Shoot 'Em Up (2007)

You're dead, bitch!
What the hell you lookin' at?
Fuckin' hell.
looks like you are
shit outta luck, beautiful.
Now I'm gonna give you
your C-section.
You son of a bi...
Eat your vegetables.
She's in here!
Come on!
Where is she?
There she is!
- Get out of here!
- Over there!
Kill her on sight!
Who the fuck is that?
Where the hell is the girl?
Get him!
Oh, God! Fuck!
Come on, push. Push!
My hand!
- Do you know what I hate?
- No.
I hate these 40-year-old jack-holes
wearing ponytails.
- That ponytail doesn't make you look hip...
- Come on.
...young, or cool.
OK, it's comin'. Come on.
Give me one big push.
What the fuck?
I'm bleedin'. I'm bleedin' out.
Quit squirming,
you're ruining my shot.
What a piece of crap.
We're outta here.
Sorry about
the messy delivery, Mom.
We need quiet.
Give Junior something to drink.
Bravo, Mr. Hero. Bravo.
Why you tryin' to kill this woman?
Something funny?
Oh, I was just remembering
a limerick.
Well, 'There once was a woman
who was quite begat...
'She had three babies
named Nat, Pat and Tat...
'She said it was fun
at the breeding...
'But found it was hell
in the feeding...
'When she saw there was
no tit for Tat. '
You have caused me
no end of trouble.
But now I shall return the favor.
Tit for tat, right?
Now, see, that's the latest thing.
The gun will only fire
when it recognizes...
the thumbprint of the owner.
It makes firearms safer
and it cuts down the crime too.
Get him!
Who are you?
lady, what's your name?
Nice knockers.
God damn it!
Fuck you, ya fuckin' fuckers.
Tit for tat, Mr. Hero.
Tit for tat.
Get him in there. Come on.
I was goin' back for her, boss.
No, I got it.
Hey, I'm not the head honcho
who sits on his hands...
warming them
with his own exhaust...
while everybody else
does the work.
Every second counts, right?
Now, how the heck
did this happen, huh?
Everything was goin' smooth
at the safe house...
...when the woman draws a gun.
I mean, who expects a pregnant
lady to pull a piece on ya, eh?
And who was this man
who was with her?
I don't know.
After the woman escaped,
we tracked her here.
This guy, he was hangin' around...
at the bus stop.
I mean, so we decided
that we'd deal with him later...
but we go after the woman...
he gets in on the action. You know?
He took a gun,
he started shootin' at us,
and that's...
that's when y...
- Oh. OK.
... you arrived.
Take it easy. Sit down.
All right.
Oh, you all right?
Are you tryin' to tell me...
that some bum
came to her rescue?
Well, well, well,
this is a fine mess, huh?
I won't make
this mistake again.
Well, I got a piece of lead
in my butt as a reminder.
I can appreciate that.
My ass!
And let that be a reminder
never to fail me again.
Don't make me kill you
to get the baby.
Back off.
Sweetie, this deal is almost done.
look, I've already booked
my flight home.
I love you too.
Yeah. Bye-bye.
You know why a gun
is better than a wife?
Don't know.
Well, you can put
a silencer on a gun.
Sir, we spotted the target...
at Third and Jefferson heading
toward the park.
Turn us around.
Come on! Dad!
- Come on.
- All right.
Who's Daddy's little girl?
Don't worry, kid.
Someone good'll find you.
Oh, my God, look at this.
Someone left a baby.
Fuck me sideways.
Welcome back, Mr. Smith.
Where's Quintana?
Wait, Smith, Mistress Donna's
with a customer.
Wait, you can't go up there.
Oh, yeah, baby.
- Smith?
- You like that, huh?
Besides, I thought Mistress Mary
was more your type.
You can't go up there.
Sorry, pal, the bar's closed.
Wait your turn, Smith.
There's plenty to go around.
Not for me, thanks.
I'm lactose intolerant.
Just tell me
what you want, Smith.
I want you to take care of this
baby for a while.
Five grand.
That should keep you off your
back for a couple of weeks.
Are you clean?
You know
I'm a good Girl Scout.
