Shivaay (2016)

With Fire in Your Veins
You are the one and only
First ray of the morning sun
Your gaze, the Ultimate destroyer
Call out Loud
Har Har Har
Call out Loud
Har Har Har
With no beginning and no end
Indivisible, Equal to All
Soul of a moment and eternity
Lost in his own trance
With Knowledge of Tantra & Magic
Epitome of self worth and awareness
Beyond Death, the greatest destroyer
All pervasive voice of the Universe
Intoxication and the intoxicator
Ruler of all three worlds
Drunk on Poison, Steady immortal
God of gods, all pray to you
He's nothing and yet Everything
He's nothing and yet Everything
He's nothing and yet Everything
Shiva is in All of Us
Har Har Har
Har Har Har
[ Spiritual Chanting in Sanskrit ]
Eyes closed He watches
Time at his command
God of Gods. Loneliest of them all
The Universe, his exhibit
Ganges emanating from his
hair The moon crowns his brow
Delivering ease as
well as troubled times
Born of fire this mountain dweller
Energy craves for his touch
Craves for his touch,
Craves for his touch
He is for Ram as well as Ravana
He is for Life as well for Death
He is Chaos and the Order
For the ignorant, He is wisdom
When he opens his third eye
Earth trembles and Heavens sway
A sound resounds across the sky
His song is Bam Bam Bhole
Bam Bam Bhole
Nothing and yet Everything
Nothing and yet Everything
Nothing and yet Everything
Shiva is in all of us
Your are shiv.
Shiva is in you.
There is nothing but you.
Blow the Ash
Make the fire an eternal pyre
Extinguish Darkness
Become the morning light.
Call out Loud
Har Har Har
Become Shiva
destroy your demons!
Become Shiva
destroy your demons!
Become Shiva
destroy your demons!
Become Shiva...
Exterminate your demons!
[ Spiritual Chanting in Sanskrit ]
If you hadn't got us there on time...
the enemy would have
taken over our post.
Our success is indebted
to your skill...
I'm going to recommend your
name for the Army Men Honorary Rank...
Shivaay is far from
all ranks Colonel...
two kinds of people
come to these mountains...
the kind who are
searching for themselves...
and those who are seeking Him...
I am happy showing them the way...
I will be here whenever I am needed.
We won't be needing
your help from now.
People living down here
always need help from up there.
Call out Loud
Har Har Har
Hey Kancha... this is for you...
Don't give me what I want,
when are you taking me on a trek.
First grow up...You're still a kid.
I've been asking for
this since I was eight,
and for eight years
I've been called a kid.
How much is eight plus eight?
How much has your son grown?
His behaviour is of an eight year
old... but he is sixteen years old...
It's his birthday today.
Then you must get a birthday gift...
have you been...on this trek before...?
How many times?
I heard... last year four Japanese
tourists died... with the avalanche
Where had it happened...?
On the same route...
where we are headed now.
On the same route!?
Why, are you scared...? just...
These are mountains of
snow... can fall apart anytime.
Tell you?
Budham Sharnam Gachchhami...
...Sangam sharnam gachchhami...!
He's a wimp.
Very big one.
He's a wimp, and you are shrewd.
all the crowds behind
you and a bomb next to you?
She came and sat herself...Didn't
hold her hand and make her...
she is quite pretty though...!!
Excuse me... What are you
two talking about? May I know?
Just simply... praising the beauty.
Of what?
- Of the weather...!
Beautiful weather madam... fresh
air, no pollution, pure oxygen. less up there...
Is less here,
there isn't any up there.
Shivaay... her eyes are so pretty man.
With the colour of the sky in her eyes...
a fairy from distant lands is seen.
As melts the snow...
the heart of a saint melts too...
bit by bit.
Or is it that the blinded in the
spring can only see green everywhere.
Haven't had this kind
of flattery before...
I've been here for five years.
I've studied in DU.
That means you are rich...
Father's money or your own...?
Scholarship... and I
am not rich...but want to be...
- I have my own business.
- Olga...
Do you mind...
Where will you setup business?
