Shi (Poetry) (2010)

YUN Junghee
LEE David KIM Hira
Director of Photography/
KIM Hyunseok
Production Designer/
SIHN Jeomhui
Editor/ KIM Hyun
Sound Supervisor/
LEE Seungchul (WaveLab)
Co-producer/ LEE Dongha
Executive producers/
YOUM TaesoonCHOI Seongmin
Co-executive producers/
Michel Saint-Jean JUNG MyungsooLEE Seungho
Producer/ LEE Joondong
Written and directed by/
LEE Changdong
-Ms. YANG Mija
This way
What's wrong?
My arm
My right arm feels prickly
Does it hurt here?
No, it doesn't hurt,
it just feels prickly
That thing is passing through
What's it called?
It's been like this lately
It's... like energy
-Right, electricity!
It's like electricity's
passing through
I'm forgetting words lately
Yesterday, I couldn't
I could only remember, 'Clorox.'
We used to call bleach, 'Clorox'
back in the old days
How long have you
been like this?
For the past couple of days
No, your forgetfulness
When did it start?
When did it start?
Maybe this summer or spring?
How old are you, ma'am?
Sixty five, no, sixty six
Your arm's prickly because
the muscles are in knots
Start some light exercising
I'm more concerned that you
can't remember words
It could be a bad sign
I recommend you get an
overhaul at a big hospital
A big hospital?
Yes, like a big general hospital
in Seoul
I'll write a reference for you
I'm at the hospital
My arm feels prickly
It's continues feeling prickly
I kept telling myself to see
a doctor and I finally did
Who else would come
with me, you idiot?
Your mom's okay
Others my age usually suffer
from neuralgia or arthritis
I'm okay
Don't cry, mom...
How could you be so cruel!
How could you...
You can't go way like this!
Where are you! Where did she go!
Oh god!
You cruel wench!
Where is she?
-You're here
You're a little late
I went to the hospital
He called twiceI received two calls, asking
why you weren't coming
Dad, the maid's on her way up
This one, this one
Sit still! I told you
to sit still!
Stop it!
How will I undress you
if you resist like this?
Right, that's it
Pull this leg out
That's how you do it
Is it hot? It's okay, isn't it?
Sit still!
Sit still, I say! Stop it!
-Why are you shouting?
What's that?
My hearing... so why...?
Your hearing is fine so
why I am shouting?
I'm sorry
I won't shout again
Sir, I'll be leaving
-I said, are you done?
-Yes, I'm done
-What do you mean?
It's already been 3 hours
I did the laundry, the cleaning
and all my chores
Thank you, sir
tell anyone...
I gave it to you
How generous!
Thank you
Did he yell at you today?
Of course he did
I doesn't matter cause
I yelled back at him
-He gave me 10,000Won
-He did?
But he told me not to tell anyone
When it's only 10,000Won
My father-in-law is
notorious for being stingy
He must really like you. To give
you an amount like that
Anyway, do you always look
so chic like that?
Do I look chic?
I'm not chic at all
Where is it? Not again
What are you looking for?
What's that thing?
I can't remember the word
What you put money in
It's this big
A wallet?
That's it, a wallet!
Where's my wallet?
What's this?
I'm so out of it these days
At the hospital
I saw something...
A local middle school girl's
body was found in the river
And brought to the hospital
They said it was suicide
by jumping off the bridge
The poor girl's mom was
totally out of her mind...
-I'll be on my way.
-See you the day after tomorrow
The deadline's over
What're you drying?
Did your daughter call?
Are you home, Wook?
Why's the music on so loud?
You'll bring down the house
What's wrong?
Are you feeling sick?
Don't bother
I called you during the day
but you weren't answering
I never got your call
How can you say that
when I called twice
I'm not lying
It's cause my mobile's junk
Buy me a new one
I'm annoyed with my mobile
You just bought it, so why
do you need a new one?
-But I had it for 1 and 1/2 yr
-No you didn't
I got it during the 1 st semester
of my 2nd year
Which only shows how
carelessly you've used it
You're sprouting a moustache,
but acting like a child
Why'd you call anyway?
I heard a girl in your school
killed herself...
by jumping into the river
I wanted to ask you about it
Ask me what?
Who she was, why'd she
kill herself that young
I don't know her that well
What's her name?
Why do you need her name?
Aren't you in the same grade?
I don't know everyone
in the same grade
Grandma can't afford a new
mobile. Ask your mom for one
What? That's not fair!
Hey! Play with a bit
more spirit
This is no fun
Just try
The doctor told me to exercise
What are you doing?
Where are you going?
Gotta go see my buddies
You shouldn't go out
at this hour!
The electricity bill's
quite high this month
Wook's always on the computer...
playing music all the time
He even sleeps with the music on
How am I supposed to scold him?
Well what can I say?
