Shin Godzilla (2016)

We have spotted a pleasure boat drifting
near Haneda.
Very well received.
Pleasure craft confirmed. There appears to be damage to the hull.
Name ... Glory-Maru.
MJG - 15041. Request owner information.
We are on board the ship.
Hello? - Is there anyone here?
There is no one on the upper deck.
No sign of life. Some personal effects ...
No sign of any incident. Perhaps they have fallen into the water.
The boat is empty. Prepare the trailer.
Careful, careful!
First report of Intelligence and Research.
Aqualine has a leak.
Water is falling on the rails.
There is a liaison office prepared and given emergency notice.
- And the Prime Minister? - will arrive in 28 minutes.
... I need information below. - Yes.
First confirmed report was 8:30 in the morning.
Leak in the tunnel Aquafine, about 2.5.
- I want to know how much water comes. - Yes.
It is entering the tunnel. There are several cars affected.
Coast Guard Hamanami
He is caught in the bay in a cloud of steam.
The Aqualine is closed in both directions.
The Coast Guard has already given the warning.
What is the situation, Mr. Koriyama?
5 confirmed collisions inside the tunnel.
Could it be a result of an earthquake?
We're checking right now.
You are having regard to the eruption at sea?
There is not enough information to confirm it.
We have pictures of the helicopter.
A volcanic eruption underwater?
That would be very abnormal.
691 Coast Guard reported. Continuing steam eruptions.
Boiling water prevents visibility under the sea.
We must give a unified initial response.
We have to regroup.
On Catastrophes Unit Please take up all your posts!
Coast Guard Region III has closed the bay.
access either by sea or by earth- are not allowed
It has issued the evacuation order all along the coast.
Please; evacuate the premises immediately.
Follow the instructions of the police and Kisarazu evacuate as soon as possible.
OMG! This is filled with water!
There's a leak! Watch your head!
How cool, a slide!
Please; keep calm.
- How cool site!
- My feet hurt.
Come quickly. Do not stand.
Awesome! I'm recording everything.
- What's that noise?
- Ah up something.
Please; remain seated.
This looks bad.
- It gives me bad vibes. What is that?
- Look, there's something. - it does not look good.
Mr! The Prime Minister has returned.
We can not yet confirm the cause of the rupture of the Aqualine.
I do not care about the details. Are there any fatalities?
- No. Then that address those below.
It is enabled Level 2 alert catastrophe.
I canceled the meeting and come to inform you in 5 minutes.
It is understood.
How likely concerned
an underwater thermal emission and. ' bay floor?
Could it be a nuclear submarine unidentified?
Impossible. Tokyo Bay has no depth for a submarine.
We believe that it could be a vapor emission magma.
A new volcanic eruption under the sea.
Sorry, Minister Yanagihara.
The epicenter is shallow and only steam comes out.
We believe that there is volcanic activity.
- I should have told me before! - Sorry.
Could it be a new large hydrothermal escape?
Yes, that must be it.
A leak directly above the tunnel?
Geological studies rule out that possibility.
Could I having been overlooked?
Prime Minister ... there is something in the bottom of the sea.
What's "something"? Like what?
A colossal creature. There are even pictures on the Internet.
Absurd! A giant whale steaming? The sea is boiling.
What creature has a temperature of over a hundred degrees?
We have been reviewing videos Internet
but we have not yet found any conclusive evidence.
We waste time. And if us a process of elimination?
Good idea. A new thermal volcano or a great escape?
What else could it be?
Then we must develop the action plan as soon as possible.
- We collect the cabinet, sir? - Of course.
Very good. Let's turn to the meeting room.
Yaguchi ...
You'll have to make do with his decision.
Do not complicate things further.
Should not we consider all possibilities?
It's good to be rebellious, but think about the person who brought you here.
You understand? It is my advice.
All the injured are receiving medical attention tunnel.
We have mobilized fire boats and helicopters in Tokyo Bay
and they are prepared to act at any time.
We are in level of preparedness for evacuation
in the coastal region of the bay.
Because of possible rain of debris and ashes,
We have canceled all flights from Haneda airport until further notice.
Excuse me farmhouse I said.
The suspension of all flights of Haneda is inevitable
to ensure the safety of citizens,
apart from economic issues.
As for the flooding of the tunnel caused by an underwater volcano,
fortunately they not detected toxic gases.
Equipment Meteorological Agency and Coast Guard
They are directed to conduct a thorough investigation.
I WILL report that the eruption is decreasing rapidly!
It's over? It was not time for both.
Prime Minister, let me reiterate
the presence of a large sea creature
as a possible cause.
Yaguchi! This is no place for jokes.
This is a ministerial meeting, minutes of everything rises.
Do not take it as a joke!
Not having time to repair,
those losses can be expected to skyrocket in the next ...
I am sorry! We have to adjourn the meeting.
Turning the TV!
Is incredible! This is incredible!
I've never seen anything like it! Something out of the water and is huge!
- On their screens you are seeing ...
- What's that?
- A tail? - Yes, it's a tail.
Yaguchi joke may end up being very serious.
The meeting adjourned. All ministers
They meet in the office of Prime Minister.
So what the hell is?
We only know it's a way of life giant unidentified.
We are preparing a list of biologists
and experts from universities and research centers.
We will hold an emergency summit to clarify this.
Hurry up. We need answers.
- YES. - Prime Minister,
maybe we should focus on our response.
- Yes of course. - Yes, but this is unprecedented.
I think the options are simple:
let him go, capture and exterminated
or simply chase it away.
I vote for the exterrninacin.
I agree.
Look ...
in costs that we have incurred with the tunnel,
the suspension of flights
and the indefinite closure of Tokyo Bay.
- I vote for extermination. - And the sooner the better!
Not so, MoD?
We have prepared other times against threats of wildlife,
but the Japan Self-Defense Forces have never used their weapons
in Tokyo Bay.
And why blow it up? We can not scare him away?
Academic and environmental circles
They are asking that we capture him alive,
Since it is a valuable new species.
No, Extermination is the answer. We will launch a torpedo.
The use of weapons
It requires careful consideration of the options.
I am also strongly in favor of captured alive.
Begin to gather information on unidentified life forms.
Extermination, capture and expulsion.
Excuse me, who is heading?
It is has spotted a cloud of steam near the Tama River!
- How? Does it move? - He's alive, right?
The creature moves away from Haneda airport, runway D
and he is entering the river topic.
We report that the highway is flooding the bay.
- Again! - We can forget to capture it.
Prime Minister, biologists are coming.
There are only three for now, but ...
For television images can not discern whether it is
of an ancient dinosaur or a species of whale.
