She Made Them Do It (2013)

Another one.
Which one?
The redhead in the hoodie.
She totally just checked you out.
- Yeah?
- Yeah!
She probably thinks I'm on
the football team or something.
Yeah. Probably.
You know, I always wanted
to play college football.
Well, you just needed someone
to believe in you.
You needed a sar-bear.
Sarah! Where have you been?
Oh, my god.
That's my old roommate.
Cheryl! Hi!
Good to see you.
Are you coming back to school?
I am, in the fall.
In the meantime,
I'm just working hard
and saving my pennies.
What are you doing on campus?
I'm just going to show Rick
some of our old haunts.
Hello, boys.
Hope we're not
interrupting your studies.
Two bags.
How's our inventory?
Getting low.
Come here.
We made more today
Than you used to make
in a month.
And once we expand
into other frats
And all the other colleges
in the area...
We'll be rolling in it.
People mess up
because they get greedy.
You and I are gonna be smart.
We're gonna invest
in mutual funds.
Ah, I like the way
your mind works.
I love the way
your body works.
Here? Are you crazy?
For you.
Next fall,
You'll be back at Purdue
with all these smart douche-bags.
I don't want them.
I need you.
You're my big, strong papa bear.
Damn it, Rick.
I'll talk to him.
I said they could
be here a few weeks.
They've been here
four months.
When are they going
back to Vegas?
I'll talk to him.
I want them gone.
I love that song.
The neighbors
are gonna call the cops.
The neighbors are customers.
They're not calling anybody.
- What's with the coke?
- Business opportunity.
The guy I buy from
sold it to me for three "g"s.
It'll net 10.
Hey! You guys
are finally back.
Have a line.
Catch up with us, sar.
You're so full of
crap, drew. Seven grand?
How much have you
shoved up your nose?
Eat me.
In your dreams.
Hey, somebody needs a drink
And a hit and a line.
What happened
To the music, man?
I want this crap
out of my house.
So help us get rid of it.
Come and dance with us.
Get off of me!
Oh, god.
You're so boring.
Forget it, Trish.
They'd rather
play with themselves.
I'm gonna go
to bed soon.
You wanna come
with me?
In a bit.
In a bit! Come on!
It sucks being the only one
with a real job.
Where is it, drew?
Chill, Sarah!
Stay out of this, Trish!
What's going on?
He stole my money!
My Purdue money! $2,500!
I borrowed it
to buy the coke.
That was my tuition money,
you ass!
Shut your bitch up, Rick, before
I do.
- I'm gonna kill that bitch!
- Stay down, drew!
Stay down! Stay down!
Outside. Outside!
Hey. Hey!
That money
is my everything!
it's my future.
You said you'd
always protect me.
Okay. Okay.
I'll handle it.
You need to calm down.
I'm gonna go
get some cigarettes.
I'll be back
in 15 minutes.
Okay. Okay.
Let papa bear handle this.
What did you do?
Drew went for the gun.
I... it happened so fast.
He... he was gonna kill me.
Oh, my god.
He took your money,
Sarah, all right?
I- I had to get it back.
I had to get your money back.
He went for the gun!
But what about Trish?
Why did you shoot Trish?
She came at me!
I don't know!
It just happened so fast!
Did you call the cops?
No, no, no. They'll never
believe a guy with my record.
I've already got
two strikes against me.
This is self-defense,
though, right?
It doesn't matter.
Okay, all right,
I- I-it's just like
you always said, right?
We need a plan,
so, we'll, you know,
We'll, uh...
We'll get rid of the bodies,
And we'll clean up the mess,
And we'll go away
till this all blows over.
Go get the blankets
from the bedroom.
I can't, Rick, I can't.
Damn it, Sarah, go!
We have to move!
Go to work. You gotta act normal.
Nothing's ever
gonna be normal again.
I'd die for you, Sarah.
I won't let anything
happen to you.
Early this morning,
Both shot to death
and wrapped in blankets,
We found inside
a trash dumpster
Behind the local...
The woman, who authorities say
was in her 20s,
Remains unidentified.
The police
have identified the man,
Who has multiple tattoos,
As 29-year-old Drew Cataldi,
A drug dealer
with prior convictions,
From Nevada.
Well, we're currently
looking for witnesses,
Anyone who might have
seen or heard anything.
That anyone with information
about this crime,
Or has seen
something suspicious...
I got us a room
At a motel about
15 minutes from here.
We'll get rid of
the bloody stuff
On the way.
You're driving
around with it?
Well, I couldn't
leave it at the house!
Oh, my god.
- I want to call my dad.
- No!
No one can know about this.
He'll know what to do, Rick!
He'll help us.
Let's just go.
If we drive
straight through,
We can be in Seattle
in less than two days.
Okay, baby.
If that's what you want,
that's what we'll do.
Did you pay for this room
with your credit card?
I didn't have any cash on me.
We've gotta get outta here!
This is Anderson P.D.
We have the motel surrounded...
Okay, baby, we gotta
stick together.
Okay? We're all
we've got.
I love you.
I love you, too.
We recovered the shotgun
From the motel room.
I have told you
three times already,
Rick put it under the bed.
And then we went
to the sporting goods store
Where the gun was purchased
They have
a credit card receipt
With your
signature on it.
You bought the gun.
Rick told me to.
You see how it looks?
Rick had told me
That there was something
about his past
That wouldn't allow him
to buy it.
He wanted a shotgun!
Just the day
before the murders,
He decides that
he's got to have a gun?
I- I don't know.
It- it wasn't planned.
Did Rick Hull tell you
why he shot Ms. Nordman?
Self-defense explains
one shot, to drew,
But how do you explain
the other two?