He's the master of the house
The Cultural Center
To learn poetry
What? Right
I do have a poet's vein
Right. I do like flowers
and say odd things
I'm here for the literary class
Literary class?
But it's all closed
I know...
But can't you accept
one more person?
I don't know...
I really want to take this class
How should we deal with this?
To write poetry, you must
see WELL
The most important thing
in life is seeing
See. It's to see
-We live seeing things
It's important to see everything
surrounding us well
Now, I've brought
something with me
What is it?
-An apple
-Yes, it's an apple
I went out of my way to bring it
I'm a well-prepared teacher
Others are not as well-prepared
as I am
Now, about this apple
How many times have you
seen an apple?
A thousand?
Ten thousand?
A million? Wrong
You've never seen
an apple before
Not even once
Up till now, you haven't
seen an apple for real
To really know what an apple is...
to be interested in it,
to understand it,
to converse with it
is really seeing it
Gazing at it for a while
and observing its shadow...
feeling its every curve,
turning it around,
taking a bite out of it,
imagining the sunlight
absorbed in it...
That is really seeing it
If you really see something,
you can feel...
something naturally,
like water gathering in a spring
You should prepare
paper and a pencil,
and wait for the moment to come
Empty white paper...
A world of pure potential,
a world before creation...
This is the perfect
moment for a poet
Hold your pencil over
that pure paper...
I love pencils
When I place a well-sharpened
pencil over a piece of paper,
I feel full
My heart flutters with the hope
of writing a good poem
I love sharpening pencils
The very fun of a pencil
is hand-sharpening it
I used to be good at
sharpening pencils
I was told to be a
good pencil-sharpener
I sharpened all my brothers'
and sisters' pencils
Is that so? Then, ma'am
Why don't you sharpen
my pencil some day
By the time this 1 month
class ends,
I want you all to have written
a poem, okay?
Everyone has to write one poem
You need to write
to really know
You'll never know if
you don't write
So you have to write yourself
Who has written a poem
at least once before?
And who hasn't?
Now you will be writing
your own poem...
for the first time in your life
Who is it?
My friends
Why are your friends
here? It's late
We need to talk
About what? Haven't you seen
enough of each other?
Hello, ma'am
Good evening
Why's the door locked?
Why did you lock the door?
Aren't you boys hungry?
Want some apples?
No, stop bothering us
It's annoying
Apples are better for eating
than looking at
What are you looking at?
The tree
Why are you looking up the tree?
To see it well
To feel it,
to understand its thoughts and...
listen to what it says to me
Kibum's dad?
Yes, of course I know Kibum...
who always hangs out
with Wook
Of course
He was at our place last night
What's the matter?
Is something wrong?
Not now.
I... have to go to my poetry class
I'll be done by
The Cultural Center
Okay, I'll see you then
Writing poetry is...
all about finding beauty
It is about discovering
true beauty...
in everything we see
in front of us...
in our everyday life
True beauty...
Not things just
looking beautiful
Every single one of you...
carries poetry in your heart
But you've imprisoned them
It's time to free your poetry
Your poetry trapped inside
should get their wings...
and fly away
When does a 'poetic
Inspiration' come?
When does a 'poetic inspiration'
Yes, as much as I try,
it won't come
I'd like to know,
when does it come?
It doesn't. You must go
and beg for it
You must pray but even
this guarantees nothing
It's too precious
to give itself out
That's why you must
go and beg for it
Where must I go?
It's not in some special place,
but somewhere you must
wander around for
It isn't waiting for you
with a name plate...
saying, 'poetic inspiration'
The clear thing is,
it is somewhere nearby,
not far away
It's there, right where
you stand
I told you poetry can be found
even in the dishwashing basin
Where are you?
The car with blinking lights?
You're Wook's grandma,
aren't you?
-Are you Kibum's dad?
Let's get in the car
Where are we going?
You know our boys' group of six?
The boys' parents are getting
together for lunch
You can come with me
I'll take you there
What kind of class
are you taking?
I'm learning poetry
Twice a week
You mean singing
traditional poetry?
No, actually writing poetry
Why are you learning poetry?
I wonder myself
Why am I learning poetry?
Long ago, I must've been
in the third grade...
when we used to have
poetry contests in the fall
After one contest, my teacher
told me,
''Mija, you'll become
a poet one day''
Then, recently I saw the
literary class poster
And it reminded me of
the comment...
my teacher made 50 years ago
So you want to be a poet?
For now, my goal is
to write one poem
Our teacher told us to write
one poem until the class ends
When I told my daughter
about this,
she said I always had
a poet's vein
I always loved flowers...
and would say odd things
Your daughter's Wook's
mom, right? Where's she now?
We talk about everything on
the phone. We're good friends
Friends forever
Anyway, what's this all about?
Let's just go there first
You'll see after you hear
what they have to say
It's not good news, right?