Seems to be an aquatic species that had not been seen before,
but I can not say so without examined first.
First you have to know if these images are real.
If precipitase me to make a judgment based on untested evidence
I lose my credibility as a biologist.
Please note, the meeting is ending.
This is ridiculous.
- What a waste of time! - I agree.
What a Experts!
- Bring me somebody who knows something. - Yes sir.
Shimura, any ideas?
I have a very competent friend in the Ministry of Environment,
- but it has an important position. - Okay, call it.
Serpentine movement with auxiliary ambulation.
Gills confer water capacity,
but it has legs like an amphibious animal.
If you have legs, you can get on earth?
- Yes, it is a possibility. - Seriously? And so?
Honestly, we have not established which agency should act.
Our expert says that a fin-shaped legs
They would be crushed by the weight of the child,
making up ground is physiologically impossible.
Those legs are already supporting her weight.
Really? What do you think, Minister of Environment?
I apologize for the lack of respect for the vice principal.
But as their experts have concluded,
It is very unlikely to climb ashore.
- I get it. - Prime Minister,
taking into account the damage caused so far,
the sooner we give a press conference to calm the public, the better.
Sir, if I may, I advise you in the press
communicate only verified information.
Let's go there.
Prepare my uniform.
Aqualine tunnels and the Tama River have suffered significant damage.
At present, the creature is going up the river Nomi.
We have not yet identified what kind of creature is,
but we do not expect to rise panics.
If you remain stranded in shallow water,
we believe the creature would die crushed by its own weight.
I repeat, there is no danger that the creature up to the shore.
Please, we ask you to remain calm.
Prime Minister, excuse the interruption.
Have you gone to ground?
Run! Please help!
Go Go!
No os rushed! Corred!
Whoops! There was no danger of panicking rise, huh?
I've been a liar!
It was to reassure public opinion.
We are asking the experts how it has gone to ground.
Oh, the brood of useless! What's out there?
We do not have enough information yet.
Get it. And hurry.
We must establish a headquarters for crisis management.
It is understood.
this cabinet meeting is suspended.
A work everyone.
How much bureaucracy!
To render any decision needed a meeting.
Do not complain about the bureaucracy, which is the basis of democracy.
How to hold a press conference?
We have established a headquarters
Center! Emergency
to combat lifestyle giant
which he has gone to ground.
We are preparing a large-scale response
to guarantee
safety of citizens, influenced an evacuation of Tokyo
and government agencies ...
The creature goes directly to Shinagawai!
It goes at a speed of about 13 km per hour.
It moves slowly because of its large size.
You can devastate Tokyo in three hours.
The city is very dense and vulnerable.
Prime Minister, could suffer enormous damage.
We have to exterminate it as soon as possible!
It is a highly populated area.
We must evacuate people before.
That emergency services
organize evacuation zones and transport.
We have orders of the Prime Minister
starting the evacuation of the metropolitan area.
Why have so long?
The protocol immediate action is not applicable in this case.
I do not care what the protocol says.
Evacuation plan on the fly.
We've never done the mock evacuation as well.
An evacuation of the entire city would cause general panic.
Citizens have to evacuate on their own.
We will endeavor to control traffic.
Traffic lights do not work.
Please; They leave their vehicles quickly
siganlias indications and police.
Attention citizens. The government in Tokyo
He has ordered the total evacuation of Shinagawa.
All residents must evacuate immediately.
Come on! Run, honey!
At this rate, the city will be in ruins.
Contact the Public Safety Commission.
We can seek the help of Self-Defense Forces
for exterminating pests.
And use weapons?
According to Article 76 could be considered an armed attack
and Self-Defense troops could use force.
This can not be considered an armed attack.
It should be the attack of an aggressor or equivalent country.
But this is no time for semantic dissertations.
We can not do anything.
Only Self-Defense Forces are equipped to respond.
But that means soldiers participating in an urban combat.
That will earn time the Prime Minister.
Prime Minister, we need a plan that includes
the use of military force and the evacuation of citizens.
You have to declare a state of emergency.
Our only measure now
It is the mobilization of troops,
but that can only be done by order of the Prime Minister.
They are talking about an unprecedented statement.
We would be mobilizing the country for war.
The police can not handle an evacuation of this magnitude,
but if we mobilize troops,
there is the possibility of collateral damage.
No, I do not want that.
We could not ask US to kill the beast
welcoming us to the Security Treaty?
No, our government and Self-Defense Forces must act first.
Under the Treaty, USA We can only provide support.
We face a living organism.
If we cause only we get to cause further damage.
Yes, it is a living organism.
And that means we can stop it,
we could not if an earthquake or a typhoon.
Protecting citizens is top priority.
It's a tough decision, sir, but we need your authorization
to prevent further calamities.
At this very moment? Really?
The time is gold. It is in your hands.
A few moments ago, the Prime Minister has decided
declare a state of national emergency,
which it means, for the first time in history,
the mobilization of the Self Defense Forces
and the first military action in Japan
since World War II.
As is the extermination of a pest,
no parliamentary approval is needed.
The metropolitan government has mobilized Division Nerima wing.
They guide the evacuation, but are not equipped for combat.
Assault helicopters are the fastest.
Contact base Kisarazu.
- We deploy the F-2 Misawa? - Do not.
Any civilian casualty Self-Defense Forces would hurt forever.
It is necessary to minimize the use of weapons.
But we do not know his strength. I think we should be prepared.
I agree.
We recommend an integrated operation of the three forces.
Call the Prime Minister.
The joint force will be led by the Eastern Army.
The goal is the extermination of the creature.
If ground troops focus only on the evacuation,
The helicopters will be the main strike force.
Lord, because it is the city,
some elderly and sick should stay here.
So I can not make a decision without an inspection.
In cases like this there will inevitably be some collateral damage.
Lord, I know it is not easy,
but we need a decision.
It is understood.
It is a very risky mission. Do I ask for volunteers?
No, the standard rotation.
We get ready for that.
Kisarazu took off at 13:08.
Estimated arrival time 13:20. Change.
What a relief!
That creature will be great, but this should suffice.
Maybe we can rebuild the city with his body.
Ministro Yanagihara,
the delusions and theories of office
the old Imperial Army during the last war
They caused the loss of three million lives.
Beware the unfounded optimism.
Beware the steps. Keep calm.
Get out of here right away.
Local evacuation centers are useless.
Tell us where to send people!
The creature has stopped!
Have you stopped? Why suddenly?
It is evolving.
Attack 1, here Control Center. Change.
Control Center here Attack 1. Change.
