Sharknado 2: The Second One (2014)

Sir, here's your beverage.
We're almost home.
I am so sorry to bother you Mr. Shepard.
But we're so excited to have you on board.
Would you mind signing your book for me?
Um, I didn't write that, April here did.
Um, would you mind?
The read is truly riveting.
I mean, what you did is just
incredible. You're a hero.
Thank you.
We're actually having a signing in New
York on Saturday if you'd like to come.
Really? You're inviting me?
Thank you so much! And again, we're
so honored to have you both on board.
Have a nice flight.
Fin, why aren't you
having more fun with this?
Come on, April.
Two of my friends were killed.
I almost destroyed Los Angeles.
And oh yeah...
I got eaten by a shark.
How much fun do you think that was?
I'm sorry, I...
No. I'm sorry.
It's just...
All this attention is crazy.
That never used to bother you before.
Yeah but this is...
It's different.
Well think of it like a vacation.
You're gonna go home and
you're gonna see your sister...
and your brother in law.
Why don't you two just work it out?
You know what? Right
now, I think I'd rather
just focus on the hot
slice of New York pizza.
I'm gonna wash my face.
- Are you ok? You sure?
- Yeah. I'm fine.
Are you sure you're ok?
I'll be alright.
This is Captain Bob Wilson,
we will be starting our decent into
New York shortly. I just want to say
thank you for flying Santa Mira Airlines.
It's a perfect way to fly.
What did you have?
The chicken.
Chicken? I was going to try the
fish but the chicken looked good.
Always Chicken on a plane.
Ladies and Gentlemen, as we
begin our final decent we expect
to hit a bit of turbulence so
please fasten your seat belts.
I like how you say a little bit.
This is a lot of bit.
- Oh this is not that much.
- Yeah?
We just want to make sure
everybody is going to stay in their seats
and not bounce around. No
lawsuits on my flights.
No sir.
Don't worry. This is
nothing. Oh I've flown worse.
Flight attendant! Flight attendant!
There's something on the wing.
There's something on the wing!
Did you see that?
What do you see?
Mr. Shepard, you need to relax. Really.
You guys are just experiencing normal
turbulence. There's nothing to worry about.
Are you ok, Mr. Shepard?
You need to calm down.
I can't have you disturbing
the rest of the passengers.
You got it?
Ok, I get it.
I'm good.
I'm alright.
Fin, what do you see?
It's happening again.
Whoa! Did you see that?
- It looks like a bird. No it's a bird.
- No it's a bat.
Guys. Guys. Sshh!
Flame on number 2 Captain.
I think we've been hit!
Mayday Mayday Mayday. It's flight
2-0-9. We've lost engine number 2.
Request emergency clearance into JFK.
We're descending rapidly to 20,000 feet.
Jonni check number 3.
It's running a little hot.
What the?
I've never seen anything like this.
Flight 209. Please report
what is causing the disturbance.
Repeat, what is causing the disturbance.
Captain, we've gotta tell them something.
Tell'em what?
We're going to be okay.
We're going to be okay.
Check those galley panels.
Just hold on everybody! Hold on!
Just hold on!
Just hold on!
Just hold on! I'm almost there!
This is flight 2-0-9! The pilots are dead!
I see the runway!
I'm putting down the landing
gear and heading for it!
Clear out the runway!
I'm coming in hot!
Shark! Shark!
Grab my gun!
Behind you!
My hand! My hand!
Oh, my God.
Oh man.
Welcome to New York.
This weather is driving me crazy!
One minute it's hot, the
next minute it's cold...
Hot, cold, hot, cold, make up your mind!
- Maybe you should pull your skirt down.
- Ok you use to wear short
skirts before you got old.
You know, the weather is crazy
though. I hope it doesn't rain today.
Alright the ferry to
Liberty Island is on time,
the game hasn't been canceled,
there's nothing to worry about.
- Perfect. Alright, great so you guys have
- Yep.
a good time. Don't forget to meet us
at April and Fin's hotel for dinner, ok?
Please don't lose the address.
It's right here,
What if something happens to your phone?
That's what I got my boy for. Photographic
memory, keen sense of direction,
part blood hound from
your side of the family.
Alright. Yeah...
Oh and hey, Please don't hide
from my bother tonight, ok?
I don't hide from him, I just
don't think he's ever uh...
forgiving me for hooking up with...
Ok, gross! You cannot say that!
I think I recall me hooking up with you...
Either way, it was the
end of the dynamic duo.
And which one of you was the Boy Wonder?
I thought I was Batman.
Yeah, I love you. Bye.
Have fun you guys, Ok?
- See you guys later, be safe!
- Be good.
Come on, let's get there early, maybe
we can catch a little batting practice?
You think David Wright is
gonna hit a homer today?
Maybe, he's been roping them lately.