And how do you explain
A 110-pound woman
A guy who's almost 200 pounds
and armed with a shotgun?
Why do I have to explain?
I wasn't there!
You didn't go to the police.
I was scared.
Rick manipulated me.
Oh, did he threaten you?
Did he hurt you?
And then
when he dropped you off,
You could've
told someone, anyone.
You had all day.
I was scared!
I didn't know what to do.
I'd never seen a carcass before.
I think...
That you wanted to
get rid of Cataldi.
- That's why you bought the gun.
- No.
Sarah, let me tell you
how I think this went down.
I think you waited
till Rick got really messed up.
This is insane!
You're gonna do it
my way or we're done!
You said you'd always
protect me, now prove it!
She can't live.
You're twisting everything!
Rick killed them.
Because you made him do it.
That is a lie!
I wasn't there!
I went for cigarettes!
No one saw you.
There's no cigarettes,
there's no receipt.
I changed my mind,
it was late.
I got scared,
I decided to go back home.
Trish is my friend.
Well, who refers
to their friend as a "carcass?"
Sarah Pender,
You have the right
to remain silent.
Anything you say
can, and will be,
Used against you
in a court of law.
You're that chick
they say killed her roommates.
You and your boyfriend
threw 'em in a dumpster.
Could you give it a rest,
okay, Roxanne?
Ignore her, honey.
Oh, great. Great.
Look what
you did. Huh?
People who live in sin
Shouldn't throw stones, 'kay?
Well, that don't even
make any sense.
Oh, no, honey, look.
You're gonna be fine.
It's not that bad here.
Why don't you just
get some rest?
Use the phone, daddy.
Sarah... Are you okay?
What are you
doing here?
I got here
as soon as I could.
Oh, daddy...
It's gonna be okay.
This is a sick misunderstanding.
I've hired an attorney.
I want to
go home with you.
Yes. When this nightmare
is over,
You're coming home.
I don't belong in here.
When are they gonna let me out?
They're charging you
with a double murder, Sarah.
There is no bail.
I'm sorry.
There's nothing
to be afraid of, okay?
Arraignments are simple.
Your lawyer's
gonna enter your plea.
You won't have to speak.
I wish you could
be there.
Jamie Long, let's go.
You just made bail.
Yeah. Can I have a minute
to say goodbye?
I don't think
I can do this.
Listen to me.
You need to think
positive things.
All right?
Like that old song.
Raindrops and roses,
and kitten-whiskers,
And puppy-breath?
You're crazy.
You're gonna be
all right, honey.
This nightmare is gonna
be over really soon,
And I'll bring you
whatever you want-
Books, candy, whatever.
I'll never forget
this, Jamie.
To be sweet, innocent,
But lurking within her
is a demon
With the ability
to seduce another
To commit
the most atrocious act.
She's like
a female Charles Manson.
This whole trial's
just a farce.
Things that they're
accusing her of doing,
My baby
is not capable of.
If anyone was
manipulating anyone,
It's that boyfriend,
Richard Hull.
He's the one with
the criminal record.
Doesn't matter
what they say about me.
Last night, during
a sweep of Mr. Hull's cell,
They discovered a letter.
A letter from Rick?
A letter to Mr. Hull
from Sarah.
I haven't written
any letters to Rick.
"My dearest Richard,"
"I love you and I miss you so much."
"I wish I could go back"
"and change the events
of that night."
"maybe it was all the pot we smoked,
or the booze, but I just snapped."
"I'm sorry I lied
about not being there."
"Love always, your lady bear."
That is a lie!
I... I didn't write that.
I wasn't there when Rick shot them!
I went for a walk!
This... this is not
my handwriting!
You... You have to
believe me, Mr. Brady.
Rick is lying.
I don't have to believe you,
Sarah, the jury does.
They have already heard
That you bought the murder weapon
And that you helped Mr. Hull
dispose of the bodies.
This letter
is very damaging.
Sarah Pender was found guilty
of two counts of homicide
And sentenced to 50 years
for the murder of Mr. Cataldi,
And 60 years for Ms. Nordman,
Sentences running consecutively
for 110 years.
I'm superintendent Rogers.
You may call me "ma'am"
or "Ms. Rogers."
Yes, ma'am.
Well, Sarah Pender...
You're home.
Life at Rockville is structured.
No one gets special treatment.
We do count twice a day-
8:50 a.m.,
and at 3:50 in the p.m.
Unless you're at your job,
in a classroom,
or in the infirmary,
every offender must be
in her cell on her bunk
For count.
Name's Corinne.
You're up top.
Do not step on my bed
getting up or down.
Do not kick me.
We clean on Sunday.
And don't ask
no stupid questions.
Hey! What part of
"do not step on my bed"
Don't you understand?
Want me to come up there
and beat you down
On the first day in?
Hey. I'm Mimi.
But everybody
calls me "Mimi."
selling fake I.D.S,
But my lawyer says
I'll only do 18 months,
So I've got, like, nine to go.
Do you want
to hang out sometime?
I'm friends with
your cellie, Corinne.
Do you know
she poisoned two husbands?
She did.
Okay. Tsk.
Sarah Jo Pender,
get over here!
I thought you forgot
about me.
Oh, my gosh, no.
What'd I tell you?
The first day you could
have visitors,
I would be here,
with bells on.
So, sunshine...
How you doing?
Uh, it's okay.
I'm reading, sleeping a lot.
What about friends?
Your father
has hired an attorney
Who specializes
in appeals.
Yeah, I didn't get
adequate representation.
We're going to
get you out of here,
But it's going to
take time.
You've got to
realize that.
I'm not gonna make it in here.
Yes, you will.
Now, listen.
