SherryBaby (2006)

There's an angel on my left.
But the devil's on my right.
I've been boxing shadows.
I tried to put up a fight.
So, brother, will you meet me
in the middle
so I can make it to the end?
It's not my first
second chance,
but, at this point,
who's counting, my friend?
It better be
some kind of heaven.
There better be some kind
of carnival in the sky
at the end of this ride.
Excuse you.
Hey, excuse me.
Hey, sir, you just
bumped into me.
Fuckin' rude
So, brother, will you meet me
in the middle
so I can make it to the end?
It's not my first
second chance,
but, at this point,
who's counting, my friend?
It better be
some kind of heaven.
There better be some kind
of carnival in the sky
at the end of this ride.
Dorothy Washington,
house manager.
Come on in.
Most everyone's at work,
but this house
fills up real good
around 7:00,
Your box came
Show me your
release sheet,
and then we'll
get you a room.
Ladies, this here
is Sherry Swanson.
You got some privacy,
but we don't lock
bedroom doors.
This is for the locker
where you store
all your valuables,
in the corner, there.
You get your house keys
after 30 days
with no write-ups:
no infractions
of our house rules,
do your chores,
all that.
I'm sure you'll be fine,
Get the phone!
Do you like the blue ones,
the green ones?
The pink ones.
What size are you?
Hey, it's Sherry.
Sherry, is that you?
Yeah, what's up?
Listen, I got
to wrap it up.
Want a cigarette?
Yeah, okay, um...
that's cool.
Tell everybody
I said hi.
Yeah, I will.
Kiss my baby for me.
Kiss Lexi for me.
Tell her I'm coming.
What time are you
coming tomorrow?
After lunch.
Listen, I got to run.
Cool, peace.
you think you're
too good for us?
Destiny, chill out.
The girl just got
her release.
Parole office.
Could I talk to PO Hernandez?
Who's calling?
Parole number?
No crossing state lines without
permission from this office.
Any change in residence
must be reported
in writing.
Do you understand
the conditions
of your parole,
Ms. Swanson?
Here's the rest
of your commissary.
Count it out
in front of me.
Sign the receipt.
Make sure it's
all there.
On each and every
reporting day,
you will submit
your pay stubs
along with this form.
Make sure the form
is filled out correctly.
Can I smoke in here?
Get a job as soon
as possible.
Otherwise, I have to see you
three times a week,
and, frankly, I don't have
the time for that right now.
Could I ask you
about something now, or...
Um, this--this
curfew thing?
I just, um--
I would like to spend the night
at my family's house,
at my brother's house.
I haven't seen them
for a long time.
I thought you had
no problems, Swanson.
Any unreported police contact
will result in the immediate
violation of your parole,
and I will violate you.
You will be returned
to prison
to serve the remainder
of your sentence,
plus any new charges
you may incur.
Monday at 9:00 a. m. ,
you report to Mr. Monroe
at 1138 Clifford Street.
Please give me a pass.
Are you trying to fuck
with me, Swanson?
Or are you here to successfully
complete your parole?
To successfully complete
my parole, sir.
I just really--
I have to see my daughter.
I haven't seen her
in a long time.
Your brother's name
and address, what is it?
Robert Swanson.
1334 Ridge Drive.
Slow down.
New Jersey.
Come on, there's nothing
to see here.
Come on, keep moving.
Keep moving.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Dump it.
Yo, bitch, why do you--
I told you,
I ain't coming
up off that rock for free.
I'll see you later.
Good luck tomorrow,
Thanks, Andy.
Thanks for helping
me out.
How do you do?
I'm Andy Kelly.
I'm the director
of this program.
Oh, hey, I'm Sherry.
I just got here.
Nice to meet you--
Sherry Swanson.
Right, I processed
your intake.
Welcome to Genesis House.
Is that your Bible?
Yeah, as a matter
of fact, it is.
Well, you know what
you should do?
Take a look at this one.
What's laid out in the first
gram for life.
It's a program of change
that'll spin your head around
and make you happier
than you ever were
when you were on drugs
and alcohol.
I know all about it.
I did a year of 12-step
when I was locked up.
I, um... I like
the Good Book better.
Do you want some coffee?
Oh, stop.
Stop, stop.
I could go all night.
Look at this.
My friend shaved it.
You want to kiss it?
Come on, baby.
