Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (2011)

The year was 1891.
Storm clouds were brewing over Europe
France and Germany were at each others throats
The result of a series of bombings.
Some said it was nationalists, Others the anarchists.
But as usual, my friend, Sherlock
Holmes, Had a different theory entirely.
Bombing in Strasbourg!
Read all about it!
-Thank you.
-Anarchists suspected in Strasbourg bombing!
Bombing in Strasbourg!
When did you start working
for the postal service?
That was you back there.
A Shame your activities have landed you in the gutter.
A curious parcel,
Who is the intended recipient?
Why don't we discuss that over
dinner tonight?
I'm free for lunch.
Hmm, I'm not.
How about at Savoy? Eight o'clock?
Hmm, And will you becoming as yourself?
Most likely!
Three men have been following you for the last half mile.
Their motives... highly unsavoiry.
Oh, And by the way ...
They're not pursuing me,
They're escorting me. And instead of
three, It seems to be ...ah four
Steady hands with that, Irene.
Oh, I don't think it's my hands you've to worry about.
Now, be careful with the face, boys.
We do have a dinner date tonight.
Don't fill up on bread.
whistling Mozart's Eine Kleine Nachtmusik
whistling continues
I've got the rest of it
Uhh, It's coming back now
Hey theres
Now comes lot 34...
An Egyptian sarcophagus of outstanging providence,
Retrieved from the valley of the kings..
Your payment, Doctor.
He sends his thanks.
Who will bid, One hundred pounds?
-One hundred.... Thanks
Please give this to him.
He's expecting it.
Tell him our friend thinks
I delivered it to his sister.
Ah... Stay
while I check the contents.
I was assured full payment would be there.
Yes, But assured by whom?
Have you ever met him in person?
All I need for you...
Hold it, Hold it, Hold it...Don't move it.
Judging by the size and weight
its not payment you were expecting.
I'd wager the contents are rather more incendiary.
Who is this?
It's Uhh
Hello, darling.
Oh, dear. I told you not to move it.
It seems a secondary charge has been activated
Sweet thing, I might need your help
in the disposal of this parcel
One thousand six hundred..... One thousand seven hundred.........
One thousand eight hundred
Well, good luck.
One million pounds!.
Oh, And Um, by the way, Fire
Leave my side and you'll be dead within an hour
And don't be late for dinner.
-I expect my schedule be quite tight because of these activities here.
-I'm never late in my life.
-Only early.
Hmm, Hmm, Very witty,
So confident even in retreat
I'll hold on to that.
We will read together during an aperitif.
Dinner and a show.
Stay.. Trust me.
This is what I do for living.
Here Hoffmanstahl, You should count yourself lucky.
This faceless man with whom you find yourself
in business is no ordinary criminal.
He is the Napoleon of crime.
Fortunately, you now have me as an ally.
I'm a consulting detective of some repute
Perhaps you've heard of me.
My name is Sherlock Hol..
Ah... fresh pot of tea, thank you, George.
Yes, Ms. Adler.
Fine choice, this place.
Do you have the letter?
It was taken.
Taken? Now, that is unfortunate
During the chaos created by your package.
Thank you!
Perhaps, if you have shared your plans...
You wish to know my plans now, do you?
Do you imagine Miss Adler,
that something would happen to you?
Is that why you chose to
meet here, in a public place?
Your favorite restaurant
Ding Ding Ding
I don't blame you.
I blame myself.
It's been apparent me for some time that you have succumbed to your feelings for him
And this isn't the first occasion Mr.
Holmes has inconvenienced me in recent months.
The question is ...
What to do about it?
But ...
That's my problem to solve now.
I no longer require your services.
Glasses and Silverware clank... Moans..
Woman laughs..
Mrs. Hudson?
Oooh... Mrs. Hudson?
Holmes, are you in there?
Your hedge needs trimming
Remember, I have to catch the last..
Chicken clucks....Goat Bleeps
-Oh Oh that's you there I'm afraid
-You win
I lose, Game over.
Still don't see me?
Ha ha ha ha ha
What a surprise.
I'm not going out with you dressed like that.
Would you prefer I joined you in the fashion folk pathway and
fine military dress with that Hedonist hand-made scarf?
Clearly, One of your fiance early efforts.
Oh, How I've missed you, Holmes.
Have you?... Why?
I've Barely of noticed your absence.
Then again I'm knee deep in research.
Extracting fluids from the adrenal glands of sheep.
And... Designing my own urban camouflage.
All the while verging on a decisive breakthrough
in the single most important case of my career.
Perhaps of all time.
Mrs. Hudson, how are you?
Ohh...So pleased to see you, Doctor.
Thank you for inviting me tomorrow.
And thank you for looking after Gladstone.
Dear ... Dear... Simply sweet nanny.
Might I have a word?
Feed the snake woman.
You feed it.
Touchy.. Touchy ...
Doctor, you must get him to a sanatorium.
He's been on a diet of coffee,
tobacco and cocoa leaves.
He never sleeps.
I hear multiple voices, as if he's rehearsing a play.
Leave him to me.
Do not have a goat that needs... worming?
Oh how kind of you to remind me
So much to look forward to
What I would do without you?
