Shining Through (1992)

- Do you have any water?
- Sure. Can we have some water?
Watch your step.
Charles Goodwin, Linda Voss.
- Pleasure to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.
- Where shall I sit?
- Here will be fine.
There you go. There's some water. If you
need anything else, I'll get it for you.
I'm not really sure
I'll be able to do this.
Just relax and sit opposite me
and answer my questions.
- I've never done this before.
- I'll be easy, I promise.
- How are you?
- Fine.
Can we get a sound check?
Can we just have a few words,
just for the sound man?
- What should I say?
- Say anything.
I've always had such a big mouth.
Now I don't know what to say.
A little more, please?
To tell you the truth,
I don't know if I should be doing this.
Everyone told me that I should. They said
"Is the BBC and they'll do it right. "
- We will do it right, I promise.
- That's fine!
Just relax.
Are we ready?
- This is a BBC production. Interview...
- You wanted the scrapbook?
We'll do it later.
We'll have film clips and photographs.
- I see. - If we could just
finish getting the slate.
- Sorry.
- "Hitler's Germany... "
- What film clips?
- You'll see when is finished. I promise.
- OK?
- Sorry.
"Hitler's Germany,
Part 5: Women in the War. " Mark.
So just relax.
You've got all the time in the world.
- Do I start?
- Tell me about the war.
When did you first
become interested in it?
The movies.
There they are.
War movies.
Anything set in Germany.
It didn't matter if it was the
First World War or the Second.
I especially loved
anything set in Berlin.
They're over the border!
From the time I was a child, my grandmother
and my father told me stories
about their beloved city.
- You spoke German at home?
- To my mother, I spoke English.
She was Irish.
Born in Brooklyn.
To my father, I spoke German,
but he warned me to
keep this language a secret
because outside of our neighbourhood
in Queens, New York,
if people heard
me speak German,
they would either think I
was a Nazi sympathiser,
or they would
know I was a Jew.
"... wird es von Tag
zu Tag schlimmer. "
"Hitlers neuste Verordnung
"besagt dass Juden keine
Deutschen mehr sind...
- "Und alle einen gelben Stern... "
- In English, please.
For us poor Irish trash.
Thank you.
"We are no longer
allowed to use a public toilet,
nor can Hannah, Sofi or
I go to a beauty parlour
because Hitler says the
hair of a Jew is infectious. "
"We hear rumours everywhere
that Jews are being
rounded up and sent away. "
"We don't know where. "
"We have been invited by friends
to hide with them
somewhere in Berlin. "
I guess it was then
that the fantasy began.
I dreamed of parachuting into
Germany and rescuing them...
my father's two sisters, Hannah and Liesel,
and Hannah's daughter Sofi,
who played the flute and was
just a year younger than I.
I dreamed of seeing Sofi on the
concert stage in New York City,
playing her flute, just for me.
The doomed city of Warsaw,
pounded by Hitler's guns...
So you contacted the War Department
about becoming a spy.
I wouldn't have known who to
contact about becoming a spy.
In 1940, when all of Europe
was struggling against Hitler,
I was just a young girl
struggling to get out of Queens.
I remember how
intimidating the city was.
And I remember the first sight of
the man who would change my life.
This is not our war!
Is not our problem!
If any blood is gonna be shed
keeping Hitler out of England,
let it be English blood,
not American!
Because is not our war!
Is not our problem!
And anyone who says America
should get involved in this war
is a Jew-loving commie,
Franklin Delano
Rosenberg included!
- Why don't you go home?
- Why don't you go home?
We got another one here!
I am sure your typing skills are superior,
Miss Voss, but
a degree from Queens Clerical College
is a bit beneath our standards.
Our legal secretaries
come directly from Vassar.
I'm sure you understand.
Oh, I understand.
So unless you have something
to add to change my mind, I,
I'm afraid I
really couldn't...
Lower your standards?
Listen, I wouldn't want you to.
You might have to work with someone
who's had to get her hands dirty.
And I'm sure that would be uncomfortable
for you and the girls from Vassar.
I went to Vassar, by the way.
My uncle's car broke down at
the front gate. I had to pick him up.
Place looked like a real shithole to me.
Thank you very much.
I am so sorry.
Don't worry,
it's just a water.
I'll lose my job.
I have two children...
Miss Voss.
You failed to mention that
you speak a second language.
Since all demands for payment have gone
unanswered, like the billing in September...
...the statement
September this year...
- We have no choice...
- Haben wir keine andere Wahl...
but to impound the shipment
of cement wagons...
als alle Zementlaster
zu beschlagnahmen...
- Until proper reparations are made.
- Bis die Reparationskosten bezahlt sind.
Laster is truck.
I said wagon.
You said cement wagon.
Laster is correct.
You're very certain of yourself,
which is good.
You'll have to be. Please.
We run an international practice here,
and we're trying to disentangle certain
companies from their affairs in Germany.
Unfortunately, one of our senior
partners has a tin ear for languages,
which leaves him
somewhat handicapped.
Graduated cum laude from Harvard,
but flunked out of Berlitz.
He also has a lousy disposition
and runs through secretaries
like a bowling ball through tenpins.
we call him the pallbearer
because he rarely cracks a smile.
- Come in.
- He also dislikes women who wear hats.
I saw you on the street this morning,
with that speaker?
What did you say to him?
I just suggested he might be more
comfortable speaking somewhere else.
You were great.
Reminded me of Jimmy Stewart
in The Mortal Storm.
