Shock (1946)

Oh, Lady!
That's how guys lose their jobs-
not collecting fares.
I'm sorry.
- I guess I'm a little excited.
- Thank you, lady.
- Good evening.
- Good evening. I'm Mrs. Stewart.
Would you give me
my husband's room number please?
- Lieutenant Stewart.
- Lieutenant Stewart.
Yes. He's arriving today.
I wired for the reservation-
Lt. and Mrs. Paul Stewart.
You say you wired
for a reservation?
Yes- Mrs. Paul Stewart.
I'm afraid there's been a slipup.
Apparently your wire wasn't received.
But I sent it three days ago.
Well, I'm sorry.
There's nothing I can do for you.
You mean I can't stay here?
I wish I could help,
but we're completely booked up.
But I've got to stay here. This is
the only place we can find each other.
I thought for two years he was dead...
and now I don't know
if he's been hurt or what.
Please don't be upset.
Perhaps I can arrange something.
- Has Mr. Walters checked in yet?
- No, sir. Not until tomorrow.
Fine. Then we can give them 816-C.
But you'll have to leave
by noon tomorrow.
Yes, of course. Thank you very much.
Not at all. Will you register please?
Janet. Janet!
Janet, it's me. Let me in, Janet.
Janet, I'm home.
- Paul!
- Why don't you open the door, Janet?
- Janet, please open the door!
- Paul! Paul, darling!
Paul! Paul! Don't go away! Paul!
Paul! Wait!
Paul! Wait! I can't open the door!
Janet! Help me!
Janet! I can't find you!
Where are you, Janet?
Janet! Janet!
This is Mrs. Stewart.
Did my husband come in?
No, thank you.
You followed me, Margaret.
You've been spying on me.
I have been watching you
for months making a fool of yourself.
- I don't think so.
- Bringing her here.
- Elaine was just about to leave.
- I didn't interrupt too soon?
Perhaps it's just as well things
worked out like this, Margaret.
I've- I've decided to ask you for a divorce.
- A divorce? Why should I divorce you?
- Well-
Please, Margaret, let's be sensible.
Whatever we had for one another is gone.
We've been afraid
to admit it before, but it's true.
Elaine and I- Well, I love her.
- You never loved anyone but yourself.
- Please, Margaret.
- I was good enough for you once.
Now you want someone younger.
- It's not that way.
It's just that I-
I can't go on with you any longer.
All right, Richard-
You can have your divorce.
You're right. We are strangers.
But I have some pride.
- No one's going to think you've cast me off-
- Please, Margaret.
You want Elaine- Have her,
but people are going to know the truth.
I'll start by telling the clerk you've been
entertaining your girlfriend in our apartment.
Then I'll call the newspapers.
Careful, cautious Richard...
destroying everything he is
for the sake of a cheap-
- Get away from that phone.
- You asked for it. I'll enjoy telling your friends-
Leave that phone alone! I hate you!
- Good morning.
- Good morning, sir.
- I'm Lt. Stewart.
- Oh yes, Lieutenant. We've been expecting you.
Your wife's gonna
be glad to see you, sir.
Mr. Blake, this is Lt. Stewart.
Mr. Blake's our manager.
Lieutenant, you really had us worried.
I'm glad you finally got here.
I wasn't sure. The weatherman
threw the book at us.
- Well, you're in for a real welcome.
- 816-C, boy.
Oh, that's all right.
I'd kind of like to surprise her.
- Very well, sir.
- Thanks.
Darling, what's the matter?
Janet. Janet, it's me. It's Paul.
Hello? Hello, operator?
This is Lt. Stewart calling.
Can you send a house doctor to 816-C
right away? It's very urgent. Thank you.
What is it?
What's wrong with her, Doctor?
I'm not sure. I think she's
suffering from some sort of shock.
I'll be frank with you, Lieutenant.
This is a little outside my line.
There must be something
you can do for her.
We ought to call in
a nerve specialist- a psychiatrist.
- Can you suggest one?
- There's a very good man in the hotel- Dr. Cross.
If we're lucky, we might find him in.
Uh, this is Dr. Blair. Will you see
if Dr. Cross is in for me?
Cross has had a lot of experience
with this sort of thing.
I'm all right for a broken arm
or an old-fashioned hangover...
but when it comes to the mind, well-
Uh, Hello, Dr. Cross.
This is Blair in the hotel. How are you?
Say, I've run into something
that's right up your alley.
One of the guests here
has had some sort of shock.
No, I-I don't know what caused it.
Oh, would you? Well, that's mighty nice of you.
Thanks, Doctor-816-C.
He'll be right with us.
She was so alive when I saw her last.
I can't quite believe this.