I can feel it
It is bad news
A large spicy fish stew
and steamed spicy angler fish...
-And 3 bottles of beer
I don't see your boss today
He's away on business in Seoul
-So, he's not coming today?
-We'll have the beer first
-Yes, sir
Soonchang's dad, why
don't you start explaining
Let's start when the beers come
We need to lift the mood...
Do we need alcohol now?
Let's start since we don't
have much time
Then I'll start
I'll give you a short recap as
some of you have no idea
Recently, a girl at our boys'
school, killed herself
Her name's PARK Heejin
Her folks run a farm nearby
She kept a diary stating
six male students...
raping her for months
until her death
Reading her diary, her folks
reported this to the school...
who called the boys in to talk
The six all admitted...
to the crime, so I guess
it must be true
At first, it started
with two boys,
KWON Soonchang
That's my son
-And KIM Jongchul
-Yes, that's my son
It's those two who started it
And as time passed,
all six of them joined in
They say they didn't
coerce her at first
-That she liked doing it
-Who would believe that?
It would only incite
more anger
Yes, you're right
Ladies first
They said, the girl was
short and plain-looking
So I can't understand
why they did it
And if she was tall and pretty?
Where in school did they do it?
And for six months?
They said they did it in
the science lab
KOO Taeyeol being leader of the
Science Club, had the lab keys
That's my son
The lab's located in
a secluded area
And rarely had classes or
was tended to
So, nobody knew
Although I feel sorry for...
the dead girl,
now's the time for us to
worry about our own boys
That's why I called
everyone here
Joint action is crucial now
Right, we should act as a group
Cheers, ma'am
The girl's parents...
-run a farm?
-Yes, but her dad died...
a few years ago from
a motorcycle accident
The mom has been raising the
girl and her brother alone
We need to calm the mom
Fortunately, it seems she
hasn't told anyone else
But we can't tell
what she's thinking
Nevertheless, in order to
console the victim's family...
So the point is, the
compensation money
That's right
Regarding the money,
we should reach an agreement
I discussed this with the school...
and 30 million Won would be
the proper amount
So that makes it
Who else knows about this?
The principal and a few
other teachers...
and one or two in the police
Our talks with the school and
the police are going well so far
The school doesn't want this
to get leaked outside
And the police doesn't
want to investigate...
unless the victim's family
press charges
The problem is that a local
newspaper sniffed something...
and are calling the school,
asking questions
The local press is insidious,
so watch your mouth
What's she doing over there?
What a clueless old lady
What's she doing at
a moment like this?
Did you say she's
Wook's grandma?
Is she raising him by herself?
Her daughter left Wook...
with her mom after her divorce
and is in Busan now
Unlike her looks,
she's barely getting by
She lives off government subsidy
and her part-time maid job
I think her daughter's
not sending her money
Then how's she gonna pay
the 5 million Won she owes?
She has no choice. Her
grandson's future depends on it
Are you writing a poem?
Just taking notes
We always have to take
notes like this
What have you written there?
A flower as red as blood
They really are blood red
Do you know the floral
meaning of cockscomb?
It's 'shield'
Actually, it looks like a shield
A shield that protect us
Let's go inside and
get something to eat
Awe, not curry again!
What's wrong?
You like curry
-I had it for lunch at school
-Really? I didn't know
Did you pack your gym suit?
It's physical education day,
I packed it
Yes, hello
What? With the vice principal?
What time?
Not many at school
know about this
The discipline instructor
here and I know
And only the dead girl's
homeroom teacher knows
But not the boys' homeroom
I told the girl's teacher not to
disclose this to anyone...
as it will destroy the boys'
future and the school
So you should watch what you say
You don't have to worry
about us, sir
Since the boys' future are at stake,
we are being careful
You cannot even sleep-talk
Above all, hurry and settle
with the girl's family
How did you decide
on the compensation?
Everything considered, we've
decided to pay 30 million Won
We believe that amount
will be adequate
So, have you all agreed on
the 30 million Won?
Yes, of course
Someone can't pay yet,
but everyone has agreed
Just hurry and settle things
with the girl's family
All ye be awake and pray to
stand before of the Son of Man
And I will raise them up
on the last day
These are the Lord's words
Praise Christ our Lord
Today, we are gathered here
to offer this Requiem Mass to...
Agnes PARKHeejin who
left us a few days ago
We lament this precious life
taken at the youthful age of 16
But we believe in God's words,
'He who believes in me...
will live, even though he dies'
We believe God will comfort
Agnes' soul...
and grant her the
happiness in Heaven...
she never found on earth
So we pray for Agnes...
that God will embrace...
the pain she had endured
So she will have eternal life
in Heaven
As one heart, we offer our...
most devoted prayer
All rise
For our Father who has raised
Christ from the dead,
let us pray for Agnes'
Lord, let Agnes who has received
eternal life through...
the sacrament of Baptism,
join the line of saviors
Lord, please hear our prayer...