Patient, Doctor.
Why are you here?
I'm getting married.... tomorrow?
Oh... Embrace me.
Watson's getting married.
You lost a few pounds.
And you picked them up.
nurturing on Mary's muffins no doubt.
Pour us a brandy.
The stag party has begun.
It's our last adventure Watson..
I intend to make the most of it.
I see you've made good use of my old office.
Do you like my spider's web.
Is that what you call it?
Follow that strand.
What does a scandal about
an intern cotton tycoon,
The overdose of a Chinese opium trader,
Bombings in Strasbourg and Vienna,
And the death of a steel magnate
in America all have in common?.
Well, according to your diorama.
Professor James Moriarty.
Mathematical genius,
Celebrated author and lecturer.
Boxing champion in Cambridge.
Where he made friends with our current Prime Minister.
Do you have any evidence
to substantiate your claim?
Taps ...This
Now do you see?
Dr. Hoffmanstahl's Death?
Yes, I've heard you speak of him.
Extolling his virtues
Hoffmanstahl was at the forefront of
medical innovations... a true pioneer.
Just the other day, I averted an
explosion that was intended for him.
It says here he died of heart attack.
Has all my instuction been for not?
You still read the offical statment and believe it?
It's a game, Dear man, A shadowy game.
We're playing cat and mouse,
the professor and I.
Cloak and dagger.
I thought it was spider and fly.
Im not a fly, I am a cat.
Not a mouse, But a dagger.
You're Drinking embalming fluid.
Ohhh Yes
Care for a drop?
- You do seem ...
- Excited?
- Maniac.
- I am
-Verging on ...
I should've brought you a sedative.
I'll give my life to see his demise.
He must be stopped, Before his
evil machinations come to a crescendo.
And how will you do all this?
Don't be a dingy bird.
Bad people do bad things because they can.
No one!, Not the victims, The
police, The governments..., Not anyone!.
Except the great Sherlock Holmes.
On this diet.. Will work it all out.
-Or thereabouts
Not quite that
Here's to your good health.
Clinks glasses
Dingy bird
Moaning... Thump on floor
What you did to Gladstone now?!
Ricinus Communis.... The fruit is highly toxic.
He's barely breathing.
It was an excellent opportunity.
This may be just the thing.
Loud Thump... Squeling
I hope you do not mind terribly
if I tried my adrenal extract.
How many times are you going
to kill my dog, Holmes?
Dog yelps... Barks
-He took off like a monkey from a box.
I may need one of those in a few hours.
Consider it a wedding gift
Might we use an alternative exit?
Is there something different about you?
I'm under observation.
As you should be.
You drive.
Will your beard... be with us all night?
I'll remove it once we're
south of Trafalgar Square.
If you believe Moriarty has you under observation?
Isn't this a bit conspicuous?
It's so overt, It's covert.
-Trafalgar Square.
-We must be safe by now
Why are you looking at me with such concern?
I'm so very worried. Your vitality's been drained from you.
Marriage... it's the end I tell you
- I think of it as the beginning.
- armageddon.
- Rebirth.
- Restriction!
Answer to a woman?
Being in a relationship.
A life in matrimony,
The Possibility of a family ...
Who wants to die alone?
So we'll have a good old fashioned romp tonight,
You'll settle down have a family and...
I'll... die alone.
Yes that's about it.
Perhaps it's better for one to die alone
than to... live life in eternal... purgatory
Not bad, That
So.... Where are we going?
In the future, There will be one of those machines
in every town in Europe
Loitering in the woodshed again are we my king
-Good evening, Sherly.
-I see your boot maker is ill dear brother
As I detect that you've changed the brand of soap
with which you shave
May I point out the chimney in the front room on
Baker Street is to the need of a damn good sweeping out?
Are you aware that the hackney carriage
by which you arrived had a damaged wheel?
Yes, the left.
And it's plain to the meanest intelligence that you've
recently acquired a new bow for your violin.
Same bow, New Strings
And may I deduce.. Mycroft,
Good evening by the way
He doesn't
May I deduce that you rarely strays from the path..
that runs from your home to the Diogenes Club,
and never on a Monday when
they serve your favorite potted shrimps..
You must be here for some far more important
reason than my stag party.
You know he's nothing like as slow witted
as been leading me to believe Shirley
You quite right Dr. Watson.
With all the conflict in Europe
at the monent
The whole situation... Excuse me...
Could suddenly erupt
I'm here to avoid a dire catastrophe
If the concerns of two nations,
Which will remain nameless,
But I can tell you they
speak French and German.
Are not dealt with tonight I shall be forced to
go to switzerland
To attend a ghastly peace summit in Richtenburg
- The only thing nice about Switzerland is the altitude
I'm so glad you invited your brother.
This looks promising
And your poison of choice gentlemen?
We'll start with the champagne
We may need several more chairs
And perhaps a good cigar
And Um don't bother with the chairs
What is it your brother does exactly?
He's the keeper of the Broome covet of state,
No ambition, No energy, At yet repeatedly told
he's indispensable to the British government,
Particularly the foreign office
I would like to propose a toast.
For my dear friend, Doctor.
John ...
Hamish ...
