Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No! (2015)

[ chainsaw buzzing ]
[ buzzing fades ]
[ tires skid ]
Mr. Shepard, the President needs
you right now!
I didn't think I was gonna make
We'll get you there.
I'm Agent Devoreaux, office of
the President.
FIN: There's a storm coming. I
can feel it.
Package is en route.
[radio] The National Weather
has issued a significant weather
for the mid-Atlantic region of
the east coast.
April, my car died.
I'm with the Secret Service now.
It's not looking good.
I'm almost there, Fin.
Please be safe. Do you hear me?
I know. I love you.
Can you radio ahead? Right.
We'll pick up our escort up
Hang on, Mr. Shepard!
[ sirens blaring ]
[ radio ] All units, alert.
Heavy traffic congestion
reported in the vicinity of the
Key Bridge.
Proceed to alternate route.
[ crowd clamoring ]
This is Agent Devoreaux
inbound with the package.
I need First Street Southeast
cleared now!
What do you think you're doing?
Semper Paratus.
You must repent!
The end is near! Repent!
Repent! No!
I was inside the belly of the
Oh, I gotta get in there!
You need to go! Back away!
Whoa, whoa! Whoa! No, no!
I'm just taking my license.
I'm Fin Shepard!
Fin Shepard!
Tim! Reese! Let him in.
Sorry, sir.
Mr. Shepard, I'm Gary Martin
Hayes, Chief of Staff.
I am so sorry about that.
Thank God you made it.
Colonel Shepard make it in yet?
I'm sorry. There's been no word
on the Colonel.
How soon can you get in touch
with National Weather Service?
Soon, but the President's
I gotta get you in there right
Here. Time to clean up.
Come on, Mom. Let's go.
Careful. Slow down.
You got a little one in there.
I've done this many times
before. Heh.
Well, you had two hands then.
Really? Are you gonna go there?
I'm just saying it's okay to ask
for a little help.
Besides, your husband should be
And where is he?
Oh, he's probably trying to get
eaten by another shark.
[ radio ] The National Weather
is now reporting that a massive
tropical storm
is headed directly for
Washington, D.C.
The NASA Weather Satellite
is tracking the tropical
and recommends residents
make arrangements to evacuate if
[ crowd applauds ]
Ladies and gentlemen,
the President of the United
Ladies and gentlemen, for his
heroic actions
in both New York and Los
for saving countless lives
and alerting the world to a new,
terrifying threat,
it is my great honor
to present the country's highest
civilian commendation,
the Presidential Medal of
to Finlay Allen Shepard.
[ applause ]
What's your opinion of these
shark storms, Madam Vice
I feel for the sharks, but
they're wrecking
our schools, our hospitals, our
It's heavier than I thought it
would be.
[ laughs ] Oh, Ms. Alves from
the "Times."
One question, okay? Yeah. Hey,
so now that you've been awarded
the biggest award
in all of the country, Mr.
where do you go from here?
Okay. Thank you so much.
Uh, Mr. Benchley from the
Mr. Benchley. Fin!
Oh, Martin. How you doing?
Ellen and the kids?
She's good. She's good. She says
and she wanted to be here, but
it's kind of hard for her
to get on a plane now. You know
what I'm saying?
Madam Vice President,
this is my brother-in-law
I'm the good-looking one.
Yeah. Now you know how I feel.
I like her.
Mr. Shepard, follow me, please?
Say, "Sharknado"!
Sharknado. Cool.
You don't mind if I post this,
do you?
No. Cool.
Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen.
Fin, I got a surprise for you,
[ applause ] the Mayor of New
York City.
It's good to see you again, Fin.
Hello, sir.
By way of a thank-you
from the people of the city of
New York,
we want to present you with
You are the very first member
of the Order of the Golden
Go ahead. Try it.
[ chainsaw buzzes ]
You know, there's just so many
I wanna ask you, and there's...
FIN: Martin. Sidekick to the
Go ahead. Get out of here.
Excuse me.
Ladies and gentlemen, I was in
New York, too.
I'm Fin's brother-in-law...
The documents you asked for.
N.W.S.? Yes.
Thank you.
Oh, Fin, hi. I'm Jackie Collins.
And, um, I know your wife wrote
a book,
and, uh, it was very good,
but you, you have a great story
to tell,
and I want to be the one to tell
and here is my card, and call
me, okay?
Thanks. I'll give it some
Okay. What a lovely man.
[ radio ] The National Weather
Service now reports
the storm is only a few miles
from the D.C. area
and to stand by for evacuation
Not again.
They used to call me a shark,
but now I'm looked upon as a
beacon of hope,
a symbol of change.
It comes with a lot of
responsibility, Fin,
but you'll get used to it, the
The spotlight, I can handle.
That's not what I'm worried
D.C. isn't safe. What?
I know how this is gonna sound,
but I can sense these storms
the drop in temperature, the
these crazy cloud formations.
These sharks, they have a scent,
and it's not a pretty one.
I lost a friend in New York last
Every time a northeaster comes
off the Atlantic,
I worry. Is this gonna be the
big one?
Is this gonna be one we can't
I need to speak to the N.W.S.
I can make that happen.
Where's the First Lady?
She's in Oklahoma with the
They're okay.
We better get you inside,
Mr. President, now.
[ wind blowing ]
The storm is getting close.
Get the President down in the
Oh, my God.
[ crowd screaming ]
[ overlapping chatter,
Come on, Mr. President.
Let's go!
It's my job to protect her!
Don't make me angry.
Come on, let's go!
Aah! [ screams ]
We gotta go. Don't look. Come
on. We gotta go.
I've gotta get you out of here,
Madam Vice President.
Hey, where you going?! Wait for
Let's go! Out! Sir, they're
Mr. President, Sir, Agent Webb
is down. We're moving you to the
Fin, come with us. This man is
not cleared!
I just cleared him! Let's go!
Maverick is on the move to
Hey, I am the Chief of Staff!
[ screams ]
We gotta get out of here!
You can't do that!
There's no time, Madam Vice
Let's go! Come on!
On three. Ready?
1, 2, 3!
Move! Let's move!
FIN: Give me a gun! Can't do
Where's this bunker? Here in the
The base--Whoa! Let's go!
Water flows down! This is a bad
Move! Move! Move!
Come on, come on! Give me a gun!
I can help!
Only the Secret Service
can have a gun
this close to the President.
What? This doesn't buy me any
Mr. Shepard, this literally is
one of the most secure areas
on the face of the Earth.
[ yells ]
PRESIDENT: What do we do now?
We fight, but I'm gonna need
some more firepower than that!
The armory! Let's go!
[ vacuum whirring ]
Thought your policy was to save
the sharks.
Nobody attacks my house.
This time, it's personal.
[ screams ]
Hail to the Chief.
This is for America, baby!
Go, Mr. President! We have to
get out of here!
Let's get the hell out of here.
Let's do this! Right behind you,
MARTIN: Come on, hurry!
Martin, you all right? We're
Mr. President, you all right?
Can it do that?
Looks like the rules have
[ yelling ]
Come on! Get it! Get it!
Come on! [ grunts ]
God bless America.
Go, go, go, go, go, go, go
Run away from the sharknado
It's your greatest foe, foe,
Don't wanna get eaten by a