Better snap out of it, Lieutenant.
I don't want another patient.
Dr. Cross is one of the best men
in this part of the country.
I'm very happy that
he's going to have a look at it.
I don't get it. What could have brought it on?
I wish I could tell you.
The mind's a strange instrument.
What affects me may not
bother you in the slightest.
The workings of the mind depend on
so many things inside as well as outside.
You can't make hard and fast rules.
I suppose it is plausible that
she hasn't been feeling well-
Worrying about me- Not-
Not knowing whether I was dead or alive-
Then coming here and not finding me.
That'll be Dr. Cross.
- Good morning, Doctor.
- Good Morning.
- I appreciate your promptness.
- Not at all.
Sooner you get to a case of shock the better.
- This is Lt. Stewart- Dr. Cross.
- How do you do, Lieutenant?
Thanks for coming, Doctor.
My wife is in the bedroom.
She doesn't know me.
She doesn't seem to know anything.
- Were you here when it happened?
- I just got in a few minutes ago.
I opened the door.
She was sitting on the divan.
Her eyes were wide open.
She was staring at-
At nothing.
Did you notice anything peculiar
about her actions when you saw her last?
- I've been a prisoner of war
for two years. Ive just come home.
- Oh. I see.
She's had a rugged time of it, all right.
First thinking I was dead,
then hearing from me.
On top of all that,
my plane was 12 hours late.
Would you say that she was
a nervous, imaginative girl?
No, sir. I've known her all my life.
We came from the same
small town in Michigan.
Went to school together.
She-Well, she's just a nice kid.
- What's wrong with her, Doctor?
- She's had a nervous collapse-went into shock.
- Where did you find her?
- In the living room.
In the living room?
You said she was sitting on the divan.
- Yes. Right here.
- I see.
What do you think
could have caused it, Doctor?
Well, that's difficult to say.
You have no idea how long
she might have been sitting there?
No. Oh, the clerk did say...
she phoned down
about one in the morning.
- Between one and 8:30.
- What difference does that make, Doctor?
The important thing is,
what can you do for her?
It's hard for a doctor to make promises.
We can only do our best.
Are you living permanently at the hotel?
No. We've got to clear out by noon.
Oh, I see. Then I had better
take her to my place.
She's going to need someone
with her night and day.
Dr. Cross has a private
sanatorium just out of town.
- I see.
- Believe me, Lieutenant. It's best for her.
There must be a hospital here
in San Francisco. I'd like to be near her.
Of course. But I'm at my place every day.
It's in the country, and she'll
get plenty of fresh air and quiet.
If I were you, Lieutenant,
I'd listen to Dr. Cross.
Okay. You men know best.
Just get her well again.
I was getting ready
to leave when you called.
I'll take Mrs. Stewart
up with me now.
Hello, this is Dr. Cross.
Will you get my office please?
- I'm going with her, Doctor.
- I'd rather you waited...
Lieutenant, until I've been able
to give her a thorough examination.
It's quite possible your presence may
excite her and do her more harm than good.
It's just that I- It's been so long
since I've seen her.
Why don't you drive up
with me tomorrow?
Miss Jordan? Will you call the hospital
and tell Miss Hatfield...
to have a room ready
for a new patient.
We'll be there shortly.
Yes. That's right.
You pick us up at the hotel.
You'd better pack a bag
for your wife, Lieutenant.
Thanks, Doctor.
I'm from Dr. Cross's office.
We were to pick up a patient.
- Oh, yes. They're on their way down now.
- Thank you.
- Your car is waiting, Doctor.
- Thank you.
- This is Miss Jordan from my office. Lt. Stewart.
- How do you do, Lieutenant?
Mrs. Stewart has had
a nervous collapse.
What a shame. Don't you worry, Lieutenant.
We'll soon have her well again.
- You'll call for me in the morning, right?
- Yes. I'll pick you up at 11:30.
Put her to bed and have Dr. Stevens
give her an injection of scopolamine.
Yes, Doctor.
- Miss Hatfield?
- Good morning, Doctor.
Your patient is coming in at the ambulance
entrance. You have a room ready?
- Yes I have, sir.
- Thank you.
- Good morning, sir.
- Good morning, Doctor.
- How is she?
- Quite relaxed, sir.
- What's her trouble?
- Amnesia shock.
- She's had her injection?
- Yes, Doctor.
- She's ready to talk now.
- Thank you.
- That'll be all.
- Sir.
I'm Dr. Cross, Mrs. Stewart.
I am your friend. I'm here to help you.
I want you to think.
You're going to remember things now.
You went to meet your husband
at the Belmont Arms.
Do you remember that?
You were worried about Paul.
He didn't arrive on time.