Did you ever see it?
Is a great film.
Whas with the blackout?
You expecting Hitler to bomb us tonight?
Sometimes I think
better in the dark.
Ed Leland, Linda Voss.
90 words a minute, bilingual dictation,
works a Mimeograph,
and speaks German with the
accent of a Berlin butcher's wife.
- How's that for a last-minute save?
- Berlin butcher's wife?
Taught by her grandmother,
who's from Berlin.
But she wasn't married to a butcher.
My grandfather owned a button factory.
Till it burned down.
Your... your grandmother,
did she insist you speak...
She doesn't speak English.
She's lived here for...
My sixth-grade teacher
used to do that.
- Beg your pardon? - You know,
start a question and not finish it.
"The capital of Indiana is...?"
She's been in this
country for 18 years.
So my question is, if she's lived here
for 18 years, why doesn't she speak...
She prefers German.
- Does she prefer Germany?
- She's Jewish.
- You're Jewish?
- Half.
Is that a problem
in this company?
No, no! It just means we're half-sure
you're not a Nazi spy.
He must like you,
you make him laugh.
She'll be fine. Could you stand
up and turn around, please?
- Why should I do that?
- Because you want the job.
And I asked you to.
Is a test I like to give.
Well, I'll take it sitting down.
What I was gonna ask you to do
is stand up, turn around,
close your eyes and tell me what
you see here. Is an observation test.
Now, do you really have
a problem with that?
Pictures of sailboats and polo ponies,
fancy books and diplomas,
stuffed fish on the wall,
calendar set to the wrong date,
bookcases that need dusting,
carpets that need cleaning.
And two Harvard guys who are
surprised a girl who needs ajob
won't be treated like a slave.
Are you always like this?
Forgot to tell you,
my other half's Irish.
Lethal combination.
It didn't take me long to sense there was
more to Ed Leland than met the eye.
In February of 1940,
one of the switchboard girls
accidentally tapped into his private line,
and heard a voice that she swore
was Franklin Delano Roosevels.
In March, Jimmy in the mailroom caught
sight of a sealed document on Ed's desk,
- Addressed to J Edgar Hoover.
- Hi, Jimmy.
In April, Ed's staff started interviewing
recently arrived German refugees
to get details about life
in Hitler's Germany.
And by fall of that year,
Ed Leland's whereabouts were
completely unpredictable.
He'd vanish for
weeks at a time,
returning as abruptly
as he'd left,
to dictate letters that
made no sense at all.
Naturally, it set a girl's
mind to wondering.
Please report that my wife
Sunflower and I and her...
new dog Rover
just returned
from the seashore,
where we saw a flock
of birds-sea birds.
A flock of 14 sea
birds diving for fish.
Excuse me, are those pelicans?
You said they were diving.
I've asked you not
to interrupt me.
Sorry, Mr Leland,
but the German language is very specific.
You wouldn't say seabirds,
you would say pelicans.
Unless, of course, this is
all just some kind of code,
in which case you should just tell me,
so I'd stop bothering you
Why would you say
something like that?
No, I'm curious.
Well, your wife's name
is not Sunflower.
You don't even have a wife.
I mean, not one that
I know of anyway.
Therefore you assume
that this is all a code.
I don't have to turn around
to see that your overnight bag is full
of woollen sweaters and heavy socks.
Not exactly the kind of thing
you take to the seashore.
At least not a
vacation-type seashore.
More like the
English Channel, I'd say.
- Anything else?
- No.
- OK. Where were we...?
- Except that the code is a dead giveaway.
I mean, 14 birds diving for fish!
Is obviously a fleet of 14 submarines.
You're gonna get caught
with a code like this.
The Germans
aren't stupid, Mr Leland.
My God, they do it better in movies. Did you
see Espionage Agent with Brenda Marshall?
When she talked about submarines,
she talked about her "rose garden".
- Her rose garden?
- Yeah. So there'd be no connection.
And for airplanes,
she talked about figs and dates.
Figs and dates?
Figs were Fokkers and dates...
I can't remember
what dates were.
Well, I guess I'd better go to the
movies to see how they do this.
My wife,
Susan, who I call Sunflower.
This was taken a year before I put
her in a sanitarium in Switzerland,
a mental institution,
which I visit often,
and which I'm afraid
that she'll never leave.
D'you understand why is easier for me to let
people think that I have never been married?
I'm sorry.
- God, I feel so stupid.
- No, is... is all right.
I feel so stupid that
I don't understand why I can't
make carbon copies of your letters.
Or why I have to turn in my steno pad
for a new one each time I've finished.
Or why I type endless letters,
but never envelopes,
so that I don't know
where they're going to.
Last time I was in Switzerland,
I asked a psychiatrist the same thing:
"Why is it that I don't
trust anybody?"
He thinks it has something
to do with my upbringing.
You're a spy, Mr Leland.
And you've seen too
many movies, Miss Voss.
Enough to know a
spy when I see one.
And about this photo?
The woman's name
is Jennifer Krimm.
A model you were never married to,
but only dated.
Before you met
Kiki Avondale, that is,
a Vassar graduate you were engaged to
for six months before you got cold feet.
This is outrageous.
This is... This is...
I don't have to listen to this any more.
This is simply and totally...
How do you know
all these things?
I might be a better
spy than you are.
By late October of 41
London was reeling under a hailstorm
of German bombs called the Blitz,
and life in America was energised with
the knowledge of what was inevitable.
