Shin Zatoichi monogatari (New Tale of Zatoichi) (1963)

A Daiei Co. Ltd. Production
Directed by
Sister, more tea please.
That's Zatoichi,
the masseur who killed Kanbei.
So that's the bastard Sekiya's
searching frantically for.
- Let's tell him.
- We can't go back right now.
Ah, it's cold. Just as I was
warming up, it's cold again.
He's not wearing his sword.
Zatoichi, they say your sword
drawing is spectacular.
Why don't you show us?
What family do you belong to?
I have ties to Sekiya's Kanbei,
who you killed.
I'm going to kill you for his
relatives. Get ready to die.
I only cut the air.
So, do you want to come here,
and move some air?
Let's see!
"Are you going to the mountains? "
"Are you going to see your family? "
"I'm not going to the mountains"
"When I went there last spring"
"A silly silly crow"
"Was flying all over"
"Circling around me"
"l won't go to the mountains again"
"A masseur's kimono is
Very very poor"
"He is bald as an egg"
"He only needs one razor blade"
"He doesn't need any hair oil
And he doesn't need a comb."
So, I don't need a comb...?
Aren't you lchi from Kasamon?
Yes, I am.
So it's you!
I am Tame from Koja.
Tame from Koja...
Oh, Tame the good singer!
You remembered me...
Ichi-san, it's been so long.
Not just long!
I didn't know you were alive!
I'm alive. I'm so happy
to meet a childhood friend!
This is my wife and my child.
Nice meeting you.
I envy you...
Are the three of you
going to the hot baths?
No. We're not in that position.
Our business went bankrupt.
Do you recognize this?
It's a Shamisen.
This is our living. We have fallen
to earning money on the road.
I see you've been through a lot.
It's my own fault. But l've heard
so many rumors about you.
Never mind that. Join me tonight.
Let's stay at the same inn.
We'll talk. Tonight,
your family is hired by me!
The compliments I received about
my voice became my enemies.
One's art consumes oneself.
This is my punishment for doing
something I'm not cut out for.
And neglecting
my father's business.
Me too. As a blind man, I make
those who see angry with me.
I was so absorbed in drawing
swords and killing people,
that I entered the Yakuza.
This is my punishment.
I did some things
I shouldn't have done.
Cut those I shouldn't have,
killed those I shouldn't have.
The grudges against me
are piling up.
I've put myself
in a dangerous position.
It's time I started regretting things.
I hear rumors about
your sword drawing.
But you're not wearing one. Is that
wise, after all you've told me?
Tame-san, can I borrow
your Shamisen?
The Shamisen?
I'm so glad I met you again,
I feel like singing.
Wife, the Shamisen.
I'm embarrassed to give
such a poor instrument...
The back leather's torn.
It doesn't make a pretty sound.
As long as it makes a sound.
Everyone, please
pretend to be deaf.
"Zato, Zato...
That's what people call me...
There's nothing I can do
A masseur earns only a few bucks
But all earnings are mine
...because I have no costs"
If you care for your life,
hand over your money!
I warn you not to try and hide it!
I'll use my sword if I have to!
What about you?
You're not coughing up?
- Please don't! We...
- Shut up!
What is this?
- Blind man, is that all you have?
- Yes.
Do you know what this is?
I'll cut you if you don't
hand over your money.
I understand.
I hear there's a gang of thieves,
Tengu from Mito or
something like that,
running around, lately.
- Is that you?
- What? Quickly!
That's really all I have.
Blind man!
Are you still hiding something?
Take off your clothes!
Please, there's no need for that.
I don't even have money to lodge
here tonight. I was going to earn
some small change, playing the
shamisen for these people here.
Is everyone finished?
They're all so poor,
so much effort for so little money.
Nothing we can do about that.
Let's go.
Don't even think about
making trouble!
Is the boss at home?
He doesn't need a masseur
this early in the day.
I have to talk to him.
On what business?
I can't tell you.
It's for your boss's ears only.
He's out.
Well, if he's out, he's out.
- Is Tashichi-san in?
- Yes.
Can you call him out
here a minute?
Tashichi brother!
There's a blind man to see you.
Tashichi-san, it's me,
from last night.
You haven't forgotten my face,
have you?
Where did I see you?
You put your sword here and said:
"ls that all, blind man?
"lf you don't give it all,
I'm going to cut you..."
What are you blabbering about?
I'm not going to listen to this.
