She's Dating the Gangster (2014)

When I was young,
I thought I knew everything.
I always thought I knew what love was.
But when I grew older...
I realized I knew nothing at all.
I thought love was the most
powerful thing in the world.
I was wrong.
If there's such a force
greater than love...
it is time.
It's such a bitch.
Lucky are those who find
true love at the right time.
Wait. Do you really love me?
Okay, okay.
Okay? Okay..
And I'm very fortunate
to have witnessed this...
through two of my dearest friends,
Kirby and Grace.
Hey, guys!
Jigs, Stephen, Mickey, this is it!
Sexy time!
Kirby and Grace, we all know you've
been waiting a long time for this day.
Grace, ever since college...
Kirby has been waiting for a miracle,
for you to say yes to him.
- That's true!
- 'Cause he couldn't get passed me!
Thankfully, he was able to wait.
Hurry UP!
How dare you!
Let's raise our glasses
to Kirby and Grace!
And in love...
Your son!
Kenneth, Fm talking to you.
What were you thinking?
I was bored. No big deal.
No big deal?
You ruined your Aunt Grace' wedding.
What do I have to do for you to shape up?
You don't study.
You don't go to school.
What do you want?
Why not try getting out of my life?
Kenneth, it's been eight years
since your mom died.
For eight years you've
been nothing but trouble.
Is this how it's going to be?
What is the problem?
See, that's the thing Dad.
You know nothing because
you're never around.
I'm too busy to play
your guessing game, so just tell me.
You want the truth?
I don't want to be with you.
I'd rather be with mom but
unfortunately, I'm stuck with you.
Where did I go wrong, son?
Who is Athena?
Your mom?
The other Athena.
Is mom really the only woman you love?
Kenneth, you have no idea
how much I love you and your mom.
You're right.
I have no idea.
Because we never felt it.
You never showed us.
How I wish you're the one
who died instead.
I hope you don't mean that.
Hey, Jet!
Be careful! My dad's gonna kill me.
Shut up.
Kenneth! You got home late again.
Your dad will be pissed.
Nah. He left for Hong Kong.
You're lucky then!
Your Aunt Kendi called!
Your dad is in Legazpi.
Shouldn't he be in Hong Kong? Why?!
Kenneth! Kenneth! Wake...
Sir Jigs!
Yes, I'm trying to wake him up.
He came home late last night.
Search and rescue operaiions
are underway...
for the missing Fly Philippines
?ight 520 headed for Legazpi.
Around a hundred and fifty
passengers were on board.
Here is a list of names of the
passengers on the missing aircraft.
Timothy Aguinaldo
Jesse Alcantara
Rosabelle Cruz
Michael G60 Roque
Alexander Villamor
Rose Sibayan
Francis Diaz
William Yap
Kenji delos Reyes
Mary Grace Gufiierez
For the latest on this breaking news,
stay tuned to CGM News.
Behind me are the relatives of the missing
passengers of Fly Philippines flight 520.
Clearly, all of them are
feeling anxious and afraid.
Uncle, I can't just wait at home.
Yes, I'm fine.
Excuse me. Excuse me.
Wait for your turn.
My daddy!!!
Wait. Here, here!
Don't tell me he's gone!!!!
Where is my daddy?
Miss, miss, what is the name
of your father?
Is he on the passenger list?
Yes! His name is Kenii delos Reyes.
Kenii delos Reyes.
I'm Kenii delos Reyes' son.
I am his child!
No, I am.
Well, I am, too.
What is going on here?
They seem to be siblings.
But they found out just now.
Who's the legal child?
He married my mother,
Athena Abigail delos Reyes.
Thus, my name...
- Kenneth delos Reyes.
- Okay.
I can give you my birth certificate,
the marriage certificate...
I have their picture.
You look like the guy in the picture.
He's my father.
See. I told you...
- I knew Kenii delos Reyes.
- Wait, wait, wait.
You look like the woman.
Is she your mother?
Oh. Okay. This is what we're going to do.
Give me your contact number
and as soon as I have news..
What about me?
One contact person per family, okay?
Here's your picture.
Jerome, come on.
Thank you, sir.
- We will call you, son.
- Uh, sir?
What if it's a matter of life and death?
Young lady, I already told you.
One contact person per family. Okay?
Just coordinate with him, okay?
Who are you?
Why are you looking for my dad?
Are you my sister?
And who is that woman in the picture?
Promise me first that you'll keep me
in the loop once the airline contacts you.
Then, no.
I won't tell what I know either.
Miss me already?
What a stare!
Very seducing!
I might fall for you.
Good thing you can pursue me.
'Cause I'm not really your sister.
Who's the woman in the picture?
Oh, so you're curious.
Oops, it spilled.
Can you stop wasting my time?
Who is the woman in the picture?
Oh! My God!
What the hell is this fife?!
I looked like a fool"-
You actually followed me here in..
- Sorry.
- Ouch.
In Manila.
- Hey!
- Hey...
- stop it
- Are they blind?!
Athena, don't...
Out of my way!!!
Let's get out of here!
Gangster? My dad was a gangster?
You're overreacting.