Come on, kiss it.
You have
a visitor.
Oh, shit.
Put some meat
on your bones.
I missed you.
You should have
come see me.
Okay, let's get
the fuck out of here.
It's all pretty much the same.
The only thing different
is we got a new table.
Well, I guess Lynette
redecorated the living room.
We got Alexis a new bed.
She didn't want to get rid
of her little baby bed.
But you'll see;
everything's the same.
It'll be like
you never left.
Did you hear
Chris Cuzar died?
How am I supposed
to hear that?
I don't know
who you talk to.
I don't talk
to nobody, Bob.
How'd he die,
from the dope?
Shit, do you have
a cigarette?
Nope, I quit.
Fuck you.
Look at the little mermaid.
Don't go too far.
Come back here.
Get over here.
Hey, girls.
Hey, hon.
Hi, Sherry.
Welcome home.
You're here,
Not going to hug you--
I'm wet.
You remember Sherry,
I'm going
to clean the pool.
It's dirty.
Hey, baby.
Oh, you want
to hug me?
Oh, baby.
Oh, baby.
Oh, Lexi,
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry, baby.
I missed you
so much.
Where were you?
Mommy, Mommy,
Mommy, Mommy.
Damn, girl,
you got heavy.
Mommy, Mommy,
Mommy, Mommy, Mommy,
Mommy, Mommy, Mommy.
Mommy, Mommy,
Mommy, Mommy.
Mommy, Mommy,
Mommy, Mommy.
Mommy, Mommy,
Mommy, Mommy.
Mommy, Mommy,
Mommy, Mommy.
Don't jump on the couch,
Sit down, baby.
Let me put on
your robe.
You want to see
your presents, baby?
What are you doing,
silly goose?
Okay, look at this one.
Look at that.
I picked that
for you.
I like that.
I think that's cute.
Okay, look at that.
I already got
that stuff.
You do?
Okay, whatever.
A Barbie.
Yeah, you like Barbie?
She's so pretty.
You do?
Oh, can I kiss her too?
Okay, now this present
is the most special one,
that's behind
my back.
This one is from
my best friend.
She made it.
She made it all
by herself for you.
Red, red, red.
I like it.
You like it?
You do?
Oh, I love you,
You want Mommy to tell you
the story now
of what happened
to me?
Look, honey,
come here.
I want to tell you
the truth, okay?
And sometimes
it's not easy
to tell the truth;
you know what I mean?
I did a bad thing,
and they sent me to jail.
Do you know
what that is?
What bad thing?
I stole from people
to get money for drugs.
Oh, baby,
come here.
Oh, honey, I missed you
so, so, so, so much.
I used to talk to you.
Did you hear me?
Lord, please, please, please,
please, please
hear my extra prayer tonight.
y weaknesses
and my mistakes.
Give me the strength
to take life one day at a time
and take care
of my daughter again, amen.
Three years in Clinton, huh?
Well, there's the Del Monte
plant in Irvington,
just started hiring
new people.
Actually, I would like
to work with kids.
Yes, I graduated the Parenting
From the Inside program,
and I worked 13 months
in the family trailers
and 6 in the children's center.
So I'd like to work
in a Head Start
or a day care
or something like that.
Also, I have a child.
Swanson, you're a young,
pretty girl.
If you don't want to work
in the factory,
you know, maybe you could
wait tables, cocktail--
oh, no, no, no, no,
not--not with...
Wait, I, um...
I have some papers.
This is from
the parenting program.
This one is from
the children's center.
And... and what?
I'll suck your dick
if you give me the job I want.
The fuck you
looking at?
God, grant me the serenity
to accept things
I cannot change,
and the wisdom to know
the difference.
Tonight Dean will be reading
the preamble.
My name's Dean.
I'm an alcoholic
and an addict.
Hi, Dean.
Genesis Recovery
is a fellowship
of men and women
o share their experience,
strength, and hope
with each other,
that they may solve
their common problem
and help others to recover
from alcoholism
and drug addiction.
Is there anyone here tonight
that feels the need
to drink or use?
Go ahead, little sister.
Don't be shy.
Um, I'm Sherry.
I'm an addict.
Hi, Sherry.
Um, I've got
I got clean in prison,
I feel like using so bad.
From the age of 16 to 22,
heroin was the love of my life.
