Shivers (1975)

Hello, I'm Ronald Merrick,
I'm here to invite you
aboard of our Starliner.
Yes, is true! Day to day
living becomes a luxury cruise...
...when you make your home
Starliner Tower aparments.
Although downtown Montreal
is only 12 and a half minutes away...
...once you crossed the
carrier bridge to Starliner island...
...the noise and the
traffic of the city...
...might just well be
a million miles away.
Leave your car and
the tension of the city... the space reserve for you
in our vast underground garage.
If friends are follow you home
...there's convenient parking
for them on ground level.
Invite them up to show the breathtaking
view from your balcony or your window.
Gracious hospitality is easy
in any Starliner apartment.
They all come fully equipped with
the most modern electrical appliances,
...and cable TV it
is standard too.
Relax by the side of our heated
olympic size swimming pool
And watch the St. Lawrence river
flowing by on its way to the city
Exercise the fun way in our
nine hole golf course.
Design by international
golf players
Or if tennis is your game don't have to wait for playing time
in a our multiple courses. Day or night.
Explore our island paradise,
secure in the knowledge that it belongs
to you and your felon passengers alone.
Cruise the seasons,
the sun and the stars
...without ever leaving
the great ship Starliner
Is all here!
A restaurant completed
with takeout service
...a variety store,
...dry cleaning service.
They here to serve you.
Don't forget our
own dental premises
and medical clinics
...staffed by the world
finest professionals
Sail through life in
quiet comfort
Cruise Starliner
Studios, one bedroom
...and two bedroom apartments
are now available.
From Starko, a division
of General Structures Incorporated
Good morning. Can I help you?
Yes, I a... We are looking for
the rental agent. We have an apointment.
I just give him
a little buzz.
Do you use that?
No. Never had it
out of the holster.
A rival company has 'em,
so we gotta have 'em.
Just an advertising gimmick.
Mr. Merrick is coming.
Welcome to Starliner Towers.
- And you are?
- Kresimer and Benda Sviben.
Yes, Mr. and Ms. Sviben.
Sorry to keep you waiting
Now, are we talking about
one or two bedrooms?
I assume we're not talking
about bachelors, I see
Now, Brenda
you take a look at this one...
and tell me if it doesn't
suit you down to the ground.
This is the one with the big view.
The panoramic view.
Do you say something, Nick?
Breakfast is just about ready
Can I call you at the office?
What do you want to call me?
I don't know.
I just though I might
like to call you.
I not gonna be at the office.
Except to sign in.
I got claims to check out.
Garages and more garages.
We're going up.
Oh, well. I'll just take
a little ride
As I was saying...
...we have quite an exciting
variety of completely furnished...
...aparments ready to live.
You can always move this
afternoon. If you want it.
Notice how the entranceways
to all the apartments...
Annabelle, this is Nick.
Are you in the bedroom?
Is probably nothing at all.
Actually is probably some form
of fatty cyst...
...or something like that.
That could be easily...
...remove at the doctor's office
Hasn't he seen a doctor?
He hates doctors.
Doctors and lawyers.
He never goes to doctors.
Look, why don't you do this?
Why don't you go down to the clinic?
And see that nice doctor.
What's his name?
...St. Luc?
Go down to the clinic and explain
to him that Nick is very ill
...and he has to stay in bed.
Ask him to come and see him
When he's there.
They can fight it out between 'em
- He'd be really mad.
- So what?
Yo can relax and find out
what's wrong with him
Let him be the uptight one,
for a change, really
This is ridiculous.
Nicholas, I didn't expect
you in today.
I'd been telling everyone
to call back tomorrow.
It was Dr. Hobbes
who paid the rent.
But actually was her name that
appear on the residency list
...and on the intercom board
Annabelle Brown.
A civilize young lady.
Never complain of anything.
And that was her?
Annabelle Brown?
- Far as I know
- Is that the man who called you up here?
Yes, Dr. Roger St. Luc.
He's the director of
our little medical clinic here.
- Medical clinic?
- Yes. We're on an island, you see?
We have to be as selfsupported
as possible.
I see.
Let's have a talk
with the doctor.
Dr. St. Luc?
Dr. St. Luc.
Inspector sargent Heller,
I'd like to ask you
a few questions.
- You're the one who found the bodies?
- Yes.
Did you touch anything or move
anything before we got here?
I removed some surgical tape from
her lips and examined inside of her mouth
I gave the tape to a detective...