He doesn't look like a gangster
in this picture though...
because he was already in love.
Handsome gangster, huh?
Like you.
You're just like your dad.
Did you know Kenii delos Reyes...
was the most notorious
gangster on campus back then?
And Athena Dizon was the only girl
who was able to set him straight.
'Cause she is his great love.
Great love.
Who told you that?
My aunt.
And who's your aunt?
Athena Dizon. Your dad's great love.
Great love.
You're so mean!
Mr. Kenneth delos Reyes.
This is Arnold San Jose
from Fly Philippines.
We would like to inform you
about the latest news.
The plane had an
emergency landing in CamSur.
Emergency landing?
Uhm, it's still under investigation.
We still have no updates
regarding possible survivors.
But I suggest that you wait here
in our office for further updates.
Thank you. Thank you.
Hey, hey. That was the airline, right?
Move over.
I'm coming with you. I need to see
your dad. He has to see my aunt.
She has a heart condition.
She's dying.
And she's getting weaker everyday.
She came back to the Philippines
a few days ago.
She wants to die here.
And my mission is to give them
a happy ending before she dies.
Again, seriously?!
Are you crazy?
Do you want my mother to haunt me...
because I helped my dad get back
together with his woman?
But she's not his other woman.
She's his great love.
She is not my dad's great love.
Bro, all flights are fully booked.
Jet, let's go.
Bro, my dad agrees with Nana Buding.
Yes, yes. Listen to me, Kenneth,
and just stay here...
- and wait for more news...
- Kenneth!
- About the plane.
- Bro!
So stubborn.
It's sold out. Look.
I'll take standing room.
Standing room, sir.
You're not listening!
You know that it's Holy Week.
Th ere are no more tickets.
- Where? How many?
- Legazpi.
Chance passenger?
Put me on the chance passenger list.
Ah, okay.
There. First trip tomorrow. You wait.
Good luck.
The bus is about to leave
and you're still asleep?
Hey! You got a ticket?
Hey! I'm talking to you.
Hey, sir! Sir! Do I have a ticket?
Where is it? Give it to me.
You were asleep.
So I gave it to Kelay.
Are you coming?
I just need the ticket
then I'm ditching her.
- You're mean, bro!
- Hey! Don't go too far.
The bus is about to leave.
Okay, okay.
- If someone asks don't say anything.
- Ma'am, load please.
No. Load this for iWanTV.
Miss! Miss!
Should we leave you?
No, don't.
- Wait, wait.
- We're all waiting for you.
Miss, you forgot your change! Miss!
Got here first.
It's already fixed, sir.
Can we exchange seats?
Can I sit there?
This seat is making me dizzy.
You don't want to, huh.
MY bag! Hey!
- Then remove it.
- Keep quiet.
Ah... Nice.
Thank you.
She's Abigail, right?
Your mom?
Did you know that Abigail is the reason
why your dad and my aunt met?
Oh. You had no idea.
Dug dug. Dug dug. Dug dug-
Dug dug. Dug dug.
Shh. Close your eyes.
Listen to your heart.
Don't do that to my sister.
She doesn't like it.
- Shh.
- Stop H, Kirby.
Feel your heartbeat.
Dug dug. Dug dug.
Dug dug. Dug dug. Dug dug-.
pug dug. Dug dug.
Miss Dizon.
Step out of my class if
you can't shut that beeper off.
! know you don'! love me anymore.
Bu! please don'! ac! like
you never knew me at all."
Ooh... Ms. Dizon.
Get out.
Maybe the operator made a mistake.
A mistake? My name is on the message.
"I'm really sorry, Athena."
"I still love you."
Maybe it is for you.
Who do you think it is?
Listen. "I miss you so much, Bee."
"In case you lost my number,
it's seven-one-two-chuchu-chuchu."
Oh. There's more.
- Ugh, so annoying!
- "I know you're happy with him."
"But I really want to see you."
Aww. Poor boy.
Oh, what are you going to do?
So he'll stop.
He said he'll be waiting
at the usual spot.
Hello, operator?
So, how did you make him
stop beeping you?
I gave him what he wanted.
I agreed to meet with him.
At the usual spot.
Where's that?
I don't know.
Huh? I thought you said
you're going to meet him?
Sorry, babe.
I just said that to make him stop.
He is probably waiting in vain right now.
You've such a stone-cold heart.
How do you play this?
Can you teach me?
This is my table.
Come on. Let's go.
Come on.
- Wait.
- Let's get another table.
I don't see any name written here.
Come on. Come on.
I don't see any.
Hey. I still want to live. So, let's go.
Come on, here.
Come on.
Look. He doesn't look like
he plans on playing.
Wait, wait.
Maybe he's just conditioning himself.
Come here.
- We'll teach you how to play.
- Position your hand like this.
Spot H like this.
He's not playing.
Just mind your own business.
Don't mess with a broken heart.
Huh? This guy had a Girlfriend?
Some poor girl made a mistake.
She was beautiful.
A heartthrob.
She must've hit her head.
He forgot to buy her a helmet.
Oh, come on. Look at him.
He's handsome.
Being handsome isn't enough.
So, you agree that he's handsome.
Of course not.
