Shiri (Swiri) (1999)

Found it!
Don't tell any body you're here.
Page me if necessary,
and never use the phone here.
I checked you in under an alias.
Don't go out.
I'll take care of the shop.
What's going on?
Don't ask.
Please do as I say.
I don't wanna stay here.
You haven't touched a drop
for a year.
This is me.
You know that, don't you?
What is it?
You wanna know what?
Tell me what's wrong.
Dear people of the South...
today marks an important
and joyous moment in our history..
I am here to put an end to years
of confrontation and dissension...
and to open up a new era
of under standing.
You got a call.
A guy who knows everything
about the CTX contacted me.
He's Hee's informant,
and he wants a deal.
Where are you?
I'm meeting him at
the Hwain Cultural Center.
I'm on my way.
Be there.
On my way..
He's wearing a blackjacket
and a black cap.
Anything else?
- That's all.
- I'll be right there.
You look good in a black jacket.
Any one else coming?
Hee, maybe.
So you called me expecting someone
inside to leak the information?
I hope it worked.
Nobody at the agency
knows that I'm here.
You know it's impossible
to tap the phones.
So, if they show up...
I'm the rat?
The MSG-90 Hee uses
is a five-shot semi automatic.
She used only two bullets,
both for Lim and Ho.
In both cases,
you were in her range.
If I were her...
I would have used
the other three bullets.
Three targets went inside.
Stay in position.
The mole must have been found.
For the unification!
- Been a long time.
- Good to see you.
Payback time for flight 257.
Look who's talking.
You killed seven of my men.
You left your men behind.
'Cause I have a job to finish.
You wanna know what it is?
I'll ask Hee.
It's my turn to send you a coffin.
Won't be easy!.
Get back!
She used only two bullets.
In both cases,
you were in here range.
If I were here...
I would have used
the other three bullets.
Name: Hyun
Residency: Cheju lsland
Innate Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Admitted at Halla Hospital
Get me Halla Hospital
in Cheju lsland.
Why'd you come here?
They ambushed us.
OP set a trap.
Because you didn't follow orders
to kill Ryu.
If this is for my failure,
I'll take the consequences.
Killing him.
It was my personal order.
When I met you here,
I saw the confusion in you.
Thanks to you...
we lost two of our men!
I did what I could do.
Yeah, you saved my life.
What do you want?
You've changed.
Of course I have...
from Hee to Hyun.
Not only in appearance,
but inside as well!
I don't need a betrayer.
We've waited ten years
for this moment.
In those hours of pain,
we pledged allegiance...
and buried our youth
in the tomb of history.
If you want to turn your back on us
over personal feelings, finish it here.
I was stupid...
thinking I could be Hyun.
But I am just Hee
who has to kill herman.
I failed to change my inside.
Let go!
We have a job to finish.
Avoid any physical contact with her,
and no smoking...
because her immune system
has dropped.
And make it quick.
There she is,
with the yellow sweater.
Do you mind if I sit here?
Are you from
the public health center?.
I am looking for this girl.
Anything happen to her?.
She's my old friend.
I need to find her.
She rented a room in our house...
two years ago...
and she'd visit me here
quite often.
She was very nice to me...
as if she were my real sister.
She said she'd call me
from Japan, but...
I think she misplaced my number.
Otherwise she'd have called.
She went to Japan?
She said it was for plastic surgery
to remove a scar on her body.
The day she left,
I cried my eyes out.
She hugged me...
and went on about
how sorry she was.
I didn't even know...
what she was sorry about.
Prepare ten million dollars...
and a 747 Jumbo
at the airport by 2:00.
No mistakes.
The Golden To were
was just the beginning.
I hope I don't have to use
the other nine CTXs.
Hello? Hello!
Don't put cookies in to the bowl.
Two of them died today.
I am not a fish shop boy.
I'm an OP agent, too.
You know how many fish bowls
we've got here?
I don't wanna deal with
dead bodies anymore.
It's the cookies that killed it.
No autopsyis needed--
If this is for my failure,
I'll take the consequences.
Killing him.
It was my personal order.