Yes. That's the voice.
Say it again, will you?
"ls that all you have?
I'll kill you!". Go on, say it.
You bastard!
I was patient last night,
so no one would get hurt.
That's an interesting place
to have a tattoo. Tame-san!
- It hurts...
- Well?
Yes, yes, he has a tatoo. It's him.
Are you still denying it?
What's going on?
This man is a thief who barged into
an inn last night holding a dagger.
And not only him,
there were 3 others.
It's a lie, it wasn't me,
it was someone else.
Quickly, tell us
who your friends are.
"Ouch!!!...Kyuroku, Yamakichi
and, and Gonroku..."
Kyuroku, Yamakichi, Gonroku.
Where are you?!
Listen Up!
I see no one here
understands anything.
People who were robbed
of their traveling expenses,
are standing there at a loss.
If you have any complaints about
what l've just said, compensate
them first, and then deal with me!
Are you going to give them
their money back, or not?
A gang of thieves!
As you say, they're a bunch
of thieves. Aren't you Zatoichi?
I see someone who understands
has arrived.
Everyone, come here. It looks like
you're going to get your money back.
This is a serious boss.
As an apology, he'll give you 2-3
times what you were robbed.
Come, come here,
and say your thanks.
Thank you.
We have to part here.
We'll meet again someday.
Missus, don't be discouraged, good luck.
You too, take care.
Ichi-san, seeing you again
has encouraged me.
Next time we meet,
I'm not going to look so pitiful.
Of course not! You have
such a fine wife and child.
I do.
Next time we meet, I too,
am going to become an honest man.
Take care. Good luck.
- Welcome back! The boss is back.
- Welcome home.
- Yasuhiko, welcome.
- We just met outside.
I'd like to be a guest
in your house tonight.
What happened to this door?
Just now there was one
by the name of Zatoichi here.
- Where is he? Where did he go?
- He was heading west.
I'll explain later, but now
there's no time to waste.
What do you want?
I'm Sekiya Kanbei's younger brother.
I've searched for you,
and l've found you at last.
Put on your weapon.
I'm waiting. Prepare yourself.
Can't you wait for a man
to put on his sandals?
Brother of Kanbei!
I did kill your brother.
But do you know why
I had to kill him?
I'm sure it was my brother's fault,
and I'm sure you had your reasons.
But I don't care what they were.
I can't overlook a blind man
killing a seeing one!
I'm not trying to justify
my brother, or revenge him.
But this has to be settled
in the Yakuza way.
I see. In that case, I'll fight.
Who's that?
Ichi, do you recognize my voice?
That voice...
We meet in a peculiar situation.
Sensei, it's been so long.
Stop this stupid fight!
You started it, didn't you?
Who are you?
I'm the man who taught lchi here
how to use a sword.
As the case may be,
I sometimes stand in for my pupils.
Stay out of this!
Don't be a sore loser.
Consider this as saving your life,
and put your sword away!
Ichi, come, let's have a drink.
Will you overlook
what happened here tonight?
No way! Come back when
you finish your business.
We'll be waiting for you.
I'm back.
Welcome home.
I've brought an unexpected
guest with me tonight.
- Who is he?
- lchi, the blind man.
Good evening, miss.
Really unexpected.
Please, come in, come in.
Welcome back!
Did you all practice hard
while I was gone?
- Yayoi, give me some water.
- Yes.
And make some tea for lchi.
Those who can't see,
can smell very well.
So, does it still smell
like when you studied here?
It brings back memories.
Nothing's changed in 4 years.
None of my present pupils
are as hardworking as you were.
You practiced like crazy,
rain or shine.
- Yayoi, l've settled the matter.
- What?
- Your marriage to Morooka.
- But I asked you to decline.
Can we decline? He's the son
of the respected Mizuno family.
- What are you unhappy about?
- Nothing...
So why are you reluctant?
Like Morooka said, for me,
being a poor samurai's daughter,
it's a dream match, but I don't
wish to marry for convenience.
What an ungrateful thing you are!
Is it not for your happiness
that I bowed my head
and begged just now?
Who else would want the daughter
of a degraded samurai?
Is there anyone in the world
who'd pass up a single chance
for happiness, by clinging
to silly ideas?
I know I'm being stubborn,
but just this...
- Have you more to say?
- Please, forgive me, just...
No! Stupid girl!
- lchi-san, your tea.
- Thank you.
- Is this the house of Banno-san?