You didn't deny it the first time.
My point is even if you're handsome...
you have to know
how to treat a girl right.
Not like him.
Such a douche!
Oh, no, no. Kenii was a real gentleman.
He treated Athena like a queen.
Oh! You have the same name!
He si?l loves her
even after they broke up.
He never looked at anyone else.
His hair is long because
he says he won't cut it...
unless he and Athena
get back together.
Maybe he's here because
he's waiting for Athena.
But ifs not you, okay?
Oh no. Looks like he is
really waiting for someone.
Could it be...
Hey! Our turn.
Hey! Leave!
I'm waiting for someone.
- Bee?
- I said, leave!
Master, he's not moving.
I said, leave.
What now, tough guy?
This guy's trying to embarrass me.
Was that cool?
You want more?
Get the hell out of here!
Why isn't he fighting back?
So you don? want to leave?!
Hold him still.
Athena, let's go!
Kenji is really something.
He will do everything for Bee.
Hey! Get back here!
Bee I waited for you.
Why didn't you show up?"
Sefioriia Ong, Zel?
Sefior Medua, Leo?
Sefior Claravall, Dan
It's a miracle!
You attended my class,
Sefior Kenji Delos Reyes.
Sefioriia Cruz, Bang?
Sefioriia Sibayan, Erika?
Sefioriia Tonga, Tel?
Sefior Agabe, Noah?
Sefior Feliciano, Albert?
Sefioriia Libreja, Joan?
Sefior Tabong, Amel?
Sefioriia Dizon, Athena?
Athena Dizon?
Yes, Ma'am.
Sefior Labayo, A are! ?
Sefiora Esteta, Pablo?
Sefioriia Labayen, Katherine?
That's it. That's it. That's it.
You're screwed. You're screwed.
You're screwed.
My God! Even girls don't get
to escape his wrath.
You're really screwed.
Hi, Kenii.
Don't look.
Don't look.
He's looking.
Where is he?
Where is he?
At the telephone booth.
Come on. Come on.
Why? We're just about to eat.
We're just going to transfer. Let's go.
But I'm hungry already.
Bee, please talk to me.
- Let's go.
- Come on! Hurry up!
How could you do this to me?
You made me look like
a fool waiting for nothing.
Well, 'cause... 'cause...
And that was my aunt's first kiss ever.
Why did your aunt have
my mom's beeper in the first place?
It's not like that.
That was my aunt's beeper.
Then why was she
receiving my dad's messages?
What I know is, when your mom
broke up with your dad...
she bought a new beeper.
So maybe when your dad was asking
for your mom's beeper number...
they mistakenly gave my aunt's instead,
since they have the same name.
Of course not! It's called destiny.
Meant to be. So romantic!
My mom suffered.
What's romantic about that?
My aunt suffered more.
She was kissed and you're
telling me she's suffering?
Ugh. Do you even know why
he kissed my aunt in the first place?
Where is she?
The "beautiful" Athena.
Athena. Let's go.
Is she looking?
Not anymore.
From now on, we're officially a couple.
You'll pretend to be my girlfriend
to make Athena jealous.
So she'll come back to me.
Let me remind you what you did to me.
See this?
You owe me.
Big sis! Big sis! Big sis!
Carlo, it's Saturday.
Don't be a Kill Joy.
Someone's waiting for you downstairs.
Kenii. Your boyfriend.
She's excited.
Dad. Auntie. Big brother.
Uh, this is. Um-
I didn't say yes to him yet.
I see...
Love, ii ism official yet.
You'll pay for this.
He can? scare me.
How brave of you.
Of course. I'm not scared
of anything, remember?
Then say yes to him.
Unless you really are scared.
Hi, Athena.
Let's go.
How dirty.
Will you say yes now?
How sweet. Athena!
Athena loves Kenji.
She's blushing.
Why are you erasing that? Guilty?
Who will clean this up?
The school director is coming tomorrow.
Fine. Fine, go. Make sure you find a-
Hey, it's Athena.
Come on. Run after her!
Find someone. Right now! Right now!
It wasn't me.
Who was it?
It was Athena, Ma'am.
She is still not saying yes.
You're still refusing, huh?
Now, this one's for you.
I still don't want to.
No way, no way, no way.
Rather than courting me and
asking me nicely, you bully me instead.
You're so selfish! That's probably
why your girlfriend dumped you.
You only think about yourself.
You want H your way all the time.
But what about what I want?
What about what we want?
I'm not an easy girl.
If you are always like that,
no girl will be able to stand you.
You look crazy!
Who are you arguing with?
It's a miracle.
No one's bothering you today.
Maybe they got my point already.
Because you're too harsh
with your words.
Oh, he's there.
It doesn't matter. It's still a NO.
NO, no, no, no.
- No.
- Hey! Psst!
This is our classroom.
Where are you going?
Oh! He was waiting for the other Athena.
I feel sorry for him.
Athena, Athena, hurry!
You need to see this.
What happened?
Just come with me. You have to see this.
What? Hey! We're getting wet.
Never mind that. Hurry!
You really have to see this.
Athena, we've been trying to stop Kenii
but he just won't listen.