I mean, I had a daughter,
and I never even
took care of her,
and I want
to take care of her,
but I got to...
stay clean,
so I'm just here
to stay clean and...
That's all I got.
Hey, Sherry.
Listen, don't worry
about your problems.
I mean,
you're not alone.
Like, me, I could
completely relate
to what you
were saying,
because I come
from a dysfunctional,
alcoholic family.
And drugs were part
of my entire teenage life.
When I was growing up,
I knew we weren't supposed
to be doing drugs,
but everyone
was doing them anyway,
so I just--
I just fell into that, you know?
She's not hearing you,
She's got too much
on her mind.
Do you need
a ride home?
Okay, thanks.
He's right, Andy.
I'm sorry.
I'll catch up with you
Sherry, did you ever
work at Tony Martino's joint,
the Paradise?
I used to cook speed
in a warehouse
over at South Kearny.
Tony was
one of my partners.
What's your name again?
Dean Walker.
Dean Walker?
I don't know you.
Man, I was, like, 16
when I worked there, I think.
Tony named me Lolita.
That was my stage name
because I was so young, Lolita.
I had really long hair.
Yeah, I remember.
You do?
You know
they closed that place down.
too many underage girls?
it all came down
when Richardson
got into office.
Tony lost all his juice.
Where's he at, anyways?
He got busted making a big move
in the city last year.
They gave him 15 to life.
Damn, that's deep.
He probably deserved it,
though, right?
Do you know Richie Parks?
Richie Parks.
No, I don't know him.
Who's that?
He's another lowlife scumbag.
He's also my baby's daddy.
He broke out a while ago.
I don't know
if he's alive or dead.
Do you have kids?
Oh, yeah.
I got three boys
and two girls.
They all live in Oklahoma
with their mamas.
Do you take care of them?
Oh, yeah,
I do now.
So far away.
Okay, thanks, man.
Good night, little sister.
And you take care,
all right?
And be careful.
I love you too.
All right.
Okay, bye.
What's up?
Some fucking real-life bullshit
I had to deal with today.
Are you done
with the phone?
Yeah, go ahead.
I forgot how it gets,
you know.
Here I was,
thinking prison was the worst;
this was gonna be, like,
some kind of heaven,
but it ain't, you know?
I heard that.
That job shit
got me tight.
You all right?
Good looking out,
Ain't no thing.
What are you looking at?
Damn, white girl,
you are always on the phone.
Ests sorda?
Hey, Lynette.
How are you?
It's Sherry.
Is Bobby there?
Don't you hear me?
hey, Bobby, what's up?
It's Sherry, yeah.
How you doing?
Cool. Listen, I called
to talk to Alexis, actually.
Is she there?
Why, you think
you're something special?
What? She's sleeping?
Hold on a second.
Get out of my face.
Okay, well,
I'm gonna call back tomorrow,
then, early,
because I really want
to talk to her, okay?
Okay, Bobby.
Have you got a problem
with me?
Yeah, I've got
a problem with you, bitch.
You jealous of me
or something?
Your mother's a bitch.
Oh, my mother's a bitch?
My mother's dead,
you fucking stupid crackhead.
But you turned out good.
Look at you.
Your daddy's
a fucking baby raper.
Get the--
Fuck you,
you fucking cunt!
I'll call the cops!
Do you hear me?
Fuck you,
you fucking toothless cunt!
Fuck you, puta!
Now that you've
both been fucked,
you should feel better.
I'm telling you, bitch,
you don't fuck with me,
because I will hurt you.
Go to your rooms, now,
or I'm calling 911.
Sherry, wake up.
What's going on?
Sorry to show up like this.
Yes, hon?
Your sister's here.
What are you
doing here?
Hey, Lexi.
How you doing, kiddo?
Why do you have
a garbage bag?
A garbage bag?
Okay, come on.
Let's finish getting ready
for camp.
I can't stay at that place.
It's like being in prison
all over again.
I know. I know.
I hear you.
But don't you
have to stay there?
I can live
wherever I want.
I just have a curfew.
You take sugar?
No, thanks.
So, Bobby,
I'm not asking
to move in here.
But I do need to stay here
for a little while.
Two weeks.
If I stay at that place,
I'm gonna violate.
I can feel it.
No drugs in this house,
You bring drugs in here,
and I'm going to call the cops.
how many times
do I got to tell you this?
I'm clean.