It's fine. He called last night,
didn't he?
Yeah, I know, but I just wanted
him to be here to enjoy your
It's okay. I'm used to it.
Don't say it. I said nothing.
Except, "Happy birthday."
Thank you, Grandma May.
Love the new hair, by the way.
Oh, thank you. I love it, too.
Okay, birthday girl. Have some
Get in a little trouble.
All right, I will.
Are you sure your friend's
Yeah, Jess is there.
Well, I want to see you home by
I'm 18.
10:00. Mom!
Okay, bye. Love you.
Bye, little growing thing. Have
Okay, let's take the bus back to
the Cabana Bay Resort.
I want a cocktail.
It's here. Let's walk.
Hi. Welcome to Universal Orlando
Thank you. You bet.
[ cellphone rings ]
Hey, baby. Sorry I didn't call
I was getting worried.
Well, they grounded all the
flights out of D.C.
I rented a car. Martin's on his
way to New York.
He's fine. What about you? It's
all good
The doctor just said that the
baby is doing great.
As long as it's healthy and I'm
there when it's born,
that's all I care about.
Okay. So you're coming home?
Yeah. I'm gonna drive straight
through. I'll see you tomorrow.
Oh, I have a few things to say
if he wants to talk to me.
[ chuckles ] All right, I love
you. Bye.
Okay. Bye-bye, babe.
I'm Matt Lauer, along with
Savannah Guthrie.
"The Today Show," reporting live
now from Washington, D.C.,
following the violent storm
that devastated this capital
area yesterday.
The Washington Monument, the
White House
not far from where we are right
both destroyed by the worst
sharknado this country has seen
since the first formation two
years ago.
We can now go live to Hoda and
Kathie Lee.
They are broadcasting from
Universal Orlando.
Now there's no indication that
there's any storm
on the horizon here, is there?
No, beautiful blue skies.
People are hanging out in their
thongs. It's great.
By the way, we're just having
Good time. good ol' time.