Your Bulgaria is not in good shape.
That's exactly why
I am needed there the most.
That means madam is heading back.
I would've gone already...
these guys stopped me...
By the way...what
do you want to be...?
Never asked for any
more than I need...
He's never given
me lesser than I need...
That means...those one with Shiva... don't
need to become anything else madam
...but hearing a local language
from a foreigner's mouth...
sounds like,
a pebble rattling in a glass.
Excuse me! My Hindi is very good.
Not sure how good...but
it's sweet for sure.
Oh...he is so hot...and sexy.
- Definitely.
- Oh rubbish...
- Cheers...
everyone is done.
Can you please sign this.
What is this?
That man...
you mean Shivaay...
- yes...
Before hitting the mountains...
he gets everybody to sign
this paper... please sign now.
Nice... What does it say?
It says that during the
trek if someone breaks an arm...
or breaks a leg... or dies...
or gets eaten up by a wild animal...
This man is not responsible for any
of it...You are. You will have to.
No way I'm signing that...
I am not going to do it.
Hey! Kancha!
What rubbish
You have a strange name...
Shiva with the 'Y'. Why?
Why not?
Just the name is Shivaay...
What else of Shiva do you have...?
Alright... The long hair... like Shiva...
where is it?
And his three-speared weapon?
And Trishul his weapon?
Call out loud...
You all are at a height of 16,300
feet, The summit we have to reach...
is at a height of 20,000 feet.
We will complete this
trek in four phases.
Never thought about it...Didn't
want it at just happened...
That was my version.
Oh really...and what
is my version then...?
You thought about it...
wanted it ... and you got it.
Well...are you complaining...!
No complaints...! But I am thinking,
now what...?
Now, nothing... just
the last four days to go...
four days of moonlit nights
then for me there will be more...
And then the moonless dark nights,
for me and...
you know what... you no I think very,
very differently...
It's so beautiful!
Do you have mountains
like these in your country...
Well, there are many mountains....
But none like these... No!
Will there be colours
like these when the sun sets?
There will be sunsets everyday there...
But yes...
...there won't be colours like these.
Will you find someone ...
Like Shivaay...!
Even if I find someone he
won't be like Shivaay... I know that.
And yet...
Look Shivaay,
I have plans for my life.
Who are we to make plans.
Yes, Shivaay!
Plans are made by the one,
hidden deep in the mountains.
Come on...Come on
- Go....go.
Wait! There is someone! Look there...
Om Namh
namah shivaay......shivaaay......
Shivaay quick.......
Om Namh
namah shivaay......shivaaay...
Hurry up!
Leave me! God save
No way!
Just go!
God help me!
Go, go, go! Just Move!
Go, go, go! Just Move!
Please save me.
Save me! God Save me!
Your leg has broken...
I've given you a pain killer.
I'm very scared... Oh God!
I'm scared! I cannot die.... Oh my god!
Scared of dying...?
I am not scared of dying...
I'm scared for those who
won't be able to live if I die.
My mother has a heart condition,
my sister is just twelve...
I can't afford to die....
I can't afford
to die... I cannot die! I cannot die
I cannot die! I cannot die!...
- Olga...Olga...Olga...
You know what...
You and I think very very differently...
Nothing will happen
to you... I wont let you die.
Love me ever so passionately
So I may never forget
Life has brought us to this juncture
Am sure there must be a plan
I beseech you
Just for this one night
Forget the world in my arms
These Moments Between us
Are truly special
Forget the world in my Arms
I beseech you
Just for this one night
Forget the world in my arms
These Moments Between us
Are truly special
Forget the world in my Arms
Come walk with me, the path
Hand in Hand
No matter what little
time we may have
Spend each moment with me
No matter what little time we may have
Spend each moment with me
It is my only wish
My life's dream
Forget the world in my arms
These Moments Between us
Are truly special
Forget the world in my Arms
If, someone were to
follow these mountains...
...they will go from here to Pakistan,
Afghanistan... Kyrgyzstan,
Kazakistan and then through Russia...
will reach that small
village in Bulgaria...
where a girl named Olga has her home.