Hey, my baby.
I'm going to camp now,
You want to give your mama
a kiss?
I think you do.
An Eskimo kiss?
You're gonna be late
for camp.
You remember
what that one is?
You have a good day,
Bye, Alexis.
Have a good day,
Bye, baby.
Oh, yeah,
here's your lunch.
Bye, Sherry.
What the fuck was that?
She just called me Sherry.
Me and Lynette were trying
to talk to you about that
the last time
you were here.
You want to help me
with these boxes?
Yeah, babe.
I'll be right back.
Oh, yeah,
I'm her--
I'm her fucking mother.
One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
You want one?
You don't think these pants
are too tight, do you?
Turn around.
Let me see you.
No, you got a good figure.
You look cute.
You think Lexi's
gonna get my body?
I don't know.
I do.
That girl is going to be
tall and skinny.
I'm gonna look out
for her.
Want me to do your makeup
Would you?
Just let me
finish this first.
I'm going to do your eyes purple
to match your pants, okay?
And I'll give it to you
when I'm done,
so you can have it.
I never got a professional
makeup job before.
Thank you.
You know, every Friday night
in my cell,
we'd have ladies' night.
We'd put on face masks
and wear lingerie
and stuff like that.
Lingerie in jail.
You're really nuts.
That's what happens
when you got to wear
state clothes every day.
You didn't go with any girls,
did you?
Some girls in there
tried to get with me,
but I told them
what time it was.
Sherry Anne.
What's that?
How are you?
Well, we got
into some traffic.
Hey, Marcia.
Hey, how you doing?
Don't cry.
You'll make me cry.
Come on, stop it.
It's okay.
We should have taken 22,
I missed you so much.
I missed you too.
Come on,
say hi to my wife.
Look at my makeup.
It's real pretty.
Yeah, we took 78, and--
Remember Marcia?
Hey, Dad.
You really got to clean out
those gutters, you know?
Oh, yeah, yeah,
yeah, I know.
This ought
to help you out.
You know, Dad,
you don't
have to give me money.
Grandpa's here.
Oh, there she is.
Oh, Lexi.
There's my precious
little girl.
Here, honey.
This is for you.
Can I just
fix this?
Oh, this is hot.
Look at you and Grandpa.
What do you say, Alexis?
Thank you, Grandma.
You're welcome.
Hey, Dad.
Hey, Dad.
Dad, look at how much
we look alike
now that she's
got bigger.
Look at that.
She's beautiful,
isn't she?
What do you got there?
Dad, there's a--
I want to show you something.
Come on.
I want to show you
Come on.
Let's go see what Sherry wants.
I got my GED.
I want to show you.
I want to welcome home
my baby,
Sherry Anne.
Welcome home,
Cheers. Cheers.
I want soda.
Milk first.
Then you'll get
your soda.
Hey, Lynnie,
this sure looks good.
Did you help with this?
So how's the Caddy
holding up, Dad?
Eat your burger first.
It's the perfect piece
of machinery.
You know, you've had
that car so long,
I don't think it's safe
for you
to drive it down to Florida
this year.
I don't think so either.
You need a new car,
I swear, she's hooked
on the Disney Channel.
Did you see that email
Marty sent around?
Bobby, that's disgusting.
We're eating here.
They're going to start charging
for emails, you know.
Alexis, come eat
more of your burger.
That's what I keep saying,
you know.
That Marty,
he's a real piece of work.
I don't know
where he finds that stuff,
but he does.
Come on, pass me
that potato salad.
There you go.
I don't want to waste room
on salad.
You do?
Okay, Alexis wants
to hear me sing for you all.
Spare us, Sher.
We don't want to break
any glasses.
Close your eyes.
your hand,
Do you feel
my heart beating?
Do you understand?
Do you feel
the same,
or am I only
Or is
his burning
an eternal flame?
I believe
we're meant to be,
I watched you
when you were sleeping.
You belong with me.
Do you feel the same,
or am I only dreaming?
Or is
this burning
an eternal flame?
That was good, Sher.
Should have gone
onAmerican Idol.
You'd probably win.
Don't be a wise guy.
Sherry's a good singer.
Beautiful, baby.
Okay, I'm going to get
some more wine.
Come on, baby bear.
I'm putting him in.
I'm putting him in.
I think this looks good
like that.
Can I come in yet?