- Yes.
- I came on behalf of Okamura san.
- Okamura?
Okamura Kinosuke?
I'm going out. Ichi, wait here.
- Where to?
- Close by.
Take care.
- It's been a long time.
- How have you been?
My head is still on my neck.
I heard that some Tengu members
have been caught and killed.
Yes, we already have no place
on this earth to lay our heads.
That's what l've come to ask
your advice about, Banno san.
Here, it's hot.
I'd like to go visit
the grandmother. So...
Have this before you go.
I've already made it.
Very well, since you insist.
- She'll be very surprised.
- Yes, it's been 4 years.
It's like seeing your own mother,
isn't it?
Yes, she breast-fed me,
and brought me up.
You left here 4 years ago.
Time passes so quickly.
I was sure you were already
settled somewhere.
I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have said that.
- Why don't you have a drink?
- I don't drink. You have it.
Thank you.
- In this.
- In the tea cup...?
Welcome, come in.
Mistress, customers are here.
- Is the usual room ready?
- Yes.
- How much do you need?
- For now, 300 ryo.
- That's a big sum.
- I beg you.
Even so, we don't know how much
money this one or that one have.
For now, there's no other way,
but to aim at a rich man's house.
There's one, Kanda Jimpachi,
an eminent squire in these parts.
His son is a pupil at my place.
He is sure to have a lot of money.
As long as he has money,
I trust you.
I see that the fugitives of Mito
Tengu degraded themselves to stealing
while running from the law.
Nothing can be done about that.
But there are 8 members,
who will be killed, unless we
help them escape. Please help us.
- Have you brought sake?
- Yes.
Leave us for now.
When we need you, we will call.
Okamura, I'm saying this
just to make sure,
I'm helping you because
you asked for it.
But, no matter what,
you mustn't tell anyone I'm involved.
I know.
I don't care about myself,
but I have a little sister.
How old is Yayoi now?
The moon is so beautiful...
Oh, I'm sorry, it was wrong of me.
That's fine. When I'm told
the moon is beautiful,
it floats inside my own eyes too.
I can still see the image
of Shimodate in my mind,
Iit by the moonlight,
back when I could still see.
I feel like playing the flute now.
- Goodbye.
- Take care.
We'll wait for you tomorrow.
Thank you very much.
- Excuse us.
- Welcome.
- Put us up for the night.
- Yes. We have customers.
- Welcome, the bath is ready.
- This is your place too?
- Let's have a drink first.
- Let's have it after the bath.
- Brother.
- You're a mean bastard.
- Welcome.
- 2-3 bottles of sake please.
- What would you like to eat?
- What is there?
- There's a very good fish stew.
- That's fine. Bring the sake.
The mistress of this lnn
is a refined beauty...
That good for nothing
has just seen me.
Yes. If we could get into his nest,
we would know where lchi is.
Put 3 bottles of sake on the tab.
Please bring the sake.
- I decline.
- Why?
If they want a drink,
let them go somewhere else.
What are you saying?
I'm not so stupid as to prepare
drinks for such men!
I don't want it anymore.
Damn it!
Masseur, you came
at the right time.
- Do you need a treatment?
- Yes. In that temple there.
I was thinking of calling it a day.
- Please.
- A priest needs treatment?
A samurai. He's asking for
a masseur all the time.
Come, it's here.
- What's taking so long?
- They must be drinking.
Only we haven't had enough drinks.
Damn, hesitating to pay...
- What is it?
- l've brought the masseur.
Good. Take him to the next room.
Masseur, here I am.
My shoulders and my back hurt.
You can work on them strongly.
I understand.
Oh, that's good.
Thank you. Sir, you're very
competent, aren't you?
Your arms, you use
your sword often.
Can you tell?
It's many years experience.
When I press this muscle here,
I can usually tell immediately.
- Is that so, Masseur?
- Yes.
To this day, l've killed 7 men, and
brought 1 1 men close to death,
and l've not been hurt once.
Really? I'm grateful to you, for
letting me massage the shoulders
of such a strong Samurai.
It's a great honor for a masseur.
Masseur, massage me next.
Very well.
Sir, please lie down.
This masseur is very good. You
don't meet one like him often.
Hey, you must have a lot of work.
Not that much...
- That hurt.
- Sorry.
- What are you doing?
- Forgive me...
It hurts!
You're back.
Don't bring a masseur in here!
You should be more careful.