Time's gonna go
a whole lot faster
If you don't just sit around
feeling sorry for yourself.
Do we understand
each other?
Look at me.
You've gotta do your part.
Excuse me.
Hey. Hi. I'm Farrell.
I was hoping you could
tell me what this means.
I'm busy right now.
No one'll help me,
And someone said
You're the smartest
girl in here.
It's something to do
with my kids.
It's a petition
for guardianship.
They want to
take your kids away.
I'm a good mom.
I've made
some mistakes,
But I'm a good mom.
Who are
Gladys and George Brenner?
My aunt and uncle.
I asked them to watch the girls
until I get released.
They're asking the court to
terminate your parental rights
And name them legal guardians.
Can they do that?
Let me see what I can do.
? daisy, daisy?
? give me your answer, do?
Shut up!
It's a free country!
? I'm half crazy?
? all for the love of you?
Girl, you are full-on crazy.
Some people just have
no appreciation of music.
She speaks.
? daisy, daisy?
? give me your answer, do?
Well, if it isn't
miss Charlotte Manson.
Happy Halloween.
What the hell is this?
Mimi's specialty-
"cafe karma."
Little bit of sugar, coffee
and dihexadryl.
Gets you a nice caffeine-sugar
antihistamine buzz,
And your nose won't run
for a week.
They let you have dihexadryl
in here?
I got a friendly guard
who helps me get it.
By "friendly,"
She means she rocks his world
every other week.
Ga-bown! Ga-bown!
You know
what I'm saying?
They never
notified you about
A hearing to determine
parental rights.
How could I have
gone to a hearing?
I was locked up
in here.
Doesn't matter.
According to the law,
The state mandates
That both parents
must be notified
Of parental termination,
Unless their whereabouts
are "unknown."
Do they know
your whereabouts?
You think?
That's why they're trying
to take my kids from me.
Well, they blew it.
We're gonna get
your kids back, Farrell.
Come give
your dad a hug.
Oh! I didn't think I'd get
a visit until christmas.
God, I miss this.
Hugging you.
How are you?
I'm fine.
I'm not gonna let them
get me down.
Most people in your situation
would've given up.
What's wrong?
The appellate court
denied your appeal.
Didn't find anything wrong
with Mr. Brady's representation.
Okay, this is just a setback.
I've already done two years
for a crime I didn't commit.
I'm fighting
a system
That won't admit
it made a mistake.
There are all sorts
of appeals I can make.
Harsh and excessive punishment,
insufficient evidence.
If they want a fight,
they're gonna get one.
You would've made
a great lawyer.
You've got such a sharp mind.
I'm going to find something,
some way to get out of this.
The thing is...
I'm short on cash.
That's okay, daddy.
Okay? You've done enough.
Just please don't
give up on me.
Never, baby. Never.
We got to get your guy
To bring in
more dihexadryl,
And you've gotta stop
giving it away.
These girls are hooked.
They're gonna pay a lot
to get a buzz on.
But there's no money
allowed in here.
The money stays
on the outside-
Money orders.
Someone on the outside
cashes 'em,
Opens up
a bank account.
Maybe we can
even save enough
To get you
singing lessons.
Mooney v. Holohan.
Mooney had been pardoned
When he proved
he'd been convicted
On the basis of evidence
known by the state to be false.
Like Jamie Long told you
on the phone, Mr. Cook,
Rick wrote to me
that he had a change of heart.
My supposed
"confession letter" was fake.
They have to let me out,
Or at least give me
a new trial.
To get post-
conviction relief,
You can't just show
That some of the evidence
against you was false-
You have to show
reasonable innocence.
I am innocent.
It's a long shot.
It's my only shot.
You're gonna need
Mr. Hull to sign an affidavit
Stating that
he forged that letter.
Rick will do anything
to help me.
Okay, this is your last chance
To have your conviction
overturned, Ms. Pender.
It could take
a couple of years,
Which means
a lot of time.
I'm expensive.
Don't worry.
I'll get you your money.
You need to talk
to your guy.
He quit.
He can't quit.
He's in too deep.
He's gone.
He doesn't work here
Well, we need to
find a new mule.
I can't risk it.
I'm getting out
in a few weeks.
You're right.
We can't do anything
to jeopardize your release.
I understand.
Mr. Cook has agreed
to let me pay his retainer
A few hundred bucks at a time,
But ben and me are tapped out.
Do you want me
to call your father?
No, no.
I've cost him enough already.
More money will come.
I'm exploring
some other options.
Okay, folks.
Visitation hours are over.
I love you
more than puppy paws.
Kindly make your way
to the exit.
Sweet baby.
Time to go.
Line it up, ladies.
You know, this would
go a lot faster
If you lent a hand.
Okay, write this down.
It includes actions
for recovery of specific-
White, Hernandez, Pender,
report to the chemical closet
of the rec building
For custodian duty.
We'll do this later.
I had to call in a favor
to get you this detail.
Hope it's worth it.
What makes you think
I won't scream?
Did you bring a condom?
Sorry, no glove, no love.
Help! It's Mimi!
Something's wrong.
Guard! Guard!
Look at me.
Never forget who helped you.
Sarah, look out.
Look out, look out, look out.
Mimi? Mimi?
Can you hear me?
Nod if you can hear me.
Stacy, go get
the medical staff, now.
So I talked to Ms. Rogers.
Mimi's gonna be okay.
They're going to keep her
in the infirmary
Until she's released
next month.
Apparently, she had
an allergic reaction.
Allergic reaction,
my ass.
I told her that girl,
She keep drinking
that cafe karma,
She gonna kill herself.
She's just lucky she had
you there to help her.
I don't eat meat.
Is this really
the fight you want to have?
Come here.