I'm right here.
On the eve of his wedding... He ...
Has been the best of companions
Shouldn't we be waiting...?
For the boys from my rugby club?
He's always kept us...
They Couldn't attend.. Flat footed on the ground
All of them ?
Hmmm...what about the chaps from my medical school?
I attempted... They declined
There no man better ...
Who is it your looking for?
Who deserves better ...
There's not a single damn person here, Do I?
There's no need for hysterics..You know me,
And you know Mycroft, Don't be a ponce, Watson
You completely forgot about
my stag party didn't you?
-Why are we here?
-Your in very good health Doctor
Shame none of your friends
could make it
I'm going to the gaming tables
I refuse for this night to be a total loss
Give me my money
Happily..., Give me the wedding ring
Oh...Now you are interested in being the best man.
You're suppost to keep the ring anyway.
Just as your suppost to organize my stag party
You don't want to lose it on a bet.... John.
And invite my friends, Which by the way
there are many
Along with no friends... Surely no Mates...
He all isn't he ?
Please sit
Put your money on the table, and we will begin.
Welcome, I'm madame Simza.
Cards can illuminate your past
Clarify your present, And
show you the future.
If you have a specific question
hold it in your mind
Ahem... Holding...
Let me know when your ready
Actually.. I prefer to read ...
your fortune
Inverted, Indicitive of volatility.
A woman, who recently taken a confident drink.
From what does she seek solace?
What does wish to not see?
Hmm, A fool imbarassing himself?
Hmm...Oh, Yes the fool
Someone had been led astray involved
in something without their knowledge.
Not bad. But umm, You have to make me believe you....
I have to see it in your eyes.
I can do better....
The two of cups, A powerful bond..
But between whom?
A brother and a sister, perhaps?
And I see a name ... Yes.. it's
What do you want?
The devil.
Why are we playing this game?
Where did you get this?
I stole it from a woman in an auction room.
But I believe It was intended for you.
Found my purpose in life
So that question I've been holding is
what purpose is Rene fulfilling?
Time is up
I have other clients.
I think you may not have detected the wisp of
Astrakhan fur snagged on a nail
From my left shoulder You couldn't have failed to notice the overpowering aroma of herring pickled in vodka.
In tandem with a turely unfortunate body odor
there's a man conceled in the rafters above us.
A CORSAC, Renouned for their infesible acrobatic abilities and
are notorious for their hunting us assassins
So it's safe to presume your
next client is here to kill you.
Anything else?
Pillage the nest.
Clip wings
Now ...
Blunt his beak.
Crack eggs.
Pinch of salt.
A touch of pepper.
Flip the omelette.
Additional seasoning required
Breakfast is served.
Come with me.
I need you alive.... Now
Didn't see that in the cards did you?
Come on down folks.. Come on down
Looks like we have ourselfs our next cock fight
Go after him...
All mine.. ?
Now wait a minute!
Your right, It is sick
Hey... You you run...
Where was ya
I just had a fight
Just had a fight, Where were you?
I am so glad to see your taking
your best man duties so seriously Sherlock.
I was on my own,
You not going to get my moneyies!
She biting my leg!
I'll have Carruthers put some
fuel into that motor carriage of yours
You do have a wedding to attend
Oh... I'll drive
Honk Honk Ha hah ha
Another drink..!
I think you've had quite enough.
I've been to a wedding here before.
A funeral too
The Professor wants to meet.
I'd expected to hear from him sooner
In light of recent events ...
He was wondering if it would be convient for
you to come by the college this afternoon.
His lecture concludes at four
Looking forward
One side Chumley
Fischerweise Schubert.
Speaking latin
Give up your foolish trickery
This fish you can not cheat.
I hope I'm not intruding
Ahh.. Excuse me,
Please take these up to Mr. Williams and
make sure he packs my white tie and tails
I'll take care of it professor, ...Thank you
I do apologize, I'm off on a blasted lecture tours
Would you care for some tea or coffee?
Something stronger perhaps?
No... but might I trouble you for an inscription?
I read that the good doctor
was to be married today.
How was the service?
He'll no longer be party to my investigations
He's out of the equation.
I... trust you'll take this into consideration?
And what considerations will you grant me?
Have you actually read the book?
I found it compelling.
Thought I'm primarily intrested
in your more recent endevors
I take that as a compliment.
I have the utmost regard
for your talents.
It's a pleasure to finally meet you.
Are you familiar with
the study of graphology?
I've never given it any serious thought no
Psychological Analysis of Handwriting.
The upward strokes on the
P, the J and M indicate
A Genius level intellect.
While the flourishes on the lower zone to note
a highly creative yet... meticulous nature
But if one observes the overall slant
and the pressure of the writing
There's a suggestion of acute narcissism,
A complete lack of empathy,
And a pronounced inclination toward ...
Moral insanity
An answer to your previous request,
Regarding Dr. Watson not being involved the answer is...
The laws of celestrial mechanics dictate
that when two objects collide
there is always damage ...
Of a collateral nature
Speaks Latin
Two gentlemen find themselfs at
cross purposes
A young woman ...
Torn between them.
The strain proves to much for her
And she suddenly falls ill.