Anyway, we'll talk tonight.
Send the masseur away.
Sir, please pay me for the massage.
You think I'm going to pay you
for that? Go, get out.
It's been so long since
l've been here, I overslept.
- What?
- What?
- What?
- She's completely deaf...
Ichi, are you deaf?
You are the one who's deaf!
Probably. To be blind
and deaf is a little too much...
By the way, are you not planning
on going back to Kasamon?
I'm still thinking about it.
If you're in Shimodate,
how can you not go to Kasamon?
You should visit your parents'
graves sometimes.
Very well, I'll do that.
Here, breakfast is ready.
Good morning, Miss.
A man staying at the Aburaya lnn
said that he fought you
at the hot baths at Kinugawa.
It must be Kanbei's younger brother
and his friend.
I thought I should let you know,
I ran all the way here.
Thank you for that.
Anyway, let's walk home together?
The young leaves of the bamboo
smell so strong.
It's so quiet.
It's good that it's quiet.
It's like being in another world.
Yayoi, is something the matter?
No, not at all. Let's go.
We're late. I didn't want us
to bump into those people.
So I took the long way.
I'm sorry for putting you
to all this trouble.
Come in.
Excuse me.
Ichi, I want you to show
your sword drawing tonight.
Who am I to show it to?
Practice. Some youngsters
coming here.
- Tonight?
- Yes. Right?
Takekichi, go to Kingo's house
and tell him to come at six thirty.
I'm going.
Zatoichi is going to demonstrate
his sword drawing.
I understand.
Tell Shiro on the way, too.
- Six thirty.
- I'm going.
I'm going out for a little while,
make yourself comfortable.
Thank you.
From the Aburaya lnn...
What is it?
He was going to kill me.
Who? Your husband...
I didn't want to die by his knife,
so I ran here.
Don't be silly. That coward's
not going to do anything
so bold as killing his wife...
No, it's true,
he threatened me with a knife.
He was just trying to upset you.
I'm not going home!
I'll be killed if I go back.
Don't exaggerate. Not going home?
Where will you go then?
That's what I came
to consult with you about.
Don't be a bore. Try to get along
with your husband. That'll do it.
It's no use.
You are throwing me out.
I'm busy.
What should we do?
What should I do?
I don't care.
I told you never to come to me
with such stupid affairs. Leave!
But l...
If I tell you to beat it, beat it!
So, are you surprised?
It's a miracle!
Here's a man who can't see,
but still learned such techniques.
You, who can see, what do you
have to say for yourselves?
We're ashamed.
We saw something good tonight.
Well, you two, go home.
Yayoi, bring a lantern.
A surprising masseur.
He's everything they say he is.
Take care on your way home.
Zatoichi, sir, thank you.
Thank you.
Ichi, thank you for your trouble.
My shoulders hurt.
Give me a massage.
Kanda Kingo?
- Are you Kanda Kingo?
- Yes.
We have no business with you,
beat it!
Sensei! Kingo was kidnapped!
Kingo kidnapped? By whom?
They had some business with Kingo,
they told me to beat it.
Take me there!
You come too.
It's him.
If we're going to kill him,
now is the time.
That what I'd like to say.
But it wouldn't be a pretty sight
if both our heads went rolling off...
So, you're afraid. Coward.
Brother, are you going to do it?
Of course.
Let's withdraw. I want to live...
If you don't want to do it, don't.
I'll do it. Tonight is the night.
They said they have business
with Kanda Kingo, which means
they knew he was coming here,
and were waiting for him.
That might be it. Ichi-san,
do you suspect something?
No, no.
Sensei is always so busy.
He too doesn't like this way of
living and is trying to change it.
But it's not that easy...
If you were settled, he could work
more calmly, I think.
Yes, but l...
Ichi san,
I was thinking today,
maybe, you wouldn't mind
taking me as a bride.
Ichi-san, what do you think?
Can you say what you've
just said one more time?
I would like you to take me
for your wife.
Maybe I shouldn't say this,
but I'm no good.
I'm a poor Samurai's daughter
with one kimono to my name.
But you know all this, and I felt
that you wouldn't mind so much.
Miss, do you really mean it?
Do you really...
Yes. I thought it this morning
as I was walking with you
through the bamboo thicket.
I've been thinking about it all day today.
Ichi-san, do you dislike
women like me?
What nonsense.
You're too good for the likes of me.
Please, stop joking.
I don't care about status.