You must have played
sports in high school.
What, are you gonna pin me,
officer Spitler?
Nobody cares if
you keep to yourself,
But you've got to decide
what you care about.
You don't know nothin'
about my situation.
I know about
this situation.
A few years ago,
I was you.
You gotta find
something to do,
You need to get a job,
you have to have a plan.
It's gonna help
pass the time.
I'm not gonna
work for them.
Not for them.
For you.
I heard they need
a new girl in the laundry.
I have never felt this way
with anyone before.
This connection.
I walk around
with this pit in my stomach.
Night-time's the worst.
Sometimes, I can't sleep.
You know,
if you could get me a phone,
You could tuck me in at night.
We could have phone sex.
You have
a one-track mind.
I know. It's dumb.
You can't get me a phone.
I can get you anything you want.
Happy New Year's.
It's Sarah.
Oh, my God!
Sarah? Oh, my... God!
Calm down.
I only have a minute.
I've made a friend-
- ...Who's gonna help us.
- Who?
Someone else
who believes in me.
I'm gonna text you
A list of
stuff to buy-
Phones, dihexadryl,
N... Sarah, no, no.
I'm not smuggling
anything in there.
I would never ask you
to break the law.
Dihexadryl's an over-the-counter
I've got it all worked out.
I take the orders.
The girls get someone
on the outside
To send a money order
to your P.O. Box.
You just deposit the money
into a bank account,
Then you go to
one of those chain drugstores.
They're gonna have
everything on the list.
You buy it and you ship it
to a different P.O. Box,
All legal.
Sarah, this is gonna
mess with your appeal.
This is gonna pay
for my appeal.
Don't worry.
I love you
more than
Fairy dust
on butterfly wings.
Happy Valentine's day.
You were wrong, Mr. Cook.
It only took them one year
to review my case.
When's my retrial?
Your motion was denied.
But Rick's affidavit-
The judge has denied
your request for a retrial
Based on the other undisputed
evidence against you-
The shotgun you purchased,
The truck you borrowed,
Forensic evidence at your house.
You're not getting out, Sarah.
I'm sorry.
You're sorry?
I've paid you thousands of dollars!
People have made sacrifices
for me! No! No!
Let go! Let me go!
I hope you won't let
This monumental disappointment
Change your attitude.
No, ma'am.
I'm not sure you realize
What a positive role model
you've become.
Thank you, ma'am.
I'm gonna bring
my girls to meet you.
No. No, Farrell.
You need to forget about me,
You need to forget this place,
And focus on staying
the hell away from here.
A picture for your wall.
Oh, they're beautiful.
I always wanted a big family.
Two-storey house, lots of yard,
And five or six kids
running around.
Let's see...
I hardly recognize you
in those clothes.
How can I thank you
for getting my kids back?
Don't lose them again.
They need you.
We have to go.
Ah, it's total B.S.
You'd think we were
criminals or something.
That mean we have to
ask permission to pee?
Hell, they're already
all up in our business.
Next thing you know,
There won't be
any nooks or crannies
To sneak a smoke or whatnot.
What are you talking about?
While you were in the lock,
We got ourselves a new
prison commissioner.
A real hard-ass.
He's adding "movement
accountability" protocols-
Cameras everywhere,
I.D. Badges, more rules.
Shoot. We aren't
in our cells or at chow,
We gotta present special passes.
It's all about bein' "the man."
When's this happening?
Next week.
I only got about 10 minutes.
Gonna tell me about
the new security?
I was.
I'm sorry.
I'm disappointed, too.
You're disappointed?
We missed our chance.
The window's gonna close.
You've just gotta file another appeal.
There are no more appeals!
Look, we talked about
what was gonna happen
If I lost my appeal.
It's too late.
You told me you've never met
Anyone who understood
you the way I do,
Who makes you feel the way I do,
But when I really need you...
There's a door off the gym
that isn't alarmed.
I checked.
It leads to the release area.
From there, I've got
everything figured out.
I'm not gonna grow old
in this prison
For something I didn't do.
Don't do
anything stupid, Sarah.
We'll get through this.
"we?" just get everything
together on that list,
And be ready.
Oh, that's perfect.
He give this to you?
What if they shoot you?
At least I'll be
wearing cute clothes.
Oh, shut up.
Come here.
What'd I tell you?
Huh? I told you not to-
You didn't hear-
Visiting hours are now over.
All visitors will have to report
To the office to sign out.
Pulling up to the gate.
- The gate's open-
- Scott!
Stop the play-by-play!
You kidding?
I just needed to gas up
before I park it for the day.
Take it easy, Spitler.
Just make it fast, huh?
When am I going
to see you again?
Soon as it's safe,
I'll call you.
We can finally
be together.
Oh, my god!
- We got to get outta here!
- Whoa!
I'm done.
23 hours.
Must be
some kind of record.
Didn't even get
the sheets dirty.
Of course, half the credit
goes to my co-star.
This genius breaks
out of a maxi
Outside of Dayton,
And then takes a bus to
his baby's mama's house in Gary.
I was waitin' for him
when he walked in.
Sometimes, it's just too easy.
Marshal Harlan.
I'm on my way.
Start the clock, McCorkle.
Woman just skipped out
of Rockville.
So you're gonna be safe here, okay?
It's an old foreclosure
that me and Ben were cleaning up
for the bank.
I think you could probably
stay safe here for a week.
Maybe even two.
This is great.
We got to cut
and color my hair.
I cannot believe
you're standing here.
Where's all my stuff?
Um, I have to pick it up.
I don't know, I mean,
I figured I'd have to go
on a food run anyway.
I told you
to get everything ready.
Yeah, but look,
you got out so fast.