Hi! You must be Claudia Shepard.
Yep, and my friend Jess is up
Oh, great. I've got a couple of
V.I.P. treatment,
front-of-the-line express passes
for you.
Awesome. Great.
You want me to walk you up?
Oh, I heard your dad saved the
Oh, yeah,
that's my dad, ruler of the
savior of mankind with his
almighty chainsaw.
Oh, be good to him. You know,
he's the only dad you have.
Well, I'm Babs, and I'm here
to help you out with anything
you need.
Well, I hope you have a
wonderful day.
Thanks. And remember,
these passes allow you full
access to the park,
front of the line.
Awesome. Yay! Great. Okay, good.
Hey! Hi.
You look so good!
Your hair is amazing!
Super rebellious. [ cellphone
rings ]
Yeah, you know. Hey, Dad.
Mom's worried about you. Hope
you called her first.
Of course I did.
Are you here?
If I turn around, are you gonna
surprise me?
No. I'm just outside of D.C.
I'll surprise you tomorrow,
Well, it's not a surprise if you
tell me.
Okay, see you soon, Dad.
Excuse me
Just put your phone and your
over in the cupboard over there.
Oh, ok
And then step over here... Thank
for the front-row experience.
BABS: Have fun.
On second thought, I'm actually
gonna sit this one out.
Go ahead. What?
Front-row seat!
We need a single rider over
Perfect. Look at this.
All right! It's time for the
Bruce to let the rocket loose!
Here we go!
See you later! Later, gators!
Have a good time!
Whoa! [ laughing ]
All right, here we go. [ screams
We're gonna go right now
to NBC news correspondent Tom
who is about to interview
Congresswoman Michele Bachmann.
Well, as I understand it,
the President of the United
called for an immediate
of all of the cities that are
on the eastern seaboard of the
United States,
but it's still very premature.
And do you know anything about
the nature of these shark
Are they growing in size?
It appears that they are,
but no one knows for sure. It's
still premature.
I'm sorry, Tom. I've got to go.
I've gotta get to a vote.
[ laughs ]
There you go.
Fun, right? Yeah.
BABS: So you enjoy it?
Fun, right?
You enjoy the ride? Yeah.
I have your things. Thank you.
Now remember, if you need
anything else
here at Universal Orlando, just
ask for Babs.
All right. Okay?
Thank you. All right.
Have fun, guys.
She forgot her phone!
Hey! Your phone!
They always come back.
FRANK: This is the "Heidi and
Frank Show,"
and we are covering the
destruction and mayhem
that is Washington, D.C., right
The Sharknado has pretty much
destroyed everything in sight.
HEIDI: Traffic continues to be
at a standstill on I-95.
You might want to try Route 17.
I don't blame the sharks on this
I blame one Fin Shepard. It
seems like
everywhere he goes, destruction
Do not think it's a weather
I think he has a plan,
and wherever he goes, he
Nobody else survives, yet Fin
and his family seem to always
survive just fine.
We'll be back in just a moment
right here on the "Heidi and
Frank Show."
What the... [ crowd screaming ]
FIN: Great, fognado.
[ chainsaw buzzing ]
Yeah! [ laughs ]
[ chainsaw buzzing ]
Hey, Fin.
We are proud to announce today
that we have here on loan from
Brad Keselowski's stock car
along with the Xfinity stock
These are the exact replicas of
Brad's car,
and he will be here today onsite
to sign autographs for all of
after the Daytona 500.
You didn't look very Semper
Paratus in that ditch.
I rented a car. I had to
How'd you know where I was?
I've been tracking all this
activity since L.A.
Teamed up with Lucas, and we
decided to learn all that we
plan ahead,
saving as many lives as
Of course, slaying sharks along
the way.
And, um, my tracking app showed
that you were close.
Tracking app?
You know where I'm at at all
Friends are supposed to look out
for each other, right?
Yeah. You know, as a matter of
fact, that works both ways.
Nova, where have you been? It's
been over a year
since I've heard from you. I was
If you really wanted to find me,
you could have.
There's a lot of work to get
A lot of it. She's quite
a little bit insane, bordering
on savant,
and, uh, rocks leather like no
one I've ever met.
Yeah. If the world goes to hell,
it's her you want by your side.
The feeling's mutual.
April's due any day. I was on my
way to Orlando
to meet up with her and Claud.
You're having a baby?
Another child with April.
Fin Shepard.
I guessed. Lucas Stevens.
Yeah, sorry. This is Lucas.
He helps maintain the Beast.
You travel with your own
mechanic now?
Well, mechanic- slash-bodyguard.
Anyway, I gotta check the data.
I think you're gonna love
what we've done with the place.
Come on.
You gotta be kidding me.
I don't know whether to be
impressed or concerned.
MAN: I have intel on that big
storm you were asking about...
The data on Washington is still
coming in.
Lucas: Great, send it over
Who are you talking to? MAN:
Intel on its way.
Nova and I made a pact
we wouldn't tell anybody where
we get--
I have some connections over at
the N.W.S.
What we've done, what we do,
what we can do, it's
You know, we're still getting
crap for bombs in the tornado,
but the collateral damage that
the tornadoes made themselves
was worse than anything the
bombs could have done.
But at the end of the day,
the crazy chick with
posttraumatic shark disorder,
my abnormally genius best
and the man with the chainsaw,
no one else can get the job done
like we can.
Boy, have you changed.
We analyzed every aspect of the
storms in L.A. and New York.
That Freon thing you did in New
York was way cool, by the way.
What'd I say?
I lost my friend Skye in that
She sacrificed herself for April
and me.
I'm so sorry.
Fin, hey, I've been wanting to
show you this.
Look, I think this is where you
found me.
I mean, I got swallowed whole.
There's no way I could have
passed through the intestines.
You need to let this go. It's
This isn't over at all.
It won't be over until we figure
why this is happening and why it
keeps coming back.
Or what? Or we can just kill 'em
Just kill them all, shoot, bang!
Nova, relax!
You know, you can find some
pretty amazing things in a
shark's gut,
license plates, sneakers,
mini trampolines, anything they
swallow in the ocean.
But you know what the most
common thing regular sharks eat
Yes, fish. But sharknado sharks,
they eat something that regular
sharks don't, birds.
And look. This one...
and this one...
we found ice.
They're staying up in the clouds
for long periods of time.
They're surviving up there, Fin.
The storm in Washington
got sucked up right into the
I've never seen anything like
that before.
It's the only reason I'm alive.
Yeah, well, I mean, tornadoes in
they touch down, dissipate, and
reform all at low-pressure
The entire east coast is a
low-pressure zone.
[ kids laughing ]
Hey, no running. No running.
How do you see the role of
social media assisting...
There are redditors on the
OurSharknado subreddit
sharing photos and updates, and
so that's how we know it's on
its way.
Internet's gonna go down.
You can sit in your basement
hiding from the apocalypse
upstairs all you want.
But understand... Okay, let's
talk names.
Well, if it's a girl,
I like the name Brittany.
Eww. I knew a Brittany once. She
was horrible.
[ laughs ]
How 'bout June?
No. April, May, June?
That's ridiculous.
Fin, we could really use your
I have a thousand questions,
especially about New York.
No, no. I'm going to Orlando.
April's expecting me.
We're starting a new chapter in
our lives
after all she's been through.
And you.
And me.
We could just drive you.
To Orlando?
Nova, the plan!
I thought we have work to do. I
we've been tracking this
formulation for eight months.
You said so yourself, focus, no
This isn't a detour, Lucas.
The eye of the storm is heading
We've been tracking it. You know
this. Come on.
Well, there's less safe ways I
can get down there, yeah.
Let's do it. Nova.
This is supposed to be our