Young men were disappearing late at
night and signing up for the draft.
Glenn Miller was pumping out dance music
while there was still time to dance.
And Ed Leland had cast
his eyes in my direction.
For us, like the war,
it was just a matter of time.
- Krbis.
- Der Kr...
I can't! I can't speak German.
I can't get the accent thing.
- At least I made you laugh.
- Yes, you do do that.
- Is that a hard thing to do, make
you laugh? - Well, serious times, Linda.
All the more reason.
Charlie Chaplin says
"A day without laughter is a day wasted. "
You believe that?
I try to laugh once a day,
just in case.
Do you like Charlie Chaplin?
To be quite honest,
I've never seen him.
- You're kidding!
- No.
- Well, what are you doing tonight?
- Tonight?
Tonight I have tickets
for the opera.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- I've never been to the opera.
- Oh?
- Whas it like?
- Well, is not for everybody. Is...
See, thas the thing about Chaplin.
He is.
- You really like Chaplin?
- Mr Leland...
Why don't you call me Ed?
...a depot and
a central station.
There are six railroad goods yards
and three main-line stations.
Einen Riesenschornstein.
Right near a large...
- How would you say Schornstein?
- Linda?
I don't speak German.
Church steeple.
Can we take a break
for a moment?
Schornstein is smokestack,
not church steeple. Translator's been lying.
Linda, the man has been working
as a translator for years.
Yeah. Well, he started out
by making little mistakes.
And when nobody noticed,
the mistakes started getting bigger.
It does not make him a liar...
He tripled the number of railroad lines
coming into the city!
One sentence involving a munitions plant...
He left that one out altogether.
What is he?
A double agent?
Right here in this office?
- What you do to him?
- Stop using him as a translator?
- How'd you know to stay quiet?
- The Fighting 69th.
- Brenda Marshall and Cary Grant.
- I see.
They cut out his tongue.
By day we worked together.
By night we were lovers.
Secret lovers.
Until a Sunday morning in December when
we lay listening to a symphony on the radio.
I said I'd never been to a concert
and would love to go with him someday.
We interrupt to bring
you a news bulletin.
The Japanese have attacked Pearl Harbor by
air, President Roosevelt has just announced.
The air raid is still on. The anti-aircraft
fire can be heard in a steady drone
as the attacking planes come in.
We will continue to receive reports which
will tell the story of what is to happen
in the months
that are to come.
For me, there would be
no symphonies with Ed.
Just the sound of drums,
as America went to war.
dear I'll be back in a year
Cos I'm in the army now
They took my
number out of a hat
And there's nothing a guy
can do about that...
What Pearl Harbor also did was bring
Ed Leland's uniform and true identity
out of the closet...
that of a full-ranking military colonel
working for the OSS in Washington.
His job: To co-ordinate information
coming from behind enemy lines.
- So you accompanied him to Washington?
- To the Washington airport.
But our journey
together ended there.
- I want you to set up an office for Andy.
- It came as a complete surprise to me.
Everything he said that night
came as a complete surprise.
I'm continuing on.
Continuing on?
To where?
I don't know.
I can't say.
What does that mean?
It means things change.
Is not the right time for us.
I don't want you to be waiting.
I don't wanna be,
either of us, worrying.
But, Ed, whas a war for
if not to hold on
to what we love?
Hey, Colonel!
He said he'd be in touch with me,
but he never was.
And no one ever
knew I loved him.
While America went to war,
Ed disappeared in Europe.
And i disappeared into the
Information Center of the War Department,
a basement where
hundreds of women toiled,
sorting, filing and distributing
information about Germany.
And where I secretly searched
for clues about Ed Leland.
Clues and words such as "Trooper",
which I found out was Ed's code name,
and "Camp Brady",
which meant "behind enemy lines".
I knew he was travelling,
and into dangerous places.
I also knew
I didn't wanna care.
I'll be seeing you
In all the old
familiar places...
Six months into the war, Europe still
belonged to Hitler and Mussolini.
American boys were being lost by
the thousands on Pacific islands
with names like
Corregidor and Bataan.
And the man named Ed Leland had
disappeared from the face of the earth.
When spring came to Washington
he was all I thought about
because I believed
that wherever he was
the sheer force of my love for him
would keep him safe, keep him alive.
Excuse me, I noticed you looking a
bit lonely. Would you like to dance?
- No, thanks.
- You sure?
I will.
In everything
thas light and gay
I'll always think
of you that way
I'll find you in
the morning sun
And when the night is new
I'll be looking at the moon
But I'll be seeing you
And I'll be seeing you
In every lovely
summer's day
In everything that's
light and gay
I'll always think
of you that way
I'll find you in
the morning sun
And when the night is new
I'll be looking at the moon
But I'll be seeing you
- At ease, gentlemen.
Good evening. - Sir.
Hello, Linda.
Hello, Ed.
What brings you to town?
I had to come in for something.
I'm gonna be here for a while.
That's great.
Would you like to dance?
You're busy.
Come on.
I don't wanna dance.
Would you all excuse us
for a couple of minutes?
Yes, sir.
We'll be over there, OK?
How you been?
Not great.
- When did you start smoking?
- I don't know.
Kind of a silly thing
to do, isn't it?
I'm a silly girl, Ed.
I think you're
living proof of that.
Sorry to hear you're in the basement.
It wouldn't have happened if I was here.
I spoke with Andy, and he'll keep
his eyes out for a better job.
I told him I'd quit
if he doesn't.