Well, can I get my money?
Your money is temporarily
unavailable right now.
No, no, no,
don't worry, we promise,
We're gonna pay it back,
with interest.
What did you do with my money?
Ben always wanted a jacuzzi.
You-! You used my money
to buy a hot tub?
He has a bad back.
Ohh! You said
you'd never let me down.
Here, here, here.
Look, look, look, look, look.
This is $33!
I'm gonna go
And I'm gonna pick up
everything I can for you.
Okay? I love you.
Like warm,
fuzzy kittens.
So between 2:30 and 4:00,
You recorded
that three prison vehicles
Exited the sally port?
Two of the exiting vans
had offenders
Who were being released
and transported
To the greyhound station
But this third vehicle...
Had a driver only?
According to your notes,
Transpo officer Spitler...
Needed to refuel.
How well do you know Spitler?
Scott Spitler
has worked here for five years,
Marshal Harlan.
He's married,
with two small kids.
I glanced inside,
But Spitler was in a hurry.
He's a model guard.
He ain't perfect, Ms. Rogers.
There've been rumors.
What kind of rumors?
Soap and water weren't the only fluids
They've been mixing
in the chemical closet.
This is bull!
I'm the straightest arrow here.
Why did you rush the van inspection
When you exited
after refueling?
Check your records,
Since I've been a trip officer,
I've never skipped van inspection.
I get it.
You're not the kind of
guy who flaunts rules.
Let's talk about the chemical closet.
You say you barely knew Sarah Pender,
But according to prison records,
You were her supervisor
When she was on chemical duty.
I supervised a lot of women
on chemical duty.
I did not do anything wrong
with that woman.
She had help on the inside, Scott.
We have to ask everyone.
I know.
I know.
So, officer Spitler.
You didn't do anything
wrong with that woman?
No. I did not.
Did you know, when people lie,
They don't use contractions?
And they use distancing phrases
like "that woman"
When they really meant
"Monica Lewinski."
You're lying.
I'm sorry, Ms. Rogers.
Is this true?
What the hell were you thinking?
I don't know.
I was...
It just made sense.
Sarah, she understood me.
loved me.
She wanted to have my baby.
Where is she?
I don't know.
I swear.
Sarah didn't tell me anything.
My job was just to get her
to the parking lot.
Daddy. I'm out.
Please don't be mad at me.
I tried it their way,
but they gave me no choice.
I'll be in touch when I can.
I love you.
I need a list of
all the women in the area
who did time with Pender.
That'll be a long list.
I want to speak to her.
Told you this was gonna end bad.
Said the fat man in the hot tub.
Ah, shut it.
She's gonna kill me.
Jamie Long?
Open the door!
U.S. Marshal Sean Harlan.
Open the door!
How can I help you?
I'm looking for Sarah Pender.
Well, have you tried Rockville prison?
Is anyone else in the house?
Oh. Yeah. Uh, Ben's...
Out back in the jacuzzi.
But you don't want to see that.
You're not curious why I'm looking for her?
Oh, I guess that she's probably missing.
Good guess.
The guard that helped Pender escape
said you drove the getaway car.
He didn't see me.
No, he didn't. I lied.
Jamie, where is she?
Sarah didn't kill those people!
She's a fugitive now,
with a target on her back.
But I can bring her in alive.
You don't give a rat's ass about
She's got nothing to lose.
You have everything.
Aiding and abetting
an escaped prisoner is a felony.
You've already done the crime.
You can't help her anymore.
You can only help yourself.
You tell the man where she is,
Or I will.
Sarah Pender?
I need to see your hands.
All clear!
Marshal, she's not here.
We're all clear.
Put it on an A.P.B.
And get the photos of Pender
out on the wires.
Start with border control.
Alert America's Most Wanted.
We got to get her face out there.
Your hair.
I didn't recognize you.
Yeah, that's the point, Mimi.
Can you pay for this stuff?
It's all over the radio and TV.
They've already arrested
two people.
Things aren't going
exactly as planned.
I can't get involved.
You already are.
What do you want from me?
I need an I.D.
You've got to talk to
your guy at the DMV.
I'm on parole!
I can get you an I.D..
But they're not cheap...
Like two grand.
Well, do you have
any jewelry you could sell?
Clothes? Your car?
I don't care how you do it,
but you owe me.
I owe you?
Take me to your house.
I live with my boyfriend!
We can't.
I slept on a bus last night.
No idea who she might contact,
Or where she might be going?
Sugar, I'm not even sure
What white girl we're talkin' about.
They all look alike to me.
I'm glad she's gone.
She deserves it.
She's the most beautiful,
real thing in here.
She's my wife.
That's funny,
'cause Spitler said
they were in love, too.
That's bull.
She hated that man.
He was screwing other girls
before Sarah.
That's why
she picked him...
But she didn't trust him.
She kept the used condoms?
As insurance,
'case spit-man got
any dumb-ass ideas.
Where is she, Paula?
Got no idea.
She didn't tell me
Who was helping her
on the outside.
She didn't trust you.
She was protecting me
from a-holes like you.
Sarah made me believe
anything was possible.
She loved me for who I am.
I never had to
pretend with her.
Sarah saved my life.
Sarah was very popular
with the other offenders.
She did good things
for a lot of them.
They loved her.
They'll help her now.
I'm counting on it.
I've been chasing fugitives
for 16 years.
First thing they all do
Is reach back to family
and friends.
Any of these women
been released?
Mimi Lundt.
Got out last year.
Ms. Lundt?
I don't know where Sarah is.
I didn't mention Sarah Pender.
You didn't have to.
You're a cop.
It's all over the news.
So you want to protect her?
Protect her?
I'm scared to death of her.