You were too nervous to sleep.
Did you walk out on the balcony?
I- Yes.
I walked out on the balcony.
See? You can remember.
Now what did you see
from the balcony?
They were quarreling.
You heard them distinctly?
- I-
- Did you hear them distinctly?
He's trying to...
stop her.
He's going to...
hit her.
He's hitting her head.
He's killing her.
Who? Who's hurting the woman?
That man.
He's her husband.
He's killing her.
- Well?
- She knows, Elaine. She remembers.
Her room was opposite my apartment.
She walked out on the balcony,
and she heard everything.
Can you come? They're having
trouble with Mr. Edwards.
Darling, I didn't think
you'd ever get here.
I love you.
You've got a headache.
I can tell from your eyes.
Yes. It's bursting.
- You did it?
- Yes. Yes. I did it.
It was horrible, Elaine.
I had the porter
take the trunk down.
I told the hotel manager
I was joining my...
wife in Carmel for a few days-
To ship the trunk to my lodge.
No one knew she was
in town last night?
No. She came up the back way.
She wanted to surprise us. Remember?
You're not sorry. Are you?
I wish I had called the police.
I lost my head. I didn't mean to kill her.
There was no premeditation.
But now I've concealed her body.
I've shipped the trunk to my lodge.
And you know as well as I do
there's only one answer for that.
- I shouldn't have listened to you, Elaine.
- Think, Darling.
What would've happened if you'd called
the police? Manslaughter means 20 years.
- What would that have done to you- to us?
- I don't know.
Would you have wanted it that way?
Now no one knows. We're safe.
You're forgetting Janet Stewart, aren't you?
She knows. What if she talks?
I haven't forgotten her.
She can't tell as long as she's
in this condition, can she?
Shock will wear off in
a couple of weeks at the most.
It'll wear off if you let it, Dick.
- Elaine, I'm a doctor.
- She'll talk only if you let her.
You mean too much to me.
It's the only way out, Dick.
It's the one and only way out for us.
If I don't know, Elaine,
I've got to think.
- Good morning, Mrs. Penny.
- Good morning, Doctor.
- You're looking very well today.
- Thank you, Doctor.
- Good morning, Doctor.
- Good morning. This is Lt. Stewart.
- Miss Hatfield's our head nurse.
- How do you do, Lieutenant?
- Is Miss Jordan with Mrs. Stewart?
- Yes she is, Doctor.
Good morning, Lieutenant.
Janet. Darling, it's me.
It's Paul.
I'm home, dear.
- She's worse.
- Not really.
She was restless,
and we gave her a sedative.
You've got to be patient, Lieutenant.
It's going to take time.
And you must try to stop
thinking of your wife as she was.
You see, when you
were reported killed...
she had a terrible time
adjusting herself, but she did.
Then when the news came that
you were alive and on your way home...
it was hard for her subconscious
to accept that...
because the first adjustment
had been so difficult.
Then, of course,
when your plane was late...
she thought she'd been tricked-
that you'd never sent that wire.
Don't try and let me off easily, Doctor.
Give it to me straight.
Tell me. Can you help her?
That's a very difficult question
to answer. Sit down, Lieutenant.
The mind is a delicate, fragile thing.
It's almost as intangible as, as faith.
And that's what
you're going to need-
a lot of faith in yourself,
and in your wife, and in me.
Please don't think I haven't faith
in you, Doctor, because I have.
But yesterday, after you left with Janet, I-
I needed someone to talk to.
- Of course.
- So I went to the army hospital...
and I talked with
some of the doctors.
I told them Janet was in your care.
They said I couldn't find a better man.
But, well, you know how it is.
I- I figure that maybe two minds
might be better than one.
And I asked if another opinion mightn't help.
Well, that's perfectly understandable.
If you want a consultant,
by all means bring one in.
Thanks. They recommended
Dr. Franklin Harvey.
Harvey? Well- I studied under him.
He's probably the best man in his field.
Well, that's swell, Doctor. I was a little
embarrassed. I didn't want you to think-
Not at all. I'll phone Dr. Harvey
and have him out here.
Good. Well, I might as well
go back to town.
If it's all right,
I'll run out again tomorrow.
For Mrs. Stewart's sake,
I'm going to ask you to observe...
our regular visiting days-
Sundays and Thursdays.
I'll phone Dr. Harvey and try to have him out
here Thursday. You can talk with him then.
Okay. We'll make it Thursday.
Oh, I thought you'd like to know,
Lieutenant, she's resting quite easily now.
Thanks. Good-bye, Doctor.
- Miss Jordan.
- Bye.
Mrs. Stewart?
Mrs. Stewart.
You're going out on
that balcony again, Mrs. Stewart.