Come with me... to Bulgaria...?
Apart from the Himalayas,
Shivaay cant survive anywhere ...
So this is the moment of truth!
You can't come to Bulgaria, and I...
...can't stay here.
Why is time together
counted in days and weeks...
Why not in breaths...
If we count the breaths,
it will feel like...
what a long life...
this short relationship has.
Lets decorate these
moments on our bodies
Not even rains may wash them away
Forget the world in my arms
Lets etch each Moment
Not even eternity may erase them
Forget the world in my arms
I am most aware of you
How can I love you, I am a traveler
What is this moist Happiness?
Are you as aware of it as I am
These emotions
Are the purest
Forget the world in my arms
These Moments Between us
Are truly special
Forget the world in my arms
Forget the world in my Arms
Forget Forget Forget
Forget the world in my Arms
Forget Forget Forget
I beseech you
Just for this one night
Forget the world
in my arms
kancha... What?
Sister is inside.
This your first... you
must be very careful...
Shivaay.... Congratulations!
You're going to be a father now!
The first three months,
you'll have to be very careful.
And anxiety is not good for you,
and not for the baby either.
I'm prescribing some vitamins,
make sure you take them.
Go inside...
go inside...
I am not asking you
to spend your life here...
I am only asking you for nine months!
To be a mother is not
just a nine month thing...
And I don't want to
be a mother right now.
That means you don't
want me to be a father either!
Oh please! You are forcing
a life on me I don't want...
Shivaay... We met,
we fell in love.
But this baby... is an accident.
Not for me.
These few days that
we have spent together...
are the reason for me
to live the rest of my life.
Please give me this child... and you go.
I won't stop you.
Don't make me ... Don't
make me hate you... Please.
Someone who has no one, seeks out...
..only one thing all
his life... Family!!...
A complete family is
something I can't get...
but this half family that
has come my way unexpectedly...
...please don't take it away from me.
Enough of this emotional
blackmail Shivaay! For god's sake.
And what family...?...hmm...
I know you can't raise a kid...
I have raised myself...
The life that you want...
in order to get it...
there is no need to
take the life of this baby...
I already have several lives...
that I must take care of...
Not one more... Please!
I know its not easy for you...
But how difficult will it be for me...
if I don't have you and lose this too.
I am not forcing you.
I only want that...
No matter how short the
life of our relationship is...
...this baby's should be longer.
The evil eye that has
affected our relationship...
...should not touch our baby...
Gaura... Gaura listen!
Easy, easy!
Gaura... Gaura ... Be careful,
Easy Gaura! ...
Come on, stop.
Listen. Hey, Gaura listen!
Please stop!
Hey, You cant beat me. Cheater! Stop!
Don't go down and
say that Shivaay lost.
Ok, Ok!
Say that you won.
Not on that mountain...
That's where the storm had hit.
Nights by your Pillow
Excuses of Nightmares
Spent awake
Silent Conversations
Knit in Memories
Shared between us
Look at this world
Of Frozen Frames from our life
Its only You and only Me here
Hey ya Hey ya Hey ya Hey ya Hey ya
Hey ya Hey ya Hey ya Hey ya Hey
Lost Sleep
Fingers of your thoughts
Tickling me Softly
I read your silences
Bejeweled in me
Your silent explanations
Look at this world
Of Frozen Frames from our life
It's only You and only Me here
Hey ya Hey ya Hey ya Hey ya Hey ya
Hey ya Hey ya Hey ya Hey ya Hey
Jigsaws of Darkness
Vanish in your sunlight
All colours emanate from you
Your being is my being
Look at this world
Of Frozen Frames from our life
It's only You and only Me here
Har har Great God...
You are still young...
...I'll explain when you're older.
Give me a hand, come on. Pick this up.
Yes...I lied to you...
She is in Bulgaria,
alive, but not for us...
she didn't even want
to see your face...
She does not love you.
Gaura....... Gaura...
Gaura... Listen! Stop!
Gaura ...Stop!
Gaura... Listen!
Gaura ...Please
Gaura... Gaura.... Gaura...