The man over there...
- And I look at the anomaly very quickly.
- The department will be very bitchy about that.
You knew these people?
I knew the man, Emil Hobbes...
...he's a doctor and a
professor at the university.
I saw the girl around the building
...but I didn't know her.
She never came to the clinic.
So you came to visit this Hobbes
and you fund them like that?
No. I haven't seen Dr. Hobbes
since I was in medical school
He taught me. He was my
professor in urology and venereology
He also conducted some
seminars in psychopharmacology.
And that's about it.
I'd no idea he'd ever set
foot in Starliner Towers 'til today.
So what brought you up here?
Well, he called me at
six o'clock this morning.
Hobbes called me
I thought I was dreaming.
I haven't heard his voice for so long.
He said "meet me at apartment 15 now".
- Thank you.
"At noon we go out for lunch.
It's time you furthered your education"
That's it
- How did he sound?
Depressed? Nervous?
He sounded fine
No, you got the wrong man.
Just a moment please
Dr. St. Luc.
It's for you
Somebody wanting to know
why didn't you turn up for lunch.
This is not the kind of lunch
Hobbes had in mind for us
...but is all I got.
Ain't beautiful?
This is Hobbes and I project.
What we try to find...
...was an alternative
to organs transplant
I keeping you up?
You bored right?
To you organs transplant
is just yesterday's kishkas, right?
Look. You got...
You got men, right?
And you got parasites that
live in, on and around men. Rigth?
Why not... Why not breed a parasite
that can do something useful, eh?
A parasite that can take over
the function of a human organ
For example...
...we breed a parasite and implant
him in the human abdominal cavity
...that hooks in the
circulatory system
...and filters the blood like
a kidney does
If it takes a little blood
for itself once a while
What do you care?
I mean you have enough.
You can afford to be generous!
- Are you following me?
- I am, I am
OK, look. You have a guy
with a bad kidney. Right? you put the bug in.
The bug goes to work on the kidney
...dissolves it, so the
body assimilate it
Now, what you got?
You got a perfectly good parasite
where you used to have a rotten kidney
I know you're gonna
say it's crazy
Actually I gonna ask you
if you have mustard
C'mon. C'mon Rog, really
- What do you think?
- It's just crazy.
It's crazy?
But who cares?
Hobbes was a lousy teacher
We have to face the facts
he was a lousy teacher
He was dull... academic...
Just plain lousy
But he had a genius
for one thing...
That was getting grants
He could raised money
for crazy projects
For example, who do you think
is paying the rent of this place?
- Not you.
- Nope.
The Nothern Hemisphere
Organ Transplant Society
and that's for something that's
supposed to put 'em outta business
Here is a partial list...
of some of their other
recent projects...
...that we are underwriting
but with their money
Ashen and Graunt,
Insurance Appraisals.
Mr. Tudor?
One moment, please.
I'll buzz him
Nicholas? There's
a call for you.
Nicholas? It's that man whose
Lamborghini caught fire on St. Catherine.
He's very angry
What's wrong?
We're going to get you to a hospital.
It's probably an ulcer.
- I'm going home for the day
- But Nicholas...
I'm all right, Mona.
- Call me a cab... Now
- All right, Nicholas.
All right
How did Hobbes
know this girl?
Who is she?
Some chick he met when he
lecturing at her girl's school
And what happened?
The caught him examining
her titties for breast cancer the faculty lounge.
She was 12 years old
Think about crazy
He used to bring her up
here once in a while
I'll never understand how he
could do waht he did to her
I am... I think I have
to go back
Open up the store...
It's been great to see you.
you'll think of what I
just talked to you about...
...about joining me in this
Sure. See ya
- Keep in contact
- All right
How about the pickle?
It's used!
Good afternoon, Mr. Tudor.
Yes, the aging process is in
any way reversible
I don't think for a
moment that it is
...but might be stoppable and that's
where mega vitamins come in
Ms. Tudor? Are
you ready to go in
- Yes. Excuse me, Brad
- Sure
- Be with you in a minute
- Right
Well, I don't see any...
...any change in this company
report done on your husband last year
I see too many scargots...
and too many crepes with
vanilla icecream and strawberries
But I don't see chance of a
cancer developing that fast
Not the way you've
described it to me
I think it might be
swollen glands or something
- Can you come up and take a look at him?
- That's what I'm here for
I don't think I can
do it until 9'30...
- ...10 o'clock? That would be OK?