Mr. delos Reyes! Get down!
Don't believe him. He's bluffing!
Athena, just say yes to him!
Hey, Kenii! Get down from there!
You won't die from that height.
You'll just break your leg!
Athena, don't you have a heart?!
If I were to do that,
Grace would have already said yes.
Athena, please!
He's really gonna do it.
Your conscience can really take that?
Athena, this isn't a joke!
Just say yes, Athena.
[Athena, if you don't say
yes to me, I will jump!]
Kenji, are you crazy?
You still don't want to?!
He's serious.
Oh no!
Last chance, Athena!
What are you doing?
Don't do it!
Pa, Aunt Andrea, Big Bro Nathan, Carl...
Once again, this is Kenii.
My boyfriend.
I realized that it would
cause me my life...
if I didn't say yes to him.
The gangster is now my boyfriend?
Remind me please.
How did I get myself into this?
You said yes so that Kenii
will stop bothering you.
And maybe you felt guilty too...
Just go with H.
Besides if Kenji gets back with Athena-
I'll just call her Abi so that
I may not be confused.
It can earn you brownie points in heaven.
The only thing that you
should watch out for...
is keeping yourself from
falling in love with Kenii.
That's not hard to do.
Excuse me, ladies.
Cool! The gangsters girlfriend
has bodyguards.
No. That's for you.
Ladies, excuse us!
Move! Move!
I told you.
It's for the gangster's girlfriend.
Starting today, you won't
go to school on your own.
I don't need someone to take m-
Wear this.
Why? What's wrong with my clothes?
Does it look bad?
Why do I have to change?
Do you want me to
change your clothes for you?
So slow!
Hi, Kenii.
- See you later. Take care.
- Bye.
It didn't work.
Can you teach me how to play?
Abi just silently watches me play before.
She stays put.
So just like her, stay put.
Hey, Athena!
Babes, let me teach you how to play.
Ken]I's here. Are you okay?
It's okay. Come on.
You just sabotaged our scheme.
Why say that? We seemed effective.
She saw the whole thing.
Yeah. She probably saw
how stubborn you are.
Good job.
Girls, Jason and the rest are there.
Nice schoolmates you got here.
Don't you have subjects that teach
Good Manners and Right Conduct?
Thank you.
You need more help?
Nice meeting you, Athena.
Uhm, Athena.
Where is the College of Tourism here?
Uhm, turn right by the church there.
Thank you.
Watch me.
You slut!
Ambitious bitch!
Social climber!
stop it!
- You flirt!
- What now?!
- Gold-digger!
- Slut!
You dork! Get lost!
Wake up! You're not the match for Kenii!
What happened?
What happened?
A lot of girls are jealous.
They think we're a real couple.
It doesn't matter.
I just want to go home. I'm going-
I'll take you home.
No need.
Get in.
Do you need anything, sir?
You shouldn't have brought me here.
I feel shy.
But I'd feel more embarrassed
if you'll go home looking like that.
Your dad might think
that I'm neglecting you.
It's mine.
Don't worry, it's clean.
But seriously.
It's broken.
I feel shy with your parents.
They might see this as something else.
No one lives here with me.
Then who is she?
This is your sister, right?
Where is she?
She's gone.
I'm sorry.
When did she pass away?
She's just in the States.
She lives there.
Oh, sorry.
Is your parents with her?
My mom's with her.
But not all the time.
It depends on where
my mom's going to be based.
Just like my dad.
He also has an impermanent workplace.
A salesman's life.
But he always brings us with him.
Before, in Bicol. Now, here in Manila.
What's your father's work?
So, he's the one who passed away?
I don't know.
He left since my sister Kendi
and I were still young.
So Abigail is really
the only one you have.
But she left me too.
You ask too many questions!
Just come over here!
Okay, fine.
It's okay, grumpy man.
Now I know the reason
why you're like that.
I'm not grumpy-
Says the man feared by
all the students in the campus.
And you're one of them?
I'm unlike all of them.
Yeah, right.
Says the girl who gave in to me.
I didn't say yes to you
because I'm afraid of you.
So why did you say yes?
Because I don't want you to die.
You really thought that
I'd jump off that building, huh?
Because I saw you at the billiard hall
when you waited for Abi...
when you let those guys
beat you down.
You said that you'd stay there.
And it seemed that you're
willing to die for her.
So I told myself...
there are still people
who can love like that.
Die for love?
Isn't that stupid?
And then I thought...
maybe, that's how much
you love that Abi.
I said, "This can't be."
People like you should live further.
So that you'll get the chance
to show the love you can give...
to the person you love the most.
She's such a lucky girl.
Because someone is
willing to die for her?
Because someone loves her.
So if you were her...
would you get back with me?
Of course!
But I'm not her.
Oh, no. You said it already.
You can't take it back.
At least, there's one person who
thinks that I am worthy to be loved.
Where did you get hurt?
Is there really any pain?
Does it really hurt?
I should be asking that to you, right?
Not that one.
I'm talking about love.
Do you really need to get hurt
everytime we love?
Try it so you'll find out.
This won't bear it.
This is fragile.
It only takes practice.
Use me for practice.
No way.