Do you remember what
you promised this time?
Alright alright, I'm turning
it off. No more work, alright?
All play all day. Me and
you. Let's go. Come on.
We have some new developments
right now on a 747 that made an
emergency landing at
JFK airport this morning.
It happened at 7:33.
We're told it was a Santa
Mira Airlines flight 209.
Reports that we're getting
say it hit turbulence
on it's decent, and that
a passenger actually aided
in the safe landing of that plane.
The plane flew into some
kind of crazy weather pattern.
And a shark got sucked up into the engine.
That's hard to believe.
Hard to believe that a storm
bigger than anything you've ever
seen before is about to hit
Manhattan? Well guess what?
It's about to happen, so here's the deal...
You need to lock down the city.
You need to call the Mayor and have
him put the National Guard on alert.
Get helicopters in the air with firebombs
so they can throw them into the tornado.
Ok, I can see you're upset...
I'm not crazy.
You gotta alert the city.
The people have to know the
truth before it happens again.
Mr. Shepard, we're ready to go.
Mr. Shepard, do you have a comment?
No I don't have a comment!
Get that camera outta my face!
Move out of the way!
Security can you grab these.
It's gonna be ok.
Stay with me.
There you go.
Oh, no, no, sweetie, you can't in there.
She's lost a lot of blood.
But, she's gonna be ok.
She's in good hands.
I'll let you know as
soon as there's any news.
Can you just wait over here?
I'll be back, I promise.
Dr. Hardman please report to Trauma C.
Dr. Hardman please report to Trauma C.
Yes, Well did you notice
how tall I was today?
But-but they look good.
I like the hot red.
Yes. Thank you very much. Just for
you. I actually wore them today for
who was suppose to be our first
guest, you know April Wexler
was suppose to be here. She
wrote this incredible book:
How to survive a Sharknado.
- You know what but her plane...
- Very scary.
Her plane had an
emergency landing at JFK.
I know. It's a scary thing, so...
And we don't know the
status of the plane, so
we're-our prayers are
with her, her family, and
- all the other passengers.
- Of course Fin, her husband.
Fin, her husband and all the
other passengers on Flight 209.
Notice for Dr. Courtice.
Please report to trauma.
Notice for Dr. Courtice.
Please report to trauma.
Mr. Wexler?
Mr. Shepard.
We're divorced.
Is... April ok?
She's going to survive.
We were able to salvage some of the limb.
In time, she should be able
to make a full recovery.
Is she a fighter?
Yeah, yeah she's a fighter.
How much recovery time
are we talking about?
Varies with different patients.
Prosthetics have come
a long way these days...
I mean, with a little time,
rehabilitation she'll be able to
do a lot more then she thinks she can.
She's going to be waking up soon.
Let's get you to her room.
It's pretty cool, huh?
I first visited the statue of
liberty when I was your age.
I've never realized she had feet before.
It's actually very
interesting, the broken shackles
around her ankles are about her being free
and moving forward, and
lighting the path to freedom.
Yeah, you just read that out
of the pamphlet, didn't you?
Hey baby.
Hey, you're going to be ok.
Am I?
The shark...
kept chasing me.
And it had this huge scar across its face.
And I shot him in the
eye. But it took my hand.
It's like, he knew who I was.
No, he didn't know you.
If he did, he would have ran the other way.
I'm sure about that.
Why did you marry me?
Because I wasn't perfect
and you didn't care.
You love me anyway.
You're gonna get passed that.
We're gonna get passed this.
But next time you offer to lend a
hand, don't be so literal about it.
We have a monster storm
headed to New York City.
Let me show you exactly
what I'm talking about here.
We have that southerly
shark wind that's going
to be pushing all the water north bound
so we could see significant damage to
homes that are right along the coast
and then we have to worry about...
Not again.
There she is.
Lady liberty.
- It's pretty cool.
- Yeah.
Here. Let's take a picture.
Got it.
Polly! Chrissie!
- Oh the crew!
- Oh my God. Hot mama.
Wow! Look at you all grown up.
You better be careful Ellen. This one
looks like she's going to be trouble.
- Yeah I know.
- As somebody else we use to know.
- Alright. Ok. Zip it.
- Mmhmm.
I was so worried you
wouldn't able to make it.
Is your brother ok though?
Yeah, he's ok. Why?
There was a crash at JFK.
What? What crash?
It's all over the news.
Oh my God, I got to call him.
I'm sure he's fine.
Ok, well call him.
He called like 14 times.
Ellen. I've been trying
to reach you all morning.
Oh my gosh Fin, are you Ok?
Yeah I'm fine but April is in the
hospital. She's gonna be Ok though.
- Oh my God that's horrible.
- What? What's happening?
April was in an accident. Everybody's ok.
You've got to get back
to Manhattan right away.
Of course, we'll come right away.