Dirnjanse to the containment zone 2 and wait for orders.
Attack 1, received.
It is not what we had been told.
Here Offense 1.
The objective differs from the report.
Attack 1, hold position and await further instructions.
Complete evacuation of residents.
It is understood. Minister, we are ready to open fire.
It is understood.
Lord, we are ready. when you say.
It's okay. Ahead.
Attack 1, open fire.
I repeat, open fire.
Received Control Center. Opening fire.
The objective is opposite. Aim for the head.
Distance, 300 meters. Prepared. Stop the fire!
Why do not you shoot?
No civilians near the firing line.
There are civilians present. Can we shoot?
There are civilians present. Can we shoot?
There are civilians present. Can we shoot?
There are civilians. Can we proceed with the shooting?
Prime Minister, we have to abort.
Stop the attack!
He is right. Abort the attack, right now.
Civilians can not be injured.
Attack 1, paid the attack.
Back to waiting positions. Change.
Received. We abort! Keeping positions!
The creature moves again!
Be opens the way down the highway! It's heading to Tokyo Bay!
They have canceled all flights.
A new fire in Shinagawa.
Most trains operate.
We send support from abroad ...
... with more supplies and support staff.
The Tokyo Stock Exchange works again.
The bullet train operates its usual route between Yokohama and Shin ...
They have legacy scientists from France and other nations.
has not been sighted the creature in the Uraga Channel,
so the search area expands.
The number of fatalities has risen to one hundred.
Ola fires are extinguished.
Minister of Disaster Management Kanai
leading a delegation to monitor and assess damage.
He was alone on the land about two hours ...
- ... and look what he did. - Do not.
We had two hours to assemble an initial response. Disappointing.
It was all by surprise. He could not be avoided.
Everyone did what they could under the circumstances.
Not to boast, Yaguchi.
It's time to meet the press, Mr. Minister. Here.
It's okay.
We believe that is in the sea near Kanaya.
We are increasing surveillance and patrols
by Chiba and Sagami Bay.
But if it is hidden in the Sagami channel will be impossible to detect.
Who knows when or where reappear?
How are the preparations?
Once spotted the creature, a ground attack
by the water, it will be difficult.
Plans need ...
to locate a point of landing and patrol persecution.
I'll get on it.
We anticipate attacks with artillery, tanks and F2.
Defensive maneuvers are focusing on the Kanto area.
The metropolitan area has priority.
It seems that the order comes from the fifth floor.
And what about the regions?
13 million people, a GDP of 85 trillion yen ...
It is 17% of the total.
And the Kanto region accounts for 40% and 200 trillion.
It seems a prudent strategy.
Protecting a country is not easy.
They have assigned a rapid response team
the residence of the Prime Minister.
And I have been told that you have appointed
its chief operating officer. I see you progress.
You want to choose the team. You know the bureaucrats.
I look for people who are not afraid to tell the truth.
If people with guts.
- Soy Tachikawa.
- Takeo.
Ready? Above.
Soy Rando Yaguchi.
It will function as a flat organization.
No titles or seniority. All speak freely.
So is. Officially, I'm in charge, but we're an elite team
composed of lone wolves, nerds, liantes, marginalized,
heretics and enemies of the academic bureaucracy.
Every man for himself. These are the basic specifications.
Find out what you can.
- This is all? - So is.
We fill in what is missing. If you have information, share it.
The "expert advice" yesterday ...
He could not reach any conclusion.
I have prepared a simple profile.
We have seen three different configurations.
But they come more mutations. - There is more?
We are analyzing a sample of body fluid.
Give me a little. I'll help out.
USA It has taken all the samples we had left.
The remains of the creature they burn off the stench.
Under pressure from the Americans, they tell me.
We allow ourselves the analysis to you.
And what do we know about its biology behavior?
It seems that simply moves.
We can not confirm it smart.
I think he's communicating with something very improbable.
A very simple question. What is your source of energy?
You need an enormous amount of energy, not only to move,
but at the metabolic level.
With the conversion of oxygen in your digestive tract is not sufficient.
All that energy ...
Nuclear fision?
It has a great sense of humor, Ms. Ogashira.
That's impossible.
An American aircraft carrier leaves the port?
We have learned that the alert has jumped radiation
in the city of Yokosuka.
I'll call the Nuclear Regulatory Agency.
I have orders not to go public yet,
but radiation levels in the metropolitan area have risen.
Is there a leak? A reactor?
We have not found any reactor leaks in the country.
And then, where does it come?
Could it be possible!
These data show that the radiation peaks
match the path it has traveled the creature.
Look at this.
Lo ve?
-. Ms. Ogashira was right. - Sorry.
The information is reaching the public.
Contact the Secretary of the Cabinet.
This is a problem.
The Prime Minister should convene a press conference.
No evidence that this creature is radioactive,
We could stoke public fear.
These levels are not sufficient for evacuation.
There is no legal basis for approval.
But still it remains a matter of radioactivity.
- The sooner the better. - You're right. I'll talk to the press.
Let me talk to the Prime Minister.
Convene a press conference in five minutes.
Yes, President Ross, I understand. Thank you.
There are many unilateral demands.
Typical Americans.
An aide to US President
She wants a secret meeting with the Prime Minister.
They move fast.
Just leave Yokota Air Base.
Foreign Minister is furious.
- I think his assistant wants to see you. - To me? For what?
I read the reports of his administration.
I need a person with whom you can work.
With an interesting history. And that's you.
It is an honor,
but I think it refers to the adviser to the Prime Minister, Akasaka.
Can I refuse entry?
I need a favor not spill my record.
I want you to meet someone.
And who is it?
A man who predicted the appearance of her child several years ago.
Are you interested? He landed in Narita seven days ago.
Goro Maki.
Japanese. Former professor of college.
Its intelligence agency is the best.
And what we get along?
An exchange. We have gathered information that might interest them.
But it must be bilateral, okay?
Only the United States and Japan. So, we all win.
It is understood. To work. - Thank you.
I have run out of a party,
I have not had time to change. Is there a Zara here?
Kayoco Anne Patterson. It's very young.
In U.S.A. performance is valued over age.
And she is the daughter of Senator Patterson.
Kern responsible for the Agreement. Is awesome.
A mixture of talent, pedign 'and beauty.
- I suspect it will not be his type. - Do not.
If you use the contacts of his father brazenly ...
Is the typical politics as Yaguchi.
Looking for a person at a time?
Es para Rando Yaguchi.
I owe a lot to his father. Give all players need.
This is your profile.
An elderly rebel teacher, sent off on his day Japan.
Although it is a biologist, he worked at a US nuclear company
An interesting old.