Those girls might beat me down again.
They're mad at me because they say
that we are not a match, right?
Leave it to me.
We will immediately start tomorrow.
Maybe this is a bad idea.
Kenii? Long time.
Oh! Who's she?
Her hair is horrible.
She's Athena. My girlfriend.
Huh? She's also an Athena?
So? I'll leave her to you.
I'll be back soon.
Take your time.
Dry and stubborn hair.
Dry and stubborn hair.
It's all right.
Change clothes so you'd
at least look decent.
Yeah, right. I just saw your jaw drop.
Get in! Come on!
Yeah! Go. Go.
It's Kenii.
Whoa! What a chick!
There. Seeing clearly?
So that we match.
Get out of the way.
Let them pass.
Get out of the way.
Well, girls? Aren't you going
to say anything?
Sony, Athena!
What are you waiting for?!
Sorry, Athena.
Sorry, Athena.
Sorry, Athena.
It didn't sound sincere, right?
Give it to me.
No one can ever hurt my girlfriend.
Yeah, Athena! Go!
HR them on the face!
Yeah! Especially this girl!
Athena! Athena! Athena! Athena!
Athena! Athena! Athena!
Athena! Athena!
Why did she-?
Let's go;!
But we? We're not as kind as her!
One! Two!
You got scared, huh?
Defense! Defense! Defense!
Time out for Souihwell.
Let's go!
Gather here.
Kenii, I need you in the game.
Coach, my foot hurts.
Excuse me.
Is that Athena?
Coach, I feel better.
Go Sexy Love!
Yes! Yes! Woohoohoo!
Go Sexy! Go Sexy! Go Sexy,
Sexy Love!
Go, Kenii!
Go sexy! Go sexy!
Go sexy sexy love!
Crushed down! Crushed down!
Crushed down by Sexy Love!
Knocked down! Knocked down!
Knocked down by Sexy Love!
Go Sexy Love! Go!
That's my Kenii! My Sexy Love!
Three points!
Go Sexy! Go Sexy! Go Sexy, Sexy Love!
Go Sexy! Go Sexy, Sexy Love!
What the hell!
You did great!
Go Sexy! Go Sexy! Go Sexy Sexy Love!
Hey. She's gone.
They already left.
Go sexy, sexy love!
Go, sexy! Go, sexy! Go, sexy,
sexy love!
Bye, Kenji!
Bye, Athena!
Take care.
You're tired, huh?
A bit.
Thanks for the energy boost.
You're welcome.
I'm sure Abi got jealous.
She's gonna take me back.
Yeah, for sure.
Hey! Come on! Let's go.
I can give you a ride.
No thanks. Abi's gone, right?
The deal is to pretend to be a couple
only when Abi's around, right?
You don't need to, Athena, right?
We're going. Bye!
Hey! What's that look?
Are you jealous?
Hmmm... wrong, wrong, wrong.
I thought all these are just fake?
Oh yeah!
Miss, are you going to play?
Um, go ahead..
Is there a problem?
Oh, never mind.
No, I'm really not playing.
You sure? Thanks, Kenii.
Just stay here.
Uh, I'll just go to the restroom.
The restroom's that way.
Athena, this is nothing.
Maybe I should...
- Oh. Hey, babe!
- Did you wait long? I'm sorry.
- I'm a bit late.
- No, it's okay.
- How was your class?
- It was fine.
Athena, how are you?
Hey! So you hang here, too.
You know, Athena, I didn't
get a chance to tell you yet...
but what a coincidence.
You have the same name-
What the hell is your problem?!
Stay away from my girlfriend.
Stop m!
Are you okay, Lucas?
You should stop fighting
with other guys.
Well, you should stop
talking to that jerk.
He wasn't doing anything wrong.
If I stop fighting,
will you stop talking to him?
What's wrong with talking to him?
I don't want to get jealous.
Oh, you're giving me chest pains.
You've been coming home late
these past few days.
Have you told Kenii?
He doesn't have to know.
I'm just concerned.
I'll go rest now.
Mr. Delos Reyes,
if you're not absent, you're late.
Sorry, ma'am.
Where's Athena?
We thought she was with you.
Stephen, stop H!
Hey, Stephen!
Here, here, listen. 'Dear Grace..."
"You are the sunshine
that gives light to my world"
- "Love, Kirby."
- Sarah!
Where's Athena?
I've been trying to contact her
the whole day. No one's answering me.
What's going on?
Maybe she just went
somewhere with her family.
Okay, bye. I'll be going now.
See you. Bye.
Tell her to let me know where she is!
Let's go.
Relax, child. Just breathe.
Carl, where are the pillows?
Carl, get the extension cord!
What have you been doing?
Running? Cleaning? Jumping?
She didn't tell us.
Or did you go 10 a place
with a lot of smoke?
Did you get scared?
Or got too excited? Give me your hand.
You know your daughter
can't handle extreme emotions.
I don't know what to do.
You'll be okay.
Inhale, exhale.
You can do H.
I told you she should
just stay at home...
to homeschool her instead
but you didn't listen.
Dilated cardiomyopathy
is not a joke, Jerry.
I understand that you want
your daughter to live a normal life.