So you'll do it.
Screw yourself, Smith.
For all I know,
you snatched the kid.
I don't want to be an accessory
for kidnapping.
I didn't steal the kid, trust me.
Trust you?
I don't even know your real name.
Who are you really, Smith?
I'm a British nanny...
and I'm dangerous.
Just keep the baby for one day
and you can keep the whole roll.
Forget it, Dad.
Breast milk.
let's go.
This lady's baby needs to be fed.
Find me every wet nurse,
lactating hooker...
and mammary on tap
in the city.
I already told you, Smith,
you're not welcome...
in the land of milk and honey.
I need a little cream for
my coffee and some answers.
I'm sorry.
Scram, fellas.
Give me a moment alone
here with, uh...
Caffe la Mamma.
Relax. Relax.
Mia piccola troietta.
There was a man here
with a baby not too long ago.
Yes. A real jerk.
He wanted me
to take care of the kid.
And what is this man's name?
Mr. Smith.
How the hell
do I know his real name?
He saw me a couple of times...
when I was pulling straight tricks.
He always used
the same name... Smith.
I don't believe you.
I think you know
more about this man.
He was a lousy tipper.
It gets hotter the more times it's fired.
If I had anything on him,
I'd tell you.
And it gets a lot more
painful the closer I get.
What's up, Doc?
Oh, you're a 'wascally wabbit. '
But you're not 'wascally' enough.
That's a six-shooter.
I just counted six shots.
You've blown your load.
Yeah, well, what about you?
Your 9-millimeter is empty too.
Yeah, you fired 8 on the rooftop,
one in the men's room...
and your second cartridge
was expended at the playground.
And you won't be getting it up
with that gun you took off my man.
Oh, no. Well, you see,
like my weapon...
it also has the thumbprint
safety device.
Oh, really?
Wanna bet?
Nothin' like a good hand job.
Get your things. We're goin'.
I don't understand a word
you're going on about...
but I know exactly what you're saying
and I refuse to apologize.
Damn you, Smith. I could have
been snuffed back there.
Yeah, you should be thanking me
for saving your sweet back door.
Why did you wait so goddamn long?
You're a bad girl,
you deserve to be punished.
Which car do you want?
- What?
- I'm tired of walking.
look at this.
You wanna know the difference...
between this luxury car
and a porcupine?
I give up.
With the car,
the pricks are on the inside.
Tell me about it.
Hello, honey.
Oh, good, good, I'm glad...
I'm glad you liked the flowers.
listen, sweetie...
I've run into a small hitch.
I think I'm gonna have to be
out here for a while longer.
But don't worry.
I will be back in time
for Timmy's birthday party...
I swear to you.
Hugs and kisses.
So, what was I supposed to do?
These guys were stalking
this pregnant lady.
I couldn't just stand there.
Did you see that?
I fuckin' hate that.
- What?
- This guy, changin' lanes...
without signaling.
I mean, how hard is it
to use your signal?
So you started shooting at them?
No, I don't carry a piece.
I went to the woman. She had a gun.
They started firing, I shot back.
He's done it again.
I move my finger one inch...
to use my turn signal.
Why are these assholes so lazy...
they can't move their finger
one fucking measly inch...
to drive more safely?
- You wanna know why?
- Not particularly.
Because these rich bastards
have to...
be callous and inconsiderate
in the first place...
to make all that money,
so when they get on the road...
they can't help themselves.
They've gotta be...
callous and inconsiderate
drivers too.
It's in their nature.
Why don't you take the baby
to the police?
- I can't go to the police.
- Why not?
I'm the Unabomber.
They caught the Unabomber.
That's what they think.
Right. That's it.
You are the angriest man
in the world.
If I remember right,
you used to like it like that.
Well, how many freelancers
have you got?
Yeah? How many local boys?
I need men, you understand?
I need a lot more men.
I want four mags...
a box of 9-millimeter
147 hollow-points...
...and give me 50 FMJs.
You're a little short.
You lied. You said you had $5,000.
How about we make up the
difference with food stamps?
You wanna buy bullets
with food stamps?
It's as good as cash.
You're pathetic, Smith.
