Shock To The System (2006)

Don Strachey?
You must be Paul Hale.
Gotta tell you, Paul,
I usually meet new
clients in my office.
Sorry, I just...
I can't really be
seen going there.
Not now.
I don't know why we couldn't
have just done this
over the phone.
I like to meet
clients face-to-face,
that's how I know
they're legit.
Maybe you should tell me
what you're looking for?
I need help.
I need you to track
someone down for me.
You can do that, right?
But listen, you gotta keep
this totally secret.
Nobody can know
what you're doing.
Look, maybe you want to tell
me who you're looking for?
I need someone
I can trust.
Can I trust you?
Yeah, yeah, you can.
Look, there's a diner
around the corner,
why don't
we take a walk...
you and I
can just talk.
I can't be seen.
Here take it,
take it!
We don't have time.
I can think of a thousand
things I'd rather do
than go to this event.
We promised.
That was just
number three.
Wait 'til you see
number 6 and number 7.
We're going.
Both of us.
But I guess we could
be fashionably late.
Tell me about
number 7 again.
...and I say we take this
right to their doorsteps.
Camp out at city hall
until we get some answers.
Councilwoman Ferrani's
promised to follow
through with this.
We have to give her time.
Please, I want results,
not empty rhetoric.
Especially from someone
the gay community
helped put into office.
You agree with
me, don't you?
Do I?
No, you don't.
No, I don't,
I definitely do not.
Look at that,
Nice talking with you.
Likewise I'm sure.
You know darling, I love
you more than my luggage,
but sometimes I wish you
would at least pretend
to be interested in what's
going on in the world.
I am interested
in the world.
I just don't give a rat's
ass about politics.
Maybe that's because you
don't know enough about it.
Maybe it's because
it's boring?
Honey, politics is the most
exciting cornerstone
of our civilization.
It requires a mastery
of many skills.
I communicate just fine.
Barkeep, two martinis.
And just dab
the vermouth behind my ears.
Sometimes I swear
you'd be happier
spending the evenings
with a bullet-riddled corpse.
That's not true.
I also like dodging
speeding vehicles
in dark alleys
in the middle of the night.
And speaking of that,
have you heard
from your young
Mr. Hale today?
No, I called
and left a message,
but I haven't heard back-
hey! You hear that?
Every time a martini
shaker is shaken,
an angel gets his wings.
It's you, right?
You're the guy that was
in that advocate article,
the gay detective!
Sparky, right?
It's Strachey.
Donald Strachey.
And he's a private
investigator, actually.
How cool is that?
You're like the first gay
detective I've ever heard of
I mean, I know a
couple of gay firemen,
but a gay detective...
yeah, that's something.
Saved by the ring tone.
...uhm, Strachey,
yeah, okay.
You wanna tell me what
it's about, detective?
Right now?
Okay, see ya,
in twenty minutes.
Let me guess.
Bullet riddled corpse?
Detective Bailey
says it's an emergency.
Sorry, honey.
Sparky the gay detective,
off to save the day.
Watch your step.
You always wear formal attire
to crime scenes, Strachey?
Trying to upgrade
my image.
Can I see him?
Paul Hale, shit.
You know him?
What happened?
He had a stroke.
A stroke?
He's barely
twenty years old.
He washed down a bottle
of xanax with bourbon.
So it appears.
I'll know for sure
after the autopsy.
You seen Bailey around?
You're the P.I.
You figure it out.
Detective, my
son was murdered.
Someone did
this to him.
Mrs. Hale,
we'll investigate--
That coroner's already
made up her mind!
No, she hasn't.
Paul wouldn't kill himself
he wouldn't do that.
He did leave a note,
Mrs. Hale.
Detective Bailey.
Did you fall off a
wedding cake, Strachey?
Mrs. Hale, my name
is Donald Strachey,
I'm a private investigator.
I'm so sorry
about your son.
Thank you.
God, my baby!
Can we make
this quick.
Why did the deceased have
your card in his pocket?
That's between him
and me.
Was he a client
or boyfriend?
What does that mean?
I met him
last night.
What are you implying?
My son was not gay,
if that's what you mean.
Paul had been confused
for a while,
but he was
much better.
Dr. Cornell had
completely healed him.
He runs that clinic-?
Yes, the Phoenix Foundation
for a better life.
He's a brilliant man.
He turned Paul's
life around.
It appears Paul
Hale wasn't gay.
He was ex-gay.
"Gay reparative therapy".
Maybe you oughta give
it a shot, Strachey?
Awe and give up my
fantasies about you?
So what exactly
happened last night
between you and Paul Hale?
Not much.
We talked a little bit.
He hired me to
find somebody.
You gonna tell me who?
I don't know.
We didn't get that far.
Somebody tried
to run us over.
Probably just a disgruntled
ex-client of yours?
If it was an ex-client
of mine,
I'd be the dead
guy, don't you think?
Paul took off, and that's
the last I saw of him.
"I'm sorry, mom.
"It's just too
much to take.
"I love you, Paul."
Kids today, even the suicide
notes are high tech.
Come on, Bailey,
the kid hires a P.I.
And then kills himself?
Maybe you didn't
inspire much confidence.
What about his e-mails,
anything there?
No, and all the files
are wiped clean.
Evidently he didn't want
anyone going through his stuff
especially that mother
of his, is my guess.
You wiped the keyboard
for any other prints?
It's not a homicide.
Hale had a bunch of xanax
and a bunch of other pills
right next to him and he
washed it down with liquor.
It couldn't get much
clearer than that.
Let it go.
Paul Hale gave me
a $5,000 retainer.
I think I'm gonna make sure
he gets his money's worth.
Don't move!
Don't shoot!
It's only me,
Kenny Kwon!
What're you doing trying
to break into my office,
break in?
Do I look like
a thief to you?
