Shock Waves (1977)

Shortly before the
start of World War II,
the German High Command
began a secret investigation
into the powers of the supernatural.
Ancient legend told of a race of warriors
who used neither weapons nor shields
and whose superhuman power
came from within the earth itself.
As Germany prepared for war, the SS
secretly enlisted a group of scientists
to create an invincible soldier.
It is known that the bodies
of soldiers killed in battle
were returned to a secret
laboratory near Coblenz,
where they were used in a
variety of scientific experiments.
It was rumored that
toward the end of the war
Allied forces met German squads
that fought without weapons,
killing only with their bare hands.
No one knows who they were
or what became of them,
but one thing is certain,
of all the SS units,
there was only one that the Allies
never captured a single member of.
I don't know how long that dinghy
floated around with me lying in it.
All I can remember is the sound of
the water slapping against the side.
Then I heard the engine
sound getting closer.
That was when I realized
I was still alive.
Get yourself down in there
and help me get her out.
Hey, hey, don't do that.
He's trying to help you!
I couldn't understand
what they wanted.
It didn't occur to me
I was being rescued.
It's okay, it's okay,
we don't mean no hurt to you.
Jonathan, fetch some water here.
What you doing way out here
in that there boat, little lady?
Here, some cool liquid for you,
make you feel right.
You gonna tell us now
what you doing out here?
I wish I could've told him.
But it's only now that I
remember any of it at all.
It was the second day on
one of those small dive boats
that takes you around the islands.
The engine had broken
down for the second time.
Keep her at half speed.
No sense putting any
strain on that crankshaft.
Here's your course.
Three, three, zero. Northwest?
Three, three, zero, North-northwest.
Listen, my friend,
what we must have on this
boat is accurate navigation.
A sailor's best friend.
It's the way he makes his way around
without losing his boat and his crew.
It isn't how good-looking he is,
it's his ability to navigate.
Don't apologize, navigate.
Jesus, look at the sun.
See if you can raise
someone on the radio.
Cut the engine.
- Do you hear that?
- Be quiet!
Let's get the hell out of here.
Norman, it's pitch black out there,
what do you expect to see?
I don't like this one bit.
I hope these people know
what they're doing.
They must know what they are doing,
they're sailors, aren't they?
So was the crew of the Titanic.
Look Norman, if you're so worried,
why don't you go upstairs and
help the captain steer the boat?
I'm sure he'd be very grateful.
I think I'll do just that.
- Hey, how about a drink?
- No thank you.
I'm going to speak to the
captain about this situation.
Oh, relax.
Besides, you won't get anything
out of him, I already tried.
Well, don't you think
it's a bit unusual?
You people ready for some dinner?
Can anyone tell us what's
going on out there?
I'm only the galley hand,
I don't know no more than you do.
- Hey, Dobbs, how about a drink?
- Don't mind if I do.
Yes, but you're an experienced seaman,
you... you must've encountered...
No, I...
take it neat, just the way it is.
You mean to say you've never
seen anything like this?
Can't says I ever have.
Well, aren't you curious about it?
Sea spits up what it can't keep down.
We've been holding
steady for half an hour.
Steer one six five and keep
her below eight knots.
Take another reading
in a couple of hours.
You have any idea where we are?
Will when the weather clears.
In the meantime, keep checking the
radio and keep your eyes peeled.
By the looks on your faces,
maybe I shouldn't eat this.
Oh, your cook Dobbs here just
told us one hell of a yarn.
What was it this time?
Sea monsters or ghost ships?
Well, as a matter of fact,
it was ghost ships.
Up to his old tricks again.
You don't believe any of these
stories have some truth to them?
Look, miss,
I could match you story for
story with logical evidence,
but what does it prove?
Men at sea often have hallucinations.
They work hard, they have eyestrain,
lack of sleep, exhaustion.
Sometimes, they're just plain stupid.
Why, some say they're
more afraid of water
than little old ladies
are of the dark.
Now just a minute,
you mean to say that what we
all saw out there is just a mirage?
It was a minor underwater disturbance.
It was a hot sky acting
on a cold current
coming from a mile down below.
Dobbs was just saying...
Oh, if everything that
old fart said came true,
both he and me would be
in the deep six by now.
Given the condition of this boat,
I wonder that hasn't happened already.