Look, the ferry runs every half hour.
Did you hear that?
No, you can't wait half an hour.
The storm is coming fast,
you need to get out of there now!
Well, I'll try. How am I gonna do that?
Call the port authority.
Call the fire department.
Call anyone that's gonna listen to you.
You get back to Manhattan now!
Mom, Dad's phone keeps going to voice-mail.
My God.
Fin listen to me, Martin and
Vaughn they're at the Mets game, ok?
I don't know, Martin's phone
must be dead or something but,
could you try to get to them?
I don't have a ticket. How
am I going to find them?
I sent April a ticket even though I
didn't think you were going to use it.
Listen, that ballpark
is right on the river.
It'll be the first place it hits.
Save them.
I'll be ok.
Alright, I'll go.
Thanks Fin.
We'll meet you at the hotel.
Hotel. Copy that.
What's gonna hit?
You stay out of trouble.
I'm the one who's suppose
to be saying that to you.
You stay out of trouble.
What's going to hit?
You guys.
Mom, what's going on?
Since when are there sharks in Manhattan?
You should probably ask my brother.
Ah we're going to take a look
at the weather right now. I have
never in 56 years seen a weather pattern
like the one we've had this summer here.
Matt, this is nuts. We've already had
record breaking heat. Now we're talking
- about the potential of snow fall.
- Snow in July.
I know!
It sounds like a joke.
It is not my friends.
We have this artic air
mass. It's coming in.
It's going to bring at
least 3 to 4 inches of snow.
Making it's way through the outer burrows
parts of Northwestern
New Jersey. Same time,
a massive low pressure system developing
it's going to bring wind. And it
is going to bring torrential rains.
So we are looking at a convergence
zone right over Manhattan...
that is gonna bring weather
you've never seen before, Matt.
This is unprecedented.
All you can do is just shake your head, Al.
Thank very much, and
Al's gonna bring us the
lasted developments on this
bizarre weather, as they come in.
Martin it's Fin.
When you get this message call me back
on my cell phone. Coming to get you.
If we don't connect, you've got to get
back to Manhattan as soon as you can.
Hey, you know I recognize you.
You're that guy that got eaten by the
great white and lived to tell about it.
How you doing?
Why do you think I picked you up?
This storm is gonna be a real ass kicker.
The other day, trashcans kept flying of
the street, and hit me on the windshield.
Take a look at that. Ah.
Almost crapped on my pants.
I got to get to the ballpark.
What? Baseball today?
You're lucky if they come out
of the club house today.
It's not baseball I'm worried about.
Nathan Fast here
on WTHS Asylum radio!
Next up, we're gonna
talk about the crazy
weather happening here in New York
City. Looks like quite the storm brewing.
That's how you hit the ball.
You see it and you wack it!
I don't know how they're
playing like this. It's so cold.
It's getting colder out here, man.
Yeah, I guess Fin is too Mr. California
to come to Queens to hang for a game.
- Right.
- Too bad.
Yeah, love the way they're hitting today.
Just like old times, right?
Yeah well, me and Vaughn are
starting to uh... family tradition.
I dig it. Yeah, I don't
think Fin is gonna bite.
You guys gotta... work
your beef out somehow.
Well, he's super Fin. Let him work it out.
Guys, maybe Fin doesn't remember where
we're sitting. I'm gonna go look for him.
He'll find us.
If he shows up.
What's the hold up? Why we slowing down.
This is New York you know.
Look Bud, there's gotta be some back way.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, keep your money.
I'll get you there somehow.
Just um, just answer
me one question, ok?
What does the inside of a shark smell like?
There's no words to describe that, pal.
I don't know, I always
thought it would smell like...
Or smell like Salmon or Cod.
Hey. Looks like the ferry's there.
Let's go.
Hey Can I get 4 hot dogs
and 3 chips for the girls?
Thank you.
Harland "The Blaster' McGuinness?
Jesus. It's you.
7 time all-star 2nd basemen.
285 career batting average.
15 years Mets manager.
What are you doing waiting
in line getting a dog here?
Why aren't you in the VIP section,
getting all that free food?
Want to hear a story?
About 25 years ago, man just like this...
It's my last time at bat.
You remember?
Yeah. You struck out pretty bad.
My dad...
Sitting down there, section
C seat 117 and I let him down.
It's good seats.
It's my last time at bat
and all I wanted to do...
was to hit a home run for my pops.
Still feel him watching over me.
This game.
Once it's in your blood, never leaves.
That's a bummer man.
Hey, hey. Hey!
Hey listen, if you ever need a cab again,
I'm Ben. Just call me. I'll be there.
I'm also an actor.
I can play you. If they
ever do a movie of your life.
If anyone's playing me in
a movie, it's gonna be me.
Not a bad idea.
You think it still there?