You look familiar,
do I know you?
You should.
You got me fired
from my job.
At the Parmalee
Plaza Hotel?
You trashed the office
and beat up my boss.
Oh, yeah.
That was you?
You got canned for that?
Job sucked anyway.
Well, I only beat up
people that need it.
What're you doing here,
Kenny Kwon?
I was slipping one
under your door.
I saw your ad in the paper
for a secretary
and I recognized
your name.
I figure you owe
me at least that.
I don't pay much.
My unemployment checks
run out next week.
I've had six secretaries
in three months.
They all quit
after a week.
With your sparkling
What a shocker.
And I prefer
"office manager".
Oh, my gosh.
Somebody broke in and
trashed the place!
Strachey investigations,
Kenny Kwon, associate
investigator speaking,
how may I help you?
Hold please,
I'll see if he's in.
He won't give his name,
but he says if you don't
take the call you're
sleeping on the sofa?
Here, go find the website,
it's called
the Phoenix Foundation
for a better tomorrow.
Oh yeah, I dated
one of those guys.
He was hot.
Except he burst into tears
every time we had sex.
Figure out
what you can.
Does this mean
I'm hired?
It means I'm
thinking about it.
Go work, work, work...
hey, honey.
New secretary?
He prefers office manager.
And how's your day?
Well, it just got
more interesting.
The senator received
an invitation today
from your Dr. Cornell.
And their poster boy was
Paul Hale.
According to their
website, Dr. Trevor Cornell
is a board-certified
and the Phoenix
Foundation operates
one of the most successful
reparative therapy programs
in New York.
I wonder what his
idea of successful is?
Dressing badly,
decorating your house
with duck decoys
and breaking out in a rash
every time you hear
Barbara Streisand sing.
Sounds good
to me...
Uhm, is this...?
Is this, uh, the place
that helps--
do you have an
I'm sorry...
this was a bad idea.
I'm just going to go...
hold up!
Were you looking
for Dr. Cornell?
Why don't you come in, I'll
see if he's available.
My name is grey.
I'm Kyle.
You work here?
Just help out
once in a while.
Glad you came.
Come in.
I'll go see if I can
find him for you, okay.
I'll be right back.
Just put him out
of your mind.
You've gotta forget
about him,
he's not worth
crying over.
This was so
unfair of him.
Well, it was selfish,
that's all it was.
What Paul did was
completely selfish.
If the police
find out...
they won't, Katie.
Got lost.
Hi, I'm Lynne
Cornell, Trevor-
Dr. Cornell's wife,
we're really happy you've
paid us a visit.
Well... honestly
Mrs. Cornell-
Lynne, please.
Lynne, I didn't know
where else to go.
Well, you're
welcome here.
This way.
We're having a bit of
a rough day around here,
but Trevor can take a few
minutes, if you'd like.
Does Dr. Cornell always
see everybody personally?
Hmm-mm, he's always
made a point of it.
Although, that will
probably change
once we move to our
new headquarters.
I heard about that,
Washington, D.C., right?
Trevor's dedicated to helping
people all over this country
not just here
in New York.
It's going to be a big
job, but worth it
if we can save
one person like yourself.
Trevor, this is Kyle--
Trevor Cornell, nice
to meet you Kyle.
I've got some things
to take care of.
It's been a pleasure
meeting you, Kyle.
You too, Lynne.
I hope to see
you again.
Sit down,
make yourself at home.
It's a really
nice place...
it's a work in progress.
Guess we all are, right?
How'd you hear
about us, Kyle?
A friend of mine.
Well, not really a friend,
just a guy I met
told me you really
helped him.
Our clients are
our best referrals.
You remember his name?
It was...
Paul Hale.
you should know, Kyle,
Paul Hale died last night.
Terrible thing.
We're all still trying
to deal with it here.
An accidental overdose.
Paul was a very...
troubled young man.
He was very confused.
But I thought he was your
spokesman or something.
That's what he told me.
Kyle, I'm more concerned
with how I can help you.
What exactly
are you looking for?
I want my life back.
We all deserve to have
the life we want.
What happened to yours?
I was in the army,
a sergeant, actually.
They kicked me
out for, you know...
for being gay.
What division were
you in?
division, echo company--
out of Maryland.
I tried to fit in
with the gay community
but I don't like it.
Kyle, the thing that
I want you to understand--
to believe,
whether you work with us
here at Phoenix or not
is that you are
the only person
who is allowed to
define who you are.
Choosing a homosexual
lifestyle works for some,
but it's a choice.
A very restricting,
limiting choice.
You can fix me?
Make me attracted
to women?
I wish I could.
I can't promise
you that, no one can.
Resisting your sexual urges
may be a lifetime issue.
So what's the point?
The point is to choose
to live a life,
not a lifestyle.
I'm sorry, Trevor,
the group's
a little upset,
you might want
to speak with them.
Tell them I'll
be right there.
I'm sorry Kyle,
I wish we had more time.
That's alright.
Actually, we're having
a group session tomorrow.
You should come.
Meet some of the others
members of the foundation
see what we're doing
to help them.
Alright. It'd be good.
Then we'll see you
tomorrow night at 8:00
thank you, Dr. Cornell.
welcome to the
Phoenix Foundation.
I don't understand
exactly what you're looking
That's because I'm
not exactly sure.
Your son hired
me to find somebody.
Find somebody, who?
I was hoping you might
be able to tell me.
I'm sure I have no idea.
Well, that
makes two of us.
But I'm thinking it
must have something to do
with Trevor Cornell
or his group.
Why would you think that?
Because they're
furious with him.
Whatever your
son was doing,
it was pissing off a lot
of people.
Those people were
Paul's friends.
Do you know who might
want your son dead?
Isn't it obvious?
If somebody like Paul could
turn away from that life,
could go straight
just think,
how inspirational
that would have been?
