Shelter (Jonah Markowitz) (2007)

Hey, Zach.
What's up, Cody?
Papi's sleeping.
I can tell.
- Don't play with these, ok?
- Ok.
These are for grandpa.
Dad, wake up.
Wake up.
Take these.
Did you do your stretches today, dad?
- Hey, Cody.
- Hey, Mom.
How you doing, kiddo?
Did you get the cigarettes?
Hey, Zach.
What's up, sis?
Change of plans.
Can you take Cody?
I've got a shift and then I was gonna go see Gabe
before he leaves town.
But I gotta take dad home and Allen called and I'm
supposed to meet up with him later.
I could leave him with dad...
Cody. let's go for a ride.
Thank you.
- Can I drive?
- Come on dad, I'll give you a ride back to yours.
Sure, go get her started.
Table 5!
I told you. I can't close up today.
Derell's not here yet.
You're stuck, kid.
This is a diner, Picasso.
Not the Louvre.
Come on! People are waiting.
Finally, man!
I've gotta go.
Cody, let's jet.
Yo, Gabe!
Hey hey, the Gabester!
You're learning to skate I see.
I've got Cody in the car so let's go.
Baby on board, huh?
- I'm taking you to the lot, right?
- Yeah, cool.
Hey you should come up to S.B.
Wouldn't hurt to get some
pussy you didn't get in high school.
You and Tori broke it off, right?
"Sort of"...
Dude... he's five.
He's sleeping.
No I'm not!
You are a sly one.
Yeah he likes to pretend
he's sleeping.
Go figure.
That smells like Allen's cigarette.
How's Allen?
Jeanne's boyfriend.
Of the week...
Why don't you try and go to
Santa Barbara Community College?
You can crash at our house until
you get your own place.
At least get the fuck out of San Pedro.
I don't think the whole student thing
is gonna happen right now.
Why? Because you didn't get into that
Art Institute place?
- Go somewhere else
- "Art Institute place"...
Whatever, it's alright.
That scholarship was my ticket...
Well you are the king of scholarships.
Got me into your ritchie rich private school.
On the shore bus every day.
Rich fuck.
Fuck you, ghetto trash.
You ever declare a major?
Larry said I should go for Communications.
What does that mean?
It means I'm set, dude.
Larry's gonna set me up with something at his firm.
So I can go back and get some more.
partying out of my system.
Move back here, buy a couple suits.
Start making some real cash.
You could have the same life if you wanted.
- Alright man.
- Alright dude. Come up and hang out soon ok?
No, I mean it this time.
You've been up once. That shit aint right.
Look, I'll get you a plane ticket
Or just get in the car and drive.
- Cool?
- Ok.
Code-man. Keep it real, play boy.
- Promise?
- Yeah.
Ok, ok, go...
Gotta pee, gotta pee...
- Hey.
- Hey.
I'm gonna go out for a session.
No, I thought you were staying.
I went shopping.
And I invited Ellen over.
I heard you're an eligible bachelor.
Not that you would ever tell me.
If you keep breaking up with Tori like that
one of these times she's not coming back.
Jeanne, Jeanne, come in Jeanne.
Cody to Jeanne.
Cody, I don't wanna play right now.
Just watch the TV.
Listen, I'm heading out. It's breaking hard.
- Zach...
- Later, Codes.
When did you draw this one?
A long time ago.
My mom used to work here
just like yours.
So sometimes I would just
wait out here...
and draw.
Here, I'll show you how.
Go around there...
Here, now you just fill it in.
Want the silver?
Who would wait with you?
When you drew these.
What about Papi?
Well he was very hurt from when he fell
and broke his back at work.
He's your daddy.
And you're my daddy.
No, Cody. I'm your uncle.
Your mommy is my sister.
That makes me your uncle.
Roy's your daddy.
Nope. You're my daddy.
You're my daddy.
You're my daddy...
Hey... keep drawing.
Hey, Zach!
What's up.
- Oh hey, Zach.
- You're staying in tonight, right?
Allen's playing at the Landmine and he put
us on the guest list.
Looks like you're the babysitter
tonight little brother.
Guess so.
Hey, monkey.
Hey, what are you doing?
- Hey listen, can I give you a call back?
- Where are you?
Are you there? Zach?
I can't hear anything.
- Uh, yeah
- Hey, I'm losing you.