With tragic... consequences.
A rare form of tuberculosis.
She succumbed in a matter of seconds.
Now ...
Are you sure you want to play this game?
I'm afraid you'd lose
Rest assure,
If you attempt to bring destruction down upon me,
I shall do the same to you
My respect for you, Mr. Holmes,
Is the only reason your still alive.
You've paid me several compliments.
Let me pay you one in return,
When I said if I were assured of the
former eventuality,
I will cheerfully accept the latter.
I'll be sure to send my regards to the happy couple.
Another time then ...
Which carrage are we?
It should be just....
Ohh... First Class!
All aboard... All aboard...
Hurry up, Doctor Watson. Your wife needs you.
Coming Mrs. Watson
Ohh... First class Champagne
You know how to spoil a girl Mr. Watson.
Your not just any girl.
I'm Sorry madam but you can not use the lavatory
while the train is in station.
Your Mrs. Watson?
Give me that bottle
John there is no where else in the
world I'd rather be
There's no one I'd rather be with
Why do you have a gun stuffed down
the back of your trousers?
Heh, Old habits
Ahem... Come in
-Oh yes please
-We didn't order that
With our Compliments sir.
Thank you, Put it there.
Open the door John.
I think it's time for you to leave.
Sit down..
I agree it's not my best
disguise but... I had to make do
They'll be back.
Ohh...John, Shut the door
They'll only shoot through it my lovey
He's right... Oh my god
Huh.. I understand
Do you?
Terribly inconvenient.
We don't have much time!
How many are we expecting?
Half a dozen
- Who are they?
- A wedding present from Moriarty
Lovely ceremony by the way,
Many a tears shed in joy
Oh.. John!
Just a minute darling
Do you trust me?
Well, then I should have to...
Do something about that
Who's up to bat next you bastards!
Send out the fastballer!
John do shut the door
It had to be done.
She's safe now!
In my own defense.. I timed it perfectly
You killed my wife!
Did you just kill... my new wife?
Of course not!
How do you know that when
you just threw her off a train?
I told you I'd timed it perfectly
What does that mean?
Calm down!!
By the time I'd explain we'd both be dead!
I'm sorry madam but you can not use the lavatory
while the train is in station.
That was no accident!
It was by design
Now ...
Do you need me to elaborate?
Or can we just crack on?
Come on!
Do not worry old boy, She's as safe as
houses, she's with my brother
I'm on my honeymoon!
Why did you lead them here?
Why did you involve us?
There not here for me!, There here for you!
Fortunately ...
So am I
Now move the door!
Good evening.
I think you'll find second class is
more comforable
The coast is clear..
To the south!, Quick march!
Lie down with me Watson
I insist
What are we doing down here?
We are waiting
I.. am
Patiently waiting...
For what!?
Your window of opportunity
Make it count!
I said make it count!
How many windows did I provide?
Who'd have known that honeymooning
in Brighton was such a dangerous notion?
Is that what this is about?
By your own admission, You've never enjoyed there.
I've never been to Brighton.
Or ... Your just to fragile to
remember at present.
Oh, shut up!
Tell me that my wife's safe!
I can't do both.
I promise.
As I said I timed it perfectly.
Over... here madam.
I believe congratulations
are in order Mrs. Watson.
I'm the other Holmes.
You mean there's two of you?
Oh how marvelous, Could this evening get any better?
Why were Mary and I targeted at all?
Excellent question.
The answer is two fold,
He's after us...
Because of you.
I afraid you must bear half the responsibility
Here ... it comes
Had you and Mary had not been
so hellbent on your wedding,
We could've already solved this case
There it is... It's my fault now
All I say is that the
argument could mean you
No, It couldn't
That your nuptials were rather poorly timed
Thus ...
Our relationship ...
Very well.. partnership
Has not yet run it's course,
My dear fellow if you could be bothered
to see this through to the end
I should never again ask you to assist me.
Once more... Onto the bridge
That's the spirit!
Now to the question ...
It is deliciously complicated
You may be asking yourself?
What does a crimial mastermind want
with a simple gypsy fortune teller?
It's about her brother I tell you
When we find him and we must..
After you find my luggage
Go on....
Where is it were going?
Paris, The most sensible honeymoon destination of all
So why Paris?
Outside the city at montlucon,
There's a Gypsy camp famous for it's dried fruit,
Especially peaches,
There we shall find ...
Our fortune teller,
And we'll return her bag.
Speaks french
Speaks french
Speaks french
Speaks french
And umm my ticket?
Speaks french
Unfortunately, you won't be needing yours.
It's a shame professor
I was looking forward to Don Giovanni
Speaks french
Follow Meinhard
Wake up, Were here
Brace yourself, Were about to be violated
Don't be so cynical
Good afternoon.
Madam Simza?
Yes yes sir.
They're taking my luggage
Laugh them away Watson, I have her bag
This is her handbag.
You had her bag
Now they have my coat
Where is Madam Simza?
Where is Simza?
This is Simza
Same as a goose
I'm Sim
Nice scarf
I like
We are here in connection with her brother.
You hungry?
Madam, this is a gloryious hedgehog goulash
I can't remember ever having had better
Do tell me... when was the last time you had
a hedgehog goulash?