You don't like gay people
very much, do you Mrs. Hale?
All I ever wanted
was what was best
for my son.
To see him healthy
and safe and happy.
If you really want to find
out who killed him,
this is where I would
start, Larry Phelps.
Paul kept his photo up.
They were best friends
since they were kids.
I'm sure he's the reason
Paul became confused
to begin with.
So you think this kid
would've hurt Paul?
For the last year,
ever since Paul got
himself turned around,
Larry's done nothing
but harass my son
calling him
a traitor, a fraud.
Paul was very upset.
So why didn't he just
steer clear from him?
They were in film school
at university together.
He couldn't just
steer clear.
Okay, I'll talk
with Mr. Phelps.
You don't have
to lie to me
I'm not the one
paying your fee.
The only reason you're
even investigating this case
is so you can smear
Dr. Cornell's good name.
That's all you really
care about it, isn't it?
Your son came to me
and asked for my help.
He asked me if he
could trust me
and I told him he could.
If somebody murdered him,
I don't really don't give
a damn who they sleep with.
I'll find them.
Goodbye, Mrs. Hale.
Larry Phelps around?
name is Donald Strachey,
I'm wondering if I can talk
to you a little bit?
Hey, Larry, wait!
You're starting
to piss me off!
What the hell are
you running from?!
Go to hell!
There's a lot of
people that saw you
you won't get
away with it.
I don't know what
you're talking about!
That's why you
attacked me.
Attacked you?
Listen asshole-
look, let's start
over, alright?
Yeah, I'm pretty
close, why?
I'll be there in
fifteen minutes.
Better make that
a half hour.
Hey, look who's here,
if it isn't Albany's
most famous gay dick.
Don't sell yourself
short, Stenski
the boys I've
talked to say
you ain't so
bad yourself.
Looking good wherever
you go, Strachey.
What can I say?
This place just brings
out the best in me.
Coroner ruled
it a suicide.
Drug overdose, just
like we thought.
That's right.
I thought he took xanax?
Yeah, well, we found xanax
right next to the body.
But no trace of
it in his system.
It turns out it was the
phenelzine that killed him.
Did he have a prescription
for phenelzine?
No, he didn't have
a prescription for either.
That's why Dr. Sung
didn't suspect anything.
She figures whoever
gave him the xanax
gave him
the phenelzine as well.
Plus, the crime
scene, the note,
everything indicates
So who gave him
the pills?
That's none
of my business.
I investigate homicides.
The coroner
ruled it a suicide.
This case is closed.
You might as well
take this with you,
I have another
copy in the files.
Thank you.
what's the deal
with this kid?
Why the interest?
I don't know.
I guess he reminds me of
somebody I used to know.
A long time ago.
You here?
Yeah, I'm up here!
Okay, I've got
Thai takeout,
double chocolate
fudge ice cream
with optional hot fudge
and that movie with
the two straight guys
playing gay guys,
playing two straight girls
to seduce their boss.
Or something.
I'm sorry
I have to work tonight.
But it's Tuesday night.
We watch movies
on Tuesday night.
I know, but it's
this Paul Hale thing.
The suicide?
Maybe not.
But I thought they found the
pills right next to his body?
They did.
They did, but Paul
didn't take them.
So how did he die?
They found another
antidepressant in his system
called phenelzine,
it causes a nasty reaction
when taken with alcohol.
Like a stroke in an otherwise
healthy 21-year old?
Paul was drinking
bourbon that night.
So somebody could have
slipped it into his drink
without him knowing?
Or he took it himself.
I intend
to find out.
I'm doing a little
undercover work tonight
at the Phoenix Foundation.
Isn't that the sweater
my mother made you?
It's group therapy.
I have to blend in
with all the other
recovering homosexuals.
I won't tell her
you said that.
You think someone there
might know something
about Paul's death?
Well, it's possible.
They're definitely
hiding something
there's something they don't
want the police to know about
and I intend to find
out what it is.
You have to save me
some Thai food,
and don't eat all
the ice cream, piggy.
Good luck.
And don't let him
brainwash you.
I'm the only one
who gets to do that.
...I was a freshman at NYU,
thought I was gonna be
this huge artist, you know?
My first winter
was so shitty,
being away
from home and all.
So that's when I started,
you know, doin' things...
gay things.
Goin' to clubs,
going to bars.
And pretty soon,
I was doing drugs, too.
I just wanted
to meet somebody,
fall in love,
all that stuff.
But it's just like
the whole scene,
it's so crazy.
So what changed
for you, Jefferson?
What brought you here?
A few weeks ago,
I went to this party
and for
the first time ever
I felt, just
really dirty,
I hated myself.
I pretty much
hated everything.
I couldn't break free.
I came back to Albany
to get some distance.
To figure
shit out.
"Turn now every one
of you from his evil way,
"and then you shall dwell
in the land which I gave
"to you
and your fathers."
We have one new member
joining us tonight,
I'm, uh, just
checking it out,
see, if it will
work for me.
What's Kyle doing...?
Yes, self-defining.
I can't tell Kyle
this is the way to go.
You can't tell him.
The choices we make
are our own choices.
But you do have
the choice to change.
It's not going
to be easy.
But you have
to ask yourself
what's the value of
something if you don't have
to fight for it?
Life's a challenge,
a struggle,
there's nothing wrong
with working hard
for something
you believe in.
Choosing a straight lifestyle
opens up all kinds of doors,
amazing opportunities.
It's a path most homosexuals
are not strong enough to take.
It takes faith
and commitment.
You have to be
extremely motivated
you have to want something
better for yourself
and your family
so badly
that you can resist
the temptations
that will
surely come.
I know we were all very
upset to hear the news
of Paul Hale's death.
All I can say about
it right now is
I'm happy to talk
to any of you about Paul
in our individual sessions.