Is that good?
Yeah, that's good.
This can be your baby.
And this can be mine.
What's your baby's name?
My baby...
my baby is named Alexis.
What do you mean, "no"?
This is pretend,
and you have to pick
a new name.
But Alexis
is my favorite name.
Besides, there could be
two Alexises.
Well, okay.
You can call her that,
but then my baby's name
can be Sherry.
Two Alexises
and two Sherrys.
Two Alexises...
And two Sherrys.
In the fort,
in here.
Let's go.
Should I take
this Sherry?
Lynnie told me to call you
Sherry, not Mommy.
Yeah, I figured.
Squeak, squeak, squeak.
When you come
and live with me,
you can call me Momm
Alexis, Grandma Mary's here
to see you.
Grandma Mary.
No, baby.
She's waiting.
Go, go, go,
go, go, go, go.
Hi, Grandma.
You are confusing her
with this Sherry bullshit.
I'm confusing her?
I don't think so.
She was fine
until you showed up again.
I'm her mother.
Well, act like one.
What, are you
fucking jealous?
You want to--you're gonna
curse in front of her?
You want to see
my stretch marks, Lyn?
Don't be disgusting.
Check this out.
You want to check this out?
It's just too many people
in a house.
I told you, you can't just keep
sleeping on the floor like that.
You should be on my side.
Here, you need some cash?
Daddy, gave me
some cash.
Sherry, here.
I'm your fucking sister.
I'll just wait out here,
make sure you get a room.
Dean, hey, it's Sherry,
Tony Martino's girl.
Yeah, I met you
at Genesis Recovery, remember?
I was just, um...
Well, I was just calling
because I was--
I was...
I was wondering if, um--
what you were doing.
Who's there?
Damn, you got here late.
Oh, no.
You like my hair?
Yeah, it ain't bad.
Ooh, look at that.
Looking good,
little Lolita.
Don't call me that.
You got to stop
drinking that poison.
Did you ever
see me dance?
Oh, yeah.
Are you going to dance
for me tonight?
I gave that shit up.
Good little girl.
Doesn't dance
for anybody anymore.
You had any police contact
this weekend, Swanson?
No, but I called--
On the wall!
Get your hands
on the wall now!
I told you I was going
to my brother's house.
I called you. I left you a--
you didn't get my message?
Shut up!
What the fuck?
You can stay
where you want,
but you will go through
the proper channels.
Spread 'em.
Kick your shoes off; let's go.
Kick them off.
Kick them off.
Spread 'em out.
Come on; let's go.
You've done this before.
Pat her down.
Keep that chest
pressed against the wall.
You think just because you can
send me back to prison,
you're strong?
Control yourself.
I'm strong.
Shut up.
Stand up straight.
Right foot up.
Right foot up.
Right foot up.
You are fucking
with the wrong one today.
Put your right foot up.
Get your foot up!
Left foot up.
Left food up.
Spread 'em.
I could violate your ass
right now,
send you back to prison
for two more years.
Is that what you want?
But a job came through
for you,
and I'm going
to let you take it.
Top of your head.
Look away.
I'm going to do good.
Just--just be quiet.
I graduated a lot of programs
when I was in prison.
Look, shut up.
Put your shoes back on.
It's a Catholic Charities
youth organization,
summer program
over on Irvine Turner.
Monroe somehow convinced them
that you'd been
Here's the address.
Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you.
Everybody in line?
Everybody ready?
I want to see if you guys
are tough.
All right.
Okay, come on.
Let's see what you got.
Good, good.
Okay, end of the line.
What's your name?
Okay, Zak,
let's see what you got.
Uh-huh, uh-huh,
but this is what
you got to do.
You got to bend
your knees, see?
And you got
to follow through.
Okay, let's see.
Follow through.
Good, good.
You are a little badass.
One more.
Ow, he's strong.
He's--how about you?
What have you got?
You got to show me
a little harder.
I want to see
that power you got.
Yeah, you know
what you're doing.
You got to bend
your knees.
You got to focus,
You got to focus.
You got to focus.
Yeah, what's your name?
That's good, Russel.
One more, Russel.
You got one more.
Good, good, good.
All right,
I know your name.
Let's see--
We can't play
this game anymore.
Let's play another game.
Let's play z
Okay, who told me
they wanted to be a dinosaur?
What's up?