- That's perfect
- Not too late?
- No, that's fine
- Thank you so much, doctor
- Don't worry
Ms. Ementhal is ready, doctor
Tell Ms. Ementhal, I'll be right
there with her, will you?
- You see how beautiful the grass is?
- Yes, yes.
I take a walk here
every day
Good heavens! Look!
Poor birdie
Poor birdie
Crap! They're always
crashing into tall buildings
- The windows fool them, you know
- Come along, Olive.
- I'ts such a shame
- Come on, dear
The poor little thing!
Maybe it's only hurt
Don't be silly, dear. It's in heaven
now, whatever it is
Now come along and get you tucked
up in the bed before the color TV
You know what a restless
night you have...
Kriedler seems to think
that the mega-vitamin therapy... the answer to
the question of aging
That's not to suggest that the
aging process is in any way reversible...
Patient's ready, Brad
OK. Bye
You just take your shirt off. The doctor
will be here to see you in a minute, OK?
You don't have to go.
I'm not shy
Don't be a tease, Brad
- I'm still working, you know.
- Yes, I know.
All right
You look very good.
Just lay here.
We'll see what the problem is
Better take it easy.
There's a lot of pressure in there
Do you want me to
breathe deeply?
Just breathe normal
Good shape for
an old man, eh?
...better than me, man.
Better than me
Mr. Parkins, I understand that you
caught these lumps from a young lady
It's that right?
- What makes you think that?
- She had some just like 'em
Right here. Near her
belly button
You could push 'em
around too
I thought they were
kinda sexy, myself
- Did she live in the Starliner Towers?
- Yeah. In the 1511.
- Was her name Annabelle Brown?
- Yeah. That's the one
OK, I tell you what...
Put your clothes on
I'm going to send you to a
hospital to take a few X-rays
I want to find out
what's hiding inside you
Go to this address
- Gonna cut me open?
- I don't want you to think that
I'm sure it's probably nothing
Want a drink?
No thanks. I just wanted
to tell you that...
...Dr. St. Luc is coming up
to see Nick about 10
That's terrific!
Was he nice to you?
After you find out that there's
nothing that a vacation won't cure
...come and join me for dinner
I've ordered from Phillipe's
I'm sure your enjoy it.
Come and join me.
I loath to eat alone. I makes
me feel so fat and lonely
I always order for two
OK. See you.
Are you at home?
C'mon sweetheart. We'll take
you into bed
You'll be right.
Lean on me
Come on
You go there and
I'll go here
- Hello, hello!
- Hello, hello!
- Nobody at home
- Forget it
I wonder why is nobody
at home today.
Maybe in that apartment
It's scary!
Is it sickening?
What is it?
Just get out! Let's
get outta here
Come here, boy. Here, boy, here.
Come on, buddy.
Come on, fella.
You and me...
You and me, we're
gonna be friends
Good friends
Nick? Do you call me?
Do you say something?
How are you feeling?
Does your stomach hurt?
- Can I feel those bumpson your tum?
- Go away
Leave me alone
Why won't you let
me help you?
Time is 7 o'clock
This is John Woodhouse...
...with the radio news,
sports and weather
A bizarre murder has Montreal
police baffled today... they attemp to untangle events
leading to discover of...
...two bodies in the Starliner apartments
complex, early this afternoon
The body of a 68 years old
retired professor of medicine...
...was found lying
in a pool of blood... an unidentified former student
The professor aparently
commited suicide... cutting himself
with a scalpel...
...after performing an as yet
unexplained operation...
...on an 19 year old woman.
The woman's nude body...
...was found on a dinning room
table. Badly mutilated...
Police are not releasing
any names...
...pending notification
to next of kin
On the labor front,
the steel workers strike...
...has the municipal
officials on the defensive.
Spokeman for the steel workers
union is asking for a 20%...
Goverment official said the negotiation
with the union will continue...
...until an agreement is reached
I had those things you asked for...
The files on Horsefield, Velakofsky...
...Swinburn and Brown.
- And those papers published by Hobbes
- Oh, yeah.
Those are from the
American Journal of Psychiatry.
- All of this
- Yes, this is Hobbes' paper
As a added extra, this is something
I compiled before your time here
I thought they might
interest you
And now how
about a kiss?
- Eh, how about a kiss?
- Sure
This is the best thing I had in all day
How about another kiss?
- There isn't more people on the list?
- No, Dotty's the last
- Yeah?