My family is military,
But my parents were Ronin.
My brother wants something else
for me, but as a woman, I don't.
Even if I marry a Ronin,
as long as I'm loved by him all my life,
it's the best happiness
I could ask for.
Miss, are you really serious
about what you are saying?
I am. Ichi-san, take me, please.
Was that a yes?
So, can I believe it is settled?
Thank you very much.
You are saying this seriously too.
Yes, I am, I am.
I'm sorry for imposing myself on you.
Not at all!
But will the Sensei approve?
Let me be the one
to ask my brother.
Miss, I am blind, a cripple,
I'm crippled, very crippled!
You still want me?
I've known it for a long time.
It's not just that. I'm a gambler,
shunned from the world.
And not just that.
I've killed people.
You could say I'm a criminal.
And there's more,
l've known women.
These women l've bought with
money, and not just 5 or 10 of them!
My body is already
withered, rotten!
What shall I do with that?
That was yesterday. From today,
please become a new lchi...
Yes. I will, I will!
I will be born again.
I will leave the yakuza.
I'll become an honest man.
Become honest,
and lead a steady life! Yes.
It's Kanbei's brother.
Prepare yourself, and step outside.
I'm waiting.
It's trouble.
What will you do?
No! Don't do that!
I've just promised you something.
I will not defy what you told me.
Choose the place, I'll be there.
I would like you to spare my life.
What was that?
I care about my life.
Could you please spare it?
I beg you.
Instead, you can beat me up
or kick me, whatever you choose.
You can do with me as you like.
It's a cowardly thing to say,
but spare my life.
Whatever you do to me,
I won't utter a sound.
I know it's not enough to ease your
mind about your dead brother,
but please find it in your heart
to forgive me. I beg you.
I beg you.
I don't know who you are.
But lchi-san listened to me
just now, and has sworn to me,
that he'll throw away his sword,
and leave the Yakuza.
From today, he has sworn
to be an honest man.
I beg you, please, help him.
It can't be done. Wash yourself of
being a Yakuza, or draw your sword.
That's your business. An offense
to a Yakuza must be avenged.
Beating you up and kicking you -
I did not search up and down
for you for such a trifling.
I've prepared myself
for this moment! Stand up.
What you're saying won't happen.
If you're determined not to spare
me, then kill me or wound me now.
I wish to be killed as well.
What kind of nonsense is this?
You two...
You're talking about becoming
honest, and getting married.
Don't make me laugh! You think
I'm stupid? Ichi, what is this?
If you say you're not going to draw
your sword, it's no use.
We'll settle this with dice.
Your last fight as a Yakuza will
be called by odds and evens.
If you win, I will let the whole
thing be water under the bridge.
If I lose?
You'll give me your right arm.
The arm that killed Sekiya Kanbei.
Severed from the shoulder.
Fine. So be it.
If I lose, I will give you my arm.
It's decided.
You're a clown.
Let's take a swing then.
Little miss, you'll be his eyes.
I'll be evens.
You won't see me again.
Ichi-san, that man...
The dice were odds...
Welcome back.
What about Kingo? Any news?
No. I've sent Shiro to Kingo's
house too. It's a mess.
Are you staying at the
old lady's tonight?
- You leave tomorrow, don't you?
- Yes.
- So, you can go now.
- Brother!
- I have something to ask of you.
- Ask? What is it? Tell me.
What are you hesitating about?
Can't you say it?
With your permission,
I would like to marry.
So, you've decided
to marry Morooka?
No, I have no wish to marry him.
So, who is it that you wish to marry?
Who is he?
Who is it?
It's me.
What? You?
Yayoi, who is the man?
- lchi-san.
- ldiot!
Sensei, please give me
your sister's hand in marriage.
Shut up! Are you crazy?
You can't be serious.
I am.
I would like to live my life with him.
What are you talking about?
Yayoi, I am a Samurai!
I don't want a man like that
in my family line.
What do you think he is?
He's a gambler. And a blind man.
And you,
you don't see you're a cripple.
You conceit on little strength,
allowing yourself too much arrogance.
I don't even want to see
your wretched face!
Get out!
I'm ending our teacher-pupil
relationship starting today!
This was thrown in the yard.
So they took your son hostage and
are blackmailing you for money.
What will you do?
If they bring Kingo back safely,
I don't mind paying even 300 ryo.
But, is there no mistake?
If it's money they're after, they
won't hurt him as long as we pay.