- Do we have to stop? - No, just locate him.
The NSA or the CIA will do the rest.
Discreetly, I am told.
His last whereabouts.
How quickly does the country of my grandmother!
But it has vanished.
The Coast Guard found the boat adrift at sea.
Ms. Patterson ...
Were you looking teacher or sought this?
Yes, that too.
"I did what I felt like. You do the same. "
Do your last words?
- You want to confirm the contents? - Needless.
I trust you.
It is a special ink. You can not be copied.
I will take photos to share with my team.
So is. It is a codename Department of Energy. Godzilla.
I got an English name.
Gojira ... What does it mean?
I found something.
On the island of Ohdo, where he is the teacher,
means "incarnation of God".
And very violent. That's why I put him "God" in the name.
In Japanese, what you read is Gojira.
Gojira. What is that?
What else gives its name to this point?
It does not matter that originates in the United States.
At least now we know what to call it.
The government has decided to use the unofficial name of Godzilla
referring to the giant creature.
Goro Maki, former professor of biology at the University of Jonan.
Find out who he was.
When the time comes we will give exclusive
to publish history.
- I promise, Hayafune. Yes, I know.
This is 60 years ago.
They are non-regulation discharges of radioactive material.
Can not be...
- Gojira ate such discharges. - Yes.
It is the conclusion of the Department of Energy.
They sent requests to several institutions ...
to analyze the containers.
Dr. Maki was the main figure.
Suddenly, an ancestral species of marine life
I was surrounded by radioactive discharges
and quickly he mutated into an organism that could withstand radiation.
That's the theory of Godzilla. - But his body grew
when he left the sea.
You can suddenly mutate marine to terrestrial organism.
This new Godzilla beyond anything I could imagine.
That's all the information I have.
And what comes now ...
My personal assistant.
Is what Dr. Maki was left?
I do not understand anything.
There is a molecular structure. What relationship will have with Godzilla?
It could be an analytical table of the structural layers.
Dr. Maki left out deliberately final data.
But now we have the full version.
Would you care to analyze it?
- Can we take pictures? - Clear.
It gives me fatal Japanese protocol. Can we be more infonnales?
Well tell me.
What do you do USA with Godzilla? I study him or exterminate?
That is up to the President.
Who decides in your country?
Finally, a decision on relief and recovery law.
Collaboration between agencies will be difficult to Godzilla Law.
The lack of precedent slow orders.
Everyone will try to pass the ball.
At least Security Act was easily approved.
Foreign imposed under US pressure
USA He wants to use his information on Godzilla
as a diplomatic card.
Aide Akasaka pray that knows how to handle the White House.
They are the analysis of the place dela catastrophe.
Gamma rays do not match any known element.
Is incredible! Godzilla is, right?
His body has led to new elements.
Why the US Department of Energy He has acted so quickly.
We get this data.
Prime Minister calls.
It is understood. More problems and complications.
So how much have you?
We have analyzed the substances listed
in the track left Godzilla
there is a 0.5 microsieverts radiation in the affected area.
Thanks for the food. - Yes thanks.
Even with the information that has happened USA,
I sense that we're going to get stuck.
If the Riken report has had its impact.
Godzilla has 8 times more genetic information than humans.
It takes years to sequence it.
Godzilla is the most evolved creature on the planet.
Capable of self-mutilation and regenerate.
That surpasses human intelligence.
But still deadly. You may be kill.
I hope so.
It's what we have to find out:
Possible causes of this behavior?
Just walk.
Why is there suddenly decided to return to Tokyo Bay?
I have it. To cool down.
Gojira has a kind of nuclear reactor built.
Their fins are vents.
The mixture is cooled based blood.
It has become temporarily marine creature
to adjust its body temperature after mutate.
Perhaps our only hope
passes off its internal cooling system.
And that would force him to restart the reactor to stay alive.
Rapid cooling may not come to kill, but to immobilize.
Would administer a drug such as blood clotting.
And that is possible if you are standing?
We examine what methods to implement.
Perhaps a compression pump.
We, the Ministry of Health and Economy
We meet the coagulant and the necessary equipment.
Introduce him to the Prime Minister as the Plan Yaguchi.
It is understood.
Names aside, to work.
Godzilla is God!
Salvad a Godzilla!
Godzilla is God! Salvad Godzilla!
Good Morning. A tea? Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
Listen. We could use a break.
Very good.
Everyone is working voluntarily.
They go home to rest, even when asked.
0 return early the next day with hot food for everyone.
It is an inspiration.
No trace of all these struggles between ministries.
Only people working together.
And there are many people outside
who has also devoted his time tirelessly.
You are right.
There is still hope for this country, really.
But I have a question, when you change your shirt?
The truth is that it smells a little bad.
For real?
You could use a good shower good.
Godzilla has appeared in Sagami Bay!
And it is up to the ground.
Red alert! They tell us that Godzilla has gone to ground!
Conveying red alert for the entire national network!
He speaks the Disaster Prevention Unit of Kamakura.
This is an emergency evacuation order.
An unidentified creature colossal size has gone to ground.
We urge all residents to evacuate the city immediately.
I repeat, evacuate immediately.
Please follow the instructions of the police and the fire department.
The first Minister!
Godzilla Kamariya directly advance.
Have I gone mad or is bigger?
Much more than we could expect.
He has changed the face and body.
Yes, it has doubled in size.
It has evolved to its fourth state.
This will be a catastrophe.
Attention citizens! Take refuge inside their homes!
This area is under curfew!
They are located in a designated evacuation area!
Attention citizens!
Godzilla is expected to reach Tokyo in about three hours.
Why return here again?
With a direct attack on his body
We run the risk of releasing radioactive material.
Prevent progress towards the metropolitan area is the highest priority.
It seems to live the radioactive material.
If attacked a nuclear plant, it would be an even greater catastrophe.
Prime Minister, we have to stop now.
Should not think that abroad we are afraid.
How's your Yaguchi Plan?
Unfortunately, it is not finished.
The order and Self-Defense Forces will do their job.
A state of emergency remains in force.
Still has authority to order an attack.
Lord ... - I know.
Start the attack. - Aye, sir.
Contact the high command.
We just received the order.
We have permission to use weapons without restrictions.
We must do everything necessary to keep Godzilla outside Tokyo.
We will use Plan B if it appears in Kanagawa.
Kawasaki will be the main battlefield.
And the Tama River is the last line of defense.
Good luck.
Taxi reaching the starting point B1, track 10.
Runway 10, cleared for takeoff.
Attack formation, 8 km west.
P-0304, embarking from Tachikawa.