Hey, check this out.
Excuse me. Excuse me. I'm sorry
to let you know
that we're gonna have to turn
you two in.
You're what?
Oh, okay. You will have to get
through me first.
Should I be afraid?
Have you ever met someone who
survived a sharknado?
No, but my boy survived an
alligator apocalypse.
How 'bout that? Alligator.
Oh, my God.
He's kinda cute.
Whose idea was the Beast?
Mine. These storms are getting
more frequent,
and they're growing in size.
Someone's gotta prepare for
what's really coming.
And we can't always assume that
you're gonna be the one
that saves the day the next time
the big one hits.
Oh, yeah? So this is the answer?
[ sighs ] Saved you, didn't it?
Is it strong enough to survive a
as big as New York or Los
She sure is.
We have a failsafe.
These new storms are completely
But I saw a formation about 50
miles ahead.
Come on.
Time to play.
Living on the edge, eh, Nova?
What if it's a boy?
Well, Fin likes the name
Charles Shepard? I read
that 25% of all serial killers
are named Charles.
You did not read that. You just
don't like the name.
[ overlapping chatter, screaming]
[ screaming continues] [ diners
chattering ]
April, no!
Get out of the pool! Get out of
the pool now!
There's a shark in the pool!
[ whirring ]
Please! You have to save my
[ girl screams ]
No, you're not going anywhere!
APRIL: I could have saved him.
ou are just joining us
let us bring you up to speed.
We're in Washington, D.C.,
and we thought that this storm
had passed.
It now appears, though, there is
a lot more trouble brewing.
I think we're gonna start
calling it the Feast Coast,
and that's because, for the
first time,
it looks like there's not one
but multiple pockets of
sharknadoes developing
and that cities up and down the
eastern seaboard
are being put on red alert
Hey, sweetie. APRIL: Fin, are
you okay?
I got into some trouble on the
Are you gonna be here soon?
Yes. You're never gonna guess
who's giving me a ride.
Let me guess. Nova.
Yeah, I'm with Nova. How do you
know that?
Who else would give you a ride
in the middle of a sharknado?
Wifey sense. Hi, April!
Still not a stripper!
Yeah, okay, I should be there by
But I just heard this trough is
moving into Florida,
and I know you could take care
of yourself,
but you're playing ninja for two
now, okay,
so promise me you'll stay safe.
Fin, we got some trouble here.
A shark fell from the sky.
It came out of nowhere.
You need to find Claudia and get
somewhere safe.
Let's just go.
Mrs. Officer. You know, earlier
we did some stuff that I'm not
proud of,
so let me make it up to you.
Let's go on the ride.
Come on. Come with me.
We could--You know, I'm fishing
Don't leave me hanging.
Let's go. Okay.
There we go.
Come on. You're cute. Come on.
Gotta love best friends. Yep.
So what's it like having a
famous dad?
What's it like having a tool for
a best friend?
Uh, yeah, okay. I get it.
Don't want to live in his
Be your own person.
Did you dye your hair to make a
I was--I was kidding.
It's true. It's fine.
Don't worry about it.
She's such a flirt. Yeah.
They're made for each other.
Pretty much.
[ knocks ]
Guys, we have a little problem!
We just missed the storm. Or it
missed us.
We gotta circle back, take the
long way back north--
No, no, we're going this way.
It's the quickest way south.
The bridge is gone.
We can't go that way.
I'd get you to an airport,
but you know the flights are
We're near Charleston, right?
Yeah. Okay.
Not all the flights are
Sorry, the base is on lockdown.
No visitors.
Sergeant, my name's Fin Shepard.
Is General Gottlieb still the
commanding officer here?
Fin Shepard?
The Fin Shepard?
The Medal of Freedom, kills
sharks with a chainsaw,
saved L.A., New York, and the
President of the United States
Fin Shepard?
Yeah, that Fin Shepard.
And I'm the Easter Bunny. Y'all
better move along
and take this Mystery Machine
with you.
I am Fin Shepard.
General Gottlieb is a personal
friend of mine.
Can you please get him on the
and tell him I'm here to see
Looks good, Sergeant Warren.
All right. I'll call the C.O.
Wait here.
Thank you.
You can go in.
The General will meet you there.
Thank you.
Yeah, you better hurry. The base
is being evaced.
They're saying that there's no
to predict when one of these
storms might hit,
so they're sending all the
planes inland.
I really hate sharks.
Yeah. You and me both.
Could be worse. Could be
[ soldiers chattering ]
I'll take you to the General.
Fin, you old surf bum.
This is Nova and Lucas.
Nice to meet you. Heard your
son's doing a tour.
That's right, another eight
I'll look out for him.
Appreciate that.
You guys picked a hell of a time
to shoot the breeze.
Apparently, the storms
are getting dangerously close
NOAA's monitoring them every
One of my computer-modeled
was a large low-pressure cell
with multiple sharknadoes. If
enough of them merge,
the whole storm will start to
Merging sharknadoes?
Can there be such a thing?
I could be wrong.
Biometeorology is not really an
exact science yet.
If the storm heads south, it's
gonna get warmer,
and it's gonna get stronger,
could destroy the entire east
That's what the Pentagon said,
We've almost evaced the whole
I'm about to get on the last
We're heading up to Indiana.
General, I need a plane.
My family's in Orlando.
Yeah, I know. That's what they
told me.
I've got one last plane to be
still taken.
It's an old one. We call her
We still use her for training.
Come on.
[ soldiers chattering ]
This is it.
I've gotta go.
Sergeant Rock will take care of
you from here.
Be safe. Good luck.
Mr. Fin. The General speaks very
highly of you.
And since he's letting you take
Old Bessy up,
I assume you know how to fly.
Yeah, a little bit. My son
taught me how.
But she's supersonic.
I can fly.
She can do anything.
I've got over 100 hours in a
plus demo flights in an F-14,
F-15, and F-22.
Well, what'd you think I'd been
doing since L.A.?
Semper Paratus, right? The
world is ending, Fin.
You need to be prepared.
You don't believe that. It's not
Uh, yeah, I do. The signs are
all around us.
Just because it's raining sharks
and not frogs
doesn't mean it's not coming to
an end.
Well, I'm not gonna buy into any
doomsday scenario,
not while my family needs me.
Ma'am, your bird's all gassed
Flight suits in the back. Come
Go! Go, go, go, go, go!
Go! Get in the plane! Hurry, go!
I'll take care of it! The Beast
can handle this.
That's what I built her for!
Hey, Nova...
good luck!
Thank you.
Be careful, okay?!
Failsafe, remember! Okay.
[ screams ]
[ screams ]
Flaps. Check.
So who taught you how to fly?
Same person as you.
Before he deployed.
[ yelling ]
Lucas! Oh, my God!
[ yelling ]
[ grunts ] My God! It's too
You can't save him!
Damn it!
I know! I know!
Nova, we have to go!
We have to go now, or he died
for nothing!
Damn you! All of you!
Why does this keep happening?
I'm gonna kill all of 'em,
every last one of them!
Tried that three times.
Didn't seem to work.
How do you do it, Fin?
You been to the same place as
I think about my family.
Thinking about them,
I'm not thinking about the
And friends?
Of course.
You're not alone, Nova.
When you pulled me out of that
shark, I thought I was dead.
Afterwards, nothing was the
Let's hit it!
[ grunting ]
She always answers her phone.
This isn't like her.
Where is she?
This day is such a disaster.
We're making good time.
Approaching Daytona.
How do you know?