For Agnes who has accepted
the Blessed Sacrament,
but has left us
This is our utmost appeal...
that you raise her again to be
back in your embrace
Lord, please hear our prayer
We also pray for her mourning
family and relatives
Please grant them peace
in their hearts
Lord, please hear our prayer
We pray in the name of
Christ our Lord
-Something wrong?
Is something wrong?
Nothing's wrong
Why do you ask?
You're very quiet
You're always chirping
away like a skylark
When was I chirping
away like a skylark?
Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp
Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp
What's with the face?
You look mad
I shouldn't smile
Why not?
Men used to tell me not to smile
cause it made them fall for me
They all went gaga over
me when I smiled
You'll do the same if I smiled
Come out!
Look at the mess you've
sloughed off!
Snack wrappings, socks,
tissue, the remote control!
How many times has
grandma told you?
That even animals clean up
after themselves!
Your socks, too!
Tomorrow the discomfort index
will be quite high due to...
the heat and humidity
Especially, it will rate the
highest between 3-4pm
Let's take a look at the
clouds on the surface map
A few cloud masses are
passing through the south...
and thin mist is scattered
along the central region
Tomorrow, high pressure is
moving towards the Yellow Sea
Jeju Isle and South Jeolla region...
Get up, get up!
Get up!
Grandma has something
to say to you!
Get up!
I said, get up!
Why did you do it?
Why did you do it?
Why are you stopping?
I don't feel like eating
What does grandma like
the most in the world?
Do you know or not?
I know
What is it?
'Food going into Wook's mouth'
Very good
I was raised by my grandma
So to me, my grandma was my mom
My grandma really loved songs
But she didn't know how to sing,
because she was always
working so hard
When I was really young,
we had this large white paper,
the kind you use for rituals
I wrote lyrics on the paper
And I taught my grandma to sing...
by pointing at each verse
with a chopstick
I think this the most beautiful
moment of my life
What was the song?
'The Young Boat Woman'
My grandma passed
away last year
I remember I sang this song
for my grandma...
whenever I visited her place
Because she always asked
me to sing it for her
So, I always sang it for her
I married very late
And my first child was born
when I was almost forty
Because it was my first
delivery at a late age,
the doctors kept me on my toes...
I held it out for 10 months and
finally labor pains began
I never experienced such
pain before in my life
Anyway, finally amidst the
pain, my baby was born...
and I felt...something
slipping out...
this fiery hot mass
like the sun
The moment the baby
burst into its first cry,
was the most beautiful,
most amazing...
and emotional moment for me
I don't have any
beautiful memories
I'm sorry
For 20 years, I lived in
a basement room
Six years ago, I finally leased
an apartment in this town...
which had a low deposit
and monthly rent
So I moved here
I guess that was my
most beautiful moment
I spread-eagle on the floor...
feeling that I owned the world
To write poetry is...
to remember mother's hands,
joint swollen,
washing the white rice
at cold dawn...
during winter solstice
Are you here alone?
Yes, I heard there's
a poetry reading
Yes, please take a seat
To write poetry is to wake alone
deep in the night weeping
It is to build a
solid cornerstone...
to raise a pillar...
in your broken heart
It is to calm the bare corner
of the window,
shaking all night,
with all your might
It is to empty out without
the rancid water that
keeps rising
It is to create a forest of
empty void
They say people who
love poetry...
are those who always
have flowers in their heart
Our Ms. CHO Mihye not only
has flowers in her heart,
but has a pretty one
covering her heart
Thank you
Next will be Mr. LEE Dongkyu
in a red T-shirt...
who will be reciting, Ms. CHO's
'A Green-colored Cicada'
I always hear the sound of...
a cicada emanating
from your back
It cries, chirr, chirr,
rubbing its eyes
As the stain of last summer's
forget-me-nots fade from...
my fingertips, the cicada keeps
crying from your back
I, too am crying...
rubbing my wings
This poem talks about
a green-colored cicada,
but I thought of
an ordinary cicada
In search of its mate,
the cicada...
for a short few days, cries
to its fullest as if it's
smashing summer to pieces
I wonder if I could do the same
Living as passionately
as the cicada
This thought continues to linger
Thank you
That was quite a commentary
from the heart
He must have worn a red T-shirt
to show his burning passion
Next will be Mr. PARK Sangtae
who's come after a long time
Although his leg is not well
from an accident,
he has kindly brought us
a large watermelon
-I was actually here before
-Oh, I see...
-You weren't here last week
So, saying 'after a long time'
would be inappropriate
My mistake
-Have you learned your lesson?