You can work for me while I'm here.
I can always use a good secretary.
This is all so civilised, Edward.
That's what you like, isn't it?
Civilised people.
Polite ladies with pedigrees
who look good at the opera,
who never make
you laugh too hard
and never make
you feel too much.
I've had a lot of time to think about this,
and don't tell me is the war...
When I've been waiting
for six months to hear if
you're dead or alive, and you
waltz into a nightclub.
- Linda, I came in last night.
I was gonna call. - Go to hell!
Careful. You might have
to admit that you know me.
- Linda, it is the war.
- You're so noble, Ed.
Did I promise you something?
If I did, I'd like to know.
Excuse me,
I thought the lady might like to dance.
The lady is busy.
I'd love to dance.
I'll always think
of you that way
I'll find you in...
- I'm cutting in.
- Don't let him.
Excuse me, but the
young lady doesn't...
Don't try it! I'll leave here with
your Adam's apple in my pocket.
What do you want from me?
I want you to stop feeling
sorry for yourself.
No, you want me
to stop feeling.
Like you.
Good night, sweetheart
All my prayers are for you
Good night, sweetheart
I'll be watching for you...
You did love me,
didn't you?
I couldn't have been wrong.
You weren't.
Well, then how do you stop?
Cos I want to.
for youSo I'll say
Good night, sweetheart
Sleep will banish sorrow
Good night, sweetheart
Till we meet tomorrow
Dreams enfold you
In my dreams I'll hold you
Good night, sweetheart
Good night
His name was Albert Eckert.
You know his file by the code name "Zipper".
A society dress designer,
popular with the
wives of high-ranking
SS officials in Berlin.
That is until last Wednesday at 1400
hours when he was last seen
by our senior operative, Sunflower,
buying roses at a marketplace.
This photo was taken one hour later,
at 1500 hours.
Maybe somebody didn't like
his latest dress design!
That man put
his life on the line,
which is more than anybody
in this room is about to do.
- You're looking to replace him?
- Immediately, but it won't be easy.
His access to information was his
close relationship to Hedda Drescher,
wife of Horst Drescher,
a social-climbing young Nazi
who ingratiates himself
to his superiors by hosting
elegant dinner parties
in his beautiful home.
A home which was appropriated from
one of the finest Jewish families in Berlin.
The simple genius of Eckers method
was to bring Hedda a new gown
for each of these social occasions
and help her get dressed in the study,
where he was allowed to linger for a
glass of port when the party began.
At which time, he'd lock the door
and microfilm certain documents
that Drescher was in the habit of bringing
back from the War Office-like this.
And this.
And this.
Documents which
lead us to believe
that somewhere in Germany
scientists are developing a bomb,
that can fly by itself.
So I think you all can see the urgency
of the situation. Lights, please.
We need someone to get back
into Drescher's study, and fast,
find out where this work is being done
and stop it, before it goes any further.
Any suggestions?
What about that cabinet maker, Meyerhoff?
The guy from Leipzig?
- If you wanna get into the study...
- Makes sense.
They'd let him pull apart
their secret cabinets?!
What about Eric Erdmann, the language
professor? He came from Munich.
They were both born in Germany,
so they'll be instant best friends?
- Linda. - It took Eckert years
to gain their confidence.
You think somebody can just move
in and be given run of the house?
She's right.
That is what you need, though,
someone who can move in and live there.
Someone with a low-class Berlin
accent who could work as a domestic.
Someone with the accent
of a Berlin butcher's wife.
Let's break for dinner.
I know the codes, the network,
I know the whole operation!
- I could pass for a Berliner!
- Linda.
- Because you are a secretary, You are
not a spy. - Because I'm a secretary?!
You're not suited to it. You have
no formal training whatsoever.
- I'm not suited?! You can't speak German!
- You can't hold your tongue.
I saw it the first time I met you.
Everything just spills out of your mouth.
- It makes you dangerous.
- Is more my war than yours.
- That is a ridiculous thing to say.
- I'm a Jew!
You know what Hitler's
doing to Jews?
- Even half Jews? - Of course I do.
I have relatives still hiding there.
- I doubt it.
- That they're hiding?!
- That you know whas happening.
- Meaning?
Meaning I won't let
you commit suicide.
- I will quit if you don't let me go.
- I'll miss you.
I will, goddammit!
I quit!
- Linda.
- Ed, I want you to taste my strudel,
the way my grandmother
taught me to make it.
She taught me to cook German-style,
the way my grandfather likes it.
And i could cook for 50 if I had to.
Five courses-the way they do it in Berlin.
On nights when they didn't have people over,
I could bring tea and strudel
up to the Dreschers' study
and put a little schnapps in the tea
so that Horst and Hedda would
get tired and could retire early,
and I could be left alone
in the study to clean up.
This is not about you and me, goddammit.
I wanna do something important with my life.
Here, taste!
Taste it!
You know what you're
getting yourself into, Linda?
The war.
He agreed to send me
for two weeks only...
insisting that whether
I succeeded or not,
I'd come out of Berlin
in exactly 14 days.
Untrained in survival skills,
I was given a quick course
in using a microfilm camera,
and a purse that made up in function
for what it lacked in fashion.
Beyond that, it was all guts.
Accompanying me
as far as Switzerland,
Ed would turn me over to
the legendary Sunflower,
a German working
for the Americans,
who would take me on my
final journey into Berlin.
I'll meet you in two weeks.
Right on this platform,
two weeks from today.