A twister's forming at one
Well, head towards it. What?
There's 250,000 race fans down
We have an external tank.
If we drop it into the funnel
high enough
and at a safe distance, detonate
it'll dissipate the storm,
or at least it'll kill all the
[ indistinct announcements
playing ]
What's going on?
Oh, hell, no!
Releasing on three.
1, 2, 3.
Take that.
[ gunfire ]
The sharknado is dissipating.
I think we're--
Up ahead! Ohh!
I can't hold it, Fin!
Oh! We're going down!
Let me take it! I can land it!
Don't worry!
I've done this before!
COMPUTER: Warning. Warning.
Any idea where we are?
Right where we want to be.
It's still going straight to
voice mail.
There's an app for everything,
and you don't have one to find
your daughter?
We actually have one. Great
You complain about me hovering.
Xfinity just popped up.
That's the Wi-Fi.
[ thunder rumbling ]
Okay, this is impossible.
We're 50 miles from the ocean.
The app says they're over here.
Come on. Let's go get Claudia
and Jess.
Mom, I need you to go somewhere
I have to find Claudia.
I'll do no such thing.
April Dawn Wexler Shepard!
I am not leaving you and my
I know what I'm doing.
Now you get somewhere safe,
and I'll find you afterwards, I
[ brakes squeal ] [ riders
screaming ]
Excuse me! Wait!
Have you seen my daughter? She's
She's about this high. She has
long brown hair.
That describes half the girls in
the park.
My tracking app says she's right
I don't know. Maybe she's up
here. I gotta go.
I gotta go find her. Okay,
Follow me, and stay close!
Oh, please, here. Take my
Please, please, take my picture!
Real fast, just a picture.
There's no time for this! You
have to get out of here!
Nova, come on!
[ screams ]
[ riders gasping ]
BILLY: Hey, look at that. Pretty
cool, huh?
Hey, is that a shark?
Run faster! Go! Go!
All right, listen!
I want everyone to listen to me!
We're shutting down the ride,
so I want everyone to exit the
ride in a quick
and orderly fashion! Do you
Okay, we're gonna start at the
one row at a time in single
Come on. Here we go.
Have you seen my daughter?
Have you seen my daughter?
Have you guys seen my daughter?
Sorry. I haven't seen her.
[ screaming ]
Let's go! Come on!
Move, move, move! Jess, come on!
[ shrieks ]
Come on!
[ screaming ]
Come on!
Get clear!
Have you seen my daughter?
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! What are
you doing?
That's my wife. April! Fin!
It's a family full of crazy
I can't find her. She's not
Come on! The storm isn't over!
No, it's just beginning.
How could both our phones be
It reads like she's right here!
You looking for this?
There's a shark on the track!
Come on! Let's go!
Baby, what are you doing up
You're not the only hero in the
BRUCE: Here he comes again!
Come on! I'm almost done! We
gotta go! Come on!
[ gasps ]
[ screaming ]
April! Fin!
[ crash ]
[ wind blowing ]
[ groans ]
[ chainsaw buzzing ]
[ cheering ]
Fin, Claudia!
Finley, where have you been?
Nice to see you, too, May.
Claudia, I was worried sick
about you.
Fin! Fin! Don't do that again.
The storm is too close. Come on.
We gotta find shelter. Let's
move! Move it!
MAN: Come on. It's safer inside.
[ audience gasps ] [ screaming ]
[ crowd screaming ]
Get to the Globe! The Globe!
Ah, hell, where are the keys?!
Where are the keys?!
Where's the handle? Aah!
This is Lester Williams
reporting live from Orlando!
[ screams ]
1, 2, 3! 1, 2, 3!
[ both scream ]
It's ti--Aah!
Get in the globe!
Come on, come on, come on.
Hang on tight!
[ all screaming ]
Don't let go!
April, are you okay?
Yeah. I'm fine.
Claud? Yeah.
My mom bumped her head!
I'm gonna go get some help.
Next time, we have to think
these things through.
I love you, andma y.
Look, I'm really okay.
I just got dizzy with all that
I guess you're used to that sort
of stuff.
You never get used to this.
Finley, I can see why she loves
Glad you're okay, Mom.
MEDIC: Hey, we got to go.
Mom, I love you.
I love you.
This is the scenario that Lucas
If these sharknadoes merge,
they can take out the entire
east coast.
He produced two plans, but I
don't think
we can go through with either of
Why is that? Because look.
For this one, it involves
letting the storms merge first.
What else we got? Uh...
this one involves several
nuclear weapons.
All right, let's go back to the
first plan.
Well, for this one, we're
probably gonna need NASA.
Yeah, we need to create a tower
of flames
60 miles high burning at
hotter than the surface of the
you gotta do it.
Dad, it's Fin.
It's hard to get your arms
around what's happening,
but here's what we know.
Cities are emptying out.
The President has placed
this entire nation on high
And as of now, we're hearing
that three sharknadoes have hit
wiping out the entire city.
In fact, sharknadoes have now
been reported
all up and down the east coast.
There is concern the storms will
grow in frequency
and then, of course, in size.
How are we gonna get to Cape
FIN: That's how.
BABS: You can't take those cars!
You can't take those cars!
I'm gonna lose my job! [ sighs ]
[ screams ]