'The Rose Thorn's Reason'
Don't try to steal me
The day thorns within me rise
like goosebumps all over my body
I dream of self-obliteration
with a crimson smile
Don't try to break me
for being beautiful
The kiss on red lips is...
the desperate passion
for virginity
Do not love me anymore
As the seasons' wheels
keep rolling on
I'm no expert,
but what a mighty good
picture of the rose
It is simply saying,
'do not eat me up'
Here is the word, 'kiss'
I thought about its
Chinese saying
A kiss means...
tongues coming and going
between two attached lips,
so it would be 'Sulwang Sulreh'.
(tongue comes, tongue goes)
A kiss means lips crashing
into each other
Then what do you call
two cars crashing together....
in a Chinese saying?
Guhwang Guhreh
(car comes, car goes)
So a car instead of
tongue, right?
You're thinking too hard
Two cars crashing together is...
It's a 'Gyotong Sagoh'
Car accident
I hurt my leg in a car accident
I'm staying at the hospital
now, but I slipped out today
You know what I thought
when I hurt my leg?
That it would be nice
if this here...
my third leg popped out,
to help me balance myself
I still have to stay at the hospital,
but next time, I'll be back
in great shape.
-Can I sit here?
-Yes, of course
I have something to ask you
About what?
Your poems are wonderful
I still have a long way to go
You said you started poetry
How could you write
such amazing poems?
Well, in this case,
it came easily
As I wrote a line, words
I was never aware of...
unraveled like a thread of silk
Like I was swimming
and floating in poems
I wrote as if I was
a flying butterfly
If only I could do the same!
I've been trying to write poetry
myself, but I couldn't
When I started to write
poetry, I also fiercely sought...
poetic inspiration
But it made things more difficult
The point is the feeling
If you have the feeling,
you can write poetry
But I do feel things...
Then write them down honestly,
like you're taking notes
That's the most honest thing
It's not so stinky today
I guess you didn't shit yourself
What's this?
-Get this out for me
-What kind of pill is it?
Why are you taking this pill?
Are you sick?
I'm not sick. It's just a nutrient
Why take a nutrient
all the sudden?
Why are you being such a nag?
Just get it out for me
Let go! Stop it!
Before I die,
I wanna do it just for once
I don't need anything else
Just for once...
I wanna be a man
It's my wish
Let go of me!
Who do you think I am?
What was that pill you took?
What kind of pill is this?
It's that thing you call
Viagra, right?
You go dry and dress yourself!
No one else will from now on!
Ms. YANG Mija!
Go to Room 1, please
Please have a seat
Oh, those are camellias!
I just love camellias
Flowers of winter,
flowers of pain...
Are camellias flowers of pain?
Yes, red flowers represent pain
White is virginity, yellow is glory
I've been studying lately
to write poetry
Poetry? Are you a poet?
No, I'm just trying to
write a poem
Did you come alone?
Nobody's with you?
I came by myself.
Why do you ask?
I'd prefer talking to
someone else
Why? Is there something wrong?
The test results say...
you've got Alzheimer's
Often called, 'dementia'
No, I'm fine
You're fine for now
Since it's at a very early stage
But the disease has already
You're occasionally
forgetting words for now,
but gradually your
memory loss will worsen
At first, you won't
recall nouns...
and then verbs
You know verbs, right?
Of course I know verbs
But nouns are the most important
Right, nouns are most important
Those are fake
I'm at the hospital
To get my test results
Huh? What?
The doctor says I'm okay
She told me to exercise
Exercise more
The doctor also told me
to write poetry a lot
Could you go to that place...
Dongseoul, what was it?
It was a Dongseoul something...
Where there are a lot of
cross-country buses
-The bus terminal?
-Right, the bus terminal
I get like this
Wet lipstick on the wine glass
With my yearning for you
-Which room is she in?
-Room No. 5
Room No. 5?
I've been grabbing onto
the rope I had to release,
but now's the time to let go
You may have forgotten...
my name by now
But I crudely raise...
a wineglass again because of you
Now I wanna take off
my dress of attachment...
and drink a glass of oblivion
You're really good!
Oh my, don't embarrass me
I got bored waiting for you,
so I was killing time
You must have broken many
hearts back in the days
You've got great appeal
In fact,
I have too many stories to tell
about my past
Anyway, what brings you here?
It's just that...
Regarding the 5 million
I have to pay
Can you lend me the money?
I've got no one else to ask
Oh my...
Don't do this
I know
I do, but...
there's no way
I can get the money
So I'm asking you
I will pay you back
I'll even work here
I'll do anything
I'm sorry, but...
I don't have the money
to lend you
And there's no job for
you at a karaoke
Then what shall I do?
I'll have to rob a bank, then
Talk to Wook's mom
Why won't you tell her?