Norman, please.
What's bothering you, mister?
It seems to me, you're taking an
unnecessary risk with a boat like this.
What do you mean "a boat like this?"
I mean, a broken down old tub
that should've been retired years ago,
along with her captain.
How is it that a used-car salesman
knows so all fired much about boats?
I know enough to see that this boat
is not what you people
would call "shipshape."
The accommodations aren't worth
the money at half the price.
I think that you have a
responsibility to your passengers.
- We should turn around right now.
- Set back?
For one crankshaft? No chance.
The first thing you'd want
is a refund of your money,
and I've already spent
your money on her.
No, we're gonna sit
right here, and you...
you people are going to get your money's
worth whether you like it or not.
Now I understand why
we're the only passengers.
I think it's time for us to take
matters into our own hands.
Take over the ship?
I mean nothing of the sort.
There are two other
crew members on board.
They may not be smart, but they
seem to have their wits about them.
I'll admit he is a bit unusual,
but I think you're overreacting a bit.
Overreacting? Am I?
All right.
I warned you people.
You're inviting trouble
by not taking any action.
I've spoken my mind,
my conscience is clear.
I think I'll stay up a little longer.
I'll be in the cabin.
- You really gave me a scare.
- Sorry.
I guess we're all a
little jumpy tonight.
Do you always steer
the boat with your feet?
You're not very talkative, are you?
Captain doesn't like us
messing with the passengers.
Do you stay up here
every night by yourself?
Ben was supposed to relieve me.
He needs the rest more than I do.
So, I've got the whole
dogwatch to myself.
It's the middle of the night watch.
I like it.
I get a chance to be alone.
Can you really tell where
we're going from this?
Calculating your speed,
time, and distance.
Where are we now?
I don't know.
Our compass has been
out most of the day.
What's the matter?
I don't know. Did you hear anything?
I don't think so.
Now I do.
What the hell?
Are you all right?
Lend a hand here.
Where is it?
- Where's what?
- The freighter off the port bow.
Freighter nothing.
What it'd do, fly? Where's it gone?
Freighter coming down on us.
Running without lights.
Ships don't come up out of nowhere.
You ran us onto something!
He is telling the truth!
I saw it, too.
What happened?
Get back inside.
There's no danger here.
Well, it sounded like
we hit something!
Sure we hit something,
a school of canned tuna.
Take that jacket off, we're not sinking.
Not yet anyway.
Well, here's one goddamned
thing those bastards won't get.
What the hell?!
Has everyone gone crazy?!
Don't you know?
We've been hit by a ghost ship.
It's over there.
It was moving down on us, Dobbs.
It ain't going no place now.
But it was moving! I swear.
Where's Ben?
I wish I knew.
What do you mean?
Went looking for him
a little while ago.
He wasn't in his cabin,
and he wasn't no place else.
Come up on deck, and I found these.
First off, I figured he was
checking the underside.
Beats me.
Clothes here, dinghy's still here.
He's too old to go swimming
around these here currents!
What's it look like?
Well, the props and
shafts are all right.
She's lying flat on the bottom
and I can't see everything.
Are we gonna be able to
get out of here all right?
We'll know as soon as the
tide comes in and lifts us off.
Oh, swell, and then we can go
look for the captain, right?
He's probably waiting for us to pick
him up on the other side of the island.
I still don't see why we
can't stay in the boat.
Surely you can pump the water out.
The hull's been damaged.
One wave, and she rolls right over.
You'd have a lot of trouble
getting out of it then.
You know, I keep asking myself
if this is really happening,
if this isn't all a bad dream.
Then I realize, it isn't a dream anyone
would believe, so it must be real.
Ben! Ben!
Where the hell are you?
What the hell does
he think he's doing?
He is trying to break his neck.
Are you sure we're not
weighted down too heavily?
Norman, leave him alone.
He knows what he's doing.
Knows what he's doing, does he?
Beverly, these people
haven't the slightest idea
of how to boil water,
let alone sail in it.
Sorry I said anything.
Looks like our trip up
here was for nothing.
This must've been one hell of a joint.
Hey, Dobbsy!
I found your room!
Don't you ever get
enough of that stuff?
Only once in a while.
Then I don't usually remember it.
Well, will you look at this?
It's just a dusty old refrigerator.
Dusty old refrigerator.