- Yeah, I'm here.
- Can you hear me? Hello?
Tori, I was...
Just thinking about you and...
Jesus Christ! You fucking idiot...
Oh my God... get the opener.
Jeanne, what the fuck?!
Shit, dad's mad.
- I just put him to bed.
- Oh come on, he can sleep through anything.
Just keep it down, alright?
- Did you get the cigarettes?
- Yeah, come here.
I thought your ghetto ass would be done
breaking and entering by now.
Change of code, bitch!
What are you gonna do,
attack the garage next?
That might not go over.
With the Pacific Bluff homeowners agreement,
wouldn't wanna set your dad in trouble with the board.
I left my longboard here.
That's cool.
How you doing, man?
Good, you know.
So I haven't seen you since your graduation.
What have you been up to?
Nothing. Working, you know.
How about you?
I'm in town for a few weeks.
House is empty, I could enjoy it.
Clear my head a little bit.
I thought you hated it down here?
I miss the ocean.
Dude, you live in L.A.
I don't paddle out there.
You wanna go?
- Surfing?
- Uh... yeah.
I suppose there's still a few things
I could teach you.
You will soon learn, butterfly.
Perhaps master underestimates student.
Bring it on, city boy!
- Looks like we picked a good time to come out.
- Yeah, the tide's coming in.
Hey, where are you living now?
With Jeanne in San Pedro.
It's just for now.
I'm trying to save up to get my own place.
Well close to my dad and work and stuff.
Well you guys are welcome to come out
here anytime you want.
Just like old times, huh?
Minus Gabe.
Hey... you see him much?
A bit. He came down last year
with some of his friends.
Those guys like to party.
You can say that again.
How is Jeanne doing?
You know, the same I guess?
I try to help out as much as I can.
I cannot see her as a mom.
Cody must be getting big?
Yeah, he's five already.
It's crazy. Time just flies.
Trust me, it only gets faster.
Yeah, I bet.
Hey, monkey!
Hey, monkey!
What's up?
What are you doing down here?
Some beers, the dogs,
and a fire on the beach.
Come down, grab a beer.
- Cool, I'll be down in a sec.
- Alright.
Do you wanna go grab a beer or do
you wanna just take off?
Yeah, I'll grab a beer.
Sounds good.
So who'd you come down with?
Who is that?
- Gabe's brother?
- Yeah.
He doesn't come back much.
He's been pretty MIA.
Nice to see you.
It's good to see you too.
Going long!
Are you gonna play or are you just
gonna talk shit about me?
Nice throw.
I'm Tori.
I remember you.
You were 13 and you had crimped hair.
But I remember you.
I bought you guys wine coolers.
- I think you puked on my parents' deck.
- Wow.
- You still putting up with this guy's shit?
- Well we're both still here.
Right on.
That's why you never tell a woman
how to cook a chicken.
I can't believe you got shot by a chick.
Shaun, right?
Aren't you Gabe's bro?
Heard you went all Hollywood
writing movies or something.
Yeah, or something.
What's the deal?
You're still with Tori then?
Are you a fag?
I mean she's hot.
So it's cool if I move in on that then?
The swell's coming in.
Yeah it looks that way.
- Trip seeing Tori.
- Yeah, I bet.
You guys have been together for years.
Yeah we're just taking a little break
right now.
She's my best friend.
Other than Gabe.
It's all good.
You dating anyone?
No, I just broke up.
Is that why you're really down here?
Yeah, actally it is.
I moved out of our place and my new lease
doesn't start until the end of the month.
That's cool.
I'm sorry.
I thought we weren't gonna leave him over there.
No, don't drive, Jeanne.
I'll go get him.
I gotta go.
Tori said she needs a ride so...
That's cool, I'll catch a ride
from someone.
Great riding today.
- Alright.
- It was good seeing you man.
- Yeah it was fun.
- Ok cool.
I'm gonna leave.
Wait, come here...
I'm tired.
Did I write this shit?
Oh my God.
Hello! Hello! Is anybody out there?
Hello... Shaun?
- Who the fuck is this?
- Master does not know his own student.
Student is ashamed.
Master gets old.
Where'd you find these?
Dude, they were just laying
around the house.
Gabe and I used to stay up for
hours on these.
I can't believe that these
go all the way to your house.
All the way to the ghetto.