I told you, Watson, I can't remember
Perhaps you've repressed it
Hmhmhm...Thats where we differ
Unlike you, I repress nothing.
Perfectly normal
How dare you be rude to this woman
who's invited us into her tent?
Offered us a hedgehog
Says the man who throws women from trains.
Who are you two?
Concerned citizens
Why did someone try to kill me?
Your brother has become involved with a very dangerous man
He clearly believes that Rene has told you
something you shouldn't know
I don't know anything
I've been looking for him for over a year
That was why I was in London
It was the last place anyone has saw him
It is clear that your brother loves you...
So he would never send you a message that
would put you in harms way
Any information therefore
would be by default... Unintentional
Has he Sent you anything else?
Just a few drawings
Let's just see what they have to tell us
Unusual choice of paper...
Thicker gauge designed for a printing press
the same stock as the letter.
They smell musty
Must've been stored
somewhere cold and damp
What's that?.. Blood?
So... a wine cellar located near a printing press
That should narrow it down
He said that it will never return.
There's a wine cellar used by the
anarchist group Speaks french
Rene was close to their leader
Claude Ravache.
A Bomb maker
I sampled some of his work last week
I was a part of the movement
So was ...Rene
Until it became too extreme for us
Ravache knows me.
If my brother's back there ...
He will see us
He will send a message
You do get a meeting with Ravache.
Whatever you do, don't let these
Gypsies make you drink
You dance?
For God's sake, Don't dance,
It could be the death you
You know what happens when you dance
Oh good morning, Mrs. Watson
Have you had breakfast?
I.... Stanley here does a wonderful deviled kidney
-Good morning, Sir, Telegram for Mrs. Watson.
-It just doesn't make any sense...
-Allow me
Oh yes, My most loathed Mary, I do not love you,
I never wish to see you again
Uh every moment I count away
from you is a blessing.
Afraid not, It's a double ecryption my dear,
That Sherly and I have used since we were boys
If the first letter of the message is a consonant,
Then what follows is the mirrored truth
I see.
You know, Althought our time together has
been but a brief interlude
I'm begining to understand how a man
of particular dispostion,
and under certain circumstances,
Extreme ones perhaps ahh
Might grow to enjoy the company
of a person of ah of um your gender
Oh, thank you so much ...
Most charming.
Terribly sorry, Thank you.
Where are you going, Stanley?
Speaks french
Still hiding in basements?
It's not easy for me to go out these days.
Glad to see you.
I not here to see you.
I prefer to share these moments
With your English friends.
The year of our glorious revolution.
Is he here?
When freedom has triumphed over tyranny.
Is my brother here?
I haven't seen him... for a long time.
Your lying
A letter was received from Rene,
Using this same paper.
Of course.
He took it with him wherever he went.
He's telling the truth, Rene isn't here.
He was given another assignment,
By an anonymous benefactor?
Another Englishman,
With money, power... who supported our cause.
And now ...
He dictates our every move.
Demanding I take responsibility for his acts of terror.
I made the deal with the devil.
But after tonight,
It will be over.
My job is almost done.
He's had you plant another bomb.
Hasn't he?
Claude, Please, These men can help you.
I wish they could.
You see, gentlemen ...
He has my wife and children.
If you tell where the bomb is,
We'll find a way to help your family
That's already taken care of
We have a deal
He and I.
No loose ends.
There's only one thing I can do
to keep my family safe
You have less than ten minutes.
He has no further need of that pistol,
Why don't you take it and cover the stairs.
There's only one way out of this place
Right you are..
Ahh.... Ingenious
That's the one.
Quickly as we can!
You know what to do with
that sandbag.. Watson
Doctor, Could you secure that leever
He could've told me.
Ravache was strong. He lived for Liberty
He would never take his own life.
Calm yourself
My brother he.. he's weak
I need you to take a deep breath.
And follow us.
To the opera!
I was mistaken
I made a mistake!
Speaks french
Speaks french
He took the shot from here.
Using a tripod.
And a shooting stick
And realized ...
There was a better position.
This faint scrape where he
dragged the tripod and...
set it up...
Six hundred yards...
Six hundred and fifty..
And not to mention the seven or
eight mile an hour wind
He would've needed a wind guage
Which he placed here.
And put a cigarette down here.
Can anyone shoot that far?
Not more than half a dozen men in all of europe
And how many of those men served
in Afghanistan?
prosperum with a touch of tekrum
Must've fallen out when he was rolling up
Wasn't that the blend you all smoked?
You didn't tell me about a Colonel ...
Sebastian Moran.
The best Marksman in the British army.
Dishonorable discharge.
He's likely now a gun for hire.
This is the second victim of his that I've encountered.
What better way to conceal a killing,
No one would look for a bullet hole
In a bomb blast.
He's twenty minutes late
He must come soon
I don't have any papers.
And I'am a foreigner.
This climate is exactly
what Moriarty wants.
The Omelette fino is divine
But they spared every expensive on the tea
Now ...
You to compare movements, Or consider what we know.
last night's bombing was clearly
meant to look like Germany's retaliation
For Strasbourg.
However ...