We'll wait for you outside.
look, why don't I sign over this check
I got at the blood bank to you?
It'll more than cover it.
Throw in that check you got
from the sperm bank...
and got yourself a deal.
I don't get that check
till Wednesday.
listen, why don't you take
a half-a box of shells...
and I'll give you the other half...
when you bring me the rest
of the money on Wednesday.
Damn it, Smith!
What the hell are you doing?
Making some money.
- Making some money?
- Well, yeah.
To buy something for the baby.
Something for the baby?
A bulletproof vest is a better
investment than a crib.
Makes me think what you'd do
to get him in the right school.
So this is it.
It's not the Ritz but it's home.
Same old Smith.
Down and dirty.
Glad you like it.
Say hello to Mickey.
Maybe I should take the baby
to the police.
No, you'd never make it.
They'll be watching
all the precincts...
probably got some of the boys in blue
on payola too.
I've rounded up 50 guys.
Well, I guess that's just
gonna have to do, huh?
Stop the car. He was here.
Come on, what makes
you think he was here?
Trust me. I know what people do
and I know what people think.
I always have.
Even as a kid, I had this gift.
Yeah, you shoulda seen
the playground hurt I laid down...
playin' rock, paper, scissors, buddy.
Now stop the car.
Who do you think
wants this baby dead?
I've no idea who's tryin' to kill it.
Don't call him an 'it. '
It's an 'it' to me.
Tell me, Smith,
is there anything you like?
Yeah, my privacy.
Tell me something I don't know
per una volta...
brutto figlio di puttana bastardo.
I love it when you talk like that.
Can I offer you anything?
It's good for your eyesight.
Of all the squats in the city...
how does he know
Smith's in this one?
Another lucky guess?
Nah, he doesn't guess.
He sees things we don't.
He was once an FBI profiler.
Forensic behavior consultant.
My God, how many times
do I have to tell you guys?
...make all the difference
in this business.
Hey, but...
Don't... you think
you should hang back, sir?
The leader who stays in the rear,
takes it in the rear.
violence is one of
the most fun things to watch.
No, no, no, baby, no.
We could call him Oliver.
- Oliver?
- Yeah, like Oliver Twist.
Because he's an orphan?
'Cause I like the book.
- You like the book.
- I didn't hate it.
That's a first.
Which birthday card do
you think I should go with here?
Cute and cuddly?
Or the one that says,
'You're becomin' a man now, son'?
So, Mr. Hertz?
How old is your son?
He's 8.
Then it had to be
large and powerful and...
Can you believe it?
There's nothing on the TV...
- about any of this.
... without a trace.
...roadside bomb wounded...
We have it in our...
Hey. Do you notice that?
Notice what?
lame-ass politician rants about
gun control, he cries.
- So tonight...
- Switch to this channel...
with this heavy metal music...
...he shuts up.
That's so weird.
He must find it comforting.
- Sir?
- Yeah?
- Men are in place on the roof.
- That's good.
Anybody know what a
Jimmy Cagney love scene is?
It's where Cagney
lets the good guy live.
And if that happens in this show...
I'm gonna do a lot more
than ask for my money back.
All right? let's kill this mother. Go.
It doesn't surprise me that
Oliver's into death metal.
look at his surrogate parents.
No, I'm telling ya, this means...
Go. Back way.
My God, do we really suck...
or is this guy really that good?
Come on, boys!
He ain't out of the briar patch yet!
Shoot the dog, shoot the dog.
- Why not?
- I like dogs.
Wait a minute.
Oh, that rat bastard.
What is it?
It's the baby's diaper.
This idea blows, Smith.
It's the only idea we got.
You actually think
that Oliver's mother...
lived near a heavy metal club...
...and that he could hear the music
while he was still inside the womb?
Yep. That's why he doesn't cry...
when he's listenin' to some
headbanger's bash.
Well, he isn't cryin' now.
So this is the only club near where
I encountered the baby's mother.
I still say this is a wild hunch.
Yeah? So how do you explain
all these boxes of diapers?
Somebody's been stocking up.
let's find out who.
- You the owner of this place?
- Who's askin'?