They were the latest technology
back then.
I think your dad bought them
in an airport.
when he missed a Christmas one year.
Yeah, I remember that year.
I think he got me a talking dart board.
That sucks!
Oh hey, I saw some of your tags today.
They're sweet.
- Yeah?
- You've got the crane going on, looks cool.
Glad to see someone's doing
their artwork.
Yeah, sometimes.
It was nice riding out there today.
What's up?.
Your batteries are probably gonna run out.
Probably haven't been replaced
in 10 years.
What are you listening to?
He's a fighter.
He's gonna kick his ass.
But he wants to look good...
kicking his ass.
He's wearing a sweet suit
And he's gonna kick his ass.
Dude, it's breaking overhead
Let's roll to the 'bu.
I'm working.
Really? That's too bad.
Alright, I'll see you later then.
Alright! Hold on, I'll come.
You might wanna change first.
Come on dude, let's go!
Dude, it's a fucking circus out there.
I'll protect you from the big brewery.
Go... I've got a better spot.
Better spot...
- It's nice.
- Yeah.
- The waves are great.
- Just gotta figure out where this road is.
Oh right there!
- Should've told me sooner.
- Sorry.
This is rad!
Sorry I never told you and Gabe
about this place, man.
I just didn't want it to turn into the
remnants of your keggers every Sunday morning.
This is my place I used to get away to
come and just think.
- And surf?
- And surf.
Let's go.
So you still thinking about
applying to art school?
I do street art now.
It's cool though, you know.
What are you working on?
A book.
It's been like 3 years since
the last one, right?
- Is is really long or something?
- Fuck off.
You sure didn't leave much out
of the last one.
You read it?
Who knew there'd be so much drama
inside the gates of Pacific Bluffs.
I never knew.
You never really know
what's happening inside.
That's what I liked about it.
- I did embellish a little bit, it is fiction.
- You changed a couple of names?
When did you read it?
When it came out.
Funny, Gabe never mentioned anything.
I never told him.
Why would he tell you?
I just never knew that
you knew about me.
What's your new one about?
Still trying to figure that out.
Don't really have a subject yet.
But, I'll get it back.
I hope so.
You're good.
- You really liked it?
- Yeah.
You hungry?
- Yeah, you wanna go to the shack or something?
- Yeah, definitely.
So, how long you staying around?
I'm gonna be here for a while.
I was supposed to go to Barcelona to meet
a friend next month but I'm kinda broke.
You should ask your stepfather for the cash.
That's not my style.
Have you ever been to Europe.
I've been to Florida once.
And that time your parents took
me to Mexico.
- That's about it.
- That's right.
- I don't travel much.
- You should go, man.
I'd like to someday.
I mean, just for the art.
Go ahead, take it.
Nah, it's cool.
- What? You guys like, in limbo or something?
- Yeah...
- I'm no good at that.
- Takes a little practice.
And he drives right through the stop sign.
And out into some field.
He totally passed out.
He must've been wasted, man.
He was totally hammered.
He's a fucking idiot.
But he's my brother.
And I love him.
And my best friend.
I'm gonna get another... you?
Here you go...
Thanks, brother.
- Wow.
- Woah... what are you doing?
Easy dude, it's ok.
I wanna look at it.
No one ever looks at that.
Wow, is that Cody?
A sad Cody.
You could tell?
Yeah. And how you darkened it
around his head.
This is incredible.
And there's no toys in his room.
That's awesome.
Yeah, he'd just gotten scolded.
He was trying to understand why...
So he came into my room.
He hasn't left yet.
It's the only place he could sleep.
Ok, enough.
Adam's apple.
- I'm trashed.
- The cops are definitely coming.
You can make it.
Cody, let's go.
Where were you?
- Surfing.
- All night?
Yeah, what the fuck?
I'm just asking.
- Want a ride or not?
- Go.
Cody, let's go!
I think I should reapply
to CalArts...
What's CalArts?
It's a school, buddy.
- I get to go to school next year.
- Yep.
They already turned you down.
What made you think of that?
It's just a thought.
Well don't get your hopes up.
I mean we're having a hard time, Zach.
I don't need you getting all down.
Allen paints houses. Maybe I can see if
he can hook you up with a job.
You're heavy.
- I'll be right in.
- Alright, hurry up.
Hey, monkey.