The bomb was meant to conceal
the murder of just one man,
The man killed by the gunshot was
none other than Alfred Meinhardt.
He makes guns...
Big! guns
Only days ago, A large share
of his company was bought,
by an unknown investor.
The clues point to one direction,
To avoid repeating last night's debacle,
I was obliged to collect more suffient data,
Hence my tardyness.
The train departs in fourteen minutes, sir.
Just the bags
But ...
Do we have enough time for me to indulge my little habit?
His habit is feeding that
urban species... the feral pigeon
So, There are seven mainline railway stations in Paris.
But.... Taking ten minutes to get to
Jardin des Tuileries
Where the largest concentration of
winged vermin may be found
Reduces that to one ...
The Gard du Nord,
Where he will be just in time to
catch the 11:04 train to Berlin.
It makes several stops along the way,
One of which is....
Exactly ...
Where we must go.
Where Meinhardt's factory is.
Moriarty's factory now.
Unfortunately, Due to the
bombing, The crossing between,
France and Germany is to be closed.
I afraid our persuit is over,
Unless... we can happen upon a comrade
How knows their way around borders...
Too English.
However you do make a fantastic Gypsy.
Certainly smell like a fantastic gypsy.
Now.. now.. no need to be demeaning.
It is a nice scarf.
No no.. too English.
It'll suit you more
The black is yours, the gray is mine,
And this is for you,
Ah hmm right, Where are the wagons?
The wagon is too slow,
Can't you ride?
It's not the he can't ride,
How is it you put it, Hon?
They're dangerous at both ends
and crafty in the middle.
Why would I want anything with a mind of its own
bobbing about between my legs?
Then I should require a bicycle, Thank you very much.
It's 1891, I could've chartered a balloon.
How can we make this more manageable?
Where's the Fire?
It's not as if Germany going somewhere...
We know another way.
Slowly and steadly wins the race.
Go on!
We slip in through the loading bay,
Find out what he's doing, And we get out
Getting out might be tricky.
We will get you out.
If my brother is in there, Get him out alive
Ahh .. Are you happy?
At this moment, Are you as happy as you
would be on your honeymoon in Brighton?
I'm not going to grace that question with an answer
Are you happy?
- Are We here for another reason?, I think we are
- Okay.
Should we get on.
It was a simple question.
Are we gonna do something or wait here
for them to come back around
What time is it?
Three fifteen.
Over in the rest of the part of the
complex should be a telegraph office,
Send this to Mycroft,
Be back here on the hour.
Thats what you get Mr. Holmes, When the
industry marries arms,
Now put your gun down.
It's a bit ol fashioned.
What you need is one of these.
Go on,
Pick one.
Machine pistol, Self repeating,
It takes 7.63 caliber rounds.
In one of these.
A ten shot box magazine.
Easy enough to load
I much rather have to retract the
bolt to ingage the first round.
Easier done than said.
Take him to the surgery,
We'll find the doctor.
Come at once if convenient,
If inconvenient come all the same.
This is schnapps
A telegram was sent from here.
This isn't schnapps, Aqua vida,
It distilled from potato mash.
A common misconception, Thank you by the way.
Who was it sent to?
Horror at your crimes is only matched by my
admiration at the skill it took to achive them.
Who was it sent to?
you used the anarchists and their bombs
to create a crisis in Europe.
Nation against nation.
Under various pseudo names you bought, Schemed,
or murdered your way into numerous industries,
Assuring none of it could be traced to you.
Cotton, Opium, Steel.
Now arms, Chemical weaponary all to be
shipped across Europe in less than a week.
Everything from bullets to bandages.
And now that you own the supply,
You intend to create the demand.
A World War.
You are familiar with Schubert's work?
A Trout... is perhaps my favorite,
A fisherman grows weary to
trying to catch an elusive fish.
Out the way... Out the way...
So he muddies the water.
I'm Warnin ya....
Confusses the fish
You were warned.
He doesn't realize that he's
swum into a trap...
Sings a Trout
Continues Singing
Ahhhhhh.... Ahhhhhh.......
Ahhh.... Ahhhh..........
Let's try this again... shall we?
To Whom did you sent the telegram?
To whom...?
To my brother, Mycroft.
What are you plannin?
Thats not fair.
I just got one more question for you,
Which one of us is the fisherman,
and which the trout?
Take your time.... Take your time.
Always good to see you... Watson.
-What were you thinking...?,
-Wait wait
If you must know, I was thinking I had him
right were I wanted him
Right... Crack on then
I'm alright.... I'm alright
Don't waste time attending to me.
Speaking German Find them. Hurry up!
I'll find em.... I'll find em
Turn in three ...
Two ...
Come on... Hurry up!
Did you see my brother?
No, but I'm certain he's been here
Where are we going?
Over that wall!
Holmes, how did you know
that I'd find you?
You didn't find me....
You collapsed a building on me
Where are the horses?
They're behind!
We need them!
You want to go back?
What's are way out?
There's another way out
Speaking German
Speaking German
Speaking German
Speaking German
Speaking German Time to show little Hansel.
Come on!... Come on....
Marko... Marko....!
He's not breathing!