- Rog? I'ts me, Rollo.
Rollo, it's interesting that
you called... I just...
...look out at this material
you did with Hobbes
That's very flatter but I don't think
you'll find much real meat in them
No? How come?
Well, you know, I always
thought Hobbes was funny...
I told you that before. I didn't really
know just how funny he was. Until now
See... when he kicked off...
...they sent all his personal stuff.
After all, I'm Hobbes partner, right?
Anyway, I've been going
through his papers
...and what the add
up to is this...
Hobbes was shafting us all!
me, the university, the foundations,
the council, everybody!
I don't quite get it!
Hobbes believes the
man is an animal...
...that thinks too much over rational animal that has lost
touch with his body and his instincts
In other words, too much
brain and not enough guts
What he came up with to
help our guts was a parasite...
...a combination of aphrodisiac
and veneral disease...
it would hopefully turn the world
into a beautiful mindless orgy
That sounds crazy to me
The important thing
to you Roger is this...
You know, Annabelle. He was
using her as a guinea pig
- Guinea pig?
- He implanted her with a parasite
Once it took over, aparently
she went berserk
I guess Hobbes wasn't
ready for that...
So he just had to kill her
What was the point?
The point was that he wasn't
trying to burn her...
- He wans't?
- No
He was trying to burn the
thigs. All of them!
- Well, he didn't make it
- What?
Maybe Hobbes didn't know it
but Annabelle Brown was a pretty
popular girl around Starliner Towers
I got three men here, maybe
four, who're hosting large..., apparently
pathogenic, abdominal growths
...that nobody I've tried
can identify
I like to come over and
have look at one of those guys
Why don't you?
I gonna meet on
of them at ten
guy's name is Tudor.
he's on the directory there
You can just a meet
me at the apartment
Yeah, look. I'll
be right over
I don't want to panic
you or anything
...the way Hobbes
design those things...
is they get out of hand
pretty fast
So you gotta be careful,
I mean...
...before you have any chance
to know what's happening to you
Once they start pumping that
juice into the blood... I don't know
If you see anybody
doing anything compulsive
I mean, any kind of
bizarre sexual things...
Once I can get there,
there's a lotta things we can use
Maybe we can start with a
basic tropical kit and work out from there
I'll bring the bag full over
The point is you've to
get at them fast
Listen, I'm gonna stay
I've a meeting with Rollo
a Tudor's apartment
Well, why don't you come to my
place and have something to eat when you finished
- It might be very late...
- Doesn't matter to me how late it is
I'll keep it warm
Is anything wrong
with the Hobbes thing?
- Yeah, but nothing I can`t handle
- Well, how about supper at my place?
- OK, but late
- OK, see you later
Delivery for 416
from Phillipe's restaurant.
I'm hungry!
I'm hungry for love!
I'm hungry for love!
What do you think?
It's lovely
Can I help you?
You can help me
Hold it! Hold it!
What? What's wrong?
This man... I think I
recognize him...
I think he lives in
the apartments
He just attacks me
for no reason at all!
- I just opened the door...
- All right!
I just fixing you dinner
and he just grab me...
...he just tried to kiss me!
- Where is he?
- I don't know!
I think I killed him. I stabbed
him with something and he fell
Listen to me. Stay here
and I'll go and check it out
All right? Just
stay here!
I not gonna stay
but myself!
- I'm going with you
- Listen to me
It's not safe for you.
It could be dangerous
Just stay here.
I'll be right back, OK?
I'm sorry...
I didn't mean to
startle you
I just didn't want your
dinner burned
- Quite strange!
- Yes
What it is?
Get out!
Get it off me!
Get out!
Get out!
I want you to describe
him to the doorman
Maybe he knows where
he lives or what he be up to
- How do you feel?
- OK
Hey doctor!
Please, help us!
- What happened?
- Please, pardon me. I'm Maurice Guilbaull.
I am a resident here
We're walking in the hallway
and my wife was attacked by this thing
- Where is this thing?
- I hit it. I hit it
I hit it with the cane
down to the garbage
This is a nurse.
This is nurse Forsythe
- What?
- She is a nurse!
ou take them back
to their apartment
Treat her for secon-degree burns.
It'll have to do for now
What's your number?
What is the number of your apartment?
Yes. We live on 703.
OK. I'll meet you back there.
Don't leave until I get there
Lock the door adn don't
let anyone in except me. OK?
- But where do you go?