I'm late.
Oh hey.
I hear you've been hanging out with Shaun.
Well you know about him, right?
What about him?
He's gay.
He's an old friend, Jeanne.
We've been surfing together since I was 8.
Yeah, well is that all?
Yeah, what are you saying?
- Nothing.
- Good.
Zach, I just don't think he's the best guy
to be hanging out with all day half-naked...
if you know what I mean.
And I don't want Cody around that.
What? Why?
I'm late. Get out.
Zach, you're not a fag, right?
You never tell me anything.
How am I supposed to know?
What do you think?
I think I don't wanna deal with that.
Hi dude.
- I tried calling you.
- Yeah.
- Listen, I just wanted to...
- I'm really busy man.
- Yeah, that's cool.
- Yeah, I know.
- Listen, man...
- Just drop it, dude.
Hey, Shaun.
Hey. What's up?
I need help!
Shaun, this is Cody.
Hi Cody, how are you man?
I'm shaun.
I need help.
You need help?
But dude you've got it all wrong.
You've gotta fortify the corners of
the moat first
Codes, let's go.
I'm not done, I have to fortify!
Shaun, do you mind looking after
Cody for a second?
We're cool.
Let's go for a walk.
No, I don't think I should leave Cody.
Come on, Shaun can watch him.
You guys go, it's fine.
There we go.
This is gonna be a sweet walking bridge.
Oh look at that.
Shaun's great with Cody.
Listen, I'm sorry about the other day.
It was stupid.
Just make up your mind, Zach.
If you don't want to be together just
don't pull that shit on me
If it's what you want then
I'm gonna move on.
You know what that means, right?
Yeah, Tori. I know what that means.
Just go, ok?
Come on, Cody.
Time to go.
Five more minutes.
Shaun rocks.
No, Cody. Let's go.
Shaun rocks!
Can I jump on the sand castle?
No, we gotta go. Come on.
The tide's gonna get it anyway.
You might as well let him have at it.
Go ahead.
Alright man, great job!
Come on, little man.
Hey, I just wanted to talk
to you about the other night.
I think you're really talented.
And I don't think you should throw it away.
I think you should do something with it.
Is that it?
I'm late.
Tor, I'll call...
Good morning.
What time is it?
You got somewhere to go?
Yeah. Yeah I gotta go.
Listen, I gotta go.
- Hey, Jeanne.
- Hey.
Where's Cody?
Like you care.
What are you talking about?
Where were you last night?
I called you like 3 times.
Did you need something?
Yeah. I need to know you're there.
I'm always there.
For Cody.
You weren't last night.
What do you need, Jeanne?
Actually, Allen is going up
to Portland this weekend.
He's gonna make a bid for a job.
He said he'd take me.
It would do me so much good
to get out of here.
- Allen?
- Yeah.
- Allen?
- Uh huh.
Can you watch Cody this weekend?
I was hoping to have the weekend to myself.
Who are you fucking?
What are you talking about?
Come on, I saw you gazing out the window.
I know it's not Tori.
Who is it?
Well I guess you're free then.
Come on, Zach. You're all I've got.
I know.
Hey. Everything cool?
What are you doing?
Going to work.
Come on over tonight.
I'll cook steaks.
Uh... I can't.
Come on. I'll make margaritas.
Strong ones.
Who is that?
No one.
Hold on.
So you can do it, right?
I gotta tell Allen.
Cool, thanks.
Shaun, I can't.
Jeanne's leaving for the weekend
and I gotta watch Cody.
So bring him.
Why not?
You don't care?
No! That kid's great.
He says some funny shit.
Look, I'm turning the grill on at 8.
Come on, dude.
I like these!
I like these!
Nah, you don't want those.
I think you should get these.
But I want real shoes.
But these are way cooler.
Alright, let's go.
Hey! Ankle biter!
What's up man, how are ya?
Are you hungry?
What would you like for dinner?
He'll eat whatever.
I don't think I was asking him, was I?
- No.
- No, I don't think so.
Cold ones are in the fridge.
- What are you drinking?
- Red. Larry had this sick bottle in the cellar.
I'll try that.
Alright, cool.
Alright, buddy. Lay it on me.
What you gonna have for dinner tonight?
Mac and Cheese
Hot dogs.
Hot dogs?
Pancakes with...
Chocolate chips.