You're looking into
the other apartment.
You're listening to the argument.
Do you remember
what happened to the woman?
He's hitting her. He's hitting her
with the candlestick.
- Now he's hitting you.
- No!
Hitting you with
the candlestick-
Hitting your head again and again.
My head- It's hurting my head.
The candlestick is killing you.
Soon you won't be able
to remember anything.
You can't hear the sound now.
You can't hear anything.
You can't hear.
You can't remember.
You can't remember. You can't remember.
Edwards's condition...
is deteriorating rapidly.
If this continues,
we will have to take steps...
to put him in a more
suitable institution.
She's exhausted.
You haven't got far to go.
Elaine, do you think you could
manage it here alone for the weekend?
Certainly. Why?
The trunk should be
there tomorrow.
I've been wondering.
There are no servants at the lodge.
What'll happen when there's
no one there to receive it?
Nothing. They'll just leave it
on the back porch.
- When are you leaving?
- Tomorrow.
Dr. Harvey's due here this afternoon.
Harvey? Coming here? For what?
Stewart requested a consultation.
You're not going to let him
examine her?
How would it have looked
if I'd said "no?"
- He might discover something.
- He has no reason to be suspicious.
- You can't risk it. I won't let you.
- I know what I'm doing, Elaine.
Darling, you're not thinking clearly.
I've never seen things
so clearly before in my whole life.
- You'll send me a report on her spinal test?
- Yes, Doctor Harvey.
- And the other specimens.
- Yes.
You know, Richard,
I'm not sure I completely agree...
this was all brought on
by her husband's late arrival.
That was a contributing circumstance.
I feel there may
have been something else.
Well, that's always possible. Of course, sir.
But I've found no evidence of it.
Just speculation.
- Will you have a cigar, sir?
- Yes. Thank you.
Let's continue the present treatment
and see how she comes along.
- Yes, sir.
- I notice, Richard,
you've been giving her sedatives.
Yes, I have. She's been
pretty difficult at times.
I'd go easy on them.
If she's under sedation...
there's no way of knowing
when she comes back to normal.
No. I had planned to take her
off them within the next 24 hours.
Fine. By the way, how's Margaret?
- I'm joining her at the lodge.
- Give her my regards when you see her.
- I will. Thank you, sir.
- Well, I better talk with the young man.
Sometimes I wonder which are more
difficult: patients or their families.
- Hiya, beautiful.
- Hi.
Yeah, what a night.
You don't happen to know a blonde...
who'd like to relax with me, do ya?
- That's what I thought you'd say.
- Coffee?
And poor Edwards-
These storms don't do him any good.
He kept ducking into his closet
and slamming the door.
I finally had to lock it.
- How's your patient?
- All right, I guess.
I was talking with
her husband. It's kinda tough...
coming home and finding
your wife in that condition.
I can't figure Dr. Cross's treatment.
Why keep the poor guy
from seeing his wife?
Think it would help snap her
out of it if she saw more of him.
Dr. Cross doesn't want
to get her excited.
After all, the attack was
brought on by worry over him.
That was close.
It is time to turn in. You better tuck your
patient in and get a good night's sleep.
- Guess I should be up there now.
- Is it true doctors get a night off once in a while?
If you had a night off, you
wouldn't know what to do with it.
Wouldn't I? Wouldn't I?
- Good night, Doctor.
- Good night.
- Well, another stormy weekend.
- It isn't my night off.
Well, anyway, the rain
will help Jane on her day off.
Who's there?
Why, Mr. Edwards,
you shouldn't be in here.
- Come. I'll take you back-
- Don't. I-I-
Don't be afraid.
We won't let the storm hurt you.
You're coming back to your room,
aren't you, Mr. Edwards?
Aren't you, Mr. Edwards?
That's fine. Come along.
- Take care of him, Frank.
- Yes, Doctor. Come along, sir.
- Are you all right, Elaine?
- Yes.
There, there, Mrs. Stewart, It's all over.
He killed her! He hit her
on the head, and he killed her!
Her husband killed her!
Edwards became very violent last night.
This morning, we found
that he had a key hidden away.
I ordered the lock
on his door to be changed.
As for Mrs. Stewart, she's
suffering from hallucinations.
She keeps insisting
that she witnessed a murder...
which, obviously-
Come in.
- Oh. Hello, Lieutenant.
- They told me I'd find you here.
- I hope I'm not interrupting.
- Not at all.
- It's kinda rough, isn't it?
- Yeah.
She's out of her head.
She's got a crazy idea she saw a murder.
- What am I going to do?
- Ah, you're gonna sit tight. She's in good hands.
So they keep telling me, but-
Oh, she's getting worse.