But right now I want to
keep our group time focused
on one thing:
Your struggles.
And how we can
all help each other
to achieve the happiness
we deserve.
...we play basketball
on Saturdays
you should come.
A lot of the guys need
help getting comfortable
with a more
masculine role.
Basketball makes
them more "masculine"?
Sports, yeah, definitely.
I mean, you don't look like
you've got that problem,
but some of these
guys... man.
Need help, huh?
It's like they've never
seen a football game
in their life.
Part of the program is about
learning how to be friends
with guys without
sleeping with them.
If you want to immigrate
into straight society,
you gotta know what people
are talking about, right?
Yeah, I'll catch up
with you in a bit.
See you Saturday!
Hi, we didn't get
a chance to meet.
Oh, hi.
Wow, good grip.
Sorry, I'm supposed
to be more-
I won't tell anybody.
It's just so hard.
There's so much
to remember.
You been here
a long time?
About five months.
It's been amazing
I'm so much better now.
According to who?
So you knew this
guy, Paul Hale?
Yeah, I knew
him really well.
Nice guy?
The best.
We were engaged.
Before everything changed.
What changed?
Katie, let's get you
home, okay, honey?
Kyle, if you'd like,
I've got time for an
individual session tomorrow
at 2:00.
Uhm, alright, cool.
I'll look forward
to it.
Me too, thanks.
Kyle, I hope you
enjoyed tonight,
we're really glad
you're here.
Thank you.
See you tomorrow.
Count on it.
You've got the
intimidation thing
down pat...
but your trailer
skills suck.
I know who you are.
Recognized you from
that article
in the advocate
last year.
Who're you working for?
Why? You have
something to hide?
Listen to me,
Walter's a good man!
If his father's got
you sneaking around
trying to dig-
who's Walter?
The punk next
to me in the meeting?
He's trying, man.
Bending over
backwards, trying to
do everything he can.
Slow down,
I don't know what
you're talking about.
You're not working
for Walter's father?
Why would Walter's
father hire a P.I.?
To check up on him.
He's trying to find
out if Walter's
really gone straight.
How long have you and
Walter been together?
Three years.
Don't you think
it's a little late
for Walter to try convincing
his father he's straight?
Not when his father's
lying on his death bed.
And worth over
$5 million.
I get it.
Can you tell me anything
about Paul Hale?
I know that
something going on
you guys don't want
the police to know about.
Honestly, I don't know
exactly what was going on.
Paul was always
the golden boy
over the past few
weeks, though...
It was like Paul just
had enough one day.
He started asking
these really pointed
questions to Cornell,
and made it real
uncomfortable for him.
About the foundation?
Yeah, about everything.
Then, on Tuesday,
there was this
big blowout.
During group in front
of everybody.
Paul and Cornell really
went at each other.
Paul threatened to
leave the program.
Cornell said how devastated
Paul's mother'd be.
Paul just left.
I've never seen
Cornell so angry.
It was ugly.
So it sounds like
Paul was on the road
to being an ex-ex-gay.
I didn't know
where you went.
I was just talking
over here.
It's okay, he isn't
working for your father.
He's checking
into Paul's death.
Hey, Walter...
we need to go.
He's always like
this after group.
Levon, I'm leaving.
If you want to
come, then come on.
See why I gotta
be around?
sorry, sorry.
I know I'm late,
but apparently that twink
at the coffee shop
doesn't know the difference
between a chai latte
and a chaicuccino.
I mean, you call
yourself a barista
and you can't even get
the orders right?
I need you to do some
research for me.
Find a guy by the name
of Walter Tidlow.
Apparently his father's
got a ton of money.
See what you can find
out about the family.
Got it.
What the hell is this?
Organic green leaf broth
with bee pollen and clover.
I thought with
your temper,
you should probably lay off
the caffeine for a few weeks.
So these ex-gay people,
were they all, like,
total freaks?
No, they're... people.
Confused people.
But that doctor, he must
be totally whacked, right?
Actually, it's a
little disturbing how
not-whacked he is.
I saw a picture of him.
He's kinda cute,
you think he's into
Asian guys?
Kenny, the good
doctor is straight.
Of course he is.
And I'm next year's
starting point guard
for the Knicks.
I'm impressed you know
what a point guard is!
I dated one.
The sex was great but
I always had to hide
in the back seat
at away games.
can I talk to you?
I have to get to work...
at the fire
station, right?
How do you know
where I work?
I was talking to
grey last night,
I just had some questions
about the program,
do you have
time for lunch?
My dad's the fire chief,
all my brothers are
in the department.
You're the only girl?
No, I have a sister.
But she's this
total princess.
Married this great guy,
has the most
beautiful baby girl
she's perfect.
Sounds like a lot
to live up to.
We're just
really different.
It's like I live and
work at the station house.
It's a family.
I just want to be
normal like them.
And who says
you're not normal?
You know what I mean.
I mean, that's why
you're there, right?
It's so unfair that
we can't live normal lives
like everybody else.
I bet your family
was pretty excited
about you and Paul
getting engaged...
they didn't know.
No one did.
We weren't supposed
to tell anyone.
Why keep it a secret?
There's this big
fundraiser planned
for next week,
to raise money.
Paul and Trevor wanted
to wait until then.
They thought it would
really help the foundation,
you know, with all the
press being there and all.
Were you in love
with Paul?
Paul and I made
the choice to
love one another.
Because we deserved
to have a normal life.
Katie, last night
you told me that you
were engaged to Paul
until everything changed
what happened?
Why are you asking me
all these questions?
I just want to know
what I'm in for.
I gotta go
to the station house.
I know you're
afraid of the police.
If you don't
talk to me now,
I think you'll be
talking to them.
Who are you?
Paul came to see me,
right before he died.
He was scared.