Why have you come to this place?
I am waiting.
You will please answer my question.
Who wants to know?
That is not of importance.
Why are you here?
Our boat ran aground out on the reef.
Where are you?
I am near, but also far.
We can't get her off.
The bottom's filled in.
We saw this place and came up here.
- How many are you?
- Why should we answer you?
Because I live here and you
have entered uninvited.
Look, we didn't mean to trespass.
It didn't seem like anyone was here.
We were running at
night and hit that wreck.
We're alone, we need help.
We don't mean to
cause you any trouble.
What do you mean? There is no wreck.
Sure there is. It's right
out there on the reef.
Can you help us out?
Are you still there?
I don't like this one bit.
He sounds like a nut.
This is some old hermit,
probably harmless.
Perhaps you do need help,
but you cannot get it here.
I have been the sole
occupant of this hotel
and this island for many years now.
You have left others at the beach?
No, there's only us.
There are no survivors from the wreck?
No, it's all rusted out.
It must've been there for years.
It has a name?
Yeah, the Pro something.
- Protious?
- Might be.
Do you know it?
What about getting off the island?
I've had enough of this!
If he's gone, let's get out of here.
- Think you can find your way?
- You're not coming?
Just where are you
going to go from here?
Where'd you find those?
There's a whole room
full of them upstairs.
- Any sign of our friend?
- Not a sound in the place.
- What time is it?
- Why? Are you going someplace?
I haven't been to bed this early
since I was five years old.
How can he just fall asleep like that?
He played very hard today.
I know what you was
goddamned gonna say.
It ain't hot now, right?
It ain't hot now, so I can carry
them goddamned cans back here.
Hey, not so loud, will ya?
You'll wake everybody.
- I didn't say anything.
- Well you was gonna say it!
Shut up, will ya?
Least we can do is feed
these people now and then.
I'm going, I'm going.
You don't have to.
One of us can do it.
None of you can do nothing,
that's what it comes down to.
Not that I'm complaining, mind you.
I'm only doing my job.
Is anyone there?
Who is it?
And now, you have found me.
Wait a second.
I was hoping you would
give us some help.
Of course.
You must excuse the
manners of an old man
who has lived by himself
for too many years.
Not having people around,
they have grown rusted with disuse.
All we want is for you to tell
us how we can get out of here.
Yes, this is a most unfortunate
time for your visit.
You and your friends
must leave immediately.
Fine with me. How do we do it?
There is a boat, a small boat,
but it can get you away from here.
You're only a sail of two days
from the nearest inhabited island.
If you hurry, the tide
will be favorable.
What's the rush?
It is better if you do not know that,
but I can tell you this.
There is danger here,
danger in the water.
If you are quick,
you can escape that danger.
On the edge of the grounds is a
path which leads to a small canal.
There, you will find the boat.
I believe it is still sea-worthy.
Help me, will ya?
Come on, let's get out of here.
Look at this.
What is it?
It's German. Symbol for the SS.
SS? What's he doing with that?
Bet I know who to ask.
Maybe we should ask them.
I am here, gentlemen.
Why is it you have not left?
Because of this.
Where did you find it?
We found it in the hand of our cook
when we pulled him out
of the creek down there.
He is dead?
Don't you know?
Most sincerely, I do not.
It seemed like he was drowned.
Then I am afraid it is too late.
- Too late for what?
- For any of us.
You are, indeed, very stupid.
I gave you a chance to save yourselves,
but you have refused to take it.
So be it.
Now, it is too late.
- Did you kill Dobbs?
- Yes, I killed him.
And your captain, too, perhaps,
but not in the way you think.
It was indirect.
What the hell is that
supposed to mean?
You're not making any sense.
If you will not be so impatient,
maybe I will have the
opportunity to tell you.
Well, try and make it fast.
We are not alone on this island.
So, those other two
we saw are with you?
We Germans developed the
perfect weapon, a soldier.
He was capable of fighting
under any conditions,
adapting to any
environment or climate,
equally at home in the Russian
winter or on the African desert.
They were the most vicious
and bloodthirsty of
all the SS divisions.
The group under my command
was designed for the water,
to man submarines which
would never have to surface.
This is nothing but
a lot of double talk.
We created the perfect soldier
from cheap hoodlums and thugs
and a good number of pathological
murderers and sadists as well.