You guys need anything else?
No, Flo. We're good to go.
Thanks, darlin'.
So your son's got himself
in a little situation, huh?
Knowing Fin,
he's just making it up as he
goes along.
I've been shot down over Da
Nang, flamed out over Kuwait.
Pretty sure I saw a UFO when I
was in the space shuttle,
but I wouldn't want to fight a
[ shudders ]
[ chuckles ]
Are you okay?
Yeah. I'll do this myself.

So Neil says--You know, how
serious Neil can be.
Totally straight-faced, he says,
"Buzz, still think it would be
good on your rsum."
[ laughs ]
Oh, my gosh. That's Fin Shepard.
Yeah, it is.
Oh, hi, Fin.
Well, we'll let, uh--We'll let
you two talk.
Hey, Dad. I take it O'Malley's
is closed.
O'Malley sold the bar to his
idiot kid,
who turned it into a fast-food
fun-land kiddie monstrosity,
so I bought it back, changed it
into this.
You know why?
So I could have a place to come
home to.
That Claudia out there?
Yeah. Wow.
She's even prettier than her
Do me a favor, huh?
Just ask her to call me Colonel,
Yeah, sure thing.
Who's the other one?
Boy or girl?
It's gonna be a surprise.
You know, kid, the best thing
you ever did
was winning the heart of that
Too bad you screwed it up so
Dad, I need your help.
In fact, we all need your help.
I got a plan.
These storms, they're gonna
and when they do, it's gonna
destroy everything.
Those bombs we dropped last
time, it's not gonna cut it.
We need to create a lot of heat
in the eye to equalize the
and then we need to give these
storms a place to go
and take these sharks with them
so they don't rain down on
millions of people.
So you really are saving the
How do I fit in?
[ thunder crashes ]
We gotta go. The storm is
Gilbert Grayson Shepard,
but you can call me Colonel.
Sit down, darlin'.
It's nice to meet you.
Fin says you work at NASA.
I was in the astronaut program.
The shuttle's solid rocket
and the engine combined could
produce enough heat.
It'd be like a column of flame
that would dissipate the storm.
Everyone knows the space
shuttles are retired,
kind of like me.
A whole career,
never once got into outer space.
Well, there always has been
about a secret military shuttle.
Don't believe everything you
If there's some top-secret
classified shuttle,
we have to use it.
Millions of people are gonna
This could be a chance to save
them. You could save them.
If this shuttle exists,
we have to try.
Divulging classified information
will get you 25 years in
Maybe you could talk to your
friend, the President,
and he could help us out.
I could ask.
Jonesy? Shepard here.
The Independence needs to fly.
[ thunder rumbling ]
l now
is collecting speed
and size
and forming into a--
I can't believe I'm saying this,
but a massive sharknado wall
that stretches literally up and
down the east coast.
What is the safety zone for
who want to be away from this
Sharknado haboob?
10 miles, 30, 100.
100 miles?
We're less than 100 miles from
That's right.
We are.
ANNOUNCER: Of course, the
along the eastern aboard from
Canada to the Carolinas
continues to be downright
with a massive low-pressure
trough dominating the region.
Gilbert, I got your message. Are
you crazy?
Brian "Jonesy" Jones, NASA
Administrator, meet my son
Mr. Shepard, heard a lot about
The Colonel can't stop talking
about you.
Look, I passed your message
on to the White House.
Everything's fine, but...
But what? We're not ready.
Look, we've only got
at the 80% fuel capacity level,
and you're gonna use that to
dissipate the storm,
and that means pfft. I
understand that.
That's why I'm going on this
mission alone.
No, we're going alone.
No, we're not. You heard what he
It may not work. Now, you're
gonna be a new dad.
I can handle this myself.
It might not work is exactly why
I have to go.
What do you know about
Why do you always have to be the
I'm gonna take your dad so we
can prep the shuttle.
This is gonna be one hell of a
father and son road trip.
Sir, the sharknado wall will hit
the coast in 10 minutes.
Okay, team, listen up!
I know this is a last-minute
but you are the ones to pull
this off.
I'm counting on you to complete
the countdown process
and launch Independence. You'll
be fine.
SUPERVISOR: The fate of the
entire east coast depends on it.
Now get to work.
Colonel, there's a thousand
things that can go wrong.
Ted, I don't think we have a lot
of choices, huh?
This is a Hail Mary at most.
I'm not gonna risk other
peoples' lives with our plan.
It's gonna be me and my son.
That's it, me and my son.
About that, he's not prepared.
He's never even flown the sim.
Not open for discussion.
Gilbert, listen.
I know you helped design the
flight systems,
but this isn't a simulator.
You've never actually flown a
Nobody has ever flown it though
a sharknado before.
I'm as qualified as anyone.
Just promise you'll be careful,
and keep her in one piece.
For this to work, we gotta blast
at the right moment and find a
hole in the wall.
[ sighs ] I don't think being
careful is an option, guys.
The shuttle would never make it
through that wall.
Not to mention the sharks.
You're all set, astronaut
I'm not an astronaut. That's my
dad's gig.
Heh. You're going out in space,
aren't you?
Yeah. Last I checked,
those were the only
And don't worry about
all that Buck Rogers stuff they
talk about.
Not as hard as they make it
Computers do most of the work.
It's not space I'm worried
It's the sharks.
Maybe the sharks will help with
the aliens.
[ laughs ]
I'm just kidding.
You good to go? Yeah.
Safe flight. Thanks.
The wall is hitting the coast in
five minutes!
Hey, there's a fighter on the
airstrip out there.
I'll try to clear it up for you.
Don't go being a hero, Nova.
Oh, you're the only one who can
take risks?
Anyway, your dad sent me to give
this to you.
I think he has a crush on me.
I made some modifications of my
Thank you.
Hey, um, I've been meaning to
tell you,
I think you're gonna make a
great father this time.
Just don't die, okay?
I'll work on that.
You take care of yourself now.
I always do.
Director Regina, the sharknado
wall is moving in.
Prep status?
We're ready to go!
Oh, hey.
You're really lucky.
You guys are a great family.
Thank you.
It's kind of crazy, huh?
Can't believe Fin's going up in
that shuttle.
He's what?
He didn't tell you yet?