He wanted me
to help him.
Help him do what?
I was hoping you
could tell me...
I don't know...
Katie, yesterday
I overheard you talking
to Walter and
you were crying,
you said there was
something you were afraid
the police were going
to find out.
Talk to me.
Did you have something
to do with Paul's death?
It's my fault.
It's my fault
he's dead.
Why is it
your fault?
I didn't mean to...
I thought
it would help...
what did you
do, Katie?!
The pills he took,
I gave them to him.
What pills?
The xanax,
that night, after he
got so mad at Trevor.
They were mine, I thought
they'd help him.
Katie, Paul never
took the xanax.
Did you give him
anything else?
Any other drugs?
No, I just had those
because I sometimes
get really nervous
I mean, I didn't...?
Can I help you?
I'm here for
my appointment.
Great, come on in.
Kyle, hi, it's nice
to see you again.
Trevor and I are running
a few minutes late,
would you mind waiting
in the lounge?
Sure, no problem.
Great, we'll hurry.
Hey, man!
You wanna play?
I thought it
was Saturdays.
I play every
chance I get.
Go for it.
Definitely have
to get you here
for Saturdays, man.
grey, what do
you do for a living?
Pharmaceutical sales.
It's nice, get to set
my own hours.
How about you,
you're off in the
middle of the day, too.
So you here
to see Trevor, huh?
You know it's tough,
it really is,
but it's definitely
worth it.
You've been coming
here for a little while.
Off and on,
a couple of years.
Off and on?
Had a relapse
a couple of times.
It's hard to resist.
Good looking guys.
Why bother?
Cause of this.
Your family?
Jessica left me once.
Never again.
I wear it around my
neck to remind myself.
But isn't that just
like living a lie?
Every night I go
home to my family,
have dinner with them,
read my kids stories
before I put them to bed.
That's no lie.
Sounds tough.
It's harder than hell,
if you want
to know the truth.
And the worst part is
it doesn't get
any easier.
I can tell.
We're ready now.
Good luck, man.
You, too.
And just sign there
at the bottom.
He's not gonna perform shock
therapy or a lobotomy, is he?
We don't advocate that
treatment any longer.
We haven't
for several years.
But isn't all
this just saying that
reparative therapy
doesn't really work?
Not at all.
This is simply what they
call "informed consent",
making it clear to you
that this is an area
where psychologists have
many different opinions.
"The American
Psychological Association
"and the American
Psychiatric Association
"oppose all portrayals of
lesbian, gay and bisexual
"people as mentally ill
and in need of treatment
"due to their
sexual orientation."
Sad, isn't it?
How political correctness
has pervaded even
into the world of medicine
and mental health.
The real
question, Kyle, is
do you think it
will work for you?
Thank you.
You have a very nice
looking family.
You could,
too, one day.
What about your son,
is he in college?
well, everything's
looks to be order.
Let me see if Trevor's
ready for you.
So, Kyle, tell me,
if you hadn't pursued
a gay lifestyle,
who would you be today?
Well, I really didn't pursued
anything in my life,
it just evolved.
You're avoiding
my question.
Who would
you be today?
I don't know.
I guess I would probably
still be in the army,
And what do you
think that would
have been like?
Just gotten a promotion
to military intelligence,
that would have
been interesting.
And how do you think
that would have been,
military intelligence?
It was what I wanted,
I had worked really hard
for it for a couple years.
It was how I always
saw myself.
So the army was going
to be your career?
Not my career,
my life.
Were you
a good soldier?
Yeah, the best.
I have no doubt.
Kyle, I want you to think
about these things.
The roads not taken
the roads that are
closed to you
when you self-define
as homosexual.
When you understand
those consequences,
you have the strength
on the road to recovery.
The recovery of everything
you could have been.
The restoration of a freer,
more open life.
Not being ghetto-ized by
living in the "gay" area.
Not having your politics
decided for you
because you're supposed
to support "gay" issues.
You give up aspects of
your own individuality
the moment you identify
yourself as gay.
You and I we'll
work together
on giving you
back a normal life,
the way nature and
god intended it.
If god wanted it that way,
why didn't he just make me
straight to begin with?
He did,
but we'll talk about that
in our next session.
We can explore your
family dynamics,
better understand
where you deviated
from the path.
What about you,
Dr. Cornell.
Are you everything
you wanted to be?
We all want more
in our lives.
That's to be expected.
Like taking the
foundation national,
that's a big
deal, right?
Open you to a lot
of opportunities
television talk shows,
speaking engagements,
a lot of money
in that.
Why don't
you just ask me
what it is you really
want to know?
Do you really believe
what you're selling?
Or you just trying to
make a name for yourself?
You want to know if I
believe in what I do?
Unequivocally, yes.
I'm here to change
lives, Kyle.
And, I know it works
because I've seen
it in action.
It didn't work
for Paul Hale.
Paul made
his own choices.
I heard you two
had a fight.
We had a difference
of opinion.
He wasn't thinking clearly,
he was disturbed.
But he would
have come around.
In time for next
week's fundraiser?
Paul was very
confused, Kyle.
Maybe he was,
but he was also
on every advertisement
for your foundation.
He was supposed to
announce his engagement
at your event.
You're not here for
treatment at all, are you?
You're a psychiatrist,
Dr. Cornell.
You prescribe meds.
Do you know what happens
when alcohol is
mixed with phenelzine?
Get out
of my office now!
What happened
to Paul Hale?
Did he have a relapse?
Get out!
It doesn't look
too good
if your poster boy
flies the coop!
Paul would have
never done that!
That's exactly what
he did!
I bet it pissed
you off!
You sure look
pissed now!
Get out and don't
come back!
What did you and two talk
about that night?
Did you tell him it was
all going to be okay
while you poisoned him?!
Did you watch him twitch
and die on the floor?!