Chocolate chips? Ok!
and no vegetables.
No vegetables?
Are you sure?
Sure, sure?
Ok. Alright, buddy.
I want you to do me a favor...
Go look out at the ocean.
Beautiful waves coming in right now.
I'm gonna make your dinner.
- Are we still in California?
- Yeah, buddy.
Where are you going?
I don't think we have that stuff in the house.
Seriously, dude. Don't worry about it.
No, I want to.
Little kids are supposed to be spoiled.
Besides, I'll be back in five minutes, ok?
I'm gonna go check on him.
Where did Jeanne say she was going?
She's going to Oregon.
She thinks there's some job
up there worth checking out.
I admire what you're doing for Cody.
You don't have to.
Yeah. I do.
It's a choice, Zach.
It's family.
I'm the only one left.
You get that from your mom.
Yeah, I know.
Lucky me.
Come here.
Come here.
I need to go check...
He's fine. He's asleep.
He's ok. Just come here.
You sure you guys don't wanna stay?
He doesn't like waking up in strange places.
Gets enough of that when I'm not around.
Take this.
What is it?
CalArts application.
Shaun, I'm not going down this road again.
Take it.
Thanks for tonight.
So you gonna head back up to L.A. soon?
I'm pretty happy here.
Hey... why don't you come with me?
Yeah, right.
I'm serious.
You could come with me.
I live right near CalArts.
You're so beautiful.
Shut up!
Hey, learn to take a compliment.
So glad you're here.
Me too.
Yo, bro. What do you know!
Come on, come on!
Your little brother Gabe's back!
Where's my princess big brother?
What? You got a guy in there
you slut?
Ooohh, a girl?
Yeah, right!
Did I interrupt your beating off, or what?
No, I was sleeping.
With the door locked?
Ok, weirdo...
No, hey, come here dude!
- Good to see you too, bro.
- I missed you so much.
There it is, yeah.
Dude, so what are you doing here man?
I thought you were moving into
your new place this week.
No, no. The thought of...
moving into an empty place is
just depressing, you know?
Yeah? Well it's pretty empty here.
You doing alright?
Yeah, I'm good.
- You sure?
- Yeah!
I heard it was pretty tough there for a while.
Yeah, it was tough.
Well don't worry, Romeo.
You'll find a new one.
Yeah, thanks.
So, you ready to hang up your pink Gucci suit
and come bail out with your real friends?
Yeah, ok.
Right on, I'll call Zach.
Ok, good.
Who was that?
June's probably cleaning today.
But June comes on Tuesdays.
Yes she does.
Pool guy? I dunno.
You ok?
- Yeah.
- Yeah? You look a bit freaked out.
No, I'm just tired.
- Alright.
- Just tired.
There anything good to eat in the fridge or is it stocked
with low-carb fag food cos I'm fucking starving man.
Just a lot of fag food.
Yo, burger boy.
What up?
What are you doing down here?
Cherie's back in town for the weekend.
Told her I'd come down.
I thought there's plenty of
pussy in S.B.
Oh yeah. But the girls there
are fucking teases man.
Whatever. Party's on for tonight.
Everyone's coming.
We'll go grab a quick surf sesh...
and get started.
I'm not off for another half hour.
No worries.
I already fixed your spare board.
The one you've been keeping at the house.
I saw it out back and I fixed it.
Grabbed it, patched it all up...
Oh yeah... that board.
Man, I left that there a while ago.
So I'll see you around five tonight?
- Ok.
- Alright, cool.
Nice shirt, by the way.
Dude, so what's the latest?
Are you and Tori really over this time?
Glad to hear it. It's about time.
So what are you doing then?
Just playing the field?
I talked to a bunch of people and
no one sees you anywhere.
Everyone's gone man.
Yo, there he is!
You lasted pretty long out there, old man.
My big bro on a longboard.
Never thought I'd see the day.
Give me 10 years and call me back about that.
Yeah, right. I'll never be on a longboard. Ever.
Alright, I'm getting beers.
What's up, babe?
Shaun, just chill.
Hey, Codes.
What's wrong?
Cody, go to your room for a second.
Please tell me that he's just confused.
What do you mean?
Zach, why didn't you tell me?
Tell you what?
Ok, your confusion is one thing...
But bringing Cody into this is just totally fucked.
I didn't bring him to anything!