What are you
doing here?
I just came by
to say hey.
Uh... I'm kind of busy
right now.
Oh, yeah?
You got a broad
in there?
I fucking thought
you liked me, man.
I do like you.
Hey, no, wait,
wait, wait.
From a bank robbery
at 1091 3rd Avenue.
A male black
about 6 feet tall
with one eye,
wearing a white do-rag
under a yellow hard hat.
The direction?
It's heading...
All right, come back
in 20 minutes, all right?
Yeah, okay.
So what's her name?
Where does she live?
Why should I tell you,
so you can hunt her down
and beat her ass?
No, I'm not going
back to prison, Dean.
I just want to know
who this bitch is
you'd rather be fucking
than me.
No way you want to go
down that road.
Oh, yeah, tell me more.
I be you wouldn't like it
if I started fucking
Andy Kelly.
It wouldn't matter to me.
Oh, no?
Fucking figures.
At least he knows
how to eat pussy.
What was that?
I didn't hear you.
I'm sorry.
I'm such a piece of shit
I can't control myself.
Nobody owns anybody.
The state of New Jersey
owns my ass.
I miss my friend, man.
She always had my back.
Well, I can be your friend.
It's not about that.
What are you cooking?
Venison stew.
What's that?
It's deer meat.
I never ate Bambi before.
Well, actually,
it isn't Bambi.
It's Bambi's daddy.
Ooh, yeah?
Bambi's daddy,
that's pretty funny.
Bobby, hey, what's up?
I had my first day
of work today.
It was cool.
Made me think of my baby.
Is she there?
I really want to talk to her.
Why do you always got to tell me
the same shit, Bobby?
I know she's there.
I know she's fucking awake.
It's 7:30.
What about her birthday?
You guys have
anything planned?
Oh, yeah, I will--
I will be there.
Yeah, we do!
Okay, at this next block,
turn left.
Yes, ma'am.
It's the third house
on the left.
You grew up there?
That's fancy.
I guess.
You want to come in
and meet my family?
No, no, you go
and enjoy your daughter.
Call me when you're ready
to be picked up.
All right,
I'll see you later.
Hey, wait.
Dean, wait!
Wait! Wait!
Those fuckers aren't home.
What do you want
to do?
Let's go
to my dad's house.
Maybe they're there.
You're late.
We just finished the cake.
Well, maybe if you'd told me
where the party was at--
hold on one second.
Hey, Alexis, I think you have
more presents to open.
Don't push me.
Hi, Alexis.
Alexis, hey.
Happy birthday, baby.
Happy birthday.
Happy, happy,
happy birthday.
Sherry brought you
some presents.
What do you say?
Here you go, babe.
Can I open it?
Go ahead; open it.
Open all of them.
Open them.
I want to open one.
Oh, look at this.
You're going to look
just like a ballerina.
Sherry Anne.
Can I get you a drink?
Yeah, thanks.
Number two.
I don't want to play anymore!
Look at it.
Look at the front, though.
Candy lipstick.
And this is special gum.
Special gum?
Yeah, but it's inside.
So much candy.
You want to open it?
Game Boy.
You have one of those
already, sweetie.
You do?
I could take it back.
If you want to,
I'll find you something else.
I want two Game Boys.
You can't have two;
that's silly.
You can have
whatever you want, baby.
Lookit. You got finger paints.
That's my present!
It's mine.
No fair.
It's my present.
Yes, honey.
It's your present.
Nobody is going to take it
away from you.
What happened?
What's going on?
Let's go, guys.
Let's go downstairs
and play musical chairs.
Let's go, everybody.
I think they need
some time out.
You come too.
Here we go, everybody.
We're all coming.
What a mess, huh?
Okay, not fair.
You all right?
I feel like--
I don't know what to do.
I feel like they're taking her
away from me.
What are you
talking about?
Bobby and Lynette,
they love you a whole lot.
I love you.
Dad, she won't even talk to me.
You should have seen her
when I first came back.
She was playing with me.
She was hugging me.
She was calling me Mommy.
They told her
not to call me Mommy anymore.
Can you believe that shit?
Sherry, just give them
some time
to get used to you again.
Come on.
I know, but...
Come on.
Just give it a little time,
Sherry, what?
Baby, you got
that taste?
Keep you coming back.
It works if you work it.
It won't if you don't.
What happened to you?