Tanks and artillery deployed in the Maruko bridge.
Received. Preparing attack positions.
Please be successful.
Eight minutes to contact!
- You really are going to open fire? - Quiet, it's like a drill.
The target contains radioactive material.
Concentrate your shots to the head and legs.
Prepare all battalions.
The objective approaches. Estimated time: 3 minutes.
Helicopter squadrons, first to fourth approaching.
6 - 01, here Control Center. Change.
Received Control. Here 0 - 01, change.
6 - 01, here Control Center.
P - 01 in flight over Musashi - Kosugf maintaining position BP - 1.
P - 02 to P - 04 behind the towers.
Keep up positions in Zone 2, change.
6-01 ready to open fire in PP-1. Distance: 1200 meters.
Received. maintain positions. Change.
Aerial reconnaissance is completed.
We have confirmation of the total evacuation of the area.
Koriyama, are you sure this time? Do not fall behind?
- Should I trust the field report. - The target progresses.
Lord, should authorize the use of force.
I authorize the use of force.
We confirm the order. - Open fire.
Starting Phase 1.
Open fire. I repeat, open fire. Change.
Here 0 - 01, received. Opening fire.
Ready? Fire!
Impacts cannon on board without result!
We spent the Apache 30 mm. Try it.
Third Squadron in recognition. Effectiveness report.
Third Squadron here. The objective is intact.
- It has not taken effect. - 16,000 rounds of machine gun
- and not a scratch. - Call the Prime Minister.
Commander requests permission to use missiles.
There are many buildings, but we have no choice.
Right now...
I authorize the use of all necessary weapons.
6-01, pass missile assault.
when you're ready, shoot them all. Change.
Received. P-01 to P-04, change weapons to missiles.
Objective opposite, 700 meters. Ready?
Fire! Fire!
Strike out all the missiles! Send him to hell!
They have been all direct impacts, but has not suffered visible damage.
- Not even the missiles work? - What is that thing?
Your skin is too thick to perforate.
Phase 2 will pass.
Phase 2 began operation.
Open fire. I repeat, open fire.
Received. Tiger 1 here. Opening fire.
Type 10 tanks, aimed at the feet of the target.
Fire at will.
Ready? Pointing. Open fire!
correct distance. Fire!
Direct Impact! Keep on shooting!
The goal has slowed.
All right. Let artillery fire begins!
Estimated time to target: 10, 9, 8 ...
7, 6, 5, 4, 3 ... Impact!
We all have hit the target! Fusiliers, fire!
The goal is entering the Tama River.
Tell Gotemba starts the attack.
The target has stopped!
- We passed Phase 3 - lnicien the airstrike.
Type 10 tanks, pass Phase 3.
All tanks to their new positions.
Repeat ...
green light to attack.
Bombs away.
Laser activated.
The goal turns to the northwest! Repeat going northwest!
- Are you running away? - Is working?
- Now comes the second wave. - This really will kill him.
To all the tanks, retreat!
The goal has crossed to Tokyo!
Control here C - 01. Helicopters ammunition.
Out of ammunition.
Tiger 1, here Tiger 40 -
zero visibility.
Objective unconfirmed. Tiger 1 here.
Eight units of ammunition.
Three tanks with major damage and two unused. Change.
Put command destroyed! He has crossed the line of defense!
Line defense has fallen.
Still within reach of our artillery.
We must continue!
Do not! Those districts have not been evacuated completely.
I'm afraid that's all we can do
It is understood.
the operation is suspended.
I am sorry. We could not even stop it.
Do not lose hope. Our mission is to protect people.
The offensive is not the only solution. Accelerates evacuations.
The operation has failed. Gojira moves again.
Self-Defense entire arsenal has been useless.
It has a capacity of incredible survival.
If conventional weapons worked, we would not be here.
A perfect body than man.
The target enters the Meguro district!
We must ask for help from US to destroy him.
Lord, the US ambassador confirms
that their bombers are on their way.
Present an official request for cooperation.
I will meet with the ambassador.
I will give a press conference to explain the issue.
We have requested assistance from the US Air Force. based in Japan
to fight Godzilla under the Security Treaty between the two.
This is the area bombing proposed.
A big area? That would cause more harm than Godzilla.
Wing evacuate people dugouts.
USA. He will launch an attack on Godzilla.
Evacuate subway stations and underground galleries.
Do not push!
This residence is located in the path of Godzilla.
Self-Defense Forces have not gotten stopped
and maybe the Americans either.
You want me to leave my residence?
Yes! And other key controls should also be addressed immediately
some ancillary facilities in Tachikawa.
The American attack is about to begin.
My duty to stay to oversee its implementation.
I can not abandon citizens to flee.
Prime Minister, if you can leave,
because his duty is to protect the nation. Please evacuate.
Tokyo City Hall still works.
For now, let the Governor Kozuka take over.
It's okay.
Two helicopters reach the roof.
We will go by car.
Well ahead. Although it will take time.
There will be a traffic death.
- See you soon. - All right. I'll crawl if necessary.
Mandatory evacuation order! Evacuate the building immediately!
It's all blocked. Traffic is not moving.
The attack is coming. We must get everyone out of here.
So that's Godzilla!
They have decided to bring forward the attack!
American bombs have hit the target. It's bleeding!
- It seems to work! - Way to go, USA
Lord, as the helicopter arrives.
Slowly! Everybody down!
What's that glow?
The back of Godzilla shines! There is no more data!
What are you going to do?
There's nobody left.
Come inside!
Emergency call airbase.
THE 8 - 2 number 1 has been demolished.
It can not be: That's impossible.
Godzilla, the authentic reincarnation of a god.
The target shooting with a gun from the front.
3 - 2 and 3 - 3 and continue from the rear.
- It's time for revenge. Received. Revenge.
We transport the Prime Minister and another 8 people Tachikawa ...
high levels of radiation are anticipated.
It is advised to stay home at least 48 hours.
How much radiation has issued Godzilla over Tokyo?
We can not keep waiting for the government to act.
They say there is a lot of radioactivity.
Will they distribute iodine tablets?
They are mobilizing nuclear response teams,
biological and chemical decontamination work for and rescue.
Prime Minister, the 'secretary' cabinet
and 5 other ministers more have disappeared.
Police headquarters and two ministries remain intact.
It is estimated that millions of people will lose their home.
Spokesmen for. ' government hope to avoid a political vacuum.
Party members will choose a prime minister in office.
The residence of the Prime Minister in danger,
the government has moved its headquarters to Tachfkawa,
At the center of the city.
Deputy Chief Yaguchi!
- I will call you later. - Mr lzumi ...