That's it, Gaura my child.
All done. See...It won't hurt.
Done, done. Brave girl!
Shivaay Gaura is not fine...
She got seven stiches...!
To say that there
was no love between us...
will be wrong. And also a lie.
But this is what was
to become of this love...
Whatever you asked of me...
I have given...
Now what I want from my life...
have the right to seek out. I
so wished to see our daughter once...
But didn't...
If I did, I won't be able to leave.
And if I don't leave, I will live
the rest of my life in bitterness.
This won't be good
for the three of us.
I am going back to Bulgaria.
I will never come back.
I have many names in
mind for our daughter...
...but I am not going to name her.
I don't want... another name
apart from yours to miss,
all my life.
You give her a nice name.
And one more thing...
Tell her that her mother died.
If she finds out that
I'm alive and I deserted her...
...she will never
be able to forgive me...
I am leaving a lovely doll...
for my lovely doll...
Instead of me she will watch
over my daughter as she grows older.
Don't want to live with your father?
Hey babub....
Tell your friend to promise,
...that she'll come back with me...
and not stay back with her mother.
There it is!...
Hotel Mister...
Thank you...Here you go...
Go in Come on let's go...
Yes Mister?
The boy...
Get out...
Thank you so much...
I'm sergeant Nikolai
Thank you.
Hey, tell me...
what will you ask your mother...?
Hello! I'm Shivaay.
This is my daughter.
We're from India. We're looking for
Olga Baranowski.
Olga... Olga Baranowski?
She lives here...
No live here. Gone.
She doesn't live here anymore.
But we'll look for her.
We'll find her.
Let's go to the embassy.
Come on!
Anu, what's the problem?...
See, even your father approves of me ...
Atleast tell me,
what kind of a boy you want.
I don't know the kind I want...
but the kind I don't want,
I know for sure...
I mean a Geek?... who is obsessed
with his computer 24/7...
It's really not happening.
I will never date a hacker.
I am not a hacker... I mean... I
am one... But I am not one in reality.
- Hi!
Look... All the Corporates,
Government agencies...
Even the...
Police are fans of my skills...
They hire me...
because I bust hackers for them.
Madame, I am an ethical Hacker!
I make good money. The name commands
respect in the Hacking Community...
Maybe... But... Hacking means... theft!
And... you maybe the
worlds biggest hacker...
- Daniel?
But you will never be
able to hack into my heart...
Anu... It's a beautiful
evening let's do something!
Why waste it?... Madame...
- Just go...
Anu... Hey okay listen,
just text me dinner or movie...
Not again wahab. You wont get her.
Daniel, Sam damn good to see you.
This daughter of yours... she your biological daughter?
- Interesting... Very interesting...
so that means her mother...
She was In Bulgarian...
I mean 'is'... Olga
Baranowski is her name.
This is the address she gave
but she doesn't live here anymore...
this is her photograph
This child...
Yes...But she can hear fine...
Ya... what was she asking?...
She was asking,
"Uncle will you find my Mummy?"
Okay child tell me one thing...
if I find you your Mummy,
what will I get...
This confirms one thing,
the girl may look In Bulgarian...
...but her heart is Indian.
She knows the art of bribing well...
Has Anu come?
Please send her to my room, alright?...
Shivaay, the thing is,
that I am from Bihar...
Motihari district, and this creation
of nature called the Bihari... an amazing creature.
The curiosity levels
of Biharis is always high.
Now you can call it
a manufacturing defect...
...or blame it on some
biological composition...
...but I am a Bihari too.
So I suffer the same!
So, there is a question
bouncing in my mind for a while...
It's a personal question...
If you don't mind will you answer it?
Yes sure.
What happened? Meaning.... Divorce?
No, divorce can only
happen if there is a marriage.
That means natural mating,
no Wedlock but Lovelock!
You are an amazing man Mr. Shivaay!
Amazing... I think you have
a way with the fair sex.
- Come. Come.
On a serious note,
she is like my daughter...
Anushka my child this is Shivaay...
...he was sitting on Mount
Kailash and meditating...
when a beautiful [ SPEAK BULGARIAN ]
fairy dropped in...