When I met you here,
I saw the confusion in you.
The soccer game between
the South and North...
will finally be kicking of fat
Seoul Main Stadium at 2:00 p.m. today..
With the presidents
of two nations present--
Hi. I'm here to collect
for the newspaper.
- How much?
- Seven dollars.
It's all right.
What are you doing here?
Going to a soccer game?
I had four goldfish on my desk...
I had four goldfish on my desk...
and two of them died today.
At first I thought it was
the cookies that killed them.
But I was wrong.
"SU300" inside their bodies...
is a high-tech bug
that can be used under water.
I suspected my partner
these last few days, including you.
I planted some bugs here...
and got the information
that I didn't want to get.
From October 1996 to August 1997...
when Hee disappeared,
you were in Japan.
You didn't need a fake passport
coming backin...
because you became Hyun.
Ryu went to Cheju lsland
to find the truth.
What makes me sad
is that my buddy...
loved you with all his heart.
Let me ask you this.
Did you really love him?
Over here!.
I planted a bug in your car.
Will you forgive me?
Stay with me!.
The ambulance is on the way!.
I messed up.
You're going to be okay.
You've always been the best!
This won't kill me.
-This won't--
-Stay with me!.
The 747's here.
Holding position, 100 meters
north west from terminal two.
Snipers, make an entry through
section D and take position.
Their target is the soccer game.
They're on their way
to the stadium.
What are you talking about?
No time to explain.
The stadium is at stake!.
They've set CTX around Seoul
and want ten million dollars.
- They were bluffing.
- Why the stadium?
All the North Korean leaders
are gathered there.
Why would they do that?
How the hell do I know?
Call off thegame immediately
and evacuate all the spectators.
Are you out of your mind?
Call off the game?
Imagine a CTX going off.
at the stadium!
Go back to head quarters.
Don'tworry about the stadium.
Not even a drop of water
can pass through security.
- It won't work.
- Listen to me!.
You lost your partner today..
Go back. It's an order!.
I understand about liquor,
but why not coffee?
It's the rule. Sorry.
Your attention, please.
No beverages will be allowed
into the stadium.
Thank you for your cooperation.
The game will begin
in 30 minutes.
If I were in the airport,
no doubt I could prove myself.
But what the hell am I doing here
watching the gate?
Both teams are now.
entering the stadium.
What are you--
How have you been?
Attention, please.
Both Presidents Kim and Lee...
have just arrived!
Let's give them a hand!
Get the lights ready.
Section 3-G.
Turn them on.
Turn the lights on?
Who's in charge of the lights?
What's wrong?
Did you turn on the lights
over the Royal Box?
Why would any body do that
in broad daylight?
They're on now!
Check it out.
Main substation, speaking.
Did you turn the lights on
in section 3-G?
Yes, there's a circuit problem.
I'm working on it.
Fix it quick.
Today is not a regularday, you know..
All right.
He'll turn them off soon.
Sub station
Leave right away.
This is a restricted area.
Who's in charge?
Why? You want to
turn off the lights?
They'll never go out.
Hey, friend!
You finally made it here.
Where's your backup?
All at the airport?
Hello, Dr. Min?
It's me, Sik.
Can't you hear me?
It's me, the oddball!
I have a question about the CTX.
The CTX!
What did you say were
the conditions for self-detonation?
This will be the graveyard
for the corrupt politicians.
Not only the politicians,
but also innocent people.
This is crazy!.
Sometimes history needs
craziness to help it.
What do you want?
A war!
We're removing
the barriers for a war.
These people
are not your barriers.
When we're done here...
our people's revolutionary army
will start a war.
It's not too late.
Turn the lights off now!.
That's not what
the people of this land want.
They don't want another war
to kill each other!
Revolution always comes with pain.
Sacrifices are necessary.
There were people who thought
the same as you in 1950.
Remember the pain that
the war caused in this country?.
I remember very well.
What pain the war
and separation left us.
I'm putting an end to it.
This game is to ease that pain!
I know it can.
We've waited for 50 years
under those politicians...
but unfortunately,
they don't want reunification.
It's like we're watching
a well-written play.