- Do I look all right?
- You look perfect.
This is it.
Still wanna go
through with it?
- Where is he?
- Right in front of you.
- There?
- Not there.
Take care of yourself, Linda.
See you in two weeks.
Eyes down, say nothing.
And try not to look like a spy.
- Are you mute?
- You said not to speak.
- In German, please.
- You spoke in English.
Dear God, your accent.
What's wrong with it?
Excuse me?
I guess I couldn't blame him.
Might I interrupt? Are you aware
that you're speaking in German?
I remember it in German.
Could you remember
it in English, please?
- Whas wrong with my accent?
- Is from the gutter.
But is supposed to be.
I'm a cook.
But not one that
Drescher would accept.
Don't you know he's a
man of great pretensions?
With that vulgar sound,
he won't let you in at the door.
My God,
what have they sent me?
I guess I couldn't blame him.
Konrad Friedrichs, known as Sunflower,
had become a spy, by my calculations,
around the year I was born.
A veteran of two wars,
he was now partnered with me,
whose only qualification,
as he was quick to point out,
was that I was born to some
low-class individuals from Berlin.
It was my hope that some of these
individuals were still in safe hiding,
that my Jewish relatives had escaped
Hitler's dreaded storm troopers,
and were somehow,
still alive.
Your first sight of Berlin.
Any impressions?
Pitch darkness...
I was surrounded by it.
The city was blacked out, prepared for
the night raids which hadn't yet begun.
Leave the luggage.
Not yours.
Follow me.
Toilet, washbasin.
You'll stay in here until
I decide what to do.
Uncle Putzi!
I'm sorry I frightened you.
No one answered the door.
Herr Friedrichs
is not at home.
Well, he's wrong
about your accent.
Is charming.
He said if your cooking was like your
accent, it was strictly for the beer halls.
So, I'm taking a week off work to teach you
some grammar and high German cuisine.
And believe me,
you're going to need it.
We're putting you into
Drescher's house in a week
to cook for a party which
is most important to him.
His temper is legendary
when things go wrong.
- My uncle didn't tell you I was coming?
- I just arrived last night, Frulein.
I'm Margrete von Eberstien
of the Klaus von Eberstiens.
My father, the baron,
is an actual friend of Hitler.
Der Fhrer's been to my house!
To tell you the truth, is my mother
he likes. She's a famous concert pianist.
And der Fhrer, like Horst Drescher,
is a man of great pretensions.
Would you like to
meet der Fhrer, Lina?
Ed Leland says
to tell you hello.
Margrete von Eberstien was
no one I was prepared for.
And now,
you must tell me
all about Clark Gable.
Is he really married
to Vivien Leigh?
But we were sisters
from the start.
Our first job was to contact
my courier, a fishmonger,
who would export any documents,
microfilm or written messages
inside cartons of
frozen fish to Norway.
- That's him?
- Ja.
How does it work?
I just go over?
Again, use the signal so
he'll know who you are.
Pass a message for practice.
- What message?
- Anything you like.
For practice, I wrote a message
indicating I was looking for my relatives
Liesel and Sofi Weiss.
- What is that?
- My family.
We heard they're
hiding in Berlin.
You're Jewish?!
My God, you've got guts.
My father calls it chutzpah.
- What is this?
- American spy stuff.
There was a password.
- Ready?
- Yeah.
Something about fish.
Is fresh cod in season?
Is fresh cod in season?
Is fresh cod in season?
Is cod in fresh s-season?
We are closed.
I meant is fresh
cod in season?
Get out of the car.
Where the hell is he? Kurt!
Did you fall in?
Take it easy.
Whas the hurry?
- Gurke?
- He doesn't like to be kept waiting.
Just tell him Kurt
was on the toilet.
Heil Hitler.
Heil Hitler.
You got this at
the Tauschmarkt?
- Yes.
- My wife did, too.
What did you pay for it?
40 marks.
You overpaid.
Good for hiding money.
- Come! Is getting late.
- Let her be!
- The Commandant is waiting.
- Hurry!
- Heil Hitler.
- Heil Hitler.
- I thought they got you.
- The damn purse flew open!
You're such a dope!
You're another!
My friendship with
Margrete von Eberstien
was the closest
that I'd ever known.
Did you wish to stop?
Something happened to her?
She was killed?
- We can stop for a bit.
- No.
Is important to tell you that
she introduced me to her mother.
- Margrete, what if she suspects something?
- Nonsense! She'll suspect nothing.
All she thinks
about is herself.
- But what if she asks me... - What if?
You'll never see this woman again.
Tomorrow you are going to the home of a
barbarian. You'll never see my mother again.
And you?
Will I see you again?
Meet Hitler's favourite piano player.
You'll say I'm your cook?
I want to see
her kiss a Jew.
If it isn't my pretty girl!
How nice to see you.
- Where have you been for so long?
- Oh, Mother.
This is my friend from university.
Lina von Klopper.
Von Klopper?
Her father is the Baron von Klopper
of Pluhn. You know, the big castle of Pluhn?
That von Klopper.
How nice to meet you, my dear.
A week after my arrival,
Horst Drescher was to give a dinner party
that his chef would
be unable to attend.
With just hours left
before the party,
Herr Drescher would forego
the required security checks
into the girl sent
to replace him.
The idea being that I would so
impress him with my cooking skills
that he'd decide he
couldn't live without me.
No! That's enough basting. These
have to go in the oven now. Oh, my God.
