Shi san tai bao (The Heroic Ones AKA 13 Warlords) (1970)

The Heroic Ones
In the end of Tang Dynasty,
bandit Wang Chao
prevailed and conquered
capital city Chang An.
Li Ke Yong, the leader
of Shatuo, granted as
King Jing by Tang,
was royal to Tang forever.
Li led his troop heading
east against Wang
gathered with 28 town
leaders at Hezhong.
Strong army of Li
expected to defeat Wang.
Please... Please...
Boys, relax and enjoy the meaI.
Father, if we use
this kind of cup to drink,
I'll not be drinking at all.
Right! Bring in our ox horn cup
and the good wine
from Tian Shan
to serve our guest.
They're all ready.
Father, we're waiting
for your order.
Come on, brothers,
let's bring the wine here
Sir, this is the xo horn
cup from Shatuo.
If you don't finish the wine inside,
You cannot rest the cup on table.
Boys, pour wine for our guest.
What a hero!
You like to drink
in this way too?
You wouldn't miss the wine. Please...
Twelfth brother,
let's enjoy ourselves.
Jing Si, play your spear..
for our guest's amusement.
Father, it's no fun to play alone.
I want someone to play with me.
Skillful and experienced
warriors are here.
Whatever you Iie...
Hey, you play with me.
This is Zu Wen,
warlord of Bianliang City.
Arrogant barbarian,
where're you from?
I'm from Shatuo, sir.
I didn't want to come here.
We're asked by emperor's order.
Sir, you're asked to defeat Wang.
Your army has been
Hezhong for 1 0 days.
But you guys only
stayed here for fun.
I've 1 00,000 soldiers,
and 1 3 Generals,
Wang is no match to us.
I wouldn't stop having
fun because of Wang.
Will you play or not?
Enemy is still there.
But we're fighting now.
This is not good. Stop it!
A man called Meng Jue Hai...
had led his army to
fight us at West Gate,
defeated a few warriors
of our side already.
Why do you guys remain silent?
Why so scared
when the enemies come?
Who's the Meng Jue Hai?
He's the bravest
warrior in Wang's army.
King, you've
We'd like to see
how you can defeat them.
No need to catch a man with my army.
Among my 1 3 boys...
Zhu may choose anyone of them...
Then he can catch Meng alive.
Your sons and godsons
are named 1 3 Generals.
Why are there
only 12 people here?
Do you think I take
the battle as nothing?
My Thirteenth boy
is now guarding West City.
It's reported that
Thirteenth General is
drinking all day
and sleeping in castle now.
Okay, I'd like this
Thirteenth GeneraI
To catch Meng, okay?
Let's go to the West City
to watch the fight.
We rely on him to catch Meng.
Where's Thirteenth General?
He's leaning on
the spear and sleeping.
How can he be a general?
I'd like to see how he'd catch Meng.
Wild savage, your father's here.
What did you called me?
I called you wild savage.
How dare you beat up the officer?
He called me wild savage!
You drunken!
There's enemy outside the city.
Why didn't you go to fight?
Could people
like you catch Meng?
I'd bet with you with this jade belt.
What do you use for the bet?
My head!
King, do you hear it?
There's no nonsense in the army.
Of course
General, how many soldiers
will you take?
Soldiers? I'll go alone.
Give me a rope.
No need to open the gate.
I'm be back before lunch
with Meng tied with this rope.
Let's go back to
Ya Guang HaIl and wait.
No matter Chun Xiao
alone can win or not,
He'll be back safe.
You and Jin Si take
to receive him. Yes.
Go! Quick!
So he's Meng Jue Hai?
It's near noon now.
Thirteenth Brother
will bring him back.
King Jin, it's almost noon.
King, General has caught Meng
And entered the city.
Thirteenth General has arrived.
Father, I've caught Meng.
He's down the halI
Officer Zhu...
Give me...your jade beIt.
No way! Emperor gave me this.
I can't give away without reason.
Nonsense! Did I lose the bet?
Can I refuse you by saying that
my head was given by my parents?
Give it to me.
Though I only got most of it,
it's alright.
How dare you deprive
of an officer's belt?
I only got a half.
I've given you face.
Officer Zhu,
no nonsense in the army.
That's why you said.
Chun Xiao,
it's a merit to catch Meng
You're rewarded
to drink three cups .
