
[ Chomping ]
Give me the bi run-cs.
See anything?
Well, we got a plate match.
Then we got 'em.
Not yet.
- Huh.
- What?
They got four flat tires,
and there's something weird
laying in the front yard.
Here. Take a look.
Tell me what you think it is.
That is strange.
It looks like
a piece of a dummy
all ripped up.
That's exactly
what I thought.
[ Earth crumbling ]
So, how do you want
to play this?
Like always.
[ Crashes ]
Did you see that?
What is that thing?
Let's get out of here.
[ Engine revs ]
- This place is huge.
- Cavernous.
You sure there's another way
out of here, Doc?
It does, and I'd imagine
we just need to find one
with easy access
to tha surface.
So, once we're up top,
what next, girl?
- Quiet.
- No.
Quiet time's over.
These people have worked
way too hard
and lost too much
to have it end badly
once you and Blondie here
take off to parts unknown.
Listen, bitch,
I'm the one who came up
with the escape plan.
I'm the one who rescued us
from those sharks.
Now, don't make me shoot you
out of lack of respect.
Excuse me.
The only one allowed
to shoot anybody
anymore is me.
And how do you figure that,
Because you're out
of bullets.
You blew your last round
shooting at the sharks.
Okay, you need to give her
her weapon hack
right now,
along with whatever
leftover ammo you might have.
[ Chuckling ]
Do you really think
I'd give a psychotic like you
live ammo?
What? I was defenseless
hack there.
No, you weren't.
You had me, John,
Michelle, the professor.
You don't have
any faith in me either?
I know your backstory.
There's no way
you'd ever raise your gun
to shoot at anything.
[ Howling ]
[ Low growl ]
What the hell was that?
It's those creatures.
They're speaking
to each other like whales.
- Crap on a cracker.
- For once, professor,
I agree
with Honey's assessment.
I say the sooner
we get out of here,
- the better off we'll be.
- Speak for yourself.
Yeah, Screw.
There's a breeze
coming from this direction.
Good possibility
there's an opening
somewhere up ahead.
All right.
You heard the man, ladies.
Let's move.
- You know what, boss?
- What?
You're okay.
Thanks for the trust.
You're welcome.
Don't make me regret it.
Thank you.
[Water dripping ]
[ Man groans]
[ Water dripping louder ]
[ Music fades]
So, doc,
why so bright down here?
Yeah, it looks like the walls
are lit from behind.
It's the phosphorous
from the limestone.
It creates its awn type
of cold light.
Michelle: Learn something new
every day, huh?
Sounds like water running.
There's a good chance.
[Water dripping ]
Guess we're not
the first ones here, huh?
Carl: No, I read they were
mining for minerals
about a decade ago,
but they didn't find anything
So, they just left their stuff
there and lit off?
Guess so.
[ Growling ]
I don't blame 'em one bit.
Is that water, professor?
I think that's
an underground river.
That could lead us
to the surface. Let's go.
Hey, come here,
all of you.
Is that daylight?
- It sure is.
- Maybe we're saved.
That's most definitely
a way out.
- Only--
- Only what?
Only to get to it,
we're all gonna have to wade
through about 100 yards
of water waist-deep,
maybe higher.
You're thinking
some of our friends
are just below the surface
lying in wait?
It's a distinct possibility.
Well, I don't see any fins.
Oh, it doesn't matter.
We could get ten feet out,
and they'd be on us
before we knew what hit us.
What can we do?
we got a couple options.
We can go back the way we came
and choose another path--
No, no, no, no, no, no.
Miss me with that crap.
That ain't happening.
Oh, I actually agree
with you.
Plus there's no guarantee
we'd find another exit.
Or we may find more water
we can't get through.
- Precisely.
- What's our other option?
Send one of us through
to test the waters,
if you get my drift.
Oh, I get it, all right.
One of us goes through,
and if he or she
doesn't get eaten,
we send the rest of 'em
through, right?
I didn't say
it was a great option.
Well, I, for one,
am not down
for a fun game
of sharkasaurus roulette.
Look, the water
may ultimately recede,
but not necessarily
on our timeline.
Okay, so what you're saying
is we'll run out of,
like, food and air?
Air, we got.
We got plenty of water.
Food, I got a protein bar
and a pack of Twinkies.
Yeah, I'm in the same boat.
All I've got left
is half a pack of Tic Tacs.
Wait a minute.
Michelle, you may be
on to something.
What? Tic Tacs?
Yeah, I don't think sharks
eat Tic Tacs.
No, you said, "Boat."
- We got a raft.
- Oh, shoot. That's right.
Well, let's go get it.
Easy now.
You two stay here.
You monitor the water.
You see a ripple, vibration,
anything, you take note.
Aren't you afraid
we'll try to escape?
Nope, not at all.
- You still see it?
- No, I think it's gone.
Jeez, what was that thing?
I don't know,
but if I didn't know better,
I'd think we just had
an encounter
with a land shark.
A land shark?
I mean, what, you mean like
from "Saturday Night Live"?
Oh, that, you remember?
So, that guy was right.
It is a shark.
Oh, we gotta warn somebody.
What are we gonna say?
Who's gonna believe us?
I mean, they're gonna think
we skipped the donuts
and went right
for the hard stuff.
Yeah, but I mean, it was real.
We saw it. We felt it.
Yeah, and if we did,
I'm sure the escaped convicts
did as well.
Wait. You mean...
I think that that thing,
it took away
their only means of escape,
and it trapped them
in the hideout.