I walked home, man.
You're also fucked up.
Come on;
let's go clean you up.
Hey, lay off the goods,
I can walk.
Well, then, let's walk.
Can I come in?
Come on;
get undressed.
You are a real,
live Injun, Dean.
I bet you're
a good dad.
It's too bad your kids
never get to see you.
I'm--I'm going
this winter.
Want to go with me?
One day
at a time, right?
Lazy lady.
Come on, sleepy,
get up.
Wake up.
I was dreaming so much.
I want my baby back, Dean.
I want Alexis.
You know, if you
stop talking so much
about what you want,
stop being so selfish,
maybe what you want
will come to you on its own.
I'm just mad
'cause I suck.
Do you have a long-sleeved shirt
or something I could borrow?
I can't go out like this.
Wayp in the sky.
Way up in the sky.
The mama bird flies.
The mama bird flies.
While down in the nest.
While down in the nest.
The baby birds rest.
The baby birds rest.
wing on the left.
With a wing on the left.
And a...
wing on the right.
And a wing on the right.
The baby bird sleeps.
The baby bird sleeps.
All through the night.
All through the night.
Baby bird.
They're sleeping.
How was work today?
How'd you get in here?
I'm the one
who asks the questions.
I don't answer.
Fuck me, snoopy.
You got to give me
a break.
You look terrible.
What's going on?
I'm going to tell you
the truth.
I'm in trouble.
I'm dirty.
You want to get clean?
You want inpatient?
No, I want outpatient.
Or prison.
No, because
I have to keep this job.
This job is the only thing
that I haven't--
Please, please,
let me keep this job.
It's inpatient
or prison.
Yeah, I got my PO here.
Can I call you back?
Please, please, please,
please, please.
I lost my daughter.
I lost her.
I don't know--there's no
other way I can get her back.
Inpatient or prison;
your choice.
You know,
I don't get you.
You want to get clean.
You don't want
to do the work.
You want your daughter,
but you don't want
to do the work.
I wish it could be
some other way,
but at this point,
you do not qualify
for outpatient.
Take the weekend.
Say good-bye
to your family.
Report to me Monday morning
at 8:00 a. m. ,
and I will take you down.
If I don't see you,
I will issue a warrant
for your arrest.
You're probably not
going to believe this,
but I think about you
all the time.
You're my sister.
I never forgot you.
You snaked me
with that bitch, Bobby.
I can't trust you.
I want you to get to know
your daughter, Sherry.
I really do.
But you got to put yourself
in our shoes.
Lynette loves
that little girl
like she was her own,
and to tell you the truth,
I do too.
leave mine alone?
We've been taking care of her.
You think that's easy?
And we are going
to have our own kid,
maybe even two,
but we've been taking care
of Alexis
because of you,
I know. I know.
I fucked up.
I always fuck up.
I know what
you've been through.
Don't think I don't know
what you've been through.
What's that mean?
It means
I'm on your side.
Oh, yeah?
It means I'm on your side,
I'm on your fucking side.
So will you let me
take her out alone,
just me and her,
so she's not
scared of me anymore?
Okay, but no sleepovers,
One step at a time,
You love me?
Yes, I love you.
I know.
Oh, hi.
go put on your shoes.
Sherry's here
to take you.
I'll go get her ready.
I hope you're happy,
because nobody else is.
Excuse me.
Come on,
put your shoesies on, okay?
And you should like...
Hey, Lexi.
What is it, baby?
I don't want to go, Bobby.
It's okay, sweetie.
You're going to have a fun day
with your mother.
Why, baby?
You scared?
You can tell Mama.
Let's pack her green shirt too,
just in case she gets dirty.
I got it.
Alexis, let's put
your backpack on.
Come on, sweetie,
I don't want to go, Bobby.
Sweetie, come on;
it's going to be fun.
Here, I'll carry you out,
Don't forget this.
You look so pretty
in this.
Oh, what a big girl.
Come here; let me
put this on you.
Keep your hair
out of your face.
I'll see you later,
and make some cheeseburgers
for supper, okay?
Okay, have fun.
Bye, Lyn.
You're gonna have
a fun day, okay?
Remember what I told you?
You're gonna have fun.
Can you get the door?
It's going to be a good time;
I promise, okay?
Come on, let go.
Let go, baby.
No, no, no, no,
put it in the front seat.