You're right.
We can't do anything
to jeopardize your release.
No one can, not till I get out.
What are you saying?
If anyone does anything
to mess up my release...
I will do what I have to,
to protect myself.
Help! Help! It's Mimi!
Guard! Guard!
Never forget who helped you.
Do you think she poisoned you?
I know somebody put
something in my food or drink.
I want her back in prison.
Hey. It's Sarah.
Don't hang up.
You're the last person
I want to call right now,
But I need your help.
So how old are you?
Are you coming to my birthday?
Well, I'll certainly try.
Her birthday's not for a few months.
I'm gonna be a princess.
Go on, baby.
She is really cute.
And a handful.
You gave me my life back.
I'm glad
I could help you, but-
I would never go anything
to hurt you or your kids.
You have to trust me.
But I'm broke, Farrell.
I'm gonna need real money
to pull this off.
I'm willing to do whatever.
Well, there's this guy, Bob.
I know him from dancing
at the club.
She's Manson.
She's Gandhi.
She's gay...
She's straight,
She's a blonde,
she's a brunette.
She's an angel,
she's the devil.
She uses people,
She gets them to do what she wants,
Then she discards them.
We're getting hits from the A.P.B.
A gas station in Ozark, Missouri.
A drugstore in Kingman, Arizona.
A street corner in Jacksonville,
Let local authorities chase those.
These are women in a 200-mile radius
Who went through Rockville
when Pender was there,
More than half of them
are strippers and/or prostitutes.
Start canvassing the streets
and clubs.
Someone knows where she is.
But be careful.
She's in survival mode.
Got nothin' to lose.
All right,
let's get to it.
You must be Ashley.
And you must be Bob.
It was 400, right?
Hope you're not in a hurry.
How long you been married?
35 years...
To life.
When did you get divorced?
We're still married, actually.
He's a cop.
We used to be crazy in love,
Then he just started
going psycho with jealousy.
Thought I was flirting
with everyone,
He hit me a few times.
Son of a bitch.
I really know how to pick 'em.
Excuse me.
There are cops at the club.
They must know I helped you.
No, no, no.
They're just fishing.
Half the girls at Rockville
have stripped there.
Just drive away.
You know I'll never tell
anyone you helped me.
You can't come back to my place.
I won't.
Just take care of your girls.
I'll figure something out, okay?
Good luck.
I'm sorry.
Hey. Everything okay?
I might need a place
to lay my head tonight.
Consider yourself home, baby.
Can I take a bath?
I haven't soaked in a tub for years.
Soak away.
We've got all night.
I came to Indianapolis
to track down Sarah Pender.
Pender's a convicted killer
Who's been on the run
for 72 hours now,
And there's no telling
what she's capable of next,
So if you've seen Sarah Pender,
call us at 1-800-crime-TV.
She needs to be
back behind bars tonight.
You're still wearing clothes.
And your face is all over TV.
You're Sarah Pender.
I believed you were in trouble.
I am in trouble.
- I'm not what they say I am!
- No. No.
- What did you do?
Were you gonna kill me?
Turn-down service?
No! We're good. Thank you.
Just let me go.
You can keep your money.
I don't want my money.
I want you.
I know I should've called the cops
Right afterwards.
I should've told them about Rick.
But I did more than enough time
For that one mistake,
And I wasn't about to do any more.
Betty your wife?
What are you gonna do now?
My plans are... Fluid.
Well, let me help you.
I'll book the room for another night.
I can come here after work tomorrow.
And after that?
If you really want to help me,
Help me get a job...
A good job that pays cash.
Shouldn't you be thinking about
Trying to leave the country?
They'll be expecting me to run.
Is about the last thing
anyone expects me to do.
Got any skills?
Any other skills?
Second-oldest profession.
In high school, I did
the books and payroll
For my father's landscaping business.
What do you do?
Paper goods.
I own Hopner supplies.
So that's like, what?
Napkins, cups, plates?
Very good.
That's cool.
You really are something else.
Most women don't care
about what I do.
I get it.
It's not a very sexy business.
But it's made me rich.
Which is sexy.
You must be able to think of something
I can do
with my skills.
Her name's Ashley.
She's my wife's cousin,
But she's in
a little bit of a situation.
She knows accounting.
Okay, I'll start the paperwork.
Well, I'd rather
keep it off the books for now,
So just pay her 10 bucks an hour
out of petty cash.
I told her she could start tomorrow.
Thanks, Jer.
Do you trust him?
Are you kidding me?
He's been with me
for more than 10 years,
He's not gonna say
anything to anyone.
Do you know
who's helping Sarah?
She's out free while Richard Hull,
Scott Spitler, and yourself
Are behind bars.
Sarah is a beautiful person,
And what I did for her,
I did it because I wanted to do it,
I loved her enough to let her go.
Do you care if she kills again?
She's not a killer!
- Hey, Sarah!
- Listened to her for years...
- Come in here, quick.
Her story never changes.
You're on
America's Most Wanted again.
...Wasn't even there
What would you say to Sarah
If you could
speak with her now?
Run, Sarah. Run.
Officially added
to the U.S. Marshal's
Top 15,
The only woman on that list.
Well, how 'bout that?
What do you think of Sarah?
Bobby Hopner couldn't get a cheerleader
To give him the time of day.
And now...
I'm sleeping with
America's Most Wanted woman.
She is a convicted murderer.
She knows how to use people.
She gets ordinary people
to do horrible things,
And then she flushes them
down the toilet,
Just like she flushed
those two bodies
In the dumpster.
Do you think I'm ordinary, baby?
You're not that special.
Oh, really?
Just sayin'.
For U.S. Marshal Sean Harlan,
Bringing in Pender
is his top priority,
And one he takes
very personally.