- You brought him to Shaun!
- He likes Shaun!
Shaun's better than...
You know what, forget it.
It's not about Shaun, it's about us.
It is about our family.
What about it?
Cody lost his father. He needs you.
He needs a positive man in his life.
I'm sorry I'm no Allen.
You don't know shit.
He's a little kid.
He's not gonna understand this.
You mother of the fucking year now?
Oh fuck you.
He'd be lost without me!
Fuck you, Zach!
Zach, are you trying to fuck up our family?
Yeah, Jeanne. That's what I'm trying to do.
You know? Cody has a sense of family because of me.
Mom died and I got the family fucking gene.
Oh, I see. So it's the 'family' gene that's making
you run off and have your big gay wedding?
You gonna make the family proud?
Is that what you're scared of?
This isn't about Shaun, or me.
This is about you being left.
I'm the only one who hasn't run off on you.
But go ahead, judge me.
I don't care. You know? You're right.
Yeah, guys have left me.
But, Zach, now you are just a Summer fuck, ok?
You've reduced yourself to a little piece of ass
so, bravo!
You are doing really well for yourself.
Do you think that is a good upbringing for him?
- Yes.
- Do you?
No, I don't know.
Well... if it is do you think you'd have to hide
it from me, from Gabe, from Tori?
I don't know!
I don't fucking know, ok?
I just want what's best for Cody.
Well so do I!
Oh God.
I need some time.
I just don't know if this
is really what I want.
Seems like what you want.
I just don't know if this
is what I want.
For good.
What's that supposed to mean?
It's not as easy for me as it is for you.
You know, this is all totally new to me.
We'll get through the Gabe thing...
No it's not that, Shaun.
You just don't get it, ok?
I can't just take whatever I want.
My life is not like that.
You'll never get what you want unless you take it.
Take it...
You and Gabe have always been able to point and take.
No questions asked.
You don't realize it's not like that for other people.
It's fucking ignorant.
Oh and you and Jeanne just blame everyone else
because you can't do anything for yourselves?
What do you call that?
Look... fuck!
Why are you doing this?
Don't go all emotional and faggy on me, ok?
I'm sick of being your childhood
wet dream, Shaun.
Find another fucking fantasy!
You know what? You're a fucking coward!
I'm done.
You're a fucking coward.
I'm done.
Get out!
We're closed!
What's up, bro?
Good, brother.
I'm so hungover...
Kitchen's closed.
Do you want a coffee?
Yes, please.
So what's up?
I'm taking off later today.
Never saw you leave last night.
- So...
- So?
Why didn't you tell me?
Tell you what?
I don't care... at all.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Have you always known?
Seriously, dude.
The fact that it's my brother is totally weird.
I know.
No, like...
really really fucking weird.
Alright, I got it.
I'm sorry.
Don't be sorry.
Don't tell anyone, ok?
So are you going with other guys?
I heard they give better head.
They give better head, don't they?
Dude, stop!
- Do they swallow?
- Gabe!
Do you think he's hot?
Shut the fuck up, dude!
- So, where'd you go last night?
- I slept in my car.
Why didn't you just crash at mine?
This doesn't have to change things.
Doesn't change things?
You're right, Gabe.
I used to be the guy you came and
talked to, remember?
Before Shaun.
This isn't exactly easy on me.
This isn't easy on you, right?
You know what? It's over anyway.
So just leave it, dude.
I've gotta clean up and
you've gotta leave.
Hey, we're still bros, alright?
I mean it.
Come here.
Can I please just come in and crash?
Have you seen my portfolio?
I can't find it anywhere.
I don't know.
The portfolio I was putting together for CalArts.
No, I haven't seen it.
- What's today?
- I think the 30th.
Zachy, what are you doing?
They turned you down.
Why do you wanna put yourself
through that again?
I just thought I'd give it another shot, you know?
Well don't bother. That place is full of rich kid painters
and they're all gonna end up working at art stores anyway.
Yeah, maybe.
They're hiring at the Ocenette.
Do you want me to put in a good word?
It's a good job.
We could use the money.
How come we never see Shaun anymore?
Sometimes that happens, Cody.
People leave sometimes.
Why did he leave?
It's complicated. A grown-up thing.
Can we say hi to him even though he left?
He was cool.
Sometimes people leave and never come back.
Like my daddy?