Don't be mistaken.
You're not the only one
who wants reunification.
We have to wait
for the right moment.
"Our hope is reunification.
We dream about it."
When you sing this song...
our people in the North...
are dying on the street.
They barely manage to live
with roots and barks.
Our sons and daughters...
are being sold off....
for fucking 100 dollars!
Have you ever seen parents eating...
the flesh of their dead kids?
With cheese, Coke and hamburgers...
you wouldn't know.
Asoccergameto unite the nations?
It's bullshit.
We've had enough with
the 50 years of deception.
We're opening up...
a new history of Korea.
Four minutes togo.
Four minutes togo.
The CTX will detonate soon.
History will judge us.
You know what?
The pain you suffered
for the last 50 years...
came from one person's
Lights off in section 3-G?
Turn them off!
Right now!
Don't waste your time.
Nobody's turning them off..
Turn them off!
We're dying together here.
Pull the trigger.
Good thing I have company
on my way to hell.
Turn the lights off?.
You know where Hee is?
She's in the audience...
laughing at you.
You know where Hee is?
She's in the audience,
laughing at you
O2, this is O3.
O2, this is O3.
Presidential guards, respond!
Evacuate the president!
Gate 52, he's on his way.
to the parking lot.
Get out!
A National Defense spokesman
revealed a war scenario attempted by....
North Korea's 8th special forces.
They sent five secret agents,
including Park, into South Korea--
Things about oddballs!
One. Oddballs revolt like you guys.
Two. Oddballs don't like cleaning
like you don't.
I am not an oddball.
Three. Oddballs chicken out!
When'd you first meet her?.
March, last year.
Give me the details.
The next day I went to see her.
I gave her a CD...
and we had dinner together.
We talked about music.
Didn't you ever feel
she was approaching you?
Then I wouldn't be here.
How were all the fish bowls
brought in here?
She wanted to put a few
in my office for decoration.
The agency bought
the rest through me.
She was pregnant.
Did you know that?
She never told me.
How come?
She could have used it
to blindfold you.
According to our report,
you were getting married soon.
You didn't suspect her at all
dating for a whole year?.
What do you want me to say?.
Answer the question.
We don't trust anybody...
not even the fellow agents
you share life with.
But she was an exception.
It means you admit that
you neglected your duty?.
It's not like you.
Agent Ryu is dead.
When was the first time
you met Hee?
It was Hyun, not Hee.
Let's call her Hee.
You know Hydra?
She's a goddess with six heads
in Greek mythology.
She has multiple personalities
with one body.
Hyun and Hee...
they're totally different.
Hydra of our times--
The reality of a separate Korea
turned her into Hydra.
This is Pages Voice Mail.
You have one new message.
it's me, Hyun.
I am at the stadium.
CTX is planted in the lights
over the Royal Box.
They'll turn the lights on
from the substation.
I'll be sitting in the west wing
of the stadium.
Do me a favor..
I don't want to face you.
Send someone else to get me.
The times I had with you...
is all of my life.
With you, l was neither
Hyunnor Hee...
but just me.
I won't ask you to understand me.
I miss you so much.
I miss you.
How have you been?
It's you again.
Did you meet her?.
It would have been nicer
if you came with her.
What is this?
They're Kissingurami.
For me?
They're beautiful.
Thanks a lot.
If one of them dies...
the other dies, too.
They dry up from loneliness, right?
Don't be surprised.
She knew everything about fish.
In fact...
she stayed over here
quite a few times.
You know how bad she is
when she sleeps?
I found her under the bed
every morning.
And when eating...
you have to be alert.
She's so bad with chop sticks
that she throws food on you.
Listen to this song.
It was her favorite.
Ryu: Han Suckyu
Park: Choi Minsik
Lee:. Song Kangho
Hee:. Kim Yunjin
Ko: Yoon Joosang
Sik: Park Yongwoo
Presented by
Samsung Entertainment Group
Written, produced, directed
by KangJegyu
Director of photography
Kim Sungbok
Edited by Park Gokji
Music by Lee Dongjun
Special effects by Jung Doahn