I am.
- Can I buy you a drink?
- No.
Just as I suspected.
He really is into jewelry.
Who occupies the
room upstairs?
Go to hell.
Don't mess with me.
You ain't got the cojones.
Oh, God.
So who were these guys?
I rented the place to some suit
11 months ago.
He paid the whole year in cash.
I never saw him again.
I just figured they were
usin' the back way.
Beat it.
Oh, madonna.
Che orrore!
This is pretty fucked up.
Sir, it's your go-to guy.
All the mothers have been killed.
Only one escaped, temporarily.
We found her body and confirmed
that she did deliver a child.
The babies were supposed
to be delivered covertly.
I guess setting up this
maternity factory...
on top of a heavy metal club
wasn't particularly secret.
What a fine lot of
babysitters we turned out to be.
When Mr. Go-To Guy passes,
head to the left.
Yes, sir, I already made the call.
Backup should be
arriving any minute.
We'll clean this mess up
and try to piece together...
everything that happened.
Thank you, sir.
I appreciate your confidence.
Gentlemen, let's find some answers.
Watch where you step.
- The ice cream is melting.
- What?
I thought donor sperm
was your department.
These freezers are full of samples.
This is weird.
There seems to be only one donor.
One donor?
Yeah. And a generous one at that.
This is bone marrow blood.
It must be for some kind of cure.
How do you know that, Smith?
You didn't hear about
my Nobel Prize?
See, what it is, it's hard to find marrow
that matches that of the recipient.
The odds are much better
if the donor marrow shares...
the same DNA with
the person receiving it.
You mean these people were
harvesting babies...
for some guy's
bone marrow transplant?
Exactly. And somebody
wanted to make sure he didn't get it.
That's why they want Oliver dead.
No, my baby, no.
So I called that guy I know at NBC.
That's good.
And then I got to thinking.
- You know what I hate?
- Here we go again.
I hate those lame action movies...
where the good guy calls
just one person who ends up betrayin' him.
Yeah. That's right up there
with killing baby seals.
I called ABC, CBS,
The Post, The Times...
the local news channel, and the FBI.
So, what do we do next?
I figure we hang here
and watch the news.
Once the story goes public,
maybe we'll be safe.
look. He finally went to sleep.
Yeah, you just wait.
The moment you close
your eyes for a nap, he'll start screaming.
You can't take a little pleasure
in anything, can you?
You just hate everything.
I don't hate you.
Is that why you picked me?
You know why I picked you.
You have no idea
what you've done to me.
We're gonna get out of this, trust me.
- You just don't get it.
- What?
You bring me this child
so I can feed him, take care of him.
A baby that could be dead
at any moment.
And you never even think
to ask me...
what happened to my own child.
You're right.
It's unforgivable.
No. It's my fault.
It's like what my mamma
always said...
' le uova non devono ballare
con le pietre. '
If I say I'm sorry will
you tell me what that means?
Eggs have no business
dancing with stones.
You know, Smith...
I figured out what you hate most...
What happened to your baby?
Forget about it.
Tell me.
My pimp hit me in the stomach.
My baby...
was delivered stillborn.
- Get off of me!
- Hey.
You like this, do ya?
It's called a gun.
Grip, slide, breech, barrel, trigger.
Now, this is the business end.
You should never point this
at anything you don't intend to kill.
Now, this is important.
This is called your safety.
You have to keep this on to make sure
the gun doesn't go off accidentally.
But really, this is
your number one safety.
Are you hungry?
Talk about shootin' your load.
look at this.
This is a Hammerson Nite Tac.
These aren't supposed to
hit the streets for 6 months.
This is weird.
All these guys have got 'em.
Don't even tell me.
Do you know how many of our men
he's body-bagged now?
Why should I waste my beautiful mind
on something like that?
Doesn't it piss you off a little?
Getting angry releases an enzyme...
tryptophan hydroxylase...
which can temporarily
reduce the I.Q.
That's something I can't
afford to do right now.
How do you know all that?
My boy's hooked
on the Discovery Channel.
Take me Westside.
I need to report in.
I got a bead
on who our Mr. Hero is.
No more arguments.