Sherry, it needs to go
in the back; that's the law.
Always in the back, okay?
Come here, sweetie.
Come on, please.
Come on.
Here we go.
Put your legs down.
Just like our car.
I don't want to go,
Okay, but see,
this is the day
that you get to know Sherry
better, okay?
I don't want to go.
You don't want to go?
Well, listen to me.
You're going to have fun,
I promise.
What time are you
going to have her back?
I don't know,
Okay, 4:00.
Hey. You okay, baby?
Are you okay?
She's okay.
She'll be--
she'll be all right.
it's going to be okay.
You're going to have
a fun day, okay?
You're going to have
a good time.
Have fun with her,
With a wing on the left.
With a wing on the left.
And a wing
on the right.
And a wing
on the right.
The baby bird
The baby bird
All through the night.
All through the night.
I'm hungry.
Are you hungry?
You want junk food?
I'm starving.
Me too.
You want to push it?
I want chicken nuggets.
And I want to eat...
french fries.
I want french fries too.
So when are we going to get
to miniature golf?
Really soon.
I've never did
miniature golf before.
You never did?
Uh-uh, never.
That's a shame.
Did you ever go
to Florida?
Me neither.
You want to go?
Lyn and Bobby went,
and I stayed
at Grandma Mary's.
She--she lets me stay up late
and watch late movies...
This thing
looks like it hurts.
And has a little dog
that's named Isabella.
It's mean?
No, it's named Isabella,
but it's a nice dog.
It's a little
French bulldog.
So do you want to go
to Florida?
Yes, my love?
I have to go
to the bathroom.
You do?
Okay, let's go.
One more.
Come on. Damn it.
Go in the bathroom.
Jesus Christ.
You like embarrassing me
like that?
Do you?
Why don't you answer me?
You never listen to me,
and you never answer me.
Look at me
when I talk to you.
You want me
to leave you here?
Is that what you want?
You're lucky
that I'm here with my girl,
or I'd beat the living shit
out of you,
you fucking bully!
I'm sorry.
Lexi, Lexi.
Hey, baby.
what are you doing?
Did you go
to the bathroom?
open up the door.
Open up the door.
Come here.
What is it?
Oh, what happened?
It's okay.
I'm scared, Sherry.
It's okay.
All right.
I'm just gonna
get the keys.
Ugh, fuck.
Let's get these wet pants
off you.
Come on, you got to help me
get your shoes off.
Oh--come on.
Okay, and you do
the other one.
Fuck me.
Okay, look what I got.
what's that?
Oh, look at this.
Come on, baby.
I'm trying.
Come here.
take your panties off, Lex.
Sherry, close the door.
Hey, you got to help me.
All right.
Come on, left foot.
Left foot.
Do you even love me?
Tell me you love me.
I love you.
Tell me,
"I love you, Mommy. "
I love you, Mommy.
Come on.
You know what?
I used to get scared too...
all the time.
Watch your step, honey.
Why don't you go
say hi to Lynnie?
She's worried about you.
Lyn. Come here, Lyn.
I got to tell you something.
Did you guys have fun?
Thanks for calling.
You know what, Bob?
I never asked you this
the whole time that I was away.
I never asked you...
Asked me what, Sherry?
Could you help me
take care of my daughter?
I can't do it by myself.
Of course I can.
What do you think
I've been doing?
I know,
but I never asked you.
Come here.
You're gonna be okay.
You want
to come inside?
You think you were worried
about Lexi.
Dean's probably waiting
by the window for his baby.
Oh, I will free
the bird in me,
oh, when I find my life,
what I always knew
could be,
oh, when I find my life.
I will see
the truth in me,
oh, when I find my life.
I will see
beyond the stain,
oh, when I find my life.
Fear of loss
and fear of gain,
oh, when I find my life.
Oh, when I find my life.
Oh, when I find my life.
I remember
all the days of shame
and all the lies
you told me.
I have worked
so hard to learn
and come so far
in my attempts to let it go,
my dear.
And it's so easy.
I just opened my eyes.
And it's so hard
to let go.
Oh, I will free
the bird in me
oh, when I find my life.
All will be
what I want to be,
oh, when I find my life.
I am here,
and I am free,
oh, when I find my life.
Oh, when I find my life.
Oh, when I find my life.
Oh, when I find my life.
Oh, when I find my life.