You said you talked about
everything with her...
and that you were
friends forever
I go to a Catholic church
And our church is quite
old and beautiful
In the front yard at springtime,
that spring from the branches...
are a grass green color...
which looks so sad
It's so pretty that it looks sad
So I would brush my hand
over the buds...
saying, ''how pretty you are''
They say it's a sign that
I'm getting older
I might get sick or
be in agony, but...
I'm happy
I am happy
Now I am in love
But it's so beautiful...
and painful
It's painful because it's love
that cannot be
He's married like me
I always thought I despised him
He really has a bad temper
But one day, we were
leaving from a night shift...
and ended up sleeping together
It just happened once, but...
I couldn't erase that memory
The more I tried, the more
it reminded me of him
If only he hadn't been
in my sight
They say, 'out of sight,
out of mind'
But he wasn't intended
to be out of my sight
I cried and laughed like crazy
But the suffering is
driving me to death
But even the suffering
is beautiful
I recall a moment when
I was very young
It might be the very
first memory of mine
I was too young to
remember how old I was
Maybe four?
I guess mom was sick
So my older sister
was taking care of me
We're seven years apart
In the living room,
the red curtains are
drawn closed
But through a slight opening,
the sunlight is seeping in
Now I can see half
of my sister's face
The other half is hidden
in the shadows
I think she dressed
me in pretty clothes
''Mija, come here. Come here''
She is saying, clapping
her hands
I am tottering to her
Although I was so little,
I knew my sister loved me...
as she told me to come to her
I felt so good
And so happy
'I am really pretty'...
was how I felt
''Mija, come here''
''Hurry over here, Mija''
Thank you
What brings you here?
You're all wet from the rain
Give me the keys
to the 3rd floor
Are you coming back to work?
What changed your mind?
I thought you'd never come back
What are you looking for?
Take this
Ah, here she comes
-Thank you
-You're welcome
Well hello, ma'am!
Yes, hello
You're Wook's grandma, right?
Yes. And who are you?
I write for the 'Kyungkang Times'
It must be hard for you
these days, right?
Well, it's okay
Let's see
Why don't we sit over here
You look amazing, ma'am
How nice of you
How are the settlements going?
Not that great, I guess
How come?
Is the victim's side refusing
your amount?
I don't know for sure, but...
the girl's mom doesn't
want to settle, I guess
I see, the girl's mom...
With a case like that, it's
usually money problems
But are there reasons
other than money?
-I don't know, but...
What's wrong?
No, I can't...
You can't, what?
What's the matter?
Please sit for a moment, ma'am
I just have a few more
questions. Wait!
'We're trying to settle
with the girl's mom,
but she's refusing'
Is that what you said?
I don't fucking believe this
Didn't we tell you to
watch your mouth?
That guy from finally got his tip...
after sniffing out the school and
police station almost every day
She didn't say anything
specific yet
But it's never late to move now
If only the girl's mom keeps
quiet, we'll be okay
There's not much time
Come later, okay?
I'm in an important meeting
How about meeting
the girl's mom yourself?
-Who me?
You go meet and persuade
the girl's mom
What could I say to her?
I can't do it
Just plead with her
You can be better than us
Right, sounds like a plan
A poor old lady, raising
her grandson alone pleads...
Shedding a little tears
Yes, let's do that
Meet her immediately
I'll drive you there, tomorrow
Call me when you're done
I'll come to pick you up
I'll take the bus. There
I see a bus stop
I can get home by myself
Anyway, call me if you need a
ride. Do a good job
Everything depends on you now
You do understand?
Your outfit stands out too much
It really doesn't fit in with
the neighborhood
Then what should I do?
Should I go back?
I can come again in
different clothes
You can't just leave now
Your words hold the key
Don't say anything
to upset her, okay?
You grasp the situation, right?
I'll try
Excuse me
Is anyone there?
Where did everyone go?
Are you here for someone?
I guess everyone's out?
The gate was open so I invited
myself in, but no one's here
The mom's out in the fields
What brings you here?
I have to talk to her
She'll be back around sunset
Why don't you go to
the fields to find her
Where's that?
Over there you'll find
a plastic greenhouse
Go past it and there's a field
near a brook. She'll be there
How fussy you are
Yes, hello
Isn't the weather nice?
Yes, the weather's being helpful
This place is quite nice
The scenery is so beautiful
It makes me want to live here
It's not an easy place
to live though
I found an apricot
on my way here
Many have fallen to the ground
I took a bite and
it tasted quite good
Fallen apricots have
a better taste
The one still on trees
are too puckery to eat
Yes, you're right
It tasted good
When I saw the apricots
on the ground,
I thought they were
full of yearning
Throwing themselves
to the ground...
be crushed and trampled on,
they prepare for their next life
For the first time, I realized
this about apricots
There were also garden zinnias
growing near the apricot trees
And how pretty they
fall to the ground
I felt so blessed to
walk in such beauty
I love flowers so much, I get
happy just to see them
Gazing at flowers
makes me feel full...
that I don't even need to eat
You must like flowers
cause you're pretty
You think I'm pretty?