I'm thinking of taking her back
to San Francisco to a hospital there.
I, uh- I wouldn't do that,
if I were you, Lieutenant.
Dr. Cross is tops. You know that.
You brought Harvey in to consult.
You can't do any better than that.
But I can't just sit around
and watch her get worse.
I've got to do something.
I wouldn't try to kid you
for the world. So far, we've tried...
to snap her out of it with quiet
and rest and simple foods.
There are a dozen
other things we can do-
- Electric therapy, insulin shock.
- Insulin shock?
They use that in the Army
on guys who... blow their tops.
Because it often helps, but
you're not gonna turn it down, are you?
- No.
- Well, relax. The setup here is perfect.
- Everybody's rooting for you.
Now just take it easy.
- You mean that?
Say, put in a couple of extra licks, Doc.
I'd like to take her home soon.
Okay, Lieutenant.
We'll do everything we possibly can.
- Well, good-bye, Doctor.
- Good-bye.
Oh, I beg your pardon.
- Look at this. Mrs. Cross is dead.
- What?
"The body of Mrs. Margaret Cross,
wife of the psychiatrist...
"has just been recovered
from its resting place...
"among the rocks at Point Lobos.
"Mrs. Cross has been missing
since Friday night.
Coroner Jess Haines has
pronounced the death accidental. "
- Good morning, Doctor.
You have our deepest sympathy.
- Thank you.
- I'm terribly sorry, Doctor.
- Thank you.
- Will you come in, Miss Jordan?
- Yes, sir.
You're the perfect picture
of a heartbroken husband.
Am I?
- I've missed you.
- Driving back, there was time to think.
I got to thinking about you.
I asked myself,
"Is she worth what I've done?"
That was a very satisfactory answer.
How did things go
while I was away?
- Things are going so well, I hardly believe it.
- What do you mean?
Mr. Edwards got out
during the storm.
- He went into her room.
- What?
He went after me.
I struggled with him.
She woke up and confused
Mr. Edwards with you.
She was thrown back
into that night at the hotel.
- Oh, Elaine that undoes
everything I've tried to do.
- No!
Stevens and Miss Hatfield heard her.
They're convinced she's insane.
Now no matter what she says,
they'll think she has hallucinations.
- I see-
- But you don't see, darling.
Before you were
trying to make her forget.
Now she can talk her head off
and no one will believe her.
If we can encourage her to talk,
convince her husband she's insane...
we can keep her here as long as
it suits us- then have her committed.
Janet, darling. It's me.
Wake up.
I'm here, dear.
I've waited all night
for you, darling.
- What took you so long?
- Don't worry. I'm with you now.
We have to be out
by morning, Paul.
They won't let us stay.
Lt. Stewart.
- You shouldn't be in here.
- Paul!
- It's him! Him!
- Who is it, dear?
He killed her!
He killed his wife!
He picked something up,
Paul, and he hit her with it.
He was arguing with her and he killed her!
I know. I know, dear.
You've upset her. You shouldn't
have come in here. Come outside.
Give her a hypodermic, Nurse.
- Don't leave me here!
He'll kill me! Come back!
- Lie down.
What is it, Doctor? What's happened to her?
I'm going to be frank with you.
What you've just heard
is something I've been afraid of.
There are times when patients
emerging from amnesia...
suffer from delusions.
It doesn't happen often. I'd hoped
it wouldn't happen in her case...
- but you heard her yourself.
- But why?
Well, that's hard to explain...
but if you come with me, I think
I might be able to clarify it for you.
Hello, Mrs. Penny.
- Good day, Doctor.
- How are you feeling today?
Just fine, Doctor. Just fine.
That's a lovely thing
you're knitting there.
It's a shawl for one of my friends.
- Everyone here treating you well?
- Oh, yes. They're very nice.
Dr. Stevens hasn't tried to kill me
with that needle for a long while now-
Neither has Miss Hatfield.
Haven't I told you many times
that no one here is trying to kill you?
Oh, yes, they are.
You all want to kill me.
You're murderers, all of you.
But I've learned.
I'm too smart for you.
What you've just heard,
for the second time...
is the typical attitude of many of
our patients towards the hospital staff.
But that old lady,
she seemed all right.
Mrs. Penny is suffering from
a paranoid form of dementia praecox...
characterized either by delusions
of grandeur or persecution or both.
The patient, when confined to the hospital...
almost invariably
becomes convinced...
that the doctors and nurses
who are treating him...
are really murderers
intent on killing him.
This delusion is quite common
among mental cases...
in an institution of this sort.
Are you trying to tell me
my wife is out of her mind?
No. "Out of the mind"
denotes complete loss of reason.
Mrs. Stewart hasn't reached that stage.