You don't need to do
the stock any more.
Help her with those doves
in the oven. Please.
Let me taste this soup.
Excuse me!
May I ask you where the first course is?
We have been seated for 15 minutes.
I'm sorry, Herr Drescher.
The soup is ready now.
Is supposed to be
cold cucumber soup.
We serve it hot in Dsseldorf.
The doves aren't cooked yet?
The doves, we serve cold.
Is like they knew we were coming.
Everything was here.
Even toys for the children.
There were linens and towels,
and can you believe the initials were HD?
Like ours!
It was perfect!
Yes, it was perfect.
And so is the food tonight.
For my honoured guest,
Herr General Franze-Otto Dietrich,
a specialty from Dsseldorf...
hot cucumber soup.
So, how are the children
enjoying Potsdam, Herr Dietrich?
Not much, I'm afraid.
They miss their friends in Munich.
- Potsdam is so far away.
- You should have moved into Berlin.
There's a Hitler Youth Corps in Potsdam.
They will make friends.
They will.
We saw you on the news films
at Berchtesgaden.
Hitler was looking well.
- I'm so sorry, Herr Dietrich.
- Forgive me, mein Herr.
- No matter, no matter.
- I'm sure it will come out.
The colour suits me.
Is all right.
A house is available in my neighbourhood.
Perfect for you and the children.
- Schools are better in Berlin.
- So I believe.
My apologies.
She just came today.
Where from?
- Dsseldorf. - I assume she has
been through a security check?
But of course, Herr Dietrich.
With you here, I can assure you
no one would come in this house.
- Just asking.
- Highly recommended.
Makes me feel like a wolf.
You are the dumbest cook,
who has ever worked in this house.
I've been ashamed in front
of my important guests.
I'll make sure,
that you get no more work.
Get out of here!
What are you
doing out here?
Don't you know is dangerous?
Is me.
The soup?
- He dismissed you?
- Yes.
The doves were raw.
I had no time.
I arrived at six.
And you'll be home by ten.
Can I drop you?
So, where to?
Just straight on this street.
You're a foreigner.
Fresh from Dsseldorf.
You're not really
a cook, are you?
The agencies have done
that to me as well.
Sent me two nannies who
knew nothing about children.
Not that mine are easy.
Their mother died two years ago.
They were naturally upset.
- How many?
- Two.
That's not so many.
My father took care of eight.
With my help, of course.
I was the oldest.
You have an education?
Apparently not
enough to cook doves.
He ate the whole thing
to prove it was edible.
You should have seen him.
Pompous little ass,
eating a raw bird.
You know,
is hard to find suitable girls
who've already been through
a complete Gestapo check.
I hate to let one get away.
I vanished that night
without a trace,
unable to let anyone know what had
happened, or why I'd been whisked away.
But having spotted the documents
in Franze Dietrich's briefcase,
I had to break my promise
to Ed Leland and stay.
Isolated in a small
town outside the city,
I was cut off from
all contact now,
biding my time as a humble
German domestic from Dsseldorf
in a privileged German world.
- Bye-bye.
- Come on.
As far as I was concerned,
it couldn't have been planned better.
In one quick jump,
I'd landed in the upstairs chambers
of one of the Third Reich's elite.
A house where
names like Gring,
Speer and von Stauffenberg
topped the guest list,
and where I had no
doubt that information
critical to the German
war effort was being held.
But no matter how hard I searched,
I could find nothing...
not the briefcase, nor anything
even resembling an official document.
Whatever he brought home
from the office was being hidden,
and I had no idea where.
Look there!
- Dieter!
- Dieter!
Be careful now.
Franze, hallo.
What a surprise!
Yes, what a surprise.
- Well, hello.
- Hello.
You know Miss Albrecht?
Stayson von Neest.
You know Captain von Haefler
of the Foreign Office.
- Von Haefler, nice to meet you again.
- Of course!
You're the one who served the raw ducks.
I was at Drescher's.
- Your old employer wants you back.
- You can tell Drescher he's too late.
- No, is her employer before that.
- From Dsseldorf?
No, Friedrichs of the Foreign Office.
The old gentleman.
He was all upset. He thought
Drescher had done away with her.
Said she'd been working
with him for years.
What was his name?
From the Foreign Office?
Herr Konrad Friedrichs.
The old gentleman.
...where the happy
citizens of Berlin
are treated to the sight of...
the Fhrer
taking time out for
the Heroes' Day Parade.
Where, in a ceremony...
at the Sports Palace...
he will watch new recruits...
- Being inducted...
- Stop the film!
Stop the film!
Ed, Will, we got it!
His name is Franze-Otto Dietrich.
Right up there in the Wehrmacht.
Spent last Christmas with Hitler.
Look, they are definitely together.
She's got her hand on him.
- When was this film taken?
- They came out last week through Lisbon.
- But when were they taken?
- They're recent. Parade was two weeks ago.
- Contact Sunflower. Get me
into Switzerland. - What's the plan?
Get her the hell
outta there.
Had you any idea
they'd located you?
Nor did I know that a...
Franze Dietrich had
become suspicious of me.
I did sense, however,
that time was running out.
In mid-October a single British aircraft
made a daring night raid,
shattering the illusion that
Berlin was immune to harm.
Still empty-handed
after five weeks,
I risked returning to the fishmonger
with a note requesting instructions,
and sending a signal homeward
that I was still alive.
But Berlin was changing now,
the night raid fuelling panic that
more bombs were soon to fall.