I have to do this alone,
and the only way I can do it...
is if I'm positive you two are OK.
This is the only place
I know you'll be safe.
- A tank?
- An M24 tank.
You'll be safe from gunfire
and most explosives.
- You're whacked.
- I am.
I'm also serious.
But nobody's allowed to get in it.
Don't worry. When I create
a diversion, you climb inside.
You should have
enough of that baby food...
to last you a couple of days.
The pured carrots are the best.
Well, you know
how to use this, right?
Yes, but what if
you don't come back?
That's not gonna happen.
There is no way to be sure.
Yes, there is.
Tu sei una stella, la mia stella.
- But, Mom, I wanna go home!
- Stop whining!
If you don't behave,
I am going to spank you.
- But, Mom, I wanna go home!
- Stop whining.
Stop it!
I hate it when parents...
- hit their children.
- let go of my arm!
Not until you stop hittin' your kid.
I will discipline
my child as I see fit.
How would you like it
if I spanked you?
- See?
- Help!
Doesn't feel so good, does it?
What the hell do you think you're doin'?
It's not funny.
So, what you got on this
all-star ground pounder?
Well, anybody this good
had to start out young.
And it's usually because
their pop was good at it too.
You know, like
MacArthur's dad was a general...
and Mickey Mantle's father
played pro ball.
My son is a video game whiz...
and I wasn't too bad at
Pong myself.
Just follow me,
if you will, Mr. Hammerson.
In '67, the limeys
got hard-ass on gun control.
So a lot of Brit gunsmiths
moved to the States.
Now, I've got an inside man
at Immigration...
working on which of
these guys had sons...
and if any of the boys
were crack shots.
I think the pucker factor's
gettin' to you.
You got diddly!
Yes, Duchess, you a good girl. Sit.
Yes. Now's your treat.
Now you get your treat.
My man has been
running the name down...
and he recalled one of these
gunsmith kids, actually.
National sports pistol
champion at age 10...
Olympic hopeful,
recruited by the army.
- But after that, the kid is...
- Kisses, kisses, kisses.
...never heard from again.
Well, that sounds like Black Ops
got him, trained him.
- This leads me to a theory.
- A theory?
A theory is bull-noogies.
All you got is a man with no name...
ridin' into town on a pale horse...
dispensin' his own brand o' justice.
Hertz, you know why people
in this country love guns?
And it's got nothin' to do
with all that...
phallic mumbo jumbo,
like 'cockin' your gun. '
No, Hertz, people love guns...
because America
is a land of opportunity...
where a poor man can become rich...
...and a pussy can become
a tough guy...
if he's got a gun in his hand.
I'm hopin' you're not just
a pussy with a gun in your hand.
Oh, no, sir, no. No, I'm not.
I'm a tough guy with
a pussy in my hand.
I want you to give this guy...
and the kid a dirt nap.
Yes, sir.
Right away, sir.
Amore mio.
Don't worry.
Daddy will be back soon.
Hold it! Hold it!
Well, well, well, Mr. Bunny.
You just keep goin',
goin', goin', don't ya?
- So do you.
- I promise to, uh...
to spare your life
if you tell me where...
the woman and child are.
Forget it.
Oh, boy.
'Ey, who trained you?
N.S.A. Black Ops? CIA?
The army?
Well, whoever. It seems
you haven't lost your aim, champ.
You think that's good, you should
see me spell my name in the snow.
'Ey, you know, my boss here...
thinks that you're the lone Ranger
or something.
Well, I believe I have a better idea
about who you are.
I found out how your
wife and son were killed.
My God, what a tragedy.
Some guy walks into a burger joint...
he starts shooting up the place.
Oh, my God, what a shame...
that your wife and son were there...
having their... chicken nuggets.
What's the matter,
ya don't like that story?
Well, then why don't
ya tell me one, hm?
Children's story, please.
Tell me the one about the baby.
Maybe later...
when I put you to sleep.
Go, go!
So, what do you think
of this second amendment now?
Fuck you!
OK, buddy, drop your weapon.
Think we got him?
God damn it, Smith!
So I found out
who's tryin' to kill our baby.