But she's got the same crazy
idea as the other patients.
Right now, she's merely
suffering delusions.
However, I-
I feel it's only fair to tell you, Lieutenant...
that this condition
can become worse.
Our fight now is to prevent
further deterioration of her mind.
You've got to help her.
You've got to get her well again.
I'll do everything I can.
Believe me.
Come now, Mrs. Stewart.
You shouldn't be out of bed.
Will you help me, please?
Please! Please, help me.
- Get the police here, please!
- We don't need the police.
- Come along and everything will be all right.
- Oh! You don't understand.
There's nothing the matter with me.
I want the police.
That doctor's a murderer.
You go back to bed
and we'll call the police.
Don't talk as if I were crazy!
I'm telling the truth!
Orderly! Now, come along, Mrs. Stewart.
No one is going to hurt you.
- Everything is gonna be all right. Orderly!
- No, no.
Let me go! No!
I'm not crazy.
I wish you could've been there
to see her yourself.
Yes, I heard about it this morning.
She had the usual delusions. She kept
insisting that you were a murderer.
You know how they get.
She wanted me to call the police.
For a moment, she became violent
and I had to give her a sedative.
- I think we ought to do something about her.
- I agree with you, Doctor.
- I'll be in to see her in a few minutes.
- Thank you, sir.
Thank you.
There. You see?
- Everything worked out just as we planned.
- Yes.
Well, smile, darling.
It's fallen right in our lap.
You don't seem particularly pleased.
I am. Of course I am, Elaine.
Well, what are you going to do?
I'm going to try to find something that
will convince her that she's insane.
You'd better get back
to her now, darling.
- I'll be over in a few minutes.
- Right.
- You feeling any better today?
- I'm all right.
There's nothing the matter with me.
Miss Jordan tells me you're still talking about
some woman I'm supposed to have killed.
I've asked you to stop thinking
about such things, Mrs. Stewart.
But... it was your own wife.
If I can prove to you that you
couldn't have seen me kill my wife...
would you believe that this is
a delusion you've been suffering from?
You were arguing with her...
about a divorce.
If you will look at the date
on this newspaper, Mrs. Stewart...
you will see that my wife died
only a week ago.
You've been a patient here
for over three weeks now.
Three weeks?
That's right.
So, you see, this has all
been a very vivid dream.
You must fight these dreams, Mrs. Stewart,
or they're going to become worse...
and we don't want that to happen.
- My mind is all right.
- It's not all right, Mrs. Stewart.
You're mind is sick
and it's getting worse.
- My mind is all right.
- You wouldn't want your husband
to see you in that condition.
Would you? He doesn't want
to see you when you are like this.
- You're losing your mind, Mrs. Stewart.
- No, no.
- Losing your mind.
- Oh, no.
Thank you, Miss Hatfield.
- Dr. Cross, there's someone
in your office to see you.
- Yes?
- Did I have an appointment?
- No, sir.
He's from the District
Attorney's Office of Monterey.
Oh, yes. Thank you.
- Dr. Cross?
- Yes.
How are you? My name's O'Neill.
I'm with the district attorney's
office in Monterey County.
Oh, yes. What can I do for you?
It's in connection with
your wife's death, Doctor.
I thought the case had been closed.
Something happened this week
that made us consider the possibility...
that your wife didn't fall
into that chasm by accident.
- I don't understand.
- A couple of days ago,
someone broke into Harwood Lodge...
beat Mrs. Harwood into unconsciousness
and made off with her valuables.
We caught the thief
day before yesterday.
But what has that to do
with Mrs. Cross's death?
It may not have anything to do with it.
It occurred to us that since
the lodge was so close to your place...
the man who clubbed Mrs. Harwood
may have paid a visit to your wife.
You've lived around Point Lobos
for nearly 10 years.
Mrs. Cross spent
much of her time there.
She must've known those
cliffs pretty well, even at night.
Yes. I'd hate to think that she-
I'm not saying it was murder, Doctor.
I'm just checking.
Of course. I'll do
everything I can to help you.
I knew you'd feel
that way about it.
Have you checked your place
to see if anything was missing?
I'm sure there isn't,
or I'd have noticed it.
If it's all right with you, Doctor, we'd
like to have Mrs. Cross's body exhumed.
- But the coroner said-
- It was only a routine examination.
Well, I don't know
as that's necessary, Mr. O'Neill.
- You've got your man.
- All we've got is a drunken old tramp...
who clubbed Mrs. Harwood
and stole a little money and jewelry.
We can't know about Mrs. Cross
unless the body's exhumed.
But it seems almost sacrilegious.
Hasn't she been through enough? Haven't I?
I'd hoped you'd be more
understanding, Doctor.