Did he cry for help?!
I loved Paul!
Loved him!
What's going on?
Get out!
Get out before
I call the police.
Oh, I'm pretty
sure the police
will be calling you.
What are you doing?
My job.
Don't move.
I've got a gun aimed at
the back of your head.
Put your hands back
on the steering wheel.
Grey, take it easy.
Drive away.
We can
talk about this.
Just drive...
what's this about,
I heard you
with Cornell.
He was pretty
angry, huh?
I guess I was
saying things he
didn't wanna hear.
About Paul Hale?
That's exactly what
it was about.
What are we doing
here, grey?
They got in a fight,
you know?
Paul and Dr. Cornell
the other night
at group.
I know.
Paul pushed Cornell and it
looked as if Dr. Cornell-
it looked like he
wanted to kill Paul.
You think he did?
I don't know... but the
thing is, when Paul left,
he grabbed his bag,
and some stuff
spilled out of it.
Paper, pens,
and this.
I took it home
and watched it.
I take it from
this conversation,
it wasn't pizza boy 3.
I don't know who
you are,
but if you're here to find
out who killed Paul Hale.
This will help.
I'm married.
Or at least as close
to it as two men can get
in this country.
And more importantly,
I am in love with him.
You're a nice guy.
You seem smart
and lord knows
you're good looking.
Okay, so...
you're going to
get out of my car
and go home and you're going
to love that family of yours
and somehow figure
out a way to be real.
Where's Donald?
I'm not
at liberty to say.
May I help you?
You must be
the new secretary.
Office manager.
And you are?
I'm tim Callahan.
I'm sorry, did you
have an appointment?
I'm Donald's partner.
His boyfriend?
Oh, gosh!
I'm so sorry!
It's nice
to meet you.
I feel like
a complete jerk,
I should've
known your name,
I just didn't know
Donald was into older--
can I get
you a coffee?
Kenny, we're going to--
what're you doing here?
The senator finished kissing
babies a little early today,
so I thought maybe
I could convince
Albany's cutest
private eye
to take me out
for a latte?
I know him,
he's a pushover...
five minutes,
have a seat.
at my age,
I should probably get
all rest as I can.
Kenny, I need
you to do find
everything we can on
the Cornell's kid,
everything, where he
lives, what he does,
all of it.
Cornell kid,
got it.
And I did that check you
wanted on Walter Tidlow--
As in Clifford
Tidlow, the developer?
Apparently his son,
is going to inherit like
five million bucks-
not anymore.
What do you mean?
The government seized
all his assets for tax fraud.
His estate tried to
get senator Glassman
to intervene,
but there was nothing
we could do.
He hasn't got
a dime.
Wow, I wonder if Walter
knows he's wasting his time
playing it straight?
I wonder if Levon knows
he's wasting his time
with Walter?
Walter's boyfr--
You think Levon found
out about the money?
And maybe Levon decided
to find himself another
rich boyfriend--
like Paul Hale?
And then Walter found
out about Paul and--
Levon, and put the
pills in Paul's drink?
That's it!
We solved it!
Good job, boys.
Just a couple problems
with your theory.
One, Levon and Walter
were in group therapy
at the exact time
of Paul's death.
And number two,
Paul wasn't just planning
to leave the group.
He was planning to take
down the entire
Phoenix Foundation with him.
...but the truth
turned out to be
something totally different.
I wanted to believe
I wanted to change.
And I did change, finally.
Just not in the way
I was expecting.
What is that?
The reason Paul
Hale was murdered.
Have you called
Larry Phelps?
Yeah, and I've left like
six messages but nothing.
I even contacted
his landlady
but she hasn't
seen him all week.
It's like
he's vanished.
He hasn't vanished.
He's hiding.
Is that him?
This is why he
was so scared.
He knows whatever
Paul knew.
And whoever killed
Paul is after him now.
Rain check?
Rain check.
I'm looking for a buddy
of mine, Larry Phelps,
you know him?
Yeah... but
he's not here.
Nobody's seen
him all week.
Of course.
Well, he's got some
footage I need,
any chance you
can show me where
he's been working?
Yeah, he was in here,
ten, twelve hours a day,
and he wouldn't let
anybody see what he
was doing either
that's strange.
The hard drives
are gone.
Maybe he was finished?
Yeah, but he wouldn't
take the hard drives
with him.
Okay, if you see
him, have him give
me a call, okay?
Donald Strachey.
Private investigator.
Hey... you're that
gay detective, right?
The one from
that magazine?
Does everybody
read that thing?
Listen to me,
find him, okay, tell him
I'm a friend of Paul's.
That's important,
you got it?
I'm a friend.
Alright, I'll sign
your magazine.
How many is that?
You haven't even
touched it yet?
I'm not in the mood.
Wanna talk about it?
Just thinking.
With you, that's usually
not a good thing.
Do you ever wonder what
your life would be like
if you weren't gay?
I hate it when you
do undercover work.
You're not actually
listening to this quack,
are you?
No, it's not
even about gay.
Don't you ever think how
things would be different?
Not really.
Come on,
what if you never been
kicked out of the seminary?
You loved it there.
I did.
It felt like my calling.
Alright then, you could be
in Africa or who knows where,
helping sick people.
A lot of things would
be different.
But just "different"
not necessarily better.
Maybe they would be.
I wouldn't have you,
so it could not
have been better.
The gay detective.
Private investigator.
That's me.
That's what I've become.
Only if that's how
you see yourself.
I'm cool with being
gay, you know that.
But it's
ridiculous to say
that it doesn't
change things,
doesn't affect
your options.
Problem is not
being gay
it's other people,
ignorant people,
telling you who you
can or can't be
because you're gay.
You never feel a little
bit trapped... a little?
I wouldn't trade
my life with anyone.
I like my life.
I thought you did, too.