Cradle his head,
Raise his legs,
My lad... you are not going to die on me
I'm not going to make this easy on you,
Come on!..... Come on!
Come on!
I know you hear me, You selfish bastard...
Come on!
I know you can.... hear me! You bastard....
His wedding gift?
Ahhhh..... AHHHHHH,
I had a terrible dream,
You were marrying Gladstone,
And I were in a resturant,
That satanic pony was there as well!
A massive fork in his hoof and he turned on me!
What have you administered?
Your wedding present.
Who's been dancing on my chest!
Why is my ankle so itchy?
Because you have a large piece
of wood sticking out of it
you Tamas...I've an important job to
discuss with you.
Remind me of it later.
Sit down and drink this....
I gotta get that out before
it turns septic.
Did you call me a selfish bastard?
Just leave it in!
Ehhh You are so subtile
Be nice.
I'm sorry you did get to Brighton.
Me too.
I think we should go home.
I concur.
We're going home.
Via Switzerland.
What better place to start a
war... than a peace summit?
We'll drop in and see my brother,
I'm sure he's missed you.
I still do not understand why you
simply don't cancel the summit
The fact is it's gonna happen
weither we like it or not.
Everyone has already arrived.
While ladies and gentlemen may be talking peace,
Believe me they're readying their armies at home
To cancel the summit now,
would be tentamental war.
The telegram wasn't it clear?
We have doubled the security, sir.
Oh doubled security?, Thats confident
You can't understand the
delicacy the situation.
I passes the telegram on to my superiors,
but they were the ones who have brought Moriarty
To advice on the peace process
in the first place
He has positioned himself brilliantly
As one of our formost intellectuals,
he's a personal friend of the prime minister
Personal friend of the Prime Minister, Yes..
We all know that
I believe you.....
But where's your evidence?
He's too good to leave evidence....
He doesn't leave loose ends.
Ohh he's alive!
Sherly, Put that down!
What is this contraption?
May I have it?
The effect is most invigorating.
It is my private and
personal supply of oxygen.
And your not to touch it
This argument is getting us nowhere
I've arranged doctuments to be prepared
which will allow you into the ball.
You haven't aged a day
Is that my favorite Chutney?
The fact is...
We don't really know what he's planning,
It won't be another bomb.
It wouldn't be another bomb.
That doesn't make sense.
Why would attack all nations,
Only to unite them?
It shall be an assassination.
By a lone gunman.
At close range.
Unfortunately yes..
you knew ?
I had my suspicions.
But now I see who will be
attending, I'm now certain.
Well... At least we know
who to look out for.
Rene will be the evidence.
If we find him and stop him, we will
perhaps not only save his life,
But prevent the collapse of
western civilization.
No pressure ...
Welcome Ambassador.
Professor James Moriarty.
Now we're all present,
I can tell you the targets,
Are the German Chancellor and his ambassador,
The french Prime Minister and his man
And the other nations are really
working out which side to take,
Should hostilities erupt.
As Prince Michael is a cousin of the Tsar
and the Russian ambassador,
Archduke Karl Ludwig, and the
austro-Hungarian ambassador,
Romanian Prime Minister
and his ambassador.
And of course, Our Prime Minister
and the British ambassador.
He'll chose a moment when all the dignitaries
are assembled... Preferably standing still,
Is there to be an offical photograph?
Indeed, Yes in uh 38 minutes.
Then in which case...
We might as well dance.
I've never done this before.
Just.. follow.. my... lead...
What do you see?
That is my curse.
But you don't see what you are looking for.
I thought you'd never ask
Over my shoulder, Young man,
German uniform, ceremonial sword.
Got it
Professional opinion?
Trauma ... Major injury
Excellent repair work,
Dr. Hoffmanstahl.
You did say he was at the forefront
of medical inovation
Before you'd seen an example of his skills
Those twins weren't twins.
My suspicions where arroused in Heilbron,
When one failed to go to the aid of the other.
I also noticed a descrete but
unmistakable puckering behind the ear
Where his skin was had been drawn back.
I should've realized it then, That
they were a surgical experiment.
To see if it's possible to
make one man look like another?
His face is no longer his own.
What better way to guarantee his
world war than to make the assassin.
One of the ambassadors.
That narrows down the
possibility to one of six...
You and Sim shall find her brother....
Of this I have no doubt.
You know my methods.
And I know where you'll be.
No possible solution could be more
congenial to me than this
By the way, who taught you how to dance?
You did.
Well, I've done a fine job.
Be careful.
Shall we get to work?
Ladies and Gentlemen, Please
gather for the portrait.
I'm sorry, Is this a bad time?
Never better.
Would you bring that clock?
We get to play that game after all...
Here we are
Don't want you to catch cold.
A five minute game?
If you think you can manage it
We both have two bishops, I may be
absent from the room... But my methods are not.
You can't mean Dr. Watson... surely?
That doesn't seem fair.
Right ...
The surgury would've left scars.
Only four of them have
the hair line to hide them.
The Ambassador that you've replaced
With Rene, Is he still alive?
Would you like me to recommend your next move?
They're all my brother's height,
Right build, But...
Their eyes,
Their eyes are wrong.