- Down to the garbage
No, dear. Is not our floor
- It's all right dear
- Ms. Guibaull, do you feel any better?
- Does it hurt, cherie?
- A little
Nick? Are you up?
Hello, darling
I feel wonderful
Come here. Come
and join me on the bed
You're absolutely beautiful
Your eyes...
Your mouth...
You're the most
sexy thing alive
Do you want to make love?
Nick, you're so strange
You'll make love to me,
won't you Janine?
You're my wife
You start
I think I've forgotten
how to do
- Nick, I can't take this
- Janine.
You're so beautiful
Make love to me, Janine
You're my wife
No, no, Nick, stop!
Please, stop!
Make love to me
Make love to me
I want able to see you
when we make love
I want to put my contacts in.
Is it OK? Is that OK?
Nick, I'm going to the bathroom
to put my contacts in
Nick, I'm here
What happen?
I'm gonna call the police
She's calling the police
She's calling the police!
- Por qoui?
- Je ne sais pas
- ce qui se p?
- Elle ne m'a pas dit!
Nurse, come back!
My wife needs you!
Where are you?
You look awful!
What happened?
Never mind how
awful I look
This is what I want
you to do
I want you to call
the police. You got that?
Call 'em and tell 'em to head
to the medical center. We needs help
- The police?
- Listen to me!
Tell 'em I need help.
And I need it fast!
All right. Is OK.
- Yes? Who is there?
- Mr. Guilbaull.
- Who is this?
- Dr. St. Luc.
- I need to talk to the nurse
- But the nurse... she went away
I think she went to
look for you, doctor
- You stay where you are
- Stay where we are?
- You understand? Stay where you are!
- OK, OK, good bye.
Who are they?
My God!
Go away! Leave us alone!
Forsythe! Where are you?
Hold on. I wanna try
crash the door
Dr. St. Luc?
Hello. There he is!
Good evening,
Mr. Wolfe, Ms. Lewis.
Mr. Merrick, why don't you do
something with all that noise?
We like parties,
but this is ridiculous!
Well, there might be
a connection...
It's about your locker...
I'm afraid somebody broke
into it, early this evening
Oh, no! What a drag!
- Are you serious?
- I'm afraid so
I have some of the things
they threw around in my office
...and if you care to come
and identify them
C'mon. Let me get out!
Do I feel good to you?
Yes, very good
Do you know what I want?
I want you to make
love with me
Make love to me
- What?
- Make love to me
- You can't...
- Make love to me
You can't really
be saying that!
Let's kiss
Make love to me, Janine.
Make love to me
Make love to me
Let's kiss and make up.
Let's kiss!
Rollo and the police
will be here by now...
All we have to do is avoid
those pleople until they find us
...or we find them
Dr. St. Luc?
Dr. St. Luc?
It's Dr. Linsky here
Roger, Rollo here for the
consultation we talked about
Mr. Tudor?
Mr. Tudor, I'm Dr. Linsky.
I take a little look here
Help, Roger!
Bring it out! Is burning!
I'm burning!
- Oh, take it all!
- Give it away!
Get off me!
No, no, no!
Tudor! Tudor! Help!
Roger I had a very disturbing
dream last night
In this dream...
I found mysefl making
love to a strange man
Only I'm having trouble,
you see...
because he's old...
...and dying...
...and he smells bad and
I find him repulsive
But then, he tells me that...
...everything is erotic
...that everything is sexual...
You know what I mean?
He tells me that even old flesh
is erotic flesh
...that disease is the love of two kinds
of creatures for each other
Even dying... an act of erotism...
That talking is sexual...
That breathing is sexual...
That even to physically
exist is sexual
And I believe him...
...and we make love beautifully
Let's go to swimming pool
Hey, come on out
Don't you wanna
go to the party?
Come on out, man
Have you met my
daughter Erica?
She's a beautiful girl.
Come here, Erica
I think you really
like my daughter Erica
The time is 5:26 a.m.
This is Gerald Keys with the
Media Sculp sunrise news bulletin
There is still no confirmation
by Montreal City Police
concerning alledged reports of a
city wide plague of violent sexual assaults
The assaults...
...believed to have originated
in the vicinity of Starliner Island...
...began late last night
...and spread with increasing
frecuency this morning
Reports of the attacks had been
termed irresponsible and histerical a Montreal City
Police spokesman
Stay tuned for further detail,
on Media Sculp news at 6.00