I'm sorry if you
feel trapped.
Yeah, look, I'm busy
right now, can it wait?
Where are you?
It's you.
I'd hate to be whoever
you thought I was...
sorry, it's just that...
things have been weird
since Paul died.
You don't believe he
killed himself either.
Those fuckers killed him.
Which fuckers exactly
are we talking about?
The Phoenix Foundation,
who else?
That's the film you
and Paul were working on?
An expose of
the Phoenix Foundation.
It was Paul's movie.
He was gonna let the truth
about those assholes...
that's why they wiped
out his hard drive.
He was storing
the film on his computer.
Yeah, but he gave
me a backup copy.
I've been coming in here
working on it every night
after they close up.
But I don't care
how long it takes,
I'm gonna finish
it for him
and I don't care
how many threatening
messages they leave.
Who's threatening you?
I thought it was you.
That's why I ran,
I thought you were
gonna beat me up.
I only beat up
people who need it.
Who did they say they
are when they call you?
Lawyers, mostly, saying
they're gonna sue my ass
if there's anything
slanderous in the movie.
How do they know
about the movie?
I don't know,
they might have found
the camera Paul hid-
there's a hidden camera?
Yeah, in Cornell's office.
Paul was filming
Dr. Cornell's
private sessions?
For the last
three weeks, yeah.
You're asking
me to do something
I'm not comfortable with.
Listen, Dr. Cornell,
all I need
you to do is tell him
tell him I'm straight
but you're not, are you?
Are you?
That's Walter Tidlow.
We're altering all
the voices,
so the clients
stay anonymous.
I can make this
worth your while
I'll inherit a lot.
I can make a donation
to Phoenix.
a big donation.
So anyone who knew Paul
was making this film
might've had
reason to kill him.
What the hell?
Stay here.
Who's there?!
Identify yourself!
Just keep
these guys back.
I'm gonna
need your gun.
You didn't get a good
look at the shooter?
I know who did it.
This is a police
matter now.
It should've been
a long time ago.
You think this guy is
Trevor Cornell.
Come on, Bailey,
he tells me to my face
he was in love with Paul.
The kid was making movies
can destroy everything
he's working for,
what do you think?
We'll check him out,
see if he's got an alibi.
He's got a lot of people
that will lie for him.
If this guy's involved
in the murders of Paul
Hale and Larry Phelps,
I promise you
I will put
him behind bars.
I want you out of this,
do I make myself clear.
Perfectly clear.
Yeah, wake up
Judge Frears
I need a warrant.
I'm sorry.
Oh my god...
it's nothing,
don't worry.
it barely hit me.
Nothing that
a couple of drinks
isn't going to fix.
Should I ask
you about it?
Because then I'd have
to tell you about it
and I just don't want to
talk about it right now...
well, then...
we won't
talk about it.
Who's that?
That's Kyle griffin.
My lieutenant.
The first man
I ever loved.
You've never
mentioned him before.
He saved my life.
We were caught
in a ambush, snipers,
and I got hit.
Right, the scar
on your back.
Kyle came running
back for me,
he won the medal
of honor for that.
He was a hero.
You two were a couple?
It was crazy,
trying to have
a relationship in the army
all the secret
hiding places,
the long
meaningful glances.
Always afraid somebody was
gonna find out about us.
Sounds horrible.
I don't know.
I tried to run
so long for being gay
and there I was,
a soldier,
in love with a man,
and I was happy.
How long?
Four months.
And then they dragged
him by the cid,
they separated us,
and asked us questions
about our "relationship."
I thought they weren't
supposed to ask
and you weren't
supposed to tell.
Just because a rule
exists doesn't mean
the army has
to follow it.
So what did you do?
I told the truth.
I don't even know why.
It wasn't like
I was all of a sudden
all excited
about being gay,
I just...
I just loved him
and it didn't seem
right to lie about that.
And from that moment,
everything changed.
I lost everything,
I lost my career,
all my friends,
all my dreams.
And what about Kyle?
He hated me.
He wouldn't talk to me.
The day we got
our discharges,
he put a gun
in his mouth.
Oh, no,
oh, no,
oh, baby.
...this morning with the
arrest of Dr. Trevor Cornell,
a prominent psychiatrist
whose controversial
conversion therapy
has drawn sharp criticism
within the gay
and lesbian community.
Now, Dr. Cornell is expected
to be charged with the murder
of Larry Phelps, a local
university student
gunned down last night.
And maybe we'll get
him for Paul Hale, too.
Authorities reportedly
found the murder weapon
inside Cornell's office
in his Phoenix Foundation
Kelsey Thomas, WXRN News.
They found the gun
in his office?
Isn't that
a little... convenient?
Well, you said so
yourself he was smart.
So he goes and
kills somebody
and puts the gun
in the office?
Gimme some more coffee?
And what made Paul Hale
pick a fight with him
at that group session
in the first place?
I mean, the guy was going
to blindside him with that
film he was making
the following week.
And what about
Lynne Cornell,
she's got as much to
lose as her husband does.
Don't you have something
political to do?
I'm just saying,
the don Strachey I know
wouldn't just accept
the obvious.
You'd like to believe
he was guilty...
geez, you're never satisfied,
are you, Strachey?
Just give me
a couple minutes.
We've got him cold.
The gun was found locked
in his desk drawer.
Along with several
capsules of phenelzine.
And he's got
no alibi says he was
alone in his office
at the time
of the shooting.
Isn't that
a little "convenient."
I thought you'd
be ecstatic.
So did I.
He's in the holding cell
until they get here
to take him over
to county.
You did this to me.
I'd say you did it
to yourself.
I'm being framed.
Okay, who framed you?
Someone who didn't want
to see my work succeed.
Probably someone
like you.
You're right it was me,
I'll go home now.
What about your alibi?
I was alone.