50, that ripped-up dummy
that we saw,
what was that,
some sort of a decoy?
I'd stake my pension on it.
What do you think?
Are they still trapped inside?
Hard to tell.
Pull up
the geological schematics
on that fancy gadget
of yours.
- You mean the iPad?
- Whatever.
See if there's anyplace
they could have escaped to
given the chance.
- Come on.
- All right, all right.
According to this,
there is a cave entrance
about 200 yards
from the back of the cabin.
That's it, then.
What's it?
They threw the dummy
to the wolf,
and they made a run for it.
Well, assuming they made it,
where do you think they went?
If it were me,
I'd use that cave
to get the heck out of there
as quick as I could.
I mean, not only
do they have us hunting them,
they've got that creature
hunting them, too.
Where did they come from?
I think Hell'd
be a good place to start.
[ Birds chirping ]
[ Water rippling ]
Well, it looks sound enough,
provided those things
don't slice it in half.
Distinct possibility,
my friend.
Distinct possibility.
Yeah, and we have oars,
so I don't have
to stick my hands
in the water.
Yeah, I wouldn't suggest
doing that.
Yeah, why make yourself
an appetizer?
Look, I found some rope,
lots of it.
Good girl, Michelle.
Bring it all.
It'll make things
a hell of a lot easier.
Sounds good to me.
You ready to see
daylight again, professor?
Oh, I'm looking forward
to it.
- [ Water splashes ]
- [Shark growls]
[Girls scream ]
[ Machine gunshots ]
Oh, my God.
Did you just hear that?
- Yeah.
- Do you think that maybe--
I don't know. I don't know.
I don't know.
Honey, we are officially
in the sauce.
Take it easy, baby.
If we have to go this alone,
we will.
- Yeah, but how are we gonna--
- Put a hold on the play.
I still got a good feeling
about this.
He may be a relic,
but that old guard
has what it takes.
I hope you're right.
[crying ]
Come on, Sham.
You can't afford
to go to pieces right now.
We've come too far.
Just leave me. I don't care.
I don't care.
Look at me, little girl.
I know
you didn't ask for this,
but we're here.
Now, we gotta make
the best of it.
And that young man
who put his life
on the line for you,
he wouldn't want you
to give up,
and neither do I.
That goes ditto for me,
50, dry those eyes,
and let's get topside, okay?
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
It's okay. It's okay.
Don't worry.
Now, listen,
we get out of here
in one piece,
I'll have a nice, long talk
with the warden
about your case, okay?
Hey, what about me?
No love
for your lotus blossom?
You, too, Michelle.
You, too.
There hasn't been a ripple.
Maybe we should
just risk it.
Personally, I'd rather wait
for the raft.
Yeah, the raft
that may or may not be coming.
Hey, you two.
Praise the Lord.
I thought you were
never coming back.
Where's the professor?
He didn't make it.
We heard gunshots.
What happened?
Let's just leave it at,
"He didn't make it."
Okay, well,
how are we gonna get
this party started?
Okay, listen,
I'll go first, all right?
If I get across safely,
tie a rape
to both ends of the boat,
pull you all across.
- In this thing?
- [ Sighs ]
Good idea.
help me with the ropes.
All right, make a left
at the mile marker.
- You sure?
- Yeah, I'm sure.
According to the geological
survey map,
there's an entrance
to the cave
about a half a mile
west of here.
Just watch out for any more
of those land sharks.
- You had to remind me.
- How could you forget?
if something goes wrong,
I'm counting on you.
Pull me back
with all you got.
We've got your back, sir.
Good luck.
[ Water splashes ]
- He made it.
- That, he did.
See, I told you
he had the guts.
Okay, pull the boat back.
Come across two by two.
Will do.
Come on, pull.
All right, ladies.
See you on the other side.
Gut it?
[ Sharks howl ]
Oh, what is that?
I don't know.
Let's just keep on rowing.
- Oh, my God.
- No, no, no. Don't worry.
- Oh, my God.
- Don't get scared.
No, let's go.
We can do this.
[Groaning ]
Okay, I got it.
I see him.
There he is.
Go, go, go.
I'm going.
Oh, my God.
Come on, come on,
come on, come on, come on.
We're almost there.
We made it. We made it.
- We got it.
- Give me your hand.
Here we go.
All right, pull it back.
[ Panting out of breath ]
All right, baby,
time to get the hell out.
I'm right behind you.
Come on. come on.
Come on. We gut this.
[ Low growl ]
- Whoa.
- Watch out.
[ Machine gunshots ]
[ Screaming ]
[ Screaming ]
- [Woman screams]
- [ Splash ]
[ Sniffling ]
[ Cries ]
Let's get the hell
out of here.
Give me your hand.
[Woman grunts]
[ Bird crows ]
[ Man grunts]
Suppose you'll be wanting this
back now.
You know, I been thinking...
it's too bad everyone but me
had to die down there.
Only Shannon's body
to recover,
the rest devoured
by those creatures.
It's gonna make recovery
and identification
damn near impossible.
The girl I feel
most sorry for
is the one with a kid
waiting for her.
Child needs a mom
to grow up well.
So, I'm gonna turn around now
and start looking for help.
If I see one
of those damn land sharks,
I'm gonna look
that son of a bitch
right in the eye
and tell him to bugger off.
I fought
with Michelle Alika.
[ Chuckles ]
Thank you.
You all right, buddy?
The prisoners?
I'm the only one.
Do you know what
we're up against?
[ Earth crumbling ]
[ Growl ]
[ Gasping ]
Crap on a cracker.