Naturally, we'd get a court order,
but it'd be much simpler if you-
If this tramp killed your wife,
you want to see him punished, don't you?
- Of course.
- Then you can't conscientiously object
to the exhumation.
No. No, Mr. O'Neill, I can't.
If the man is guilty,
he must be punished, of course.
Thank you, Doctor.
You'll hear from me, one way
or the other, in the next few days.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Darling, I've been so worried.
I didn't know what
had happened to you.
- Where have you been?
- The city.
When you weren't here
for dinner, I began to worry.
What did the man from
the district attorney's office want?
- They're going to exhume Margaret's body.
- You're not going to let them?
I had nothing to say about it.
They'd get a court order.
- But why are they-
- They think some prowler may have killed her.
- Prowler?
- They weren't looking for anything before.
She slipped and fell and fractured
her skull against the rocks.
Now they may discover
it wasn't the fall that killed her.
- They can't prove anything.
- No?
Once they start
asking questions, I-
That's why I went to the city.
I had to make sure I hadn't
overlooked anything in the apartment.
Why didn't I report it
in the first place?
Why did I let you talk me into-
If it weren't for that Stewart girl-
- If they start asking questions and find her-
- Maybe they won't find her.
We've taken care of everything else.
If we have to, we'll take care of her too.
And you're not helping matters
acting this way!
If a man wanted to,
if he had courage...
he could get rid of her
and no one would ever know.
A doctor has an advantage.
I could give her
insulin shock treatment.
Shock treatment's indicated
in a case like hers.
I could give her four injections-
Then with the last one, an overdose.
No one would ever
know the difference.
Then we'd be safe. No matter what
the district attorney's office found...
we'd be safe- they'd
have nothing on us.
We could get married then.
You'd be yourself again, Richard.
We'd find peace and quiet here,
just the two of us.
- You don't think I'd do it, do you?
- Why not?
- Is her life more important than ours?
- I've had enough.
Look, Elaine, I can't go on like this.
Things keep piling up.
First, it was Margaret, and then
tricking that child so she'd forget.
Then convincing her
that she was insane.
There's a limit beyond
even which I can't go.
remember the first
night I came here?
You were alone.
You were sitting here in front
of the fireplace with a sick headache.
The lights were out.
You didn't hear me when I knocked.
I opened the door and you said,
"Oh, it's you, Miss Jordan."
You called me "Miss Jordan"
then, remember?
I told you I had to see you
about Mrs. Penny's prescription.
You talked to me and
you saw that I was tired...
and you asked me
if I wouldn't have a drink.
I hesitated and you said...
"I won't bite your
head off, Miss Jordan."
We had a drink.
We sat here for a long time and then...
suddenly you laughed and
you said your headache was gone.
And you asked me about my family...
and I told you...
and we both laughed.
Then you took me in your arms.
I know you remember that.
I won't do it, Elaine.
I won't do it!
Just a minute. I'm coming.
- Hello, Doctor.
- Come in.
- I hope you hadn't gone to bed.
- No.
They told me at the hospital
I'd find you here.
I didn't expect to see you
so soon, Mr. O'Neill.
I-I thought you'd phone me
if there were any developments.
- I had to serve the papers.
- Oh, yes?
Coroner's Inquest Subpoena.
Now it's legal.
What did the coroner find?
Your wife was murdered, Doctor.
- Are you sure?
- Yes, sir.
Sit down, Mr. O'Neill.
She was beaten over the head-
Suffered an explosive fracture.
Death was practically instantaneous.
This prowler you told me about,
you think he did it?
It seems so.
He clubbed Mrs. Harwood.
Your wife went out
the same way-A pattern.
Killers usually follow a pattern.
You don't know how she was killed-
I mean, the weapon?
She was struck with a candlestick.
A candlestick? Are you sure?
- A heavy silver one.
- How can you know?
Microscope. There were
particles of silver in the wound.
They told us it was a silver object.
There were bits of wax mixed in with the silver.
They told us it was a candlestick.
It must've been a heavy candlestick
to have done the damage.
Just routine, Doctor.
A criminal doesn't have much
of a chance these days, does he?
No, sir.
By the way, do you have...
any silver candlesticks at the lodge?
- We might have.
- I'd like your permission
to go through the house.
The murderer may have left the candlestick
behind. We'll get fingerprints.
If he got rid of the weapon,
we may be able to find the mate.
- Then we'll know what to look for.
- Of course. Go right ahead.
Now, if we can find the candlestick,
our troubles are over.
By the way, when did you
see Mrs. Cross last?
- Alive, I mean.
- Oh, a couple of weeks before she was killed.
- Why?
- Can you place it a little more definitely?