- Who?
- A man named Hammerson.
Born with a silver spoon up his ass.
Inherited the Hammer
Firearms Corporation...
from his old man and
makes millions manufacturing weapons.
Does this give you any new ideas...
about who needs
Oliver's bone marrow?
It's OK, little Oliver.
Shit. It's him.
Senator Rutledge.
If he's elected president,
he'll put Hammerson out of business.
It makes sense,
but how can you be sure?
Mr. Go-To Guy called his men
a fine lot of babysitters.
The secret service calls their agents
who guard VIPs babysitters.
It's him, Senator Rutledge.
He's the guy that needs this baby.
So we contact this man
and then we're safe.
- It's over.
- Are you crazy?
This means that
we've got Hammerson...
and the whole of the U.S.
Government after us.
I think you two have
gotta get out of town.
Until I get the answers,
you'll never be safe.
They'll be watchin' the trains,
the bus stations and the airports...
So I think this is the safest
way to get out of town.
I'm gonna check all of this out,
and if everything's OK...
I'll get you
before you board the bus.
But... What if you don't get
to us before we leave?
Where should I get off?
I think it's better if I don't know.
- What?
- Trust me.
I can't know.
Smith, do you really think
this is gonna work?
Just stick to the plan
and everything will be all right.
So much for wearin' your seat belt.
What in the hell is that?
Oh, my God, that is twisted.
That sick son of a bitch.
Oh, that sick son of a bitch
suckered us again!
It's time to go, little boy.
Put me through to whoever's
protecting Senator Rutledge.
Just tell him there's a man
with a baby calling.
Hello, is this Smith?
That was a nice job coverin' up
your baby hatchery downtown.
Not a word about it anywhere.
Only you guys in Washington
have that kind of pull.
I'm telling you,
we're on the same side.
Now, listen, we can do this
the easy way or the hard way.
I wanna see the senator.
All right. He wants to see you too.
He's leaving for North Carolina.
The primary's in three days.
You can fly with him.
Runway 7, two hours.
I see anythin' I don't like,
I'm blowin' this big time.
What were you doing in there?
- Cleaning my gun.
- Really?
You know, we were
never really trying to kill you.
We only wanted to scare you
into surrendering.
Well, that's one way to explain
why you can't shoot straight.
In the latest poll,
Senator Rutledge...
continues to be the
Democratic frontrunner...
heading into next week's
Super Tuesday primary.
He leads his rival by at least 10 points...
I owe you my life.
So this is where you get to do
all those hookers.
- I heard about you.
- You look worse than you do on TV.
Yes, it's amazing
what a little makeup can do.
And a lot of morphine.
So, you've pieced
the whole thing together.
Very clever, Mr. Smith.
Very clever.
You're the Democratic
frontrunner for president...
and your sweeping
gun control proposals...
are pissing the wrong people off.
Yes, well, if they're pissed now,
wait until I'm elected president.
We got so many goddamn...
gun lobbies out there...
that we're gonna have to set up
just as many commissions.
Then maybe we'll get our bill
passed in the first year.
Unfortunately, you're sick
and the gun Nazis found out.
They discovered your baby hatchery
and, boom, problem solved.
- They kill you by killin' the babies.
- Correct.
So, where's my savior?
Oh, my God! Gun!
Easy, easy.
You know what I hate most?
- liars.
- What the hell you doin'?
You made a deal with Hammerson.
- No, you're crazy.
- Am I?
- Y...
- When you got into bed with him...
you also let his dog up on the mattress.
lookin' at those dog hairs
on your trousers...
I'd say old Duchess took a likin' to you.
I don't know what you're talkin' about.
Save the line for when
you're in office, Rutledge.
If he ever makes it there.
Do you know what else I hate?
And you're the biggest one of all.
Can you blame him
for sellin' out?
His operation to find the baby...
had been tits up from the get-go.
You see, Rutledge called us
and he offered us...
a proposition that we had
never dreamed was possible.
In exchange for his life...
the senator promised
to protect our right...
To go deer hunting with an Uzi.
Oh, come on, Smith. Come on.
Guns don't kill people.
But they sure help.