Rene has blue eyes.
He...Could be wearing glass lenses
To change the color,
In which case, His eyes would be hurting.
Rene is left handed.
Perhaps the assassin would take measures
to ensure he doesn't give himself away
Like a gambler... Concealing a tell
I think... it might be him.
You think?
You clock is ticking.
You have to be sure.
May I remind you this is blitz chess,
A single miscalculation will cost you the game.
If tackle the wrong man to the ground,
I could start a war.
Maybe it's less obvious... A nervous tic.
A flutter of anxiety.
I'd expect everyone has a reason to be nervous tonight.
I don't know.
So perhaps it's the opposite,
A failure to behave naturally.
An actor so consumed with his performance that..
The one characteristic he can not accommodate,
Is spontaneous reaction.
Speaking french Brother.
Speaking french I beg you.
Speaking french Sorry, sister.
Carruthers... Protect the Prime Minister
Germany will pay... Mark my word.
That doesn't boat well does it?
Seems your bishop was of some benefit.. after all
The game is still young.
Actually it's in it adolescence.
I'm one of us..
Germany will pay!
No loose ends.
What happened....I am a doctor, A Doctor!
Speaking french Brother!
-It's curare, What's wrong with him...?
-It's poison
Do something!
Do something!
I... think you've just lost
your most valuable piece.
A winning strategy sometimes
necessitates sacrifice.
You see ...
Hidden within the unconscious.....
Is an insatiable desire for conflict.
So your not... fighting me,
So much as you are the human condition.
All I want to do is to is...
Own the bullets and bandages.
War... on an industrial scale is inevitable.
They'll do it themselfs within few years.
All I have to do...
Is wait.
I... like Switzerland.
They respect a man's privacy here.
Particularly if he has a fortune
Bishop takes knight to check.
The game is over,
You should get that shoulder looked at.
About that fortune of yours...
I believe it's just... been substantially reduced
King to rook two.
I attended several of your lectures.
The equations of motion, Which you
will find in my book ...
The energy that is required to
release these explosions ...
It was in Oslo, when I first caught a
glimpse of your little notebook....
Red leather bound, From
Smythson on avon street
Rook to kings rook 3.. Check!!
Bishop to rook 3.
It's importance was not fully
aparent to me..
untill I observed your Speaking french
for feeding pigeons.
Then it occurred....
With an empire so enormous,
even You ...
Must keep a record of it somewhere.
Bishop takes bishop.
Rook to bishop 4.
I then only required the notebook itself.
You didn't make it easy...
Just the bags....
I'd need to endure an
considerable amount of pain.
Mycroft ...
Kill her Majesty's Secret Service.
But notebook would undoubtedly be encoded,
So how then to break the code?
Rook takes rook.
Pawn takes rook.
Bishop to Bishop 7.
Queen takes knight pawn.
Does the art of domestic horticulture
Mean anything to you?
How could a man as meticulous
as you... Own such a book,
And yet completely neglect the
Flowers in his own window box?
Irony bounds.
Nevermind... it's safe.
In London.
Where my colleagues are making good use of it.
The most formidable criminal mind in
Europe, has just had all his money stolen
By perhaps the most inept... inspector
in the history of Scotland Yard.
Any chance of a cup of tea.
Box 0403 ...... and box 0801
How much more is there?
Thats the end of the page 2,
Page three.
Becareful what you fish for
You'll be making an anonymous donation
to the widows and orphans of war fund
Bishop to bishop 8.
Discover check..
And incidentally... Mate....
I've seemed to injure my shoulder, Would you mind?
Will be my pleasure.
Once we concluded... Our business here
It important you know..
I shall endevor to find the most
creative of endings for the doctor,
And his wife.
His advantage my injury,
My advantage, His rage..
Incoming assault, Feral...
But experienced.
Use his Momentum, To counter
Come now... You really think your..
The only one who can play this game?
Chop arm, Target weakness.
Follow with haymaker.
Ahh..There we find the boxing
champion of Cambridge
Competent.. but predictable.
Now... Allow me to reply.
Also running dry, Adjust strategy
Wound taking it's toll.
As I feared...Injury
makes denfense untenable
Prognosis ...
Increasingly negative.
Let's not waste anymore
Of one anothers time.
We both know how this ends.
Conclusion.... Inevitable.
Unless ...
A few words may suffice...
To tell the little that remains,
Any attempt at finding the
Bodies was absolutely hopeless,
I'm still there... Deep down in that dreadful
culdron of swirling water and seathing foam,
Alive for all time...
The most dangerous criminal...
And foremost champion of the law....
Of their generation.
I shall ever regard him as the best!
And the wisest man... Whom I've ever known.
John?... Hm Hm...
You should probably pack.
It's half past two, And the carriage
is coming at four.
It's gonna be a beautiful week in Brighton.
Yes, it will be fun.
I'm looking forward to it
You know... I miss him too,
In my own way.
He would've wanted us to go.
He would've wanted to come with us.
Whens Mrs. Hudson coming for Gladstone?
Oh... Soon
Three o'clock.
Who has delivered this parcel?
The Postman.
The usual chap?, Or....
Did he look peculiar?
Gladstone Wimpers