I think so.
Things had been
piling up around here...
and I needed a change...
so I drove down to Point Lobos
on a Friday night.
- Anyone see you?
- I don't think so. Why?
We're trying to fix
the exact time of her death.
Well, I'm not sure anyone saw me.
I drove down there on Friday night...
left there around 9:30 Saturday night.
Well, it's not too important.
Naturally, I want to do
everything I can to help you.
- If I think of anything, I'll get in touch with you.
- Thanks.
- Sorry to bother you so late.
- That's all right.
See you at the inquest.
- Good night, Doctor.
- Good night.
Wilt thou love her, comfort her...
honor and keep her
in sickness and in health...
and forsaking all others,
keep only unto her...
so long as ye both shall live?
I will.
What's the matter, Richard?
You haven't been yourself lately.
Something on your mind?
Darling, what's happening with us?
Richard, I must speak to you.
People are talking about
you and that nurse, Miss Jordan.
How do you like
my hair, Richard?
Of course, I had it dyed.
Everyone says it makes me
look years younger.
I could give her four injections.
Then, with the last one, an overdose.
Then we'd be safe.
No matter what the district
attorney's office found, we'd be safe.
Get me Lt. Stewart, please.
The treatment itself
consists of a series of shocks...
brought on by injections of insulin.
The dosage and the degree
of shock is gradually increased...
until we've reached what we feel is
the limit the patient's system can stand.
Well, if you do give Janet this insulin,
how certain can you be it'll help her?
I'm neither a miracle man
nor a prophet, Lieutenant.
If medicine were an
exact science, and not an art...
I might be able to tell you.
But you think there's a chance?
Yes, I do.
I-I have seen it
work in the Army.
- All right, Doctor. Go ahead and try it.
- Fine.
We'll begin the treatment
tomorrow morning.
We'll give her about
an hour and a half.
Now watch her.
- Oh! Oh!
- Dextrose. We'll bring her out now.
- Is Dr. Harvey in?
- Yes. He's in.
Do you have an appointment?
I'll be glad to consult
with you, Doctor.
I'm sorry to break in this way-
- My secretary will make the appointment.
- I had to see you.
It's about my wife. She's been
getting insulin shock treatments-
Now, just a moment, young man.
Oh. It's Lt. Stewart.
Well, we've had some
wonderful results with insulin.
But after three treatments
she still insists...
she saw Dr. Cross murder
his wife with a candlestick.
- Murder his wife?
- Yes, and she says he's trying to kill her.
Well, that's a very
common delusion.
Mrs. Cross is dead and
Dr. Cross did live in our hotel.
You and the Crosses
were in the same hotel?
- The Belmont Arms.
- I see.
- And when was it she said that? Yesterday?
- Yes, after the treatment.
You realize, it's hard
to make generalizations...
but, as a rule, the patient
is completely normal...
immediately after insulin shock.
They may relapse into their
hallucination after this lucid period...
but for that moment,
no matter how bad the case...
the patient speaks the truth.
You're telling me,
in your own way, that...
that Janet's normal-
That she's got something on Cross,
and he's pretending she's crazy...
- to save his own neck.
- I'm not saying quite that, but-
Will you read this, Doctor?
Get Dr. Cross at his sanatorium, please.
It seems inconceivable.
- Hello, Dr. Cross.
- I'm sorry, Dr. Harvey.
Dr. Cross is with Mrs. Stewart.
No, sir. This is Dr. Stevens day off.
I see. Thank you.
Well, Lieutenant,
I think a trip is in order.
She's the only one
who knows, Richard.
No matter what O'Neill
says or anyone else.
If she's out of the way,
we've nothing to worry about.
They can hint and guess all they want,
but without her, they have nothing.
I can't do it, Elaine. Dextrose.
I've got to bring her out of it.
- No. No, you can't. Dick, you can't.
- Oh!
Dextrose, Elaine.
I've got to save her. I've got to.
- You can't. We've got to go through with it.
- I can't go through with it.
- It's her life or ours! No one will ever know.
- Get off me, Elaine-
- Richard, listen to me.
- Let go of me.
- Richard, I love you.
- Let go.
Richard! Richard!
- Dr. Cross, where is he?
- With Mrs. Stewart.
Come along. I may need you.
Adrenaline, quickly.
Don't worry, son. She'll come
out of it in a couple of hours...
and you'll be able to take her
home in two or three days.
I'm very grateful to you, Doctor.
- Paul.
- Oh, Janet, darling.
September 13.
In the case of Janet Stewart...
I gave her insulin shock again today...
for the fourth time.
Can you give me a minute?
Thank you.
Dr. Harvey completed
the treatments successfully...
and the case is closed.