How are you Mrs (Wixler)
It's hurt.
You need any mitigation?
I got to get out of here.
I'll move you to a different room.
No, I got to get out of the
hospital. I gotta go find Fin.
He's in the storm.
Ma'am, you've just came out
of surgery after major trauma.
You're in no condition to leave.
You need rest.
Attention all personnel,
we are evacuating the east wing
immediately. Patients please
remain in your rooms...
I'll be right back.
Hospital personnel will assist you.
Hey there.
I haven't seen you since graduation.
What are you doing here?
I was hoping that you'd come.
Everyone in the neighborhood
still talks about you.
You look great.
You do too.
I forgot to give you something
the last time I saw you.
What was that?
Wow, um...
I'm with April.
Your cheerleader?
I thought you divorced.
Uh, yeah well its... its complicated.
We're uh... we're working through it.
It's cool.
Where the guys?
Umm... section 112, row 22.
Ladies and Gentlemen it looks like
we are going to have
a little rain delay.
How you doing?
- Hey, hey, hey! Hey Fin!
- Hey!
Hey Bryan!
- You 2 guys, hug it out.
- Yeah.
Vaughn? Man you got big.
You haven't seen him in a while.
- They grow like weeds.
- Yeah they do.
Look, I don't know if you
guys heard but we had to make
an emergency landing at the airport.
Is April ok?
She's gonna be fine. But Ellen sent me
to get you. We gotta get out of here.
There's a storm coming. It's
gonna hit and it's gonna hit hard.
We gotta get out of here
before the river overflows.
Nah, this rain delay is
gonna be over in a minutes..
No trust me, we gotta get
out of here now. Come on!
Ladies and Gentlemen. Due to snow,
the game has been canceled.
Come on! Come on!
Let's go. Let's go!
Grab something!
Whew. Batter up!
Are you alright?
Go! Go!
- This is happening here.
- It could be happening to Ellen and Mora.
That was a good game!
We were winning!
Come on! Come on! This way.
It's alright, the 7
train is always running.
I'm not getting through.
Me neither.
We gotta get to the Bales Tower.
We gotta go home. Take Mora home.
No, Bales Tower that's
were she said to meet us.
She's gonna go through Manhattan
anyway. We're going there.
If mom made a plan...
She'd stick to it.
Alright. Alright.
Come on. Let's go.
The tunnel better not be flooded.
The trains wouldn't
be running if they were.
Let's hope you're right.
Awe, Lou?
Bad news.
Yeah, you think they would have fixed
all the flooding we had from the last storm.
Yeah, you think.
Dispatch, we're on
location. Confirm flooding.
We're going in to shut the valves off.
There's more of them!
They're getting closer!
We need to move the boat faster!
So many of them.
Thanks Fin.
Thanks for getting us outta there.
Nah, I mean it.
Vaughn... my boy could have been killed.
Can't believe I forgot my gloves again!
Come on, What? Are you afraid of the dark?
Come on!
You feel that?
Feel what?
That thing that just swam by my leg?
Ah, it's gonna be one of those days, is it?
Come on! Hurry up.
You guys reach
shut off valve I.R.T.
11-38 yet? That's the last one open.
Yeah dispatch we're almost there. Bud
here thought he'd seen an alligator.
If you guys don't shut off
the valve, the whole
freakin' subways system's gonna flood.
Yeah, Roger that dispatch.
We're almost there.
I didn't say that.
Well you thought it.
Look, I know we haven't been
as close as we use to be.
Don't worry. I'm never gonna let
anything happen to your family.
I screwed mine up.
But you make Ellen and
the kids really happy.
One of these days you're gonna
have to teach me how to do that.
If I'm such a good family man...
how come you have such a problem
with me dating your sister?
Never had a problem with
you dating my sister.
How about that fight we got into?
You left for California and
you never spoke about it again.
Neither did you.
Look, when we were little we got into a
lot of trouble. Remember the dynamic duo?
- Yeah.
- Yeah well.
We broke a lot of hearts.
We did.
How can I get a guy like
that, marry my sister?
Cause we were the same, man.
- What was that?
- What?
Probably some giant subway
rat trying to get in the train.
Maybe a hipster fell on the
tracks. They're pretty light.
Where is this damn train?
You should really be
eating fresh too, you know.
We're in trouble.
Come on! Move to the next car!
Move, move, move, move, move, move!
Everyone to the front of the train, now!
- Come on Bryan!
- Bryan!
Don't mess with a Mets fan on the 7 train.
Bryan! Watch out!
Go, go, go!
Go! I'm gonna help her!
Go! I'll catch up!
Go. Go!
We gotta stop the train!
You know we're dead! We're dead!
I got it!
Go! Go! Go!
- Fin!
- Fin!
- Did you see him? Did you see him get out?
- No!
- Fin?
- Fin!