...disrupted his life and disappeared.
Since then he has
been searching for her...
Have I made a mistake?
Sorry my child,
I am not joking around!
I... One minute,
Anushka my dear, come this way,
Gaura... Shshsh!
Help them please, as much as you can.
Shivaay, Anushka here
will help you through it all.
Come. Here, this is my card.
Thank you.
Hi! Gaura, Come.
If you want to find your mother you
will have to make friends with me. Ok?!
Take a right Quicky.
Hold the girl. Keep her at the back...
My Daughter...
My Daughter...
My Daughter...
They've got my Daughter...
What proof does he have
that she is his daughter?
She's a blonde kid.
Man, I have told them
a thousand times...
...but they refuse to believe it..
They don't believe
she's your daughter.
hey think you have picked
her up from somewhere and...
They think you have picked
her up from somewhere...
want to sell her to traffickers
and make money yourself...
Arrest him, don't let him go?
Surrender yourself!
Catch him! He's dangerous!
If they lose it, you won't
even get a chance to appear in court!
Hit him! Hit him! Don't let him go!
[ SPEAK BULGARIAN ] Leave him... Leave him...
He is innocent... Don't hit him....
Little girl!
Premium Price!!....
Uncle Ustinov..ok
and You?
White Girl!
Indian Passport?
Ga... Ga... uuu... Raa! Liliya.. now
You Liliya Now okay...
Liliya there my princess you...
Liliya, Liliya Liliya princess okay...
ya father...
Sh... vaey. Why?
Yes! Yes? Yes?
Liliya... Liliya there my princess...
Changez! My friend.
Shivaay, You have jumped
into the lion's den... you won't survive
They have charged you
on three accounts...
child trafficking,
murder and assaulting the police...
This isint just happeing to you...
many kids disappear
here... and are never found...
Because nobody knows
who took the children...
The kidnappers are different
from the buyers and sellers.
The human traffickers are
different from the organ traffickers.
This is a faceless industry...
Within seventy two hours
either their organs are removed...
...or they are transported
outside the country...
...and sold off into the
flesh trade in different countries
This business is huge, worth
millions and trillions of dollars.
With so much money at stake,
how dangerous must these people be?
This is the Russian mafia,
You won't be able to take them on...!
How do I say this to a father,
but you won't find your daughter.
Forget that you were a father once.
[ SPEAK BULGARIAN ] Convict out of control...
We need backup...Send to Krechim Dam...
[ SPEAK BULGARIAN ] Convict out of control...
We need backup...Send to Krechim Dam...
[ SPEAK BULGARIAN ] Convict out of control...
We need backup...Send to Krechim Dam...
[ SPEAK BULGARIAN ] Convict out of control...
We need backup...Send to Krechim Dam...
Become Shiva
Become Shiva
Become Shiva
destroy your demons!
Become Shiva
destroy your demons!
Become Shiva
destroy your demons!
Become Shiva...
destroy your demons!
Become Shiva...
destroy your demons!
Become Shiva...
destroy your demons!
Become Shiva...
Exterminate your demons!
[ Spiritual Chanting in Sanskrit ]
Leaving work early everyday for me...
is not right...
you are neglecting your work,
and the reason for that is,
I'm getting old.
My being young was also a reason, when
you refused the post of international
...when you refused the post of international
correspondent for the BBC...
...and chose instead
to be a college professor!
Won't a father do that
much for his only daughter?
Well, by the same logic...
...won't a daughter do
that much for her only father?
Oh.... please not again.
Now, no making a fuss.
This is the diet given by the doctor.
Please eat it quietly like a good boy.
At least sometimes
behave like my daughter!
Always firing me... like a grandmother!
Well, thank your stars,
that I don't spank
First the medicines.
Must be Wahab's.
I told him not to...
No phone calls after 6 pm.
He is a good boy.
Please adopt him then, I will
instantly make him my brother...
The India- Pakistan problem
will be solved, it's not him....
...yes Anushka here.
Oh my god!
Of course I want to help you,
why else would I risk meeting you?