Good thing you're safe.
And to think I go home on Friday is what saved me.
- You are injured. You're good? - I am sorry. There is a shortage of bandages.
Does not matter. Is nothing.
The council directs the work of firefighters and rescue.
The ministry does not intervene.
Let the police take care of those affected.
They will spend night.
Rumors fly, so go ahead reporters.
I need information. Where is Godzilla?
It is idle, near Tokyo Station. Who knows why?
Radiation levels?
Nuclear Regulatory Authority is taking readings.
Godzilla mouth spits radiation but very small traces.
The radioactive cloud has gone into the sea,
but there is a lot of pollution.
The most affected districts are uninhabitable,
besides being contaminated.
If the circumstances are very serious.
Lack of men, material and legal infrastructure.
They're all dead.
The Prime Minister, the Cabinet Secretary. Everybody.
Do not derrumbis!
We'll manage the survivors!
Yaguchi ...
First you have to calm down.
I am sorry.
Who is the acting Prime Minister?
He has been appointed the Minister of Agriculture, Yusuke Satomi,
Acting Prime Minister.
He will lead a provisional government emergency
and must form a new cabinet
to fill the political vacuum.
So a man with seniority in the government
and whose loyalty led him to become a minister,
It is now the Prime Minister.
I heard that the party secretary has imposed charge.
Who wants to take responsibility at this time?
There are worrying movements on the island of Tsushima.
I guess we will have to wait and see.
You can act the Foreign Ministry?
We remain functional.
In any case, try to avoid unexpected surprises.
It shall inform the Ambassador.
These noodles are gone.
I knew this job would not be easy.
Satomi is a difficult man to understand.
Anyway, our mission is to keep the ship afloat.
We need emergency legislation.
We are just 30 km from where he sleeps Godzilla.
That has already stopped worrying.
In this country we are experts in choosing successors to hurry.
- Will you be next? - No way.
Maybe in ten years.
If Japan continues to exist, could you introduce yourself to the elections.
I would support changing the position of party secretary.
Akasaka was in Yokota, so is saved.
A politician needs strategy and luck.
Now is the new Secretary of the Cabinet.
You could be more ambitious.
Although the Agency Catastrophe is a unique destination.
And you're pretty much in charge.
No, I'm here to take on the responsibilities, if necessary.
Akasaka is very skilled devolving.
You are the new advisor to the Prime Minister.
- You're released in your political career. - And what's wrong with that'?
Why did you become a politician?
This is all white or black. And that simplicity I like.
They are members of the Agency arrived.
I'm glad to see you all.
More than half of our team is back.
Thank you.
Our heart is full of sorrow for those we have lost.
We have to do it for them!
Cover your positions ...
while we suffer ...
for the loss of our colleagues and loved ones.
We can get ahead!
For our compatriots.
I ask you to give yourselves body and soul to finish our work.
I beg.
- All work! - To the order.
I died. - Yes?
And the plan to freeze?
Several laboratories are working on 24 procoagulant blood
silicon-based, thrombin and others.
- Someone should work. - What signs?
We have asked alive Self-Defense Forces cells.
It is understood.
We have samples.
I will send them to laboratories BSL4.
Very good.
What do we tell the public and private laboratories?
Substances that are high government secrecy.
We need information about Godzilla.
No change in the radiation level. Still below a Sievert.
It has a very deep sleep.
It is storing everything in your gut.
Shift change.
Aqu Yaguchi.
Be there in five minutes. Prepare a meeting with the Prime Minister.
Do you want to provide something that could help us in our struggle?
That's right?
Yes. There is a movement, mainly in China and Russia,
to remove Godzilla Japanese government control
and put it under the control of international organizations.
Many countries have aligned themselves with that view.
However, with respect to this government,
We hope that Japan and the US Godzilla can control successfully.
From the point of view of the government,
There is no doubt that you would access your collaboration offer.
However, to meet a functioning government,
we must respect the lines of action
marked by the previous government.
In view of this,
We accept.
A US coalition. UU. - Japan to investigate Godzilla?
The more knowledge, the better. Let's make room.
Encantado. Soy Rando Yaguchi.
Images of surveillance unmanned Self-Defense Forces.
the connection shortly after the attack was lost.
It was the same with the D2 simulator.
Just what I feared.
It seems that Godzilla has a built-in radar waves his face.
So you can intercept instinctively
all objects approaching him.
Unit 2, here CV - 1. 5 minutes are ground zero.
They are 10 minutes. Change.
Received, CV-1.
I am comparing field data with Tsukuba.
This could be the way Godzilla plans to spread.
Rapid colonization worldwide.
You can not only develop and adopt a smaller,
could develop wings and fly across the ocean.
Let's move on.
And it would be the end of the human race.
Before that,
nuclear technology is the only thing that can save mankind.
Are you serious?
Defense Secretary believes the best is ...
Godzilla attacking a thermonuclear beam.
And in the White House?
There is a report that cites a 13% chance
that Godzilla lands on the West Coast.
The Security Council UN
He has organized a multinational force assault against Godzilla.
United States is serious.
I'm afraid so.
They say you have to attack Godzilla with a nuclear missile.
The Pentagon has approved a nuclear warhead maximum range B83.
- For release on Tokyo? - I have been ordered to evacuate.
I get it.
So it's very likely.
But I will not go back.
I do not want to see a third bomb ...
fall on the country of my grandmother, who had to suffer the other two.
Mr President, count on it. Do not worry.
Definitely. We act accordingly, President Ross.
Well, you've heard.
That country we always imposes all sorts of crazy.
That's clear.
But this is going too far!
I agree.
- Call the Secretary of the Cabinet. - Yes.
The Security Council UN has adopted a resolution
for a US force exterminate Godzilla.
As part of the resolution,
our nation will be under his command.
In other words,
I need a special law
granting full powers to the Prime Minister.
To authorize ...
... the use of nuclear weapons on Tokyo?
I did not want to go down in history for something.
It will become UN jurisdiction, depending US
The postwar Japan is a subsidiary state.
The war seems to last forever.
But we must not surrender.
No creature can withstand
a million degrees generated by a nuclear missile.
A safe method of extermination. It is the right decision.
We are very close to take a big step with the freezing method.
Your method still too many unknowns.
Furthermore, all countries have committed to support
with a full program of reconstruction if we sign.
If we do not destroy Godzilla, certainly,
We lose confidence worldwide.
We must put our fate in the hands of the UN.
My duty is to think about what to do for Japan
Once Godzilla has been annihilated.
Right now, the damage is limited to three districts.
We can rebuild.
The city economy is in freefall.