You're gonna make a mistake.
When you do,
I'm gonna catch you.
So if you've seen Sarah
Call us at 1-800-crime-TV.
I'll call on this phone
when I can.
So what do you think of Bali?
Well, it says here you can get
A better cup of coffee there
than you can in Rome.
And they have no extradition treaty
With the U.S.
We deserve to be happy.
I'm happy now.
Hey, did jerry tell you
about the mistake I found
In his bookkeeping?
What mistake?
50% of your payroll tax remittance
Is money withheld from employee pay,
Which are wage expenses,
not payroll.
Jerry's been writing them off
as payroll expenses.
Don't worry, honey.
I showed jerry his mistake.
As long as you pay
the back taxes,
You won't be audited.
Let me do the books
at all your warehouses.
My wife sits on my board.
If she finds out about us,
It could cause me a lot of problems.
Hey. Why do we have to
upset this special thing, huh?
I love what we have,
But I'm a hunted woman,
And you're aiding and abetting
a fugitive.
It would be in both of our interests
To get a plan together,
A long-term plan,
Otherwise we're just playing
a dangerous game of "house."
What is it, Jer?
I'm a little busy.
Bob told me about the accounting
mistake you found.
I've been doing a little snooping
on my own.
Bob's wife doesn't have
a cousin named "Ashley."
Maybe... Maybe we should
give her a call.
Why don't we?
As a member of the board,
I'm sure she'd be interested
to learn
How you've been
ripping this company off blind.
And I'm not talking your incompetence,
I'm talking straight-up embezzlement.
Imagine my surprise
When I called that glue vendor
up in fort Wayne
About a check that never cleared,
Found out they've been
out of business for three years.
Any idea who's been
forging their signature?
Or where that 38-grand went to?
So what do you think, jerry?
Should we call?
I wasn't gonna call the police, but...
When I saw America's Most Wanted...
I don't want her to get hurt.
I can't imagine how difficult this must be
For you as a father.
She was only three when her mom left,
Just took off.
I went and got her,
Brought her here and raised her.
I guess I probably spoiled her.
She got me to do whatever she wanted.
She never liked the word, "no."
I just... I just wanted her
to feel loved.
She always wanted more.
Is Sarah capable
Of doing the things
she was convicted of?
When it comes to surviving...
My daughter is capable of
doing anything.
Who is this?
Don't hang up.
How did you get this phone?
Your dad.
He has nothing to do with this.
You dragged him into it
when you sent him the phone.
That's why he called me.
- He called you?
- Yeah.
Real nice man.
Leave my father alone!
You're killing him, Sarah.
Shut up! Shut up.
Tell me where you are.
I'll bring you in.
Do it for your father.
Must be frustrating, marshal Harlan.
You got pretty close to me
At that motel,
but ever since then,
whoever's helping you,
they know you're a killer.
I'm not a killer!
So your two roommates
shot themselves?
Rick is an idiot!
If I wanted to kill someone,
I wouldn't have shot them
in my living room
And dumped their bodies
around the corner.
Then why didn't you call the cops?
I just saw my boyfriend kill Drew.
Yeah. That would scare anyone.
I get it.
You saw your boyfriend shoot Drew,
Then you saw him shoot...
What was her name?
I didn't see Rick shoot Trish.
I wasn't there.
You just said
they got a weak hit
on two towers off I-80,
between Gary and Toledo.
She's been in the midwest
The whole time.
Get on it.
Pender just let it slip that
she saw her boyfriend kill drew.
She's always claimed
She wasn't in the house
when the killings occurred.
Well, does it really matter?
It's the first slip-up
she's made.
When she does it again,
I'm gonna be there.
She's right here.
Where have you been?
I've been calling you all night.
- Hey, what's wrong?
- Everything!
That U.S. Marshal's gotten to my dad.
Jerry knows
I'm not your cousin.
I'll handle jerry.
All this hiding
and pretending.
I need to find
Someone who can commit
to a future with me.
Listen. I'm that guy.
We'll start over.
I'm gonna make you happy, Sarah.
I promise.
Where are we?
Keep them closed.
You can open 'em.
You like?
I rented it for you.
For us.
This is amazing.
I love it.
I love you.
You want to go upstairs?
I... I can't.
Betty's expecting me for dinner.
We've got to start
implementing our plan, Bob.
You can't have everything you want.
You've got to make choices.
Sarah, I can't marry a fugitive.
You can't marry anyone
until you get a divorce.
Divorces are complicated.
Betty could take me for millions.
Maybe there's a simpler solution.
I know what I want.
And I want to be
the next Mrs. Robert Hopner,
But I'm not gonna wait forever
for you to decide.
Sorry, marshal.
I have no idea where she'd go.
After three months on the run,
I'm not holding my breath
for a call, either.
She's been out 4 months.
133 days, but who's counting?
The only time Sarah
ever communicated with me
Since we were arrested
Was when she needed an affidavit.
She blames that forged letter
in getting her 110 years.
I was just trying to
save my own ass from the needle.
The prosecution used it
To turn Sarah into the boogeyman.
Otherwise, she might've
gotten away with it.
Gotten away with what?
Her role in it.
Ease up.
Those things'll kill you.
Not soon enough.
You know, I was happy
with what we had...
But Sarah always wanted more.
Fancy cars? Jewelry?
Sarah? You kidding?
Nah, she wanted a family.
A big family.
Six or seven kids.
It was all about the kids for her.
She wanted to give them
The childhood she didn't get to have.
Doesn't fit the picture
of Sarah in your mind?
So A.M.W. 's going to lead
with a Pender update.
What's up?
Call Rockville.