That's why I am saying,
please surrender.
First Gaura... then surrender.
And until then...
Will you just keep killing people?
I haven't killed anyone yet...
...but whoever tries
to stop me now... will die.
Look... I understand your state of mind...
But the fact is, your daughter
being kidnapped is one thing...
and a father becoming a fugitive
and committing crime after crime...
...cannot be justified.
Is this what the Indian
embassy has to say to an Indian?
Yes... To the Indian who
had come as a tourist...
...and has become a criminal.
Do I look like a criminal to you?
We really want to help you...
to prove that you are innocent.
In seventy two hours th kidnapped
children are shipped out of the country.
Should a father spend these
hours looking for his daughter...
...or lose time trying
to prove his innocence?
It's very essential
for you to surrender...
only then can we put any
diplomatic pressure on the police... prove that you're innocent
See, the embassy must
follow a procedure...
...and, diplomacy has protocols.
Leave me! - Stop! Or I'll kill her!
Tell them or I'll kill you!
Please stop!
Tell them... Tell them
I'm not a trafficker!
He is not a Trafficker...
Tell them you've seen our passports.
Leave me. - Tell them
I've seen his passport...
I say Stop.
Stop. Please Stop.
I say stop right now!
Leave me.
Hey come!
Looking for something?...
Hey, want something?....
Just go!
Hey Mister...You are handsome.
Wanna have some fun?
Only one hundred leva for an hour...
Come on! You can pay
by credit card! Indian?
Only four thousand rupees.
Lots of fun!
Have you seen her?... 8 year old...
Gaura... have you seen her?
You her father?
Are you her father?
My father... Matthew.
He never came.
I am from Belgrade...
Serbia, Belgrade. Can you find him?
Tell him Lauren's here...
Tell him I wait...
Tell him to take me home please...
I want to go home. Home!
I want to go home...
Hey mister I'll give you
discount can you have me...
...for three thousand,
I'll make you happy.
You will get anything you want... anything...
Nice room.
What's going on bitch?...
Bargaining. He doesn't have money.
He doesn't have money...
No money. No fun.
[ SPEAK BULGARIAN ] Fuck off...
Get lost.
[ SPEAK BULGARIAN ] No wasting her time.
She is working...
I'll do whatever you say...
I'll get you money.
No Money... No Fun...
He doesn't have money...
I'll get you money!
I'll get customers...
I'll do everything you want!
Don't hit me please...
You bloody Bitch...
[ SPEAK BULGARIAN ] Changez...
Send Ivanovich to the police station...
Delete all the records...
[ SPEAK BULGARIAN ] We are fucked.
Some fucking Asian man...
Ivanovich Get up..
..get up! Go! Go! Go Now!
Move. Go! Go!
[ SPEAK BULGARIAN ] Who did this?...
[ SPEAK BULGARIAN ] One man...
I think your embassy must intervene.
What's wrong with you papa?
After what this man
has done with me today...
you are still advocating for him?
He is a first rate criminal.
Unpredictable and...
very dangerous too...
And.... a father too! That's him right?
90% of us won't get
into a mess like this...
But he's different....
He is an extraordinary man
in extraordinary circumstances.
If I may say so...
My child.. He is only following
a father's natural instinct...
And I wouldn't hesitate either,
before killing someone...
...if they were to kidnap you...
Who will that be?...Wait let me check.
No, No!
So you won't help a
father... to find his daughter...
but atleast you can help a
daughter reach her father?
...and I will find my Gaura ...
I don't need anyone's help...
Let her in, Anu my child.
No! Papa!
Someone will have to stand up...
...for the sake of
these missing children...
How else will they return home?
The truth is that this man has
saved the child from a paedophile....
As a matter of fact he has
saved many girls from flesh trade.
How can he be a human trafficker?
He's a human trafficker that's
what we think and it's a mistake.
In the news is an Indian
tourist Shivaay in Sofia...
...has rescued many
women and children...
We're getting all the
documents from MEA in India... prove his credentials
and his innocence.
Lastly, I would request the
police authorities in Sofia to stop...