But you have to accept the fact that
Athena can never live a normal life.
The earlier we accept this,
the longer she may live.
Why do you want to back out of our deal?
You said you think Abigail
will take you back soon, right?
You said our pretense is working
and that she's getting jealous.
So, that means I did my part well.
Kenii, I want to stop. Let me go.
But why?
Come on, Kenii. I already told you.
Let's stop this!
I don't play, remember?
Come on, Kenii.
Beat me first.
There you go again.
You want everything your way.
I'm fed up! Can't you understand it?
I can't take it anymore!
Being with you will be
the cause of my death.
I don't want to be with you anymore!
Isn't that reason enough?
What else do I have to say?
What? You want me to beat you?
Then you'll let me go? Fine!
You want this? Are you happy now?
There's really no one who
wants to be with me, huh?
Kenii, hey!
Kenii, that's not what I meant!
It's not like that!
Then what?
Kenii, don't you get it?
Get what?
The truth.
What truth?
I want this to end
because it's becoming real!
What is becoming real?!
I'm really falling in love with you!
And you think I'm not?
You're right. Let's stop this deal.
Let's be a real couple.
No games. No faking. A real couple.
We'll only get hurt.
Why do you always have excuses?
Because I know.
Just once, can you please
stop making up reasons?
Just let go.
If we're going to get hurt,
then so be it.
That's part of loving, isn't it?
For once in your life,
don't you want to be brave?
I'm afraid.
Because I want to let go.
I really, really, really want to.
Stop. Stop it.
Stop telling me that story.
Oh, he's getting affected.
Sir, please pull over!
What the heck?
She's getting off!
- She's getting off right now.
- Hey, no. I'm not getting out.
- Get out! Get out!
- What's your problem?!
What was thaw?
You're out of your mind!
We had an agreement that we'd
go to your dad together, right?
So, what now? How is he
going to meet my Aunt now?
Your aunt! Your aunt! Your damn aunt!
Even now she's ruining my life!
Don't you dare talk
about my aunt that way!
What has she done to you?
A big mistake!
She's the reason why
my mother cried everyday!
She kept telling me that
my dad never really loved her.
That he may be with us but
his heart was still with Athena!
You heard my story, didn't you?
That's not my aunt's fault.
Exactly! I'm beginning to believe
that everything I know is a lie.
And it makes me hate myself more...
because I got mad at my dad
without knowing the truth.
I'm a bad son because
the last thing I told him was...
I wish he was gone.
I wish he had died instead.
I wished my father dead.
And now all I want is to see him alive.
And tell him how sorry I am.
You want to find my dad so that
he can see your aunt again.
Me? I just want to see my dad alive.
Hello, Aunt.
Stop, please. Stop.
You're crazy!
- Ey!
- Wait!
I need to find us a ride.
You'll get hit!
Hey, Kelay!
What are you doing?
I'm sorry.
I'm really desperate.
Are you hurt?
No. I'm not hurt.
I'm really sorry,
but we need to get to Bicol quickly.
My friend here, his dad is one
of the victims of the plane crash.
He needs to find him. Please, help us.
Are you okay to sit at the back?
We don't have room inside.
That's fine.
Come on.
Thank you.
Ling, the keys. Ling.
That suits you, mother.
Is your girlfriend
getting another haircut?
Hi. Morning.
Here he comes.
Now, we look good together.
He's back.
Nice one.
Excuse me.
My whole life I've never
seen my dad look this happy.
I guess that's how people
look like when they are in love.
Stay still.
Do I look like him?
Somethings missing.
Now you do look like him.
You're handsome when you smile.
You should never hide
that beautiful smile.
Stand up!
Did you know your father
was a good dancer?
My dad? A dancer?
No way.
Loosen up!
You're just like your dad.
I love you.
I can't breathe.
5 I I.
When I say "I can't breath e..."
it means "I love you, too."
What's going on there?
Are you okay?
Why are we passing this way?
Where are you taking me?
Just trust me.
Are you okay?
You smell good.
You should take that road.
Then you will go over
a bridge near the eatery.
It's Auntie Bining's Loglogan.
The missing aircraft
of Fly Philippines Flight
headed for Legazpi has been found.
- Kenneth! Did you hear? The news!
- The said aircraft made an...
- Hurry!
- emergency landing in Camarines Sun.
'The victims' bodies are
currently being recovered'.
Roughly 50 passengers were
able to survive the crash...
and are under the care of authorities.
Relatives of the victims
have rushed to the holding areas...
- of the nearest hospitals.
- Sir?
Hello, Mr. delos Reyes?
We just heard the news.
Do you know which hospital
my dad was brought to?
Fm sorry but we're still finding out
where they brought the passengers.
We're still identifying the survivors...
so H! just inform you
as soon as possible.
Okay, thank you.
Let's go, let's go. Hurry!
Come on.
Get on. Get on.
Come on.
Wait. I'm tired.
Come on. Hurry!
I thought I'd never see this again.
Sarah was right.
This is what makes you happy.
To go back home and see Mt. Mayon.
My chest feels like it's going to burst.
Thank you, Kenii.
You've made me so happy.