- All this way for a fish! - You'll like
the fish from Berlin, I promise.
- I hate fish!
- I wanted to go to the zoo.
- I know. - You could buy a fish,
but I won't eat it!
All right, all right.
Give me your hands.
- I mean it! I'll throw it away!
- OK, I heard you. Careful.
Excuse me.
Can I help you?
- Is fresh cod in season?
- Barely.
I had given up on you.
I thought you didn't like our fish.
She loves your fish. We were on
the bus two hours to get here.
She'd rather come here
than go to the zoo.
Is like this in all the stores today,
people stocking up, salting the fish.
Everyone's afraid.
Stay right here, OK?
You were looking for
something in particular?
Just something fresh.
I mean, last time I saw you, you were
looking for something in particular.
- You found them? - Is not easy
to find a few fish in a big sea.
They have amazing fight,
though, these fish.
Twice the net swept over them,
twice they escaped.
With this kind of luck,
maybe they are still fresh.
There's a...
a kind of...
fish over here that I think
you might... wanna...
- ... take a look at.
- There you are. 2.10.
- Come on, kids. Let's go.
- Out!
- What is it?
- Go! Go!
- What happened?
- Was there a fight?
She fights over fish.
She's in love with fish.
- What happened? Lina?
- Nothing. Nothing. I'm sorry.
Inside the fish was a note that
gave the address 99 Kinderstrasse,
where my relatives were hiding in
a basement on the outskirts of Berlin.
And suddenly it was
no longer a fantasy.
An address had
made them real.
Hannah, Liesel,
and my beautiful cousin Sofi,
who played the flute,
and whose photo I carried
and had now been forced into hiding
somewhere in the darkness nearby.
I wondered if she were
in a bed, like I was,
or curled up on
a cold cellar floor.
if she was alone
and frightened,
or if she could sense that the
moment of our meeting was near.
In the morning,
after dropping the children at school,
I'd have just enough time
to make it back and forth to the city.
- Berlin?
- Yes.
Oblivious to any danger,
I was overwhelmed with excitement.
After a lifetime
of dreaming this,
I was finally on my way.
"Wounded war
veteran-can't speak. "
Oh, I see.
A letter from your
sister in Dsseldorf saying
your father's dying, you should
come home immediately.
A ticket for a night train to Dsseldorf,
which you won't take.
I'll meet you at the train for Switzerland
and give you new ID.
- Can I... - When you tell
Dietrich you're leaving,
tell him you met a couple at the market,
a cook and chauffeur...
- He has a chauffeur.
- Not for long, he doesn't.
Ed, I'm not ready to go.
Not tonight.
- I didn't hear you right, did I?
- I found my cousins.
- Your cousins?
- You found them?
- Somebody help me out here, please.
- There are no Jews left in this city.
99 Kinderstrasse.
- You've seen them?
- Not yet.
Linda, you can't help them.
There is nothing you can do.
No, but you can.
Papers, passports, tickets to Switzerland.
What the hell ya think I got,
a printing press?!
Lina, Friedrichs was picked up
yesterday and questioned by Dietrich.
- By your boss!
- Franze?
- Yeah. Linda, we are on thin ice here.
- We are all on thin ice.
- Just one more day.
- To do what?
To give them hope.
To let them know that
I'll try to help them.
I won't leave here
without doing this.
This ticket
is good for 24 hours.
So are my papers.
They expire tomorrow at six.
I'll wait till then, but not a minute
longer. If you find out they're alive,
and you come to the train back to
where there are printing presses,
and contact with partisans, we can do
something about getting them out.
But whether you
find them or not, Linda,
18:00 tomorrow night I
want you on that train.
Thank you.
Six o'clock, Linda.
If you're not there,
I have to leave without you.
Sorry, Ed.
Is not your fault.
I should never have let you go.
I had to do this.
That's not what I mean.
I should never
have let you go.
Come out, Linda.
I can't come out now.
Don't stand me up
tomorrow night.
I know it was on a Friday
that Ed and I said goodbye
because the next day was Saturday,
and I had nowhere to leave the children.
- What do you want to see?
- I want to see every animal there.
- I want to see a lion.
- I want to see the bears.
- When do we get there?
- Alexanderplatz.
Here we go.
Come on.
- I don't see it.
- Is the wrong place.
I thought we'd just
walk a few blocks.
- What are we doing?
- This isn't the zoo.
Excuse me.
- We're looking for the zoo.
- Five blocks.
- 99 Kinderstrasse?
- Is the one on the corner.
This is scary.
What are we doing?
- Kids, wait here.
- Where are you going?
- Help! Lina!
- Is all right.
- Are you all right? Are you OK?
- We've got to go home.
In the cellar!
I know a place to hide!
The zoo!
- Papi, are you all right? Did they
bomb you? - They bombed us!
- A whole building exploded!
- You should have seen it!
- You were in Berlin?!
- We went to the zoo.
- You should have asked me.
- I'm sorry.
Never leave Potsdam again
without asking, please.
If they come again, we'll go down
to your secret room, all right?
- Yes.
- In the cellar.
You said it was safe there.
You said nobody knew about it.
- Can we sleep down there?
- Yes. They won't bomb again.
- It was awful, Papi!
- I think some people were killed.
You're safe.
Thas the important thing.
You weren't in your room.
I was afraid you
might have left us.
Why would I?
Perhaps you'd
learned enough.
Thas what you are doing, isn't it?
For Herr Himmler and his friends.