...hunting this man,
and instead hunt...
...those who have actually
kidnapped his daughter!
The Indian Tourist Shivaay
who arrived in Sofia to get...
...his daughter to see her mother,
is still at large.
Although he doesn't
seem to be a criminal...
...he has so far considered to be one.
The Indian man Shivaay's
daughter went...
...missing soon after
they arrived in Sofia.
She is eight years old.
And she happens to be mute.
Her name is Gaura and apparently...
...she has a Bulgarian mother
whose whereabouts are still unknown.
All clear. Thank you.... Thank you....
Thank you very much... Gentleman.
Anu... heard what these people said...
...there is no such thing
called diplomatic immunity...
...they will just throw
you out of the country... will not meet
Shivaay and that's final.
Sir, what the police
was not able to do for years...
...this man has done in hours.
Yes he is Superman,
Batman... Spiderman...
I forget that you are
from the generation...
...that has grown up reading comics...
Listen child... life is
not a thirty page comic book...
You are the one who
asked me to help him.
Yes I did say that... because
he was just a tourist then
...and now he is a criminal
in this country...
And till the time all
is not clarified or proven,
that he is not involved
in any criminal activity....
...but actually doing social good...
Do you even understand the difference?
I do sir...
So till all this is not proven... will not help this
man in your official capacity.
I can help in my individual capacity,
Right sir?
Yes you can...
But there will be dire consequences...
Why are you doing this...
Why are you taking this
case so personally my dear?
Because outside the world of comics,
superheroes are hard to find, sir.
Anushka someone is here to meet you.
Yes Changez...
Why is she here?
For my daughter.
After nine years?
I thought...everything was over.
...That was a life I left behind.
And I've moved on!
But seeing the news on
TV today I suddenly felt that...
...there is still a mother inside me.
A daughter needs to
get kidnapped for a...
...mother to realise
that she is still a mother!
Her, Have you seen her?
She is my daughter.
She came to meet her mother
to find out if she loves her or not!
Have you seen her?
She's eight.
She even looks like her mother...
Have you seen her?
But now... I want to see her.
The first time I had
to save my baby from you...
...this time I have
to save her because of you.
Do you even know her name?
Have you ever seen her?
I haven't seen her!
I didn't even know her name!
I didn't even want to know it!
All I knew was that I have a
daughter, who I had left with you.
I thought you could take care of her.
But I was wrong.
Find her and bring her back.
I want my daughter back.
I want her back!
And I want to see her and
I want to see if she's fine!
And I want to see if she's ok.
I want my child back!
I want my child back!
I just want her back!
Hello... You aren't familiar with
the way the police functions here...
If they find out,
they will take my balls...
...and fry them for breakfast
with tabasco sauce...
...and not even stop to say yummy!
Sorry Madam!
Here you go sir!
Is this the Bridge.
'Uncle' Google can only
help you till this point.
To go any further... you need Wahab...
For what you need I'll have
to access the CCTV footage...
...for which I'll need to
get into the Pathna Police's...
...main server and hack it.
No, no no no...
So? Let's do it Wahab!
Ya, do it!
Everyday, Anushka coffee? "No Wahab."
Anushka Dinner? "No Wahab."
Now I'm about to commit the
first crime of my hacking career
"Hey Wahab, let's do it!"
Behind the downfall of every
great hacker is a woman he loves!
Too Much.
Ready, set, GO!
Now don't ask what's going on!
Until I don't get the
source code of their OS...
...I won't be able to find
where to track them from. Coffee?
This is the man. Find out who he is.
I'll have to download the footage
first then commit another crime.
I'll have to hack into the main server
of the Police Headquarters and...
...then match this image with the
images in their criminal database...
...and then if he has a criminal
record then we'll find him.
Then do it.
- How long will it take?
If you keep asking
questions then I don't know!
Sorry, but if we can maintain
some silence for the...
...sake of the spirit
of the dead, then...
Ten Minutes, Max!
Do it!
My beloved, the Bulgarian
police will kill me!
If you don't, he'll do the same.
One minute, Look at this!