Nobody saw you?
Believe me I could
never shoot anyone.
How about poison them?
A little phenelzine bourbon
combo, something like that.
I would never hurt Paul.
You tell me
you loved him.
Did he love you back?
Of course, you'd
think that!
Turn it into something
deviant and unnatural!
Well, what was it then?
I loved Paul like a son!
Like the son I lost...
My son Andrew died
four years ago.
An accident.
What kind of accident?
He was drunk.
He was drunk a lot.
No matter how many
times we tried
to get him help...
I'm sorry.
I thought-
you thought what?
Paul hired me to
find somebody,
I thought maybe
it was your son.
Paul knew my son
was dead.
We talked about our
families a lot.
Tell me about
the night
the big blow-up
with Paul,
how did it get started,
what happened?
I don't know.
I'm trying to help
you here...
I don't know!
He came out of nowhere.
Paul had been distant
for several weeks.
I tried to talk to him-
you can't think
of anything that
set him off that day?
I didn't even
see him until he
came into the group.
Who else did you
see that day?
A lot of people.
In individual sessions.
Did you have
individual sessions?
Uhm, yes... I saw
Walter and Katie
in the afternoon.
And grey, right
before group.
Where are you going?
Are you going to help
me or not?
Leave us alone!
Open the door.
Haven't you
done enough?
I can help
your husband.
Go to hell!
Your husband's
about to go to prison
for a murder
he didn't commit.
Whatever you think of me,
I'm the best chance he's got.
Trevor's a good man.
Yeah, he's a real peach.
What are you doing?
That was a gift.
A gift from Paul?
Yes, a few weeks ago.
Trevor was the star
of Paul's new movie.
We heard he was
making a film, but
this is immoral.
I can't believe
Paul would do this.
Well, he did.
And whoever killed Paul,
knew he was doing it.
They killed
Larry Phelps and wiped
out all the footage.
It's on a motion sensor.
It was filming every
time there was movement
in this office.
My god...
has a wireless
transmitter and
was sending images
to a computer.
It has to be close,
a hundred feet or so.
My office.
Paul was helping with
the marketing materials
for the national launch.
He was probably
every time he came in.
But the last time
he was in was during
the group session.
So there should
be a few days worth
of home movies
waiting for us.
Trevor was in his office
during the shooting
this would prove
to the police he
was really there,
if he's telling
the truth, yeah.
We'll do a search for
any large movie files...
there they are...
Trevor was telling
the truth, you'll see.
Well, he was telling
half the truth,
he was in his office.
That stupid Hale is
starting to suspect something,
I think he knows
our big wedding
announcement is bullshit.
You need to tell your wife
you want a divorce now!
It's not that easy.
You think
it was easy for me
playing a dike for
the past six months,
so everyone will believe
your program really works!
Just a bit longer.
It will all be over soon.
If you don't do
something, I will.
why couldn't you
leave it alone?!
Take it easy.
Shut up!
Shut the fuck up!
Who are you going to
blame this one on, Katie?
Cornell's in jail.
I was practically raised
in a fire department
nobody'll ever know what
really happened in here
after I'm done.
That's it, huh?
Paul found out what
was going on with
you and Cornell,
he believed anything I told
him right to the end.
Don't... move!
The only person I was
in love with was Trevor.
All of this was
for Trevor.
So why did you set
him up for murder?
I needed to show him know
who was in control.
Fucking great program
you run here, lady.
You prick!
I believed in you.
How could you?
I suppose you
enjoy this.
Two kids died
because of your lies
there's nothing
here to enjoy.
Strachey you're bleeding
you must love your job
to keep coming
back for more.
It's a living.
You know, I still
don't have any
idea what the hell
I was hired for
no idea who Paul
wanted me to find.
I do.
I know who Paul
wanted you to find.
The invitation list
for the sisters
of mercy ball
isn't in this file.
You lied to me,
Mrs. Hale.
Find it.
Detective Bailey called.
He said you'd found
the woman that
killed my son.
I did.
I knew Paul wouldn't
kill himself.
He had too much
to live for.
But you weren't
certain, were you?
You were pretty hard on
him for being gay.
I loved my son more than
anything in the world.
I gave Paul everything.
Everything except
his father.
His father went away
a long time ago.
Went away,
or sent away?
That's what you
told Dr. Cornell.
That your husband
was cheating on you
with another man.
You kicked him out
and cut him off
from ever
seeing his son again.
He chose that
way of life.
And you couldn't handle
that, could you?
You told Paul his father
walked out on both of you,
that he didn't care
about his family.
You taught him to
hate his father.
Your son discovered
the truth.
Dr. Cornell told him.
He thought it
would reinforce
Paul's desire
to be straight.
But it backfired on him.
All of a sudden
Paul didn't feel
like the freak
he was led
to believe he was.
I never made him feel
he was a freak.
He was my
son... my child...
you pushed him into
the Phoenix Foundation,
every day they
reinforced an idea
that you gave him,
that he wasn't
good enough.
That he'd only be happy
if he was anything
other than what he was,
I thought it was
for the best,
I did.
I never imagined...
I just wanted him
to be happy.
I think that's all
Paul wanted, too.
So I've been thinking,
I thought we agreed
we weren't going to
do that any more.
No, we agreed that you
would stop thinking,
I'm allowed.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
I have an answer
to your question.
Did I ask a question?
How my life would
be different,
if I hadn't been gay?
That question.
Only I've turned
it around a bit.
How my life would
be different
if I hadn't met you?
Why don't I like
where this is going?
First, I would know
virtually nothing
about gunshot wounds.
Second, I most likely
never have been kidnapped
nor had my life
And third...
okay, okay.
And third--
I haven't even
begun to start.
Come here, Sparky...
Captioned by:
West Coast Captioning Inc.
Vancouver, BC 604.837.8847