I will never forget this
for my whole life.
Until I die.
You're not allowed to die.
We will still come back here.
This is where I will marry you.
Mt. Mayon will be our witness.
Promise me we will come back here.
I will try not to die too early.
For you.
We will come back here.
We will come back here.
Athena, I can't breathe.
I love you too.
So, my dad came back
to fulfill that promise?
But my aunt is in Manila.
Okay, this is Legazpi.
This is your destination, right?
Come on, come on.
Sweetheart, open this.
So, okay. I hope you see your father.
We will pray for you.
- Take care.
- Thank you.
- Take care.
- You, too.
Okay, get in.
So, where do we begin?
Uh, can we pass by somewhere first?
We don't have time.
Please. This won't take long.
Do you know the legend of Mt. Ma yon ?
Legend has H that...
it was brought to life by Princess
Maya yon and Panganoron's great love.
Kelay, we're in a hurry.
I'll be quick. I promise.
I promise. C'mon!
Papa God, I know you
have lots of priorities.
But please, I hope
you can prioritize Mr. Kenii.
A lot of us are waiting for him.
Mrs. Abigail, please don't
haunt me and Kenneth.
I'm not trying to steal
your husband from you.
I'm just borrowing him before
my aunt joins you in heaven.
Please. Amen.
- I told you it would be quick.
- Kelay.
Did your aunt ever tell you why she
and my dad didn't end up together?
All she told me was that their love story
was one big case of bad timing.
Because ever since
they came home from Bicol...
That was the end of their love story.
Where have you been?
Don? you know how worried we were?
We looked everywhere!
We disturbed every person we know!
We were going crazy trying to find you!
Athena, do you only care about yourself?
What if something happened to you?
Have you forgotten your condition?!
Have you forgotten
about your weak heart?!
Whatever you have with that Kenii...
stop that!
Those feelings
you have for him will kill you.
I'm sorry, dad.
We love you, child.
I don't want to lose you.
I know.
I love you, too.
I love you very very very much.
I know you're scared to lose me.
I'm afraid too.
But what I've learned
from all this is that...
it is fear that will kill me...
not love.
Because if there's
one thing I am sure of...
your love...
is the biggest reason
why I am still alive.
Now, one more person
will add to that love.
I have one more reason to fight.
One more reason
why this doesn't give up.
Kenii loves me, dad.
Just like how you love me.
I promise, dad.
This won't be a cause of my death.
Absent again.
Get one and pass.
I don't know. Coach has been
looking for him all day.
- Hey, Jigs!
- What?
Did Kenii tell you anything?
No, but Nanny Buding told me
he's been going to school everyday.
Yikes! The last time he went on like this
was when he's heartbroken.
Did the two of you fight?
Oh no!
Then why?
It's okay, Sarah. You go ahead.
I'm sorry. My family is waiting for me.
I don't think he's coming anyway.
He'll be here.
Okay. Take care.
Where do you think my dad is?
This was just the first hospital.
We can still check the other ones.
Okay. Wait.
Uh, miss, where is
the next nearest hospital?
Other hospital?
Other than here?
I think it's near Saod Street.
- Hello?
- Hello, Kenneth?
Who's this?
Your Uncle Lucas.
I'm sorry.
It just feels weird seeing you.
You both remind me
so much of Kenii and Athena.
So, you're really from Bicol?
No. I was just assigned here.
I'm a Civil Engineer and
I have an ongoing project here.
I heard about what happened
and called my other batchmates.
That's when I found out you were here.
So, you know where his dad is?
Yes. We're heading there right now.
They really need to see each other.
do you know why my dad and
her aunt didn't end up together?
Athena, can you come with me?
Oh, I'm sorry. I'm waiting for Kenii.
It was Kenii who asked me to pick you up.
He's in the hospital.
Why? What happened to him?
To the right.
- Where?
- Here.
Gastric cancer.
Stage three.
She had an attack a few days ago.
She didn't want a treatment.
Her mom got scared so she called Kenii.
Kenii didn't know?
She never told him.
She didn't want him to know.
That's why she broke up with him.
She was afraid that Ken/I might not be
able to take it if she passes away.
She wanted Kenii to move on
from her before she passes.
She loved him so much.
She just endured the pain
of seeing him with you.
She said that at least
Ken/I will be happy again.
But you're together right?
I courted her but she loved him
even when we were together.
Where's Kenii?
Kenii, the doctor said
she refused to undergo surgery.
That's it.
We can just wait for her to...
Athena, I'm sorry.
I didn't think my mom
would contact Kenii.
Fm sorry.
I have no intention of meddling.
I'm sorry, Athena.
He wasn't supposed to know.
I know you belong to someone else now.
And I have no right to ask this of you.
But I read somewhere...
if a patient is kept happy,
he or she may live longer.
She can become stronger.
She can find a reason to live.
Kenii, may daughter is too young to die.
Fm not in any position...
to ask this of you, Athena.
Always take care of him.
I know I hurt him...
but I loved him.
I still love him.
Only you can make her happy.
So... so if you still
have any love for her...
even just a little...
as a mother I'm begging you...
help me keep her alive.
Please, Kenii, stay with her.