Father, Zhu Wen led his men
back to his base
Just let him go. Come on...
Let's have fun and drink...
Zu Yuan, how's the enemy?
The enemies are bandits in origin
but occupying Changon.
They've advantage.
It's not easy to defeat
them in short time.
It's lucky Chun Xiao
caught Meng alive
and lessened enemies excellence.
Father, it's only a minor reward.
I want to achieve a bigger one.
What do you want?
I'll break into Changon alone
and take Wang back.
Why laughing?
Are you only one who can win?
No fight between brothers!
Father, Fourth Brother is right.
Changon is Iess than
There're enemies on the roads.
If we rest in days
and move on in nights,
it's not possible to catch Wang,
but we could agitate the bandits
and it won't be hard to defeat them.
Good idea,
Chun Xiao, Jin Si,
Chun Shen, Chun Jin...
Chun Zi, Jun Li,
Chun Shou, Chun Zhan...
You don't have to go.
Father, it's my idea.
You want to catch Wang alone.
You will not obey orders from others.
It'll create danger.
You stay here.
Father, I'll take orders from anyone.
Chun Xiao will command.
Will you obey?
Okay, Nine of you leave now.
Changon is dangerous. Be cautious.
To agitate enemy onIy.
No reckless action.
Chun Xiao...
Don't lose anyone when you're back.
I got it.
Waiter, get me some deIicious food.
Sir, it's been warfare...
there's no delicious food.
With dough and
tea one can still survive.
What's dough?
You're really good
at telling gags, sir.
Again what's gag?
Is it a kind of food?
Get us some food.
We've to move on after meal.
Right, we're going to Changon.
Bullshit, we're going to Hanzhou.
Take us the dough. Yes.
Here's the dough.
Here comes the General...
Please take a seat inside...
GeneraI, please sit down...
Waiter, it tastes awful.
What's on that table? Get me some.
Sir, please spare me.
He's a general.
You cannot compared to him.
He's a general. We're also...
General, you're...
Zhang Chun,
Great General of Da Qi Emperor
Get lost!
You bandits of Wang Chao...
Is there any meat left?
No, everyday when
general comes around and
arrives here,
we only cook a bowl of meat.
General, there's no meat.
What do you think?
What do l think?
I'll borrow 3 pounds
of meats for barbecue.
Don't hurt him.
We need him as a guide.
Thirteenth Brother, good idea.
Let's change into their clothes.
Pick those with less blood.
General Zhang is back from patrol.
Is there any news in the frontier?
Zhang, GeneraI Meng ...
was caught aIive
by Li's Thirteenth Son.
His army is heading for He Zhong.
Got it. Stop grunting!
If you can bring us into the city,
I'll let you go.
General Zhang needs
to enter the gate. Yes.
Does he have a royal pass?
Look carefully who he is.
Zhang entering the gate
with a royal pass
is a serious offense.
I can't believe
even Iike Zhang Chun,
an important man of Wang ,
cannot go inside.
If I reaIized it earlier,
I'd dash inside.
We've 9 people here.
Rushing inside by force
won't do any good.
So should we go back Iike this?
No way.
We've to wait for the night.
Who are you?
How's it?
What happened, sir?
Alarm! King is on
Phoenix Tower to observe.
You stay here.
I go around to assassin him.
If I make it, you take
the tunnel as cover
and leave here.
You stay here. l go around.
The reward will be his again.
Fourth Brother...
Your Honor...
Protected by the sky,
he's not hurt.
Close the every gate immediately
and catch 1 3 Generals
Soldiers outside and
we don't know the ways
let's hide in the citizen's house.
Don't be scared, Iittle lady.
We'd like to hide in your house.
Is there anyone else?
Who...who are you?
I'm Thirteenth General Li Chun Xiao.
He's my Eighth Brother.
You're the one
who caught Meng alive.
The message passed on real fast.
Yes, everyone in Changon knows.
Follow me.
Come on...
Don't worry.
My granddad is asleep.
He's deaf.
Even thunder can't wake him up.
Thanks, Miss Yin.
You've nine people coming?
I heard King Jing has
led a troop of 1 00,000
to receive Emperor
and cast away the enemy.
Why is here only nine people?
The troop will be here soon.
We're the precursor.
What's the matter?
Fourth Brother?
What are you going?