If bonds and stocks are plummeting,
the nation will enter bankruptcy.
Japan needs international support and funding.
Raze and rebuild, is not it?
To save the country.
There is no other solution.
This is the reality. Everything else is nothing but a dream.
What? Una thermonuclear bomb?
Over the city?
Just we give our approval to the UN.
And how do we know that it has not become immortal?
There are two options: cremate a nuclear missile or freeze.
Yes, those are the options. But none is good.
Man gives me scarier than Godzilla.
The UN will give us time for evacuation work.
We will use that time to finish.
There is something that has worked well with the samples.
It only remains to produce it.
To freeze all his blood
672 kiloliters need coagulant.
I am in contact with the laboratories.
- Can we get it? - We must get it as!
Do not be rindis. We can not abandon this country.
Ask all chemical companies that know
to open all possible lines of production.
I will send all necessary data.
Tell all finished production we need for tomorrow.
We received extensive comparative information.
Knowledge works.
Police and the Ministry of Infrastructure should organize
el del transport coagulant.
I'll do it.
The Ministry of Economy coordinates the production of bombs.
If we commit to buy them,
Shanghai will give us three tankers.
We need five trucks the size it.
Ambassador Lansing
has just informed us that according to forecasts by the coalition,
Godzilla energy beam
will regain its previous levels in less than 360 hours.
Chances are that the creature resume its activity in 15 days.
It is understood.
Attention all non-essential personnel should evacuate the building.
It has approved the nuclear attack on Godzilla.
The countdown will begin in 5 minutes.
So there is no turning back.
Japan will have a grace period of two weeks
to evacuate the remaining residents.
It may seem a lot for the Allied forces,
but very little for Japan.
An evacuation means pluck people from their homes.
Not say it as if it were that easy.
I agree.
Evacuate to 3.6 million people? It's stupid!
We do not have sufficient means.
Not counting the millions of surrounding districts.
Governor complains about the sacrifice of Tokyo.
A national decision, not local.
Relocation can not be completed within two weeks.
As Godzilla resumes its activity,
the date of the attack will be brought forward unconditionally,
regardless of collateral damage.
At that moment it will launch a thermonuclear warhead from a submarine
by decision of the Coalition.
Woe! How easy it is to decide when it comes to the distant Asia.
If in New York, they say that would act the same.
Land prices shooting in the west of the country and food is scarce.
Businesses and shops are closed Kanto.
The city is full of unemployed.
The collapse of the yen reflects investor fear.
Less benefiting from it.
There are people of all kinds.
- Do you have information? - I got it.
At the end of the day, it's my job.
What if my article published a day before they throw the bomb?
Here's the new material Godzilla.
In return, we can control the timing of the announcement.
- What do you think? - It is understood.
Professor abhorred radiation sickness
that the life of his wife was.
He expected to be harmless radioactive materials.
If something like this was possible,
so would the creation of new materials.
Certainly feared the military.
Why hide data from the Department of Energy.
Hated radioactive materials
and all those who had any relationship with them.
Including Japan, who left his wife to die.
And then let your data and writes "Do what you want '?
What a strange person!
And what did he do in the end?
How good it was!
Have you already solved the graph?
I get nothing or with the help of a cryptographer.
Any word US?
I would not trust a lot of them, right now.
It is important for a multilevel approach.
More than a chemical scheme looks like a mandala.
0 perhaps is made backward from the solution.
The man was a bit twisted.
Even simple lines mystify me.
Why not put on paper and in electronic form?
Perhaps it is designed to bend.
With a body like Godzilla,
old radioactive debris should leave hungry.
Customers have crooked.
With them you can not grasp nuclear waste.
They are not eating.
We have captured the whole pattern,
The new information comes from the folds.
We focus on radiation fa as its energy source.
This is a molecular graph of the conversion elements in your body.
They are molecules Convertion elements.
The unknown radioactive isotope is tested.
If hydrogen or nitrogen enters the cell,
there becomes necessary molecules.
It is a mixotrophic with an organ that synthesizes heat decomposition.
A bold but feasible hypothesis.
You can live where there is water and oxygen,
as an ascetic who survives in the mist.
So Godzilla is a threat to humanity,
but it is also a finding of unlimited potential.
But the blood coagulant may not be effective in your body and that
- end the Yaguchi Plan. - It's possible. And so?
We need to make it work.
First we analyze its structure and then how to evade it.
I have several supercomputers running parallel analyzes,
but missing days to get the results.
We only have ten days.
The Ministry of Science is asking for international aid.
They have called for Japan.
We apply a parallel computer analysis.
We can not!
Our system is closed.
We can not risk that we steal data.
Come on.
Do not you trust your neighbor?
Tell them it will be a pleasure to do that analysis.
We have solved the riddle of Maki!
- Here. - Is incredible.
Not the cell membrane itself,
but a configuration extremophile
which inhibits the activity of the cell membrane.
This inhibitor could cause the blood coagulant viable.
There's still hope.
It looks good.
I have the feeling that Goro Maki already anticipated this.
You may liberate this destructive god
as a kind of test for humanity,
for this country, for the Japanese.
"Do what you want '
including the use of nuclear weapons.
Can be.
" That's difficult in this country.
And more on your own.
Lord, we are putting the final touches of Yaguchi Plan.
We request your approval to start it.
Already. But Izumi ...
The UN resolution has already been approved.
Some say that the US seeking a quick resolution
to hide what they know about Godzilla.
We already know.
And you know what state the country is.
But sir ...
force a country to sacrifice for its own sake is deplorable.
Then, he hints ...
to act unilaterally on humanitarian issues.
Maybe it's time to do what we want.
He is right.
So where do I have to sign?
"Strategy to deliver a coagulant to freeze
the creature still. "
It's a little long.
And how do we call it?
In honor sake I used to sleep hydra: Operation Yashiori.
Very good. The 5 phases to execute.
Asaka is finalizing the details.
Already it is taken the test vehicles
and mock explosives.
We are ready for execution.
Thank you very much.
You're welcome. It's our job.
There are only two days.
We need three days to produce sufficient coagulant.
Would not you can stop the countdown?
Who can we call the Security Council to postpone?
Neither China nor Russia for geopolitical proximity.
And France? It is a nuclear country and interest them biological data.
I have a secret contact. I will try to use it.
Yes please.
I'll call the President of Parliament.
I'll call the Foreign Minister.
We need 24 hours!
France has requested stop the countdown.
China and Russia oppose, but we keep silence.
There are not only supporters of the hardliners in Washington and the Pentagon.
Japan has grown enough
to have international trade agreements at all levels.