Please give her another reason to live.
Kenii, it's you. You are my only hope.
Take care of her, okay?
I can't take it anymore.
Athena, no.
No. You're the one I love.
She's waiting for you.
Don't you love me anymore?
My God...
I love you so much.
Very very very much.
But she needs you more.
I don't understand.
I don't get it.
Promise that-
To wish for an us...
is to wish an end for Abigail.
I love you.
I love you, too.
Thank you for the two months...
two weeks, three days...
ten hours,
fifty seven minutes of love...
that I will cherish
for the rest of my life.
That was the last time
they saw each other.
Athena left after that.
Last thing we heard,
she went abroad with her family.
Kenii and Abigail
got married months after.
Why didn't she tell him
she was also sick?
Why didn't she tell him?
She made a sacrifice.
She gave up my Dad so my Mom could live.
None of us knew she was sick, too.
We only found out years after.
Even dad?
He never visited your aunt?
Okay, I'm on my way. Yes, okay.
My aunt had a heart attack.
I need to go back.
Please, pull over. I'll get off here.
- Uncle...
- Yes?
Can you drive Kelay
back to Manila.
Of course.
Let's go.
What about you?
I'll be fine. It's easy to ask for help.
Go ahead.
I promise to bring him home.
He will see your aunt again.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Don? leave me!
Sir, sir! You can't go beyond this area!
Sir, sir! This is a restricted area!
Excuse me, sir.
Are you a relative of the patient?
These are his things.
Kenneth, my son, I'm sorry.
t never realized how much Pm tailing to
be a good father to you until tonight."
I'm sorry you fee! tha"! I don'! love you
and I didn't love your Mom enough."
P!ease believe me
when I say that I love you...
and I love your Mom
with all the love I can give."
! have decided to cancel my trip
to Hong Kong and go to Legazpi instead."
You asked me who Athena was.
She is the reason why
I'm going back to Legazpi...
No! to be with her
but to finally say goodbye."
! wit! be burying everything
that is left other."
This is my way of apologizing
to you and your mom..."
tor at! the years you may have
felt that I never loved you fully. "
! am sorry, son.
! am so sorry for hurting you.
! wan! to give you this photo, Kenneth.
This photo was taken during the moment
I first knew what real love was."
! had a new reason
to live the day you came."
You 're the greatest love
of my life, son.
! love you more
than I love anyone else. "
! love you more than my life.
Dad, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Dad.
Dad, I'm sorry.
I love you.
Whose house is this?
What are we doing here?
Just trust me.
Welcome back to life, bro!
Hey, bro!
- Hi, Grace!
- Bro!
- Here's your bandana!
- A bandana?
- Just wear it. There.
- Oh yeah!
This is not all, bro.
- There's more?
- This is not all.
Miggy couldn't make it because
his wife is making him do the laundry.
Same old story.
you made a promise to a girl once.
I also made a promise.
And we're here to fulfill that promise.
You're getting married?
Oh, no. No.
I think this is the perfect time
for me to make you happy, dad.
You waited long enough.
It ends today.
Everywhere I wen!
everyone kept asking me...
what was the reason why
I stayed alive for so long?
Thank you.
I always tel! them, aside from
all the surgeries I went through...
I never lost hope that
I will see you again someday.
So that I could tell you that
your Io ve kept me alive.
I guess, another reason
I stayed alive this long...
is because God gave me
enough time for this day.
So that I could tell you that...
Kenii, I'm sorry.
You have nothing to apologize for.
When you left,
you left a big void in my heart.
But I lived.
Life gave me Kenneth.
And it filled everything that hurt
when you went away.
There were so many days
that I wished to see you again.
And I did.
I saw you. And you're with Kenneth.
You look so happy.
I know you're okay now.
To see you grow
from my gangster to a man...
to a father.
It was all worth it.
All the years I've waited,
it's all worth it...
just to see you today.
Too bad I'm gonna have
to leave you once again.
I'd be okay.
It will all be okay.
Athena, thank you for everything.
Thank you for the love
that gave us this life.
I want to sleep now, Kenii.
I'm here.
Hello, Miss Dizon?
We would like to inform you that
?ight 518 to Legazpi was reported missing.
And one of the passengers...
- is Kenneth delos Reyes.
- What?!
We are here in the office of
Fly Philippines where family members...
Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse. Excuse.
Sir! Sir, my friend is missing.
Just a friend?
Back of the line.
Immediate family members first.
Cover for me.
What the heck??
Aaaah! My heart-heart!
My boyfriend is missing!
Miss, who is your boyfriend?
Kenneth delos Reyes.
Excuse me. What's going on here?
Sir! Sir, my boyfriend is missing, sir.
Can you describe your boyfriend for us?
He's tall, sir.
Tall, dark and handsome.
He has beautiful eyes.
And he is a good dancer.
And when he smiles, wow!
My gosh! You will fall in love.
Oh, he is to die for.
He's so sexy when he dances.
What else? He's dark, beautiful eyes...
And he's so-
Oops! You can't take it back.
I was the one who called you.
So, we're even now?
Thanks, dad.
Can we make everything you said real?
Can we start our own great love story?