What's the matter?
Go there, quick!
Among nine of them...
two ran away and seven are here.
They're in the city
and will be caught soon.
We're ordered to tighten defense.
They've nowhere to run.
always make trouble.
If not because of them,
We would have killed Wang.
How can you leave here now?
We kill our way out
the city by force.
Only 7 of you
but thousand of enemies...
Lady, do you have any idea?
Yes, you all pretend
to be hawkers
I ask granddad to bring you
to the field in the north of this city
where's sparsely-populated.
You could climb over
the wall and leave.
How are you?
You don't want
my vegetable anymore.
Shit! What's the matter with you?
My vegetable! How...
Your Honor...
we are not abIe to
kill Wang in Changon
and here to take the punishment.
Stand up!
Seven of you entered
enemy's heartland
they're scared
when hearing your names.
What shouId I ask for more?
Chun Xin, Jun Li...
I sent nine of you to
Changon and listen to
Chun Xiao's order
but you didn't listen.
You return fruitlessly
and full of nonsense.
Guard! Yes!
Cut their heads off outside.
No word of mercy from anyone!
Thirteenth Brother!
To enter Changon was
Fourth Brother's idea.
Now our troop is so reputed.
Fourth Brother has his contribution.
It's the time we need talented people.
I beg of you to forgive them.
According to your advise,
they are beaten up
If Cun Xiao didn't ask me for mercy,
I won't forgive you.
Punishment now.
Then you led
A complete victory
or never me again.
Father, information shows
after Wang had been shot
by 1 3th Brother at the tower,
he cannot eat
and became upset,
moved out of Changon
and wandered around.
Wang moved out of Changon.
It's a good time
to break them up. Sons!
Everyone led your
troop to chase them.
Qu Xiao, Jin Si,
you two follow me to
enter Changon and
guard Emperor back there.
Little brother, what's the matter?
What's happened here?
King Jin's army re-seized Changon
Wang's army
set fire before they left.
Many places here
have become ruined.
Where's the lady living here
with her granddad Rou ?
Re-seizing Changon,
we shocked whole nation
Ju Yuan and others
went to chase the enemies.
Our Black Crow army
is everywhere on both
sides of the river.
Bain Liang isn't far away
It's warlord Zhu Wen invited us
to Bianliang for meeting.
What do you think?
I think Zhu has bad intention.
Still remember
the betting with his belt?
Well...he'll never forget.
We just broke up
a batch of enemy,
stationed here
and here reported to you.
It's good for you to come.
Zhu invited me for a meeting.
Jin Si and Cun Xiao
had trouble with him.
I sent you to Bianliang
too take a look.
Sir, Li's troop
is approaching here.
Though he's a bandit-fighter,
I'm afraid he may
have bad intention.
I'm invited him to meet me here.
See how he'll reply me.
Li's Fourth son Li Cun Xin
and Twelfth son
Kang Ju Li are outside the city.
Okay, if they come,
they'll be on the hook.
During the Wang's Rebellion,
Emperor has no power
to control the nation.
If I get rid of Li Ke Yong, Tang Dynasty
will be under my control.
Open the gate...
welcome Li and Kang entering the city.
My lord will welcome you in person.
Uniform of Royal court
is really excellent.
Thank you.
Little brothers...
Hero likes pretty women.
These eight girls, if you like,
please take anyone
them back to your camp.
Father won't like this idea.
You guys had done a great work.
This trivial thing is just nothing.
What great work did we do?
All Great work was Li Cun Xiao's.
There's no such thing.
achieved great service.
Officer Zhu, you don't know yet.
Our father now...
only favoured
Cun Xiao and Jin Si,
claimed that major
work of re-seize Changon
belonged to them.
Jin Si was promoted as governor.
Cun Xiao a warlord now.
My Twelfth Brother and l
are not yet summoned yet.
How unfair!
Hope you won't mind...
Your Lord is too one-sided.
Before father said
Eldest Brother Ju Yuan is
the best in strategy,
After he adopted Jin Si and l,
he even didn't name us after his.
Li Cun Xiao is the last to come,
his original name
is An Jin Si, but father
said he's the same name as 1 1th Brother,
so named him Li Cun Xiao.
If he's not one-sided,
why can't we have the surname Li?
Generals, don't feel upset.
Let's drink and enjoy.