Why thank you
I do like to dress up a bit
How's the crop coming along
this year?
It's so so
I hope it's a good harvest,
so you'll earn a lot
Prices will drop on a good year,
while it's as tough on a bad year
Nothing's easy, you know?
Yes, but...
I hope everything goes well
have a good day
-Yes, goodbye
couldn't meet her
No one was home
So I left after waiting
for a while
I'm sorry
Excuse me?
I'm sorry because...
I just returned without
meeting her
as you love
To the point that the Vairocana
hangs suspended...
by a finger
Die as you wait
To the point that
the Amitabha Buddha...
severs its head
to use as a pillow
Until dawn passes...
the iron bell for
offerings to Buddha...
does not ring
I sit by the columns of
Buseok Temple...
throughout my life
Unable to offer you even
one bowl of rice
But within a tear, I build a
temple and then tear it down
Above a rock hanging in the sky,
I build a temple
'Die as you Love'
Yes, I'd like to die as I love
It's a poem that
hits you strong...
like when you take
a cold shower
Next is...
Mr. PARK Sangtae who will
read AHN Dohyun's poem
I ask you
This is the title of the poem
Do not even dare kick at
the ashes of burnt coal
Have you ever been...
a burning person to another?
That's the end
It's a good poem
cause it's short
The emcee mentioned shower
The recent heat wave makes you
shower everyday, right?
Well I did some research
on showers
Do you know the
You don't?
The five stages are...
Stage 1
Take shower!
Stage 2
Stage 3
Get boner!
Next is...
Plug into!
And last but not least...
Oh, thank, yer!
Thank you very much
Good health requires occasional
physical stimulation
I'm out of the hospital
and back at work
If you every visit
the police station,
please stop by to see me
So he works at
the police station?
Yes he does
Pretty funny, isn't he?
We're here to love poetry
To love poetry is to seek
beauty, right?
But he's always
talking dirty like that
It's like he's insulting poetry
He actually has a good heart
He used to work at the Seoul
Police Station,
but after reporting
internal corruption,
he was demoted to this
country police station
It doesn't look like that
-Mr. PARK!
-Yes, yes, yes
-This lady...
She says you're insulting poetry
How come our chic
big sister thinks that?
To recite poetry is
to love it, right?
To love poetry is...
seeking true beauty
True beauty...That's
a tough one for me
I'm not that intelligent,
you know
Anyway, go on
At a place you're supposed
to seek beauty,
she says you're always...
talking dirty
Sorry, big sister!
I apologize for insulting poetry
I promise to repent
And to show you I will,
let me pour you a glass
I can't drink
Just one glass
They say you should drink or
fall in love to write poetry
Attention everyone!
You all know...
the poet, KIM Yongtak, right?
-Good evening
I saw him drinking in the other
room and dragged him over
Actually I wasn't dragged here
I heard our 'Love Poetry'
members were here,
so I volunteered to
drop by and say hello
I was here with my young
poet friends for a drink
This man next to me...
is the poet, HWANG Myungseung
-Please join us for a drink
-Join us as well
Good evening, sir
Uh? Are you also
a member of this group?
No, I'm not
But I came to the reading
and ended up here
Anyway, in an era when
poetry is dying away,
I am so thankful and happy
that there are people like you...
who love poetry
Why are you saying
poetry is dying away?
But it is. Unfortunately,
the day will come when
people no longer read...
or write poetry anymore
Poetry deserves to die!
He's still young, but he's a
poet with superb sensibility
This year, he was nominated for
the Sowol Literature Awards
And his poems are
quite provocative
'The color of the sky,
like a cat dead for a month'
Verses like this
How can I write poetry?
It's difficult, isn't it?
To write poetry
It is so difficult
As hard as I try,
I can't seem to write poetry
How can I write poetry?
You said in your class...
that we all carry poetry
in our heart...
And that the poetry
trapped inside...
should get their wings
and fly away
Did you really say that?
Wow, bravo!
To welcome the two poets here,
I'd like to dedicate a song
What are you doing here
alone, big sister?
Are you okay?
Are you drunk?
Why are you crying, big sister?
Is something wrong?
Is it because of poetry?
Because you can't write any?
What's got into you?
On a Sunday?
I thought you'd be
sleeping all day
Gimme something to eat
I'm hungry.
Swirl it, swirl
I swirl pretty well, don't I?
Hello there
Wook's grandma's here
I see you have guests
I can come back later
No, please come in
They're people you know,
so please come in
Please say hello,
this is Heejin's mom
She is PARKJongwook's
She visited your house
the other day
She felt so bad and sorry...
that she went alone
to apologize,
but she couldn't meet you
Isn't that right?