We called them the Toten Corps,
the Death Corps.
Creatures more horrible
than any you can imagine.
Not dead, not alive,
but somewhere in-between.
They were transported to any
scene of battle and let loose.
But problems arose.
They could not be controlled.
Their innate desire for violence
made their behavior
unpredictable and erratic.
There were even incidences when
they attacked their own soldiers.
So they were withdrawn
for further study.
Then the war was drawing to an end.
I was ordered to remove my
group from possible capture.
I took them to sea just before
all our ports were closed.
We roamed the oceans for many weeks,
waiting orders which never came.
The war was lost.
Somewhere near to this island,
I sent the ship and her
cargo to the bottom.
And here I have been ever since
in voluntary exile.
That's the ship?
The one out on the reef?
And now, she has returned.
You mean to tell us, these things have
been underwater all these years?
What kind of story is this?
You gonna believe this stuff?
You may believe what you wish.
What you do now is no
longer any concern of mine.
I want you to leave.
If I see any of you at all,
I will shoot on sight.
I think that's pretty clear.
Where do you think
you're going with them?
You don't expect me to
leave them, do you?
Don't be an ass, Norman.
There's barely enough
room on here for us!
When I want your opinion,
I'll ask for it.
Are we taking you or the bags?
What is it?
Damn. Damn!
There's a goddamn mud bank.
We'll have to push it across.
Everyone out!
Rose! Get in the boat.
Steer the rudder.
Keith! Keith!
Are you crazy?
Let's get the hell out of here!
Keith, we're sailing!
Come about! Come about!
What did you say?
Help me.
Take her in.
Beverly. Beverly.
Where's Beverly?!
- I'm sure she's all right.
- Well, where are they?
Beverly! Beverly!
- Beverly! Beverly!
- Norman! Norman!
- Shut up!
- All right.
All right, all right, all right.
All right, let's just think.
Let's just think.
- No, let's just keep moving.
- Keep moving? Where, where?
- We'll go to the hotel.
- To the hotel?
- Yes. Come on.
- All right, all right, all right.
Which way now?
This way.
Norman, wait!
How's everything down here? All set?
Set as we'll ever be.
- Any sign of them?
- No, nothing.
Where's Chuck?
I don't know.
He just said he didn't wanna
come inside until he had to.
I told you to stay inside.
What are you doing up here anyway?
I thought maybe he had something
up here that might help us.
What's the matter?
Nothing. I'm coming.
What is it now?!
I don't see what the percentage
is of hiding in a refrigerator!
They hate the light, right?
When do you think you're
most likely to see them?
The refrigerator's got
walls two feet thick.
I hope it'll be enough.
You've got your nerve.
We were all supposed to
be in here before dark.
You've put us in danger!
Do you realize that?
What's with him?
Beverly, it's gonna be
a long night for all of us.
Everybody ready for lights out?
Chuck, do you feel all right?
Chuck, what's the matter?
You've got to let me out of here.
Not now. We can't do it now.
Just let me out.
You don't have to come.
I can't stay in here any longer.
I didn't want to come here.
He came and got me.
I thought it would be okay.
Sometimes, I can
control it, but this...
Please, let me out!
I'll take my chances!
It's too late!
They'll find us.
You're gonna have to control it!
You all stay inside!
I can't control it!
I don't have any choice.
Now... now, get out of the way!
- Put that thing down!
- Are you insane?!
If he fires that thing in here,
we'll all suffocate to death!
Let him go if he wants to!
If I open and close that door,
one of them might hear it.
- Then where will we be?
- Open the goddamn door!
- Open the door, please.
- Open it, open it, open it!
All right, just let me look.
Open it! Open it!
Give me the flashlight!
Then we'll be left with
nothing but an oil lamp!
You don't need it.
I need all the help I can get
out there, now let me have it!
My eyes!
Help me! I can't see!
- What is it?
- Boiler.
Is that you?
Come on.
Come on.
The oars!
I don't know how long that dinghy
floated around with me lying in it.
All I can remember is the sound of
the water slapping against the side.
Then I heard the engine
sound getting closer.
That was when I realized
I was still alive.
I don't know how long that dinghy
floated around with me lying in it.
All I can remember is the sound of
the water slapping against the side.
It's only now,
I remember any of it at all.