I'm right here.
I hate the subway.
- You ok?
- You alright man?
- Yeah, come on. Let's go upstairs.
- Alright.
- Uh...
- Fin!
There's something on your left hip?
- Yeah?
- You might want to get that one.
- That hurt.
- That's gonna leave a mark.
Let's go.
How did you know where we'd be?
I knew if anyone was going to get out
that pickle at the ball park, it'd be you.
So uh, where we going?
Bales Tower, please.
Ok, you got it buddy.
We could go to my school. We'd
be safe from anything in there.
That place is built like a brick prison.
We got to get your mother and your sister.
That depends on where he'd be safer.
Alright, Alright, you want me to stop here?
You know what, he's gonna be safer with us.
Semper Paratus, right?
I knew I liked that kid.
It's obvious which side of
the family he takes after.
Ok folks, so what do we need?
I need guns. I need ammo.
Don't you know anything about New York?
There's no gun shops in this city.
It's illegal.
He's right.
Find a hardware store.
Hardware store? What for?
I gotta get a chainsaw.
There's no chainsaws in Manhattan either.
I mean, you gotta go to
Long Island or Jersey.
You don't want to go to Jersey.
We can't Fin. We gotta get
to Ellen, and my little girl.
Man do you really think there's gonna
be one of those shark storms here?
Ok. Weapons it is.
Ok, I'm also gonna need some propane tanks.
I'm gonna need some flares.
I'm gonna need a smoke alarm.
I'm gonna need duck tape... some wires.
What for?
I'm gonna throw a bomb into the tornado.
It worked in L.A.
Fin, look around.
This ain't L.A, bro.
No kidding.
Ok. Buckle up!
Repent! Sinners! The end is near!
You all will be destroyed!
You must repent!
Repent sinners!
He has seen what you have done!
Hey man! That hurt!
Come on! Get a job already!
You will parish! You will parish
in a head and bolt from above!
Are you ok?
Bless you child.
Baby come on!
Come on! Come on!
Ladies, you ok? Listen we
gotta get out of this storm.
My office is right down the block
at the stock exchange, come with me.
We'll wait it out.
No, no, no! Come on!
Come on! Come on!
I'm a...
I thought you said there
wasn't a hardware store?
Well it use to be here.
There's gotta be some place else.
So you're coming to
Magee's after work, or what?
My kids have rehearsal tonight.
Severed head or bowling ball?
The way you bowl, you might use a
severed head you might do better.
What the hell you say? I
bowled 6 flights last week.
Top of the line. 15 pounder!
Bam baby!
Wait till you see this strike!
Can I have your old one?
Come this way!
It's safer in here!
Come on! Come on!
Come on, come on, come on!
Out of my way!
What are you doing?
Do you know how to drive
one of these things?
Says the girl that
flunked her driver's test.
You got it! Come on! Come on.
Mom! She's getting closer!
Just like an arcade girls!
Come on! Come on!
Go, go, go! Run! Run! Run!
Go, go, go!
We have breaking news to report
there is random flooding
right now throughout Manhattan.
We're going to have important
details on street closures coming up.
Matt, additionally
waterspouts now have been
formed over the Hudson and East rivers.
They're actually moving into
Manhattan towards each other.
So residents are encouraged
to stay off the streets.
I don't want to alarm
anyone but there is concern
that New York maybe facing a shark storm
- similar...
- Sharknado.
A shark storm similar to the one that tore
through the Los Angeles region last year.
And Al has more details.
Matt, these-these Sharknadoes
are actually a rare anomaly.
While they've been isolated reports in the
past of marine life actually being sucked
into storms. A Sharknado is much
more powerful and a lot more deadly.
I mentioned Los Angeles last
year. Anything learned by the
situation there that New
Yorkers need to know now?
You've got to avoid going near one at
all cost. They're very unpredictable.
Think of it this way this
is a twister with teeth.
Enough said.
Enough said indeed,
Al. Thank you very much.
If those 2 water spouts come
into Manhattan and meet up...
It's not gonna be a good thing.
Did you transfer Ms. Wexler?
Everyone's in the basement Doctor.
Why we stopping?
Well I'm sure you can
find something around here.
- What are we gonna find around here?
- Yeah!
This is town square baby. This
is crossroads of the world.
You can't find it here,
you can't find it anywhere.
Come on Marty, I'm gonna
teach you how to improvise.
I'm sure you will.
Aren't you coming?
What are you kidding?
There ain't no parking here.
I'll stay with the cab, you guys
go. I'll wait for you right here.
Alright we got to split up.
Find any place that's open. Grab
anything you can use as a weapon.
You go looking for bombs, I'm
going to go to the toy store.
For what?
Well, you gotta have something to
put the bombs in the tornado, right?
- Yeah?
- I got you!
Let's meet back here in 10.