[Elevator dings]

The Sharknado wall is going to
hit! Let's move it, people!
We gotta get them in the air
Independence, Control.
We have to get you in the air
You won't be able to launch if
the wall reaches you.
Fin! Fin, stop!
Hey, what are you doing here?
Get back down to Mission
You're not getting on that
You're coming back with me!
That's not an option!
Are those sharks falling?
They're gonna hit the shuttle!
Shouldn't we stop the launch?
No, we'll send the National
to protect the shuttle.
I can't believe you're doing
and you didn't even tell me!
Because I knew you would talk me
out of it.
COLONEL: Son, we gotta go now.
My mom was right. About what?
That you don't know how to stop
being a hero.
This isn't about being a hero.
This is about us. This is about
our family.
Have you seen what's going on
These storms, they just keep
getting bigger!
Every shark in the world must be
flying around out there.
If I can do this, maybe we get
some peace.
I'm coming back,
and when I do, I'm never gonna
leave you again.
COLONEL: Fin, get up here now!
I promise.
I love you.
Come on.
Give me your hand!
Come on.
We're at 30 seconds and
The National Guard has arrived.
Put yourself in front of the
Don't let any sharks hit it.
Open fire!
Not one shark gets back to the
[ gunfire ]
Come on!
Colonel Shepard, We're about to
initiate the launch sequence.
Copy? Colonel Shepard?
COLONEL: Fin! They're starting
the countdown!
Come on, we've got to get you
suited up!
Hurry up! Get in the chair, and
buckle up!
We're now at T minus 10.
Welcome aboard, son!
8, 7...
Helmets on.
T-They're not gonna make it.
5, 4... They're not gonna make
Sir, are we launching?
We can't.
The wall is too thick.
FIN: We need to make a hole in
the wall.
APRIL: I think we need Nova. All
FIN: Mission Control, find Nova!
Are you okay?
I'm not good, but save yourself.
You're too late for me. Get out
of here!
More sharks! Sharks!
[ gun clicks ] I'm out of
There's no time for makeup, man!
Get out of here!
Trust me, they are real.
.75 caliber mascara.
SOLDIER: Mascara shotgun.
You owe me one, Fin.
I've got visual on the shuttle.
[ screams ]
Starting spiral heat now!
Are you crazy? We can't go out
Yes, we can. Let's go.
COLONEL: She's clearing the
NOVA: It's working! Get ready to
Are we back on for launch? Yep.
You guys are clear to launch! Go
Everybody ready?
Visors down.
What are you doing out here?
Thought you could use some help!
You're crazy! Get back inside!
Let's go!
Get down!
Help me!
Go grab a gun!
Gun? What do I do with this
Shoot it!
Shoot it? If I can hold it.
[ fires ] Whaah!
How are you so good at that?
I'm a Shepard!
Don't worry, son.
It's like riding a bike.
Not any bike I ever rode.
I didn't want our first date to
be like this!
Rather we watched a movie!
Eating popcorn!
Talking about our hobbies!
What do you like to read?
Sci-fi! Watch out!
I'm so sorry I got you into
There's no more bullets!
I'm out! So am I!
[ yells ] Come on! Let's go!
Come on! They're gonna launch.
We need to get inside.
9, 8, 7, 6...
Go for main engine start.
5, 4, 3,
2, 1, and liftoff!
Space shuttle Independence...
Shuttle is free of the tower.
Mission is under way.
What the hell?
Let's go.
Hey! [ screams ]
Billy, no! No! No.
Please, Billy!
Hang on! Hang on!
Get ready. We only have 10
to release the rockets and
destroy the sharknado wall.
Ready. Now!
Mission Control, releasing now.
Mr. Officer, confirm staging a
good solid rocket booster
SUPERVISOR: Detonate the SRBs.
Hang on!
Now get ready to jettison the
external fuel tank.
FIN: Not yet. Not yet.
COLONEL: Veering off course!
Veering off course!
Five degrees port!
Watch your pitch! Watch your
One degree yaw!
SUPERVISOR: Colonel Shepard, do
you read?
This is Mission Control.
Lose the external fuel tank to
get into orbit.
I'm going to use the OMS
to boost us up to a higher
All right, good. Good.
SUPERVISOR: All right. Detonate
the external fuel tank.
There she comes. She's coming
around. She's coming around.
The heat from the rocket should
have a domino effect.
See? It's happening.
April, you good?
I'm good.
This is beautiful.
I think you should take a look
at this.
Quick, what've you got?
It didn't work. The storm wall
is still there.
Independence, we are picking up
storm activity.
Damn it!
The storm's too big.
It's not working.
I'm sorry, Dad.
Sorry? Heh.
We're not dead yet.
What are you doing?
Plan B.
What the hell's that?
Strategic Defense Initiative.
Star Wars? I thought that didn't
That's what you're supposed to
but I've been working on it
almost my entire career.
It's probably why I didn't get
into space until now.
We've been redefining the
technology for years.
So much power now.
If we fire that thing directly
into the storm,
it should ionize the water
give us enough room to collapse