Find out if anyone in Pender's orbit
Had three daughters.
These kids are very important to her.
Who are they?
Hey, baby.
So I talked to a plastic surgeon
Today, in New York.
He can do everything
for about 13 grand...
Nose, cheek-lifts, chin.
A whole new me, in eight hours.
We could stay a few extra days.
We can make a little honeymoon
out of it.
I can't wait to have
a normal life with you.
Me too.
Farrell Loman.
Who is she?
A stripper.
She did a nine-month bid
for solicitation.
Sarah helped her keep her kids.
I don't remember the name.
She's not on Sarah's call
or visitation list,
So we missed her.
Oh! Look at the pink cupcakes!
Just for my baby.
You like your pink
cupcakes, baby girl?
Okay, I'll be right back.
Can I help you?
That's a nice party.
I've got a five-year-old,
But he's with his mother
In Columbus.
Sean Harlan.
I'm looking for Sarah Pender.
I... I don't have any idea.
I know she helped you
keep custody of your kids.
It'd be a shame to lose them now.
To you, I'm just some ex-con stripper,
But to my girls, I'm mom,
And I owe that to Sarah.
She dragged you into this,
And she's putting you and your kids at risk.
She was desperate.
Tell me where she is,
And I'll keep you out of this,
I promise.
Your parole officer never has to know.
Do it for your daughters.
When did you get home?
Dinner won't be ready
for awhile yet.
Opened one of those
Napa pinots you like.
What's the occasion?
We didn't used to need one.
Bob Hopner, right?
Yeah. Hey.
Hey, I know you.
How do I know you?
Well, maybe you saw me on TV.
most wanted?
Sean Harlan.
U.S. Marshals.
Fugitive recovery task force.
Where is she, Bob?
Who? I... I don't
know what you mean.
I can handcuff you right now
and take you inside
And do this in front of your wife.
My wife's not home.
But that's betty's car
right there.
I ran the registration.
So, should we include Mrs. Hopner
In this conversation?
Okay. Look.
I spent one night
with Sarah
A few months ago.
Look, I'm out
on the road a lot.
I sometimes like to
party with women.
I mean, that was it.
It was a few months ago,
And I haven't
seen her since.
She didn't tell you
who she was,
Or what she'd done?
No, I mean,
I didn't realize,
Until I saw her face
on that most wanted show.
Why didn't you call the show?
You could've collected
the reward.
Yeah. Uh...
I'm not sure how I would have
explained that one to the wife.
Most people who come
into contact with Sarah Pender
And up dead or in jail.
Well, I make
my own luck, marshal.
Thanks for your time, Bob.
The arrogant jackass.
He knows where Pender is.
That's why I'm gonna let him
lead us to her.
How many cell lines does he have?
He's got three.
The first one seems strictly business,
Mainly 9:00-to-5:00,
But the third one never calls
His home line or his wife's cell.
Lots of calls to Muncie,
up until a month ago.
The recent activity is
all in the Chicago area.
I'm going to Chicago.
Stay up on all his lines.
You're on TV, right?
One of them reality shows?
No. Sorry.
Baby... You know how much
I love you, don't you?
I know this hasn't been easy,
But we're gonna finally
be happy together.
I'm going to go get packed.
I'll see you tonight.
Just call me when you're on the way.
The carrier
needs to see a warrant first.
Mccorkle, we've got a warrant!
Fax it to them, get me the damn number.
On my personal top 10 fugitive
list of the year
Currently the only woman
on that list.
Pender's a double-murderer
Who broke out of
Rockville prison in Indiana
Several months ago.
Get it?
Got it.
On Clyburn
and Fullerton.
Puts her about
Five miles southwest
of downtown Chicago.
Slip-up number two.
Where do I go?
Take Ashland north.
Maybe I can put you
on a specific street.
Gas company.
We need to do a meter-reading.
Sarah Jo Pender?
You got me.
Hands on your head.
Turn around.
Where's marshal Harlan?
Where is she?
We're upstairs, sir.
Marshal Harlan.
Too bad you didn't catch me.
It takes a village.
Acting on an anonymous tip,
top 15 fugitive Sarah Pender,
In a rented townhouse
On the southwest side
of the city.
The tipster,
who wouldn't leave a name,
From an episode
of America's Most Wanted,
Which aired earlier tonight.
Pender will be transferred
back to prison
In Indiana in the morning.
What was it like,
Being the most wanted woman
in America?
You can't ever relax.
The key is moving forward,
It's a waste of time looking back.
You did something,
you didn't do something,
It doesn't really matter.
Is what you do now,
today, tomorrow.
You've got to have goals.
A plan...
You always got to have a plan.
Is that why you started
dealing pot with Rick?
Rick was small-time.
He hardly broke even.
Drew was screwing him over,
So I... I got the idea
that we should branch out.
Took him up to Purdue,
And that was pretty much
the last normal day of my life.
I never hurt anyone.
I'm a good person.
What are you doing?
You paint a pretty picture, Sarah.
Sweet girl, wrong place, wrong time,
But a lot of those other people,
they paint a much darker one-
Extortion, coercion,
manipulation, murder.
I'm not a murderer.
Tell me the truth
about that night.
It's not gonna change
your situation.
You really think I would've
planned to kill them
In my house with a shotgun
I bought the day before?
Maybe you planned
to make it look
Like Rick's idea all along.
She's still alive!
Who would the cops believe?
A petty criminal
or a pretty physics major?
"when it comes to survival,
I think Sarah is capable
of doing anything."
That's a quote from your father.
All I know is
That you will say, or do, anything
To get what you want.
You know something,
marshal Harlan?
You're a lot more handsome
in person than you are on TV.
You must work out a lot.