- Alright.
- Let's go.
Hey, dummies, go around.
Can you see the flashes? Use your eyes!
Sorry we're closing.
I'm just looking for Vinnie. Is he around?
Yo! Vinnie, you got a visitor.
Well look who's back from la la land.
Just in time for the end of the world.
What's happening Vinnie?
What are you doing on a day like this?
Don't you see what the
storm has done to the city?
I'm hope you can help me out
with some emergency supplies.
Those propane tanks you had from all
those summer BBQs. You still got'em?
Do you got a screw loose? Don't
you see it's dangerous out there?
I give you a slice of pie. You're
safer in here then out there.
Take whatever you want.
Take it! Just take it!
Alright Vaughn, we need propane bottles,
road flares, and smoke
alarms for bombs, ok?
And any type of weapons we can find.
No propane. But I found this.
It's a good idea son but I don't
think it's what Fin is looking for.
I have something else in mind.
I'm glad you got the brains in the family.
Let's get out of here. Come on.
You know I stopped here on
my first date with April.
I owe you one.
Forget about it.
Yeah honk honk.
Good idea. Yeah.
I like that, yeah.
Hey dummies, go around.
See the flashers? they're
on. Yeah. Use your eyes.
What did you get?
We got some of the stuff you needed.
We got enough for the
bombs. We need more weapons!
New York has now become the second
city to be struck by the terror of a
Sharknado. Moments ago the waterspout came
ashore, devastating the United Nations.
If the city choppers are down,
there's nothing that's gonna stop them.
Step on it Ben. We're
gonna head back to the hotel.
I got to get to some place high where
I can throw a bomb into the tornado.
Bales Tower is the second
tallest hotel in North America.
When we get back to the
hotel, you go into the
lobby and you stay away from the windows.
That will be the safest place.
The bikes.
Attention all personnel,
patients and staff are to make way to
the basement immediately. I repeat,
everyone in the building must get to the
basement immediately, this is not a drill.
I want my mommy.
Are you ok?
Ok, my name is April.
I'm gonna help you, ok?
- Ok.
- But you need to take my hand...
and I'm gonna save you. But you have
to trust me. You gotta take my hand...
- I don't want to go.
- Be brave.
We'll be brave together.
Come on.
Come on.
What are you doing? You
can't leave the hospital.
I'm gonna go get my husband.
Take her to the basement, now!
Thanks, April.
...falling from the sky and these sharks
could be coming down at 2 inches an hour.
There's also gonna be
significant wind. It could be
blowing sharks down Broadway.
So you do have to watch out for
flying debris and also you
have to worry about surge...
Holly Sh... ark.
Oh my God! They're everywhere.
Come on Come on!
Oh my God.
We can't get across that!
We can't stay here.
We gotta go across.
Hey! Ben, do you have any rope in there?
Yeah! I got some tow rope.
Fin's gonna figure something out.
He is. He can do it.
You're gonna make me
go first, aren't you?
Careful Dad.
Come on!
- Come on! Come on! Who's next?
- Let's go!
You can do it, Vaughn!
You're gonna be good!
Come on! Come on!
Let's go! Let's go! Come
on! Come on! Come on!
You got it.
I don't know if I can do this? I
can barely climb the rope in gym.
How am I supposed to swing over there?
Just hold on to me kid.
It's gonna be alright.
I got you baby.
For luck.
Come on! Come on! Come on!
- Yes! Yes!
- Come on!
You alright, buddy?
Ben, you should do it.
Who! Me?
Move it! Move it! Move it!
You can do it Ben.
Hook's on the other side.
Keep your legs up!
- I can do this.
- You can do it!
Hold on Ben! Hold on!
Oh no!
We'll try to find another rope!
There's no time.
- Yes!
- Nice, Nice! You got it!
You know what you just did, don't ya?
Don't say it.
He jumped the shark.
Let's get outta here. Come on! Let's go!
Let's go! Come on!
- Ellen! Mora!
- Mom!
Can I help you?
No one else is here.
- We gotta go get her.
- Wait. Fin hold up.
Ellen is not the same
little girl you remember.
She's taken Martial Arts, she's run in
marathons. My wife kinda kicks ass...
She'll get'em here.
Let's get to the roof. Come on.
Hold up!
We'll go up to the roof.
You two wait here.
You get killed, she'll kill me.
Come on. Let's go.
Be safe guys.
So what's so bad about being famous?
I was famous when I was a surfer.
It cost me my family.
Because you were famous?
Because I thought I was a star?
I thought I deserved
everything I was offered.
I was offered a lot.
You saved a lot of people in L.A, Fin.
You're uncomfortable with that?
It's different.
When you got girls in bikini's
screaming for you, it strokes your ego.
But when you got people thanking
you for saving their lives...
It's humbling.