For the Gestapo.
The Gestapo?!
Infiltrating my house
to find out if I am soft,
on the principles
of the Reich?
If I can be drawn into
confiding my secrets?
On my life, I am not Gestapo.
Is not right that such
a beautiful woman should labour.
I have no choice.
Do you have a
dress for evening?
Von Karajan is playing Wagner.
A celebration of our courage.
You will wear a
dress of my wife's
and sit beside
me tomorrow night.
My God, that's Olga Leiner.
Do you know her?
- Who?
- Olga Leiner. Look.
She's waving at you.
She must mistake
me for someone.
So nice to see a familiar face. Seems
like no one I know is left in the city.
I'm Franze Dietrich,
a great admirer.
- You know Miss Albrecht?
- Yes.
She went to university
with my daughter.
You must come up to the apartment again
sometime, and bring your charming friend.
And if you see
my pretty girl,
tell her to call me.
I'm sorry.
I couldn't get them in bed.
They wanted to wait for you.
- Thank you, Hilda. Good night.
- Good night.
- Good night.
- Good night.
I'll take them upstairs.
Herr Dietrich.
Is late, Lina.
Too late for talking.
Go away! I was already
called by the Gestapo.
They're coming here!
Go to Margrete's.
Hide for the night,
or you'll kill us all!
My God, where are you?
They're combing the city for you.
Look out your front window.
Come up.
Come quickly.
- Are you all right?
- Yeah.
Is OK.
- You're blue.
- I'm cold.
Come. You don't know
how worried I've been.
- Friedrichs called me.
- He turned me away.
He had no choice.
They were watching him.
Here. What I want you to do is get out of
those clothes, run some hot bath water,
- Take a bath while we think of what to do.
- Margrete...
- Maybe change your looks.
- Margrete!
- You need papers.
- Margrete, I got the information.
On microfilm.
The location of the factory.
Is in Peenemnde.
Very good.
And where is the microfilm?
I hid it.
I wanted to make sure you were alone.
- Where? - Outside.
The phone booth. The coin box.
- The one right here?
- Yeah.
I'll get it.
Run a hot bath.
Cut your hair.
There's scissors.
I pretended to make a call, so no one
would be suspicious of my being out there.
Oh God, forgive me!
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Forgive me.
They'll be here soon.
I'll make sure they take care of you.
What a bad way
for us to end.
Why now?
Why didn't you
turn me in before?
We've been watching Dietrich.
When you blundered into his house, we
thought we could use you to get information.
If he was loyal...
My cousins?
I'm sorry.
I work with the Reich.
And I confess, except for you,
I have no use for Jews.
Break the door!
Take the house!
Check the kitchen.
Two in the kitchen,
two straight ahead.
Secure everything!
- Quickly. Search the house!
- Yes, Sir.
Her shoes and handbag.
She jumped from the balcony!
Search the courtyard!
Find her!
Everybody out!
She's slipped through!
She's got to be
in the building.
She wouldn't have lasted
this long on the streets.
Look at this.
How do we get into
the basement?
I'm sorry.
Easy, easy.
This is for the pain.
You have to forget
about the pain.
I need you to do
the talking for me, OK?
Put your arm
on my shoulder.
Let's go.
I can't go any further.
They'd recognise me before they do her.
Good luck.
I'm dying.
Forget about dying.
You're not allowed to die.
I've never seen you
look scared before.
I don't wanna lose you.
I wanna be with you.
Oh, God.
You wouldn't say that unless
you were sure I was gonna die.
I love you.
Swiss border!
All passengers out!
Swiss border!
All out for the security
on the German side!
OK, let's go.
Stand aside!
This woman is ill!
Stand back!
Let this man pass!
What's wrong
with the woman?
Give me your papers.
Give me your papers!
What is wrong
with this woman!
The dates on these papers
are no longer valid.
As an SS officer,
you must be aware of this.
I demand an explanation.
I demand an explanation!
See what's wrong
with his throat!
Do something!
They're on the German side!
Help them!
They're on Swiss soil!
Fast, please!
It surprised no one that
Ed was too stubborn to die.
With one bullet that shattered his knee,
and another that punctured his lung,
he was conscious enough to hear news
reports of the bombing of Peenemnde
just 14 days later.
So you did get
the microfilm out?
It was discovered
clutched in my hand when I was
brought to the hospital in Switzerland.
I'd hidden it in my glove,
knowing that it would be removed
if I were examined by a doctor,
and overlooked if I were
searched by an enemy.
Very clever.
How did you know that?
Did you ever see a movie
called Victory at Dawn?
I should have known.
Those are my sons.
Can I get them on TV?
Of course.
We'd be delighted.
There's my husband.
Ed, come.
Come here.
Help me.
Mr Leland.
Thank you both very,
very much.
sync, fix: titler
I'll be seeing you
In all the old,
familiar places
That this heart
of mine embraces
All day through
In a small caf
The park along the way
The children's carousel
The chestnut tree
The wishing well
And I'll be seeing you
In every lovely
summer's day
In everything thas
light and gay
I'll always think
of you that way
I'll find you in
the morning sun
And when the night is new
I'll be looking at the moon
But I'll be seeing...
In a small caf
The park along the way
The children's carousel
The chestnut tree
The wishing well
And I'll be seeing you
In every lovely
summer's day
In everything thas
light and gay
I'll always think
of you that way
I'll find you in
the morning sun
And when the night is new
I'll be looking at the moon
But I'll be seeing...