Mission Control. Colonel
We're gonna try and use the SDI
satellite system to fight this
I need to speak with Major Rene
ANNOUNCER: The sharknado has
completely devastated the entire
eastern seaboard.
Half the nation's population is
retreating to shelters.
The government is unable to do
anything to stop this disaster,
but we're not leaving. No.
It's been great working with all
of you.
[ all scream ]
Oh, Gilbert, mon ami.
Bonjour, Rene!
I hear you want to do
something impossible and
which is not surprising.
I know it sounds stupid,
but, uh, we need to reactivate
our old science project to end
this storm.
I need a startup sequence.
Okay, okay, I'm sending you.
It'll come onscreen now.
But you will have to target the
weapons from your console.
You know that?
Colonel Shepard,
NASA weather telemetry is locked
to your transmissions. Stand by.
[ modem grinding ]
Did we get it?
It's offline. We can't connect.
Colonel, this is Director
We're not hearing any response.
Oh, the interface must have
She has been out there a long
time, no?
You have to reboot and target it
manually, you know?
I understand, Rene.
Thank you.
[ speaking French ]
What does that mean? Oh,
It just means I gotta go outside
and give this old clunker a big,
you know, kick in the butt.
It's okay, pal.
I'm living my dream.
Flying in space?
No. Being your hero.
Give these wings to the baby...
so the little one will always
I'll be all right.

COLONEL: I've reached the rocket
and I'm ready to leave the
Colonel Shepard is attempting
EVA to reach the SDI satellite
to perform a manual restart.
Stand by.

All right, Gil,
let's make this one work.
The original control array is
I'm attempting to reconnect.
Jacksonville has been hit!
We're getting reports that
sharks are hitting Graceland.
COLONEL: Almost have it. There!
DIRECTOR: Colonel Shepard, you
need to fire this now.

[ beeping ]
It's working! Son, it's working!
Yes! Yeah!
[ cheering ]

Huh. You're a hero, dad.
Without the fuel tank, how could
they retrieve Colonel Shepard?
They can't.
He knew that.
When I detached from the
you only have enough fuel in the
to either come get me or to
not enough for both.
It's okay, son.
I'm where I always wanted to be.
The view is incredible.
[ crackling ]
What was that?
Fin, something hit us!
April, there are sharks in the
Where you going? Let's go back
to Earth!
We can't! I have to close the

[ humming ]
Hell, yeah.
Independence, this is Houston.
We can manually override the
hatch. Acknowledge.
Fin, come back here!
Independence, acknowledge!
Fin, are you there?
We can remote control the
shuttle and bring you in.
Fin, come back! We can get home!
How can they survive in space?
How can they survive in a
We need to go back to the
[ screams ] Fin!
[ screams ]
[ grunting ]
April! April, where are you?!

[ chainsaw buzzing ]
[ chainsaw Revving ]
[ baby crying ]
[ faint ] April!
[ crying continues ]

Do you want to meet your son?
Son? [April chuckles]
Mom! Dad!
Say hello to your brother.
So what's my godson's name?
I think I'd like to name him
after my dad.

Where's my wings?
I see it. It's right there.
[ debris falling ]
[ all scream ]
[ crash ]
Now's your chance to be
part of Sharknado history.
You decide if #AprilLives or
#AprilDies by tweeting
your choice now or going to
to vote.
Her fate will be revealed in
Sharknado 4
because we are not done yet!