The best thing that came out of that was
a chance to put my family back together.
I can't risk screwing that up again.
If we'd married...
I would have never let you screw that up.
To bad your father didn't think so.
It was a different time, Fin.
And my daddy didn't love you.
I did.
And that's what should've mattered to you.
Polly come on!
Keep going! Don't stop!
I'm ok. I'll catch up!
Come on baby!
Polly come on!
Just keep going! I'll catch up!
Mora, this way!
Polly! Come on!
We gotta get inside the hotel.
Let's go Mora! Come on!
Come on Mora!
- Mora!
- Mom!
- Are you ok?
- Yeah.
Thank God.
I'm so glad you guys are here.
Where's Fin? He said
he was going to get you?
He did. He's up on the roof.
He's on the roof?
He's doing something dangerous again.
Of course he is. Fin does what Fin does.
Didn't you try to stop him?
I did but wanted to make sure
that you two guys got here.
I'm so glad you guys are here.
Come on.
Come on, Come on.
Come on. Come over here.
We gotta work quick
before the twisters merge!
You sure this is gonna work?
How are we gonna get
these into the storm?
I gotcha.
- Sling shot.
- Nice.
Told you to trust me.
Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Where
you going Ellen? Where you going?
I'm going up there.
Fin was very specific. We're not
supposed to get ourselves killed.
So it's ok for him, but it's not Ok for me?
Just stop.
- Stay here.
- Stay here.
Stay here.
We are now receiving reports that the
twisters from the rivers
are about to merge.
Apparently this will happen
right over the Bales Tower hotel.
And Al, the big question is first of all,
what is drawing these
two twisters together?
And I don't even want to ask but
what happens when they finally meet?
Matt, I am really nervous about this.
If fact, I'll say I'm down right scared.
Here's the problem. The island of Manhattan
creates a lot of heat.
As the hot air rises,
cool air is sucked in to replace it.
That affect is drawing
these Sharknadoes to the very
heart of this city. Now if
these two EF2 tornadoes merge...
their power can actually multiply. We
could be talking about an EF5 Sharknado
on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.
Matt, that's sufficient power enough
to damage steel reinforced sky scrapers.
I've never seen anything
like this. Stay with us, Al.
We go live to Manhattan with
weatherman, Raphael Miranda.
From our local station that's
NBC 4. Can you tell us a little bit more
about what's happening down there, Raphael?
Thanks Matt. This storm is already taking
a toll on the city. The residence are
panicked because of the sharks
that keep raining down from the sky.
Come on! Come on! Come on!
It's not working.
Let's double them up. Come on.
Let's double it up.
- Get it!
- Come on. Come on.
Come on! Come on!
Why isn't it working?
Even the Sharknadoes
are tougher in New York.
Come on! Move it!
Move it! Come on!
The twisters are too close!
We're not generating enough heat.
Let's make a big bomb.
Hmm, why not.
Looks good.
We work good together.
That was never the problem.
Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on!
Come on!
You're just making this up as you go along.
Let's keep that our secret.
Oh man!
Come on! Come on! Let's go!
Come on!
It's still coming.
How is that possible?
If it keeps going, this building is
going to fill up like a fish tank.
Except that these gold fish have big teeth.
Come on baby!
- Come on, follow me!
- Mom!
Come on! Come on!
Ellen! Ellen! Where are you going?
The hotel is flooded and the water
is rising. Why are you coming down?
Flaming sharks!
Come on Come on! Move! Move!
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
We're trapped!
We're going to die.
No, we're not.
Look the door is jammed but, theirs
a fire escape on the other side.
If we can get it open.
Open it with what?
We can't go down there.
Remember those bar
fights we use to get into?
- Bait and switch.
- Let's go, - Let's do it.
No, No!
The fire is getting closer! Hurry guys!
It's coming alright, on three...
Hurry up!
One. Two...
Hey over here, hey! Come here! Hey!
Come on. Hurry!
I got it! I got it! I got it!
Go. Go. Go!
Fin come on!
Come on.
Come on! Move it!
We gotta get to the street.
Need a ride?
Come on.
We are now receiving reports of a third
twister coming ashore
in downtown Manhattan.
This is the lightning storm that
damaged the Statue of Liberty.
It appears to be moving
North, at the very same time,
the double... Sharknado. Now
appears to be moving south toward it.
Al, what's going on here?
Ok, so Matt. The tall buildings
of Manhattan seem to be creating
a wind tunnel effect. Actually drawing
the two storms toward each other.
Our current radar track shows them both
headed towards the Empire State Building.
If the double Sharknado, should
converge with the other...
We're talking about a storm
of biblical proportions Matt.
If they are not stopped we can
be talking about unprecedented
devastation in the heart of New York City.
We have very little time.
I need to know
if the Freon tanks are still up there.
I will check with the chief.
- We're good.