The danger may be an opportunity for personal growth.
Our friends are about to finalize the plan freezing.
I think this country wants to bet on that.
And you're up that bet, so I see.
Nuclear weapons are a deterrent resource.
I tried to advise Charles to not use, but ...
That goes against the majority opinion.
And you and I have to bear the risk of revenge.
I really nothing will happen,
But you, with your controversial opinions and surname Patterson ...
you'll splash.
And your dream of being President with 40 years vanish.
Good luck.
- A joint strategy with the United States? - There would be more likely to succeed.
And can we coordinate our independent controls?
You have made many friends.
Volunteers'd Air Force and Marines.
Even if you need drones. What do you say?
I'm in. But I can not guarantee anything.
- I do not know if we will return in one piece. - Of course.
I'll be all the time with you.
We have achieved enough inhibitors.
immediately send trucks.
Coagulant material and are ready for transport.
They have a green light.
Are you sure you want to accompany the troops on the front?
Perhaps we should take a political decision on the fly
- and there will be time to consult. - It's too risky.
It can be directed from the rear.
You want to be Prime Minister in ten years?
First we must ensure that the country exists within ten years.
We have young talent, public and private. Like you.
We leaders.
You have encouraged me to follow. Thank you.
Silly stuff. He gives thanks to Akasaka for their support.
Good luck.
You reserve me the post of party secretary.
In this operation Yashiori ...
there is a high risk ...
prolonged exposure to radioactive heat!
I can not promise that all will be safe!
But your work itself will be important!
The greatest strength of our country lies in its men!
Self-Defense Forces are the last stronghold ...
... able to protect this country!
The future of Japan is in your hands!
Good luck!
- Marchen. - Yes.
We wind northwest, two meters.
The radioactive cloud would dissipate in the bay,
- the impact would be minimized.
- All platoons prepared.
US drone attack squad
It is expected designated positions.
Lord, all systems in order.
Tokyo will confirm if evacuation is complete.
Just have a chance, so let's go.
Ordered local authorities to give the curfew.
Understood, sir. Reminded the aldermen Kanto area.
Do not leave home any citizen in the next 50 hours.
To the order.
The railway detachment is going through zero.
the Yashiori operation begins.
Phase 1! Distraction! Ahead!
The distraction has been successful!
The train explosion has been effective! Operation, Phase 2.
Let start airstrike!
To the order. Contact Air Force.
Eagle 1 Control here. Start bombing. Change.
Received. First wave activated.
The goal is launching photon beams from their dorsal fins!
Godzilla is tearing down the drones just as planned.
First wave torn down!
We have to desgastarle.
Continue bombing until exhausted.
Second wave of drones thrown down.
Third wave of tugs starting attack.
Moving target coordinates provided.
Third wave, torn down!
The area of contamination is growing.
Radiation exceeds the maximum allowed.
If we stop now, we will have lost everything. Keep up the attack!
Fourth wave destroyed!
We can not give in now! Lancen the fifth wave!
The target has stopped hurling thunderbolts from their dorsal!
How does he do that?
Fifth wave thrown down.
He has doubled the intensity of lightning!
We must endure! Lancen the sixth wave!
It is decreasing its volume.
The beam of the target has ceased!
We have attracted the target to Point 1.
Initiate Phase 3. Fixed Explosions!
Expected radiation levels.
Setting Point 1 goal!
Phase 4. Remote start missile!
- The goal has fallen! Fixing point1 completed.
Lancen the finals! Special cranes Platoon!
Received! First Platoon, forward!
Cranes 1 Platoon, here Hunting - hydra 1! Ahead!
Cranes 12 to 14 in fighting positions behind BP - 2.
Hunting - hydra 1, here crane 11 and BP - 1 deployment area. Change.
Crane 11 here Hunting - hydra 1 I received! Be ready.
Unfurl mechanical arms. Aproxmense and start the injection.
Crane 12 and BP - 2 in position.
Hunting-hydra 1 crane 15 here.
All vehicles in place. Activating hook, change.
Crane 15 here Hunting - hydra 1. Received.
'Watch the outer radius.
Injection Begin!
Coagulant Inyecten!
Activate all pumps! RC operating!
Very good! Increase output pressure! Take aim at the mouth!
Administered el 20% del coagulant.
The dose and over 30%.
It has destroyed the firing Cranes 1.
The dose works! The objective will slow down!
It's our chance. Send trains bombs.
- Godzilla has fallen! - Second platoon, forward!
Second and third platoon, forward! Warmer freeze the bug!
Administradlo all at once!
Over 50% of the administered dose!
The first 20 deposits are low.
It is understood. Come in deposits 21 and on!
Over 60% of the administered dose!
75% managed.
We have exceeded the minimum expected coagulant.
90% of the administered dose.
1-00% used! We have reached the critical point!
The skin hardens goal!
Please make it work.
It works?
The goal has resumed activity! Total evacuation, already!
Change of positions! Quick!
Abandon the attack and immediately evacuate the waiting area!
Thorax temperature has decreased to -196 degrees.
We Godzilla completely silenced.
Operation Yashiori is complete.
Thank you. They have all done an excellent job.
Had less than an hour. We've got barely.
We owe it to the Prime Minister, who has managed to convince France.
Look at this forecast data.
Gojira new isotope has a half life of 20 days.
It will be half a month and will be gone in two or three years.
It is good news for the people of Tokyo.
Thank God.
Good job.
Satomi's cabinet will resign en bloc.
- Which fits your plan, right? - It is not mine.
He has been the Prime Minister Satomi plan.
The capital and the government are in ruins.
It is a good opportunity to rebuild.
Once Relief and Reconstruction laws are approved,
It dissolves the government to call a general election.
To recover Japan and 3.6 million displaced
we will need a new cabinet.
This country and rose again from the ashes.
And it will again.
The countdown is suspended,
but becomes active when Godzilla starts moving.
3526 missing seconds to launch.
- I'm surprised that permitieses. - You had to have the world satisfied.
No to Japan.
Humanity must coexist with Godzilla.
You shared your information with France.
France and the world. I broke a promise,
but I do not regret.
I like that so bold attitude.
do not change.
When US president,
Ideal signs as my Japanese counterpart.
You say like your Japanese puppet.
The fact is that there has been a large number of victims.
This work comes great responsibility.
A politician must decide whether to make it yours.
And I decided to make it mine.
Maki said:
"Do what you want".
But this is not the time to leave.
This is not over yet.
Hiroki Hasegawa
Yutaka Takenouchi
Satomi Ishihara
Co-director and director Shinji Higuchi special effects
Scriptwriter and director Hideaki Anno