Will you give the 300?
Yes. There's no substitute
for my son's life.
Tomorrow morning, 6 o'clock
in the forest. I will come too.
Sensei, is it not the doings
of the Tengu gang?
Why the Tengu gang?
I suddenly had that feeling...
Beware of stupid slips
of the tongue!
Well, Banno-san, I'll go home and
prepare the cash for tomorrow.
- We will meet there tomorrow.
- I beg your help.
Are you still here?
Brother, lchi-san is going to
become an honest man.
Whatever! I can't stand him
imitating a military man!
Every dog knows what you are!
Nothing but a low-life masseur.
And worse than a dog! Beat it!
Or if you resent being cursed
like that, attack me!
If you can fight me,
draw your sword!
Go on, draw!
You're not drawing?
Blind idiot!
Thank you for everything.
- lchi-san...
- Yayoi!
Do you want to shame me
that much?
Don't you think you're crazy to
want to spend your life
with a mean cripple like him?
You're so stupid!
If only you'd married Morooka,
I could peacefully go to Edo.
That's it. The 300 ryo...
Yayoi, so you're not disappointed,
I'll prepare a grand wedding
for you and Morooka.
I'm asking you, marry him!
I'm going to claim Kingo right now!
Don't do anything stupid!
You're back.
Have you eaten?
Have you eaten!
Don't you have any sake?
There's nobody here to drink it.
If you want a drink, go to a bar.
Grandma, I'll be leaving now.
I'm never coming back here.
Why are you never coming back?
What's wrong?
Grandma, where's the bar?
The Aburaya in Katawamachi.
The Aburaya...
Are you really going there?
Ichi, you're not even going
to say goodbye to me?
Take care!
Blind as a bat, walking around
all day, always on the road...
Ah, the Banno-san girl.
Is lchi-san back?
- Yes, he just went to the Aburaya.
- Aburaya?
- Excuse me, one more.
- Sake?
Don't make such a face.
We won't have any more.
Owner, it's all right, isn't it?
I'm the guest on the second floor.
Maybe I'll have it here.
I'll drink it here in the corner.
I won't disturb anyone.
Give me sake!
I'm sorry, we've just turned
the stove off.
I'll have it cold!
What is it? Weren't you going
to kill Zatoichi?
I've decided not to. You must be
proud to have such a pupil.
- You're saying he's a good man?
- Is he a bad man?
Of course! He has a worse nature
than a thieving cat!
A thieving cat...
You, boss, are not
a thieving cat, are you?
What did you say?
In our world, a thieving cat
is a man who nibbles on
another man's wife. Coming out
at dark, like a stray cat in heat...
Disgraceful, isn't it...
- Bastard, come here.
- Why should l?
Come here I said.
Rude. You're going
to show me now?
Forgive me if l've offended you.
I'm drunk.
- Sister, what about the sake?
- It's coming.
Please hurry, before I sober up.
Let's hear your lecture about
the thieving cat one more time.
- Boss leave me alone, please.
- No!
Damn it!
I've killed the man you were
looking for. God help him.
Poor man. What happened?
I came to thank you
for the good thing you've done...
He's killed an unarmed man...
How brutal...
Damn him!
Who is that!
- Just the masseur.
- Let's go!
What are you doing? Move!
It's the masseur from last night.
Yes, it is.
That voice...
You're the one who failed to
pay me for my massage last night.
What was that?
Never mind him now, let's go!
You're going to leave
without paying me?
- lnsolent bastard!
- Watch your language!
Masseur, here's your payment!
Who are you!
- As you can see, I'm a masseur.
- You're no regular masseur.
Maybe I'm not.
Even if I can't see, l've a pretty
good idea what you're up to!
There's a 300 ryo hostage in
that straw carrier. Isn't there!
So I'm right.
I don't care if you're the Tengu
Gang or not, you're bad people.
Thank you for your trouble.
I'm obliged. Here's the 300 ryo.
Let's go then.
You can leave the straw carrier here.
You too, wait here. Let's go.
- I'll take the 300 ryo now.
- No. This is for Kingo's ransom.
- Do you doubt me?
- Of course not.
Not bad...
- I was trying to protect you.
- Shut up! Come!
I've no mercy for you. Let's go!
There's no other way...
- I'll use what you've taught me.
- Good enough!
Good! Let's fight.
Sensei, forgive me.
Ichi! Take out your sword...
it seems that I am that kind of man.