When you leave,
please say a few good words for me.
If your lord and l get along well,
I'm confident that the emperor
will listen to me.
I'll suggest promotion for both of you
for warlords for big cities.
Come on...cheers again.
Thank you, Officer Zhu.
Please ask your
Lord visit me here.
Whatever you want,
I'll make it happen.
We understand.
No need to see us off.
Zhu's army is here
and has no fear of father
He wants to invite father to Bianliang.
It's purely a peacefuI invitation.
I think he doesn't
have bad intention.
Father, when troops
gathered at He Zhong,
Zhu had had trouble with us me
If you don't go this time,
Zhu will think
that we're going to invade his Iand.
Enemies aren't totally destroyed.
We shouId avoid other troubles.
So I'd better pay a visit.
Cun Xin, Jun Li...
You go back to your camp first
to watch out for the bandits.
I'll be going there
with Jin Si tomorrow.
Zhu still worries me.
Please allow me to protect you.
You've trouble with him before.
No good.
Stay in the camp. Father!
The remaining bandits
is at Bai Lin River,
waiting for us to
start the final battle.
You cannot leave
the camp for any reason.
My Lord, it's Bridge Peace.
I wish you victory very soon
and peace throughout the nation.
Why 1 1th General didn't drink?
If everyone is drunk
and here's not my own camp...
there's nothing to fear in BianIiang.
A hero shouId get drunk
and sleep with woman
Your lord has warriors of bravery.
He'll be reputed for
restoring the kingdom.
Let's cheer for it.
This battle...
my 1 3th son did most of the work.
Yes, his bravery is
highly greatly praised.
Why don't I see him today?
I'm afraid you still
blamed him for the belt
so I asked him to station at camp.
Please... Please...
Come on...cheers again...
Cheer again...
Come on...cheers...
If you didn't turn your
back to the bandits,
when Changon was restored,
I'm afraid you'd be dead.
Though you're bandit in origin,
you turned a new leaf on time.
I need your support, sir.
Once again.
Come on...
He's drank.
Please rest him inside.
Once again...cheers...
One more...cheers...
Excuse me...
Don't go...
You guys don't go...
What's it?
A savage after all.
No protection at all.
Li Ke Yong is asleep.
Jin Si and others are all drank.
is the rocket ready?
Yes, it's ready .
It's a pity that Li Cun Xiao isn't here.
Rocket is fired and you guys rush in.
The bastard Jin Si
is too hot to handIe.
No need to have
a real fight with him.
If you cannot kill him from behind,
retreat to Bridge Peace.
That's where they make their back.
Fire the rocket
These are the twelve of them.
Yes, they're the best fighters
in our army .
They're also good under water.
Okay, the rest may
retreat temporarily
and hide under the bridge,
waiting for Li
There're still 20 more
of your Blademen.
They're my bodyguards.
Don't use them
unless it's emergency.
My Lord...
My lord is here.
My Lord...
We go through Bridge Peace,
kill our way out
Where's the fire?
Looks like it's in Bianliang.
Father is in trouble.
Gather troop to heIp.
But there'll be no
commander in the camp.
Bullshit! saving him
is the first priority.
Jin Si...
Jin Si, your belly is open. Run!
I take care of the enemy.
You go first, Father.
I'll resist the enemy.
But you...
I'm dead for sure.
You go first...
Call the 20 Blademen
to stop them under the wall. Go! Yes.
My Lord!
Cun Xiao is resistible.
If he ran away,
no need to chase.
Ask everyone to retreat
Order from the lord...
No chasing, return quickIy,
close the gate.
Jin Si, my son...
My Lord...
Why covered his face?
Let's me see it again.
Jin Si...
You two useless fools!
DoubIe-crossed with Zhu,
killing my general.
What punishment should it be?
My Lord, don't be angry.
We'll lead the troop
to attack Bain Liang City.
Bullshit, he's a warlord of the kingdom,
if you attack his city,
I'll make a big mistake.
Both of you get lost.
I don't want to see you again.
Cun Xiao you take
ten thousand soldiers to
the north of Bianliang
and set up war camp.
I'll report to the emperor,
accuse Zhu of
murder and send troops to block his way.
Give me wine.
I need to pay respect to Jin Si
If things go on like this,
we'll be dead for sure.