Is Heejin's brother entering
mid. school next year?
Is he getting good grades?
I hope he is
-He's so so
-I see
He should study hard
Because his mom's managing
so hard on her own
Where are you going, ma'am?
Why did you just leave?
Do you have the money ready?
I came here to tell you that
Just in case you'd be waiting
Then what shall we do?
It's urgent
The talks are going well
with the girl's mom
It was really hard to make
her come all this way
That reporter helped us
arrange this meeting, okay?
How can you say you don't
have the money now?
Didn't you talk to
your daughter?
Not yet
Why not? You should have
Don't you understand
the situation?
Say, ''grandpa, I love you,''
She's getting prettier
by the day
Let's see how she can kiss
Say, ''I love you''
On the lips
Now, it's your turn
Who is it?
Grandpa stinks
Oh, ma'am!
This is so sudden
Yes, it is so sudden, right?
Uh, right. What brings you here?
I have to talk to Mr. KANG
Okay, don't!
I wanna say I'm borrowing
the money,
but I can't because it's useless
Why should I?
So you're here to talk to
my father-in-law?
I guess it's something serious?
It's nothing serious
I just came for the money
he owes me
He owes you money?
What money?
Do you owe her money?
It doesn't matter
whatever you think
I won't make any excuses
Yes, yes. Taeyeol's dad
said he'll be here soon
And Byungjin's dad
has an appointment,
but he'll join us an hour later
Yes, yes. Come in. Yes
Enjoy your meal
So you finally got the money?
Then I'll be on my way
Sit. What's the rush?
It's all cash
Did you really rob a bank?
-So the mom settled?
-Yes, she settled
Once the 30 million Won is
paid, it'll all be over
Since you paid your share,
Now everything's okay
That's why we're here for
a small celebratory drink
Since everyone has suffered
So is it all over now?
It's hard to say it's totally over
If the victim's an adult,
a settlement is enough
But in the case of a minor,
if someone informs the police,
an investigation's required
But we cleaned up everything
with the school and the press...
and reached a settlement
with the girl's mom
So there's nothing to
worry about anymore
I'm sure you haven't eaten yet,
why don't you join us?
-I have to go
Let's go!
Good bye, ma'am
Enjoy your meal
Is it good?
Is it?
Take a bath when
you get home
Just because
Take a bath and cut your nails
Since you recently got a haircut,
you won't need one
You should look decent
And your mom's
coming tomorrow
Why's she coming?
I told her to come
It's been a while since
you've seen her
Look here
This part's still dirty
Was it too precious to clean?
You need to scrub the back of
your heels when you take a bath
Why do you even need
a scrubbing towel?
Is it just for fun or
to use as a pocketchief?
You're always like this
You even bathe half-heartedly!
Even when you wash your face,
you just pat water on...
like a cat
Why won't you scrub your
ears and neck thoroughly?
You should always...
keep your body clean
A clean body makes a clean mind
Nice shot!
-Hey, boy
Come here. It's okay.
Big sister
Want me to teach you a trick?
Your form ain't right,
Detective PARK!
What's wrong with my form?
I look cool enough
Big sister, your serve
Nice shot!
Our big sister's great!
...trying to look cute
with your eyes like this
Then how should
my eyes be like?
They should look like this
Since it's the last day,
you've brought me flowers
Thank you
I'm touched
We didn't bring it
Ms. YANG Mija placed it
there and left
Ms. YANG Mija?
She's even written a poem
But where has she gone?
Did anyone else bring a poem?
You were supposed to write
one poem by today
Anyone with a poem?
No one?
So the only one who has
written a poem is Ms. YANG
It's too difficult
No it's not
It's not difficult to write
a poem, but
to have the heart to write one
The heart to write a poem
Ms. YANG is not here, but
let's see what kind of poem
she has written
I'll read it on her behalf
The title is, 'Agnes' Song'
'Agnes' Song' by YANG Mija
How is it over there?
How lonely is it?
Is it still glowing red at sunset?
Are the birds still singing on
the way to the forest?
Can you receive
the letter I dared not send?
Can I convey...
the confession I dared not make?
Will time pass and roses fade?
Now it's time to say goodbye
Like the wind that lingers
and then goes,
just like shadows
To promises that never came,
to the love sealed till the end
To the grass kissing
my weary ankles
And to the tiny footsteps
following me
It's time to say goodbye
Now as darkness falls
Will a candle be lit again?
Here I pray...
nobody shall cry...
and for you to know...
how deeply I loved you
The long wait in the middle
of a hot summer day
An old path resembling
my father's face
Even the lonesome wild flower
shyly turning away
How deeply I loved
How my heart fluttered at
hearing your faint song
I bless you
Before crossing the black river
With my soul's last breath
I am beginning to dream...
a bright sunny morning...
again I awake,
blinded by the light...
and meet you...
standing by me