You said this is an accident.
he man was run over by a truck.
Can't you see?
No. I can see something else!
Look at this.
This truck purposely
tried to run you over.
You moved. He couldn't.
It's a murder.
This is your man.
Stop searching for the dead...
You need to catch him.
He'll tell you where your daughter is.
[ SPEAK BULGARIAN ] What the hell...
...file is in use...
Download begins, Pizza?
What happened?
Shit! Shit! Shit!
They are tracing us...I'm
being double hacked!
Meaning, this file won't be downloaded.
The bastards have stopped it.
I want this file.
let them download...
It's downloading again! Relax...
No! They're letting it download!
They're definitely tracing us!
Sir- I'm stopping this download,
No! Please!
I'll have to rot in jail all my life!
And what about my daughter?
You have no idea how
dangerous these bastards are!
They will reach straight here now!
No one is safe, not you nor us.
We need to run. Now!
Who will come here?
- Anu... Where are you my child?
Are you alright.....
I am heading somewhere... on the way.
You have chosen the right way...
That's all I wanted to say...
Take care... Love you papa!
[ SPEAK BULGARIAN ] friend...
Where is my daughter...
Where is my daughter ...
Where is his daughter?
The girl with this doll...
Tell me where is my daughter....
Where is she?
- Tell me...
- Yes...
apart from the three of us only Ivanovich
knew about where we were going.
That's why before we got
here he finished off Ustinov.
But Ivanovich is in police
custody... the safest place.
We must find out from
him... who is Changez...?
Don't worry, Sir! I got it- understood.
Ivanovich is our last hope.
Even Ivanovich has
been killed in custody...
There isn't anyone left
who can lead us to Changez.
But Ivanovich is in police
custody... the safest place!
Changez is someone in the police.
It's an in custody death...
...Before the media hunts me down,
I need to know who it is....
All the officers working...
...under me are present here...
Thirty of us...All here..
One of us has killed this man...
Sgt. Nikolai.
Nikolai... Nikolai... Nikolai...
Nikolai ... Found him.
[ SPEAK BULGARIAN ] Who is it?
Got him
Sgt. Nkolai....tracing mobile.
Got him...
okay listen...
stop following changez...
Gaura is in a van, that van is
headed towards the Romanian border...
...follow that van now... go.
- Take a right.
By the time the van gets
to the speed of 50 kmph... must be at 70... Drive fast... Go!
Listen to me- the van
is 27 kms away from the border.
And we...
- 42 kilometers away...
Ok New plan, Short cut...
Sharp left now!
Where are you? Come on, come on...
Come on the van is only eight
kilometres away from the border...
come on... come on... come on... You can
do it. Drive like Schumacher man.
Yes! Going, going going keep going.
Guys the van is almost at the border,
Where are you guys...
Hurry up,
hurry up... we don't have time.
The van is just two kilometres
away from the border...
and you're five kilometres away...
if the van crosses the border...
you daughter is gone... remember that...
Sorry Sir, we lost her!
[ SPEAK BULGARIAN ] Changez...
[ SPEAK BULGARIAN ] Get the gun...
[ SPEAK BULGARIAN ] Get the gun...
hurry up...
Nights by your Pillow...
Excuses of Nightmares...
Spent awake... Gaura...
Silent Conversations ...
Knit in Memories...
Shared between us...
Look at this world...
Of Frozen Frames from our life ...
It's only You and only Me here ...
It's only we both.
It's me...
Any fears
I may have
Deep with in you
My cold shivering hands
Warmed by your breath
If I woke in my sleep
You lay awake with me
My worries are not worried
Because you are with me
Look at this world
Of Frozen Frames from our life
It's only You and only Me here
Run Gaura!
Gaura run!
Gaura run!
Hey ya Hey ya Hey ya Hey ya Hey ya
Hey ya Hey ya Hey ya Hey ya Hey ya
Hey ya Hey ya Hey ya Hey ya Hey ya
Hey ya Hey ya Hey ya Hey ya Hey ya
Hey Gaura ... Gaura...
I'm Okay...
No, I'm not.
sorry..give me your hand..