Back off!
Back off.
- Back off or I'll kill him!
- Oh, please.
Pl... I had to do it.
I want to live.
I am meant to be president.
Yeah? Well, you got what it takes.
You put yourself before the people.
I can still do good in other areas.
How you gonna square it
with the public?
It is a constitutional right.
Back off! Get back!
I've come around
to their way of thinking.
Come around?
They had you at 'hello. '
let me give you a piece of advice...
Never trust the people who stand
to profit, plain and simple.
- They're the bad guys.
- Come on, Smith, don't be a fool.
Go-to guy: The game is over.
You rolled the dice, you lost.
let him go, Smith!
There's no escape!
Maybe not for me, but there
is for the woman and baby.
If I kill Rutledge, no one
will need to find them.
They'll be saved.
Your assassination, Rutledge,
will create a public outrage...
and trigger immense support
for your proposals.
The sympathy vote in the congress
will give your anti-gun bills...
passage by a landslide.
Your legacy... will live on.
Don't do it!
Then do it.
let me regain some honor
with my...
That son of a bitch.
Son of a bitch!
God damn it!
Don't move, Mr. Hero.
Can't talk right now, honey.
I'm right in the middle of somethin'.
Don't you worry, Duchess.
This isn't gonna happen to you.
Not for a few years, anyway.
Well, well,
well, well, well.
Somebody gets to be smart,
and somebody gets to be dumb.
looks like you and I have
finally traded places, huh, sport?
Yes, indeed.
The circle of life.
The circle-a jerk of life.
Oh, you have
such a way with words.
I want you to tell me...
where the woman
and the child are.
Tell me, or I will be forced
to cause you...
considerable agony.
Believe me...
nothing could be more painful than
listenin' to you jabberin' on and on.
Again, I ask...
where are the woman and child?
That's the last time
you'll be doin' that.
Just tell me what I wanna hear.
It's your choice
when the pain stops.
Why are you doin' this?
- It's over.
- It shortly will be, yeah.
No, I really should thank you.
I just got a bigger contract
because of you.
I mean, I wasn't just on
Hammerson's payroll, you know.
What are you babbling
on about now?
Do you really think
the people that employ me...
were just gonna bend over
and take your little stunt...
killing the senator?
There's no way that you can
cover up this whole thing.
No? Haven't you heard
the news?
The senator's plane
crashed into the East River.
They haven't been able to find
the body of Senator Rutledge.
So, you see, once I silence you
and the woman...
the cover-up will be complete.
So, once again, I ask you...
where are the woman and child?
You know how I'd break
your finger?
My boy told me this one.
You'd punch me in the nose.
I'd kick you in the ass.
Very amusing.
I give that one the ol' thumbs up!
What if you don't
get to us before we leave?
Oh, I know your whole story.
That man who went
on the shooting spree in the restaurant.
He visited the little gun shop
that you inherited from your dad.
I found out how your wife
and son were killed.
You sold him
the pair of shotguns...
...that killed your own wife and boy.
I'm not telling you...
a goddamn thing.
Where are you, Smith?
Well, well, well, well, well.
We're gonna need somethin'
a little more invasive.
That's it.
Aren't guns just fucking great,
Who's a hotshot now, huh?
Oh, yes, sirree, Bob.
It certainly has been a pleasure.
But before we part ways...
tell me one thing.
I am dead on...
about who you are, right?
Say that again?
I said, I am dead...
That part of it you got right.
It's the wife.
Hi, honey.
She's leaving me.
You know what I really hate?
What I really hate... a pussy with a gun in his hand.
Investigators discovered
the body of Senator Rutledge today.
The FBI stated an anonymous
tip led them to the remains.
Don't worry, little boy.
Mama will be watching you
while she's working.
What took you so long?
All right, this is a robbery!
Empty the drawer, all of it.
Everyone else, freeze!
Do it or I'll fucking blow your head off!
He said freeze.
That means don't even
pucker your butthole.
That's right.
No puckering, nobody dies.
So don't fuckin' move.
We're kinda
in a rush here, man! Come on!
- You know what I hate?
- Shut up and sit on this, asshole.