Yes, Cody. Like your daddy.
Hey, Jeanne.
Rick is on today and he's a nightmare.
So steer clear.
Got it.
Hey, Cody. Are you ready?
Give me your pen.
Bye, kiddo.
You have 1 new message.
Hey, Zach.
It's Kelly Burke, from CalArts.
I got your portfolio
and your application.
Kinda surprised to see
that you applied again.
But really happy that you did.
So I returned the portfolio to the Ocean
Beach address that you sent it from.
There's a couple of things I need to go over
with you before I can continue with it.
So give me a call when you get this.
I'm at extension 20 and I hope to hear from you.
Alright, take care.
To replay, press 4. To erase, press 7.
To return this call, press 8. To save, press 9.
To hear all other options, press star.
Jeanne, get up!
Get up!
What are you doing?
Yeah, with some help.
Wait, Zach, wait.
Allen got that job.
In Portland and I gotta go with him.
I can make good money there.
But they don't take kids.
What do you mean they don't take kids?
I don't know. They just don't take kids.
Allen's not really into it anyway.
Cody's gonna have to stay
here with you and Papi...
At least until we get set up.
With me and dad for how long?
I dunno. Six months... a year maybe?
You know he can't stay with dad.
I know.
But he can't come with me.
Zach, the Oceanette is not cutting it.
I can make three times that up there.
Is there any more?
Well I'm full, do you want mine?
I do.
You like it?
- Mom?
- Yeah.
Can I go to Oregon too?
Cody, I told you.
You gotta stay here
and keep your uncle Zach company
so he doesn't get lonely.
Can you do that for mommy?
No, he's not here.
Hey, monkey.
I got in.
To CalArts, they took me back.
I don't know how I'll do it.
You'll have to figure out a way.
If you pass it up
You'll be stuck here.
I don't feel stuck here.
Yes you do.
Jeanne wants to go to Oregon.
Maybe she'll have to stay.
Cody is her responsibility.
I can't leave him.
Figure it out.
Cheer up!
Can we just celebrate?
There's something I really
need to tell you.
I already know.
I've known for a while.
You are the only reason
I wish I wasn't.
None of this other shit matters.
But what really sucks...
Is that I've always wanted to
be everything to you.
Always dreamed of providing you with
anything you ever wanted or needed.
Do you love him?
Oh come on...
He's a good guy, Zach.
You don't belong to people forever.
Then why bother?
Isn't it worth it?
- Tori.
- Yeah?
Can I stay with you
just for the night?
I have nowhere else to go and
I can't face Jeanne.
Of course.
But you can't fuck me.
Come on...
Say something.
You say something.
Student was bad.
Made bad judgment call.
Now see truth.
Where are you?
Getting warmer...
Turn around.
I'm so sorry.
You'd better be.
You sent in my application?
Why are you here?
What changed?
I did.
Will you help me?
You serious?
Of course.
I got in.
- Full ride.
- Yes! I knew it!
Are you serious?
Yeah, I really wanna go this time.
Of course.
I turned down the scholarship before.
My mom... Cody... everything.
It just couldn't work out.
I never told anyone.
I really wanna go this time.
And you did say you lived close.
Well then let's do it.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
I'm so proud of you, man. So proud.
- Shaun!
- Hey, kiddo...
Allen, take Cody inside, ok?
Zach, what is he doing here?
What? Are you bailing on me?
Jeanne, you're the one leaving your son!
If you don't like this option then just stay.
Five more minutes!
Jesus, Cody. Shut the fuck up you...
Dont you ever talk to him like that!
- Zach!
- Allen!
Take a walk baby, please? For me. Please...
Ok, ok.
- Easy, easy.
- Zach, what the fuck!
Jesus Christ.
I'm gonna go inside and check on him.
Shaun is really great, Jeanne.
He really cares about Cody...
and me.
If he can't be with you,
this is the next best thing.
I'm gonna make it work.
Jeanne, take a look around.
Every kid should be so lucky.
What else could you possibly want for him?
I got into CalArts.
I know.
You know?
Were you gonna tell me?
They told me that you turned it down last time.
I'm not going to again.
No, you shouldn't.
He'll be fine with us...
Or stay, it's your choice.
Zach, if this thing with Allen doesn't work out...
It's best that he's here with you.
He's in good hands I promise.
You ready?