- Yeah.
Let the Mayor know that Fin just
arrived at the Empire State Building.
That's her, isn't it?
The one from high school?
She still likes you I can tell.
That's not important.
Me and you, that's all that matters.
Fin. Fin Sheppard.
Mayor. It's an honor.
Pleasure to meet you.
Listen, Fin we need your help.
I just have to get my family to safety.
Of course, of course. Whatever
you need. You're the expert.
Well, last time that
happened, it didn't go so well.
As a matter of fact, Los Angeles
didn't really appreciate it.
Well this is the big apple, Fin.
When something bites us, we bite back.
We ban together. We work
together. We fight together.
You're a New Yorker Fin..
And your city is behind you.
Mr. Mayor. I have to talk to Fin.
The freon tanks are still up there.
Just inside a control room.
Above the observation deck.
You got the schematics
from the lightning rod?
The twisters are expected to
meet in about eight minutes.
This might work.
I don't understand.
What's your plan?
Well we can't equalize
the pressure with a bomb.
It's too dangerous. And the
twisters are to cold, right?
Well if I can't blow it
out, I'll freeze it out.
I'll throw the freon tank into the storm.
I have no idea if that's going
to work. But it's a moot point.
We don't have the explosives
here to make that happen.
That's why we're going to use
the lightning rod, to blow the
freon tank through the
building into the storm.
That's crazy. You're going to get killed.
Maybe not. But that's why
I'm going to do it by myself.
No, no, no. I'm coming
with you, I almost lost
you once and I'm not going to do it again.
April. You can't help me up
there. Especially with this.
Promise me you won't die on me.
Hey listen. Listen, if you're going
to do it, you gotta get up there now.
Alright. If this works it's going to
take all the power out of the storm.
And there's a lot of sharks up there still.
People on the ground better be ready.
We'll take care of it.
Hey. Why can't somebody else do this?
Look, I did this once...
I know... and I'm really proud of you, Fin.
And thank you for getting Martin.
And you saved my boys
life. Isn't that enough?
You're family. It's alright.
If you don't come back,
I'm going to kill you.
You take care of them.
You know man, It was great
to rumble one more time.
That we got to do that dynamic duo.
It was good.
What kills me.
You're always Batman.
...the highest concentration
of sharks. That's where
they're going to be falling the heaviest.
And you can see that's going to be
making it's way on into New York City.
Just a monster storm for us. We are
talking about shark falling rates
of two inches an hour. So those sharks
are really going to pile up here.
They're going to continue to race
off to the north and the east.
If you do have advisories posted.
If you are told to evacuate.
Listen to those warnings and
make sure you seek shelter.
Hey Fin! Thought you
could use one of these.
And we didn't have to
go to Jersey to get it.
Alright. Listen up! There's a storm coming.
A storm the likes that
you've never seen before.
Now I'm gonna go up there
and I'm gonna try to stop it.
And there's going to be a lot of people
down here that are going to need your help.
I know you're scared.
I'm scared too.
They're sharks. They're scary.
No one wants to get eaten.
But I've been eaten. And
I'm here to tell you...
Takes a lot more than that
to bring a good man down.
A lot more than that to
bring a New Yorker down.
You're brilliant!
Let's go show them what
it means to be a hero.
Let's go show them what it
means to be a New Yorker!
Let's go kill some sharks!
What are you doing?
Don't even waste your breath. This
is my city too and you're going
to need all the help you can get.
Let's go.
I have an idea. But I'm
going to need your help.
The freon tanks are up there.
We got to blow the tanks
before the storms merge.
Otherwise it's gonna take
out the whole building.
- Let's do it.
- Come on!
Hey, where you going?
To make the connection.
Ah, shoot!
I like the look.
Where did you get that?
I got some help.
Alright... black to black. Yeah.
You got to do it now.
Red to red.
Are we good to go?
Then come on down.
Hurry up!
Alright, you guys have
to get downstairs.
Fin, I'm not going! Please.
Take her down stairs I'm going to
blow up the top of the building!
- No, I'm not gonna go!
- You got to go!
We're not going anywhere!
Go now! Take her down!
It disconnected! See
if you can hook that up.
Got it.
Come on baby. Alright.
You got it?
Yeah, we're good!
Then come down!
I can't Fin.
The cable is to short.
I have to stay here and hold it.
Bring it on!
Let the fireworks begin.
Stay calm. Stay seated.
This is a great idea, Vaughn.
Yeah, thanks dad.
- We're still on?
- Yeah.
I want to thank you for
watching the today show.
We now resume are regularly
schedule programming.
Are you ok?
What about you?
I'm ok.
I need a weapon.
Not gonna need this again.
But this...
Baby... will you marry me? Again.
Is that a yes?
I'm proud of you son.
You did good.
It's gonna blow!
I love New York.