It's best to seek asylum
near Zhuwen's place
the best fighter and
most rewarded one.
Nowadays, the situations
are not fair to you.
It is all because
of this guy Li Cun Xiao!
We kill him first to
dissolve the hatred.
Anyways, Zhu Wen hates him the most!
After killing Li Chun Xiao
we can then seek asylum
to Zhu Wen's place.
If so, Zhu Wen will
certainly be happy!
My Lord has been drunk
for Shi Jing Si's
death since last night.
We falsify his command,
he won't be ignorant enough
to believe what we are saying is true!
The King is drunk and lost conscious
if we could steal his sword on his waist
Chun Xiao would not resist...
If we can deceive him to enter our camp,
we'll have control over him!
Yes, we'll wait till
tonight and take action!
What's the matter with the King?
From yesterday till
today he woke up 3 times
when he is awake,
he orders us to bring wine
Take me to see the King!
My Lord! I am back from the patroI
and have some report to let you know.
Bring the wine to me!
Jing Si died in a bloody battle!.
Chun Xin and Jun Li are useless,
execute them
Jing Si, you such a
courageous Commander!
Is there any urgent military situation?
do you recognize this sword?
This is the King's sword!
Yes, you are right!
The King is indignant
and is to question you
and he has specially sent us two here.
A matter hard to deaI with!
What did I offend him?
You left the camp
and didn't follow the order
Bianliang is on fire.
I've to save the King
But after 1 1th brother was killed,
we were always in drunken state.
It's hard to explain! If you just go,
everything would be alright.
Then I will do so.
please set out immediately!
the King has orders us to come
and pIease don't mind us saying this.
Go ahead...
You've the King's favor and trust unduly
he is just indignant now.
But if we don't tie you up to see him,
he might truly be mad
and asks for our sin,
we truly can't afford to take this sin!
Fine! Please do so!
We need to tie you up tightly,
forgive us!
why tie me up in this manner?
Why are you tying me up here and
not letting me go and see the King?
King's sword is here.
He asked me to do it!
My King wants to take my life?
King ordered us to tie you up here
and wait for the penaIty.
put up with it for a while,
wait till the King is awake
from the aIcohol!
Let me go and see my King!
He is drunk.
Going now will only worsen it!
Everyone knows
you're courageous!
But if you offend him,
we cannot help you!
This is only way
to prove your faithfulness!
You are originaIly a Shepherd,
but by luck became
in one of the 1 3 Generals
You compete merit
with us in all respects,
making us always endure bIames!
What do you have to say to this?
You! It's not the King
who wants me!
Even if you found
out now, it's too late!
Is my King there?
King hasn't awakened
from the alcohol yet.
Today all brothers returned in victory
why do I not see Chun Xiao?
What is this about?
We'll talk about
this after seeing the King.
Eldest General...
and is hacking him into pieces!
What nonsense are you talking about?
We risk our life to report!
Please try to save 1 3th General!
What is going on here?
My Lord, report from
says 1 3th Brother
was allured to go there
and being hacked into pieces.
Quick, get my sword...
Where is my sword?
in the camp before...
Must be him who stole the sword,
falsifying your command,
and deceiving 1 3th Brother
to go to his camp
Get the horses ready! Yes
My children, go quickly! Yes
Everybody listens!
I are to leave this pIace
to seek asylum
at Zhu Wen's in Bianliang..
Who is with us?
Let's go!
Chun Xiao!
Where did they go?
They headed to
Zhu Wen's place in Bianliang
Send my order
to prepare the army
and heading for Bianliang!
My Lord, we 1 3 brothers
followed you to
the battlefield all around,
now we brothers unexpectedly have to
kill each other!
They must have not gone too far!
This is between us brothers,
My lord, please let we nine brothers
follow and cease them back!
Alright! If they refuse to come back,
let me handle the situation
If not...
Take their lives right at the spot!
Let's go!
Yes, big brother!
Let's move fast!
Whose idea is this supposed to be?
Big brother,
what are you trying to say?
Harming 1 3th brother,
killing among brothers
Whose idea is this?
Big brother,
what do you mean by this?
Go back with me
for the King's punishment!
Big Brother, stop the wishful thinking!
to once again take own brother's life!
Step back,
this is between us brothers!
Big brother, big brother!
Spare my life!
If he admits guilty,
no need to kill him.